Fiscal Policy and Macroeconomic Stability:
Automatic Stabilizers Work, Always and
Xavier Debrun and Radhicka Kapoor
© 2010 International Monetary Fund WP/10/111
IMF Working Paper
European Department
Fiscal Policy and Macroeconomic Stability:
Automatic Stabilizers Work, Always and Everywhere
Prepared by Xavier Debrun and Radhicka Kapoor
Authorized for distribution by Luc Everaert
0D\ 2010
This Working Paper should not be reported as representing the views of the IMF.
The views expressed in this Working Paper are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent
those of the IMF or IMF policy. Working Papers describe research in progress by the author(s) and are
published to elicit comments and to further debate.
The paper revisits the link between fiscal policy and macroeconomic stability. Two salient features of
our analysis are (1) a systematic test for the government’s ambivalent role as a shock absorber and a
shock inducer—removing a downward bias present in existing estimates of the impact of automatic
stabilizers—and (2) a broad sample of advanced and emerging market economies. Results provide
strong support for the view that fiscal stabilization operates mainly through automatic stabilizers.
Also, the destabilizing impact of policy changes not systematically related to the business cycle may
not be as robust as suggested in the literature.
JEL Classification Numbers: E61, E62
Keywords: Output stability, fiscal policy, automatic stabilizers
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Kapoor is with the London School of Economics. Without implication, we thank Antonio Afonso, Torben
Andersen, Thomas Baunsgaard, Helge Berger, Olivier Blanchard, Mark de Broeck, Luc Everaert, Antonio
Fatàs, Davide Furceri, Steinar Holden, Albert Jaeger, Yngve Lindh, and seminar participants at the IMF, the
Banca d’Italia, and the Nordic Economic Policy Review for stimulating comments and suggestions.
I. Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 3
II. Data and Stylized Facts ........................................................................................................ 5
A. Governments as Shock Absorbers and Shock Inducers ................................................... 5
Three dimensions of fiscal policy ..................................................................................... 6
Quantifying the three dimensions ..................................................................................... 7
Properties of the fiscal indicators ...................................................................................... 9
Caveats ............................................................................................................................ 13
B. Volatility and Automatic Stabilizers: Stylized Facts ..................................................... 14
III. Econometric Analysis ....................................................................................................... 18
A. The Effectiveness of Automatic Stabilizers ................................................................... 18
B. Revisiting What We Think We know ............................................................................ 19
C. Fiscal Policy: Shock Inducing or Shock Absorbing? ..................................................... 22
D. Robustness Checks ......................................................................................................... 24
Endogeneity .................................................................................................................... 24
Omitted variables ............................................................................................................ 26
E. Fiscal Policy and Consumption Volatility ...................................................................... 28
IV. Conclusions....................................................................................................................... 29
1. Automatic Stabilizers, Cyclical Policy and Discretionary Policy ......................................10
2. Government Size and Cyclical Sensitivity of the Budget Balance (OECD) .......................14
3. Automatic Stabilizers and Output Volatility (1970-2006) ...................................................15
4. Output Volatility over Time.................................................................................................17
1. Fiscal Policy Indicators: Selected Conditional Correlations ...............................................11
2. Parsimonious Model and Restricted Sample (OECD-20) ...................................................19
3. Parsimonious Model—Full Sample and Non-OECD-20 .....................................................20
4. Introducing Monetary Policy and Access to Credit .............................................................21
5. Introducing Cyclical and Discretionary Dimensions of Fiscal Policy .................................23
6. Two-Stage-Least-Squares (2SLS) Estimates .......................................................................26
7. Adding control variables ......................................................................................................27
8. Fiscal Policy and Consumption Volatility ..........................................................................29
References .............................................................................................................................. 32
Appendix ................................................................................................................................ 37
A. Data Sources .................................................................................................................. 37
B. Data on Cyclical and Discretionary Dimensions of Fiscal Policy ................................. 37
C. Determinants of Fiscal Policy ........................................................................................ 41
D. Automatic Stabilizers, Fiscal Multipliers and 1 .......................................................... 45
Recent developments in macroeconomic modeling and pressing policy challenges have
revived the classic debate on the effectiveness of fiscal policy as an instrument of
macroeconomic stabilization (van der Ploeg, 2005). On the theory side, the rapid
development of micro-founded general equilibrium models with non-Ricardian features has
allowed researchers to assess the benefits of fiscal stabilization in a coherent and rigorous
analytical framework (see Botman and others, 2006, for a survey). These studies confirm the
conventional wisdom that a timely countercyclical response of fiscal policy to demand
shocks is likely to deliver appreciably lower output and consumption volatility (Kumhof and
Laxton, 2009). However, well-intended fiscal activism can also be undesirable, when shocks
are predominantly affecting the supply side (Blanchard, 2000), or squarely destabilizing,
when information, decision and implementation lags unduly lengthen the transmission chain.
On the policy side, a growing number of countries turned to fiscal policy as their primary
stabilization instrument either because of changes in their monetary regime (currency board,
hard peg, participation in a monetary union) or because financial conditions deteriorated to
the point of making monetary policy ineffective (Spilimbergo and others, 2008).
Fiscal policy can contribute to macroeconomic stability through three main channels. The
first is the automatic reduction in government saving during downturns and increase during
upturns, cushioning shocks to national expenditure (Blinder and Solow, 1974). Such
automatic stabilization occurs because tax revenues tend to be broadly proportional to
national income and expenditure, whereas public spending reflects government commitments
independent of the business cycle and entitlement programs specifically designed to support
spending during downturns, including unemployment benefits.
Also, to the extent that
government consumption is less volatile than other components of GDP, the public sector
contributes to output stability through a mere composition effect of domestic expenditure.
Second, governments can deliberately change public spending and tax instruments to offset
business cycle fluctuations. Finally, the structure of the tax and transfer system can be
designed to maximize economic efficiency and market flexibility, thereby enhancing the
resilience of the economy in the face of shocks. The notion of fiscal stabilization pertains to
the first two channels.
The public’s demand for government-induced stability reflects a number of factors that may
vary over time and across countries, including the inherent resilience of the economy and the
existence of alternative stabilizers, such as an effective monetary policy and unrestricted
access of individual agents to financial instruments. During the recent crisis, the perceived
need for fiscal stabilization has been unquestionably high: the resilience of national
economies was impaired by the depth and the global nature of the shock, agents faced either
Darby and Mélitz (2008) and Furceri (2009) show that social spending—including health and retirement
benefits—is more countercyclical than generally acknowledged. For instance, early retirement and sick leave—
which often protects employees against involuntary separation—are more likely to be used during downturns.
limited access to or high cost of self-insurance through credit markets and financial
institutions, and the firepower of monetary policy was constrained by the zero-bound on
nominal interest rates. In the short term, the stabilizing role of fiscal policy relies on effective
automatic stabilizers and on the capacity of governments to engineer (and credibly phase out)
a fiscal stimulus in a timely fashion.
This paper puts the current revival of fiscal stabilization policies in a broader perspective by
revisiting the contribution of fiscal policy to macroeconomic stability in both industrial and
developing economies over the last 40 years. The study builds on earlier work by Galì
(1994), van den Noord (2002), and Fatás and Mihov (2001, 2003), who investigate directly
the cross-country relationship between fiscal policy indicators and output volatility. That
approach has the advantage to incorporate in simple statistical tests various determinants of
the stabilizing effect of fiscal policy, including policymakers’ “reaction functions” and the
actual impact of fiscal measures on output and private consumption. The resulting, reduced-
from empirical relations thus provide useful information on the effectiveness of fiscal policy,
while avoiding the methodological issues related to the estimation of fiscal “multipliers.”
Indeed, multipliers’ estimates highly sensitive to the identification procedure of exogenous
fiscal impulses (structural VARs, narratives, or DSGE model simulations), the nature of the
shock (tax cuts, spending increases), and the behavior of monetary policy (Blanchard and
Perotti, 2002; Perotti, 2005; Romer and Romer, 2008; and Horton, Kumar and Mauro, 2009
for a survey).
Existing analyses of fiscal stabilization tend to focus on the role of automatic stabilizers in
industrial economies. Many of those draw on the seminal insights of Galì (1994) and revolve
around the negative relationship between output volatility and government size, used as a
proxy for the cyclical sensitivity of the budget balance. While the literature generally
confirms the countercyclical impact of automatic stabilizers, the relationship appears to be a
complex one. First, non-linearities seem to exist,
suggesting that the adverse effect of high
tax rates on an economy’s resilience could more than offset the action of automatic
stabilizers. Second, the relationship may be changing over time as structural changes
moderating output volatility could be faster in economies with leaner governments.
the relationship does not seem to hold beyond a narrow sample of industrial OECD
Debrun, Pisani-Ferry and Sapir (2008) addressed the first two concerns,
introducing a time-dimension in the Fatás-Mihov sample to control for potential determinants
of the “great moderation,” (i.e. the steady decline in output volatility observed between the
Examples include Silgoner, Reitschuler and Crespo-Cuaresma (2002), and Martinez-Mongay and Sekkat
Debrun, Pisani-Ferry and Sapir (2008) and Mohanty and Zampolli (2009) document an apparent breakdown of
the relationship between government size and output volatility in the 1990s.
Fatás and Mihov (2003) find that government size actually increases output volatility in a cross- section of 91
countries. Viren (2005), using an even larger cross-section of 208 countries and territories, concludes that “the
relationship between government size and output volatility is either nonexistent or very weak at best.” Mohanty
and Zampolli (2009) find that even among OECD countries government size only has a modestly negative
impact on output volatility.
mid-1980s and the recent past). Their results confirm the effectiveness of automatic
stabilizers in reducing output volatility.
This paper looks further into the robustness of the results described above. Our contribution
rests on 4 elements. First, our sample includes 49 industrial and developing countries for
which reasonably long time series exist for fiscal data covering the general government.
