Role of students context in predicting
academic performance at a medical
school: a retrospective cohort study
Tamara Thiele,
Daniel Pope,
A Singleton,
D Stanistreet
To cite: Thiele T, Pope D,
Singleton A, et al. Role of
students context in
predicting academic
performance at a medical
school: a retrospective cohort
study. BMJ Open 2016;6:
e010169. doi:10.1136/
Prepublication history for
this paper is available online.
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visit the journal online
Received 2 October 2015
Revised 11 January 2016
Accepted 28 January 2016
Department of Psychological
Science, University of
Liverpool, Liverpool, UK
Department of Public Health
and Policy, Institute of
Psychology, Health and
Society, Liverpool, UK
Department of Geography
and Planning, University of
Liverpool, Liverpool, UK
Correspondence to
Tamara Thiele;
This study examines associations
between medical students background characteristics
(postcode-based measures of disadvantage, high
school attended, sociodemographic characteristics),
and academic achievement at a Russell Group
Design: Retrospective cohort analysis.
Setting: Applicants accepted at the University of
Liverpool medical school between 2004 and 2006,
finalising their studies between 2010 and 2011.
Participants: 571 students (with an English home
postcode) registered on the full-time Medicine and
Surgery programme, who successfully completed their
medical degree.
Main outcome measures: Final average at year 4 of
the medical programme (represented as a percentage).
Results: Entry grades were positively associated with
final attainment (p<0.001). Students from high-
performing schools entered university with higher
qualifications than students from low-performing
schools (p<0.001), though these differences did not
persist at university. Comprehensive school students
entered university with higher grades than independent
school students (p<0.01), and attained higher averages
at university, though differences were not significant
after controlling for multiple effects. Associations
between school type and achievement differed between
sexes. Females attained higher averages than males at
university. Significant academic differences were
observed between ethnic groups at entry level and
university. Neither of the postcode-based measures of
disadvantage predicted significant differences in
attainment at school or university.
Conclusions: The findings of this study suggest that
educational attainment at school is a good, albeit
imperfect, predictor of academic attainment at medical
school. Most attainment differences observed between
students either decreased or disappeared during
university. Unlike previous studies, independent school
students did not enter university with the highest
grades, but achieved the lowest attainment at
university. Such variations depict how patterns may
differ between subjects and higher-education
institutions. Findings advocate for further evidence to
help guide the implementation of changes in
admissions processes and widen participation at
medical schools fairly.
Pervasive inequalities in participation in
higher education (HE) are greatest in select-
ive and oversubscribed programmes such as
In 2008, of seven socio-
economic groups included in the National
Statistic Socio-economic Classication
(NS-SEC), the three most afuent groups
(ie, students with parents in professional
occupations) accounted for 85% of medical
students in the UK.
These differences in
participation are largely associated with the
well-documented gap in educational attain-
ment between students from socioeconomic-
ally disadvantaged backgrounds and more
privileged students.
Concomitantly, uni-
versity admissions systems in the UK focus
Strengths and limitations of this study
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first
published retrospective cohort study that used
both postcode-based measures of disadvantage
along with educational background and demo-
graphic information to examine differences in
participation and attainment of medical students.
This study included only medical students at the
University of Liverpool (UoL) enabling a more
precise evaluation of the determinants of higher
education (HE) performance and participation
endorsing evidence-based decision-making in
university admissions processes.
The results and patterns observed may not be
generalisable to other HE institutions, and must
be interpreted in the context of the geographical
and demographic population of the UoL.
This study included only students who were suc-
cessfully admitted and completed their medical
degree, thereby restricting the extent to which
findings are representative of all medical
Trends relating to postcode-based measures of
disadvantage (eg, Index of Multiple Deprivation)
are based on aggregate data, and hence, may
not necessarily relate to individuals themselves
but rather to the areas in which they are based.
Thiele T, et al. BMJ Open 2016;6:e010169. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2015-010169 1
Open Access Research
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predominantly on the academic records of prospective
students, though the extent to which these are represen-
tative of students academic potential has been ques-
Consequently, this represents the main entry
barrier for lower socioeconomic status (SES) appli-
11114 1620
Though numerous interventions have aimed to widen
and extend access to under-represented groups in the
UK medical student population, evidence suggests these
have had limited impact.
The integration of school,
domicile, neighbourhood and socioeconomic context-
ual information into the university admission system
more generally has been argued to offer a useful tool to
assist widening participation by situating individual prior
attainment within the context of the circumstances in
which results were obtained.
The argument follows
that inclusion of contextual data could enable universities
to identify academic potential that may not be reected
in prior attainment alone, and most importantly, assist in
making decisions about students from disadvantaged
18 19 2834
However, though previous studies
have examined associations between students back-
ground characteristics and academic performance
nationally and for individual universities,
10 1719 28
is a dearth of studies focusing specically on medical
students, and considering measures of disadvantage,
alongside relative school performance to identify context-
ual effects on prior academic attainment.
