DHS-4574 (Rev. 5-16) Previous edition obsolete.
Michigan Department of Health and Human Services
Beneciary Name
Client ID
Case Number
County District Section Unit Specialist
The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services must help all persons ll out the application,
when requested. If you need help, please call or visit your specialist or the ofce named below. If you need
an interpreter, the Department will provide one free of charge or you may use one of your choice. If you are
refused help in lling out the application, call 855-275-6424 or 855-789-5610.
Do you need the Department to provide an interpreter to help you at the interview? c Yes c No
If yes, what language? _____________________
El Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) no
discrimina contra ningún individuo o grupo a causa de su raza, religión,
edad, origen nacional, color de piel, estatura, peso, estado matrimonial,
información genética, sexo, orientación sexual, identidad de sexo o
expresión, creencias políticas o incapacidad.
Complete this form if you are in a nursing facility. Please read each item carefully before you answer it. The
answers you give will be used to determine if you are eligible for health care coverage. Be sure to sign your
name on pages 2 and 4.
You can apply for health care coverage by mailing or having someone take this form into your local Michigan
Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) ofce. Your application must be approved or denied
45 days, or
90 days if disability is a factor in determining your health care coverage eligibility.
Use DCH-1426, Application for Health Coverage and Help Paying Costs, if other family members want help
with medical expenses.
The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) does not
discriminate against any individual or group because of race, religion, age,
national origin, color, height, weight, marital status, genetic information, sex,
sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, political beliefs or disability.
42 CFR PART 435.
No Healthcare Coverage.
El Michigan Department of Health and Human Services
debe ayudar a todas las personas a completar la aplicacion
cuando asi lo piden. Si usted necesita ayuda, por favor
llame o visite a su especialist o la ocina el nombre debajo.
Si necesita un interprete, el departmeto le proporcionará
uno gratis o usted puede usar uno de su eleccion. Si usted
es negado ayuda para completar la aplicacion, puede llamar
al 855-275-6424 o 855-789-5610.
¿Necesita que el Departamento proporcione un interprete para
que le ayude en la entrevista? c si c no
Si dice que si, ¿en que idioma? __________________
تﺎﻣﺪﺨﻟا ةرادا ﻰﻠﻋ ﺐﺠﯾ ﺔﯿﻧﺎﺴﻧﻻاو ﺔﯿﺤﺼﻟاتارﺎﻤﺘﺳﻻا ءﻞﻤﻟ صﺎﺨﺷﻻا ﻊﯿﻤﺟ ةﺪﻋﺎﺴﻣ نﺎﻐﯿﺸﯿﻣ ﺔﯾﻻﻮﻟ، .ﻚﻟذ ﻢﮭﻨﻣ ﺐﻠﻄﯾ ﺎﻣﺪﻨ
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رادﻻا ﻦﻣ ﻦﯾﺮﺗ ﻞھﺔﻠﺑﺎﻘﻤﻟا ءﺎﻨﺛا كﺪﻋﺎﺴﯾ ﻲﻛ ﺎﻤﺟﺮﺘﻣ ﻚﻟ ﺮﻓﻮﺗ نا ة ؟ ﻢﻌﻧ
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DHS-4574 (Rev. 5-16) Previous edition obsolete.
DHS-4574 (Rev. 5-16) Previous edition obsolete.
DHS-4574 (Rev. 5-16) Previous edition obsolete.
DHS-4574-B (Rev. 5-16) Previous edition obsolete. 1
Michigan Department of Health and Human Services
(Skip if no spouse)
Beneciary Name
Client ID
Case Number
County District Section Unit Specialist
Patient’s Name (First, Middle, Last) Phone No. of Nursing Home Spouse’s Name (First, Middle, Last) Spouse’s Phone No.
Address of Nursing Home (Number, Street, Rural Route) Spouse’s Address (Number, Street, Rural Route)
City State Zip Code City State Zip Code
Patient’s Birthdate (Mo/Day/Yr) Patient’s Social Security Spouse’s Birthdate (Mo/Day/Yr Spouse’s Social Security*
This form asks questions about the property or assets owned by you and/or your spouse. This information is needed to determine
your eligibility for Healthcare Coverage and the amount of assets that can be protected for the benet of your spouse. Answer the
following questions by providing information about all assets owned by you and/or your spouse as of _________________________.
