Making Memes Accessible
Cole Gleason Amy Pavel Xingyu Liu
Carnegie Mellon University Carnegie Mellon University Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, USA Pittsburgh, USA Pittsburgh, USA
[email protected] apav[email protected]
Patrick Carrington Lydia B. Chilton Jeffrey P. Bigham
Carnegie Mellon University Columbia University Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, USA New York, USA Pittsburgh, USA
Images on social media platforms are inaccessible to people
with vision impairments due to a lack of descriptions that
can be read by screen readers. Providing accurate alternative
text for all visual content on social media is not yet feasible,
but certain subsets of images, such as internet memes, offer
affordances for automatic or semi-automatic generation of
alternative text. We present two methods for making memes
accessible semi-automatically through (1) the generation of
rich alternative text descriptions and (2) the creation of audio
macro memes. Meme authors create alternative text templates
or audio meme templates, and insert placeholders instead of
the meme text. When a meme with the same image is encoun-
tered again, it is automatically recognized from a database of
meme templates. Text is then extracted and either inserted into
the alternative text template or rendered in the audio template
using text-to-speech. In our evaluation of meme formats with
10 Twitter users with vision impairments, we found that most
users preferred alternative text memes because the descrip-
tion of the visual content conveys the emotional tone of the
character. As the preexisting templates can be automatically
matched to memes using the same visual image, this combined
approach can make a large subset of images on the web acces-
sible, while preserving the emotion and tone inherent in the
image memes.
ACM Classification Keywords
K.4.2 Social Issues: Assistive technologies for persons with
Author Keywords
alternative text, meme, blind, low vision, audio, social media,
image description
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ASSETS ’19 October 28–30, 2019, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
© 2019 Copyright held by the owner/author(s). Publication rights licensed to ACM.
ISBN 978-1-4503-6676-2/19/10. . . $15.00
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Figure 1. Image macro memes feature a meme example that can be de-
scribed with an image template. We propose alternative forms of meme
description including audio, alt-text, and text templates.
Increasingly, people communicate on social media networks
and in personal chats using visual content (e.g., emojis, memes,
and recorded images/videos). However, a large amount of the
visual content on social media networks and personal chats
remains inaccessible due to a lack of high-quality image de-
scriptions. Social media platforms like Facebook [35], Twitter
[30], and Instagram [15] allow users to add alternative text to
their images, but most do not use this feature resulting in only
0.1% of images becoming accessible [10]. Because social
media platforms and users do not include high-quality alt text
with all images, we explore how to exploit repetition in the
common content users share over time. A large number of
images shared on social media are not original images. In fact,
a recent study of images on Twitter revealed that of a sample
of over 1.7 million photos, 80% were retweeted images [10].
In this paper, we focus on a class of image content which
affords opportunities to leverage this repetition – memes.
Broadly, a meme is “an idea, behavior, or style that spreads
from person to person within a culture – often with the aim
of conveying a particular phenomenon, theme, or meaning
Figure 2. Examples of image macro memes from two image templates.
Template A represents the “Success Kid” meme and Template B repre-
sents the “First World Problems” meme.
represented by the meme”
. We focus on image macro memes
[8], a common form of image-based meme that features an
image overlaid with caption text (Figure 2). Sharing an iden-
tifiable image macro meme can serve as shorthand for “a
phenomenon, theme or meaning”. For example, the celebrat-
ing toddler image represents “common situations with minor
victories” (Figure 2A), and the crying woman image repre-
sents “first world problems” (Figure 2B). However, existing
alt text for image macro memes typically describe only the
meme text (e.g., “Put candy bar in shopping cart without mom
noticing”), dropping the relevant context provided by the tem-
plate. Without the context recognized through the images, the
memes often lose their emotional tone or humorous aspect.
To make memes more widely accessible, we propose 1) an
automatic method for applying existing image descriptions
to new meme examples, and 2) a non-expert workflow for
creating high-quality alt text and audio macro meme templates.
Our automatic workflow classifies a meme example with 92%
accuracy and recognizes meme example text with a 22% word
error rate (9.2% by character error rate).
