Student Information Handbook
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Department of Allied Health Professions
Bachelor of Science in
Nuclear Medicine Technology
Diagnostic Medical Sonography
April 2024
Also available at http://www.iup.edu/rn-alliedhealth
Medical Imaging Information
The mission of the Department of Allied Health Professions is to define, provide, and advance
the education and development of professionals within the field of allied health. The mission of
medical imaging is to provide undergraduate and graduate education for students whose
academic and professional goals are directed toward a career in medical imaging. The program
challenges students to develop their abilities to provide care for culturally diverse populations
with changing health needs. Undergraduate students have a liberal education, are clinically
competent, and are prepared to function at a beginning level of professional practice. The
medical imaging faculty supports the expansion of medical imaging through scholarly work and
fosters a commitment to lifelong learning and community service.
Indiana University of Pennsylvania first offered the Bachelor of Science degree program in
medical technology in 1968. In 1973 the respiratory care program, then known as respiratory
technology, graduated its first class. Allied Health was a separate department in the university
until 1989 when it merged with Nursing to become the Department of Nursing and Allied Health
Professions. Nuclear medicine technology was added to the department in 1994 and the latest
change to the Allied Health Program will be the bachelor’s degree in Medical Imaging with the
option of 3 tracks – Nuclear Medicine Technology, Diagnostic Medical Sonography or
Echocardiography. The name of the medical technology program was changed to clinical
laboratory science in 2003 and back to medical technology in 2019. The most recent change,
approved in 2003, was the addition of a special curriculum track for respiratory therapists who
are already certified and interested in completing a Bachelor of Science degree. There have been
599 Medical Technology/Clinical Laboratory Science graduates, 276 Nuclear Medicine
Technology graduates, 842 Respiratory Care graduates, and 2 graduates from the Respiratory
Care CRT track.
The allied health programs are coordinated by a faculty member in the Department of Allied
Health Professions. The coordinator serves as the academic advisor for all students in the
Medical Imaging and Medical Technology programs.
Communication and Contacts
All allied health students are expected to use their IUP email address. Important and helpful
information is sent to students from the coordinator, secretary, registrar, and other campus
offices. Assistance with the use of the IUP email system is available at 724-357-4000. The IT
Support Center is in Delaney Hall, Suite G35. Hours are Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m.
to 5:30 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. during summer sessions, breaks, and when classes are not
in session. The web address is www.iup.edu/ITSupportCenter.
Dr. Lei Hao
Coordinator, Allied Health Professions
243 Johnson Hall, 1010 Oakland Avenue
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Indiana, PA 15705
Telephone: 724-357-3257
Fax: 724-357-3267
Dr. Theresa Gropelli Justina Tecak
Chair, Nursing/Allied Health Professions Secretary, Undergraduate Nursing
211 Johnson Hall, 1010 Oakland Avenue 210 Johnson Hall, 1010 Oakland Avenue
Indiana University of Pennsylvania Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Indiana, PA 15705-1063 Indiana, PA 15705-1063
Telephone: 724-357-2557 Telephone: 724-357-2558
Fax: 724-357-3267 Fax: 724-357-3267
Dr. Lynanne Black Dr. Jonathan Cooper
Interim Dean Dean’s Associate Academic Affairs
College of Health and Human Services 216 Zink Hall
Indiana University of Pennsylvania Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Indiana, PA 15705-1063 Indiana, PA 15705-1063
Telephone: 724-357-2560 Telephone: 724-357-2560
Fax: 724-357-6205 Fax: 724-357-6205
Roxann Saccol Mrs. Chelsey Fuga
Administrative Assistant Management Technician
216 Zink Hall 216 Zink Hall
Indiana University of Pennsylvania Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Indiana, PA 15705-1063 Indiana, PA 15705-1063
Telephone: 724-357-2560 Telephone: 724-357-2555
Fax: 724-357-6205 Fax: 724-357-6205
Email:rsaccol@iup.edu Email: [email protected]
Medical Imaging
The Bachelor of Science degree program in Medical Imaging is designed to prepare the graduate
to have:
Skills in problem solving, critical thinking, and decision making
