[Chivalry Intensifies]
Rules for playing Imperial Knights in games of Only War
Homebrewed by: Edeldorf, Fabricator-General of the Acheron sector
Ver. 1.3.0
These rules represent my attempt at making a class and vehicle rules playing Imperial Knights in Only
War. Because giant mecha piloted by literal noble knights is fucking cool. However, despite Only War
including rules for the Baneblade (and other superheavy tanks) the system does not support that
scale all that well and things quickly become kind of ridiculous. Trying to stat Strength D weapons
that accurately reflect their destructive potential (and satisfy my autism) has been one of the most
vexing things I’ve done when home brewing things for the 40kRPG’s, as well as trying to make rules
that reflect how Imperial Knights work because I did not find the RAW walker rules emulated that
Either way, the rules may be clunky at places (and somewhat absurd in the case of Destroyer
weapons) but I’ve labored to make them as fun and as accurate as I can get them to the fluff. So
here’s some tips on how to actually use the damn things in your game.
Do not use Imperial Knights in a mixed party. It would be the problem of having a Space Marine in a
party of regular humans but several orders of magnitude higher by sheer virtue of its size, deadliness
and the Scions social status. If you can somehow make that work, more power to you but I would
recommend that all players are Imperial Knights and that the party size is small. Preferably three (the
size of a Lance) to make game size manageable.
For campaign narrative, I would recommend using tried and true chivalric and knightly tropes. Space
dragons that need slaying, maidens that need rescuing and grails that need finding. Crusading would
also be very appropriate and the nature of Courtly Intrigue in a Knight House lends itself very well to
not make it a 100% combat focused campaign. Basically, everything from L’Morte D’Arthur to A Song
of Ice and Fire and history books is appropriate inspiration. Just add giant mechs. Personally, I am a
fan of Arthurian themes and Grail Quests, which the nature of the 41
millennium lends itself to well.
Just make the Holy Grail some form of lost technology or a literal reliquary grail an Imperial Saint
used. The plots basically write themselves, yo.
Lastly, Monty Python jokes should be kept to a minimum for the groups collective sanity. If your
group goes overboard with it, turn them into chaos spawn and don’t let them get better.
I would suggest you read the fluff Forgeworld has made for their Knight Houses in their Horus Heresy
line. Not only is it excellent fluff but its great inspiration and superior to GW. But important things
first. Games Workshop says only men can be Knights. To this I say GW can go fuck themselves. I
personally interpret the majority of all knights to be men, but depending on House and their
traditions I see no reason why you cannot also have lady-knights (or Dames the female equivalent of
Sir). Forgeworld does this, which is one of the reasons why their fluff is superior. But basically,
whether or not a Knightly Scion can be only male, female or both depends on an individual Knight
Houses own traditions.
Knight Houses, their interactions with each other and the other institutions of the Imperium should
be your main source of intrigue. It should not be forgotten that not only is each Scion a hot-blooded
warrior-pilot of a 30 foot warmachine, he is also a feudal lord (or vassal). This can be an infinite
source plots and fun if you do it right. While the giant mechs are the draw, games are far more fun if
they involve more than simple dicerolling and stomping around in giant robots. Even if it is cool. You
can have that and Dune level of intrigue between nobility, or A Song of Ice and Fire if that’s more
your type. Said Houses traditions themselves can be the source of plots and intrigue, as well as
giving tons of flavor to the campaign. I can’t give advice to specifics, but that’s what I personally
would aim for.
In the typical Games Workshop tradition, they are rather vague about how these things actually
work. The first Imperial Knight codex (6
Ed) elaborates pretty well on the Rite of Becoming and the
Throne Mechanicum, but the second (7
Ed) does not elaborate much on them. The way I interpret it
is the warspirit of a Knight Armour is a constant presence in the Scions mind once a Scion dons it and
seats himself upon the Throne Mechanicum, attempting to influence the Scion to perform deeds that
is in the Knight Armours nature (varies depending on Knight Armour). The imprints of a Scions
ancestors in the Throne Mechanicum is something I personally interpret as something that can be a
boon and a bane. They can aid a Knight in combat, their ghostly whispers able to give forewarning to
blows that might fell the Knight or give them advice from the grave. Or they can try and influence the
Scion into continuing plots and vendettas they left unfinished when they died. I have made some
fairly simple rules for both in the lines of Power Armour History and Machine Spirit oddities from
Deathwatch and Rogue Trader to represent the Throne Mechanicum and Knight Armour respectively
and I would recommend using them to not only add flavor, but also as inspiration for how they can
affect the game beyond mere rules. However, if you should not like the effect they may have, they
can quite safely be ignored.
What is a Knight without his squire? His retainers? His waifu? A scoundrel and a peasant, that’s what
and that’s terrible. Sacristans especially are important, because they are what keeps a Knight Armour
functioning and repairs the damage it sustains in battle. His retainers can be anyone from Men-At-
Arms who support him in battle and guard him while he sleeps, who in turn can be anyone from
mercenaries to House troops, to advisors, minstrels, Ministorum Priests and etc. The consort is his
trusted lover, advisor and who can be invaluable as a political marriage and is the primary weapon of
intrigue you have, as that sort of thing is beneath a true Imperial Knight. Basically, these people
should almost always be with a Scion and be as dear to him as his Knight Armour and opens for
excellent roleplaying opportunities. Especially as part of a larger household in a group of Imperial
Knights the party would play as. I personally see these as an important part of an Imperial Knight
game and I would advise against not having them around.
Imperial Knights are super-heavy walkers frequently accused of being powergamey cheese units in
the tabletop that stomp tanks and armies into paste. This means that if you want a small scale game
you should not use Imperial Knights. Their mere virtue of existing has a very large impact on the
setting in the Imperium you choose to play. With that said, appropriate enemies for Imperial Knights
are other Knights (such as Chaos Knights and Eldar Knights), super-heavy vehicles, Stompas and other
large Ork walkers, Gargantuan creatures such as Squiggoths, Tyranid Bio-titans or other enormous
bioforms, masses of smaller vehicles (like a small horde of Ork Dreadnoughts or Killa Kans) or groups
of very brave infantry with melta bombs. If you play the tabletop, an easy way to think of it is “What
would threaten an Imperial Knight?” and throw that at your players. Obviously this means that
whatever enemy your players are fighting against needs largescale operations and can’t just be
random Chaos Cult on planet Bumfuckia VI, but rather on the lines of Warboss Grotstikka and his
warband of Speed Freeks, Colonel Kurtz renegade Imperial Guard regiment or Abbath Doom Occulta,
Champion of Chaos and his warband of Traitor Astartes and mutant rabble. Or hell, why not have
your players feud with a rival house of Imperial Knights with incestuous tendencies and the ability to
shit gold?
So you find the Knightly Houses and their autistic adherence to tradition and ritual a bit stifling. Then
being a Freeblade is just for you! Quite obviously based on Sir Walter Scotts use of the word
Freelancer, to mean a Knight without a lord. A Freeblade is essentially an Imperial Knight without a
House or feudal master, not all too dissimilar to a Japanese Ronin. Freeblades are in my opinion
among the cooler things in Imperial Knight fluff, because there is just so much you can do with them.
I highly recommend reading about the Freeblades in the Imperial Knight codices (codexii?) for
inspiration. Personally, Freeblades allow the most freedom for making a game about Imperial
Knights, because you’re not bound by your house. All you have is your armour, your Sacristans, your
retainers and your honor. This opens up a breath of stories to tell and interesting backgrounds and
reasons for being a Freeblade. Is your knight a Freeblade for having shamed his house and is on a
quest for atonement? Is he the last survivor of his house? Is he a mysterious Knight with no name
wandering from place to place and meting out his own brand of justice? The skies the limit! It should
be obvious how well this can work for a group of players, as each can have a character that is truly
their own and they can very easily form their own household to go on chivalric quests of their own,
work as mercenaries or try to redeem themselves in the eyes of their house(es).
As you can see, I’ve included all but three marks of Knight Armour in this booklet. Why these you
might ask? Why not the Magaera, Styrix and Atrapos? Well, because these rules is intended for the
millennium and they are described to be rare even during their heyday of the Great Crusade and
Horus Heresy. Thus I do not find them appropriate for what I intended with these rules. This might
make me a faggot you think. Sure it would, but I’m sticking to my faggotry. If you want to include
them, whipping up rules for them should not be all that difficult as the only real difference is a couple
of special rules and armaments.
