Preparation Manual for the ICE Special Agent Test Battery
Table of Contents
Introduction..................................................................................................................................... 1
Section I Test Taking Tips.............................................................................................................. 2
Section II Preparing for the Logical Reasoning Test..................................................................... 3
Section III Arithmetic Reasoning ................................................................................................. 31
Section IV Writing Skills Assessment.......................................................................................... 44
Preparation Manual for the ICE Special Agent Test Battery
Purpose of the
The purpose of this manual is to help you prepare to take the Special
Agent Test. This manual will familiarize you with the Logical
Reasoning Test, the Arithmetic Reasoning Test, and the Writing Skills
Test and will give you a chance to study some sample questions and
explanations for the correct answers to each question. If you have not
had much practice taking written, multiple-choice tests, you will have
an opportunity to see what the tests look like and to practice taking
questions similar to those on the tests.
Organization of
the Manual
The manual is organized into four sections. The first section provides
some tips for taking the Special Agent Test. The second section
provides preparation material for the Logical Reasoning Test and
includes a practice test with explanations for the answers to the
practice test. The third section provides preparation material for the
Arithmetic Reasoning Test and includes a practice test with
explanations for the answers to the practice test. Finally, the fourth
section provides preparation material for the Writing Skills Test and
includes a practice test with explanations for the answers to the
practice test.
Preparation Manual for the ICE Special Agent Test Battery
Section I
Test Taking Tips
You will do your best on the test if you stay calm and relaxed. Take a few deep, slow
breaths to help you maintain your calm.
Pay careful attention to all directions before beginning.
Answer the easier questions first. Skip questions you find to be very difficult and come
back to them later.
For each question, read the entire question and all response options carefully before
deciding upon an answer.
If you do not know the answer to a question, eliminate the response options that you know
to be incorrect or probably incorrect and then guess from the remaining response options.
Your score is based only on the number of questions you answer correctly. You are not
penalized for answering questions incorrectly. Therefore, you should answer every
question, even questions that you must guess.
If you finish before time is up, go back and check your answers.
Be sure that you mark your answer sheet correctly. If you have to change an answer, erase
the first answer before marking the new answer. If you skip a question, be sure to answer
the next question in the appropriate place on the answer sheet.
Ignore any patterns of A’s, B’s, C’s, D’s, or E’s on your answer sheet. These correct
answer positions are chosen randomly and there is no way to improve your chances by
guessing based on an answer sheet pattern.
Preparation Manual for the ICE Special Agent Test Battery
Section II Preparing for the
Logical Reasoning Test
Purpose of this
The purpose of this section is to help you prepare to take the Logical
Reasoning Test. The test described in this section evaluates how well
applicants can read, understand, and apply critical thinking skills to
factual situations. Special Agents must read and study laws, legal
commentary, and regulations. They often must make critical decisions
that require superior reasoning skills. Additionally, they may be called
upon to testify in court and must be able to follow and anticipate the
kind of reasoning used in legal proceedings. As a result, they will
receive training at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center that
requires that they read, understand, and be able to apply a wealth of
detailed, written information. Although some information must be
memorized, much of the information that Special Agents will use must
be learned through independent reasoning. This test is designed to
select trainees who will be able to handle the very demanding
academic workload at the training academy and who will subsequently
be able to handle complex reasoning and decision-making situations
on the job.
This section of the manual will familiarize you with the test and the
instructions and will give you a chance to study some sample questions
and explanations for the correct answers to each question. You will
have an opportunity to see what the test looks like and to practice
taking questions similar to those on the test.
There is no penalty for guessing on this test; therefore, you should
answer every question. If you guess blindly, you have one chance in
five of getting the right answer. However, your chance of choosing the
right answer just by guessing is greatly improved by using a little
mental detective work to eliminate one or more response options that
are probably or certainly wrong.
Preparation Manual for the ICE Special Agent Test Battery
A poor guessing strategy is to try to determine the next answer based
on its letter or on some pattern of letters among the answer choices.
There may be several D’s or A’s or any other letter in a row, or there
may not be. Trying to uncover some pattern in these letters and
guessing based on that pattern is not an effective test-taking strategy.
Preparation Manual for the ICE Special Agent Test Battery
Preparing For Logical Reasoning Questions
Reasoning is the single most important competency for successful
performance in the Special Agent job. Correct reasoning is useful for
decision-making and problem solving, activities that prevail on the job.
In this part, you will read some useful information about reasoning
The questions in this examination are designed to test your ability to
understand complicated written material and to derive correct
conclusions from it. The kind of reading that these questions ask you
to do is different from ordinary reading in which you just follow the
general meaning of a series of sentences to see what the writer thinks
about a topic. It is the kind of reading you have to do with complex
material when you intend to take some action or draw some conclusion
based on that material.
The test asks you to make logical conclusions based on facts you are
given in various paragraphs. These conclusions need to be based only
on the facts in the paragraph. Therefore, answering requires careful
reading and focused thought about what information is given and what
information is not
The following information will give you some suggestions about how
to approach the questions and some information about how you can
develop your reasoning skills.
Reading the
Every reading paragraph in the test is drawn from some kind of written
material relating to Special Agent or Government work. There may be
facts in a paragraph that do not actually apply to every part of the
Federal Government or that may not always be true everywhere. In
answering the questions, it is important that you accept every fact in
the paragraph as true. Remember that you are not being judged on
your knowledge of facts, but rather on your ability to read and reason
on the basis of given facts.
Not all information is of the same type. There can be information
about events and there can be information about groups (or categories)
of things. Information can also be positive or negative. Usually,
information is positive (for example, “these tire tracks are several days
old”), but knowledge that something is not
the case is also useful
information (for example, “these tire tracks are not
from a truck”).
Preparation Manual for the ICE Special Agent Test Battery
Reading the
Lead-In or
Basic Question
In this test, you will find a paragraph, followed by a lead-in phrase that
asks you to complete a sentence by choosing one of several response
options labeled from (A) to (E). The lead-in phrase may be either
positive or negative:
“From the information given above, it can be validly
concluded that”
“From the information given above, it CANNOT be
validly concluded that”
It is important to focus on the lead-in phrase at the beginning of a
question to determine whether it is positive or negative. Do not skim
over the lead-in phrase.
Positive lead-in phrases are followed by four invalid conclusions and
one valid conclusion. Your task is to find the valid one. Negative
lead-in phrases, by contrast, are followed by four valid conclusions and
only one invalid conclusion. The task in these questions is to
determine what cannot be validly concluded based on the facts in the
The lead-in phrase may also limit the possible answers in some way.
For example, a lead-in phrase such as “From the information given
above, it can be validly concluded that, during the 1990’s in
California means that there might be different answers based on other
times and places, but for the purpose of the test question, only
conditions in California during the 1990’s (as described in the
paragraph) should be considered.
About Groups
or Categories
As was stated before, not all information is of the same type. There
can be information about events or situations, and there can be
information about individuals and groups (or categories). Next, we
discuss how to deal with information about groups or categories.
Preparation Manual for the ICE Special Agent Test Battery
A statement about two groups that begins with the words “all” or
“every” gives you some important information about how the two
groups are related. The words “all” and “every” tell you that
everything in the first group is also in the second group. For example,
in the statement, “All the law enforcement officers on the case are
Federal law enforcement officers,” the first group, consisting of law
enforcement officers on the case, is totally included in the second
group, consisting of Federal law enforcement officers.
“All” and “Every” are KEY WORDS that signify important
information about how two groups are related.
The “all” statement does not provide sufficient information to
determine whether or not all members of the second group are
included in the first group. Suppose that a librarian told you “All the
books on this set of shelves are about law enforcement.” From this
information, you might be tempted to conclude that all of the library’s
books on law enforcement (the second group) are on that set of shelves
(the first group), but this conclusion is invalid. The books on those
shelves might only be part of the entire group of books on law
enforcement. The sentence does NOT provide information on whether
or not other law enforcement books are placed elsewhere in the library.
The following examples provide an “all” statement (all of Group A are
Group B) followed by an invalid “all” statement (all of Group B are
Group A). To develop a good grasp of this concept, try to create some
examples of your own.
Table 1: Invalid Conclusions from “All” statements
True: All the people at my party speak Spanish.
Invalid Conclusion: All the people who speak Spanish are at my party.
True: All Supreme Court justices are lawyers.
Invalid Conclusion: All lawyers are Supreme Court justices.
True: All U.S. Presidents were elected officials.
Invalid Conclusion: All officials who were elected are U.S. Presidents.
Preparation Manual for the ICE Special Agent Test Battery
Table 1, continued
True: Every ICE Special Agent works for the U.S.
Invalid Conclusion: Everyone working for the U.S. Government is an ICE
Special Agent.
True: Every U.S. Senator is a member of the U.S. Congress.
Invalid Conclusion: Every member of the U.S. Congress is a U.S. Senator.
Every “all” statement provides sufficient information to determine that
at least some members of the second group are included in the first
group. Returning to our previous examples, we can validly conclude
that “some Federal law enforcement officers are on the case” and that
“some of the books about law enforcement are on this set of shelves.”
Developing numerous examples on your own of a true “all” statement
(all of Group A are Group B) and a “some” statement (some of Group
B are Group A) will help you to develop a mastery of this concept.
Table 2: Valid Conclusions from “All” Statements
True: All the people at my party speak Spanish.
Valid Conclusion: Some people who speak Spanish are at my party.
True: All Supreme Court justices are lawyers.
Valid Conclusion: Some lawyers are Supreme Court justices.
True: All U.S. Presidents were elected officials.
Valid Conclusion: Some officials who were elected are U.S. Presidents.
True: Every ICE Special Agent works for the U.S.
Valid Conclusion: Some employees of the U.S. Government are ICE
Special Agents.
True: Every U.S. Senator is a member of the U.S. Congress.
Valid Conclusion: Some members of the U.S. Congress are U.S.
Preparation Manual for the ICE Special Agent Test Battery
Reasoning From
“None” and
Information that something is NOT true is useful information. For
example, you may learn that one group of things is NOT part of
another group of things. This is the same as saying that there is no
overlap at all between the two groups of things. Here, you can draw
conclusions about either group as it relates to the other since you can
count on the fact that the two groups have no members in common. If
you can say that none of the stolen cars recovered from the rail yards
were cars stolen from Canada, you can also say that none of the cars
stolen from Canada were recovered from the rail yards because you
know that the first statement means that there is no overlap between
the two groups. In the test, you will see phrases or terms such as “It is
not the case that” or “Not all of” or words that begin with the prefix
“non-.” All of these are ways to say that a negative fact has been
“No” and “not” are KEY WORDS that signify important information
about how two groups are related.
Sometimes, our ordinary speech habits can cause us to jump to
conclusions. Most people would not make a statement such as “Some
of the pizza has no pepperoni” unless they are trying to suggest at the
same time that some of the pizza does have pepperoni. By contrast, a
detective might make a statement such as “some of the bloodstains
were not human blood” simply because only part of the samples had
come back from the laboratory. The detective is trying to suggest that
at least some of the bloodstains were not human blood. The rest of the
bloodstains might or might not be human blood.
As you work through the practice test, think about each negative
phrase or term you find. Take care to assume only as much as is
definitely indicated by the facts as given, and no more.
About Parts of a
The term “some” refers to a part of a larger group. For example, in the
statement “Some Special Agents are taking specialized training,” the
term “some Special Agents” refers to a portion of the group of all
Special Agents. You should note, however, that the fact that we know
that “some Special Agents are taking specialized training” implies
nothing about the remaining portion of the set of Special Agents: other
Special Agents may or may not be taking specialized training. Unless
information is provided in the paragraph to the contrary, treat “some”
as meaning “at least some.”