To understand user preferences for an accessible meme for-
mat, we conducted a user study with 10 visually impaired
participants comparing 3 different meme formats: meme text
only, image description with meme text, and meme text with a
unique tonally-relevant background sound (created by a sound
designer). While users preferred image descriptions, we find
that our traditional image descriptions occasionally fail to ef-
ficiently convey the function of the image (e.g., shorthand
for tone). For audio, despite quickly conveying tone, a back-
ground sound can lack universal accessibility. Based on user
performance and preference, we propose structured questions
for creating image descriptions for image macro memes.
In summary, our contributions are as follows:
An automatic process to recognize known memes and ex-
tract new text,
An interface for creating accessible memes in alternative
text or audio formats with placeholders for the extracted
text, and
Structured questions to be used for alternative description
formats for visual image content, specifically memes.
Our investigation of the accessibility of memes is related to
prior research on the usage of alternative text, methods to
generate image descriptions, and characterization and use of
memes on the web.
Online Accessibility for Images
Alternative text or “alt text”, most commonly refers to captions
for images online or in other software. The text is typically
added by website developers when creating web pages, either
in the HTML source code or via web content creation tools.
Today, accessibility for screen-reader users is one of the most
commonly cited reasons to add alternative text to images, how-
ever, it is also useful for non-graphical browsers or when an
image does not load for sighted users [1, 5]. In fact, image
descriptions have been used for a number of different appli-
cations including “semantic visual search, visual intelligence
in chatting robots, photo and video sharing in social media,
and aid for visually impaired people to perceive surrounding
visual content” [13]. Image labels, captions, and descriptions
provide a solid foundation for many of these kinds of applica-
tions. In this paper, we focus on the communicative qualities
of visual content alternatives for human users [26]. For the
most part, on the web this means either text or audio descrip-
tions for images and videos. Alt text descriptions for images
have been standard since 1995, but recent research by Morris
et al. contends that this standard may be stale, and modern
computing platforms could support richer representation of
visual content, including audio [22].
A historical analysis of websites reveals that complexity and
accessibility have had an inverse relationship; as websites be-
come more complex, they have become less accessible [12].
Guinness et al. created a system to identify and provide miss-
ing alternative text based on similar images found on the web.
After using Caption Crawler, 20-35% of images on various
categories of websites were still lacking alt text [11]. With
the rise of social media platforms, a significant amount of
image content on the web is now generated by end-users, not
website authors. This has led to a large amount of content
being inaccessible, as users either did not have the option to
add descriptions to their posts or were ill-equipped to produce
high quality descriptions [10].
Alt Text Generation
The majority of alternative text is written manually by website
developers or authors of the website content. While authors
are recommended to follow Web Content Accessibility Guide-
lines [4], many images on the web are not labelled correctly or
at all [2, 12]. Researchers have since sought to automatically
generate descriptions for images on the web. Different ap-
proaches have been adopted in order to label both objects [35]
and descriptions of scenes [20]. However, both the labelling
techniques and descriptions should be accepted cautiously, as
prior work has also highlighted a quality threshold for where
the generated descriptions can do more harm than good [26].
The best alternative text is typically provided by human la-
belling, especially for complex photos with a specific intent.
Researchers have proposed methods of sharing alternative text
for images between users [6] and collaboratively make web-
sties more accessible without permission from the owner [28].
Guinness et al. proposed the Caption Crawler to automatically
retrieve alternative text attached to the same image elsewhere
on the web through reverse image searches, which achieves
a similar goal without active crowdsourcing [11]. As this
re-uses alt text from the same image across the web, it is a
poor approach for memes which are visually similar but with
different meanings depending on the overlaid text.
Memes and Humor
Meme are challenging to describe in alternative text because
they contain humor. According to the Semantic Script Theory
of Humor [24], what is communicated in humor is implied
rather than stated directly. According to this theory, jokes have
a set-up and a punchline: the set-up leads the listener to expect
one thing, but then the punchline violates that expectation
and forces the listener to think of a second interpretation that
connects both statements. Often the second interpretation
involves an insult or an error in logic [19]. For example, in
Figure 2, the “Success Kid” meme (Template A) has set-up text
at the top saying “[I] put candy in the shopping cart”, which is a
normal thing to do. Then there is a picture of a toddler looking
very proud of himself, and a punchline reading “without [my]
mom noticing.This implies he did it sneakily and he is proud
that his mischievous act was not punished. Additionally, the
speaker is exaggerating how big this accomplishment is. It is
relatively minor, but the serious look of success on the kids
face implies he is treating it as a big accomplishment. This
is the error in logic, and perhaps a self-effacing insult that is
meant to make it humorous to the reader.