Now, since I intended these rules to be for the 41
millennium, I would advise your players to only
receive Questoris Armours. The Cerastus marks are fairly rare in the 41
millennium and should be
rewards or similar for great deeds or illustrious service to the house. Or possibly even the goal of a
quest wherein the players salvage an ancient Cerastus Armour whose house and Scion is long dead.
As you can see, I find them to be far more appropriately used as rewards rather than as something
the players start with, but your mileage may vary there.
Obviously no class in the vanilla Only War game fits as a pilot of Knight Armour, thus I made a specific
class for it. It should be obvious that a Knight House Scion is not a class you can choose as an advance
specialty, nor that it can choose advanced specialties. If you think I’m a faggot and an idiot for that
ruling, you’re free to not follow it but I wouldn’t recommend it. As for the background of a Scion,
using the regimental creation rules with the additional options I cooked up should be a fairly simple
process to make it fit the Scions Knight House. This should be done for both Freeblade and House
Scions, as Freeblades all started out as Scions of a Knight House.
With all that covered, the rules for playing a Imperial Knight Scion and the Knight Armours follow on
the next few pages. I’ve obviously been sparse with fluff, because it would be somewhat redundant
to copypaste what has already been written in the Imperial Knight codices (codexii?) and in the Horus
Heresy series.
New Regimental Options
These rules are intended to be used instead of the existing homeworld and regimental type options in Only
War, as the existing ones in the regiment creation rules are unsuitable for Imperial Knights. The rest of the
options need a degree of common sense about which are suitable. Commanding Officer is obviously refluffed
as the Knights High King (or whichever title they use) of his House (or former in the case of Freeblades)
New Homeworld:
Imperial Knight House:
Standing out from the Imperiums myriad of other houses of nobility as the only holders of Knight Armour.
Titanic suits of armour whose power is only dwarfed by the Titans of the Collegia Titanica and whose chivalric
legacies of glory and honour stretches to long before the birth of the Imperium.
Cost: 3 points.
Characteristic Modifiers: +3 to any two of the following CharacteristicsBallistic Skill, Weapon Skill, Willpower.
Skills: All Imperial Knights start with Common Lore (Imperium), Tech-use, and Linguistics (High Gothic).
Fluency: While Imperial Knight characters have learned to speak Low Gothic, they have no reason to learn to
read and write the language of the lowly masses. Because of this, Imperial Knight characters do not start with
the Linguistics (Low Gothic) Skill at creation, although they are still capable of engaging in any verbal
communication in Low Gothic that does not require a Skill Test.
Duty and Honour: Imperial Knights hold themselves to standards of behaviour and etiquette, their upbringing
distinguishing them from the low-born warriors that make up the common bulk of the Imperiums armies.
Imperial Knight characters suffer a 10 penalty on all Charm, Inquiry, and Deceive Tests made to interact with
characters who are not nobility. However, they gain a +10 bonus on all those same Skill Tests when dealing
with the nobility and other high authority in formal situations.
Dutiful Attendants: Each Knight is served by a team of Sacristans sworn to his service, to maintain and repair
his Knight Armour, arm its weapons and see that its war spirits are primed for battle. Imperial Knight characters
have a +20 bonus to requisition rolls to acquire ammunition for their Knight armours and furthermore, the
Sacristans receive a +10 bonus to Tech-use rolls to repair and maintain the Knight Armour.
The Finest Tutors: Years of study under a wide range of military instructors, and traditional connections to
other military dynasties, have prepared each and every Knight Scion for a life at war. Imperial Knight characters
start with one of the following Talents: Air of Authority or Peer (Nobility).
Starting Wounds: Imperial Knight Characters generate their wounds normally.
New Regiment types
Imperium Aligned House
Knights from houses aligned to the Imperium are steeped in intrigue and plotting with their peers. Adept as
much on the battlefield as with the war of words within a court.
Cost: 6 points
Characteristics: +3 Perception or +3 Fellowship, -3 Intelligence
Starting Skills: Operate (Surface)
Starting Talents: Paranoia
Standard Kit: 1 Questoris Knight Armour
Mechanicus Aligned House
The Knights of a Mechanicus aligned house labor heavily under the yoke of the Mechanicus, yet such harsh
service has made these Knights enduring and adept with technology.
Cost: 6 points
Characteristics: +3 Intelligence or +3 Willpower, -3 Fellowship
Starting Skills: Operate (Surface)
Starting Talents: Technical Knock
Standard Kit: 1 Questoris Knight Armour
Ambitious and glory seeking even for Imperial Knights, Freeblades are exiled knights whose quests for glory
make them peerless warriors and legendary heroes.
Cost: 6 points
Characteristics: +3 Fellowship, -3 Perception
Starting Skills: Operate (Surface)
Starting Talents: Sprint
Standard Kit: 1 Questoris Knight Armour
Imperial Knight Litany of Awakening
Chanted by the Knight Armours machine spirit in a forgotten language once the Ritual of Awakening is complete
Imperial Knight Scion
“‘I will uphold the honour of my house, our
brotherhood gives me strength.
I will show no mercy to my foes, none shall
withstand my fury.
I will defend the sanctity of Sacred Mountain, no
enemy shall tread Alaric Prime unpunished.
I will never forsake my oath, only in death does
duty end. House Degallios Oath of Becoming
Characteristic Bonus: +5 WS or BS, +5 WP
Starting Aptitudes: Weapon skill, Ballistic
Skill, Willpower, Offence, Finesse,
Fellowship, Agility, Social
Starting Skills: Awareness, Parry, Command,
Scholastic Lore (Heraldry), Scholastic Lore
(Knight Houses), Linguistics (House Dialect),
Charm or Decieve
Starting Talents: Lightning Reflexes,
Weapon-training(Low-tech, SP, Las), Sure
strike or Called Shot
Starting Traits: Rite of Becoming
Specialist Equipment: 1 pistol class weapon
up to Very Rare availability, 1 melee weapon
up to Very rare availability, Scion Armored
Bodyglove, House Attire, Personal mementos and trinkets, 1d10+FB Retainers
Starting Wounds: 7+1d5
Descendants of the defenders of mankinds earliest colonists, the noble Scions of the Imperiums Knight Houses
are set apart from all other nobility in its vast realm. They and they alone have the birthright to ride Knight
Armours into battle, enormous walking warmachines capable of destroying super-heavy tanks or slaying
gargantuan monsters with a single strike from their Reaper Chainswords, dwarfed only in power by the Titans
of the Collegia Titanica. Despite being hot-blooded chivalric warriors, Knight Houses are centered around the
drudgery of their courtly life when not in combat. An endless repetition of tradition, ritual and courtly intrigue
which drives many Scions to find any excuse to don their Armours and take to the field. However, the power of
their traditions should not be ignored. It is what has kept the Knight Houses alive since before the dawning of
the Imperium and the augmentation received in the Rite of Becoming enforces the importance of chivalric
ideas, tradition and duty within the mind of a Scion. This rite also enforces the dominant traits of a Scions
already existing personality and gives them an endless ambition, driving them to compete and outdo each
other in every field. This, alongside their duties to further their House leads to endless plots and intrigue within
and between Knight Houses, other Houses of Nobility within the Imperium and its institutions and conflicts in
the shadows using catspaws and very rarely, open conflict between Knight Houses themselves. Most often this
is handled by the Scions consort, who easily become masters or mistresses of intrigue, as the chivalric honor of
a Scion often rails against such subterfuge. But it would be a foolish Scion who does not understand that all
battles cannot be settled by the strike of a Reaper or blast of a Thermal cannon. Some Scions however find this
existence intolerable, are cast out of their House due to some shame or are the last survivors of a fallen House
and wander alone. These knightly Scions are known as Freeblades, Imperial Knights who travel the stars with a
small coterie of Sacristans and retainers taking up whatever causes they like and joining what campaigns they
will as lone wandering heroes of legend.
