Online Examinations in
Emergency Contexts
Are Proctoring and Other Technologies Feasible in Syria to
Facilitate Inclusive School Exams for All?
Thaer AlSheikh Theeb, Aynur Gul Sahin, Salma Abdelrahman, Rachel Chuang (EdTech Hub),
Friedrich Affolter, Bayan Al Mekdad, Rani Sabboura, Yazeed Sheqem (UNICEF)
Caitlin Moss Coflan, Björn Haßler (EdTech Hub)
This paper was born out of a series of technical meetings and consultations called for by
UNICEF Education Section at Syria Country Office, with colleagues from Education Sections
at UNICEF’s Middle East and Northern Africa Regional Office and UNICEF Headquarters in
New York. We would like to express our gratitude to Bo Viktor Nylund (Syria Country Office
Representative), Ghada Kachachi, Paola Retaggi, Brenda Haiplik, Hind Omer, Linda Jones,
Neven Knezevic and Juan Pablo Giraldo Ospino who in the early phases of this project helped
with the identification of successful practices for implementing crossline-, crossborder- and
online exam modalities in crisis-affected contexts.
The team would also like to thank Kyle Arthur for the design of this paper.
The statements in this publication are the views of the authors and contributors and do not
necessarily reflect the policies or the views of UNICEF or EdTech Hub.
Recommended citation
AlSheikh Theeb, T., Sahin, A. G., Abdelrahman, S., Chuang, R., Affolter, F., Al Mekdad, B.,
Sabboura, R., & Sheqem, Y. (2022). Online Examinations in Emergency Contexts: Can
Proctoring and Other Technologies Be Feasible Alternatives for Facilitating Inclusive School
Exams for All in Emergency Contexts? EdTech Hub, UNICEF.
zenodo.6929534. Available at
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Cover photo: © UNICEF Syria/2019/Aldrobi
Online Examinations in Emergency Contexts
Abbreviations and acronyms ............................................................................................................................ 2
Executive Summary ........................................................................................................................................... 3
1. Purpose of this document .............................................................................................................................4
2. Overview of online examinations and proctoring ....................................................................................4
2.1. Definitions linked to online examinations ................................................................................................................4
2.2. A short history of online examinations ....................................................................................................................4
2.3. Comparing national examinations and other assessments .......................................................................................5
2.4. Definitions linked to proctoring technologies ...........................................................................................................6
3. Opportunities and risks of online examinations in emergency contexts ............................................... 7
3.1. Recap of Research ...................................................................................................................................................8
3.1.1. Flexibility and inclusion .................................................................................................................................................. 8
3.1.2. Costs ............................................................................................................................................................................. 9
3.1.3. Fraud prevention ......................................................................................................................................................... 10
3.1.4. Ethical and legal concerns .......................................................................................................................................... 13
3.2. Adapting to a new examination modality ...............................................................................................................13
3.2.1. Transitioning to online examinations ........................................................................................................................... 13
3.2.2. Digital literacy ............................................................................................................................................................. 14
4. Pre-assessment tools ................................................................................................................................... 15
4.1. Feasibility criteria ................................................................................................................................................... 15
4.2. Cost analysis .........................................................................................................................................................22
5. Conclusions ................................................................................................................................................... 26
References .........................................................................................................................................................27
Annex A ..............................................................................................................................................................30
Online Examinations in Emergency Contexts
AP Advanced Placement
CAA Computer-Assisted Assessment
CBA Computer-Based Assessment
C4D Communication for Development
ERC Emirates Red Crescent
ERT Emergency Remote Teaching
GoS Government of Syria
GRE Graduate Records Examination
IB International Baccalaureate
MBRGI Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Global Initiatives
MoE Ministry of Education
OER Open Educational Resources
PIRLS Progress in International Reading Literacy Study
PISA Programme for International Student Assessment
SAAT Standard Achievement Admission Test
TOEFL Test of English as a Foreign Language
To T Training of Trainers
TVET Technical and Vocational Education and Training
TIMSS Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study
UBC University of British Columbia
UCLES University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate
WASSCE West African Senior School Certificate Examination
Online Examinations in Emergency Contexts
Natural and man-made disasters, and most recently
the Covid-19 pandemic, have highlighted the role that
remote and hybrid learning play in education delivery, as
well as the need to reimagine the educational practices
appropriate in emergency contexts.
While there has
been a rise in online learning, digital assessments
and e-proctoring platforms in high-income countries,
questions remain as to the feasibility of online
examinations in disaster-prone emergency situations.
In Syria, 11 years of conflict and economic shocks, as
well as a fracturing of administrative control of education
services across the country, have hindered the access
of students wishing to participate in the Syrian national
9th Grade and 12th Grade exams. These challenges
pose the question of whether online examinations could
be an option that facilitates access to exams for more
students in an emergency context such as Syria’s. At
the same time, any attempt to explore the feasibility of
online examinations in Syria must consider how 11 years
of conflict, poverty, and economic shocks have destroyed
and battered basic infrastructure, power plants, and
ICT infrastructure. Most Syrian families cannot afford
ICT devices and have been deprived of opportunities
to acquire digital literacy skills for more than a decade.
Overall, the country has been unable to develop digital
support systems for teachers and students. All these
factors add layers of complexity to implementing online
high-stakes examinations.
The purpose of this document is to serve as a guide that
education practitioners working in emergency contexts
can use to assess the feasibility of implementing online
examinations and using proctoring technologies. The
Syrian crisis will be referenced as an example case
in order to illustrate opportunities despite significant
constraints and dilemmas. After a review of relevant
definitions and context (Section 2), the document
provides a summary of the opportunities, risks, and
constraints associated with online examinations and
proctoring (Section 3). The document also includes criteria
which decision-makers can use to determine whether
online high-stakes examinations are suitable for their
context and the investments needed to warrant the
results (Section 4).
The document concludes that the implementation
of online high-stakes examinations in Syria and other
emergency contexts will require significant investments
in achieving the prerequisites needed for feasibility and
credibility (Section 5). Prerequisites include electricity,
internet, and devices, as well as the development of the
digital skills necessary for students to participate in online
exams and for teachers and administrators to facilitate
online exams. Further efforts are needed to prevent
leakage of information on exam questions and content,
and promote cultural change around online examinations.
In the event that decision-makers choose to implement
online high-stakes examinations (in Syria and other
education emergency contexts), the document
recommends the use of an iterative approach, where
online examinations are first piloted with a subset of
students and schools prior to scaling up nationally.
Emergencies are defined by INEE Minimum Standards as ‘a situation where a community has been disrupted and has yet to return to stability’ (INEE, 2010). Categories of emergencies
include: conflict settings, epidemics and natural disasters (Ashlee et al., 2020).
Online Examinations in Emergency Contexts
This document was produced in response to a request
from the UNICEF Syria team that was submitted to the
EdTech Hub Helpdesk in January 2022. The UNICEF team
requested support to assess the feasibility of implementing
online examinations and proctoring technologies in
emergency contexts, in order to provide guidance in the
form of lessons learned and good practices for the Syrian
For the first phase of this request, EdTech Hub conducted a
rapid scan of EdTech companies around the world focused on
online examination technologies. The exercise compiled 18
companies that have partnered with Ministries of Education
(MoEs) (for high-stakes examinations), universities (for online
testing) and / or business companies (for staff assessments).
A table of MoE partner companies and proctoring tools is
provided in Annex A. For the second phase, EdTech Hub
developed this document which delves further into the topic
of online examinations in emergency contexts.
This section discusses definitions linked to online
examinations, provides a short history of online
examinations (comparing national examinations and other
assessments), and finally offers definitions linked to
proctoring technologies.
A computer-based assessment (CBA) can be defined
as an assessment that is delivered and marked by a
computer. Online examinations form a subset of CBAs
and can be defined as examinations administered
via the internet” (Barkley, 2002). There are a number
of ways to classify online examinations. Often, online
examinations are categorised according to the modality
of their implementation into home-based and lab-based,
depending on the location where the online examination
is administered. While lab-based online examinations
require learners to be physically present in a designated
centre where the test is administered, home-based online
examinations can be taken in any location, provided that
the learner taking the examination has a device to use (e.g.,
a laptop or a tablet) and that the examination location has
access to the internet and to electricity. A number of high-
stakes examinations also have home-based online versions.
Examples include the Graduate Records Examination
(GRE), the Advanced Placement (AP) exams, and the Test
of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) exam (Luna-
Bazaldua et al., 2020). Questions remain, however, as to the
feasibility of administering home-based online examinations
in emergency contexts.
Lab-based examinations allow learners to take a digital form
of the examination while being proctored by an observer;
sometimes proctors can also monitor each other to ensure
that observers are not providing illegitimate assistance
to learners. This is of special importance in the context of
high-stakes examinations, or assessments which are
statutory and / or whose results are important to both the
authority administering the examination and the learners.
Oftentimes, the outcomes of the high-stakes examination
affect learners’ progress to the next phase of their
education or career.
Understandably, authorities have generally been interested,
but at the same time also reluctant, to transform high-
stakes examinations into digital form. Authorities are
attracted by the opportunity to reach children who lack
access to exam centres and by the possibility of digitally
collecting exam data and managing exams. On the other
hand, governments worry about viruses causing system
interruptions, possible leakages of exam questions prior
to the exams, and the fact that protection against hackers
ultimately cannot be guaranteed. Governments may also be
aware that infrastructure is not equally available, and that a
lack of funds prevents the remedying of infrastructure gaps.
Many have been hopeful that examinations can be
automatised and made interactive, leading to savings in
time and effort and to better engaging learners, since
even before the development of the first computers in the
1970s. Yet despite the initial optimism, computer-based
assessments remain underutilised, even in high-income
countries not affected by disasters. The 2000s witnessed
© UNICEF Syria/2022/Shahan
Online Examinations in Emergency Contexts
the development of a number of on-screen tests which
use automated marking to evaluate learners’ answers to
standardised multiple-choice questions, as well as other
e-assessment tools that use a wider range of question
types and incorporate interactive media elements (Oldfield
et al., 2012).
