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Citation: Domingues, P.; Andrade, L.;
Frade, M. A Digital Forensic View of
Windows 10 Notifications. Forensic.
Sci. 2022, 2, 88–106. https://doi.org/
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Received: 28 December 2021
Accepted: 25 January 2022
Published: 31 January 2022
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A Digital Forensic View of Windows 10 Notifications
Patrício Domingues
, Luís Andrade
and Miguel Frade
Instituto de Telecomunicações, CIIC, ESTG, Polytechnic of Leiria, Morro do Lena–Alto do Vieiro,
2411-901 Leiria, Portugal; [email protected]
ESTG, Polytechnic of Leiria, Morro do Lena–Alto do Vieiro, 2411-901 Leiria, Portugal;
CIIC, ESTG, Polytechnic of Leiria, Morro do Lena–Alto do Vieiro, 2411-901 Leiria, Portugal
* Correspondence: [email protected]
These authors contributed equally to this work.
Windows Push Notifications (WPN) is a relevant part of Windows 10 interaction with the
user. It is comprised of badges, tiles and toasts. Important and meaningful data can be conveyed
by notifications, namely by so-called toasts that can popup with information regarding a new
incoming email or a recent message from a social network. In this paper, we analyze the Windows
10 Notification systems from a digital forensic perspective, focusing on the main forensic artifacts
conveyed by WPN. We also briefly analyze Windows 11 first release’s WPN system, observing that
internal data structures are practically identical to Windows 10. We provide an open source Python 3
command line application to parse and extract data from the Windows Push Notification SQLite3
database, and a Jython module that allows the well-known Autopsy digital forensic software to
interact with the application and thus to also parse and process Windows Push Notifications forensic
artifacts. From our study, we observe that forensic data provided by WPN are scarce, although
they still need to be considered, namely if traditional Windows forensic artifacts are not available.
Furthermore, toasts are clearly WPN’s most relevant source of forensic data.
Keywords: digital forensics; Windows 10; Windows 11; push notifications; sqlite3
1. Introduction
The Windows Push Notification service (henceforth, WPN) appeared in the first release
of Windows 10, although it was heavily based in Windows 8’s Windows Notification
Service [
]. As its name implies, it is a service that allows notifications to be delivered to
a Windows 10 OS. Specifically, WPN allows applications to push notification data to the
end user. Notifications can manifest themselves through three different graphical outputs:
badges, tiles and toasts, plus a non-graphic mode, named raw. A badge is usually a tiny
symbol, often a number that appears in one corner of the application’s icon signaling a
notification, for example, the number of new email messages. Although badges fit more
naturally mobile OS such as iOS and Android, mostly because the limited screen space
of these platforms is filled with applications’ icons, badges are also used by Windows 10
in both the task bar and in the system tray. For example, the Microsoft Teams application
resorts to a bottom-right badge in the application icon displayed in a Windows’ task bar
to report the network connectivity of the local computer to the Teams service. Other
applications use it on the system tray. Examples include the Dropbox client software that
notifies the user of an update operation on files by displaying a blue and white update
symbol, and Microsoft’s OneDrive that reports some statuses such as paused, synchronizing
or lack of network connectivity as shown in Figure 1. These symbols are from a limited
set, as they are part of the notification API. Likewise, a numeric badge can have a value
between 1 and 99, with values above 99 represented as 99+. Figure 2 displays examples
of badges as they appear in Windows 10 taskbar. Specifically, the left badge signals that
Microsoft Teams has one new event to report (e.g., a newly received message), while the
Forensic. Sci. 2022, 2, 88–106. https://doi.org/10.3390/forensicsci2010007 https://www.mdpi.com/journal/forensicsci
Forensic. Sci. 2022, 2 89
center badge reports on a new message by the Facebook Messenger client. Finally, the
right-most badge alerts that there are six events to process from Windows Your Phone,
which can correspond to newly received SMS (Short Text Messages) or notifications from
the coupled Android smartphone [2].
Figure 1.
Windows 10s system tray badges status icons. From (
): Paused OneDrive,
non-connected OneDrive, and Dropbox with one pending notification.
Figure 2. Examples of Windows 10s badges. From (leftright): Teams, Messenger, and Your Phone.
Tiles first appeared with Windows 8, when Microsoft decided to overhaul the interface
of the OS, namely the start menu, introducing the Metro interface, along with a new type
of applications called Metro Apps, guiding Windows 8 for touch interfaces [
]. Tiles are
rectangular shapes in the screen, each one linked to an application, which can feed the tile
with new content, hence the alternate designation of live tiles. In Windows 10, although
Microsoft introduced new changes to the start interface, live tiles were kept, now being
linked to Universal Windows Platform (UWP) applications. In this context, each tile is a live
representation of its linked application. Examples of live tiles include Microsoft Photos,
which rotatively displays, within the tile, photos existing in the device, or the Weather
application which displays the weather forecast for the user’s location. This is the case
shown in Figure 3, where the weather prediction for the city of Leiria, Portugal is shown
for three days. As we shall see later in Section 3.5, live tiles were removed from a Windows
11 interface.
Figure 3. A Windows 10 tile linked to the Weather application for the city of Leiria, Portugal.
