Technical white paper
HP Security Manager
Troubleshooting Issues
Table of Contents
Overview ....................................................................................................................................................... 5
Log Files and Enabling Debugging ........................................................................................................... 6
HP Security Manager Log Files Locations (HPSM 3.7 and later) ......................................................... 6
HP Security Manager Log Files Locations (before HPSM 3.7) ............................................................. 7
Most frequently used log files ................................................................................................................. 7
Location and names of configuration files for changing the log level of the different log files ..... 7
Changing the default log location (including logging into a mapped network drive)........................ 9
Enabling HP Security Manager debugging (service interactions) .................................................... 10
Enabling HP Security Manager debugging (Instant-On communication)......................................... 11
Enabling HP Security Manager debugging (device communication issues) ................................... 12
Enabling HP Security Manager debugging (Certificate Management) ............................................ 13
Enabling HP Security Manager debugging Certificate Management: SCEP ................................... 14
Enabling HP Security Manager debugging Certificate Management: EST ...................................... 15
Enabling logging for Qualys Policy Compliance .................................................................................. 15
Enabling HPSM app/system diagnostics logging ............................................................................... 16
Audit log files ........................................................................................................................................... 16
Enabling FMEA (Failure Mode and Effect Analysis) logging ............................................................... 16
Enabling HP Print License Service debugging (HPSM 3.5 and older) ............................................... 17
Required Network Ports .......................................................................................................................... 19
Client to Server ports ............................................................................................................................................ 19
Server to Device ports and to (for firmware assessments)........................................................ 19
Devices to Server ports ........................................................................................................................................ 19
Server to SQL database ports ............................................................................................................................ 20
Server to Email ports ............................................................................................................................................. 20
Server to Certificate Authority ports ................................................................................................................ 20
Licensing ports ........................................................................................................................................................ 20
HPSM application pool to Server ports ............................................................................................................ 20
Ports Diagram ........................................................................................................................................... 21
Changing Firewall Settings and Testing Open Ports ........................................................................ 22
Proxy for Network Service Blocking Communication....................................................................... 24
Splunk Dashboard for HPSM ................................................................................................................. 25
Installation Issues .................................................................................................................................... 25
Common SQL issues............................................................................................................................... 26
Database Upgrade Failure ..................................................................................................................... 29
Using SQL script to repair/upgrade/install the database ................................................................. 30
Error-Maybe a DB access issue in HPSM_service.log file ................................................................. 32
Problems Launching Security Manager Web Interface ................................................................... 33
Web page not displayed while HPSM service is running and connecting to DB ............................. 33
Bindings/firewall problem .................................................................................................................................... 33
Browser settings causing issues ....................................................................................................................... 34
Web page not displayed and HPSM service is automatically stopping ........................................... 35
ServerConfig could not initialized in HPSM_service.log ....................................................................................... 35
Invalid length for a Base-64 char array or string in HPSM_service.log.............................................................. 37
Issues when running HPSM Application Pool ...................................................................................... 38
As network service - Server Error in “/” Application, Cannot open database........................................ 38
32-Bit Applications not enabled for HPSM application pool....................................................................... 40
HTTP 500.19 Internal Server Error with config source reference to X-Frame-Options ...................... 41
HTTP 500.19 Internal Server Error with error code 0x800700c1............................................................... 42
As a non-admin user or service account (error 503) .................................................................................... 45
Access Denied when trying to logon to HPSM .................................................................................... 47
Licensing Issues ....................................................................................................................................... 48
Licensing Issues in multi-homed environment: Failed to connect to licensing server ................... 48
Licensing does not work when HPSM’s hostname is changed after installation ........................... 49
'Insufficient licenses' error after nightly maintenance task with HPSM 3.6 or newer ................... 52
'Insufficient licenses' after upgrading to HPSM 3.10 or later ............................................................ 53
Flexera service Will Not Start (Flexera started and then stopped) .................................................. 55
Failed to retrieve the data’ error in the HPSM dashboard and zero licenses available ................ 56
Insufficient Licenses in HPSM dashboard and zero licenses available with description of
starting order of Flexera components ................................................................................................. 57
Mixing licenses limitations ..................................................................................................................... 58
Other Licensing Issues before HPSM 3.7 ............................................................................................. 59
Device Status Errors and Credential Failures.................................................................................... 65
Credential Management ........................................................................................................................ 68
SNMP .......................................................................................................................................................................... 68
Admin (EWS) Password ......................................................................................................................................... 69
Example of Check Credentials............................................................................................................................ 69
Device Communication Log Files ....................................................................................................................... 71
Credentials not Validated or Incorrect ............................................................................................................. 72
Hanging or Slow Tasks ........................................................................................................................... 77
Hung Tasks vs. Slow Tasks .................................................................................................................... 77
Credential Failed or Network Connection Error Impacting Performance ....................................... 77
Slow device remediation, EWS Password not verified, ping and SNMP are working fine ............. 79
Performance Impact of Instant-On Remediations.............................................................................. 79
Slow performance and reaching max SQL connection pool with Timeouts in HPSM_service.log
................................................................................................................................................................... 81
Upgrade Issues ......................................................................................................................................... 83
Invalid Task: No device specified’ after upgrading to HPSM 3.7 ...................................................... 83
Web page not displayed, hangs, or Invalid Column name error after upgrading to HPSM 3.7...... 87
T-SQL Execution command line utility has stopped working error ................................................... 89
Application Error in Event log while executing the InstallSqlScripts ................................................ 91
HPSM service stops, http Error 503 in browser, and Invalid column error after upgrading ......... 92
Task Error: Internal error in processing when re-running a task after upgrading to HPSM 3.8
and/or unable to complete a new task. ................................................................................................ 94
Task Error: After upgrading to HPSM 3.10 some tasks end up in Task Error .................................. 95
Growing Database and Nightly Maintenance failing (3.6.1 and older) .............................................. 96
Growing Database and Nightly Maintenance failing (3.7 and newer) ............................................... 98
Devices tab shows Loading… and is not showing any devices or groups after upgrade ............ 99
After upgrading to HPSM 3.8 the Start Time of a newly created task is always showing 12:00AM
................................................................................................................................................................ 100
After upgrading to HPSM 3.10 zero devices are displayed in the UI and the event viewer shows
and error with CertExpiryDate in the description and/or Certificate Expiry Date column missing
................................................................................................................................................................ 101
Certificate Installation Failures ........................................................................................................... 104
Certificate installation fails on HP DesignJet Z9 ............................................................................. 104
Certificate installation issues with Microsoft CA ............................................................................ 104
Certificate installation issues with SCEP.......................................................................................... 107
Workflow for SCEP .............................................................................................................................................. 107
ASN1 bad tag in HPSM_service.log file using HPSM 3.7.0 or 3.7.1 and Microsoft NDES (SCEP) .... 108
‘Bad Request to the Pki Provider’ or Cannot Remediate when using dynamic passwords ............ 109
Microsoft SCEP fails and InternalServerError in Scep.log ...................................................................... 113
Sectigo SCEP fails when the intermediate CA certificate is in X.509 format while HPSM 3.8 and
older is expecting CMS format ........................................................................................................................ 114
Could not retrieve Challenge password from the SCEP Server in Scep.log and questions marks in
the logged RESPONSE ....................................................................................................................................... 115
Could not retrieve Challenge password from the SCEP Server in Scep.log and questions marks in the
logged RESPONSE .................................................................................................................................................. 115
Could not retrieve Challenge password from the SCEP Server in Scep.log and when the challenge
password is visible in the SCEP.log ................................................................................................................ 116
Incorrect Certificate Authority Server or CA server down/unreachable ..................................... 116
Incorrect Certificate Authority Name in policy ................................................................................ 118
CA server is configured to require manual approval of the request ............................................ 118
The Template Name in the policy for the certificate template is incorrect .................................. 120
Invalid ID certificate when CRL is unreachable ................................................................................ 121
CertificateTask: Task Error (HPSM 3.8) when using RSA with SHA1 Signature ........................... 122
CertificateTask: Task Error (HPSM 3.8) when using ECDSA with Key Length P-256 ................... 123
HPSM fails to install ID certificate (Cannot Remediate) and access denied in logs, while ID
certificate did get issued by CA server ............................................................................................. 125
CN value lists the IP address of the printer instead of the DNS name ......................................... 127
Certificate Installation Failures with Zebra devices........................................................................ 128
Cannot Remediate (Required file is not found in the device) ......................................................... 131
Resolving Zebra device certificate issues ................................................................................................... 132
Miscellaneous ......................................................................................................................................... 132
HPSM is recommending a firmware downgrade after a firmware assessment of the HP Color
LaserJet E55040 .................................................................................................................................. 132
Exported Reports Are Showing Garbage/Unreadable Text ........................................................... 134
Unable to select a date when creating a task (null visible) ............................................................. 134
Cannot Remediate Web Encryption or Active Ciphers (Invalid input; data value not supported)
................................................................................................................................................................ 135
HPSM always displaying Medium Risk for File Erase Mode on some legacy HP devices, such as
HP LaserJet P3010 ............................................................................................................................... 136
HPSM is unable to communicate over SNMPv3 with some legacy HP Laserjet devices ........... 138
Missing hostname for a device even when nslookup provides a response ................................. 140
Column “Certificate Expiry Date” is missing in HPSM UI ................................................................. 141
HPSM_service.log file errors ................................................................................................................ 141
CryptographicException error or ‘Padding is invalid and cannot be removed’ error.................. 141
‘Unable to read table/ when table is empty. Returning empty lists’ error ..................................... 142
Using Network Traces for Troubleshooting ...................................................................................... 144
Using Event Viewer for Troubleshooting ........................................................................................... 144
Appendix A Following a task in HPSM_service.log........................................................................... 145
Appendix B Syntax for installDBrmt.bat (HPSM 3.4 and older) ..................................................... 148
Appendix C Other HP Security Manager Whitepapers and Manuals.......................................... 149
Supported printers and devices ......................................................................................................... 150
Appendix D FMEA Error Codes ............................................................................................................ 150
Appendix E Splunk Dashboard for Analyzing HPSM Logs ............................................................. 152
HP Security Manager (HPSM) is a security compliance software used to assess and remediate a
fleet of devices against a desired security policy. This document provides troubleshooting
techniques to use if issues arise when either installing or running HP Security Manager. As with any
software, challenges can be presented by servers, operating systems, networks, devices, etc.
Security Manager relies upon Microsoft IIS and SQL Server, both of which can present challenges
as well. While this document discusses known issues, new issues are always going to be
encountered. Successful troubleshooting always involves removing variables to determine root
cause. Internet search also an excellent troubleshooting tool as most errors are generic Microsoft
errors and are likely encountered by users of other software.
Log Files and Enabling Debugging
Log files are created during installation or upgrade and when running and using HPSM. By default log
level is set to “INFO” or “ERROR”. Enabling debug logging is sometimes critical for finding potential
issue causes such as hanging or slow tasks.
This next section will show which log locations are available. This will be followed with a section which
explains how to change the log levels for the different log files.
and when to change it
HP Security Manager Log Files Locations (HPSM 3.7 and later)
By default there are three directories for a running HPSM installation with the following directories
and log files:
C:\Program Files (x86)\HP Security Manager\log
EapDeviceLib.log (device communication/configuration issues)
EapNetworkLib.log (device communication/configuration issues)
Est.log (empty log, use Est.log in HP Security Manager\PkiProviders\log)
Flexera.log (licensing logging)
HPCM.log (contains only information about starting up HPCM component)
HPSM_Service_FMEA.log (in beta, logs tasks only since HPSM 3.10)
Scep.log (empty log, use Scep.log in HP Security Manager\PkiProviders\log)
C:\Program Files (x86)\HP Security Manager\WebApp\log
HPCM.log (contains only information about UI interaction with HPCM component)
Scep.log (empty log, use Scep.log in HP Security Manager\PkiProviders\log)
C:\Program Files (x86)\HP Security Manager\PkiProviders\log
HPCM.log (contains information about assess and remediation tasks for HPCM)
The installation or upgrade process is logged in different log files in the following temp directory:
MSIxxxxx.LOG (This file will begin with “MSI” and end with “.LOG” but will contain random characters in
the middle as this is produced by the Microsoft Windows installer)
HPSM_CheckIIS_log.txt (IIS configuration details)
HP_SM_Install_20230531051417.log (YearMonthDayTime)
HP_SM_UnInstall_20230531051632.log (YearMonthDayTime)
When using remote access, the actual files can be in a subdirectory like Temp/1 or Temp/2.
HP Security Manager Log Files Locations (before HPSM 3.7)
Before HPSM 3.7 the word JetAdvantage was part of the installation directory, which resulted in the
following directories:
C:\Program Files (x86)\HP JetAdvantage Security Manager\log
C:\Program Files (x86)\HP JetAdvantage Security Manager\WebApp\log
C:\Program Files (x86)\HP JetAdvantage Security
HPSM 3.5 and older was using a third service: the HP Print License Service. This service was
integrated into the HP Security Manager service in HPSM 3.6. A separate log file for the license server
was available in the following location (only used by HPSM 3.5 and older):
C:\ProgramData\HP\HP Print License Service Files\HPPLS.log
Log file(s) created by FlexeraLicensingService (HPSM 3.5 and older)
C:\ProgramData\HP\HP Print License Service Files\Flexera.log
Most frequently used log files
For troubleshooting device specific remediation issues the EapDeviceLib.log, EapNetworkLib.log and
HPSM_Service.log are needed.
For troubleshooting problems with the nightly maintenance, the MaintenanceTask.log is needed.
For troubleshooting problems with instant on, the InstantOn.log is needed.
For troubleshooting problems with tasks, the HPSM_service.log and eventually the EapDevice.lib.log
and EapNetworkLib.log.
For troubleshooting assessment/remediation issues with device certificates the HPCM.logs are
needed and eventually the EapDevice.lib.log and EapNetworkLib.log.
For troubleshooting assessment/remediation issues with device certificates using Scep the Scep.log
and HPCM.logs are needed and eventually the EapDevice.lib.log and EapNetworkLib.log.
For troubleshooting assessment/remediation issues with device certificates using Est the Est.log and
the HPCM.logs are needed and eventually the EapDevice.lib.log and EapNetworkLib.log.
Location and names of configuration files for changing the log
level of the different log files
HPSM has different configuration files for changing the log level of the different log files. This section
explains which config file has to be edited for the different log files. In the next section a more
detailed description of the different log files will be provided.
To enable debugging for non-device specific issues (like problems starting a task, problems starting
the service)
C:\Program Files (x86)\HP Security Manager\HPSM_Service.exe.config
To enable debugging for issues related to device communication.
C:\Program Files (x86)\HP Security Manager\EapLogConfig.xml
Security Manager logs events for who did what and when in two different Audit logs. Log level for this
can be changed in the following file:
C:\Program Files (x86)\HP Security Manager\WebApp\Web.config
For Certificate remediation with EST, Scep the config level can be changed in the following file:
C:\Program Files (x86)\HP Security Manager\HPSM_Service.exe.config
Warning: Making changes in the config level in the following files, will
have any impact on the
Scep.log and EST.log file in the HP Security Manager\Webapp\log directory as those log files will
always remain empty
C:\Program Files (x86)\HP Security Manager\
C:\Program Files (x86)\HP Security Manager\
In the following screenshots of the different directories, you can see in which file the log level for the
different log files can be changed.
Changing the default log location (including logging into a
mapped network drive)
The appender sections in the config files define the details of the log behavior (number of log file,
relative , file location, max file size etc. For example for the HPSM_service.log you can find the
following configuration for local logging:
<appender name="ServerAppender" type="Common.CustomRollingLogAppender,Common">
<file value="log/HPSM_Service.log" />
<appendToFile value="true" />
<staticLogFileName value="true" />
<immediateFlush value="true" />
<rollingStyle value="Size" />
<maxSizeRollBackups value="4" />
<maximumFileSize value="50MB" />
<layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout">
<conversionPattern value="%date %-5level %logger %identity %exception
[%thread] - %message%newline" />
It’s possible to use a mapped network drive for logging, if the account running the HPSM service has
full rights on the specified mapped network location. The file value will have to be changed and
LockingModel type, and pseudofile with value true will have to be added to the appender
configuration. See the following example:
<appender name="ServerAppender" type="Common.CustomRollingLogAppender,Common">
<lockingModel type="log4net.Appender.FileAppender+MinimalLock"/>
<file value="\\network.server.address\log\HPSM_Service.log" />
<pseudofile value="true" />
<staticLogFileName value="true" />
<immediateFlush value="true" />
<rollingStyle value="Size" />
<maxSizeRollBackups value="4" />
<maximumFileSize value="50MB" />
<layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout">
<conversionPattern value="%date %-5level %logger %identity %exception
[%thread] - %message%newline" />
Enabling HP Security Manager debugging (service interactions)
To enable debugging for non-device specific issues (like problems starting a task, problems starting
the service), edit the following lines in the HPSM_service.exe.config file. Make changes highlighted
below in yellow and restart the HP Security Manager service:
<logger name="NHibernate" additivity="false">
<level value="WARN" />
<appender-ref ref="ServerAppender" />
<logger name="NHibernate.Loader.Loader">
<level value="WARN" />
<appender-ref ref="ServerAppender" />
<logger name="Assessment">
<level value="DEBUG" />
<appender-ref ref="ServerAppender" />
<logger name="Common">
<level value="DEBUG" />
<appender-ref ref="ServerAppender" />
<logger name="Data">
<level value="Info" />
<appender-ref ref="ServerAppender" />
<logger name="Task">
<level value="DEBUG" />
<appender-ref ref="ServerAppender" />
<logger name="Service">
<level value="DEBUG" />
<appender-ref ref="ServerAppender" />
<logger name="WCF">
<level value="INFO" />
<appender-ref ref="ServerAppender" />
The Data logger (highlighted in green) refers to the interactions between the HPSM service and the
SQL database. INFO level for the Data logger is fine for troubleshooting non-database related issues.
HPSM 3.4 introduced auto group policies. To see the order in which tasks are executed in the debug
logs, the enableTaskSequencingLogging must be set to true.
<add key="enableTaskSequencingLogging" value="true" />
NOTE: These additional log settings will only be available if the logger value for the logger name
Service is set to DEBUG.
By default, the logs will roll over when they reach 100 MB in size, and each log will only roll over one
time before they will start to be deleted in each subsequent rollover. These values can also be
configured in each of the configuration files mentioned previously by changing the following entries:
<maxSizeRollBackups value="1" />
<maximumFileSize value="100MB" />
Enabling HP Security Manager debugging (Instant-On communication)
From HPSM 3.6 onwards the Instant-On announcements and communication will also be logged in a
separate log file. The same information will remain in the HPSM_service.log file.
To enable debugging for instant-on specific issues (like problems high instant-on load, slow Instant-
On processing, devices not displaying in HPSM), edit the following lines in the
HPSM_service.exe.config file. Make changes highlighted below in yellow and restart the HP Security
Manager service:
<logger name="Instant-On">
<level value="DEBUG" />
<appender-ref ref="Instant-OnAppender" />
Enabling HP Security Manager debugging (device communication
To enable debugging for issues related to device communication, edit the following lines in the
EapLogConfig.xml file. Make changes highlighted below in yellow and restart the HP Security
Manager service.
Logging levels represented in order of increasing priority (e.g., ALL
includes everything below it, but excludes INFO):
<level value="ALL" />
<level value="VERBOSE"/>
<level value="DEBUG" />
<level value="WARN" />
<level value="ERROR" />
<level value="FATAL" />
To turn all logging off use:
<level value="OFF" /> -->
<!-- this is the primary log file for the DAT data collector -->
<logger name="EapDeviceLibrary">
<level value="DEBUG" />
<appender-ref ref="EapDeviceLibAppender" />
<logger name="Binding">
<level value="INFO" />
<appender-ref ref="EapDeviceLibAppender" />
<appender-ref ref="EapBindingAppender" />
<logger name="Pipeline">
<level value="DEBUG" />
<appender-ref ref="EapDeviceLibAppender" />
<logger name="Results">
<level value="DEBUG" />
<appender-ref ref="EapResultsAppender" />
<!-- ERRORs in this log file are expected, therefore it is off by
default -->
<logger name="EapNetworkLib">
<level value="DEBUG" />
<appender-ref ref="EapNetworkLibAppender" />
<logger name="EapMPSBilling">
<level value="INFO" />
<appender-ref ref="EapMpsBillingAppender" />
<logger name="EapWsEventing">
<level value="INFO" />
<appender-ref ref="EapWsEventingAppender" />
<logger name="McoTranslation">
<level value="ERROR" />
<appender-ref ref="McoTranslationAppender" />
Brief explanation of the different log files
HPSM includes the following log file types.
EapDeviceLibrary - This log shows general information like DAT version, the values returned from
device, which methods will be used, etc.
Pipeline - This log shows the methods (pipelines) to perform different operations. This helps to
identify errors/exceptions in pipeline steps.
Results - This gives the names of the config items which are processed.
EapNetworkLib - This log shows the device communications. This helps to identify the retries,
timeouts, etc.
McoTranslation - This log file shows methods (pipelines) for custom processes. This helps to
identify errors/exceptions in custom processes. Normally not needed. Only upon request from
support team.
Bindings -This log shows which interface of the device has been selected. Normally not needed to
enable debug mode for this, only in cases with errors like McoNotFound, McoNotSupported is
listed in other log files.
By default, the logs will roll over when they reach 100 MB in size, and each log will only roll over one
time before they start to become deleted in each subsequent rollover. These values can also be
configured in each of the configuration files mentioned previously by changing the following entries:
<maxSizeRollBackups value="1" />
<maximumFileSize value="100MB" />
In some situations (upon request from HP support), it might be required to know which information is
provided by HPSM to the DAT component within HPSM. This requires changing the log level to
DEBUG for the HpsmDatTransaction. Edit the following lines in the HPSM_service.exe.config file.
Make changes highlighted below in yellow and restart the HP Security Manager service:
<logger name="HpsmDatTransaction">
<level value="DEBUG" />
<appender-ref ref="HpsmDatTransactionAppender" />
The corresponding log file HpsmDatTransactions.log will be updated with the internal device
transaction details.
Enabling HP Security Manager debugging (Certificate Management)
When HPSM is interacting with a Microsoft (Standalone or Enterprise CA), OpenTrust CA or Symantec
CA, it is using the Certificate Management log files (HPCM.log). These log files are in three locations:
C:\Program Files (x86)\HP Security Manager\log
C:\Program Files (x86)\HP Security Manager\PkiProviders\log
C:\Program Files (x86)\HP Security Manager\WebApp\log
Debug logging for ID Certificate requests can be enabled in two files:
C:\Program Files (x86)\HP Security Manager\HPSM_Service.exe.config
C:\Program Files (x86)\HP Security Manager\WebApp\Web.config
Note; when using SCEP, EST or OpenTrust separate additional log files are availabled and will have to
be configured in debug mode.
Make the following changes highlighted:
<logger name="HPCM">
<level value="DEBUG"/>
<appender-ref ref="HPCMAppender"/>
The changes in the HPSM_Service.config file require a restart of the service HP Security Manager and
will enable the debug logging for the HPCM.log file in the following directories:
C:\Program Files (x86)\HP Security Manager\log
C:\Program Files (x86)\HP Security Manager\PkiProviders\log
The last file will contain information about the interaction with the CA server.
The changes in the Web.config file require a restart of IIS (or recycle the application pool HPSM) and
will enable the debug logging for the HPCM.log file in the directory:
C:\Program Files (x86)\HP Security Manager\WebApp\log
Enabling HP Security Manager debugging Certificate Management:
SCEP debugging can be enabled in the HPSM_Service.exe.config file. Make changes highlighted
below in yellow.
<logger name="Scep">
<level value="DEBUG" />
<appender-ref ref="ScepAppender" />
The changes in the HPSM_Service.config file require a restart of the service HP Security Manager
and will enable the debug logging for the SCEP.log file in the following directories:
C:\Program Files (x86)\HP Security Manager\log
C:\Program Files (x86)\HP Security Manager\PkiProviders\log
The last file will contain information about the interaction with the SCEP server.
Enabling HP Security Manager debugging Certificate Management:
EST debugging can be enabled in the HPSM_Service.exe.config file. Make changes highlighted
below in yellow.
<logger name="Est">
<level value="DEBUG" />
<appender-ref ref="Appender" />
The changes in the HPSM_Service.config file require a restart of the service HP Security Manager
and will enable the debug logging for the Est.log file in the following directories:
C:\Program Files (x86)\HP Security Manager\log
C:\Program Files (x86)\HP Security Manager\PkiProviders\log
NOTE: The EST plug-in is available from HPSM 3.5 onwards.
Enabling logging for Qualys Policy Compliance
HPSM 3.5 offers service integration with Qualys. In Qualys debugging can be enabled in the
HPSM_Service.exe.config file. When enabled log entries will be created when printer assessment
results are sent to Qualys. Passwords are not transmitted to Qualys, only the password
assessment result itself. To enable debugging for the Qualys policy integration, make changes
highlighted below in yellow.
<logger name="Qualys">
<level value="Debug" />
<appender-ref ref="QualysAppender" />
The changes in the HPSM_Service.config file require a restart of the service HP Security Manager
and will enable the debug logging for the Qualys.log file in the following directories:
C:\Program Files (x86)\HP Security Manager\log
Enabling HPSM app/system diagnostics logging
It’s also possible to add logging on application level. This is normally not needed and therefore
commented out by default. To enable app logging you have to make the following changes in the
HPSM_service.exe.config file:
1. Add the following line under <appSettings>
<add key="log4net.Internal.Debug" value="true"/>
2. Uncomment the system.diagnostics by removing the <!- - before <system diagnostics> and - ->
after </system diagnostics>. See screenshot of this section (default value on top) and
uncommented version on the bottom.
Audit log files
Besides the debugging log files, Security Manager logs events for who did what and when in two
different Audit logs:
C:\Program Files (x86)\HP Security Manager\
This file will have events that are triggered from the user.
C:\Program Files (x86)\HP Security Manager\log\
This file contains events about stopping/starting service and license limitations.
This file will have events that are triggered from HPSM service. An explanation of entries in those log
files, can be found in the whitepaper Reporting, Email Alert Subscriptions & Remediation Summary,
Auditing & Syslog Functionality under the section HPSM User Activity Logging (Auditing)
Enabling FMEA (Failure Mode and Effect Analysis) logging
In HPSM 3.10 a new log file was added: HPSM_service_FMEA.log. It’s disabled by default and if
enabled logging tasks and hpsm service information in FMEA mode. The intention of this log file is to
provide structured log files. Structured logs will be in the form of key-value pair so that the logs can
be easily traced via log management solutions like Splunk. This means that logs will be represented
in a completely different way.
In order to quickly locate the errors and provide recovery mechanism its important to have FMEA
matrix and appropriate error codes logged.
The different error codes will be developed overtime and provided.
In the previous example the code is SM3003, and SM3xxxx means instant-on discovery logging.
The list of FMEA error codes and their corresponding descriptions is available in Appendix D.
By default this logging is fully disabled. To enable it, change the value for enableStructLogs from
false to true in the HPSM_service.exe.config and in the web.config file.
<!--enableStructLogs: If set, additional structured and FMEA logs are
<add key="enableStructLogs" value="false" />
If you also want to have debug FMEA log entries, you have to change the FMEA appender to DEBUG
in the HPSM_service.exe.config file.
