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1,050 New Testament Commands
There are 1,050 commands in the New Testament for Christians to obey. Due to repetitions
we can classify them under about 800 headings
. They cover every phase of man's life in his
relationship to God and his fellowmen, now and hereafter. If obeyed, they will bring rich
rewards here and forever; if disobeyed, they will bring condemnation and eternal punishment.
Seven "Abstains" - Abstain From:
1. Idols (ACTS 15:20)
2. Fornication (ACTS 15:20,29; 1.THESS 4:2-3)
3. Strangled meats (ACTS 15:20)
4. Eating blood (ACTS 15:20)
5. Meats offered to idols (ACTS 15:29)
6. All appearance of evil (1.THESS 5:22)
7. Fleshly lusts (1.PET 2:11)
Seven things to avoid:
1. Troublemakers (ROM 16:17)
2. Profane and vain babblings (1.TIM 6:20)
3. False science (1.TIM 6:20)
4. Unlearned questions (2.TIM 2:23)
5. Foolish questions (TIT 3:9)
6. Genealogies (TIT 3:9)
7. Arguments about the law (TIT 3:9)
Three "Asks":
1. Ask and ye shall receive (MATT 7:7)
2. Ask no return of goods (LK 6:30)
3. Ask life for backsliders (1.JN 5:16)
Two things to awake to:
1. Awake to righteousness (1.COR 15:34)
2. Awake to life (EPH 5:14)
Seventy-four "Be's":
1. Be exceeding glad (MATT 5:12)
2. Be reconciled to a brother (MATT 5:24)
3. Be perfect (MATT 5:48; 2.COR 13:11)
4. Be wise as serpents (MATT 10:16)
5. Be harmless as doves (MATT 10:16)
6. Be ready for Christ's coming (MATT 24:44;
LK 12:40)
7. Be content with your wages (LK 3:14)
8. Be merciful as God (LK 6:36)
9. Be like faithful servants (LK 12:36)
10. Be thankful (COL 3:15)
11. Be at peace among selves (1.THESS 5:13)
12. Be patient toward all people
(1.THESS 5:14; 2.TIM 2:24)
13. Be no partaker of sin (1.TIM 5:22)
14. Be sober and hope (1.PET 1:13)
15. Be sober and pray (1.PET 4:7)
16. Be sober, grave, temperate, sound in faith,
charity, and patience (aged men, TIT 2:2)
17. Be sober, love husbands and children (young
women, TIT 2:4)
18. Be sober minded (young men, TIT 2:6)
19. Be in behaviour as becoming to saints (aged
women, TIT 2:3)
20. Be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good,
obedient (young women, TIT 2:5)
21. Be ready to give an answer of the hope that
is in you (1.PET 3:15)
22. Be of good cheer (JN 16:33)
23. Be baptized (ACTS 2:38)
24. Be converted (ACTS 3:19)
25. Be transformed (ROM 12:2)
26. Be kind of brotherly love one to another
(ROM 12:10; EPH 4:32)
27. Be fervent in spirit (ROM 12:11)
28. Be patient in tribulation (ROM 12:12)
29. Be given to hospitality (ROM 12:13)
30. Be afraid, if lawless (ROM 13:4)
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31. Be no idolater (1.COR 10:7)
32. Be followers of Paul as he followed Christ
(1.COR 11:1; PHIL 3:17)
33. Be followers of God (EPH 5:1)
34. Be followers of the faithful and patient
(HEB 6:12)
35. Be not children in understanding
(1.COR 14:20)
36. Be men in understanding (1.COR 14:20)
37. Be steadfast (1.COR 15:58)
38. Be unmoveable (1.COR 15:58)
39. Be always abounding in God's work
(1.COR 15:58)
40. Be strong in the Lord (1.COR 16:13;
EPH 6:10; 2.TIM 2:1)
41. Be of good comfort (2.COR 13:11)
42. Be of one mind (ROM 12:16;
2.COR 13:11; PHIL 2:2; 1.PET 3:8)
43. Be separate from the unclean
(2.COR 6:17)
44. Be renewed in spirit (EPH 4:23)
45. Be angry and sin not (EPH 4:26)
46. Be tender-hearted one to another
(EPH 4:32)
47. Be filled with the Spirit (EPH 5:18)
48. Be likeminded (PHIL 2:2)
49. Be one of accord (PHIL 2:2)
50. Be anxious for nothing (PHIL 4:6)
51. Be an example to believers in word,
conversation, charity, spirit, faith, and purity
(1.TIM 4:12)
52. Be a partaker of Christian sufferings
(2.TIM 1:8; cp. 1.PET 4:1)
53. Be gentle to all people (2.TIM 2:24)
54. Be apt to teach (2.TIM 2:24)
55. Be instant in season, out of season
(2.TIM 4:2)
56. Be careful to maintain good works
(TIT 3:8,14; cp. MATT 5:16)
57. Be content with what you have (HEB 13:5)
58. Be doers of the Word (JAS 1:22)
59. Be afflicted and mourn (JAS 4:9)
60. Be patient till Christ comes (JAS 5:7-8)
61. Be holy in conversation (behaviour)
(1.PET 1:15-16)
62. Be pitiful (1.PET 3:8)
63. Be courteous (1.PET 3:8)
64. Be examples of the flock of God, not lord over
it (1.PET 5:3)
65. Be subject one to another (1.PET 5:5)
66. Be clothed with humility (1.PET 5:5)
67. Be sober (1.PET 5:8)
68. Be vigilant (1.PET 5:8)
69. Be mindful of prophecies and command-
ments (2.PET 3:2)
70. Be diligent to be found in peace (2.PET 3:14)
71. Be diligent to be without spot, and blameless
(2.PET 3:14)
72. Be faithful to death (REV 2:10)
73. Be watchful, strengthen self (REV 3:2)
74. Be zealous and repent (REV 3:19)
Thirty "Be Not's":
1. Be not like the hypocrites in prayer
(MATT 6:5)
2. Be not like the heathen in prayer
(MATT 6:8)
3. Be not as hypocrites in fasting
(MATT 6:16)
4. Be not called "Rabbi" (MATT 23:8)
5. Be not called "Master" (MATT 23:9)
6. Be not afraid of man (LK 12:4)
