V1 March 2019
John Doe
Information Technology
The Guide to
Charts in
Ofce 365
Introduction to organizational charts .................................................................................................................................................................. 2
The value of organizational charts ........................................................................................................................................................................ 5
The challenges of organizational charts.............................................................................................................................................................. 8
What to expect out-of-the-box in O365 ...........................................................................................................................................................10
Dedicated org chart solutions ..............................................................................................................................................................................16
Org charts with Hypersh .....................................................................................................................................................................................18
The internal structure of an organization is as vital as
the external structure of its walls. Understanding the
structure of your organization is essential for understanding
hierarchies, who to report to in specic situations and who
has responsibility for various projects or pieces of work.
Organizational charts are hierarchical diagrams that can
provide reference points for managerial authority, as well
as anchor points for fundamental human resource (HR) and
administrative practices. An organizational chart (or org
Introduction to organizational charts
Why do we need organizational charts?
Without the structure that organizational charts provide, it is more
difcult for businesses to dene internal processes and streamline
communications as work moves throughout the business. Linked
to the efciency by which workers can connect with one another
and the information they hold, organizational charts can be directly
attributed to a business’ productivityspecically for administrators,
whose job it is to collect employee prole information.
chart) should stretch across the business in its entirety. It is
tting, then, that the number of people that can benet from
org charts is equally as broad.
Org charts are primarily designed to show the roles and
relationships of employees at a glance. But the information
used for this can also offer a better understanding of how
the organization is designed and where each individual,
department, and business unit ts into the ‘big picture.
As the hub for an organization’s employees, information
and work tools, org charts are a perfect t for Ofce
365. Currently the most popular enterprise productivity
platform on the market
, Ofce 365 is a prime source
for extracting the information that goes into org charts.
There are various methods of doing so: from extrapolating
information contained in Excel spreadsheets or PowerPoint
presentations to using articial intelligence-driven and even
automated solutions.
In Ofce 365, there are several methods for viewing and
creating a organizational chart:
Ofce 365 Contact Cardsin Outlook, SharePoint,
OneDrive, Skype for Business and Microsoft Teams,
selecting the “Organization” tab on an employee’s Contact
Card will display their place in the organization (providing
that information has been added to Active Directory).
Delvehas a very simple, linear organizational chart that
comes out of the box.
PowerApps—PowerApps has a template app for
employee search on mobile devices.
Microsoft Ofce Suite (Microsoft Visio, Word and
PowerPoint—a Microsoft product suite that as part
of its vast feature set allows you to create exible
organizational charts manually using chart templates and
or shapes.
Given the breadth of Microsoft applications, administrators
can take their pick depending on the needs of their company.
However, with so many options, you will need to be aware of
the limitations in all of them.
This whitepaper will explore the different ways Ofce 365
administrators can create and manage organizational charts
in Ofce 365 to help businesses and employees get the most
from them.
This is your comprehensive guide to organizational charts in
Ofce 365.
McAfee. 2016. Ofce 365 Adoption Rate, Stats, and Usage. Online source:
Marc Anderson
Microsoft MVP for Ofce Apps & Services
Co-Founder and President
of Sympraxis Consulting
Collaboration and innovation happen
because people work together in
productive and effective ways to reach
more valuable results. Any technology
we use to foster those processes must-by
its very naturebring people together in
the rst place. To work effectively with
others in our organizations, we need to
know a bit about them: where they sit
in the organization, who they work for,
what their skills are, even what they look
like. Every organization we work with
needs some sort of organizational chart
and employee directory for this to work.
The key selling point of Ofce 365 is its ability to provide an
individual with everything they need to get work done—the
people, applications, and information they interact with each
day. With this information readily available, any business in
Ofce 365 should make use of organizational charts. Key
benets include:
Streamlined collaboration: help workers nd relevant
colleagues quickly and easily when they need to.
Information access: reduce the likelihood of accidentally
sharing information with someone who doesn’t have
permission to view them.
Free up time: with automation, reduce the manual
administrative work required to keep organizational
charts updated as companies grow.
The nal benet in the list above is crucial for Ofce 365
administrators. Based in the cloud, Ofce 365 is a platform
The value of organizational charts
that is constantly updating and evolving. This is a selling
point for many cloud-based platforms. However, updating
employee information so organizational charts are always
up-to-date ultimately rests on the shoulders of the platform
administrator. User information that is vital for org charts—
for example, employee names, roles, contact details,
reporting lines etc.must be manually updated for accuracy.
It is the platform administrator’s job to make sure employees
do this, which is easier said than done.
Microsoft provides Ofce 365 administrators with a wealth
of employee information through Azure Active Directory
and the Ofce Graph. But they need to know how to capture
and manage that data if they want to take advantage of it.
Organizational charts for admins
Up to date prole information is integral to an engaging user
experience. Org charts should empower employees to take control
of their prole data, essentially crowdsourcing the upkeep of
prole information. This removes the burden from Ofce 365
administrators, without neglecting the focus on control, privacy, and
information governance.