Toasts are rectangular shaped boxes that pop up from the right bottom corner of
the screen. An example of a toast is given in Figure 4. The name stems from the rogue
similarity of toasts popping out of a toaster. Toasts are sometimes also designated as
banners. By default, toasts are shown for five seconds, although this can be changed
in Windows Ease of Access/Display up to a maximum of five minutes. There are a wide
variety of toasts, some of them interactive, such as Quick reply text box, Progress Bar, and
Context menu actions, among many others [
]. This class of interactive toasts are also known
as actionable notifications. There are four different types of toast notifications: (i) local,
(ii) scheduled, (iii) periodic, and (iv) push. Local toast notifications are produced by local
applications. Examples include a mail client alerting the reception of a new email, or a
social network application notifying a new message. Scheduled notifications are delivered
by calendar-based applications that run within the browser, for example Google Calendar,
to remind the user of an upcoming event. Periodic notifications are used by applications
that deal with periodically changing data, such as weather or stock prices. Finally, a push
notification originates from a cloud server. These cloud notifications are used, for example,
by news applications to alert of a breaking news, or by a communication application such
as Microsoft’s Your Phone (https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/p/your-phone/9nmpj99
vjbwv, accessed on 28 January 2022) to alert of an incoming call or message. Push mode
Forensic. Sci. 2022, 2 90
is the only one to support raw notifications that is a notification that goes directly from a
cloud service to the application, without any graphical display. The application processes
the notification, triggering the reaction it deems most appropriate, which can include toast
Figure 4. A Windows 10 toast notification triggered by a Python script.
An important element in the toast notification chain is the Windows Action Center.
As the name implies, it acts as a central repositories for toast notifications, stocking toasts
that can later on be reviewed by the user. Additionally, when the user is engaged on a
task that should not be interrupted with toasts—e.g., displaying a full screen Powerpoint
presentation—incoming toasts are silently redirected to the Action Center to avoid disturb-
ing the user. Furthermore, applications can deliver the so-called ghost toasts that do not
pop up on the screen, but instead go directly to the Action Center. An example of Windows
10 Action Center is shown in Figure 5, where besides a panel for fast access to settings
(e.g., Night Light, Network, etc.), there is a toast message from the Dropbox application.
Note that the
Focus Assist
section in the panel (bottom right) allows one to control how
notifications are treated: when clicked once, the mode switches to
Priority only
, while
an additional click activates the
Alarm only
mode. A third click loops back to the original
mode of
Focus assist
Off. Windows Action Center display is activated by clicking in the
message shape icon, which is highlighted by the squared red box at the bottom right of
Figure 5. Another click and it gets closed.
Figure 5. Windows 10 action center.
The main motivation to study Windows notifications from a digital forensic perspec-
tive is that notifications can harbor data that might be relevant to forensic investigations of
Windows 10 devices and user(s). For example, an email client toast notification might hold
Forensic. Sci. 2022, 2 91
data and metadata—sender, date/time—about incoming emails. Although the amount
of data are limited, it might be useful when common forensic artifacts have provided no
valuable data, or the machine was cleaned with anti-forensic software [
]. Additional
details about anti-forensic software are presented in Section 3.1.
In this paper, we analyze the WPN service from a digital forensic perspective: the goal
is to identify and extract the forensic artifacts when a post mortem analysis is performed in a
Windows 10 machine. The main contributions of this paper are:
Identification of forensic
artifacts linked to WPN in both Windows 10 and Windows 11;
development of an open
source Python 3 script able to extract WPN’s forensic artifacts; and
implementation of
a Jython extension module for the forensic software Autopsy. This module interacts with
the Python 3 script to collect and display WPN’s artifacts within Autopsy.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: Section 2 presents some related
work regarding the Windows Notification system, while Section 3 details the services, files
and databases that comprise WPN. Section 4 presents the Notification Analyzer software,
comprising an autonomous Python 3 script and Autopsy’s specific Jython module. In
Section 5, experimental results highlighting extracted and recovered data are presented.
Section 6 describes other sources of notifications with a potential interest for digital forensics,
namely Windows event logs and caches of browsers. Finally, Section 7 concludes the paper
and traces venues for future work.
2. Related Work
We now review related work, focusing on two main items:
) works that deal with
Windows’ WPN, and
) tools aimed at recovering removed data from SQLite 3 databases.
2.1. Windows Notifications
Skulkin and de Courcier briefly analyze Windows 10 Notifications [
]. They observe
that the first release of Windows 10 kept notification-related data in a file called
. Changes to the
file (a SQLite 3 database) occurred in Windows 10
anniversary edition, version 1607 launched in July 2016. The
wpndatabas e.db
summarily analyzed by the authors had five tables, while Windows 10s version 21H1 has
eight tables. In their analysis of the table
, Skulkin and de Courcier indicate that
some of the fields of the table correspond to the number of notifications seen by the user.
For instance, for the field
, the authors point out that the value 20 means
that the corresponding user has effectively seen 20 toasts. By changing the
value, we were able to verify that this field corresponds instead to the maximum number of
toast notifications that can exist at a given time in the notification center. In their analysis
of the main differences between Windows 8.1 and the first release of
Windows 10
at the
level of digital forensic artifacts, Hintea et al. succinctly describes
Windows 10
Center [
]. They only note that toasts’ notifications are stored in XML format in the
, giving no further data regarding Windows Notification Center. In his
blog, Khatri details the structure of the
, pointing out that the file hosts a
binary database with the
as the first four bytes [
]. Khatri also provides a Python
3 script that creates a CSV representation of data that exists in
file. Maloney
resorts to the Python 2 script
to transform the Write-Ahead Log (WAL) file
in a SQLite 3 database[
]. Github’s user Kacos2000 (https://github.c
om/kacos2000/Win10/blob/master/Notifications/, accessed on
28 January 2022
) has a
branch dedicated to Windows 10s notifications. The Github repository provides two SQL
queries and several power shell scripts that process data from the WPN’s databases.
accessed on 28 January 2022) is a command line tool to parse WPN databases. According
to the documentation, the tool also attempts to recover data and provides several output
formats. As
is a commercial tool, which requires a valid license, we could not test it.