Understanding humor relies on a shared context of the speaker
and the listener in order for the listener to infer the correct
meaning. This is difficult for both people and computers. Al-
though many computer programs have been trained to detect
humor, most struggle to achieve more than 80% accuracy over
a 50% baseline [27, 29, 16, 3, 21]. This is likely because of
the immense amount of cultural background as well as nec-
essary ability to interpret the hidden meaning that is required.
Additionally, people outside of a culture context often find
that culture’s humor difficult to understand. A study of people
unfamiliar with memes or meme subculture [18] found that
memes were very hard to understand. They tested several ways
of elaborating or explaining the memes and found the most
successful strategy was to provide crowdsourced annotations
which explicitly described the implied meaning according to
the Semantic Script Theory of Humor. As noted by the com-
mon quotation [34], “Humor can be dissected, as a frog can,
but the thing dies in the process and the innards are discourag-
ing to any but the pure scientific mind. In this vein, there is a
challenge in making the content of a meme more accessible,
while still leaving the meaning implied, so that the joke can
be enjoyed as intended.
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Figure 3. Our system first recognizes whether or not the image is a meme.
If it is a meme, the system attempts to classify the meme as a representa-
tive example of a meme template in our database (e.g., “Success Kid”),
and recognizes the text within the meme (e.g. “Was a bad boy all year”).
If the meme classification confidence for a match (i.e. image similarity
score) reaches a score over a given threshold, we output three formats:
meme text only, an alt text + meme text pair, and an audio macro meme.
If the confidence falls below that threshold, we output only the text.
To transform image macro memes into accessible alternative
formats, we provide 1) an automatic method for converting
image macro memes encountered on the web into alternative
meme formats, 2) an authoring interface for generating meme
alt text templates and audio macro meme templates. As each
meme template can apply to thousands of instances of the same
base meme, our automatic method allows people browsing the
web to convert existing image macro memes to preexisting
alternative meme template formats (e.g., meme text, alt text,
audio meme). Our authoring interface enables non-experts to
efficiently produce meme template alternatives.
Automatic method
We automatically convert existing image macro memes en-
countered in the wild to alternative meme types by: 1) recog-
nizing that an image is a meme, 2) identifying the meme type
(e.g., “success kid”, “confession bear”), and 3) extracting the
text from the meme (Figure 3). We then insert the extracted
text into the alternative text templates textually or audio macro
meme template using text to speech.
Meme recognition
When a user encounters an image on a social media network
(e.g., Imgur, Twitter), we first detect whether or not the image
is a meme using Google Cloud Vision API’s “Detecting Web
Entities and Pages” request. For a given image, we obtain a list
of web-generated labels (e.g. “Meme, Success Kid, Toddler,
Brother” for the Success Kid meme) and we check if the key-
word “meme” or “internet meme” appears in the list of labels.
We evaluated this method with 105 meme images randomly
selected from the “Meme Generator Dataset” from Library of
Congress’s Web Archive [23], and 105 non-meme images (a
random subset of the ImageNet database [7]). This method
achieves a meme recognition accuracy of 94.4% (100% pre-
cision, 89.9% recall). The API typically does not include the
“meme” label for new or less prevalent memes.
Meme classification
We next match the recognized input meme to a meme tem-
plate in order to identify any corresponding alternative meme
representation. We create a dataset of the 137 meme tem-
plates from Imgur
. To automatically match the input meme
image with a database meme template, we first re-size and
crop the input meme image to be the same size as the tem-
plates in the database. Then, we compute for the input meme
and each database meme template: 1) the structural similarity
between the input image and the template image, and 2) the
color histogram difference between the input image and the
template image. To compute structural similarity, we use the
Multi-Scale Structural Similarity (MS-SSIM) index [33] that
considers the luminance, contrast, and structural similarity
between image regions at various zoom levels. To compute
the color histogram difference, we divide each image into
5 regions (Figure 4) and sum together chi-squared distance
between HSV color histograms computed for each region
(8 bins for the hue channel, 12 bins for the saturation chan-
nel and 3 bins for the value channel) [25]. We define the
final image similarity score between two images
, where
are adjustable parameters that sum to
. We use
α = 0.15
β = 0.85
, determined empirically. We calculate an Image
Similarity score for each template with the fixed input meme
example, and return the template with the highest similarity
score. If the score is below a confidence threshold, we only
output the meme text, as it is likely not in the database.