The Covid-19 pandemic has arguably provided the biggest
impetus yet for moving examinations online. In response
to the pandemic, a number of testing organisations began
offering online versions of the examinations they administer
(e.g., GRE, AP exams, and the TOEFL). Some states in
the United States, most notably California, decided to
move professional certification exams to an online format
(Luna-Bazaldua et al., 2020). In Saudi Arabia, its high-
stakes Standard Achievement Admission Test (SAAT) was
moved from a paper-and-pencil format to online following
school closures in 2020 (ETEC, 2020); “this move was
possible due to investments made over previous decades
in infrastructure and expertise for assessments, plus careful
planning and communication for the new system and its
roll-out” (Al-Qataee et al., 2020). While the discussion
around online examinations, in response to the pandemic,
focuses on the use of online examinations in emergency
contexts, the discussion unquestionably takes high-
income countries as its focus. The authors are not aware
of examples of the use of online assessments in low- and
middle-income, crisis-affected countries.
Currently, there are a number of global and national
assessments that are already being offered or will be
offered in a digital format:
The Programme for International Student
Assessment (PISA), which is used at both the national
and the international level to inform education policy
decisions, is a two-hour computer-based exam for
15-year-olds which primarily consists of multiple-choice
questions. Starting in 2015 for most countries, PISA
was delivered as computer- and lab- based assessments
(OECD, no date). In 2018, PISA was delivered to
around 600,000 learners across 79 countries (Andreas
Schleicher, 2018).
The International Association for the Evaluation of
Educational Achievement (IEA), which has been
administering its Progress in International Reading
Literacy Study (PIRLS) examination to fourth graders
every five years since 2001, decided to also offer a
digital option of its 2021 examination, in addition to the
option of the paper-based version. The digital version,
called digitalPIRLS, “will be offered as a web-based
system via school-based or IEA web servers, or via a
USB drive connected locally to a PC with the Windows
Operating System” (TIMSS & PIRLS International Study
Center, 2022). In total, around “319,000 students,
310,000 parents, 16,000 teachers, and 12,000
schools participated” in PIRLS 2016 (TIMSS & PIRLS
International Study Center, 2019).
The Trends in International Mathematics and
Science Study (TIMSS), an examination that has been
administered since 1995, began a transition to becoming
to a computer-based assessment in 2019 which is
expected to be completed in 2023, when TIMSS will
be available for delivery online or locally using USB
sticks or a local server,” and with each country where
the test will be administered deciding if to “use school
equipment or bring equipment into schools” (IEA,
2022). Around 4,000 learners participated in TIMSS 2019
(TIMSS & PIRLS International Study Center, 2019).
The SAT exam, widely used to make college admissions
decisions in the United States, will move to a digital
format in 2023 internationally and in 2024 in the United
© UNICEF Syria/2021/Khudur
Online Examinations in Emergency Contexts
States. The digital SAT will not be home-based, however,
even though learners will be allowed to use their own
devices if they so choose. Instead, the digital SAT will
be administered in proctored schools or test centres
(Nadworny, 2022; Moon, 2021). In 2021, one and a
half million learners to the SAT exam, down, no doubt
because of the pandemic, from 2.2 million in 2020 (The
College Board, 2021).
Significant differences exist between standardised
tests like the SAT, which largely include multiple-choice
questions, and high-stakes national examinations, which
can include a broad mix of questions that are more
open-ended (e.g., a biology question that asks a learner
to draw a cell) in addition to multiple-choice questions.
Multiple-choice questions can be evaluated against
objective criteria, which means that “the response can
be marked right or wrong without the need for expert
/ human judgement” (JISC, 2006). The digital skill set
required for multiple choice questions is thus relatively
straight forward. Notwithstanding, the needed aptitudes
and practical abilities – for composing digitized in-depth
responses that demonstrate an in-depth understanding of
an academic subject; or for digitally drawing a cell structure
as part of a biology exam – are much more sophisticated.
They require advanced knowledge and experience for
navigating particular and often costly software and hardware
modalities. As a result, an assessment with mostly multiple-
choice questions will be better suited to an online format
than an assessment with mostly open-ended questions.
The proctoring of exams has traditionally been done
by a trained individual who is physically present in the
examination hall or classroom. With the development of
online examination technology, proctoring technology was
also developed to ensure the validity of online exams.
Remote proctoring is a proctoring method that “allows
students to take an assessment at a remote location while
ensuring the integrity of the exam”; it involves “the use of
software to monitor students during the administration of
remote exams and assessments” (Eckenrode et al., 2016;
Parghi et al., 2021).
Online proctoring is a form of location-independent
digital assessment. The invigilation takes place
online using special software. Online proctoring
software promises to allow students and course
participants to sit their exams anywhere (for
example at home) in fraud-resistant conditions
and / or with invigilation against fraud. Monitoring
software, video images and the monitoring of
students’ screens should prevent them from
engaging in fraud.
- SURF, 2020
There are different types of proctoring for remote online
examinations; these include live proctoring and automated
proctoring. Live proctoring entails an invigilator (also
known as a proctor) watching test takers to ensure no
fraud is committed; this proctoring method is used by
platforms like Examity and ProctorU. For example, the
University of Mississippi uses ProctorU “to allow its
students to “take an exam wherever they choose (in a
residence hall or apartment, for example)” (Chin, 2020;
Eckenrode et al., 2016). Live proctoring can take the form
of live supervision, where lecturers themselves watch
test takers through a conferencing software. Alternatively,
a special software which “allows someone to watch and
intervene during the exam” can be used for proctoring
online examinations (SURF, 2020). Another form of remote
“live” proctoring involves the recording of each examination
so that it can be watched at a later stage by an invigilator
(SURF, 2020).
Automated proctoring involves the monitoring of test
takers through machine learning and facial recognition,
among other technologies; this is used by platforms like
Proctorio (Chin, 2020). Instead of proctors monitoring or
reviewing the entire exam, automated proctoring allows
for the use of a specialised software to identify specific
moments of potential fraud or suspicious behaviour which
a reviewer can watch again in order to assess whether
they indeed constitute suspected fraud (SURF, 2020).
Online examinations proctoring can also utilise a lockdown
mechanism which can be “used to prevent students from
accessing web browsers or other applications” (Eckenrode
et al., 2016).
© UNICEF Syria/2019/Aldrobi
Online Examinations in Emergency Contexts
Education emergencies can have a number of causes which
impact the specific shape that they take. These causes
can range from biological hazards (e.g., as a consequence
of a global pandemic such as the Covid-19 pandemic) and
economic shocks, to climate changes and armed conflict,
which “can disrupt the delivery of education services and
cause destruction or damage to education infrastructure in
the short — and long-term” (Ashlee et al., 2020).
In Syria — the country example chosen for this report as a
case in point for illustrating the feasibility and constraints of
proctored online examination in emergency settings — all of
these above crisis factors are at play, leading to challenges
surrounding the lack of ICT infrastructure such as stable
electricity and internet, the lack of devices at home, low
levels of digital literacy of students, teachers and school
administrators, and the limited systems of support for
teachers and students (UNDP, 2022).
A survey conducted by the Norwegian Refugee Council
(NRC) highlighted that 89% of families with students in
formal education in Syria do not have access to laptops,
desktops, or tablets.
With millions of children reported still
out of school, or having missed out on education for months
and even years, it is obvious that digital skills are mostly
lacking across student populations with the exception of
a small minority of privileged children. The challenges are
compounded for those student populations living in isolated
regions since national exams are only offered in those
areas where the Government of Syria (GoS) is in effective
control, whereas students who live in areas outside of
government control need to travel far to access government
exam centres. Furthermore, some platforms and learning
resources are not available in Syria (e.g., Zoom, Google
workspace, Coursera) due to sanctions and the need to
comply with US export regulations (NRC and UNICEF, 2022,
In 2021, Syrian national exams were conducted as paper-
and-pencil exams, as they have been for decades. Syrian
national exams are conducted once a year in the months
of May and June, for 9th and 12th graders. Other grades
examinations take place two to three weeks prior to
9th and 12th grade exams. 9th and 12th grade exams
are considered to be milestone exams as they decide
on whether a student is allowed to continue her or his
education pathway to universities or mid-level continuing
education programmes such as technical and vocational
training (TVET), tourism schools, and sport education
programmes. Passing these milestone exams is therefore
‘a must’ for a student; and high-achievers will be able to
enroll in universities offering programmes such as medicine
and engineering that offer enhanced career prospects. The
top ten 12th graders attending TVET programmes likewise
have the opportunity to enroll into corresponding university
Note that the survey did not capture access to mobile devices. In 2020, there were 95 mobile cellular subscriptions reported per 100 people in Syria (World Bank, 2020). This data suggests
that mobile devices may serve as an alternative channel for learning in the country.
However, Learning Passport, a platform with global and local learning resources developed by UNICEF and Microsoft, has been made available in Syria. This marks an important success
story in light of sanctions.
© UNICEF Syria/2019/Aamer
Online Examinations in Emergency Contexts
Exams for both 9th and 12th graders usually last 3-4
weeks, with only one subject exam per day, all of them
administered in the presence of teachers, and scheduled
in time intervals of one to three days. Each exam lasts a
minimum of an hour and a half, but some exams can also
last for up to three and a half hours. Students whose upper-
secondary specialisation is Sciences are tested in up to
eight science subjects, whereas those specialising in the
humanities take up to seven humanities subject tests. Once
exams are completed, students wait for the announcement
of results through the Ministry. The results are published
online, usually a month after the exams. Depending on the
results, students who are disappointed with their grades
are invited to take the examinations again, but only in three
subjects, and are usually allowed to do so only within a
period not exceeding a maximum of two weeks after the
first round of exams.
