North East Lincolnshire Council
Parent childcare survey 2022
Table of contents
1. Childcare preferences
2. General comments
2.1 Costs
2.2 Funding for childcare
2.3 Before and after school and holiday childcare
3. What next
4. Results of the Parent Childcare Survey 2021
5. Survey responses and comments
6. Other comments
6.1 Affordability
6.2 Availability
6.3 Access
7. Requests for further information
From August to early October, a parent survey was undertaken in NEL. The survey went out via the
social media platforms and was also shared by our childcare providers. A total of 127 responses
were received.
The majority of respondents had more than one child (74%) and the most represented age group
was the parents /carers of school age children at 48%
Over half (64%) of families already use formal childcare. For those who do not use formal childcare,
affordability was the main reason at 51%, followed by not needing childcare at 26%.
Most families currently use childcare all year round in order to work but more (58%) would like to
use it all year round.
Less than half (47%) of families can find all the childcare they need but this leaves 53% who cannot.
The main reason is that they cannot afford the hours that they need. Needing atypical hours, before
8am and after 6pm was also the reason given by 82%
During the last year almost half of family’s childcare needs did not change. However, 40% of families
needed more childcare as they had returned to work or had increased their hours.
1. Childcare Preferences
Most families prefer their childcare to be close to home (56%) and 80% need childcare in order
work, study, or train. Forty percent of respondents needed 15 or more hours per week.
2. General comments
There main themes from the comments included
2.1 Affordability- Many families found childcare to be expensive with some paying almost all of
what they earn. Most feel more is help is needed to support working parents. It was raised that
funding that is available to working families does not include those who work less that 16 hours
or who work term time/seasonal hours taking them below the threshold for 30 hours and tax-
free childcare. Some respondents felt that the free childcare for 2, 3 and 4 year olds should be
extended to all.
2.2 Availability- More families are finding the 8 to 6 childcare offers no longer meets their needs.
Families with school age children would like more wraparound childcare to be available. Some
parents would like the HAF activities/sessions to be available to working parents as paid
childcare too.
2.3 Access- Some families have found it hard to find information about what is available locally. The
application process for the childcare offers is felt to be too complicated. Some feel there is a lack of
wraparound/holiday provision for children with additional needs.
3 What next
NELC will share the results of the survey with local childcare providers and will work with them to
review and explore ways to increase their childcare offers to meet the needs of local families.
The childcare funding pages on the NELC website will be reviewed, as well as the information
shared on the social media pages. This will ensure that information is clear, up to date and
comprehensive for families with a specific focus on the availability of childcare and funding for local
4 Results of the Parent Childcare Survey 2022
All fifteen wards within the borough were represented, including the full 0 to 18 age range within
the responses. The biggest response (13%) came from families living in Heneage and Humberston
and New Waltham. These wards also represented the largest number of children across all age
ranges (13%)
There were slightly higher (48%) of respondents had school age children with primary age also
having the highest numbers (34%) across all age ranges. The under 4’s represented 44% with 8% of
respondents not specifying the age range of their children.
Age Range of children represented
Under 2’s
2 year olds
3-4 year olds not in school
Primary age (4-11 years)
Secondary age (11-16 years)
17-18 years with additional needs
5 Survey responses and comments
Do you use formal childcare (pre-school, nursery, school nursery, childminder, after school, holiday
club, etc)?
If you don’t use formal childcare, what stops you?
My chosen childcare provider is full
I can’t afford it
I can’t get the hours I need
I don’t need childcare
Other (please specify)
Currently only 10 weeks old, but will definitely be needing it in a few month’s time
when I go back to work
My Childs needs are too complex
My children are older and so no longer need it
Stay at home mum
Child is currently too young, but will need childcare in 6 months
Can't find any that will cater for additional needs
How many hours of childcare do you use over a normal week?
Less than 15 hours
Between 15 to 30
More than 30 hours
If you do use formal childcare, when do you use it?
Only when schools are open
(term time)
All year round (including
school holidays)
Would you like to use childcare?
Only when schools are open
(term time)
All year round (including
school holidays)
Why do you use formal childcare at the moment?
So that I can work
So that I can study/train
To help my Childs development
To give me respite as my child has
additional needs/SEND
Other 5%
I volunteer at oasis hub south Grimsby, and it helps me concentrate on my special projects
To help my child learn and develop, so i can work and know that they are in safe hands as
wife is disabled and have had a few issues
Both so we can work and also to aid Childs development.
Nearly all these reasons apart from study/disabilities, also gives my other child some more
personal 'Mummy/Daddy time'
Do you have enough childcare?