Ensuring such impacts are understood, and then
managed in an equitable way is critical to medical school
admissions systems engendering greater social responsi-
bility, given that students life chances and opportunities
can be impacted by such decisions.
Arguments for
increasing diversity in medical schools also focus on the
benets that training in demographically heterogeneous
populations has on doctors understanding of others
sociocultural backgrounds, which can improve the quality
of medical care they provide.
21 32
Postadmission, it is also
of great importance, that medical schools can identify
and provide appropriate support structures for students
with academic potential to perform well in their studies,
and assist those that may require additional support.
Given that differences have been identied in the
sociodemographic composition of students even
between elite universities, recognising these differences
and exploring how trends in academic performance
may vary, is important.
11 18 31 35 4042
The present study
at the University of Liverpool (UoL) investigates the
extent to which students contextual background inu-
ences academic perform ance in medical studies.
Study context
This study uses data from the UoL, one of the six ori-
ginal red brick civic universities and a founding
member of the Russell Group. Traditionally, such elite
universities in the UK have tended to have a greater pro-
portion of students from more afuent backgrounds,
and have higher entry requirements.
30 40 42 43
coupled with the fact that medicine is among the most
competitive and selective programmes, with the highest
entry requirements, is known to affect the composition
of students.
Despite this, the university campus is
based in Liverpool; a city with some of the most socio-
economically depri ved areas in the UK, and has trad-
itionally attracted a high proportion of applicants from
lower SES backgrounds relative to the Russell Group
Ethical approval was requested and granted by the UoL
ethics committee. Data for the study were then obtained
from the UoL central student database. This includes all
necessary student background information, and tracks
performance from the point of application through to
graduation. The study focused on students entering the
UoL between 2004/2005 and 2006/2007. This was the
most recent entry year that allowed analysis of both
entry and exit points. There were no signicant changes
to the universitys admission policies or grading criteria
during this time period, so data were stratied by year of
entry, but also treated as a single data set. The data set
contained sociodemographic (sex, age, ethnicity, disabil-
ity, domicile), school attended, prior attainment, and
HE performance information for 571 students. The full
list of variables included in the analysis is described in
table 1.
The 5-year Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of
Surgery programme has an annual intake of approxi-
mately 280 students. However, specic exclusion criteria
were applied that reduced the number of students
included in the analyses. First, only data for students who
successfully completed the full-time 5-year medical
degree programmes were included in this study. Second,
students permanent home addresses/postcodes were
used to generate the two area-based measures of disad-
vantage depicted in table 1: Participation of Local Areas
(POLAR 3) and the Index of Multiple Deprivation
(IMD). Students provide their home address/postcode,
during the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service
(UCAS) application process (usually this is their parents
home address). Correspondence from universities and
UCAS is typically sent to students home address. Owing
to the use of students home postcodes rather than term-
time postcodes, and the fact that the IMD is generated
separately for each of the UK administrations, students
from outside of England were excluded from analyses.
Data analysis
Given that the nal year of the medical programme at
the UoL is a placement year which students either pass
or fail, the average attainment of students in year 4 was
selected as the main outcome variable that was included
in analyses. Differences were also explored in entr y-level
2 Thiele T, et al. BMJ Open 2016;6:e010169. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2015-010169
Open Access
attainment (UCAS tariff points) based on students con-
textual background characteristics (socioeconomic
deprivation, residence in low-participation neighbour-
hood, school type, school performance, sex and ethni-
city). Statistical signicance of associations between the
independent and outcome variables was assessed using
conventional hypothesis testing for categorical (χ
) and
continuous (independent t test) comparisons.
Univariate linear regression was conducted to describe
the association between contextual background
characteristics (socioeconomic deprivation, residence in
low-participation neighbourhood, school type, school
performance, sex, ethnicity and UCAS tariff points) and
academic performance (as a percentage) of medical stu-
dents at year 4. As differences in degree performance
have been observed between men and women in a
number of studies,
univariate linear regression was also
conducted to explore the extent to which trends
between contextual background characteristics and
attainment varied between men and women.
Multivariable linear regression modelling was con-
ducted to identify which factors were independently
associated with academic performance at year 4. No
entry criteria were specied for selection of factors to go
into the model, as all were judged a priori to be import-
ant for inclusion. All independent variables (socio-
economic deprivation, residence in low-participation
neighbourhood, school type, school performance, sex,
ethnicity and UCAS tariff points) were selected into the
model using forced entry. Possible interactions were
investigated between: school type × sex; school type ×
school performance; school type × sex × school perform-
ance, where sufcient numbers allowed analysis.
All analyses were undertaken using SPSS (V.21).
