A r e p o r t o n t h e o r i g i n a n d h i s t o r y o f l e g i s l a t i o n , c o u n t e r m e a s u r e s ,
a n d e n f o r c e m e n t c a m p a i g n s t o p r e v e n t d r u n k d r i v i n g i n t h e U n i t e d
S t a t e s . ( J u l y , 2 0 2 1 )
Drunk driving has been a leading cause of death and injuries in the U.S. for decades. Over the
years, numerous countermeasures and campaigns have been implemented in an effort to lower
the number of deaths and injuries. Prevention and enforcement have been the primary means
used to address drunk driving.
Drunk driving is part of a larger issue of alcohol related
deaths and injuries. In 2019, an estimated 95,000 people
died in the U.S. from alcohol related causes making alcohol
the third leading cause of preventable deaths.
Of these
deaths, 10,142, or 28 percent of all crashes, involve drunk
States have enacted a wide variety of laws to regulate alcohol
and the alcohol industry. A common theme of industry
regulations is the three-tiered system, which helps balance
alcohol availability, price, and promotional practices. These
regulations exist with regard to alcohol production, distribution, and sales. Following
prohibition, states were given the job of regulating alcohol sales. This resulted in the three-tiered
system for alcohol, which most states created to “balance alcohol availability, price, and
promotional practices.”
Most safety groups would agree that progress on reducing drunk driving has stalled since the
mid-1990s. Major initiatives to reduce drunk driving began in 1980 and this report will
primarily look at laws and countermeasures from 1980 to the present.
In 1982, President Reagan created a national commission on drunk driving which resulted in
several important recommendations that would become foundations to the U.S. approach to
stopping drunk driving. The commission issued a report in 1983 which called for raising the
minimum drinking age to 21 and for tough enforcement of drunk driving laws.
In 1984, the U.S. enacted the recommendations of the Reagan Commission and required all
states to adopt 21 as the minimum drinking age.
In 1998, the Congress included provisions highly incentivizing the states to pass laws to prevent
open alcohol containers in vehicles. These laws are commonly known as “open container
Over the years, illegal per se alcohol limits were established. In the case of driving under the
influence (DUI), per se laws mean that you are guilty of drunk driving without any other
evidence needed. Until 2000, per se limits varied across the country from .08 Blood Alcohol
Content (BAC) to .12 BAC. Many states settled on .10 BAC as the illegal per se limit.
As part of the FY 2000 Transportation Appropriations bill, the Congress created a national .08
BAC standard to help ensure a uniform approach to drunk driving among all states. This
legislation was signed into law by President Clinton.
In recent years, there has been a new emphasis on technology to prevent drunk driving. Ignition
interlocks are an example of current technology that can stop drunk driving. Although interlocks
have been used for some time, New Mexico became the first state to pass a law requiring all
convicted drunk drivers to use an interlock device. Since that time, federal and state laws have
evolved to place more of an emphasis on requiring convicted drunk drivers to use an approved
interlock device.
As technology has evolved, so has a new emphasis on using technology to stop DUI. While
ignition interlocks represent the most current technology to separate drinking from driving, a
public/private partnership was formed in 2008 with the goal of creating a passive, in-vehicle
alcohol detection system. The program was created by the world’s leading automakers together
with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Legislation was passed that
authorized the program which became known as the Driver Alcohol Detection System for Safety,
In 2019, the U.S. House and Senate both introduced legislation to mandate advanced drunk
driving technology, whether a DADSS type system or some other vehicle technology, on all new
The legislation passed the House in 2020 but no action was taken in the Senate. In
2021, both the U.S. House and Senate attached the respective bills to larger highway
reauthorization bills.
Law enforcement and high visibility enforcement has
played a central role in stopping drunk driving. Law
enforcement really is the front line in stopping and
removing drunk drivers from the road. High visibility
enforcement uses paid or earned media to advertise that law
enforcement will be out looking for drunk drivers. These
highly publicized events are coupled with an increased
presence of law enforcement conducting DUI checkpoints
or saturation patrols. The idea is to remind the public that
if you drink and drive, you will be caught.
In 2003, the Congress appropriated $11 million for drunk
driving high visibility paid ads. Also known as DUI crackdowns, the first campaign was known
as the You Drink & Drive. You Lose campaign. Today the campaign runs twice a year and has
been rebranded as Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over.
While prevention and enforcement have been the primary methods of reducing drunk driving,
several key groups and events have helped call attention to the issue and educate the public on
the dangers of drinking and driving.