Preparation Manual for the ICE Special Agent Test Battery
Statements that refer to a portion of a set may contain other terms such
as “most,” “a few,” or “almost all.” Also, as discussed in the previous
section, they can be negative, as in “Many Special Agents are not
fluent in French.” From this statement you may be tempted to infer
that there are at least a few Special Agents who are
fluent in French,
but that would be jumping to a conclusion. From this statement alone,
you do not know about the entire group of Special Agents and whether
or not they are fluent in French. In these cases, you should remember
that the term refers only to a part of the group and that from this
information on part of the group you cannot infer anything about the
rest of the group. Neglecting this principle of sound reasoning can
cause costly errors.
Unless information is provided in the paragraph to the contrary, treat
“some” as meaning “at least some.”
When you see a paragraph describing parts of a group, read the
paragraph carefully to see if that description is based on knowledge of
the entire group or only on knowledge of part of the group.
About “If-Then”
As was said before, there can be information about events or
situations, and there can be information about individuals and groups.
Previously, we discussed how to deal with information about groups.
Next, we discuss how to deal with information about the relationship
between events or situations.
We are all familiar with the idea of a cause and effect in which one
thing leads to another thing, which in turn leads to a third thing, and so
on. For example, “if a financial institution suspects that a deposit of
funds stems from criminal activity, the institution is required to report
the deposit transaction to the authorities.” In this example, a suspicious
deposit is a cause and the institution reporting the deposit is the effect.
Cause and effect means that when the first thing happens, the later
event MUST follow. For example, if First Salem Bank suspects that
Mr. Tubill deposited funds stemming from criminal activity, First
Salem Bank is required to report Mr. Tubill’s deposit to the authorities.
Preparation Manual for the ICE Special Agent Test Battery
The cause and effect relationship also informs you that if the effect
never occurred, the cause MUST NOT have occurred. For example, if
First Salem Bank is NOT required to report Mr. Tubill’s deposit to the
authorities, then First Salem Bank does NOT suspect that Mr. Tubill
deposited funds stemming from criminal activity.
The wording we typically use to indicate this kind of cause and effect
linkage between events includes the simple “if-then” sentence in which
the first event is in a statement tagged by “if” and the second event is
in a statement tagged by “then.” The “if-then” statement can also be
used to express relationships other than the cause and effect
relationship. Permission is sometimes expressed using the “if-then”
statement. For instance, if an individual wishes to open a checking
account anonymously, the individual may not open the account.
Obligation is also sometimes expressed using the “if-then” statement.
For example, if an officer places an individual under arrest, the
arrestee must be provided with Miranda warnings.
What cause and effect, permission, and obligation all have in common
is that they relate one event or situation to another event or situation.
In this relationship, two things are always true. First, whenever the
first event or situation occurs, the second event or situation MUST
occur. Second, whenever the second event or situation has not
occurred, then the first event or situation MUST NOT have occurred.
“If” and “Whenever” signify that important information is presented.
It is important to realize that the relationship expressed by any “if-
then” statement works in one direction only: the converse of the “if-
then” statement is invalid. For example, you learn that “If the jet
engines are reversed, then the speed of the plane will decrease very
rapidly.” This sentence does NOT mean that the only possible cause
of the plane decreasing speed very rapidly is that the jet engines are
reversed. Therefore, from this information you cannot validly infer the
converse statement, “If the speed of the plane decreases very rapidly,
then the jet engines have been reversed.” There might be some other
cause for the speed of the plane to decrease rapidly. The following
examples start with a true “if-then” sentence, followed by an invalid
“if-then” sentence with the relationship of the first and second
statements conversed.
Preparation Manual for the ICE Special Agent Test Battery
Table 3: Invalid Conclusions from “If-Then” Statements
True: If a person is an ICE Special Agent, the person is an
employee of the U.S. Government.
Invalid Conclusion: If a person is an employee of the U.S. Government, the
person is an ICE Special Agent.
True: If a criminal receives a pardon, the criminal will be
Invalid Conclusion: If a criminal is released, the criminal has received a
True: If a person is convicted of murder, that person is guilty
of a felony.
Invalid Conclusion: If a person is guilty of a felony, that person has been
convicted of murder.
True: If a person lives in Germany, the person lives in
Invalid Conclusion: If a person lives in Europe, the person lives in
True: If a car has no gas, the car will not run.
Invalid Conclusion: If a car does not run, the car has no gas.
Whenever the second event or situation has not occurred, then the first
event or situation MUST NOT have occurred. This means that you
can validly converse the relationship of these two statements as long as
the statements are negated (made opposite). For example, you learn
that “If the jet engines are reversed (the first statement), the speed of
the plane will decrease very rapidly (the second statement).” Given
that the information is true, it cannot be the case that the jet engines are
reversed but the speed of the plane does not decrease very rapidly.
Therefore, you can validly infer that “If the speed of the plane does not
decrease very rapidly (the negation or opposite of the second
statement), then the jet engines have not been reversed” (the negation
or opposite of the first statement). The following examples start with a
true “if-then” sentence, followed by a true (or valid) “if-then” sentence
with the relationship of the first and second statements conversed and
the statements themselves made opposite (negated).
Preparation Manual for the ICE Special Agent Test Battery
Table 4: Valid Conclusions from “If-Then” Statements
If a person is an ICE Special Agent, the person is an
employee of the U.S. Government.
If a person is not an employee of the U.S. Government,
the person is not an ICE Special Agent.
If a criminal receives a pardon, the criminal will be
Therefore, True:
If a criminal is not released, the criminal has not received
a pardon.
If a person is convicted of murder, that person is guilty of
a felony.
Therefore, True:
If a person is not guilty of a felony, that person has not
been convicted of murder.
If a person lives in Germany, the person lives in Europe.
Therefore, True:
If a person does not live in Europe, the person does not
live in Germany.
If a car has no gas, the car will not run.
Therefore, True:
If a car runs, the car has gas.
When the effect in a cause and effect relationship has not happened,
the cause must not have happened.
As was said before, you can infer the opposite of the first statement
from the opposite of the second statement. However, you cannot infer
the opposite of the second statement from the opposite of the first
statement. For example, you cannot validly infer that “If the jet
engines are not reversed (the opposite of the first statement), then the
speed of the plane does not decrease very rapidly” (the opposite of the
second statement). The following examples start with a true “if-then”
sentence followed by an invalid “if-then” sentence in which the first
and second statements have been made opposite.
Preparation Manual for the ICE Special Agent Test Battery
Table 5: More Invalid Conclusions from “If-Then” Statements
True: If a person is an ICE Special Agent, the person is an
employee of the U.S. Government.
Invalid Conclusion: If a person is not an ICE Special Agent, the person is
not an employee of the U.S. Government.
True: If a criminal receives a pardon, the criminal will be
Invalid Conclusion: If a criminal does not receive a pardon, the criminal will
not be released.
True: If a person is convicted of murder, that person is guilty
of a felony.
Invalid Conclusion: If a person is not convicted of murder, that person is
not guilty of a felony.
True: If a person lives in Germany, the person lives in
Invalid Conclusion: If a person does not live in Germany, the person does
not live in Europe.
True: If a car has no gas, the car will not run.
Invalid Conclusion: If a car has gas, the car will run.
A Few Final
Cautions About
There are test preparation classes that train people to take tests. In
some of these classes, students are advised against choosing any
answer in a reasoning test if it starts with the word “all” or the word
“none.” This is supposed to be useful advice because it is believed that
most correct answers strike a balance between extremes and usually do
not cover subjects that can be summarized in sentences beginning with
“all” or “none.” If you have heard this advice before, you should
ignore it for this test. “All” statements and “none” statements occur in
real-life situations and, consequently, you will be asked to work with
them in this test in the reading paragraphs as well as in both correct
and incorrect responses.
In general, you should pay attention to any words that provide
information on groups or on linked events. This includes a wide range
of negative words (such as “seldom” or “never” or “illegal” or
“prohibited”) and negative prefixes (such as “non-” “un-” or “dis-”). It
also includes positive words (such as “all” or “some” or “most” or
“always”). You should also watch for connectors such as “whenever”
or “unless” or “except,” since these words sometimes contain key
information about relations among the facts given in the paragraph.
Preparation Manual for the ICE Special Agent Test Battery
Look for KEY WORDS such as “all,” “some,” “none,” and “if” and
for negative prefixes such as “non-,” “un-,” or “dis-.”
English is a language that ordinarily uses single negatives. The word
“not,” by itself, does the job of making a formal English sentence into
its opposite: “That bird is NOT an eagle.” On this test, if you read a
sentence such as “The cord is not wound,” it means the cord is still
unwound. When an English sentence has two negatives, the sentence
has a positive meaning. For example, a sentence that reads “This
application is NOT unworthy” means that the application IS worthy.
The sentence “The bell did ring” could be stated, “It is NOT the case
that the bell did NOT ring.”
Finally, it is extremely important to pay close attention to the use of
the word “ONLY.” A sentence such as “The door will open IF AND
ONLY IF both keys are used” is a very strong statement that means
that there is just one way to open the door—with both keys. If the
sentence just said, “The door will open if the key is used,” there may
be several other ways to open the door. But that is not the case when
the expression “if and only if” is used.
Preparation Manual for the ICE Special Agent Test Battery
When working on cases, Special Agents frequently must make
decisions and draw conclusions that have some probability of being
true, but they are not definitely true. On the test, there are questions
that ask you to apply this type of logic. In each of the questions of this
type, you will be presented with a paragraph of information and five
response options. Your task is to select the response option that can be
validly concluded from the information given in the paragraph. Use
only the information provided in the paragraph. Do not speculate or
make assumptions that go beyond this information. Also, assume that
all information given in the paragraph is true, even if it conflicts with
some fact that is known to you. Keep in mind that each question has
only one correct answer.
When you have information about a group, you can apply that
information to an individual member of that group with a degree of
certainty. In other words, you can establish the probability that the
information you have about the group applies to a single member of
the group. For example, if most felons are repeat offenders and K.B. is
a felon, then you can conclude that K.B. is most likely a repeat
In order to establish a numerical probability, you must have
information about the entire group. Although it may not be
immediately obvious, percentages provide information about an entire
For example, if you know that 30% of all Special Agents have led a
fraud investigation, you know that only 30% of Special Agents have
led a fraud investigation. The percentage does not mean that at least
30% of Special Agents have led a fraud investigation. Because only
30% percent have led such an investigation, you know that the
remaining Special Agents have not led a fraud investigation.
Therefore, of all Special Agents, 70% (100% - 30% = 70%) have not
led a fraud investigation. The entire group of Special Agents has been
accounted for: 30% have led a fraud investigation and 70% have not.
Speaking more abstractly, we are dealing with statements about two
groups in which a percentage is used to modify the first group. The
percentage tells us that a portion of the first group is included in the
second group, but the remainder of the first group is not included in the
second group. Thus, the entire first group is accounted for. The
following examples start with a true statement expressing something
about a portion of a group using a percentage, followed by a true
statement expressing the opposite about the remaining portion of the
Preparation Manual for the ICE Special Agent Test Battery
Table 6: Valid Probabilistic Conclusions
True: Of all Government employees, 5% work for the
Department of Justice.
Therefore, True: Of all Government employees, 95% do not work for the
Department of Justice.
True: Eighty-five percent of state criminals did not receive
Therefore, True: Fifteen percent of state criminals received parole.
True: Of all the visa applications, 10% were denied.
Therefore, True: Of all the visa applications, 90% were not denied.
To determine a probability, you apply the information about the group
to an individual member of the group. For example, if you pick one of
the Special Agents at random, your chances of picking one who has
led a fraud investigation is equal to the percentage of Special Agents
who have led such an investigation. Because 30% of all Special
Agents have led a fraud investigation, you can conclude that any
particular Special Agent has a 30% chance of having led such an
investigation. Furthermore, if you pick one of the Special Agents at
random, your chances of picking one who has not led a fraud
investigation is equal to the percentage of Special Agents who have
not led such an investigation. You can validly conclude that any
particular Special Agent has a 70% chance of not having led a fraud
investigation because 70% of all Special Agents have not led a fraud
investigation. The following examples start with a true statement
about a group, followed by two valid statements expressing probability
about an individual member of the group.
To determine a probability, you apply the information about the group
to an individual member of the group.
