Extending the GoT model into a multi-language, multi-platform distributed system
through interoperable Spacetime dataframes
submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements
for the degree of
in Software Engineering
Shrijith Saraswathi Venkatramana
Thesis Committee:
Cristina Videira Lopes, Chair
Sam Malek
James A. Jones
© 2021 Shrijith Saraswathi Venkatramana
1 Introduction 1
2 Related Work 5
2.1 RPC/Distributed Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.2 Message-Oriented . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.3 Publish-Subscribe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.4 Tuple Spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3 The GoT Distributed Computing Model 10
3.1 GoT, Git but for Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3.2 GoT Example: Simplified Space Race . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3.2.1 Data Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
3.2.2 Server Node: Physics Simulator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3.2.3 Client Node: Player . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
3.2.4 Conflict Detection and Resolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
3.3 Extending Spacetime into a multi-language, multi-platform system . . . . . . 17
4 Designing an Interface Definition Language for GoT 18
4.1 The Purpose Behind Creating Interface Definition Languages . . . . . . . . . 18
4.2 A Brief History of Interface Definition Languages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
4.3 Observations on Earlier Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
4.3.1 Case Study: Technical Issues with the CORBA API . . . . . . . . . . 21
4.4 GoT IDL and Code Generator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
4.4.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
4.4.2 Example Usage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
4.4.3 Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
4.4.4 Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
5 Generic Dataframe Communication Protocol in GoT 28
5.1 Interoperability in CORBA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
5.1.1 Object Request Broker (ORB) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
5.1.2 Generic Inter-ORB Protocol (GIOP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
5.1.3 Common Data Representation (CDR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
5.2 GoT Communication Protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
5.2.1 Data Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
5.2.2 Fetch Cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
5.2.3 Push Cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
6 Support for Spacetime Dataframes in the Browser 38
6.1 Extended Spacetime Abstraction Layers Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
6.2 WebAssembly (WASM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
6.3 Emscripten . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
6.4 The Bindings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
6.4.1 Backend Dataframe Inner Bindings (Python bindings) . . . . . . . . 43
6.4.2 WASM Dataframe Inner Bindings (Embind) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
6.5 Backend Dataframe Core . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
6.6 Websockify and Network Protocol Compatibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
7 Validation: Building an Online Presence Application 47
7.1 Application Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
7.2 Generic Interface Design for the Web Presence Application . . . . . . . . . . 48
7.2.1 Generated Python Class: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
7.2.2 Generated Typescript Class: IPresence.ts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
7.3 Implementing Application Logic Using the Generated Classes . . . . . . . . . 51
7.3.1 Client Logic in the Browser Using Typescript Binding . . . . . . . . . 51
7.3.2 Server Logic in the Backend Using Python Binding . . . . . . . . . . 53
7.4 Websockify: Translate Between WebSockets and POSIX Network Calls . . . 54
7.5 Result . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
8 Discussion: Comparison with Parse Platform 56
8.1 Parse Platform Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
8.2 Implementing the Web Presence Application in Parse Platform . . . . . . . . 58
8.3 Developer API Comparison for Extended Spacetime and Parse Platform . . 60
8.4 Feature Comparison for Extended Spacetime and Parse Platform . . . . . . . 61
9 Future Work and Conclusion 64
9.1 Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
9.1.1 Object Persistence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
9.1.2 Advanced Object Queries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
9.1.3 More Language Bindings and Runtimes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
9.1.4 Class Level Permissions and ACLs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
9.1.5 Advanced Data Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
9.2 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Bibliography 67
1.1 Extended Spacetime Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2.1 A high-level overview of middleware systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3.1 Structure of a GoT Node. Arrows denote the direction of data flow. . . . . . 12
4.1 High level overview of GoT IDL and code generator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
4.2 Details of IDL parser and code generator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
5.1 The fetch cycle sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
5.2 The push cycle sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
6.1 Detailed Layered Spacetime Architecture for enabling heterogeneous function-
ality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
6.2 Extended Spacetime bindings: purpose and implementation technologies . . 43
7.1 A sample interaction with the Web Presence Application . . . . . . . . . . . 55
8.1 Parse Platform Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
1.1 Contribution Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3.1 API Table for a Dataframe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
4.1 History of IDLs in the context of their respective environments . . . . . . . . 20
5.1 GoT Protocol Data format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
8.1 Application Developer API comparison for Extended Spacetime and Parse
Platform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
8.2 Summary of comparison between Spacetime and Parse Platform . . . . . . . 61
I would like to thank my advisor Professor Cristina V. Lopes for her constant support and
guidance. I would also like to express my gratitude to Rohan Achar for introducing me to
the subject, mentoring me throughout and also for various code contributions. And I want
to thank Xiaochin Yu for providing valuable code contributions to the framework’s core and
technical insights.
Extending the GoT model into a multi-language, multi-platform distributed system
through interoperable Spacetime dataframes
Shrijith Saraswathi Venkatramana
Master of Science in Software Engineering
University of California, Irvine, 2021
Cristina Videira Lopes, Chair
Over the years, the computing landscape at large has become more diverse and heterogeneous
in terms of programming languages, operating systems, networking methods, and hardware.
With such increasing heterogeneity, any new distributed programming model needs to func-
tion successfully across the gamut of languages and platforms. The Global Object Tracker
(GoT) is a recently introduced distributed programming model, initially implemented as
the Spacetime framework in a single implementation language Python. In this thesis, we
explore the possibility and feasibility of extending Spacetime into a multi-language, multi-
platform distributed system through a combination of generic and platform-specific tech-
niques. In particular, I explain the design of an Interface Definition Language (IDL) for
GoT, in the backdrop of historically significant IDLs. Moreover, we explore the underlying
protocol defined in GoT which enables interoperability among heterogeneous components.
The thesis is validated by demonstrating a simple Web Presence application where much of
the complexity emerging due to heterogeneity is hidden from the application developer. The
complexity hiding in the example application is explained in the context of a layered archi-
tecture. Moreover, we compare the extended Spacetime framework with the Parse Platform,
a contemporary heterogeneous distributed system originally from Facebook.
Chapter 1
The Global Object Tracker (GoT) is a recently introduced distributed programming model [13,
12]. During initial introduction, it was implemented in a single implementation language
Python. One of the important challenges for a distributed programming model to re-
solve is that of heterogeneity of languages, platforms, and systems. This thesis explores
the possibility and feasibility of extending GoT’s initial implementation, Spacetime, into a
multi-language, multi-platform distributed system.
This thesis aims to establish the feasibility of extending Spacetime into a multi-language and
multi-platform distributed system through a combination of generic and platform-specific
techniques. We go into the details of designing an interface definition language, the protocol
underlying the GoT programming model, and platform specific concerns such as networking
compatibility. The system is validated by building an application on top of the extended
Spacetime framework. Moreover, a comparison with a contemporary system, Parse Platform
is included.
The extended Spacetime framework described in this thesis in particular takes advantage of
various techniques to enable interoperability:
Figure 1.1: Extended Spacetime Architecture
Specifying and using an Interface Definition Language (IDL) and accompanying code
Taking advantage of GoT’s flexible and platform independent protocol for dataframe
Building a common C++ core into multiple target platforms
Accessing the common core through language and platform dependent binding tech-
A high level overview of the extended Spacetime architecture is shown in Figure 1.1. All
the aforementioned techniques are represented as various components in the architecture
diagram, and subsequent chapters will cover each component in detail. This thesis has
benefited greatly from the contributions of various people as detailed in Table 1.1.
Table 1.1: Contribution Details
Extended Spacetime Component Contributor
Version graph core in C++ Xiaochin Yu
Python bindings and GoT protocol specification Rohan Achar
The rest of the thesis is organized as follows. In Chapter 2, I discuss related work. Chap-
ter 3 describes the original GoT programming model and an example application designed
for its implementation framework, Spacetime. In Chapter 4, a historical study of IDLs is
combined with the design of an IDL for Spacetime. Chapter 5 describes the generic commu-
nication protocol in GoT that enables interoperability. Chapter 6 explains how Spacetime
was extended to the browser. Chapter 7 describes the validation of the overall framework
through an example Web Presence application. Chapter 8 compares Extended Spacetime to
the Parse Platform. Chapter 9 outlines Future work and the conclusion.