7. Be not of doubtful mind (LK 12:29)
8. Be not many teachers (JAS 3:1)
9. Be not afraid of terror (1.PET 3:14)
10. Be not troubled (1.PET 3:14)
11. Be not ignorant of time with God
(2.PET 3:8; cp. ISA 57:15)
12. Be not deceived: 10 classes not to inherit the
kingdom (1.COR 6:9-10)
13. Be not conformed to world (ROM 12:2)
14. Be not slothful in business (ROM 12:11)
15. Be not conceited (ROM 12:16)
16. Be not overcome of evil (ROM 12:21)
17. Be not mere servants of men (1.COR 7:23)
18. Be not children in understanding
(1.COR 14:20)
19. Be not deceived by evil companions
(1.COR 15:33)
20. Be not unequally yoked together with
unbelievers (2.COR 6:14-15)
21. Be not entangled again with keeping the law
(GAL 5:1. See ‘Eighty-five Old and New
Covenant Contrasts’)
22. Be not deceived: man will reap what he sows
(GAL 6:7-8)
23. Be not partakers with sinners (EPH 5:7)
24. Be not unwise about God's will (EPH 5:17)
25. Be not drunk with wine (EPH 5:18)
26. Be not weary in well doing (2.THESS 3:13)
27. Be not ashamed of God (2.TIM 1:8)
28. Be not slothful (HEB 6:12)
29. Be not forgetful of strangers (HEB 13:2)
30. Be not carried about with different strange
doctrines (HEB 13:9)
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Fourteen "Beware's":
1. Beware of false prophets (MATT 7:15)
2. Beware of people (MATT 10:17)
3. Beware of leaven (doctrine) of Pharisees
(MATT 16:6-12)
4. Beware of leaven (doctrine) of Herod
(MK 8:15)
5. Beware of hypocrisy (LK 12:1)
6. Beware of covetousness (LK 12:15)
7. Beware of scribes (MK 12:38; LK 20:46)
8. Beware of lest you despise God and perish
(ACTS 13:40-41)
9. Beware of dogs (false teachers, PHIL 3:2;
ISA 56:10)
10. Beware of evil workers (PHIL 3:2)
11. Beware of the concision (Jews, PHIL 3:2)
12. Beware of being spoiled through philosophy
(COL 2:8)
13. Beware of being spoiled through vain deceit
(COL 2:8)
14. Beware of backsliding (2.PET 3:17)
Four things to believe:
1. The gospel (MK 1:15)
2. God's existence (HEB 11:6)
3. On Jesus Christ (1.JN 3:23)
4. God rewards diligent seeking (HEB 11:6)
One thing not to believe:
1. Believe not every spirit (1.JN 4:1)
Two classes to bless:
1. Those who curse you (MATT 5:44; LK 6:28)
2. Persecutors (ROM 12:14)
Three things to cast out or away:
1. The beam out of own eyes
(MATT 7:5; LK 6:42)
2. Devils (MATT 10:8)
3. All your cares upon God (1.PET 5:7)
Two classes to comfort:
1. One another-fellow Christians
(1.THESS 4:18; 1.THESS 5:11)
2. The feeble-minded (1.THESS 5:14)
Six classes to honour:
1. Fathers (MATT 19:19; MK 10:19; LK 18:20;
EPH 6:2)
2. Mothers (MATT 19:19; MK 10:19; LK 18:20;
EPH 6:2)
3. Others (ROM 12:10)
4. Widows indeed (1.TIM 5:3)
5. All people (1.PET 2:17)
6. Kings - rulers (1.PET 2:17)
Five things to charge:
1. Men to be blameless (1.TIM 5:7)
2. The rich to be humble (1.TIM 6:17)
3. The rich to trust in God (1.TIM 6:17)
4. The rich to do good works (1.TIM 6:18)
5. The rich to lay hold on eternal life (1.TIM 6:19)
Five things to consider:
1. The ravens (LK 12:24)
2. The lilies (LK 12:27-28)
3. Truth (2.TIM 2:7)
4. That you are capable of falling (GAL 6:1)
5. Christ (HEB 3:1; HEB 12:3)
Three things to continue in:
1. Love (JN 15:9)
2. Prayer (ROM 12:12; COL 4:2)
3. Truth (2.TIM 3:14)
Two things to covet:
1. The best gifts (1.COR 12:31)
2. To prophesy (1.COR 14:39); cp. things not to
covet (EX 20:17; DEUT 5:21)
One thing not to cast away:
1. Your confidence in God (HEB 10:35)
Two things to endure:
1. Hardness (2.TIM 2:3)
2. Sufferings (2.TIM 4:5)
Whom to fear:
God (MATT 10:28; LK 12:5; 1.PET 2:17; REV 14:7)
Three things not to fear:
1. Man (MATT 10:28; LK 12:5)
2. Persecutors (MATT 10:26)
3. No lack of provision (MATT 10:31; MK 6:8-9;
LK 12:7)
Five things to feed:
1. Enemies (ROM 12:20)
2. Lambs (JN 21:15)
3. Sheep (JN 21:16,17)
4. Flock of God (1.PET 5:2)
5. The church (ACTS 20:28)
Four things to flee from:
1. Fornication (1.COR 6:18)
2. Idolatry (1.COR 10:14)
3. Hurtful lusts (1.TIM 6:9-11)
4. Youthful lusts (2.TIM 2:22)
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Ten "Do's":
1. Do good to them that hate you (MATT 5:44;
LK 6:27)
2. Do to others what you expect of them
(MATT 7:12; LK 6:31)
3. Do violence to no man (LK 3:14)
4. Do good (LK 6:35; ROM 13:3)
5. Do this (put God first) and live (LK 10:28)
6. Do all to God's glory (1.COR 10:31;
COL 3:17,23)
7. Do all things without murmuring and disputing
(PHIL 2:14)
8. Do those things, which were seen and heard
in me (Paul, PHIL 4:9)
9. Do your own business (1.THESS 4:11)
10. Do the work of an evangelist (2.TIM 4:5)
Ten "Do Not's":
1. Do not alms before people (MATT 6:1)
2. Do not sound trumpet before you when giving
alms (MATT 6:2)
3. Do not do works of Pharisees (MATT 23:3-33)
4. Do not love in word only (1.JN 3:18)
5. Do not give heed to fables (1.TIM 1:4)
6. Do not give heed to genealogies (1.TIM 1:4)
7. Do not err (JAS 1:16)
8. Do not commit adultery (JAS 2:11)