Table 7: More Valid Probabilistic Conclusions
True: Of all Government employees, 5% work for the
Department of Justice.
Therefore, True: There is a 5% chance that a Government employee
chosen at random works for the Department of Justice.
Therefore, True: There is a 95% chance that a Government employee
chosen at random does not work for the Department of
Preparation Manual for the ICE Special Agent Test Battery
Table 7, Continued
True: Eighty-five percent of state criminals did not receive
Therefore, True: There is an 85% chance that a state criminal chosen at
random did not receive parole.
Therefore, True: There is a 15% chance that a state criminal chosen at
random received parole.
True: Of all the visa applications, 10% were denied.
Therefore, True: There is a 10% chance that a visa application chosen at
random was denied.
Therefore, True: There is a 90% chance that a visa application chosen at
random was not denied.
We looked at two types of valid conclusions. These valid conclusions
were based on applying the given percentage to a member of the first
group. Now, let us look at two types of invalid conclusions. These
invalid conclusions are based on mistakenly applying the given
percentage to a member of the second group.
Remember that a statement about two groups that begins with the word
“all” gives you information about how the two groups are related. The
word “all” tells you that everything in the first group is also in the
second group. However, the “all” statement does not provide
sufficient information to determine whether or not all members of the
second group are included in the first group. Likewise, statements that
use a percentage to describe the first group do not provide sufficient
information to determine the portion of members of the second group
that are included in the first group.
Having information about the entire first group in the statement is not
the same as having information about the entire second group. For
example, knowing that 60% of Special Agents have captured a fugitive
(and, thus, that 40% of them have not) is not the same as knowing that
of everyone who has captured a fugitive, 60% are Special Agents. It
may be the case that 60% of those who have captured a fugitive are
Special Agents, but it might not be the case. There is insufficient
information about the entire set of people who have captured a fugitive
to make exact percentage determinations about them.
In these statements that relate two groups using a percentage, the
percentage given only applies to one group. In our example, the
percentage applies to the first group, Special Agents, not to the second
group (namely, those who have captured a fugitive). The following
examples start with a true statement followed by two invalid statements
where the percentage is incorrectly applied to the second group.
Preparation Manual for the ICE Special Agent Test Battery
Table 8: Invalid Probabilistic Conclusions
True: Of all Government employees, 5% work for the
Department of Justice.
Invalid Conclusion: Of all employees of the Department of Justice, 5% work
for the Government.
Invalid Conclusion: Of all employees of the Department of Justice, 95% do
not work for the Government.
True: Eighty-five percent of state criminals did not receive
Invalid Conclusion: Eighty-five percent of those who received parole were
not state criminals.
Invalid Conclusion: Fifteen percent of those who received parole were state
True: Of all the visa applications, 10% were denied.
Invalid Conclusion: Of all the denied applications, 10% were visa
Invalid Conclusion: Of all the denied applications, 90% were not visa
Because the percentage applies to the first group, not the second group,
any statement of probability that is based on applying the percentage to
the second group is invalid. For example, there is insufficient
information about those who have captured a fugitive to determine the
probability that a person who has captured a fugitive is a Special
Agent. Also, there is insufficient information to determine the
probability that a person who has captured a fugitive is not a Special
Agent. The following examples start with a true statement followed by
two invalid statements where a probability is determined based on the
inappropriate application of the percentage to the second group.
Table 8: More Invalid Probabilistic Conclusions
True: Of all Government employees, 5% work for the
Department of Justice.
Invalid Conclusion: An employee of the Department of Justice chosen at
random has a 5% of working for the Government.
Invalid Conclusion: An employee of the Department of Justice chosen at
random has a 95% of not working for the Government.
Preparation Manual for the ICE Special Agent Test Battery
Table 8, Continued
True: Eighty-five percent of state criminals did not receive
Invalid Conclusion: The chances are 85% that a person selected at random
who received parole was not a state criminal.
Invalid Conclusion: The chances are 15% that a person selected at random
who received parole was a state criminal.
True: Of all the visa applications, 10% were denied.
Invalid Conclusion: The chances are 10% that a denied application chosen
at random is a visa application.
Invalid Conclusion: The chances are 90% that a denied application chosen
at random is not a visa application.
These Tips
When Taking
the Logical
Reasoning Test
1. In questions with positive lead statements, always choose the only
conclusion that can definitely be drawn from the information
given in the paragraph.
2. Remember NOT to use any outside factual information to reach
your conclusion.
3. Read the lead-in sentence and the paragraph very carefully. Also,
read all the answer choices before you mark the one you think is
4. Pay special attention whenever the question uses words such as
“all,” “some,” or “none.” Other terms such as “unless” or
“except” or “only” are also important. These words help to define
the facts from which you must draw conclusions.
5. Also pay special attention whenever you see a negative prefix
such as “non-“ or a negative verb such as “disconnect” or
“unfasten.” These may be crucial to understanding the basic facts
in the paragraph.
6. Ignore any advice you may have received in the past about
avoiding an answer that contains the word “all” or the word
“none.” These may be signs of an incorrect response in some
tests, but not in this test. You will find these words in both right
and wrong response options.
7. Take the sample test and study the explanation for each of the
questions very carefully. This will help you fine-tune your
reasoning on the actual test.
Preparation Manual for the ICE Special Agent Test Battery
The practice test contains questions that are similar to, but not exactly the same as, the questions on the
real test. The practice test is followed by detailed explanations of every practice test question. These
explanations will give you information about what is correct about the correct response options and what
is incorrect about the wrong response options. Understanding the reasons for the correct and incorrect
response options should assist you in distinguishing between a right and wrong answer on the test.
In questions 1 through 10, some questions will ask you to select the only answer that can be validly
concluded from the paragraph. These questions include a paragraph followed by five response options.
Preceding the five response options will be the phrase “From the information given above, it can be
validly concluded that.” In other questions you may be asked to select the only answer that cannot be
validly concluded from the paragraph. These questions include a paragraph followed by five response
options. Preceding the five response options will be the phrase “From the information given above, it
CANNOT be validly concluded that.”
You must use only the information provided in the paragraph, without using any outside information
It is suggested that you take not more than 20 minutes to complete questions 1 through 10. The questions
on this practice test will not be on the real test, but the real questions will be similar in form and difficulty
to these. The explanations for the correct and incorrect responses are found after the sample questions.
1. Often, crimes are characterized as either malum in se—inherently evil—or malum prohibitum—
criminal because they are declared as offenses by a legislature. Murder is an example of the former.
Failing to file a tax return illustrates the latter. Some jurisdictions no longer distinguish between
crimes malum in se and malum prohibitum, although many still do.
From the information given above, it can be validly concluded that
A) many jurisdictions no longer distinguish between crimes malum in se and malum prohibitum
B) some jurisdictions still distinguish between crimes malum in se and malum prohibitum
C) some crimes characterized as malum in se are not inherently evil
D) some crimes characterized as malum prohibitum are not declared by a legislature to be an offense
E) sometimes failing to file a tax return is characterized as malum in se
Preparation Manual for the ICE Special Agent Test Battery
2. A trucking company can act as a common carrier—for hire to the general public at published rates.
As a common carrier, it is liable for any cargo damage, unless the company can show that it was not
negligent. If the company can demonstrate that it was not negligent, then it is not liable for cargo
damage. In contrast, a contract carrier (a trucking company hired by a shipper under a specific
contract) is only responsible for cargo damage as spelled out in the contract. A Claus Inc. tractor-
trailer, acting under common carrier authority, was in a 5-vehicle accident that damaged its cargo. A
Nichols Inc. tractor-trailer, acting under contract carrier authority, was involved in the same accident,
and its cargo was also damaged.
From the information given above, it can be validly concluded that, in reference to the accident,
A) if Claus Inc. is liable, then it can show that it was not negligent
B) if Claus Inc. cannot show that it was not negligent, then it is not liable
C) if Claus Inc. can show that it was not negligent, then it is not liable
D) if Nichols Inc. is liable, then it cannot show that it is negligent
E) if Nichols Inc. can show that it is not negligent, then it is not liable
3. A rapidly changing technical environment in government is promoting greater reliance on electronic
mail (e-mail) systems. As this usage grows, there are increasing chances of conflict between the
users’ expectations of privacy and public access rights. In some investigations, access to all
including those messages stored in archival files and messages outside the scope of the investigation,
has been sought and granted. In spite of this, some people send messages through e-mail that would
never be said face-to-face or written formally.
From the information given above, it CANNOT be validly concluded that
A) some e-mail messages that have been requested as part of investigations have contained messages
that would never be said face-to-face
B) some messages that people would never say face-to-face are sent in e-mail messages
C) some e-mail messages have been requested as part of investigations
D) e-mail messages have not been exempted from investigations
E) some e-mail messages contain information that would be omitted from formal writing
4. Phyllis T. is a former Federal employee who was entitled to benefits under the Federal Employee
Compensation Act because of a job-related, disabling injury. When an eligible Federal employee has
such an injury, the benefit is determined by this test: If the beneficiary is married or has dependents,
benefits are 3/4 of the person’s salary at the time of the injury; otherwise, benefits are set at 2/3 of the
salary. Phyllis T.’s benefits were 2/3 of her salary when she was injured.
From the information given above, it can be validly concluded that, when Phyllis T. was injured, she
A) was married but without dependents
B) was not married and had no dependents
C) was not married but had dependents
D) was married and had dependents
E) had never been married
Preparation Manual for the ICE Special Agent Test Battery
5. Some 480,000 immigrants were living in a certain country in 1999. Although most of these
immigrants were not employed in professional occupations, many of them were. For instance, many
of them were engineers and many of them were nurses. Very few of these immigrants were
librarians, another professional occupation.
From the information given above, it can be validly concluded that, in 1999, in the country described
A) most immigrants were either engineers or nurses
B) it is not the case that some of the nurses were immigrants
C) none of the engineers were immigrants
D) most of those not employed in professional occupations were immigrants
E) some of the engineers were immigrants
6. Police officers were led to believe that many weapons sold at a certain gun store were sold illegally.
Upon investigating the lead, the officers learned that all of the weapons sold by the store that were
made by Precision Arms were sold legally. Also, none of the illegally sold weapons were .45 caliber.
From the information given above, it can be validly concluded that, concerning the weapons sold at
the store,
A) all of the .45 caliber weapons were made by Precision Arms
B) none of the .45 caliber weapons were made by Precision Arms
C) some of the weapons made by Precision Arms were .45 caliber weapons
D) all of the .45 caliber weapons were sold legally
E) some of the weapons made by Precision Arms were sold illegally
7. Impressions made by the ridges on the ends of the fingers and thumbs are useful means of
identification, since no two persons have the same pattern of ridges. If finger patterns from
fingerprints are not decipherable, then they cannot be classified by general shape and contour or by
pattern type. If they cannot be classified by these characteristics, then it is impossible to identify the
person to whom the fingerprints belong.
From the information given above, it CANNOT be validly concluded that
A) if it is possible to identify the person to whom fingerprints belong, then the fingerprints are
B) if finger patterns from fingerprints are not decipherable, then it is impossible to identify the
person to whom the fingerprints belong
C) if fingerprints are decipherable, then it is impossible to identify the person to whom they belong
D) if fingerprints can be classified by general shape and contour or by pattern type, then they are
E) if it is possible to identify the person to whom fingerprints belong, then the fingerprints can be
classified by general shape and contour or pattern type
Preparation Manual for the ICE Special Agent Test Battery
8. Explosives are substances or devices capable of producing a volume of rapidly expanding gases that
exert a sudden pressure on their surroundings. Chemical explosives are the most commonly used,
although there are mechanical and nuclear explosives. All mechanical explosives are devices in
which a physical reaction is produced, such as that caused by overloading a container with
compressed air. While nuclear explosives are by far the most powerful, all nuclear explosives have
been restricted to military weapons.
