Graduate Admissions
Graduate Admission Standards 21
Admission Processes 21
Unconditional Admission 21
Conditional Admission 21
Unclassified Admission 21
Non-Degree Graduate Admission 21
Graduates of Nonaccredited Institutions 22
Early Master’s Admission of MSU Seniors 22
Visiting Students 22
Readmission 22
International Graduate Student Admission 23
Graduate Admissions
Graduate Admissions and Records
B2 Sparks Hall
(270) 809-3779 or 3756
Graduate Admissions
Graduate Admission Standards
Although the student advising program at Murray State University is specically designed to assist students as they progress through
degree programs, it is the responsibility of all students to be thoroughly familiar with rules, regulaons, and requirements that apply to
their programs of study.
In addion to a baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited instuon, an applicant must sasfy the admission standards and
prerequisites of the department and college/school in which the applicant plans to study. Prerequisites and requirements for specic degrees
will be found in the appropriate departmental secons of this Bullen. Applicants for doctorate degrees should also consult the specic
program coordinator for admission details.
Admission Processes
Requests for admission to masters or doctorate study at Murray State University should be addressed to Graduate Admissions and
Records, Murray State University, Murray KY 42071. Applicants must submit an admission applicaon and the $40 nonrefundable ap-
plicaon fee. A graduate student may be required to submit a new applicaon for admission if the level of program or their graduate
program objecve changes, or if the student does not enroll for a period of ve or more consecuve semesters. Under the requirements
of 12KAR2:045 as cited later in this chapter, review of residency for tuion purposes is a required part of the admission/readmission
process. Documents to verify residency may be requested by Graduate Admissions for residents of AL, IL, IN, KY, MO, and TN, and must
be provided before the beginning of the term for which the applicant seeks admission.
Ocial transcripts reecng all previous college credit should be forwarded to Graduate Admissions of Murray State University by the
registrar(s) of the school(s) the applicant aended. In the event the student aended more than one college, an ocial transcript must be
sent from each college. These credenals should be on le in Graduate Admissions and Records no later than one month prior to the date
the applicant expects to register.
Following the receipt of all required credenals, materials will be forwarded for departmental approval. Aer departmental review, the
applicant will be sent an ocial leer indicang admission status.
The following standards represent minimum campus-wide requirements. Higher minimum standards for grade point average (GPA) and
Graduate Record Examinaon (GRE) may be set by individual departments or colleges. In lieu of the GRE, some units may select other naon-
ally recognized tests that are more appropriate to their disciplines. Detailed informaon about any program-specic admission requirements
beyond these campus-wide requirements is provided in the individual program lisngs.
Unconditional Admission
Minimum university requirements for uncondional admission are an overall 2.75 grade point average (based on A equals 4.0). Some
degree programs have addional requirements for uncondional admission. Refer to the program lisngs for addional informaon.
Conditional Admission
Condional admission may be granted to a student with an overall grade point average between 2.25 and 2.74. Condional admission
may also be granted to a student with an overall grade point average of 2.0 to 2.24 if the academic college/school’s review of the students
record indicates the likelihood of success. Some degree programs have addional requirements for condional admission. Refer to the ap-
propriate chapter in this bullen for requirements relang to specic degrees.
Upon the compleon of nine hours of graduate work a student admied condionally must have a 3.0 grade point average, or the student
may be dropped from the graduate program. A graduate student dropped for failure to meet this requirement may reapply aer having been
out of the graduate program for one semester.
Any excepons to this policy must be approved in wring by the departmental graduate coordinator, the department chair, and the col-
legiate graduate coordinator.
Unclassied Admission
n applicant holding a baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited instuon may be admied as an unclassied graduate student if:
1. the student demonstrates promise but is not qualied for admission to a graduate program;
2. the student does not intend to complete a degree program at Murray State University;
3. the student has no degree objecve; or
4. the student has les that are incomplete and cannot be processed for either condional or uncondional admission.
Regulations Governing Unclassied Admission
1. A student whose les are incomplete as specied in point 4 above would have one month from the date of enrollment to complete
the les and change to a degree status.