Perhaps the most influential crash involving drunk driving was the Kentucky bus crash on May
14, 1988.
On that date, a church group from Radcliffe, Kentucky, was travelling home from
Kings Island theme park when a wrong way drunk driver crashed into the bus in Carroll County,
Kentucky. The event was the worst drunk driving crash in U.S. history killing 24 children and
three adults. There were 40 survivors, many of whom suffered devastating injuries and burns.
The crash made national headlines. Groups like Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) used
the tragedy to push for tougher DUI laws and penalties. One of the victims, 10-year-old Patricia
Nunnallee, was the daughter of Karolyn Nunnallee who would go on to become MADD National
President where she would be an advocate to lower the national BAC limit to .08.
Tragedies like the Kentucky bus crash provide opportunities to educate the public on the dangers
of drunk driving. One of the earliest books on the dangers of alcohol, Toward Liquor Control,
discussed the importance of educating the American public about the dangers of alcohol and
operating machinery. It further examined the “distinct American atmosphere or attitude and the
social pressure it exerts upon the growing individual.”
Groups like MADD would use this model to put a name and
a face on those killed by drunk drivers. This helped to create
social pressure and change American culture. Not only is
drunk driving a crime, but it became socially unacceptable.
Combined, all of these efforts have helped to reduce drunk
driving deaths from 26,173 in 1982 to 10,142 in 2019.
While this overall reduction in deaths may be impressive,
drunk driving still makes up about a third of all traffic
In 1982, President Reagan appointed a public commission with a 12-month mandate to study and
make recommendations to stop drunk driving. At the time, the commission noted that drunk
driving deaths accounted for “at least 50 percent of all highway deaths.”
The commission was
Fosdick, Raymond B. and Albert L. Scott. Toward Liquor Control. 1933 Page 93.
Volpe, John Presidential Commission on Drunk Driving, 1983. Page 1
chaired by former Department of Transportation Secretary John Volpe and was a first-of-its kind
national effort to make recommendations to stop drunk driving.
Commission members included a diverse group of policy makers, industry representatives, and
grassroots activists who brought different viewpoints to the discussion. Notable commission
members included former Senator Bob Dole, Candy Lightner (Founder of Mothers Against
Drunk Driving), Henry King (Brewers Association), and Fred Meister (Distilled Spirits Council
of the U.S.).
One of the most important recommendations to come from the commission was the creation of a
national 21 minimum drinking age (MDA). The commission urged Congress to pass legislation
to withhold a percentage of highway road dollars from states that did not comply with the age
On July 17, 1984, President Reagan signed into law the National Minimum Drinking Age Act
which effectively created a national 21 MDA. The new law required states to adopt 21 as the
minimum drinking age or the federal government would withhold a portion of the state highway
The 21 MDA is largely considered successful. From 2008 through 2012, the National Highway
Traffic Safety Administration estimated that the law
prevented over 500 deaths per year.
The biggest
challenge to the 21 MDA came in 2007 when John
McCardell, former president of Middlebury College,
launched the group Choose Responsibility. The group
believed that the drinking age should be lowered to 18
and that persons 18 and over should obtain a drinking
license. While the media covered this story in some
detail, it never gained traction legislatively and there
was no real threat toward repeal.
Like the three-tiered system of alcohol regulations, the 21 minimum drinking age is a good
example of how alcohol is regulated differently than other products. The 21 MDA is considered
by some to be one of the most successful public health laws in American history. NHTSA
estimates that the 21 MDA has saved 31,959 lives from 1975 to 2017.
Open container laws prohibit possession of open containers of alcohol and therefore the
consumption of any alcoholic beverage in the passenger area of a motor vehicle. The
Transportation Equity Act for the 21
Century Restoration Act, also known as TEA-21, became
Federal law in 1998. The legislation created a program to encourage states to pass open
container alcohol laws.
States that fail to comply lose a percentage of the state’s Federal-aid highway construction
funding as it is transferred for use in highway safety programs related to drunk driving.
The provision is known as Section 154 and has played an important role in encouraging states to
pass open container laws. Following passage of TEA-21, four states immediately passed
legislation in 1999 to prohibit open containers. Prior to passage of TEA-21, 13 states and the
District of Columbia had open container laws in compliance with the new Federal law. To date,
38 states plus D.C. have federally compliant open container laws.