Second, we take into account the potentially destabilizing impact of fiscal policy, as public
finances are used to attain other goals than macroeconomic stability. Should bigger
governments produce larger fiscal shocks, estimates of the impact of automatic stabilizers
would be biased. Third, we account for the role of potential substitutes to fiscal policy as a
macroeconomic insurance mechanism, including financial development, improved monetary
policy credibility, and better economic policy governance. These variables may account for
the decline in output volatility observed until the recent crisis and may prove important to
properly identify the causal relation between automatic stabilizers and volatility (see Debrun,
Pisani-Ferry, and Sapir, 2008, and Mohanty and Zampolli, 2009). Fourth, we investigate the
extent to which fiscal policy contribute to lower private consumption volatility, as the latter
is more closely related to welfare.
The main results can be summarized as follows. First, automatic stabilizers strongly
contribute to output stability regardless of the type of economy (advanced or developing),
confirming the effectiveness of timely, predictable and symmetric fiscal impulses in
stabilizing output. The impact on private consumption volatility is quantitatively weaker and
statistically less robust. Second, countries with more volatile cyclically-adjusted budget
balances also exhibit more volatile output and private consumption. However, the result
could be tainted by a reverse causality problem that we could not satisfactorily address with
instrumental-variables techniques due to a weak-instrument problem. Third, access of
individual consumers to credit appears to exert a stabilizing influence on output and private
consumption. A weaker contribution of credit supply to smooth cyclical fluctuations could
thus increase the public’s appetite for fiscal stabilization.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows. Section II discusses data issues and reviews
stylized facts. Section III develops the econometric analysis, while Section IV discusses the
results and draws policy implications.
A. Governments as Shock Absorbers and Shock Inducers
The size of automatic stabilizers is commonly approximated by the ratio of general
government expenditure to GDP. Using a rule of thumb according to which the elasticity of
government revenues and expenditure (both in levels) to the output gap is 1 and 0
respectively, the expenditure-to-GDP ratio is indeed equal to the semi-elasticity of the overall
budget balance (in percent of GDP) to the output gap
See equations (1) and (2) below.
However, if size matters for automatic stabilization, it could also prove harmful for
macroeconomic stability if bigger governments tend produce larger fiscal shocks than their
leaner counterparts. To avoid an omitted-variable bias, it is important to control for this
possibility in the econometric analysis. The rest of this sub-section constructs a set of
mutually-consistent fiscal indicators capturing three relevant dimensions of fiscal policy:
automatic stabilizers, systematically stabilizing discretionary policy, and non-systematic
policy (which can be stabilizing or not).
Three dimensions of fiscal policy
To look at the cyclical properties of the overall budget balance, it is common to split it in two
components: the cyclical balance and the cyclically-adjusted balance (see for instance, Galì
and Perotti, 2003). Changes in the cyclical balance give an estimate of the budgetary impact
of aggregate fluctuations through the induced changes in tax bases and certain mandatory
outlays. By construction, the cyclical balance is zero when the output gap is closed (actual
output is on trend), and its variations are thought to be outside the immediate control of the
fiscal authorities. Subtracting the cyclical balance from the overall balance yields the
cyclically-adjusted balance (CAB), or the hypothetical overall balance one would observe if
output was on trend (or “potential”) level. Changes in the CAB are generally interpreted as
resulting mostly
from discretionary actions by policymakers.
The CAB itself reflects two dimensions of fiscal policy relevant for our analysis. The first is
the effect of policy decisions systematically related to changes in the actual or expected
cyclical conditions of the economy. For instance, governments wishing to actively pursue a
countercyclical policy could reduce taxes or increase government consumption whenever the
economy is in a recession, while withdrawing the stimulus during the recovery and reducing
public spending during booms. The response of the CAB to the cycle can either be pro-
cyclical (running against automatic stabilizers) or countercyclical (augmenting the effect of
automatic stabilizers). The second source of variations in CABs arises from budgetary
changes that are not the result of the average response of fiscal authorities to the business
cycle. This “exogenous” CAB can either reflect extraordinary fiscal stabilization efforts—
such as those adopted in response to the recent crisis—or destabilizing fiscal impulses
associated with other objectives of public finances (redistribution and efficiency), or non-
economic considerations (e.g. electoral budget cycle).
Thus, from now, fiscal policy will be discussed in light of those three dimensions of the
overall balance, namely:
(i) automatic stabilizers;
Studies of the fiscal stance often exclude interest payments, as they reflect past policies (public debt) and
financial conditions.
(ii) the “cyclical fiscal policy,” reflecting the systematic response of the CAB to the
business cycle;
(iii) and the “exogenous discretionary fiscal policy” capturing CAB changes that are not
systematically related to current macroeconomic conditions
Quantifying the three dimensions
Data analysis alone does not allow disentangling the impact of automatic stabilizers from that
of systematic discretionary stabilization. To solve that identification problem, we simply
assume that automatic stabilizers are adequately measured by the ratio of public expenditure
to GDP. That assumption enhances the comparability of our results with related studies and
provides a simple and transparent metric applicable to all countries. But it entails a potential
measurement error that we will need to keep in mind when interpreting the results (see
further discussion below).
A CAB consistent with our assumption is needed to derive indicators of the “cyclical” and
exogenous policies defined above. As indicated earlier, government size is an exact measure
of the sensitivity of the budget balance to the business cycle if revenue and expenditure
elasticities to output are 1 and 0 respectively.
To see this, define the CAB (in percentage of
trend output
Y ) as:
 
is total revenue as a ratio of GDP (
Y is the trend level of output,
is the
elasticity of revenue to the output gap,
is the expenditure to GDP ratio, and
is the
elasticity of expenditure to the output gap. Setting
and denoting by
overall budget balance (in percent of GDP) yields:
This is the terminology used by Fatás and Mihov (2009). For a more detailed discussion of cyclical
adjustment, see Fedelino, Ivanova and Horton (2009).
This rule of thumb is broadly supported by cross-country empirical studies for OECD countries (Bouthevillain
and others, 2001; Girouard and André, 2005).
is the output gap in percentage of trend output (
/)( YYYy
), and
is the
cyclical balance. This formally establishes that the public expenditure ratio is the semi-
elasticity of the budget balance (in percent of GDP) to the output gap.
Indicators of the cyclical and exogenous/discretionary fiscal policies can then be estimated
for each country in our sample, using a simple time-series regression:
, (3)
where the output gap
is calculated as the relative deviation of actual GDP from an HP
trend. The AR(1) term on the right-hand side of (3) accounts for persistence in budget
balances, and effectively eliminates the high first-order serial correlation of residuals
observed in static regressions.
The cyclical fiscal policy is captured by
, the short-term response of the CAB to the output
gap. A negative value implies that a cyclical upturn (downturn) tends to deteriorate (improve)
the CAB, indicating that government actions are systematically destabilizing and offset—at
least partly—the impact of automatic stabilizers on the economy. On the other hand, a
positive coefficient on
implies that on average, the government seeks to increase the
counter-cyclical bent of fiscal policy through discretionary measures.
The effectiveness of fiscal policy entails reverse causality from CAB to
, introducing a
downward bias in OLS estimate of
. Also, equation (3) is parsimonious by necessity (time
series are short in some countries), which could create an omitted variable bias. To alleviate
potential biases in the estimated
’s, instrumental variable (IV) techniques are used.
Instruments for the output gap include its own lagged value, log-differenced terms of trade
and oil prices, and energy use per capita.
A priori, these are adequate instruments—
especially for small open economies—as cyclical fluctuations are correlated with terms of
trade shocks, oil prices and energy use per capita, without being directly influenced by the
fiscal stance. For oil exporters, however, we used the lagged value of the output gap, the
output gap of the United States, and its lagged value.
Of course, this does not mean that automatic stabilizers arise from the expenditure side since we assumed
Galì and Perotti (2003), Wyplosz (2006) and Fatàs and Mihov (2009) use a similar specification to study the
cyclical features of fiscal policy. Fatàs and Mihov (2003) and Afonso, Agnello and Furceri (2009) also rely on a
regression-based method to distinguish between cyclicality, persistence, and the volatility of public expenditure.
Lee and Sung (2007) estimate the responsiveness of fiscal policy to cyclical fluctuations, taking the average
of GDP growth rates in neighboring countries, weighted by the inverse of the distance between the two
countries, as an instrument.
There are five oil producing countries in the sample. Ideally, the non-oil fiscal balances should be used in the
regression. However, no sufficiently long time series were available to obtain meaningful estimates of β.
Dropping these countries from the sample does not alter the results.
The exogenous discretionary policy is calculated as the variability (standard deviation) of a
, where
are obtained from IV estimation.
This differs from the standard error of residuals in equation (3),
. The reason
is that, having instrumented the output gap, the residual of (3) would incorporate the non-
instrumented part of the output gap (
), introducing co-movement between our
measure of discretionary policy and output gap volatility. This would in turn create a
simultaneity bias in the regressions performed to estimate the effect of fiscal policy on output
gap variability. By their very nature, these residuals capture more than discretionary policy
decisions, including measurement errors, and the direct budgetary impact of certain shocks
over and above their influence on economic activity (for instance, exchange rate fluctuations
affecting interest payments and commodity-related revenues, the influence of asset prices on
certain revenue categories, and inflation shocks). The notion of “exogenous discretionary
policy” should therefore be interpreted with caution. While equation (3) could be augmented
to account for some of these effects, the measurement of pure shocks raises other issues that
would ultimately alter the transparency of our simple approach.
Properties of the fiscal indicators
Using equation (3), the cyclical and discretionary dimensions of fiscal policy are estimated
for each of the countries in our sample, which contains annual data for 49 countries between
1970 and 2006. However, time series are in many cases short, including emerging European
economies where general government data are only available from the beginning of the
1990s. Table A.1 in the Appendix reports our estimates of the β’s.