There was no evidence of statistical collinearity between
the explanatory factors used in the analysis (all associa-
tions were non-signicant p>0.05).
Students were predominantly white (78.5%) though
there was a high proportion of Asian students (13.1%)
compared with other ethnic minorities. Almost
two-thirds of the students were women (65.61%).
Table 2 presents a descriptive summary of the associa-
tions between each of the contextual background
characteristics and academic performance.
Signicant differences were observed in the UCAS
tariff points of students where prior attainment had
been obtained from different school types. Students
from schools denominated under the category state
other entered university with the lowest UCAS tariff
points (M=335.17; SD=48.30), but achieved the highest
nal attainment at university (M=74.73, SD=1.93) along
with students from comprehensive schools (M=74.25,
SD=2.43) (p=0.05). Students from independent schools
attained the lowest averages at university (M=73.56,
Only 18% of the student population came from the
most deprived quintile of IMD. These students were
admitted into university with the lowest entry grades
(M=335.35 SD=69.89), and achieved slightly lower nal
grades at university, though these differences were not
statistically signicant (p>0.05). Similarly, only 8% of stu-
dents came from neighbourhoods with the lowest HE
participation (highest quintile of POLAR 3), and this
indicator did not predict signicant differences in per-
formance at entry level or by nal year at university.
Differences in UCAS tariff points between men and
women were not signicant. However, at university, men
performed slightly, but signicantly less well (M=73.76,
SD=2.66) than women (M=74.33, SD=2.30). Finally, with
regard to ethnicity, though there were no signicant dif-
ferences in students UCAS tariff points by the fourth
year at university, signicant differences were observed
in the attainment of different ethnic groups. These dif-
ferences varied from those identied at entry level. This
was particularly noticeable in the attainment of Chinese
students. Specically, they achieved the lowest averages
at university compared with students from other ethnici-
ties (M=71.80, SD=3.0) despite entering university with
the second highest grades out of all the ethnic groups
(M=351.67, SD=13.37).
Table 3 summarises the results of univariate linear
regression, depicting associations between contextual
background factors in relation to average attainment at
fourth year. A signicant positive association was found
between UCAS tariff points (school grades) and fourth
year performance. For every unit increase in UCAS tariff
points, a 0.18% increase in nal year average perform-
ance was observed (B=0.01, p<0.001). Students from
ethnic minorities were more likely to achieve lower
averages than white students, though these differences
were only statistically signicant for Chinese (M=71.80,
SD=3.0) (B=2.61, p<0.001) and Asian students
(M=72.97, SD=2.51) (B=1.44, p<0.001).
Women students attained slightly, but signicantly,
higher averages (M=74.33, SD=2.31) at university than
their men counterparts (M=73.76, SD=2.66) (B=
p<0.01). A signicant association between school type
and nal year performance at university was also identi-
ed. Specically, attendance at comprehensive schools
was associated with higher university achievement com-
pared to attendance at independent schools (B= 0.82,
p<0.001). There was no signicant difference in attain-
ment between students who came from neighbourhoods
with differing levels of participation in HE (POLAR 3),
or between those students who attended schools with
low/high levels of performance.
Univariate linear regressions revealed signi cant statis-
tical differences between men and women in associa-
tions between school type, ethnicity, UCAS Tariff Points
and fourth year performance (table 4). UCAS Tariff
Points were more strongly associated with fourth year
achievement for men (B=0.02, p<0.001) than women
(B=0.02, p<0.01). With regard to school type, compared
Thiele T, et al. BMJ Open 2016;6:e010169. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2015-010169 3
Open Access
to comprehensive school students, men from independ-
ent schools were more likely to achieve lower averages
(M=73.76, SD=2.66) (B=1.36, p<0.01). Though women
students from independent schools, on average, had
lower attainment than comprehensive school students,
unlike with men, attendance at independent schools for
women did not predict signicant differences in attain-
ment at university (M=73.98, SD=2.31) (B=0.44,
p=0.206). Additionally, men from sixth form colleges,
and not women, were more likely to achieve lower
averages than comprehensive school students, though
this association only approached signicance (M=73.27,
SD=2.82) (B=1.02, p=0.069). Second, with regard to eth-
nicity, students who classied themselves as Asian were
signicantly more likely to achieve lower averages at
fourth year of university, where men perform ed slightly
less well (M=72.01, SD=3.03) (B=2.11, p<0.001) than
women (M=73.60, SD=2.37) (B=0.95, p<0.01). By con-
trast, women and not men of Chinese ethnicity were sig-
nicantly more likely to achieve lower averages than
students who classied themselves as white (M=71.20,
SD=3.13) (B=3.35, p<0.001).
Table 1 Description of outcome (educational performance) and predictor (contextual factors) variables
Variables Description
Outcome variables
Year 4 performance Students complete final examinations in year 4 of the medical programme
(year 5 is a practical year where students undertake 8 clinical rotations).