Skills in oral and written communication
Skills in human relations and patient services
Familiarity of applicable medical law and ethics
A commitment to make a significant contribution to the health care team
An appreciation and respect for cultural diversity
A holistic caregiver’s perspective
An understanding of departmental organization and function in relation to the
healthcare delivery system as a whole
An understanding of the value and responsibilities entailed in being a professional
The program leading to the BS degree in Medical Imaging is designed to prepare students for
admission into an IUP affiliate institution focused on one of three tracks: Nuclear Medicine
Technology, Diagnostic Medical Sonography (Ultrasound), or Echocardiography. This program
is a 3 + 1 format, wherein the student spends the first three years at IUP completing the required
math, science, and liberal studies courses. Subsequently, they spend 12-15 months at an affiliate
institution, where they earn a certificate in one of the specialty diagnostic imaging programs. All
the coursework at IUP is preparatory towards the final year and the requirements by the Medical
Imaging profession. A C or better in the following courses is required: MATH 105, CHEM 103,
ENGL 101, ENGL 310, PHYS 111, BIOL 150, Biol 240, and PHIL 130.
Acceptance at an affiliate school is contingent upon the student meeting the academic program
requirements. At the end of their senior year, upon successful completion of the certificate
program at an articulated clinical affiliate accredited within the specific discipline, IUP will grant
32 credits that will be applied to the student’s transcript and the bachelor’s degree in the Medical
Imaging track will be conferred.
Nuclear Medicine Technology
Nuclear medicine is the medical specialty that utilizes the nuclear properties of radioactive and
stable nuclides to make diagnostic evaluations of the physiologic and/or anatomic conditions of
the body and to provide therapy with unsealed radioactive sources. The Nuclear Medicine
Technologist is an allied health professional who, under the direction of an authorized user, is
committed to applying the art and skill of diagnostic evaluation and therapeutics through the safe
and effective use of radionuclides. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to: preparation,
quality control testing and administration of radioactive compounds; execution of patient
imaging procedures including computer processing and image enhancement; laboratory testing;
patient interviews; instruction and preparation for administration of prescribed radioactive
compounds for therapy; quality control; and radiation safety. The nuclear medicine technologist
exhibits professionalism in the performance of these duties, demonstrates an empathetic and
instructional approach to patient care, and maintains confidentiality of information as required.
He/she applies knowledge of radiation physics and safety regulations to limit radiation exposure
of the general public, patients, fellow workers, and self to as low as reasonably achievable
(ALARA). Professional growth and development are achieved through appropriate utilization of
technologies such as PET, cross-sectional fusion technology, and participation in medical and
technical education and research to enhance the quality of patient care.
These goals and description of the profession are included in the Essentials and Guidelines for an
Accredited Educational Program for the Nuclear Medicine Technologist (2021) accepted by the
Joint Review Committee on Educational Programs in Nuclear Medicine Technology (JRCNMT)
and other professional associations.
Upon successful completion of all degree requirements, graduates are eligible to sit for the
national registry examinations administered by the Nuclear Medicine Technology Certification
Board (NMTCB) and the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (AART). In many
states, certification by either one of these two national organizations are needed to apply for
licensure, so the individual may legally work in that state.
Diagnostic Medical Sonography (Ultrasound)
Diagnostic medical sonography or ultrasound is a medical specialty in which allied health care
professions use specialized equipment to create images of structures inside the human body.
Working under the supervision of a physician responsible for the use and interpretation of
ultrasound procedures, the sonographer helps gather sonographic data to diagnose a variety of
conditions and diseases, as well as monitor fetal development.