Imperial Knight Scion Advances:
Rite of Becoming (Trait)
The sacred rite of passage through which the young nobles of a Knight House become full Scions of
their house and capable of controlling the Knight Armours that forms their houses military might. The
rite is a long, dangerous process where the young noble imprints on the Throne Mechanicum
through mechanical augmentation and lengthy vigil. If the young noble survives the ordeal, he
becomes a Scion of the House and joins their fellow Knights as Scion Aspirants. The Rite of Becoming
grants a +10 bonus to Willpower rolls to resist the influence of a Knight Armours mighty warspirit and
the imprints of the Scions dead ancestors in the Throne Mechanicum. The neural sockets granted by
the Rite also functions as an MIU that allows the Scion to control their Knight Armour as well as
allowing it to display incoming battle-data on a HUD, accessing the Knights communication
equipment and similar functions.
Master of the Joust (Talent)
Cost: 400xp
Whether on the battlefield or in the rolls of the Grand Tournaments, the Scion has mastered the art of the tilt
and performing a devastating first strike. Once per combat encounter, while performing a Charge action, the
Scion may reroll any results of 1 on the damage die of his melee attacks. This talent is only usable while piloting
a Knight Armour.
Master of the Hunt (Talent)
Cost: 400xp
Beasts, xenos warmachines and infantry are all dispatched with contemptuous ease when they fall under the
Scions guns. Once per combat encounter, the Scion may reroll any failed shooting attacks with their ranged
weapons. This talent is only usable while piloting a Knight Armour.
Master of the Mêlée (Talent)
Cost: 400xp
The Scion is at most home in the swirling chaos of close combat, scything with a Reaper or crushing with a
Thunderstrike with equal ease. Once per combat encounter, the Scion may reroll any failed melee attacks with
their melee weapons. This talent is only usable while piloting a Knight Armour.
Questoris Knight Armour
Type: Walker Tactical Movement: 15/30/45/90
Cruising Speed: 60kp/h Maneuverability: +0
Structural integrity: 70 Size: Monumental
Armour: Front 40, Side 35, Rear 35
Vehicle Traits: Enclosed, Environmentally Sealed, Enhanced Auspex Arrays, Fear, Reinforced
Armor, Walker, Super-heavy, Ion Shield, Strikedown, Carapace Mounting, Armour and War-
Crew: 1 Knight House Scion Carrying Capacity: None
Knight Armour Profile
*Uses pilots stats
The Obsidian Knight, Freeblade Questoris Knight Paladin
Cerastus Knight Armour
Type: Walker Tactical Movement: 20/40/60/120
Cruising Speed: 70kp/h Maneuverability: +0
Structural integrity: 70 Size: Monumental
Armour: Front 40, Side 35, Rear 35
Vehicle Traits: Enclosed, Environmentally Sealed, Enhanced Auspex Arrays, Fear, Reinforced
Armor, Walker, Super-heavy, Strikedown, Ion Shield, Armour and War-Machine
Crew: 1 Knight House Scion Carrying Capacity: None
Knight Armour Profile
*Uses pilots stats
Banquet of Ashes, House Orhlacc Cerastus Knight Castigator
Ion Shield: A shimmering shield of energy that can provide excellent protection to a Knight, the Ion Shield can
be redirected with a simple thought. The Ion Shield is a PR 50 Shield that does not overload in normal
conditions against ranged attacks. As a Reaction, the pilot may declare he is moving his shield to protect a
specific facing - front, left, right, or rear. The Ion Shield’s PR only affects that facing, and remains on that facing
until redirected otherwise. Note that before entering battle, a pilot may freely declare his shield’s facing he
does not need to keep it off until danger is apparent.
Enhanced Auspex Arrays: The sophisticated auspex arrays built into a Knight Engine mean that the Scion within
benefits from the Dark Sight trait and reduces the penalty imposed by foul weather, or other effects that would
normally obscure vision by one step (i.e a -20 penalty becomes a -10 penalty). In addition, they gain a +20 to all
Awareness Tests, and may make Awareness Tests at ranges of up to 5 kilometres (at the GM’s discretion, the
Auspex may function far further than that in certain circumstances, such as if the target is another Knight) it
also includes a Targeter, and an inbuilt Vox Caster.
Fear: The Knight possesses the Fear (3) Trait against all enemies, unless the enemy is also in a Knight, Titan, or
other Super-Heavy vehicle.
Strikedown: All close combat attacks by a Knight possess the Concussive [5] Quality against anything smaller
than it or Vehicles without the Super-heavy trait.
Carapace Mountings: Knights with this trait may mount weapons with the Carapace special rule.
Armour and War-Machine:
A Knight Armour is an ancient and wondrous war-machine, much similar to the Battle Titans of the Collegia
Titanica. In many ways it functions as a vehicle, but like the much smaller Dreadnoughts of the Adeptus
Astartes, the way the pilot controls the Knight Armour is wholly different from nearly all other walkers. This
means a Knight Armour follows rules for vehicles and individuals. A Knight Armour has a a partial vehicle
profile, including a type, cruising speed, maneuverability, structural integrity, size, armour, and crew. What
makes a Knight Armour different from other walkers is the way it is controlled. The pilot communes with the
Knight Armours Warspirit at a neural level, through the so called “Rite of Becoming” and in many ways; a
Knight Armour is worn like a suit of armor rather than piloted, granting a control over the massive vehicle that
would otherwise be impossible. Knight Armour cannot be driven by anyone that has not undergone a Rite of
Becoming, and this imposes some unique rules applying to Knight Armours. Knight Armour are a unique fusion
of man and machine, and thus have aspects of both in their profile. A Knight Engine comes with a
predetermined profile. The remaining Characteristics come from the Knight House Scion piloting the walker.
Instead of performing Movement Actions following the vehicle rules, Knight Engines make Combat Actions in
the same manner as a foot soldier with the following limitations.
• Knight Armours may not use the following Combat Actions: Brace Heavy Weapon, Jump or Leap, Ready,
Reload, Mount, and Stun.
• Knight Armours have the Auto-Stabilized Trait, and thus may fire Heavy weapons without bracing,
furthermore it can fire all its weapons as a single attack action (rolling for each weapon separately), at different
targets if so desired.
• Knight Armours may not make Acrobatics checks or Athletics checks and automatically fail if attempted.
• Knight Armours may Dodge and Parry as normal, using the Knight Armours agility for Dodge checks and the
pilots weaponskill for Parry checks.
Knight Armours have their own movement score, called Tactical Movement which follows the movement
rules for infantry in Structured Time and use Vehicle Cruising speed for Narrative Time.
• Knight Armours do not have a Maneuverability bonus.
• Knight Armours suffers no penalties for fighting with two weapons.
• Knight Armours always count as Trained in any weapons they can carry.
• Any attacks that reduce a Characteristic automatically fail against the Knight Armour or its pilot.
• When it comes to taking damage and moving long distances (using the Cruising Speed Characteristic) Knight
Armours are treated in the same way as vehicles.
• Knight Armours can benefit from certain Skills and Talents their pilots possess.
• A degree of common sense must be applied to what a Knight Armour can and cannot do.
Imperial Knights and Sprint:
An Imperial Knight using the Sprint talent can reach some truly ludicrous speeds and some may interpret that it
means the Knight Scion would not gain fatigue because they do not do the running themselves. I’d say this is
bollocks. When using the Sprint talent in a Knight, the talent works as written. Fluffed as the Knight Scion is
pushing the Knight Armour beyond its limit and such a thing takes a toll on the Knight Scions frail fleshy body,
which is represented in the Fatigue the Sprint talent gives you. Additionally not only does the strain of moving
so quickly Fatigue the Knight Scion, but also the Knight Armour itself and thus causes one SI of damage to the
Knight Armour when the Sprint talent inflicts Fatigue on the Knight Scion. It becomes especially cinematic if you
run with the house rule I have for Sprint (or if it was an older variant of Sprint, I forget). Where every
consecutive turn Sprint is used after having been used twice in a row by RAW it adds an additional level of
Fatigue and thus one additional SI of damage by the rules here. This means that Sprinting has an upper cap of
how many turns it can be used and players are forced to be smart with their movement rather than just going
full speed all the time.
Knightly Ranged Weapons and Melee
Imperial Knights may fire their ranged weapons in Melee combat, following the same rules as using a pistol
class weapon in melee. However, due to the size, clumsiness of the weapons and specialized targeting spirits of
an Imperial Knight, using a Knight Armours ranged weapons in melee incurs a -20 penalty to the Ballistic Skill
test while attempting to shoot while engaged in Melee combat. It’s cool, can be used for some great cinematic
alpha-strike finishers in melee, but ultimately is clumsier than using a Knights melee weapons and should be
considered a supplement rather than a primary tactic.