If you also want to get (sub)task details you have to enable enableSctructLogs as well. log entries,
you have to change the FMEA appender to DEBUG in the HPSM_service.exe.config file.
<logger name="Fmea">
<level value="INFO" />
<appender-ref ref="FmeaAppender" />
After making above changes, stop the HPSM service. Restart the hpsm application pool and start the
HPSM service.
Enabling HP Print License Service debugging (HPSM 3.5 and older)
To enable debugging for the HP Print License Service, edit the following lines in the
HP.Print.License.Host.WindowsService.exe.config file in the following directory:
C:\Program Files (x86)\HP JetAdvantage Security Manager\HP Print License
Make changes highlighted below in yellow, then stop the service HP JetAdvantage Security Manager
and then stop the HP Print License Service. Restart first the HP Print License Service and after that
restart the service HP JetAdvantage Security Manager.
<appender name="FileAppender"
<param name="File" value="C:\ProgramData\HP\HP Print License
Service\HPPLS.log" />
<param name="AppendToFile" value="true" />
<rollingStyle value="Size" />
<maxSizeRollBackups value="10" />
<maximumFileSize value="10000KB" />
<layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout">
<param name="ConversionPattern" value="%d [%t] %-2p %c - %m%n"
<!--Possible value for level 1.ALL
<level value="DEBUG" />
<appender-ref ref="FileAppender" />
Required Network Ports
If a firewall is installed on the computer on which the Security Manager service runs, and the service
will be accessed from the user interface on a remote computer, the firewall must be set to allow
access to the service.
The older Security Manager service listens on port 8002, which must be opened in the firewall to
allow remote access to the service. The new browser-based interface listens on port 7637 be
default. If you do not want to allow remote access to the Security Manager web service for either
version, then you can block the respective ports with a firewall.
The following tables list the ports used by HP Security Manager.
Client to Server ports
(version 3.0+)
Port set during installation to be used to secure data
between client and HPSM server via browser. This
port may be changed to something else by editing
bindings for the HPSM web site under IIS Manager.
HPSM versions 3.0 and beyond.
(version 2.1.5-)
WCF with message encryption - port used from a
remote client interface to the Security Center
service. HPSM versions 2.1.5 and prior.
Server to Device ports and to (for firmware assessments)
80 and 8080
Port used for HTTP communication to devices only
when SSL is not supported on the device. Also used to
gather the latest firmware versions from the web if
firmware assessments are enabled and configured to
dynamically retrieve from web.
Port used for secure HTTP communication to devices,
HTTP Web over SSL.
Internet Control Message Protocol - port used to
check if node is active.
Simple Network Management Protocol - port used for
many configuration items on devices as well as
discovery of devices.
Web service port used to manage communications on
HP FutureSmart devices.
Devices to Server ports
HP Instant-On
Secure port (uses SSL) used from the device to the
Security Manager service for Instant-On discovered
Server to SQL database ports
Standard DB Connection - port used from the Security
Manager service to a remote SQL database with a
default instance. Can be customized in a configuration
MS SQL Browser
Standard connection to SQL browser service to
retrieve the TCP port for the named SQL instance
Standard DB connection to a named SQL instance
using dynamic ports
Server to Email ports
Simple Mail Transfer
Typical port used for communication to mail server if
Automated Output feature is enabled. Port can be
customized under File, Settings, Automated Output.
Server to Certificate Authority ports
Certificate management - port used between
Security Manager service and CA server.
Random allocated
high TCP ports
above 1024
Certificate management - port used between
Security Manager service and CA server.
Licensing ports
HP Print License
Licensing heartbeat Heartbeat port used between
the Security Manager service and the HP Print
License service. This is the communication between
two services on the same machine and needs to be
open on the incoming and outgoing port (HPSM 3.5
and older)
HP Print License
Licensing - port used between the Security Manager
service and the HP Print License service. This is the
communication between two services on the same
machine and needs to be open on the incoming and
outgoing port (HPSM 3.5 and older)
Flexera service
Licensing - port used by the Flexera service
(lmgrd.exe). This port is used to communicate
between the FlexeraLicensingService and the HP
Print License Service. These two services reside on
the same machine and therefore this port needs to
be open for incoming and outgoing communication.
HPSM application pool to Server ports
HPSM Windows
Service Port
Communication between HPSM application pool and
HPSM service.
Ports Diagram
Changing Firewall Settings and Testing Open Ports
When configuring firewalls, an administrator can either open ports used by the application
(see the tables in
Required Network Ports
) or allow certain program executables access
through the firewall. For the latter, Security Manager includes two separate services
represented by three executables:
C:\Program Files (x86)\HP Security Manager\HPSM_Service.exe
C:\Program Files (x86)\HP Security Manager\HPQ.exe
C:\Program Files (x86)\HP Security Manager\lmgrd.exe
Security Manager primarily uses the following ports to communicate to devices:
80 used for non-encrypted HTTP traffic to device
161 SNMP traffic to device
443 encrypted traffic to device
7627 web services traffic to device
HPSM 3.5 and older also uses the following executable:
C:\Program Files (x86)\HP JetAdvantage Security Manager\HP Print
License Service\HP.Print.License.Host.WindowsService.exe
Therefore, these ports need to be open for Security Manager to effectively manage
devices. Security Manager and Web Jetadmin are very similar in how they communicate to
devices. If Web Jetadmin is managing devices fine without credential failures and you are
certain Security Manager has matching credentials in its Credential Store, as a test you
might install Security Manager on the same machine as Web Jetadmin to determine if port
issues exist on the Security Manager server.
PortQry, a free Microsoft utility, can also be used to determine if ports are open between
the Security Manager server and the device. The Port Query user interface tool makes it
easy to quickly enter an IP Address for a printer and the port to be queried.
Results will be displayed whether the port is Listening or Not Listening.
Proxy for Network Service Blocking Communication
Security Manager runs under the Network Service account be default. It is possible that
Network Service has been configured to use a proxy. If Security Manager reports credential
failures on the fleet when no passwords are present on the fleet, it is possible a proxy is
blocking the ability for Security Manager to query the pages it requires from the device to
determine if an Admin Password is set for the Embedded Web Server (EWS).
A utility named bitsadmin can be used to determine if a proxy is present on local service
accounts and can clear these settings. Try the following command to determine if network
Service is using a proxy:
Bitsadmin /util /getieproxy networkservice
Possible values include:
NO_PROXYDo not use a proxy server.
AUTODETECTAutomatically detect the proxy settings.
MANUAL_PROXYUse an explicit proxy list and bypass list. Specify the proxy list and
bypass list immediately following the usage tag. For example, MANUAL_PROXY
proxy1,proxy2 NULL.
If the command returns MANUAL_PROXY or AUTODETECT, try setting Network Service to run
without a proxy by typing the following command:
Bitsadmin /util /setieproxy networkservice NO_PROXY
Splunk Dashboard for HPSM
It’s possible to use view task details in a dashboard.
For this a dashboard is providedas is”. Using Splunk to analyze HPSM logs is possible, but keep in
mind that the HPSM support team is not supporting Splunk, nor the Splunk dashboard.
To use the dashboard in Splunk, follow the following steps:
1. In Splunk, click on Dashboard and Create New Dashboard.
2. Provide a title, like HPSM_TaskandSubtaks_Classic and click on Classic Dashboard and click
on Create.
3. Click on Source and remove all text.
Copy and paste all text from the Splunk dashboard text in Appendix E click on Save and Refresh
Note: Make sure you have enabled structured logs and debug mode for FMEA logging.
Installation Issues
Security Manager uses the Microsoft installer for installing and upgrading the software. If anything
goes wrong during installation, the logs file for the installation attempt may provide some clues.
For proper Security Manager installation and operation, specific Microsoft software must be
present. The requirements are listed in the install and setup guide.
If these are not present on the system, the installation process installs some of the required
software. The installer checks for the presence of IIS and attempts to enable it and necessary
configuration elements if not present. The installer also provides an option to install SQL Express if
desired or to use an existing SQL server location. It launches a series of SQL scripts to ensure the
database is at the current schema version to match the software version. Proper permissions need
to be present for the user running the upgrade on the SQL database for the installer to upgrade the
Common SQL issues
By far the most common reason an installation goes awry is related to SQL issues. Whether using
local or remote SQL Server, Express or Full, the rules are essentially the same. In every case,
Security Manager needs access to a SQL server instance. It can either create a new database,
upgrade an existing database, or attach to an existing database, depending upon the situation and
the user rights. If Security Manager is instructed to install SQL Express on the local machine, a SQL
instance and database for Security Manager will be created by the Security Manager installer. If
Security Manager is pointed to an existing local or remote SQL server and instance during
installation, proper rights must be present for the user running the installation to be able to create
or update a SQL database wherever SQL server may reside. Proper rights must also exist on the
database itself for the user which the Security Manager service runs under to be able to read from
and write to the database.
TIP: When installing and upgrading Security Manager, by default the user permissions of the user
who is logged into the machine and running the installer executable will be used and must have
proper rights on the SQL server to either create a database or update an existing database. All the
installer does is run SQL scripts to create or alter a database, and naturally any user running those
commands needs to have proper SQL rights. In this case it is the Windows user who is running the
installer. During the installation it is possible to select a different windows user for
installing/upgrading the database.
Creating a database requires Create database rights on the SQL instance. Upgrading an existing
database requires DBO rights on the database. For normal operation of Security Manager after
installation, the user running the Security Manager service (default as Network Service) needs to
have permissions to at least read and write to the database, DBO rights preferred.
Each Security Manager installation must point to its own unique database, multiple installations
cannot share a database. The instance can be named or default, and the instance can have as many
databases as possible including a Web Jetadmin database. Several techniques are available to
allow Security Manager to install/use a SQL database in any location.
There are three scenarios where Security Manager will interact with Microsoft SQL:
Creating a database during installation of Security Manager
Upgrading a database during upgrading of Security Manager from one version to another
Running Security Manager to manage security features on a fleet of devices
Each scenario requires a different set of SQL rights for potentially different users.
Create Database Windows user running the installer executable needs at minimum
Create Database rights on the SQL instance. SA rights would certainly work.
Upgrade Database Windows user running the installer executable to upgrade versions
needs DBO rights on the database to perform potential commands on the database such as
insert, update, alter, create table.
Run Security Manager the Windows account that runs the Security Manager service (default of
Network Service) needs DBO rights on the database to perform operations such as reading and
NOTE: The “HP Security - Using SQL Server” whitepaper explains how to run with less rights or a
different account if desired.
The first sign of trouble if something goes wrong might be an error when launching Security
Manager that indicates the SQL database cannot be opened.
In the following error, the message indicates that Windows Authentication is attempting to login the
user the Security Manager runs under (Network Service in this case) into the correct remote
server\instance name but is being rejected.
Use the following log file to find potential causes:
C:\Program Files (x86)\HP Security Manager\log\HPSM_Service.log
A successful login attempt will display the server\instance, database name, database version
and Security manager version:
This would happen if Network Service did not have DBO rights to use the database. Use SQL
Management Studio to confirm the user running the Security Manager service has DBO rights.
Also, make sure the Security Manager service was restarted after making the changes to the
database rights.
Ensure the HPSM_Service.exe.config file contains the correct entries:
The server or instance name is not correct. Double-check the spelling of each.
It is possible network related issues are preventing the connection to the remote instance.
Common troubleshooting steps include:
Fully qualify the remote SQL server name in the configuration file if name resolution
issues are present or use the IP address instead of the hostname.
TCP/IP must be enabled on the remote SQL server instance. Use SQL Server
Configuration Manager to confirm.
Check firewall settings to ensure the port that is used for the remote connection is open.
The default port is 1433.
SQL Server may default to using a dynamic port. Either configure to use a fixed port or
start the SQL Browser service to allow for remote connections.
Use SQL Management Studio and/or Windows ODBC to connect to the remote SQL
server/instance from the same machine as Security Manager to at least prove a Windows
user account can access the server/instance from the Security Manager machine.
If the HPSM_Service.log indicates table columns are missing, the database may not have
been upgraded due to insufficient rights by the user running the upgrade. This scenario is
described previously in this document with steps on how to uninstall/reinstall to rectify.
The database tables should always begin with DBO as the schema i.e., DBO.DeviceTable.
2018-01-11 11:31:29,338 INFO Service [4] - TaskSupervisor.Init - HPSM Starting
2018-01-11 11:31:41,427 INFO Service [4] - Successfully started DSSessionVariables() -
hibernate session
2018-01-11 11:31:41,430 INFO Service [4] - ScheduleTaskManager.RetryDBConnection Testing
DB connection to: Server=(local)\EXP2014;initial catalog=HPIPSC;Integrated Security=SSPI;
2018-01-11 11:31:41,437 INFO Service [4] - - Done TestDBConnection
2018-01-11 11:31:41,437 INFO Service [4] - ScheduleTaskManager.RetryDBConnection Testing
DB connection successfull to: Server=(local)\EXP2014;initial catalog=HPIPSC;Integrated
2018-01-11 11:31:41,593 INFO Service [4] - Service Starting up - Init()
2018-01-11 11:31:42,571 INFO Service [4] - Service Version:
2018-01-11 11:31:42,594 INFO Service [4] - Shrinking the DB log file
If some of the tables begin with a Windows username as the schema, it is very likely that the user
who upgraded or created the database was a member of a Windows group when assigned SQL
The default schema for a user can be defined by using the DEFAULT_SCHEMA option of CREATE
USER or ALTER USER. If no default schema is defined for a user account, SQL Server will assume
DBO is the default schema.
IMPORTANT: If the user is authenticated by SQL Server as a member of a group in the Windows
operating system, no default schema will be associated with the user. If the user creates an object, a
new schema will be created and named the same as the user, and the object will be associated with
that user schema. The fix to this scenario is to either rename the schema in the affected tables to
indicate DBO, or better yet, assign a default schema of DBO to the Windows group to which the user
Database Upgrade Failure
A very common scenario involves the installer completing the installation, but improper rights were
present on the account running the installer to upgrade the SQL database tables. When this
happens, you have a new Security Manager version trying to use older SQL tables. The log files are
filled with statements indication tables and/or columns are missing the database.
Two options exist in the case:
Roll back to the previous version
Attempt to repair the database to match the Security manager version
To roll back to the previous version, follow these steps:
1. Under Programs and Features, uninstall Security Manager and when asked if you would like
to delete the database, select No.
2. Finish the uninstall and when prompted, keep the license files intact.
3. Install the previous version, pointing to the remote server\instance where the database still
NOTE: Since the database was never upgraded when Security Manager was upgraded
earlier, it should still match the previous Security manager version and work fine with it.
4. Make sure the proper rights/permissions are in place before attempting the upgrade again.
Using SQL script to repair/upgrade/install the database
SQL scripts are also available that can repair the database and upgrade it to match the Security
manager version to update the database. This is certainly a much faster resolution to the problem.
The scripts are installed with HPSM ( in the following directory:
C:\Program Files (x86)\HP Security Manager)
The scripts can be run by someone such as the DBA who has proper rights to upgrade the database.
The SQL scripts are run manually from a command prompt. They essentially mimic the SQL files the
installer runs when “install a new or update an existing database” is selected.
The script is launched by executing a batch file named InstallOrUPgradeRemoteDb.bat. The zip file
contains a Readme called Readme_InstallSQLscripts.txt with explanation and syntax of the SQL
NOTE: Before HPSM 3.5 the script was called InstallDBrmt.bat and did not have an option to specify
the databasename. The syntax for the installDBrmt.bat script is explained in Appendix B.
When you run the SQL scripts from a command line, you must use the proper syntax It will not tell
you if your syntax is bad, but the log files that are created in the folder where you ran the scripts
will be full of errors if the syntax is bad.
If you use bad syntaxes, the command line will display as if it is creating tables. It is not. Log files
are created in the same folder containing the scripts. The logs will be filled with errors if
permissions are not correct or improper syntax was used.
The script first looks to see if the database is present. If not present, the script will create the
database if the user running the script has Create Database rights on the SQL instance. If an
existing database is present, the script walks through a routine to see what schema is present and
updates to the latest schema, if the user running the scripts has DBO rights on the database.
After the script completes, restart the HP Security Manager service. All should be well as the
software and database now match schema versions. See the whitepaper
HP Security Manager
Using Microsoft SQL Server
for more information on running the SQL scripts.
If Security Manager still generates errors while attempting to launch or hangs indefinitely, the
database is probably still not upgraded. If you have a new Security Manager trying to use an old
database, statements display over and over in the service log indicating required tables are not
2018-01-04 14:33:53,731 ERROR
NHibernate.Util.ADOExceptionReporter [4] - Invalid object name 'ScheduledReportsTable'.
In this example, ScheduledReportsTable is a new table only available in the 3.1 version of Security
Manager, and it is complaining it cannot find the table. That is very typical of new version using an
old database.
Here is a screen shot generated by viewing the database using SQL Management Server showing the
table that provides the database schema version. It should be version 7 for Security Manager 3.1.
The HPSM_Service.log file also indicates the schema version. Notice too how there is a
DBO.ScheduledReportsTable. That is another quick method to see if the database is upgraded or not.
Figure: Schema version indicated
Figure: Scheduled Reports Table listed
This can happen due to the following reasons:
The account running the Security Manager installer does not have DBO rights on the database
during an upgrade.
The user chooses “connect to and existing database” instead of “install or upgrade an
existing database” during an upgrade attempt but the database was never upgraded
manually using the SQL scripts.
The SQL scripts are run to manually upgrade the database but the account running the
scripts does not have DBO permissions on the database to upgrade it.
The SQL scripts may be the broken ones included in the Security Manager folder of version 3.1.
The SQL scripts are run using the wrong syntax on the command line.
Error-Maybe a DB access issue in HPSM_service.log file
A “Maybe a DB access issueerror is listed in the HPSM_service.log file:
Error,3/28/2021 4:31:41 AM,HP JetAdvantage Security Manager,0,None,"Error - Maybe a DB access issue
- calling SetRecoveryMode() System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): This server is part of
Recovery Model exception list, Database Recovery Model should be in FULL for this server. If need any
clarification, Please reach out SQL Operation team Supervisor(s)
HPSM re-indexes during the nightly maintenance and changes the DB Recovery mode to SIMPLE
before indexing and then restores the previous setting after the re-indexing operation has been
completed. If the HPSM service does not have the rights to change the recovery model, then the error
will display.
This re-indexing can be disabled by setting the IndexPerformanceTuning to true in the
HPSM_service.exe.config file, followed by a restart of the HPSM service.
Problems Launching Security Manager Web Interface
First, check if the HPSM service is still running. When the HPSM service is running in debug mode
you can also check the HPSM_service.log file if the HPSM service can connect correctly to the
database. If the HPSM service is running and can connect to the database, then you need to
check the HPSM application pool.
Is the application pool still running after some time, or is it automatically getting stopped?
If it is getting stopped, check the HPSMWeb.log and event viewer for more information.
Web page not displayed while HPSM service is running and
connecting to DB
The following two subsections (bindings/firewall problem and browser setting causing issues)
describes issues when HPSM service can connect to the database.
Bindings/firewall problem
The Security Manager browser-based interface requires Internet Information Services (IIS) to
operate. The installer will verify that IIS is enabled with the proper settings enabled and will offer to
enable the proper settings if desired. The Installation Guide specifies the proper IIS setting to be
enabled to perform the configuration manually if preferred.
If the installer fails to set some of the IIS settings, it may be necessary to configure them manually.
Since the installer is attempting to enable IIS, it may prompt for a machine restart. You can use IIS
Manager under Administrative Tools to determine if the HPSM application pool and HPSM web site
are present and configured properly.
An easy test to determine if IIS is functioning properly is to see if you can browse to the default IIS
web page: http://localhost:80. If you can’t browse to the default page, it is likely you will not be
able to browse to the Security Manager page either.
When you still cannot access the web page, you might receive the following error message in your
browser when Security Manager is launched in a browser:
If the application pool is still running after attempting to reach the page, then there is a binding
problem of firewall.
To change this port, or if the port is being blocked, it can be changed by configuring the bindings for
the HPSM web site under IIS Manager. Expand Sites in the left pane, select HPSM, and then select
Figure: HPSM Binding settings
Make sure that the Type is set to https, Port to 7637 and that as an SSL certificate the HP Security
Manager Self signed self-certificate or a server certificate is selected. Change it to a different port
if it is blocked by the firewall or open the port in the firewall.
The self-signed certificate allows the data to be encrypted between client and server, while an
existing server certificate not only encrypts data but also provides trust that the server is who it
says it is. IIS will always search and bind for the server certificate in the personal store of computer
account. An identity certificate needs to be of the type “Server Authentication” to provide trust.
Issues have been seen in cases where there are multiple certificates to choose from with the same
name during installation, and if an improper certificate is chosen, the bindings will not be created for
the web site. Security Manager will not launch, and the HPSM web site will also contain a couple of
icons instead of the 20 or so it should contain. The easy fix to this problem is to select the correct
port for the bindings (7637). The icons will display, and Security Manager will run properly.
Browser settings causing issues
The new browser-based interface supports either Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) or Google Chrome.
The following settings may need to be configured on certain machines or operating systems if
Security Manager is having difficulty loading and the application pool is running correctly.
If the login screen for Security Manager is not displaying, remove the Display intranet sites in
Compatibility View setting. To do this, click the ALT key to open the options in IE. Under Tools, select
Compatibility View, and then clear the Display intranet sites in Compatibility View option.
Internet Explorer may require the “Bypass proxy server for local addresses” box to be checked
under Internet Options, Connections, LAN Settings if the login screen for Security Manager is not
Windows 10 may require HTTP2 to be disabled in the browser if Security Manager continually
logs out the user.
Web page not displayed and HPSM service is automatically stopping
In some situations, you might see that the HPSM service is stopping quickly after starting the
service. When trying to browse to the application you will see errors like Can’t reach this page.
This can have multiple reasons and the HPSM.service.log will have to be used to find out why this
ServerConfig could not initialized in HPSM_service.log
Entries like the following might be listed in the HPSM.service.log file:
022-01-27 02:01:40,807 INFO Service [4] - TaskSupervisor.Init - HPSM Starting
2022-01-27 02:01:52,229 INFO Service [4] - Successfully started DSSessionVariables() - hibernate
2022-01-27 02:01:52,244 INFO Service [4] - ScheduleTaskManager.RetryDBConnection Testing DB
connection to: Server=WWOED000SRV0327;initial catalog=HPSECMGR;Integrated Security=SSPI
2022-01-27 02:01:52,244 INFO Service [4] - - Done TestDBConnection
2022-01-27 02:01:52,244 INFO Service [4] - ScheduleTaskManager.RetryDBConnection Testing DB
connection successful to: Server=WWOED000SRV0327;initial catalog=HPSECMGR;Integrated
2022-01-27 02:01:52,244 INFO Service [4] - Service Starting up - Init
2022-01-27 02:01:52,369 INFO Service [4] - BizLogicMgr.IsValidProductDB - productId 6F1BC5E1-A0C9-
4CEF-B065-BBF5F487F289 metaData.ID6F1BC5E1-A0C9-4CEF-B065-BBF5F487F289
2022-01-27 02:01:52,526 ERROR Service [4] - BizLogicMgr.ValidateServerCertificate Certificate error:
2022-01-27 02:01:52,526 ERROR Service [4] - BizLogicMgr.Init - Error ServerConfig not initialized -
Unknown error: System.Security.SecurityException: The source was not found, but some or all event
logs could not be searched. To create the source, you need permission to read all event logs to make
sure that the new source name is unique. Inaccessible logs: Security, State.__ at
System.Diagnostics.EventLog.FindSourceRegistration(String source, String machineName, Boolean
readOnly, Boolean wantToCreate)__ at System.Diagnostics.EventLog.SourceExists(String source,
String machineName, Boolean wantToCreate)__ at
System.Diagnostics.EventLogInternal.VerifyAndCreateSource(String sourceName, String
currentMachineName)__ at System.Diagnostics.EventLogInternal.WriteEntry(String message,
EventLogEntryType type, Int32 eventID, Int16 category, Byte[] rawData)__ at
System.Diagnostics.EventLog.WriteEntry(String source, String message, EventLogEntryType type, Int32
eventID, Int16 category, Byte[] rawData)__ at Common.DataConstants.SetURLSetting(String
settingName, String defaultValue, String& memberSetting)__ at
Common.DataConstants.InitializeFromAppConfig()__ at
LocksmithBusinessLogic.BizLogicMgr.Init(Boolean& startSSLListner)__The Zone of the assembly that
failed was:__MyComputer
2022-01-27 02:01:52,526 ERROR Service [4] - HP Security Manager: Unexpected Error Initializing -
Shuting down: System.Security.SecurityException: The source was not found, but some or all event logs
could not be searched. To create the source, you need permission to read all event logs to make sure
that the new source name is unique. Inaccessible logs: Security, State.__ at
System.Diagnostics.EventLog.FindSourceRegistration(String source, String machineName, Boolean
readOnly, Boolean wantToCreate)__ at System.Diagnostics.EventLog.SourceExists(String source,
String machineName, Boolean wantToCreate)__ at
System.Diagnostics.EventLogInternal.VerifyAndCreateSource(String sourceName, String
currentMachineName)__ at System.Diagnostics.EventLogInternal.WriteEntry(String message,
EventLogEntryType type, Int32 eventID, Int16 category, Byte[] rawData)__ at
System.Diagnostics.EventLog.WriteEntry(String source, String message, EventLogEntryType type, Int32
eventID, Int16 category, Byte[] rawData)__ at Common.DataConstants.SetURLSetting(String
settingName, String defaultValue, String& memberSetting)__ at
Common.DataConstants.InitializeFromAppConfig()__ at
LocksmithBusinessLogic.BizLogicMgr.Init(Boolean& startSSLListner)__The Zone of the assembly that
failed was:__MyComputer
In this case the event source “HP Security Manager” which should become visible in the event viewer
for HPSM related events can not be created/read.
Example of HPSM event message in the event viewer:
First, check if the account (by default Network service) running the HPSM service as at least
read permissions to the corresponding registry key.
1. Open the Registry Editor:
2. Select Start then Run
3. Enter regedt32 or regedit
4. Navigate/expand to the following key:
5. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Eventlog\Security
6. Right-click the entry and select Permissions
7. Add the Network Service user (or the account running the HPSM service)
8. Give it Read permission
9. Restart HPSM service.
If the correct permissions were already available or if the issue was not resolved, try to run HPSM
temporarily as Local System.
1. Go to services
2. Right-click the HP Security Manager service and select Properties
3. Click on the Log On tab and select the radio button Local System Account
4. Restart HPSM service.
The event source HP Security Manager is created with the Local System Account.
After HPSM has been running for a few minutes, verify in the HPSM_service.log file that the
error Server config could not be initialized is no longer occurring. Change HPSM service
back to the desired account.
Invalid length for a Base-64 char array or string in HPSM_service.log
When the HPSM service is stopping automatically after trying to connect to the DB, you might see the
following in the HPSM_service.log:
2023-12-14 12:23:47,771 DEBUG Service [4] - ScheduleTaskManager.DispatchEvents Initializing
2023-12-14 12:23:47,771 INFO Service [4] - Service Starting up - Init
2023-12-14 12:23:47,771 DEBUG Service [4] - BizLogicMgr - GetMetaData
2023-12-14 12:23:47,966 INFO Service [4] - BizLogicMgr.IsValidProductDB - productId 11870252-D338-
4BCD-9EBD-8A77C043D65D metaData.ID11870252-D338-4BCD-9EBD-8A77C043D65D
2023-12-14 12:23:48,193 DEBUG Service [4] - DecryptUsingDPAPI method called.