From the information given above, it can be validly concluded that
A) all explosives that have been restricted to military weapons are nuclear explosives
B) no mechanical explosives are devices in which a physical reaction is produced, such as that
caused by overloading a container with compressed air
C) some nuclear explosives have not been restricted to military weapons
D) all mechanical explosives have been restricted to military weapons
E) some devices in which a physical reaction is produced, such as that caused by overloading a
container with compressed air, are mechanical explosives
9. The alphanumeric coding of a fingerprint is a systematic description of the main patterns on the print.
Within a certain metropolitan district, 90% of the population have fingerprints that can be
alphanumerically coded.
From the information given above, it can be validly concluded that the fingerprints of a person from
this district, selected at random,
A) can be alphanumerically coded, with a probability of 10%
B) can be alphanumerically coded, with a probability of less than 90%
C) cannot be alphanumerically coded, with a probability of 10%
D) cannot be alphanumerically coded, with a probability of up to 90%
E) may be coded alphanumerically, but the probability is unknown
10. The printed output of some computer-driven printers can be recognized by forensic analysts. The
“Acme Model 200” printer was manufactured using two different inking mechanisms, one of which
yields a “Type A” micropattern of ink spray around its characters. Of all Acme Model 200 printers,
70% produce this Type A micropattern, which is also characteristic of some models of other printers.
Forensic analysts at a crime lab have been examining a kidnap ransom note which clearly exhibits the
Type A micropattern.
From the information given above, it can be validly concluded that this note
A) was printed on an Acme Model 200 printer, with a probability of 70%
B) was printed on an Acme Model 200 printer, with a probability of 30%
C) was not printed on an Acme Model 200 printer, with a probability of 70%
D) was not printed on an Acme Model 200 printer, with a probability of 30%
E) may have been printed on an Acme Model 200 printer, but the probability cannot be estimated
Preparation Manual for the ICE Special Agent Test Battery
Analysis of Logical Reasoning Practice
Test Questions
1. Correct Answer:
B) some jurisdictions
still distinguish
between crimes
in se
prohibi um
This question is concerned with classification of crimes into sets—that
is, with the classification of crimes as either malum in se or malum
prohibitum. The last phrase in the last sentence tells us that many
jurisdictions make the distinction between these two categories of
crimes. Response B follows from that sentence, because if many
jurisdictions make the distinction, some jurisdictions make the
distinction. From the fact that many jurisdictions make the distinction,
it cannot be inferred that many do not
make the distinction. Therefore,
Response A is incorrect.
Responses C, D, and E are based on erroneous definitions of the two
classes of crimes. The paragraph tells us that all crimes characterized
as malum in se are inherently evil. Response C is false because it
cannot be the case that SOME crimes characterized as malum in se are
NOT inherently evil. The paragraph also tells us that all crimes
characterized as malum prohibitum are declared as offenses by a
legislature. Response D is false because it cannot be the case that
SOME crimes characterized as malum prohibitum are NOT declared
by a legislature to be an offense. In the paragraph, we are told that
filing a tax return late is malum prohibitum, rather than malum in se.
Response E is incorrect because it cannot be the case that failing to file
a tax return is malum in se.
2. Correct Answer:
C) If Claus Inc. can
show that it was not
negligent, then it is not
The second sentence states the liability rule for common carriers: all
common carriers are liable for cargo damage unless they can show that
they are not negligent; if they can show that they are not negligent,
then they are not liable for cargo damage. Claus Inc. is a common
carrier, and accordingly this rule applies to it. From this rule it follows
that if Claus Inc. can show it was not negligent, then it is not liable,
Response C. Response A contradicts this rule by claiming that when
Claus Inc. is liable it can show that it was not negligent. Response B
contradicts this rule by claiming that Claus Inc. is not liable even when
it cannot show that it is not negligent. Responses D and E concern
Nichols Inc., a contract carrier. However, the terms of the Nichols Inc.
contract were not disclosed in the paragraph, so neither response is
Preparation Manual for the ICE Special Agent Test Battery
3. Correct Answer:
A) some e-mail
messages that have
been requested as part
of investigations have
contained messages
that would never be
said face-to-face.
This is an example of a test question with a negative lead-in statement.
It asks for the conclusion that is NOT supported by the paragraph.
That means that four of the statements are valid conclusions from the
paragraph while one is not. Response B (some messages that people
would never say face-to-face are sent in e-mail messages) is a valid
conclusion because it restates a fact given in the last sentence of the
paragraph. Response E (some e-mail messages contain information
that would be omitted from formal writing) is valid because it restates
the other fact in the last sentence of the paragraph.
The next-to-last sentence in the paragraph is the source of both
response C (some e-mail messages have been requested as part of
investigations) and response D (e-mail messages have not been
exempted from investigations). Both of these choices restate
information in that sentence, based on the fact that access to e-mail
messages was sought and granted. This leaves only the first option,
response A (Some e-mail messages that have been requested as part of
investigations have contained messages that would never be said face-
to-face). This is the only choice that does NOT represent a valid
conclusion, because even though we know from the paragraph that
there is a group of e-mail messages that are requested in investigations
and also that there is a group of messages that contain information that
people would not say face-to-face, there is nothing that says that these
groups overlap. We simply do not know.
4. Correct Answer:
B) Phyllis T. was not
married and had no
This question concerns an either/or situation. The paragraph states that
benefits under the Federal Employees Compensation Act are awarded
at one level (3/4 of salary) if a beneficiary is married or has dependents
when injured and at another level (2/3 of salary) if this is not true.
Phyllis T. is eligible for benefits under the Act. The paragraph states
that Phyllis T.’s benefit level was 2/3 of her salary. Given this benefit
level, it is clear that Phyllis T. did not meet either of the conditions for
the 3/4 level. Therefore, responses A, C, and D cannot be correct (A
states that she was married, C states that she had dependents, and D
states that she both was married and had dependents). Response E
goes beyond the facts given because prior marriages are not listed as a
factor relating to this benefit. The one correct conclusion is that
Phyllis T. did not meet either requirement to qualify for the higher
benefit level (3/4 of salary), so response B is the correct answer to the
Preparation Manual for the ICE Special Agent Test Battery
5. Correct Answer:
E) some of the
engineers were
Response E is correct because it restates the third sentence in terms of
the overlap between immigrants and engineers in the country described
in the paragraph. Response A says that most immigrants are engineers
or nurses, which are professional occupations. However, the second
sentence says that most immigrants are not employed in professional
occupations, so Response A is false. Response B is false because it
denies that there is any overlap between immigrants and nurses, even
though this overlap is clear from the third sentence of the paragraph.
Response C is false because it denies the overlap between immigrants
and engineers. Because the paragraph does not give complete
information about the non-professionals (immigrant and non-
immigrant) in the country described in the paragraph, Response D is
6. Correct Answer:
D) all of the .45 caliber
weapons were sold
The second and last sentences are the two main premises in the
paragraph. These two sentences give information about three
categories of weapons: weapons made by Precision Arms, weapons
sold legally, and .45 caliber weapons.
The last sentence states that none of the illegally sold weapons were
.45 caliber. This means that none of the .45 caliber weapons were sold
illegally. Notice that this new statement is a double negative. In
affirmative form the statement means that all of the .45 caliber
weapons were sold legally, Choice D.
The information that all of the .45 caliber weapons were sold legally
(last sentence), combined with the information that all of the weapons
made by Precision Arms were sold legally (second sentence), allows
us to draw no valid conclusions about the relationship between the .45
caliber weapons and the weapons made by Precision Arms. There is
insufficient information about the entire group of weapons sold legally
to know whether the group of .45 caliber weapons and the group of
weapons made by Precision Arms overlapped entirely (Choice A),
partially (Choice C), or not at all (Choice B).
Choice E contradicts the second sentence and is, therefore, invalid.
Preparation Manual for the ICE Special Agent Test Battery
7. Correct Answer:
C) if fingerprints are
decipherable, then it is
impossible to identify
the person to whom
they belong
This question asks for the response option that cannot be validly
concluded from the information in the paragraph. The only response
option that cannot be validly concluded is Response C, so the correct
answer to question 7 is Response C. Response C is invalid because the
paragraph does not provide enough information to conclude whether or
not it would be possible to identify the person to whom the fingerprints
belong from the mere fact that the fingerprints are decipherable.
Response A refers to a condition where it is possible to identify the
person to whom fingerprints belong. Based on the final sentence in the
paragraph, this condition of fingerprints means that the fingerprints
could be classified by general shape and contour or by pattern type.
Based on the second sentence, the ability to classify the fingerprints
means that the fingerprints are decipherable.
Since Response B refers to a condition in which finger patterns from
fingerprints are not decipherable, we know from the second sentence
that, in that circumstance, they cannot be classified by general shape
and contour or by pattern type. From the final sentence in the
paragraph, we can infer that since they cannot be classified by these
characteristics, then it is impossible to identify the person to whom the
fingerprints belong.
According to the second sentence, fingerprints cannot be classified by
general shape and contour or by pattern type when they are not
decipherable. Therefore, if fingerprints can be classified by general
shape and contour or by pattern type, then the fingerprints must be
decipherable, Response D. According to the third sentence, it is
impossible to identify the owner of a set of fingerprints when the
fingerprints cannot be classified by general shape and contour or by
pattern type. Therefore, if it is possible to identify the person to whom
fingerprints belong, then the fingerprints must be able to be classified
by general shape and contour or pattern type, Response E. Notice that
Responses D and E are valid based on the same type of reasoning. The
first and second statements of the second sentence were made opposite
and reversed in Response D, and the first and second statements of the
final sentence were made opposite and reversed in Response E.
Preparation Manual for the ICE Special Agent Test Battery
8. Correct Answer:
E) some devices in
which a physical
reaction is produced,
such as that caused by
overloading a container
with compressed air,
are mechanical
The correct answer is E. The third sentence states the overlap between
all mechanical explosives and devices in which a physical reaction is
produced, such as that caused by overloading a container with
compressed air. From this, we can safely conclude that some devices
in which a physical reaction is produced, such as that caused by
overloading a container with compressed air, are mechanical
Response A is incorrect because the paragraph does not provide
sufficient information to validly conclude that all explosives which
have been restricted to military weapons are nuclear weapons. It may
be that some types of explosives other than nuclear weapons also have
been restricted to military weapons.
Responses B and C are incorrect because they contradict the
paragraph. Response B contradicts the third sentence, and Response C
contradicts the last sentence.
Response D is incorrect because the paragraph provides no
information about whether or not mechanical explosives are restricted
to military weapons.
9. Correct Answer:
C) the fingerprints of a
person from this
district, selected at
random, cannot be
coded, with a
probability of 10%
We know from the second sentence that 90% of the people in this
district have fingerprints that can be coded. Therefore, we know that
10% (100%-90%=10%) have fingerprints that cannot be coded. Given
this information, the chance of selecting a person from this district
with fingerprints that can be coded is 90% and the chance of selecting
a person from this district with fingerprints that cannot be coded is
10%. Response A is incorrect because a probability of 10% is an
underestimate of the probability that the fingerprints of a person from
this district can be coded. Response B is incorrect because, like
response A, it is an underestimate. Response D is incorrect because it
is an overestimate of the probability that the fingerprints of a person
from this district cannot be coded. Response E is incorrect because the
probability that the fingerprints can be coded is known to be 90%.
Preparation Manual for the ICE Special Agent Test Battery
10. Correct Answer:
E) this note may have
been printed on an
Acme Model 200
printer, but the
probability cannot be
We know from the third sentence that the Type A micropattern exists
in 70% of all Acme Model 200 printers and in some other models of
printers. However, we know neither how many other models nor what
percentage of other models produce the Type A micropattern. Hence,
the probability that the note was printed on the Acme Model 200
printer cannot be determined. For that reason, responses A, B, C, and
D are incorrect because the probability is based only on the
characteristic of the one model printer that we know, the Acme Model
200, and not on all of the printer models that contain the Type A
Preparation Manual for the ICE Special Agent Test Battery
Section III
Arithmetic Reasoning
This section provides a quick review of basic mathematical operations and concepts that will help you
answer questions on Part B -- Arithmetic Reasoning. The material in this section is in no way intended to
be a complete, comprehensive guide to arithmetic. It will, however, provide a review of some of the
types of mathematical functions that you must be able to perform in solving the arithmetic word problems
in the test. If you have not worked on math problems for some time, you should read this information
carefully before taking the arithmetic reasoning practice test. Please note that the solutions to the
examples given are only one way of solving the problems. There may be other methods to reach the same
right answer. And, you may find those methods to be more suitable for your way of thinking.