On Knights and Size categories
One of the main indicators that the Only War and 40kRPG ruleset was not intended to deal with Super-Heavies
at all, as the size category system assumes that everyone who uses it is the size of an average human. Which in
Super-Heavy combat can lead to the hilarious effects of Super-Heavy Tanks, Titans and Imperial Knights
automatically hitting each other in shooting or melee because of the huge bonuses the Super-Heavy size
categories (like Monumental and Titanic) give to attack rolls. It even gets silly if the PC’s are the crew of a non-
Super Heavy vehicle, like a Leman Russ Tank, Sentinel or Chimera. Personally, I find no elegant solution to it
without making a completely new size chart and that would probably cause more problems than it solves. So
personally, I simply ignore the size charts while running Imperial Knight games. I use them as guidelines but use
my own judgement in what bonuses Imperial Knight PC’s should have when fighting other super-heavies,
regular vehicles, infantry and what not and the same goes for NPC’s of all size categories. However, if my
Imperial Knight PC’s should be in combat while not piloting their Knight Armours I will use the Size chart again
as they are now fighting in a context where that size chart makes sense.
If you want to use the size chart in your games, go ahead. But keep in mind that combat will eventually turn
into games of Destroyer tag where a fresh out of character creation Imperial Knight will be rolling against 90-
95% while fighting another Knight and eventually 100+% if they manage to collect enough bonuses or raise
their starting WS/BS.
Strength bonuses and Imperial Knight melee weapons
An issue that has stirred some confusion both in Heavy Metal Chivalry and those times I’ve posted this .pdf in
/40krpg/ on /tg/. No, Imperial Knights do not include their Strength Bonus when attacking with their melee
weapons. Why? Because Imperial Knight weapons are vehicle weapons and function in a different way because
they are integral part of the Knight Armours, rather than being handheld melee weapons that infantry and the
like may use. The strength of an Imperial Knights actuators and machinery can be assumed to already be part
of the melee weapons profile, one way or another. The Strength of an Imperial Knight is listed in their profile
for the few circumstances where it may be necessary. If you choose to include the Imperial Knights Strength
Bonus either way, well. Expect Destroyer weapons to get even more ludicrous, melee combat to become even
more dangerous and Knights generally becoming several levels more absurd. But hey, if that’s your cup of tea I
won’t stop you.
Imperial Knight Marks
Questoris Marks
Knight Paladin
For long-ranged devastation, there are few
weapons that can match or best the Knight
Paladin’s rapid-fire battle cannon. This
massive barrelled weapon is equally adept at
blasting apart massed hordes of enemy
infantry, gunning down entire squadrons of
light vehicles, or duelling a foe’s artillery at
long range. Incoming firepower is blunted as
the pilot shifts the directional ion shield
towards the approaching shots. With its long
strides, the Knight Paladin can reposition
quickly, firing as it manoeuvres to give
maximum fire support. Should enemies
approach too closely, a pair of heavy stubbers
can mow them down. In close combat, the
reaper chainsword or thunderstrike gauntlet
the Knight Paladin carries makes it virtually
unstoppable, able to disregard any enemy
armour with impunity.
RF Battlecannon with Co-axial Heavy Stubber
Torso mounted Heavy Stubber or Meltagun
Reaper Chainsword or Thunderstrike Gauntlet
May mount Carapace weapons.
Knight Errant
The Errant class Knight can charge and
destroy a tank battalion, for it is a colossal
ion-shield-protected war machine capable of
immense close-ranged destruction. The main
armament of the Knight Errant is the thermal
cannon, a weapon whose blasts can
immolate plasteel bunkers or turn a battle
tank into molten slag. The Knight Errant’s
close combat weapon either a reaper
chainsword or thunderstrike gauntlet is
perhaps more deadly still. When powered by
the Knight’s mighty servo-engines, either of
these weapons can topple even the most
monstrous xenos creature with a single
strike. Fitted into the Knight Errant’s
armoured carapace is a heavy stubber to
scythe down enemy infantry, and its armour-
plated feet are more than capable of
crushing units beneath its awesome weight.
Thermal Cannon
Torso mounted Heavy Stubber or Meltagun
Reaper Chainsword or Thunderstrike Gauntlet
May mount Carapace weapons.
Knight Warden
The Knight Warden excels at storming
strongholds and battles in claustrophobic
confines. With its ion shield to the fore, a Knight
Warden can close upon a foe quickly, its
immense stride simply bypassing tank
barricades and easily manoeuvring through
narrow hive city streets or amidst the twisted
boughs of alien forests. The avenger gatling
cannon hisses as it whirs, spitting out a wall of
shots a high volume of large calibre shells that
can tear apart armour and mow down squads
of infantry. A heavy stubber adds to the
firepower while a heavy flamer built into the
main gun’s shield ensures that even foes in
cover cannot escape the Knight’s wrath. When
it reaches its destination, the mighty close
combat weapon in its other arm can rip apart or
crush any enemy foolish enough to have stood
before its oncoming doom.
Avenger Gatling Cannon with Co-Axial Heavy
Torso mounted Heavy Stubber or Meltagun
Reaper Chainsword or Thunderstrike Gauntlet
May mount Carapace weapons.
Knight Gallant
The stride of the Knight Gallant brings the
adamantine giant loping across the battlefield,
the ground shaking at its approach. A close
combat specialist, once a Knight Gallant gets
amongst its targets, their destruction soon
follows. The guttural roar of its reaper chainsword
is only drowned out by the impact of the
thunderstrike gauntlet hitting its target the
resounding boom enough to shatter plas-
reinforced windows a hundred strides distant.
Slicing, stomping and crushing, a Knight Gallant
will hit enemy tanks like a tidal wave, emerging
out the other side to leave behind only smoking
wreckage. An ion shield and thick armour help
ensure the bipedal colossus reaches its target,
while a heavy stubber enables the Knight to
scythe down any counter-attacking infantry.
Reaper Chainsword
Thunderstrike Gauntlet
Torso mounted Heavy Stubber or Meltagun
May mount Carapace weapons.
Knight Crusader
A Knight Crusader carries more firepower
than a tank squadron. It strides forward
relentlessly, blasting away with not one, but
two main guns. With an avenger gatling
cannon and another cannon in combination,
the towering war machine is a one-Knight
spearhead capable of blowing huge holes in
the enemy battle line. Should this other gun
be a thermal cannon, the Knight Crusader is
capable of melting through even super-
heavy vehicles at close proximity; if it instead
carries a rapid-fire battle cannon, the
Crusader is deadly even at long range.
Meanwhile, the gatling cannon churns out
rapid shots, stitching lines across enemy
formations or obliterating light vehicles. A
heavy flamer and heavy stubber round out
the Knight Crusader’s firepower, sweeping
its forefront clear of encroaching infantry.
Avenger Gatling Cannon with Co-Axial Heavy
Thermal Cannon or RF Battlecannon with Co-
Axial Heavy Stubber
Torso mounted Heavy Stubber or Meltagun
May mount Carapace weapons.
Cerastus Marks
Knight Lancer
The Lancer is the most widely known variant of
the Cerastus type knight armour, a highly
sophisticated chassis whose speed and agility far
exceed the clumsier Errant and Paladin types.
The Cerastus type Knights appear to have been
designed solely for war, not as protectors but as
bloody-handed conquerors and tools of
destruction, a legacy of the violence that
marked the beginning of the Age of Strife. The
lancer is held in high esteem by the more
impetuous of a House’s scions, its potent ion
gauntlet and shock lance perfectly suited to
battle the foe face to face, where only a
perfectly time thrust of the lance stands
between a scion and death. In particular those
scions who follow the Uhlan traditions favour
the speed and ferocity of the Lancer and when
rival Knight Houses meet in combat, these
warriors race ahead of the Household to clash in
single combat with the enemy’s champions.