The process involves placing a small device called a transducer against the patient's skin near the
body area to be imaged. A stream of high-frequency sound waves is sent into the body, then are
detected as the sound waves bounce off internal structures. Different structures in the body
reflect these sound waves differently. The reflected sound waves are analyzed by a computer to
make an image of the structure(s) on a monitor or that can be recorded on hard copy images.
These images created by sonographers help aid physicians in diagnosing and treating medical
conditions in the abdomen, breast, heart and blood vessels and, more recently, in diagnosing and
treating musculoskeletal problems.
Echocardiography is a medical specialty in which allied health care professionals use specialized
equipment to create images of structures inside the human body. These professionals use
echocardiogram technology to produce images of the patient's hearts. They create 2-D and 3-D
pictures of the heart through the use of high frequency sound waves and special equipment. A
transducer is placed against the patient’s skin by sending a stream of high frequency sound
waves into the body and then detects the sound waves as they bounce off the heart. The reflected
sound waves are analyzed by a computer to make an image of the structure(s) on a monitor or
that can be recorded on hard copy images. The images created by sonographers help aid
physicians in diagnosing and treating numerous disease processes. Sonographers are trusted
members of the healthcare team and are relied upon to obtain diagnostic images that will allow
physicians to provide the best possible care for their patients. Echocardiography technicians may
specialize in adult echocardiography, pediatric echocardiography or fetal echocardiography.
Some responsibilities of Diagnostic Medical Sonographers and Echocardiographers include the
Preparing and explaining the procedure to patients.
Maintaining and operating sonography equipment to obtain optimal images.
Analyzing and correlating the lab results and other imaging studies performed.
Recognizing normal anatomy, anatomical variants, and pathological conditions found
during the exam.
Writing impressions of the findings of the exam for physicians.
Managing the facility’s electronic health records system.
Providing direct patient care.
Students are admitted to the Medical Imaging major as freshmen into any of the three tracks.
Transfer students and those with a previous degree may also be admitted into one of the tracks.
Students must meet specific academic requirements to be considered for admission to the
affiliate Medical Imaging track. Admission is competitive; IUP cannot guarantee admission.
Information regarding academic requirements and other special requirements for the clinical year
is available in the department’s office.
The Nuclear Medicine program is fully accredited by the Joint Review Committee on
Educational Programs in Nuclear Medicine Technology. Diagnostic Medical Sonography and
Echocardiography Programs are accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health
Education Programs upon recommendation of the Joint Review Committee on Education in
Diagnostic Medical Sonography (JRC-DMS).
Advising Information
The Allied Health Coordinator is the academic advisor for all medical imaging students.
Registration for the winter sessions and spring semester begins in mid-October. Registration for
fall semester and summer sessions begins in mid-March. Schedules are available through MyIUP
and are typically posted several weeks before the registration period begins.
Medical imaging students receive an early registration time each semester and are encouraged to
take advantage of this opportunity to get the best schedule possible. Students must schedule an
appointment to meet with the allied health coordinator each semester to discuss academic
progress and plans for the next semesters. At that meeting students will receive their Alternate
Personal Identification Number (PIN) needed to access the registration system. Sign up times for
advising appointments are posted in early-February and early-September and advisees are
notified by email when advising appointments begin.
While students are in their clinical year, advising information is typically shared by email and
regular mail.
Summer Course Work
Many students find it helpful to complete one or more courses during the summer months. IUP
offers several courses during the summer that are included in the requirements for medical
imaging majors. The summer schedule is typically available for view in early October at MyIUP.
