planning for
a dynamic
oil and gas
industry |
Insights from an inaugural survey of
upstream planning practices
Significant forces have reshaped the upstream sector,
exposing the limitations of traditional planning practices.
Companies are struggling to keep up with a host of
interrelated changes: the shift to unconventionals, a
more dynamic asset class; the downturn and volatility of
commodity prices; intensifying investor focus on returns;
and continuing innovations in the field.
In this environment, upstream companies are searching
for a better way to manage their businesses. In an effort
to help the industry uncover planning challenges and
identify barriers to improvement, we launched a new
survey dedicated to the planning process in the upstream
oil and gas sector.
The survey results are in, and we believe the ndings
can help upstream companies create a roadmap for real
improvement to their planning organizations.
KPMG and 3esi-Enersight share a common mission to
help the upstream oil and gas industry evolve existing
management capabilities for greater success.
From our conversations with industry
executives, planners, and information
technology (IT) professionals, it is clear
that the exploration and production (E&P)
industry has undergone massive shifts as
a result of new technologies unlocking the
vast potential of unconventional resources.
The price volatility of recent years has further
contributed to an ever-shifting E&P landscape.
Given the significant changes in how the
industry operates, business practices should
have likewise evolved substantially—but
have they?
KPMG and 3esi-Enersight combined their
respective experience in strategy consulting
and planning and reserve solutions to develop
an upstream planning survey to gain a
deeper understanding and appreciation of the
challenges facing the industry, and how these
have changed as a result of industry shifts. In
so doing, we also looked to uncover some of
the leading practices across participants.
The survey targeted the largest North
American E&P companies between August
and December 2017. Survey responses
comprised 78 individuals in approximately 10
different planning or operationally-focused
roles ranging from analysts to senior
executives, and hailing from large producers
(3 million BOE/D) down to small operators
(25,000 BOE/D). Respondents were offered
modified versions of the survey depending
on seniority, with those indicating their
position was at a director level or higher
being offered an “Executive” survey track,
and the remainder indicating positions below
a director level receiving a non-executive
survey track.
The survey included questions grouped into
the following topic areas:
Focus and value of planning. What
is the perception of an organizations
current planning process? How does
it better the overall organization?
Anatomy of a planning cycle. What
are the various components of an
organizations planning activities, and
where is major effort allocated?
Planning norms. What behaviors
(intended and unintended) play into
an organizations planning process?
Information ow and tools. How
does an organization use systems to
support its planning activities?
Looking forward: The future of
planning. Where are companies
looking to invest to change their
planning practices? What new
technological developments in
planning may disrupt current
While the data reaffirmed many of our
hypotheses, we also uncovered evidence
that challenges some of our preconceived
notions. We are excited to share what we
learned and look forward to discussing the
insights with you.
About our survey
© 2018 KPMG LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership and the U.S. member firm of the KPMG network of independent
member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.
© 2018 3ES Innovation Inc. All rights reserved.
About the authors
KPMG helps global oil and gas companies solve
their most complicated strategy, organization, and
performance challenges. Recently, KPMG helped
several upstream oil and gas entities, including a
leading independent E&P and a major’s unconventional
business unit, to enhance their integrated planning
and performance management capabilities. KPMG
professionals take an enterprise-wide view to every
business transformation, using time-tested
approaches, advanced data and analytics, and deep
cross-functional experience to guide companies from
strategy through results.
3esi-Enersight provides the E&P industry with
integrated software and technology solutions for
innovative planning and analysis. Executives and
technical decision makers in companies around the
world, including national oil companies (NOCs), super
majors, emerging operators, investors, and consultants,
rely on 3esi-Enersight’s products and services. From
corporate strategy and planning to operations, capital
management, and reserves, 3esi-Enersight solutions
are designed to help oil and gas companies make better
investment decisions across both conventional and
unconventional assets, onshore and offshore.
The authors thank the following contributors to this paper: Andy Steinhubl, Chris Click, and Josh Hesterman
from KPMG; and Jim DuBois and Jeff Morgheim from 3esi-Enersight.
Tom Hiddemen
Managing Director,
Corporate Strategy
Evan Howell
Vice President,
Strategic Development
Todd Blackford
Corporate Strategy
Lillian Warren
Principal Consultant
Tom works across the energy value chain with a focus
on the upstream and midstream oil and gas sectors.
