Saturday, August 17, 2024 | 11:00 a.m.
Cypress Grove Baptist Church
10944 MS-432
Pickens, MS 39146
Rev. Antonio Howard, Sr., Host Pastor
Dr. Carl Hunt, Officiating
Pastor, Green Pastures Baptist Church Jackson, MS
The family would like to thank you for your
prayers and support during this time. Your
shared memories, comforting condolences,
and gestures of love are truly appreciated.
Special thanks to Bells Chapel M.B.
Church, Cypress Grove Baptist Church,
and Scott Memorial Funeral Home.
Active Casket Bearers
Donald Mills | Willie April
Herman Woodberry | Homer Bell
Charles Dixon | Albert Woodberry
Honorary Pallbearers
Persell Minnifield | Danny Harris
Michael Hudson | Timothy Crogier
Montrevious Crogier | Khameryn Williams
Flower Bearers
Family & Friends
Bell’s Chapel M.B. Church Cemetery
Vaughan, MS
Bell’s Chapel M.B. Church Fellowship Hall
Vaughan, MS
Entrusted to:
1401 E. Broadway Street
Yazoo City, MS 39194
I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.” ~ 2 Timothy 4:7
Rev. Glennie Ray Harris was born on February 9, 1962, in Vaughan, MS, to the late Everlena and Thomas
Harris Sr.
Ray accepted Christ, as his personal Savior, at an early age. He united with Bells Chapel M.B. Church in
Vaughan, MS and maintained his membership there, until his death, under the leadership of his brother, Rev.
Danny Harris. Ray was a key servant at Bells Chapel M.B. Church. There, he served as a trustee,
maintenance, preacher, teacher, and administrative advisor.
Ray attended elementary school at Linwood Elementary; he graduated from Benton High School in 1980.
Ray departed this life on Thursday, August 8, 2024, peacefully, in his home. He left a void in the lives of
everyone who loved and adored his unique and humorous spirit.
Ray was preceded in death by his father: Thomas Harris, Sr.; his mother: Everlena Chambers-Harris; his
brothers: Theodis Minnifield, Thomas Harris, Jr., and Roy Harris; his sister: Lela Mae Starling; and his son:
Jorwalski Harrell.
Ray will lovingly be remembered by his children: Michael Hudson, Timothy Crogier, Kourtney Williams,
Amanda Coleman, and Quanisha Prince; his siblings: Persell (Diane) Minnifield, Martha Taylor, Rev.
Danny Harris, Margaret (Travis) McBride, and Bertha (Ivory) Morris; ten (10) grandchildren; and a host of
nieces, nephews, and other family members and friends.
Ray will be fondly remembered by family and friends as being a jack of all trades. He was the funniest
comedian, greatest DJ, the best carpenter, cook, and mechanic.
Order of Service
Sis. Vernita Batts, Program Guide
Clergy and Family Members
Scripture Reading
New Testament ...........................................................................................................Rev. Howard Harris
Old Testament ......................................................................................................... Dr. Charles I. Bradley
Prayer ............................................................................................................................ Dr. Charles I. Bradley
Words of Encouragement .................................................................................. Rev. Theodore Thompson
Reflections and Expressions
As a Pastor/Brother | Rev. Danny Harris
As a Family Member | Dionne Bennett
As a Church Member | Deacon Edmond Gordon
Obituary .................................................... Read Silently ................................................. Soft Music
Acknowledgements ................................................................................................ Sis. Vernita Batts
Solo ........................................................................................................................... Sis. Pam Sutton
Dr. Carl Hunt
Pastor, Green Pastures Baptist Church Jackson, MS
Scott Memorial Funeral Directors in Charge
Recessional ........................................................................................................ Clergy, Family
& Friends
A Very Dear Dad
There are so many things I wish I could have said and done,
but sadly, can no longer do now that you are gone.
But I want you to know that though youre out of sight, youll always be in my heart.
I want you to know that I will always cherish you, Ill always love you, and always remember you.
You are too precious to be forgotten, and too priceless to be ever replaced.
You were one in a million and youll always be the precious and unique dad I cared for so dearly.
Forever will you live on, in my heart and mind. Forever will you live in my thoughts, and never die.
And until that day, when we shall meet again, Ill continue to cherish all my memories of you.
Love Always, Your Children
Michael, Timothy, Kourtney, Amanda, and Quanisha
Love is patient, love is kind, it does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud, it is not rude, it is not easily
angered. Love keeps no record of wrongs, love does not delight in evil, but rejoices with the truth. Love
always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. ~ 1 Corinthians 13:4
Thats who you are, thats who you were and thats who youll forever be to me, the epitome of love.
Rest My Love, Anjanette
I thought of you today but that is nothing new,
I thought about you yesterday and the days before that too.
I think of you in silence, and I often speak your name,
All I have now are my memories and your picture in a frame.
Your memory is a keepsake from which I'll never part.
God had you in His arms and I have you in my heart.
Love Char, Casey, Mackenzie, Jrue and Jahari
Ray, words cannot begin expressing the feeling of emptiness that we are feeling. You were more
than our youngest brother. you were our affordable handyman, our chef, and our mechanic. You
were our praying minister, and whether or not they were true, you were our greatest storyteller.
I know that "Cedric" may be well known as the entertainer, but they never met you! Thank you for
the love, the laughter, and the joy that you left us with. We will cherish all the special memories.
You are loved and will be missed. Rest in peace, dear brother. Until we meet again.
Love Your Sisters
To Our Uncle Glennie Ray
Our hearts ache at the thought of never hearing your laughter or seeing your smile. We will definitely
miss your cooking, especially the beans. We will find comfort in all the great memories of you and the
great times we shared. You were our chef, a spiritual leader, a friend and most all our little Uncle. You
loved us deeply and we loved you back. Uncle Ray, you have run the race, fought the fight, kept the
faith and finished your course. You will forever live in our hearts.
Love Your Nieces and Nephews