Students may also plan to take courses during the summer at other colleges or universities. This
is an excellent strategy that allows students to take a lighter course load during the academic
year, pursue a special area of interest, or stay on track for the clinical year. Students interested in
registering for courses at other colleges or universities should follow the steps listed below:
Meet with the allied health coordinator to discuss options
Use the Online Credit Evaluation System (www.iup.edu/admissions/) to check course
Contact the other college or university for details about schedules, registration, tuition,
Submit an online Application for Pre-Approval of Coursework At Another College or
University (form is available at http://www.iup.edu/registrar/policies/pre-approved-
Earn a C or higher grade to have credits posted to IUP transcript
Request an official transcript be sent to IUP Admissions Office, Credit Evaluation, 117
Sutton Hall, 1011 South Drive, IUP, Indiana, PA 15705
If you cannot find an equivalent course, ask the allied health coordinator about possible
If you plan to complete BIOL 150 Human Anatomy and/or BIOL 240 Human
Physiology at another college or university, you must be certain the courses are
equivalent to the IUP courses. Many colleges and universities offer these courses as
Anatomy and Physiology I and II. If so, you must complete both I and II at that college
or university to have the courses posted to your IUP transcript as BIOL 150 and BIOL
Consider Completing a Minor
With 20 credits of free electives built into the curriculum many medical imaging students
consider a minor. A full listing of minors and certificates offered at IUP is a good place to begin
the minor selection process. A minor in Safety Sciences is an excellent option that may improve
job opportunities for graduates either upon entry into the career or at some point when the
graduate is interested in exploring career advancement options. A complete list of minors and a
curriculum plan for a minor in Safety Sciences is available at the back of the handbook.
Learning Support Services
Academic Support: Tips for success include
Get organized: Keep a detailed calendar with assignment due dates, exams, and other
important dates. Block off study time and prepare for exams and assignments in
Make academic success a priority: Do your work first and there will be plenty of time
for involvement in campus, community and social activities.
Seek Help to Succeed and Excel: IUP offers outstanding academic support services that help
students be successful in their classes. Meet with your professors during their office hours and take
advantage of workshops, supplemental instruction, tutors, and the Writing Center.
Department of Developmental Studies (www.iup.edu/devstudies)
Writing Center (www.iup.edu/writingcenter)
Tutors are also available for chemistry, physics, and math. See the Allied Health Coordinator for
Learn More About Medical Imaging
Program directors at Medical Imaging programs encourage students to learn about the field.
Consider the following actions that will help you become acquainted with the profession:
Tour one or more medical imaging departments: Contact any hospital and inquire
about a tour and/or shadow experience
Contact program directors of the affiliating schools of medical imaging for an
appointment or to learn more about a specific program
Ask the allied health coordinator how to contact a student currently in the clinical year
who is available to answer questions and offer suggestions
Become familiar with your future professional organizations
The Society of Nuclear Medicine (www.snm.org)
American Society of Radiologic Technologists (www.asrt.org)
Society of Diagnostic Medical Sonography (www.sdms.org)
American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (www.aium.org)
American Society of Echocardiography (www.asecho.org)
Application Process for Admission to a Certificate Program (clinical study)
Plan to meet with the allied health coordinator during the spring semester of the sophomore year
to review the application process.
The medical imaging curriculum is divided into pre-clinical and clinical study. Students typically
finish the first three academic years of study on the IUP main campus. To complete the program,
students enter the clinical phase of the program that is one calendar year in length.
For the Nuclear Medicine Technology track, students will apply to The University of Findlay in
Findlay, Ohio, The Community College of Allegheny County in Pittsburg, PA, and Pennsylvania
College of Health Sciences, Lancaster, PA.
For the Diagnostic Medical Sonography track, student will apply to The University of Findlay in
Findlay, Ohio, Pennsylvania College of Health Sciences, Lancaster, PA, and Widener
University, Chester, PA.
For the Echocardiography track, students will apply to The University of Findlay in Findlay,
Upon graduation the students earn a Bachelor of Science degree in Medical Imaging-Nuclear
Medicine Technology, Diagnostic Medical Sonography, or Echocardiography from Indiana
University of Pennsylvania.