Mathematical Functions
The arithmetic reasoning questions in the test consist of math word problems that require you to perform
operations such as those listed below. Examples of math problems in these areas are presented in this
Basic Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division
Multiplication and Division of Fractions and Mixed Numbers
Calculating Percentages
Calculating Ratios and Proportions
Calculating Rate Problems using Distance and Time
Calculating Work Rate Problems
Solving for Unknown Quantities
Expressing Word Problems as Equations
Calculating the Area of an Object
Preparation Manual for the ICE Special Agent Test Battery
Whole Numbers, Fractions, and Mixed Numbers
Quick Reminders:
A whole number is an integer (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ...) which can be divided by itself and by 1. A fraction,
on the other hand, is a number that represents a part of a whole number. A fraction is a division or
ratio of two whole numbers, written in the following form: 1/4. The top number in the fraction is
called the numerator and the bottom number is referred to as the denominator.
A mixed number is the combination of a whole number and a fraction. For example, 9 1/4 is a mixed
number which represents adding or combining the whole number “9” plus the fraction “1/4.” Any
mixed number can be changed into a fraction by:
- multiplying the denominator of the fraction by the whole number and adding this number to
the numerator -- 4 x 9 = 36 + 1 = 37/4. This says that 9 1/4 is the same as 37/4.
Adding and Subtracting Fractions:
- To add or subtract fractions that have the same (common) denominator, add or subtract the
numerators and retain the denominator:
Example 1. 5/8 + 6/8 = 11/8. Expressed as a mixed number it is 1 3/8.
Example 2. 4/5 - 1/5 = 3/5
- To add or subtract fractions that do not have the same denominators, first find a common
denominator, then add or subtract the numerators. The least common denominator (LCD) is
the smallest number into which each of the original denominators can be divided evenly.
Study the example below:
Example 3. 1/3 + 1/2 + 3/4 = ?
In this problem, the LCD for the three fractions is 12 because 12 is the smallest number into
which the numbers 3, 2, and 4 can each be divided evenly. Although 24 also is a common
denominator for these three fractions, it is not the smallest denominator.
Divide the original denominators (3, 2, and 4) of each fraction into the common denominator
(12) and multiply the result for each fraction by the numerator of each fraction.
Following these rules for the first fraction, we divide the original denominator
(which is 3) into 12 (the LCD), which equals 4; 4
x 1 (the numerator) equals 4. So, the
first fraction becomes 4/12.
Repeating this operation, the second fraction becomes 6/12, and the third becomes 9/12.
So, 4/12 + 6/12 + 9/12 = 19/12. Expressed as a mixed number, this becomes 1 7/12.
Example 4. 4/5 - 1/3 = 12/15 - 5/15 = 7/15
Preparation Manual for the ICE Special Agent Test Battery
Multiplying Fractions:
- To multiply fractions, multiply the numerators, then multiply the denominators.
Example 5. 3/7 x 2/4 = 6/28. Reduced to its lowest term, this becomes 3/14.
Dividing Fractions:
- To divide a fraction by another fraction, invert the second fraction, and multiply the
numerators and denominators.
Example 6. 5/8 ÷ 3/4 = 5/8 x 4/3 = 20/24. Reduced to its lowest terms, this
becomes 5/6.
Working with Decimals
A decimal is a fraction that is expressed in another form. Numbers that begin with a period
(called a decimal point) are decimals (also called decimal fractions). For example, the numbers .75, .045,
and .009 are decimals. The decimal .75 represents the fraction 3/4. If you divide the denominator (4)
into the numerator (3), the result will be .75.
Adding and Subtracting Decimals:
Example 7. .35 + .78 can also be written as .35
+ .78
Example 8. .69 - .14 = .55 or .69
- .14
Notice that the decimal points are aligned and that in the sum, the whole number is placed to the left
of the decimal point.
Multiplying Decimals:
To multiply decimals, you do not need to align the decimal points. Instead, you must count the
number of decimal places (to the right of the decimal point) in each set of numbers and add them.
After you multiply the two sets of numbers, place the decimal point at the number of places you
Example 9. 6.021 x
.4 = 6021 x 4 = 24084;
Since there are 3 decimal places in 6.021 and 1 decimal place in .4, the total number of decimal
places needed in the result above (24084) is 4. So, 24084 is written as 2.4084.
Preparation Manual for the ICE Special Agent Test Battery
Dividing Decimals:
Dividing decimals also requires you to count the number of decimal places.
Example 10. In calculating 2.64 ÷ .02, it will be easier to first move the decimal point 2
places to the right in each set of numbers. This will give you 264 ÷ 2,
which is equal to 132.
Check: multiplying 132 x .02 = 2.64
Example 11. 25.164 ÷ .06 = 2516.4 ÷ 6 = 419.4
Check: multiplying 419.4 x
.06 = 25.164
Notice that the decimal point was moved 2 places to the right in each set of numbers above.
Word Problems Using Decimals:
Example 12. Cargo weighing 6,520 tons arrived at the Marin Port and was assessed a fee
of 6 cents per ton. What was the total amount assessed on the cargo?
6 cents = .06; 6,520 x .06 = 391.20. So, the answer is $391.20.
Example 13. If inspection stickers cost 30 cents each, how many stickers can be
purchased for $12.60?
30 cents = .30; 12.60 ÷ .30 = 42. So, the answer is 42.
You can also calculate this problem by moving the decimals in each set of numbers two places to the
right and then dividing:
1260 ÷ 30 = 42
A percentage is yet another way of expressing a fraction. Percentages (or percents) are expressed as
fractions or parts of a whole. Writing 100% is the same as writing the fraction 100/100, and writing 23%
is the same as 23/100.
- To find a percent of a number, change the percent to a decimal and multiply by the decimal:
Example 14. 16% of 40 = 40 x .16 = 6.40
- To calculate what percent one number is of another number, reverse the calculation above
and divide:
Preparation Manual for the ICE Special Agent Test Battery
Example 15. What percent of 40 is 6.40 (also expressed as 6.40 is what percent of 40)?
Calculate 6.40 ÷ 40 = .16; move the decimal 2 places to the right in .16 to get 16%.
Calculating Percentages, Percentage Increases, and Percentage Decreases:
Example 16. Agent Crawford provided government prosecutors with 400 documents for
potential use in a trial. If 18% of the documents were actually used in the
trial, how many documents were used?
400 x
.18 = 72. So, 72 documents were used.
Example 17. Each year an office was allocated funds to provide bonuses to all of its
employees. One year, the office received the same amount of bonus funds,
but lost 10% of its staff. By what percentage will the bonus amounts
increase for the remaining staff in that office?
One way to solve the problem is to let 100% represent the total staff in the office. 100% - 10% =
90%. If the bonus funds previously given to the 10% of employees who left were divided among
those who remained, you would get .10 ÷ .90 = .111 (11.1% or rounded to 11%). So, the bonus
amounts for the remaining staff would increase by 11%.
Example 18. In June 1997, the number of investigators employed full-time in one large
office was 800. One year later, that number increased 15%. What was the
total number of investigators employed in the office in June 1998?
There are two ways to solve this problem. One way is to multiply 800
x .15 = 120; then add 120 +
800 = 920.
Another, quicker way is to multiply 800 x 1.15 = 920. The number 1.15 is used because the
investigator workforce increased from 100% to an additional 15%, totaling 115%. Converting 115%
to a decimal is expressed as 1.15.
Had the investigator workforce decreased
15% from June 1997 to June 1998, the calculation would
have been 800
x .85 = 680. (Note that the decimal .85 is used because 100% minus 15% equals
85%, expressed as .85 in decimal form.) This is the same as multiplying
x .15 = 120 and subtracting 800 - 120 = 680.
Solving for Unknown Values
Some math problems will have missing or unknown values that you must determine or calculate in order
to solve the problem. To solve a math problem that has one or more unknown (not given) values, set up
an equation to represent all of the values in the problem, substituting a letter of the alphabet, such as a, b,
x, or y, for the unknown value.
Example 19. A passenger purchased a vase from an art dealer in Europe for $1,210. She
later learned that the dealer sold her the vase for 110% of its actual value.
What was the actual value of the vase?
Preparation Manual for the ICE Special Agent Test Battery
First, think carefully about what you need to find in order to solve the problem. In this
problem, you want to find the actual value of the vase (the unknown value). Do this by
substituting X for the actual value. Since the vase was sold for $1,210 and $1,210 is 110% of its actual
value, the equation should look like the following:
$1,210 = 110% of X; this is also written as $1,210 = 110%X or 1.10X
This is also the same as 1.10X = 1,210. Move your known values to the right side of the equation by
dividing each side of the equation by 1.10; 1.10X ÷ 1.10 = 1,210 ÷ 1.10.
The equation then becomes X = 1,210 ÷ 1.10, which is equal to 1,100 or $1,100.
Therefore, the actual value of the vase is $1,100.
A general rule to remember is: If you add or subtract the same value to or from each side
of an equation, the new equation is equal to the original equation. If you multiply or
divide both sides of an equation by the same non-zero value, the new equation is equal to
the original equation. In Example 19, both sides of the equation were divided by 1.10.
Example 20. An investigator rented a car for six days and was charged $450. The car
rental company charged $35 per day plus $.30 per mile driven. How many
miles did the investigator drive the car?
The answer can be obtained by letting X represent the number of miles driven and computing the
6 (35) + .30X = 450
210 + .30X = 450; .30X = 450 - 210; so, .30X = 240;
and, X = 240 ÷ .30 = 800 (He drove 800 miles).
The investigator rented the car for six days at $35 per day, which is $210; $210 subtracted from the total
charge of $450 leaves $240, the portion of the total charge expended for the miles driven. This amount
divided by the charge per mile ($240/.30) gives the number of miles (800) driven by the investigator.
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Ratios and Proportions
A ratio expresses the comparison of two or more things. It indicates the amount of one thing you have
compared to the amount of another thing you have.
Example 21. If you have purchased season tickets to the 2002 football games and tickets
for the 2002 ballet season in the ratio of 5:3, then you have 5 football tickets
for every 3 ballet tickets you purchased. Notice that this does not tell you the
actual number of either set of tickets you purchased--just that you bought the
tickets in the ratio indicated.
The following example shows a ratio used in a proportion:
Example 22. An investigator maintained an inventory of 500 case files for use in
documenting the investigation of a large corporation. Two hundred files
relating to trade compliance violations were stored in the Southeast Office,
and the remaining files linking the corporation to money laundering activities
were stored in the Palmer Park Office and the West Canal Street Office in the
ratio of 2:3. How many files were stored at the Palmer Park Office and how
many were stored at the West Canal Street Office?
The ratio of 2 to 3 tells us that out of every 5 case files, 2 will be stored in the Palmer Park Office and 3
will be stored in the West Canal Street Office. Two out of 5 has the same meaning as the fraction 2/5 or
the decimal quantity .40; 3 of 5 is the same as the fraction 3/5 or .60. Since we are told that 200 of the
500 files are stored in the Southeast Office, this leaves 300 files that are stored either in the Palmer Park
or West Canal Street Office. To determine how many files were stored at the Palmer Park Office, we set
up the proportion 2/5 = X/300. To solve for X, we cross multiply the two fractions and obtain 5X =
(2)(300). Solving for X, we obtain the answer 120. Thus, 120 of the files were stored at the Palmer Park
Office, and the remainder (300 - 120 = 180) were stored at the West Canal Street Office.