Chapter 2
Related Work
As the heterogeneity of components and platforms increase in the computing landscape,
successful interoperability is a requirement for any new distributed model. Interoperability of
components in complex distributed systems has been a topic of study for quite a while [14]. A
very high-level overview of traditional middlware is shown in Figure 2.1. We see that various
platform variations are hidden from the application through the middleware abstraction.
Extended Spacetime, while based on a uniquely Git-inspired model, still shares many of
similarities with traditional interoperability middleware.
These traditional middleware systems can be divided into various categories such as [15]:
RPC/Distributed Objects
Message-based Systems
Publish-Subscribe Systems
Tuple Spaces
Figure 2.1: A high-level overview of middleware systems
2.1 RPC/Distributed Objects
The Remote Procedure Call (RPC) based Distributed Objects paradigm is the oldest form of
distributed systems and was introduced as early as 1988 in the form of Network Computing
Architecture (NCA) [18]. The location broker used UUIDs for the first time for uniquely
identifying objects in this system. This was a proprietary system from Apollo and Hewlett
Later in 1990, SUN Microsystems released Open Network Computing (ONC) which provided
object tracking and communication facilities based on RPC [6]. It also made use of a common
platform independent data format known as XDR.
Next in 1993, the Open Software Foundation (OSF) defined a layered design called Dis-
tributed Computing Environment (DCE) that combined aspects of NCA and ONC into an
open standards for distributed applications [28].
In 1997, the Object Management Group (OMG) introduced CORBA [30], and the same year,
Microsoft unveiled DCOM [29]. Both these systems provide object tracking and synchroniza-
tion functions through a combination of an interface definition language and communication
This paradigm is similar to GoT in at least two respects: one, the use of IDLs and object
trackers to choose which data to transmit, and second, the use of platform independent
protocols and data formats.
2.2 Message-Oriented
In the Message-oriented category, MSMQ [27] and Java Message Service (JMS) [22] are
examples of traditional middleware. These systems usually use a message queue that decou-
ples senders and receivers. A message-based application denotes a set of developer specified
messages and a set of clients that exchange them. A message here can be thought of as a pre-
cisely defined asynchronous request that carries valuable information and helps coordinate
various components in a distributed system.
From an application developer point of view, this is a much more generic and flexible system,
since the message can be constructed in whichever way the developer wishes. Essentially the
developer is tasked with coming with a communication strategy for nodes in message oriented
systems, whereas in GoT, communication is hidden from the developer in the middleware
2.3 Publish-Subscribe
One could argue that Publish-Subscribe is a type of message-oriented system. However, it
is listed here as a separate category due to the signifiance and common occurance of this
sort of system. In the Publish-Subscribe category, the producers and consumers of messages
are anonymous from one another, and communicate through topic-based or content-based
filtering. SIENA [17] and JMS support this style of interoperability. The style can be charac-
terized as event-based because components in Publish-Subscribe systems react to particular
types of notifications. This type of service can provide properties such as asynchrony, het-
erogeneity, and security. Moreover, the loose coupling enables a client to post messages even
if the server is not running.
In contrast to GoT, systems of this sort provide expressiveness in the selection of target
nodes. Also, in GoT the nodes have to explicitly specify the server address to establish a
connection, whereas, in Publish-Subscribe systems components are decoupled.
2.4 Tuple Spaces
In the tuple space category, the Linda platform [16] introduced tuple-spaces as a shared
memory to which clients can write data into and read data from, much like a relational
database. However, unlike relational databases the object query API provided is of a more
primitive kind in contrast to SQL. This requires a set of tuple servers to host the tuple space.
JavaSpaces is another example in this category of distributed systems [20].
The GoT platform makes use of Directed Acyclic Graph in both the clients and servers as
its core data structure. Moreover, in Tuple Spaces, the clients are kept simple by purpose,
and this can be both an advantage and a disadvantage. The disadvantage is that data
synchronization requires manual read and write queries to the tuple space, and this can
lead to mixing up of concerns of data modification and transmission. Additionally, manual
queries lack the convenience provided by automatic object tracking. The advantage is that
the client is not burdened by framework overhead, making it suitable for resource deficient
Chapter 3
The GoT Distributed Computing
Parts of this chapter have been included from [13] with the author’s permission
The GoT model was proposed as an approach to solve the object state synchronization
problem among components of a distributed system. The model drew inspiration from
Git [24], a widely used distributed version control system, that uses a Directed Acyclic
Graph called the Version graph and various operations on it. The Version Graph operations
include diff, commit, checkout, fetch, push and merge. The GoT model was made practical
in the Spacetime framework, written in Python.
One of the key observations in the design of GoT was that state synchronization among
distributed components is a common theme among all types of distributed architectures
such as client-server, peer-to-peer, map-reduce and so on. GoT is designed for distributed
applications such as multiplayer gaming and multi-agent simulations.
3.1 GoT, Git but for Objects
The core idea behind GoT is that the state synchronization problem can be seen from a
distributed version control problem point of view. Multiple components can make changes to
their local working copies. These local changes can be committed into dataframes (equivalent
of Git repositories), and then the dataframes can send or receive changes via fetch and push.
If the changes are in conflict, three-way conflict resolution routines can be executed to resolve
the conflicts. In essence, GoT is the formalization of an object-oriented programming model
based on causal consistency with application-level conflict resolution strategies whose elements
are taken from decentralized version control systems.
The GoT model doesn’t replicate all the functionalities of Git; for example, Git-like branches
are not supported, neither is the ”undo” capabilities. The functions supported by the
dataframe are summarized in Table 3.1
3.2 GoT Example: Simplified Space Race
In this section, we simplify and present relevant excerpts of an example Space Race game
from the original GoT paper.
The key abstraction used in GoT is the dataframe, which is can be compared to the repository
concept in Git. In Git, files are tracked, whereas in GoT, objects in memory are tracked.
Changes are made to the working data of the dataframe and GoT tracks changes as they are
made. These changes can then be committed into the revision history and then transferred
to remote dataframes. The flow of data is depicted in Figure 3.1.
Table 3.1: API Table for a Dataframe
Dataframe API Equivalent Git API Purpose
read {one, all} N/A Read objects from local snap-
add {one, many} git add <untracked > Add new objects to local snap-
delete {one, all} git rm <files > Delete objects from local snap-
git add <modified > Objects are locally modified
which is tracked by the local
commit git commit Write staged changes in local
snapshot to local version his-
checkout git checkout Update local snapshot to the
local version history HEAD.
push git push Write changes in local version
history to a remote version his-
fetch git fetch && git merge Get changes from remote ver-
sion history to local version
pull git pull fetch and then checkout.
Figure 3.1: Structure of a GoT Node. Arrows denote the direction of data flow.
3.2.1 Data Model
At this point, we will see how a typical data model in Spacetime looks like, in the Python
language. The example is in Listing 3.2.
1 @pcc set
2 c l a s s Player ( object ) :
3 oid = primarykey ( int )
4 p l a y e r i d = dimension ( st r )
5 ready = dimension ( bool )
6 winner = dimension ( bool )
8 def i n i t ( s e l f ) :
9 s e l f . o i d = random . ra n d i nt (0 , s y s . maxsize )
10 . . . ot h er i n i t i a l i z a t i o n s , i n c l u di n g nons hared f i e l d s
11 s e l f . world = World ( ) # Example nons h ared f i e l d
13 def a c t ( s e l f ) :
14 . . . do something smart with s h i p . . .
Listing 3.1: A typical node in Spacetime
Line 1 introduces the pcc set decorator, which marks the subsequent class objects created
to be tracked through the GoT tracker.
Line 3 uses the primarykey method to denote the name for the attribute which can be used
to uniquely identify a particular object of that class.
Line 4-6 define attributes that are to be tracked and synchronized.
Line 11, in the initialization function we see an additional attribute which is not tracked or
synchronized by the GoT tracker.
3.2.2 Server Node: Physics Simulator
The data model defined in the previous section is used in various GoT nodes to build the
application logic. In this case, we briefly outline a Physics Simulator node, that acts as the
authoritative component of all the nodes and also enforces game rules. The simulator node
is in Listing 3.2.
1 c l a s s Game( object ) :
2 #D e c l a r a t i o n s
4 def
i n i t ( s e l f , d f ) :
5 s e l f . dataframe = df #s t o r e t he dataframe
6 s e l f . world = s e l f . s et u p w or l d ( ) #se t u p t h e game .