Dr. Eric Hertenstein
Program Director
Nuclear Medicine Institute
The University of Findlay
1000 North Main Street Findlay, OH 45840-3695
Telephone: 419-434-4891
Email: hertensteine@findlay.edu
Andrea Penatzer
Professor and Program Director
Nuclear Medicine Technology Program
Community College of Allegheny County
Allegheny Campus, Milton Hall 608
808 Ridge Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15212
Telephone: 412-237-2751
Email: apenatzer@ccac.edu
Paula Mancini, MHA, CNMT, RT(N)
Nuclear Medicine Program
Pennsylvania College of Health Sciences
850 Greenfield Road, Lancaster, PA 17601
Telephone: 717-947-6165
Fax: 717-947-6165
Email: pamancin@PACollege.edu
Dr. Susan M. Watters, RDMS, RVT
Chair, Diagnostic Services
Program Director, Sonography
University of Findlay
Diagnostic Services Department Office 114E
419-434-5888 Office
419-434-5889 Fax
Email: susan.watters@findlay.edu
Maryglo Stroik, MHA, RVT, RDMS, RT(R)
Program Director
Diagnostic Medical Sonography
Pennsylvania College of Health Sciences
850 Greenfield Road, Lancaster, PA 17601
Email: mmstroik@pacollege.edu
Lauren Anziano MBA, RDMS, RVT, R.T. (S)
Program Director
Widener-Crozer Diagnostic Medical Sonography Program
Crozer-Chester Medical Center Pearl Hall
One Medical Center Boulevard
Upland, PA 19013
Phone: 610-447-2532
Fax: 610-447-2296
Email: lauren.anziano@crozer.org
Tricia Turner, BS, RDMS, RVT, FSDMS
Director Diagnostic Medical Sonography
South Hills School of Business & Technology
480 Waupelani Drive
State College, PA 16801
814-234-7755 ext 6012
Admission Requirements for the Certificate Program
Students will apply to the certificate program. There are specific admission requirements,
deadlines and other special requirements which may include health screening, criminal record
checks, personal interviews, and the purchase of uniforms and/or lab coats.
Admission into the program is competitive and is not guaranteed.
Medical Imaging Tracks
Students must complete all course requirements set forth by IUP prior to beginning the certificate
year. All medical imaging tracks require “C” grades or better in the following courses:
MATH 105 College Algebra
ENGL 101 Composition I
ENGL 310 Public Speaking or BCOM 321 Business Communication
CHEM 103 Intro to Chemistry for Health Sciences
PHYS 111 Physics I Lecture
BIOL 150 Human Anatomy
BIOL 240 Human Physiology
Humanities – course could be in any of the following areas: philosophy, literature, art
forms (art, music, theater or other performing arts), cultural expressions, global
education, ancient literature, film studies, communication studies (this would be an
additional course to the speech/oral communications course that is also required),
foreign language, gender studies, humanities, history, or religion
Social Science – course could be in any of the following areas: anthropology,
archaeology, behavioral sciences, criminal justice, demography, development studies,
economics, education, environmental studies, geography, gerontology, international
education, international relations, law, liberal arts, library science, linguistics, political
science, psychology, public administration, social sciences, social work, or sociology
For the most favorable review of the application, students are encouraged to have completed all
these courses before the application deadline.
In addition, medical imaging tracks require:
Official high school transcripts
Current, official college transcripts
CPR certification
Three letters of reference
Application fee
Medical Terminology: The medical terminology requirement may be met in one of
three ways:
-clinical courses required by IUP must be completed
o Take BIOL 200 Medical Terminology course at IUP
o Online Medical Terminology 101: For approximately $75 students may enroll in
an online course available at https://www.universalclass.com/i/course/medical-
terminology-101.htm. A copy of the certificate of completion must be forwarded
directly to NMI.
o Medical Terminology Workbook: Purchase the following text which is available
through the IUP Coop Store: Leonard, P. (2020). Quick and easy medical
terminology (9
ed.). Philadelphia: Saunders.
o You may also purchase the kindle edition e-book online from Amazon.
a. Complete all of the chapter exercises and the self-test by recording your answers in the text.
b. Give your completed text to the Allied Health Professions Coordinator for review.
c. The work will be reviewed, satisfactory completion of the requirement will be verified with
the medical imaging program director and the text will be returned to the student.