According to a NHTSA study:
Comparison of crash data showed that states that lacked Open Container laws had significantly
greater percentages of alcohol-involved fatal and single-vehicle crashes than the states with
partially or fully-conforming laws. Although the differences cannot be attributed with certainty to
the presence or absence of Open Container laws, the results of the analyses suggest that
conformance with some or all of the six elements of the Federal requirements contributes
measurably to traffic safety.
Drunk driving per se limits have been around for decades. Per se is a legal term that, in the case
of DUI, means you are guilty without any other evidence needed. The Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC) defines .08 BAC as about four drinks consumed in one hour by a
160-pound man, a .10 BAC is equal to about five drinks, and a .05 BAC is roughly three drinks.
The CDC further states that a .08 BAC limit will affect concentration, memory, speed control,
reduce processing capability, and impair perception.
Multiple studies have evaluated the effectiveness of the .08 BAC limit. One key finding from
years of research is that virtually all drivers are substantially impaired at .08 BAC.
In 1988,
NHTSA reviewed 177 case studies and confirmed this finding.
Studies examining crash risk
for drivers with a BAC of .08 or .09 have shown they are 11 to 52 times more likely to be
involved in a fatal crash than drivers at .00 BAC.
In 2016, NHTSA conducted a comprehensive, 20-month
crash causation study in Virginia Beach, Virginia. The
primary goal of the study was to determine the crash risk of
drugs, in particular marijuana. While the study did not find
a significant crash risk associated with marijuana, it did
reaffirm the crash risk of alcohol. It found that drivers with
a BAC limit of .08 were 3.93 times the risk of a driver with
no alcohol.
In addition to clear impairment levels associated with a .08
BAC limit, laws that set .08 as the per se limit have proven
to be highly effective in reducing drunk driving deaths. A 2000 study for NHTSA found .08 per
se associated with a 13.7 percent decline in fatal drunk driving crashes after Illinois lowered its
BAC limit.
Even with clear evidence supporting .08 BAC per se limits, in the 1990’s many states set the
illegal per se limit at .10 BAC. From 1983 through 1999, only 19 states had passed .08 per se.
A review of supporting scientific literature appears in: Moskowitz, H., & Fiorentino, D. (2000). A Review of the
Literature on the Effects of Low Doses of Alcohol on Driving-Related Skills (DOT HS 809 028). Washington DC:
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. “.08 BAC Illegal per se Level,” Traffic Safety Facts Volume 2
Number 1. March 2004.
In 1998, President Clinton signed into law the Transportation Equity Act for the 21
This law provided $500 million in incentive grants to encourage states to pass .08 per se.
President Clinton and several members of Congress strongly supported a national .08 BAC limit
and used the 21 minimum drinking age as a model for achieving this goal. Following the
enactment of federal incentive grants, Congress passed a federal sanction for states that did not
comply with the .08 BAC standard.
The provision was included in the FY 2001 Department of Transportation Appropriations bill.
The law stipulated that all states must pass .08 per se by 2004 or lose a portion of state highway
infrastructure funding. The penalty started at 2 percent in 2004 and
would increase 2 percent each year until 2008, when it capped at 8
percent. States which passed .08 per se by 2007 would have their
highway dollars returned.
By 2004, all states had adopted .08 per se as the illegal alcohol limit
with Minnesota the last state to do so. A study from NORC at the
University of Chicago found that .08 BAC limits saved 1,736 lives
each year; 24,868 lives from 1983 through 2014.
Ignition interlock laws are currently one of the most
active areas of federal and state legislative activity. An
ignition interlock is a device that is roughly the size of an
older model cellphone. It is hardwired into the ignition
switch of a vehicle. The driver must blow into the
device and register a BAC sample that is below a preset
limit, usually .02 BAC, before the car will start.
Ignition interlocks are equipped with various
anticircumvention features. For example, breath patterns
or hum tones may be required. The user is taught how to
use these features in order to help prevent others from
starting an interlock equipped car. In addition, cameras are increasingly used to monitor the
driver and ensure that the DUI offender is actually blowing into the interlock instead of someone
performing the task on behalf of the driver. In addition, GPS technology can be used to track
convicted drunk drivers.
Ignition interlocks have been around since the 1960s and by 1980 became more widespread.
Like other technologies they have progressed in sophistication over time. Today’s interlocks are
more accurate and reliable than ever. Most major traffic safety organizations support laws that
require convicted DUI offenders to use an interlock.