Predictor variables
UCAS Tariff Points UCAS Tariff Points are a system used for allocating points to post-GCSE
qualifications in the UK (eg, for A-levels, A=120, B=100, C=80, etc). These
were calculated from students three highest qualifications and used as a
measure of prior achievement for entry to higher education (HE).
School type The type of school students attended for their A-levels were organised into
five categories including: independent schools, state grammar schools,
state comprehensives, sixth form colleges and a category labelled state
other (includes voluntary aided schools, voluntary controlled schools,
technical colleges and adults colleges)
School performance School performance data were used to contextualise prior attainment,
represented by the overall percentage of students gaining 5A*-E or more at
A-levels or their equivalent. Based on this, a binary classification was also
created where high performing schools, represented those schools where
82.5% of students and above achieved 5A*-E or more at A-level or their
equivalent. Low performing schools were those where less than 82.5% of
students achieved 5A*-E or more at A-level or their equivalent. These
thresholds were assigned based on the national averages reported in
Department for Education (DfE) performance tables.
Neighbourhood domicile: higher education
participation rate (POLAR 3)
POLAR 3 data were matched to the Census Area Statistics (CAS) wards to
illustrate the typical HE participation rate within which students were
domiciled. POLAR 3 data is reported as five quintiles ordered from 1
(lowest participation -<20%) to 5 (highest participation >60%). A binary
classification was created to compare performance of students residing in
areas of lowest participation (1 and 2) to others (3,4 and 5). Quintiles 1 and
2 are those areas, which attract additional widening participation funding for
each student domiciled within them
Multiple deprivation The Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) (2010) was used to identify the
multiple facets of total deprivation. Students postcodes were matched to
Lower Layer Super Output Areas (LSOAs), which contain an average of
1500 households. These were then used to append IMD scores provided
that students had a valid English home postcode. There are 32 482 LSOAs
in England. IMD ranks LSOA with 1 as most deprived and 32 482 as least
deprived. For the analyses, ranks were divided into quintiles, where quintile
1 includes the most deprived LSOA and quintile 5 includes the least
Sex/ethnicity Sex was self-reported by students during the university application process.
Ethnicity was also self-reported by students, and based on this, categorised
as one of the following: White, Asian, Black, Chinese, Mixed and Other
DfE link
§IMD link:
4 Thiele T, et al. BMJ Open 2016;6:e010169. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2015-010169
Open Access
Multivariable linear regression was carried out includ-
ing all the following variables: UCAS Tariff Points, ethni-
city, sex, school type, school performance, deprivation,
neighbourhood participation and fourth year perform-
ance (table 5). When all these variables were included
in the model, UCAS Tariff Points (school grades) and
ethnicity were found to be independently associated
with fourth year performance. UCAS Tariff Points
(school grades) (B=0.01, p<0.001) remained signicantly
positively associated with fourth year performance.
Ethnicity remained a signicant predictor of nal attain-
ment. Specically, on average, Chinese and Asian stu-
dents achieved 3.01% (B=3.01, p=0.001) and 1.41%
(B=1.41, p<0.001) less than white students, respectively.
Though school type differences remained, where inde-
pendent school students were more likely to achieve
lower averages compared to students from other school
types, this association was no longer statistically signi-
cant when all the variables were incorporated into the
model. Similarly, though men performed slightly less
well than women, the association between sex and aca-
demic achievement approached signicance but was not
statistically signicant (B=0.49, p=0.068). However, the
overall model explains only 12% of the variation in the
nal grade suggesting that other factors, including
chance, must also play a role. None of the interactions
that were investigated achieved statistical signicance
Table 2 Descriptive breakdown of characteristics of study sample for students
Indicator of student performance
Indicator variable UCAS Tariff Points Year 4 average
Variable N (%) Mean SD Mean SD
School type
Independent 110 (20.88) 342.43 27.29 73.56 2.46
Grammar 115 (21.82) 342.11 32.95 73.92 2.58
Comprehensive 163 (30.93) 347.30 18.88 74.25 2.43
Sixth form 105 (19.92) 346.73 23.25 74.31 2.46
State (other) 34 (6.45) 335.17 48.30 74.73 1.93
p<0.01 p=0.052
School performance
High 426 (89.31) 346.82 42.85 74.22 2.52
Low 51 (10.69) 338.05 22.81 73.96 2.20
p=0.040 p=0.404
1 88 (17.81) 335.24 69.89 73.82 2.57
2 74 (14.98) 339.71 70.45 74.38 1.99
3 76 (15.38) 345.21 69.83 73.93 2.27
4 112 (22.670 342.94 70.03 74.17 2.42
5 144 (29.15) 343.57 70.27 74.24 2.63
p=0.253 p=0.542
1 44 (7.72) 335.35 69.81 73.62 3.00
2 65 (11.40) 348.52 70.29 73.92 2.07
3 109 (19.12) 341.37 70.28 74.37 2.64
4 145 (25.44) 343.10 69.89 74.02 2.41
5 207 (36.32) 341.09 70.13 74.27 2.34
p=0.260 p=0.351
Males 196 (34.39) 339.90 69.90 73.76 2.66
Females 375 (65.61) 343.18 70.19 74.33 2.30
p=0.227 p=0.012
White 448 (78.46) 341.25 31.35 74.41 2.33
Asian 75 (13.13) 344.66 28.97 72.97 2.52
Black 5 (0.88) 325.00 30.00 74.40 2.34
Chinese 13 (2.28) 351.67 13.37 71.80 3.00
Mixed 23 (4.03) 343.48 25.34 74.07 2.27
Other 7 (1.23) 353.33 10.33 73.42 3.30
p=0.873 p<0.001
*Deprivation defined by quintiles of Index of Multiple Deprivation (1=Most deprived to 5=Least deprived).