On average, fiscal policy seems to be more countercyclical in OECD countries than in the
non-OECD group (Figure 1). The former not only have larger automatic stabilizers but also
tend to exhibit a stabilizing cyclical response (positive
), although this may reflect greater
stabilizers on the expenditure side of the budget. Non-OECD countries appear to have a
penchant for procyclical policies, as most have negative
’s. There is no apparent difference
between the discretionary dimensions across the two groups.
Figure 1. Automatic Stabilizers, Cyclical Policy and Discretionary Policy
Cyclical and discretionary dimensions Automatic stabilizers
Source: authors’ calculations.
The prevalence of procyclical fiscal policies in developing countries has been widely
documented and studied elsewhere (Gavin and Perotti, 1997; Talvi and Vegh, 2005; Catão
and Sutton, 2002). It is commonly attributed to weak expenditure control that prevents
governments from saving revenue windfalls in good times.
Pro-cyclical credit conditions
also play a role, as fiscal authorities in developing economies take advantage of easy credit to
boost expenditure and are forced to consolidate in bad times—when credit dries out and
revenue falls (Eichengreen, Hausmann, and von Hagen, 1999).
We further explore the properties of our indicators by looking at conditional correlations
between them and potential determinants of fiscal policy commonly investigated in the
literature. The purpose of this exercise is to check whether they exhibit similar features to
those identified in the existing literature. The conditional correlations are based on
regressions reported in the Appendix (Tables A3 to A5). Table 1 displays the sign of these
correlations, with a star superscript denoting statistical significance at conventional
Weak expenditure control is rooted in ineffective budget procedures and execution, agency problems (the
electorate puts pressure to spend revenue windfalls on visible items because it does not trust the government—
Alesina and Tabellini, 2005), and common pool problems (competing groups fight for obtaining a greater share
of any additional revenue—Tornell and Lane, 1999).
Table 1. Fiscal Policy Indicators: Selected Conditional Correlations
Fiscal Policy Counter-
cyclicality 
Automatic stabilizers
GDP per capita +* +*
Openness -* +*
Debt -
Presidential System +* -*
Proportional Electoral Rule -* +*
Political Constraints +*
Government Fragmentation - +*
Government Stability + -
Dependency Ratio -
Urbanization Rate +*
Discretionary Fiscal Policy
All sample Non OECD-20 OECD-20
Automatic stabilizers +* +* +*
Openness +* + +*
Volatility in terms of trade - -* +
Debt -* -* -
Presidential System + - -
Political Constraints -* -* +
Note: the table displays the sign of the conditional correlations stemming from multivariate
regressions reported in the Appendix. A star denotes statistical significance at the 10 percent
Our indicators capture important stylized facts—many of them well-established—about
fiscal behavior. First, the tests confirm that more affluent economies tend to have larger
government sectors—and correspondingly larger automatic stabilizers—and to conduct more
countercyclical fiscal policies. This is in line with Wagner’s Law and the presumptions that
these countries have better fiscal institutions—including stronger expenditure controls and
tax collection capabilities—and that they are less likely to face binding credit constraints in
bad times.
Second, the data reflect Rodrik’s (1998) observation that more open economies have on
average larger governments because automatic stabilizers offer insurance against external
shocks. Interestingly, governments in more open economies also appear to be less prone to
active fiscal stabilization. Such “substitution” suggests that countries seeking to boost the
stabilizing properties of fiscal policy would rely more on automatic stabilizers than on a well-
timed sequence of stimulus packages and consolidation plans. That substitutability is also
reflected in our measure of discretionary fiscal policy, which increases with openness,
particularly so in the OECD-20 group.
Finally, the results illustrate the constraining impact
of public debt on fiscal policy. As highly indebted countries are more likely to engage in
procyclical consolidations, they appear to be less actively pursuing stabilization on average.
The silver lining is that high debt reduces fiscal space, and with it the likelihood of
destabilizing discretionary actions, as indicated by a more stable exogenous fiscal policy.
Importantly for the rest of the analysis, our measure of discretionary policy is positively
correlated with government size, both for the sample as a whole and for each sub-sample. As
this effect comes on top of the positive impact of openness—thereby partly controlling for
substitution between alternative forms of stabilization—it illustrates the ambiguity related to
the effect of government size on macroeconomic stability. If, everything else equal, larger
governments tend to be stronger shock inducers, then our empirical model of macroeconomic
volatility needs to take into account this fiscal instability orthogonal to automatic stabilizers
but correlated with the size of the public sector. Not doing so entails a bias in the estimated
impact of automatic stabilizers on volatility.
Our decomposition of the fiscal balance also reflects the importance of politics and
institutions in shaping fiscal policy. In line with the existing literature, the broad message is
that political systems less able to manage competing demands for budgetary resources are
associated with higher government spending (hence more automatic stabilizers), less active
cyclical stabilization, and in non-OECD countries, more exogenous fiscal variability. It is
unclear, however, whether the empirical trade-off between automatic stabilizers and the
stabilizing bent of cyclical policy reflects genuine substitution between the two or the
differentiated impact of the same political distortions.
Correlations in Table 1 show that countries with presidential systems and those with
majoritarian electoral rules tend to have smaller automatic stabilizers (in part because of
more limited social transfer programs—Persson and Tabellini, 2000), but more stabilizing
cyclical policies. For similar reasons, politically more fragmented coalition governments—
the typical outcome of parliamentary systems with proportional electoral rules—exhibit
larger automatic stabilizers and less stabilizing cyclical policies. Indices of political
constraint and, to a lesser extent, political stability are associated with more stabilizing
cyclical policies and, in non-OECD countries, less fiscal variability. These results are
consistent with the view that procyclicality at least partly originates in political distortions
and the induced misuse of discretion (Tornell and Lane, 1999).
The OECD-20 includes Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Finland, Germany, Greece,
Ireland, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the UK, and the US. These
were the countries originally considered in the Fatás-Mihov (2001) study.
As discussed in Debrun, Hauner and Kumar (2009), political distortions commonly explored in the literature
can explain both a deficit bias (due to overspending) and procyclicality.
As indicated earlier, government size is only an approximation of the cyclical sensitivity of
the budget balance. To detect any bias introduced by that proxy, we look at the relation
between the public expenditure to GDP ratio and the semi-elasticities of the budget balance
to the output gap estimated by the OECD for most of its member countries (Figure 2). These
estimates partly take into account the impact of tax progressivity and cyclically-sensitive
The regression line is statistically indistinguishable from a 45-degree line,
indicating that government size is a reliable proxy of automatic stabilizers in OECD
Outside the OECD, however, lower output sensitivities may prevail. On the revenue side, a
greater share of indirect taxes in revenues and a lower degree of progressivity in direct taxes
tend to weaken the responsiveness of tax revenues to income. On the expenditure side,
unemployment insurance and other social safety nets are generally less developed. Given
this, we may overestimate the size of automatic stabilizers in developing countries, while
underestimating their impact on output and consumption volatility. We would
correspondingly overestimate the stabilizing influence of cyclical fiscal policy, as
capture any measurement error in the size of automatic stabilizers. Another issue is that short
time series limit our ability to test for the presence of structural breaks in the relation between
the CAB and the output gap. In general, tests conducted for OECD countries—for which we
have time-series starting in 1970—do not allow to reject the null hypothesis that
is stable
between two sub periods (1970-89 and 1990-2006).
Some ad-hoc assumptions remain, however, including a unit-elasticity of indirect taxes and a zero-elasticity
for expenditure except unemployment benefits. The latter may be a strong assumption in light of Darby and
Mélitz (2009) who show that social spending other than unemployment benefits exhibits a significant
countercyclicality, including health and pension expenditure. Building on these results, Furceri (2009) estimates
that social spending alone is able to offset about 15 percent of output shocks.
Figure 2. Government Size and Cyclical Sensitivity of the Budget Balance (OECD)
Sources: Girouard and André (2005) and authors’ calculations.
B. Volatility and Automatic Stabilizers: Stylized Facts
The seminal studies by Galì (1994) and Fatás and Mihov (2001) suggest that the
effectiveness of automatic stabilizers is already evident from the negative unconditional
correlation between real GDP growth variability and the size of government, and they show
this for a sample of selected OECD countries between 1960 and the early 1990s. Our broader
sample, which covers selected developing economies and ends in 2006, exhibits a similar
correlation (Figure 3, top panel). Subsequent analyses qualified this result, suggesting that
the relation is likely to be non-linear and unstable over time. Using the same set of countries
as Fatás and Mihov (2001), Debrun, Pisani-Ferry and Sapir (2008) document a dramatic
weakening of the negative relation after the mid 1990s, a stylized fact present in our sample
for advanced OECD countries (Figure 3, center panel). Econometric analysis by the same
authors also revealed non-linearities in this relation, implying strongly decreasing returns in
automatic fiscal stabilization beyond a certain threshold of government size. Silgoner,
Reitschuler and Crespo-Cuaresma (2002), and Martinez-Mongay and Sekkat (2005) found
similar non-linearities in a sample of EU member states.
Figure 3. Automatic Stabilizers and Output Volatility (1970-2006)
Note: each observation represents a combination of government size and real GDP growth
volatility observed in one country over a given decade.
Source: Authors’ calculations.
Although the literature generally supports the effectiveness of automatic stabilizers in OECD
countries, some have suggested that the result may not hold in developing economies. In
particular, Viren (2005) finds that the negative relation between government size and GDP
volatility does not exist when developing economies are included in the sample. Using our
sample, scatter plots indeed depicts a weakly positive correlation for the subset of developing
countries (Figure 3, bottom panel).
These stylized facts raise two questions. First, it is unclear why automatic stabilizers per se
would be subject to strong “decreasing returns.”
Second, even if government size
exaggerates the magnitude of automatic stabilizers in developing countries, the existence of a
positive relationship remains counterintuitive. Both puzzles are consistent with the need to
take into account the shock-inducing aspect of fiscal policy. The appearance of decreasing
returns could indeed result from the fact that bigger governments generate more destabilizing
fiscal shocks, as suggested in Table 1. Likewise, the apparent ineffectiveness of automatic
stabilizers in developing countries may have to do with more pervasive institutional
weaknesses and political economy constraints in these countries that magnify the shock-
inducing part of fiscal policy to the point of overcoming automatic stabilizers.
