Frequently Asked Questions:
Where are you located?
Our GPS compatible address is 72 County Road 406 Oxford, MS 38655. If you get on highway 6
going away from Batesville and toward Pontotoc you will hit a traffic light right past the East Oxford 334
exit, at that light take a right and then an immediate left into the Business Complex. Once in the
development we will be in the building labeled "Lafayette County" and on the side labeled "City of
Oxford Municipal Court".
What are your hours?
We are open from Monday to Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm unless it is a federally recognized
Can I pay over the phone?
Can I pay online?
Yes. Please call the court so we can set you up in our system to pay online.
Am I required to come to court for my charge?
Traffic Violations: No; however, you must pay them, make payment arrangements on them, or
come in to set up a trial if you are wanting to contest the citation BY or BEFORE the court date at
the bottom of your ticket.
Post Arrest Citation/Arrest: Yes. You MUST appear before the judge on your arraignment date
{the court date at the bottom of your complaint citation).
Charges include: Minor in Possession of Alcohol, Possession of a False ID, DUI, Open
Container, Disorderly Conduct, Failure to Comply with the Officer, Animal Cruelty,
Possession of Drugs/Drug Paraphernalia, Discharge of a Firearm in City Limits, Domestic
Violence, Simple Assault, Trespassing, Shoplifting, Petit Larceny, Leaving the Scene of an
Accident with Injury or Damage.
What are the typical fine amounts for my charge?
*post standard bond sheet*
All fines are imposed by the judge and subject to his discretion.
Who is the Judge?
Our Judge is the Honorable Hal Neilson.
Who is the Prosecutor?
Jay Chain is our city prosecutor.
Can I get a public defender?
If you are indigent and cannot afford an attorney, you can request a public defender at your first
appearance in court. An indigence form will need to be filled out and a public defender MAY be
appointed upon necessity at the Judge's discretion.
Can you answer *legal question*?
No. Please consult an attorney with any legal questions. We are only allowed to answer
questions regarding court process and procedures.
How can I mail in a payment?
You will need a cashier's check or money order made out to The City of Oxford. On the
envelope address it to The Court Department at 72 F.D. Buddy East Pkwy Ste. 200 Oxford, MS
38655. Please have your name or ticket number legibly written so we know who to apply the
payment to. Include your phone number, DL number, and date of birth on the front of the check
or money order. If a check is returned the NSF return fee is $40.00. Other fines may be imposed
by the court.
Can I continue my case?
If it is a traffic ticket please contact the court to make arrangements.
If it is an arraignment (first appearance) for an arrest we can continue the case 2 weeks.
If it is a trial, the judge allows ONE continuance with proper notice. See court orders on
website concerning continuance procedures.
If I get insurance can you drop my ticket?
NO. If the insurance was not valid at the time the ticket was received, you are responsible for
paying the cost of the ticket.
Can I do driving school?
Please call the court to determine eligibility.
Any question regarding a ticket or arrest.
Please give the court 7 BUSINESS DAYS to get the charges in our system. We cannot confirm the
price, court date, charge, eligibility for driving school, or ANYTHING until it is in our system.
Please exercise patience with us as it usually takes the FULL 7 BUSINESS DAYS to get the
information from the police department and into our system.