7 s e l f . dataframe . commit ( ) #Push a s t e r o i d s i n t o th e v e r s i o n graph .
9 def play ( s e l f ) :
10 game over = F a ls e ;
11 x = x gen ( )
12 while not game over :
13 s t a r t t = time . p e r f c o u n t e r ( )
14 s e l f . dataframe . checkout ( )
16 for p in s e l f . dataframe . r e a d a l l ( Player ) :
17 i f p . oid not in s e l f . c u r r e n t p l a y e r s : #new p la y e r s
18 s e l f . c u r r e n t p l a y e r s [ p . o id ] =p ;
19 p . ready=True
21 s e l f . m o v e ast er o i d s ( )
22 s e l f . mo ve ships ( )
23 s e l f . d e t e c t c o l l i s i o n s ( )
25 s e l f . dataframe . commit ( )
27 e l a p s e d t = time . p e r f c o u n t e r ( ) s t a r t t
28 time . s l e e p ( Game .DELTA TIME e l a p s e d t )
30 def s r p h y s i c s ( dataframe ) :
31 game = Game( dataframe )
32 my print ( READY FOR NEW GAME )
33 while True :
34 game . pl a y ( )
35 my print ( GAME OVER )
36 time . s l e e p (WAIT FOR START)
38 def main ( p o r t ) :
39 node = GotNode ( s r p h y s i c s , s e r v e r p o r t = port , dataframe= sp a c e r a c e . got ,
40 Types = [ Player , Ship , A s t e ro i d ] )
41 node . s t a r t ( )
Listing 3.2: The Physics Simulator node
Line 39 demonstrates creating the node where the entry function, port, dataframe name,
and list of types are passed.
Line 30 defines the entry function that takes in the dataframe is passed as an argument.
This function initiates the game loop.
Line 14, in the game loop, we see the server checking out data from the version history.
And from the dataframe, all Player objects are read, and the dictionary of current players
is updated.
From line 21, we call some functions that update fields under version control, after which
the changes are committed into the version graph.
3.2.3 Client Node: Player
One of the types of client nodes is of type Player. During initialization, this node can form a
connection with a remote port, defined either as through initialization parameters or through
a got URL such as got://[:port]/ . The player client node is in
Listing 7.4
1 SYNC TIME = 0 . 3 #s e c s
2 def b o t d r i v e r ( dataframe , p l a y e r c l a s s ) :
3 dataframe . p u l l ( )
4 my player = p l a y e r c l a s s ( dataframe )
5 dataframe . add one ( Player , my player )
6 dataframe . commit ( ) ; dataframe . push ( )
8 my player . i n i t w o r l d ( )
9 while True :
10 s t a r t t = time . p e r f c o u n t e r ( )
12 dataframe . p u l l ( )
13 s u r v i v e d = my player . ac t ( )
14 dataframe . commit ( ) ;
15 dataframe . push ( )
16 . . . p l a y e r l o g i c . . .
17 e l a p s e d t = time . p e r f c o u n t e r ( ) s t a r t t
18 s l e e p t = SYNC TIME e l a p s e d t
19 i f s l e e p t > 0 :
20 time . s l e e p ( s l e e p t )
22 def main ( ) :
23 a r gs = . . . # p a rse command l i n e arg s
24 p l a y e r . s t a r t ( g e t c l a s s ( a r g s . p l a y e r ) )
Listing 3.3: Player Driver
In line 2, in the client handler function bot driver the dataframe is received.
Line 3 pulls data from the server into its local version graph.
Line 4-5, we create a new player representing the node and add it to the dataframe
Line 6, commit and push operations ensure the changes are sent to the physics node.
Line 9-20 define the game loop where loop, act, commit, push actions are performed in order.
3.2.4 Conflict Detection and Resolution
Conflicts are detected whenever the receiving update starts with a version different from
the local version graph’s HEAD (latest local update). GoT allows the developer to define
a three-way merge between the original snapshot (common ancestor), local snapshot and
remote snapshot.
For instance, the physics node has the a function that allows a three-way merge as illustrated
in Listing 3.4:
1 def c o n f l i c t r e s o l u t i o n ( c o n f l i c t i t e r , o ri g i n a l s n a p , my snap , t h e i r s n a p ) :
2 for o r i g i n a l , yours , t h e i r s in c o n f l i c t i t e r :
3 i f is ins tan c e ( yours , Ship ) :
4 i f abs ( t h e i r s . v e l o c i t y ) <= World .MAX SPEED:
5 mine . v e l o c i t y = t h e i r s . v e l o c i t y
6 my snap . r e s o l v e w i t h ( mine )
7 el s e :
8 #i f i t i s an a s t e r o i d
9 my snap . r e s o l v e w i t h ( mine )
10 return my snap
Listing 3.4: Conflict Resolution
Line 4 chooses the incoming Ship velocity over local velocity, as long as the incoming value
is less than or equal to World.MAXSPEED.
3.3 Extending Spacetime into a multi-language, multi-
platform system
The separation of concerns established by the working data and Version History components
is of value in extending Spacetime into a multi-language and multi-platform distributed
system. The Version Graph or the History of changes can be thought of as the core of
the application, and can be written in a language such as C++ with portability in mind.
This core can then be accessed in various platforms through language bindings. And the
language bindings can interact with language-specific working data handlers. In this thesis,
we target two platforms: the browser and a linux backend to demonstrate the feasibility of
this architecture in detail.
Chapter 4
Designing an Interface Definition
Language for GoT
In this section, we discuss the problem of designing an Interface Definition Language for
distributed systems in generic terms and then in that context specify a language for GoT.
In particular, we will describe the reason for creating interface definition languages, their
history in brief, application in the space of distributed systems, and how past attempts have
fared in the world at large.
4.1 The Purpose Behind Creating Interface Definition
The original goal for creating interface definition languages was to hide the complexity
of distributed systems from the applications programmer [19]. The complexity arises in
distributed systems due to the heterogeneity of:
1. Application development languages
2. Operating Systems
3. Communication and network protocols
This sort of heterogeneity forces the developer to consider an assortment of interoperability
issues. These additional set of considerations could be a large burden to the application
developer or be at the root of ”hard to find and debug” bugs.
The way to minimize the burden of dealing with interoperability issues is to create an inter-
face definition language (IDL) as an abstraction that hides the aforementioned heterogeneity.
An IDL defines the following aspects for programming objects:
1. Functional responsibility of particular classes of objects
2. Method arguments
3. Direction of parameters (i.e server to client or client to server or both)
4. User data structures
5. Method return types
IDLs do not deal with the code or functionality for the specifications. That is, IDLs specify
merely the what of objects, not the how.
4.2 A Brief History of Interface Definition Languages
Table 4.1: History of IDLs in the context of their respective environments
Objects System
Year of in-
Network Computing
Architecture (NCA)
Introduced Network Interface Definition Language
(NIDL). The NIDL compiler generated C source
code, letting the developer extend it as per the re-
Open Network Com-
puting (ONC)
Included an IDL based code generator known as
RPCGEN. The IDL was called Remote Procedure
Call Language (RPCL) and the compiler generated
C source code.Unlike NIDL, RPCGEN encourages
developers to build their own protocol from scratch
every time. The data transfer happen through a uni-
form, platform independent data format commonly
known as XDR.
Distributed Com-
puting Environment
Combined RPCGEN’s compiler with NIDL’s UUID
based object identification. Moreover, DCE sup-
ported XDR for a platform-independent data format.
Common Object Re-
quest Broker Archi-
tecture (CORBA)
Object Management Group (OMG) defined a C++-
like interface definition language.
Distributed Compo-
nent Object Model
Microsoft introduced Microsoft Interface Definition
Language (MIDL), as part of DCOM.