Neighbourhood higher education participation (1=Lowest participation to 5=Highest participation).
Item Missingness (N): School Type 44; School Performance 94; IMD 77; UCAS Tariff Points 21.
Thiele T, et al. BMJ Open 2016;6:e010169. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2015-010169 5
Open Access
Table 4 Linear regression between contextual variables and fourth year performance divided by sex
Males Females
Variable x
SD B 95% CI Sig x
SD B 95% CI Sig
School type
State comprehensive (ref) 74.07 2.31 74.37 2.51
Sixth form college 73.27 2.82 1.02 2.12 to 0.08 0.069 74.74 2.17 0.31 0.35 to 0.97 0.357
State other 74.54 1.41 0.26 1.79 to 2.30 0.806 74.77 2.06 0.34 0.61 to 1.30 0.481
State grammar 73.91 3.04 0.38 1.44 to 0.69 0.485 73.93 2.38 0.50 1.14 to 0.14 0.127
Independent school 73.76 2.66 1.36 2.33 to 0.38 0.007 73.98 2.31 0.44 1.13 to 0.25 0.206
White (ref) 74.12 2.43 74.56 2.27
Black 73.89 3.14 0.23 3.84 to 3.37 0.898 74.74 1.89 0.18 2.39 to 2.75 0.890
Asian 72.01 3.03 2.11 3.13 to 1.10 <0.001 73.60 2.37 0.95 1.66 to 0.24 <0.01
Chinese 72.50 2.96 1.62 3.73 to 0.485 0.130 71.20 3.13 3.35 5.05 to 1.66 <0.001
Other 74.48 2.66 0.36 1.48 to 2.18 0.700 73.71 2.35 0.85 1.83 to 0.132 0.090
Continuous variables
School performance* 0.03 0.04 to 0.09 0.381 0.001 0.03 to 0.3 0.961
Socioecomomic status (Index of
Multiple Deprivation; percentile)
0.002 0.01 to 0.02 0.804 0.01 0.003 to 0.01 0.173
Polar 3 0.15 0.14 to 0.45 0.309 0.07 0.12 to 0.25 0.491
UCAS Tariff Points 0.02 0.005 to 0.03 <0.001 0.01 0.003 to 0.02 <0.01
*School performance-based on the percentage of students achieving 3 A-levels or equivalent.
Defined by percentiles of Index of Multiple Deprivation (1=Most deprived to =100 Least deprived).
Neighbourhood higher education participation (1=Lowest Participation to 5=Highest Participation).
Table 3 Linear regression between contextual variables and fourth year performance
Variable x
SD B 95% CI Sig
School type
State comprehensive (reference) 74.25 2.43
Sixth form college 74.31 2.46 0.07 0.64 to 0.50 0.814
State other 74.72 1.92 0.35 0.53 to 1.24 0.435
State grammar 73.92 2.58 0.45 1.01 to 0.11 0.112
Independent school 73.56 2.46 0.82 1.38 to 0.25 <0.001
White (reference) 74.41 2.33
Black 74.40 2.34 0.012 2.12 to 2.09 0.991
Asian 72.97 2.51 1.44 2.03 to 0.861 <0.001
Chinese 71.80 3.00 2.61 4.70 to 1.31 <0.001
Other 73.92 2.50 0.50 1.38 to 0.387 0.271
Female (reference) 74.33 2.31
Male 73.76 2.66 0.57 0.99 to 0.15 <0.01
Continuous variables
School performance* 0.005 0.16 to 0.01 0.404
Socioeconomic status
(Index of Multiple Deprivation; percentile)
0.004 0.003 to 0.011 0.280
UCAS Tariff Points 0.01 0.01 to 0.02 <0.001
Polar 3 0.06 0.05 to 0.27 0.185
Model parameters (for UCAS Tariff Points)
B0 69.38
R 0.18
*School performance-based on the percentage of students achieving 3 A-levels or equivalent.