Given that Syria has some geographic areas that are not
under the control of the GoS, and with separate non-
coordinated education authorities as a consequence of
the crisis, the Ministry of Education (MoE) with support
from UN and civil society agencies developed a system
of ‘national exam accommodation centres’ – for so-called
‘crossline children’ that need to travel from areas not under
GoS control into areas where national GoS exam centres
are operating. Crossline children travel to GoS exam
centres and stay in accommodation centres. From there,
crossline children visit schools that host national paper-and-
pencil exams which are supervised, in specially arranged
classroom settings, by teachers who are appointed by the
MoE. Although the number of crossline children registering
for exams annually is around 16,000, in recent years the
number of crossline children attending national exams has
been between 6000 and 7000.
This section compiles discussion and research on the
opportunities and risks surrounding online examinations
and e-proctoring, and the ability to administer credible
examinations (Ironsi, 2021) across several areas:
1. Flexibility and inclusion
2. Costs
3. Fraud prevention
4. Ethical and legal concerns
5. Adapting to a new examination modality
6. Digital literacy
Globally, many high stakes examinations were cancelled
in 2020 due to Covid-19 including the SATs, International
Baccalaureate (IB) exams, and state-wide national exams
such as in Uttar Pradesh in India (Liberman et al., 2020). In
some cases, exams were postponed, as was the case for
national exams in Colombia and the West African Senior
School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) (Liberman et al.,
In other scenarios, online assessment and proctoring
technologies have allowed learning to proceed undisrupted
during prolonged school closures (Ironsi, 2021; Ferri et al.,
2020; Luna-Bazaldua et al., 2020; Liberman et al., 2020).
The flexibility that these technologies provide to educational
institutions creates an option for learning and assessment
to continue even when face-to-face learning cannot, and
means that exams can be administered at any time and in
any place (SURF, 2020). This allows educational institutions
to provide learners with opportunities regardless of where
learners are located around the world, which enables
benefits for more students, especially those based outside
of their country of citizenship (SURF, 2020). Further, online
examinations allow for the possibility that learners may
take examinations at times of their choosing, which fits well
with a trend in education that aims to place learners at the
centre of educational decision-making (SURF, 2020).
Online examinations pose challenges of their own in terms
of equity and the inclusion of all learners. The feasibility of
online examinations depends on the availability of electronic
devices and access to the internet for the test-takers (as
well as the invigilators in the case of e-proctoring; Ironsi,
2021). Online examinations, then, will not be accessible
to all learners given the existing inequities in access to
technology. Even learners who have access to appropriate
digital infrastructure to support online examinations might
not have the appropriate space at home to be able to take
the test in appropriate exam conditions or possess the
digital literacy skills to take online examinations (Luna-
Bazaldua et al., 2020).
© UNICEF Syria/2020/Aldroub
Online Examinations in Emergency Contexts
In Syria’s context, the vast majority of learners lack access
to technology at home and have never owned a computer,
let alone have the privilege of a designated space at
home suitable for online examinations. This adds a layer
of inequity to the examination process and leads to the
marginalisation of learners whose circumstances (e.g.
socio-economic background, large families, geographical
location) mean they have limited access to and engagement
with the required technology for online learning and
assessment. In fact, relying solely on online examinations
carries a real risk of further exacerbating inequities, whether
these be financial inequities or inequities in access to
needed infrastructure. Financial and accessibility inequities
can thus become even more geographically concentrated if
online examinations are used uncritically. Other than access
to digital devices, the use of online assessments also poses
the risk of exclusion of learners with special educational
needs and disabilities (SEND; Luna-Bazaldua et al., 2020).
A multitude of complexities surrounding online
examinations for learners with SEND should be
acknowledged. In general, an inadequate focus on ensuring
that online examinations are designed and delivered in such
a way as to meet the needs of learners with SEND will, in
all likelihood, result in the further marginalisation of learners
with SEND. Additional in-person support, supplemented
by the use of EdTech tools (e.g, assistive technologies
with features including text to speech and on-screen
magnification), can potentially play a role in meeting the
needs of learners with SEND during test-taking procedures
(Coflan & Kaye, 2020).
The extent to which these risks can be mitigated will
always depend on the specific context in which they
present themselves. In Italy, for example, initiatives to
donate devices, as well as efforts to direct funds to give
students devices, were launched in an effort to mitigate
the risk of uneven access to technology exacerbating
inequality (Ferri et al., 2020). In the context of a country
undergoing a humanitarian crisis, such as Syria, however,
inequities tend to be especially pronounced: children from
less war-affected areas, or from better-off families, will have
better opportunities than children from poor or displaced
families to develop digital literacy skills, and urban areas
are technologically better equipped than rural areas. What’s
more, depending on the political support networks available
in different regions, some areas fare better or worse when
it comes to access to technology.
3.1.2. COSTS
Whether online examinations cost more or less than
in-person alternatives varies depending on many
factors, including the administering institution, the study
programme, and the specific situation in the country where
the tests are administered (SURF, 2020). In high-income
countries that are not affected by natural or man-made
disasters, the availability of online learning and assessment
options, especially in higher education, has created
opportunities to reduce costs of education for learners,
with learners in some cases taking online courses that
are available for free and thus only needing to pay for the
examinations, which allows learners to save on tuition,
© UNICEF Syria/2019/Aamer
Online Examinations in Emergency Contexts
textbooks, and school-related living expenses (Ferri et al.,
2020). This is obviously not the case for learners in low- and
middle-income countries where many learners cannot even
afford textbooks or stationery and thus will not be saving
on costs (which they already do not incur). The costs for
learners, however, is only one cost among many, and one of
the risks to online examinations in emergency contexts is
their limited cost-effectiveness for authorities administering
the examinations, due to high overarching costs. Evidence
supports that online proctoring technologies are more
expensive than in-person exams, whether in schools or
universities (SURF, 2020). To begin with, there is the cost
of the infrastructure, including devices for test-taking which
needs to be in place for online examinations.
In Syria, for example, costing requires consideration of the
crisis-produced dilapidation of infrastructure, the country’s
loss of digital learning and investment opportunities
when compared with countries not affected by conflict,
sanctions and economic shocks. Therefore, any kind of
costing structure must consider infrastructure, hardware,
software, and possibly satellite technology to provide
Internet to particular isolated locations where phone lines
and cellular networks are not available,
as well as digital
skills development and administration expenditures, which
eventually need to be scaled up across the country.
In addition, authorities need to consider the costs of
e-proctoring tools, which are often too high for most
educational institutions to afford (Ironsi, 2021). Other costs
include those required to transform and develop content
An organisation that has experimented with the provision of satellite technology for isolated or crisis-affected areas in need of digital education content is the Mohammed bin Rashid Al
Maktoum Global Initiatives (MBRGI) in support of its e-learning platform Madrasa.
that is suitable for online delivery, and the cost of hiring and
training personnel (such as remote proctors) (Luna-Bazaldua
et al., 2020). For the physical monitoring of school-based
exams, schools may wish to use their own facilities and
their own staff as invigilators; online proctoring, on the
other hand, would require additional fees that are often
more expensive (SURF, 2020). In Syria, schools all over the
country lack not only these facilities themselves but also
the capacity to maintain and administer them. Therefore
in Syria, substantial investment would be required either
to create the facilities necessary for physical monitoring
of school-based exams, or to develop online proctoring
Please see Section 4.2 for a cost analysis template tailored
to help emergency education practitioners to plan and
budget for proctored online examinations.
A significant challenge with online examinations is ensuring
their validity, transparency, and reliability. While fraud and
cheating arguably also occur during in-person examinations,
educational institutions tend to have more experience in
administering in-person examinations and “are thus capable
of making a relatively good assessment of the associated
risks” (SURF, 2020). This is not the case with online
proctoring, with which educational institutions “have not
yet built up the same level of experience” (SURF, 2020). In
addition, since each supplier uses different methods and
technologies … the experiences of one institution may not
© UNICEF Syria/2019/Aldrobi
Online Examinations in Emergency Contexts
always be directly applicable to other institutions” (SURF,
2020). This points to a lack of information as to whether
online examinations can in fact be administered in such a
way as to successfully prevent cheating.
One of the main strategies to address these challenges is
the use of e-proctoring software (Ironsi, 2021). E-proctoring
software uses tools such as accessing the test takers
microphones and webcams during the examination, facial
recognition software, screen sharing (which allows the
proctor to view the test taker’s screen), lock-down browsers
(special browsers to prevent test takers’ access to other
browsers or applications during the examination), AI
software to detect cheating, and even keystroke dynamics
(which, by analysing how test takers type their answers,
can be used to issue a warning if someone is suspected
of impersonating a test taker) (Ironsi, 2021; SURF, 2020).
While “fraud involving manipulation of hardware or software
can usually be detected … this often has far-reaching
implications for student privacy” (SURF, 2020). Moreover,
AI software needs time to learn the different ways in which
cheating can take place in different contexts, and thus
cannot be counted on to be fully effective in detecting
cheating from its first deployment.
An examination of the literature on the topic found that
80% of the e-proctored online examinations being surveyed
showed evidence of malpractice (Ironsi, 2021). Further,
the ability of artificial intelligence software to detect and
identify cheating is questionable (Ironsi, 2021). Automated
reviewing of positive fraud detection is much less accurate
than live proctoring; an invigilator can more accurately
identify if a certain movement by the test taker is indicative
of fraud or not (SURF, 2020). Instances of false positives,
or the indication of a suspicion that an instance of fraud or
cheating has been committed when in fact none has been,
are much more likely to occur with automated proctoring
compared to online live proctoring and in-person proctoring;
“with recordings, it is impossible to be sure whether a
student was trying to cheat or whether they just glanced
away from the screen” (SURF, 2020).