Another interesting characteristic of the relation between output volatility and government
size is that it seems to be evolving over time, stressing the importance to examine possible
causes for such evolution. Debrun, Pisani-Ferry and Sapir (2008) show that the factors
driving the trend decline in output volatility until the recent crisisthe so-called great
moderation—were more powerful in countries with smaller government sectors than others.
We can verify this in our broader sample and divide countries into 4 categories along 2
dimensions: trade openness and government size (cut-off levels are the median values). We
consider only the last two periods of our sample 1990-99 and 2000-06 to cover all the
For both sub-periods, output volatility is on average larger in countries with smaller
governments, regardless of trade openness (Figure 4). Rodrik’s (1998) observation that more
open economies are generally more volatile is verified for 1990-99, but not for the more
recent period. Indeed, the bottom panel of Figure 4 shows that the decline in average output
volatility between the two subperiods has been more pronounced in more open economies,
and among the latter in countries with smaller governments. This suggests that open
economies with smaller government took better advantage of the factors driving the great
moderation, such as improved access to financial instruments, credit and external financing,
allowing economic agents to better smooth consumption and plan investment. Also, openness
tends to raise the economic cost of policy mistakes, contributing to better macroeconomic
management, including more countercyclical macroeconomic policies.
That said, in a reduced-form IS-curve, the relation between output and the size of automatic stabilizers is log-
linear because the fiscal impulse stemming from the operation of stabilizers itself depends on output (see the
Figure 4. Output Volatility over Time
Source: Authors’ calculations.
A. The Effectiveness of Automatic Stabilizers
Following Fatás and Mihov (2001), we examine the cross-country relation between
government size and output volatility. As we also take into account time-varying factors that
may affect the public’s demand for fiscal stabilization or the government’s incentives to
provide such stabilization (Debrun, Pisani-Ferry and Sapir, 2008), the baseline empirical
model is a panel regression with period-fixed effects:
, (4)
(countries) and
(10-year period).
is a measure of real GDP
volatility, the
’s symbolize period fixed effects,
denotes the size of government
(logarithm of public expenditure in percent of GDP), the
’s are control variables, and
the error term. By default, we calculate output volatility as the standard deviation of real
GDP growth over each period
. However, since this measure is sensitive to variations in
potential growth (over time and across countries), we systematically checked the robustness
of our results using the standard deviation of the first differenced output gap (calculated by
us for all countries as the relative difference between actual real GDP and its HP-filtered
series). The focus on aggregate output volatility—instead of privately-generated GDP for
instance—is justified by the fact that the contribution of fiscal policy to macroeconomic
stability also operates through composition effects of national expenditure (Andrés,
Doménech and Fatàs, 2008). While there is no evident theoretical reason for rejecting these
effects, we also investigated the relationship between our fiscal indicators and the variability
of private consumption because the latter is more directly related to welfare.
A rejection of the null hypothesis that
against the alternative
is consistent with
the effectiveness of automatic stabilizers. The Appendix formally illustrates that, given a
sample average of 0.38 for government size, plausible values of
lie between -0.5 and -2.6.
As we have more observations than most comparable studies, we are better placed to deal
with the omitted-variables and reverse causality issues inherent to a single-equation
approach. More specifically, we introduce determinants of volatility that have been related to
the great moderation episode and are suspected to have weakened the relation between
government size and output volatility. We then explicitly control for the shock-inducing
potential of public finances. Finally, we assess the robustness of our results, and expand the
analysis to private consumption volatility.
The time dimension comprises 4 periods over which annual data have been averaged (1970-79, 1980-89,
1990-99 and 2000-06). The panel is unbalanced because of data limitations for developing and emerging market
economies. The Appendix reports data sources and input from auxiliary regressions.
B. Revisiting What We Think We know
We first examine the extent to which results commonly found in the literature apply to our
expanded sample. All equations are estimated with Ordinary Least Squares (OLS), adjusting
standard errors for the presence of heteroskedasticity.
We begin with a parsimonious version of (4), using only government size and trade
as explanatory variables. Restricting the sample to the 20 OECD countries
covered by Fatás and Mihov (2001), we confirm that automatic stabilizers have a negative
and statistically significant effect on output volatility, supporting the idea that automatic
fiscal stabilizers are effective. This stabilizing effect holds for the whole sample, but as
shown by Debrun, Pisani-Ferry and Sapir (2008), it appears to weaken substantially in the
more recent periods (after 1990). Trade-openness on the other hand tends to increase output
volatility, although the effect also turns weaker and statistically insignificant in the periods
after 1990, in line with stylized facts discussed above.
Table 2. Parsimonious Model and Restricted Sample (OECD-20)
(Dependent variable: standard deviation of real GDP growth rate)
(1) (2) (3)
1970-2006 1970-1989 1990-2006
Openness .805* 1.617* .720
(1.743) (1.869) (1.174)
Automatic stabilizers -1.248** -2.224*** -.244
(-2.391) (-2.784) (-.412)
Constant .613 -.418 .675
(1.160) (-.482) (.991)
Observations 77 37 40
R-squared .363 .325 .320
Note: Robust t-statistics in parentheses. Time effects are not reported.
Stars denote statistical significance at conventional levels (* for 10
percent, ** for 5 percent, and *** for 1 percent).
Importantly, similar results are found for the full sample of 49 countries: automatic
stabilizers have a negative and statistically significant effect on output volatility for the entire
period (Table 3) and the two sub-periods separately (not reported
). However, running the
same regression on a sub-sample that excludes OECD-20 countries yields drastically
different results: government size has a destabilizing effect, which is statistically significant
when we use a measure of output volatility adjusted for variations in potential growth. Also,
the overall fit of the model is considerably lower for the full sample than for the OECD-20,
indicating that our parsimonious specification is likely to miss important sources of volatility,
including some potentially related to the size of government.
Openness to trade is measured as the sum of imports and exports divided by twice the GDP.
Some results are not reported to avoid cumbersome tables. All non-reported results are available from the
authors upon request.
These results are consistent with two stylized facts noted earlier. First, non-OECD-20
countries are both more volatile and have smaller governments, explaining why the standard
stabilization result holds for the whole sample but not for the non-OECD-20 subset. Second,
among the latter, bigger governments also appear to be stronger shock-inducers, possibly
more than offsetting the operation of automatic stabilizers.
Table 3. Parsimonious Model—Full Sample and Non-OECD-20
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Dependent variable: Standard deviation of real GDP
growth rate
Standard deviation of first
differenced output gap
All Non-OECD All Non-OECD
Openness 1.143 .150 1.159 .452
(1.323) (.110) (1.584) (.425)
Automatic stabilizers -1.614*** 1.038 -1.383*** .983*
(-4.450) (1.350) (-4.502) (1.727)
Constant .728 5.614*** .658 4.736***
(1.211) (3.194) (1.389) (4.043)
Observations 152 75 152 75
R-squared .141 .151 .148 .180
Note: Robust t-statistics in parentheses. Time effects are not reported. Stars denote statistical
significance at conventional levels (* for 10 percent, ** for 5 percent, and *** for 1 percent).
To account for the possibility that the relation between government size and output volatility
may have changed over time, Debrun, Pisani-Ferry and Sapir (2008) expanded the basic
model to include key determinants of the gradual decline in output volatility observed since
the 1990s until the recent crisis. As the decline in volatility was more pronounced in
countries with a smaller government, failing to account for these developments could
produce an upward bias in
. Replicating their approach, we add an index of central bank
independence and a measure of financial development
to the right-hand side of (4).
Greater financial development is generally expected to reduce output volatility, as agents can
use financial instruments to smooth consumption and better plan investment. That said,
financial development may also be destabilizing through financial accelerator effects, or
procyclical lending standards for instance. Theory provides no firm prior about sign of the
CBI index. On the one hand, more independent central banks can in principle stabilize more
actively demand shocks without fearing a loss of credibility, increasing the contribution of
monetary policy to macroeconomic stability. On the other hand, more independent central
bank could also be more aggressive in the pursuit of nominal stability, so that productivity
shocks (Rogoff, 1985) or implementation lags (Berger and Woitek, 2005) would imply a
trade-off between inflation stability and output stability. Admittedly, the ambiguity about the
role of CBI suggests that it is not an ideal measure of central banks’ ability to successfully
stabilize the real economy. However, result-oriented measures—such as the exponential
It is calculated as the total stock of credit by deposit money banks to private sector in percent of GDP.
deviation of actual inflation from a 2 percent target suggested in IMF (2007)—exhibit severe
endogeneity problems.
Estimates of (4) based on both the OECD-20 sample and the overall sample continue to show
a stabilizing and statistically significant effect of government size on output volatility (Table
4). This effect is quantitatively stronger and more precisely estimated than in the
parsimonious model, suggesting indeed that estimates based on the latter were biased.
Interestingly, estimates for the non-OECD-20 sample now exhibit a negative coefficient for
automatic stabilizers (
), though it is not statistically significant at conventional
confidence levels. This brings some nuance to the conjecture that larger governments outside
the OECD-20 are particularly strong shock-inducers.
While central bank independence does not seem to have any clear impact on output
variability, financial development emerges as a significant stabilizing force (column (3)).
That effect is particularly strong in estimates for the whole sample, and it meaningfully
improves the explanatory power of the model. This underscores the important role of access
to financial instruments as a way for agents to self-insure against the impact of economic
Table 4. Introducing Monetary Policy and Access to Credit
(Dependent variable: standard deviation of real GDP growth rate)
(1) (2) (3)
OECD-20 Non
Openness .793* .040 .632
(1.783) (.027) (.846)
Automatic stabilizers -1.401** -0.716 -1.523***
(-2.602) (-0.819) (-3.718)
Central bank independence -.151 1.466 .553
(-.410) (.960) (1.012)
Financial development -.428* -.830 -1.217***
(-1.837) (-1.100) (-3.250)
Constant 1.029* 0.677 .911
(1.911) (0.375) (1.427)
Observations 77 56 133
R-squared .398 .178 .298
Note: Robust t-statistics in parentheses. Time effects are not reported. Stars
denote statistical significance at conventional levels (* for 10 percent, ** for 5
percent, and *** for 1 percent).