New Mexico was the first state to require all convicted drunk drivers to use an interlock. Since
that time, 27 states now require interlocks for first time offenders and all states use interlocks in
some form or other for convicted drunk drivers. Six states do not require interlocks.
Over the
past decade, every state has at a minimum considered
legislation to require increased interlock use.
Ignition interlocks are highly effective at reducing repeat
DUI when they are installed. The CDC estimates that
interlocks can reduce repeat DUI by 70 percent.
A 2016
University of Pennsylvania study found states that enacted
all offender ignition interlock laws saw a 15 percent
reduction in DUI deaths.
Another study published by
Johns Hopkins University found that all-offender ignition
interlock laws reduced drunk driving deaths by 7 percent.
In 2018, MADD obtained data from ignition interlock manufacturers that shows a national
picture of ignition interlocks today. Interlock use grew in the U.S. from 100,000 in 2006 to
348,000 in 2017. In 2018, interlocks stopped 348,000 attempts to drive drunk.
Kaufman, Elinore J., Douglas J. Wiebe. Impact of State Ignition Interlock Laws on Alcohol-Involved Crash Deaths in
the United States,”
Research and Practice, March 17, 2016
McGinty, Emma, Gregory Tung, Juliana Shulman-Laniel, Rose Hardy, Lainie Rutkow, Shannon Frattaroli, Jon S.
Vernick. “Ignition Interlock Laws: Effects on Fatal Motor Vehicle Crashes, 1982-2013,”
American Journal of
Preventive Medicine. 2016
Because of increased use of interlocks by the states and studies that show the effectiveness of
interlocks, Congress has included provisions in recent highway reauthorization bills to
incentivize use of the devices. States are eligible to fund interlock programs through Section 402
highway safety grants which are distributed based on a preset funding formula. Section 405,
high priority safety grants, are distributed when states comply certain safety requirements. In
this case, states are rewarded with additional money when they pass ignition interlock laws
aimed at all drunk drivers.
Ignition interlocks will continue to be a key DUI countermeasure. Interlock effectiveness is well
researched and documented, and momentum continues at the state and federal level to require
these devices for all convicted drunk drivers.
High Visibility Law enforcement combines paid or earned media with increased law
enforcement activities. The idea is to highly publicize that law enforcement will be out in extra
numbers to catch drunk drivers. This can be done either through paid advertisements, such as
NHTSA’s bi-annual Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over campaign, or through earned media such as
social media or other announcements from state or local police agencies.
Once the event is publicized, law enforcement then conducts drunk driving checkpoints or
saturation patrols to look for drunk drivers.
The goal is deterrence.
Would-be drunk drivers hear or see the message not to drink and drive, this is reinforced by
seeing checkpoints or saturation patrols out on the roads, and the potential drunk driver makes
the decision not to drink and drive.
A successful DUI checkpoint is one that stops no drunk drivers,
because the goal is to stop people from driving drunk in the first
DUI checkpoints are a critical tool in stopping and deterring drunk
drivers. Currently 37 states conduct DUI checkpoints. Ten states
do not conduct checkpoints because of state constitutional issues
and three choose not to conduct these lifesaving events.
It is
important to note that in 1990, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Michigan Department of State
Police v. Sitz that sobriety checkpoints are legal.
For states that do not conduct checkpoints, saturation patrols are an alternative means to provide
high visibility enforcement. A saturation patrol can involve increased, “roving” law enforcement
patrols during a specified period of time along with signage that indicates an additional law
enforcement presence.
NHTSA conducts three national high-visibility events, or
“crackdowns,” each year. Click it or Ticket is the iconic seat
belt crackdown that occurs every Memorial Day. Drive Sober
or Get Pulled Over occurs twice per year during Labor Day
and around New Year’s.
Congress provides over $30 million each year for these three
high visibility crackdowns. The funding is used for national
paid media and is targeted at demographics considered high
risk for drinking and driving. In addition, NHTSA provides
grant funding through the section 402 highway safety grant program and section 405 priority
grant program which can be used for law enforcement to conduct DUI checkpoints and
saturation patrols during this period.
High visibility enforcement is one of the most effective DUI countermeasures in use to stop
drunk driving. According to one study, “There is substantial and consistent evidence from
research that highly publicized, highly visible, and frequent sobriety checkpoints in the United
States reduce impaired driving fatal crashes by 18 to 24 percent.”
