Cemetery Division Office
Lakeview Cemetery
455 North Avenue
Burlington, Vermont
(802) 863-2075
City of Burlington Ordinances Chapter 9, Cemeteries Page 2 of 11
Reprinted from: Code of Ordinances, City of Burlington, Vermont
Table of Contents
*Charter references: Power of city council to establish, manage and control public cemeteries, § 48(XXXVI);
authority to prevent trespass or injury to cemeteries, § 48(XXXIII); department of cemeteries, §§ 218--220.
Cross references: Vegetation, Ch. 29.
Article I. In General
Sec. 9-1. Hours open.
Sec. 9-2. Superintendent responsible for enforcing regulations.
Sec. 9-3. Authority of superintendent to take action to protect lots.
Sec. 9-4. Prohibited acts generally.
Sec. 9-5. Removal of offensive objects authorized.
Sec. 9-6. Floral arrangements, removal.
Sec. 9-7. Removal of rubbish.
Sec. 9-8. Workers subject to superintendent's directions.
Sec. 9-9. Boisterous conduct prohibited.
Sec. 9-10. Food and drinks prohibited; exception.
Sec. 9-11. Speed limit for vehicles.
Sec. 9-12. Certain conveyances prohibited in cemetery, exceptions.
Sec. 9-13. Firearms prohibited.
Sec. 9-14. Dogs prohibited.
Sec. 9-15. Removal of soil prohibited.
Sec. 9-16. Prohibited displays.
Sec. 9-17. Children under fourteen to be accompanied by adult.
Sec. 9-18. Soliciting business prohibited.
Sec. 9-19. Entry onto private lots restricted.
Sec. 9-20. Entry of florists on Sunday restricted.
Sec. 9-21. Penalty for violations.
Secs. 9-22--9-31. Reserved.
Article II. Purchase or Transfer of Lots
Sec. 9-32. Lots to be paid for in full before interment.
Sec. 9-33. Transfers to third persons to be reported.
Sec. 9-34. Information available from superintendent.
Sec. 9-35. Authority to designate certain sections where lots not for sale except upon certain conditions.
Sec. 9-36. Reversion of grave to cemetery.
Sec. 9-37. Authority to increase charges of lots.
Secs. 9-38--9-47. Reserved.
Article III. Charges
Sec. 9-48. Schedule of cemetery rates and charges.
Sec. 9-49. Reserved.
Sec. 9-50. Charges for perpetual care.
Sec. 9-51. Reserved.
Secs. 9-52--9-61. Reserved.
Article IV. Monuments, Markers and Improvements
Sec. 9-62. Monuments not permitted on single graves; markers allowed.
Sec. 9-63. Reserved.
Sec. 9-64. Foundation required for markers.
Sec. 9-65. Cornerstones.
Sec. 9-66. Monuments or markers may be reset.
Sec. 9-67. Aboveground structures.
Sec. 9-68. Enclosures prohibited.
Sec. 9-69. Superintendent to designate location of materials.
Sec. 9-70. Saturday work restricted.
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Sec. 9-71. Grading and fitting lots.
Sec. 9-72. Care of lots.
Sec. 9-73. Stone, concrete or gravel prohibited.
Sec. 9-74. Damages to driveways, trees, shrubs, etc.
Sec. 9-75. Authority to remove trees, shrubs or plants.
Sec. 9-76. Lot owners permitted to plant flowers.
Sec. 9-77. Special regulations for Lakeview Cemetery.
Secs. 9-78--9-86. Reserved.
Article V. Funerals and Interments
Division 1. In General
Sec. 9-87. Superintendent to have control of funerals.
Sec. 9-88. Funerals not to be held on Sunday, exception.
Sec. 9-89. Openings to be made by cemetery employees.
Sec. 9-90. Notice and permit required for interment.
Sec. 9-91. Written order for disinterment required.
Sec. 9-92. Receiving vault.
Sec. 9-93. Removal of bodies from vault.
Sec. 9-94. Authority of superintendent to make interment.
Sec. 9-95. Interment in lot which has a debt against it prohibited.
Sec. 9-96. Permission of lot owner required for burial of nonfamily in lot.
Sec. 9-97. Work to cease during services.
Sec. 9-98. Infectious diseases.
Sec. 9-99. Vault design requirements.