Include assets you or your spouse own jointly with family or other persons.
1. Do you and/or your spouse have any assets (include assets held jointly)?
c Yes 4Check all types of assets your household has and complete the table c No
c Checking/draft account c Money market accounts c Savings/share accounts
c Certicates of Deposit (CD) c Christmas club accounts c Patient trust fund
c Case on hand or in safe deposit c Savings, bonds, stocks or mutual funds c IRA, KEOGH, 401K or Deferred
Compensation account(s)
c Trust or Annuity c Land contract, mortgage or other
notes payable to household member
c Real estate (including place you live)
c Life estate/life lease c Burial plot(s), casket, etc. c Tools, equipment, livestock or crops
c Life insurance c Other Assets ___________________ c Health Savings Account
c Burial trust/funeral contract(s)
of asset(s)
of Asset(s)
amount of value
Name and address
(bank, insurance company, etc.)
number, etc.
AUTHORITY: 42 CFR Part 435.
COMPLETION: Voluntary.
PENALTY: No Healthcare Coverage.
The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) does not
discriminate against any individual or group because of race, religion, age,
national origin, color, height, weight, marital status, genetic information, sex,
sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, political beliefs or disability.
*Optional if the community spouse is not requesting assistance.
DHS-4574-B (Rev. 5-16) Previous edition obsolete. 2
2. Does anyone in your household have any vehicles?
c Yes 4Check all types of assets your household has and complete the table c No
c Car c Truck c Boat c Camper/trailer c Motorcycle c RV c
Other Vehicle
(As shown on vehicle title
or registration)
Year Make/Model Amount Owed
3. Has anyone in your household:
sold or given away property, land, vehicles, stocks, bonds, savings, cash,
checking, income, etc., closed any accounts or removed or added a name
on any asset within the last 60 months?
c Yes 4Who:
c No
led a pending lawsuit which may bring money, property, etc.?
c Yes 4Who:
c No
received a one-time cash payment (such as worker’s compensation,
lottery winnings, insurance settlement, lawsuit award, etc.) within the last
60 months?
c Yes 4Who:
c No
or has anyone acting for any household member, ever put any money,
lawsuit settlement, income or assets in a trust, annuity or similar legal
c Yes 4Who:
c No
I swear or afrm that all the information that I have written on this form or told to a specialist is true. I understand that I can be prosecuted
for perjury if I have intentionally given false information. I also know that I may be asked to show proof of any information I have given. I
also know that if I have intentionally left out any information or if I have given false information, which causes me to receive assistance
I am not entitled to or more assistance than I am entitled to, I can be prosecuted for fraud.
Estate Recovery. I understand that upon my death the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) has the legal
right to seek recovery from my estate for services paid by Healthcare Coverage. This means that some or all of my estate may be
recovered. MDHHS will not seek to recover against the estate while there is a legal surviving spouse or a legal surviving child who is
under the age of 21, blind, or disabled. An estate consists of real and personal property. If you have received an asset disregard due
to a long-term care partnership policy, Estate Recovery applies to all assets whether they are subject to probate administration or not.
Estate recovery only applies to certain Healthcare Coverage recipients who received Healthcare Coverage services after the effective
date of the estate recovery statute. MDHHS may agree not to pursue recovery if an undue hardship exists. An application must be
submitted to determine if the applicant qualies for an undue hardship waiver. Undue hardship waivers are temporary. For further
information regarding Estate Recovery, call 800-642-3195.
Signature (Patient or Representative) Date (Month, Day, Year)
Two Witnesses Only
If Signed by Mark X
Signature of First Witness Signature of Second Witness
NOTE: If you signed this application on behalf of someone else, complete the information below.
Name (First, Middle, Last) Phone Number Relationship to Patient
Street Address City State Zip Code
DHS-4574 (Rev. 5-16) Previous edition obsolete.
Note: This application requests information about the patient in the nursing facility.
The words “You” and “Your” refer to the patient.
