Tuesday, June 18, 2024
12:00 pm
Location: Margaret Morton Government Center
First Floor Conference Room C
999 Broad Street, Bridgeport, CT 06604
Zoom link was provided for those unable to attend in-person
*Please Note: In addition to the minutes below, an audio recording of this meeting can be found on the
Authority’s website at
Board Attendance
Chair David Kooris; Dave Pohorylo; Gaffney Feskoe; Felix Reyes; Tom Gill; Grant Westerson; Brian
Thompson; Doug Dalena; John Johnson; Paul Hinsch; Tom Patton; Paul Whitescarver
Absent: Paul O. Robertson; Chuck Roman; Mayor Justin Elicker
CPA Staff/Other: Mayor Joe Ganim (City of Bridgeport); Gina Malheiro (Bridgeport Port Authority);
Anthony Paoletto (Bridgeport Port Authority); Justin Ballotte (Bridgeport & Port Jefferson Steamboat
Company); Martin Masterson (McAllister Towing); Harry Boardsen (Bridgeport Boatworks); Sally Kruse
(New Haven Port Authority); Marlin Peterson (AECOM); Ulysses Hammond; Fayola Haynes; Eric
Dussault; Jill Dowling-Moreno
1. Call to Order
Chair Kooris called the meeting to order at 12:01pm.
2. Approval of minutes of the February 20, 2024 Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors,
and the minutes of the March 14, 2024, March 19, 2024 and May 21, 2024 Special Meetings
of the Board of Directors.
Chair Kooris noted one motion for approval of all of the listed minutes.
Motion by Grant Westerson, seconded by Felix Reyes. So, VOTED with NO opposed and
abstentions by Tom Gill, Dave Pohorylo, Tom Patton and Paul Whitescarver.
3. Public Comment
4. Finance Committee Report
(Begins at 3:27 of the audio recording)
Chair Kooris provided a brief update from today’s Finance Committee Meeting at 10am. He
noted that the fiscal position of the Authority is strong, and that last fiscal year ended in a slight
deficit. However, now that State Pier has moved from construction to operations, the CPA is now
projecting a significant surplus as planned.
Chair Kooris noted there were two action items that came out of the Finance Committee meeting:
a recommendation for approval of the FY 2025 Budget; and a COLA increase that he will hold for
discussion after the HR Committee report, since that item came out of both the Finance and HR
Committee meetings.
(Begins at 6:17 of the audio recording)
(a) Consideration and approval of a resolution authorizing and adopting the Fiscal
Year 2025 Budget
RESOLVED, that, in accordance with Article I, Section 5 of the Connecticut Port
Authority (the “Authority”) By-Laws and Section IV of the Authority’s Operating
Procedures, the Authority hereby approves the Fiscal Year 2025 Annual Operating
Budget and Plan of Operation as recommended by the Finance Committee at its meeting
of June 18, 2024 and as defined and attached hereto as the Exhibit to Agenda Item #4a.
There was discussion regarding the Proposed Budget for FY 2025, with a focus on
Marketing. Discussion included suggestions to increase the marketing budget. It was
noted that with a projected surplus and once a new Executive Director is hired that
budget modifications can be made.
Motion by John Johnson, seconded by Gaffney Feskoe. So, VOTED with NO opposed
and NO abstentions.
5. Human Resources Committee Report
(Begins at 18:50 of the audio recording)
HR Committee Co-Chair Brian Thompson provided an update from the Special HR Committee
Meeting that was held on June 12
. He noted that Ulysses Hammond has served as Interim
Executive Director of the Authority for over two (2) years and that the Committee decided to move
the Board forward with the hiring of a permanent Executive Director. They have drafted a job
posting and plan to engage a Maritime search firm to assist with the recruitment, similar to the
recent search that was successfully completed for the Maritime Development Manager position.
Chair Kooris added that the Executive Director recruitment was discussed a while back, but held
off due to proposed legislation that did not end up moving forward during this last legislative
Brian Thompson provided an overview of the Committee’s discussion regarding a COLA for the
Interim Director. He noted that the recommendation from the HR Committee to the Finance
Committee was for a COLA increase of 5% for the Interim Executive Director. Chair Kooris
clarified it would be retroactive to the Interim Director’s one-year anniversary date as approved by
the Finance Committee.