Division 2. Cremation Garden Areas
Sec. 9-100. Special regulations regarding cremation garden areas.
Division 3. Burials at Public Expense
Sec. 9-101. Special regulations regarding burials at public expense.
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Sec. 9-1. Hours open.
Lakeview Cemetery shall be open from 7:00 a.m. until one-half ( 1/2) hour after sunset throughout
the year. Greenmount and Elmwood Cemeteries shall be open from 7:00 a.m. until one half (1/2) hour
after sunset during the summer season only except during the winter season, when such cemeteries shall
be closed. All persons shall leave the grounds at closing times, and shall not be on grounds, except with
permission of the superintendent or commission.
(Rev. Ords. 1962, § 1831; Ord. of 2-20-96; Ord. of 7-17-00)
Sec. 9-2. Superintendent responsible for enforcing regulations.
The cemetery superintendent shall be responsible for the enforcement of all rules and regulations
adopted by the board of cemetery commissioners and for maintaining good order and decorum in the
cemetery grounds.
(Rev. Ords. 1962, § 1841; Ord. of 11-8-10(1))
Sec. 9-3. Authority of superintendent to take action to protect lots.
The superintendent may take such action as may be necessary, although not expressly
authorized by the rules, in order to protect the property of lot owners or of the cemeteries from injury and
to preserve peace and good order on the grounds.
(Rev. Ords. 1962, § 1841)
Sec. 9-4. Prohibited acts generally.
No person shall, in any burial ground or cemetery, disturb, mutilate or destroy a tree, shrub, vine,
flower, tomb, monument or fence, or steal or without the consent of the owner or cemetery workers take
and carry away a tree, shrub, vine, flower, vase, pot or other vessel used for flowers and plants, or any
other thing placed in any burial ground or cemetery for ornament or use. A violation of this section shall
be punishable as provided in Title 13 of the Vermont Statutes Annotated.
(Rev. Ords. 1962, § 1801; Ord. of 2-20-96; Ord. of 11-8-10(1))
Sec. 9-5. Removal of offensive objects authorized.
Only those objects which are approved by the cemetery department may be placed on cemetery
grounds. If anything shall be placed on any lot in violation of this chapter, the superintendent shall have
the right to remove any such object.
(Rev. Ords. 1962, § 1838; Ord. of 2-20-96; Ord. of 7-17-00)
Sec. 9-6. Floral arrangements, removal.
A maximum of six (6) floral arrangements shall be allowed to remain at the gravesite after a
burial. Floral designs and cut flowers shall be removed from lots as soon as they become unsightly.
(Rev. Ords. 1962, § 1838; Ord. of 2-20-96)
Sec. 9-7. Removal of rubbish.
All persons shall remove all trash and rubbish to such places of deposit as are provided for that
(Rev. Ords. 1962, § 1834; Ord. of 7-17-00; Ord. of 11-8-10(1))
Cross references: Placing garbage or refuse in streets prohibited, § 14-5; littering in city parks
prohibited, § 22-4.
Sec. 9-8. Workers subject to superintendent's directions.
All workers employed in any capacity in the cemeteries shall be subject to the direction and
control of the superintendent and any worker who does not regard the regulations or the proprieties of the
cemetery shall not be permitted to enter, or remain in the cemetery.
(Rev. Ords. 1962, § 1841; Ord. of 2-20-96; Ord. of 7-17-00)
Sec. 9-9. Boisterous conduct prohibited.
No boisterous or disorderly conduct shall be permitted within cemetery grounds.
(Rev. Ord. 1962, § 1831; Ord. of 2-20-96)
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Cross references: Disturbing the peace, § 21-13; rude and disorderly conduct, § 21-15; profanity, §
Sec. 9-10. Food and drinks prohibited; exception.
Lunches or other refreshments shall be permitted on the cemetery grounds only with the approval
of the superintendent.
(Rev. Ord. 1962, § 1831; Ord. of 2-20-96)
Sec. 9-11. Speed limit for vehicles.
The speed limit at Lakeview and Greenmount Cemeteries shall be 10 m.p.h.
(Rev. Ords. 1962, § 1831; Ord. of 2-20-96)
Cross references: Speed limits generally, § 20-39; rules and regulations of traffic commission, App. C.
Sec. 9-12. Certain conveyances prohibited in cemetery, exceptions.