1. Patient’s Name (First, Middle, Last) 2. Name of Nursing Facility
3. Address of Nursing Facility City State Zip Code
4. Phone No. of Nursing Facility 5. County 6. Birthdate 7. Sex 8. Social Security Number
9. Marital Status: c Never married c Married c Separated c Divorced c Widowed
10. Date of Nursing Facility Admission 11. Address where you lived before you entered the nursing facility
12. If married, tell us about your spouse and all persons living with your spouse.
If not married, tell us about your children under age 18 living in your home.
Name Date of Birth Social Security Number* Relationship to you
If you have a court-appointed guardian/conservator, enter information below:
13. Name of Guardian/Conservator Phone Number Do you pay guardian/conservator
expenses? c YES c NO
Guardian’s/Conservator’s Address City State Zip Code
14. Have you ever applied for or received
assistance in Michigan?
c c
21. Do you have unpaid medical expenses for
services provided in the last 3 months?
c c
15. Have you received money or benets such
as Medical Assistance from another state
in the last 30 days?
c c
22. Do you pay health insurance premiums?
c c
23. Do you have Medicare Coverage?
Do you need help paying premiums?
Are you a U.S. citizen or U.S. national?
c c
24. Are you covered by a health, hospital, or
long-term care insurance policy or were you
covered in the last 3 months? c c
17. If you are not a U.S. citizen or U.S. national, do you have
eligible immigration status? If Yes:
a. Immigration document type ______________
b. Document ID number ___________________
c. Have you lived in the U.S. since 1996? c c
d. Are you, or your spouse or parent a veteran or an
active-duty member of the U.S. military? c c
e. U.S. entry date ______________________
25. Has a court ordered anyone to pay your
medical expenses or provide health
insurance for you? c c
26. Have you had an accident or work-related
illness or injury resulting in medical costs
that may be paid by another person or an
insurance company?
c c
Enter your racial heritage from codes below. If you are
multiracial, enter all the codes that apply (answering
is voluntary) I = American Indian, A = Alaskan Native,
S = Asian, B = Black or African American, P = Native
Hawaiian or Other Pacic Islander, W = White
27. Have you set up a plan or entered into a
contract, such as a life care contract, that
will pay for your medical care?
c c
Check the box if you are Hispanic or
Latino (answering is voluntary).
28. Is there a plan for you to return home
within six months from the date of
admittance? c c
Are you a veteran or the spouse,
dependent or parent of a veteran?
c c
*Optional if the community spouse and/or children are not applying for Healthcare Coverage.
DHS-4574 (Rev. 5-16) Previous edition obsolete.
29. Assets: Complete the assets section by providing the requested asset information for you and your spouse. List your
assets and your spouse’s assets. Include assets you own jointly with family or other persons, including your spouse. Include
assets your spouse owns jointly with you, family or other persons. Each item must be answered YES or NO. If answered
YES, enter amount or current value and owner(s).
Type of Asset YES NO Amount or Value Owner(s) of Asset
Has anyone in your household received a
federal tax refund in the last 12 months?
Cash on hand, in a safety deposit box or
patient trust fund
Home, life estate/life lease
Real estate, not your home
Mortgage, land contract or other notes
payable to you
Savings bonds or money market funds
Stocks or mutual funds
Pension, IRA, KEOGH, 401K or deferred
compensation account(s)
Trust funds
Life Insurance
Cars, vans, trucks, campers, boats, snow-
mobiles, other vehicles
Tools, equipment, livestock, or crops
Funeral contracts
Burial plot, casket, etc.
Health Savings Account
Are there any other assets?
(Please Explain)
Checking/Draft Accounts — Savings/Share Accounts — Certicates of Deposit
Name(s) on the Account Name and Address of Bank
Credit Union, Savings and Loan
Account Number Balance
30. Have you received a one-time cash payment in the last 60 months (5 years) such as an insurance
settlement, lawsuit award, worker’s compensation, lottery winnings, etc.?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . c c
31. Do you have a pending lawsuit that may bring property or money to you?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
c c
32. Within the last 60 months (5 years) have you or a joint owner or other person whose name is also
listed on the asset:
sold, given away, or transferred ownership in any asset such as those listed above? . . . . . . . . . .
c c
removed or added a name on any asset such as those listed above? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
c c
33. Have you or someone acting for you ever put any money, income, lawsuit settlement or assets in a
trust, annuity or similar device?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . c c
DHS-4574 (Rev. 5-16) Previous edition obsolete.