2. Students with incomplete les will be restricted to one- term enrollment only.
3. Up to 12 hours earned as an unclassied graduate student may be applied to a degree if approved by the appropriate graduate advi-
4. Unclassied graduate students will pay graduate fees for all courses.
5. An unclassied graduate student is allowed to take no more than 13 hours per semester.
Non-Degree Graduate Admission
An applicant holding a baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited instuon may be admied as a non-degree graduate student.
An ocial transcript reecng all previous college credit must be submied to Graduate Admissions and Records at Murray State Univer-
sity by the registrar(s) of each school(s) the student aended. An undergraduate GPA of 2.75 is required for admission as a non-degree
Graduate Admissions
Graduates of Nonaccredited Institutions
An applicant with an undergraduate degree from an instuon not regionally accredited may enter an MSU graduate program if the ap-
plicant meets the following requirements:
1. A score of 300 on the aptude poron (V+Q) of the Graduate Record Examinaon (GRE).
2. Compleon of 32 hours of undergraduate course credit at MSU or a regionally accredited instuon which fulll the following cat-
A. Communicaon and Basic Skills (6 hrs)
B. Sciences and Mathemacs (8 hrs)
C. Humanies and Fine Arts (6 hrs)
D. Social Sciences (6 hrs)
E. Elecves (6 hrs)
with a GPA for the 32 hours of 2.5 or beer.
3. Any addional requirements of the department in which the student will do graduate work.
An applicant with an undergraduate degree from an instuon not regionally accredited, who has completed fewer than nine graduate
hours at an accredited instuon, must fulll the requirements of this policy. Aer the student’s admission to a graduate program at MSU,
the graduate hours earned previously will be evaluated by the student’s graduate department for transfer credit.
Early Master’s Admission for MSU Seniors
Seniors at Murray State University who are within nine hours of compleng the baccalaureate degree, who have a cumulave grade point
average (GPA) of at least 3.0, and are meeng all undergraduate GPA requirements, may be admied to graduate study provided they meet
departmental and general admission requirements. Seniors admied on this basis are considered graduate students, and will be charged
graduate tuion for all courses scheduled. Note: This type of admission may cause problems with nancial aid.
Students who fail to complete all undergraduate requirements during their rst semester as graduate students will be denied gradu-
ate credit. All courses taken during that term will be permanently recorded as undergraduate, with no refund of graduate tuion. Early
admission graduate students may apply for graduate assistantships.
Seniors enrolled at instuons other than MSU who meet the requirements outlined above may peon Graduate Admissions and Re-
cords for early admission. However an ocial transcript with bachelors degree posted will be required prior to registraon.
Visiting Students
Any student in good standing in a recognized graduate school may enroll for graduate study at Murray State University for either a sum-
mer session or one regular semester as a vising student.
A vising student is not required to submit an ocial transcript, but must secure a vising student form from Graduate Admissions and
Records of Murray State University. This form must be completed by the appropriate ocial of the student’s home college/university and
forwarded to MSU Graduate Admissions and Records. A vising student who elects further graduate study at Murray State University must
either fulll all requirements for admission to graduate study or have a new vising student form submied by the students “home” gradu-
ate school.
Graduate Program
All candidates for the masters or doctorate degrees at Murray State University are required to follow a planned program of graduate
study. Although a student may be required to take prerequisite courses, only approved courses completed while enrolled as a graduate
student may apply toward a graduate program.
A graduate program form, bearing the name of the students academic advisor, will be forwarded with the leer of acceptance to gradu-
ate study. The students academic advisor should be consulted prior to registraon for assistance in planning a program. During the rst
nine weeks of the rst term enrolled, the student should complete the graduate program form and submit it to the specied advisor, who
will secure the required signatures and return the form to Graduate Admissions and Records. To be approved, a program must meet all
requirements spulated in the Bullen.