ArtiFast (https://www.forensafe.com/artifast.html, accessed on 28 January 2022) is a
forensic software from Forensafe that targets Windows OS. It lists Windows 10 notifications
Forensic. Sci. 2022, 2 92
as one of the artifacts processed by the tool (https://www.forensafe.com/resources/
ArtiFast-Supported-Win-Artifacts.pdf, accessed on 28 January 2022). Again, as it is a
commercial tool, we did not test it. Conversely, our Windows Notification Analyzer (WNA)
software is available under GPL 3.0 license (https://github.com/labcif/YPA, accessed
28 January 2022
). Bilogrevic et al. study the management of push notifications in the
Google Chrome web browser [
]. They report that, based on Google Chrome telemetry,
the permission grant rate to deliver Google Chrome notifications to the desktop is only 10%
for Windows, meaning that very often users do not accept notifications coming from the
web browser. The authors also present a novel and less intrusive notification interface API
that might increase the grant approval rate.
2.2. SQLite 3 Recovering Tools
SQLite 3 is the predominant database in the computer world, mostly due to its om-
nipresence in mobile applications [
]. Thus, the existence of several tools to recover SQLite3
removed data is no surprise. In this work, we solely focus on open-source solutions.
DeGrazia developed the
Python 2 script that recovers strings from
free blocks of a SQLite 3 database, outputting CSV-formatted data [
]. As stated by its
author, Daniels, the
tool is a command line application that goes through a whole
SQLite database file and dumps all data that it can find [
]. It is written in the C language.
Python 3 script parses the WAL file to recover non-directly accessible
data from a SQLite 3 database ([
], chapter 12). The
tool analyzes the SQLite
3 main database file and the WAL file to recover data. As noted by the authors, this allows
the Python 3-based software to yield a high rate of data recovery [15].
Pawlaszczyk and Hummert propose the FQlite software, which relies on carving
algorithms and techniques to recover deleted data from SQLite databases [
]. The software
analyzes both the database file and the associated WAL file.
is written in Java and
provides two running interfaces: a command-line one and a graphical user interface (GUI).
Both interfaces output recovered data in a CSV format.
Our WNA software integrates all of these SQLite 3 recovery tools, with the sole
exception being FQLite due to a limitation that does not allow it to run under Windows OS
(https://github.com/pawlaszczyk/fqlite/issues/1, accessed on 28 January 2022). The
rationale behind this approach is the reduced lifetime of notifications, since the maximum
existence of a notification in the database is three days. This means that notifications, and
particularly toasts which carry the most valuable forensic data, have a reduced lifespan, and
hence, it is important to carve the database and the associated WAL file for removed data.
3. WPN’s Services, Executables and Data Repositories
In this section, we analyze the main components of WPN, namely the Windows
services and the executables that implements WPN, as well as the data repositories. First,
we briefly describe Materials and Methods.
3.1. Materials and Methods
To study WPN and its components, we used two regular laptops: one with Windows
10–1909 and another one with Windows 11–21H2. To detect activity linked to WPN, we
resorted to Windows Sysinternals’ Process Monitor as it allows for monitoring in real-time
Registry and file systems operations of processes and threads. We also resorted to the
HxD Hex Editor to identify and interpret binary content, as well as Windows Sysinternals’
Strings utility. To inspect the SQLite 3 databases, we used the Db Browser for SQLite
application. The Registry analysis was performed with Windows own Regedit. We used
option of the versatile SFK (Swiss File Knife) versatile utility to format JSON
content. To interact with WPN to produce graphical output, namely toasts, we resorted to
winrt and win10toast Python 3 modules.
The methodology involved the generation of notifications and the subsequent analysis.
For this purpose, several applications were used, namely Microsoft’s Your Phone, as it can
Forensic. Sci. 2022, 2 93
easily be triggered to produce notifications. Other applications were Microsoft Outlook
and web browsers such as Brave and Google Chrome. After triggering notifications, the
hosting Windows system was analyzed, with focus in the WPN’s associated directories.
The open source anti-forensic tool BleachBit version 4.4.2 (https://www.bleachbit.org/,
accessed on 28 January 2022) that supports Linux and Windows, was also used to study its
impact on Windows notifications. In its default configuration, BleachBit does not support the
notification system, and thus no artifacts are removed. Moreover, when additional settings are
enabled through the
extension, (https://github.com/MoscaDotTo/Winapp2,
accessed on 28 January 2022) the action
of BleachBit still does not remove
the SQLite3 databases of WPN services. However, actions exist to clean the data storage
notifications from applications such as Windows Edge or Google Chrome. In the case of
the two browsers, these actions delete the levelDB database that holds the notifications. An
example of those actions is depicted in Figure 6.
Figure 6.
Example of Bleachbit extra actions to delete the levelDB database that holds the notifications
of the Edge browser.
3.2. Services and Executable Files
WPN relies on two services:
a system service, referred to as a Windows Push
Notification System Service and
a user service known as Windows Push Notification User
Service. The system service has the following description text: This service runs in session 0
and hosts the notification platform and connection provider which handles the connection between
the device and WNS server. Table 1 lists the executable file, the command line parameters
and the dynamic link libraries (DLL) directly related to WPN that are loaded by the system
service. This service handles notifications related to Windows OS functionalities such as
Windows Defender, Windows Update and Bluetooth device pairing, to name just a few.
Table 1. WPN system service.
Command line svchost.exe -k netsvcs -p
DLLs wpnservice.dll, wpncore.dll, wpnprv.dll
The user service is described as follows in the Windows 10 service area: This service
hosts a Windows notification platform which provides support for local and push notifications.
Supported notifications are tile, toast and raw. Table 2 shows the executable path and its
command line parameters, as well as the WPN related DLL loaded by the service. This
Forensic. Sci. 2022, 2 94
service is linked to the current logged in user and handles the delivery of notifications to
the end user.
Table 2. WPN user service.