With more than 18 years of professional experience,
he works with clients on strategy development,
operating model transformations, enhancing integrated
planning and performance management capabilities.
Todd has more than 15 years of experience in the oil
and gas industry. He specializes in the upstream sector
with significant experience in integrated planning,
operating model design, organizational design, and
operational business process improvement, lean well
delivery programs and cost reduction.
Evan oversees 3esi-Enersight’s efforts to expand
into new markets and develop cross-functional industry
partnerships. He brings prior experience in strategy
development and portfolio management for the
upstream sector, as well as in cross-industry economic
and financial analysis.
Lillian has 20 years’ experience working with upstream
oil and gas companies ranging from small independents
to super majors and NOCs. Her focus has been working
with executive teams and planning teams on process
design and the cultural and organizational change
aspects of implementing a portfolio planning approach.
© 2018 KPMG LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership and the U.S. member firm of the KPMG network of independent
member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.
© 2018 3ES Innovation Inc. All rights reserved.
We approached our survey with the goal of assessing the state of play
for E&P planning professionals. What we found, however, suggests that
the discipline of upstream planning is still very much in its adolescence.
Planning’s potential is tested, and there is strong universal belief in its
overall importance to the organization. But most operators have yet to
turn the planning discipline into a competitive advantage.
The planning function is clearly valued throughout the oil and gas
industry—it’s just not as effective as it can and should be.
Survey results confirm our conversations with operators
throughout the industry who share near-universal
agreement about the importance of effective planning.
Almost three-fourths (73 percent) of all respondents,
including 86 percent of executives, said planning
provided “significant” value to their organizations, the
highest level among all answers.
In your opinion, how much value does planning
bring to your organization?
May not equal 100% due to rounding
Approximately half of all respondents also identified
at least six functional areas through which planning
delivered material value to their companies. Planning
is deemed particularly important in the evaluation
and pursuit of alternative portfolio and asset
development scenarios.
How does your organization’s planning process
deliver material value to the company?
(select all that apply)
Multiple responses allowed
The current state of
oil and gas planning
© 2018 KPMG LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership and the U.S. member firm of the KPMG network of independent
member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.
© 2018 3ES Innovation Inc. All rights reserved.
And yet, most participants grade their own planning
organizations as decidedly average compared to peers.
Do you believe your planning organization
performs above, below, or in-line with the
planning organizations of other companies within
your peer group?
May not equal 100% due to rounding
No standard denition of “planning” exists in upstream oil and gas.
When we asked survey participants to outline their
planning organizations core responsibilities, all but
three of the available responses were selected by
nearly half or more of all respondents. This confirms our
experience: across companies, rarely do we see two
planning organizations organized the exact same way
with the exact same mission.
We believe this is evidence of the core challenge facing
planning organizations today: how to consistently
add value across a diverse array of inter-disciplinary
functions. Complicating this is the fact that many of the
disciplines existing elsewhere within the typical E&P (for
example, in drilling engineering) have evolved over time
to become highly focused and specialized, a contrast to
the cross-functional nature of planning.
What are the core responsibilities of planning in your organization? (select all that apply)
So why, if planning is so important,
have more operators not turned it into
competitive advantage? Our survey
results suggest several complicating
© 2018 KPMG LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership and the U.S. member firm of the KPMG network of independent
member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.
© 2018 3ES Innovation Inc. All rights reserved.
Even within a single organization, we see evidence
that “planning” may mean different things to different
groups. Among non-executive respondents, 66 percent
said that standards existed only in certain areas of their
organizations, or not at all.
This is a particularly interesting response, since 52
percent of the executive respondents stated that one
of the ways that the planning organization provided
material value to the company was by “improving and
maintaining standards.
To what degree is planning standardized across
your organization?
May not equal 100% due to rounding
Limited to no standardization
Standardization exists only in
certain areas
Appropriate level of
standardization exists
Overly standardized and
© 2018 KPMG LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership and the U.S. member firm of the KPMG network of independent
member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.
© 2018 3ES Innovation Inc. All rights reserved.
Performance from one company
to another varies widely.
Typical turnaround time runs the gamut from one day
to more than a week from initial request to final
report for a planning organization to perform core
business functions like updating schedules or changing
a price assumption.