Figure 4. An example of separate regions computed for the color his-
togram difference measurement.
We evaluated meme classification with 385 memes scraped
from the “most popular memes of the year” page of Imgur
With the structural similarity (MS-SSIM) score alone, we
achieve an accuracy of
. The structural similarity score
method tends to not perform well on images with low reso-
lution or noise, and performs well on photographs with high-
contrast. The color histogram difference alone achieves an
accuracy of
. The color histogram difference method
often confuses images with similar colors in the same regions
(e.g., the nose of a black bear with a black t-shirt). The com-
bined Image Similarity accuracy is 92.25%.
Text Recognition
After we match the input meme image to a meme template,
we extract the top and bottom caption text of the meme image
(Figure 2). Given the extracted text and recognized meme
template, we can 1) generate the meme’s alternative text, and
2) generate an audio meme by using text to speech. We use
Google Cloud Vision API’s Optical Character Recognition
(OCR) feature to detect and extract text from images. Most of
the watermarks on memes (e.g., “”) appear along
image boundaries but do not contribute to the main meme text.
So, we remove any text with a bounding box within 5 pixels
of the image border.
We evaluated our this recognition approach using the
“Meme Generator Dataset” from Library of Congress’s Web
Archive [23] that contains 57,000 memes along with the top
and bottom text. For each ground truth and prediction pair,
we calculate word error rate (WER) or the number of substi-
tutions, deletions and insertions in an edit distance alignment
over the total number of words [32]. We achieve a word error
rate of
and a character error rate of
. We find two
common types of errors: 1) a word includes only a few mis-
taken characters (“OET” instead of “GET”), and 2) two words
are recognized as one word (“ANDTWO” instead of “AND
TWO”). When a word is not recognized, a screen reader either
pronounces the word phonetically or spells out the word. In
the case of combined words, the phonetic pronunciation is typ-
ically correct. We explored applying a simple spell-checker to
the resulting OCR text. While it did correct many 1-character
mistakes, it often incorrectly changed the combined words.
We chose not to use the spell-checker, but in future work we
will explore more approaches to reduce the WER, such as
spell checkers with more advanced language models or OCR
fine-tuned for fonts typically used in image macro memes.
Authoring Alternative Meme Templates
Our authoring interface (Figure 5) lets users generate alterna-
tive templates including alt text templates and audio meme
templates to add to the database.
The authoring interface accepts an input example meme (Fig-
ure 5A) and parses the meme using the automatic pipeline to
identify the top or bottom text. To create an alt text template,
a user drags the (Figure 5D) top/bottom text placeholders to
the meme template box and writes alt text in relation to where
it should occur to the placeholders. The system then exports
the template as text such that the automatic method can later
apply the template to new examples. To create an audio macro
meme, a user can place top/bottom text placeholders then click
and drag (Figure 5E) sounds from a library accessed via search
to place sounds in relation to the placeholders. Finally users
can optionally place (Figure 5F) pauses for comedic timing.
The authoring interface is the same for creating either alt text
or audio meme templates, except that sounds and pauses are
unavailable for alt text meme templates. Authoring of the
meme template occurs for the general instance of that meme,
so users cannot edit OCR results that will eventually fill the
placeholder. However, they can preview their alt text or audio
templates with an example.
Once a user has created and submitted their new alt text or
audio template, it is reused for any user after a meme example
is matched to that base meme template. The system currently
Figure 5. The meme template creation interface displays (A) a reference meme example, (B) the constructed meme template so far, (C) preview and
output in text and audio formats, and then a series of tools to construct the meme template. To create an alt text template, a user can drag the (D)
top/bottom text placeholders to the meme template box then write alt text in relation to where it should occur with the placeholders. The system then
exports the template as text to be applied by the automatic method. To create an audio macro meme, a user can input placeholders then click and drag
(E) sounds from a library accessed via search to place sounds in relation to the placeholders. Finally, users can optionally place (F) pauses for comedic
chooses just the most recent template, but future work may
involve a measure of popularity or voting to assign a default
alt text or audio template to a meme.