Command Line svchost.exe -k UnistackSvcGroup -s WpnUserService
DLLs wpnuserservice.dll, wpncore.dll, wpnapps.dll, wpnclient.dll
3.3. Databases
For each of the WPN service processes, there is a SQLite3 database whose main
filename is
, and has two associated files
wpndatabase.db-s hm
wpndatabase.db-w al
. Specifically, there is one database for the system notification and
another one for each user’s account on the machine. Paths for both the system and per-user
accounts are shown in Table 3.
Table 3. Paths for system and per-user account WPN data repository.
Scope Path of Data Repository
, Microsoft\Windows\Notifications
Per user \%LOCALAPPDATA\%\Microsoft\Windows\Notifications
The system WPN database files are kept in
C:\Wi ndows\System32\config\syste
mprofile\AppData\L ocal\Microsoft\Wi ndows\Notifications
. The
per user
database files are held in the
\%LOCALAP PDATA\%\Microsoft\Windows\N otifications
directory, where
is an environment variable that maps to
, with
being the login name of the user and considering
that Windows is installed in the
drive. This means that there is a database for each user
account, and thus data kept in the database can be linked to individual accounts. This user
attribution is of special importance in digital forensics in systems that can have multiple
users, as it is the case of Windows machines.
As the
wpnda tabase.db
databases are identical in their structure, next, we focus on
the user’s database, as it is the one that has the most meaningful forensic data, such as
Outlook emails and calendar notifications. Each
database has eight tables,
whose names are listed in Table 4.
Table 4. Tables of wpndatabase.db.
Table’s Names
HandlerAssets NotificationData
HandlerSettings NotificationHandler
Metadata TransientTable
Notification WNSPushChannel
In our testing, the tables
remained empty.
As the table
has solely three fields—
(text)—appropriate to store key/value pairs, we hypothesize that it might
be a leftover from previous versions of Windows. As the name appears to suggest, the
might be used for transient data of the notification system. The
table holds some configuration values. An example is given in Table 5. Note that the
is the current notification ID and gives an indication of the
number of notifications processed so far (89591 for the given example). Records suffixed
with maxCount define limits. For example,
regulates the maximum
number of toasts that are kept in a Windows Action Center.
Forensic. Sci. 2022, 2 95
From a digital forensic perspective, the table
holds the most meaningful
data. This table has 14 fields, listed in Table 6. Next, we solely focus on fields with relevant
value for digital forensics.
Table 5. Example of the content of the Metadata table.
Key Value
tile:maxCount 5
toast:maxCount 20
badge:maxCount 1
toastCondensed:maxCount 80
OutlookQuirkEnabled 1
TilesBandwidthTotal 0
CurrentNotificationId 89591
Table 6. Fields and data types of table Notification (default values are within parentheses).
Field Name Datatype
Order integer (primary key)
Id integer
HandlerId integer
ActivityId GUID
Type text [tile,badge,toast,toastCondensed]
Payload BLOB
Tag text
Group text
ExpiryTime int64
ArrivalTime int64
DataVersion int64
PayloadType text (Xml’)
BootId int64 (0)
ExpiresOnReboot boolean (FALSE)
field holds the ID of the application that handles the notification. This
ID corresponds to the
of table
Notification Handler
. Examples of handlers,
extracted from the
Notifica tionH andler
, are shown in Table 7. It should be noted that
there is a large number of handlers. In the studied systems, we found over 238 handlers
defined in the
Notifi cationHandler
table. The number of handlers depends on the
installed applications. In the given case, 143 notification handlers were created by Windows
10, as their creation time is the same as Windows 10 OS installation time or Windows
10 last version update. The creation time of a notification handler is kept in the field
Create dTime
of the
table. Other notification handlers are created
by UWP applications which are installed on the system.
Table 7. Partial view of the NotificationHandler table.
RecordId PrimaryID HandlerType
38 Windows.SystemToast.WindowsTip app:system
149 Microsoft.Office.OUTLOOK.EXE.15 app:desktop
238 Microsoft.SkyDrive.Desktop app:desktop
Another field of table
. It is a text field that represents
the type of notification, which can hold one of the following qualifiers:
. Data that comprise the notification are kept in yet another text
field of the
. These data are in a XML-like format, and
the fields they harbor depend on the source application. A shortened example of a toast
Forensic. Sci. 2022, 2 96
from the Facebook Messenger Windows UWP application is shown in Listing 1. From
the payload, one can extract that the message comes from
Jane Doe
and has the content
Almost done!”. Toast payloads are definitely the most interesting ones as they can come
from messaging applications such as Facebook Messenger, Microsoft Outlook, and Google
Calendar, just to name a few. This can yield valuable information, as an email notification
from Microsoft Outlook holds the sender and the initial part of the subject. The same
goes for Facebook Messenger toasts that identify the sender and hold the initial part of the
message. Obviously, the amount of data are limited, and as stated earlier, its usefulness is
limited and restricted to scenarios where other sources of forensic data are not available.
On the contrary,
are of low use, as they have a NULL payload, at least in
the corresponding entry in the table.
Listing 1. Shortened example of a toast from the Facebook Messenger Windows UWP application.
1 <toast launch="messenger">
2 <visual>
3 <binding template="ToastGeneric">
4 <text hint-maxLines="1">Jane Doe</text>
5 <text>Almost done!</text>
6 <image src="https://scontent.flis9-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-1/p100x100/(...)">
7 placement="appLogoOverride" hint-crop="circle"/>
8 </binding>
9 </visual>
10 <audio src="ms-appx:///Assets/incoming_message.m4a" silent="false"/>
11 </toast>
There are two important date/time fields in table
. Both are expressed in Microsoft Filetime 64-bit format, that is, as the number
of 100-nanosecond intervals elapsed since 1 January 1601, 0:00 UTC. The former refers to
the arrival of the notification, while
field indicates when the notification is set
to expire. By default, a notification is set to last for a maximum of three days, but this can
be set to a much lower value by the source application.