34. Income: Include income for yourself and everyone listed in question 12.
Is anyone employed or self-employed? c YES c NO If YES, complete the following for each employed person.
Persons employed or
Employer name Wages before
How often paid: weekly,
every 2 wks, monthly, other
Every item below must be answered YES or NO.
Type of Income
NO Amount Whose Income
Social Security Benets (RSDI) Claim #
Social Security Benets (RSDI) Claim #
Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
Retirement Benets
Veterans Benets
Disability Benets
Rental Income
Worker’s Compensation
Child Support
Unemployment Compensation
Military Allotments
Gaming Distributions (Casino Prot Sharing)
Is there any other income? (Please explain)
Address where your spouse lives
Spouse’s Phone Number
City State Zip Code County
Household Expenses Check YES or NO and write in the answer about you and/or your spouse’s home.
Do you and/or your spouse have a rent, mortgage or other shelter
Do you and/or your spouse have the following expenses separate from rent or mortgage:
Renter’s Insurance
Property Taxes
Mobile Home Lot Rent
Special Assessments
Homeowner’s Insurance
Mortgage Guarantee Insurance
Cooperative or Condominium Fee
Do you and/or your spouse have an obligation to pay for heat and/
or utilities?
DHS-4574 (Rev. 5-16) Previous edition obsolete.
Recovery of Medical Costs. I understand that when the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services
(MDHHS) pays the cost of hospital, surgical, or medical services, any right to recover costs from a third person
or public or private contractor, except Medicare, is transferred to the MDHHS. Payment of any recovery under
such right is to be made directly to the State of Michigan — MDHHS.
Social Security Information. I will allow the Social Security Administration to give to the MDHHS all information
necessary to determine my eligibility for benets under the Healthcare Coverage program until the second
month following the expiration of my eligibility based on the current application.
Eligibility Information. I understand that the information I have provided will be used to determine my eligibility
for Healthcare Coverage only and for purposes of administering the Healthcare Coverage program.
Under penalties of perjury, I swear that this application has been examined by or read to me, and, to the best of
my knowledge, the facts are true and complete. If I am a third party applying on behalf of another person, I swear
that this application has been examined by or read to the applicant, and, to the best of my knowledge, the facts
are true and complete.
I certify, under penalty of perjury, that all information that I have written on this form or told to a specialist is true.
I understand that I can be prosecuted for perjury if I have intentionally given false information. I also know that
I may be asked to show proof of any information I have given. I also know that if I have intentionally left out any
information or if I have given false information, which causes me to receive assistance I am not entitled to or
more assistance that I am entitled to, I can be prosecuted for fraud. I understand I must report changes in
income, assets or health insurance coverage to the department within 10 days of the change.
If you have any questions, contact your specialist or the local MDHHS before signing the application.
I understand that upon my death the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) has the
legal right to seek recovery from my estate for services paid by Healthcare Coverage. This means that some
of all of my estate may be recovered. MDHHS will not seek to recover against the estate while there is a legal
surviving spouse or a legal surviving child who is under the age of 21, blind, or disabled. An estate consists of
real and personal property. If you have received an asset disregard due to a long-term care partnership policy,
Estate Recovery applies to all assets whether they are subject to probate administration or not. Estate recovery
only applies to certain Healthcare Coverage recipients who received Healthcare Coverage services after the
effective date of the estate recovery statute. MDHHS may agree not to pursue recovery if an undue hardship
exists. An application must be submitted to determine if the applicant qualies for an undue hardship waiver.
Undue hardship waivers are temporary. For further information regarding Estate Recovery, call 800-642-3195.
I certify that I have received and reviewed a copy of the Acknowledgments that explains additional information
about applying for and receiving Healthcare Coverage.
Signature (Patient or Representative) Date Two Witnesses only if signed by X Date
Signature (Patient or Representative) Date Two Witnesses only if signed by X Date
If you are signing this application on behalf of someone else, complete the information below.
Name of person completing application Phone Number Relationship to patient
Street Address City State Zip Code
DHS-4574 (Rev. 5-16) Previous edition obsolete.