It is recommended that this requirement be submitted at least 2 months prior to starting at the
University of Findlay although this may be done well in advance of the recommended deadline.
Students are encouraged to submit applications approximately one year prior to beginning the
certificate program. Application deadline for a fall class is November 1 of the preceding year. The
deadline for a spring class is April 1 of the preceding year.
Estimated Tuition, Fees and Financial Aid
University of Findlay
Tuition and fees for the 2023-2024 NMI program are approximately $34,309.
Tuition and fees for the 2023-2024 Diagnostic Medical Sonography is approximately $27,884.
Pennsylvania College of Health Sciences
Tuition and fees for 2023-2024
Students pay per credit, as well as program/clinical costs. The per credit cost is currently $670
with there being 32-40 credits in the Certificate programs. The program/clinical costs for
Diagnostic Medical Sonography and Nuclear Medicine Technology are $2,6800 and $21,440
Widener University
Tuition and fee for 2023-2024 Diagnostic Medical Sonography is approximately $30,600.
South Hills School of Business & Technology
Tuition and fee for 2023-2024 Diagnostic Medical Sonography is approximately $33,004.
*Tuition and fees are determined by the above affiliates.
Students may apply for financial aid during their final year through IUP’s Office of Financial
Aid. Amounts of awards will vary depending on several factors, including the costs of tuition
and fees required by our affiliates.
Financial Aid for University of Findlay Students
IUP will be responsible for determining and disbursing all financial aid.
To be considered for financial aid, students will need to complete their FAFSA by
April 15
for maximum eligibility.
Financial Aid award letters will be available at the end of June early July for
During this time is also when the bills for University of Findlay will become due.
It is the student’s responsibility to notify their schools that they will not have their
financial aid available until after the second or third week of IUP classes. (Note:
Refunds are based on IUP’s class schedule).
University of Findlay expects each student to provide them with documentation of
their financial aid at IUP. This can be done by printing your IUP award letter from
MYIUP and sending it to Findlay.
If additional financial aid is needed, please contact the IUP Financial Aid Office
for information on the Parent Plus loan and alternative/private loans.
After the student receives their refund (from IUP), it is then their responsibility to
pay their bill at Findlay.
Note: For students starting in the spring at Findlay for the academic portion of the
program, you will receive financial aid in Spring 2024 and Fall of 2024, please plan
accordingly during the summer session to cover costs.
Medical Imaging students graduate from IUP in August of the year their clinical
experience is completed. The graduation application may be completed online at
MyIUP.edu. Applications for August graduates are due by April 1 of the
graduation year.
Students will be invited to participate in the University’s commencement
ceremony scheduled in December of their graduation year. Students have an
option to attend the University’s May commencement ceremony and the
Department of Allied Health’s commencement ceremony. Details about
commencement may be found at www.iup.edu/commencement.
Students must comply with all requirements and deadlines established by
the affiliating Medical Imaging program.
Department of Allied Health Professions
Curriculum Organization
*MATH 105 College Algebra
CHEM 255 Biochemistry for Health
*CHEM 103 Intro to Chem for Health
History 196/197/198
*ENGL 101 Composition I
PSYC 101 General Psychology
Fine Arts Requirement
Dimensions of Wellness
SOC 151 Principles of Sociology or
IMAG 101 Careers in Medical Imaging
SOC 161 Found of Soc: Grps & Org
Free Elective
COSC/IFMG 101 Micro-Based Computer
BIOL 150 Human Anatomy
*ENGL 310 Public Speaking
ENGL 202 Composition II
BCOM 321 Business & Interpersonal Comm
PHYS 111 Physics I Lecture
PHYS 112 Physics II Lecture
PHYS 121 Physics I Lab
PHYS 122 Physics II Lab
Free Elective
Free Elective
Free Elective
*BIOL 240 Human Physiology 4
Global and Multicultural Awareness 3
Free Elective
Free Elective 3
Free Elective 3
ENGL 121 Humanities Literature 3
NURS 314 Health Policy and Law 3
PHIL 130 Biomedical Ethics 3
IMAG 480 Medical Imaging Seminar 2
Courses are taught off campus for one calendar year at the University of Findlay, Community College of
Allegheny County (CCAC), Pennsylvania College of Health Sciences, Widener University, and South
Hills School of Business & Technology. Students will not need to register for these courses. 32-34 credits
of articulated courses in the track will be transferred from the affiliation agreement and posted to the
official Indiana University of Pennsylvania transcript.