3.4. The Wpnidm Directory
Within the notification data directories, there is a subdirectory named
. This
directory exists in the system-wide notification and in the per-user account data repositories.
In the analyzed systems, although the system-wide
directory was empty, the per-
user wpnidm held JPG, PNG and IMG images.
These images are from toast notifications and tiles. For example, to notify of a new
message, the Facebook Messenger application for Windows adds a thumbnail of the profile
photo of the Facebook account of the sender (https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/p/
messenger/9wzdncrf0083, accessed on 28 January 2022). This thumbnail, as well as the
full sized profile image, is kept in the
directory. The name of all files kept in the
directory is an at most 8-wide hexadecimal number (e.g.,
), which is
a 32-bit number. We could not figure out how the filenames are created, although we ruled
out that they do not correspond to the CRC32 digest hash of the content of the respective
file. Interestingly, some of the profile photos are repeated several times, with different and
unrelated names (e.g.,
). After some research, we found
out that the content of the
directory is mapped into the registry, more precisely at
the following key path:
\HKE Y\_USERS\S-1-5-21-XX-XX-XX-SID\Software\Microsof
t\ Win dow s\C urrent Ver sio n\Push Not ifi cation s\w pni dm
. Under this key, there is one
subkey for each file that exists in the
directory. Each subkey has the same name as
the file, minus the extension. Within this subkey, several data fields exist. These data fields
are listed jointly with a brief description in Table 8. For some of the entries, the Url entry
points to an online version of the image file, accessible without authentication. However,
for some other entries of the same image, attempts to access the Url yield a URL signature
expired. We hypothesize that an image duplicate is created when the URL for the previously
Forensic. Sci. 2022, 2 97
valid image expires, this behavior explaining the existence of several duplicates of images.
The content of a wpnidm key is shown in Figure 7.
Figure 7. Content of a registry’s wpnidm key.
Table 8. Fields and content of a wpnidm subkey.
Field Name Description
FileExtension JPG, PNG, IMG
Url URL of image/thumbnail prefixed with wpnidm:
FileName Full path of file
FileSize file size (bytes)
Flag 32-bit value. Always 2.
LocalPath Full path of file
Aumid application ID (e.g., Facebook)
Expiration (always zero)
NotificationsCount Number of notifications with the image
Notifications Variable 12-byte hexadecimal value
3.5. Notifications in Windows 11
We now briefly review both notification services, System and per-user account, in
Windows 11. For this purpose, we analyze Windows 11 Home, version 21H2, build
22000.318, which was installed in a computer as an upgrade of Windows 10.
At the user level, there is one major change: Windows no longer has live tiles in the
start menu. This is one of the modifications of the so-called start menu overhaul, which, in
Windows 11, is unmovable at the bottom center of the screen. Another modification is the
now rounded corner in Windows 11’s windows. Figure 8 shows a toast notifications with
a clickable URL. Another major change is related to the user interface of Action Center,
which is now less cluttered than it was in Windows 10, as shown in Figure 9.
Internally, we noticed only a single major change in the
the addition of a table called
. However, as this table remained empty
in our testing environment, we could not figure out its real purpose, besides the indication
given by its name. Table 9 lists the fields and datatypes of the
Interestingly, support for tiles was left untouched in the
files, and in
fact there are still applications that resort to tiles, such as Bing.Weather and Microsoft
Office OneNote.
Figure 8. A Windows 11 Toast with a clickable URL.
Forensic. Sci. 2022, 2 98
Figure 9. Windows 11 action center.
Table 9. Table TimedNotifications of database wpndatabase.db (Windows 11).
Field Datatype
TimeEventId GUID
WnfStateName INT64
HandlerId INT64
NotificationType INT
Url Text
4. Notification Analyzer Program
To automate the process of extracting and analyzing the
database, we
developed the
program. This program comprises two
a Python command line script named
that can be executed
as an autonomous script, and
a Jython script tailored to run as a module within the
digital forensic software Autopsy [
]. This Jython script runs, parses and integrates
output into the Autopsy’s graphical interface. As stated earlier, the
Autopsy module is called Windows Notification Analyzer.
4.1. The NotifAnalyzer Script
is a Python 3 script that receives, through command line arguments,
the path for a
database, and produces as output a JSON file with the main
data from the database, namely from the
The path for the
to analyze is given through the
-p/--path <path>
command line option, while the path and name for the output JSON file are specified
through the option
-j/--json <path>
. As an aside feature,
itself a notification toast when it terminates its execution as shown in Figure 10. This toast is
only produced if the option
is given at the command line and the
(https://pypi.org/project/win10toast/, accessed on 28 January 2022) Python module is
installed on the local machine.
Figure 10. Toast signaling NotifAnalyzer’s end of execution.
4.2. Windows Notification Analyzer Module
Autopsy (https://www.sleuthkit.org/autopsy/, accessed on 28 January 2022) is an
open source software that runs within a Java Virtual Machine (JVM). It combines several
functionalities and forensic tools within a graphical user interface to assist digital forensics
practitioners in forensic examinations. Some of the integrated tools are The Sleuth Kit to
access unmounted filesystems [
(https://ffmpeg.org/, accessed on 28 January
2022) to interact with videos,
tess eract
Forensic. Sci. 2022, 2 99
accessed on 28 January 2022) to provide optical character recognition (OCR) and the Image
Magick (https://imagemagick.org/, accessed on 28 January 2022) suite to process and
display images. Autopsy is a well-known software within the digital forensic community.
It can be extended through modules that can be developed either in Java or in Jython.
Jython is a Python environment that runs within a JVM instance, offering the speed of
development of Python and the wealth of functionalities of the JVM. Modules written for
Jython run within the JVM used by Autopsy.
To assist digital practitioners, we developed the Jython-based module WNA. The
module resorts to the
Python 3 script to access a JSON-formatted
representation of the meaningful data of each of the
under analysis.