For example, in generating a new company-level
portfolio scenario, 33 percent of respondents indicated
their organization could produce that in less than
two days, while 30 percent indicated it would take a
week or more.
What is the (expected) typical turnaround time for
your planning organization to update or change the
following (measured from initial request to nal
report out):
May not equal 100% due to rounding
We see a similar diversity of performance when looking
at more cyclical, large-scale processes common across
operators. More than half of survey respondents
indicated that their strategic and/or long-range plans
are updated only on an annual (or greater) basis. This
suggests not only that many operators still view at least
a portion of planning as a scheduled event rather than
as a dynamic process, but that some organizations
are simply unable to act with greater frequency--a
performance limitation.
Assuming that companies will generally seek to keep
their plans as up to date as possible, the data implies
a broad difference in capabilities across operators.
For example, while some (41 percent) can update a
drilling schedule weekly, others can only do it monthly
or quarterly (33 and 11 percent, respectively).
How frequently does your organization update the
following plans?
May not equal 100% due to rounding
It is worth noting that these differences in planning
performance have material impact outside of the
planning organization as well. Forty-two percent of
respondents said that their organizations cannot put
together a company model without burdening their
asset teams.
Our organization can model enterprise-wide
scenarios while minimizing the burden on
asset teams
© 2018 KPMG LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership and the U.S. member firm of the KPMG network of independent
member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.
© 2018 3ES Innovation Inc. All rights reserved.
In summary, while there is near universal
agreement on the value of planning, it’s
equally clear that many aspects of planning
have room for substantial improvement.
Deep-seated structural problems
underlie many of the differences
in capabilities.
Eighty-eight percent say decision-making is slowed
down or less efficient due to data issues such as
unavailable or poor-quality data, often requiring
manual manipulation and moving data from one
system to another. And when asked, a significant
number of participants have indicated that the desire to
be overly precise during planning often slows down the
process and runs counter to being agile.
In your experience, is decision making signicantly
slowed and/or made inefcient by the desire
to ensure corporate planning models are fully
reconciled with asset and operational plans?
May not equal 100% due to rounding
Perhaps most concerning is that approximately one
out of three respondents indicated there was poor or
no collaboration at all between business units and the
corporate organization, or among various business units.
The resulting incongruous data assumptions among
parties leads to time wasted trying to reconcile models,
and a lack of trust or confidence.
How would you characterize the level of
collaboration between planning teams within
your organization?
May not equal 100% due to rounding
One of the more intriguing results from the survey was
that minimizing staff burnout is an issue for 83 percent
of respondents’ organizations and is the single largest
area of concern for both executive and non-executive
respondents evaluating their own planning technology
and systems.
© 2018 KPMG LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership and the U.S. member firm of the KPMG network of independent
member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.
© 2018 3ES Innovation Inc. All rights reserved.
© 2018 KPMG LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership and the U.S. member firm of the KPMG network of independent
member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.
© 2018 3ES Innovation Inc. All rights reserved.
Oil and gas production from unconventional sources is
at an all-time high, and energy companies are projecting
continued capital expenditure in shale projects for
the next decade and more. Yet, most industry
participants are failing to achieve healthy returns on
their investments in unconventional assets.
Capital efciency of independent E&Ps* ROCE
The dynamic nature of unconventional onshore drilling
programs requires greater collaboration, communication,
and synchronization among various levels of
organizations and across assets in order to efficiently
and effectively adopt new learnings and address
changing market conditions—a marked difference from
large offshore mega projects for which major business
decisions must largely be made up front before project
execution. Organizations have been slow to adjust their
business practices, and they have suffered as a result.
Indeed, even while many companies tout a new “factory
model” of unconventionals as a volume-driven, margin-
focused business, we still see the creep of legacy
planning practices into this supposedly new approach.
Many E&Ps continue to plan on an annual cycle, place
greater focus on production over other metrics, and
create budgets based on final project delivery.
The ability to constantly tweak and adjust an
unconventional asset base leads to a desire for more
detail at a more granular level than before. This feedback
loop creates added bulk in the system, which results in
less planning agility within a system explicitly designed
to exploit the same.
Ultimately, while the nature of oil and gas assets have
changed, traditional planning processes have largely
stayed the same.