9. Do not kill (JAS 2:11)
10. Do not fashion self according to former lusts
(1.PET 1:14)
Ten things to follow:
1. Christ (MATT 4:19; MATT 8:22; MATT 16:24; MK 8:34; MK 10:21; LK 9:23; JN 21:19)
2. Love (1.COR 14:1; 1.TIM 6:11; 2.TIM 2:22)
3. Good (1.THESS 5:15; 3.JN 1:11)
4. Righteousness (1.TIM 6:11; 2.TIM 2:22)
5. Godliness (1.TIM 6:11)
6. Faith (1.TIM 6:11; 2.TIM 2:22)
7. Patience (1.TIM 6:11)
8. Meekness (1.TIM 6:11)
9. Peace (2.TIM 2:22; HEB 12:14)
10. Holiness (HEB 12:14)
Seven things about giving:
1. Commanded: give (LK 6:38)
2. Whom to give to:
(1) Him that asks (MATT 5:42; LK 6:30)
(2) Needy saints (ROM 12:13)
(3) God (COL 3:17; REV 14:7)
3. Whom not to give to:
(1) Give not holy things to rebels (MATT 7:6)
(2) Give no place to Satan (EPH 4:27)
4. What to give:
(1) Holy things (MATT 7:6; MATT 10:8)
(2) Give thanks (EPH 5:20; PHIL 4:6;
COL 3:17; 1.THESS 5:18)
(3) Give time to reading, exhortation,
doctrine (1.TIM 4:13)
(4) Give self wholly (1.TIM 4:15)
(5) Give glory to God (REV 14:7)
5. What not to give:
(1) Give no offence (1.COR 10:32)
(2) Give no heed of fables and command-
ments of human beings (TIT 1:14)
6. How to give:
(1) Freely (MATT 10:8; 2.COR 9:6)
(2) Good measure (LK 6:38)
(3) As God has prospered (1.COR 16:2)
(4) Willingly (2.COR 8:12)
(5) With purpose (2.COR 9:7)
(6) Cheerfully (2.COR 9:7)
7. Blessings promised for giving:
(1) Returns on the basis of giving (LK 6:38;
2.COR 9:6)
(2) Reward (MATT 10:42)
(3) All grace abounding (2.COR 9:8)
(4) All sufficiency (2.COR 9:8)
(5) Eternal righteousness (2.COR 9:9)
(6) Increased fruits (2.COR 9:10)
(7) Enrichment in all things (2.COR 9:11)
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Six things to lay aside:
1. Wickedness (JAS 1:21)
2. All malice (1.PET 2:1)
3. All guile (1.PET 2:1)
4. All hypocrisies (1.PET 2:1)
5. All envies (1.PET 2:1)
6. All evil speakings (1.PET 2:1)
Seven things to keep:
1. Keep commandments
(MATT 19:17; JN 14:15)
2. Keep no company with the 6 classes of
professed Christians of 1.COR 5:11
3. Keep yourself pure (1.TIM 5:22)
4. Keep the gospel commandments until Christ
comes (1.TIM 6:14)
5. Keep the good entrusted you (2.TIM 1:14)
6. Keep yourself from idols (1.JN 5:21)
7. Keep yourself in God's love (JUDE 1:21)
Five "Go's":
1. Go two miles (MATT 5:41)
2. Go teach (MATT 28:19-20)
3. Go preach (MK 16:15)
4. Go not from house to house (LK 10:7)
5. Go and do likewise (LK 10:37)
Seven "Have's":
1. Have faith (MK 11:22; ROM 14:22-23)
2. Have no fellowship with darkness (EPH 5:11)
3. Have no respect of persons
(1.TIM 5:21; JAS 2:1-10)
4. Have honest conversation (1.PET 2:12)
5. Have compassion (1.PET 3:8; JUDE 1:22)
6. Have a good conscience (1.PET 3:16)
7. Have fervent love (1.PET 4:8)
Fourteen "Hold's":
1. Hold forth Word of life (PHIL 2:16)
2. Hold fast to the good (1.THESS 5:21)
3. Hold Christian traditions (1.TIM 1:19;
1.TIM 3:9)
4. Hold faith (1.TIM 1:19)
5. Hold a good conscience (1.TIM 1:19)
6. Hold fast sound doctrine (2.TIM 1:13)
7. Hold fast till Christ comes (REV 2:25)
8. Hold fast what you have (REV 3:11)
9. Hold your crown (REV 3:11)
10. Hold reputation of ministers (PHIL 2:29)
11. Hold eternal life (1.TIM 6:12,19)
12. Hold hope (HEB 6:18)
13. Hold confidence (HEB 3:6,14)
14. Hold what is heard and received (REV 3:3)
One Hundred "Let's":
1. Let your light shine (MATT 5:16; LK 12:35)
2. Let your conversation be yea, nay
(MATT 5:37; JAS 5:12)
3. Let your enemy have your cloak (MATT 5:40;
LK 6:29)
4. Let blind leaders alone (MATT 15:14)
5. Let everyone deny themselves (MATT 16:24;
MK 8:34; LK 9:23)
6. Let him take up cross (MATT 16:24;
MK 8:34; MK 10:21; LK 9:23)
7. Let him hear (MK 4:23; LK 14:35)
8. Let him share with the needy (LK 3:11)
9. Let your loins be girded (LK 12:35)
10. Let everyone take your purse and script
(LK 22:36)
11. Let him sell his garment, buy sword
(LK 22:36)
12. Let your love be genuine (ROM 12:9)
13. Let everyone obey the civil laws (ROM 13:1)
14. Let everyone choose his own sabbath day
(ROM 14:5-7; COL 2:14-17)
15. Let everyone take heed how he builds upon
Christ (1.COR 3:10)
16. Let no man deceive himself (1.COR 3:18)
17. Let every man have his own wife (1.COR 7:2)
18. Let every woman her own husband
(1.COR 7:2)
19. Let spouses satisfy each other in sexual
relations (1.COR 7:4-5)
20. Let them who cannot restrain marry
(1.COR 7:9)
21. Let husbands and wives remain unmarried if
they separate or, be reconciled (1.COR 7:11)
22. Let the unbelieving ones depart who refuse to
remain (1.COR 7:15)
23. Let every man abide in his calling
(1.COR 7:17-24)
24. Let no one seek to erase circumcision
(1.COR 7:18)
25. Let no one be circumcised (as a religious rite,
1.COR 7:18)
26. Let a father give his daughter in marriage if
she desires it (1.COR 7:36-38)
27. Let him who thinks he stands take heed lest
he fall (1.COR 10:12)
28. Let no man seek wealth selfishly
(1.COR 10:24)
