OmegaProducts, Inc.
Harrisburg,PA 17111-4523, U.S.A.
Phone: (717) 561-1105
Fax: (717) 561-1298
Omega. . .
A Legendary
Name In
Fresh Juice
E x t r a c t i o n .
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When using electrical appliances, basic safety precautions should always be
followed including the following:
Read all instructions.
To protect against risk of electrical shock, do not put the motor base
in water or other liquid.
Close supervision is necessary when any appliance is used by or
near children.
Unplug from outlet when not in use, before putting on or taking off
parts, and before cleaning.
Avoid contact with moving parts.
DO NOT operate any appliance with a damaged cord or plug, or after the
appliance malfunctions, or is dropped or damaged in any manner. Return
appliance to the nearest authorized service facility for examination, repair,
or electrical adjustment.
The use of attachments not recommended or sold by the manufacturer
may cause fire, electric shock, or injury.
DO NOT use outdoors.
DO NOT let cord hang over edge of table or counter.
Always make sure juicer cover is clamped securely in place before motor is
turned on.
Be sure to turn switch to off position after each use of your juicer.
DO NOT put your fingers or other objects into the juicer opening while
it is in operation. If food becomes lodged in the opening, use plunger or
another piece of fruit to push it down. When this method is not possible,
turn the motor off and disassemble juicer to remove the remaining food.
The red button on the bottom of the machine is a thermal protection
device. Should the juicer overheat for any reason this switch will cut off
the electrical current and the machine will stop, thus saving it from
possible damage or fire. To reset, simply push the red button and the
juicer will again function normally.
WARNING: This appliance has a polarized plug (one blade is wider than the
other). To reduce the risk of electrical shock, this plug will fit in a polarized outlet
only one way. If the plug does not fit fully into the outlet, reverse the plug. If it
still does not fit, contact a qualified electrician. Do not attempt to modify the
plug in any way.
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Your new Omega Juicer may very well prove to be the most
important small appliance purchase you have ever made! With proper
care, your Omega Juicer will provide you with years of dependable
service, helping to ensure your continued good health and vitality. . .
and that of your family.
It is important that you take a few moments to read the following
instructions and suggestions to get the most out of your Omega Juicer
and to completely understand what it can do. Your Omega Juicer is
simple to operate and maintain. It has been constructed of the highest-
quality material and all-stainless steel parts, built to provide a lifetime
of delicious, healthful fresh fruit and vegetable drinks.
We feel confident that your Omega Juicer will provide you
with many years of satisfaction as you continually extract natures
most valued and vital nutrients from its most cherished and purest
fruits and vegetables.
Should you ever encounter a problem with the Omega Juicer,
contact us immediately. We stand behind the juicer to guarantee
customer satisfaction completely.
We simply believe that your Omega Juicer is the most technically
advanced, top quality appliance you may ever purchase. Our
responsibility doesnt stop with your purchase of the juicer. It just
begins. Your good health is our greatest objective.
With that in mind, go to it! Enjoy a lifetime of natures most
abundant and freshest juices created by you and the Omega Juicer.
And feel GREAT.
The Omega Citrus Attachment converts your
Omega Juice Extractor into a professional citrus
squeezer. (This optional attachment is available
from your local dealer.)
Pictured here are the basic parts to the Omega Juicer in proper
assembly order.
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N OTE: For best results, go through the operating pro c e d u res, carefully noting all
c a u t i o n a ry points and hints, which are included for your understanding and benefit.
Make sure the machine is running at full speed before beginning to juice.
Do not force feed the juicer. For most fruits and vegetables, a slow, steady
push down the chute will work best. If the juicer begins to vibrate, a
slightly harder push should bring it back into balance.
T h e re is no need to cut a fruit or vegetable into sections that will fit whole
into the feeder chute. If it must be cut, cut only into large pieces that easily
fit down the feeder chute.
When making a drink that uses a combination of more than one fruit or
vegetable, we suggest alternating the various fruits or vegetables when
placing them in the machine. For example: Carrot Apple Juice – place
one or two pieces of carrot in feeder chute, then a piece or two of apple.
Keep alternating in this manner.
When juicing leafy greens, we suggest that you twist and roll the green into
a ball the size of a golf ball. Always place the greens into the juicer first,
f o l l owed by crispier vegetables such as carrots, celery, etc. The juice from
these vegetables will force additional juice from the gre e n s .
When juicing ve ry soft fruits and vegetables, such as tomatoes, grapes
and peaches, we suggest that you do not use the filters! Feed the machine
s l ow l y, pausing between placing each fruit or vegetable into the feeder
chute. This will allow the juicer additional time to extract juice through
the strainer basket. It is also ve ry helpful to alternate with firmer fruits
and vegetables. We suggest using seedless grapes and re m o ving the peels
f rom tomatoes and peaches. Due to the softness of these fruits and
vegetables, some vibration may occur.
A l l o w the Omega Juicer to run for one or two minutes after turning off the
Juicer to allow all juice to be extracted from the pulp. Once the juicer is
turned off, it is normal for the juicer to continue to spin for a minute or
two due to the precision balancing of the Omega Ju i c e r.
SELECTING FRU I T S AND V E G E TA B L E S. It is ve ry important that
you select fruits and vegetables that are ve ry fresh – firm, crisp and juicy!
juicing, thoroughly wash all dirt and sprays from the fruits and vegetables
as many of the valuable food elements are under the surface near the skin.
H I N T: The only exceptions are cucumbers, pineapples, oranges and gra p e f ruit.
These should be peeled.
NOTE: For best results, go through the assembly procedures, carefully
noting all cautionary points and hints, which are included for your
understanding and benefit.