Any subsequent change in the program must be approved by the student’s advisor and the collegiate/school graduate coordinator. The
student and the collegiate graduate coordinator are responsible for nofying Graduate Admissions of the program changes on an ocial
substuon form, available from
A graduate student in good standing who has previously aended Murray State University but has had four semesters of non-aendance
will be readmied upon compleon of the graduate applicaon and the $40 nonrefundable fee. All graduate applicants must apply through
the Graduate Admissions and Records for an inial review of their applicaon and transcripts. At that point, it may be determined that the
applicaon and transcripts will be forwarded to the appropriate academic department for approval. Before applying again or requesng
new transcripts, the student should call Graduate Admissions and Records to see if previous transcripts are sll on le. Graduate Admissions
and Records will accept electronic transcripts from other accredited instuons. Students who applied for admission as a graduate student
but did not enroll may need to complete a new applicaon for admission. Before applying again or requesng new transcripts, the student
should call Graduate Admissions and Records to see if the materials sent before are sll on le. Vericaon of residency for tuion purposes
may be required. Subming with the applicaon a copy of the applicants driver’s licence and vehicle registraon will assist with this
process. The applicant will be noed if other documents are required.
A student who has been enrolled at other instuons since last aending Murray State must request an ocial transcript be mailed
directly to Graduate Admissions and Records from each college aended. Failure to furnish such ocial transcripts as required will delay
admission and may aect the students academic standing at Murray State. A student who withholds or gives false informaon or docu-
ments can be denied admission or administravely withdrawn from school. For further informaon, contact 270-809-3756.
Graduate Admissions
International Graduate Student Admission
In addion to meeng departmental, collegiate, and general graduate study requirements, an internaonal student must submit the
following to Internaonal Admissions before an admission decision can be made:
1. A completed applicaon for admission, including the nonrefundable applicaon fee of $50 (US).
2. Ocial transcripts reecng all previous college credit should be forwarded to Internaonal Admissions at Murray State University
by the issuing ocer (e.g. Registrar, Controller of Examinaons) of each school the applicant aended. An ocial copy of the diploma or
graduaon cercate will also be required if a student received a degree and it is not indicated on the ocial transcript. Copies must be
cered by the issuing instuon. Copies notarized by a third party will not be accepted. Credenals will be evaluated to determine if the
course of study completed is equivalent to a four-year degree.
3. An ocial translaon of any document not originally in English, sent directly from the translator.
4. Proof of adequate funds to nance their enre course of study. A statement of nancial responsibility should be sent directly from the
person and/or organizaon providing nancial support. In addion, the appropriate documentaon to verify that funds are readily available
to the student will be required.
5. Proof of English language competency by one of the following:
a. Ocial TOEFL score report with acceptable score,
Ocial Internaonal English Language Tesng System (IELTS) score report with acceptable score,
c. Bachelors degree from a recognized US or UK instuon,
d. Successful compleon of MSU’s English as a Second Language (ESL) program.
Condionally admied students may be assigned to full-me language study in the English as a Second Language (ESL) program or en-
tered into a graduate transion program and permied to take classes on a condional basis along with further designated language study,
or admied uncondionally to graduate study if the student meets all other specic program requirements.
A student who has successfully completed the advanced level of the MSU English as a Second Language (ESL) program, and has been
cered in English competency by the designated ESL/College Graduate Program Assessment Commiee, and met all other specic program
requirements will be allowed to enroll in the designated graduate program. Performance in ESL classes, TOEFL scores, and wrien and oral
prociency in the specic area of graduate study will form the basis for language prociency assessment.
Notes: 1) Academic departments may set standards for English prociency requirements higher than the minimums listed above. Students must
meet the specic language prociency requirements listed in each respecve department’s admission requirements of this Bullen.
2) Condional Admission requires compleon of MSU’s English as a Second Language (ESL) program and achievement of the Instuonal
TOEFL score required by the applicant’s desired program.
3) The Computer-Based TOEFL test is no longer available, however scores maintained by ETS will be honored.
Graduate Programs
Paper-Based TOEFL 527 or more 500-523 497 or below
Internet-Based TOEFL 71 minimum on Academic 61-70 on Academic Test 60 or below on Academic
(iBT) Test with no band less or any band score of Test or any band score of
than 16 13-15 12 or less
IELTS 6.0 minimum on Academic 5.5 on Academic Test with 5.0 or below on
Test with no band less any band score of 4.5 or Academic Test or any
than 5.0 5.0 band score below 4.5
Departmental approval No TOEFL or IELTS scores
AEP - Academic English Program for Non-Native Speakers
ESL - English as a Second Language Program