4.3 Observations on Earlier Systems
Despite various attempts at establishing a standards for distributed computing, the afore-
mentioned systems have mostly fell out of large-scale adaption due to various factors [23]:
1. Sun ONC, Apollo NCS, and DCE, were restricted C and unix, and hence were not
really workable for heterogeneous systems
2. Microsoft’s DCOM was mostly restricted to the Windows environment and the ports
to Unix didn’t gain traction
3. During the explosive growth of Web, on the basis of Java, HTTP and Enterprise
JavaBeans (EJB), CORBA didn’t provide sufficient support for the Web
4. Complexity of the CORBA API
4.3.1 Case Study: Technical Issues with the CORBA API
Of all the attempts listed earlier, CORBA had the highest traction and also the most com-
prehensive set of features. However, the following limitations were observed [23]
1. Complexity
(a) CORBA’s object adapter requires more than 200 lines of interface definitions,
even though the same functionality can be provided in 30 lines
(b) CORBA’s Interoperable object references (IORs) as an architectural decision cre-
ated many unpleasant developer experiences. IORs force the use of a naming
service because the clients cannot create object references without the help of
an external service. Also, they require remote calls to compare object identity
reliably, the overhead of which is prohibitive for many applications.
2. Lack of versioning
(a) Making gradual upgrades to programming objects in a backward compatible way
was not possible in CORBA which forced all parts of the deployed application to
be replaced at once typically infeasible to fulfill in real-time, practical systems.
Architecturally, the CORBA model fails to fully separate object tracking and object trans-
mission. This is something GoT addresses through the concept of dataframe. In GoT, the
object’s change tracking is done through PCC set libraries, whereas the transmission is done
through dataframe operations.
4.4 GoT IDL and Code Generator
4.4.1 Overview
The GoT IDL is an interface definition language that can be used to describe PCC sets.
In the original reference implementation of GoT, the Spacetime framework, PCC sets [13]
expressed through a decorator specify what objects are to be tracked for changes.
Through rtypegen, GoT IDL code can generate PCC sets and required library code for
various languages. The syntax for GoT IDL is derived from a variation of the original
Python based PCC-set class definitions.
4.4.2 Example Usage
Suppose we wanted to use GoT for tracking a student’s grade. Then one would write a PCC
set definition using GoT IDL, in a file called input.pcc as shown in Listing 4.1.
1 c l a s s grade :
2 primary i n t s t u d en t i d
3 i n t p o i n t s
4 b o o l p a ssed
5 merge func h a n d l e c o n f l i c t s
Listing 4.1: GoT IDL Example
Next, one could use the code generator rtypegen, to generate stubs for Python and Javascript:
python3 rt ypeg en . py i inpu t . pcc
The generated Python stub code would is shown in Listing 4.2:
1 from r t y p e s import primarykey , dimension , p c c s e t
3 @pcc set
4 c l a s s grade :
5 s t ud e n t i d = primarykey ( int )
6 p o i n t s = dimension ( int )
7 passed = dimension ( bool )
8 def h a n d l e c o n f l i c t s ( s e l f ) : pass
Listing 4.2: Python generated class
The generated Typescript stub code is shown in Listing 4.3.
1 import { dimension, primarykey, Dimension } from 'rtypes/attributes';
2 import { Datatype } from 'rtypes/utils/enums';
3 import { pccSet } from 'rtypes/types/pcc_set';
5 @pccSet
6 export class grade {
7 name: string;
9 _student_id: Dimension;
10 _points: Dimension;
11 _passed: Dimension;
13 student_id: any;
14 points: any;
15 passed: any
17 /*
18 Do not remove the following line
19 -- required for GoT object tracker functionality
20 */
21 static dtype: Map<string, any> = new Map();
23 constructor() {
24 this._student_id = primarykey(Datatype.INTEGER)
25 this._points = dimension(Datatype.INTEGER);
26 this._passed = dimension(Datatype.BOOLEAN)
28 /*
29 Do not remove the following line
30 -- required for GoT object tracker functionality
31 */
32 this.transformProps();
33 }
34 handle_conflicts() {
36 }
37 }
Listing 4.3: Generated Typescript class
Both the Python and Typescript generated classes can create Spacetime objects which later
can communicate with each other through underlying dataframes across heterogeneous plat-
forms. More about this is described in the future chapters.
Dimension Type Support
As of the writing of this thesis, the framework supports primitives types such as integers,
booleans and strings for the dimensions. However, this support can be extended to support
advanced data types such as lists, maps and so on.
Figure 4.1: High level overview of GoT IDL and code generator
4.4.3 Architecture
Figure 4.1 shows a high-level overview of how the IDL, rtypegen and the core dataframes
work in unison to produce an interoperable heterogenous system.
4.4.4 Implementation
The rtypegen parser and code generator details are represented in Figure 4.2. The IDL
syntax is defined through a PEG grammar, which is used to generate the RType Parser.
Figure 4.2: Details of IDL parser and code generator
This parser is coupled with a set of semantic actions corresponding to various languages.
When fed a PCC set data model, the parser can generate output in the target language.
To make the code functional references to support libraries are made within this code. The
support libraries essentially perform the object tracking function, and also implement the
local heap.
The PEG grammar for the parser is presented in Listing 4.4.
1 @@grammar : : r type
3 s t a r t = f i l e : f i l e $ ;
5 f i l e = { p c c s e t : c l a s s d e f }+ ;
7 c l a s s d e f = class name : clas sname : c la ss bo dy : c l a s s b o dy ;
8 cl assna me = c l a s s @: i d e n t i f i e r ;
10 c l a s s b o d y = [ primarydef : pr i m arydef ]
11 d e c l a r a t i o n s : n o r m a ldefs mergefunc : mergefunc ;
13 primarydef = primary @: st ateme nt ;
15 normalde f s = { state ment } ;
16 st atement = type : t y pe de f name : i d e n t i f i e r ;
18 mergefunc = [ merge ’ func @: i d e n t i f i e r ] ;
20 t yp e d e f = | int | bool | s t r ;
22 i d e n t i f i e r = / [
azAZ ] [ azAZ0 9]/ ;
Listing 4.4: PEG Grammar for the parser
Chapter 5
Generic Dataframe Communication
Protocol in GoT
One of the key aspects for achieving interoperable functionality among heterogeneous com-
ponents is a common communication protocol. For example, CORBA uses the General Inter-
ORB Protocol [30] whereas DCOM relies on its remote protocol for communication [26]. For
historical context, we will take a brief look at CORBA’s General Inter-ORB protocol before
explaining the GoT approach.
5.1 Interoperability in CORBA
5.1.1 Object Request Broker (ORB)
The Object Request Broker (ORB) component facilitates the communication between clients
and objects. It is the most important component in the CORBA architecture because almost
every other component depends on it. The ORB hides from a client many aspects, such as:
Object Location (different host, same host but different process, same process)
Object implementation (language)
Object Execution state (already loaded into memory or not)
Object communication mechanism (TCP/IP, shared memory, etc)
Interoperable Object Reference (IOR)
To make an object request, the client uses an object reference [9]. When a CORBA object
is created (usually through the naming service), an object reference is also simultaneously
created which uniquely identifies the particular object across the system. These references
are specified in standard formats and are called IORs. Once a client receives an IOR, it
can create a proxy object using a generated stub from OMG IDL to operate on the object.
Operations to the local object are forwarded to the server by adhering to common standards
such as GIOP and CDR explained below.
5.1.2 Generic Inter-ORB Protocol (GIOP)
The Generic Inter ORB protocol specifies a standard transfer syntax and a set of message for-
mats for communications between ORBs over any connection-oriented transport. Introduced
in CORBA 2.0, the GIOP resolved many previous concerns about lack of interoperability in
Internet Inter-ORB Protocol (IIOP)
The Internet Inter-ORB protocol specifies how GIOP is built over TCP/IP transports. That
is, GIOP is the abstract protocol, whereas IIOP is a practical implementation on top of
A typical message contains the following parts:
Message header (GIOP version, message type, size, byte order)
Request header
Request body
5.1.3 Common Data Representation (CDR)
The IIOP message request and body are governed by the Common Data Representation
(CDR). Messages could be of two types: client request or server response. The client can
send message types: Request, LocateRequest, CancelRequest, Fragment and MessageError.