2023-12-14 12:23:48,193 DEBUG Service [4] - Error - DecryptUsingDPAPI: Invalid length for a Base-64 char
array or string.
This happens when the hpsm_service.exe.config has been configured with an sql user account to access the
database and the sql password has been encrypted by HPSM during the first successful start of the hpsm
Example of encrypted sql user password in hpsm_service.exe.config file:
The web.config file also needs to be configured to use the SQL user account to connect to the DB and the
password should have been encrypted by HPSM in the web.config file after the password has been encrypted
in the hpsm_service.exe.config file.
If the sql password is not encrypted in the hpsm_service.exe.config and web.config on all locations where the
database connection is specified, then you’ll run in the invalid length error.
Solution: stop hpsm service and hpsm application pool. Re-edit the hpsm_service.exe.config and web.config
file and make sure that the unencrypted sql password is specified.
Now start hpsm application pool
Finally start hpsm security manager service
Issues when running HPSM Application Pool
As network service - Server Error in “/” Application, Cannot open database
The Security Manager service and the HPSM application pool must have the proper permissions to
access the Security Manager service database.
If the service and database are installed on the same computer, the installation process manages
the assignment of database permissions by assigning Network Service to run both the HPSM
service and the HPSM application pool.
If the service and the database are installed on separate computers, you must configure the correct
permissions for the remote database, otherwise the HPSM service cannot login to the database and
you might receive an error like the following:
If the HPSM service has been configured to run under a user or service account which has access to
the database, you still might receive a server error, due to login problems of the HPSM application
By default, the HPSM application pool will be configured with NetworkService, but this can be
changed if desired to run under the same account as the HPSM service or by providing access to
the database for the Network Service.
Open IIS, right-click the HPSM application pool, select Advanced Settings, click on , select Custom
Account, specify the account which should be used, and then select OK.
See the whitepaper titled “HP Security Manager - Using Microsoft® SQL Server” for more information
about the required rights for a remote database. It is also possible that some IIS settings are not
configured. Double check that all of the IIS settings were enabled as described in the “HP Security
Manager Installation Guide“.
If the browser displays an error that it cannot read the web.config file, search the internet for more
information on the error code.
32-Bit Applications not enabled for HPSM application pool
The Enable 32-bit Applications setting for the HPSM application pool may need to be toggled. To do
this, follow these steps:
1. In IIS, select Application Pools, right-click HPSM, and then select Advanced Settings (or select
Advanced Settings in the right -pane).
The following screen displays:
2. Change the setting for Enable 32-bit Applications from False to True.
HTTP 500.19 Internal Server Error with config source reference to X-Frame-
When running HPSM Application Pool on some systems, you might receive an HTTP 500.19 error with
config source reference to X-Frame-Options.
Figure: HTTP 500.19 error received
The Config Source shows in red information about X-FRAME-OPTIONS in line 338. During installation
of HPSM, the installer configures the IIS settings for HPSM. It updated the applicationHost config file
which is by default in the following location:
For HPSM, the customHeaders section for the httpProtocol should be configured as the following:
<clear />
<add name="X-Powered-By" value="ASP.NET" />
<clear />
Other customHeaders content should be removed. For example:
<add name="X-FRAME-OPTIONS" value="DENY" />
Before making any changes save a copy of the file and store it in a save location. After that
remove, all special customHeaders add name sections, restart the HPSM application pool
and restart the HP Security Manager service.
HTTP 500.19 Internal Server Error with error code 0x800700c1
When running HPSM Application Pool on some systems, you might receive an HTTP 500.19 error with
error code 0x8000700c1.
Figure: HTTP Error 500.19 - Internal Server Error Error Code 0x800700c1.
Potential fix (it is possible that other IIS configuration settings are causing the same issue):
1. Open IIS (Internet Information Server).
2. Click on server module node at the top of the left navigation pane, select Modules, and then select
Open Feature or double click Modules.
3. Right-click DynamicCompressionModule and select Unlock.
4. Right-click StaticCompressionModule and select Unlock.
5. Expand Sites and select HPSM.
6. In the right pane in the IIS section , select "Modules" and select “Open Feature”, or double click the
Modules option.
Figure: Modules option highlighted on HPSM Home screen
7. Right-click DynamicCompressionModules and select Remove.
8. Right-click StaticCompressionModule and select Remove.
9. Restart the IIS.
As a non-admin user or service account (error 503)
When running HPSM Application Pool, if the service account is NOT a member of the local
administrator group on the Security Manager server, additional steps are required to ensure the
service account can access the service control manager like the Network Service can.
If these additional steps are not taken, the HPSM application pool will stop as soon as you try to open
the HPSM web page, and a 503 error will likely be seen when attempting to launch Security Manager.
The HPSMWeb.log in the directory
C:\Program Files (x86)\HP Security Manager\WebApp\log
and the
Windows Event Viewer will contain errors indicating there are not sufficient rights to access service
control manager:
<Data>HP JetAdvantage Security Manager: Unexpected Error Initializing - Shuting down:
System.InvalidOperationException: Cannot open Service Control Manager on computer '.'. This operation
might require other privileges. ---> System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: Access is denied --- End of
inner exception stack trace --- at
System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController.GetDataBaseHandleWithAccess(String machineName, Int32
serviceControlManaqerAccess) at
machineName) at System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController.GetServicesOfType(String machineName,
Int32 serviceType) at System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController.GetServices() at
LocksmithBusinessLogic.BizLogicMgr.ValidateProductAndDB() at
By default, non-administrators cannot access the service control manager and cannot stop/start
To assign the rights needed for a non-admin account to access the service configuration manager,
run the following from command prompt then restart the Security Manager service. This command
provided privileges so that authenticated users can run the service control manager as required by
Security Manager.
Open a command prompt as administrator, browse to
, and type the following
sc sdset SCMANAGER
If successful, the line ‘[SC] SetServiceObjectSecurity SUCCESS’ is displayed.
The final step is to make sure the service account is a member of the local IIS_USRS group.
Restart the Security Manager service, recycle the HPSM application pool, and you should be able to
successfully open Security Manager.
When the HPSM application pool is running and the UI is launched, the process w3wp.exe will start.
For each application pool inside IIS another w3wp.exe process will start.
When you add the column Command line in task manager you can see which process is used by which
application pool.
In the command line column, you will see for the w3wp.exe process like:
-ap “HPSM-v “v4.0” -l “webengine4.dll” -a
\\.a\pipe\iisipm324143214-2432424-sdfasfds- h
“C:\inetpub\temp\apppools\HPSM\HPSM.config” -w m 0 -t 20 -ta 0
For HPSM this also means that full access is required to the following file/path:
If the HPSM application pools is still crashing after trying to access the UI when running the HPSM
application pool as a different user/service, then the account is most likely too restrictive. In that
case try to run the default application of IIS as the same user/service. If the default application pool is
also crashing when you try to access the default IIS homepage (http://localhost:80), then it confirms
that the problem is outside of HPSM and caused by a too restrictive user or service account.
To resolve this issue, add the user/service account to the local administrators group.
Access Denied when trying to logon to HPSM
Users, even (local) Administrators might get an Access Denied when trying to logon to Security
Figure: Access denied error when trying to log in
Only users that are members of the HPIPSC group will have full access to the HP Security Manager
and the specific user will have to be added to this group first.
Licensing Issues
Licensing Issues in multi-homed environment: Failed to connect to
licensing server
In a multi-homed server (several NICs installed). It is possible that the HPSM service tries to reach
the HP Print License service on the wrong IP address/NIC with the result: Failed to connect to
licensing server in the Dashboard screen and unable to add new licenses.
Perform the following steps to check if this is happening:
1. Retrieve the table DBO.ServerConfigTable (this contains one entry) and check for the
LicenseServerAddress in this table.
2. Retrieve the table DBO.ServerTable and check which IP addresses are listed.
If the second IP address in this table is used for communication with all the devices, then HPSM will
not be able to communicate to the licensing server.
1. For every NIC , open the Control Panel, Network and Sharing Center and select Change Adapter
2. Right-click every Adapter/NIC.
3. Select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4).
4. Select Properties.
5. Select Advanced and disable Automatic metric.
6. Add a value for the Interface metric.
7. The interface which is used for communication with the devices should have the lowest number as
lower number indicates higher priority.
8. Now restart the HP Security Manager service. During the service startup, HPSM will update the
priority order in the DBO.ServerTable and update the DBO.ServerConfigTable accordingly.
NOTE: Changing the adapter order can also done in other ways, see for example:
Licensing does not work when HPSM’s hostname is changed after
If in the rare case the Security Manager server has obtained a new hostname, Flexera likely needs
some help to reflect that change. Flexera refers to some keys in the windows registry related to
server hostname.
The following error message in the HPSM Service log indicates an error while HPSM service tries to
communicate with the Flexera Service. The line containing “GetLastFlexeraError" typically provides
error information.
2021-05-25 13:54:13,478 ERROR Service [License Task 5/25/21 01:54] - GetFeatureNames() - Unable
to get any features from Flexera. Retry 2
2021-05-25 13:54:14,494 ERROR Service [License Task 5/25/21 01:54] - GetLicenseFeatures() -
Exception - Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other
memory is corrupt. - Stacktrace - at
HP.Print.License.CSharpWrapper.NativeMethods.HPGetLicenseFeaturelist(Int16 jobType, Int32
flag)__ at HP.Print.License.CSharpWrapper.Communication.GetLicenseFeatures(JobInfo job, Int32
searchFirst) in C:\Code\LS352\CSharpWrapper\Communication.cs:line 64
2021-05-25 13:54:14,494 ERROR Service [License Task 5/25/21 01:54] - GetLastFlexeraError() - error
string is - GetLastFlexeraError - Error string is - No socket connection to license server
manager._Feature: IPSC_CMPS_License path: 27000@WIN-TEST;_FLEXnet Licensing error:-
7,10001_For further information, refer to the FLEXnet Licensing documentation,_available at
"". - GetLastFlexeraError End
The error message “No socket connection to license server manager” indicates the following
Flexera service not running.
HPSM Service’s connection to Flexera service is blocked by a firewall.
The registry entries telling HPSM Service where to connect to Flexera is not accessible, not
present, corrupted, or incorrect (example change of hostname).
One option is to uninstall Security Manager, keep database and licenses intact, then reinstall
Security Manager and point to the existing database. This would likely update the registry entries to
the new hostname.
Another option involves editing the registry entries manually and restarting the services rather than
a full uninstall/reinstall. The steps for this in HPSM 3.5 and older are different from the steps for
HPSM 3.6 and newer.
For HPSM 3.6 and newer
By default, HPSM 3.6 uses environment system variables for the variable HPQ_LICENSE_FILE
instead of registry entries. The system variable also contains multiple values for IPv4 and IPv6
usage with the following value:
27000@<computername>,27[email protected].1,27000@[::1]
Where <Computername> is the (host)name of the computer on which HPSM is running.
Figure: System variable HPQ_LICENSE_FILE
When the HPSM hostname has been changed, the values for the HPQ_LICENSE_FILE system
variable need to be changed accordingly. After this has been changed restart the HP Security
Manager Service.
For HPSM 3.5 and older
1. Stop the following services in this order:
HP JetAdvantage Security Manager Service
HP Print License Service
Flexera Licensing Service
2. Open Registry Editor.
3. Find all the ‘HPQ_LICENSE_FILE’ keys in the registry and replace the values to reflect the new
hostname (they will all have the old hostname referenced after the @ sign). There will be
several keys in the registry for each machine and user account.
Figure: Example of one of the HPQ_LICENSE_FILE entries in the registry
Delete license files under the following directory (do not delete DemoLicense
C:\ProgramData\HP\HP Print License Service\LicenseFiles
Delete All files under RecoveryXXX directory (do not delete the directory itself).
C:\ProgramData\HP\HP Print License Service\RecoveryFile1 C:\ProgramData\HP\HP Print
License Service\RecoveryFile2
6. Restart the services in the reverse order that you stopped them:
Flexera Licensing Service
HP Print License Service
HP JetAdvantage Security Manager Service
7. Check whether the HPSM server is working well with the demo license.
8. Install the issued license again.
'Insufficient licenses' error after nightly maintenance task with HPSM
3.6 or newer
If the message ‘insufficient’ licenses displays after the automatic nightly maintenance from HPSM,
then do the following:
1. Remove the current system variable HPQ_LICENSE_FILE
2. Stop the following services in this order:
HP Security Manager Service
Flexera Licensing Service
3. Open Registry Editor and look for the following registry key:
4. Create a new String Value with the name HPQ_LICENSE_FILE and the value where
<Computername> is the (host)name of the computer on which HPSM is running:
27000@<computername>,2[email protected].0.1,27000@[::1]
Figure: Computer is listed as the host name
5. A similar entry must be made in the registry key for the user running the HPSM service. By
default, this is the NETWORK service which has an SID of S-1-5-20. Look for the following
registry key:
[HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-20\Software\FLEXlm License Manager]
6. Create a new String Value under this key, with the string name HPQ_LICENSE_FILE and value
where <Computername> is the (host)name of the computer on which HPSM is running:
27000@<computername>,2[email protected].0.1,27000@[::1]
Figure: HPQ_LICENSE_FILE listed under FLEXlm License Manager registry key
7. If HPSM service is configured to run under other user privileges, that’s specific user’s entry
under HKEY_USERS must be modified.
8. Restart the services in the reverse order that you stopped them:
Flexera Licensing Service
HP Security Manager Service
9. Check whether the HPSM server is working well with the licenses.
If the issue persists, reboot the server, and check again.
'Insufficient licenses' after upgrading to HPSM 3.10 or later
From HPSM 3.10 onwards, HPSM blocks the usage of all licenses when a duplicate license is
detected in the folder: C:\ProgramData\HP\HPSM\LicenseFiles
Under Settings, Licenses zero licenses are displayed. When clicking on View License Details, no
information is displayed:
1. Search CheckLicenseDuplication in the HPSM_service.log file to find which license file is duplicated
(highlighted in yellow)
2024-04-09 14:06:02,016 INFO Service [License Task 4/9/24 02:06] -
Existing License in Folder: "00AE27A81D7E0E551A96F6EB738B_
2024-04-09 14:06:02,016 INFO Service [License Task 4/9/24 02:06] -
Existing License in Folder: "0010FF9F8CB6C2CC792D73ADACCC_
2024-04-09 14:06:02,016 INFO Service [License Task 4/9/24 02:06] -
Existing License in Folder: "00C409C1D64336C029596ED26BD8_
2024-04-09 14:06:02,016 ERROR Service [License Task 4/9/24 02:06] -
LicenseWrapper.CheckLicenseDuplication: License :
"00EFEFA43EC385D06FD98DA1EF4B_ 41008270CC7DB804E96281BE66F20B1D"
2024-04-09 14:06:02,016 DEBUG Service [License Task 4/9/24 02:06] -
2024-04-09 14:06:02,016 DEBUG Service [License Task 4/9/24 02:06] -
LicenseMgr.CheckOut #: 0
2024-04-09 14:06:02,016 DEBUG Service [License Task 4/9/24 02:06] -
BizLogicMgrHelper - GetDataSetCount returned: 9
2024-04-09 14:06:02,016 DEBUG Service [License Task 4/9/24 02:06] -
LicenseWrapper.CheckOut for feature: total # required: 9
2024-04-09 14:06:02,016 ERROR Service [License Task 4/9/24 02:06] -
CheckOut() - Licenses Available - 0 - Seats Missing - 9 - Licenses
Assigned -0
2024-04-09 14:06:02,016 DEBUG Service [License Task 4/9/24 02:06] -
LicenseWrapper.CheckOut numSeatsMissing: 9
2024-04-09 14:06:02,016 DEBUG Service [License Task 4/9/24 02:06] -
2024-04-09 14:06:02,016 DEBUG Service [License Task 4/9/24 02:06] -
BizLogicMgr - GetServerConfig
2024-04-09 14:06:02,031 DEBUG Service [License Task 4/9/24 02:06] -
Method : DataProtection.Encrypt. Enter
2024-04-09 14:06:02,031 DEBUG Service [License Task 4/9/24 02:06] -
License data: -Feature: -Expires in: 0 -# Assigned: 0 -# Available: 0
-# Total: 0 -Connection status ok: False -When: -Feature: -Feature:
12/31/99 11:59
2. Use the first number, in this case 00EFEFA43EC385D06FD98DA1EF4B
3. Add spaces to this after every 4
character, thus now it becomes
00EF EFA4 3EC3 85D0 6FD9 8DA1 EF4B
4. Now search for this value inside the license files in the directory:
You should find the same value in multiple license files:
5. Move the duplicate license files to a backup location.
6. Stop HPSM service
7. Stop and restart flexera service
8. Restart HPSM service.
Flexera service Will Not Start (Flexera started and then stopped)
Shortly after starting the Flexera Service, you might see the following error message:
This means that the account running the Flexera service does not have Full Control of the HPSM
installation directory.
Go to the HPSM installation directory (Program Files (x86)\HP Security Manager) and provide Full
Control to this directory for the account running the Flexera service.
Failed to retrieve the data error in the HPSM dashboard and zero
licenses available
Whenever the error message “Failed to retrieve the data” in HPSM dashboard you need to check the
HPSMWeb.log file in the directory \Program Files (x86)\HP Security Manager\WebApp\log for
ERRORs. The following error might be listed in the log file:
020-11-16 13:45:04,560 INFO Web [71] - et=W2, controller=Licenses, action=Get,
httpresponsecode=InternalServerError, elapsed=60.525
2020-11-16 13:45:04,560 ERROR Web System.ServiceModel.CommunicationObjectFaultedException:
The communication object, System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel, cannot be used for
communication because it is in the Faulted state.
Server stack trace:
at System.ServiceModel.Channels.CommunicationObject.Close(TimeSpan timeout)
at System.ServiceModel.Channels.CommunicationObject.Close()
Exception rethrown at [0]:
at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.HandleReturnMessage(IMessage reqMsg, IMessage
The Flexera service might need more than 5 minutes to load all license files (if there is a high number
of license files). This might be caused by a WCF timeout. By default this is set to 5 minutes.
Solution 1:
1. Stop HPSM service
2. Restart the hpsm application pool in IIS (internet information services).
3. Start HPSM service
Solution 2:
Step 1. Increased the clientTCPBindingOpenTimeout, clientTCPBindingSendTimeout,
clientTCPBindingReceiveTimeout and clientTCPBindingCloseTimeout settings in the Web.config file
and the HPSM_service.exe.config files to a higher value (for example 10 minutes for testing).
<!--ClientTCPBindingOpenTimeout : Increase the WCF timeout value to
open the WCF connection -->
<add key="clientTCPBindingOpenTimeout" value="0:0:5:0" />
<!--ClientTCPBindingSendTimeout : Increase the WCF timeout value
to send data in the WCF connection-->
<add key="clientTCPBindingSendTimeout" value="0:0:5:0" />
<!--ClientTCPBindingReceiveTimeout : Increase the WCF timeout
value to receive data in WCF connection-->
<add key="clientTCPBindingReceiveTimeout" value="0:0:5:0" />
<!--ClientTCPBindingCloseTimeout : Increase the WCF timeout
value to close the WCF connection-->
<add key="clientTCPBindingCloseTimeout" value="0:0:5:0" />
NOTE: The following value requirements must be met:
All values must have the same timeout
The same values must be used in both Web.config and HPSM_service.config files
Increasing the timeout causes UI to wait longer up-to the specific timeout, so it may be
“busy,” until the request is completed or times out. So ideally, this should only be used if
licensed features in UI, like creating blank policy is affected.
Step 2: Restart the HPSM application pool and then restart the HPSM service.
Insufficient Licenses in HPSM dashboard and zero licenses
available with description of starting order of Flexera
Check for the following error in the HPSMService.log
2024-04-11 16:40:01,123 ERROR Service [License Task 4/11/24 04:39] -
GetLicenseFeatures() - Exception - Attempted to read or write protected
memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt. -
Stacktrace - at
6 jobType, Int32 flag)__ at
job, Int32 searchFirst)
2024-04-11 16:40:01,123 ERROR Service [License Task 4/11/24 04:39] -
GetLastFlexeraError() - Fetch last error message from Flexera -
GetLastFlexeraError - Error string is - No socket connection to license
server manager._License path: 27000@WIN-AVNRO0BGK9B, 27[email protected],
27000@[::1];_FlexNet Licensing error:-7,96 - GetLastFlexeraError End
2024-04-11 16:39:59,842 ERROR Service [4] - GetFeatureNames() - Unable
to get any features from Flexera. Retry 3
The retry count will keep increasing. At the same time the Flexera.log might be ending with:
16:37:49 (lmgrd) pid 4296
16:37:49 (lmgrd) SLOG: Summary LOG statistics is enabled.
16:37:49 (lmgrd) Detecting other license server manager (lmgrd)
In the task manager you can see in the Details tab, that lmgrd.exe is listed twice:
This means that the Flexera service has not loaded all license information yet. Once all licenses have
been loaded you will also see this loading process in the Flexera.log:
16:44:02 (lmgrd) License file(s):
C:\ProgramData\HP\HPSM\LicenseFiles\1.HP I-P Security_24260538_64.lic
C:\ProgramData\HP\HPSM\LicenseFiles\10.HP I-P Security_24261702.lic
C:\ProgramData\HP\HPSM\LicenseFiles\11.HP I-P Security_24261704.lic
C:\ProgramData\HP\HPSM\LicenseFiles\12.HP I-P Security_24261706.lic
HPSM will only be able to get the license count when the process HPQ.exe has been started.
This should be visible in the task manager and in the Flexera.log:
17:05:01 (lmgrd) Started HPQ (pid 4880)
After HPQ has been started, click on another tab in HPSM and go back to the dashboard. The licenses
should now be visible in the dashboard.
Mixing licenses limitations
Purchased licenses can be stacked, but mixing purchased with custom trial/evaluation licenses will
usually generate errors. Examples include the following:
Attempt to add a permanent license for 8000 devices with no expiration tied to mac address
on top of a custom trial license that works on any machine: Failure - Cannot mix AnyHost and
Mac Address hosts for IPSC_DEVICES.
Attempt to add a permanent license for 8000 devices with no expiration tied to mac address
over top of the demo license included in product: Success - IPSC_DEVICES replaces
Attempt to add a permanent license for 8000 devices with no expiration tied to mac address
over top of the downloaded 60-day trial license from the kiosk: Success - IPSC_DEVICES
replaces IPSC_DEMO.
Install downloaded 60-day trial license available on kiosk on top of demo license included in
product: Success - IPSC_DEMO replaces IPSC_CMPS.
Attempt to add another downloaded 60-day trial license from kiosk: Failure cannot stack
multiple IPSC_DEMO licenses.
Attempt to add a custom trial license for 100 devices expiring Apr. 30 on top of default demo
license included n product: Success, IPSC_DEVICES replaces IPSC_CMPS.
Attempt to add another custom trial license for 550 devices expiring Aug 31 on top of another
trial license: Success, added to existing 100 trial, but days remaining reflects first file read.
Expired license is ignored. IPSC_DEVICES can stack together as long as all AnyHost.
Other Licensing Issues before HPSM 3.7
There are a couple of symptoms that would indicate something went wrong when applying the
licenses. The License Server Status indicates Error instead of Success:
This may be accompanied by an error at the bottom of the page indicating Error: Failed to connect to
the license server.”
Another sign of a problem occurs when attempting to Add Licenses Now, a failure screen displays
indicating no licenses were added.
Here are some steps that can be followed to attempt to resolve these licensing issues:
1. Security Manager requires the proper startup of these 3 services.
Flexera Licensing Service
HP Print License Service
HP JetAdvantage Security Manager
2. You may need to stop and restart these services. Stop them in this order:
HP JetAdvantage Security Manager
HP Print License Service
Flexera Licensing Service
Restart them in the reverse order:
Flexera Licensing Service
HP Print License Service
HP JetAdvantage Security Manager
3. Launch the UI.
The licensing process in Security Manager is handled by two services: Flexera and HP Print
License service. The latter relies on the former working.
There may be cases where the Flexera service cannot start because of reduced permissions on
the service account it is using. Windows Event Viewer may indicate the service cannot start
because of reduced permissions.
By default, the Flexera service runs under the Local Service account. If permissions are reduced
on this account and cannot be increased, try running the service under another account with
more permissions.
The services may also be starting up too slowly so that the later services cannot determine the
initial services are started.
Try manually starting the services with a time break of perhaps 30 seconds in between. If this
resolves the issue, a delay can be defined for the services when they automatically start.
Method one: Uninstall Security Manager
1. Make sure the uninstaller removes licenses.
2. Reinstall and add licenses.
3. When the uninstaller asks if you want to delete the database also, you can choose not to do so
if you prefer to maintain all the devices, policies, and remediation data from the previous
4. Re-install Security Manager, point to the existing database, and then install the licenses.
Method two: Manually delete evaluation licenses
If you do not want to uninstall Security Manager, another technique for removing evaluation
licenses is to manually delete them.
To do this, follow these steps:
1. Stop the services in this order:
HP JetAdvantage Security Manager service
HP Print License service
Flexera service
2. Delete the evaluation license file (do not delete the DemoLicense file) under:
C:\ProgramData\HP\HP Print License Service\Licenses
3. Delete all recovery files (LSRecovery.xml) under the recovery directories (if present):
C:\ProgramData\HP\HP Print License Service\RecoveryFile1
C:\ProgramData\HP\HP Print License Service\RecoveryFile2
4. Reboot the HPSM server (in most cases restarting first Flexera service, then the Print License
service and finally HP JetAdvantage Security Manager service, will not fix the licensing issue, a
reboot is required in most situations).
If both services are running and issues still arise, there may license type conflicts such as trying to
add purchased licenses alongside custom trial\evaluation licenses. Each license has unique
parameters such as machine type, expiration date, and feature type. Some varieties cannot be
If problems still exist, there might be a port conflict. For example, Port 8888 needs to be open for
the HP Print License service so check firewall and/or McAfee type firewall products. It might be
easier to allow applications through the firewall instead of specific ports. Allow the following
through Rules:
C:\Program Files (x86)\ HP JetAdvantage Security Manager\HP Print License Service\lmgrd.exe
C:\Program Files (x86)\ HP JetAdvantage Security Manager\HP Print License Service\HPQ.exe
C:\Program Files (x86)\ HP JetAdvantage Security Manager\HP Print License
Even though Flexera and the HP Print License service are on the same machine, other products
that use the HP Print License service may not have Flexera on the same machine. The HP Print
License Service requires the dedication of this TCP Port and cannot be modified for alternative
port assignment.
A successful use of port 8888 displays in the HPSM_Service.log file as follows:
2018-01-11 11:31:49,416 INFO Service [License Task 1/11/18 11:31] - LicenseWrapper.Connect using
IPs : : device features ::devices version: :host addr:
net.tcp:// ok to LogErrors: True
An unsuccessful use of port 8888 displays in the HPSM_Service.log file as follows:
2015-04-07 11:15:27,146 ERROR Service - [License Task 4/7/15 11:15] - LicenseWrapper.Heartbeat -
(skipping) unexpected ERROR: System.ServiceModel.EndpointNotFoundException: Could not
connect to net.tcp:// The connection attempt lasted for a time
span of 00:00:21.0285341. TCP error code 10060: A connection attempt failed because the
connected party did not properly respond after a period, or established connection failed because
connected host has failed to respond
Other applications such as ePrint also use this HP Print License service but can use a different
version that conflicts with the version used by Security Manager. For this reason, ePrint and
Security Manager cannot coexist on the same machine. You may have to uninstall the existing HP
Print License Service under Programs and Features or Add/Remove Programs and reinstall Security
Manager to obtain the proper HP Print License Service.