In 2008, NHTSA worked with the leading automotive manufacturers to sign a five-year, $10
million public-private agreement to determine the feasibility and proof of concept for an
advanced alcohol detection technology. The goal of the project was to create a passive, in-
vehicle technology that precisely and accurately detects alcohol at .08 BAC, then the illegal limit
in all 50 states. If alcohol was detected at this level, the car would be able to act and potentially
stop the driver from operating the car.
The project quickly identified two concepts, one a touch-based system and the other a breath-
based system. The idea for the breath-based system was to collect ambient air from the driver in
order to determine his or her BAC limit. The touch-based concept was designed to measure
BAC through the fingertip. The driver would need to touch a sensor, potentially the push button
starter, in order to test BAC.
The program became the Driver Alcohol Detection System for Safety (DADSS). A Blue-Ribbon
Panel of experts from automotive, government, safety, and other groups was formed to inform
and advise the DADSS project. Initial results for the program were very positive so advocacy
groups and the members of the auto industry worked together to obtain federal funding for the
In 2010 Senators Tom Udall (D-NM) and Bob Corker (R-TN) introduced legislation known as
The bill would authorize federal funding for DADSS. In 2012 the
legislation was included as part of the highway reauthorization bill known as The Moving Ahead
for Progress for the 21
Century Act, or MAP-21. The legislation was signed into law and
would provide roughly $5 million per year for the program.
DADSS received strong support from Capitol Hill, the Department of Transportation, and
advocacy groups. On June 4, 2015, DADSS unveiled its concept vehicle during an event at the
Department of Transportation featuring U.S. Transportation Deputy Secretary Victor Mendez,
NHTSA Administrator Mark Rosekind, Senator Tom Udall and Representative Nita Lowey.
During this event, it was announced that the projects research would be done within five to eight
In December of 2015, Congress reauthorized the DADSS program as part of the five-year
highway reauthorization bill known as Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act, or FAST
Act. The authorization guaranteed an additional $21 million for the program.
In January of 2019, Rima, Issam, Ali, Isabelle, and Giselle Abbas were killed by a drunk driver
while traveling home to Michigan from Florida. In response, Congresswoman Debbie Dingell
(D-MI) introduced the Honoring Abbas Family Legacy to Terminate Drunk Driving Act (HALT)
Act named in honor of the family.
Senators Tom Udall (D-NM) and Rick Scott (R-FL)
introduced similar legislation, the Reduce Impaired Driving for Everyone (RIDE) Act, in the
The HALT and RIDE Act would require that the Department of Transportation issue a
rulemaking to require new cars to use advanced drunk driving technology to stop drunk driving.
The HALT Act was included in H.R. 2, the Moving Forward Act, in 2020. The bill passed the
U.S. House but did not receive action in the Senate.
Both the HALT and RIDE Acts were reintroduced in 2021 and both are currently included as
part of the larger highway and infrastructure authorization bills. Should this legislation become
law, the Department of Transportation would be required to initiate a rulemaking on advance
drunk driving technologies.
In June 2021, DADSS announced that a breath-based technology system would be ready for
commercial vehicles by late 2021. The technology is a first-generation system that requires
drivers to breathe near the device in order to provide a sample.
In addition to the DADSS technology, NHTSA issued a request for information on future drunk
driving technologies in the fall of 2020 and published the results in January 2021. Other
emerging technologies such as Driver Monitoring Systems and other advanced systems are being
considered as possible technology solutions for drunk driving.
Current events of 2020 and 2021 are having a major impact on drunk driving in the United
States. During the Covid pandemic of 2020, racial and law enforcement issues became tense.
As mentioned, law enforcement is at the core of getting drunk drivers off the road. If police are
making fewer stops and arrests, then more drunk driving will occur.
Even before the pandemic, DUI arrests had witnessed a significant decline. According to FBI
statistics, DUI arrests fell from 1.171 million in 2008 to 802,047 in 2017. NHTSA data shows
DUI deaths increasing from 9,878 in 2011 to 10,142 in 2019. Early estimates predict drunk
driving deaths increased by 9 percent in 2020.
In 2021, law enforcement issues continue to impact DUI enforcement. Protests and calls to
defund the police have impacted recruitment, retention, and retirements among law enforcement.
A survey by the Police Executive Research Forum showed retirements up 45 percent, an 18
percent increase in resignations, and a 5 percent decrease in the hiring rate.