The server can send message types: Reply, LocateReply, CloseConnection, Fragment and
A fragment of CDR in action is shown Listing 5.1
1 0x47 0 x49 0 x 4 f 0x50 > GIOP, the key
2 0x01 0 x00 > GIOP version
3 0x00 > Byte o r d er ( bi g endian )
4 0x00 > Message type ( Request message )
5 0x00 0 x00 0 x00 0 x2c > Message s i z e ( 4 4 )
6 0x00 0 x00 0 x00 0x00 > S e r v i c e c o nte x t
7 0x00 0 x00 0 x00 0x01 > Request ID
8 0x01 > Response e xpected
9 0x00 0 x00 0 x00 0x24 > Object key l e ng th in o c t e t s ( 3 6 )
10 0xab 0 xac 0xab 0x31 0 x39 0x36 0 x31 0 x30
11 0x30 0 x35 0 x38 0x31 0 x36 0x00 0 x5f 0 x52
12 0 x6f 0 x6f 0 x74 0x50 0 x4f 0 x41 0x00 0 x00
13 0 xca 0 x f e 0xba 0xbe 0x39 0 x47 0 xc8 0 xf8
14 0x00 0 x00 0 x00 0x00 > Object key d e f i n e d by vendor
15 0x00 0 x00 0 x00 0x04 > Operation name l e n g t h (4 o c t e t s lo ng )
16 0x61 0 x64 0 x64 0x00 > Value o f o p e r a t i o n name ( add )
17 0x20 > Padding bytes to a l i g n next va l u e
Listing 5.1: An example of CDR in action
The IIOP and CDR definitions are necessarily complex to account for the complexities of
the underlying systems. However, the example above demonstrates the highly structured
form of the format which ensures the message can be understood regardless of the language
or platform at either end of the communication.
5.2 GoT Communication Protocol
There are essentially two sorts of communication mechanisms by which clients can commu-
nicate with server dataframes.
1. Fetch
2. Push
These methods are explained in this section in detail. Before moving on to that, we will
briefly summarize the data format used for encoding information in the protocol.
5.2.1 Data Format
Table 5.1 lists a set of value types that can be communicated using the GoT protocol.
Examples of the data format in action can be found in the following sections.
Table 5.1: GoT Protocol Data format
Field In-
Field Description
AppName 0 The GoT application name
Data 1 A section for specifying primary key, dimensions, and diff data
2 Specify whether the request is of type Push or Pull
This is the version ID in the Version Graph from which diff is
EndVersion 4
This is the version ID in the Version Graph till where the diff is
Wait 5
Specify whether the server should wait until the merge is com-
6 Used with the previous field, specify in seconds how long to wait
Status 7
Something like HTTP status codes, ex: 200 on successful ac-
Types 8
Specify what PCC set classes are used in this particular trans-
5.2.2 Fetch Cycle
The fetch cycle consists of a client requesting an update from the server, subsequently re-
ceiving the data, and then sending out an acknowledgement. An overview is shown in in Fig
5.1 The fetch cycle involves 3 steps.
Figure 5.1: The fetch cycle sequence
Step 1: The client dataframe constructs the fetch request and sends it to the server.
The client’s construct fetch request method generates a request of the sort illustrated in
Listing 5.2:
1 {
2 0 : GotCounter ,
3 2 : 0 ,
4 3 : 04 a17d602df8 4c1b 94e0 19c3949b6a60 ,
5 5 : f a l s e ,
6 6 : 0 . 0 ,
7 8 : {
8 datamodel . Counter : [
9 datamodel . Counter
10 ]
11 }
12 }
Listing 5.2: Fetch request example
The generation process involves using the repository manager’s retrieve data method to
traverse the version graph and acquire the appropriate tags. The data is later encoded into
Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR) [7], and the client’s send fetch request is
used to send the request to the server.
Step 2: The server dataframe processes the request. First, the CBOR encoded data package
is decoded. Next, the type of request is determined, and if it s a fetch request, then a
retrieve data is executed to acquire the appropriate data from the version graph. Then the
diff data is packaged into a format shown in Listing 5.3.
1 {
2 0 : GotCounter ,
3 1 : {
4 datamodel . Counter : {
5 countDocument : {
6 dims : {
7 count : {
8 type : 0 ,
9 va lue ” : 0
10 } ,
11 pkey : {
12 type : 1 ,
13 va lue ” : countDocument
14 }
15 } ,
16 ty p es ”: {
17 datamodel . Counter : 0
18 }
19 }
20 }
21 } ,
22 3 : ROOT” ,
23 4 : 4 e4b331b 900b41 f9 9c42 08142 b5 e f c 3 d ,
24 7 : 200
25 }
Listing 5.3: Diff data before CBOR encoding
Step 3: The client receives the above data and then on the version graph does a receive data,
and if the call is successful, an acknowledgement is sent back to the server. Finally, the server
receives the acknowledgement of this update, and stores it in the repository.
5.2.3 Push Cycle
The Push cycle is simpler with only 2 steps as summarized in Figure 5.2.
Figure 5.2: The push cycle sequence
Step 1: First, The client sends the diff data to the server in CBOR encoded form. In the
example shown in Listing 5.4, notice that Field 1 is populated with the diff data.
1 {
2 0 : GotCounter ,
3 1 : {
4 datamodel . Counter : {
5 countDocument : {
6 dims : {
7 count : {
8 type : 0 ,
9 va lue ” : 5
10 }
11 } ,
12 t y pes ”: {
13 datamodel . Counter : 1
14 }
15 }
16 }
17 } ,
18 2 : 1 ,
19 3 : 04 a17d602df8 4c1b 94e0 19c3949b6a60 ,
20 4 : aa4ba1b8b34b 415489fb 96 b 8 f8 d af 6 e a ,
21 5 : f a l s e
22 }
Listing 5.4: An example push request
Step 2: The server decodes the data and then through Field 2 recognizes that it is a push
request. Since Field 5 (Wait) is false, an acknowledgement is sent immediately. The push
request is then handled by accessing Field 1 value consisting of the diff data and then the
Version Graph does a receive data.
Chapter 6
Support for Spacetime Dataframes in
the Browser
In this chapter, we attempt to build support for Spacetime dataframes in the browser. The
solution should function despite the following constraints:
Allow the definition of Spacetime data models in Typescript with object tracker support
Minimize the amount of complex code that needs to be ported over to Typescript from
the original
Make the core version graph function as efficiently as possible
Given the aforementioned constraints, we choose the following solution outline:
Implement the core Version Graph functionality in C++ such that it can simultane-
ously target the WebAssembly runtime in the browser and the Linux server backend.
This minimizes the amount of complex core code that needs to be ported and also
delivers near-native speeds for the core in both the platforms.
Figure 6.1: Detailed Layered Spacetime Architecture for enabling heterogeneous functional-
Use embind to provide an inner binding through which the core Version Graph func-
tionality is exposed to the browser’s Javascript runtime
Use Typescript to provide object tracking and other end user level GoT APIs
Use Websockify in the server side to work around network type incompatibilities be-
tween the WebAssembly runtime and the Linux backend
6.1 Extended Spacetime Abstraction Layers Overview
Figure 6.1 shows an overview for the solution architecture. The block on the left represents
the components working in the browser, whereas the block on the right represents compo-
nents working in the Linux backend. Note that the server backend can handle multiple client
dataframes, although for simplicity’s sake, the diagram doesn’t highlight this aspect.
In the web browser, the bottom-most layer consists of a WebAssembly dataframe built
out of C++ source code. This component hosts the Spacetime Version Graph, which is
essentially a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG). This core data structure records the various
GoT operations. The diagram mentions POSIX emulation, a topic which will be explained
in detail in an upcoming section.
Above the core, an inner binding component based on Embind [1] is used to expose certain
GoT operations to the Javascript part. This inner binding uses the Repository abstraction
in the WebAssembly core to the Javascript runtime environment.
On top of that, there is a typescript based outer binding which adds convenience to the
lower level APIs. For example, the high-level checkout operation consists of a lower-level
retrieve data call and another receive data call on the local heap.
Above that, the outer bindings are abstracted over by the generated typescript code. This
implements the object tracker, which essentially watches for changes in the object, and
whenever a commit or checkout operation is executed, will do the necessary data transfer to
and from the local heap.
At the topmost layer, we have the actual application logic for the Web Presence application.
This is the only layer an application programmer has to be concerned with, where the actual
computations are specified and the GoT operations are used to handle data synchornization.
The linux backend server dataframe mirrors various pieces described above earlier with a
critical difference: there is an additional component Websockify, which is used to convert
WebSocket requests into POSIX and vice versa.
