Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
Average high in °F/°C 32/0.2 37/2.9 49/9.7 62/16.7 72/22.1 82/27.5
Average low in °F/°C 14/-9.9 18/-7.8 29/-1.8 40/4.6 52/11.1 62/16.5
Average precipitation in
0.98/25 1.46/37 2.6/66 3.98/101 5.71/145 5.2/132
Average snowfall in
6/15.2 6/15.2 4/10.2 1/ 2.5 0 0
Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Average high in °F/°C 86/30.1 85/29.2 76/24.7 64/17.7 49/9.4 35/1.8
Average low in °F/°C 66/19.1 64/17.9 54/12.4 42/5.7 30/-1.1 18/-7.8
Average precipitation in
5.12/130 4.53/115 4.17/106 3.35/85 2.4/61 1.57/40
Average snowfall in
0 0 0 0 2/5.1 6/15.2
Weather in Lamoni varies greatly between seasons and is oen unpredictable, so it should be taken into
consideration during your planning. In the summer, it can get very hot, and humidity is high, making the
temperature feel even warmer. In the winter, the temperature gets very cold and there are high levels of
wind, which makes it seem even colder. It is recommended that you purchase a winter/snow coat before you
move to campus. Coats can be purchased from a range of shops located in Des Moines, Iowa, or Kansas City,
Missouri, where your ight will likely arrive. ere are minimal shops in Lamoni.
When moving to the United States, it is recommended that you get a U.S. phone. ere
are two ways to do this: You can buy a new phone once you arrive, or you can bring your
phone from home and buy an American SIM card to go in it. Again, it is recommended
that the phone or SIM card be purchased in Des Moines or Kansas City before arriving at
Graceland, where you will have more options for cellular providers.
e cellular networks that work best in Lamoni are Verizon, AT&T and T-Mobile.
Bringing your phone from home: For many students, this is the easiest option because
you can keep your phone and simply purchase a SIM card. is seems relatively simple,
however, some cellular companies will only sell prepaid plans to international students
without a Social Security number. Prepaid plans can be ordered online prior to arrival, if
you choose.
Buying a new phone: e second option is to buy a phone once you arrive in the U.S., however, without a
Social Security number, some cell phone providers may only oer limited options or none at all.
e residence halls are very basic, and there are many items that will need to be
personally supplied. It is possible to order online and ship items to the Graceland
address before you arrive. Each student will be sent their individual campus
address within two months of move-in day.
Supplied in each room: Each room has one twin bed per resident with a mattress (the size of
sheets required is “twin extra long”). ere are only single-sex rooms with options of two-
person rooms, semiprivate or private rooms (available for juniors and seniors). Freshmen
are assigned to a two-person room to help them meet new people and integrate into the
campus community.
Supplied by students: A suggested list of things you may need in your college room can be
found online. e items you may wish to bring to college may vary. Remember that what
you bring will need to be stored somewhere for the summer or taken home with you.
e people on your “House: Upon arrival, you are encouraged to become acquainted with the people on
your hall — your roommate, the House President, the Chaplain and others. You are also encouraged to be
involved in the House activities, which will help you become closer with your housemates.
On-campus requirements: You must be a full-time student, enrolled in a minimum of 12 credit hours, in
order to live in the residence halls or campus apartments. You will be required to ll out the online housing
contract. ere are visitation hours for visitors of the opposite sex, and no alcohol or use of tobacco products
is permitted on campus.
Campus apartments: Small and omas Apartments (juniors and seniors are eligible) come with two
bedrooms, two bathrooms and a full kitchen. ere is open visitation.
O-campus requirements: Juniors and seniors are eligible to apply to live o campus. *ey must submit an
o-campus housing application and be approved by Residence Life. Living quarters o campus may or may
not be furnished. You can cook your own meals, eat out or you may still purchase a campus meal plan.
*ere is no guarantee for approval to live o campus if you apply. Make sure to have a back-up plan for a living arrangement, just in case.
In the United States, textbooks are used as a main resource for homework, tests and
studying. Some teachers may provide the textbooks for you, but you will most likely need
to purchase the books yourself. ere are many options for you besides the Graceland
bookstore. If you chose to get your books from the bookstore, you have the option of
renting. e books are usually used, meaning they have been previously used by another
student, but are in good condition. e rental fee will be less than the purchase price of the
book, however, you must return rented books at the end of each semester.
Other options to purchase or rent textbooks include chegg.com and amazon.com. ese
can be great resources for nding textbooks cheaper but may not have the convenience provided by the
You may charge book purchases or rentals to your student account. is eliminates the
need to pay for your books up front, however, you will be responsible for your student
account balance. e amount you charge to your account will need to be paid o by the
end of the semester.
It should be noted that there are payment plans for helping you with making a smaller
payment amount each month.
If you choose to set up a bank account when you arrive in Lamoni, you will need to go to
the bank of your choice to do so.
e banks are close to campus, and there is always the option to go there yourself, or feel
free to visit the International Programs Oce to talk to Diana Jones. You can also ask a
housemate or teammate to go with you. ere is always someone who is willing to help you
at Graceland.
Wester n Union is a way students can get money from outside the country. e closest
Western Union is located in Osceola, Iowa, a 30-minute drive from campus.
However, the Western Union in Osceola only accepts the equivalent of $1,999 U.S.D.
in a single transaction.
Bank of the West accepts money wires for a fee of $13. ere may be an additional charge
from the bank back home.
Living on campus, there are three meals available per day (breakfast, lunch and dinner),
depending on your meal plan. e times are (7-9 a.m., 10:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. and 4:30-7 p.m.).
Cash may be needed for snacks and student expenses like pencils and other necessities.
If you are approved to live o campus, you may choose to have a campus meal plan, if you
would like. If you do not choose to have a campus meal plan, you will need to budget for the
cost of groceries, utilities for your house or apartment, as well as rent. e price for utilities
may vary depending on the time of year, with winter usually being more expensive.
Lamoni does not have a money exchange center or house. Big airports like Los Angeles,
Atlanta, New York, Miami and Dallas may have them, but it is not guaranteed. You should
research the airport you are ying into, before your departure, to learn if they have one. If
possible, it is recommended to change your money before coming to the U.S.
It is important to know that you will have diculty coming to the U.S with more than
$10,000 cash at one time. You have the option to wire money to Lamoni prior to your
arrival, which can alleviate any stress you may have associated with this issue. No matter
how you choose to organize your money for your time in the U.S., remember to bring
enough for things at the airport like meals, snacks or a shuttle, if needed.
Bank of the West (0.5 miles one way) Lamoni, Iowa
BTC Bank (2 miles one way) Lamoni, Iowa
American State Bank (0.7 miles one way) Lamoni, Iowa
*Bank of the West and American State Bank are about a 10-minute walk from campus. BTC
Bank is farther, and you may choose to nd a ride to their location.
*ere are many other banks in Iowa and the U.S., but they do not have branches in the town of Lamoni.