The authoring interface itself is not currently accessible to
screen readers, as it is designed to translate visual content, and
also relies heavily on drag-and-drop interactions. In future
work, we intend to explore accessible interfaces for designing
audio-first or alt text-first memes, in addition to translating
image macro memes.
We conducted a user study and interview with 10 blind or
low-vision participants to understand their experiences with
internet memes and compare different media formats to make
them accessible. Eleven participants were recruited on the
Twitter platform, and participated in our study remotely over
online voice chat or phone. One participant (P8) was unable to
complete the study due to issues with audio on their computer,
so their data is excluded from these results. Participant ages
ranged from 19 to 53, with an average age of 31.8. Three
participants were female and seven were male. All partici-
pants accessed Twitter using a screen reader. All participants
reported they had encountered memes before. But, due to ac-
cessibility issues with memes, only two participants reported
experiencing memes in more depth: P6 reported friends ex-
plaining memes, and P9 experienced accessible memes on
sites like Instagram. Further participant demographics can be
found in Table 1.
Meme Formats
The participants in our study were asked to interact with meme
examples sourced from Imgur and Meme Generator’s list of
popular memes [9]. There were 9 different meme types (Ap-
pendix A), with 5 examples of each, for a total of 45 meme
examples. The participants experienced 15 examples of these
memes in the following three conditions:
1. Text Only:
As a baseline, the simplest media format was
the text-only results from an automatic OCR pass of the
meme. These were HTML images that contained alternative
text of only the overlaid text. If memes have any alt text at
all, it is common for it to only be the overlaid text that the
meme generator automatically added. This also represents a
completely automatic solution without human involvement,
but the visual elements from the image are lost in these
2. Meme Description:
The alternative text in this condition
contained a description of the visual content of the image
and the overlaid text. The text was separated by the top an
bottom of the image, so the participant could tell how they
were visually separated.
3. Audio Macro Memes:
Visual memes intend to provoke an
emotional reaction, often some form of humor, that is lost
in a pure textual description read by a screen reader. Audio
macro memes, a sound analog to image macro memes,
include background sound that can carry the emotional
affect the meme creator intended. These were sound files
that contained background audio customized to each meme
type. Text-to-speech rendered the overlaid text in the meme.
We hired a professional sound producer to create these audio
versions, attempting to convey the emotional tone of the
visual meme.
The examples we presented (Appendix A) represented a best
case scenario in quality of meme examples. For all of these
memes, we corrected the OCR results before generating each
example, in order to ensure participants were evaluating the
meme formats, not the OCR results. Members of the research
team who were familiar with alternative text wrote the im-
age descriptions for the alt text format. We hired a profes-
sional sound designer to create background audio for the audio
memes, instead of picking from a sound effect library. In fu-
ture work we would want to additionally evaluate the memes
created by novice users.
Study Procedure
Each participant completed a tutorial, listening to the same
meme in each format using the screen reader or playing the
audio file for the audio macro meme. Then, they were assigned
ID Age Gender SM years Level of vision Level of vision years Screen reader
P1 41 M 12
P2 23 M 12
P3 53 M 10
P4 45 M 14
P5 19 M 7
P6 25 F 4.5
P7 32 M 12
P9 22 F 6
P10 19 M 6
P11 39 F 11
Peripheral, 2 percent central
2 Voiceover, NVDA
52 Voiceover, NVDA
45 Voiceover, Jaws, NVDA, Narrator
19 Voiceover, NVDA
25 Jaws, NVDA
32 Jaws, Voiceover, NVDA
Low vision to total blindness (fluctuates) 19 Voiceover, NVDA, Talkback
Light perception 19 NVDA
None 39 Voiceover
Table 1. Demographics
of participants who participated in the online study including age, gender, years on social media (SM years), level of vision,
screen reader, and years at the designated level of vision (level of vision years). Note that P8 was unable to complete the study and is excluded here.
an ordering of the media conditions which were balanced
across participants. The meme types (see Appendix A) were
randomized for each condition, and examples within each set
of five examples were also randomized. They listened to all 5
examples of one meme type, then were asked two questions:
To what extent do you agree with the statement “I feel I
understood the meme” where 1 is Strongly Disagree, 3 is
Neutral, and 5 is Strongly Agree?