6.2 WebAssembly (WASM)
Any approach used to obtain Spacetime functionality in the browser first of all has to address
how the core Version Graph can be implemented. One of the options would be to re-
implement this core in Javascript from scratch. However, the version graph is a complex
component requiring high performance. Managing multiple language implementations of the
same core is a burden, since any changes to the original would need to be mirrored in the
re-writes. Hence, a decision was made to use the web-browser’s WebAssembly runtime as a
In its essence, WebAssembly is a portable low-level bytecode virtual machine [21]. Inspired
by its precursor asm.js, WebAssembly aims to execute at native speed while at the same
time providing a memory-safe, sandboxed execution environment.
The WebAssembly runtime provides numerous benefits such as:
1. Safe: WebAssembly runtime guarantees memory-safety, that is, the guarantee not to
tamper with user data or system state, even for low-level code such as C++.
2. Fast: Low-level code can be optimized at compile time, and the executable can lever-
age the full potential of the underlying hardware without overheads, such as garbage
3. Portable: Web support implies a wide range of machine architectures, browsers, and
operating systems. As of 2021, 92.69% of all browser users can execute code on the
WebAssembly runtime [10].
4. Compact: The binary encoded WebAssembly format is much more compact than
equivalent Javascript code, even when minified and compressed.
6.3 Emscripten
The Spacetime dataframe binary for the WebAssembly runtime is built using a build tool
called Emscripten [31], which is a compiler from LLVM (Low Level Virtual Machine) as-
sembly to Javascript or WASM code. It is essentially a backend compiler to the LLVM. For
example, for C++ there already exist frontend compilers that translate C++ to LLVM as-
sembly. This assembly output can be translated into Javascript or WASM runtimes through
using the Emscripten compiler.
The Emscripten compiler generates implicitly statically typed code and hence is more perfor-
mant than vanilla Javascript. It also includes a loop reconstruction algorithm called Relooper
which can create high-level loop structures in Javascript out of LLVM assembly code.
6.4 The Bindings
There are two sets of bindings used in Extended Spacetime, summarized in Figure 6.2
Outer bindings: This category of bindings are implemented in the application devel-
oper’s language. As a start, we have bindings in Javascript and Python, which will be
discussed in detail in the next chapter. The purpose of the outer binding is to provide
the object tracker, local heap and high level GoT APIs to the developer.
Figure 6.2: Extended Spacetime bindings: purpose and implementation technologies
Inner Bindings: These bindings are glue between the outer binding and the Space-
time core’s Repository APIs. Embind is used as this glue component in the browser,
whereas Python C++ bindings are used in the backend. These will be explained next.
6.4.1 Backend Dataframe Inner Bindings (Python bindings)
The inner bindings are implemented as a Python Extension Module [3]. For example, the
receive data API from the core is exposed as shown in Listing 6.1.
1 #include <Python . h>
3 s t a t i c PyObject R e p o s i t o r y r e c e i v e d a t a (
4 Reposi t o ryObj e c t s e l f , PyObject argv [ ] , i nt argc ) {
5 i f ( argc != 5) {
6 PyErr BadArgument ( ) ;
7 return NULL;
8 }
9 s td : : s t r i n g app name = p y s t r t o s t r i n g ( argv [ 0 ] ) ;
11 s td : : s t r i n g s t a r t v = p y s t r t o s t r i n g ( argv [ 1 ] ) ;
13 s td : : s t r i n g end v = p y s t r t o s t r i n g ( argv [ 2 ] ) ;
15 // implement r e c e i v e d a t a l o g i c
17 }
19 s t a t i c PyMethodDef Reposit o ry me t hods [ ] = {
20 { r e c e i v e d a t a ” , ( PyCFunction ) R e p o s i t o r y r e c e i v e d a t a ,
21 METH FASTCALL, r e c e i v e d a t a ( s t r > s td : : s t r i n g appname ,
22 s t r >s t d : : s t r i n g s t a r t v , s t r >s t d : : s t r i n g end v ,
23 bytes>j s o n d i f f d a t a , bo ol f r o m e x t e r n a l ) > bool succ } ,
24 . . .
25 } ;
Listing 6.1: Python Inner Bindings Excerpt
As shown above, Line 1 includes Python.h which allows access to Python’s C/C++ API. The
argv PyObject array is used to accept inputs from the Python program and, pystr to string
or similar convenience functions are used to extract data in appropriate formats.
6.4.2 WASM Dataframe Inner Bindings (Embind)
The inner bindings expose the lower-level functions of the core Spacetime Version graph.
For example, the function retrieve data can be used to obtain data from the version graph,
whereas, receive data can be used to put data into the version graph. Higher-level func-
tions such as commit and checkout are implemented at the outer bindings on top of these
The functions are exposed to the higher level through an emscripten component called Em-
The following example demonstrates how receive data is exposed to the higher level (Javascript)
through Embind as shown in Listing 6.2:
1 #i n c l u d e <emsc r i pten / bind . h>
3 using namespace emsc r i pten ;
5 c l a s s Js R ep o s i to r y
6 {
7 public :
8 Js R ep o si t or y ( ) {}
10 bool r e c e i v e d a t a ( std : : s t r i n g appname ,
11 std : : s t r i n g s t a r t v , std : : s t r i n g end v ,
12 std : : s t r i n g d i f f d a t a , bool f r o m e x t e r n a l = true ) {
13 // method code
14 }
16 // ot h e r methods
17 } // end c l a s s
20 {
21 c l a s s <JsRepository >( J s Re p o s it o ry )
22 . c o n s t ru c t o r <>()
23 &J s R e po s it o ry : : r e c e i v e d a t a ) ;
24 }
Listing 6.2: Embind bindings for Javascript
The aforementioned piece of code allows the method receive
data to be invoked through
WASM module initializion as shown in Listing 6.3:
1 var i n s t a n c e = new Module . J s R e p o s it o ry ( ) ;
2 // i n t e r m e d i a t e code
3 i n s t a n c e . r e c e i v e d a t a ( app name , s t a r t v , end v , d i f f d a t a )
Listing 6.3: Initializing the WASM Spacetime core
6.5 Backend Dataframe Core
The backend is built into a static library with clang++ and then is installed as a Python
extension module through the following script:
1 CXX=/us r / bin / cl a ng++ cmake DCMAKE BUILD TYPE=Re le a se
2 S c o re / B b u i l d py /
3 CXX=/us r / bin / cl a ng++ cmake bu i l d b u i l d py /
4 cd python && sudo python3 setup . py i n s t a l l
6.6 Websockify and Network Protocol Compatibility
According to the Emscripten Networking documentation, Emscripten attempts to emulate
POSIX socket connections to take place over the WebSocket protocol [4]. The networking
library for Spacetime adheres strictly to the limited types of calls demonstrated in the Em-
scripten sources [2]. While in the browser side, the emulation is seemless, in the backend,
the server deals with standard POSIX socket APIs to be compatible with standard clients.
Hence, a translation between Websockets and POSIX sockets is required. Emscripten doc-
umentation recommends the use of Websockify, a tool that converts Websocket traffic into
POSIX compatible traffic [11].
Chapter 7
Validation: Building an Online
Presence Application
The extended Spacetime framework will be validated through an example application con-
sisting of communicating Spacetime nodes running in the web browser and a Linux backend
server. Both of these services will be built on top of generated object classes from the IDL
specified in Chapter 4.
7.1 Application Requirements
We will be designing a simple Web Presence application on top of the extended Spacetime
framework. The application is to fulfill the following requirements:
Allow guests to join a Web Presence space with their choice of user names
Show a list of all the active users in the Web Presence space in real-time
Allow logged in users to exit or log out of the Web Presence space while updating
displays of all the other logged in users reflecting this change
7.2 Generic Interface Design for the Web Presence Ap-
The first step to take when writing an application in the GoT context is designing the data
model. In this particular case, the goal is to track ”How many users are online?” and ”What
are their usernames?” This hints at having two dimensions at least, the first one, an integer
representing count and another, a string users, representing the list of names.
Using the Interface Definition Language described in Chapter 4, one can come up with an
interface definition as follows:
c l a s s Pres enc e :
primary s t r pkey
i n t count
s t r u se rs
merge fun c h a n d l e c o n f l i c t s
The above file can be used to generate both a Python and Typescript interface definitions
through the following command:
python3 rt ypeg en . py i I P res e n c e . pcc
This command generates two files and IPresence.ts.