Our survey data points to a clear divide between the stated
importance of planning and the reality of its execution. But before
oil and gas companies can begin to fix the issues, they must
first diagnose why this division exists. We see five obstacles to
change that help to explain why the effectiveness gap exists,
and why improvement is such a challenge.
Diagnosing the
effectiveness gap
Heritage business practices dont work in todays
environment where unconventional assets play a key
role for most operators.
*Return on capital employed (ROCE) analysis conducted on 17 of the largest
independent shale producers
Source: CAP IQ
Target ROCE
© 2018 KPMG LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership and the U.S. member firm of the KPMG network of independent
member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.
© 2018 3ES Innovation Inc. All rights reserved.
Low-value-added activities such as manual data
gathering and report generation occupy too much time
from high-value staff. Our research broadly supports that
poorly constructed planning systems shoulder a large
part of the blame.
Data-related endeavors appear to be particularly
egregious offenders. Almost 40 percent of respondents
indicated data-related tasks were the single largest
draw on their time, while only one in seven survey
respondents indicated they spent more time on
modeling and analysis.
Over the course of a year, which of the following
type of task consumes the largest amount of your
organizations planning time?
Our results suggest these may be symptoms of a larger
problem: planning systems are not enabling staff to
allocate high-value time to high-value activities. Only
one in ten respondents said their organizations planning
systems (encompassing data, information, and tools)
were “very” integrated, while 39 percent said their
organizations systems were “minimally” integrated or
not integrated at all (the two lowest choices offered).
How well integrated are your organizations planning
systems (including data, information, and tools)?
May not equal 100% due to rounding
Existing planning information systems are simply not
up to the task.
Not integrated at all Minimally integrated
Somewhat integrated Very integrated
© 2018 KPMG LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership and the U.S. member firm of the KPMG network of independent
member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.
© 2018 3ES Innovation Inc. All rights reserved.
In fact, at least a third of respondents identified critical
weaknesses or at the very least a need for improvement
among every area of the planning system, including
speed, insight, ease of use, reliability, cost, and burden.
Rate the performance of your organization’s
planning technology and systems in the following
May not equal 100% due to rounding
Importantly, a planning system includes more than
pure software and tools. Processes also are suffering
from underinvestment. Only one in three respondents
thinks there is an appropriate amount of standardization
in planning across their organization, and even fewer,
one in ten, believes their organization has “strong”
How would you describe the current governance
model that is in place to manage changes to critical
planning input data (e.g., decline curves, drilling cost
assumptions, etc.)?
May not equal 100% due to rounding
Further, 30 percent of respondents say they do not
perform any type of routine lookback analysis.
Does your company perform meaningful lookbacks
or reviews in an effort to course correct or drive new
May not equal 100% due to rounding
© 2018 KPMG LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership and the U.S. member firm of the KPMG network of independent
member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.
© 2018 3ES Innovation Inc. All rights reserved.
The dynamics between groups within the planning
process appear frayed. Nowhere is this more apparent
than between operating elements of the company and
the central corporate structure.
A significantly high 84 percent of respondents describe
some level of distrust and a lack of transparency
between business units and corporate.
In your opinion, how would you describe the
level of trust and transparency between corporate
and assets?
When asked about the level of “collaboration” between
the two, one in three respondents described the
interaction as “poor” or “none.
Our results also suggest a similar gulf between senior
management and line staff, with the former having a
more positive perception of value, performance, and
capability of the company’s planning function.
Executives were more likely to self-grade their
organization as outperforming their peers and were
more likely to agree with statements such as “there is
clear strategic intent for each asset” and “planning is
integral to driving long-term performance.
As it relates to your opinion of your organization
today, please indicate the extent to which you agree
or disagree with the following statements.
May not equal 100% due to rounding
In our work with E&P clients, it was not uncommon to
see teams add “buffers” to their planning submissions,
or likewise, corporate planning modify data submissions
to “fix” them. While we cannot assign causality, our
findings do suggest this behavior is correlated to a
material erosion of trust throughout the organization.
While some degree of tension between teams seems
natural, we see our results as evidence of more than
that, with potentially dire consequences. If executives
cannot trust what they are hearing, a fundamental value
of planning is lost.