The scalability of fraud and cheating is substantially
increased in online examinations. As soon as a student
has developed software to make it possible to commit
fraud, they could pass it on to a large group of students
in the blink of an eye” (SURF, 2020). The heightened use
of online proctoring technologies increases the chances
that some software will be developed to bypass them.
Unless an education institution has some control over the
space where an examination is conducted, “fraud can be
committed in ways that are (almost) impossible to detect”
and the list of possible ways to do so “is almost endless”
(SURF, 2020). While control mechanisms such as webcams
can reduce the risk of fraud and cheating, they cannot
eradicate that risk entirely (SURF, 2020).
Another set of challenges of online examinations are not
caused by proctoring risk factors. Nevertheless, challenges
relating to the storing and sharing of the content of online
examinations, as well as challenges related to the reporting
of cheating incidents, are significant to preserve the validity
of online examinations. However, it is worth noting that
exam questions can be leaked for both online and paper
examinations. Mechanisms and protocols must be in place
to prevent teachers, administrators, or other persons who
have access to an exam’s content from leaking the exam’s
questions and thus jeopardising its validity. Randomised
monitoring visits, most ideally by third-party monitors, and
the requirement that proctors fill a daily report detailing
instances of suspected cheating or fraud can be effective
mechanisms to ensure that proctors in test centres are
appropriately reporting cases of suspected malpractice.
In the eventuality that a student is suspected
to have committed fraud, Ministries need a
protocol for reporting a suspected fraudulent
behavior, keeping in mind that students cannot
be charged with cheating unless a case was duly
reported and the suspicion has been reviewed
by the education authorities, and relevant action
has been recommended in line with policies and
procedures. A suggested reporting template is
enclosed under Annex B.
© UNICEF Syria/2020/Belal
Online Examinations in Emergency Contexts
Online proctoring risk factors Description Possible countermeasures
An extra browser or tab
A student attempts to search for answers
online during an examination
Monitoring by proctors; screen captures, an
extra webcam, and a good lock-down browser
Another person in the
A student looks at the answers of others
or tries to consult with them (verbally or
Lab-based examinations: Dividers / screens
between desks
Home-based examinations: Microphone,
Hidden crib sheets
A student uses crib or cheat sheets; this also
can be a regular occurrence during in-person
Lab-based examinations: Proctors can keep
an eye out for the use of crib sheets
Home-based examinations: cameras
(however, in these situations, “the room will
never be fully visible during the exam, and
hidden crib sheets remain a possibility”)
Someone else using the
A student has another individual take the
exam for them
Identity verification, through showing a
student card or ID to an invigilator or to the
A second person
monitoring or controlling
the PC
A student gives another individual remote
access to their computer. The other person
can see their screen and control the keyboard
and mouse
Lab-based examinations: Proctors can see
student’s keyboard and mouse and check if
movements match what is happening on the
screen; it would also be more difficult for
a student to use a shared computer in the
testing centre to grant remote access
Home-based examinations: Logging software
that identifies external connections to the
Software that provides
A student installs software that scans the
questions on the screen and looks up the
answers. The software could show these
on the screen, or possibly even fill them in
Lab-based examinations: Similar to the risk
factor above, proctors can see student’s
keyboard and mouse and check if movements
match what is happening on the screen; it
would also be more difficult for a student to
install software on a shared computer in the
testing centre
Home-based examinations: Logging software
that identifies external connections to the
Table 1. Online proctoring risk factors and possible countermeasures to them (SURF, 2020)
Students are often asked to show the entire room to the camera prior to the start of the examination. However, a second person could hide outside of the camera’s field of view.
Moreover, it is essential that the reporting of cheating cases
is done professionally to ensure that no harm or abuse is
done to children. In some cases, teachers and proctors
may not be aware of established protocols to follow when
reporting cheating cases. While children must not be
harmed when cheating is being reported, some aspects of
this potential harm and how to mitigate it (e.g., the power
which a proctor who has caught a learner cheating has) are
culturally specific and must be dealt with in a way that pays
attention to the local context.
Online Examinations in Emergency Contexts
Ethical concerns related to data collection and sharing,
monitoring the biometric identities of test takers, and
accessing test takers’ audio and cameras are all issues
related to the privacy of the test takers. This calls for a
revaluation of e-proctoring software and raises questions
which have yet to be resolved (Ironsi, 2021). In the
Netherlands, complaints have led courts to rule that
e-proctoring software does not violate students’ privacy,
but it also reaffirmed that it must be compliant with data
protection and data privacy laws in the country (Luna-
Bazaldua et al., 2020). The Dutch Personal Data Protection
Act (WBP) requires that students must be able to freely
give their permission for their data to be used, which
means that students must be able to refuse to give this
data without suffering any consequences. In other words,
the WBP requires that an alternative to e-proctored online
examinations, which need access to learners’ data to work
properly, must always be made available for those learners
who refuse to give their permission for their personal data
to be used (and hence cannot take online examinations;
SURF, 2020). Complaints have also been raised at the
University of British Columbia (UBC) in Canada arguing that
online automated proctoring technologies are “ableist and
discriminatory, intrusive, unsafe, inaccessible, and huge
invasion of privacy” with their reliance on facial recognition
technology (Chin, 2020).
E-proctored examinations have also been shown to increase
test takers’ feelings of anxiety and therefore may in fact
affect learners’ academic performance (Ironsi, 2021. During
disruptions to learning, assessments are often given
less importance and at times even cancelled in order to
avoid exacerbating the stressful circumstances (Hodges
et al., 2020). The focus on developing online examination
and proctoring technologies should not put learners at a
disadvantage or expose them to undue stress, especially
when learners have not been previously exposed to these
technologies; decision-makers should be careful to avoid
adding to the anxiety of children and young adults through
the use of unfamiliar technologies (Chin, 2020). Digitised
mock exams may help children transition more easily into a
new online exam modality.
In some cases, the general public may react negatively
to the transition to online examinations. For example,
learners may be worried about how their exam scores will
be affected by the new format, or teachers may express
concerns about adequately equipping learners with digital
literacy skills. Addressing the general public’s opinions and
concerns about online examinations is crucial to mitigating
this risk.
© UNICEF Syria/2021/AlDroubi
Online Examinations in Emergency Contexts
Student preparations for online examinations can further be
supported by:
1. Identifying pilot groups who express an interest or
preference to participate in online exams;
2. Giving advance notice of at least one year about the
transition from traditional to online examinations;
3. Holding virtual or in-person workshops about the new
examination format and logistics;
4. Organising a mock examination a few weeks before the
“real” examination;
5. Allowing participants to take the examination multiple
times (at least during the first few years of rolling out
the exam). This can help account for variables that can
negatively affect a student’s score, including emergency
situations, test jitters, etc.
Digital literacy can be defined as the “ability to access,
manage, understand, integrate, communicate, evaluate
and create information safely and appropriately through
digital technologies for employment, decent jobs and
entrepreneurship. It includes competences that are
variously referred to as computer literacy, ICT literacy,
information literacy, and media literacy” (Law et al., 2018).
Possessing digital literacy skills is essential if learners
are to perform well on online examinations. In order for
online examinations to be able to assess learners’ actual
knowledge of the core content that they are being tested
on, learners need to possess the digital literacy skills
that are necessary for them to be able to take online
examinations painlessly. Otherwise, the examination
will effectively be a test of learners’ digital literacy skills,
not their knowledge of content. A study of the results
of learners who took the Partnership for Assessment of
Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) test in 2015-
2016 found that those learners who took paper-and-pencil
PARCC tests performed 56% better than learners who took
the same exact PARCC test online (Herold, 2016).
Since digital literacy skills are distributed unevenly
across different indicators of disadvantage (such as
income, gender, disability, age, education level, area of
residence e.g., urban vs. rural —, etc.), one’s previous
exposure to IT will enhance one’s ability to perform better
than others on online examinations, simply because one
possesses digital literacy skills that other learners lack.
This constitutes an unfair advantage. Moving examinations
online without making sure that learners and teachers are
provided with appropriate training in digital literacy skills
will, in all likelihood, increase the disparity in performance
between the most privileged learners and the most
This concern is even more significant in education
emergency contexts where teachers and learners are
more likely to be less acquainted with digital technologies
and where only the most privileged are likely to possess
the necessary digital literacy skills essential to performing
well on online examination. In Syria, more than a decade
of conflict and economic distress resulted in 2.4 million
children dropping out of school, or being forced to access
non-formal education platforms due to lack of access or
affordability to formal education institutions. These children
can often not even afford transportation, stationary or
school uniforms; their opportunities past and future to
develop digital literacy competencies were and are very
However, it is evidently possible to build digital
competencies and help children and adolescents to
transition from paper-based to digital learning and exam
participation. In fact, Syrian children and adolescents as
well as teachers ask for the opportunity to train and acquire
digital skills. A government or civil society organisation
interested in building digital communication competencies
(writing, drawing, surfing, browsing, checking,
troubleshooting) must be prepared, however, to invest the
time and resources for cultivating and honing digital skill
sets ahead of time, and for different subject topics, and
prior to the day when children are invited to sit for, and
education staff are expected to facilitate proctored online
In addition to honing digital literacy skills, it would also be
important to explore transforming the current examination
culture that requires children to demonstrate cognitive
capacities through writing, designing and drawing
exercises, to multiple-choice testing modalities that require
a less demanding skill set of digital writing, typewriting and
drawing skills.
© UNICEF Syria/2022/Janji
Online Examinations in Emergency Contexts
As highlighted in the previous section, the range of
opportunities and risks of online examinations signifies
that the assessment modality may be a good fit for some,
but not all, contexts. This section encompasses two tools
(feasibility criteria and cost analysis) that will support
decision-makers to assess whether online examinations,
and especially online examinations conducted in crisis
contexts, are achievable and affordable.