29. Let the woman cut her hair if her head is
uncovered (1.COR 11:6)
30. Let the woman wear a covering if cutting and
shaving the hair be a shame (1.COR 11:6)
31. Let everyone examine self when taking the
Lord's Supper (1.COR 11:28)
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32. Let the hungry eat at home, not at the Lord's
Supper (1.COR 11:34)
33. Let the speaker in tongues pray for the inter-
pretation (1.COR 14:13)
34. Let all things be done to edifying
(1.COR 14:26)
35. Let no more than 3 messages in tongues be
given in one service (1.COR 14:27)
36. Let one interpret (1.COR 14:27)
37. Let the mind of Christ be in you (PHIL 2:5)
38. Let your moderation be known (PHIL 4:5)
39. Let your requests be known to God (PHIL 4:6)
40. Let no one judge you with regard to meats,
drinks, holy days, new moons, and sabbath
days (COL 2:14-17; ROM 14:5-7)
41. Let no one rob you of your reward by some
vain religion (COL 2:18)
42. Let peace rule the heart (COL 3:15)
43. Let the Word dwell in you (COL 3:16)
44. Let speech be with grace (COL 4:6)
45. Let no one deceive you about the day of
Christ being at hand (2.THESS 2:3)
46. Let no man despise youth (1.TIM 4:12)
47. Let the speaker in tongues keep silent in
church speaking to himself and God if no
interpreter present (1.COR 14:28)
48. Let the prophets speak two or three mes-
sages and let others judge (1.COR 14:29)
49. Let times be shared in revelation
(1.COR 14:30)
50. Let women learn quietly in church or at home
(1.COR 14:34-35; 1.TIM 2:11)
51. Let everyone acknowledge regulation of spiri-
tual gifts to be commandments of God
(1.COR 14:37)
52. Let rebels to truth remain ignorant
(1.COR 14:38)
53. Let all things be done in decent order
(1.COR 16:2)
54. Let everyone give as God prospers
(1.COR 16:2)
55. Let all things be done in love (1.COR 16:14)
56. Let everyone give cheerfully (2.COR 9:7)
57. Let rebels to truth be accursed (1.COR 16:22;
GAL 1:8-9)
58. Let everyone prove their own work (GAL 6:4)
59. Let those taught support the teacher (GAL 6:6)
60. Let the thief steal no more (EPH 4:28)
61. Let the thief labour instead of stealing to have
to give to others (EPH 4:28)
62. Let no corrupt conversation come from your
mouth (EPH 4:29)
63. Let bitterness, wrath, anger, clamour, evil
speaking, and malice be put away (EPH 4:31)
64. Let no man deceive you with vain words
(EPH 5:6)
65. Let the wives be subject to their husbands
(EPH 5:22,24; COL 3:18; 1.PET 3:1-6)
66. Let the husbands love their wives
(EPH 5:25,28,33; COL 3:19; 1.PET 3:7)
67. Let the wives reverence their husbands
(EPH 5:33)
68. Let your conversation (behaviour) be becom-
ing of the gospel (PHIL 1:27)
69. Let nothing be done through strife or vain
glory (PHIL 2:3)
70. Let each esteem other better than himself
(PHIL 2:3)
71. Let worthy elders be doubly honoured (paid)
(1.TIM 5:17)
72. Let servants honour masters (1.TIM 6:1)
73. Let masters respect servants (1.TIM 6:2)
74. Let every Christian depart from iniquity
(2.TIM 2:19)
75. Let no man despise you (TIT 2:15)
76. Let brotherly love continue (HEB 13:1)
77. Let conversation be without covetousness
(HEB 13:5)
78. Let patience work perfectly (JAS 1:4)
79. Let one who lacks, ask for wisdom (JAS 1:5)
80. Let him ask in faith (JAS 1:6)
81. Let the exalted rejoice (JAS 1:9)
82. Let the humble rejoice (JAS 1:10)
83. Let no man lay temptation to God (JAS 1:13)
84. Let everyone be swift to hear, slow to speak,
slow to wrath (JAS 1:19)
85. Let the wise demonstrate wisdom and
knowledge (JAS 3:13)
86. Let the light-hearted sinners become
remorseful (JAS 4:9)
87. Let the afflicted pray (JAS 5:13)
88. Let the merry sing psalms (JAS 5:13)
89. Let the sick call elders (JAS 5:14)
90. Let elders pray for sick, anointing with oil
(JAS 5:14-15; cp. MK 6:13)
91. Let adorning be more inward than outward
(1.PET 3:3-4; 1.TIM 2:9-10)
92. Let everyone refrain tongue from evil, and lips
from guile (1.PET 3:10)
93. Let everyone shun evil, do good, seek peace
and pursue it (1.PET 3:11)
94. Let ministers speak for God (1.PET 4:11)
95. Let no one suffer as a murderer, thief,
evildoer, or busybody (1.PET 4:15)
96. Let no one be ashamed to suffer as a Chris-
tian, but be thankful (1.PET 4:16)
97. Let Christian sufferers commit their souls to
God (1.PET 4:19)
98. Let eternal life abide in you (1.JN 2:24-25)
99. Let no man deceive you about being right-
eous (1.JN 3:7)
100. Let him that hath an ear, hear
(REV 2:7,11,17,29; REV 3:6,13,22)
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Twelve "Let Not's":
1. Let not your left hand know what the right hand does (MATT 6:3)
2. Let not man sever those who are married (MATT 19:6)
3. Let not good be evil spoken of (ROM 14:16)
4. Let not sin reign in the body (ROM 6:12)
5. Let not him that eateth despise him that does not (ROM 14:3)
6. Let not him that eateth not judge him that does (ROM 14:3)
7. Let not the wife depart from her husband (1.COR 7:10)