Cultural barriers and lack of trust hinder
© 2018 KPMG LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership and the U.S. member firm of the KPMG network of independent
member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.
© 2018 3ES Innovation Inc. All rights reserved.
While leading practices in strategic planning are not yet
widespread, several leading practices are coming to the forefront.
There is a move toward a more
dynamic planning model, as
36 percent of respondents indicated
that they are updating their capital
budgets on a quarterly basis.
Systems are becoming more
integrated, with 46 percent of
respondents indicating that their
systems are at least somewhat
Organizations are shifting away
from complete reliance on Excel
as the primary tool for planning,
with 60 percent of respondents
investing in a commercial planning
Bright points:
Emerging technologies and solutions
Survey participants also showed excitement around
several technology advancements on the horizon.
Data platforms and integration.
The market is moving toward one
integrated platform, compared to
the separate tools used by different
groups today.
Market intelligence and data
analytics. Increasing amounts of
market and competitor data are
available, enabling faster, better-
informed target analysis.
Risk and uncertainty. New tools for
project characterization and portfolio
modeling are enabling oil and gas
companies to better incorporate risk
in their planning strategies as well as
gauge uncertainty around technical
forecasts and their ability to achieve
goals. Companies will continue
to develop capabilities to apply
probabilistic planning methodology
to supplement traditional
deterministic approaches.
Improved portfolio analysis will
determine the most efficient project
mix selection, allowing management
to focus on risk appetite rather than
on project return expectations.
Which of the below technologies do you think represent promising
near-term (within three years) advancements for planning in the
upstream oil and gas industry? (select all that apply)
© 2018 KPMG LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership and the U.S. member firm of the KPMG network of independent
member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.
© 2018 3ES Innovation Inc. All rights reserved.
What E&Ps told us
about planning:
The Top 10 survey
Oil and gas companies believe
their planning functions can
provide signicant value, but
results are falling short of
Staff burnout is the biggest
issue facing planning
organizations today, with four
in ve respondents citing it as
a weakness.
Much effort is wasted on
data manipulation and report
generation, rather than spent
on generating insights to help
run the business.
The typical lack of integration
between systems only makes
data access and analysis even
more difcult.
Executives have a generally
positive view of their
planning organizations
capability and effectiveness,
but this rosy view is not
shared by their staff.
Most E&Ps experience distrust
and a lack of transparency
between business units and
corporate, hampering the
planning process.
Planning organizations need
greater standardization as
few organizations have
meaningful requirements or
governance models in place.
Probabilistic information is
rarely incorporated into
planning work, yet the
consensus is that doing so
would improve results, either
somewhat or substantially.
The majority of companies
have the capital to invest in
planning improvements; the
chief obstacles are prioritizing
planning against other
initiatives and having staff
time to support the work.
Despite the obstacles,
companies are currently
investing in growing their
future planning capabilities
with a focus on data
integration, quality and
consistency, and improved
analytic capability.
© 2018 KPMG LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership and the U.S. member firm of the KPMG network of independent
member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.
© 2018 3ES Innovation Inc. All rights reserved.
Survey participants largely agree that their organizations
planning processes are integral to driving competitive
performance and believe their companies should invest
in planning capabilities.
But we have found that even the organizations that
deem planning important still don’t prioritize efforts to
improve it.
How much investment should your organization be
making over the next year in improving its planning
May not equal 100% due to rounding
Planning competes for attention and resources
against other organizational imperatives that are often
considered more critical to value generation. One reason
improvements in planning may not rise to the top of the
priority list is that any weaknesses in the process may
not be visible to the executives.
For instance, consistent standards across an
organization both ease the process for the planning staff
and increase executive confidence in the results. When
asked to what degree planning is standardized across
the organization, 60 percent of executive respondents
said it was at the appropriate level, while only 33
percent of the non-executives responded that this was
the case.
To what degree is planning standardized across
your organization?
May not equal 100% due to rounding
Oil and gas executives have poor visibility of
the front line from the top.
© 2018 KPMG LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership and the U.S. member firm of the KPMG network of independent
member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.
© 2018 3ES Innovation Inc. All rights reserved.
Additionally, 29 percent of executives surveyed thought
that data capture and manipulation was the most
time-consuming aspect of the planning process, while
43 percent of non-executives reported that it was.