Log files can indicate possible causes of the problem. Two log files exist for the license service:
C:\ProgramData\HP\HP Print License Service Files\Flexera.log C:\ProgramData\HP\HP
Print License Service Files\HPPLS.log
The Security Manager service log can also provide valuable information:
C:\Program Files (x86)\ HP JetAdvantage Security Manager\log\HPHPSM_Service.log
For example:
2015-04-07 11:15:27,146 ERROR Service - [License Task 4/7/15 11:15] - LicenseWrapper.Heartbeat -
(skipping) unexpected ERROR: System.ServiceModel.EndpointNotFoundException: Could not
connect to net.tcp:// The connection attempt lasted for a time
span of 00:00:21.0285341. TCP error code 10060: A connection attempt failed because the
connected party did not properly respond after a period, or established connection failed because
connected host has failed to respond
A “Flexera call completed” message in the HPPLS log file indicates the issue is not related to the
Flexera service.
A Winsock error usually means the service is having trouble opening a TCP socket. This might be
network or firewall related, perhaps caused by a security app such as McAfee, etc.
The table below mentions possible error codes that may be seen in the Print License Service log file
and a brief description of each.
Error Code
Something is wrong with the service. A security token
mismatch between the client and the server or internal
exceptions un- handled by the HPPLS.
Null job handler.
An invalid parameter is passed to any of the APIs.
This corresponds to any exception that is thrown by HPPLS.
The details of the exception are logged in the log file.
A valid session is already present, and client tries to
create another session.
Either there are no features checked out and client tries to
query for feature details or there is no feature available with
the given name and version.
An API is called with an empty session.
Flexera server is not available.
Flexera server is not responding.
Some features that are passed to the API are invalid.
Invalid file content.
Token mismatch.
Client does not exist.
Flexera service is either not up & running or not ready to serve.
If Security Manager had been installed and the IP Address changed, that might cause issues as the
HP Print License service would be trying to contact the Flexera service as seen in the HPPLS.log file:
net.tcp//Old IP Address:8888/LicensingService
An uninstall and reinstall of HPSM would solve this issue.
A purchased license file must be ordered with the exact match of the Security Manager server MAC
address. The HP Print License manager will fail to operate properly without this exact match. If using
VMWare, make sure the appropriate virtual adapter MAC address is used. The physical mac address
of the NIC for the machine as seen under IPCONFIG is not the mac address of the VM.
Check the documentation of the VM vendor for instructions on how to find the mac address.
VMWare also recommends a static MAC assignment to accommodate software licensing scenarios.
If set to dynamic, it will not match the mac address in the license file any longer. Check the
documentation of the VM vendor for instructions on how to set to static.
If the mac address in the license is not what Security Manager expects, there should be an error in
the Flexera.log file found under C:\ProgramData\HP\HP Print License Service indicating what it read
in the license file and what it expects for the correct mac address:
10:15:13 (HPQ) Wrong hostid on SERVER line for license file: 10:15:13 (HPQ) C:\ProgramData\HP\HP
Print License Service\LicenseFiles\24092015101513_IPSC_DEVICES.lic
10:15:13 (HPQ) SERVER line says d8d38582501d, hostid is d8d38582501c 10:15:13 (HPQ) Invalid hostid
on SERVER line
10:15:13 (HPQ) Disabling 500 licenses from feature IPSC_DEVICES
If a trial/evaluation license installs fine but a purchased license does not install, it is likely that either
the mac address is wrong in the license file or the license file itself is bad. A purchased license
differs from a trial/evaluation license in that the purchased license only works on the machine
where the mac address is provided. That mac address must match the mac address in use, and if
running on a VM, the physical mac address for the machine is not the same as the mac address of
the VM.
Second, it is possible that the license file itself is bad or corrupt, although rare. The feature name in
the license file must be either IPSC_DEVICES or IPSC_DEMO. If it is HPSM_DEVICES, contact the
licensing support team and request another license. When doing so, make sure to instruct them to
generate a new license instead of re-sending the original license as they will not know the original
license is bad unless you tell them.
The license has readable text in the first half and encrypted content (SIGN=xxxx ...) in the latter half
that matches the readable content in the first half. Content of license files SHOULD NOT be
changed/edited at any time. Any edit to the readable content will no longer match the encrypted
portion and the file will become corrupted and unusable. If “SIGN=0” in the latter half of the file, it is
corrupt, and a new license file needs to be generated.
Make sure license files are present under:
C:\ProgramData\HP\HP Print License Service\LicenseFiles.
NOTE: By default, C:\ProgramData is a hidden folder. Either un-hide hidden folders to view this folder
or type the folder name (C:\ProgramData) directly in the address bar.
Device Status Errors and Credential Failures
It is important to understand how Security Manager interacts with devices to be able to
troubleshoot issues such as credential failures or device status errors.
Security Manager uses a variety of techniques to manage different types of devices depending
upon how features are exposed on the device.
SNMP - Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is used extensively in Security
Manager for all types of devices, especially during a Verify task to determine status. SNMP is
used to read from a device (SNMP GET REQ) or to write to a device (SNMP SET REQ). The
packet contains one or more Object Identifiers (OID) that defines the item being read or
configured. Security Manager supports both SNMPv1/SNMPv2, which is unencrypted, and
SNMPv3, which is encrypted.
Web Services - Web Services (WS*) is a SOAP-based protocol used mostly with HP
FutureSmart devices. This communication uses port 7627. Security Manager communicates
over HTTPS to ensure that all data is encrypted during the transmission.
LEDM - For the configuration of some non-HP FutureSmart devices, Security Manager uses
Low- end Data Model (LEDM). LEDM is based on the Representational State Transfer (REST)
style architecture, which is a design that describes a simple interface for transmitting XML
data over HTTP or HTTPS without an additional messaging layer. This configuration is done
over HTTP or HTTPS depending on the device configuration and device firmware.
HTTP (“screen scraping” or “web scraping) – Some features are not exposed through typical
management protocols thus Security Manager resorts to performing what is referred to as
“screen scraping” to use HTTP to read a page and extract settings.
DSMP - DSMP is a proprietary protocol that Security Manager uses for some configuration
options in the Digital Sending category for legacy HP Enterprise printers. DSMP is sent over
PJL - Security Manager may use Printer Job Language (PJL) to test the PJL Password on
some devices.
CDM - Security Manager uses a proprietary implementation of CDM only in version 3.1 and
beyond to accommodate the “Secure by Default” initiative released in HP FutureSmart 4.5
firmware. CDM is sent over HTTPS.
The Assessment Status and is defined as follows
Not assessed
Assessed and all settings in compliance
Assessed with only low risk items out of compliance
Assessed with medium risk items (and possibly low) items out of compliance
Assessed with high-risk items (and possibly low/medium) items out of compliance
It has nothing to do with the state or status of the device, it merely indicates which settings were
in or out of compliance during the last assessment task.
The Device Status column includes a visual icon to indicate Good (green check mark) or some
sort of error (red x) indicating a problem. It also includes a textual description of the error as
Network Connection Error - this error indicates an issue trying to communicate with a device
over a specific protocol. Many times Security Manager is trying to securely connect to the
device over SSL/TLS and cannot for some reason. Most common reasons for this error
include the following:
o No response from device on basic network communications such as ping. Device may be
powered off or disconnected from network. Pings may be filtered at router or firewall.
o Device responds to pings but does not respond to Web Services (WS*) queries.
o Cannot browse to EWS page, perhaps EWS has been disabled.SSL/TLS handshake fails so
transaction cannot be encrypted. Operating system controls the TLS versions in the
handshake, not HPSM. Select the device and then select Do Not Enforce SSL/TLS.
o Certificate has MD5 hash which Microsoft no longer supports, so SSL/TLS handshake is
rejected. Right-click the device, select Set SSL\TLS Enforcement, and then select Do Not
Enforce to temporarily fix. Now Verify again to see if state clears. If so, for a permanent
solution, regenerate the self-signed certificate under EWS (might require newer Jetdirect
firmware) to generate a new certificate with a supported hash.
o ACL (Access Control List) blocking.
o No certificate support, already set to not enforce SSL/TLS (grayed out).
o Ports blocked, perhaps by firewall
o Some cases have been reported whereby DAT indicates SNMPv1/v2 passes for Gets and
Sets yet SNMPv3 cannot be enabled using SNMPv1/v2 and this error is generated. Often a
second remediation will clear the error.
Connection Refused / Invalid Identity Certificate - If Security Manager installed an identity
certificate on the device, it tags it in the database to enforce trust for future communications.
o Removed, expired, or revoked certificates.
o Cannot connect to CRL (certificate revocation list) to check revocation.
Credentials Failed - a mismatch occurred between what is stored in the database for the
specific credential and what is on the device. Security Manager will always try what is stored
in database first, then public/blank in case the credential was erased on the device, and finally
any credential stored in the Global Credential Store. If all three attempts fail, Security
Manager posts Credentials Failed as it needs proper credentials to communicate with the
o SNMP behavior is to not respond to SNMP REQ packet when community name is wrong.
o Older devices had two locations under EWS for Admin Password.
Device Not Supported - device does not support enough security related items to be deemed
supported by Security Manager. See “Supported Device List” whitepaper for a complete list of
supported devices.
Error - this is a rarely seen state that seems to occur on the devices that answer so little to
queries that Security Manager deems it not manageable.
Hostname Resolution Error - the hostname cannot be resolved. The DNS name server does
not recognize the hostname being presented by Security Manager that previously
represented the device.
License Required for Assessment - not enough licenses are available, a license has not been
assigned to the device yet.
No Information - a Verify task has not yet been performed where Security Manager gathers a
dozen or so attributes about the device and populates the columns. Adding a device will only
perform a hostname lookup, but the device will remain in No Information status until a Verify is
performed or an Assessment which begins with a Verify task.
Remember, browsing to EWS is strictly HTTP traffic. Security Manager and tools such as Web
Jetadmin use WS*, LEDM, SNMP, DSMP, etc. to communicate to devices for the various settings
depending upon how they are exposed for fleet management per device family.
For example, SNMP could be disabled on devices and not affect EWS browsing, but tools such as
Web Jetadmin and Security Manager would be severely hampered as they would not be able to
communicate with the device using a critical protocol.
Credential Management
It is common for both Web Jetadmin and Security Manager to be managing a fleet, and when one
tool changes device credentials, the other tool indicates a credential failure until it too knows the
The best way to troubleshooting credential failures is to hone in on a single device, highlight one
device and check the Properties by clicking on the device IP Address link. Normally for devices with
no credential failure, the credentials will all be in a Valid state as seen to the right.
However, when the status indicates Credentials Failed, Security Manager does not know that
credential to read and/or write settings that require that credential.
SNMP v1/v2 credentials are broken into two types: Read and Read/Write.
These equate to the Get Community Name and Set Community Name under EWS. If there are no
credentials entered for the Get Community Name in the EWS, and if the Disable SNMP v1/v2 default
Get Community Name of “public checkbox is not selected, the device is wide open to read
information using SNMP with public used as the Community Name for an SNMP GET REQ packet.
This is not uncommon as very little if any sensitive data is passed thru Read attempts.
Starting with version 3.1, Security Manager checks both Set Community Name and a Get
Community Name during a Verify task, and if fails, it will post a credential failure. If either an SNMP
GET REQ or SNMP SET REQ packet receives no response, it is assumed a credential failure is
present because devices will not respond if a Community Name does not match.
To resolve this situation, either clear the credentials on the device under EWS, or add the SNMP
v1/v2 Read/write Community Name or the SNMP Write Community Name to the database
(credential store) for the device by selecting it, clicking the Set Credentials icon, and then
selecting Configure.
Admin (EWS) Password
If the Admin (EWS) Password is claiming Credentials Failed, this means that the test Security
Manger performs to determine if an Admin (EWS) Password is present is failing. For HP FutureSmart
devices, Security Manager will attempt to use web services to retrieve a system configuration page.
Proper EWS credentials are required to retrieve such a page.
If the page is not returned, it is assumed the Admin (EWS) Password that Security Manager has
stored for the device in the database or in the global store is incorrect. For older non-FutureSmart
devices, an attempt is made over an HTTP request to retrieve the Security Status page under EWS.
Again, if the page is not returned, it is assumed the Admin (EWS) Password that Security Manager
has stored for the device in the database or in the global store is incorrect.
One technique to resolve this issue is to add the Admin (EWS) Password to the database (credential
store) for the device by selecting it, clicking the Set Credentials icon, and then selecting Configure.
Another technique is to clear the Admin (EWS) Password under EWS, then right-click the device in
HPSM and clear the credentials that are stored in the database under Set Credentials, Reset.
This ensures that Security Manager and the EWS match. Perform a Verify task and see if
credentials failures are cleared. If it still claims credentials failed, try deleting the device and
Example of Check Credentials
Here is an example of a typical device interrogation of an HP FutureSmart device to check
During the Verify task, Security Manager starts by pinging the device. If there is no response to
pings, a Network Communication Error status is posted.
If pings are successful, there are several SNMP GET REQ packets sent with various OIDs
to retrieve basic device information.
If the OIDs receive no response, Security Manager makes an educated guess that the
SNMP credentials are wrong since that would be the exact behavior if the Community
Names do not match, and the device still responds to pings.
Therefore, a Credentials Failed status is posted blaming the SNMP Read Community Name. The
remaining transactions are secure ones over port 443 and port 7627 using to attempt to retrieve
an endpoint called SystemConfiguration over web services.
If that fails, there will be several indications in log files that it failed, and the status will indicate
Credentials Failed as seen below blaming the Admin (EWS) Password because you must know the
correct Admin (EWS) Password to retrieve the information via Web services:
Figure: Device Properties, Credentials tab
The EapNetworkLib.log file contains statements indicating the request was forbidden, for example:
15:32:47,213 ERROR EapNetworkLib [28] -
EapNetworkLib.EapUnauthorizedAccessException: XmlRest.Get(NPI851843,
/systemconfiguration, 0) failed. HTTP status code: Forbidden ---> System.Net.WebException: The
remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden.
If you try to access the device EWS, it should only show the Information tab unless you login and
provide the correct Admin (EWS) Password if an Admin (EWS) Password is set.
If one is set and you can successfully login to EWS by entering it, that same Admin (EWS) Password
can be manually entered into the Security Manager database for the device by right clicking the
device and then adding it:
Figure: Typing the Admin EWS Credentials
Now a verify task should succeed because the password matches the device.
Device Communication Log Files
If failures still cannot be resolved for SNMP Community Names or Admin (EWS) Password, view the
log files for more information. Log files are stored under C:\Program Files (x86)\HP Security
The three log files containing the most valuable troubleshooting data include:
HPSM_Service.log contains data regarding HPSM service and actions it performs
EapNetworkLib.log contains data regarding network traffic to devices
EapDeviceLib.log contains data specific to device settings
The EapNetworkLib.log file contains statements such as below that either the SystemConfiguration
endpoint cannot be retrieved, or the Security Status page cannot be returned for Admin (EWS)
Password issues. It also contains statements that SNMP GET REQ or SNMP SET REQ attempts were
not returned for SNMP credential issues.
Example Admin (EWS) password failure for HP FutureSmart device:
Exception message=XmlRest.Get(, /systemconfiguration, 0) failed. HTTP status code:
Forbidden, inner exception message=The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden.
Example Admin (EWS) password failure for non-FutureSmart device:
15:52:04,451 WARN EapNetworkLib [4] - Exception
message=Web.Get(, ecurity_status.html,0)
failed. HTTP status code: Unauthorized, inner exception message. The remote server returned an
error: (401) Unauthorized.
Example SNMP Set Community Name failure for non-FutureSmart device:
Exception message=Snmp.Set(,1 varbind(s)) timed out., inner exception message=No
response was received from the agent. Timeout is set to 30000 milliseconds.
Credentials not Validated or Incorrect
One status that might display is “Credentials not Validated or Incorrect”.
When clicking on the IP address and selecting the Credentials section, HPSM will display a status of
Couldn’t Verify for the Admin credentials.
In the EAPNetworkLib.log the following error might be present:
2021-10-14 11:00:36,938 ERROR EapNetworkLib [94] - uid=_dd999c08fa2f_192.168.178.75, Aggregate
exception=[type=IOException:message=Authentication failed because the remote party has
closed the transport stream.]
2021-10-14 11:00:36,938 ERROR EapNetworkLib [94] - uid=_dd999c08fa2f_192.168.178.75, Exception
message=XmlRest.Get(, /systemconfiguration, 0) Caught a WebException
communicating with address= Exception of type 'EapNetworkLib.EapWebException'
was thrown. , inner exception message=Exception of type 'EapNetworkLib.EapWebException' was
In the EapDeviceLib.log the following error might also be present when it was an instant-on
2021-10-14 15:44:13,936 ERROR Pipeline [4] - uid=_ef385274a315_15.23.155.27, Pipeline.Execute(): Network
connection refused, address=
When trying to open the EWS page with Internet Explorer (IE) directly from the HPSM server you might
receive the error ‘This page can’t be displayed’:
This error message indicates a mismatch of TLS and ciphers between the server/IE and the device.
When the EWS page of the device can be displayed successfully in IE from the HPSM server, then
HPSM should be able to return a device status of Good.
When trying to open the EWS page with Chrome from the HPSM server, the printer might get
displayed correctly.
HPSM uses the same cypher settings as IE and the OS. Chrome seems to bypass some of those
On HP FutureSmart devices the active ciphers and TLS settings are displayed on the Networking tab
under the Secure Communication menu.
In IE, open Internet Options, and select the Advanced tab to view or edit the SSL and TLS selections:
However, If the ciphers are not enabled in the OS, then they cannot be enabled via IE. The OS
SChannel and cipher suites are controlled by the Schannel registry settings and possible group
policy settings:
HKLM SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL
With IIS Crypto, see, you can easily visualize
the settings.
For successful EWS password validation there must be a match between the OS settings and device
settings for the SSL/TLS Protocols and the Active Ciphers on the device.
NOTE: OS changes for the SSL/TLS protocol and Ciphers require a server reboot.
It is also possible to check in a browser which Protocol and Cipher is used when communication is
successful. For Chrome, click the 3 dots in the upper right corner, select More tools, Developer Tools,
Hanging or Slow Tasks
If a task is started but never seems to complete or takes an extraordinary time to complete, there
may very well be a valid reason or some configuration options to try to improve performance.
Hung Tasks vs. Slow Tasks
It is important to determine if the task is hung forever and will never complete or if it is taking
much longer than expected to complete.
First, try the same policy on a few devices to see if it completes. Also, try an extremely simple task
on the fleet to see if a setting in the policy might be responsible for the delay or hang. You want to
narrow down settings and/or devices to see if they are causing a task to be slow or hung.
Versions of Security Manager prior to 3.0.1 had known issues where certain items in a policy
could cause a task to hang indefinitely.
For example, setting that required web scraping to assess/remediate relied upon a Microsoft
library to perform the HTTP transaction. Some servers had Microsoft libraries installed that
would not permit performing this HTTP transaction. Security Manager 3.0.1 starting using a third-
party library to perform these transactions that eliminated the hang.
Security Manager relies on a shared library called Microsoft.MSHTML.dll to perform queries on
devices using a technique referred to as “web scraping” to manage the features. Older devices
rely on this technique more than newer HP FutureSmart devices. Typically, this file is already
present in the Global Assembly Cache (GAC), and if so, Security Manager will use the file loaded in
GAC. If the file is not present in GAC, Security Manager will load a copy of this file.
Issues may arise where functionality of this file is not working or is blocked by browser settings,
for example. One such setting is a browser setting called “Run antimalware software on ActiveX
controls” under the Security tab that will block the usage of this dll. If so, there is a possibility that
a task relying on this .dll file to perform managing of a feature may hang as there is never a return
to the query. Security Manager 3.1 uses a newer third-party library to perform web scraping to
alleviate this issue on these unique servers that block the usage of the MS library.
If tasks are still hanging, deleting the task under the Tasks tab will not stop all the devices from
being assessed/remediated. The devices are still tagged in the database as not complete and will
start again if the service is restarted, for example. You will have to wait for incomplete devices to
run their course.
Credential Failed or Network Connection Error Impacting
Devices in a Credentials Failed or Network Connection Error status can cause extreme delays in
completing tasks. Try to run the task again without devices in this state. If it completes in a more
reasonable amount of time, Security Manager 3.1 offers some timeout and threading settings that
can be configured to help lessen to negative performance impact of devices in such a state.
These settings can be controlled using configuration items in the HPSM_Service.exe.config file. If
the server has the power, increasing the threads and decreasing the timeouts can substantially
reduce the time it takes to complete tasks. In the list below several change suggestions are listed.
If performance or behavior is worse after making those changes, then you need to revert the
To change these parameters, open the following file in a test editor:
C:\Program Files (x86)\HP Security Manager\HPSM_config.exe.config
Edit the following entries, save changes, and restart the Security Manager service.
<add key="snmpRequestTimeout" value="30000"
Value is in milliseconds (30s) amount of time to wait for responses to SNMP packets
Change suggestion: In most environments you can set this to 2000
<add key="verificationSnmpRequestTimeout" value="2000"
Value is in milliseconds (2s) amount of time to wait for SNMP responses during a Verify task
<add key="timeBetweenEapRetry" value="5000"
Value is in milliseconds (5s) time to wait between retries on SNMP packets
Change suggestion: in most environments you can set this to 2000
<add key="eapRetryLimit" value="2"
Number of retries if a device fails to respond for a request
Change suggestion: Limit the retries to 1
<add key="eapAdminCredentialRetryDelay" value="500" />
This setting is suggested when there are devices ending up in Inconclusive or Admin credentials
<add key="eapMaxThreadCount" value="100”
Total number of active threads to devices
HPSM 3.6.1 and older was ignoring the configured value.
HPSM 3.7 and newer will be using the actual configured value. It is therefore recommended to start
with 100. Check performance and after that increase and validate if this improves the performance.
<add key="maxNumberTasks" value="10"
Number of tasks that can be open simultaneously. This means that Security Manager will either
have 10 child tasks of 25 devices each open at a time for Verification and Assessment, or 10 tasks of
one device each During Instant-On, Remediation and Credential retry.
Change suggestion: increase this to 50.
<add key="numberDevicesInEAPTaskCheckpointInterval" value="25"
This only applies to verification and assessment/remediation tasks, it means 25 devices will be
present in each child task.
Change suggestion: increase this to 50.
<add key= “caManagerMaxThreadCount" value="100"
Number of devices at a time when a request is sent to CA manager to provide certificate
Change suggestion: increase this to 200.
Slow device remediation, EWS Password not verified, ping and SNMP
are working fine
Sometimes there are some issues accessing the EWS page of the device or accessing the device
over port 7637 while ping and SNMP are working fine. This can cause major delays while trying to
remediate those devices.
For every config item which uses web services, the default time out of 60 seconds will be used. From
HPSM 3.6 onwards this timeout is configurable in EapNetworkLib.dll.config.
Recommendation is to change this timeout to 20 seconds and monitor if this brings indeed faster
assessment and remediation.
1. Open the EapNetworkLib.dll.config file
2. Change the value for the httpTimeout to for example 20 seconds
3. Restart the HPSM service
4. Monitor the performance and make further adjustments if needed.
Performance Impact of Instant-On Remediations
A high volume of Instant-On automatic remediations occurring in the background will absolutely
affect performance. It is possible there are a few devices causing such a high volume, or it might be
devices are sending announcements for legitimate reasons and the server can only handle so many
If many of the messages are coming from one device, it might be because a faulty device is
operating from the network and coming back again, or that devices are constantly rebooting for
some reason. Try eliminating such devices if suspicions arise, they may be responsible for the bulk
of Instant-On remediations.
You can also try turning off Instant-On completely in Security Manager, at least temporarily to
see if it is the contributing factor of the hangs/delays.
View the number of active Instant-On assessments under the Tasks tab by selecting Instant-On
Instant-On announcements are processed immediately (i.e adding of the devices), but the action
of performing the assessment/remediation task is scheduled.
These display as one task at a time for each device, and Security Manager processes a
maximum of 10 Instant-On remediation tasks at a time.
This number of maximum tasks at a time can be controlled using a configuration item in the
HPSM_Service.exe.config file found under
\Program Files (x86)\HP Security Manager
<add key="eapMaxThreadCount" value="100" />
<add key="maxNumberTasks" value="10" />
<add key="numberDevicesInEAPTaskCheckpointInterval" value="25" />
<add key="caManagerMaxThreadCount" value="100" />
Change “maxNumberTasks” from a value of “10” to as much higher value to see if it makes a
The threading for scheduled tasks can also be increased here. By default, each parent task is
broken into child tasks of 25 devices each. This number can be increased to increase the
performance by changing ="numberDevicesInEAPTaskCheckpointInterval" to a higher
It may boil down to if the fleet is exceptionally large and Instant-On seems to be consuming
the bulk of the bandwidth, a separate server may be required to process the Instant-On tasks.
This will allow for the “instant” remediation benefit of Instant-On in cases where a device is
cold reset, for example.
However, it will not compromise the ability of the scheduled tasks to keep the entire fleet in
compliance if running on a separate server.
One other possible cause of hanging tasks includes the Email Summary Reports feature.
Assess/remediate tasks run forever if an invalid email address is configured in automated
output. In such a case, tasks should be canceled manually, and the correct email address
should be configured in settings.
Suggestions for improving performance are provided below but certainly not limited to these
values. This may take some trial and error. For example, setting eapRetryLImit=0 can shave
approximately 24s off total assess/remediation time per device.
Slow performance and reaching max SQL connection pool with
Timeouts in HPSM_service.log
Issue: when HPSM needs to handle lots of instant on requests and scheduled tasks, it will need a
lot of SQL connections. By default HPSM is using an SQL connection pool for 100 simultaneous
connections and a SQL timeout of 60 seconds. When this is not enough timeouts will occur, as
you can see in the following entries from the HPSM_service.log file.
2023-06-07 07:25:08,410 WARN NHibernate.Util.ADOExceptionReporter [7855] -
System.InvalidOperationException: Timeout expired. The timeout period
elapsed prior to obtaining a connection from the pool. This may have
occurred because all pooled connections were in use and max pool size
was reached.__ at
ion owningConnection, TaskCompletionSource`1 retry, DbConnectionOptions
userOptions, DbConnectionInternal oldConnection, DbConnectionInternal&
connection)__ at
(DbConnection outerConnection, DbConnectionFactory connectionFactory,
TaskCompletionSource`1 retry, DbConnectionOptions userOptions)__ at
retry)__ at
retry)__ at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.Open()__ at
NHibernate.Connection.DriverConnectionProvider.GetConnection()__ at
NHibernate.AdoNet.ConnectionManager.GetConnection()__ at
NHibernate.AdoNet.AbstractBatcher.Prepare(IDbCommand cmd)
2023-06-07 07:25:09,684 ERROR NHibernate.Util.ADOExceptionReporter
[5367] - Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to
obtaining a connection from the pool. This may have occurred because
all pooled connections were in use and max pool size was reached.