Vadim Tabakman
Manager Technical Evangelism
Americas at Nintex
“Digital Transformation is resulting in
businesses wanting to automate as
much as possible, and reduce paper
based processes. Almost all of these
processes require human interaction.
In order to achieve this, its necessary
to build workows that can easily nd
the people required to respond to tasks.
Having workows being able to traverse
up and down a complete and constantly
updated Organization Chart, means
your workow doesnt have to change
when people move positions.
Organizations that choose not to use org charts face explicit
and implicit problems. An employee asking who should
approve a contract is an obvious problem. But issues like
poor communication or even conict between departments
and employees can go under the radar, only becoming
apparent when something goes seriously wrong.
There are also explicit and implicit problems for
administrators working with organizational charts,
specically around creating, deploying and maintaining
them. Platform administrators need to be aware of these
challenges so they can look to resolve them.
Underdeveloped org charts: If the information is no more
than an employee’s name and job role, organizational
charts are going to perform the most basic of functions.
Administrators that may have already implemented an
org chart should look to add information to provide more
value to employees.
Administrative burden: Traditionally, any prole
information that needs to be added, removed, or changed
would create manual work for an administrator. This
process is of course time consuming and tedious, making
it more susceptible to human error.
Lack of time: Ofce 365 administrators are busy enough
without chasing employees to update their prole
information. The prospect of contacting employees,
waiting for their response, and updating proles with new
information is not a particularly appealing task. But it is
one that needs to be done routinely.
Inconsistent and/or inaccurate employee data: Like any
task that is overly or unnecessarily difcult to complete,
it’s likely that attention-to-detail slips and complacency
creeps in. In a worst-case scenario, the task is ignored
altogether. As a result, employee information will
become inconsistent and inaccurate over time. This can
snowball, creating more work to x the problem meaning
administrators are less keenand therefore less likelyto
do so.
Depending on the solution you use to create organizational
charts; these challenges are more or less frequent, and
harder or easier to resolve. The following section details the
different methods available to Ofce 365 administrators for
creating organizational charts in Ofce 365.
The challenges of organizational charts
Loryan Strant
Microsoft MVP for Ofce 365
Founder of Strant Consulting
“Despite living in an ever-connected
social world in our personal and
business lives, employees within
organisations often struggle to nd
and connect with others due to
stale, manual, or just non-existent
organisational charts.
Ofce 365 Contact Cards
In Outlook, SharePoint, OneDrive and Microsoft Teams,
clicking on an employee’s name will show their Contact Card.
The Contact Card includes details about the individual,
including contact information, a bio, and email.
Selecting the “Organization” shows a pre-formatted
organizational chart. This is restricted to showing a
maximum of four hierarchical levels per employee. As you
click on other people, the organization view refreshes to the
context of that person. This makes for speedy discovery up
and down the “food chain” but prevents you from seeing a
larger organizational structure.
What to expect out-of-the-box in O365
There are several ways you can use organizational charts in Ofce 365:
Delve can be launched from the Ofce 365 App Launcher and is more document
centric than people centric.
Any person you click on within Delve takes you to their Delve prole page. This
has a very simple linear organization chart, that shows the management chain
but not peers. In order to show the Org chart in Delve, you need to assign the
Manager for users in Azure AD or SharePoint online user proles directly.
Microsoft Teams
Using Ofce 365 contact Cards, the
“Organization” tab shows the linear
hierarchy of the person the chart
is centered around. This tab can be
turned off by administrators using
‘Group Policy.
Microsoft Teams allows bots to be
installed from the store (Which can
also be restricted by administrators).
Microsoft have created a bot
“WhoBot”. This bot allows employees
to search for people in your
organization by name or by topic
within the Team chat experience.
Microsoft. 2018. New ways to use apps and get more done in Microsoft Teams. Online source:
Stephanie Donahue
Microsoft MVP for Ofce Apps & Services
President & Co-founder of PAIT Group
Organizational chart functionality is
always one of the rst topics to surface
when planning an intranet. Initially,
there is excitement when we talk about
the Who bot and the Organization
View tab in Teams, but most customers
still feel they are left short with only a
partial view of the organization, as it
relates to a single employee.
Visio is software for creating diagrams and owcharts,
making it the only dedicated Microsoft solution for
organizational charts. You can create simple org charts,
or integrate data from Excel spreadsheets, databases, or
Exchange directory to make more complex diagrams.
Visio is certainly the more capable solution for creating
organizational charts. However, it does not come as part
of your Ofce 365 subscription and must be purchased
separately. Visio also lacks some of the more sophisticated
org chart capabilities such as automation.
Microsoft. 2018—Build an org chart in Visio. Online source:
Microsoft Ofce SuiteVisio Professional (2016/2019)
Microsoft Ofce SuiteWord and PowerPoint
Making organizational charts in Microsoft Word and
Microsoft PowerPoint requires the user to use a library
of shapes and connectors to build out the structure of the
chart and to manually add the prole information. Whilst not
optimal in many ways, it is a common way for org charts to be
Dedicated org chart solutions
Ofce 365 administrators are not short on choices when
it comes to creating org charts. However, the variety of
available applications is also a negative. The apps Microsoft
provide are not specically designed to create org charts,
and so are missing some of the features and functionality
that can make the process easier for administrators. And the
one application that does is not included in your Ofce 365
Dedicated software for organizational charts can use
articial intelligence, automation, and bot technology
to make collecting and managing prole information far
easier for administrators. By investing a little more into the
software behind org charts, you can get far more value while
doing less work.