The JSON data are then further analyzed and imported to Autopsy by loading them to
Autopsy’s blackboard, and creating entries in the Extracted Content result tree. The entries
created by the module are prefixed with the WPN: string. Figure 11 illustrates the content
tree produced by the execution of the WNA module over the notification database of
. The numbers within curve parentheses count the number of lines of content
extracted by WNA from the database. For example, there were 42 rows extracted from the
table as pointed out by User Leiria – Notifications (42). The last five entries
shown in Figure 11 come from applying recovering algorithms to the database and are
addressed in Section 4.3.
Figure 11. Example of the extracted content tree produced by the WNA module.
4.3. Recovering Records
From the digital forensic perspective, a major issue with notifications is the limited
lifetime of the data. Indeed, as stated earlier, toast notifications, which are the most relevant
from a digital forensic perspective, have a maximum lifespan of three days. We also
noticed that all toast entries in the
table are deleted when the logged on
user selects the clear all notifications option through
Action Center
. To circumvent the high
turnaround of data,
which analyzes and extracts notifications from the
databases—one per user account—resorts to various utilities to
attempt to recover records. The fact that the
databases have the write
ahead log enabled also helps in the recovery of records. This way, we are able to extend the
timespan of notification data, although, depending on the recovering method, recovered
data can come with significant levels of noise.
Furthermore, the
database has a configuration that does not impair
recovery of records. Indeed,
Auto Vacuum
is set to
, and
Secure Delete
is not enabled,
meaning that records are not wiped out when their states changes to deleted. Additionally,
wpndatab ase.db
operates in Write Ahead Log mode (WAL), with auto checkpoint set to
1000, which is the default value of a SQLite3 database. All of this increases the probability
of recovering a larger amount of records [
]. The main properties of the
related to record recovery are listed in Table 10.
The four methods used by
to attempt to recover records are listed in Table 11.
The first two methods act solely on the main file of the database, that is,
Forensic. Sci. 2022, 2 100
while the third method—
]—carves both DB and WAL files. Finally, the
last method—
WAL crawler
—parses the WAL file, that is, the file
exploring the fact that the database is set in write ahead mode. We could not use
it fails to create output when ran under Windows due to the use of “
” in the file name, a
character that cannot be used to name files in Windows.
Table 10. Main properties of wpndatabase.db.
Property Value
Auto Vacumm None
Journal Mode WAL
Journal size Limit 1 (unlimited)
Secure Delete Off
WAL Auto Checkpoint 1000
Table 11. Data recovering methods used by the WNA module.
Method Operates on
Delete parser [12] DB file
Undark [13] DB file
bring2Lite [15] DB & WAL files
WAL crawler [21] WAL file
As can be seen in Figure 11, the volume of data recovered by the used methods
are important, especially by the DB-based
bring2lite DB Body
, as the recovery process
yielded 3834 lines. However, this method is also the one with the lowest signal-to-noise ratio.
Nonetheless, despite the noise, recovered data can still provide important information, such
as valuable notifications. Additionally, as Autopsy indexes the content through the SOLR
search platform [22], even mingled data can still be recovered by practitioners’ searches.
module allows digital forensic practitioners to select which recovering meth-
ods, if any, they want to apply to the analysis of the WPN database(s). The selection of
recovering method is done through configuration boxes shown right before the execution
start of the module. These boxes are shown on the right side of Figure 12.
Figure 12. WNA’s interface to select recovering methods within Autopsy.
5. Experimental Results
To assess the value of WPN in digital forensic contexts, we ran the WNA module over
two Windows 10 forensic images. The first image comes from a machine with daily usage
from a single user with Windows 10 Pro, version 1909 (10.0.18363.1139). The second image
is a Windows 10 Enterprise, version 2004 (10.0.19041.1) with two created local accounts but
with practically no usage, since the forensic image was collected within hours of the system
installation, as the goal was to look for WPN in a practically fresh installation. Henceforth,
we identify the 1909 image as W10-1909, while the other image is labeled as W10-2004.
For both the forensic images, the WNA module was ran within Autopsy, and the
results were then analyzed. As stated earlier, WPN has one SQLite3 database per user
account plus another system-wide database.
Forensic. Sci. 2022, 2 101
5.1. System’s WPN Database
Table 12 displays WNA results when ran over the system’s database of the analyzed
forensic images. No notifications of any type—badge, tile or toast—were found in the
files. Although the recovery procedure returns a large number
of rows—7752 for
in the
machine—none has real value for digital
forensics. In fact, the rows hold one of three classes of elements [
]: (1) data from the
tables; (2) SQL expressions used to build the database (create statements, etc.); (3) data
related to channel URI and token needed by the application or service to push notification
through the channel.
Table 12. Main results of WNA for system’s wpndatabase of W10–1909 and W10–2004.
Name W10–1909 W10–2004
Notification handlers 46 49
Notifications 0 0
Delete parsers (DB) 4 0
undark (DB) 3 0
WAL crawled 7343 7752
bring2lite (WAL) 7343 7752
bring2lite (DB) 1184 NA
Examples of the three classes are shown in Table 13. The last row contains two
, corresponding,
respectively, to 2021-11-10T10:00:41+00:00 and 2021-11-10T10:00:44+00:00.
Table 13. Example of recovered content from System’s tabase.db.
Type Content
3899 (. . . ), 147,132810120411300000,132810120441332000,
, https://db5p.notify.windows.com/?token=AwYA, (. . . )
The number of
notification handlers
, as reported in Table 12, is slightly larger for
: 49 vs. 46. Of these, 45 entries are common to both systems, while four are
unique to
and another one solely exists in
. Interestingly, scanning the
table for added entries might be a fast method to detect new system
services or at least services that can produce notifications, when comparing two versions
of Windows 10. The differences detected in the
between the two
forensic images are shown in Table 14. Note that the entry which is exclusive of
101909 is
related to the Your Phone UWP application, which was in use in the system.