Cerastus Shock lance
Ion Gauntlet shield
Knight Castigator
Armed with the fearsome castigator pattern
bolt cannon, the Cerastus Knight Castigator is
favoured by those households faced with
hordes of lesser foes that might otherwise
overwhelm even a mighty Knight through their
sheer numbers. Capable of obliterating infantry
formations in a thunderous rain of mass
reactive explosions and whirling power blades,
or carving apart light vehicles with ease, the
Castigator is a formidable combatant. Notably
amongst their ilk, the Castigator is also renown
for the stoic nature of the machine spirits
within, whose vigour is difficult to rouse, but
almost impossible to ignore. Casitgator mark
armours are most are most often claimed by a
Household’s more venerable scions, those
warriors of proven mettle who can be relied on
to hold the line, conserve their limited stock of
ammunition and support their more
vainglorious kin, often forming the core of any
Household’s Arbalester order. Some younger
scions are also drawn to the Castigator, glorying
in the armour’s deafening firepower and
elegant warblade strikes, though such scions
rarely deign to act as mere support units.
Castigator pattern bolt cannon
Tempest warblade
Knight Acheron
The Cerastus Knight Acheron is a fearsome sight
on the battlefield, a reaper of lives carefully
designed not only to destroy, but also to inspire
terror both in appearance and the manner in
which it undertakes its grim task. The presence
of an Acheron mark armour in the battlelines of
a Household warns the foe to expect no mercy,
for such weapons are only deployed for
missions of extermination, to topple the works
of the enemy and scour clean his lands with
flame. Scions rarely choose to ride into battle in
Acheron armour voluntarily, accepting the task
instead as an arduous duty to the undertaken
for the good of the House, for the anima of
these armours are often awash in the inherited
memories of massacres and slaughters
uncounted. Those few scions who prefer such
grim mounts are either warriors of iron will,
capable of suppressing the sinister whispers of
the armour’s machine spirits, or tortured souls
who relish the armour’s malicious impulses and
the carnage it wreaks on the field of battle.
Acheron pattern flame cannon
Reaper chainfist with inbuilt twin-linked heavy
Ghosts in the Machine
Overbearing relatives and You
On the next few pages you’ll find a table for the dominant type of ancestral imprints in your Imperial
Knights bonded Throne Mechanicum. Basically, what is the dominant ‘personality traits’ that are
expressed by his ancestors through the mind-link the Imperial Knight has with such an arcane
technological device. Roll a D10 on table 1- 1: Throne Mechanicum Imprints to determine the
Throne Mechanicums Imprint. The result of the roll may be modified by 1 either up or down based
on the player’s preference (rolls of 1 may be modified to a result of either 2 or 10, and rolls of 10 may
be modified to a result of either 9 or 1).
As the rules suggest, the ancestral spirits within a Throne Mechanicum are a constant background
influence on the Knight, as his ancestor’s whispers advice or tries to gain his attention for whatever
reason they may have. Managing them is as important part of being a Knight as they can be an
enormous boon as a source of knowledge and experience, or a hindrance if they are not sufficiently
appeased. But, for the Throne Mechanicum and its collection of ancestral spirits to not dominate the
game too much, I would greatly suggest you treat them as a subtle, supernatural force. As in, treating
them as supernatural spirits in myth and fiction. They definitely have a will they wish to enact, but
they are not as forceful to completely dominate the Knight and they can be either appeased or
cowed into submission. And beyond the mere rules, they can be a powerful narrative tool to either
drop hints to a player character or introduce plot points. Think of it like if Obi-Wan could only
communicate with Luke with ghostly whispers and very simplistic desires and wants when he became
one with the force and you have it close to how I will run with them.
Honoring the Machine Spirit
A Imperial Knight is not simply a mere machine, it is a living thing with steel limbs, a beating reactor
heart and a spirit of war as eager for combat as that of the Knight Scions themselves. The machine
spirit of an Imperial Knight is not sapient in the same manner a human is, or Omnissiah forbid an AI.
But, many Imperial Knights are hundreds, if not thousands of years old and they all have history and
stories contained within their metal hulls. While they are not thinking machines or even ‘alive’ in any
true sense, there is some form of awareness within them, a spark within their adamantium skin far
beyond that of any simple machine. To determine the demeanor of an Imperial Knights Animus, roll a
D10 on table 1 2: Imperial Knight Animus demeanor. The result of the roll may be modified by 1
either up or down based on the player’s preference (rolls of 1 may be modified to a result of either 2
or 10, and rolls of 10 may be modified to a result of either 9 or 1).
Unlike the Throne Mechanicum, the ‘animus’ (or machine spirit in more colloquial terms) of an
Imperial Knight is a far more subtle influence. The rules and indeed, even the thematics of how one
should treat an Imperial Knights animus is very much based on the Machine spirit rules for ships in
Rogue Trader. If you are familiar with those, handling this should be very simple. If you’re not,
basically, use the description for whatever result you rolled as a guideline. An Imperial Knight is not a
living, breathing thing that can talk back at you. But it has a (machine) spirit to it that has preferences
and dislikes that colours how a Knight Scion interacts with them, what they feel through their mind-
link with the Knight Armour and above all, the things that an Imperial Knight excels at.
Table 1 1: Throne Mechanicum Imprints
Ancient and Wise: Old already when the Imperium was young, the hoary marble and adamantium of
this Throne Mechanicum contains the spiritual imprints of Knights who fought in the halcyon days of
the Age of Strife and Great Crusade and the dark days that followed. These spirits encourage caution
and patience in their living descendant and become irritable when their wise counsel is ignored. The
Knight Scion counts as having the Foresight talent (bonus stacking if he already possesses the talent)
as long as they are connected with the Throne Mechanicum and follow the cautious advice of his
ancestors. Acting recklessly and without thought causes the Knight Scion to lose this advantage and
instead suffers a -5 penalty to all actions while piloting their Knight Armour, as the ancestors within
the Throne Mechanicum have been angered. Control can be reestablished with a Routine (+20)
Willpower test which quells the Scions unruly ancestors.
Bold and Impatient: All Imperial Knights are naturally bold as a class, however the ancestors dwelling
within this Throne Mechanicum are bold even for such a courageous breed. Constantly biting at the
bridle to charge forward once more, they egg their Scion descendants on to greater acts of glory and
recklessness so as to relive the glorious moments of their lives once more. While connected to the
Throne Mechanicum, the Knight Scion is constantly egged on by his ancestors to perform bold deeds
and win glory for himself and his house, the Knight Scion counts as having the Berserk Charge talent
(if the Scion already possesses the talent, the test becomes Simple (+40) instead of Easy (+30)) as
long as they act boldly and seek glory in combat. Acting cautiously and ‘cowardly’ causes the Knight
Scion to lose this advantage and instead suffers a -5 penalty to all actions while piloting their Knight
Armour, as the ancestors within the Throne Mechanicum have been angered. Control can be
reestablished with a Routine (+20) Willpower test which quells the Scions unruly ancestors.
Brooding and Melancholic: For reasons lost to the ages, the ancestors within this Throne
Mechanicum are prone to brood on black deeds committed in the name of mankinds survival in the
Imperiums darkest days and tend to imbue states of melancholy in the Scions that bond with them
while hardening their minds against the darkness they will stand bulwark against. While connected to
the Throne Mechanicum, the Knight Scion counts as having the Jaded talent (if the Knight Scion
already possesses it, he receives a further +10 bonus to rolls to resist the horrors of the 41
millennium) as long as the Knight Scion maintains a brooding and cynical disposition. Should ever the
Scion dramatically change disposition, the Knight Scion loses this advantage and instead suffers a -5
penalty to all actions while piloting their Knight Armour, as the ancestors within the Throne
Mechanicum have been angered. Control can be reestablished with a Routine (+20) Willpower test
which quells the Scions unruly ancestors.
Noble and Proud: The ancestors housed within this Throne Mechanicum above all exemplify the
chivalric virtue of nobility as the legendary heroes whose virtuous actions are recorded in the annals
Imperial history and the chronicles of their House to be examples to follow. However, all such great
men and women nearly universally suffer from the sin of pride as their undoing and it is very much
present in their Throne Mechanicum imprints as much as their nobility. While connected to the
Throne Mechanicum, the Knight Scion counts as having the Into the Jaws of Hell talent (with the
caveats that it affects friendly NPC’s and PC’s rather than just comrades within FBx10m of the Knight).
However, should the Knight Scion allow his honour to be slighted without recompense or act in a
manner unbecoming of a Knight, the Knight Scion loses this advantage and instead suffers a -5
penalty to all actions while piloting their Knight Armour, as the ancestors within the Throne
Mechanicum have been angered. Control can be reestablished with a Routine (+20) Willpower test
which quells the Scions unruly ancestors.