Dedicated org charts solutions provide:
Visibility: use a centralized source for nding out
information on colleagues old and new, their role, where
they work, their interests, etc.
Consistency: let employees ll in information via pre-
populated drop-down menus to standardize data entry.
Governance: ensure consistency and compliance as
your organization grows with ongoing monitoring and
approval tasks.
Integration: ensure that information is consistent across
all Ofce 365 applications, and other line of business
Customizable: can be congured to show different parts
of your organization.
Specicity: congure which departments approve which
information in an employee prole. For example: ofce
managers for employee information, HR for job titles
Julie Turner
Microsoft MVP—Ofce Apps & Services
Partner at Sympraxis Consulting
Anything you can do to nurture and
develop your internal community
can only benet your organizations
overall health. Therefore, the org chart,
which gives employees the ability
to get accurate information on their
coworkers with a visual way for people
to identify each other, is a cornerstone
to enabling a harmonious and high-
performing community.
Features aside, organizational charts are ultimately only as
good as the data you feed them with. Each of the solutions
require employee names, job titles, department names, and
contact information for the discovery of employees to work.
Without this, you will not be able to discover people.
The best solutions for org charts include the technology
to help you capture and maintain employee information in
Ofce 365. Hypersh monitors your directory to identify
information that is missing or invalid, notifying users via
email or IM chat of the disparity. This is done automatically,
meaning the only action an employee needs to take is
answering a simple question. And they are informed of this
on whichever device they are working on—desktop, web,
or mobile.
This frees up considerable time for Ofce 365
administrators. Hypersh can also set reminders so if users
don’t update information the rst time they are asked, the
onus isn’t on you to chase them.
Hypersh uses articial intelligence to reduce the org chart
process into ve simple steps:
1. Capture: Automate the collection of employee
information. Hypersh identies what information is
present and correct, and likewise what is missing and
incorrect, by monitoring an organization’s directory.
2. Validate: Establish ongoing accuracy of information.
Hypersh uses prole validation to ensure that employee
information is consistently accurate. Users are informed
when their prole information needs to be updated by
email or IM chat, and they are directed to the right place
to quickly update their information.
3. Onboard: Hypersh makes sure all new employees
are immediately included and their information is
automatically added to the organizational chart.
4. Update: Organizations have the ability to block images
that don’t meet the requirements—prole pictures that
are too dark, obstruct the face, include multiple people,
etc.and also images that are inappropriate or not safe
for work.
5. Access: Make your org chart easy to access and open
to all. The best way to do this is to include it as a feature
on your organizations intranet. This way all of your
employees can access it whenever they log in.
Org charts with Hypersh
Hypersh has a range of other features to make
organizational charts easier to create and manage. Features
Hyperbot communicates with users through email
or Skype for Business and Microsoft Teams to notify
them when their prole information needs updating.
Administrators can choose the personality of Hyperbot
to determine the tone of interactions with users, and
how frequently it contacts them to collect or conrm
Organizations often have prole information stored in
other systems of record and want this information across
all their Ofce experiences. Scheduled Import pulls prole
information from systems via a le export and imports it
into other integrated prole information systems.
Reporting provides insight into how populated employee
prole information is across the organization, shown in
visual, comprehensible graphs.
Directory Scoping allows you to choose which users
across the organization will be included in the analysis
and collection of prole information.
As well as Ofce 365 environments, Hypersh supports
hybrid instances of Active Directory and SharePoint user
Ofce 365 administrators have a wealth of options
for organizational charts. But Hypersh is the only
comprehensive solution that provides everything you need
to manage prole information for a fraction of the time it
would usually take.
Get started today with a free trial of Hypersh and start collecting
and managing information to create and maintain organizational
charts in Ofce 365.
Mark Rackley
Microsoft MVP for Ofce 365
Chief Strategy Ofcer & Partner of PAIT Group
Org charts are at the top of every
intranet’s ‘needs’ and ‘must haves’ but
most solutions out there are maintained
in separate databases, quickly out
of date, or simply dont perform well.
Having an org chart governed by Azure
AD is just a no-brainer and presents
quick wins with a lot of value for most
organizations... assuming you keep your
AD clean with Hypersh.
Hypersh helps bring your company
and employee directory to life
by ensuring directory and prole
information is always complete and
up-to-date. Hypersh improves IT
Service Delivery, increases employee
engagement, and helps unlock the
value of your technology investments.
Hypersh uses AI and Bot technology
to automate the collection of prole
information. The secure service
supports on-premises, hybrid, and
online environments.
You can experience Hypersh for free
with Hypersh Lite to automatically
collect and manage prole photos in
Ofce 365.
About Hypersh
Copyright ©2019 Hypersh
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