The board of cemetery commissions may make additional regulations regarding the operation
of trucks, heavy wagons, bicycles, motorcycles, roller blades, snowmobiles, skateboards or saddle
horses inside the cemetery grounds.
(Rev. Ords. 1962, § 1831; Ord. of 2-20-96; Ord. of 9-13-10)
Sec. 9-13. Firearms prohibited.
Firearms shall not be permitted within the cemetery grounds, except for full military burial or any
honored burial. Re: police, fire and EMT.
(Ord. of 7-17-00)
Sec. 9-14. Dogs prohibited.
No dogs shall be permitted within the cemetery grounds, except as required by law.
(Rev. Ords. 1962, § 1831; Ord. of 7-17-00)
Cross references: Animals going at large prohibited, § 5-1; dogs running at large prohibited, § 5-21;
animals prohibited in parks, § 22-13.
Sec. 9-15. Removal of soil prohibited.
No soil may be removed from any lot within any cemetery without the permission of the
(Rev. Ords. 1962, § 1834)
Cross references: Digging or blasting in city parks prohibited, § 22-3.
Sec. 9-16. Prohibited displays.
No glass-encased wreaths or flowers, artificial wreaths or flowers, Christmas trees or ornaments
of any kind shall be permitted on any cemetery grounds. No bushes with thorns shall be permitted.
(Rev. Ords. 1962, § 1834; Ord. of 2-20-96; Ord. of 6-22-98)
Sec. 9-17. Children under fourteen to be accompanied by adult.
Every child under fourteen (14) years of age within the cemetery grounds shall be attended by an
adult who shall be responsible for his conduct.
(Rev. Ords. 1962, § 1831)
Sec. 9-18. Soliciting business prohibited.
No person shall solicit for business within the grounds of the cemetery.
(Rev. Ords. 1962, § 1831; Ord. of 7-17-00)
Cross references: Solicitors, Ch. 23.
Sec. 9-19. Entry onto private lots restricted.
No person shall enter upon any private lot or disturb any flowers or plants or carry away anything
from any lot except with the permission of the owner or his or her representative.
(Rev. Ords. 1962, § 1831; Ord. of 2-20-96)
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Sec. 9-20. Reserved.
Editor's note: An ordinance adopted Nov. 8, 2010, repealed § 9-20 which pertained to entry of florists
on Sunday restricted and derived from Rev. Ords. 1962, § 1834 and an ordinance adopted July 17,
Sec. 9-21. Penalty for violations.
Unless a specific penalty has otherwise been provided, any violation of the provisions of this
chapter shall be deemed a civil offense punishable as provided in City Code Section 1-9. In addition, a
person who violates this chapter shall be removed from the cemetery. Any police officer may issue a
municipal complaint ticket for violation of these articles.
(Rev. Ords. 1962, § 1831; Ord. of 2-20-96; Ord. of 7-17-00)
Cross references: General penalty, § 1-9.
Secs. 9-22--9-31. Reserved.
Sec. 9-32. Lots to be paid for in full before interment.
All lot purchases shall be paid for in full or a satisfactory guarantee of payment given before any
interment shall be permitted. The purchase price shall be paid to the superintendent at the cemetery, who
shall give a receipt for the same. This receipt shall entitle the purchaser to a deed from the City of
Burlington. All deeds shall be placed with the city clerk for record.
(Rev. Ords. 1962, § 1836; Ord. of 6-25-07, eff. 7-25-07)
Sec. 9-33. Transfers to third persons to be reported.
The transfer of cemetery lots or parts of such lots to a third person shall be reported at the office
of the superintendent for record before the purchaser shall be allowed to use the same.
(Rev. Ords. 1962, § 1836)
Sec. 9-34. Information available from superintendent.
All persons desiring to purchase cemetery lots will be given all needed information by calling on
the superintendent at the cemetery, who will show the plans and locations and give the prices of lots.
(Rev. Ords. 1962, § 1836)
Sec. 9-35. Authority to designate certain sections where lots not for sale except upon certain
The board of cemetery commissioners may designate certain sections of the cemeteries where
lots will not be sold except upon agreement to properly grade and fit the same.
(Rev. Ords. 1962, § 1836)
Sec. 9-36. Reversion of grave to cemetery.
Whenever a single grave has a debt against it and such grave becomes vacant by removal of
bodies therein, the land shall revert to the cemetery.