Sinister and Dark hearted: While the vast majority of all Knights exemplify the chivalric virtues, there
are a select few who are spoken of in hushed whispers, with reputations as black as the void between
stars. This Throne Mechanicum overwhelmingly houses imprints of this character, dead Knight Scions
who have earned dark reputations for fell deeds and atrocities committed in the Imperiums name.
The black reputation of the Knight Scions ancestors grant him a +20 bonus to all Intimidate tests and
the Knight Scion counts as having the Jaded talent while connected to the Knight Armour, however
the Knight Scion also suffers a -20 penalty to all Charm tests. Furthermore, if the Knight Scion acts in a
manner considered ‘weak’ and ‘merciful’ by his ancestors, the Knight Scion loses the Jaded talent and
instead suffers a -5 penalty to all actions while piloting their Knight Armour, as the ancestors within
the Throne Mechanicum have been angered. Control can be reestablished with a Routine (+20)
Willpower test which quells the Scions unruly ancestors.
Bellicose and Blood thirsty: War is second nature to all Knights, but amongst a select few, their
warlike tendencies take over and they become as frothing berserkers, eager to shed blood and take
lives. The ancestors within this Throne Mechanicum is of such a bloodline and in battle are like
howling beasts in the back of the Knight Scions mind, constantly urging on greater acts of wanton
destruction and bloodshed. While connected the Throne Mechanicum, the Knight Scion counts as
having the Frenzy talent (if the Knight Scion already possesses the talent, he instead gains the Battle
Rage talent, if he possesses that, he gains a further +5 bonus to Weaponskill and snapping out of
Frenzy) and is constantly encouraged by his blood mad ancestors to indulge in these fits of fury.
Should the Knight Scion take actions that show restraint in battle and exert control over his own fury,
the Knight Scion loses this advantage and instead suffers a -5 penalty to all actions while piloting their
Knight Armour, as the ancestors within the Throne Mechanicum have been angered. Control can be
reestablished with a Routine (+20) Willpower test which quells the Scions unruly ancestors.
Vengeful and Unforgiving: Long memories and slow burning hatreds define the ancestors within this
Throne Mechanicum and they encourage xenocidal and unforgiving tendencies within their still living
descendants in attempts at vengeance from beyond the grave. While the Knight Scion is connected to
the Throne Mechanicum, they count as having the Hatred (Choose One) talent (if they already
possess the Hatred talent, the bonus becomes +20 instead of +10). However, if the Knight Scions
hatred cools, or he does not enact vengeance upon the objects of his ancestors hatred, the Knight
Scion loses this advantage and instead suffers a -5 penalty to all actions while piloting their Knight
Armour, as the ancestors within the Throne Mechanicum have been angered. Control can be
reestablished with a Routine (+20) Willpower test which quells the Scions unruly ancestors.
Virtuous and Heroic: True embodiments of heroism are rare finds, even among such exemplars of
valour as Imperial Knights. The ancestors within this Throne Mechanicum are from bloodlines who
have exemplified the virtues of heroism, self-sacrifice and righteous action and encourage further
such behavior in their living descendants. While connected to the Throne Mechanicum, the Knight
Scion counts as having the Heroic Inspiration talent (if the Knight Scion already possess it, the Inspire
special use becomes a Free action instead of a Half Action), however should the Knight act in an
ignoble and wicked manner and shirk away from acts of heroism, the Knight Scion loses this
advantage and instead suffers a -5 penalty to all actions while piloting their Knight Armour, as the
ancestors within the Throne Mechanicum have been angered. Control can be reestablished with a
Routine (+20) Willpower test which quells the Scions unruly ancestors.
Scheming and Overbearing: Intrigue is a constant among the Knightly Houses, particularly those who
owe fealty to the Imperium and the plots and intrigue does not end simply because one is dead, as
the ancestral imprints within this attest to, as they constantly try to continue long dead schemes and
intrigues from their lives or weave new ones with their Scion descendants. From the advice of his
ancestors, the Knight Scion gains a +10 bonus to his Charm rolls and while connected to the Throne
Mechanicum, the Knight Scion counts as having the Paranoia talent (if he already possesses the
talent, the initiative bonus increases to +3) however, the overbearing nature of his ancestors intrigues
gives a tendency towards a surly and irritable disposition. Should the Knight Scion act in a manner not
in accordance with his ancestors intrigues or with a lack of subtlety and boorish manners in social
encounters, the Knight Scion loses this advantage and instead suffers a -5 penalty to all actions while
piloting their Knight Armour, as the ancestors within the Throne Mechanicum have been angered.
Control can be reestablished with a Routine (+20) Willpower test which quells the Scions unruly
Grim and Resolute: Enduring where others have failed, the ancestors within this Throne Mechanicum
are Knights who in bygone ages have held the line against impossible odds with grim determination
and resolute wills and paid the ultimate price for such undaunted behavior. While poor
conversationalists, their martial honour demands their Scion descendants honour them in the
manner of their passing and encourages the very same grim behavior and resolute determination in
the face of death within the Scions they bond with. While connected to the Throne Mechanicum, the
Knight Scion counts as having the Fearless talent (if the Knight Scion already possesses the talent, he
receives a +10 bonus on the Willpower test to be able to back down from a fight). However, should
the Knight Scion act in a cowardly and weak manner, the Knight Scion loses this advantage and
instead suffers a -5 penalty to all actions while piloting their Knight Armour, as the ancestors within
the Throne Mechanicum have been angered. Control can be reestablished with a Routine (+20)
Willpower test which quells the Scions unruly ancestors.
Table 1 2: Imperial Knight Animus demeanor
Bay of the Hunt: Like a hunting hound aiding his human master, this Knight armours hunting horns
becomes akin to animalistic howl and its stride a loping, predatory gait at frightening speed as the
armours anima reverberates with joy of the hunt. While pursuing or hunting an enemy, increase the
Knight Armours movement by 1+1d10 and increase its Fear rating to 4.
Restored glory: Wounded and its Scion dead, this armour was abandoned on a forgotten battlefield
and only recently restored to its former glory after laborious care at the hands of the Sacristans
assigned to its maintenance, it is now eager to once more return to the battlefield to reap a terrible
vengeance for the ignoble fate it almost suffered. Lower the Knight armours Structural Integrity with
1d10 from its old wounds, however its vengeful nature grants it +2 critical damage against its foes.
In the Shadow of God-Machines: Having fought in the shadows of the mighty God-Engines of the
Collegia Titanica, this Knight armours machine spirit has been touched by the divine spark of the
Omnissiah, as its systems run more smoothly and its weapons cycle effortlessly. Any weapons
mounted on the Knight Armour counts as being of Good Craftmanship.
Machine reliquary: A lauded hero in the eyes of the faithful, this Knight armour has under many
different Knight Scions fought for the causes of the Ecclesiarchy and has each time been decorated by
pilgrims and priests for its deeds until it has become akin to a reliquary that walks and living symbol
of the God-Emperors faith. The Knight armour counts as having the Radiant Presence talent except it
effects everyone within 50m, rather than 20m.
Crusaders pilgrimage: The service of this armour has seen it don the mantle of crusader time and
time again with many different Knight Scions against a myriad of foes and it has marked the Knight
armour with a pious and honorable reputation for its bonded Knight Scion to uphold. The Knight
Scion has a +10 bonus to Fellowship rolls when interacting with the pious and faithful of the
Imperium, however should he fail to uphold the expectations of the Knight Armours pious reputation,
he suffers a -10 penalty instead.
Hymn of Destruction: The machine spirit in this armour has an almost unnatural fondness for ranged
firepower, as its hunting horns give out muted hymns in tune with the boom of cannon, rattling of
auto-loaders and its vox-systems hum alongside the bark of machine gun and roar of rocket launches
to create symphony of weapons fire. The Knight armour grants a +10 bonus to Ballistic skill tests, but
the machine spirits fondness for ranged combat has made it lacking in melee giving it a -10 penalty to
Weapon skill tests.
War-engines bane: Whether by its previous Scions having hunted many super-heavy vehicles, or a
predatory preference formed by the machine spirit itself, this Knight Armour excels at dispatching
super-heavy vehicles and its targeting spirits gleefully target the weak spots in enemy armour, or
vulnerable exposed systems. While attacking super-heavy vehicles, this Knight Armour always counts
as attacking the Rear armour facing.