**IUP is affiliated with three accredited nuclear medicine technology programs and four accredited
Diagnostic Medical Sonography programs. Students apply for admission to one of these programs for
completion of the final year of study.
* The Nuclear Medicine Institute (NMI) at the University of Findlay, Ohio: In this program
students spend one semester at NMI, 32 weeks in clinical training at one of NMI’s approved clinical sites
and return to NMI for a final examination.
* The Nuclear Medicine Technology Department at CCAC: In this program students spend 12
months in classes at the CCAC Boyce Campus and clinical training at various sites in the Pittsburgh area.
* The Sonography Programs at the University of Findlay include four semesters: two-semester-
long didactic portion on the UF campus and two-semester-long clinical education at one of the
University’s designated clinical sites.
REQUIRED: Global and Multicultural Awareness; two writing intensive courses
*Our affiliates require a C or higher grades in these courses.
Widener University requires a B or higher
grades in these courses. In addition, a C or higher grade is necessary in a Humanities and Social Science
course. See reverse for details. For the most favorable review of the application, students are encouraged
to have completed all of these courses before the application deadline.
Humanities course could be in any of the following areas: philosophy, literature, art forms (art, music,
theater or other performing arts), cultural expressions, global education, ancient literature, film studies,
communication studies (this would be an additional course to the speech/oral communications course that
is also required), foreign language, gender studies, humanities, history, or religion.
Social Sciences course could be in any of the following areas: anthropology, archaeology, behavioral
sciences, criminal justice, demography, development studies, economics, education, environmental
studies, geography, gerontology, international education, international relations, law, liberal arts, library
science, linguistics, political science, psychology, public administration, social sciences, social work, or
Indiana University of Pennsylvania offered Minors
Applied Statistics
Art History
Art Studio
Asian Studies
Biomedical Science
Business Administration
Child and Adult Advocacy Studies
Child Development and Family Relations
Communications Media
Community Health
Computer Science
Cyber Security
Deaf Studies
Educational Psychology
Educational Technology
Elementary and Middle-Level Mathematics
Entrepreneurship for the Arts
Environmental Health Science
Forensic Biosciences
Homeland Security
Human Resource Management
Information Assurance
International Studies
Journalism and Public Relations
Latin American Studies
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer
Pan African Studies
Political Science
Pre-Law Interdisciplinary
Psychological Science
Regional Planning
Religious Studies
Safety, Health, and Environmental Applied Sciences
Sociology (Applied Social Research)
Sociology (General Sociology)
Sociology of Disability Services
Sociology (Human Services)
Special Education
Sport Management
Sustainability Studies
Women’s and Gender Studies
Note: See current IUP catalog for information about requirements or contact the chair of the
department in which the minor/certificate is housed.
Indiana University of Pennsylvania Offered Certificates
Athletic Coaching
19 Credits
Cell and Molecular Biology
15 Credits
Certification in Driver Education
12 Credits
Communications Media: Photography and Digital Imagining
18 Credits
Popular Music Studies
19 Credits
Public History
18 Credits
Secondary School Cooperative Education Teacher/Coordinator
15 Credits
Vocational-Technical Education
30-32 Credits