The table below can be used to determine an overarching
feasibility score (out of 136 points) for lab-based online
examinations. In general, if a score is over 95, then the
context may be a good fit for online examinations.
this table can serve as a general benchmark for feasibility,
we strongly recommend that any decision-maker consult
with the Ministry of Education and other digital assessment
experts prior to proceeding with implementation. If the
available ICT infrastructure varies significantly across
regions of a country, the feasibility score can be calculated
separately for each region.
The tool is organised across the following categories:
1. Exam location and environment
2. ICT infrastructure and hardware
3. Software
4. Digital literacy skills and training
5. Exam administration
6. Prevention of cheating
7. Equity
Note that a score of 95 signifies that roughly 70% of the criteria are met.
© UNICEF Syria/2021/AlDroubi
Online Examinations in Emergency Contexts
Category Question Score
1. Exam location and environment Total / 18 :
Exam space
Do the testing locations include:
Л Desks, tables and comfortable chairs
Л Access to bathrooms or latrines
Л Lockers where students can leave their belongings to ensure exam security
To determine your score for this question, add the number of checked boxes (0 3).
Exam environment
Will the exam environment:
Л Be quiet and distraction free
Л Be comfortable for students, with proper air circulation and temperature
Л Include live proctoring by trained individuals
To determine your score for this question, add the number of checked boxes (0 3).
Exam location part 1
Are there available buildings that can be used for the testing centres?
Л 1 No, the set-up of tents and / or construction of new buildings are needed for
Л 2 —Yes, buildings are available for testing
Exam location part 2
Will the testing centre be established in a safe location (e.g., a significant distance
from active conflict or natural disasters)?
Л 1 — Nov
Л 2 — Yes
Л 1 Do not have access to any forms of transportation to testing centres
Л 2 Can access transportation to testing centres, but only for a fee
Л 3 Can access transportation to testing centres for free
Commute distance
On average, how far will participants need to travel to testing centres?
Л 1 — Over 20 kilometres
Л 2 — Between 4 — 20 kilometres
Л 3 Less than 4 kilometres
Basic services
Will the testing centre have basic Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WaSH) services
Л 1 — No
Л 2 — Yes
2. ICT infrastructure and hardware Total / 41 :
Will testing centres have stable electricity or be powered by alternative energy
sources (e.g., solar)?
Л 1 — No
Л 2 — Sometimes
Л 3 — Yes
Note: If you selected “1” for this question, online examinations may not be feasible
for your context.
The ‘Whole of Syria’ Education Sector (2021) defines the severity of the education emergency in a specific area by rating areas from ‘1’ which is the lowest score, to ‘5’ which is the
highest score and describes a catastrophic situation. In Syria, the United Nations prioritizes locations with a severity score of 3 to 5, which are classified as “acute and [in] immediate need of
humanitarian assistance” (Whole of Syria Education Sector, 2021, p. 1). The Severity Scale Framework that forms the basis for the severity scale used in Syria has been developed by the Joint
Intersectoral Analysis Framework Steering Committee (JFIA, 2022). JFIA offers “… a methodologically new approach to analysing the multiple needs of populations in crisis. … Since 2020,
countries preparing humanitarian responses within the Humanitarian Programme Cycle have been using this enhanced approach to inform their country’s ‘Humanitarian Needs Overview’
[HNO].” (p. 1)
Online Examinations in Emergency Contexts
Category Question Score
Internet connectivity
What is the quality of internet connectivity at testing centres?
Л 1 — None to poor (0 — 5 Mbps)
Л 2 — Moderate to good (5 — 25 Mbps)
Л 3 Very good to excellent (over 25 Mbps)
Note: If you selected “1” for this question, online examinations may not be feasible
for your context.
Internet availability
How available is the internet at testing centres?
Л 1 Available for a fee or on a personal device
Л 2 Available through zero costing on the internet connection required for the
Л 3 Available for free
ICT support
Will testing centres have a technician available to offer support in cases of hardware
and / or software failure?
Л 1 — No
Л 2 — Sometimes
Л 3 — Yes
Centre tools and resources
Will the testing centre include:
Л Pens and paper
Л Computers or tablets for each student
Л Stylus
Л Cameras (webcams)
Л Earphones
Л Calculator
Л Mp3 player / recorder
To determine your score for this question, add the number of checked boxes (0 7).
Hardware affordability
What is the per unit cost of the hardware (computers or tablets)?*
1 — Over USD 700
2 — Between USD 500–700
3 — Between USD 200–500
4 — Under USD 200
Hardware battery life
What is the battery life of the hardware?
Л 1 — Under 4 hours
Л 2 — Between 4–8 hours
Л 3 — Over 8 hours
Ideally, the hardware should be able to last for an entire school day off-grid in areas
with unreliable electricity.
Hardware storage space
How much storage space is available for each hardware device?
Л 1 — Under 32 GB
Л 2 — Between 32–64 GB
Л 3 — Over 64 GB
Larger amounts of storage are necessary for areas with no or unreliable internet.
Hardware life expectancy
How long is the hardware expected to last before requiring replacement?
Л 1 Within the year
Л 2 Within 1 to 3 years
Л 3 — Over 3 years
Online Examinations in Emergency Contexts
Category Question Score
Hardware durability
How sensitive will the hardware be towards heat, cold, water and dust and so on?
Л 1 — Sensitive
Л 2 — Somewhat resistant
Л 3 — Resistant
Hardware maintenance
Will there be assigned personnel responsible for hardware maintenance (e.g.,
volunteers, teachers, paid professionals)?
Л 1 — No
Л 2 — Not sure
Л 3 — Yes
Exam tool storage
Will there be a secure location at the testing centre to store the hardware?
Л 1 — No
Л 2 — Not sure
Л 3 — Yes
3. Software Total / 27 :
Where will the software to be used be developed?
Л 1 Software development will be outsourced to a foreign corporation
Л 2 Software development will be outsourced to a national corporation
Л 3 The government will develop the software in-country
How will the software be sourced?
Л 1 — Paid software
Л 2 — Free, downloadable software
Л 3 Pre-existing software that is already being used by students, teachers,
and / or MoE staff
The software program is available through a:
Л 1 Subscription basis (yearly, monthly, etc.)
Л 2 One-time purchase with unlimited usage
Л 3 N / A; the software is freely available
Connectivity requirements
part 1
Which of the following options is the software able to operate on? If more than one,
select the option with the highest numerical value.
Л 1 — High-speed internet
Л 2 Mobile networks, including hotspots
Л 3 — Offline
Connectivity requirements
part 2
Does the software require a steady internet connection throughout the duration of
the examination?
Л 1 Internet connection is required at all times during the exam
Л 2 Internet connection is required at multiple checkpoints throughout the
Л 3 Internet connection is only required for download and upload
User capacity
How many test-takers can the software support at one time?
Л 1 — Under 10,000
Л 2 Between 10,000 to 100,000
Л 3 — Over 100,000
Online Examinations in Emergency Contexts
Category Question Score
Technological development
How much additional development will the software require to be suitable for exam
Л 1 Requires moderate to extensive development, such as integrating multiple
Л 2 Requires minimal development, such as adjusting existing features of the
existing software
Л 3 No additional software development required
Available languages
The software program
Л 1 Is only available in English
Л 2 Is available in local languages (e.g., Arabic)
Л 3 Has an automatic translation option
What exam answer options does the software offer?
Л 1 — Multiple choice only
Л 2 Multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank, and a few other options
Л 3 Multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank, matching, drawing (using a stylus and
touch screen), open-ended essays, and several other answer options
4. Digital literacy skills and training Total / 15 :
Skills part 1
Do participants possess adequate digital skills to use the hardware (computers or
tablets) and software?
Л 1 No, participants have not used the hardware and software in schools or at
Л 2 Somewhat, participants have used the hardware, but not the software, in
schools or at home
Л 3 Yes, participants have used the hardware and software in schools or at
Skills part 2
Can participants type?
Л 1 No, participants have not learned how to type in school or at home
Л 2 Somewhat, participants have learned how to type in school or at home but
have had limited opportunities to practise
Л 3 Yes, participants have learned and practised typing in school or at home
Skills part 3
Can participants use a stylus pen?
Л 1 No, participants have not learned how to use a stylus pen in school or at
Л 2 Somewhat, participants have learned how to use a stylus pen school or at
home but have had limited opportunities to practise
Л 3 Yes, participants have learned and practised using a stylus pen in school or
at home
What is the anticipated level of training* that will be needed for administrators,
teachers, and learners who will participate in an online examination for the first time?
Л 1 High: in-person or virtual training sessions by IT support staff or teachers
(accessed synchronously)
Л 2 Medium: online content or videos (accessed asynchronously)
Л 3 Low: instructions can be provided right before the examination starts
*Note that training can include topics such as: testing centre rules, day-of logistics,
what to expect for examination content and formats, testing advice and technical
Online Examinations in Emergency Contexts
Category Question Score
Test prep
How will participants be supported to prepare for the online examinations?
Л Exam duration will be extended (e.g., participants will receive an extra 30
minutes to familiarise themselves with digital exams for each hour they are
given to prepare for paper exams)
Л Guidelines will be shared to help familiarise participants with the exam rules
Л Sample exam formats and questions will be shared
To determine your score for this question, add the number of checked boxes (0 3).
5. Exam administration Total / 6 :
Technical difficulties
If there are technical difficulties (due to electricity or connectivity) during the exam:
Л 1 There is no way to retrieve the data; participants will need to retake the
Л 2 Participants will be able to continue their exam on paper in the testing
Л 3 Online progress will be saved and participants can continue at a later date
or after the issue is resolved, or participants can continue to take the exam
Scoring and results
How will online examinations be scored?
Л 1 Exams will be scored manually by a team of proctors, teachers, etc.
Л 2 Some exam parts will be scored manually, while others will be scored
automatically using the software
Л 3 Exams will be scored automatically using the software
6. Prevention of cheating Total / 21 :
ID verification
How will participant identities be verified?