8. Let not the husband put away his wife (1.COR 7:11)
9. Let not the Christian put away the unsaved companion who wishes to remain (1.COR 7:12,13)
10. Let not the sun go down on wrath (EPH 4:26)
11. Let not fornication, uncleanness, covetousness, filthiness, foolish talking, and jesting be mentioned
among you as becometh saints (EPH 5:3-4)
12. Let not unworthy widows be supported by the church (1.TIM 5:9-16)
Forty-two "Let us's":
1. Let us walk honestly (ROM 13:12)
2. Let us cast off works of darkness
(ROM 13:12)
3. Let us put on armour of light (ROM 13:12)
4. Let us follow things of peace (ROM 14:9)
5. Let us follow things that edify (ROM 14:19)
6. Let us please neighbour for good
(ROM 15:2-3)
7. Let us be sincere (1.COR 5:8)
8. Let us not commit fornication (1.COR 10:2-3)
9. Let us not tempt Christ (1.COR 10:9)
10. Let us not murmur (1.COR 10:10)
11. Let us cleanse ourselves from the filthiness of
body and spirit (2.COR 7:1)
12. Let us perfect holiness (2.COR 7:1)
13. Let us walk in the Spirit (GAL 5:25)
14. Let us not desire vain glory (GAL 5:26)
15. Let us not provoke one another (GAL 5:26)
16. Let us not envy one another (GAL 5:26)
17. Let us not be weary in well doing (GAL 6:9)
18. Let us do good to all people (GAL 6:10)
19. Let us do good especially to fellow Christians
(GAL 6:10)
20. Let us who are mature press forward toward
the mark (PHIL 3:14-15)
21. Let us walk by the same rule (PHIL 3:16)
22. Let us mind the same thing (PHIL 3:16)
23. Let us not sleep spiritually (1.THESS 5:6)
24. Let us watch and be sober (1.THESS 5:6,8)
25. Let us be content with food and raiment
(1.TIM 6:8)
26. Let us fear losing the soul (HEB 4:1-2)
27. Let us labour to be saved (HEB 4:11)
28. Let us hold fast our profession (HEB 10:23)
29. Let us come boldly to the throne of grace
(HEB 4:16; HEB 10:19-23)
30. Let us go on to perfection (HEB 6:1)
31. Let us draw near to God (HEB 10:22)
32. Let us provoke to love and good works
(HEB 10:24)
33. Let us not forsake assembling together in
worship (HEB 10:25)
34. Let us exhort one another (HEB 10:25)
35. Let us lay aside every weight (HEB 12:1)
36. Let us lay aside besetting sin (HEB 12:1)
37. Let us run race with patience (HEB 12:1)
38. Let us look to Jesus (HEB 12:2)
39. Let us have grace to serve God (HEB 12:28)
40. Let us bear Christ's reproach (HEB 13:13)
41. Let us offer our sacrifice of praise to God
continually (HEB 13:15)
42. Let us love one another (1.JN 4:7,11)
Eight "Let Us Not's":
1. Let us not walk in rioting (ROM 13:13)
2. Let us not walk in drunkenness (ROM 13:13)
3. Let us not walk in chambering (ROM 13:13)
4. Let us not walk in wantonness (ROM 13:13)
5. Let us not walk in strife (ROM 13:13)
6. Let us not walk in envying (ROM 13:13)
7. Let us not judge one another in doubtful things (ROM 14:13)
8. Let us not cause others to stumble (ROM 14:13)
1050 NT commands Page 8
Three ways to live:
1. Live peacefully (ROM 12:18; 2.COR 13:11)
2. Live free from anxiety and undue care
(1.COR 7:28-35)
3. Live no longer in lusts of sin (1.PET 4:2)
Four commands to "Love":
1. Love your enemies (MATT 5:44; LK 6:27,35)
2. Love your fellow Christians
(JN 13:34; JN 15:12,17; GAL 5:14;
1.PET 2:17; 1.JN 3:23; 2.JN 1:5)
3. Love the brotherhood (1.PET 2:17)
4. Love your brother (1.JN 4:21)
Two things not to love:
1. The world (1.JN 2:15)
2. Things in the world (1.JN 2:15)
Three ways to love:
1. Fervently (1.PET 2:22)
2. With a pure heart (1.PET 2:22)
3. As brethren (1.PET 3:8)
One Person to pray to:
Pray to thy Father (MATT 6:6; MATT 6:9;
JN 16:23-26)
Three things to pray for:
1. Your persecutors (MATT 5:44; LK 6:28)
2. For labourers (MATT 9:38; LK 10:2)
3. For one another (JAS 5:16)
Two ways not to pray:
1. Use not vain repetitions like the heathen
(MATT 6:7)
2. Do not pray as hypocrites (MATT 6:5)
Three ways to pray:
1. After this manner pray (MATT 6:9-13)
2. Ask, seek, knock (MATT 7:7-11)
3. Pray in the Spirit (JUDE 1:20)
Four things to prove:
1. Prove yourself (2.COR 13:5)
2. Prove what is acceptable to God (EPH 5:10)
3. Prove all things (1.THESS 5:21)
4. Prove accusations against elders (1.TIM 5:19)
Two commands to rejoice:
1. Rejoice (MATT 5:12; ROM 15:10)
2. Rejoice evermore (1.THESS 5:16)
Eight "Put Away's":
1. Put away wicked people from the congrega-
tion (1.COR 5:13)
2. Put away lying (EPH 4:25)
3. Put away all bitterness (EPH 4:31)
4. Put away wrath (EPH 4:31)
5. Put away anger (EPH 4:31)
6. Put away clamour (EPH 4:31)
7. Put away evil speaking (EPH 4:31)
8. Put away all malice (EPH 4:31)
Six "Put Off's":
1. Put off the old man (EPH 4:22; COL 3:9)
2. Put off anger (COL 3:8)
3. Put off wrath (COL 3:8)
4. Put off malice (COL 3:8)
5. Put off blasphemy (COL 3:8)
6. Put off filthy conversation (COL 3:8)
Twelve "Put On's":
1. Put on Christ (ROM 13:14)
2. Put on the armour of light (ROM 13:12)
3. Put on the new man (EPH 4:24; COL 3:10)
4. Put on the whole armour of God