Solution: increase the SQL connection pool for Nhibernate and SQL database connection in the
HPSM_service.exe.config file and the Web.config file and restart. Steps:
1. Open the HPSM_service.exe.config file and the Web.config file.
2. Search for the following entries and add Max Pool Size=200 at the end of the connection
<add key="dbConnection" value="Server=(local)\SQLEXPRESS2022;initial
catalog=HPIPSC;Integrated Security=SSPI;Connection Timeout=30;Max Pool
Size=200" />
<add key="dbMasterConnection"
value="Server=(local)\SQLEXPRESS2022;initial catalog=master;Integrated
Security=SSPI;Connection Timeout=30;Max Pool Size=200" />
<property name=
"connection.connection_string">Server=(local)\SQLEXPRESS2022; initial
catalog=HPIPSC;Integrated Security=SSPI;Max Pool Size=200</property>
<property name="command_timeout">60</property>
3. Save the changes
4. Stop HPSM service, stop the HPSM application pool
5. Start HPSM application pool
6. Start HPSM service.
Note: if the SQL timeout is not listed in the keys dbConnection and dbMasterConnection, then it
will be using the default timeout of 30 seconds. Besides those sql timeouts there are also a few
other SQL timeouts defined in the config files:
<!--SqlQueryTimeout: Sql query timeout in seconds. 0 indicates no
limit (an attempt to execute a command will wait indefinitely), if any
invalid value is given,Recommended value is 300 will be taken-->
<add key="SqlQueryTimeout" value="300" />
<!--MaintenanceTaskQueryTimeout: Maintenance task query timeout in
seconds. 0 indicates no limit (an attempt to execute a command will
wait indefinitely), if any invalid value is given, Recommended value is
600 will be taken-->
<add key="MaintenanceTaskQueryTimeout" value="600" />
<session-factory name="NHibernate.Test">
<property name="command_timeout">60</property>
Note: it’s possible to monitor the actual sql connection pool with Performance Monitor:
Start Performance Monitor
Click on Performance Monitor under Monitoring Tools in the left pane
Right-mouse click on the graph in the right pane and select Add Counters
Double click on .NET CLR Data
Add the desired SqlClient counters, see screenshot.
It’s also possible to run a query on the SQL server to see the current active number of
connections. Open SQL Server Management Studio, connect to the instance and select New
Query. Add the following query:
SELECT COUNT(*) AS ConnectionCount
FROM sys.sysprocesses sp
JOIN sys.databases db ON sp.dbid = db.database_id
Hit Execute
Note: this only displays the current number of connections and can be used to check the number
of connections when HPSM UI is slow.
Upgrade Issues
Invalid Task: No device specified’ after upgrading to HPSM 3.7
After upgrade to HPSM 3.7 tasks might not run and end-up with error Invalid Task; no device
Figure: Errors listed on the Tasks tab of HPSM
The HPSM_service.log file is containing errors, such as Cannot find data type UDT_DeviceId and
Could not find stored procedure HPIPSC.DBO.spDeleteSingleTask.
See following examples:
2022-02-16 11:59:22,611 DEBUG Service [5] -
CheckAndMaybeThrowDBConnectionOrFullException: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException
(0x80131904): Column, parameter, or variable @T_DeviceIds. : Cannot find data type
UDT_DeviceId.__ at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception,
Boolean breakConnection, Action`1 wrapCloseInAction)__ at
stateObj, Boolean callerHasConnectionLock, Boolean asyncClose)__ at
System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.TryRun(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand
cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler,
TdsParserStateObject stateObj, Boolean& dataReady)__ at
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.TryConsumeMetaData()__ at
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.get_MetaData()__ at
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.FinishExecuteReader(SqlDataReader ds, RunBehavior
runBehavior, String resetOptionsString, Boolean isInternal, Boolean
forDescribeParameterEncryption, Boolean shouldCacheForAlwaysEncrypted)__ at
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReaderTds(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior,
RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, Boolean async, Int32 timeout, Task& task,
Boolean asyncWrite, Boolean inRetry, SqlDataReader ds, Boolean
describeParameterEncryptionRequest)__ at
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior,
RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, String method, TaskCompletionSource`1
completion, Int32 timeout, Task& task, Boolean& usedCache, Boolean asyncWrite, Boolean
inRetry)__ at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReader(CommandBehavior
cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, String method)__ at
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior, String
method)__ at System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.FillInternal(DataSet dataset, DataTable[]
datatables, Int32 startRecord, Int32 maxRecords, String srcTable, IDbCommand command,
CommandBehavior behavior)__ at System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.Fill(DataSet
dataSet, Int32 startRecord, Int32 maxRecords, String srcTable, IDbCommand command,
CommandBehavior behavior)__ at System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.Fill(DataSet
dataSet, String srcTable)__ at
LocksmithBusinessLogic.BizLogicMgrHelper.GetDeviceDataSet(QueryFilter q, Boolean
includeAllDevices, Boolean onlyReturnRecCount, LSGroupVO
This means that the stored procedures and User-Defined Table Types were not created correctly
during the upgrade to 3.7.
The following figure shows how it should look after a successful upgrade to version 3.7:
Figure: User-Defined Table Types created correctly and listed under Types
If the user who has been running the SQL upgrade commands did have a default database other
than DBO, then this issue would occur.
Upgrade to HPSM 3.7.1.
Obtain the updated and re-run the
InstallOrUpgradeRemoteDb.bat file to create the missing stored procedures and the missing
User-defined table types.
Change the default schema for the user running the SQL upgrade to DBO and re-run the
Figure: dbo is listed as the default schema in Login Properties under User Mapping
Web page not displayed, hangs, or Invalid Column name error after
upgrading to HPSM 3.7
In some situations, the HPSM UI will not display, the web page will not open, and/or the browser
hangs with a spinning icon while waiting to load the UI.
An ‘Invalid Column name’ error is listed in the HPSM_service.log file after upgrading to 3.7:
2 022-02-09 15:44:20,899 ERROR NHibernate.AdoNet.AbstractBatcher
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Invalid column name
'RemoveLicenseAlone'.__ at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection
The new column "RemoveLicenseAlone" in the Server.config table has not been created.
If you look at the UpgradeDbSchemaVer15to16.sql, you will find the following steps for this:
PRINT 'Add and Update RemoveLicenseAlone in ServerConfigTable'
'ServerConfigTable' AND COLUMN_NAME = 'RemoveLicenseAlone')
SET @SQL += N'
ALTER TABLE ServerConfigTable ADD RemoveLicenseAlone BIT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0'
The execution of the part failed during the upgrade process. Therefore, it is required to run the
following sql commands to create the missing table (this can be done from SQL Management Studio):
'ServerConfigTable' AND COLUMN_NAME = 'RemoveLicenseAlone')
SET @SQL += N'
ALTER TABLE ServerConfigTable ADD RemoveLicenseAlone BIT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0'
After making the change to the table, restart the HPSM service.
T-SQL Execution command line utility has stopped working error
While running the InstallOrUpgraderemoteDB.bat you might experience an SQLCMD crash,
where the following error is displayed:
T-SQL Execution command line utility stopped working
Figure: “T-SQL Execution command line utility stopped working” error during InstallSqlScripts
After clicking Close the program the InstallOrUpgradeRemoteDb.bat will continue to run, but
one or more stored procedures might be missing.
1. Make sure the following Stored Procedures and User-defined table types have been installed
after upgrade:
2. If a stored procedure is missing, double click the sql command in the file, for
example: CreateStoredProcedure_DeleteAllDeletedTasksAndReferencedRecords.sql
This will open the sql command in SQL Server Management Studio.
NOTE: You can also open the sql command in Notepad and copy and paste the command in
SQL Server Management Studio.
3. Change the USE $(DBNAME) into the actual database name (USE HPIPSC, for example).
4. Right-click and select Execute.
The missing stored procedure should be created.
If it is still not created, you must continue with the steps provided in the solution described in the
section “HPSM service stopping automatically after upgrading to HPSM 3.7 or HPSM 3.7.1 with
ERROR Invalid column in HPSM_service.log.
Application Error in Event log while executing the InstallSqlScripts
In the event log (under Windows Logs, Application) the following error is displayed while
executing the InstallSqlScripts:
Application Error with event 1000
Follow the same solution steps provided for
T-SQL Execution command line utility has stopped
working error
HPSM service stops, http Error 503 in browser, and Invalid column
error after upgrading
When the HPSM service is stopping automatically and an http Error 503 is returned in the browser
after upgrading from HPSM 3.5 to a newer HPSM version (3.6, 3.6.1, 3.7, or 3.7.1), an “Invalid column
name error” displays in the HPSM_service.log file:
2022-03-08 21:18:02,058 ERROR NHibernate.AdoNet.AbstractBatcher
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Invalid column name
'RemoveLicenseAlone'.__ at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException
exception, Boolean breakConnection, Action`1 wrapCloseInAction)__ at
stateObj, Boolean callerHasConnectionLock, Boolean asyncClose)__ at
System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.TryRun(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand
cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler,
TdsParserStateObject stateObj, Boolean& dataReady)__ at
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.TryConsumeMetaData()__ at
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.get_MetaData()__ at
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.FinishExecuteReader(SqlDataReader ds, RunBehavior
runBehavior, String resetOptionsString, Boolean isInternal, Boolean
forDescribeParameterEncryption, Boolean shouldCacheForAlwaysEncrypted)__ at
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReaderTds(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior,
RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, Boolean async, Int32 timeout, Task& task,
Boolean asyncWrite, Boolean inRetry, SqlDataReader ds, Boolean
describeParameterEncryptionRequest)__ at
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior,
RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, String method, TaskCompletionSource`1
completion, Int32 timeout, Task& task, Boolean& usedCache, Boolean asyncWrite, Boolean
inRetry)__ at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReader(CommandBehavior
cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, String method)__ at
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior, String
method)__ at NHibernate.AdoNet.AbstractBatcher.ExecuteReader(IDbCommand
This means that the column ‘RemoveLicenseAlone’ has not been created in the
ServerConfigTable during upgrade.
Solution when using HPSM 3.7.1
Run the installSQLscripts manually. You can run the HPSM installer to extract the
InstallSQLscripts or you can find them in the HPSM root installation directory, such as:
C:\Program Files (x86)\HP Security Manager\
Unzip the file and re-run the InstallOrUpgradeRemoteDB.bat file, see the readme inside the
InstallSQLscripts for further details.
NOTE: This only seems to happen when using SQL 2012 or older in combination with HPSM 3.5
installed on d:\ or e:\ drive and default schema not set to DBO during upgrade of HPSM.
Restart the HPSM application pool and start the HPSM service after making this change to the
Solution when using HPSM 3.7
When using HPSM 3.7, you must obtain the InstallSQLScriptsC from HPSM support. To do this,
use one of the following methods:
NOTE: Both methods will create the missing column RemoveLicenseAlone in the ServerConfig
Method One
1. Unzip the file.
2. Re-run the
NOTE: For instructions, see the Readme inside the InstallSQLscripts.
3. If the issue persists, make the following additional changes to the scripts:
a. Unzip the (or when using 3.7.0):
b. Open the file CreateStoredProcedure_MaintenanceTasks.sql with Notepad.
c. Add the following commands to the second line of the file:
EXEC sp_configure 'show advanced options', '1'
-- this enables xp_cmdshell
EXEC sp_configure 'xp_cmdshell', '1'
Figure: Correct configuration in Notepad
4. Save the changes.
5. Re-run the
file again.
NOTE: The syntax for this batch file is described in the corresponding
6. Restart the HPSM application pool and start the HPSM service after making this change.
Method Two
1. Run the following sql command from SQL Management studio when using a database called
'ServerConfigTable' AND COLUMN_NAME = 'RemoveLicenseAlone')
SET @SQL += N'
ALTER TABLE ServerConfigTable ADD RemoveLicenseAlone BIT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0'
2. Restart the HPSM application pool and start the HPSM service after making this change
to the table. The missing column RemoveLicenseAlone is listed in the ServerConfig table.
Figure: ServerConfig table with the RemoveLicenseAlone column listed
Task Error: Internal error in processing when re-running a task
after upgrading to HPSM 3.8 and/or unable to complete a new task.
Immediately after upgrading to HPSM 3.8, it’s possible that you cannot re-run a task. As it will end
up with Task Error. See screenshot:
When creating a new task, the newly created task will never complete and cannot be stopped
from the UI.
Instant on announcements cannot be handled by HPSM.
In the HPSM_service.log file you might see Nhibernate ERRORS:
2022-07-05 10:58:50,860 ERROR NHibernate.AdoNet.AbstractBatcher
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Invalid Column name
2022-07-05 10:58:51,095 ERROR NHibernate.Util.ADOExceptionReporter [3] Invalid column
name LastSuccessfulAutoEWSPasswordResetOn.
In the InstantOn.log you might see ERRORS like:
2022-07-05 12:19:50,689 ERROR InstantOn [4] - DirectSSLListenerTask:
LocksmithCore.ExceptionPackagerHdap: Unable to find or create a device__ bei
deviceIdentity, Boolean& newDeviceWasCreated)__ bei
TaskManager.DirectSSLListenerTask.DoWork(Object data)
Both issues are caused by the fact fact that the column
LastSuccessfulAutoEWSPasswordResetOn in the dbo.deviceTable was not created during
(re)run the InstallOrUpgradeRemoteDB.bat from the file to create the
missing column in the database.
Note: the InstallSqlScripts are located in the directory Program Files (x86)\HP Security Manager
Restart he HPSM service.
If the task still fails:
Stop the HP Security Manager service
Run the following SQL script from SQL Management Studio (change HPIPSC into a
different database in case it’s named differently:
'DeviceTable' AND
(COLUMN_NAME = 'LastSuccessfulAutoEWSPasswordResetOn'))
SET @SQL += N'
ALTER TABLE dbo.DeviceTable
ADD LastSuccessfulAutoEWSPasswordResetOn datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT
CONVERT(DATETIME, ''9999-12-31 23:59:59.000'')'
Restart HPSM Security Manager service
Task Error: After upgrading to HPSM 3.10 some tasks end up in
Task Error
When running a task with a policy which has been upgraded to 3.10 and which contains an ID certificate,
you might see the following error in the HPSM_service.log file:
2023-07-24 03:31:40,024 ERROR Data
PolicyFramework.LocksmithPolicyException: : Duplicate resource id's
found in policy. Can't resolve reference: PLSanOptions
Line 4183: 2023-07-24 03:31:40,024 ERROR Service [6] - AssessmentTask:
Task Error:
{0}: Duplicate resource id's found in policy. Can't resolve reference:
PLSanOptions at
resourceName)__ at
PolicyFramework.PolicyResourceManager.GetResource(ItemId itemId)__ at
PolicyFramework.Policy.IsActiveInstance(ItemId itemIdentity)__ at
PolicyFramework.Policy.GetControlValue(ItemId id,
PolicyControlValueType type)__ at
AssessmentRemediation.AssessmentParser.IsActive(ItemId identity,
List`1& returnedPolicyIds)__ at
itemName, List`1& retPolItem)__ at
AssessmentRemediation.AssessmentParser.CreateAssessmentItems()__ at
AssessmentRemediation.Assessment..ctor(Policy policy)__ at
2023-07-24 03:31:40,024 ERROR Service [6] - Warning - Truncated DB
string object - TaskBase - ErrorMessage -orginal: AssessmentTask: Task
Error: {0}
Solution: create a new policy with exactly the same values and run the task with the new policy.
Additional information: the policy was not upgraded correctly. A root cause was never found as
the original DB (before upgrade) was no longer available when this issue was reported.
Growing Database and Nightly Maintenance failing
Growing Database and Nightly Maintenance failing (3.6.1 and older)
The HPSM inbuild maintenance starts at 01.00 AM.
If the database keeps growing (for example over 10GB), then you need to verify if the nightly
maintenance is being executed correctly. To do this, follow these steps:
1. Check the HPSM_service.log file for any errors that indicate the nightly maintenance is
failing. For example, an SQL timeout might occur.
NOTE: Some information is only logged as INFO not as ERROR.
2. Configure the timeout value. From 3.5 onwards this can be configured with the
configuration parameter in the HPSM_Service.exe.config file:
NOTE: The default timeout for the maintenance task is 30 minutes.
<add key="ClearOldRecommendationTasksMaxDuration" value="30" />
3. After making changes, restart the HPSM service (required).
Because it is unknown which timeout is required, it is better to remove the old data with a
script from SQL Management Studio to prevent timeouts.
To do this, follow these steps:
1. Stop the HPSM service.
2. Execute the following script:
(SELECT rec.ID AS recID, rToret.KEY_ID as rToretID, rt.ID AS rtID, rvt.ID as rvtID, rTorv.ID AS
rTorat.KEY_ID AS rToratKEY_ID, rat.ID AS ratID, av.ID AS avID, raTop.ID AS raTopID
FROM DBO.RecommendationTable rec
LEFT OUTER JOIN DBO.RecToReasonsTable rToret ON rToret.KEY_ID = rec.ID
LEFT OUTER JOIN DBO.ReasonTable rt ON rt.ID = rToret.Reason
LEFT OUTER JOIN DBO.ReasonToReasonValuesTable rTorv ON rTorv.ID = rt.ID
LEFT OUTER JOIN DBO.ReasonValueTable rvt ON rvt.ID = rTorv.ReasonValue_ID
LEFT OUTER JOIN DBO.RecToRecommendationActionsTable rTorat ON rTorat.KEY_ID = rec.ID
LEFT OUTER JOIN DBO.RecommendationActionTable rat ON rat.ID =
LEFT OUTER JOIN DBO.AssessmentValueTable av ON av.ID = rat.ActionValue_REF
LEFT OUTER JOIN DBO.RecActionsToParametersTable raTop ON raTop.ID = rat.ID
where rec.AssessmentAndPolicyUniqueID NOT IN ( select distinct
dal.assessmentAndPolicyUniqueID as uniqueID from DBO.DeviceAssessmentLogTable dal
where dal.State = 2 )) as Sub1
--select count (*) from #NEWTABLE
DELETE a FROM DBO.RecToRecommendationActionsTable a INNER JOIN #NEWTABLE B ON
a.KEY_ID= B.rToratKEY_ID
DELETE a FROM DBO.RecToReasonsTable a inner join #NEWTABLE B on a.KEY_ID = B.rToretID
DELETE a FROM DBO.RecommendationTable a inner join #NEWTABLE B on a.ID = B.recID
DELETE a FROM DBO.ReasonToReasonValuesTable a inner join #NEWTABLE B on a.ID =
DELETE a FROM DBO.ReasonTable a inner join #NEWTABLE B on a.ID = B.rtID
DELETE a FROM DBO.ReasonValueTable a inner join #NEWTABLE B on a.ID = B.rvtID
DELETE a FROM DBO.RecActionsToParametersTable a inner join #NEWTABLE B on a.ID =
DELETE a FROM DBO.RecommendationActionTable a inner join #NEWTABLE B on a.ID =
DELETE a FROM DBO.AssessmentValueTable a inner join #NEWTABLE B on a.ID = B.avID
SET @X = (select count (*) from #NEWTABLE)
drop table #NEWTABLE
IF @X=10000 GOTO WAY;
3. If needed, shrink the database with the following command:
EXEC sp_configure DBCC Shrinkdatabase ('HPIPSC')
NOTE: After the script has been completed, there might be a lot of empty space in the
HPSM database. The space which the database needs will be a few GB smaller.
4. Restart the HPSM service.
From this point onwards the nightly maintenance should be finished within the default timeout of
30 minutes.
Growing Database and Nightly Maintenance failing (3.7 and newer)
After upgrade to 3.7, the nightly maintenance might fail and the Maintenance.log file contains
errors about missing procedures.
For example, the following error indicates that the stored procedure called
spRemoveOldRecommendations is missing from the SQL database.
2022-01-27 01:01:01,855 ERROR MaintenanceTask - RemoveOldRecommendation :
SqlException occured - Could not find stored procedure 'spRemoveOldRecommendations'
With SQL Management studio you can see all the stored procedures.
If one or more stored procedures are missing, then this might be caused by the original
upgrade/InstallSQLscripts of HPSM which uses a command which is only supported from SQL 2016
The fixed scripts have been updated to support also older versions of SQL. The updated
readme_InstallSQLScripts contains the following version information:
Devices tab shows Loading…” and is not showing any devices or
groups after upgrade
After upgrading it’s possible that the dashboard shows the correct number of devices, but on the
devices screen, the UI remains at Loading. See screenshot.
In the HPSM_service.log file you can find the following similar error:
2022-11-03 21:11:59,849 ERROR Service [38] -
ScheduledTaskMgr.Unregister - Unexpected Error:
System.InvalidCastException: Object cannot be cast from DBNull to
other types.__ at
provider)__ at
LocksmithBusinessLogic.BizLogicMgr.GetAllGroupRecordsAlone()__ at
lsFromDS(DataSet dsSnapShotList, DataSet notSupportedSnapShotList)__
at LocksmithBusinessLogic.DashBoard.DashBoardManager.SaveSnapShot()__
(Guid impactedParentID, Boolean forceDBCheck, String msg, Boolean
propagateStatusMsgAndStateToParent, TaskStatus finalTaskStatus)__ at
wts_toUnReg, String msg, Boolean propagateStatusMsgToParent,
TaskStatus finalTaskStatus)__ at
workerTaskState, String msg, Boolean propagateStatusMsgToParent,
TaskStatus finalTaskStatus)
This behavior is caused by the fact that there are multiple entries in the DB with All Devices
Groups with a value of NULL for the IsAutoGroup value. See screenshot.
There should only be one entry in this table for the All Devices Group with a value of zero for
To remove the incorrect entries from the table, please run the following script:
USE %DBNAME% -- Replace %DBNAME% with Database name
-- Delete records from GroupTable where IsAutoGroup is NULL
Delete from [dbo].[GroupTable] where IsAutoGroup is NULL
Note: This issue has originally been seen after upgrading from 3.6.1 to 3.8 on a database which
already contained the incorrect entries in 3.6.1. The root cause of the incorrect entries is
unknown. The only way to resolve this issue is by removing the incorrect entries.
After upgrading to HPSM 3.8 the Start Time of a newly created
task is always showing 12:00AM
When creating a new task on a server with localized settings, it’s possible that the Server Time
cannot be fetched by HPSM 3.8. The UI will in that case always display 12:00 AM as the starting
time of the new task.
When you run Chrome in developer mode (F12), you can also see the error message, like
(Central European Summer Time) Timepicker directive: "ng-model" value
must be a a Date object, a number of milliseconds since 01.01.1970 or
a string representing an RFC2822 or ISO 8601 date.
See screenshot:
Resolution: Upgrade to HPSM 3.9 or higher.
Workaound: Configure the HPSM server to use US settings (Region settings and language
settings)for Welcome Screen and new User Accounts.
After upgrading to HPSM 3.10 zero devices are displayed in
the UI and the event viewer shows and error with
CertExpiryDate in the description and/or Certificate Expiry
Date column missing
Issue 1: after upgrade to HPSM 3.10 and logging into HPSM there are zero devices displayed. In the
Windows event viewer, you can see a HP Security Manager error with event ID 0 and the following
Error - Maybe a DB access issue - calling GetAllDevicesDataSet()
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Invalid column name
Issue 2: after upgrade to HPSM 3.10 and logging into HPSM you cannot see the column option
Certificate Expiry Date when clicking on Column Organizer
Additional information:
When upgrading to HPSM 3.10 a new column called CertExpiryDate should get added to the
dbo.DeviceTable. If the column CertExpiryDate is missing, then zero devices will be displayed in
the UI (while in fact all the devices are still listed in the DB). When you re-run the InstallSQLscripts,
you can see the following error in the InstallOrUpgradeRemoteDB21.log:
ALTER TABLE dbo.DeviceTable
'9999-12-31 23:59:59.000')
Msg 242, Level 16, State 3, Server gbrdsm050001522\BAR_SQLVIRT_DEV,
Line 2
The conversion of a varchar data type to a datetime data type resulted
in an out-of-range value.
Msg 1750, Level 16, State 1, Server gbrdsm050001522\BAR_SQLVIRT_DEV,
Line 2
Could not create constraint or index. See previous errors.
There are two ways to get the missing column.
Method 1:
1. Open SQL Server Management Studio
2. Expand Security for the instance running HPSM database
3. Expand the Logins
4. Right-mouse click on the user running the SQL installation scripts and select Properties
5. Change the default Language to English -us_English as shown in the following screenshot:
6. Click on Ok
7. Close SQL Server Management Studio.
8. Now you can re-run the InstallSQLScripts with the account which was just changed.
Note: The are in the root directory of HPSM. Unpack the scripts, open a
command prompt with administrator rights and run InstallOrUpgradeRemoteDB.bat (required
syntax in corresponding help file and will be displayed when executing the bat file without any
further options.
9. Refresh the Devices screen in HPSM and the devices will now be displayed.
10. As an alternative to step 8, you can also reopen SQL Server Management Studio with the
following next steps:
open the UpgradeDbSchemaVer21to22.sql from the InstallSQLScripts
change on the first line:
USE $(DBNAME) into USE HPIPSC (or whatever the actual databasename is)
Click on Execute
Refresh the Devices screen in HPSM and the devices will now be displayed.
Method 2:
With this method the SQL user configuration remains the same.
1. Execute the following SQL commands in SQL Management Studio (in the example below
the database name is HPIPSC):
PRINT 'Add CertExpiryDate Column in DeviceTable'
'DeviceTable' AND (COLUMN_NAME = 'CertExpiryDate'))
SET @SQL += N'
ALTER TABLE dbo.DeviceTable
ADD CertExpiryDate datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT CONVERT(DATETIME, ''9999-12-31
Note: 120 is used for the format ‘yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss’
2. Refresh the Devices screen in HPSM and the devices will now be displayed.
When you click on Column Organizer, the column option Certificate Expiry Date should also be
displayed. If this is not displayed, remove all cached data in Chrome:
Go to Settings,
Privacy and Security
Clear Browsing data,
Select Time Range: All time
Select Browsing history, Cookies and other site data and Cached images and files.
Click on Clear Data
After re-logging into HPSM the column should now be displayed.
Certificate Installation Failures
Certificate installation fails on HP DesignJet Z9
HPSM can generate a CSR on behalf of the device (CSR source set to HPSM) or can retrieve the
CSR from the device, if the device supports this process. As this is not supported by the HP
DesignJet Z9, you almost must select the CSR source as HPSM for ID certificate installations on
this device.
In the EAPDeviceLib.log you can see the following error when using device as source:
2020-06-18 11:47:29,192 DEBUG Pipeline [5] - uid=_a738e1943df8_10.10.10.119, Exception while converting
certificate to X509Certificate
The input is not a valid Base-64 string as it contains a non-base 64 character, more than two
padding characters, or an illegal character among the padding characters.
Certificate installation issues with Microsoft CA
Troubleshooting certificate installation failures is no different than troubleshooting most
configuration issues. The typical scenarios can cause failures such as name resolution issues,
network connectivity issues, traffic blocked by firewall, permissions, device issues, etc.
Security Manager uses DCOM over RPC to submit requests to the CA and retrieve certificates,
like workstations do for auto-enrollment of certificates. Remote Procedure Call (RPC) is a
mechanism that allows Windows processes to communicate with one another, either between a
client and server across a network or within a single system. Numerous built-in Windows
components utilize RPC. RPC uses dynamic ports for communication between systems, but a
static port (TCP port 135) must also be used as a starting point for communication. The RPC
endpoint mapper listens on this static port.
