Best Practices for Paper-Based Form Design 1
Best Practices for Paper-
Based Form Design
For Improved Document Capture ROI
Author: Scott Maloney, Senior Project Manager
Published September 2017
Best Practices for Paper-Based Form Design 2
Preparing for Form Design........................................4
Questions to Consider..........................................5
Field Type Considerations.........................................6
Character Boxes...................................................6
Choice Fields.......................................................7
Image Zone.........................................................8
Focused Recognition and Data Validation...............9
Other Optimization Recommendations....................9
Limit the List of Acceptable Characters for a
Given Field.........................................................10
Put a Form Identifier in the Same Location on
Every Page.........................................................10
About the Author......................................................10
About Pyramid Solutions, Inc.................................10
Best Practices for Paper-Based Form Design 3
n recent years, online activity exploded, but despite
all of the rosy predictions about how we will become
a paperless society, we still generate more paper than
So, what is getting in the way of a faster movement to
a paperless society?
A lot of interaction with customers is still driven by
paper-based forms and there are challenges that
come with this type of interaction.
The person filling out a form is out of your control. No
matter how well you design the form there will always
be responses that cannot be read automatically. You
can encourage the form users to write neatly and keep
their responses within the allotted space, but there
will always be people who don’t read instructions (or
don’t care), and assume the form will be read and
processed by a human, not by a computer.
They do things like write a character by mistake then
draw a big “X” or scribble over it to “delete” it. In a
day and age where more and more communication
happens online with a keyboard, mouse or touch
screen, handwriting is getting more and more messy.
However, this challenge creates an opportunity for
organizations to re-design forms so they can optimize
their capture investment.
Not only will this make the process easier, but as
an organization redesigns more and more forms, it
will reduce the most expensive part of the process:
manual intervention required during validation to
make corrections to captured information before
exporting the document to the corporate repository
for processing.
This white paper seeks to provide meaningful guidance
to companies that want to reduce the human capital
costs associated with manual verification of incoming
document images by re-engineering their forms.
By following these guidelines, you will notice more
accurate written information, a smoother capture
process, and a cleaner corporate repository.
here are many factors to consider when designing
a form to collect handwritten responses. Your
target audience needs to easily understand the form
which means where the user is supposed to write their
responses is obvious.
The industry average for intelligent character
recognition (ICR) is about 70 percent. You can never
expect 100 percent accuracy, but shooting for 85
percent is considered good (even though it’s still
15 bad characters out of 100). Good form design
planning can usually exceed the 70 percent threshold.
When designing new forms, try to maintain a balance
between aesthetics and readability. Every form is
unique and should be approached with a cost-benefit
analysis. The goal of form design is not to eliminate
all data entry but to create cost-efficient forms. There
will be at least a small degree of verification required
on any form.
Take time to plan how to design a form. You should
identify the field types required for layout prior to
development. The specific purpose for each form
plays a significant role in how to develop it.
Readability is important when designing any new form.
Always keep in mind the intended audience and the
form’s intended purpose. Simple user instructions can
significantly improve recognition rates.
Indicate on the form that a computer is going
to process it
Stress the importance of writing plainly,
carefully and clearly
Best Practices for Paper-Based Form Design 3
Best Practices for Paper-Based Form Design 4
Ask for block letters on the form
Put instructions in bold at the top of the form
Show examples such as how to write an “A
or “2”
Planning Steps
1. Identify and meet with the form owner. If this is
for an existing form, determine whether you can
redesign the form.
2. Obtain copies of all versions
of an existing form.
3. Identify the goal or intended
purpose of the form and the
form’s audience.
4. Work with appropriate
technical personnel (DBA,
application developer, etc.)
and representatives from
the business (business
analyst, subject matter
expert, etc.) to obtain a list
of all required fields and
field properties.
Field properties should
include maximum field lengths, field types,
and required fields.
5. Identify the capture software features and
functionality that the form will go through.