Table 14.
Entries of the system’s
table that only exists in one of the forensic image.
Image Content
W10 1909 Microsoft.WindowsPhoneCCPService_8wekyb3d8bbwe
W10 2004 Microsoft.Windows.InputSwitchToastHandler
W10 2004 Windows.SystemToast.BackupReminder
W10 2004 Windows.SystemToast.ServiceInitiatedHealing.Notification
W10 2004 Windows.SystemToast.StorSvc
Forensic. Sci. 2022, 2 102
5.2. Users WPN Database
We now analyze the content of users’ linked
databases. The results
are shown in Table 15, where the column
reports how many of the items have
user-related data and thus might have some forensic value. Most of the non-valuable items
are simply data from the
table, such as
, while items
classified as valuable are notification messages from applications. Valuable items collected
by applying recovery methods available in WNA, shown in the last five rows of Table 15,
are essentially toast messages. The absence of data from the
system is due to the
low usage of the machine, as it only had a very short period of usage after the installation
of W10-2004.
Table 15. Main results of WNA for user’s Wpndatabase.db of W10-1909 and W10-2004.
W10 1909 W10 2004
Name Raw Valuable Raw Valuable
Notification handlers 184 NA 143
Notifications (total) 82 59 14 0
Notifications (badge) 3 0 0
Notifications (tile) 21 1 13 1
Notifications (toasts) 58 58 1 0
Delete parsers (DB) 211 14 17 0
undark (DB) 134 4 11 0
WAL crawled 12 0 0
bring2lite (WAL) 415 16 0
bring2lite (DB) 4226 12 3572 8
The main factor that contributes for the low ratio
valuable/no n-valuable
in Table 15 for the
system is the reduced number of messages that exists at
any given time in the
wpndatab ase.db
database. This is due to the limited lifetime of
messages—maximum three days—and the reduced number of notifications, mainly toast
messages, as excessive notifications can be a nuisance to users. All of this means that the
never grows significantly, and when an entry is deleted, the freed space is
used by another notification. This makes recovering data less efficient.
6. Other Sources Holding Notifications Data
In this section, we analyze two other potential sources for notifications forensic data:
Windows Event Log, and Browsers.
6.1. Windows Log Events
Windows Log Events is the well-known log systems of Windows. It uses the
format [
] to record events in several files. All files of Windows Log Event are kept in
the directory
. In the Windows 10 systems that we
analyzed, out of the more than 350 event log files, only two had the word notification in their
names, as shown in Table 16. Moreover, only one of these two files—
—had data. In fact, in regularly used
Windows 10 machines, this log file is often at its maximum default size, which is 1 MiB, a
sign of its high usage. The other log file is
orm\%4Admin.evtx, but in all analyzed Windows 10 machines, this file was empty.
Table 16. Filenames of notification-related event log files.
Event Log Filename Content?
Microsoft-Windows-PushNotification-Platform\%4Admin.evtx Empty
Microsoft-Windows-PushNotification-Platform\%4Operational.evtx Yes
Forensic. Sci. 2022, 2 103
Extraction of meaningful data from this log file is challenging, as recorded events come
from different sources, data have wide diversity of formats. A much-trimmed example
is given in Listing 2. It is a message from Microsoft’s Your Phone application [
]. The
given example has an explicitly named payload of 2886 bytes. This payload is a binary
blob. When decoded, it reveals a text with carriage return/line feed (CRLF, i.e., \r\n) line
separators, shown in Listing 3, with a header and a JSON-formatted content. The JSON
content hosts another payload in the appropriately named field
. This inner
payload is base64 encoded, and, when decoded, it reveals a mix of format. As can be seen
in Listing 4, the content includes UTF-8 (e.g.,
), UTF-16 (e.g.,
, recognizable due to the spaced letters when interpreted as ASCII) and
binary fields (not shown). Note that the inner format of event messages of the notification
is much dependent on the source application, requiring special decoding for each type of
message/application. More importantly, logged messages have low forensic value as the
content is mostly for logging purpose, with no user data.
Listing 2. Entry from the notification event log (edited).
1 <Events>
2 <Event>
3 <System>
4 <Provider Name='Microsoft-Windows-PushNotifications-Platform'>
5 (...)
6 <EventID>1268</EventID>(...)
7 <EventData>
8 <Data Name='Verb'>NFY</Data>
9 <Data Name='Bytes'>2886</Data>
10 <Data Name='Payload'>4E4659203020574
12 (...)
13 </Data>
Listing 3. Decoded payload.
1 NFY 0 WNS\NOTIF.1044479.2886
2 Time: 2021-11-01T22:43:05Z
3 Channel: 1;2480582478643571433
4 Type: wns/raw
5 Expiry: 2021-11-01T22:43:36Z
6 Msg-Id: 2FFA92518E571E1
7 Mirroring: Allowed
8 TTL: 31
9 Ack: true
10 MS-CV: ZO43+QOf7KSkj7wk.
12 {
13 "cdpNotificationTypeId":1,
14 "notificationTypeId":0,
15 "commands":[
16 {
17 "requestId":"45(...)",
18 "sourceUserDeviceThumbprint":"c+(...)=",
19 "destinationUserDeviceThumbprint":"+p(...)E=",
20 "commandTypeId":100,
21 "commandTypeText":"CDP",
22 "innerPayload":{
23 "cdp":"AgE(...)ADQE="
24 },
25 "isPayloadHeldback":false,
26 "timeToLive":"2021-11-01T22:43:36.6156757Z",
27 "correlationId":"1(...)",
28 "correlationVector":"ZO(...)"
29 }
30 ]
31 }
Forensic. Sci. 2022, 2 104
Listing 4. Decoded inner payload.