Defined by percentiles of Index of Multiple Deprivation (1=Most deprived to =100 Least deprived).
Neighbourhood higher education participation (1=Lowest Participation to 5=Highest Participation).
6 Thiele T, et al. BMJ Open 2016;6:e010169. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2015-010169
Open Access
While the use of contextual data in admissions is pro-
moted and considered a powerful tool which medical
schools can use to widen participation,
there is a
paucity of research focusing specically on medical stu-
dents, and considering measures of disadvantage, along-
side educational background characteristics to identify
contextual effects on academic attainment.
27 31
principal aim of this research was to explore these asso-
ciations, as this has not previously been investigated
using both area-based measures of disadvantage and
school background information within a medical school
Principal findings from results
A crucial part of this analysis explored the extent to
which school grades in isolation are representative of
true academic potential by comparing group differ-
ences in attainment at school compared to university.
Consistent with other studies, school grade s (UCAS
Tariff Points) were found to be a strong and signicant
predictor of academic performance.
1114 4651
Statistically signicant associations were also observed
between three of the contextual background character-
istics and students school grades, including school type,
average school performance and ethnicity. Though
school grades were the strongest predictor of university
attainment, school type, ethnicity and sex also predicted
statistically signicant differences, albeit with some dif-
ferences to those observed when students entered
Compared to students from comprehensive
schools, students from independent schools achieved
lower averages at fourth year, though this association was
not signicant after controlling for multiple effects.
This association was similar for men and women, but
statistically signicant only for men. Ethnic differences
in academic attainment evidenced at entry level, differed
from the associations obser ved between these variables
by the fourth year of university. Overall, students who
classied themselves as white were more likely to achieve
a higher average at fourth year than students of other
ethnicities, though they did not enter university with the
highest grades. These associations also varied slightly
between men and women. With regard to sex, there
were no statistically signicant differences in the entry
grades of men and women. However, by fourth year at
university, men students performed signicantly less well
than women students. Socioeconomic deprivation
(IMD), and coming from neighbourhoods with low or
high levels of participation in HE (POLAR 3), did not
predict signicant differences in nal year performance.
Table 5 Multiple linear regression including all contextual variables and fourth year performance
Variable x
SD B 95% CI Sig
School type
State comprehensive (reference) 74.25 2.43
Sixth form college 74.31 2.46 0.12 0.82 to 0.57 0.727
State other 74.72 1.92 0.67 0.72 to 1.92 0.370
State grammar 73.92 2.58 0.22 0.98 to 0.54 0.566
Independent school 73.56 2.46 0.29 0.99 to 0.42 0.426
White (reference) 74.41 2.33
Black 74.40 2.34 2.51 5.77 to 0.75 0.131
Asian 72.97 2.51 1.41 2.11 to 0.72 <0.001
Chinese 71.80 3.00 3.01 4.70 to 1.31 0.001
Other 73.92 2.50 0.56 1.58 to 0.47 0.288
Female (reference) 74.33 2.31 0.49 1.02 to 0.04 0.068
Male 73.76 2.66
Continuous variables
School performance* 0.01 0.010 to 0.02 0.486
Socioeconomic status
(Index of Multiple Deprivation; percentile)
0.003 0.01 to 0.01 0.458
Polar 3 0.05 0.15 to 0.24 0.634
UCAS Tariff Points 0.01 0.003 to 0.02 0.010
Model parameters
B0 70.14
R 0.35
*School performance-Based on the percentage of students achieving 3 A-levels or equivalent.
Neighbourhood higher education participation (1=Lowest Participation to 5=Highest Participation).
Defined by percentiles of Index of Multiple Deprivation (1=Most deprived to =100 Least deprived).
IMD link:
Thiele T, et al. BMJ Open 2016;6:e010169. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2015-010169 7
Open Access
How do these findings relate to the current evidence
The type of school students attended appears to have a
consistent effect on degree performance.
1719 52 53
Specically, research suggests that for a given set of
A-level results, the degree performance of students who
attended state schools has been found to be higher com-
pared to those who attended private schools, when
other factors were held equal.
13 15 18 28 30
Unlike other
students from independent schools did not
enter the UoL with the highest grades. However, consist-
ent with past research, once at university, students from
independent schools achieved lower results than com-
prehensive school students, though these differences
were not signicant once all variables were incorporated
into the model.
1719 28
Despite the overlap between
school type and school performance, and the fact that
both have similar benets in relation to school attain-
ment, results relating to school performance are more
difcult to reconcile with past research, given that nd-
ings have been more inconsistent.
10 18 19 24 53
That said,
recent studies have found that, conditional on prior
attainment, students from the worst-perform ing schools
were likely to outperform those from the best-
performing schools.