In sum, estimates of (4) based on our expanded sample are broadly in line with existing
results obtained for a much narrower set of 20 OECD countries, but some new interesting
nuances emerge. First, financial development appears to be a particularly important
moderating factor in output fluctuations when developing economies are included in the
sample. Second, automatic fiscal stabilizers seem to be at work in both advanced and
developing economies, in contrast to Fatás and Mihov (2003), Viren (2005), and stylized
facts examined earlier.
C. Fiscal Policy: Shock Inducing or Shock Absorbing?
We further expand the empirical model to include our indicators of cyclical and discretionary
policies, leading to the following equation:
, (5)
are the cyclical and discretionary dimensions of fiscal policy
discussed in section II. As the cyclicality indicator is an estimated coefficient, it is sometimes
not statistically different from zero. To reduce the noise stemming from such uncertainty, we
equal to zero for countries where the
is statistically insignificant at the 10
percent confidence level. The discretionary dimension
is calculated for each
subperiod to capture any change in the average magnitude of fiscal policy shocks non-
systematically related to the business cycle. We first estimate equation (5) using the same, set
of controls as in Table 4.
We conjectured earlier that omitting
could entail a serious upward bias in estimates
if bigger governments also tended to induce larger shocks. The results summarized in
Table 5 lend support to that hypothesis: the size of government now has a negative and
statistically significant impact on output volatility, and this regardless of whether we restrict
the sample to certain economies or sub-periods. The absolute values of
are higher than
previously estimated, and the confidence intervals are narrower. They are also quantitatively
similar to Fatás and Mihov (2001)—around 2—despite a very different sample.
These results differ from Fatás and Mihov (2003) who find that government size has a
positive effect on volatility in a cross-section of 91 countries. Their model is similar to (5)
except that (i) they have no measure of
, (ii) the time dimension is missing, and (iii)
their measure of
is based on public consumption only. Two important reasons for the
difference are that our approach allows for a richer set of relevant determinants of volatility
(e.g. financial development) and that it uses measures of automatic stabilizers, cyclical policy
and discretionary policy that are mutually consistent and based on a broad coverage of the
While we fail to find any significant stabilizing impact of the cyclical dimension (a sign that
this series may be too noisy), the coefficient
on the discretionary dimension is positive
and significant for the unrestricted sample and for the sub-sample excluding the OECD-20.
In contrast,
is not significantly different from zero in the OECD-20. Also, the fit of the
model increases substantially. These results suggest that discretionary fiscal policy is likely
to be an important contributor to output volatility outside the core OECD economies covered
in previous studies. This is also in line with Fatás and Mihov (2003), although our measure of
discretionary policy—based on budget balance volatility—is quite different from theirs—
volatility of GDP-growth-adjusted public consumption.
Table 5. Introducing Cyclical and Discretionary Dimensions of Fiscal Policy
(Dependent variable: standard deviation of real GDP growth rate)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
OECD-20 Non
All All
Openness .717 .462 .507 -.389 .684 .519
(1.56) (.48) (.79) (-.33) (1.00) (.86)
Automatic stabilizers -1.409*** -1.605* -2.013*** -1.290** -2.257*** -1.680***
(-2.93) (-1.79) (-5.00) (-2.30) (-3.89) (-4.21)
Central Bank Independence -.117 .715 1.096* .138 1.404 -2.728***
(-.27) (.47) (1.79) (.18) (1.63) (-2.62)
Financial Development -.446* -.010 -.788*** -.577 -.770** -.550**
(-1.98) (-.02) (-3.01) (-1.08) (-2.56) (-2.20)
Cyclical Fiscal Policy -.065 .209 .114 -.214 .030 .026
(-.27) (.15) (.38) (-.51) (.07) (.09)
Discretionary Fiscal Policy .016 .911*** .672*** .186 .877*** -.451*
(.16) (4.62) (4.64) (1.19) (4.66) (-1.79)
Interaction: discretion x CBI 2.118***
Constant 1.013** -2.501 -1.134 .992 -2.617**
(2.13) (-1.17) (-1.51) (.423) (-2.42)
Observations 77 56 133 47 86 133
R-squared .398 .522 .497 .347 .571 .576
Note: Robust t-statistics in parentheses. Time effects are not reported. Stars denote statistical
significance at conventional levels (* for 10 percent, ** for 5 percent, and *** for 1 percent).
It is worth noting that central bank independence has a significantly positive impact on
volatility, a result largely driven by the presence of the non-OECD-20 countries in the
sample. This could suggest that anti-inflationary credentials take time to build up despite
rising degrees of legal independence, or that productivity shocks and decision lags entail a
meaningful trade-off between real and nominal stability.
Another possibility is that coordination failures in the policy mix could be more frequent
when monetary and fiscal authorities independently pursue different objectives. Specifically,
fiscal impulses unrelated to routine stabilization are more likely to lead to costly conflicts
with monetary authorities when the latter are politically independent than when they are
forced to accommodate fiscal shocks. To explore that conjecture, we added to (5) an
interaction term between the index of central bank independence (CBI) and our measure of
exogenous fiscal policy. In the presence of the interaction term, the estimated coefficient of
CBI turns negative and significant—as one would expect if CBI induces improvements in the
quality of monetary policy—whereas the interaction term suggests that fiscal impulses not
systematically related to output stabilization undermine the benefits of central bank
independence, reflecting possible coordination failures in the policy mix. The fact that
also turns negative when the interaction term is present suggests that such conflicts would be
the main reason why our measure of fiscal discretion tends to increase output volatility. We
leave a thorough investigation of that interaction for future research, but note that it passes
most robustness tests performed in the remainder of the paper.
Finally, we see that the moderating impact of financial development on output volatility is
robust to the introduction of our fiscal controls although that effect is mainly driven by more
recent (post-1990) observations.
D. Robustness Checks
We now check the robustness of our results to common econometric issues, first examining
the possibility of reverse-causality, and then assessing the risk of an omitted-variable bias.
Equations (4) and (5) are potentially subject to reverse causality problems. For instance,
governments concerned with output stability could arguably adjust their fiscal behavior and
the size of automatic stabilizers to the intensity of exogenous disturbances affecting the
economy. This is the essence of Rodrik’s (1998) argument discussed earlier. Reverse
causality could also bias estimated coefficients on CBI and financial development if more
volatile economies are more inclined to delegate monetary policy to an independent agency
with a clear stabilization mandate, and if private agents take better advantage of financial
services to self-insure against the income effect of aggregate fluctuations. While Fatás and
Mihov (2001) find suggestive evidence of an upward bias in OLS estimates of
, Debrun,
Pisani-Ferry and Sapir (2008) cannot reject the exogeneity of government size, attributing
this to the possibility that the time-series dimension of the sample attenuates reverse
causation (which essentially rests on a cross-sectional argument).
Following Fatás and Mihov (2001, 2003), we selected instruments capturing institutional and
structural characteristics of countries likely to be correlated with our explanatory variables
but presumably orthogonal to output volatility itself. Institutional instruments include the
electoral rule (proportional vs. majoritarian), the type of political system (presidential vs.
parliamentary), the presence of political constraints (number of veto points in the
government), and the distribution of ideological preferences. Other instruments are GDP per
capita (at PPP, in log), the dependency ratio, the rate of urbanization, and a dummy variable
identifying oil producers.
The specification used for 2SLS estimation is column (3) of Table 5. Our approach is to
instrument potentially endogenous explanatory variables one by one, each time testing for the
endogeneity of other suspicious instruments.
As the reasons for simultaneity are similar for
Instrumenting multiple right-hand-side variables did not yield any meaningful result, in large part reflecting
the weak-instrument issue discussed below.
all explanatory variables, we do not alter the set of excluded instruments across regressions.
We report two sets of formal exogeneity tests. The first is the Wu-Hausman (WH) test that
looks at whether OLS estimates are consistent. The null hypothesis is only rejected for
(strongly), while the index of central bank independence emerges as a borderline
case (p-value of 0.11), suggesting that IV should be preferred over OLS (column (3) and (5)
of Table 6). A second battery of exogeneity tests are provided at the bottom of Table 6 and
check for the orthogonality between each non-instrumented explanatory variable (i.e. the
included instruments) and the error term. Again, low p-values point to a significant
correlation with the error term and the need to instrument that variable. These tests lend some
support to the existence of an endogeneity problem for the index of central bank
independence and for the discretionary component of fiscal policy. In some regressions, the
null hypothesis of exogeneity is also rejected for financial development, although it
comfortably passes the WH test.
Looking at 2SLS estimates themselves, the effectiveness of automatic stabilizers (column
(1)) and the stabilizing impact of financial development (column (4)) remain comparable to
OLS estimates, although the coefficient for the latter is somewhat higher in absolute value.
The other results are difficult to interpret because estimates suffer from a weak instrument
problem, meaning that the explanatory power of the excluded instruments in the first stage
regression is too low to provide reliable identification. Hence 2SLS estimators are biased and
inefficient, especially in small samples such as ours (Stock, Wright and Yogo, 2002). The
problem appears particularly severe when instrumenting the index of central bank
independence and the indicator of cyclical fiscal policy, which is unsurprising given that
these variables and our excluded instruments exhibit little time-series variance. It is
nevertheless notable that fiscal policy discretion does not appear to significantly raise
volatility when it is instrumented. This could be a sign that our indicator of fiscal discretion
also reflects other sources of output volatility not captured by the statistical model, but with
potentially significant budgetary consequences (e.g. commodity or asset prices, exchange
rates, inflation shocks…).