(EPH 6:11,13)
5. Put on the bowels of mercy (COL 3:12)
6. Put on kindness (COL 3:12)
7. Put on humility (COL 3:12)
8. Put on meekness (COL 3:12)
9. Put on longsuffering (COL 3:13)
10. Put on love (COL 3:14)
11. Put on the breastplate of faith and love
(1.THESS 5:8)
12. Put on the hope of salvation (1.THESS 5:8)
One class not to rebuke:
Elders (1.TIM 5:1)
Three things to rebuke:
1. Certain sinners (1.TIM 5:20)
2. Rebels (TIT 1:13)
3. Works of darkness (EPH 5:11)
Two ways to rebuke:
1. With all authority (TIT 2:15)
2. With all longsuffering (2.TIM 4:2)
Four things to rejoice in:
1. Hope (ROM 12:12)
2. Blessings of others (ROM 12:15)
3. The Lord (PHIL 3:1; PHIL 4:4)
4. Suffering for Christ (1.PET 4:13)
1050 NT commands Page 9
Five things to remember:
1. What you are saved from (EPH 2:11-12)
2. Those who suffer (HEB 13:3)
3. Those who lead you (HEB 13:7)
4. Truth (JUDE 17,18; REV 3:3)
5. Backsliding, and repent (REV 2:5)
Four things to seek:
1. God's kingdom first (MATT 6:33; LK 12:31)
2. God in prayer (MATT 7:7)
3. To edify the church (1.COR 14:12)
4. Things above (COL 3:1)
One command to stand fast:
1. Stand fast, and hold Christian traditions
(2.THESS 2:15)
Three things to stand fast with:
1. Loins girt about with truth
2. Breastplate of righteousness
3. Feet shod with the preparation of the gospel
of peace (EPH 6:14-15)
Five things to stand in:
1. Faith (1.COR 16:13)
2. Liberty (GAL 5:1)
3. One spirit (PHIL 1:27)
4. One mind (PHIL 1:27)
5. The Lord (PHIL 4:1)
Eight things to think on:
1. Things about your true self (ROM 12:3;
1.COR 3:18)
2. Things true
3. Things honest
4. Things just
5. Things pure
6. Things lovely
7. Things of good report
8. Things of virtue (PHIL 4:8)
One way to think:
Think soberly (ROM 12:3)
Five commands to "submit":
1. Submit one to another (EPH 5:21)
2. Submit to God (JAS 4:7)
3. Submit to every ordinance of man
(1.PET 2:13-14; ROM 13:1-8)
4. Younger ones are to submit to their elders
(1.PET 5:5)
5. Wives must submit to their husbands
(EPH 5:22; COL 3:18; 1.PET 3:1-6)
Twelve "Take's":
1. Take no anxious thought for necessities of life
(MATT 6:25,31; LK 12:22-30)
2. Take no anxious thought of tomorrow
(MATT 6:34)
3. Take no anxious thought of defence
(MATT 10:19; MK 13:9-11; LK 12:11-12;
LK 21:14)
4. Take my yoke upon you (MATT 11:29)
5. Take advantage of freedom (1.COR 7:21)
6. Take the Lord's Supper in remembrance of
Christ (1.COR 11:24-26)
7. Take the shield of faith (EPH 6:16)
8. Take the helmet of salvation (EPH 6:17)
9. Take the sword of the Spirit (EPH 6:17)
10. Take oversight of the flock willingly
(1.PET 5:2)
11. Take oversight of the flock without thought of
personal gain (1.PET 5:2)
12. Take a humble seat (LK 14:8)
Eighteen "Take Heed's":
1. Take heed that you do not alms to be seen by
people (MATT 6:1)
2. Take heed not to despise little ones
(MATT 18:10)
3. Take heed not to be deceived (MATT 24:4;
MK 13:5; LK 21:8)
4. Take heed what you hear (MK 4:24)
5. Take heed how you hear (LK 8:18)
6. Take heed to walk in the light (LK 11:35)
7. Take heed to rebuke and forgive (LK 17:3)
8. Take heed not to get drunk (LK 21:34)
9. Take heed not to surfeit (LK 21:34)
10. Take heed not to be overcome with cares
(LK 21:34)
11. Take heed to yourselves (MATT 13:9;
LK 17:3; LK 21:34; ACTS 20:28)
12. Take heed to the flock of God (ACTS 20:28)
13. Take heed lest you misuse your liberty
(1.COR 8:9)
14. Take heed lest you fall (1.COR 10:12;
ROM 11:21)
15. Take heed to your ministry (COL 4:17)
16. Take heed that you destroy not one another
(GAL 5:15)
17. Take heed to yourself and your doctrine
(1.TIM 4:16)
18. Take heed not to backslide (HEB 3:12)
Two ways not to walk:
1. As Sinners (EPH 4:17)
2. As fools (EPH 5:15)
1050 NT commands Page 10
Four "Thou Shalt's":
1. Thou shalt worship God only
(MATT 4:10; LK 4:8)
2. Thou shalt serve God only
(MATT 4:10; LK 4:8)
3. Thou shalt love neighbours as yourself
(MATT 5:43; MATT 19:19; MATT 22:39;
MK 12:31; LK 10:27; ROM 13:9; GAL 5:14)
4. Thou shalt love God wholeheartedly
(MATT 22:37; MK 12:30; LK 10:27)
Seven things to walk in:
1. The Spirit (GAL 5:16)
2. Love (EPH 5:2)
3. The light (EPH 5:8-9; 1.JN 1:7)
4. Watchfulness (EPH 6:18)
5. Christ (COL 2:6-7; 2.COR 5:17)
6. Wisdom (COL 4:5)
7. Honesty (1.THESS 4:12)
Eight "Thou Shalt Not's":
1. Thou shalt not tempt the Lord (MATT 4:7;
LK 4:12)
2. Thou shalt not kill (MATT 5:21; MATT 19:18;
MK 10:19; LK 18:20; ROM 13:9)
3. Thou shalt not commit adultery
(MATT 5:27-28; MATT 19:18; LK 18:20;
ROM 13:9)
4. Thou shalt not pray to be seen by people
(MATT 6:5)
5. Thou shalt not steal (MATT 19:18; MK 10:19;
LK 18:20; ROM 13:9)
6. Thou shalt not bear false witness
(MATT 19:18; MK 10:19; LK 18:20;
ROM 13:9)
7. Thou shalt not covet (ROM 13:9)
8. Thou shalt not muzzle the ox treading corn
(1.COR 9:9; 1.TIM 5:18)
200 Miscellaneous Commands:
1. Abhor what is evil (ROM 12:9)
2. A bishop must be (see characteristics of,