STEP 1 Place bowl on motor base housing with spout facing you and
in the middle of the two raised projections.
STEP 2 Place strainer basket inside bowl, making certain that it rests
flat on platform center hex nut.
STEP 3 Insert cutter blade inside strainer basket with teeth up
centering it over hex nut.
STEP 4 Tighten clutch nut finger tight.
STEP 5 Insert optional filter liner into strainer basket.
STEP 6 Place cover on bowl with feeder chute opening to rear.
STEP 7 Place tabs of latch arms over c o ver and secure .
STEP 8 In s e rt p l u n g e r in c ove r o p e n i n g .
STEP 1 Remove plunger from cover opening.
STEP 2 Release side latch arms by inserting finger into side opening at
bottom of the motor base and pulling upward.
STEP 3 Remove cover.
STEP 4 Unscrew clutch nut by turning counter-clockwise.
STEP 5 Lift out cutter blade from inside strainer basket.
STEP 6 Remove strainer basket.
STEP 7 Remove bowl.
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NOTE: Cleaning is done after the Omega Juicer is turned off and disassembled.
STEP 1 Follow disassembling instructions.
STEP 2 Wash parts with cool or cold water. No detergent required, but
mild detergent may be used if desired. Bowl, plunger, cover and clutch
nut require only light rinsing.
STEP 3 Wash cutter blade under running water. Stiff brush may be
used to loosen any food residue.
STEP 4 If desired, all stainless steel parts may be cleaned in the
dishwasher. Never place top and plunger in dishwasher.
STEP 5 To remove pulp from the strainer basket, simply “scoop” out
by hand or with a spoon. To remove any remaining pulp, rotate the
strainer basket under running water. Any remaining particles inside the
strainer basket can be removed with a damp towel or sponge.
HINT: Before juicing, an Omega Juicer filter liner can be inserted inside
the strainer basket, which greatly facilitates in removal of the pulp.
(The optional filters are available from your local dealer).
STEP 6 Towel dry all parts before assembling again.
STEP 7 After repeated use, mineral stains may begin to appear on the
juicer parts that come in contact with juice. Immerse all removable parts
and completely submerge in water overnight with a solution of eight
tablespoons of Cascade or similar dishwasher detergent per gallon of
water. REMEMBER: Don’t immerse the motor base housing.
STEP 8 Your Omega Juicer never needs lubrication of any kind.
SPECIAL NOTE: Should your Omega Juicer stop running or not start
when you turn the machine on, it is most likely due to the fact that the
electrical overload switch has been tripped. This red button is located
on the bottom of the juicer. Simply push the button to reset the machine
and the machine should now function normally.
Ca r ro t - Ce l e ry Ju i c e – Combine two parts carrot juice to one part celery
juice. Add a few drops of lemon juice for added flavo r.
Ca r ro t - Ce l e ry - Apple Ju i c e – Combine equal amounts of carrot, celery
and apple juice.
Ap p l e - Ca r rot Ju i c e – Combine equal amounts of apple and carrot juice.
Ca r ro t - Cabbage Ju i c e – Combine three parts carrot juice to one part
cabbage juice.
Ap p l e - Ce l e ry Ju i c e – Combine two parts apple juice to one part
c e l e ry juice.
Ca r ro t - Cu c u m b e r - Beet Ju i c e – Combine five ounces carrot juice,
two ounces cucumber juice and one ounce beet juice. Or, one cucumber
peeled, one red beet and the remainder carro t .
Ca r ro t - Ce l e ry - Pa r s l ey Ju i c e – Combine four ounces carrot juice, three
ounces of celery juice and one ounce parsley juice. I M P O RTA N T: One
ounce of any leafy green vegetable can be substituted for the parsley juice.
Ca r ro t - Pa r s l ey Ju i c e – Combine seven ounces of carrot juice to one ounce
of parsley juice.
Ap p l e - Ca r ro t - Beet Ju i c e – Combine juice from one beet to equal parts of
apple and carrot juice.
Ca r ro t - C ucumber Ju i c e – Combine four parts carrot juice to one part
cucumber juice.
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Ca r ro t - Ap p l e - S pinach Ju i c e – Combine eight ounces carrot juice,
six ounces apple juice and two ounces of spinach juice.
Ca r ro t - L e t t u c e - Ce l e ry Ju i c e – Combine equal parts of carrot, lettuce
and celery juice.
Ca r ro t - Be e t - Spinach Ju i c e – Combine ten ounces carrot juice,
t h ree ounces of spinach juice and three ounces of beet juice.
Ap p l e - B eet Ju i c e – Combine five parts apple juice to one part beet juice.
Ap p l e - G rape Ju i c e – Combine equal parts apple juice and grape juice.
Juice grapes first, then apples. We suggest no filter.
Apple Lemonade – Combine a ve ry small wedge of lemon with peel and
a p p r oximately four apples.
Pear Lemonade Combine a small wedge of lemon with peel. Any type
of pear (be sure it is a crisp pear!).
Ora n g e - Gra p e f r uit-Lemon Ju i c e – Combine four ounces orange juice,
four ounces grapefruit juice and one ounce lemon juice.
Ap p l e - O range Juice – Combine equal parts of apple juice and orange juice.
Melon Delight – Watermelon, cantaloupe and honeyd ew. Se e d .
Even use the rind if its clean.
N OT E :
Pro p o r tions of juices are usually in sixteen ounce totals. If you only
d e s i re eight ounces, then just divide by two.
With the Omega Ju i c e r, nothing is wasted. It may be used for flavo r i n g
in soups, breads, cakes and salads. Also use the pulp as compost for gard e n s
and plants.
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