Solving Distance, Time, and Rate Problems
Some math problems require you to calculate the rate at which an event or action occurs. Review the
Example 23. An investigator drove 300 miles in 5 hours. At what rate (of speed) did the
investigator drive? Using the formula, Rate = Distance ÷ Time,
300 ÷ 5 hrs = 60 miles per hour. So, the investigator drove at a rate (speed)
of 60 miles per hour.
In another version of the problem, you are given the rate and distance, but must calculate the amount of
time it takes to travel the distance:
Example 24. An investigator traveled 300 miles at a speed of 60 mph. How long did it
take the investigator to drive this distance? Using the formula,
Time = Distance ÷ Rate, the time it took to drive was 300 ÷ 60 mph, which
is equal to 5 hrs.
Another variation provides the rate and time, but asks you to calculate the distance:
Preparation Manual for the ICE Special Agent Test Battery
Example 25. An investigator traveled 5 hours at a speed of 60 mph, how many miles did
the investigator travel? Using the formula, Distance = Rate x Time, the
distance driven by the investigator was 60 mph x 5 hrs, which equals 300
Now study the following example:
Example 26. If Agent Davis drove 520 miles in 8 hours, how long would it take her to
drive 650 miles at the same rate?
Express the problem as 520 ÷ 8 = 650 ÷ X, where X represents the amount of time it would take to drive
650 miles at the same rate of 520 miles in 8 hours (a rate of 65 mph). This becomes
520X = 650 x 8 = 5,200, and X = 5200 ÷ 520 = 10. So, it would take Agent Davis 10 hours to drive
650 miles going 65 mph.
Other variations of this type of math problem involve calculating the rate or amount of time taken to
complete an assignment or task (referred to as a work rate problem). Review the examples below:
Example 27. Agent Hilton was asked to review the personal records of suspects in 5 major
cases. After 2 hours, she had completed 4/7 of the records. Working at this
same rate, how long will it take her to review all of the records?
This problem is solved using the same basic formula as that presented in Example 26.
4/7 X = 2 hrs., where X represents the total number of records to be reviewed. The problem becomes
X = 2 ÷ 4/7 = 2 x 7/4 = 14/4 = 3.5. So, it would take her 3.5 hrs to complete the entire task.
Example 28. Four employees were asked to stack 320 boxes of materials. After stacking
120 boxes in 1 hour, they were joined by another worker who helped stack
the remaining boxes. How long will it take the new group to finish stacking
the remaining 200 boxes, if they continue to work at their same rate?
In this problem you must first determine how many boxes are being stacked by the four employees in one
hour (120 boxes per hour ÷ 4 employees = 30 boxes per hour per employee). Continuing at the same rate,
5 individuals would stack 150 boxes per hour (5 employees x 30 boxes = 150 boxes). Subtracting 150
from 200 leaves 50 boxes that remain to be stacked after 1 hour. The remaining 50 boxes would take an
additional 1/3 hour to stack since 50 boxes ÷ 150 (the number stacked in 1 hour) = 1/3. Therefore, the
total time it would take the 5 employees to stack the remaining 200 boxes would be 1 1/3 hours.
OR algebraically speaking: Since 4 employees stack 120 boxes per hour, each employee stacks an
average of 30 boxes per hour (see Part A below). To find the amount of time it would take for 5 workers,
working at the same pace, to stack 200 remaining boxes, use the formula in Part B below, where x is the
unknown time in hours.
Preparation Manual for the ICE Special Agent Test Battery
Part A Part B
(1) 120 = 4x (1) 200 = 5(30x)
(2) 120
= 4x (2) 200 = 150x
4 4
(3) 30 = x (3) 200
= 150x
150 150
(4) 1.33 = x
Expressing Word Problems as Equations
Some of the word problems in the test require you to choose, from among several equations, the one
equation that expresses or represents a solution to the problem. Review the example below:
Example 29. An agency purchased surplus computer printers for $220 each. For every 20
printers purchased, the twentieth printer received a 40% discount. What
equation represents the total price paid, if the agency purchased 100 of the
The equation would be: 100 (220) - [ (100/20 x (220)) x .40 ]
The total price of the computers, without the discount, is represented by 100 (220) = $22,000. The
number of printers that were purchased at a discount (every 20
computer) is represented by 100/20,
which equals 5. So, the cost of 5 printers priced at $220 is represented by 100/20 (220). A 40% discount
for this price is represented by 100/20 (220) times .40, the results of which must be subtracted from
$22,000 to obtain the total discounted price paid by the agency.
Note that this type of problem does not require you to actually solve the problem. Instead, you are asked
only to find the one equation, from among a choice of four equations, that represents the correct way to
solve the problem.
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Final Tips: Review of Basic Formulas and Measures
Some questions in the test will require you to work with the elements of time (hours and minutes) and
certain types of measures (length, width, and area of a square or rectangle). It will be useful to remember
the following basics:
60 seconds = 1 minute
60 minutes = 1 hour
24 hours = 1 day
Area = L x W (the area of a square or rectangle is obtained by multiplying its
length times its width)
Rate = Distance divided by Time (R = D/T)
Time = Distance divided by Rate (T = D/R)
Distance = Rate multiplied by Time (D = R x T)
Preparation Manual for the ICE Special Agent Test Battery
In this part of the test you will have to solve problems formulated in both verbal and numeric form. You
will have to analyze a paragraph in order to set up the problem, and then solve it. If the exact answer is
not given as one of the response choices, you should select response E, “none of these.” Some of the
questions in the actual test will be easier and some will be harder than the ones in this practice test.
1. Agent Y was asked to conduct a detailed interview with a suspect. After 2 hours, the agent had
completed 4/9 of the interview. Continuing at this same rate, how long did it take Agent Y to
complete the entire interview?
A) 3.5 hrs
B) 4 hrs
C) 4.5 hrs
D) 5 hrs
E) none of these
2. Agent Phelps and Agent Mabry reviewed and approved case files involving smuggling activities for
several area offices. Of the 190 records they reviewed together, Agent Phelps approved 3 cases for
every 2 approved by Agent Mabry. How many cases did Agent Mabry approve?
A) 38
B) 76
C) 114
D) 285
E) none of these
3. An investigator drove east at an average speed of 90 kilometers (km) per hour for 3 minutes. During
the remaining 100 minutes of her travel, the investigator drove north. If the investigator drove a total
of 204.5 km, what was her average speed when traveling north?
A) 95 km/hr
B) 100 km/hr
C) 120 km/hr
D) 130 km/hr
E) none of these
4. While working the evening shift, Agent K took 8 hours to complete a task and Agent M took 10 hours
to complete the same type of task. How many hours would it take Agent K and Agent M to complete
the same task working together, each working at his own rate?
A) 9
B) 8 1/9
C) 4 4/9
D) 6 3/4
E) none of these
Preparation Manual for the ICE Special Agent Test Battery
5. An investigator traveling on official business in his personal vehicle had to make emergency repairs
to the vehicle. He paid $150 for the repairs plus 15% of this amount to compensate the mechanic for
repair work performed overtime. The investigator’s office reimbursed him $100 plus 40% of any
amount over $100. Which one of the equations below represents the amount that the investigator was
reimbursed for the repairs?
A) 100 + .4 [ 150 (1.15) - 100] = X
B) 4 [ (150) (.15) + 100] = X
C) 100 + (150) (.15) = X
D) 150 + .4 [ 150 (1.15) - 100] = X
E) none of these
6. Agent Jordyn had to count 13,000 dollar bills by hand. Agents Terri and Stewart were assigned to
help. After 1 hour, Agent Stewart had counted 1,000 bills, but had to leave for firearms training.
Working at their same rate, how long will it take Agents Jordyn and Terri to count the remaining
9,000 bills?
A) 1 hr, 15 mins
B) 2 hrs, 15 mins
C) 2 hrs, 45 mins
D) 3 hrs
E) none of these
7. The administrative assistant at a law enforcement training academy purchases badges priced at $32
each for all the graduates of the academy. The last training class graduated 25 new officers. What is
the total amount of money the academy will spend for the badges for these new officers, if the badge
vendor provides the Academy a 20% discount on each badge?
A) $ 800
B) $ 790
C) $ 640
D) $ 16
E) none of these
Preparation Manual for the ICE Special Agent Test Battery
Solutions to the Arithmetic Reasoning Questions
1. Correct Answer: C Agent Y completed one segment of the interview, that is, 4/9 of the
interview, in 2 hours. One compete interview can be divided into 2 1/4
segments, 1 ÷ 4/9 = 9/4 = 2 1/4. We can multiply the number of
segments, 2 1/4, by the number of hours each segment takes to complete,
2, in order to calculate the number of hours to complete the entire
interview: 2 1/4 x 2 = 4 1/2.
2. Correct Answer: B The ratio 3:2 means that for every 5 approvals, 3 will be done by Agent
Phelps and 2 by Agent Mabry. Agent Phelps approved 3/5 x 190;
Agent Mabry approved 2/5 x 190 = 76.
3. Correct Answer: C 3 mins = 1/20 hr (60 ÷3); 1/20 x 90 km/hr = 4.5 km traveled in the first
3 minutes; 204.5 km - 4.5 km = 200 km remaining.
100 mins = 1 hour and 40 minutes which equals 1 2/3 hrs or 5/3 hrs;
speed (rate) for the remaining 200 km = 200 km ÷ 5/3 hrs = 120 km/hr
4. Correct Answer: C Let Agent K’s hours be represented by 1/8 and Agent M’s hours be
represented by 1/10. This says that Agent K completes 1/8 of the job per
hour and Agent M completes 1/10 of the job per hour. Together, they
work 1/8 + 1/10 = 18/80 of the job per hour, which when reduced to its
lowest terms, is 9/40. Therefore, if T is the amount of time it takes the
two of them to finish the job, then 9/40 of the job per hour x T (hours)
has to equal 1 job. So, 9/40 x T = 1 and T = 40/9 = 4 4/9 hours (four
and four-ninths hours).
5. Correct Answer: A 100 + .4 [ 150 (1.15) - 100] = X
6. Correct Answer: D The Agents began with 13,000 bills to count, and when Agent Stewart
left, there were 9,000 bills remaining. This means that the 3 Agents
working together for one hour counted 4,000 bills, 13,000 - 9,000 =
4,000. Agent Stewart counted 1,000 of the 4,000 bills counted, so the
other 2 Agents counted 3,000 bills in one hour. The remaining 9,000
bills can be divided evenly into 3 groups of 3,000 bills, 9,000 ÷ 3,000 =
3. Since it takes the 2 Agents 1 hour to review 3,000 bills, it will take
them 3 hours to review the remaining bills, 1hour x 3 groups of bills =
3 hours to count the remaining bills.
7. Correct Answer: C $32 x 25 = 800; 800 x .20 = 160; $800 - 160 = $640. The second
way to calculate the answer is: $800 x .80 = $640.
Preparation Manual for the ICE Special Agent Test Battery
This guide has been developed to help you prepare for the Writing Skills Assessment.
This guide provides information that will refresh your knowledge of some basic rules of English
grammar, syntax, usage, sentence and paragraph organization, and punctuation. Only a short
summary of each topic is provided. For a more in-depth study, you may want to refer to English
textbooks or writing handbooks. A reference list with some suggested readings is provided.
Also, this guide presents a sample of the types of questions you can expect to find on the Writing
Skills Test along with the correct answers and the rationale for them.
Sentence Construction
A sentence is a grammatically independent group of words that serves as a unit of
A sentence normally contains a stated subject (the noun(s) and/or pronoun(s) the sentence
is about), and it must contain a predicate (the part that says something about or directs
the subject) that consists of at least one word, a verb. Even the single-word command
Go! is a sentence because it has an unstated but implied subject whoever or whatever is
being directed to go and a verb.
Use of Phrases in Sentences
A phrase is a group of related words lacking a subject and/or a predicate. A phrase can
be used as a noun, adjective, adverb, or verb. On the basis of their form, phrases are
classified as prepositional, participial, gerund, infinitive, and verb phrases.