1.TIM 3:2-7; TIT 1:6-9)
3. Abide in Christ (JN 15:4)
4. Abide with worthy ones (MATT 10:11-13;
MK 6:10; LK 9:4; LK 10:5-8)
5. Accuse none falsely (LK 3:14)
6. Add to Christian graces (2.PET 1:5-7)
7. Admit your own unprofitableness (LK 17:10)
8. Admonish one another (COL 3:16)
9. Admonish the unruly (2.THESS 3:15)
10. Agree with your adversary (MATT 5:25)
11. Allow no liberty to ensnare you to commit sin
(1.COR 10:25-30)
12. Allow no lust of evil in the your body
(1.THESS 4:5)
13. Allow no cursing and blessing from the same
mouth (JAS 3:10)
14. Anoint your head and wash face when fast-
ing (MATT 6:17)
15. Arm your self with a mind to suffer for Christ
(1.PET 4:1)
16. Avenge not yourself (ROM 12:19)
17. Awake from death to light (EPH 5:14)
18. Bear one another's burdens (GAL 6:2)
19. Behave like men (1.COR 16:13)
20. Bid no false teacher "Godspeed"
(2.JN 1:10-11)
21. Bring proof of your repentance
(MATT 3:8; LK 3:8)
22. Bring your children up in the Lord (EPH 6:4)
23. Build up your faith (JUDE 1:20)
24. Call the poor to your feast (LK 14:13)
25. Children, obey your parents (EPH 6:1;
COL 3:20)
26. Cleanse the lepers (MATT 10:8)
27. Cleanse your hands you sinners (JAS 4:8)
28. Cleave to good (ROM 12:9)
29. Collect just dues only (LK 3:13)
30. Come out from among them (2.COR 6:17)
31. Command and teach these things
(1.TIM 4:11; 1.TIM 6:2)
32. Commit the truth to faithful teachers
(2.TIM 2:2)
33. Confess your faults one to another
(JAS 5:16)
34. Count it joy when you are tempted (JAS 1:2)
35. Cut off offending members (MATT 5:29-30;
MATT 18:8,9)
36. Deacons must be (see 1.TIM 3:8-12)
37. Defraud not (MK 10:19)
38. Desire spiritual gifts (1.COR 14:1)
39. Desire the milk of the Word (1.PET 2:2)
40. Despise not prophesyings (1.THESS 5:20)
41. Destroy none with non-essentials
(ROM 14:15; 1.COR 8:13)
42. Draw near to God (JAS 4:8)
43. Eat your own bread in quietness
(2.THESS 3:12)
44. Earnestly contend for faith (JUDE 1:3)
45. Edify yourselves with singing (EPH 5:19)
46. Edify one another (1.THESS 5:11)
47. Enter the straight (narrow) gate (MATT 7:13;
LK 13:24)
48. Examine yourself as to faith (2.COR 13:5)
49. Exercise in godliness (1.TIM 4:7-8)
50. Exhort servants to obey (TIT 2:9-10)
51. Exhort one another daily (HEB 3:13)
52. Fear not (LK 12:32)!
53. Fight the good fight of faith (1.TIM 6:12)
1050 NT commands Page 11
54. Follow peace and holiness (HEB 12:14)
55. Forbear one another (COL 3:13)
56. Forbid not children (MATT 19:14; MK 10:14;
LK 18:16)
57. Forbid not tongues (1.COR 14:39)
58. Forget not to share (HEB 13:16)
59. Forgive 490 times (MATT 18:22)
60. Forgive (MATT 11:25-26; LK 6:37;
EPH 4:32; COL 3:13)
61. Fret not in servitude (2.COR 7:21)
62. Gird up loins of mind (1.PET 1:13)
63. Give place to wrath (ROM 12:19)
64. Give your enemy a drink of water
(ROM 12:20)
65. Give no occasion to the adversary
(1.TIM 5:14)
66. Glorify God in your body and spirit
(2.COR 6:20; cp. ROM 12:1-2)
67. Grieve not the Holy Spirit (EPH 4:30)
68. Grow in grace and knowledge (2.PET 3:18)
69. Grudge not against another (JAS 5:9)
70. Harden not your hearts (HEB 3:8-15)
71. Hate flesh-spotted garments (JUDE 1:23)
72. Have no respect of persons (partiality, preju-
dice) (1.TIM 5:21)
73. Have the same love (PHIL 2:2)
74. Have no fellowship with works of darkness
(EPH 5:11)
75. Heal the sick (MATT 10:8; LK 10:9)
76. Help propagate truth (3.JN 1:8)
77. Humble yourselves (JAS 4:10; 1.PET 5:6)
78. Husbands, love your wives (EPH 5:25,28;
COL 3:19; 1.PET 3:7)
79. Husbands, be not bitter against your wives
(COL 3:19)
80. Instruct rebels in meekness (2.TIM 2:25)
81. Intreat others according to 1.TIM 5:1-2.
82. Judge not (MATT 7:1; LK 6:37)
83. Have faith before God for things not con-
demned in Scripture (ROM 14:22-23)
84. Know how to control your body
(1.THESS 4:4)
85. Lay not up your treasures on earth
(MATT 6:19)
86. Lay up your treasures in heaven
(MATT 6:20; LK 12:33-34)
87. Lay hold on eternal life (1.TIM 6:12)
88. Leave your parents and cleave to your wife
(MATT 19:5; MK 10:7; EPH 5:31)
89. Lend, hoping for nothing back (LK 6:35)
90. Lie not (COL 3:9)
91. Lift up hands that hang down (HEB 12:12)
92. Look not everyone on your own things only
(PHIL 2:4)
93. Look diligently not to fail of grace
(HEB 12:15)
94. Look diligently lest any root of bitterness
defile (HEB 12:15)
95. Look diligently lest any be a fornicator
(HEB 12:16-17)
96. Look to yourselves not to lose reward
(2.JN 1:8)
97. Look for mercy unto eternal life (JUDE 1:21)
98. Lust not after evil things (1.COR 10:6)
99. Make a tree good or corrupt (MATT 12:33)
100. Make no provision for lusts (ROM 13:14)
101. Make full proof of ministry (2.TIM 4:5)
102. Make straight paths (HEB 12:13)
103. Mark troublemakers (ROM 16:17;
PHIL 3:17)
104. Mark the unruly (2.THESS 3:14)
105. Marvel not if you are hated by the world
(1.JN 3:13)
106. Masters, be good to servants
(EPH 5:9; COL 4:1)