Over the course of a year, which of the following
type of task consumes the largest amount of your
organizations planning time?
May not equal 100% due to rounding
Only 25 percent of executives stated that their planning
systems were minimally integrated or not integrated at
all, while 44 percent of non-executives responded that
this was the case.
How well integrated are your organizations planning
systems (including data, information, and tools)?
The result is a catch 22. Staff in the trenches who
personally experience the pain and see the inefficiencies
don’t feel they have the authority or the mandate to
improve the situation. Meanwhile, executives who might
logically have such a mandate are buffered from the
Improving planning requires full
alignment across the organization;
heres where to start.
Even though many companies have recently launched
targeted initiatives to make improvements to their
planning process, they continue to struggle.
Part of the problem is that the scope of integrated
planning varies considerably across, and at different
levels within, the organization, leading to disagreement
about what problems need to be solved, and in what
sequence. Often so many disciplines have a hand in
the process it requires a major cross-functional,
coordinated, and vision-led effort to realize meaningful
benefits from change.
Further, our survey results suggest many practitioners
define planning based on their individual roles within
their organization, rather than through a more holistic
approach. With such a limited view on what issues
are actually driving the pain points within planning,
organizations are often unable to pinpoint what actually
needs to be improved.
The complex cross-functional nature of planning
can obscure the vision for what planning ultimately
should be.
© 2018 KPMG LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership and the U.S. member firm of the KPMG network of independent
member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.
© 2018 3ES Innovation Inc. All rights reserved.
© 2018 KPMG LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership and the U.S. member firm of the KPMG network of independent
member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.
© 2018 3ES Innovation Inc. All rights reserved.
Adopting a dynamic
operating model
Leading companies are adopting operating models designed
for today’s more dynamic oil and gas industry environment.
Executives that clearly define objectives for their planning function
and align their operating models accordingly are better able to
lead their organizations and deliver differentiated performance.
Future state operating model
New process model requires increased clarity
of decision rights due to shared information,
increased collaboration, as well as segmented
organizational roles
A defined, integrated,
dynamic, and well-understood
process model; quarterly
cycle, which allows more
frequent plan updates
with more forward-looking
Information ow
and tools
System architecture
tailored to accommodate
requirements; standardized
and accessible information;
common tools with less
manual work-arounds; robust
management of change
Roles and structure
Well-defined roles in a
streamlined, fit-for-purpose
structure that is aligned with
new process model; elimination
of duplication of work tasks;
clear accountabilities
Metrics and incentives
A common view of value
drivers and performance
objectives; cascading metrics
through the organization
fostering “line of sight” and
stewardship; competitive
Behaviors and culture
Adherence to agreed-upon behavioral
norms and standards enabling
heightened speed and quality of
decisions; increased collaboration and
transparency across organization
© 2018 KPMG LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership and the U.S. member firm of the KPMG network of independent
member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.
© 2018 3ES Innovation Inc. All rights reserved.
— A more dynamic, fully integrated planning process
and performance management model
— Planning calendar is balanced and integrated across
asset and corporate requirements
— Performance reviews, lookbacks, and data refreshes
have a defined cadence and are done in sync with a
planning cycle purpose-built around the dynamic
nature of the company’s business
Management processes
— Source data is used for both asset- and corporate-
level planning
— Tools are standardized across assets, providing for
more like-to-like comparison
— System architecture and data flows are well known
and integrated to allow information to be easily
accessible throughout the organization
Information ow and tools
— Organizational model is designed to provide clear
ownership and accountability
— Roles are clearly defined and aligned to process
model, eliminating duplicative work
— Central planning team established with embedded
planning resources in the asset
Roles and structures
— Clear line of sight exists on how functional level
metrics align to corporate goals
— A competitive intelligence capability exists, allowing
true external performance comparison
— Metrics and definitions are standard across assets,
allowing for true performance comparison
Metrics and incentives
— Delegation of authority is right-sized to allow
decisions to be made at the correct level within the
— Adequate controls are in place to help ensure assets
are following standard process and guidelines
— Clear decision rights and trust exist across planning
roles, eliminating need for duplicative activities and
excessive oversight
GovernanceBehaviors and culture
— Trust exists across organization levels with full
transparency of analysis and planning results
— Collaboration exists across planning teams,
encouraging leading practice sharing and solutions
— Behaviors are consistent with dynamic nature of
business, accepting metric tolerance levels,
directional plans, and making decisions based on
imperfect information
Examples of leading practices associated with the
six elements of the future state operating model
© 2018 KPMG LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership and the U.S. member firm of the KPMG network of independent
member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.