In a typical RPC session, a client contacts a server's endpoint mapper on TCP port 135 and
requests the dynamic port number assigned to a particular service. The server responds with
the IP address and port number that the service registered with RPC when it started, and the
client then contacts the service on that IP address and port.
If the RPC server is unavailable, errors will occur indicating the certificate was not installed.
Many other reasons can cause a certificate to not install. For example, the RPC server's name
may be resolving to the wrong IP address, resulting in the client contacting the wrong server or
attempting to contact an IP address not currently in use. Alternatively, the server's name may
not be resolving at all. A firewall or other security application on the server, or a network firewall
appliance between the client and server, may be preventing traffic from reaching the server on
TCP port 135. The client may be unable to reach the server at all due to a general network
The following troubleshooting steps should help to resolve these issues.
1. Check the policy settings again for accuracy.
a. Check especially the Certificate Authority Server and Certificate Authority settings.
b. Ping the server by name from the client to verify that the name resolves to the
correct IP address.
c. If it does not, verify that the client and server are both using the correct DNS servers,
which must be inside the domain and will typically be domain controllers.
d. Try an IP Address instead of a hostname for the server in case the hostname is not
e. Check whether the Key Length or Signature Algorithm values in the policy are not
supported by the device either as a value that can be created in a CSR if Jetdirect is
chosen as source or as a value in the certificate itself.
2. Check the Certificate Authority settings again to ensure that the account running the HPSM
service has the rights to submit requests to the CA.
NOTE: By default, the Network Service account runs the HPSM service, and Network Service
manifest itself remotely as the machine name (machine$).
3. Check the CA Template settings again.
a. Make syre the account running the HPSM service has the rights for Read and Enroll
and that Authenticated Users has Read permissions.
b. Make sure Submit in Request is selected in the template settings under the Subject
Name tab. If not, then certificate will be created for the Security Manager server
and not the printer.
4. Make sure the Security Manager server is on the same domain as the CA server.
NOTE: If the CA server is on a different domain as the HPSM server, and no trust relationship
exists between the domains, an error will display claiming the template does not exist. Even
though the template clearly exists, templates must be published into Active Directory for
clients to use them, and the lack of trust relationship will prevent Security Manager from
seeing the template.
5. Check firewall settings for any ports being blocked, and if the firewall is enabled on the
Security Manager server, make sure traffic on TCP port 135 is allowed to pass.
NOTE: Security Manager uses DCOM over RPC, like workstations do for auto-enrollment of
certificates, and DCOM uses port 135 for certificate enrollment. If workstations are
successfully auto-enrolling for certificates, it can be reasonably assumed the CA server
firewall is not blocking port 135.
The certutil tool can simulate the behavior Security Manager performs to submit a request and
retrieve a certificate by checking for the port being blocked or not:
certutil -ping “CA server”
Examples of an unsuccessful attempt to connect to a non-resolvable FQDN and a successful
attempt to the IP Address:
The PortQry command-line utility or PortQryui.exe user interface utility (both
downloadable from Microsoft, for example:
us/download/details.aspx?id=24009 ) can be used to test connectivity from the
client to the server and determine which ports are open on the server. It includes
support for RPC and can be used to determine which services have dynamic ports
registered with RPC and which specific ports they use.
If workstations are also having issues auto-enrolling for certificates, then the
standard troubleshooting steps for resolving RPC Server Unavailable errors may
apply. For example, ensuring that the RPC service us running, the Authenticated
Users group is in the “Certificate Service DCOM Access” group, Enable Distributed
COM on this computer is selected in the Default Properties tab, etc.
Certificate installation issues with SCEP
Workflow for SCEP
When a SCEP server is used with a SCEP challenge password, then you should first see int the log
file, that the SCEP challenge password is requested (GetOneTimePassword) and obtained.
2021-04-09 16:26:43,506 DEBUG Scep [5] - Scep::GetOneTimePassword(): called
2021-04-09 16:26:43,568 DEBUG Scep [5] - Scep::SendRequest(): GET
2021-04-09 16:26:46,814 DEBUG Scep [5] - Scep::SendRequest(): Server returned status code
2021-04-09 16:26:46,830 DEBUG Scep [5] - Scep::SendRequest(): payload size: 2514
2021-04-09 16:26:46,830 DEBUG Scep [5] - Scep::SendRequest(): MIME content type: text/html
2021-04-09 16:26:46,830 DEBUG Scep [5] - --- BEGIN ndes_admin RESPONSE ---
__?<HTML><Head><Meta HTTP-Equiv="Content-Type" Content="text/html; charset=UTF-
8"><Title>Network Device Enrollment Service</Title></Head><Body BgColor=#FFFFFF><Font
ID=locPageFont Face="Arial"><Table Border=0 CellSpacing=0 CellPadding=4 Width=100%
BgColor=#008080><TR><TD><Font ID=locPageTitleFont Face="Arial" Size=-1
Color=#FFFFFF><LocID ID=locMSCertSrv>Network Device Enrollment
Service</LocID></Font></TD></TR></Table><P ID=locPageTitle> Network Device Enrollment
Service allows you to obtain certificates for routers or other network devices using the Simple
Certificate Enrollment Protocol (SCEP). </P><P> To complete certificate enrollment for your
network device you will need the following information: <P> The thumbprint (hash value) for the
CA certificate is: <B> 89AF30A1 77B4BA20 7B9E07FD F77643D9 </B> <P> The enrollment
challenge password is: <B> 365603DA91776E62 </B> <P> This password can be used only once
and will expire within 60 minutes. <P> Each enrollment requires a new challenge password. You
can refresh this web page to obtain a new challenge password. </P> <P ID=locPageDesc> For
more information see <A HREF=>Using Network
Device Enrollment Service </A>. </P> <P></Font></Body></HTML> __--- END ndes_admin
2021-04-09 16:26:46,877 DEBUG Scep [5] - Scep::GetOneTimePassword(): Extracted ndes
challenge: 365603DA91776E62
Now HPSM can send the actual request:
2021-04-09 16:26:46,877 INFO Scep [5] - Generating CSR
2021-04-09 16:26:46,892 DEBUG Scep [5] - Scep::CreateSubjectName(): Created Subject Name
: CN = Printer1.usa.CompanyXXX, O = XXX, OU = MPS, L = Low, ST = New York, C = US
2021-04-09 16:26:47,455 INFO Scep [5] - Getting CA Certificates from SCEP Server
2021-04-09 16:26:47,455 DEBUG Scep [5] - Scep::GetCACert() called
2021-04-09 16:26:47,455 DEBUG Scep [5] - Scep::SendRequest(): GET
2021-04-09 16:26:48,064 DEBUG Scep [5] - Scep::SendRequest(): Server returned status code
2021-04-09 16:26:48,064 DEBUG Scep [5] - Scep::SendRequest(): payload size: 2378
2021-04-09 16:26:48,064 DEBUG Scep [5] - Scep::SendRequest(): MIME content type:
2021-04-09 16:26:48,080 DEBUG Scep [5] - Scep::GetCACert(): Received 2 CA/RA certificates
2021-04-09 16:26:48,095 INFO Scep [5] - Submit SCEP Request to SCEP Server
2021-04-09 16:26:48,095 DEBUG Scep [5] - Scep::SubmitToScep(): called
2021-04-09 16:26:48,264 DEBUG Scep [5] - Scep::CreateSubjectName(): Created Subject Name
: CN = printer1.usa.CompanyXXX, O = XXX, OU = MPS, L = Low, ST = New York, C = US
2021-04-09 16:26:48,264 DEBUG Scep [5] - Scep::SubmitToScep(): Selected SignatureAlgorithm
: SHA256
2021-04-09 16:26:48,592 DEBUG Scep [5] - Scep::SendRequest(): GET
removed further details for readability of log file
2021-04-09 16:26:50,304 DEBUG Scep [5] - Scep::SendRequest(): Server returned status code
2021-04-09 16:26:50,304 DEBUG Scep [5] - Scep::SendRequest(): payload size: 1202
2021-04-09 16:26:50,304 DEBUG Scep [5] - Scep::SendRequest(): MIME content type:
2021-04-09 16:26:50,304 DEBUG Scep [5] - Scep::SubmitToScep(): Received PKCS7 Response
After this there is not much detail available about a potential error in the SCEP.log while
generating the certificate. In fact, the SCEP server only reports pkiStatus: 0 (successful),
PkiStatus: 3 (pending) or PkiStatus: 2 (failed) for the certificate generation.
Example of PKIStatus 3 in the HPCM.log:
2021-04-09 16:26:50,382 DEBUG Scep [5] - Scep::SubmitToScep(): pkiStatus:3 (Pending) failInfo:
This is followed by a polling request.
2021-04-09 16:26:50,382 INFO Scep [5] - Scep::SubmitToScep(): PKIStatus is3. Certificate Signing
Request pending. Poll to get the certificate
As polling is done by HPSM, it should be followed by a success message as well.
Example of success response 0 in the HPCM.log (can be seen with and without : )
2020-09-30 15:19:51,442 DEBUG Scep [4] - Scep::SubmitToScep(): pkiStatus:0 (Success) failInfo:
Example of failure 3 in HPCM.log:
2021-09-28 16:51:06,990 ERROR HPCM [28] - SCEPConnector: Errow while Enroll: PKIStatus is 2.
Error while signing the certifica
When an error 2 is reported, then additional tools will have to be used to find out why the process
failed on the SCEP server. Check the windows event viewer on the SCEP server, when this error
occurs. Also check if there are any logs available in the SCEP server, which might explain the
actual error message.
ASN1 bad tag in HPSM_service.log file using HPSM 3.7.0 or 3.7.1 and Microsoft
When using NDES (Microsoft implementation of SCEP), the ID certificate installation will fail with
HPSM 3.7 and 3.7.1 with the following error message in the HPSM_service.log file:
2022-03-23 14:52:23,477 ERROR Service [26] - PKI Provider Web Access Restriction Error.
Exception: HP.HPCM.Contract.Exception.BadRequestException: ASN1 bad tag value met.____ at
HP.HPCM.ScepConnector.SCEPConnector.Enroll(CertificateEnrollData certificateEnrollData)
at HP.HPCM.Provider.ProviderHandler.ExecuteEnroll(String providerName,
CertificateEnrollData certData)__ at HP.HPCM.HPCMService.Execute(CertificateEnrollData
In the event viewer from the NDES server you might see the following error:
<Data Name="ErrorCode">0x80090005</Data>
<Data Name="ErrorMessage">BadData.</Data>
Upgrade to HPSM 3.8 or obtain new dll’s for HPSM 3.7.1 from HPSM support.
Bad Request to the Pki Provider’ or Cannot Remediate when using dynamic
When using Microsoft SCEP (NDES) ID, the certificate installation might fail. In the Assessment
report the following error will be listed:
Bad Request to the PKi Provider. Kindly check the UI/Credential details. Cannot Remediate.
Figure: “Bad Request to the PKi Provider….” Error listed
First check the credentials, SCEP URL and SCEP challenge password URL in the policy.
If the URLs and username and password are correct, then additional information should be
Check in the event viewer system log if there is an event ID 4.
Figure: Event Viewer, System log where an Event 4 is listed
Text from General section in EventID 4: The Kerberos client received a
KRB_AP_ERR_MODIFIED error from the server vm-w2k16$. The target name used was
HTTP/VM-W2K16.VM.ZBook. This indicates that the target server failed to decrypt the ticket
provided by the client. This can occur when the target server principal name (SPN) is
registered on an account other than the account the target service is using. Ensure that the
target SPN is only registered on the account used by the server.
This error can also happen if the target service account password is different than what is
configured on the Kerberos Key Distribution Center for that target service. Ensure that the
service on the server and the KDC are both configured to use the same password. If the
server name is not fully qualified, and the target domain (VM.ZBOOK) is different from the
client domain (VM.ZBOOK), check if there are identically named server accounts in these two
domains or use the fully qualified name to identify the server.
Here you already see that there is something wrong with the account (SPN) being used in the
In the HPSM Service Log you will find the same information as in the assessment report:
Line 563: 2022-04-05 15:04:51,246 ERROR Service [17] - PKI Provider Web Access Restriction
Error. Exception: HP.HPCM.Contract.Exception.BadRequestException: BadRequest__ at
HP.HPCM.ScepConnector.SCEPConnector.Enroll(CertificateEnrollData certificateEnrollData)
at HP.HPCM.Provider.ProviderHandler.ExecuteEnroll(String providerName,
CertificateEnrollData certData)__ at HP.HPCM.HPCMService.Execute(CertificateEnrollData
In the SCEP Log, you will find some additional information to an unauthorized action:
2022-04-05 15:04:46,756 DEBUG Scep [4] - SCEP::SendRequest(): GET http://vm-
2022-04-05 15:04:47,055 ERROR Scep [4] - SCEP::SendRequest(): Exception
System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. --->
System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: An error occurred while sending the request. --->
System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized. --->
System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: The target principal name is incorrect__ at
System.Net.NTAuthentication.GetOutgoingBlob(Byte[] incomingBlob, Boolean throwOnError,
SecurityStatus& statusCode)__ at System.Net.NTAuthentication.GetOutgoingBlob(String
incomingBlob)__ at System.Net.NegotiateClient.DoAuthenticate(String challenge,
WebRequest webRequest, ICredentials credentials, Boolean preAuthenticate)__ at
System.Net.NegotiateClient.Authenticate(String challenge, WebRequest webRequest,
ICredentials credentials)__ at System.Net.AuthenticationManagerDefault.Authenticate(String
challenge, WebRequest request, ICredentials credentials)__ at
System.Net.AuthenticationState.AttemptAuthenticate(HttpWebRequest httpWebRequest,
ICredentials authInfo)__ at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.CheckResubmitForAuth()__ at
System.Net.HttpWebRequest.CheckResubmit(Exception& e, Boolean& disableUpload)__ ---
End of inner exception stack trace ---__ at
System.Net.HttpWebRequest.EndGetResponse(IAsyncResult asyncResult)__ at
System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler.GetResponseCallback(IAsyncResult ar)__ --- End of inner
exception stack trace ---__ --- End of inner exception stack trace ---__ at
System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.GetResultCore(Boolean waitCompletionNotification)__ at
ScepClient.Scep.SendRequest(Uri requestUri, String method, Byte[] request_body, String
request_content_type, List`1 add_headers)__---> (Inner Exception #0)
System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: An error occurred while sending the request. --->
System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized. --->
System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: The target principal name is incorrect__ at
System.Net.NTAuthentication.GetOutgoingBlob(Byte[] incomingBlob, Boolean throwOnError,
SecurityStatus& statusCode)__ at System.Net.NTAuthentication.GetOutgoingBlob(String
incomingBlob)__ at System.Net.NegotiateClient.DoAuthenticate(String challenge,
WebRequest webRequest, ICredentials credentials, Boolean preAuthenticate)__ at
System.Net.NegotiateClient.Authenticate(String challenge, WebRequest webRequest,
ICredentials credentials)__ at System.Net.AuthenticationManagerDefault.Authenticate(String
challenge, WebRequest request, ICredentials credentials)__ at
System.Net.AuthenticationState.AttemptAuthenticate(HttpWebRequest httpWebRequest,
ICredentials authInfo)__ at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.CheckResubmitForAuth()__ at
System.Net.HttpWebRequest.CheckResubmit(Exception& e, Boolean& disableUpload)__ ---
End of inner exception stack trace ---__ at
System.Net.HttpWebRequest.EndGetResponse(IAsyncResult asyncResult)__ at
System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler.GetResponseCallback(IAsyncResult ar)__ --- End of inner
exception stack trace ---<---__
2022-04-05 15:04:47,055 ERROR Scep [4] - SCEP::GetOneTimePassword() failed; StatusCode:
BadRequest (The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized.)
2022-04-05 15:04:47,055 DEBUG Scep [4] - SCEP::GetOneTimePassword(): failed; no regex
2022-04-05 15:04:47,055 DEBUG Scep [4] - SCEP : Challenge Password :
2022-04-05 15:04:47,055 ERROR Scep [4] - SCEP::Enroll(): Could not retrieve Challenge
password from SCEP Server due to :BadRequest
From a command prompt with admin privileges, delete the SPN for the useraccount used in the
HPSM policy. This can be done with the setspn -U -D command, example:
setspn -U -D http/VM-W2K16.VM.ZBOOK administrator
The command prompt will confirm that the unregistration was successful:
Unregistering ServicePrincipalNames for CN=Administrator,CN=Users,DC=VM,DC=ZBook
Updated object
Microsoft SCEP fails and InternalServerError in Scep.log
HPSM 3.6.1/3.7/3.7.1 is hardcoding the public key length to 2048 key length. If the public key length
in the CA template is higher, then the request will fail. The only indication about the key length is in
the system log file
from the SCEP server
In the Scep.log file you can find the following error:
2022-03-17 17:37:12,887 DEBUG Scep [24] - SCEP::SendRequest(): GET
2022-03-17 17:37:13,449 DEBUG Scep [24] - SCEP::SendRequest(): Server returned status code
InternalServerError (Internal Server Error)
Upgrade to HPSM 3.8.
Obtain the HP.HPCM.ScepClient.dll and HP.HPCM.ScepConnector.dll from HPSM 3.6 and install
those in HPSM 3.7.1.
1. Stop the HPSM service.
2. Open the “C:\Program Files (x86)\HP Security Manager\PkiProviders” directory.
3. Rename the “HP.HPCM.ScepClient.dll” file to “HP.HPCM.ScepClient.dll.old”.
4. Rename the “HP.HPCM.ScepConnector.dll” file to “HP.HPCM.ScepConnector.dll.old”.
5. Copy the 3.6.0 dll’s to the directory location.
6. Restart the HPSM service.
NOTE: The scep dll’s from 3.8 cannot be used with older HPSM versions.
Sectigo SCEP fails when the intermediate CA certificate is in X.509 format
while HPSM 3.8 and older is expecting CMS format
Background information:
As per the RFC8894 (SCEP Protocol) two CA formats are supported for the CA configuration.
If the CA does not have any intermediate CA certificates, the response consists of a single X.509 CA
certificate. The response will have a Content-Type of "application/x-x509-ca-cert".
If the CA has intermediate CA certificates, the response consists of a degenerate certificates-only CMS
SignedData message (Section 3.4) containing the certificates, with the intermediate CA certificate(s) as
the leaf certificate(s). The response will have a Content-Type of "application/x-x509-ca-ra-cert"
The SCEP operation GetCACert can respond x-x509-ca-cert or x-x509-ca-ra-cert based on their CA design.
HPSM 3.8 and older only accepts x-x509-ca-ra-cert, and HPSM 3.9 also handles/accepts x-x509-ca-cert
In the SCEP log from 3.7.0 (not visible in 3.8 logs) you can see the CA request:
2022-08-24 18:41:54,880 DEBUG Scep [24] - SCEP::SendRequest(): MIME
content type: application/x-x509-ca-cert
Workaround for HPSM 3.8 and older by changing the GetCACert Response Format from Sectigo:
Change the Sectigo CA response. This can be done per Sectigo profile to set per SCEP Endpoint the
GetCACert Response Format.
Login to SCM and select Enrollment> SCEP
Select the SCEP endpoint that was created, click on the Edit button
Select Configuration tab (see screenshot)
Now you can change GetCACert Response Format from Single PEM into Chain in CMS
The GetCert Response Format can be changed from Single Certificate to Full Chain
Solution: Upgrade to HPSM 3.9
Could not retrieve Challenge password from the SCEP Server in Scep.log
and questions marks in the logged RESPONSE
Could not retrieve Challenge password from the SCEP Server in Scep.log and questions
marks in the logged RESPONSE
In some cases the response from the SCEP server with the SCEP challenge password cannot be decoded
by HPSM. In the Scep.log file you can see:
2023-09-12 16:59:39,281 DEBUG Scep [21] - --- BEGIN ndes_admin RESPONSE ---
?????__--- END ndes_admin RESPONSE ---
2023-09-12 16:59:39,296 DEBUG Scep [21] - SCEP::GetOneTimePassword():
failed; no regex match
2023-09-12 16:59:39,296 DEBUG Scep [21] - SCEP : Challenge Password :
2023-09-12 16:59:39,296 ERROR Scep [21] - SCEP::Enroll(): Could not retrieve
Challenge password from SCEP Server
This happens with HPSM 3.10 and older using the default SCEP plugin. The default SCEP plugin cannot
handle a UTF-8 SCEP challenge response.
Solution: obtain updated SCEP dll’s for HP Security Manager 3.10 or upgrade to at least 3.11 when this
version becomes available.
Could not retrieve Challenge password from the SCEP Server in Scep.log
and when the challenge password is visible in the SCEP.log
HPSM expects a hexadecimal SCEP challenge password and is checking if the SCEP challenge
password contains characters A-F and numerical values 0-9. If this is not the case, then the
provided password cannot be used by HPSM and in the scep.log file you will see the error
message: Could not retrieve Challenge password from SCEP server.
2023-09-13 11:52:13,574 DEBUG Scep [26] - --- BEGIN ndes_admin RESPONSE ---
__?<HTML><Head><Meta HTTP-Equiv="Content-Type" Content="text/html;
charset=UTF-8"><Title>Network Device Enrollment Service</Title></Head><Body
BgColor=#FFFFFF><Font ID=locPageFont Face="Arial"><Table Border=0
CellSpacing=0 CellPadding=4 Width=100% BgColor=#008080><TR><TD><Font
ID=locPageTitleFont Face="Arial" Size=-1 Color=#FFFFFF><LocID
ID=locMSCertSrv>Network Device Enrollment
Service</LocID></Font></TD></TR></Table><P ID=locPageTitle> Network Device
Enrollment Service allows you to obtain certificates for routers or other
network devices using the Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol (SCEP).
</P><P> To complete certificate enrollment for your network device you will
need the following information: <P> The thumbprint (hash value) for the CA
certificate is: <B> BAF35B6A FE7855C1 B7BA39E8 5CB180C1 </B> <P> The
enrollment challenge password is: <B> U6IMNIIRMK5V </B> <P> This password can
be used only once and will expire within 45 minutes. <P> Each enrollment
requires a new challenge password. You can refresh this web page to obtain a
new challenge password. </P> <P ID=locPageDesc> For more information see <A
HREF=>Using Network Device
Enrollment Service </A>. </P> <P></Font></Body></HTML>__--- END ndes_admin
2023-09-13 11:52:13,590 DEBUG Scep [26] - SCEP::GetOneTimePassword():
failed; no regex match
2023-09-13 11:52:13,590 DEBUG Scep [26] - SCEP : Challenge Password :
2023-09-13 11:52:13,590 ERROR Scep [26] - SCEP::Enroll(): Could not retrieve
Challenge password from SCEP Server
Solution: change the configuration on the SCEP server to generate Hexadecimall SCEP challenge
Incorrect Certificate Authority Server or CA server
Check the HPCM.log file in the directory:
C:\Program Files (x86)\HP Security Manager\log
It might have errors like the following:
2020-04-10 12:30:14,536 ERROR HPCM [7] - Error while retreiving Provider: The constructor to
deserialize an object of type 'HP.HPCM.Contract.Exception.ServerUnavailableException' was not
found.. 2020-04-10 12:30:14,537 ERROR HPCM [7] - Error while Enrolling Certificate for Request
8d680a79-af7b-411e-9ffc-0e4ea9c98da8. Exception : The constructor to deserialize an object of
type 'HP.HPCM.Contract.Exception.ServerUnavailableException' was not found. StackTrace : at
HP.HPCM.Provider.ProviderHandler.ExecuteEnroll(String providerName, CertificateEnrollData
certData) at HP.HPCM.HPCMService.Execute(CertificateEnrollData request)
Check the HPCM.log file in the directory:
C:\Program Files (x86)\HP Security Manager\PkiProviders\log
It might list errors like the following:
2020-04-10 12:30:14,508 ERROR HPCM System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException
(0x800706BA): The RPC server is unavailable. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800706BA)at
NETcertcli.CCertRequestClass.Submit(Int32 Flags, String strRequest, String strAttributes, String
HPCMMicrosoftPKI.MicrosoftPKICertificateBase.SubmitCertRequestAndGetCertificate (String
request, String certificateServer, Int32 certFormat, String attribute, String& certificate, Int32&
requestId) at HPCMMicrosoftPKI.MicrosoftPKICertificateBase.GetJetdirectIdentityCertUsingJetdi
rectRequest(String certificateServer, String csr, String templateName, String& signedCertificate,
Int32& requestId, String& certRequest) [7] - The certificate server is unavailable: [2008R2-DC-
This could be because that certificate server name is not a valid computer name, or it cannot be
accessed. 2020-04-14 10:21:32,873 ERROR HPCM [26] - Failure in Connecting to the Certificate
Server, Server UnavailableHP.HPCM.Contract.Exception.ServerUnavailableException: The
certificate server is unavailable: [2008r2-dc-tem\UPD-TME-2008R2-DC-TME.wrong]
This could be because that certificate server name is not a valid computer name, or it cannot be
accessed. ---> System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException: The RPC server is unavailable.
(Exception from HRESULT: 0x800706BA) at NETcertcli.CCertRequestClass.Submit(Int32 Flags,
String strRequest, String strAttributes, String strConfig) at
HPCMMicrosoftPKI.MicrosoftPKICertificateBase.SubmitCertRequestAndGetCertificate (String
request, String certificateServer, Int32 certFormat, String attribute, String& certificate, Int32&
requestId)at HPCMMicrosoftPKI.MicrosoftPKICertificateBase.GetJetdirectIdentityCertUsingJetdi
rectRequest(String certificateServer, String csr, String templateName, String& signedCertificate,
Int32& requestId, String& certRequest) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at
rectRequest(String certificateServer, String csr, String templateName, String& signedCertificate,
Int32& requestId, String& certRequest) at
HPCMMicrosoftPKI.MicrosoftPKICertificateBase.EnrollCertificate(CertificateEnrol lData
certificateEnrollData, Boolean isMicrosoftSA, CertificateEnrollResult& result)at
HPCMMicrosoftPKI.MicrosoftEnterprisePKI.Enroll(CertificateEnrollData certificateEnrollData) cert
Incorrect Certificate Authority Name in policy
Check the HPCM.log in the directory:
C:\Program Files (x86)\HP Security Manager\log
2020-04-10 12:11:20,386 ERROR HPCM [5] - Error while retreiving Provider: The constructor to
deserialize an object of type 'HP.HPCM.Contract.Exception.CertificateAuthorityNameException'
was not found.. 2020-04-10 12:11:20,386 ERROR HPCM [5] - Error while Enrolling Certificate for
Request 3b6aac52-4565-449b-a3d2-5b9d4c318bc2. Exception : The constructor to deserialize an
object of type 'HP.HPCM.Contract.Exception.CertificateAuthorityNameException' was not found.