Please describe the meme template (i.e. common joke for-
mat) to us.
After answering these questions, they completed the same task
for two sets of 5 more examples. After completing all 3 meme
types for that format condition, they completed the other two
conditions. In total, the participants experienced 45 meme
examples from 9 meme types. They answered the questions
above for each meme type.
The first question posed above seeks to measure the partici-
pant’s confidence in their understanding of the common joke
format for 5 examples of the same meme. We present the aver-
age response for each media format by participant in Table 2.
Participants were more confident with alt text memes (mean
= 3.95), and confidence levels for the text-only (mean = 3.55)
and audio macro (mean = 3.52) media formats were similar.
ID Text Only Alt Text Audio Macro All Conditions
P1 2.67 3.67 3.33 3.22
P2 3.33 4.00 4.67 4.00
P3 4.83 3.83 3.67 4.11
P4 5.00 4.00 3.00 4.00
P5 2.33 2.33 2.83 2.50
P6 5.00 4.67 4.67 4.78
P7 1.33 3.00 1.00 1.78
P9 4.33 5.00 4.67 4.67
P10 2.33 5.00 4.00 3.78
P11 4.33 4.00 3.33 3.89
All 3.55 3.95 3.52 3.65
Table 2. The average agreement with “I feel I understood this meme.”
for each participant by meme format.
The second question we asked after each 5 meme examples
was to measure the participants’ accuracy of understanding
the joke format. Three members of the research team individ-
ually wrote the target joke formats, extracting the common
elements important to the joke across all of the visual meme
examples. These three interpretations of the joke format were
combined into a rubric for each example. Two members of
the research team redundantly coded a random subset of 20
participant meme templates as either correct or incorrect, and
inter-rater reliability was estimated using Cohen’s kappa
= 0.7
which can be interpreted as substantial agreement [17]. One of
the team members continued to rate the remaining participant
templates. Participant answers were marked correct if they par-
tially or fully matched that meme’s rubric, or if they mentioned
the name of the meme directly. For example, the rubric for the
Success Kid meme was “Victory/outcome/success (especially
minor)”, and a participant’s response of “Little triumphs, little
minute triumphs” was rated correct, while “Something bad
and then something good. was not specific enough to the
form described in the rubric and marked incorrect.
Overall, participants accurately stated 63% of the joke formats
after hearing 5 examples in various media conditions. The
results across conditions were close, with audio memes having
an accuracy of 70%, alt text memes an accuracy of 63%, and
text-only memes an accuracy of 57%. Due to the small number
of participants, it was not appropriate to perform a statistical
analysis on these results, but a larger follow-up study may be
able to examine if there is a statistically significant difference
between media formats.
Post-Study Interviews
We interviewed each participant about the memes and media
formats they experienced after they finished listening to all
45 examples and answering the questions above. Here, we
summarize some of their responses and the trade-offs between
the different formats.
Format Preferences
The overwhelming majority of participants (8 of 10) preferred
the alternative text memes, primarily because it gave them
access to a visual description of the content. Several partici-
pants noted that this description helped them understand the
meme better, particularly if the emotions or facial expressions
of the character in the meme were described. Participants
often called these “characters” and believed they might be the
“speaker” of the meme text. As P3 said regarding the First
World Problems meme:
It gives you “head in hands, crying”. I could get the
emotion, but the reason for the emotion appears in the
text. – P3
On the other hand, many participants noted that the images
were not always clearly connected with the meme template,
and they were confused why it was included.
It’s a little confusing, because I’m like “Why is a bear
saying this?” or “Why is a penguin saying this?” – P6
This sometimes lead participants to be overly specific about
the joke format, such as “Ways the toddler is prevailing over
life. for Success Kid, even though a meme example was
parking a car, which is an activity not performed by most
Participants raised specific concerns about the audio meme
format, as it did not use the standard accessibility features
(i.e. alternative text). This meant the participants did not hear
the memes in their preferred voice and speed. Additionally,
one participant noted that audio memes are not universally
accessible, whereas alternative text or text only memes are
available to deaf-blind users or those who use Braille displays.