Tear out along the dotted line.
Rules may have changed since this was printed. Check with your local MDHHS ofce.
“You” and “Your” below refer to the patient. “We” means the Michigan Department of Health and Human
If you need help with past, unpaid medical expenses, Healthcare Coverage may begin three months before you
apply. You can have Healthcare Coverage even if you are not a U.S. citizen. Coverage might be limited to just
emergency services. There are limits on the amount of income and assets you can have and be eligible for
Healthcare Coverage.
Receiving Healthcare Coverage Services
You must tell all your providers (doctors, hospital, pharmacy, etc.) that you have applied for Healthcare Coverage
before you receive any new medical services. Not all providers accept Healthcare Coverage. Choose a provider
who does accept Healthcare Coverage.
You must give your medical provider a copy of your mihealth card or approval letter as soon as it is received.
This letter tells when your eligibility began. Your providers need this information to receive prompt payment for
medical services provided to you. This information is needed to issue you a refund if you pay for a Healthcare
Coverage service before you received the approval letter.
We might approve Healthcare Coverage for up to 3 months before you applied. If we do, ask your providers to
bill Healthcare Coverage for any covered services you received during those months. If you paid for any of these
bills before you received the approval letter, ask your health providers if they will refund your money and bill
Healthcare Coverage. Providers are not required to do this, but many will.
Your providers must submit your bills to Healthcare Coverage within 12 months after the date you received the
services. If they wait more than 12 months, then Healthcare Coverage may not pay the bill unless the delay in
billing is because you had to le an appeal to get Healthcare Coverage benets.
You meet the income test if your income is not enough to pay your medical expenses. Usually you will pay part
of your nursing facility expenses and Healthcare Coverage will pay the rest. If you have a spouse or children at
home, a portion of your income might be protected for them.
We count income such as Social Security benets, pensions, rent income and veterans benets.
Countable assets must be at or below the $2,000 asset limit at least part of each month for which Healthcare
Coverage is requested. If you have a spouse at home:
We count your assets and your spouse’s assets initially. We protect a substantial amount of assets for your
spouse. The remainder cannot exceed $2,000 for you to be eligible for Healthcare Coverage.
Once initial eligibility is established, we only count your assets. The asset limit is $2,000.
If your assets are more than the asset limit, you may become eligible for Healthcare Coverage if you use your
excess assets to pay some of your medical bills, living expenses, or other debts. You may be asked to verify
when and for what purposes you used your excess assets.
Healthcare Coverage might not pay for your care if you or your spouse transfer assets or income for less than
fair market value. We look at transfers that occur up to 60 months (5 years) before, or any time after, your rst
date of application for Healthcare Coverage while in a nursing facility.
Nursing Facility Eligibility (MDCH Publication 726) - explains eligibility for persons in or entering a nursing facility.
The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) does not discriminate against any individual or group because of race, religion, age,
national origin, color, height, weight, marital status, genetic information, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, political beliefs or disability.
DHS-4574 (Rev. 5-16) Previous edition obsolete.
Michigan Department of Health and Human Services
This is your copy of your rights and responsibilities as an applicant for or recipient of Healthcare Coverage benets. By signing the
application you acknowledge that you understood your rights and responsibilities and that you applied only for Healthcare Coverage.
1. Recovery of Medical Costs. I understand that when the Michigan
Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) pays the
cost of hospital, surgical, or medical services, any right to recover
costs from a third person or public or private contractor, except
Medicare, is transferred to the MDHHS. Payment of any recovery
under such right is to be made directly to the State of Michigan -
2. Non-discrimination. I understand that if I believe I have been
discriminated against because of race, sex, religion, age, national
origin, color, marital status, disability or political beliefs, I have
the right to le a complaint with the: Regional Manager, Region
V, Ofce for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services, 233 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL 60601, 800-368-1019,
800-537-7697 TDD.
3. Reporting Changes. I understand that the department needs to
know about changes that may affect my Healthcare Coverage.
I will tell the department of any changes within 10 days of the
change. I understand that if I intentionally do not do this, I can be
prosecuted for fraud or perjury.