107. Meditate upon things of 1.TIM 4:15.
108. Mind not the high things (ROM 12:16)
109. Minister as good stewards (1.PET 4:10)
110. Mortify offending physical members
(COL 3:5; ROM 8:12-13)
111. Neither be of doubtful mind (LK 12:29)
112. No man is to defraud his brother
(1.THESS 4:6)
113. Neglect not spiritual gifts (1.TIM 4:14; cp.
2.TIM 1:6)
114. Obey your leaders (HEB 13:17)
115. Offer the other cheek (MATT 5:39; LK 6:29)
116. Ordain no one in a hurry (1.TIM 5:22)
117. Owe nothing but love (ROM 13:8)
118. Overcome evil with good (ROM 12:21)
119. Pass the time in fear (1.PET 1:17)
120. Pay your taxes (ROM 13:6)
121. Pay just dues (ROM 13:7)
122. Praise the Lord (ROM 15:11)
123. Preach (MATT 10:7,27; MK 16:15;
2.TIM 4:2)
124. Present your body to God (ROM 12:1)
125. Provide things honestly (ROM 12:17)
126. Provoke not your children to wrath (EPH 6:4;
COL 3:21)
127. Purge out the old leaven (evil influence)
(1.COR 5:7)
128. Purify your hearts of doubt (JAS 4:8)
129. Put others in remembrance of the essentials
(2.TIM 2:14)
130. Quench not the Spirit (1.THESS 5:19)
131. Raise the dead (MATT 10:8)
132. Receive (accept) weak brethren (ROM 14:1)
133. Receive one another (ROM 15:7)
134. Receive the Word with meekness
(JAS 1:21)
135. Reckon yourself as dead to sin (ROM 6:11)
136. Reckon yourself as alive to God (ROM 6:11)
137. Recognize the truth (1.COR 10:15)
138. Redeem the time (EPH 5:16; COL 4:5)
139. Reject heretics (TIT 3:10)
140. Refuse to support young widows from
church funds (1.TIM 5:11)
141. Remind people of the seven things of
TITUS 3:1-2.
1050 NT commands Page 12
142. Render no evil for evil (1.PET 3:9;
ROM 12:17)
143. Repent (MATT 3:2; MATT 4:17; MK 1:15;
ACTS 2:38; ACTS 3:19; REV 2:16;
REV 3:19)
144. Resist not evil (MATT 5:38-39)
145. Resist the devil (JAS 4:7; 1.PET 5:9)
146. Restore backslider in meekness, considering
your own life (GAL 6:1)
147. Run to obtain (1.COR 9:24)
148. Salute none by the way (LK 10:4)
149. Salute your leaders (HEB 13:24)
150. Sanctify God in your heart (1.PET 3:15)
151. Save some with fear (JUDE 1:23)
152. Search the Scriptures (JN 5:39)
153. Seek not eats and drinks (LK 12:29)
154. Sell to help the needy (LK 12:33)
155. Serve the Lord (ROM 12:1)
156. Servants, obey masters (EPH 6:5-8;
COL 3:22-25; 1.PET 2:18)
157. Set the least to judge (1.COR 6:4)
158. Set your affections above (COL 3:2)
159. Shake off the dust of your feet (MATT 10:14;
MK 6:11; LK 9:5; LK 10:10-11)
160. Show charity to other ministers (LK 9:49-50)
161. Show yourself as a pattern (TIT 2:7)
162. Show four things of TITUS 2:7-8.
163. Sin not (1.COR 15:34)
164. Sing with grace in heart (COL 3:16)
165. Shun vain babblings (2.TIM 2:16)
166. Speak and do things in view of the judgment
day (JAS 2:12)
167. Speak truth (EPH 4:25)
168. Speak sound doctrine (TIT 2:1)
169. Speak no evil of your brethren (JAS 4:11)
170. Stablish your hearts (JAS 5:8)
171. Strengthen your feeble knees (HEB 12:12)
172. Strive together for the gospel faith
(PHIL 1:27)
173. Study to be quiet (1.THESS 4:11)
174. Study (be diligent) to show yourself
approved (2.TIM 2:15)
175. Support the weak (1.THESS 5:14)
176. See that no one renders evil for evil
(1.THESS 5:15)
177. Swear not (JAS 5:12; MATT 5:33-36)
178. Tarry one for another (1.COR 11:33)
179. Tarry for power (LK 24:49; ACTS 1:4-8)
180. Teach one another (COL 3:16)
181. Teach no other doctrine that the truth
(1.TIM 1:3)
182. Tell your brother his fault alone first (MATT
183. Trust God for your needs as you work
(MATT 10:9; LK 9:3; LK 10:4)
184. Understand the will of God (EPH 5:17)
185. Use not your liberty as an occasion to sin
(GAL 5:13; 1.PET 1:16)
186. Use hospitality without grudging (1.PET 4:9)
187. Warn the unruly (1.THESS 5:14)
188. Watch and pray (MATT 24:42; MATT 25:13;
MK 13:33,35; MK 14:38; LK 21:36;
EPH 6:18; COL 4:2)
189. Watch in all things (2.TIM 4:5; 1.COR 16:13)
190. Weep with others (ROM 12:15)
191. Withdraw from disorderly brethren
(2.THESS 3:6,14)
192. Withdraw from evil people (1.TIM 6:3-6)
193. Wives of deacons must be (see 1.TIM 3:11)
194. Wives, submit to your husbands (EPH 5:22;
COL 3:18; 1.PET 3:1-6)
195. Work with your own hands (1.THESS 4:11)
196. Work, or do not eat (2.THESS 3:10-11)
197. Work out own salvation (PHIL 2:12)
198. Yield not your members to sin (ROM 6:13)
199. Yield yourself to God (ROM 6:13)
200. Yield your members to righteousness
(ROM 6:13)
Two eternal rights of the redeemed:
1. Right to the tree of life
2. Right to enter the New Jerusalem
Source: ‘Dake’s Study Notes’ by Finis Jennings Dake