1 (...)
2 com.microsoft.phonecontent
3 (...)
4 b.a.t.t.e.r.y.C.h.a.r.g.i.n.g.....
5 b.a.t.t.e.r.y.P.e.r.c.e.n.t...
6 b.a.t.t.e.r.y.P.o.w.e.r.S.a.v.e
7 i.p.4.A.d.d.r.e.s.s..New
9 i.p.4.S.u.b.n.e.t.M.a.s.k...
10 (...)
6.2. Browsers
Browsers can be another source of forensic data linked to Windows notifications. This
happens when a web application running in the browser produces a notification and the
user has previously authorized the application/browser to deliver toast notifications to
Windows Action Center. Examples of applications able to deliver notifications include
email clients such as
, as well as calendar applications such as
Google Calendar.
For browsers based on Chromium, such as Google Chrome, Edge, Brave and Vivaldi,
these web applications generated notifications are kept in a LevelDB database, a key-value
store engine [
], classified as an NO-SQL database. In LevelDB, keys and values have no
format restrictions, as they are blobs of data.
A LevelDB database has several files, all kept in the same directory. The most relevant
files are
, where
are hexadecimal numbers
. These files contain the keys/values that is, data. First,
the key/value pairs are written in a
file. This goes on until the
file reaches a
given threshold, which is 4 MiB by default. When this occurs, the data held by the
are transferred to a
file, and a new
is created. After a given number of
conversion to
, the
file is consolidated, that is, keys are sorted and duplicate
entries are eliminated. The comparison is performed by a user-given comparator [26].
Regarding data extraction, and considering that notifications have a substantial text
part, data can be extracted from
files through strings extractor utilities such as Mi-
crosoft Sysinternals’ strings.
For Chromium-based browsers, the location of the correspondent notification direc-
tory is given in Table 17. Note that the variable
\%L ocalAppData\%
corresponds to the
user’s local application data and maps to
C:\Users\USER\AppData\Loca l
, with
corresponding to the login name of the user. An example of the content retrieved from a
.log LevelDB file is shown in Listing 5.
Table 17. Location of Notification LevelDB directory for Chromium-based browsers.
Browser Location
\%LocalAppData\%\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser\User Data\Default\
, Platform Notifications
Chrome \%LocalAppData\%\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Platform
, Notifications
Edge \%LocalAppData\%\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\Platform
, Notifications
Vivaldi \%LocalAppData\%\Vivaldi\User Data\Default\Platform Notifications
Forensic. Sci. 2022, 2 105
Listing 5. Notification of a mail message extracted from a .log file.
1 SenderName"Patricio Domingues"
2 SenderEmail"patricio@[redacted]"
3 Subject"[Mail message] (subject)"
4 BodyPreview"This is a test message."
5 MessageId"AQ(...)"
6 NotificationType"NewMail"
7. Conclusions
Windows Push Notification is a Windows 10 service that delivers various types of
notifications—badges, tiles and toasts—to applications and to logged on users. As noti-
fications are kept in a per-user
SQLite 3 database, although for a short
timespan, it is possible to access the last notifications delivered to the respective user. More-
over, resorting to record recovering methodologies for SQLite 3 allows the recuperation of
database records that might contain relevant artifacts for the case in examination.
The forensic value of notifications will depend on the installed applications and on
the respective usage of these applications at the computer under analysis. For instance,
a user that employs a messaging application such as Facebook Messenger UWP, and the
user’s notification database, might hold some relevant received messages that can help
forensic practitioners.
and the associated
module for Autopsy parse all Windows
databases, showing within Autopsy data from the most relevant tables
of the database—
. Additionally, by resorting to
four different record recovery methods, the software allows for the recuperation of older
records that can yield potentially valuable data for the forensic examination.
Another source of notification messages is Windows Event Logs, namely the
oft-Windows-PushNoti fication-Pla tfor m\%4Oper ational. evtx
event log. However,
the log contains mostly control messages, with few or no user data, and thus has minor
forensic value. Additionally, messages are presented in hex format, and encoded in base64,
with some of them having additional internal payload, also encoded. Encoding makes for
a difficult indexation, hardening searches.
Web applications, such as email clients and calendars, running within browsers can
also trigger notifications. For Chromium-based browsers, these notifications are kept in
LevelDB and can be recovered. Depending on the web application, some data with forensic
value can be retrieved.
Our analysis of the first release of Windows 11 Home edition reveals that WPN
infrastructure remains the same, with the exception of the addition of the
on in the wpndatabase.db databases.
Due to the limited scope and timespan of the data, it is not expectable that Windows
10/11’s notifications can yield a large volume of meaningful forensic artifacts. Nonetheless,
in situations where other more traditional sources of data are not available or have failed to
deliver useful data, notifications can still provide valuable artifacts.
As future work, we plan to add reporting to the module, using Autopsy’s support, and
keep accompanying the evolution of Windows 10/11’s notification service to incorporate
changes and evolution to the underlying databases.
Author Contributions:
Conceptualization, P.D. and M.F.; methodology, P.D. and M.F.; software,
L.A.; validation, P.D., M.F. and L.A.; formal analysis, P.D. and M.F.; investigation, P.D., M.F. and
L.A.; resources, P.D. and L.A.; data curation, P.D. and M.F.; writing—original draft preparation, P.D.;
writing—review and editing, M.F. and L.A.; visualization, M.F.; supervision, P.D. and M.F.; project
administration, and funding acquisition, M.F. All authors have read and agreed to the published
version of the manuscript.
This work was partially supported by CIIC under the FCT/MCTES project UIDB/CEC/
-4524/2020, and EU funds under the project UIDB/EEA/50008/2020.
Institutional Review Board Statement: This study did not require ethical approval.
Forensic. Sci. 2022, 2 106
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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