A battery of regressions with more targeted sets of instruments yield similar results.
Table 6. Two-Stage-Least-Squares (2SLS) Estimates
(Dependent variable: standard deviation of real GDP growth rate)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Instrumented variable: Automatic
Cyclical fiscal
fiscal policy
Central bank
Openness .528 .472 .491 .539 .566
(.83) (.75) (0.74) (.85) (.79)
Automatic stabilizers -2.271*** -2.169*** -1.948*** -2.144*** -2.802***
(-4.17) (-5.11) (-4.07) (-5.00) (-4.31)
Central Bank Independence 1.096* 1.050* .790 1.084* 3.873*
(1.69) (1.75) (1.23) (1.80) (1.85)
Financial Development -.817*** -.814*** -.971*** -1.083*** -.902***
(-3.21) (-3.14) (-3.45) (-2.61) (-3.25)
Cyclical Fiscal Policy .125 .012 -.225 .166 .099
(.44) (0.01) (-.75) (.57) (.29)
Discretionary Fiscal Policy .671*** .659*** .322 .650*** .734***
(4.22) (3.64) (.87) (4.15) (4.92)
Constant -1.201 -1.037 -.063 -.896 -3.070*
(-1.31) (-1.32) (-.06) (-1.24) (-1.86)
Observations 127 127 127 127 127
R-squared .49 .49 .44 .48 .39
Wu-Hausman test (p-value) .79 .92 .05 .31 .11
Hansen J test (p-value)
.24 .25 .41 .38 .37
Weak identification (F-stat) 27.76** 3.40 7.65 24.41** 2.55
Exogeneity tests (p-value):
Automatic stabilizers .90 .72 .75 .53
Central bank Independence .30 .10 .64 .10
Financial development .26 .15 .16 .07
Discretionary fiscal policy .13 .07 .34 .26
Cyclical fiscal policy .04 .26 .10 .25
Note: Robust t-statistics in parentheses. Time effects are not reported. Stars denote statistical
significance at conventional levels (* for 10 percent, ** for 5 percent, and *** for 1 percent).
Omitted variables
The omission of relevant explanatory variables could cause the same statistical problem as
reverse causality, namely a correlation between the error term and the independent variables.
Although exogeneity tests and IV estimation do not point to widespread simultaneity issues,
we further examine the possibility of a bias by adding potential determinants of output
volatility to the baseline specification. Keeping our focus on the effectiveness of automatic
stabilizers, we follow Fatás and Mihov (2001) and select controls likely to be correlated with
both government size and output volatility.
None of the controls turns out being statistically
significant (neither individually nor together, as shown in Table 7), and estimates of the
coefficients of interest (automatic stabilizers, discretionary fiscal policy and financial
development) are not statistically different across regressions.
These authors discuss in detail the motivation for each of those controls.
Table 7. Adding control variables
(Dependent variable: standard deviation of real GDP growth rate)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
Openness .450 .807 .862 .910 .923 .844 .881 -1.924 -3.081
(.66) (1.08) (1.21) (1.28) (1.30) (1.24) (1.34) (-0.91) (-1.31)
Automatic stabilizers -2.067*** -2.428*** -2.574*** -2.439*** -2.426*** -2.421*** -2.326*** -2.867** -2.738**
(-4.94) (-5.14) (-4.60) (-4.37) (-4.47) (-4.17) (-3.93) (-2.48) (-2.56)
Central Bank Independence 1.115* 1.031* .984 1.065* .885 1.382* -1.931* .423 -1.689
(1.85) (1.69) (1.58) (1.67) (1.33) (1.84) (-1.66) (.66) (-1.26)
Financial Development -.782*** -.820*** .920** -.874** -.914*** -.640** -.560* .005 .066
(-2.92) (-3.03) (-2.52) (-2.57) (-2.75) (-1.95) (-1.63) (.01) (.14)
Cyclical Fiscal Policy .117 .046 .013 .039 .051 .126 -.015
(.39) (0.15) (.04) (.13) (.16) (.36) (-.04)
Discretionary Fiscal Policy .676*** .642*** .639*** .623*** .711*** .831*** -.187 .489*** -.224
(4.65) (4.14) (4.17) (4.20) (4.55) (5.32) (-.49) (2.73) (-.54)
Country size (log of GDP) -.018 -.007 -.006 -.008 .004 -.027 -.033
(-.28) (-.11) (-.09) (-.13) (.06) (-.44) (-.59)
Mean real GDP growth -.131 -.132 -.117 -.113 -.081 -.105
(-1.44) (-1.46) (-1.21) (.-1.22) (-.83) (-1.11)
GDP per capita (PPP, in log) .075 .077 .118 -.015 .032
(.39) (.41) (.68) (-.08) (.17)
Terms-of-trade volatility … .020 .023 .015 .010
(.96) (1.12) (.91) (.71)
Oil dummy … … … … -.844 -.792 -.385
(-.98) (-.85) (-.46)
Government stability … … … -.121 -.078
(-.85) (-.63)
Interaction: discretion x CBI 1.783*** 1.328**
(2.63) (2.11)
Country fixed effects (F-test) 2.94** 3.41**
Constant -.722 -.852 -1.666 -1.722 -2.432 -.571 .854 -1.050 .435
(-.41) (-.48) (-.64) (-.65) (-1.01) (-.22) (.32) (-.56) (.21)
Observations 133 133 133 133 133 111 111 133 133
R-squared .50 .51 .51 .51 .52 .58 .63 .35 .35
Note: Robust t-statistics in parentheses. Time effects are not reported. Stars denote statistical significance at conventional levels
(* for 10 percent, ** for 5 percent, and *** for 1 percent).
In a panel context, a natural test for the robustness of our results to omitted variables is to add
country fixed-effects. The limited size of our sample leaves us with few degrees of freedom so
that we only show parsimonious specifications in columns (8) and (9). The stabilizing impact of
financial development does not survive this “acid test,” pointing to the possibility that some
underlying, country-specific variables—perhaps “deep” institutional determinants
determine the level of financial development and macroeconomic volatility. In contrast,
automatic stabilizers and discretionary policy still exhibit respectively stabilizing and
destabilizing impacts on GDP growth. The interaction between CBI and discretionary fiscal
policy passes the test as well, adding support to the possibility that coordination failures in the
policy mix could be the main channel through which fiscal discretion increases output volatility.
E. Fiscal Policy and Consumption Volatility
While macroeconomic stabilization aims at reducing the volatility of output, welfare gains are
often thought to be more closely associated with the stability of real consumption. As the
volatility of public consumption is part of our explanatory variables, we focus on the volatility of
private consumption growth. Although output and consumption volatilities are both highly
correlated (unconditional correlation coefficient of 0.69 in our sample), the determinants of
private consumption reflect individual choices that may be more directly responsive to
opportunities to smooth consumption than to fiscal aggregates. Variance-decomposition
exercises performed by Debrun, Pisani-Ferry and Sapir (2008) provide some support to that
presumption, showing that automatic stabilizers per se have not contributed to the decline in
consumption volatility observed since the mid-1980s.
Using equation (5) to model private consumption volatility, the results are qualitatively
comparable to those found for output volatility, but with important nuances. First, the stabilizing
effect of financial development is quantitatively large and statistically significant, confirming the
important role of access to credit in providing consumption-smoothing opportunities to
consumers. Second, automatic stabilizers continue to play a stabilizing role, although it is
quantitatively smaller than for output (by roughly ½ in most regressions) and less precisely
estimated. Instrumenting government size yields quantitatively similar results to the output
volatility equation. However, these results are not robust to the introduction of additional control
variables, even though the latter remain non-significant. Third, the discretionary dimension of
fiscal policy is generally destabilizing; but simultaneity concerns remain. Fourth, the cyclical
dimension of fiscal policy now consistently has the expected negative impact on consumption
volatility. The noise present in that series leads to large estimation errors
, preventing
statistical significance at conventional levels. Still, the contrast with the output equations is
striking enough to suggest that systematic stabilizing actions by fiscal policymakers seem to be
See Acemoglu and others (2002).
Running the same regressions with the unrestricted indicator of cyclical policy indeed reduces
and increases
more effective at stabilizing private consumption, possibly because they are better targeted.
Alternatively, this could indicate that our indicator of cyclical fiscal policy also captures
automatic stabilizers on the expenditure side, which are by design targeted at smoothing
individual consumer income. Finally, the interaction between the CBI index and our measure of
the discretionary dimension of fiscal policy remains strong and statistically significant.
Table 8. Fiscal Policy and Consumption Volatility
(Dependent variable: standard deviation of real GDP growth rate)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Estimator: OLS 2SLS
Instrumented variable: Automatic
fiscal policy
fiscal policy
Openness 1.032 1.059 1.417 1.050 1.227 1.348
(1.11) (1.19) (1.59) (1.10) (1.28) (1.43)
Automatic stabilizers -1.14* -.772 -2.046*** -1.307** -1.091* -1.263**
(-1.94) (-1.36) (-2.61) (-2.08) (-1.63) (-1.99)
Central Bank Independence .944 -2.886* 1.637 1.289 .958 1.375
(1.08) (-1.86) (1.62) (1.51) (1.08) (1.58)
Financial Development -1.429*** -1.196*** -1.394*** -1.384*** -1.633*** -2.228***
(-2.94) (-2.42) (-3.15) (-3.13) (-3.23) (-2.91)
Cyclical Fiscal Policy -.511 -.606 -.387 -1.110 -.875* -.318
(-1.15) (-1.43) (-.87) (-.88) (-1.81) (-.70)
Discretionary Fiscal Policy .525*** -.606* .611*** .526** .162 .521**
(2.51) (-1.89) (2.84) (2.04) (.39) (2.39)
Interaction: discretion x CBI 2.118***
Constant .307 2.575** -1.028 .168 1.210 .514
(.28) (2.25) (-.80) (.13) (.78) (.44)
Observations 131 131 126 126 126 126
R-squared .35 .39 .35 .35 .33 .34
Wu-Hausman test (p-value) .24 .65 .14 .06
Hansen J test (p-value)
… .16 .12 .17 .34
Weak identification (F-stat) 27.14** 3.37 7.44 23.49**
Note: Robust t-statistics in parentheses. Time effects are not reported. Stars denote statistical
significance at conventional levels (* for 10 percent, ** for 5 percent, and *** for 1 percent).