The participants who preferred formats other than alt text (P6,
P9) also reported the most in-depth meme experience in the
pre-interview. P6 and P9 noted they found formats other than
alt text to be more efficient. While P9 preferred audio memes
because the audio quickly conveyed the meme tone (e.g., “dark
memes”, “sarcasm”), P6 preferred text alone.
Willingness to Share and Create Memes
As many of the participants had not experienced a large num-
ber of internet memes before, we asked them if they would
have posted any of the 45 examples they experienced during
the study. Nine of the participants had at least one they might
post, but several would only do so with friends, not publicly.
P9 was very enthusiastic about sharing memes in general
just not the ones we chose as examples:
I would probably consider posting them because they
were strictly made in an accessible format, [But] my
friends would think “Why are you posting things from
2011?” – P9
Three participants said they would definitely create memes
themselves if they had tools to do so.
I certainly want to be part of the culture. There are
circumstances where I think the message I am trying to
convey would be done better by visual memes than verbal
or writing. It’s so easy and it’s so efficient to share when
a picture can convey a message. – P1
Three participants were not confident they would be able to
create memes without sight, as the visual component is im-
portant. Four participants stated they were not interested in
creating memes themselves, but would like to view them.
Our interviews and user studies with the ten Twitter users
with vision impairments revealed a number of opinions and
preferences about meme media formats.
Primarily, the users sought access to the same information
provided to sighted users: a description of the visual image
and the overlaid text. In some cases this helped the partici-
pants understand the humor or other sentiment in the meme
(e.g., First World Problem), although in a few cases it was
confusing (e.g., Confession Bear). The users stated the audio
and text memes did not provide enough context to understand
the meme, and this is reflected in their confidence ratings for
these conditions. However, the users had similar accuracy
scores for memes in these conditions, indicating there might
be a divide between confidence and actual understanding of
the different formats.
Some of the stated concerns with the audio memes may be
due to its unfamiliarity. They were not integrated with screen
readers, so they did not automatically play on focus like the
alternative text. They also did not use preferred voices or
speaking rates. Close integration with screen readers could
alleviate these problems with audio memes, but other issues,
such as lack of universal accessibility, are inherent to the media
format. As the system can produce text-only, alt text, and
audio memes, we can create accessible content in multi-modal
formats, allowing users to select their preferred formats.
We followed established guidelines for creating meme alt
text [10, 26]. Still, our alt text did not always highlight in-
formation users needed to understand memes. Specifically,
users requested more information about the character in the
meme and their emotional state. In addition, several users
mistook the image style of memes when reporting what they
imagined the meme to look like (e.g., reporting the images to
be low-effort drawings or stick figures instead of photographs).
Based on prior work [26] and our study results, we propose
a condensed, meme specific set of structured questions for
writing alt text of memes:
Who are the character(s) in these memes?
What actions are the characters performing, if an
What emotions or facial expressions do the character(s)
exhibit in these examples?
Do you recognize the source of the image (TV show, movie,
etc)? If so, what is it?
Is there anything notable, or different about the background
of the image?
Meme descriptions that provide this type of context remain
consistent with the fact that much of the humorous effect
comes from a character acting out a scenario rather than simply
describe it [14, 31]. By describing who is acting out the meme
text, and what the image indicates about their background, we
may be able to give viewers the intended experience.
Limitations and Future Work
In the user study with Twitter users with vision impairments,
we presented meme examples that were crafted by members of
the research team. These examples represent some of the best
case scenarios for each format. Word errors in the OCR re-
sults were corrected, alt text was written with best practices in
mind [26, 10], and the background audio in the audio memes
were created by a professional sound designer. Online vol-
unteers or crowd workers may not generate alternative meme
templates of the same quality, although prior work demon-
strates that this is true in the case of alternative text [26].
We operated from a known set of historical memes curated
by Imgur and Meme Generator, but in reality new memes are
always being created or modified. These examples may not
exist in our database, or they may be similar enough to another
meme to match, but have a different semantic meaning. Future
work should explore how quickly a new meme in the wild
can be recognized, and how many examples of the meme are
needed before it can be transformed into an accessible format.