Л 1 By asking students to enter their contact details into the online examination
Л 2 By checking national government or student ID approved identification
Л 3 By checking national government or student ID approved identification
cards, and verifying a match with unique exam ID codes
Seating part 1
Will seating be randomised to prevent cheating?
Л 1 — No
Л 2 — Yes
Seating part 2
Will physical barriers be provided to prevent participants from looking at others
Л 1 — No
Л 2 — Yes
Switching screens
Will the participant be able to open other windows on the computer or tablet while
taking the exam?
Л 1 — Yes
Л 2 — No
Proctor capabilities
Will the live or AI proctor be able to:
Л Observe the participants’ screen or environment
Л Check surroundings for prohibited use of notes or textbooks
Л Monitor participants’ eye movements
To determine your score for this question, add the number of checked boxes (0 3).
Online Examinations in Emergency Contexts
Category Question Score
Proctor code of conduct
What training on code of conduct will proctors be required to take (to ensure
integrity of the proctoring team)?
Л 1 — No training required
Л 2 Proctors will be required to complete a one-time code of conduct training
Л 3 Proctors will be required to complete an annual code of conduct training
Disciplinary actions
What disciplinary actions will be enacted for attempts of bribery, fraud and cheating
during the exam?
Л 1 — None
Л 2 Participants’ score will be disqualified, but they will be allowed to retake
the test
Л 3 Participants’ score will be disqualified and they will not be able to retake
the test
Will students, teachers, proctors and others be able to report incidents of bribery,
fraud and cheating to the Ministry of Education authority?
Л 1 — No
Л 2 Yes, reports can be shared with a designated official at the MoE
Л 3 Yes, they can call a hotline to report concerns anonymously
7. Equity Total / 8 :
SEND students
Will participants with special educational needs and / or disabilities (SEND) be
accommodated during online examinations? If yes, how?
Л Audio support will be provided for visually impaired students
Л Braille alphabet keyboards will be provided for visually impaired students
Л Closed captions will be provided for students who are hard of hearing
Л Trained staff will be present at testing centres to support SEND students
To determine your score for this question, add the number of checked boxes (0 4).
Opt out
Will participants with special needs or requests be able to opt out of online
examinations and take a paper version instead?
Л 1 — No
Л 2 — Yes
Universal Design for Learning
Have Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles been applied to adapt the
examinations from a paper to online format?
Л 1 — No
Л 2 — Yes
Total Score / 136 :
Online Examinations in Emergency Contexts
A decision-maker can fill out the below table to
calculate the total cost per child of implementing online
examinations. Prior to engaging in this exercise, they should
consider the following:
Approximately how many children are expected to take
the online examinations? The total cost for each line
item in the table can be divided by the total number of
children to determine the cost per child.
Who is covering the costs of the online examinations?
For example, will the costs be subsidised by
development partners? Costs can be incurred on
facilities, hardware, software, training, and other
activities which may be needed to implement online
Will participants be required to pay a fee to take
the examination? How will equity be ensured, so
that students from low-income families are able to
participate? Will participants be required to pay extra if
they choose to reschedule their exam?
Are there economies of scale? In other words, will
the cost per child decrease as online examinations are
scaled up nationally?
Cost per child
(please specify currency)
1. Building infrastructure, including but not limited to:
Desks and tables
Dividers between desks
Other furniture
Additional renovations for testing centres
2. ICT infrastructure and hardware, including but not limited to:
Computers or tablets for each student
Cameras (webcams)
Mp3 player / recorder
3. Software fees:
Online examination platform
(If applicable) Proctoring AI technologies
Security system to prevent hacking and ensure data privacy
Software licensing fee
For consideration: What is the software subscription model (e.g., freemium, per usage, annual fee)? How will this
affect short-term and long-term costs?
4. Salaries of staff, including but not limited to:
Proctoring team
IT support team
Security team for testing centres
Personalised assistants (for students with special needs)
Scheduling coordinators (for assigning students to testing centre locations and times)
Assessment team (if tests need to be scored manually)
Teachers (for additional examination needs)
MoE staff
Subject matter experts to develop and review exam questions
Instructional designers to ensure that the online examination formatting meets universal design for learning
Online Examinations in Emergency Contexts
Cost per child
(please specify currency)
5. Training:
Sessions on running and facilitating online examinations for proctoring and support teams
Sessions on providing an inclusive environment for all students for proctoring and support teams
Sessions on how to take the online examination for teachers and students
Sessions on general digital literacy for teachers and students
Training materials and resources
6. Learning design, including the annual review of exam questions and formats
7. (If applicable) Transportation of participants to and from the testing centres:
Vouchers for public transportation
8. Other (e.g., administrative overhead costs)
Total cost per child for online examinations
Table 2 below provides an example budget template for the implementation of online examinations for 100 students.
Table 2. An example budget template for 100 students.
Number of students targeted 100
Number of examination centres 7
Number of examination subjects 10
1. Examination centre for 15 children with spacing
Description Single centre cost Project cost
A. Premises cost Unit Unit cost Number/quantity Total
Facility rental (at least 4 x 5 m)
Monthly 12
Physical rehabilitation
Once 1
Cooling and heating provisions
Alternative power source (e.g. solar System 15
KVA or diesel generator)
Surveillance system connected to cloud or
server inside and outside the room
Unforeseen maintenance and operation costs
Generator running cost
Online Examinations in Emergency Contexts
B. Internet connectivity Unit Unit cost Number/quantity Total
DSL router with 3 / 4G slot (1 + 2 backup)
Internet DSL subscription
Monthly 12
Alternative B internet 3/4 G subscription
Monthly 12
Alternative C satellite internet subscription
Monthly 12
Receiver and antenna for satellite internet
Other connectivity equipment and installation
C. Computer hardware Unit Unit cost Number/quantity Total
Personal computers
Wireless PC connector
Web cameras for PCs
Maintenance and servicing
Monthly 12
Unforeseen costs
D. Staffing Unit Unit cost Number/quantity Total
Sessions 10
Monthly 1
Examination centre management
Monthly 12
Other staff (e.g. security, medical, etc.)
2. Exam design and development
A. Online exams Unit Unit cost Number/quantity Total
Establishment of digital examination concept
Development of exam question bank for
different levels and subjects
Design of mock exams
Preparation of teachers and instructors’ user
Description Single centre cost Project cost
Online Examinations in Emergency Contexts
Preparation of user manual for students
Unforeseen costs
B. Training Unit Unit cost Number/quantity Total
Training of trainers (ToT) for teachers on
developing online exam questions
Senior trainers per examination subject
Other training cost
3. Online examination software
A. Software development Unit Unit cost Number/quantity Total
Develop in house online web-based software
Once 1
Develop proctoring software
Once 1
Surveillance software with online cloud storage
Annual 5
Hosting and server costs
Annual 5
Software hosting maintenance costs
Unforeseen costs
B. Training Unit Unit cost Number/quantity Total
Training of trainers (ToT) for system
Once 1
Training workshops on ICT intermediate (for
users and teachers)
Training workshops on ICT advances (for
managers and support staff)
Unforeseen costs
C. Staffing Unit Unit cost Number/quantity Total
Project coordinator
Monthly 12
Monitoring and evaluation / research
Total centre budget
Description Single centre cost Project cost
A. Online exams (cont) Unit Unit cost
Online Examinations in Emergency Contexts
Over the past few years, the number of tech-enabled
education initiatives have multiplied. However, such
initiatives can come with an array of challenges, especially
for (but not limited to) emergency contexts. For example, in
Syria, ongoing challenges encompass financial constraints,
limited digital literacy, as well as limited ICT infrastructure
and systems of support for teachers and students. These
barriers have important ramifications for remote and
hybrid learning, in addition to an equitable and inclusive
implementation of online high-stakes examinations.
For Syria and other emergency contexts, large investments
in digital literacy capacity development, as well as
electricity, internet, and devices are necessary to ensure
the feasibility and credibility of online examinations
Investing in an online exam modality which uses proctoring
technology, especially in a crisis or emergency context, will
require substantial start-up costs, even at a small scale.
Such costs are linked to the provision of electricity, internet
connection, hardware and software, and the training of
staff and students to familiarise them with information
technology and digital learning exercises prior to sitting for
In addition, efforts to prevent cheating and promote a
transition from a culture of paper and pencil exams towards
online exams will be necessary. In certain emergency
contexts such as Syria, some geographic areas in the
country are under non-government controlled authority
groups that are localized and not the same, and there is no
communication or coordination between them. This makes
it difficult to facilitate universal access to Syria’s national
examination systems.
Should decision-makers decide to prioritise this initiative,
an iterative approach is recommended, where online
examinations are first piloted with a subset of students
and schools prior to scaling up nationally. Funding is also
necessary to test and implement digital platform modalities,
where students and teachers can become accustomed to
using digitised technology prior to eventually participating in
or administering online exams.
Working iteratively in stages, decision-makers could
also investigate the possibility of implementing online,
formative assessments across classrooms and schools first.
Formative assessments are low-stakes, and often informal,
examinations used to provide feedback to students to
facilitate their learning (UNESCO IIEP, no date). This initiative
would help to build digital literacy skills for students
and teachers, and provide a less intensive environment
to test and design online examinations. Once students
have become accustomed to the online platform and the
necessary cultural change has taken place, the same or
similar software, platforms and tools could then be applied
to high-stakes examinations.
© UNICEF Syria/2022/Souleiman
Online Examinations in Emergency Contexts
AGI. (2021). Advanced group for information technology.
Al-Qataee, A., Aljabri, N., Gregory, L., & Kazem, A. (2020). Saudi Arabia: Moving high-stakes examinations online with AI technology (p. 8).
Ashlee, A., Clericetti, G., Gladwell, J., Mitchell, J., & Torrance, R. (2020). Education in Emergencies (p. 36).
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Barkley, A. P. (2002). An Analysis of Online Examinations in College Courses. Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, 34(3),
Benton, T. (n.d.). Examining the impact of moving to on-screen marking on concurrent validity. 11.