The types of changes that MUST be reported are:
Receipt of or increase in income such as social security,
veterans benets, railroad retirement, pensions, retirement,
disability or sick benets.
Discharge or move from the nursing facility to another living
Changes in health or hospital insurance coverage or amount
of premiums.
Any accident or work-related illness or injury where medical
costs may be paid by another person or an insurance
Another person or an insurance company has agreed to pay
my medical expenses or is ordered to by the court.
Receipt of a sum of money.
Receipt of an inheritance, bank account, or other property or
income from or on behalf of another person.
If you have any doubt about whether you should report a change
in circumstances, ask your local MDHHS.
4. Hearings. I understand that if I do not agree with any decision
made on any matter concerning my case I have the right to ask
for an Administrative Hearing. I understand that I can ask for
information about an Administrative Hearing by calling my local
I understand that if I want someone else to request a hearing for me
or represent me in a hearing, that person must rst have written au-
thorization to do so unless that person is my attorney or my spouse.
The MDHHS Administrative Hearings must have one of the following:
my original signed statement authorizing the person to
request a hearing, or
a copy of the court order naming the person as my guardian
or conservator.
Otherwise, my hearing request will be denied.
5. Repayment of Benets. I understand that if I receive more
benets than I am entitled to receive, through my fault, I may have
to repay any extra benets.
6. Immigration Status. I understand that, as part of determining my
eligibility for Healthcare Coverage, information about me may be
submitted to the Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services in
order to verify my immigration status.
7. Investigations. I understand that my application might be one
of those chosen for a complete investigation and an MDHHS
representative might call on me and might contact other people
in order to verify my eligibility for assistance.
8. Computer Cross-checking. I understand that, as part of
determining my eligibility for Healthcare Coverage, information
I give on this application will be veried by computer cross-
checking with other public and private agencies.
Wages reported by my employer(s) to the Department of
Labor and Economic Growth will be checked against wage
information I report to the MDHHS. My Social Security Number
will be used to check this information. Throughout the year, my
Social Security Number will also be checked with other sources
such as the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Unemployment
Compensation, and the Social Security Administration
concerning income or assets.
The information obtained through this cross-checking may
be veried through collateral contact when discrepancies are
found. The information may affect both my eligibility and the
level of my benets.
9. Medical Information. By signing this application, I understand
that the MDHHS may get and use* necessary medical
information about me or any of my wards or my minor children,
including any information relative to HIV, ARC or AIDS, if
applicable. This information will only be obtained and used as
necessary to determine eligibility for a specic program or for
other program administration purposes.
*Some examples of uses are with auditors, caregivers, etc. State
law (MCL 333.5131 (8)) provides that a person who shares HIV,
ARC or AIDS information except as authorized by this release
or by law may be found “guilty of a misdemeanor punishable
by imprisonment for not more than 1 year or a ne of not more
than $5,000.00, or both, and is liable in a civil action for actual
damages or $1,000.00, whichever is greater, and costs and
reasonable attorney fees.”
10. Social Security Information. I will allow the Social Security
Administration to give to the MDHHS all information necessary
to determine my right to benets under Healthcare Coverage
until the second month following the expiration of my eligibility
based on the current application.
11. Eligibility Information. I understand that the information I have
provided will be used to determine my eligibility for Healthcare
Coverage only and for purposes of administering the Healthcare
Coverage Program.
12. Estate Recovery. I understand that upon my death the Michigan
Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) has the
legal right to seek recovery from my estate for services paid
by Healthcare Coverage. This means that some or all of my
estate may be recovered. MDHHS will not seek to recover
against the estate while there is a legal surviving spouse or
a legal surviving child who is under the age of 21, blind, or
disabled. An estate consists of real and personal property.
If you have received an asset disregard due to a long-term
care partnership policy, Estate Recovery applies to all assets
whether they are subject to probate administration or not.
Estate recovery only applies to certain Healthcare Coverage
recipients who received Healthcare Coverage services after
the effective date of the estate recovery statute. MDHHS may
agree not to pursue recovery if an undue hardship exists. An
application must be submitted to determine if the applicant
qualies for an undue hardship waiver. Undue hardship
waivers are temporary. For further information regarding Estate
Recovery, call 800-642-3195.