What stops you using more childcare? (Tick all that apply)
The childcare provider is full
I can’t afford it
The childcare provider offers all parents the same number of hours
My chosen childcare provider isn’t open for all the days/times that I require
Other 13%
We don’t get childcare funding, so we have to pay privately
Prefer child be in one place at his age than all over place after school, wish school offered
club until 5pm
Only eligible for free 15 hours free childcare, i work full time hours and wife is disabled but
yet we don’t qualify for 30 hours when i think we should as the wife struggles most days to
do basic tasks and my son would benefit more been at nursery full time
Don’t want to leave child.
We already have 15 hrs still waiting for DLA so i can be put as carer.
We used to pay a lot per day at age 2, now funded at 15 hours free because 3 years old
What extra childcare do you need? (Tick all that apply)
School Nursery
Day Nursery
Breakfast club
Out of school club
Holiday club
Do you need childcare for these times or days?
Early Morning (6am to 8am)
Late evening (6pm to 10pm)
Overnight (10pm to 6am)
Where do you need childcare?
Close to home
Close to work
Close to school
Other 5%
At school
A quality childcare to enrich my son’s development
Not needed
Take what we can get that’s best at the time, honestly it’s a joke. Covid mostly was the issue
though when applying for nurseries at the time.
Since June 2021 have you used more or less childcare
I use less childcare
My 2nd child used to attend a childminder now she goes to my workplace
Grandparents help because of cost
I can’t afford it/costs (2)
Not needed (2)
Partner works less hours so we can afford childcare.
I am on maternity leave
Moved from all year-round nursery to preschool with fewer hours
My son went to a specialist school who I feel assume I don't work
I left work to care for my son and find a setting that could meet his needs as the one he was
attending could not.
I use the same amount of childcare
I use more childcare
Child became eligible for free childcare (5)
Increased hours at work (7)
To help with my child's development
Returned to work maternity leave (7)
Returning to work (1)
Having to return to work due to affordability to live (2)
Having a baby/second/another child (4)
My husband can no longer do morning school run as he changed jobs. I need breakfast club 3
times a week to allow me to work
To be able to work (3)
I can afford to send my child more
I've increased his hours slightly as he has got older, and my mum can't look after him anymore.
I did not use childcare until Sep 2021
My son couldn't start childcare until September 2022 as they had no room available.
6 Other comments
Is there anything else you wish to tell us about childcare in North East Lincolnshire? - below is a
range of responses received. For the full list please contact [email protected]
6.1 Affordability:
All childcare needs to be more flexible and affordable (3)
Free childcare should be for all 2, 3 and 4 year olds (4)
Childcare for working families is too expensive! 20% off from the government is not good enough.
Majority of income goes on childcare. Something needs to change to support working families. (15)
More support needed for parents with older children who would still need childcare support (4)
More funding all year round for working parents as no free hours in the holidays
More needed to help those that are working but on lower income. Can’t get free childcare but don’t
earn enough to get 30 hours
Extend the HAF places or offer paid for places too (2)
The cost of living crisis is making it even more difficult, even when working in a “professional
Not all childcare is affordable (2)
Before and after school provision is very expensive in some schools. (3)
The childcare service itself i.e. the care and how it performs generally seems good in my opinion.
6.2 Availability:
Out of school childcare is limited especially for children aged 3-5 are limited.
Before school, after school and holiday clubs need to open earlier and later to meet the needs of
working parents (7)
All primary schools to provide a holiday club e.g., full day childcare holiday club where kids can be
cared for, hang out with friends, and get involved in activities whilst parents are at work.
I would like somewhere that you can book as and when you need it instead of a specific place with
set days/times. We need somewhere that we can book for just 1 or 2 hours for when our shifts
overlap early morning or late evening.
I struggled to get a place for my baby once I returned to work.
6.3 Access:
The application for 30 hours and tax free childcare is far too complicated.
It is very hard to know what childcare is out there. Clear pointer at a very early age/at birth would
be helpful even if it's to check a website 6 months after they are born. It feels like we are grasping in
the dark for information. (2)
Need more Holiday clubs and wrap round care for kids with additional needs
Not enough availability for SEN children in settings that understand (4)
7 Requests for further information
Of the respondents, 56 requested further information on the following subjects. The Families First
Information Service (FFIS) have made contact and provided the relevant information and offered
further assistance if required.
2 year old
15 hours
of funded
All 3 and
4 year
olds 15
hours of
30 hours
Tax Free
Help to
Help to
I’d be interesting to hear about different activities, however my 2 year old has a very busy
activity list.
Support to find and fund a personal assistant
Anything about job opportunities in childcare, its what I am trained in and do best. Thanks
Thank you for your time in completing this survey. For information about childcare funding and
what you may be eligible for please go to www.childcare or call families First
Information service on 01472 326292 option 1