© 2018 3ES Innovation Inc. All rights reserved.
The path to a future state
operating model can
seem challenging, but the
rst step in a successful
transformation is triage:
understanding where
problems exist (or don’t),
and which problems are
most severe.
Below is a planning process Maturity Chart describing levels 1 through 4
for each of the elements of the planning operating model, with level 1
representing the least favorable performance, and level 4 representing
leading practices.
You can use this chart as an assessment tool by marking where your
organizations integrated planning process is today, as well as your goal
level, to help determine the changes required to achieve leading practices.
Note that level 4 across all operating model elements is not the right
goal for every organization. Rather, the right level depends on the role and
objective of the planning function, as well as on size and complexity of
your organization.
Maturity levels
1 2 3 4
Information ow
and tools
Limited to no systems,
rely on manual
solutions with limited to
no integration
solutions linked together
via homegrown
Fully integrated system
architecture with
standard tools and
information flow
No defined process,
rely on employee
A few processes are
defined, but are used as
Each functional
department has
established processes,
but limited integration
Fully defined and
integrated process
model aligned to current
Roles and
No clear structure
exists, rely on individual
skills and experiences
Structure exists, but
roles not well defined,
creating duplicative
Structure exists and
roles defined across
functional departments
Well-defined roles in a
fit-for-purpose structure
aligned with process
Metrics and
Limited to no metrics or
performance objective
used throughout the
Outcome-based metrics
in place, primarily
used for financial
Outcome-based metrics
in place with clear
performance objectives
Cascading value-based
metrics fostering
performance objectives
Governance and
Unclear decision rights
and limited to no
governance model in
Top-down decision
rights and governance
model in place
Delegation of authority
established but decision
rights are still unclear
Well-defined and clear
decision rights aligned
to dynamic operating
Behaviors and
Opt-out culture, with
lack of trust and inability
to have honest dialogue,
and excessive company
A micromanaging
culture with limited trust
between corporate and
Target behaviors have
been established
but not consistently
demonstrated across
Adherence to behavioral
norms and standards
enabling heightened
speed and quality of
Assess your
planning process
Develop an honest
Assess your company using the
Maturity Model, considering all
areas of the dynamic operating
model. Many companies jump the
gun and focus on one area such
as information flow and tools.
This is insufficient and can prolong
the transformational process or,
worse yet, sap the organization of
focus and effort to support broader
Resist the temptation to rely on
the perceptions of a few people.
Assess your organizational maturity
by gathering perceptions across
different levels and different areas
within the planning process.
Consider using the structure,
questions, and findings of this
survey to conduct an internal
information-gathering exercise.
Once you have adequately assessed
your current process, compare
your findings to the maturity model
and place a dot on the place in the
model that best describes your
current state.
While level 4 scores across all
operating model elements are not
needed by every organization, a
total score of less than 20 suggests
changes to some or all elements
of the model may provide material
value gains to the organization.
Benchmark against
leading practices.
Determine at what level on the
maturity model your organization
should be in order to fulfill the
defined role of the planning
function and have a high-performing
integrated planning process.
Once you have determined the
appropriate target level across
each one of the operating model
elements, place another dot on the
maturity model.
This exercise identifies the areas
of the operating model that need
the most improvement in order to
reach target performance. The
assessment can then be used to
help communicate to others within
your organization to determine the
degree to which your planning
process needs to improve, as well
as prioritize the areas likely to drive
the greatest impact.
Articulate the need
for improvement
Develop a plan for communicating
the need for change. The following
is a list of questions to help your
organization think about how to start
the journey:
— Do we have a clearly defined and
understood role and objective for
the planning function?
— Are company leaders able to
effectively utilize existing planning
processes to deliver superior
performance? Is planning a
source of competitive advantage
for our organization?
— What elements of the operating
model should be changed?
— What degree of change will be
required, and what would be the
scope of change? What would be
the value of improvement in just
one area of the operating model?