6. Involve all parties that are directly connected to
the form manipulation before it gets to the OCR
For example, a customer may send a filled out
form to a specific business department where
the personnel will then review, and possibly
add additional data/stamps/other markings.
If the customer fills out the form neatly, but
the department personnel place stamps on
important data, OCR accuracy will be affected
dramatically, and will not be as good as it
should be. The personnel above should be
trained to know this, and perhaps the form
design should include fields or areas named
“Internal Use Only” where they can place any
stamps, writing, etc., so it doesn’t interfere with
other clean data on the image.
Questions to Consider
1. Who is the audience? Do they require
special consideration like larger fonts
or extra space between fields?
2. Who owns the existing form? Does this
prevent redesign?
3. Are aesthetics an especially important
feature for the form?
4. What is the form’s intended purpose
or goal?
5. Approximately how many fields will be
on the form?
6. Are there any areas on the form that
require free form entry?
7. Do previous versions of the form
exist, or is this a new form?
8. Can the layout of previous forms help
with the template for the new form?
9. Do you have to capture data from an existing form
until you can implement a new form?
10. What is the expected submission volume of the
11. Do the forms require peak processing periods
(e.g., certain months of the year will generate huge
volume while other months will be comparatively
12. Can you break a packet of forms into multiple
form types?
13. Does each form have a unique identifier to link the
documents together after the capture process?
14. Is the form a multi-page document? Do the pages
have to be linked together after processing?
The industry
ave rage
for correct
ch a rac te r
recognition is
only about 70
Best Practices for Paper-Based Form Design 5
15. Will a double-sided form be used? Keep in mind
the quality of paper can impact recognition
accuracy in double-sided forms. Standard 20#
copier paper works well for single sided forms and
24-28# paper works well for double-sided forms
to prevent the back-side content from bleeding
through when scanned. Fields may also be offset
to ensure that any bleed-through content from one
side will not interfere with the field recognition on
the other.
16. Will you print the form internally or at an outside
17. Do you know the field requirements for every
field on the form? Where can you obtain this
18. Which parties will enter data on the form?
(i.e. customer, internal department ((received
stamping, other, etc.))
roper layout of the printed response areas
significantly impacts the accuracy of hand-printed
content recognition. A common mistake in field design
is to provide a free form area for response (i.e. a
simple blank line where people should write). Without
any character restraints, people will run characters
together and write in cursive, on top of the line and in
multiple lines which significantly impacts recognition
A well-designed form has a defined response area
for each character, encouraging character separation.
Character boxes, comb lines and choice fields yield
the highest degree of character recognition.
A form can use image zones to capture and recognize
free-form text, however these zones require significant
testing and will never achieve the caliber of recognition
levels associated with constrained fields. Verifiers often
have to correct or input handwritten information as
free-form text into free-form zones on a form.
Character Boxes
Character boxes are the best method to encourage
character separation. A good character box design
allows users to write characters completely within each
box. Unfortunately, many forms contain boxes that are
too small and too close together. People often can’t
write small enough to keep an entire character within
each box. Pencil lead creates strokes that are usually
wider than pens, making it even harder to constrain
the character.
The following are some general guidelines:
Each box should be square in shape, and the line
width should be 1 pt. Thicker lines run the risk of
leaving partial lines behind when the document goes
through the image enhancement process. Rectangular
boxes with a height taller than the width can make the
user feel like they need to squeeze their characters
into the space. This often results in characters written
in a compressed vertical form, reducing accuracy. A
square shape encourages wide, formal characters.
Narrow boxes Square boxes
Create single character response locations, such
as for Male (“M”) or Female (“F”), in a single box
separated from other responses.
Best Practices for Paper-Based Form Design 6
Separate individual fields with enough space to easily
identify where one field stops and the next one starts.
I recommend spacing of at least 1.5 box widths to
prevent users from interpreting the space as a valid
character location.
Be sure to separate rows of fields stacked vertically by
at least one-half the height of an individual box.