24 30 52 53
Though socioeconomic differences in academic
achievement have been identied in other
they have not been explored using
these specic measures in published academic research
at other medical schools. It is possible that neither of
the postcode measures of disadvantage (IMD or POLAR
3) predicted signicant differences in academic achieve-
ment at medical school because less variation exists in
the demographic backgrounds of students admitted to
medical programmes compared with those of other pro-
44 56
However, further research is needed to
explore this, as previous studies exploring these effects
have focused largely on students in classied degree pro-
grammes and used the NS-SEC as a measure of social
18 19 57 58
A number of these studies have identied
signicant socioeconomic differences in degree perform-
ance based on NS-SEC data.
18 28
However, various aws
have been identied with NS-SEC, which affect the accur-
acy and credibility of ndings derived from studies that
use this measure.
42 5759
Critically, NS-SEC is derived from
non-mandatory information that is self-declared by indivi-
duals on application to HE making this prone to manipu-
lation and error.
56 57
Additionally, there is evidence that
around 25% of students do not provide this information,
and those who omit this, often t into target widening
participation (WP) populations.
57 58
For example, Hoare
and Johnston identied signicant socioeconomic differ-
ences in attainment between students on classied
degree programmes based on NS-SEC data, but highlight
the caveat that NS-SEC data was missing for 42% of stu-
dents in their study.
Sex and ethnic differences in educational attainment
have been reported in various studies across different
medical schools in the UK.
56 6069
Though there were
no signicant differences in the entry grades of men
and women, consistent with previous research, women
achieved higher averages than men at university.
Interestingly, associations between variables, specically
UCAS Tariff Points, ethnicity, school type and academic
achievement at university, differed between men and
women. UCAS Tariff Points were a slightly stronger pre-
dictor of university achievement for men than women,
even though there were no entry-level differences.
Subgroup differences in school grades, and the extent
to which these predict university performance, have
been identi ed in other studies, and are associated with
institutional and personal factors.
29 30 6973
Ethnic differ-
ences in attainment have also been associated with these
factors and appear to be widespread.
1 4 29 51 68 69 74
Though students who classify themselves as white have
consistently been found to achieve higher degree out-
comes than students recording other ethnicities, varia-
tions exist with regard to the particular ethnic groups
that perform less well,.
1 4 51 67
In this study, despite
entering with higher grades, students who classied
themselves as Chinese and Asian performed less well
than students from other ethnic groups. These associa-
tions varied depending on sex. Most notably, only
women and not men who classied themselves as
Chinese performed signicantly worse than students
who classied themselves as white. Though the extent to
which these differences are generalisable is difcult to
discern and requires further exploration, the literature
indicates that these are not local or atypical problems.
Implications of these findings
The present study raises a number of implications for
policymakers and universities that are interested in using
contextual background information to inform their
decision-making processes and admissions policies.
While medical schools have developed complex selec-
tion processes to select the individuals to whom offers
are made, the ability to meet the academic offer is of
crucial importance and represents a principal basis for
11 14 24 75
This study corroborates previous
research depicting limitations associated wit h school
grades as indicators of future performance and true
academic potential.
Such evidence has previously
been used to justify the implementation of contextual
data alongside school grades, in university admissions
18 34 52 76
This may be particularly benecial
in highly competitive programmes such as medicine,
where a large proportion of applicants achieve top
marks, making it especially difcult to select from
among them.
27 44
However, the uses and importance of
contextual information extend beyond the point of
25 57 58
By providing insight into the associa-
tions between contextual background characteristics and
academic attainment, the current analysis also depicts
how contextual information could help identify students
that may require additional support once at university.
8 Thiele T, et al. BMJ Open 2016;6:e010169. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2015-010169
Open Access
Additionally, the use of different types of contextual
information in admissions processes is important to tri-
angulate data and ensure that the identied individuals
are truly from widening participation backgrounds.
Though the use of contextual data in medical
admissions processes is increasingly encouraged, there is
no standardised or universal approach to the use of
contextual data, and very limited guidance on best
2527 34 76
As such, there are various questions
and practical issues surrounding the implementation of
policies relating to school type/school-level performance,
including questions of how to equate between nations,
how to treat applicants who have changed school, how to
identify able applicants who obtained scholarships to
attend a fee-paying school, and how to ensure that appli-
cants report their educational establishment correctly/
27 52 76
Firm empirical evidence is required to
address these issues and guide institutional policy in
respect of contextual data.
22 23 25 58 76
Limitations and directions for future research
The present study has various limitations that must be
taken into consideration when interpreting ndings.
First, it is important to note that this study included only
students who were successfully admitted and completed
their medical degree. Hence, nothing is known about
students who failed or dropped out, thereby restricting
the extent to which ndings are representative of all
medical students. Additionally, in other studies, interac-
tions have been documented between background
characteristics, educational disadvantage and the likeli-
hood of dropping out of medical school, which could be
explored further.