Motion to take up this item made by Grant Westerson, seconded by Felix Reyes. So, VOTED
with NO opposed and NO abstentions.
Motion to approve a 5% COLA for the Interim Executive Director retroactive to April 2023, the
Interim Director’s one-year anniversary date. Motion by Grant Westerson, seconded by Tom
Patton. So, VOTED with NO opposed and NO abstentions.
6. Executive Director’s Report
(Begins at 25:20 of the audio recording)
Ulysses Hammond thanked the City of Bridgeport and staff, and the Bridgeport Port Authority,
especially Gina Malheiro and Tom Gill for the outstanding meeting accommodations. He
introduced the Authority’s new Maritime Development Manager, Eric Dussault, who comes to the
Authority with over 20 years of maritime experience and service in the U.S. Coast Guard.
Ulysses Hammond noted that Eric Dussault will be assisting the Authority in maritime
infrastructure and economic development with a primary focus on Small Harbors. He thanked the
Selection Committee who assisted with the recruitment, John Johnson, Brian Thompson, Dave
Pohorylo and Fayola Haynes.
Ulysses Hammond noted that the EPA Clean Ports NLSP Grant Application was submitted in
May. He continued with providing updates on items including Financial Management; New
Haven Harbor Navigation Improvement Project; Fort Trumbull Pier 7 Project; SHIPP Round 3
where all nine awards have been fully executed; SHIPP Round 4- applications due July 1, 2024;
Statewide Dredging Study Questionnaire due July 31, 2024; Connecticut Pilot Commission; and a
recap of recent Educational/Outreach Opportunities and Site Visits. He noted that he participated
as a panelist at the Reuters Offshore Wind conference in Boston yesterday.
There was further discussion regarding the Fort Trumbull Pier 7 Project, and regarding the Small
Harbor Improvement Projects Program (SHIPP) in relation to the new legislation, Public Act No.
24-48, a copy of which was provided to the Board.
7. Deepwater Ports Update
(Begins at 43:48 of the audio recording)
(a) Bridgeport
i. Presentations by Tom Gill and Gina Malheiro (City of Bridgeport), Harry
Boardsen (Bridgeport Boatworks) and Fred Hall (Bridgeport & Port
Jefferson Steamboat Company)
Gina Malheiro, Executive Director of the Bridgeport Port Authority
provided introductions including a video from the City of Bridgeport
depicting current projects and the waterfront. She introduced Tom Gill,
Director of Bridgeport’s Office of Planning & Economic Development and
Bridgeport Port Authority Board Member. She also acknowledged
Anthony Paoletto, a Commissioner of the Bridgeport Port Authority in
Tom Gill provided an overview of the activity and development in
Bridgeport’s Harbor and Port area, including Steelpointe Harbor. He
introduced representatives in attendance from Bridgeport Boatworks and
Bridgeport & Port Jefferson Ferry.
Harry Boardsen provided an overview of Bridgeport Boatworks as an
update to his presentation at the February Board meeting. He noted that
they are a growing shipyard servicing retail, commercial and industrial
markets. He noted that in partnership with the Bridgeport Port Authority,
they submitted a federal grant application and were awarded a $10.5M
MARAD grant to continue the upfit improvement of their facility, and are
currently doing environmental assessments and hoping to finalize the
award next year. He provided additional information regarding labor
force, tenants, lifts and Bridgeport Harbor Marina.
Justin Ballotte, Operations Manager at Bridgeport & Port Jefferson
Steamboat Company and Martin Masterson, Project Manager at
McAllister Towing provided a presentation that included updates since
their presentation at the December Board Meeting. Justin Ballotte
provided high-level updates on the Ferry Terminal at Water Street and
the reconstruction project that is underway, and lease area expansion.