StackTrace : at HP.HPCM.Provider.ProviderHandler.ExecuteEnroll(String providerName,
CertificateEnrollData certData) at HP.HPCM.HPCMService.Execute(CertificateEnrollData request)
Check the HPCM.log in the directory:
C:\Program Files (x86)\HP Security Manager\PkiProviders\log
It might have errors like the following:
2020-04-10 12:46:11,738 ERROR HPCM [5] - Failure in fetching the
CertificateHP.HPCM.Contract.Exception.CertificateAuthorityNameException: The Certificate
Authority part of the certificate server is invalid: [2008R2-DCTME\upd-tme-2008r2-dc-tme-ca] --->
System.ArgumentException: Value does not fall within the expected range. at
NETcertcli.CCertRequestClass.RetrievePending(Int32 RequestId, String strConfig)at
HPCMMicrosoftPKI.MicrosoftPKICertificateBase.CheckPendingCertRequest(Int32 requestId, String
certificateServer, Int32 certFormat, String& certificate)at
HPCMMicrosoftPKI.MicrosoftPKICertificateBase.RetrievePendingCertificateJetdirec tCsr(String
certificateServer, Int32 requestId, String& signedCertificateString) --- End of inner exception stack
trace --- at HPCMMicrosoftPKI.MicrosoftPKICertificateBase.RetrievePendingCertificateJetdirec
tCsr(String certificateServer, Int32 requestId, String& 45 signedCertificateString)at
HPCMMicrosoftPKI.MicrosoftPKICertificateBase.EnrollCertificate(CertificateEnrol lData
certificateEnrollData, Boolean isMicrosoftSA, CertificateEnrollResult& result)at
HPCMMicrosoftPKI.MicrosoftEnterprisePKI.Enroll(CertificateEnrollData certificateEnrollData)
NOTE: There are no errors in the file ../WebApp/log?HPCM.log. This error happens when the CA
server which is specified in the ID certificate is not valid or when the CA is not available.
CA server is configured to require manual approval of the request
In some situations, you might see the following error message:
The certificate request to certificate authority ‘AuthorityName’ is pending.
Figure: Identity Certificate error listed under Device Recommendations
Check on the CA server if the request is listed under Pending Requests and validate that the
checkbox for CA certificate manager approval has been deselected for the CA certificate which
is used in the policy.
The Template Name in the policy for the certificate template is
Check the HPCM.log file in the directory:
C:\Program Files (x86)\HP Security Manager\log
Entries like the following might be listed in the log file:
2020-04-14 10:30:09,076 DEBUG HPCM [4] - DoEnroll : Request - b7a69e45-c89f-4880-bafe-
5141256a5837 2020-04-14 10:30:10,173 INFO HPCM [4] - ParseCertResponse : PkiProviderName -
MSEnterprise ; Status - Pending ; Request ID - b7a69e45-c89f-4880-bafe-5141256a5837 Check
the HPCM.log file in the directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\HP Security Manager\PkiProviders\log
Entries like the following might be listed in the log file:
2020-04-14 10:30:09,076 DEBUG HPCM [4] - DoEnroll : Request - b7a69e45-c89f-4880-bafe-
Check the HPSM_service.log file in the directory:
C:\Program Files (x86)\HP Security Manager\PkiProviders\log
Entries like the following might be listed in the log file:
2020-04-14 10:30:14,075 DEBUG Service [4] - HPCMEventManager calling callback for Request
ID: b7a69e45-c89f-4880-bafe-5141256a5837
Check the HPSM_service.log file in the directory:
C:\Program Files (x86)\HP Security Manager\PkiProviders\log
Entries like the following might be listed in the log file:
2020-04-14 10:30:14,075 DEBUG Service [22] - HPCMMangerResponseManager Dequeue
2020-04-14 10:30:14,075 DEBUG Service [22]
HPCMMangerResponseManager Dequeue - b7a69e45-c89f-4880-bafe5141256a5837 Status
is: Pending
2020-04-14 10:30:14,075 DEBUG Service [22] - recommendation state: = SuggestedCannotFix
On the CA server, you can find the following Warning in the event viewer event ID 53) or in the
Failed Requests list from the CA:
Active Directory Certificate Services denied request 147 because The requested certificate
template is not supported by this CA. 0x80094800 (-2146875392). The request was for OU=OU,
O=HP Inc, C=NL, L=Amstelveen2, Additional information: Denied by
Policy Module 0x80094800, The 47 request was for a certificate template that is not supported
by the Active Directory Certificate Services policy: DomainControllerAuthenticatoin.
In this example, the Template Name had a typo: Authenticatoin instead of Authentication.
Comparing log files with a successful enrollment.
When an enrollment is successful you should see in the HPCM.log file:
2020-04-14 16:28:45,925 DEBUG HPCM [30] - DoEnroll : Request - 09a561fb-263a4b6e-ac41-
58ad50df812f 2020-04-14 16:28:46,515 INFO HPCM [30] - ParseCertResponse :
PkiProviderName - MSEnterprise ; Status - Success ; Request ID - -58ad50df812f
Invalid ID certificate when CRL is unreachable
If the printer does have a valid certificate and HPSM cannot contact obtain the CRL (Certificate
Revocation List) from the issuing CA then HPSM will display Invalid Certificate. In the HPSM
service log file this will also be visible. Example:
2023-09-2808:31:48,956 INFO Service [49] -
AssessmentItemIdentityCert.Assess - Device IP : - Status :
The online certificate revocation list (CRL) that the certificate relies
on is currently offline.
2023-09-2808:32:24,068 INFO Service [57] -
HPCMResponseManager.HandleException- Device IP : - Policy
Item : Certificate Authority - Status : It is not possible to determine
whether the certificate has been revoked. This can be due to the
certificate revocation list (CRL) being offline or unavailable.
HPSM is asking the OS if a certificate has been revoked and you will not be able to see in the
HPSM_Service.log file which CRL is unreachable.
In the Windows Event Viewer you can also enable CAPI2 logging, which will provide similar
information about a unreachable CRL. CAPI2 logging can be enabled in the event viewer under
Applications and Services, Microsoft, Windows, CAPI2, Operations with an Enable Log option on
the right site.
In a network trace you will be able to see which CRL is not reachable (for example HTTP
404 Not Found when the CRL is published via http). Verify that all certification
authorities in the chain have valid CRLs published. When a Microsoft CA is used, this
can be done with certutil.
Open a command prompt with administrator rights and use the following command:
certutil.exe -URL http://URL.crl
where URL.crl is the actual URL of the CRL.
certutil.exe -URL
This will open the URL Retrieval Tool.
Click Retrieve in the URL Retrieval Tool to see the actual status of the CRL’s.
In the following figure you can see that the CDP is not accessible (which means that
certificates cannot be validated by HPSM).
Figure: CDP Status is listed as Failed in the URL Retrieval Tool
When there are no issues with the CRL’s, the Status should display as OK:
With the above example the CRL is reachable and accessible with an administrative
account. The account running HPSM service must have access to the same information.
CertificateTask: Task Error (HPSM 3.8) when using RSA with SHA1
Issue: After running a certificate remediation task it’s possible that the task ends up with Task
Error. See screenshot:
Additional information:
In the HPSM_service.log you can find the following error:
2022-07-04 15:53:46,162 ERROR Service [22] - Warning - Truncated DB
string object - TaskBase - ErrorMessage -orginal: Certificate Task:
Task Error: {0}Internal error in processing'SHA1' is not a known hash
algorithm.__Parameter name: hashAlgorithm__Actual value was SHA1. at
hashAlgorithm)__ at
stInfo.ToPkcs10Request(X509SignatureGenerator signatureGenerator,
HashAlgorithmName hashAlgorithm)__ at
AssessmentRemediation.HPCMRequest.SubmitRequest(Task task,
Dictionary`2 policyItems, Guid& hpcmRequestId)__ at
This means that the policy is configured with the Certificate Request Signature of SHA-1 and the
Certificate Signing Request (CSR) Source is set to HPSM.
SHA-1 is weak algorithm and from HPSM 3.8 onwards it’s no longer supported when using the
Select a stronger signature algorithm in the HPSM policy.
Note: Its possible to change the CSR source to device and still remediate the ID certificate, but
this removes the option to add SAN information in the request and the usage of weak algorithm
is not recommended.
CertificateTask: Task Error (HPSM 3.8) when using ECDSA with Key
Length P-256
Issue: After running a certificate remediation task it’s possible that the task ends up with Task
Error. See screenshot:
When you click on the device to look at the remediation details you can see that it looks like the
certificate is pending manual approval:
On the CA server the certificate is in the Failed Requests with the following error message:
“Active Directory Certificate Services denied request 143 because the public key does not meet
the minimum size required by the specified certificate template. 0x80094811 (-2146875375
CERTSRV_E_KEY_LENGTH). The request was for CN=, OU=ATS-EMEA, O=HP Inc,
L=Amstelveen, S=NH, C=NL. Additional information: Denied by Policy Module”
Additional information:
This can occur when the policy in HPSM has been configured with the ECDSA Encryption Key and
a Key Length of P-256, while the ID template on the CA server is set to a higher minimum
The ID certificate template which is used needs to be configured with a minimum key length of
Go to the CA server
Right click on Certificate Templates and select Manage.
Double click on the template which is used in the HPSM policy
Select the tab Cryptography
Set the Minimum key size to 256.
See screenshot below of a Windows 2016 Enterprise CA server. Note, the Cryptographic settings
might have slightly different options depending on the actual OS version.
HPSM fails to install ID certificate (Cannot Remediate) and access
denied in logs, while ID certificate did get issued by CA server
HPSM can display Medium risk for ID certificate remediation and Cannot Remediate in
the device recommendations screen. In some cases the status might even change into:
Unable to communicate with the Device.
This might mean that HPSM was able to retrieve an ID certificate from a CA but HPSM
was unable to install the certificate on the device.
Enable debug mode and check the EAPDeviceLib.log. An error and debug statement like
the following might be listed:
2020-04-01 09:04:14,007 DEBUG Pipeline [36] -
uid=_95c5978c54dd_10.133.227.46, Exception while converting
certificate to X509Certificate Access denied.
2020-04-01 09:04:14,007 ERROR Pipeline [36] -
uid=_95c5978c54dd_10.133.227.46, Pipeline execution halted due to
step failure, address=, failed
step=PipelineStepGetCertificateKeyLength, failed
transform=InstallIDCert, failed with step
The HPCM.log file might have a similar error:
2022-12-15 00:21:19,472 ERROR Service [21] -
HPCMMangerResponseManager.ProcessAsyncHPCMResponse - Unexpected
exception: System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException: Access
is denied.____ at
xception(Int32 hr)__ at
System.Security.Cryptography.Utils._GenerateKey(SafeProvHandle hProv,
Int32 algid, CspProviderFlags flags, Int32 keySize, SafeKeyHandle&
hKey)__ at
keyType, CspParameters parameters, Boolean randomKeyContainer, Int32
dwKeySize, SafeProvHandle& safeProvHandle, SafeKeyHandle&
safeKeyHandle)__ at
at System.Security.Cryptography.RSACryptoServiceProvider..ctor(Int32
dwKeySize, CspParameters parameters, Boolean useDefaultKeySize)__ at
cert, AsymmetricAlgorithm PrivateKey, String Password)__ at
task, HPCMResultEventArgs hpcmResultEventArgs)__ at
task, Guid HPCMRequestId)
If these messages are displayed in the log, then HPSM is missing READ access for the following
Provide at least READ access to NT Authority\System (if HP Security Manager service is running
as network service).
After making the changes, re-run the task.
CN value lists the IP address of the printer instead of the DNS
Normally, the CN value contains the hostname of the device, but sometimes the IP address is
listed in the certificate and the Issued To field.
Figure: Example of IP address listed
In the EWS, the IP address is also listed in the Issued To field.
This happens when the IP address of the printer cannot be resolved. For printers in remote
subnets HPSM is relying on the correct DNS entries for the device. For printers in local subnets
(same subnet as HPSM), alternative resolution method can be used as well.
To fix this problem, the correct DNS (forward and reverse lookup) entries for the printer must be
created on the DNS server. After this has been setup correctly, the printer needs to be
assessed and remediated with the ID certificate policy.
Certificate Installation Failures with Zebra devices
The precious section with Certificate Installation Failures is also applicable to Zebra devices. For
certificate management with Zebra device LinkOS 6.2 or higher is required.
HPSM can only install certificates on Zebra devices, it cannot assess the installed certificates.
HPSM will still try to retrieve details such as CertCAExpiryDate, CertCASerialNumber. This will fail
and in the EAP log file you will always see errors like the following:
2021-05-31 22:32:40,206 ERROR Pipeline [17] - uid=_26e8b1343ca1_10.10.10.15, Pipeline execution
halted due to step failure, address=, failed step=PipelineStepSetError, failed
transform=ReturnNotAvailable, failed with step result=
These errors do not impact the CertDeviceCA and CerDeviceIdentity operations to install (CA and
ID) certificates.
As it is only possible to install one ID certificate and one CA certificate on Zebra devices, there is a
special workflow for those devices in HPSM. Its not possible to see remotely or in the EWS which
ID certificate or CA certificate has been installed. That is also the reason that HPSM can only
remediate ID and CA certificates on these devices. You can only check in the EWS if a CA or ID
certificate has been installed.
Therefore, HPSM performs the following simplified steps for installing a certificate on a Zebra
device during the ID/CA remediation process.
HPSM removes the certificate from the Zebra device. This means removing the
PRIVKEY.NRD, CERTCLN.NRD for ID certificate installation and removing the
CACERTSV.NRD for CA certificate installation.
HPSM installs the certificate on the Zebra device
HPSM checks if the certificate has been installed correctly on the Zebra device. This
means checking if the files PRIVKEY.NRD, CERTCLN.NRD are present for an ID certificate
and the file CACERTSV.NRD should be present after a CA certificate installation.
In the EAPDeviceLib.log file you can follow the steps for when debug logging is enabled.
In the EWS of a Zebra device you can also see the certificate files. Open the EWS of the device
and select Directory Listing. If an ID and/or CA certificate is installed, you should now see the
corresponding NRD files.
Figure: NRD files listed
If you cannot Delete the certificate files via the EWS, then most likely HPSM will not be able to
delete those files either. See also step 4 under Resolving Zebra Device Issues.
Cannot Remediate (Required file is not found in the device)
A Cannot Remediate error such as Required file is not found in the device to complete the
current task is received.
With debug logging enabled for the EAP* files, you will see more details in the EAPDeviceLib.log
Most likely you will find the following error message after the upload of the certificate has been
2021-02-15 16:22:27,319 INFO Pipeline [3] - uid=_6de01642251b_10.129.255.170, Completed Upload Certificate. Reset Network
2021-02-15 16:22:27,334 INFO Pipeline [3] - uid=_6de01642251b_10.129.255.170, Delaying 35000 millis
2021-02-15 16:23:02,338 INFO Pipeline [3] - uid=_6de01642251b_10.129.255.170, Verifying PRIVKEY.NRD
2021-02-15 16:23:02,338 INFO Pipeline [3] - uid=_6de01642251b_10.129.255.170, Verify installed files
2021-02-15 16:23:02,338 INFO Pipeline [3] - uid=_6de01642251b_10.129.255.170, Connecting to Printer
2021-02-15 16:23:02,338 INFO Pipeline [3] - uid=_6de01642251b_10.129.255.170, Connection Opened. List Files
2021-02-15 16:23:07,370 ERROR Pipeline [3] - uid=_6de01642251b_10.129.255.170, Error while listing files: No files found.
This means that HPSM was able to upload the certificate to the device, but for an unknown
reason the certificate was not installed on the device.
Resolving Zebra device certificate issues
The following options can be tried to resolve this device specific issue:
1. Reset the printer to default conditions. To do this, use one of the following two methods:
The printer control panel. For instructions, go to Zebra support:
Printer-with-color-touch-panel-to-Factory-Settings?language=en_US, OR
The Embedded Web Server (EWS) under View and Modify Printer Settings.
2. Reset the network settings. To do this, use the EWS (View and Modify Printer Settings).
3. Update the firmware to Link-OS 6.3 or newer, or reinstall current firmware in the printer.
4. Remove old certificates manually, if HP SM cannot remove them or if this cannot be
removed via the EWS use the Zebra Setup Utilities, go to Zebra support:
5. If steps 1-4 do not solve the issue, provide an “allcv” report of the printer to check the
printer settings.
6. After completing this step, send this information as a TXT file to Zebra support so Zebra
can examine that information further.
Go to Zebra support:
HPSM is recommending a firmware downgrade after a firmware
assessment of the HP Color LaserJet E55040
ISSUE: After performing a firmware assessment of the HP Color LaserJet E55040 HPSM is
recommending a firmware downgrade instead of a firmware upgrade. The next screenshot
shows an example of this.
SOLUTION: Run the Pre-Futuresmart 4.8 Compatibility Update Utility for the E55040 Series. This can be
found on the support pages for this model on
A new assessment after running this utility will now show the expected results:
Background information: Before running this firmware compatibility utility HP, the device was
identified by HPSM as a device which could use the same firmware as the HP Color LaserJet
Exported Reports Are Showing Garbage/Unreadable Text
In rare cases it is possible that the exported HPSM reports (delivered via email) are
Figure: Exported HPSM reports are unreadable
When the same report is generated in the HPSM UI, the report is displayed correctly.
This issue can be resolved by (re)installing the fonts which are shipped with HPSM. The
fonts are in the following location:
C:\Program Files (x86)\HP Security Manager\Resources\fonts
Double click on the font and then click the Install button, or right-click the Font and select
Unable to select a date when creating a task (null visible)
When you try to create a task you might be unable to select a date as the calender is not displayed
correctly. Instead the word null is displayed multiple times.
See screenshot:
Additional information:
This can happen when using Firefox browser or when using IE on a localized Windows 2019 server.
Firefox is not officially supported with HPSM and Microsoft retired IE out of support in June 2022.
Use another supported browser: Edge or Chrome.
Cannot Remediate Web Encryption or Active Ciphers (Invalid
input; data value not supported)
In some situations, HPSM 3.8 and older is unable to remediate cipher settings on devices which
have a different cipher configuration.
The remediation result will show: Invalid input, see screenshot.
Root cause: HPSM 3.8 and older is not always configuring the TLS and ciphers with one command.
Upgrade to HPSM 3.9
HPSM always displaying Medium Risk for File Erase Mode on
some legacy HP devices, such as HP LaserJet P3010
Issue: When running an assessment and remediation task with a policy with File Erase Mode (with
the option ignore when not supported), HPSM might report Medium risk on some legacy HP
LaserJet device, even if those devices do not have a hard disk installed.
Disable the RAM disk on the legacy HP Laser Jet devices and re-run the assessment.
The RAM disk can be disabled with HP WebJetadmin or directly in the EWS of the device.
In HP Web Jetadmin this option can be found by expanding Device category and selecting System
Setup Ram Disk. See screenshot:
In the EWS of a device this can be found on the Settings tab, Configure Device, System Setup.
Change the option RAM Disk to Off and click on Apply.
HPSM is unable to communicate over SNMPv3 with some
legacy HP Laserjet devices
Issue: After configuring the SNMPv3 credentials of some legacy devices via the EWS and
disabling SNMPv1/v2, HPSM cannot communicate with the device over SNMPv3
Solution: Configure the SNMPv3 credentials of the device with HPSM instead of the EWS.
Disable initially SNMPv3 on the device and enable SNMPv1v2 via the EWS. Now remediate the
device with an HPSM policy with the desired SNMP settings (v1 and v3).
Background information (SNMPv3 passphrases versus keys)
The HP EWS management interface allows access to many device settings. Both device and HP
Jetdirect management settings can be viewed and adjusted from HP EWS. While you might
expect these to be identical to the settings found in the HPSM configuration interface, this is not
always the case for some legacy devices. For example, HP EWS might show SNMPv3 credentials
as hexadecimal keys, while HPSM always has credentials configured with passphrases. This is a
significant difference. HP does not recommend managing SNMPv3 from both interfaces on the
same device.
Best practices: Configure the SNMPv3 settings of the (legacy) devices with HPSM and use the
Global Credentials feature to ensure that HPSM has enough information to discover your
SNMPv3-protected devices.
When the SNMPv3 credential is configured from HPSM with a policy, the policy contains a
username and two passphrases to the interface. The passphrases are designed with human
usability in mind and can be simple, easy-to-remember strings of letters and/or numbers.
(example oncewasasmallcat) When HPSM sets up the device for SNMPv3 security, it transposes
that phrase into a hex key using a hash technique of MD5 or DES, depending on the phrase. So,
while HPSM allows the user to work with friendly passphrases, the SNMPv3 communication
between HP Jetdirect and HPSM uses very cryptic strings that prevent tampering with devices
and data.
Best practices: If HPSM is initially used to configure SNMPv3 on devices, HPSM should be used
instead of HP EWS (a must for some legacy devices). Administrators can continue to use HP EWS
as a management interface with the exception of SNMPv3 settings.
Some legacy HP EWS interfaces require the user to enter hexadecimal keys rather than
passphrases. For security reasons, it does not disclose the key values that are currently stored
on the device. This means it is extremely difficult to manage SNMPv3 credentials from both HP
EWS and HPSM. Therefore, HPSM should be the primary tool for managing a fleet, that contains
older legacy devices. HP highly recommends that you use HPSM exclusively for managing
SNMPv3 settings as well.
Note: HP Web Jetadmin can also be used to configure the SNMPv3 settings on those legacy
Example of EWS of a legacy device which requires SNMPv3 keys instead of SNMPv3
Note: Some legacy devices, like HP LaserJet P4515, seem to offer passphrases. However, the
devices are not using the same encryption as HPSM and communication over SNMPv3 is only
possible when SNMPv3 has been configures with HPSM or WJA.
Missing hostname for a device even when nslookup provides
a response
Before HPSM is displaying a value in the Host Name column it performs lookup and reverse
lookup. This information needs to match, other wise HPSM will not consider any of this as valid
information and display an empty value for the Host Name.
HPSM is asking the operating system via .net to perform a name resolution and revers lookup.
You can test this with an nslookup and reverse nslookup, which is normally matching the OS
Nslookup <PrinterIp>
This should provide an answer like
Now perform a lookup:
Nslookup <>
If you get a response to both queries and they match, then HPSM should be displaying the
hostname of the device in the UI.
Note: name resolution for devices in the local subnet can also be done with other methods by the
Column Certificate Expiry Date is missing in HPSM UI
Issue: HPSM 3.10 introduced the column Certificate Expiry Date. Sometime this column is not
listed in the list of columns, even when using HPSM 3.10 or later. See screenshot:
Solution: Clear the cache of the browser and reload HPSM in the browser.
HPSM_service.log file errors
CryptographicException error or Padding is invalid and cannot be
removed’ error
CryptographicException errors such as A ‘Padding is invalid and cannot be removed’ error are
listed in the HPSM_service.log file:
2022-03-17 14:52:32,386 ERROR Service
System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException: Padding is invalid and cannot be
removed.__ at System.Security.Cryptography.CapiSymmetricAlgorithm.DepadBlock(Byte[]
block, Int32 offset, Int32 count)__ at
inputBuffer, Int32 inputOffset, Int32 inputCount)__ at
System.Security.Cryptography.CryptoStream.Read(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 count)__
at LocksmithCore.DataProtection.Decrypt(Byte[] keyBytes, Byte[] bytestoBeDecrypted)__ at
LocksmithCore.DataProtection.Decrypt(String cipherText, String passPhrase, String saltValue)
[4] - Error while Decrypting :
This means that HPSM cannot set the ciphers which are selected in the HPSM policy. This might
be confusing as the device status can still be good:
An example of a policy which can cause this on a HP FutureSmart 5 device includes DES-CBC3-
SHA and has Unsupported set to Ignore:
After changing Unsupported to Fail, you will receive the following result for the same policy on the
HP FutureSmart 5 device:
The policy editor whitepaper lists in detail which ciphers are supported on HP FutureSmart 3, 4
and 5 and which ciphers are TLS 1.0 or higher.
To prevent the error message on a mixed fleet of devices, you might have to use separate
Unable to read table/ when table is empty. Returning empty lists
An error Unable to read table/ when table is empty. Returning empty lists’ is listed in the
HPSM_service.log file:
2022-02-08 10:35:34,015 DEBUG Service [5] - BizLogicMgrHelper.GetUserPreferencesById() -
UserId is empty:
2022-02-08 10:35:34,015 ERROR Service [5] - UserPreferences - unable to read table/ when
table is empty. Returning empty lists.
2022-02-08 10:35:34,062 DEBUG Service [5] - BizLogicMgrHelper -
This means that the userPreferenceTable and UserTable are empty.
To fill the table with the user preference settings, do the following:
1. Log into HPSM.
2. Go to Settings and select My preferences.
3. Set Time Format to 24 hours and click Save.
NOTE: this error message does not seem to impact HPSM behavior.
The tables are populated with data. If preferred, you can revert the time to 12 hours, save the
changes, and then the settings will be reflected in the database.
Using Network Traces for Troubleshooting
Network traces are sometimes used to prove a certain behavior. Traces never lie.
Common free applications such as Wireshark can be downloaded and installed to see
exactly what is happening and why on the network. If possible, install it on the Security
Manager server and capture all traffic to and from the server. Filters can be used when
reading the traces to narrow down traffic between server and device.
Using Event Viewer for Troubleshooting
Event Viewer maintains logs about program, security, and system events on the server.
Many times, more information can be found regarding issues with services or
applications. Logs can be exported and sent to support for analysis.
Appendix A Following a task in HPSM_service.log
When debug has been enabled for the HPSM_service.log file, the process details of a task can be
seen in the log file.
The EAPTaskManager starts the task (using the taskname which is displayed in the UI. This task is
running under on thread, in this case thread #4 which is the number in the square brackets.
2020-06-04 16:40:40,147 DEBUG Service [4] - EAPTaskManager - ProcessTask:
Now the task is created (added and a taskID (id) and started under a new threadnumber (11):
2020-06-04 16:40:40,179 DEBUG Service [4] - - AddingTask - TelnetAndRetainJobTask id:
2020-06-04 16:40:40,179 DEBUG Service [4] - # Tasks waiting in queue: - 0
2020-06-04 16:40:44,522 DEBUG Service [11] - Starting task: TelnetAndRetainJobTask - with ID
- 24c16d9f-227b-4150-be28-abd00112d6cc
2020-06-04 16:40:44,538 DEBUG Service [4] - AssessmentTask - ExecuteTask Started:
TelnetAndRetainJobTask job: AssessAndRemediate processing step: notExpanded for task
dbID: 24c16d9f-227b-4150-be28-abd00112d6cc
If needed child tasks are created. Child tasks have the same ID as the parent but have a .xxx.#
behind the task name, where xxx are characters and # is a number:
2020-06-04 16:40:45,835 DEBUG Service [4] - BizLogicMgr Create Task name:
TelnetAndRetainJobTask.sbc.0 returning - 24c16d9f-227b-4150-be28-abd00112d6cc
2020-06-04 16:40:45,865 DEBUG Service [4] -
Task.OptimizeNumberOfTasksAndSetupCheckPointRestart - Done
The number of child tasks depend upon the number of devices which are assessed and
remediated and the configured number of devices for one thread by default 25- for the following
two settings in the HPSM_service.config:
<add key="numberOfDevicesInEAPRequest" value="25" />
<add key="numberDevicesInEAPTaskCheckpointInterval" value="25" />
Sometimes it is hard to know which device is causing a hang within a childtask (as a child task will
serve 25 devices by default). You can change the numberOfDeviceInEAPRequest to 1 and restart
the HPSM service. After that create a new task. Now each child-task will only serve one printer
and it will be easier to detect which child task is hanging.
The DBO.ScheduledTaskTable can also help to understand the relationship between parent task
and child task as it will show the ID and Names of parent task and child tasks.