— What level of support from senior
leadership will be needed?
— Do we have adequate resources
and know-how to deliver a
planning transformation, and are
there opportunities to engage
with external experts?
— What is the organizations
readiness for change?
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
© 2018 KPMG LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership and the U.S. member firm of the KPMG network of independent
member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.
© 2018 3ES Innovation Inc. All rights reserved.
© 2018 KPMG LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership and the U.S. member firm of the KPMG network of independent
member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.
© 2018 3ES Innovation Inc. All rights reserved.
Case Study:
The power of the cloud and a window
into the future of E&P planning
The challenge will sound familiar to
any large operator: This upstream
producer was struggling to
consistently forecast its production
due to well failures and unplanned
maintenance events. As a result,
the company could not make timely
contracting decisions around
short-term capacity.
Complicating this problem was
scale: the company’s position
included many thousands of wells
with an intricate gathering structure
and a complex economic model.
This limited the company’s ability
to run “full asset” scenarios, as
such analysis required computing
power beyond their existing desktop
computing capabilities.
The company sought an integrated,
full-field system that would shrink
the “time to decision” of the old
spreadsheet and Access-based
Deploying a multitenant, cloud-
based asset development solution
gave the subsurface, economics
and commercial teams a single
workspace in which to collaborate.
The solution was designed so
that individual plan components
(subsurface characterizations,
surface constraints, etc.) could be
contributed by the appropriate team
but would be viewed and analyzed
as a holistic, integrated system.
The cloud-based architecture of the
solution allowed any individual user
to recruit additional processing
power on demand. A user had the
ability to access up to 20 times their
base computing allotment, with no
IT intervention or behind-the-scenes
scripting required.
This capability facilitated one team
in developing a field-wide Monte
Carlo-based assessment of well
failure timing, enabling a more
accurate prediction of when wells
would experience production
impairments and to what degree.
This analysis was ultimately
systematized and applied to
company’s ongoing monthly
production forecasting process.
The new system ultimately
provided the client a 60 percent
reduction in overall process time
and took a forecast of operating
activities from +/- 20 percent
accuracy to 1.09 percent in their
most recent lookback period.
The cloud made massively scalable
computing power easily available
for modeling complicated integrated
problems, allowed integration with
third-party applications through
Web services, and provided data
security and backup. Additional
improvements included the
New capabilities for risk and
uncertainty analysis:
Large-scale Monte Carlo simulation
was now possible as a result of
additional off-site computing
resources that could be tapped
as needed.
Increased transparency:
An integrated system meant data
transformations were controlled
and models could be shared
across teams (or even to partner
companies), all within a single
Better IT performance:
Dynamic version and user control,
automated deployment/upgrades,
and low overall Total Cost of
Ownership (TCO) are all part of the
improved experience.
The challenge The change The business impact
Source: 3esi-Enersight, Houston, 2016
© 2018 KPMG LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership and the U.S. member firm of the KPMG network of independent
member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.
© 2018 3ES Innovation Inc. All rights reserved.
23Integrated planning for a dynamic oil and gas industry
Concluding thoughts
The pace of change challenging the upstream oil and gas
industry is unlikely to slow. As the business and technical
environment becomes increasingly difficult to predict
and adapt to, the importance of agile, effective planning
grows. Organizations that are equipped to analyze, plan,
and manage an integrated view of their strategy and their
operations will have an edge over their competition.
We anticipate that this survey will prove to be a valuable benchmark
against which the industry can measure the effectiveness of its
planning processes. This year is just the beginning, as oil and gas
companies learn about and implement additional leading practices.
Future analysis of the sector will shine a light on our collective
success in addressing challenges such as staff burnout, trust, and
transparency, as well as incorporating technical advances in areas
such as data integration and probabilistic analysis. We look forward
to sharing updates on the industry’s progress with you.
© 2018 KPMG LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership and the U.S. member firm of the KPMG network of independent
member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.
© 2018 3ES Innovation Inc. All rights reserved.
© 2018 KPMG LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership and the U.S. member firm of the KPMG network of independent
member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.
© 2018 3ES Innovation Inc. All rights reserved.
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© 2018 KPMG LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership and the U.S. member firm of the KPMG network of independent
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