He noted that they are expecting a fourth ferry to come into rotation in
the Fall. Martin Masterson provided updates regarding the project at the
Barnum Landing site including the remediation and reconstruction
completed as of December 2023. He provided updates regarding the
Ferry Berth and Federal Navigation Project de-authorization, and where
they are currently in the process. They hosted a navigation risk
assessment in April. They are seeking formal letters of support from the
Bridgeport Port Authority and Connecticut Port Authority. He noted he
would provide renderings for reference. Justin Ballotte provided
additional background information on the Bridgeport & Port Jefferson
Gina Malheiro provided an overview of one of the projects that the
Bridgeport Port Authority is currently working on, which is construction of
a high-speed ferry terminal on Water Street, with construction anticipated
for completion in late fall.
Mayor Joe Ganim gave welcoming remarks and thanked the Board for
coming to Bridgeport. He highlighted some of the projects happening in
Bridgeport and with the Bridgeport Port Authority including the reclaiming
of waterfront sites.
Chair Kooris thanked Mayor Ganim for hosting today’s meetings in
Bridgeport along with Tom Gill and Gina Malheiro, and for providing
updates on the exciting projects taking place in Bridgeport.
(b) New London
(Begins at 1:22:05 of the audio recording)
i. State Pier Project Update
Ulysses Hammond provided the State Pier Infrastructure Improvements
Projects update and noted that Marlin Peterson, Construction
Administrator from AECOM was attending virtually. He noted that the
Project continues to transition from construction to operations, and
turned over 100% of acreage to terminal operator Gateway. The CPA is
working with partners Eversource and Orsted on the second offshore
wind project, Revolution Wind, which will provide power to CT and RI,
and that towers and blades have been delivered and are being
assembled. He noted that from a work-in-place perspective, 99% of the
value of the infrastructure improvements have achieved completion and
that completion of the handful of punch list items is anticipated by the
end of the month. He noted that the Project is in the testing and
verification phase for closeout of the project. Moving forward, he noted
that the CPA is looking at ways to make long-term improvements to the
Pier, including emission reducing ship-to-shore capability and an
expansion joint improvement.
Felix Reyes asked about responsibility for maintenance of the property
now that the Infrastructure Improvements have been made. Ulysses
Hammond noted that it is primarily Gateway’s responsibility to maintain
the property, in partnership with the Authority.
Ulysses Hammond suggested having an observation point where
education and briefings can take place at State Pier. Chair Kooris added
the suggestion for an informational kiosk at the site that would provide
background and information regarding the project.
John Johnson inquired about the Charybdis vessel. Chair Kooris noted
that Dominion’s Charybdis vessel is not yet completed, and Orsted is
currently implementing projects and needed to find alternatives for the
delivery of its projects.
Felix Reyes mentioned the needs for dredging in New London Harbor.
Ulysses Hammond introduced a video by the Connecticut Wind
Collaborative of the South Fork Wind tour that he and some Authority
staff and Board members attended. He thanked Board Chair David
Kooris for his leadership throughout the years in making such a moment
even possible.
(c) New Haven
(Begins at 1:37:50 of the audio recording)
Sally Kruse, Executive Director of the New Haven Port Authority provided a brief update
which included that they are nearing the end of the selection for their Master Plan and
requested that this item be included on the Authority’s August meeting agenda. They
partnered with Gateway on a PIDP Grant for rail infrastructure and did a statutory
partnership agreement on Gateway’s grant application for the EPA’s Clean Ports
Program Zero-Emission funding opportunity. They are also closing in on license
agreements for the DOT purchased properties. She thanked the Authority for managing
the grant.
8. Small Harbor Improvement Projects Program (SHIPP) Update
See Substitute House Bill No. 5189, Public Act No. 24-48 attached
(Begins at 1:39:31 of the audio recording)
Chair Kooris noted that this item was covered under the SHIPP discussion earlier in the meeting.
9. Old Business
10. New Business
11. Adjournment
(Begins at 1:40:00 of the audio recording)
Motion by Felix Reyes, seconded by John Johnson. Meeting adjourned at 1:41pm.
Chair Kooris noted the next Finance Committee meeting in July, and next Board meeting in