The child task is running under its own thread number and registering its existence at the parent
2020-06-04 16:40:54,755 DEBUG Service [16] - ScheduleTaskManager - Registereing task:
TelnetAndRetainJobTask.sbc.0 type:Worker 16 b8f39960-b872-40ea-b087-abd00112de33
2020-06-04 16:40:54,771 DEBUG Service [16] - ScheduleTaskManager.UpdateTaskTracking
parentID: 24c16d9f-227b-4150-be28-abd00112d6cc A#: 0 R#: 0 D#: 0 total devices: 2
substractCounters: False
2020-06-04 16:40:54,771 DEBUG Service [16] - ScheduleTaskManager.UpdateTaskTracking -
parent found
2020-06-04 16:40:54,771 DEBUG Service [16] -
ScheduleTaskManager.UpdateParentsToRunningTasksRelationshipAndCounters with:
parentID: 24c16d9f-227b-4150-be28-abd00112d6cc A#: 0 R#: 0 D#: 0 total devices: 2
substractCounters: False final task status: None propagateStatusMsgToParent: False
2020-06-04 16:40:54,771 DEBUG Service [16] - Parent's Updated Counters: ParentTask - dbID:
24c16d9f-227b-4150-be28-abd00112d6cc A#: 2 R#: 2 D#: 0 taskStatus: None
2020-06-04 16:40:54,771 DEBUG Service [16] -
ScheduleTaskManager.UpdateDictOfRunningTasks parentID: 24c16d9f-227b-4150-be28-
abd00112d6cc A#: 0 R#: 0 D#: 0 total devices: 2 substractCounters: False
2020-06-04 16:40:54,788 DEBUG Service [16] - ScheduleTaskManager - Successfully
Registered task: TelnetAndRetainJobTask.sbc.0 type:Worker 16 b8f39960-b872-40ea-b087-
2020-06-04 16:40:54,788 DEBUG Service [16] - --Number of running tasks after Register: 1
When the client task has been completed it will inform the parent and unregister itself.
2020-06-04 16:41:20,303 DEBUG Service [16] - ScheduledTaskMgr.Unregister - Task: b8f39960-
b872-40ea-b087-abd00112de33 name:TelnetAndRetainJobTask.sbc.0 type:Worker
2020-06-04 16:41:20,303 DEBUG Service [16] - ScheduleTaskManager.UpdateTaskTracking
parentID: 24c16d9f-227b-4150-be28-abd00112d6cc A#: 2 R#: 2 D#: 0 total devices: 2
substractCounters: True
2020-06-04 16:41:20,303 DEBUG Service [16] - ScheduleTaskManager.UpdateTaskTracking -
parent found
2020-06-04 16:41:20,303 DEBUG Service [16] - ScheduleTaskManager.UpdateTaskTracking -
worker found
2020-06-04 16:41:20,303 DEBUG Service [16] -
ScheduleTaskManager.UpdateParentsToRunningTasksRelationshipAndCounters with:
parentID: 24c16d9f-227b-4150-be28-abd00112d6cc A#: 2 R#: 2 D#: 0 total devices: 2
substractCounters: True final task status: None propagateStatusMsgToParent: False
2020-06-04 16:41:20,303 DEBUG Service [16] - Parent's Updated Counters: ParentTask - dbID:
24c16d9f-227b-4150-be28-abd00112d6cc A#: 0 R#: 0 D#: 0 taskStatus: None
2020-06-04 16:41:20,318 DEBUG Service [16] - ScheduleTaskManager.DetermineStatusMsg:
2020-06-04 16:41:20,334 DEBUG Service [16] - --Number of running remaining tasks after
UpdateTaskStatus: ParentTask - dbID: 24c16d9f-227b-4150-be28-abd00112d6cc A#: 0 R#: 0 D#:
0 taskStatus: None
2020-06-04 16:41:20,350 DEBUG Service [16] - AssessmentTask - ExecuteTask Ended:
TelnetAndRetainJobTask.sbc.0 with status : Completed job: AssessAndRemediate for task:
b8f39960-b872-40ea-b087-abd00112de33 time taken : { 25.6411117 }s
2020-06-04 16:41:20,350 DEBUG Service [16] - Task - UnregisterAndSetTaskMsg -
TelnetAndRetainJobTask.sbc.0 - with msg: Finished interacting with devices
2020-06-04 16:41:20,365 DEBUG Service [16] - Task.UnRegisterTask:
For each client task, you will find a Registration task and UnregisterTask:
ScheduleTaskManager - Registereing task: TelnetAndRetainJobTask.sbc.0 type:Worker 16
2020-06-04 16:41:20,365 DEBUG Service [16] - Task.UnRegisterTask:
If you cannot find a UnregisterTask for a client task, then you have identified a hanging task.
After all child tasks have been completed, the parent task will be notified that the child tasks
2020-06-04 16:41:20,365 DEBUG Service [16] -
ScheduleTaskManager.UpdateDictOfRunningTasks parentID: 24c16d9f-227b-4150-be28-
abd00112d6cc A#: 0 R#: 0 D#: 0 total devices: 2 substractCounters: True
2020-06-04 16:41:20,365 DEBUG Service [16] -
ScheduleTaskManager.UpdateDictOfRunningTasks removing from running tasks: parentID:
24c16d9f-227b-4150-be28-abd00112d6cc A#: 0 R#: 0 D#: 0 total devices: 2
2020-06-04 16:41:20,365 DEBUG Service [16] - TaskBase - ProcessShutdown: set shut down
msg to true: b8f39960-b872-40ea-b087-abd00112de33
2020-06-04 16:41:20,365 DEBUG Service [16] -
ScheduleTaskManager.UpdateParentsToRunningTasksRelationshipAndCounters with:
parentID: 24c16d9f-227b-4150-be28-abd00112d6cc A#: 0 R#: 0 D#: 0 total devices: 2
substractCounters: True final task status: Completed propagateStatusMsgToParent: True
2020-06-04 16:41:20,365 DEBUG Service [16] - Parent's Updated Counters: ParentTask - dbID:
24c16d9f-227b-4150-be28-abd00112d6cc A#: 0 R#: 0 D#: 0 taskStatus: Completed
2020-06-04 16:41:20,381 DEBUG Service [16] -
ScheduleTaskManager.CheckParentStateAndRemoveIfAppropriate: 24c16d9f-227b-4150-
2020-06-04 16:41:20,397 DEBUG Service [16] -
ScheduleTaskMgr.GetListOfChildernTasksNotDone - # tasks: 0
2020-06-04 16:41:20,412 DEBUG Service [16] - -- Updating parent task status to: Completed
2020-06-04 16:41:20,412 DEBUG Service [16] -
ScheduleTaskManager.CheckParentStateAndRemoveIfAppropriate removing parent info
2020-06-04 16:41:20,459 DEBUG Service [16] -
ScheduleTaskManager.CheckParentStateAndRemoveIfAppropriate Updating parent task - all
childern are done processing
2020-06-04 16:41:20,459 DEBUG Service [16] - TaskBase - SetNextRunTime name:
TelnetAndRetainJobTask type: Schedulable status: Completed next run:12/31/99 11:59
2020-06-04 16:41:20,459 DEBUG Service [16] - ScheduleTaskManager -
UpdateTaskStatusAndRepeatCycleAfterShutdown: AssessAndRemediate name:
TelnetAndRetainJobTask to Completed
2020-06-04 16:41:20,505 DEBUG Service [16] - Parent Task Finished: TelnetAndRetainJobTask
2020-06-04 16:41:20,505 DEBUG Service [16] - --Number of running tasks after Unregister: 0
2020-06-04 16:41:20,505 DEBUG Service [16] - ScheduledTaskMgr.Unregister Success - Task:
b8f39960-b872-40ea-b087-abd00112de33 name:TelnetAndRetainJobTask.sbc.0 type:Worker
After that, the parent task should stop and unregister as well on its own thread number:
Line 312: 2020-06-04 16:41:21,535 DEBUG Service [4] - Parent task stopping, created workers:
Line 313: 2020-06-04 16:41:21,DEBUG Service [4] - AssessmentTask - ExecuteTask Ended:
TelnetAndRetainJobTask with status : None job: AssessAndRemediate for task: b8f39960-
b872-40ea-b087-abd00112de33 time taken : { 1.1715505 }s
Line 314: 2020-06-04 16:41:21,DEBUG Service [4] - Task - UnregisterAndSetTaskMsg -
TelnetAndRetainJobTask - with msg:
Appendix B Syntax for installDBrmt.bat (HPSM 3.4 and
Proper syntax for SQL server instance on same machine where you are running the
installDBrmt.bat script:
installdbrmt .\instancename
The “.\”means same server so you can easily specify the server even though it is the same
machine you are on.
Proper syntax for SQL server instance on remote machine where you are running the old
installdbrmt server\instancename
NOTE: If a default instance is used, you should be able to enter the server name, SQL knows if no
instance is specified then use the default instance.
installdbrmt \server\instancename or installdbrmt
Appendix C Other HP Security Manager Whitepapers and
There are a lot of whitepapers/manuals available for HP Security Manager.
The view them, go to the HP Security Manager Support page and select Setup & User Guides.
The following list of documents is available on the support page:
Instant-On Security and Auto-Group Remediation (white paper)
Automatic Email notification for remediation tasks and policy changes (white paper)
Certificate Management (white paper)
Credential Management (white paper)
Device Discovery, Determining Device Details and Exporting Devices (whitepaper)
Installation and Setup Guide
Manage devices with HP FutureSmart 4.5 Firmware
Policy Editor Settings including supported devices feature table (white paper)
Release Notes with Ports (white paper)
Reporting, Email Alert Subscriptions & Remediation Summary, Auditing & Syslog Functionality
(white paper)
Securing the HP Security Manager (white paper)
Sizing and Performance (white paper)
Troubleshooting Issues (white paper)
User Guide
Using licenses (white paper)
Using Microsoft® SQL Server (white paper)
The section Software on the bottom of the HP Security Manager Support page contains the
following information:
Supported device features matrix (.xls)
Screenshot of the software section:
The section Product Specifications on the left site of the HP Security Manager Support page
contains the following information:
Supported printers and devices
Appendix D FMEA Error Codes
Severity Occurrence D etect ability
5 - highest 5 - highest 5 - lo west
1 - lowe st 1 - lo west 1 - highest
GlobalError Check key blUnit Unexpected exception Unexpected exception
3 1 2 6
Policy Policy
Unable to retrieve policy. Recheck policyId /
Unable to retrieve policy. Recheck
policyId / database.
3 1 2 6
PolicyInvaidRecommendation Policy No valid recommendations. No valid recommendations. 3 1 2 6 HPSM010002
PolicyUnauthorized Policy UnauthorizedAccessException No access to given policy 3 1 2 6 HPSM010003
DeletePolicyError Policy Unable to delete policy Unable to delete policy 3 1 2 6 HPSM010004
DuplicatePolicyError Policy Duplicate policy name Duplicate policy name 3 1 2 6 HPSM010005
CreatePolicyError Policy Unable to create policy Unable to create policy 3 1 2 6 HPSM010006
LockPolicyError Policy Unable to lock policy Unable to lock policy 3 1 2 6 HPSM010007
UnlockPolicyError Policy Unable to unlock policy Unable to unlock policy 3 1 2 6 HPSM010008
ExportPolicyError Policy Unable to export policy Unable to export policy 3 1 2 6 HPSM010009
ImportPolicyError Policy Unable to import policy unable to import policy 3 1 2 6 HPSM010010
InvalidPolicy Policy Invalid Policy Invalid policy 3 1 2 6 HPSM010011
PolicyChangeNotifierError Policy Error in policy change notification Policy Change Notifier error 3 1 2 6 HPSM010012
PolicyCheckLatestFirmwareError Policy Check for latest firmware error check for latest firmware error 3 1 2 6 HPSM010013
PolicyMigratorError Policy Error Migrating Policy Error migrating policy 3 1 2 6 HPSM010014
LicensesFull License
The number of license that have been
assigned is greater than the total number
of device licenses or License server is not
Unable to use license 3 1 2 6
LicenseError License
The number of license that have been
assigned is greater than the total number
of device licenses or License server is not
Unable to use license 3 1 2 6
DeviceLicensesNotFound License
No Licensed device found No Licensed device found 3 1 2 6 HPSM020003
DATException DAT Exception returned by DAT Client Exception in DAT response 3 1 2 6 HPSM030001
DataBaseConnection DataBase ExceptionDatabaseConnection Unable to connect to database 3 1 2 6 HPSM040001
DataBaseFull DataBase ExceptionDatabaseFull
Database full , unable to use database 3 1 2 6 HPSM040002
DataBaseError DataBase ExceptionDatabase
Database exception 3 1 2 6 HPSM040003
DeviceNotFound No data ExceptionNoDevicesFound
Device not found 3 1 2 6 HPSM050001
MissingDeviceInfo No data Missing device info
Missing device info 3 1 2 6 HPSM050002
NotFoundException No data NotFoundException
Missing info 3 1 2 6 HPSM050003
ConfigNotFound No data
ExceptionNoConfigItemFound ,No Configuration item found
Config not found 3 1 2 6 HPSM050004
TaskError Task Unexpected task error
Unexpected task error 3 1 2 6 HPSM050005
ApplicationError Task Unexpected application error
Unexpected application error 3 1 2 6 HPSM050006
SystemError Task Unexpected System Error
Unexpected system error 3 1 2 6 HPSM050007
AssessmentError AssessmentTask Unexpected assessment Error Unexpected assessment Error 3 1 2 6 HPSM050008
FlexworkerAccessissue FlexworkerTask Unexpected Flexworker error
Unexpected Flexworker error 3 1 2 6 HPSM050009
FlexworkerNotenabled FlexworkerTask Flexworker not enabled error
Flexworker not enabled 3 1 2 6 HPSM050010
DecryptError Data Error decrypting data values
Error decrypting data values 3 1 2 6 HPSM050011
EncryptError Data Error encrypting data values
Error encrypting data values 3 1 2 6 HPSM050012
StaleDataError Data Stale database error
Stale database error 3 1 2 6 HPSM050013
CertificateError Certificate
CertificateError -Error processing certificate.
Error processing certificate. 3 1 2 6 HPSM060001
Win32Error InstantOn Win32Error
Instant-On authentication failed 3 1 2 6 HPSM070001
InvalidAuthMode InstantOn invalid instant-on authetication mode
Invalid Auth Mode 3 1 2 6 HPSM070002
Maintenance Task MainTenance Task UnExpected Maintenance Error UnExpected Maintenance Error 3 1 2 6 HPSM070003
ArgumentOutofRange Certificate Argument out of range argument out of range 3 1 2 6 HPSM070004
UnsupportedCertTemplate Certificate
certificate template is not supported by the Certificate Authority
Certificate template not supported 3 1 2 6 HPSM07005
EnrollDenied Certificate
HPIPSC was denied from sending a certificate request to the certificate authority
Certificate Enroll Denied 3 1 2 6 HPSM07006
TemplateDenied Certificate
HPIPSC was denied access to the certificate template
Certiifcate Template Denied 3 1 2 6 HPSM07007
BadSubjectRequest Certificate Invalid Subject Name Certificate Invalid Subject Name 3 1 2 6 HPSM07008
Keylength Certificate Key length not supported Certificate Key Length Not Supported 3 1 2 6 HPSM07009
SubmissionFailed Certificate Certificate request failed by CA Certificate submission failed 3 1 2 6 HPSM07010
SubmissionDenied Certificate Certificate request was denied by CA Certificate request was denied 3 1 2 6 HPSM07011
InvalidCertificateAuthorityName Certificate Invalid certificate authority name Invalid certificate authority 3 1 2 6 HPSM07012
ServerUnavailable Certificate Certificate Authority is unavailable Certificate Authority is unavailable 3 1 2 6 HPSM07013
CertificateEnrollFault Certificate Certificate Enrollment request to PKI failed Certificate Enrollment Request Failed 3 1 2 6 HPSM07014
PolicyFetch Certificate
Failure in fetching the certificate profile details from PKI
Error Fetching Certificate Profile 3 1 2 6 HPSM07015
WebServiceConnectionError Certificate Failure while connecting to PKI Failure while connecting to PKI 3 1 2 6 HPSM07016
Certificate Failure in PKI connection initialization Failure while initializing connection to PKI 3 1 2 6 HPSM07017
CertificateTimeout Certificate Certificate Profile request timed out Certificate Profile request timed out 3 1 2 6 HPSM07018
InstallDenied Certificate
HPIPSC was denied access to install certificates
Certificate Installation Denied 3 1 2 6 HPSM07019
CertificatePendingRequest Certificate Request ID for the pending request is invalid Invalid Request ID for Pending Request 3 1 2 6 HPSM07020
HashAlgorithmError Certificate Invalid Signature Algorithm Invalid Signature Algorithm 3 1 2 6 HPSM07021
InvalidCSR Certificate
Invalid Certificate Signing Request Created by Device
Invalid CSR by Device 3 1 2 6 HPSM07022
InvalidPKIRequestID Certificate Invalid CAManger Request ID Invalid CAManger Request ID 3 1 2 6 HPSM07023
FileLoadError Certificate PKI Provider Access Restriction Error PKI Provider Access Restriction 3 1 2 6 HPSM07024
WebPermissionError Certificate PKI Provider Web Access Restriction PKI Provider Access Restriction 3 1 2 6 HPSM07025
FileNotFound Global FileNotFound FileNotFound 3 1 2 6 HPSM07026
Unauthorized Global Unauthorized Access Unauthorized Access 3 1 2 6 HPSM07027
BadRequest Global BadRequest BadRequest 3 1 2 6 HPSM07028
ParameterUnavailable Global Parameter Unavailable Parameter Unavailable 3 1 2 6 HPSM07029
UnknownCertificateException Certificate Unknown Certificate Related Exception Unknown Certificate Exception 3 1 2 6 HPSM07030
CredError Credential Unexpected Credential Error Unexpected Credential Error 3 1 2 6 HPSM07031
GroupError Group Unexpected Group Error Unexpected Group Error 3 1 2 6 HPSM07032
DeviceError Device Unexpected Device Error Unexpected Device Error 3 1 2 6 HPSM07033
UserRoleError UserroleIssue Unexpected User Role Error Unexpected User Role Error 3 1 2 6 HPSM07034
FlexworkerError FlexworkerIssue Unexpected Flexworker Error Unexpected Flexworker Error 3 1 2 6 HPSM07035
ServerUnavailable ServerIssue ServerUnavailable-Error Accessing Server Error processing certificate. 3 1 2 6 HPSM060011
ParameterNotAvailable Plugin CertificateParameterIssue
Parameter Not Available-Error
processing certificate due to
3 1 2 6 HPSM060012
SecurityNegotiation Plugin SecurityNegotiationIssue
Security Negotiation-Error processing
certificate due to Security Negotiation.
3 1 2 6 HPSM060013
FaultException Plugin CertificateFaultExceptionIssue
Fault Exception-Error processing
certificate due to Fault Exception error.
3 1 2 6 HPSM060014
TimeoutException Plugin CertificateTimeoutExceptionIssue
Timeout Exception-Error processing
certificate due to Timeout Exception
3 1 2 6 HPSM060015
CertificateEnrollFaultException Plugin Certificate EnrollFaultExceptionIssue
Certificate EnrollFaultException-Error
processing certificate due to
EnrollFaultException error.
3 1 2 6 HPSM060016
Argument_Exception Plugin Certificate Argument Exception Issue
Argument Exception-Error processing
certificate due to Argument Exception
3 1 2 6 HPSM060017
UriFormatException Plugin Certificate UriFormat Exception Issue
UriFormat Exception-Error processing
certificate due to UriFormat Exception
3 1 2 6 HPSM060018
FM E A Erro r C ode/
De scription
Fa ilure M ode
Co mpo nent A t Fault
Exception/ Caus e
End Effect
Appendix E Splunk Dashboard for Analyzing HPSM Logs
<form version="1.1" theme="dark">
<fieldset submitButton="false"></fieldset>
<title>Loaded log files with their corresponding indexes</title>
<query>index=*| dedup source | table source host index</query>
<option name="count">20</option>
<option name="dataOverlayMode">none</option>
<option name="drilldown">none</option>
<option name="percentagesRow">false</option>
<option name="rowNumbers">false</option>
<option name="totalsRow">false</option>
<option name="wrap">true</option>
<input type="text" token="host">
<input type="text" token="index">
<query>host=$host$ index=$index$ "AssessmentTask STEP 2" | timechart count BY
<option name="charting.axisLabelsX.majorLabelStyle.overflowMode">ellipsisNone</option>
<option name="charting.axisLabelsX.majorLabelStyle.rotation">0</option>
<option name="charting.axisTitleX.visibility">visible</option>
<option name="charting.axisTitleY.visibility">visible</option>
<option name="charting.axisTitleY2.visibility">visible</option>
<option name="charting.axisX.abbreviation">none</option>
<option name="charting.axisX.scale">linear</option>
<option name="charting.axisY.abbreviation">none</option>
<option name="charting.axisY.scale">linear</option>
<option name="charting.axisY2.abbreviation">none</option>
<option name="charting.axisY2.enabled">0</option>
<option name="charting.axisY2.scale">inherit</option>
<option name="charting.chart">column</option>
<option name="charting.chart.bubbleMaximumSize">50</option>
<option name="charting.chart.bubbleMinimumSize">10</option>
<option name="charting.chart.bubbleSizeBy">area</option>
<option name="charting.chart.nullValueMode">gaps</option>
<option name="charting.chart.showDataLabels">none</option>
<option name="charting.chart.sliceCollapsingThreshold">0.01</option>
<option name="charting.chart.stackMode">default</option>
<option name="">shiny</option>
<option name="charting.drilldown">none</option>
<option name="charting.layout.splitSeries">0</option>
<option name="charting.layout.splitSeries.allowIndependentYRanges">0</option>
<option name="charting.legend.labelStyle.overflowMode">ellipsisMiddle</option>
<option name="charting.legend.mode">standard</option>
<option name="charting.legend.placement">right</option>
<option name="charting.lineWidth">2</option>
<option name="trellis.enabled">0</option>
<option name="trellis.scales.shared">1</option>
<option name="trellis.size">medium</option>
<query>host=$host$ index=$index$ "AssessmentTask STEP 2" | rename taskId as ParentTaskId |
table ParentTaskId threadId taskBaseName taskJob</query>
<option name="count">20</option>
<option name="dataOverlayMode">none</option>
<option name="drilldown">none</option>
<option name="percentagesRow">false</option>
<option name="rowNumbers">false</option>
<option name="totalsRow">false</option>
<option name="wrap">true</option>
<title>Assessment Child Tasks</title>
<input type="text" token="taskId">
<query>host=$host$ $taskId$ index=$index$ Task UpdateWorkerTaskState | timechart count BY
<option name="charting.axisLabelsX.majorLabelStyle.overflowMode">ellipsisNone</option>
<option name="charting.axisLabelsX.majorLabelStyle.rotation">0</option>
<option name="charting.axisTitleX.visibility">visible</option>
<option name="charting.axisTitleY.visibility">visible</option>
<option name="charting.axisTitleY2.visibility">visible</option>
<option name="charting.axisX.abbreviation">none</option>
<option name="charting.axisX.scale">linear</option>
<option name="charting.axisY.abbreviation">none</option>
<option name="charting.axisY.scale">linear</option>
<option name="charting.axisY2.abbreviation">none</option>
<option name="charting.axisY2.enabled">0</option>
<option name="charting.axisY2.scale">inherit</option>
<option name="charting.chart">column</option>
<option name="charting.chart.bubbleMaximumSize">50</option>
<option name="charting.chart.bubbleMinimumSize">10</option>
<option name="charting.chart.bubbleSizeBy">area</option>
<option name="charting.chart.nullValueMode">gaps</option>
<option name="charting.chart.showDataLabels">none</option>
<option name="charting.chart.sliceCollapsingThreshold">0.01</option>
<option name="charting.chart.stackMode">default</option>
<option name="">shiny</option>
<option name="charting.drilldown">none</option>
<option name="charting.layout.splitSeries">0</option>
<option name="charting.layout.splitSeries.allowIndependentYRanges">0</option>
<option name="charting.legend.labelStyle.overflowMode">ellipsisMiddle</option>
<option name="charting.legend.mode">standard</option>
<option name="charting.legend.placement">right</option>
<option name="charting.lineWidth">2</option>
<option name="trellis.enabled">0</option>
<option name="trellis.scales.shared">1</option>
<option name="trellis.size">medium</option>
<query>host=$host$ $taskId$ index=$index$ Task UpdateWorkerTaskState | rename taskBaseName
as ChildTaskName | rename taskId as ChildTaskId | table ChildTaskId ChildTaskName threadId</query>
<option name="count">20</option>
<option name="dataOverlayMode">none</option>
<option name="drilldown">none</option>
<option name="percentagesRow">false</option>
<option name="rowNumbers">false</option>
<option name="totalsRow">false</option>
<option name="wrap">true</option>
<input type="text" token="childTaskId">
<input type="text" token="childName">
<query>host=$host$ index=$index$ Devices Added To Worker $childName$ | table
<option name="count">20</option>
<option name="dataOverlayMode">none</option>
<option name="drilldown">none</option>
<option name="percentagesRow">false</option>
<option name="rowNumbers">false</option>
<option name="totalsRow">false</option>
<option name="wrap">true</option>
<query>host=$host$ index=$index$ DAT Request placed $childTaskId$ | timechart count</query>
<option name="charting.axisLabelsX.majorLabelStyle.overflowMode">ellipsisNone</option>
<option name="charting.axisLabelsX.majorLabelStyle.rotation">0</option>
<option name="charting.axisTitleX.visibility">visible</option>
<option name="charting.axisTitleY.visibility">visible</option>
<option name="charting.axisTitleY2.visibility">visible</option>
<option name="charting.axisX.abbreviation">none</option>
<option name="charting.axisX.scale">linear</option>
<option name="charting.axisY.abbreviation">none</option>
<option name="charting.axisY.scale">linear</option>
<option name="charting.axisY2.abbreviation">none</option>
<option name="charting.axisY2.enabled">0</option>
<option name="charting.axisY2.scale">inherit</option>
<option name="charting.chart">column</option>
<option name="charting.chart.bubbleMaximumSize">50</option>
<option name="charting.chart.bubbleMinimumSize">10</option>
<option name="charting.chart.bubbleSizeBy">area</option>
<option name="charting.chart.nullValueMode">gaps</option>
<option name="charting.chart.showDataLabels">none</option>
<option name="charting.chart.sliceCollapsingThreshold">0.01</option>
<option name="charting.chart.stackMode">default</option>
<option name="">shiny</option>
<option name="charting.drilldown">none</option>
<option name="charting.layout.splitSeries">0</option>
<option name="charting.layout.splitSeries.allowIndependentYRanges">0</option>
<option name="charting.legend.labelStyle.overflowMode">ellipsisMiddle</option>
<option name="charting.legend.mode">standard</option>
<option name="charting.legend.placement">right</option>
<option name="charting.lineWidth">2</option>
<option name="trellis.enabled">0</option>
<option name="trellis.scales.shared">1</option>
<option name="trellis.size">medium</option>
<title>DATResponse for childTask</title>
<query>host=$host$ index=$index$ McoResponseManager.ProcessMcoResponses DeviceResponse
$childTaskId$ | timechart count BY deviceId</query>
<option name="charting.axisLabelsX.majorLabelStyle.overflowMode">ellipsisNone</option>
<option name="charting.axisLabelsX.majorLabelStyle.rotation">0</option>
<option name="charting.axisTitleX.visibility">visible</option>
<option name="charting.axisTitleY.visibility">visible</option>
<option name="charting.axisTitleY2.visibility">visible</option>
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editorial errors or omissions contained herein.
Created July 2024, rev35