You can print boxes with either solid black lines or
dropout colors, depending on the scanning and forms
processing technology. Software-based form dropout
removes the boxes from the image after scanning.
Some forms processing systems require dropout
colors when printing forms. For example, a form might
be in red ink and a red bulb in the scanner eliminates
the red content during capture.
Comb Lines
Comb-style fields consist of short lines between each
character. Although a commonly used format, people
rarely align the characters within each space. The
spacing between the vertical lines is often too close
together, making it almost impossible for the average
person to stay between the lines. If using comb lines,
provide plenty of space between the vertical tick
marks. Make the tick marks tall enough to encourage
people to write between them. A vertical height of
at least half the height of the expected character is
usually sufficient.
Example of a poor comb line.
Example of a good comb line.
Prior to developing a form, obtain a copy of the
database schema for the backend system. You will
need to specify field lengths, data types and required
fields. It is important that these attributes are consistent
with the backend environment. Field lengths can be
shorter than the limits defined in the backend system,
but not longer.
Every field type has a confidence level (%). A
confidence level measures how certain the read of
information on the field must be before bypassing
verification. You can set confidence levels high at the
beginning and cautiously lower them as verifiers see
over time that the information reads are accurate and
seldom require manual correction.
Choice Fields
Choice fields consist of a list of options. Choice lists
can be set up for a single or multi-choice response.
The form recipient chooses from the options by
selecting the appropriate response mark. Examples
of response marks include bubbles, boxes, brackets
or lines.
Gender A B C
O Male 1 O O O
O Female 2 O O O
3 O O O
4 O O O
Bubble fields always yield the highest degree of
accuracy. The choices to select on the form may be
simple, but keep in mind you can configure the field
to export detailed values based on the option selected
on the form.
Best Practices for Paper-Based Form Design 7
The form designer can tie each response mark to
a specific value. You can customize the range of
values, such as A-Z; 1-5; A-E; 1-9. Choice fields
are often used in multiple choice tests, surveys and
standardized tests. They are extremely accurate,
but may be inefficient for entering alphanumeric and
alphabetic text.
Optical mark recognition (OMR), sometimes known
as “mark sense,” is the analysis of form locations to
determine if a mark is present. Whether you use oval
bubbles, square boxes, open brackets or signature
blocks, be sure the area is large enough for the user
to easily mark within the designated area.
Common OMR field design errors include making
the box or oval too small for people to easily mark
within the zone, or printing the boxes or ovals too close
together, resulting in more than one space containing
the mark written by the user.
Bubbles between 10 and 14 points in height work
the best. I recommend using a capital “O” in an Arial
font (do not use the Times New Roman font). A non-
oval or perfectly round circle is somewhat harder to
fill completely, so respondents will subconsciously
be compelled to fill in the circular bubbles more
completely and neatly, leading to better recognition
It is possible to place numbers or letters inside each
shape, however the number/letter must be as small
and light as possible. Dark, thick or bold characters
may cause false positives because the OMR interprets
the space as filled during scanning.
Allow at least 3/8 inch between any text, lines or
graphics on the form and any bubble areas, OCR text
or barcodes. Minimize potential errors by separating
bubbles from one another by at least two character
Try to stay away from using lines or boxes around
or between the bubbles on the form. If you find it
necessary, consider making the lines a light gray or
red that will drop out (completely disappear) during the
scanning process. Keep in mind that if people try to
make copies of forms with shaded areas, those areas
will appear darker on the copies.
Some users will circle an OMR response instead
of filling in the box. Similar to character responses,
providing clear instructions and example marks will
significantly improve recognition results. Even great
instructions will not prevent some people from marking
a zone in error then drawing a big “X” in an attempt to
make a correction. You will need to develop business
rules to handle mark situations and manual key-from-
image operations to determine user intent and make
Image Zone
Image zones are extremely flexible and useful when
designing forms. Image zones are for capturing
information that is best entered manually. Verification
operators have to read the written response and type
it into the capture software.