Chin, M. (2020, October 22). An ed-tech specialist spoke out about remote testing software—And now hes being sued. The Verge.
Coflan, C., & Kaye, T. (2020). Using education technology to support learners with special educational needs and disabilities in
low- and middle-income countries. Zenodo.
CourseMaster / Ceilidh. (n.d.). Retrieved March 15, 2022, from
Dalziel, J. (2001). Enhancing Web-Based Learning With Computer Assisted Assessment: Pedagogical and Technical Considerations.
Eckenrode, J., Ricci, M., & Klingen, A. (2016). 7 Things You Should Know About Remote Proctoring.
Eklavvya. (2022). Online Examination System.
Eskadenia. (2022). Company | ESKADENIA.
ETEC. (2020). More than 203 Thousand Students Successfully Complete Remote SAAT.
Examity. (2022). Online Proctoring: Flexible & Secure For You and Your Test Takers. Examity.
ExamSoft. (2022). About ExamSoft | Innovative Assessment Software.
Examus. (2022). Examus Remote Proctoring Software—Remote Exam Solution.
Ferri, F., Grifoni, P., & Guzzo, T. (2020). Online Learning and Emergency Remote Teaching: Opportunities and Challenges in Emergency
Situations. Societies, 10(4), 86.
Forsythe, G. E., & Wirth, N. (1965). Automatic grading programs. Commun. ACM, 8(5), 275–278.
Hasen Allehaiby, W., & Al-Bahlani, S. (2021). Applying Assessment Principles during Emergency Remote Teaching: Challenges and
Considerations. Arab World English Journal, 12(4), 3–18.
Herold, B. (2016, February 3). PARCC Scores Lower for Students Who Took Exams on Computers. Education Week.
Hodges, C., Moore, S., Lockee, B., Trust, T., & Bond, A. (2020). The Difference Between Emergency Remote Teaching and Online
Hollingsworth, J. (1960). Automatic graders for programming classes. CACM.
IEA. (2022). TIMSS 2023.
iMocha. (2022). About Us.
Online Examinations in Emergency Contexts
INEE. (2010). Minimum Standards for Education: Preparedness, Response, Recovery.
Ironsi, C. (2021). Perceived Efficacy of e-Proctoring Software for Emergency Remote Online Based Assessment: Perceptions of
Proctored Examinations. EDEN Conference Proceedings, 1, 265–282.
JISC. (2006). E-Assessment Glossary (Extended).
JISC. (2007). Effective Practice with e-Assessment.
Law, N., Woo, D., Torre, J. de la, & Wong, G. (2018). A Global Framework of Reference on Digital Literacy Skills for Indicator 4.4.2
(Information Paper No. 51). UNESCO.
JIAF. (n.d.). Frequently asked questions. The Joint Intersectoral Analysis Framework. Retrieved August 25, 2022, from
Luna-Bazaldua, D., LIBERMAN, J., & LEVIN, V. (2020). Moving high-stakes exams online: Five points to consider. World Bank Blogs.
Madrasa. (2022). Madrasa.
mElimu. (2022). Online Exam Platform | AI Proctoring | UAE| mElimu.
Mercer, Mettl. (2022). New-age Online Exam Monitoring System For Remote and Cheating-free Online Exams.
MKCL Arabia Ltd. (2021). Online Examination – MKCL.
Moon, K. (2021). College Board Will Not Offer An At-Home SAT. Forbes.
Nadworny, E. (2022, January 25). Starting in 2024, U.S. students will take the SAT entirely online. NPR.
OECD. (n.d.). FAQ - PISA. Retrieved March 16, 2022, from
Oldfield, A., Broadfoot, P., Sutherland, R., & Timmis, S. (2012). Assessment in a Digital Age: A research review. Technology Enhanced
Assessment, 43.
Parghi, B. L. G. L.-I., Michaluk, D. J., & Flynn, R. (2021, April 23). Online proctoring: Privacy and risk management considerations for
schools. Lexology.
Pearson VUE. (2022). Computer-Based Test (CBT) development and delivery: Pearson VUE.
ProctorExam. (2022). ProctorExam | The leading European online proctoring provider.
Proctorio. (2021). Securing the integrity of online assessments. Proctorio.
ProctorU. (2022). The ProctorU Proctoring Platform—Advanced Exam Technology Backed by Human Validation. ProctorU.
Qorrect. (2021). Qorrect. Designed to Empower Institutions along Their Assessment Journey.
Schleicher, A. (2018). PISA 2018: Insights and Interpretations.
Sphere. (2018). The Sphere Handbook: Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Humanitarian Response. Sphere.
SURF. (2020). White paper Online proctoring. Questions and answers about remote proctoring. | SURF.
Online Examinations in Emergency Contexts
Talview. (2022). Talview Proctoring Solution.
The College Board. (2021, September 8). 2021 SAT Suite of Assessments Program Results. College Board Program Results.
TIMSS & PIRLS International Study Center. (2019). About PIRLS 2016.
TIMSS & PIRLS International Study Center. (2022). TIMSS & PIRLS — PIRLS 2021 (Progress in International Reading Literacy Study).
Titus Delafayette Winters. (2004). Analysis, Design, Development, and Deployment of a Generalized Framework for Computer-Aided
Assessment [Master of Science Thesis, University of California, Riverside].
UNDP Syria. (2022). Syrian Arab Republic: Access to Electricity and Humanitarian Needs.
UNESCO IIEP. (n.d.). Formative assessment. IIEP Learning Portal. Retrieved March 18, 2022, from
UNICEF ESARO. (2016). A social and behaviour change agenda for inclusion and equity in education.
Whole of Syria Education Sector (2021). SOP hub-based review of draft sub-district education severity.
Unpublished document.
World Bank. (2020). Mobile cellular subscriptions (per 100 people)—Syrian Arab Republic | Data.
Online Examinations in Emergency Contexts
The following table provides a list of 18 proctoring companies that have partnered with MoEs with a brief description for each company, their current partners and
customers, the kinds of proctoring tools and services they offer and an example of their use, available cost information, and the languages they support.
Company / software Brief description
Number of
Cost information* Example of use
Partners and
Additional notes
AGI / Assessment
Gourmet (Egypt)
AGI is an EdTech firm offering
products and services in educational
assessment and e-learning. AGI has
developed Assessment Gourmet, an
assessment management system that
is configurable to different educational
institutions, and is widely used
across the MENA region. AGI’s other
educational assessment products
include IBMP, iScore, X5, and STATEQ.
N/A, but can request
a quote through
In 2020, Cairo University, the largest
university in the MENA region,
digitised its learning and assessment
processes and adopted Assessment
Gourmet as its online exam system.
Al-Ola Modern
University for
Link: AGI, 2021
Eklavvya (India)
Eklavvya’s website mentions that they
have “experience in managing large
scaled proctored exams” and have
“supported concurrency of 100,000+
Features include: auto proctoring with
AI, integration with third party systems
(Moodle, LMS, etc.), and the ability to
conduct an exam in multiple languages.
Free trial available
Pricing plans starting
at Rs. (Indian rupees)
35,000 per year
East Africa University wanted
to conduct home-based exams
for students in a secure manner
during Covid-19 school closures.
Using the Eklavvya platform, they
conducted more than 15,000
proctored exams in 3 weeks’ time.
East Africa University received
positive feedback from the students
about the simple user interface and
the overall smooth experience of
attempting online exams remotely
from their home.
North Gujarat
Link: Eklavvya, 2022
Software / ESKA
Academia (Jordan)
Eskadenia Software provides fully
integrated software packages to
educational institutions; for example,
ESKA Schools and ESKA Universities
offer e-learning platforms with online
examination systems.
Various schools and educational
institutions in Jordan and the MENA
region utilise ESKA Academia
solutions for e-learning and
Al Bayan
Link: Eskadenia, 2022
Examity (US)
Examity offers online proctoring
services, with options for live or
automated proctoring (using AI).
Features for the live proctoring option
include: live ID authentication, reporting
and analytics, and real-time support.
Examity offers a Premium automated
option that includes a human audit after
the testing session is completed.
Live proctoring (per
exam): USD 25
Automated proctoring
(per exam): USD 10
The Limerick Institute of Technology
(LIT) in Ireland used Examity’s live
proctoring option to administer
exams during Covid. “Some LIT
programmes have requirements
to fulfil from external regulating
bodies for accreditation purposes,
and staff were reassured that
Examity provided highly secure live
proctoring for online exams.
Examity is able to record a
student’s activity via their
laptops during an exam
session. These include
eye and body movements.
Examity is also able to access
students’ computers, monitor
IP addresses, record video,
audio, and prevent switching
of tabs.
Link: Examity, 2022
* Subject to change based on available bundles
Online Examinations in Emergency Contexts
Company / software Brief description
Number of
Cost information* Example of use
Partners and
Additional notes
ExamSoft (US)
ExamSoft is a provider of assessment
software for on-campus and remote
programs, providing e-assessment
solutions to efficiently create,
administer, grade, and analyse
assessments. It aims to support data-
driven assessments to increase learning
performance for every student, teacher,
and institution.
Alfaisal University in Saudi Arabia
and Mohammed Bin Rashid
University Of Medicine and Health
Sciences (MBRU) in UAE adopted
the ExamSoft software for their
assessments in 2016 and 2017,
respectively. This was part of an
effort to digitise their assessments
and limit paper-based exams; the
institutions were well-prepared for
remote exams during COVID-19
Arabic and
Link: ExamSoft, 2022
Examus (US)
Examus focuses on AI initiatives
for online education. The company
offers remote proctoring that includes
features such as user authentication
and cheating detection. Ministries
of Education and universities can
use Examus as a white-label online
proctoring solution that will allow them
to create their own proctoring centre.