(Rev. Ords. 1962, § 1836)
Sec. 9-37. Authority to increase charges of lots.
When necessary, in order that the cemeteries may be self-sustaining, the board of cemetery
commissioners may change the prices of lots in any section of the cemeteries and fix new prices therefor.
(Rev. Ords. 1962, § 1836)
Secs. 9-38--9-47. Reserved.
Sec. 9-48. Schedule of cemetery rates and charges.
The schedule of cemetery rates and charges will be set and published by the Cemetery Commission.
(Ord. of 5-15-00; Ord. of 6-14-04, eff. 7-14-04; Ord. of 11-8-10(1))
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Sec. 9-49. Reserved.
Editor's note: An ordinance adopted Oct. 4, 1982, repealed § 9-49, relative to care of lots. Said
repealed section derived from a resolution of Dec. 3, 1973.
Sec. 9-50. Charges for perpetual care.
(a) Lot owners will secure a bond from the City of Burlington, through the superintendent, for the
perpetual care of their lot. The money paid for perpetual care shall be placed with the city treasurer to be
invested and the income therefrom shall be used for the maintenance of a lot. This shall include keeping
the grass cut, maintaining a greensward, leveling the depressed areas and other work of similar nature.
(b) Perpetual care, as provided for herein, means that there will not be further expense to the lot
owner in caring for his lot.
(Rev. Ords. 1962, § 1837; Res. of 12-3-73; Ord. of 5-6-96; Ord. of 6-25-07, eff. 7-25-07)
Sec. 9-51. Reserved.
Editor's note: An ordinance enacted May 6, 1996, repealed § 9-51, which pertained to the use of
Lakeview Cemetery chapel, and which derived from Rev. Ords. 1962, § 1839.
Secs. 9-52--9-61. Reserved.
*State law references: Damaging monuments, markers, grounds or ornaments, 13 V.S.A. §§ 3464--
Sec. 9-62. Monuments not permitted on single graves; markers allowed.
Monuments shall not be allowed on single graves, but markers may be placed at the head of
each grave, provided such markers shall not exceed two (2) feet by one (1) foot by eighteen (18) inches
in height. Only one marker or headstone shall be allowed on each grave.
(Rev. Ords. 1962, § 1833; Ord. of 2-20-96)
Sec. 9-63. Reserved.
Editor's note: An ordinance enacted Feb. 20, 1996, deleted provisions formerly codified as § 9-63, which
pertained to the height and thickness of markers, and which derived from Rev. Ords. 1962, § 1833.
Sec. 9-64. Foundation required for markers.
No monuments, headstones or markers shall be set without a proper foundation in accordance
with site plan requirements on record at the cemetery office.
(Rev. Ords. 1962, § 1833; Ord. of 11-8-10(1))
Sec. 9-65. Cornerstones.
In order to preserve a more park-like appearance in the cemeteries, no cornerstones to the lots
shall hereafter be allowed except as follows: Cornerstones shall not exceed the dimensions of six (6)
inches square and when set shall not be above the grade of the lot.
(Rev. Ords. 1962, § 1833; Ord. of 2-20-96)
Sec. 9-66. Monuments or markers may be reset.
Any monument or marker heretofore set that has no foundation and becomes out of place may be
reset with a proper foundation by direction of the board of cemetery commissioners at the expense of the
lot owner.
(Rev. Ords. 1962, § 1833; Ord. of 6-22-98)
Sec. 9-67. Aboveground structures.
No vault or other structure aboveground shall be built in any cemetery, except by special
permission of the board of cemetery commissioners, after plans for the same have been submitted and
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approved by the board.
(Rev. Ords. 1962, § 1832)
Sec. 9-68. Enclosures prohibited.
(a) No enclosure of a cemetery lot by a fence, hedge or curbing shall hereafter be allowed.
(b) If any enclosure heretofore made shall become dilapidated, the superintendent is hereby
authorized to have it removed.
(Rev. Ords. 1962, § 1832)
Sec. 9-69. Superintendent to designate location of materials.
The superintendent shall, in all cases, designate the place where materials to be used in the
erection of monuments or excavating vaults are to be placed during the course of erection or excavation.
(Rev. Ords. 1962, § 1833)
Sec. 9-70. Saturday work restricted.