In battle baptized: As machines of war, all Knight armours are blooded in combat, some however
have baptisms of fire on battlefields that would shatter lesser warmachines. This Knight armour has
been blooded on battlefields with apocalyptic weapons fire, mass orbital bombardment or in the
shadow of far more dread tools of destruction that served only to temper its indomitability. The
Knight Armour gains the Damage Control trait.
Destroyer of Worlds: Wholesale slaughter of planetary civilizations is something the chivalric nature
of many Knights balk at, but some Knight armours come to witness and participate in such dark deeds
with an unsettling commonality, so that many Knight Scions claim that this particular Knight Armour
has an animus tainted and darkened by the atrocities it has committed. The Knight Scion bonded to
this Knight armour receives 1d5 corruption points, however he gains a +10 bonus to Willpower tests
to resist the terrors of the Warp.
Reroll once on this table.
Knightly trappings and equipment
Scion Armoured Bodyglove
A fairly simple bodyglove of protective mesh and with
hardened flak plates over vital areas worn by Knight
Scions while piloting Knight Armour and comes in a
myriad of different styles and fashions, but most tend to
be rather form fitting and austere to not be in the way in
the claustrophobic confines of an Imperial Knights
cockpit. Universally, they include connector ports at the
head, spine and limbs to provide an opening for the
Knight Scion to interface with the Throne Mechanicum.
The bodyglove also connects with the Imperial Knights
life-support systems and thus helps keep the Scion alive
if the cockpit is breached. Should a breach occur in the
cockpit, the bodyglove sustains a fully breathable and
habitable atmosphere for the wearer for as long as the
Imperial Knight functions. The bodyglove also includes a
Respirator, a Photovisor, a Microbead and a Slate
monitron granting the functions of an Auspex and an
advanced dataslate/cogitation device.
Locations Covered: Head, Arms, Body, Legs
Armor Points: 4 Head & Body, 3 Arms & Legs
Weight: 8kg
House Attire
The various uniforms and styles of dress of the Knightly Houses. Can be anything from extravagant to
the point of absurdity or drab and austere clothing that has more in common with the Munitorum
standard uniforms designed by dull-minded adepts. Their exact appearance and function is
dependent on each Houses tradition and fashion whims.
A broad category of servants beyond the team of Sacristans each Knight Scion has. These can be
anything from minstrels, Ministorum priests, Concubines, Men-at-Arms, Bodyguards, Fanning
Servitors or the Scions personal shoe shiners. The GM is ultimately the final arbiter in who or what
they are, as long as they are not Sacristans.
Imperial Knight Armaments
RF Battlecannon
3d10+10 X
Blast[10], Concussive[3],
Thermal Cannon
3d10+20 E
Melta, Blast [8]
2d10+6 X
Blast[10], Carapace
3d10+10 X
3d10+8 I
Skyfire, Twin-linked,
Avenger Gatling
2d10+8 R
Razor Sharp
3d10+6 X
Tearing, Twin-linked
Acheron Flame
3d10+8 E
Flame, Spray, Ignores
Cerastus Shock
3d10+8 E
- -
- -
3d10+30 E
- -
- -
Power Field, Shocking,
Felling[10], Destroyer[3]
- -
4d10+30 E
- -
- -
Unwieldy, Power field,
Hurl, Felling[10],
- -
4d10+10 E
- -
- -
Balanced, Power field,
Deflagrate, Tempest
Reaper Chainfist
- -
4d10+30 R
- -
- -
Unwieldy, Tearing,
Destroyer[5], Razor
Sharp, Felling[10],
Machine Destroyer
- -
3d10+30 R
- -
- -
Tearing, Razor-sharp,
Unbalanced, Felling[10],
Ion Gauntlet
- -
1d10 E
- -
- -
Defensive, Power Field,
Gauntlet Field
Destroyer (X): Also known as Titan-killers, Destroyer weapons are capable of delivering an immense amount of
damage to any target that they hit. Only a Destroyer weapon is capable of devastating a Knight, a Super-heavy
Tank or even a Titan with a single blow. For every two degrees of success scored on a hit with this weapon, the
attack inflicts an extra 1d10 of damage to a maximum of X extra D10. These extra d10’s cannot cause Righteus
Fury. Furthermore, weapons with the Destroyer quality cause Righteous Fury on a roll of 9-10. The destructive
force of a destroyer weapon against infantry is nearly incalculable, and as such anything with a size trait of 5 or
below that suffers a single point of Damage is instantly obliterated in a torrent of gory flesh. Against larger
targets, or any vehicle with the super heavy trait, roll for damage as normal.
Gauntlet Field: The Gauntlet Field acts as a normal Ion Shield, but it may not be assigned to protect the
Knight’s Rear Facing. However, the Gauntlet Field provides a constant PR35 Force Field, which cannot overload
in normal circumstances, against attacks in close combat. In addition, enemy Super-Heavy Vehicles and
Gargantuan Creatures suffer a -10 to Weapon Skill tests in close combat. Note that a Gauntlet Field and Ion
Shield are mutually exclusive a Knight cannot possess both an unmodified Ion Shield AND an Ion Gauntlet
Carapace: This weapon can only be mounted on the Carapace Mounting of a Questoris Knight Armour.
Skyfire: Grants the Knight the Anti-Air (Advanced) vehicle trait.
Tempest Attack: Instead of making a normal melee attack, the Knight may make a special attack at Initiative
step 2. This automatically inflicts a single hit against each combatant in melee range of the Knight using the
weapons listed profile.
Machine Destroyer: This weapon has the Proven[5] quality when attacking vehicles and may reroll Righteous
Fury rolls of 1 on the Critical Table.
Ignores Cover: This weapon ignores the AP of any and all forms of cover.
Hurl: If an enemy vehicle or creature of Size (Enormous) or Size (Massive) is destroyed or killed by this weapon,
the Knight Pilot may perform a single Ranged Attack at an enemy within 30m as an immediate free action. This
attack has damage of 2d10+20 (if Enormous) or 3d10+30 (if Massive), with Penetration equal to the creature’s
Armor or half the vehicle’s Front Armor value.
Deflagrate: For every hit that inflicted at least one Wound on an opponent, resolve an additional automatic hit,
rolling for damage as normal. These additional hits do not inflict further hits themselves! (For example, If three
shots hit, one shot does nothing, one shot does 3 wounds, and one shot does 5 wounds, resolve two further
hits, rolling for damage as normal)
Super-Heavy Opponents and other Horrors
By popular request I’m adding a small chapter of appropriate foes to use in an Imperial Knight campaign. This
will include a small index of Super-Heavy vehicles and Gargantuan Monsters already statted for the 40kRPG’s
(some of these will need tweaking to work in Only War) and a couple of Super-Heavies and Gargantuan
creatures I’ve used myself. Likewise I will not include any proper Titans beyond the Warhound from
Deathwatch: Rites of Battle. Largely because the 40krpg system will completely break down trying to stat Titans
and because I have no idea how to properly stat them. But if you want to try out that gargantuan effort, be my
guest. If you think any type of Super-Heavy or Gargantuan creature is missing from this list, you’ll just have to
stat them yourself. And a caveat for the rules Ive made myself, theyre somewhat half-assed. Particularly the
Wraithknight, which was a unique NPC called Bercilak I made for Heavy Metal Chivalry I just stripped all the
stuff from him that made him special and snowflakey to get a generic Wraithknight. Referencing the Codexes
for what stuff the super-heavies and what not can have equipped at the same time is definitely recommended.