Email Address
Other Comments
Keep in mind that image zones are never as reliable as
character boxes for OCR and ICR. Use image zones
for any of the following purposes:
Reading hand and machine print
Reading or printing barcodes
Calculating the percentage of an area filled
Saving an area of a form as an image or BLOB
Best Practices for Paper-Based Form Design 8
Within image zones you improve recognition by
specifying font type and if the expected content is
going to be machine printed versus hand printed.
Image zones combine the reliability of manual data
entry with the efficiency of automated recognition and
data validation. For example, the verifier can draw a
band around an area to display it for verification and
to allow for manual entry into the appropriate field(s).
A large image zone can be set up for multiple
handwritten lines of free-form text or when a set of
fields is either difficult or inefficient to recognize. Input
options are tied to the image zone. For example, a
verifier may manually input a social security number
that was handwritten into the middle of an image zone,
or select a value from a choice list on the validation
Barcodes help classify document or form types that
are scanned. Barcodes come in 1D and 2D formats
and can be horizontal or vertical on a form.
Barcodes should be at least 26 points in height.
Similar to OMR bubbles, leave at least 3/8 inch
of space around your barcode. Remember that
barcodes may vary in length depending on what you
are capturing. Leave room for the largest expected
barcode both on the form and when the region
definition is configured in the capture software.
ome fields are designed to allow only certain
characters. For example, a date field may allow
only digits, or only digits, dashes and slashes. A
“Male/Female” field may only allow the characters M
and F. Ensure that your form contains instructions
or examples for each field to ensure the user knows
what characters are allowed. You can factor the
definition of allowable characters into the verification
software so it flags invalid characters for review.
Low confidence data typically requires a “key from
image” process to validate. This requires displaying
suspect characters or fields to a human for manual
data entry. Human interaction is the most expensive
part of any data capture process, so any efforts you
can take such as strong form design or additional
image enhancement processes, will easily pay for
themselves when compared to the cost of manual
data entry.
Limit the List of Acceptable
Characters for a Given Field
xpected characters can be alpha, numeric or
alphanumeric. Specify whether the received text
will include hand or machine print. Define which
special characters you anticipate receiving on the
form. For example, a telephone number will never
include alphanumeric characters and should be limited
to numeric. You may also want to identify the dashes
within the list of expected characters if you did not use
a constrained-print approach for the field.
Best Practices for Paper-Based Form Design 9
Put a Form Identifier in the Same
Location on Every Page
When scanning, indexing and verifying multi-page
forms, you can improve the accuracy tremendously
by putting a form ID in the same location on every
page with sufficient white space around it. Format the
form ID in a way that facilitates easy recognition of the
pages. For example, form ABC-1 for page one, ABC-2
for page two and ABC-3 for page 3.
cott Maloney has held various management
positions in marketing, operations and information
technology with financial services companies for more
than 20 years. During his tenure with Pyramid Solutions
as a Senior Project Manager, Scott has managed
enterprise content management projects that resulted
in the deployment of new solutions across a spectrum
of state government, insurance and banking clients.
yramid Solutions develops products and
innovative solutions for organizations in a wide
range of industries – from financial institutions to
insurance providers to automotive suppliers and
industrial automation companies. Our experts
specialize in three core practices – Enterprise Content
Management, Intelligent Manufacturing and Network
Connectivity. For the past 25 years we have developed
visionary solutions that yield exceptional results. For
additional information about Pyramid Solutions, visit
© 2017, Pyramid Solutions, Inc.
September 2017
All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction is strictly
prohibited. Pyramid Solutions, the Pyramid Solutions
logo and Pyramid eXpeditor™ are trademarks of
Pyramid Solutions, Inc.
Scanlan, Rick. “Best Practices: Improving ICR
Accuracy with Better Form Design.” Published
August 25, 2015.
Remark. “Form Design Best Practices.” Accessed
August 8, 2017.
Verity. “Scannable Form Design Best Practices.”
Published April 2005.
Best Practices for Paper-Based Form Design 9