We will take a deeper look at both the outputs in the subsequent sections.
7.2.1 Generated Python Class:
For python, the output, with initialization added afterwards is shown in Listing7.1:
1 from r t y p e s import primarykey , dimension , p c c s e t
3 @pcc set
4 c l a s s Presenc e :
5 pkey = primarykey ( s t r )
6 count = dimension ( i n t )
7 u s e r s = dimension ( s t r )
9 d e f h a n d l e c o n f l i c t s ( s e l f ) :
10 p a s s
12 d e f i n i t ( s e l f ) :
13 # the f o l l o w i n g bloc k i s added manually postg e n e r a t i o n
14 s e l f . pkey = Pr e s e nce
15 s e l f . count = 0
16 s e l f . u s e r s = [ ]
Listing 7.1: Generated
Line 1 imports everything necessary to initialize the object tracker. The primarykey and
dimension methods are used to demarcate the type of fields that need to be synchronized.
The pcc set decorator attaches the object tracker components to the dimensions defined.
The type Presence can now be directly used during the initialization of a dataframe.
7.2.2 Generated Typescript Class: IPresence.ts
The interface stub generator, rtypegen at the same time generates a typescript class too,
which look as shown in Listing 7.2 (with initializers defined after generation):
1 import { dimension, primarykey, Dimension }
2 from 'rtypes/attributes';
3 import { Datatype } from 'rtypes/utils/enums';
4 import { pccSet } from 'rtypes/types/pcc_set';
6 @pccSet
7 export class Presence {
9 _pkey: Dimension;
10 _count: Dimension;
11 _users: Dimension;
13 count: any;
14 pkey: any;
15 users: any;
17 /* ### Don't remove these ###*/
18 static dtype: Map<string, any> = new Map();
19 get dtype() { return Presence.dtype; }
20 transformProps: any;
21 /* ### */
23 constructor() {
24 this._pkey = primarykey(Datatype.STRING)
25 this._count = dimension(Datatype.INTEGER);
26 this._users = dimension(Datatype.STRING)
27 = "datamodel.Presence";
29 /* ### don't remove the following ###*/
30 this.transformProps();
32 // the following initializers were added
33 // added after the class was generated
34 this.pkey = "Presence";
35 this.count = 0;
36 this.users = "[]";
37 }
39 handle_conflicts() {
41 }
42 }
Listing 7.2: Generated IPresence.ts
The generated stub for Typescript involves more machinery compared to the Python output,
which is due to its runtime restrictions and experimental support for decorators [8]. Each
IDL dimension is defined twice: first, with an underscore prefixed to its name while assigned
to its dimension type; and second, written literally while assigned to the actual values.
The application programmer need only deal with the second notation, and can ignore the
prefixed-with-underscore version of these attributes.
7.3 Implementing Application Logic Using the Gener-
ated Classes
The generated classes simplify the task of implementing the application requirements. From
the server side, we will see how the application server is instantiated with the generated
Python class. From the browser dataframe, we will use a bit of Javascript to showcase the
implementation for logging in a user.
7.3.1 Client Logic in the Browser Using Typescript Binding
The outer binding in Typescript provides functions such as object tracking, dataframe ini-
tialization, and GoT’s high-level APIs.
An example Listing 7.3 shows how a GoT repository is initialized, and then subsequently a
series of pull, change, commit, and push operations are performed.
1 import { Presence } from './presence';
3 // Module refers to the WASM Spacetime core
4 var instance = new
5 Module.JsRepository();
6 var presence_obj = new Presence();
7 var df = new Spacetime.Dataframe(
8 "PresenceApp",
9 [Presence],
10 "", 59159, instance)
11 var person = prompt("Please share your username: ", "Harry Potter");
12 var initPresence = setInterval(function() {
13 var dp = df.pull();
14 presence_obj = df.read_one(presence_obj, "Presence")
15 if (dp == true){
16 presence_obj.count += 1
17 var user_list = JSON.parse(presence_obj.users);
18 user_list.push(person);
19 presence_obj.users = JSON.stringify(user_list);
20 }
21 df.commit()
22 var dp = df.push()
23 if (dp == true) {
24 clearInterval(initPresence)
25 }
26 }, 30)
28 ...
Listing 7.3: Client Logic in the browser using Typescript
Line 5 create a new instance of the WASM datafrane.
Line 6 uses the generated class to create a new Presence object
Line 7 initializes a Spacetime dataframe with parameters: application name, application
types, server host, port and finally a Spacetime WASM core reference.
Line 12-26 sets up creates an interaction loop where the various GoT operations are per-
formed on the presence object.
Line 24 signifies the push operation is successful and the execution moves on to line 27 and
so on. The operations for the ”display update” and ”exit/log out” use cases are similar to
the above use case.
7.3.2 Server Logic in the Backend Using Python Binding
The Python outer bindings implement object tracking, local heap and GOT APIs in Python.
For the Web Presence server, the application logic is implemented in Listing ??.
1 import s y s
2 import os
3 import time
5 from datamodel import Presence
6 from s p a c e t i m e import Node
8 def host ( df ) :
9 p r e s e n t c o u n t = 1
10 p r e s e n c e = Presence ( )
11 d f . add one ( Presence , p r e s e n c e )
12 d f . commit ( )
13 while True :
14 df . checkout ()
15 p r e s e n c e = df . read o n e ( Presence , Presenc e )
16 i n c o m i n g u s e r s = p r e s e n c e . u s e r s . s p l i t ( )
17 i f p r e s e n t c o u n t != pre se nc e . count :
18 p r e s e n t c o u n t = p r e s e n c e . count
19 print ( No . o f u s e r s o n l i n e = ” , pre s e n t c o un t , f l u s h=True )
20 print ( Users o n l in e : ” , i n co m i n g u s e r s )
21 s t = time . p e r f c o u n t e r ( )
22 i f df :
23 et = time . p e r f c o u n t e r ( )
24 i f ( e t s t ) < 0 . 3 :
25 time . s l e e p ( et s t )
27 i f n a me == m a i n :
28 Node ( host , s e r v e r p o r t =59160 , i s s e r v e r=True ,
29 Types=[ Presence ] , pure python=Fa l s e ) . s t a r t ( )
Listing 7.4: Presence Server
In Line 1, we import the generated model.
In Line 10-12, we initialize the server with the desired type. From this point on the clients
can obtain this object through a fetch request, make changes to it and push updates back
into the server.
In line 13, within a loop, We use the outer binding supplied GoT APIs to checkout data and
display the latest user count.
Line 26 shows the initialization of the Node, and of interest here is the server port being
used, which is different from the one specified in the Typescript version. The reason for this
will be explained in the Websockify section next.
7.4 Websockify: Translate Between WebSockets and
POSIX Network Calls
As explained in the previous chapter, the network traffic between POSIX-based servers and
Websockers-based browser clients requires a translation layer in-between. In the context of
our example, Websockify listens at port 59159 as a translation layer. The browser client
connects to port 59159, which Websockify forwards to port 59160, where the Python server
listens for traffic. Similarly, the network traffic moves in the opposite direction.
7.5 Result
(a) Tab 1: Harry Potter goes Online (b) Tab 2: Shrijith Venkatramana goes Online
(c) Tab 3: Random Guest goes Online (d) Tab 3: Random Guest Logs Off
(e) Tab 2: Shrijith Venkatramana notices Count and
Userlist updated
Figure 7.1: A sample interaction with the Web Presence Application
Chapter 8
Discussion: Comparison with Parse
Parse Platform is described by its official website as an infrastructure to Build applications
faster with object and file storage, user authentication, push notifications, dashboard and
more out of the box. [5] The platform comes with SDKs and bindings for many languages,
including Javascript and Python. It is usually listed under the mobile backend as a service
category of applications. The most well known comparison in this category of applications
is Firebase from Google [25].
Of contemporary systems capable of object tracking and synchronization, from an appli-
cation programming point of view, both Parse Platform and the GoT model share similar
goals at least in some respects. This chapter will relate the re-implementation of the Web
Presence application in Parse Platform and subsequently attempt to delineate similarities
and differences in these systems.