This paper revisits the empirical link between fiscal policy and macroeconomic volatility (output
and private consumption). Our analysis is based on a sample of 49 developing and advanced
economies spanning the last 40 years. We first construct a set of mutually consistent indicators of
3 key dimensions of fiscal policy: automatic stabilizers, fiscal stabilization unrelated to
automatic stabilizers, and fiscal policy volatility unrelated to stabilization. We then use panel
regressions to examine the determinants of output and private consumption volatility. The main
methodological contribution of this study is to jointly test for the government’s ambivalent role
as a shock absorber and a shock inducer, removing a likely bias present in previous estimates of
the impact of automatic stabilizers.
Results generally provide strong support for the view that fiscal stabilization operates mainly
through automatic stabilizers. By contrast, fiscal policies systematically linked to cyclical
conditions—be they pro- or counter-cyclical—do not appear to have a meaningful impact on
output volatility. Finally, fiscal variability not systematically related to the business cycle
generally seems to increase output and consumption volatility, possibly due in part to conflicts
with monetary authorities. However, these results may suffer from a simultaneity bias because
certain sources of budgetary volatility (e.g. exchange rate, or inflation) are correlated with output
volatility. Outside fiscal policy, financial development seems to exert a moderating influence on
income and, even more so, on consumption growth, but robustness analysis indicates that it may
proxy the role of other country-specific features not included in our analysis. As regards
monetary policy, central bank independence is associated with lower volatility, provided that the
interaction between monetary and fiscal policies is taken into account.
The analysis contributes to the relevant literature in two ways. First, we show that the
effectiveness of automatic stabilizers extends well beyond the narrow sample of 20 OECD
countries explored by Fatás and Mihov (2001) and apply with equal strength to a broader set of
highly heterogeneous countries, including developing economies. Second, our robustness tests
strike a note of caution on the causal nature of the relationship between discretionary policy
activism and output volatility (Fatás and Mihov, 2003).
Broader policy implications emerge. First, fiscal policy is unambiguously effective at durably
stabilizing the economy when it operates in the same way as automatic stabilizers (in a timely,
reasonably predictable and symmetric way). Second, governments could also contribute to
macroeconomic stability by subjecting the pursuit of other objectives (redistribution or
efficiency) to a “stability test.” Our results indeed suggest that a conscious effort to reduce
conflicts among public finance objectives and between monetary and fiscal policies could reduce
output volatility. One practical way to do so is to subject budget preparation to quantitative
objectives or even binding constraints defined in terms of a structural balance or expenditure
That said, an exclusive reliance on automatic stabilizers as the channel of fiscal stabilization has
limits and potential drawbacks. In terms of the limits, recent experience suggests that
government revenues endogenously respond to asset price cycles not necessarily synchronized
with the business cycle. The induced swings in commonly estimated structural budget balances
may be difficult to sustain politically, leading to pro-cyclical fiscal expansions when structural
surpluses appear substantial (Alesina, 2000). Also, automatic stabilizers may be insufficient in
case of acute crises, or when other policy instruments or consumption smoothing opportunities
are constrained.
In terms of the drawbacks, the fact that large stabilizers come with large government sectors may
adversely affect potential growth and the economy’s resilience to shocks; and as our analysis
suggests, it could also increase the likelihood of destabilizing fiscal shocks. In light of these
limits and drawbacks, a number of proposals to enhance fiscal stabilizers without increasing the
size of government have been made. For instance, given the difficulty to design effective fiscal
stimulus plans and the incomplete credibility of subsequent consolidations, automatic
adjustments in selected tax rates or expenditure programs could be envisaged (see Baunsgaard
and Symansky, 2009, for a survey and an assessment).
Looking forward, further research will need to address a number of pending issues. First, we see
a need to explore more systematically the apparently strong impact of monetary-fiscal conflicts
on macroeconomic volatility, as this could have important implications for the design of macro-
fiscal frameworks. In particular, alternative measures of the quality of monetary policy should be
envisaged. Second, we ignored the impact of expenditure and revenue composition on the size of
fiscal stabilizers, possibly introducing measurement errors. Third, and related, more work is
needed to improve measures of automatic stabilizers—particularly to have a better grasp of the
role of expenditure composition—and of fiscal discretion.
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A. Data Sources
Data on government size (general government expenditure as a percentage of GDP), GDP per
capita, openness to trade, public debt (percentage of GDP), private consumption, dependency
ratio and urbanization rates are obtained from the IMF World Economic Outlook Database.
Financial development, which is captured by the total stock of credit by deposit money banks to
private sector as percentage of GDP, and indices of oil prices are obtained from the IMF
International Financial Statistics. Data on political and electoral systems is from the Database of
Political Institutions (Beck and others, 2001). The political constraint index is from the
POLCON database (Henisz, 2006). The index of government stability is from the International
Country Risk Guide database. The index of Central Bank Independence is from Crowe and
Meade (2008).
B. Data on Cyclical and Discretionary Dimensions of Fiscal Policy
Tables A1 and A2 display the data for the cyclical and discretionary dimensions of fiscal policy.
The results are based on country-specific regressions of equation (3) in the text.
Table A1. Cyclical Dimension of Fiscal Policy
Argentina -0.0188 Iceland 0.2162 Portugal -0.0598
Australia 0.7556* India -0.2407* Romania -0.1036
Austria 0.1364 Indonesia -0.1829 Russia -0.5091
Belgium 0.5874 Iran,I.R.of -0.3240* Slovak Republic -0.3198*
Brazil -0.7710* Ireland -0.5471* Slovenia -0.2053*
Canada 0.2818* Italy 0.3390* South Africa 0.0668
Chile -0.4145 Japan 0.1712 Spain -0.4718*
China -0.0444 Korea 0.0923 Sweden 0.0304
Colombia -0.3151* Malaysia -0.0575 Switzerland 0.5308
Republic 0.1921 Mexico -0.5670* Thailand -0.1139
Denmark 0.6397* Netherlands -0.6352 Turkey -0.1983
Finland 0.2950* New Zealand 0.1333 Ukraine -0.0135
France -0.4423 Norway -0.9851 United Arab Emirates -0.255
Germany -0.2414* Pakistan 0.0959 United Kingdom 0.1062
Greece -0.0422 Philippines 0.1198 United States 0.5361*
Hungary 0.0838 Poland -0.0675 Venezuela,Rep.Bol. -0.5570*
Source: Authors’ calculations.
Table A2. Discretionary Dimension of Fiscal Policy
Country Period
Country Period
United States 1970-79 1.247 Italy 1970-79 1.448
United States 1980-89 0.748 Italy 1980-89 1.198
United States 1990-99 1.178 Italy 1990-99 1.899
United States 2000-06 0.889 Italy 2000-06 1.055
United Kingdom 1970-79 0.847 Netherlands 1970-79 1.714
United Kingdom 1980-89 0.935 Netherlands 1980-89 1.129
United Kingdom 1990-99 1.827 Netherlands 1990-99 1.884
United Kingdom 2000-06 1.053 Netherlands 2000-06 1.918
Austria 1970-79 1.518 Norway 1970-79 2.884
Austria 1980-89 2.690 Norway 1980-89 3.455
Austria 1990-99 1.220 Norway 1990-99 3.015
Austria 2000-06 0.880 Norway 2000-06 5.072
Belgium 1970-79 0.770 Sweden 1970-79 2.110
Belgium 1980-89 3.040 Sweden 1980-89 2.208
Belgium 1990-99 1.585 Sweden 1990-99 3.522
Belgium 2000-06 0.845 Sweden 2000-06 2.013
Denmark 1970-79 1.284 Switzerland 1970-79
Denmark 1980-89 1.783 Switzerland 1980-89
Denmark 1990-99 0.594 Switzerland 1990-99 1.156
Denmark 2000-06 1.941 Switzerland 2000-06 2.483
France 1970-79 1.528 Canada 1970-79 1.452
France 1980-89 1.112 Canada 1980-89 1.322
France 1990-99 1.093 Canada 1990-99 1.920
France 2000-06 1.058 Canada 2000-06 1.259
Germany 1970-79 2.122 Japan 1970-79 1.108
Germany 1980-89 0.811 Japan 1980-89 0.745
Germany 1990-99 0.627 Japan 1990-99 1.047
Germany 2000-06 1.958 Japan 2000-06 1.199
Source: Authors’ calculations.
Table A2. Discretionary Dimension of Fiscal Policy (cont’d)
Country Period
Country Period
Finland 1970-79 1.398 Australia 1970-79 0.650
Finland 1980-89 1.649 Australia 1980-89 1.008
Finland 1990-99 2.229 Australia 1990-99 0.750
Finland 2000-06 1.868 Australia 2000-06 0.520
Greece 1970-79 0.735 New Zealand 1970-79
Greece 1980-89 1.945 New Zealand 1980-89 1.397
Greece 1990-99 1.936 New Zealand 1990-99 1.922
Greece 2000-06 1.245 New Zealand 2000-06 0.380
Iceland 1970-79 1.679 South Africa 1970-79
Iceland 1980-89 2.403 South Africa 1980-89 1.295
Iceland 1990-99 1.386 South Africa 1990-99 1.328
Iceland 2000-06 2.366 South Africa 2000-06 0.606
Ireland 1970-79 4.318 Argentina 1970-79
Ireland 1980-89 2.110 Argentina 1980-89
Ireland 1990-99 1.401 Argentina 1990-99 1.158
Ireland 2000-06 2.080 Argentina 2000-06 5.538
Portugal 1970-79 Brazil 1970-79
Portugal 1980-89 2.502 Brazil 1980-89
Portugal 1990-99 1.797 Brazil 1990-99 1.434
Portugal 2000-06 1.422 Brazil 2000-06 1.635
Spain 1970-79 1.414 Chile 1970-79
Spain 1980-89 1.947 Chile 1980-89 2.895
Spain 1990-99 1.587 Chile 1990-99 1.846
Spain 2000-06 0.558 Chile 2000-06 1.773
Turkey 1970-79 Colombia 1970-79
Turkey 1980-89 Colombia 1980-89 0.937
Turkey 1990-99 3.180 Colombia 1990-99 1.287
Turkey 2000-06 5.030 Colombia 2000-06 1.298
Source: Authors’ calculations.