Use of Clauses in Sentences
Clauses are grammatical units containing a subject and a verb. They can be either
dependent or independent. An independent clause expresses the main thought of the
sentence and can stand alone as a sentence (Example: She laughed.). A dependent
clause expresses an idea that is less important than the idea expressed in the main clause
and cannot stand alone as a sentence (Example: As she was laughing…).
Preparation Manual for the ICE Special Agent Test Battery
Restrictive and Nonrestrictive Phrases and Clauses
A restrictive phrase or clause provides information that is necessary to specifically
identify what is being described. A nonrestrictive phrase or clause provides information
that is incidental to the meaning of the sentence.
Generally speaking, restrictive phrases and clauses are not separated from the rest of the
sentence by commas. Nonrestrictive phrases and clauses are separated from the rest of
the sentence by commas.
Examples: The blue house that he built on a hill is quite large.
The blue house, which he built on a hill, is quite large.
The first sentence is written about a man who built several blue houses but only
one on a hill. Therefore, the phrase that he built on a hill is essential for knowing
which blue house is being referred to. The phrase is therefore restrictive and is
not separated from the rest of the sentence by commas.
The second example is written about a man who built only one blue house, and it
happens to be on a hill. Therefore, which he built on a hill is not
essential for
knowing which house is being referred to. The phrase is therefore nonrestrictive
and is separated from the rest of the sentence by commas.
Examples: We should congratulate the student who won the prize.
Pat, who won the prize, deserves our congratulations.
In the first sentence the clause who won the prize is essential for indicating the
person who should be congratulated. The clause is therefore restrictive and is not
separated from the rest of the sentence by commas.
In the second sentence, the person to be congratulated is identified as Pat, and the
clause who won the prize is not essential for identifying the person. The clause is
therefore nonrestrictive and is separated from the rest of the sentence by commas.
Definition: A word or phrase used to assert an action or state of being.
Verb Voice
The voice of a verb shows whether the subject performs an action (active voice) or
receives it (passive voice).
Example (active voice): The consultant wrote a proposal.
Example (passive voice): The proposal was written by the consultant.
Preparation Manual for the ICE Special Agent Test Battery
Verb Tense
The tense of a verb shows the time of the action of the verb. There are an active and a
passive form of all tenses in English. The six English verb tenses are:
Tense Examples of Active Voice Examples of Passive Voice
Present she takes; she is taking she is taken; she is being taken
Past she took; she was taking she was taken; she was being taken
Future she will take; she will be taking she will be taken
Present perfect she has taken; she has been taking she has been taken
Past perfect she had taken; she had been taking she had been taken
Future perfect she will have taken; she will have been taken
she will have been taking
The present tense represents action that is taking place now.
Example: She is attending training today.
The past tense represents action that took place in past time.
Example: He wrote five letters yesterday.
The future tense places action in future time.
Example: She will attend the meeting later today.
The present perfect tense represents action completed before the present time.
Example: He has taken training.
The past perfect tense represents action that occurs before another past action.
Example: She counted the letters he had written.
The future perfect tense represents action that will be completed before a specific time in the
Example: By next week, he will have completed the analysis.
Verb Mood
The mood of a verb shows whether an action is fact (indicative mood), something other
than fact, such as a possibility, wish, or supposition (subjunctive mood), or a command
(imperative mood).
Example of indicative mood: They are going to the ball game.
Example of subjunctive mood: I insist that he go to the ball game.
Example of imperative mood: Go now!
The subjunctive mood is also used to express a condition contrary to fact.
Example: I wish I were president.
Preparation Manual for the ICE Special Agent Test Battery
Other Rules Related to Verbs
Transitive verbs require direct objects to complete their meaning.
Example: The baseball player signed the autographs.
Intransitive verbs do not require direct objects to complete their meaning.
Example: The boat has docked.
Linking verbs are not action verbs; rather, they express a state of being or existence. The
various forms of the verb to be are primary linking verbs.
Linking verbs never take objects but, instead, connect the subject to a word or idea in the
predicate. Examples: It was he who bought the tickets. His proposal is unacceptable.
Some dogs are excitable.
The verb to be can also be used with another verb as a helping (auxiliary) verb to create a
verb phrase. Examples: Flights have been delayed. The contract will have to be
Definition: An infinitive is the form of a verb that expresses action or existence without reference to
person, number, or tense. Example: To run is relaxing.
A split infinitive has a word or several words between the to and the verb following it.
Splitting an infinitive is generally considered incorrect, especially if more than one word
intervenes between to and the verb. Incorrect example: You should try to, if you can,
attend the briefing. Correct usage: You should try to attend the briefing, if you can.
An infinitive may be used as the subject of a sentence. Example: To become champion
has been her lifelong dream.
An infinitive may be used as an adjectival modifier. Example: He had several papers to
review during the trip.
Definition: A gerund is the form of a verb ending in ing that is used as a noun. In fact, another name for a
gerund is a verbal noun.
A gerund may be used as the subject of a sentence. Example: Drawing was his favorite
personal activity.
A gerund may be used as the object of a sentence or a prepositional phrase.
Example: She preferred walking over bicycling. Walking is the object of the verb
preferred and bicycling is the object of the preposition over.
Preparation Manual for the ICE Special Agent Test Battery
Definition: A participle is a form of the verb used as an adjective. Simple participle forms end in ed or
ing. Examples: The candidate felt betrayed. The New Year’s Eve party was exciting.
When a participial phrase seems to modify a word that it cannot sensibly modify, then it
is a dangling phrase. Incorrect example: Sailing on the open sea, many dolphins were
spotted. (Sailing does not modify dolphins.) Correct usage: Sailing on the open sea, we
spotted many dolphins.
Definition: A noun is a word that names a person, place, thing, quality, idea, or action.
A common noun identifies one or more of a class of persons, places, things, qualities,
ideas, or actions that are alike. Examples: The girl chained her bicycle to the fence.
A proper noun identifies a particular person, place, thing, quality, idea, or action. (Note:
Proper nouns must be capitalized.) Examples: Joe Brown drove his Lincoln Towncar to
the Kennedy Center.
A collective noun identifies a group of people or things that are related or acting as one.
Examples: The jury arrives at the courthouse each day at nine in the morning. The
platoon travels by night in order to avoid detection. Collective nouns are single in
number; thus, they take a singular verb.
If the individual members of the group are referred to, then the plural verb can be
used. Example: A group of employees are sharing supplies with each other.
The possessive of a singular noun is formed by adding an apostrophe and s to the noun.
Examples: the boy’s sweater; Alice’s car
The possessive of a plural noun ending in s is formed by adding an apostrophe only. Examples:
agents’ salaries; workers’ union
Definition: A pronoun is a word that is used in place of a noun, most frequently to eliminate monotonous
repetition of the noun. There are nine types of pronouns:
Demonstrative pronouns point out a specific person or thing. Examples: this, that, these,
Indefinite pronouns refer to people or things generally rather than specifically.
Examples: all, any, anybody, anyone, anything, both, each, either, everybody, everyone,
everything, few, many, most, much, neither, no one, nobody, none, nothing, one, other,
several, some, somebody, someone, something, such
Verbs used with indefinite pronouns must agree with the pronoun in number.
Preparation Manual for the ICE Special Agent Test Battery
Examples: none is; much is; everyone is; many are
None is generally used in a singular sense. If you think of none as no one person
or thing, then it is easy to see that it is singular in meaning and takes a singular
verb. However, when none is used in the sense of not two or no amount, then a
plural verb is used. Example: None of the team members are in agreement.
Interrogative pronouns are used to ask questions. Examples: who, what, which
Relative pronouns relate a subordinate part of a sentence to the main clause.
Examples: who, whoever, whom, whomever, whose, which, whichever, what, that
Who and whoever are used as subjects in a sentence or phrase, while whom and
whomever are used as objects in a sentence or phrase. Examples: Who will get the
tickets? Whoever is going will buy the tickets. I need to give tickets to whom? The
tickets will be given to whomever I see first.
Personal pronouns refer to persons or things and change form in three different persons:
first person (the person speaking), second person (the person spoken to), and third person
(person or thing spoken about).
First person pronouns: I, we (used as subject of sentences and clauses) me, us
(used as objects of verbs and prepositions)
Second person pronoun: you (used for singular and plural, for subjects and
Third person pronouns: he, she, it they (used as subject of sentences and
him, her, it, them (used as objects of verbs and
Examples: Bill and I are going. She told Sally and me.
Possessive pronouns determine ownership or possession without using an apostrophe
followed by an s. Examples: my, mine, our, ours, yours, his, hers, its, their, theirs
(Note: it’s is not a personal pronoun; it is the contraction of it is.)
Reflexive pronouns refer back to the pronoun used as the subject of the sentence.
Examples: I burned myself. You are deceiving yourself.
Intensive pronouns are used to emphasize the first pronoun.
Examples: You yourself must register. I myself do not understand.
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Adjective and Adverb
Definitions: An adjective is a word that modifies a noun. An adverb is a word that modifies a verb, an
adjective, or another adverb.
An adjective or an adverb should be placed so that there is no doubt as to which word it
modifies. Example: The angry boy quickly threw the ball. Angry is an adjective
modifying the noun boy. Quickly is an adverb modifying the verb threw.
Adjectives and adverbs show degrees of quality or quantity by means of their positive,
comparative, and superlative forms. The positive form expresses no comparison at all.
The comparative form adds an -er to the positive form of the adjective or adverb or
prefixes the positive form with the word more to express a greater degree or a
comparison between two persons or things. The superlative form adds an -est to the
positive form of the adjective or adverb or prefixes the positive form with the word most
to express the greatest degree of quantity or quality among three or more persons or
Positive Comparative Superlative
short shorter shortest
beautiful more beautiful most beautiful
big bigger biggest
hard harder hardest
Many adverbs have the characteristic ly ending. Example: quickly, slowly, angrily
Definition: An article is a word that refers to a noun and gives definiteness or indefiniteness to the noun.
The English articles are a, an, and the.
A and an are the indefinite articles. They are used for general nouns or when the
audience does not know which thing you are referring to. A is used before words that
begin with a consonant, and an is used before words that begin with a vowel.
Examples: An attorney will meet you today. A file is missing from my desk.
The is the definite article. It is used when the audience knows which thing is being
referred to. Example: The attorney that you met with last week has returned your call.
Definition: A preposition is a word that connects a noun to some other word in the sentence. Prepositions
usually establish a relationship of time or location. The use of a preposition automatically creates a
prepositional phrase. Examples: in a month; after a year; on the table; behind the door
There are over 40 prepositions in English, some of which are: about, around, before, at,
below, by, for, from, in, of, on, to, through, up, upon, and with.
Preparation Manual for the ICE Special Agent Test Battery
Definition: A conjunction (also known as a connective) is a word that joins together sentences, clauses,
phrases, or words.
Conjunctions that connect two or more parts of a sentence that are of equal rank
(Example: two nouns or verbs or phrases, etc.) are called coordinating conjunctions.
Examples: and, but, or, nor, for, and sometimes yet
Subordinating conjunctions connect dependent (subordinate) clauses to independent
(main) clauses. Subordinating conjunctions include though, if, as, when, while, and
Example: Since he took the course for his own advancement, his employer wouldn’t pay
for it.
Correlative conjunctions are pairs of words that connect sentence elements that are of
equal rank. Correlative conjunctions must always appear together in the same sentence.
Examples: either-or, neither-nor, whether-or, both-and, and not only-but also
Examples used in sentences:
Neither the manager nor the employee had a reasonable solution to the problem.
Whether he stayed home or went to work depended on a change in his symptoms.
Both the program office and the budget office agreed on the increase in funding for the
new equipment.
She was outstanding not only in her academic coursework but also in her fitness training.
Avoiding Verb, Noun, and Pronoun Shifts
Unnecessary shifts in person, number, tense, or voice confuse readers and seriously
weaken communication. The examples below indicate these types of errors.
A shift in person occurs when a writer shifts back and forth among the first, second, and
third persons. Incorrect example: If you want to pass the physical, a person has to
exercise daily.