Figure 8.1: Parse Platform Architecture
8.1 Parse Platform Architecture
The Parse Platform architecture consists of primarily three layers. At the bottom, there is
an object persistence layer implemented through MongoDB or the File System. On top of
this layer there is the Parse Server which provides all the core functionalities such as object
store APIs, queries, push notifications and so on. The aforementioned layers constitute the
backend of the Parse Platform. These backend services can be accessed via client SDKs or
REST APIs which form the top layer. This description is reflected pictorially in Figure 8.1.
8.2 Implementing the Web Presence Application in Parse
While GoT requires the application developer to think ahead and define the data model
upfront, Parse Platform allows the developer to define and modify classes during runtime.
Listing 8.1 shows an re-implementation of the web presence application discussed in the
previous chapter using the Parse Platform’s Typescript bindings.
1 // Initialize with app id, javascript key, master key
2 Parse.initialize("webpresence", "webpresence", "webpresence");
3 // backend URL
4 Parse.serverURL = 'http://localhost:1337/parse';
6 // obtain the class reference
7 const WebPresence = Parse.Object.extend("WebPresence");
8 const query = new Parse.Query(WebPresence);
9 query.equalTo("appName", "WebPresence");
10 // check if the object exists in the backend already
11 const results = query.find();
13 results.then((r) =>
14 {
15 if (r.length == 0)
16 {
17 // initialize the object for the first time
18 wp = new WebPresence();
20 wp.set("appName", "WebPresence");
21 wp.set("count", 1);
22 wp.set("users", [person]);
23; // sync to the backend
24 .then((wp) =>
25 {
26 console.log('New object created with objectId: '
27 + wp.get("count"));
28 }
29 );
30 }
31 else
32 {
33 // acquire reference to the existing object
34 wp = r[0];
35 wp.set("count", parseInt(wp.get("count")) + 1);
36 var tmp = wp.get("users");
37 tmp.push(person);
38 wp.set("users", tmp);
39 // sync to backend
40 .then((wp) =>
41 {}
42 );
44 }
Listing 8.1: WebPresence Implemented through Parse Platform Typescript Bindings
Line 1-4 establish the Websockets connection with the backend server.
Line 7 obtains a reference to the WebPresence class.
Line 8-11 does an object query to the backend to obtain all objects with the appName
attribute set to WebPresence.
Line 15 decides what to do on the resolution of the query promise.
Line 17-28 is executed for the first client. This section basically populates the WebPresence
object for the first time, and then uses the save() method to synchronize this data to the
Line 33-42 is executed in every other client than the first. This section essentially increments
the count and then syncs the data to the backend.
8.3 Developer API Comparison for Extended Space-
time and Parse Platform
The GoT model clearly separates the working copy of data from the communicating dataframe.
The GoT model borrows from Git, the widely used distributed version control system. The
names commit, push, fetch and checkout come from Git. The Parse Platform doesn’t have a
notion of the working copy and hence the names save and fetch are used to send and receive
updates respectively. Table 8.1 shows a comparison of high level API between GoT and
Parse Platform.
Table 8.1: Application Developer API comparison for Extended Spacetime and Parse Plat-
Dimension Extended Spacetime Parse Platform
Initialize node()/dataframe() initialize()
Send updates commit() + push() save()
Receive Updates fetch() + merge() + checkout() fetch()
Conflict Resolution User defined merge function No support
8.4 Feature Comparison for Extended Spacetime and
Parse Platform
Extended Spacetime and Parse Platform are compared along multiple dimensions in Table
8.2. And comments on each dimension follows.
Table 8.2: Summary of comparison between Spacetime and Parse Platform
Parse Platform
Object tracking Yes Yes
Multiple Language Support Yes Yes
Object Persistence No Yes
Interface Definition Language Yes No
Runtime Modification to Classes No Yes
Conflict Resolution Yes No
Advanced Object Queries No Yes
User Management No Yes
Fine-grained Push Notifications No Yes
Dashboard to manage multiple apps No Yes
Class level permissions and ACLs No Yes
Object tracking: Both Spacetime and Parse Platform provide convenient object
tracking features in various languages and both are capable of sending only the diffs.
Multiple Language Support: While both Spacetime and Parse Platform support
multiple languages, Parse Platform due to its overall maturity has a wider and deeper
range of support for languages and platforms.
Object Persistence: Parse Platform provides persistence through MongoDB or File
System whereas Spacetime doesn’t support this dimension as of now.
Interface Definition Language: Extended Spacetime comes with an Interface Def-
inition Language and code generator that can quickly generate stubs for various lan-
guages. Parse Platform lacks this, which can cause various classes to diverge, making
greater demands on the developer over the long run.
Run-time modification to classes: The Parse Platform has a dynamic nature in
terms of its application classes and programmers can make up attributes as they go.
GoT has a much more stricter static constraint and expects developers to define the
datamodel upfront.
Conflict Resolution: Spacetime, due to its DAG-based Version Graph data struc-
ture in its core, supports conflict resolution whenever a divergence is detected. Parse
Platform has no such mechanism.
Advanced Object Queries: Parse Platform allows the users to construct object
queries to retrieve various objects in a precise way. The GoT model allows this feature
to be implemented although the present manifestation in Spacetime doesn’t support
such operations as of now.
User Management: Parse Platform supports user management, session creation and
web application specific funtionality to users.
Fine-grained Push Notifications: It is possible to target individual devices or
target devices based on various filters to target for push notifications. As of now,
Spacetime doesn’t provide a push notification application.
Dashboard: One can manage multiple Parse apps through a web UI whereas GoT
doesn’t provide such a feature.
Class Level Permissions and ACLs: In the Parse Platform, Class level permis-
sions and ACLs can be used to restrict access to objects based on pre-defined rules.
Spacetime doesn’t support access control.
Interactive Debugger: Spacetime supports an Interactive Distributed Debugger
whereas Parse Server doesn’t provide any such option.
Chapter 9
Future Work and Conclusion
9.1 Future Work
There are many possibilities for further exploration, and a few of them are listed below.
9.1.1 Object Persistence
The GoT model uses the directed acyclic graph as a core data structure. As of now, once
all the nodes have shut down, the data is lost. However, in many scenarios we need object
persistence. For instance, the Parse Platform uses MongoDB and File System in its object
persistence layer.
9.1.2 Advanced Object Queries
The GoT model, through its PCC set abstraction can in principle support advanced object
queries. Implementing this would allow one to query objects through all kinds of object
selection criteria.
9.1.3 More Language Bindings and Runtimes
Right now, the extended Spacetime framework supports the browser and linux backends.
There are other major platforms such as Android, iOS and so on which require framework
9.1.4 Class Level Permissions and ACLs
One of the key ideas found in the Parse Platform is user roles and related granular permissions
management it enables. Right now, the extended Spacetime framework does not support
any type of permissions management.
9.1.5 Advanced Data Types
Right now, the exteded Spacetime framework supports primitive data types. There is a large
surface of potential improvements in the data type area. For example, a collections type that
can be synced through GoT can enable a whole host of interesting user level applications.
9.2 Conclusion
In this thesis, I presented an extension to the original implementation of GoT spacetime that
enables it to function across the gamut of languages and platforms. We validated the thesis
through a demonstration of a Web Presence application in which browser-based Javascript
Spacetime clients communicate with a Linux-based Python Spacetime server node.
The demonstration established the feasibility of GoT as a distributed programming model
that can in practice successfully interoperate among heterogeneous languages and platforms.
At the same time, the thesis is limited by the breadth of its coverage of platforms and lan-
guages. For instance, both the languages discussed in this thesis are dynamic in nature,
and challenges related to communication between static and dynamic languages have re-
mained unexplored. Moreover, the feasibility of operating Spacetime in resource constrained
environments such as mobile devices has not been established yet.
Finally, we ended with a discussion on how the Spacetime framework can be extended fur-
ther, informed by a detailed comparison with the Parse Platform. My observation is that
the possibilities for GoT’s growth are of two types. The first type of improvements involves
extending the core of the model itself to support for example advanced data structures such
as collections. The second type of improvements revolve around easing the effort required to
build non-trivial application on the platform. An example of this second type of improve-
ments would be establishing mechanisms for supporting application level concerns such as
users, permissions and ACLs. In conclusion, the Spacetime framework has many avenues
for further valuable extensions.
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