FFG Super-Heavies:
Warhound Titan Lupus Tempestus Deathwatch: Rites of Battle p. 185-186
Thunderhawk Gunship Deathwatch: Rites of Battle p. 183
Land Raider Deathwatch: Rites of Battle p. 172-174 (Not a Super-Heavy but a hard enough foe to be included)
Baneblade Only War: Core Rulebook p. 219-220
Shadowsword Only War: Shield of Humanity p. 144
Stormlord Only War: No Surrender p. 135
Tantalus Only War: Enemies of the Imperium p. 93
FFG Gargantuan Creatures:
Great Knarloc Only War: Enemies of the Imperium p. 104-105 /Deathwatch: Mark of the Xenos p. 21-22
Squiggoth - Only War: Enemies of the Imperium p. 58-59
Great Unclean One Black Crusade: Core Rulebook p. 357 / Deathwatch: Mark of the Xenos p. 102-103
Lord of Change Black Crusade: Core Rulebook p. 357-358 / Deathwatch: Mark of the Xenos p. 106-107
Bloodthirster Black Crusade: Tome of Blood p. 86-87 / Deathwatch: Mark of the Xenos p. 100-101
Keeper of Secrets Black Crusade: Tome of Excess p. 81-82 / Deathwatch: Mark of the Xenos p. 104-105
Leviathan Black Crusade: Tome of Blood p. 92-93
Brass Scorpion Black Crusade: Tome of Blood p. 117
Doom Blaster Black Crusade: Tome of Blood p. 118
Skull Reaper Black Crusade: Tome of Blood p. 118
Plague Tower Black Crusade: Tome of Decay p. 98
Heldrake - Black Crusade: Tome of Excess p. 87 / Only War: No Surrender p. 139-141
Subjugator - Black Crusade: Tome of Excess p. 89
Auruntaur - Black Crusade: Tome of Fate p. 83
Avatar of Khaine - Rogue Trader: The Koronus Bestiary p. 62-63
Trygon - Deathwatch: Mark of the Xenos p. 45-46
Harridan Deathwatch: The Jericho Reach p. 177-178
Tyrannofex Deathwatch: The Jericho Reach p. 181-182
Mawloc Deatchwatch: The Jericho Reach p. 187-188
Tervigon Deathwatch: The Jericho Reach p. 190-191
Hierophant Deathwatch: The Jericho Reach p. 198-201
Hierodule Deathwatch: The Jericho Reach p. 202
Imperial Knight
Movement 3/6/9/18 Wounds: 9
Skills: Awareness, Parry, Command, Scholastic Lore (Heraldry), Scholastic Lore (Knight Houses),
Linguistics (House Dialect, High Gothic), Charm, Common Lore (Imperium), Tech-use, Operate Surface
Talents: Lightning Reflexes, Weapon-training(Low-tech, SP, Las, Power, Bolt), Sure strike, Called
Shot, Air of Authority, Peer (Nobility)
Traits: Rite of Becoming, Duty and Honor
Armour Scion Armored Bodyglove (4 Head & Body, 3 Arms & Legs)
Weapons: Bolt Pistol(Pistol, 30m, S/2/-, 1d10+5 X, Pen 4, Clip 8, Rld Full, Tearing), Power Sword
(1d10+8E Pen 5, Power Field, Balanced)
Gear: 1 Questoris Knight Chassis, House Attire, Personal mementos and trinkets, 1d10+FB Retainers
Questoris Knight Chassis
Type: Walker Tactical Movement: 15/30/45/90
Cruising Speed: 60kp/h Maneuverability: +0
Structural integrity: 70 Size: Monumental
Armour: Front 40, Side 35, Rear 35
Vehicle Traits: Enclosed, Environmentally Sealed, Enhanced Auspex Arrays, Fear, Reinforced Armor,
Walker, Super-heavy, Ion Shield, Strikedown, Carapace Mounting, Armour and War-Machine
Crew: 1 Knight House Scion Carrying Capacity: None
Knight Armour Profile
*Uses pilots stats
Renegade Knight
Movement 3/6/9/18 Wounds: 9
Skills: Awareness, Parry, Command, Scholastic Lore (Heraldry), Scholastic Lore (Knight Houses),
Linguistics (House Dialect, High Gothic), Deceive, Common Lore (Imperium), Tech-use, Operate
Talents: Lightning Reflexes, Weapon-training(Low-tech, SP, Las, Power, Bolt), Sure strike, Called
Shot, Air of Authority, Peer (Nobility)
Traits: Rite of Becoming, Duty and Honor
Armour Scion Armored Bodyglove (4 Head & Body, 3 Arms & Legs)
Weapons: Bolt Pistol(Pistol, 30m, S/2/-, 1d10+5 X, Pen 4, Clip 8, Rld Full, Tearing), Power
Sword(1d10+8E Pen 5, Power Field, Balanced)
Gear: 1 Questoris Knight Chassis, House Attire, Personal mementos and trinkets, 1d10+FB Retainers
Questoris Knight Chassis
Type: Walker Tactical Movement: 15/30/45/90
Cruising Speed: 60kp/h Maneuverability: +0
Structural integrity: 70 Size: Monumental
Armour: Front 40, Side 35, Rear 35
Vehicle Traits: Enclosed, Environmentally Sealed, Enhanced Auspex Arrays, Fear, Reinforced Armor,
Walker, Super-heavy, Ion Shield, Strikedown, Carapace Mounting, Armour and War-Machine
Crew: 1 Knight House Scion Carrying Capacity: None
Knight Armour Profile
*Uses pilots stats
Ork Stompa
Type: Walker Tactical Speed: 10m
Cruising Speed: 30kp/h Maneuverability: -30
Structural integrity: 200 Size: Titanic
Armour: Front 35, Side 30, Rear 20
Vehicle Traits: Enclosed, Environmentally Sealed, Reinforced Armor, Walker, Super-heavy,
Strikedown, Damage Control, Effigy
Crew: 1 Mek and a gaggle of Grots Carrying Capacity: 20 Orks
Stompa Profile
*Uses pilots stats
Stompa Armaments
Deff Kannon
6d10+15 X
Blast[20], Inaccurate,
Big Shoota
2d10+5 I
Inaccurate, Unreliable
- -
4d10+30 R
Destroyer[4], Tearing,
2d10+2 E
Flame, Spray
3d10+8 I
Whirr Click-click,
Tearing, Inaccurate
3d10+10 X
Blast[10], Inaccurate,
Whirr Click-click: If a double is rolled when determining the number of shots for any of the supa-gatler’s
shooting attacks, then it runs out of ammunitions that that attack has been resolved and may not shoot again
for the rest of the battle. This rule does not apply to the very first shooting attack a supa-gatler makes in a
battle (so it will fire a minimum of two times before running out of ammunition).
Effigy: All Orks within 30m of the Stompa counts as having the Fearless talent.
Type: Walker Tactical Speed: 8m
Cruising Speed: 18kp/h Maneuverability: -30
Structural integrity: 60 Size: Monumental
Armour: Front 35, Side 30, Rear 20
Vehicle Traits: Enclosed, Environmentally Sealed, Reinforced Armor, Walker
Crew: 1 Mek Carrying Capacity: 6 Orks
Stompa Profile
*Uses pilots stats
Gorkanaut/Morkanaut Armaments
2d10+6 I
Overheats, Unreliable,
Kustom Mega-
3d10+8 E
Overheats, Inaccurate
Kustom Mega-
3d10+8 X
Blast[10], Overheats,
Inaccurate, Unreliable
Klaw of
3d10+20 R
Concussive[3], Power-
field, Unwieldy
Twin-linked Big
2d10+5 I
Inaccurate, Twin-
linked, Unreliable
Rokkit Launcha
3d10+6 X
Unreliable, Twin-
2d10+2 E
Flame, Spray
Eldar Wraithknight
Movement 12/24/36/72 Wounds: 100
Skills: Athletics(S), Awareness(Per)[+20], Dodge(Ag)[+10], Parry(WS)[+10], Stealth(Ag)[+10]
Talents: Ambidextrous, Assassin Strike, Blademaster, Catfall, Crushing Blow, Hard Target,
True Grit, Preternatural Speed, Sprint
Traits: Unnatural Strength[12], Unnatural Toughness[12], Unnatural Agility[2], From Beyond,
Auto-stabilised, Fear[4], Size[9/Monumental]
Armour: Wraithbone (20 All)
Weapons: Ghostglaive (3d10+28 E Pen 15, Balanced, Power-field, Concussive[4], Razor
sharp), Twin-linked Starcannons (120m; S/3/-; 2d10+6E; Pen 12; Reload 2 Full, Twin-linked)
Gear: Ghostflight (counts as Jump-pack), Shimmershield(PR 40 Forcefield, 1-5 overload)
Shas’O R’myr for having made Imperial Knight rules of his own, these were invaluable as a comparison and
reference, /tg/ for your feedback when I threw out early variants of my rules and finally, the Heavy Metal
Chivalry group for helping me playtest the rules.