Internet memes are so commonly associated with visual con-
tent that most participants did not imagine audio memes be-
yond accessible versions of images. We believe that memes
generated as audio first by people with vision impairments
may be interesting as a standalone non-visual media, espe-
cially for other blind users. This may open up opportunities
to explore multi-modal representations of memes and online
content. In addition to static memes, participants mentioned
they would like access to GIFs that are commonly posted on
Twitter as reactions to tweets. Audio descriptions of GIFs
could be similar to those provided for accessible videos.
Memes may not always be vehicles for conveying serious con-
tent, but they remain an important part of online discourse,
whether that is public or in small groups with friends. Creators
of memes typically do not include alternative text, rendering
almost all of them inaccessible to people with vision impair-
ments. We have presented an automatic method to recognize
known memes, extracting the overlaid text, and rendering that
text into a more accessible format, such as alternative text or
an audio meme template. Because many memes are repeated
images with new text, this results in a scalable solution to make
a large number of online memes accessible just by creating
alternative text or audio versions of the base meme template.
In a study with 10 Twitter users with vision impairments, we
found that they preferred the alternative text memes due to
their inclusion of visual context, compatibility with screen
readers, and universal accessibility. The study also reveals that
people with vision impairments are eager to share accessible
memes, as they are a part of culture and communication online.
Based on their responses, we propose a short set of structured
questions for alternative text authors to answer when describ-
ing memes. These can assist the authors using our system to
not only make memes trivially accessible, but also preserve
the emotional tone or humor embedded in the meme. Even the
participants who were not as interested in “silly” memes noted
that their lack of alternative text was a source of significant
accessibility issues on social media.
I think [memes] could become a way to generate a lot of
useless content very quickly. But if there has to be a lot of
useless content out there, it ought to be accessible. – P4
This work has been supported by the National Science Foun-
dation (#IIS-1816012 and #DGE-1745016), Google, and the
National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Re-
habilitation Research (NIDILRR 90DP0061).
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Figure 6. An example of each meme template. In the study, we used 5
example memes for each meme template for 45 total memes.
In our study, we used nine different visual memes (Figure 6)
with five examples for each. The names of the memes we used,
are listed here:
A Awesome Awkward Penguin
B Success Kid
C Philosoraptor
D Bad Luck Brian
E Most Interesting Man in the World
F Confession Bear
G Awkward Moment Seal
H First World Problems
I Futurama Fry
We include the alt text template for each meme (Table 3) and
a meme example for each (Figure 6).
Base meme Alt text template
Confession Bear
Baby black bear staring into space with
paws on a tree branch. Overlaid text on top
[top text]. Overlaid text on bottom [bottom
Success Kid
Toddler clenching fist in front of a smug
face. Overlaid text on top [top text]. Over-
laid text on bottom [bottom text]
Awkward Moment Seal
Close up of a seal’s face with wide eyes
and a straight face. Overlaid text on top
[top text]. Overlaid text on bottom [bottom
Interesting Man
A man with gray hair in a nice shirt and
jacket smirking while leaning on one elbow.
A bottle of Dos Equis beet is in front of him.
Overlaid text on top [top text]. Overlaid text
on bottom [bottom text].
A drawing of a green dinosaur raptor with
a claw to it’s chin and mouth open as if it
is contemplating something. Overlaid text
on top [top text]. Overlaid text on bottom
[bottom text].
First World Problems
Close up on a woman with her eyes closed
head in one hand and a stream of tears run-
ning down her cheek. Overlaid text on top
[top text]. Overlaid text on bottom [bottom
Awesome Awkward Penguin
Close up of a seal’s face with wide eyes
and a straight face. Overlaid text on top
[top text]. Overlaid text on bottom [bottom
Bad Luck Brian
A young kid in an awkward school photo.
He is wearing a plaid vest and has an open
smile where you can see his braces. Over-
laid text on top [top text]. Overlaid text on
bottom [bottom text].
Futurama Fry
Fry from the show Futurama a cartoon man
with orange hair squinting his eyes as if he
suspects something. Overlaid text on top
[top text]. Overlaid text on bottom [bottom
Table 3. Names of memes (base meme) with the corresponding alt text
template for each meme. When the template lists [top text] and [bottom
text], we replace the placeholders with the example meme text. Audio
meme templates included in the supplemental materials.