Table A2. Discretionary Dimension of Fiscal Policy (cont’d)
Country Period
Country Period
Mexico 1970-79 1.000 Malaysia 1970-79
Mexico 1980-89 7.080 Malaysia 1980-89 4.640
Mexico 1990-99 2.420 Malaysia 1990-99 2.220
Mexico 2000-06 1.690 Malaysia 2000-06 1.180
Venezuela 1970-79 Pakistan 1970-79 1.742
Venezuela 1980-89 Pakistan 1980-89 0.530
Venezuela 1990-99 5.429 Pakistan 1990-99 0.890
Venezuela 2000-06 4.604 Pakistan 2000-06 1.271
Iran 1970-79 3.163 Philippines 1970-79 0.927
Iran 1980-89 6.123 Philippines 1980-89 1.575
Iran 1990-99 2.692 Philippines 1990-99 0.844
Iran 2000-06 3.231 Philippines 2000-06 0.881
United Arab Emirates 1970-79 4.673 Thailand 1970-79 2.569
United Arab Emirates 1980-89 7.839 Thailand 1980-89 1.989
United Arab Emirates 1990-99 5.843 Thailand 1990-99 2.020
United Arab Emirates 2000-06 8.970 Thailand 2000-06 1.791
India 1970-79 Russia 1970-79
India 1980-89 Russia 1980-89
India 1990-99 0.660 Russia 1990-99 6.199
India 2000-06 0.990 Russia 2000-06 3.270
Indonesia 1970-79 0.857 China 1970-79 1.739
Indonesia 1980-89 2.020 China 1980-89 0.811
Indonesia 1990-99 1.509 China 1990-99 0.576
Indonesia 2000-06 1.611 China 2000-06 0.430
Korea 1970-79 Ukraine 1970-79
Korea 1980-89 0.640 Ukraine 1980-89
Korea 1990-99 1.123 Ukraine 1990-99 1.554
Korea 2000-06 1.170 Ukraine 2000-06 1.770
Source: Authors’ calculations.
Table A2. Discretionary Dimension of Fiscal Policy
Country Period
Czech Rep 1970-79
Czech Rep 1980-89
Czech Republic 1990-99 2.480
Czech Republic 2000-06 1.567
Slovak Republic 1970-79
Slovak Republic 1980-89
Slovak Republic 1990-99 3.305
Slovak Republic 2000-06 1.941
Hungary 1970-79
Hungary 1980-89
Hungary 1990-99 1.450
Hungary 2000-06 2.040
Slovenia 1970-79
Slovenia 1980-89
Slovenia 1990-99 0.710
Slovenia 2000-06 0.150
Poland 1970-79
Poland 1980-89
Poland 1990-99 1.081
Poland 2000-06 1.263
Romania 1970-79
Romania 1980-89
Romania 1990-99 1.622
Romania 2000-06 1.597
Source: Authors’ calculations.
C. Determinants of Fiscal Policy
Tables A3 to A5 below report the regressions underlying Table 1 in the text.
Table A3. Determinants of Cyclical Fiscal Policy
(Variance-Weighted Least Squares Estimates)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
GDP per capita .104*** .078*** .052** .061** .055* .053*
(4.929) (3.849) (2.030) (2.101) (1.831) (1.764)
Openness -.373* -.516** -.611*** -.505** -.435* -.457*
(-1.770) (-2.481) (-2.931) (-2.273) (-1.834) (-1.894)
Debt .014 -.199 -.063 -.187 -.193 -.172
(.085) (-1.135) (-.372) (-1.060) (-1.098) (-.946)
Presidential System (dummy) .124** .104 .110* .112*
(2.063) (1.613) (1.688) (1.714)
Proportional Electoral rule(dummy) -.238*** -.208*** -.184** -.193**
(-3.530) (-2.968) (-2.422) (-2.469)
Political Constraints V-Henisz.334** .288* .349* .338*
(2.257) (1.657) (1.860) (1.787)
Government Fragmentation -.181 -.183
(-.860) (-.870)
Government Stability … … … … .019
Constant -.831*** -.227 -.434* -.334 -.316 -.449
(-3.489) (-.969) (-1.956) (-1.186) (-1.117) (-1.144)
Observations 42 39 42 39 39 39
R-squared … ... ... ... ...
Source: Authors’ calculations.
Table A4. Determinants of Automatic stabilizers
(Dependent variable: log of general government expenditure ratio to GDP)
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Dependency ratio -.263 -.117 -.311 -.197
(-.811) (-.442) (-1.106) (-0.748)
Urbanization Rate .003* .005*** .003 .002
(1.733) (2.780) (1.265) (1.208)
Openness .375*** .184 .245* .204
(3.680) (1.545) (1.973) (1.593)
GDP per capita .128*** .070** .136*** .130***
(4.259) (2.355) (4.209) (4.444)
Proportional Electoral rule(dummy) .203***
Presidential System (dummy) -.222***
Government Stability -.010
Government Fragmentation … … … .260***
Constant -2.504*** -1.935*** -2.216*** -2.312***
(-6.547) (-5.615) (-5.560) (-6.809)
Observations 133 152 127 151
R-squared .482 .526 .471 .500
Source: Authors’ calculations.
Table A5. Determinants of Discretionary Fiscal Policy
(Dependent variable is
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Automatic stabilizers 1.231*** 1.233*** 1.396** 1.405** 1.453* 1.324*
(3.08) (3.04) (2.22) (2.22) (1.98) (1.81)
Openness 1.593** 1.595** .715 .421 1.400** 1.338*
(2.58) (2.48) (.80) (.42) (2.02) (1.93)
Volatility in terms of trade -.009 -.009 -.041 -.039* .105 .111
(-.39) (-.38) (-1.90) (-1.83) (1.38) (1.43)
Debt -.781** -.780** -2.835** -2.998*** -.164 -.141
(-2.02) (-2.01) (-2.60) (-2.79) (-.51) (-.45)
Presidential System (dummy) .005 … -.293 … -.283
(.202) (-.73) (-1.00)
Political Constraints V-Henisz -3.425*** -3.421*** -4.507*** -4.796*** 1.573 1.541
(-3.03) (-3.09) (-3.89) (-3.93) (1.00) (.98)
Constant 5.406*** 5.402*** 7.339*** 7.867*** .925 .853
(4.42) (4.45) (4.72) (4.22) (1.21) (.69)
Observations 118 118 46 46 72 72
R-squared .334 .334 .545 .549 .187 .195
Source: Authors’ calculations.
D. Automatic Stabilizers, Fiscal Multipliers and
It is useful to illustrate the link between our estimates of the impact of automatic stabilizers
and conventional measures of fiscal policy effectiveness. For simplicity, the starting point is
a log-linear, backward-looking IS equation:
, (A.1)
with0 1and
where the output gap
y depends on the government budget deficit d, the real interest rate,
the real exchange rate, external demand, and a random disturbance (all these with obvious
notations). The decomposition between the cyclical and the cyclically-adjusted deficit (
can be written as:
, where 0 denotes the sensitivity of the budget deficit to
the output gap. The cyclically-adjusted deficit itself reflects the cyclical policy and a residual:
, with 0. Hence, 
. Substituting for the budget deficit,
we can write the long-run relationship (
) as follows:
Clearly, greater automatic stabilizers, a more countercyclical discretionary fiscal policy and a
greater fiscal multiplier all contribute to offset IS shocks:
To illustrate how these fiscal policy parameters relate to the estimated impact of automatic
stabilizers on output volatility in the empirical model, let us write the variance of the output
gap as:
This implies:
 0, and
 0.
A similar relationship can be assumed to hold for the log of output.
The same expression applies to the first difference of the output gap.
Stronger automatic stabilizers thus reduce the standard deviation of the output gap, but at a
decreasing rate because stabilizers themselves run against the potency of exogenous fiscal
impulses. This second-round effect likely explains why using the logarithm of government
size (instead of its level) generally yields better statistical results. The link between
the fiscal policy parameters can be written as:
Using equation (A.3), we can determine a range of values for
consistent with plausible
calibration of the various parameters. As
is not observable, we simply assume—in line
with recent empirical estimates
—that fiscal policy can stabilize about one third of shocks to
. We thus set 
equal to 1.5 times our sample’s measure of output variability.
that 0.6, that
spans over [0.1; 1.5] and that government size can be
anywhere between 0.2 and 0.6, the implied values for
lies between -2.64 and -0.48. We
can also use equation (A.3) to calculate, for given government size, the range of values of
fiscal policy multipliers implicit in our estimates of
. Taking the sample average of
government size of 0.38 and assuming that discretionary fiscal policy is acyclical (
the 95 percent confidence interval of
(i.e. [-2.81;-1.22])
maps into “fiscal multipliers”
between 0.4 and 1.5. Replicating this exercise for the 95
percent confidence interval of
using the standard deviation of the output gap as the
measure of volatility (i.e. [-2.29;-0.92]), we obtain somewhat lower multipliers (between 0.4
and 1.0).
For recent evidence, see Dolls, Fuest and Peichl (2009).
The value for the persistence parameter was set on the basis of the average value obtained in straightforward
OLS estimations of equation (A.1) for a variety of advanced countries in our sample.
This refers to the regression (3) in Table 4 of the main text.