No monuments or markers shall be brought into the cemetery on any Saturday and no work
shall be commenced on that day which cannot be finished and the debris removed before 4:00 p.m.
without permission from the cemetery superintendent.
(Rev. Ords. 1962, § 1833; Ord. of 6-22-98; Ord. of 11-8-10(1))
Sec. 9-71. Grading and fitting lots.
(a) All grading and fitting of lots shall be done under the direction of the superintendent and in
accordance with the established methods for doing such work.
(b) Charges for the work shall be made in accordance with the established schedule done by the
superintendent. Payment in advance may be required at the discretion of the superintendent.
(Rev. Ords. 1962, § 1837)
Sec. 9-72. Care of lots.
(a) The grass on all lots shall be regularly cut by the workers of the cemeteries under the
direction of the cemetery superintendent.
(b) The charge for this work shall be in accordance with the schedule of charges set by the
cemetery commission.
(Rev. Ords. 1962, § 1838; Ord. of 2-20-96; Ord. of 11-8-10(1))
Sec. 9-73. Stone, concrete or gravel prohibited.
No stones, concrete or gravel shall be permitted on any cemetery lot.
(Rev. Ords. 1962, § 1835; Ord. of 6-22-98)
Sec. 9-74. Damages to driveways, trees, shrubs, etc.
(a) Any damage that may be done to driveways within any cemetery by any vehicle drawing
monuments or any other material shall be made good by the contractor, or the expense of repairs shall
be charged to the lot owner responsible for the work.
(b) Owners and drivers of horses or motor vehicles shall be responsible for any damage done
by them to trees, shrubs or lots, or for damages to any monument or other structure through their own
carelessness or that of their representatives.
(Rev. Ords. 1962, § 1835; Ord. of 11-8-10(1))
Sec. 9-75. Authority to remove trees, shrubs or plants.
The board of cemetery commissioners shall have the right to remove any tree, shrub or plant that
is detrimental to any lot or to the cemetery.
(Rev. Ords. 1962, § 1834)
Cross references: Planting certain trees within city prohibited, § 29-1; cutting or pruning trees without
permission prohibited, § 29-3.
Sec. 9-76. Lot owners permitted to plant flowers.
The owners of cemetery lots shall be allowed to plant flowers and shrubs on their lots under the
direction of the cemetery superintendent. The employees will take reasonable care when maintaining
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the cemetery grounds, but neither the city nor city employees working in the cemetery will be
responsible for damage to plants or flowers.
(Rev. Ords. 1962, § 1834; Ord. of 11-8-10(1))
Sec. 9-77. Special regulations for Lakeview Cemetery.
The particular area known as section 5 of Lakeview Cemetery shall also be subject to the
following restrictions:
(a) No monument over thirty-six (36) inches total height.
(b) Base 2-3-5 grave lots minimum thirty-six (36) inches, maximum forty-eight (48) inches
width; 5-6 grave lot minimum thirty-six (36) inches, maximum fifty-four (54) inches.
(c) All monuments and markers will be granite or bronze.
(d) All markers, including government markers, will be flush markers.
(e) There will be no planting of trees or shrubs in this section by lot owners.
(Ord. of 2-20-96; Ord. of 11-8-10(1))
Secs. 9-78--9-86. Reserved.
Sec. 9-87. Superintendent to have control of funerals.
All funerals shall be under the control and subject to the direction of the superintendent while in
the cemetery.
(Rev. Ords. 1962, § 1839)
Sec. 9-88. Funerals not to be held on Sunday, exception.
Interments shall not be held on Sundays except in cases of dire necessity, infectious diseases or
plagues, each instance to be approved by the health officer of the city and the board of cemetery
(Rev. Ords. 1962, § 1839)
Sec. 9-89. Openings to be made by cemetery employees.
All openings of graves and all interments shall be made by the employees of the cemeteries
under the direction of the superintendent.
(Rev. Ords. 1962, § 1839)
Sec. 9-90. Notice and permit required for interment.
Adequate notice of any interment shall be given to the superintendent and shall be accompanied
by the burial permit issued as required by law.
(Rev. Ords. 1962, § 1839)
Sec. 9-91. Written order for disinterment required.
No disinterment or removal of any body shall be allowed without lawful written documentation
approved by the cemetery superintendent.