A shift in number occurs when a plural pronoun is used to refer back to a singular
antecedent or vice versa. Incorrect example: Anyone who shops in that department store
must seriously consider their budget.
Unnecessary shifts in tense more commonly occur within a paragraph rather than within
an individual sentence. Incorrect example: After the historian spent several hours
describing the armies’ strategies, he gave a horrifying account of the attack. He points
out in great detail what is going on in the minds of each of the soldiers.
A shift in voice occurs when a writer makes unnecessary shifts between the active and
the passive voice. Incorrect example: I wrote the journal article; the book chapter was
Preparation Manual for the ICE Special Agent Test Battery
also written by me. (In this example, the first clause is active voice and the second shifts
to passive voice.)
When two sentence elements are joined by a conjunction, they should have parallel
Correct example: She was outstanding not only in her academic coursework but also in
her fitness training.
Incorrect example: She was outstanding not only in her academic coursework but also
she excelled in fitness training.
Sentence Organization within Paragraphs
A paragraph presents a larger unit of thought than a sentence can contain.
A paragraph must meet certain requirements:
A paragraph should have unity, that is, internal consistency. It should not digress from
the dominant idea expressed in the topic sentence.
A paragraph should have completeness. It should present enough detailed information
about the topic sentence to answer any general questions the reader may have. More
specific questions would require additional paragraphs with new topic sentences.
A paragraph should have coherence. Sentences should flow into each other so that the
reader experiences the paragraph as an integrated unit, not as a collection of separate
A paragraph should have order. Like structure in a larger work, order in a paragraph
grows partly out of the material and is partly imposed by the writer. Most paragraphs and
essays follow one of the two patterns that follow.
From the general to the particular: This type of paragraph begins with a topic
sentence that serves as an introductory summary of the topic. The remaining
sentences explain or illustrate this statement, so that the idea becomes
increasingly clear as the paragraph progresses. The topic sentence is usually at or
near the beginning of the paragraph.
From the particular to the general: This type of paragraph is the reverse of the
previous pattern. It begins with a series of explanatory or illustrative statements
that lead to a general statement or summary. The topic sentence is usually at or
near the end of the paragraph.
A paragraph can be looked upon as a microcosm, an exact parallel in miniature of the entire
It has a dominant idea, usually expressed in a topic sentence.
Preparation Manual for the ICE Special Agent Test Battery
The dominant idea is developed by examples, comparisons, explanations, or arguments to
make the meaning of the topic sentence clear.
There may be a concluding restatement of the topic idea.
Definition: Capitalization is the use of capital letters to place special emphasis on particular
letters to set them off from lower-case letters.
Sentences always begin with a capital letter.
The first letter of a quotation is always capitalized.
Proper nouns, that is, nouns that name particular persons, places, or things, must be
capitalized. Examples: Appalachian Mountains, Mississippi River, Brooklyn Bridge
Titles that precede a proper name are capitalized; those that follow a proper name are not.
Examples: Chairperson John Smith and John Smith, the chairperson
Definition: Punctuation is the use of periods, commas, semicolons, colons, question marks,
exclamation points, dashes, apostrophes, brackets, parentheses, slashes, and quotation marks to
convey the pauses and gestures that we use in speech to clarify and emphasize meaning.
Use a period to end a sentence. Example: She went to the beach.
Use a period after abbreviations. Examples: Mr. Ms. U.S. Corp.
Use a comma to separate independent clauses in a compound sentence.
Example: Suzanne made a presentation at the conference, and then she spent the
remainder of the day touring the city.
Use a comma to separate an introductory phrase or clause from the main clause of a
sentence. Example: After completing the work, the contractor left the site.
Place a comma after every item in a series. Example: The new office is furnished with a
desk, a computer, two chairs, and a supply cabinet.
Two or more adjectives that modify the noun that they precede are separated by commas.
Example: The cold, windy morning was not a good beginning for their vacation.
Commas are used to set off the items in a date. Example: On Monday, August 17, 1998,
he became the head of the office. Commas are not used when only the month and year
are given. Example: August 2002
Preparation Manual for the ICE Special Agent Test Battery
A semicolon is used to separate elements in a series when some of the elements already
contain commas. Example: Sally wishes us to attend the first, third, and fifth sessions on
Wednesday; the second, fourth, and sixth sessions on Thursday; and the first only on
A semicolon is used to join two closely related independent clauses that are not joined by
a conjunction. Example: The project began slowly; thereafter, additional staff were
assigned to it.
The Elements of Style. Strunk, Jr., W. & White, E.B. Needham Heights, MA: Allyn & Bacon, 2000.
ISBN# 020530902X.
Better Sentence Writing in 30 Minutes a Day. Campbell, D. Franklin Lakes, NJ: The Career Press, Inc.,
1995. ISBN# 1564142035.
Business English. Geffner, A. Hauppauge, N.Y.: Barron’s Educational Services, Inc., 1998. ISBN#
Business Writing at Work. Davidson, E.J. Burr Ridge, IL: Irwin Mirror Press, 1994.
ISBN# 0256142203.
Effective Business Writing. Piotrowski, M. New York, NY: HarperCollins, 1996.
ISBN# 0062733818.
The Business Writer’s Handbook. Brusaw, T., Alred, G. J. & Oliu, W.O. New York, NY: St. Martin’s
Press, 1993. ISBN# 0312198051.
The Classic Guide to Better Writing. Flesch, R. & Lass, A. H. New York, NY: Harper Collins, 1996.
ISBN# 0062730487.
Preparation Manual for the ICE Special Agent Test Battery
For questions 1-2, select the one option that represents a change that should be made to correct the
sentence. If no correction is necessary, choose option (E).
1. The U.S. Government will seek extradition of each of the defendants to the United States.
(A) Change of each
to each
(B) Change of each
to to each
(C) Change defendants to
to defendants per
(D) Change defendants to
to defendants of
(E) No correction is necessary
2. Ms. Reece was a primary suspect, and the fraudulent credit cards were eventually traced back to she
and Mr. Hanes.
(A) Change she and Mr. Hanes
to Mr. Hanes and she
(B) Change she and Mr. Hanes
to her and Mr. Hanes
(C) Change she and Mr. Hanes
to she and he
(D) Change she and Mr. Hanes
to her and he
(E) No correction is necessary
For question 3, select the one word that completes the sentence correctly.
3. The suspect who confessed to taking the money explained that he was desperate and there was no
__________ available.
(A) substitute
(B) alternate
(C) decision
(D) alternative
(E) expedient
For question 4, select the correct spelling of the missing word.
4. Police have received more than twenty reports of _____________ bills at restaurants and grocery
stores since the beginning of September.
(A) counterfit
(B) counterfeit
(C) counterfet
(D) counterfete
(E) counterfitt
Preparation Manual for the ICE Special Agent Test Battery
For question 5, select the one option that is correctly punctuated.
5. (A) The goods were listed on the invoice as children’s clothing; however, the goods that I inspected
were consumer electronics.
(B) The goods were listed on the invoice as children’s clothing; however, the goods, that I inspected,
were consumer electronics.
(C) The goods were listed on the invoice as children’s clothing. However the goods that I inspected
were consumer electronics.
(D) The goods were listed on the invoice as children’s clothing. However, the goods, that I inspected,
were consumer electronics.
For question 6, select the one sentence that uses the correct capitalization.
6. (A) Special Agent Taylor gave a briefing today to senator Barnes on the uses of the USA Patriot act.
(B) Special agent Taylor gave a briefing today to Senator Barnes on the uses of the USA Patriot Act.
(C) Special Agent Taylor gave a briefing today to Senator Barnes on the uses of the USA Patriot Act.
(D) Special Agent Taylor gave a briefing today to senator Barnes on the uses of the USA Patriot act.
For question 7, select the correct sentence order to form a paragraph that is organized, clear, and
coherent. If no correction is necessary, choose option (E).
7. (1) Smith was arrested the following day and charged with two counts of possession and
distribution of child pornography.
(2) Agents from the Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and the
Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) arrested John Smith earlier this week for crimes
related to child pornography.
(3) On August 19, ICE and FBI agents executed a search warrant at the home of John
Smith, seizing a computer, pornographic publications, diskettes, and documents.
(4) If convicted, Smith could receive up to 5 years in prison and/or be required to pay fines
totaling up to $100,000.
A) 4 3 2 1
B) 3 1 4 2
C) 2 3 1 4
D) 2 1 4 3
E) no correction is necessary
Preparation Manual for the ICE Special Agent Test Battery
For question 8, select the correct order of paragraphs to create a document that is organized, clear, and
coherent. If no change to the paragraph order is necessary, choose option (E).
8. (1) Project Shield America will have two operational components. The first will be to reach out
and form partnerships with U.S. manufacturers and distributors of the sensitive technology,
weapons, and equipment sought by terrorists. The second will be to investigate and halt
those attempting to acquire and illegally export weapons components to groups intent on
harming America.
(2) Beginning immediately, field offices will identify the specific U.S. firms in their areas that
manufacture or distribute materials of interest. Agents will then visit these firms and
provide them with materials about Project Shield America, information about U.S. export
controls, and data about the items sought by terrorists. Most importantly, the agents will
encourage these firms to notify agents if they are approached by customers looking to
acquire and export their products illegally.
(3) In sum, under the banner of Project Shield America, we will partner with U.S. industry to
prevent their technological accomplishments from being exploited by terrorists. While
some of these materials may seem relatively innocuous and have relatively little monetary
value, they can have enormous strategic value in the hands of America's adversaries. These
"minor" technological goods could easily become the necessary components for major
weapons development by terrorist groups or rogue nations.
(4) At the same time, agents will step up their efforts to investigate and prosecute those who
attempt to acquire and illegally export sensitive technology, weapons, and equipment to
international terrorist organizations. These efforts will include undercover probes and other
investigative techniques. The Office of Strategic Investigations will redirect its resources
towards the objective of denying terrorist organizations access to these materials.
Assistance from U.S. manufacturers and distributors will be crucial in this effort.
A) 1 4 2 3
B) 1 4 3 2
C) 1 2 4 3
D) 2 1 4 3
E) no correction is necessary
Preparation Manual for the ICE Special Agent Test Battery
Answers to the Writing Skills Questions
1. Correct Answer: E No change to the sentence is necessary.
2. Correct Answer: B As the object of the preposition ‘to,’ the correct pronoun is ‘her.’
3. Correct Answer: D “Alternative” means one of two possibilities and involves choice. In question
three the suspect is claiming that no other choice was available.
4. Correct Answer: B The correct spelling is “counterfeit.”
5. Correct Answer: A The correct answer is (A). The sentence offers correct punctuation.
6. Correct Answer: C The correct capitalization of the words “Special Agent Taylor, ” “Senator
Barnes,” and “USA Patriot Act” are used in this sentence.
7. Correct Answer: C The most logical order of the passages is 2, 3, 1, 4. Sentence 2 uses the phrase
“earlier this week” which indicates that sentence 2 should begin the paragraph. Sentence 1 refers
back to a specific date, which is found in sentence 3, indicating that sentence 1 should immediately
follow sentence 3. Only Response C begins with sentence 2 and orders sentence 1 immediately after
sentence 3. Sentence 4 provides information which follows from the arrest mentioned in sentence 3
and serves as the conclusion to the paragraph.
8. Correct Answer: C The most logical order of the passages is 1, 2, 4, 3. The first paragraph
introduces Project Shield America and defines the two operational components of the project.
Accordingly, paragraph 1 should be the first paragraph. Paragraphs 2 and 4 elaborate on the two
operational components of the project introduced in paragraph 1 and therefore must follow
paragraph 1. Paragraph 2 logically comes before paragraph 4 because paragraph 2 elaborates on the
first operational component of the project whereas paragraph 4 elaborates on the second operational
component. Finally, paragraph 3 is clearly the concluding paragraph because it provides a summation
and closing for the entire passage. The paragraphs presented in this order form a well-organized,
coherent passage.