Three pricing models
are available: pay
as you go, SaaS,
In the Middle East region, Examus
provided proctoring services for pre-
employment and scholarship exams
for a major petroleum company. They
also have run a series of K-12 pilot
projects in the region.
Pan Africa
Skills &
Consulting Ltd
Examus’ patented monitoring
solution is integrated with
testing platforms and learning
management systems such
as Moodle and OpenedX. It
works with 100+ universities
in Eastern Europe; in
North America, Examus
AI proctoring is used for
pre-employment tests and
corporate staff training.
Link: Examus, 2022
iMocha (India)
iMocha offers AI-powered digital skills
assessments that are customizable
and available in a user-friendly format.
In addition, the software can track
instances of a candidate’s suspicious
activities with real-time image, video
and audio proctoring. The software
activates the candidates webcam and
captures images periodically during the
test using AI (based on Microsoft Azure
Face API).
USD 150
Month /starter
USD 500
Month /enterprise
Chegg, an online textbook and
tutoring company, partnered with
iMocha to map course content with
iMocha’s skills library and add skills
assessments to their repertoire.
iMocha thus helped Chegg to
identify job-ready candidates and
place them at leading companies,
bridging the gap between graduates
and employers.
World Food
French, and
There are over 1500 ready
skills assessments available.
All assessments have been
validated by subject matter
experts (SMEs) around the
Link: iMocha, 2022
mElimu (India)
mElimu provides both a learning
management system (LMS) and
an online examination / proctoring
solution integrated with AI-powered
tools. Features include: an online
exam designer, AI face recognition,
lockdown browser, random ordering of
pages / questions / choices, etc.
500+ N/A
Futures Language Schools (FLS), a
chain of private schools in Egypt,
uses mElimu as an LMS.
University of
South Africa
BUC Cairo
Egypt Futures
Young African
Network (YALI)
French, and
Over 1.2 million exams have
been conducted with mElimu
(live video monitoring; AI is
used for identity verification).
Online tests can be run on
mobile phones as well.
Link: mElimu, 2022
* Subject to change based on available bundles
Online Examinations in Emergency Contexts
Company / software Brief description
Number of
Cost information* Example of use
Partners and
Additional notes
Mercer | Mettl (India)
Mercer | Mettl offers an online
examination platform, AI-based and
human-based proctoring and online
certification software. In the Middle
East, they work with universities,
institutes and organisations such as:
Jordan Hospital, Emirates Institute
for Banking & Financial Studies,
Gulf University, and National Open
University of Nigeria.
6000+ N/A
The Center for Educational
Measurement, Inc. or CEM, in the
Philippines provides nation-wide
testing services for the evaluation
and assessment needs of private
and public education sectors.
Mercer | Mettl enabled CEM to
administer a high-stakes exam
(the National Medical Admission
Test or NMAT) online. Mercer
| Mettl conducted over 20,000
assessments across 7,641 islands in
the Philippines.
Institute of
Manav Rachna
Shiv Nadar
The software can be deployed
in web, cloud, SaaS, and
mobile across both iOS and
Android services.
Link: Mercer | Mettl, 2022
MKCL Arabia Ltd (Saudi
MKCL Arabia Ltd is a joint venture
company established between
International Company for Education
and eLearning (ICEEL), Saudi Arabia and
Maharashtra Knowledge Corporation
Ltd India (MKCL India). It offers
products that include online courses
and online examinations. For the latter,
the exam system can be hosted online,
partially offline or offline.
MKCL and TETCO (Tatweer
for Educational Technologies)
collaborated with the Ministry of
Education in Saudi Arabia to develop
the Ekhtibar online examination
platform. It is installed on the MoE’s
Cloud to conduct online exams
for two million students daily and
400,000 concurrent users. The MoE
launched the system officially in
September 2021 after conducting a
full load test, penetration test, and
integration with Madrasti e-learning
platform. In 2021, more than 10
million online student exam sessions
were conducted successfully.
King Faisal
King Saud
Link: MKCL Arabia Ltd, 2021
Pearson VUE (UK)
Pearson VUE offers computer-based
testing for high-stakes certification
and licensure exams in the healthcare,
finance, information technology,
academic, and admissions markets.
OnVUE online proctoring by Pearson
uses ID verification, face-matching
technology, and a live greeter.
N/A— in
In December 2020, Pearson
VUE launched the ‘Pearson
Undergraduate Entrance Exam for
Engineering’ across India. This exam
is already recognized by more than
100 private universities across India.
Students can take their exam in
person at a Pearson VUE Authorised
Test Center or at home via Pearson
VUE’s online proctoring solution,
Kaplan QLTS
47 languages
Link: Pearson VUE, 2022
ProctorExam is one of the leading
online proctoring services in Europe.
It is adaptable to different assessment
contexts including: high stake
exams, professional certifications or
recruitment processes. ProctorExam
offers three monitoring options, ranging
from screen-sharing to a 360° view of
the candidates’ workspace using their
N/A— in
In the Middle East, ProctorExam
works with AL-ARABIYYA-
INSTITUTE, a global provider in
Arabic language testing, on their
certification exams. ProctorExam
is also partnering with Strategy
Directives, an organisation providing
learning programs in the MENA
University of
available —
includes an
feature to
provide a
choice of
languages to
“ProctorExam , the largest
online proctoring company in
Europe and the global leader
in flexible SaaS proctoring
technology, enables more
than two million home exams
during COVID-19.
The ProctorExam mobile app
only has 1.1 stars on the app
Link: ProctorExam, 2022
* Subject to change based on available bundles
Online Examinations in Emergency Contexts
Company / software Brief description
Number of
Cost information* Example of use
Partners and
Additional notes
Proctorio (US)
Proctorio offers remote proctoring
software with services across identity
verification, automated and live
proctoring, plagiarism detection, lock
down and content protection (to avoid
exam questions being posted outside of
the assessment platform)services.
USD 5 per test per
of British
— “Proctorio
can interpret
by checking
the source
language of
the submitted
and then
translating it”
Proctorio experienced 900%
growth in exams proctored
from April 2019 to April 2020
(partly due to Covid). In 2020,
Proctorio received criticism
from students and others over
data privacy concerns.
Link: Proctorio, 2021
ProctorU (US)
ProctorU provides online proctoring
services for colleges, universities
and certification organisations. Their
most secure option blends technology
with human supervision; this includes
“a live proctored launch, continuous
monitoring, active proctor intervention
to stop suspicious behaviour,
comprehensive reporting and more.
USD 15 to USD 30
(per exam) depending
on the length of the
Georgia Southwestern State
University has used ProctorU since
2013. GSW selected ProctorU based
on its human-based proctoring;
our students receive the help they
need from a real person at ProctorU,
and a lot of the other proctoring
companies don’t do that.
The University
of Notre Dame
University of
English Link: ProctorU, 2022
Qorrect (Egypt)
Qorrect provides digital assessment
solutions for educational and business
institutions through a comprehensive
e-assessment management system.
In 2021, Ain Shams University
in Egypt adopted Qorrect’s
e-assessment system across all its
faculties in an effort to fully digitise
its examinations.
Ain Shams
University for
Science and
Link: Qorrect, 2021
Talview (US)
Talview caters to educational
institutions to conduct online exams
with capabilities such as: secure
exam browser, live/recorded online
proctoring, integration with popular
LMS tools. Talview supports various
examination formats, including aptitude
tests and essays. Talview Proview
Live Proctoring combines the power
of AI-enabled automated proctoring
with active human monitoring and
N/A— in
over 120
USD 500 per
user / month
The Thunder Bay District Health
Unit (TBDHU) in Canada worked
with Talview to transition from
in-person to online certifications,
while maintaining exam integrity
and reducing operational costs
substantially. TBDHU now has a
100% virtual certification process
that allows test-takers from across
Canada to get certified remotely.
The School
District of
Linkedin Talent
Link: Talview, 2022
* Subject to change based on available bundles
Online Examinations in Emergency Contexts
Company / software Brief description
Number of
Cost information* Example of use
Partners and
Additional notes
Syrian Educational
Publishers (Syria)
Syrian Educational Publishers has
supported numerous projects on the
digitalization of education in the MENA
region. Syrian EP offers an assessment
platform that is currently being used
for lab-based online high-stakes exams.
Test takers, test centres admins, and
proctors are assigned to test centres;
at these test centres, proctors have
access to monitoring dashboards. The
platform offers features such as: Auto-
scoring for closed item types, question
editor, creation of multiple versions of a
test through blueprints or test maps.
Syrian EP
in 12
in the
Ministries of
Chains of
Tests could be administered
through the platform. But
also, if desired, as paper
When computer based the
delivery has the following
- Tests can be scheduled
for a group of test takers at
determined times.
- Test centres and sub-test
centres can be created to
reflect the physical distribution
of test deliveries in different
- Test takers, test centre
admins, and proctors are
assigned to test centres,
and proctors have access to
monitoring dashboards.
- Test centres admins and
proctors can control the
delivery session for a group or
for individual test takers.
Madrasa E-Learning
Madrasa is an e-learning platform that
provides Arabic language educational
content and videos for subjects like
science and mathematics. The platform
includes a Learning Management
System (LMS) that encompasses
learning materials, online lessons,
quizzes and group work (note that
high-stakes exams are not included
in this scope). Madrasa is part of the
Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum
Global Initiatives (MBRGI).
to over
50 million
Free N/A
UNICEF SCO is in regular
contact with this organisation.
In partnership with various
MoEs, Madrasa is exploring
a Digital Classroom option
for children to obtain a digital
classroom certificate, which
has academic value and
will be recognized for re-
integration into public schools.
Link: Madrasa, 2022
* Subject to change based on available bundles
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For information on the data in this concept note,
please contact:
United Nations Children’s Fund
Syria Country Office East Mazzeh
Al Shafiee St., Bldg. 2
POB 9413
Damascus, Syria
© United Nations Childrens Fund (UNICEF)
September, 2022