51 69
Future research should conse-
quently include these students, and explore when and
why students fail and drop out of programmes. Such
information is necessary to ensure that at risk students
are successfully identied and supported. A second limi-
tation of this research is that both the IMD and POLAR
3 are based on aggregate data. Consequently, it should
be noted that trends relating to both IMD and POLAR 3
do not necessarily relate to individuals themselves but
rather to the areas in which they are based. An alterna-
tive approach to IMD/POLAR 3 could be to use
NS-SEC. However, as explained previously, this has lim-
itations, and for the majority of undergraduate admis-
sions, NS-SEC is also not an individual measure, as this
relates to parental occupation.
57 59
Hence, though post-
code measures of disadvantage have weaknesses, there is
less uncertainty attached to these measures, and it is
unlikely that a student would manipulate their postcode,
as they have the imperative that they actually want
contact from UCAS or the university, which is where the
postcodes are sourced. Another limitation of this kind of
research is that it is not possible to control for everything
that affects academic attainment. Some prominent
factors which are likely to affect participation and per-
formance include: personality, motivation, study skills,
family history in HE,
44 64 65 68 71 73 74
occupation, particularly coming from medical fam-
and intelligence.
Indeed, some variance also
relates to chance and other factors that are unpredict-
able, including life events and illness.
10 12 79
A further potential limitation of the current study is
that information from personal statements and interview
performance were not included in analyses even though
students in the data cohort examined were selected on
the basis of these measures as well as their academic
attainment. Analyses focused on academic attainment,
primarily, due to the weighting this has in the selection
2527 4951
Additionally, information from the
personal statements of students in the cohort was highly
limited, as these were marked simply as yes/no to inter-
view. Hence, this did not provide enough information
on which to correlate the quality of a statement with
on-course performance. Data from traditional interviews
was also not included in analyses, as previous studies
have identied various limitations with these.
would have been useful to incorporate data from mul-
tiple mini-interviews (MMIs), as these are said to offer
improved reliability and validity over traditional interview
and students UK Clinical Aptitude Test
(UKCAT) scores which appear to be less sensitive to
background effects compared with school grades.
79 83
However, UoL medical school has only recently changed
its selection process to introduce the use of UKCAT,
MMIs, and alter the use of personal statements. Hence,
though the present study illustrates important differ-
ences between different groups of students at a medical
school in the UK, future studies should explore how the
use of additional criteria (eg, MMIs, UKCAT) in selec-
tion processes affect widening participation and predict
differences between students based on their educational
and sociodemographic backgrounds. Such studies
should take more sophisticated approaches to modelling
by using path analysis or other forms of causal model-
ling, and expand analysis to compare subgroups, and
include other universities.
Though there is increasing interest in the use of context-
ual information within university admissions processes,
there is a paradoxical lack of research exploring how
these can be used at medical schools in the
The current analyses provide insight into
the associations between contextual background
characteristics and academic attainment. In doing so,
this illustrates how educational attainment at school is a
good, albeit imperfect, predictor of academic attainment
at a medical school. A recommendation from this ana-
lysis is that implementation of contextual data alongside
school attainment during the admissions process could
provide a more detailed and relevant assessment of can-
didates. Furthermore, this could also help to rene the
targeting of students from disadvantaged backgrounds,
and to identify those students who may require
Thiele T, et al. BMJ Open 2016;6:e010169. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2015-010169 9
Open Access
additional support once at university.
25 27 29 76
That said,
the patterns observed in the current study differed in
some ways from previous research exploring associations
between contextual background characteristics and aca-
demic attainment. These variations exemp lify how pat-
terns observed nationally may differ between HE
institutions and programmes.
Further research is
needed to explore these differences at individual
medical schools, and guide institutional policy in respect
of contextual data. This may be key in reducing inequal-
ities perpetuated by current admissions systems, by pro-
moting social mobility and decreasing the
socioeconomic stratication of medical schools in the
Contributors TT, DP, AS and DS were involved in the development of the
research question. TT drafted the manuscript and was responsible for
conducting the data analyses. DP, AS and DS provided guidance at all stages
including: the writing of the present study, data analysis and interpretation of
the data. All the authors approved the final version of the manuscript.
Funding The present study represents part of PhD that is funded by the
University of Liverpool.
Competing interests None declared.
Ethics approval Ethical approval was granted for this study by the University
of Liverpool Ethics Committee board (date of approval: 29/01/13 and the
number/ID of the approval IPHS-1213-LB-039).
Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
Data sharing statement No additional data are available.
Open Access This is an Open Access article distributed in accordance with
the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC BY-NC 4.0) license,
which permits others to distribute, remix, adapt, build upon this work non-
commercially, and license their derivative works on different terms, provided
the original work is properly cited and the use is non-commercial. See: http://
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