(Rev. Ords. 1962, § 1839; Ord. of 2-20-96; Ord. of 11-8-10(1))
State law references: Unauthorized removal of bodies, 13 V.S.A. § 3761.
Sec. 9-92. Receiving vault.
During the winter season when it is not practical to make interments, bodies may be placed in the
receiving vault. Charges for the use of the vault shall be set by the board of cemetery commissioners.
(Rev. Ords. 1962, § 1840; Ord. of 2-20-96)
Sec. 9-93. Removal of bodies from vault.
Upon due notice from the superintendent that it is necessary for any reason, bodies shall be
removed at once from the vault and be interred. Removal shall occur by the third Friday in May annually
unless otherwise directed by the superintendent.
(Rev. Ords. 1962, § 1840; Ord. of 2-20-96)
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Sec. 9-94. Authority of superintendent to make interment.
If, upon notice given to friends of the deceased or to the funeral director, prompt attention is not
given to interment, the superintendent shall make the interment in the lot of the deceased or in the lot
provided by the cemetery.
(Rev. Ords. 1962, § 1840; Ord. of 2-20-96)
Sec. 9-95. Interment in lot which has a debt against it prohibited.
The board of cemetery commissioners shall not permit, on any pretext whatever, any interment in
a lot or grave that has a debt against such lot or grave.
(Rev. Ords. 1962, § 1836)
Sec. 9-96. Permission of lot owner required for burial of nonfamily in lot.
Persons desiring to allow the interment of bodies other than members of their own family shall
give a written permit for the same signed by the lot owner or by his legal representative.
(Rev. Ords. 1962, § 1836)
Sec. 9-97. Work to cease during services.
All workers engaged in the vicinity of a burial shall suspend their labors during the services.
(Rev. Ords. 1962, § 1839; Ord. of 2-20-96)
Sec. 9-98. Infectious diseases.
The cemetery department shall comply with all regulations and recommendations of the state
health department regarding the storage and burial of bodies of individuals who have died of infectious or
contagious diseases.
(Ord. of 2-20-96)
Sec. 9-99. Vault design requirements.
Every earth interment other than a burial of cremains will be made in a concrete container or
bronze receptacle of 12 gauge or better in addition to the casket. The structural design and vault
installation must be approved by the superintendent. All vaults must have a cover made in one piece.
(Ord. of 2-20-96)
Sec. 9-100. Special regulations regarding cremation garden areas.
The burial of cremated remains in the cremation garden areas shall be subject to the following
(1) Lots will be sold, without reserve, with a deed being issued.
(2) Only one burial in each two-foot lot will be permitted.
(3) The cost of a lot will also include a burial fee for opening and closing the site and perpetual care.
(4) In the interest of uniformity of style and design, the inscription will provide space for an individual
name, including first name, middle initial and last name. In addition, the dates of birth and death will be
inscribed in uniform style with the months abbreviated in three (3) letters and full numerical dates
thereafter. No other inscription will be permitted.
(5) The planting of shrubs, plants and flowers will be limited to the cemetery department and will not be
permitted by lot holders or others.
(6) All other rules and regulations of the cemetery will apply.
(Ord. of 2-20-96)
Sec. 9-101. Special regulations regarding burials at public expense.
(a) The board of cemetery commissioners will designate areas to be used for burials at public
(b) Only one burial is permitted per grave. The interment must comply with all other established
burial procedures of the cemetery.
(c) An application for burial in such an area must be obtained from the superintendent. On said
application, the responsible parties must affirm that the deceased was a resident of the city, that there are
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no assets that could pay the cost of a plot and interment, and that the deceased is not eligible under the
provisions of 33 V.S.A. section 2301 for state funds to cover the cost of their burial and grave. The
information provided on the submitted application must be attested to before a notary public.
(d) Any burial in said area will be done at the convenience of the cemetery department, as
determined by the superintendent.
(e) After any interment in one of these areas, no additional marker of any kind can be installed on
the plot unless the cemetery department is paid in full for the burial fee, the plot and perpetual care costs
in effect at the time of the interment.
(f) When said reimbursement is paid in full, a deed for the plot will be issued. An appropriate
marker can be installed in accordance with established rules and procedures of the cemetery department.
(g) All fees must be paid in full before any disinterment can occur.
(Ord. of 2-20-96; Ord. of 5-20-02)