These numbers will have a major impact on drunk driving
arrests. The survey highlighted Minneapolis Chief Medaria
Arradondo who “told a City Council panel that reduced
staffing is making his department ‘one-dimensional,with
officers mostly responding to 911 calls and not having time
to do proactive policing.”
The national conversation on
law enforcement and policing will continue to have a major
impact on highway safety including drunk driving.
In recent years, marijuana legalization and the relaxing of
drug laws have been major topics of impaired driving. To
date, 19 states have legalized recreational use of marijuana
and 18 states allow medical marijuana use.
Drug impaired driving presents significant challenges. For example, current per se limits for
marijuana do not have the same research and science as alcohol. States are currently trying to
determine effective impairment levels. Colorado was the first state to legalize recreational
marijuana and set an illegal per se limit of .5 nanograms of THC. However, researchers disagree
on whether this level is appropriate. Research from NHTSA as part of the Drug and Alcohol
Crash Risk: A Case Control Study found that after adjusting for age and gender risks, “there was
no significant contribution to crash risk from any drug.”
Mixing alcohol with drugs, referred to as polysubstance use, is also difficult to measure. Some
would argue that polysubstance use has become the most common source of drug impairment on
the roads. However, the NHTSA case control study again found alcohol to be the major cause of
impairment when other factors are included.
As more states look to legalize marijuana and loosen drug penalties, drug impaired driving and
polysubstance use will continue to be a much talked about issue.
While .08 BAC per se is the illegal limit in 49 states, the issue of
lowering the per se limit to .05 has been a topic of discussion in
traffic safety. In 2013, the National Transportation Safety Board
(NTSB) recommended lowering the per se limit to .05. According
to the NTSB, lowering the BAC limit to .05 would save 500 to 800
lives per year.
To date, only Utah has acted and lowered its per se limit to .05.
Other states have seen legislation introduced to lower the limit, but
thus far none have made significant progress toward enacting legislation.
Since the 1980s, the United States has made good progress toward reducing drunk driving deaths
and injuries. In 1980, approximately 28,000 people were killed in drunk driving deaths.
2019, the number was down to 10,142. While this reduction is impressive, it still represents
10,142 people who are killed each year in a preventable crime.
Unfortunately, progress on reducing drunk driving deaths has stalled. In 1994, 13,390 people
were killed in drunk driving deaths. That number held steady until 2008 and reached its lowest
point in 2011 with 9,865 deaths. After 2011 deaths began to rise again and have been over
10,000 each year since 2015. Early estimates from 2020 predict a 9 percent increase over 2019
deaths, a clear indication that there is still much work to be done.
Proven countermeasures like the 21 minimum drinking age, open container laws, keeping the
alcohol industry regulated, a national .08 BAC per se limit, high visibility law enforcement, and
ignition interlocks have played a major role in reducing DUI deaths and injuries. Alcohol
regulations such as the three-tiered system have also helped to reduce overall alcohol related
deaths and injuries. In the future, technologies like DADSS or other safety systems like driver
monitoring could help significantly reduce or even eliminate drunk driving.
Several challenges exist in the immediate future. Law enforcement must continue to take the
lead in stopping drunk drivers and with the current challenges facing police and police
departments, it is possible that drunk driving deaths and injuries will continue to increase. In
addition, drug impaired driving and polysubstance use need more research and proven
countermeasures to save lives. There is an urgent need for working roadside impairment
technology for polysubstance use detection.
J.T. Griffin has over 20 years of Capitol Hill and
government relations experience. His career began on
Capitol Hill where he worked for over 8 years for a
senior member of the House Appropriations Committee
on issues ranging from transportation to commerce and
He left Capitol Hill to lead the government relations and
communications department at Mothers Against Drunk
Driving. For over 13 years he helped the organization
achieve unprecedented success by advancing major
federal and state legislation.
On Capitol Hill, J.T. has a bi-partisan reputation for bringing together lawmakers, staff, and
other interest groups to achieve success. He has built an extensive network of Washington
contacts and is considered an international traffic safety expert. This includes testifying on
influential panels before groups like the NTSB and the National Academy of Sciences. In
addition, he has prepared five MADD National Presidents with written testimony and coaching
when testifying before several House and Senate committees.
As the head of government relations and communications, J.T. led his advocacy team to major
victories in Congress and in state capitols. J.T. has worked with many individual members of
Congress and Senators to introduce various pieces of “standalone” legislation. To accomplish
this, he has developed strategic legislative agendas and advanced these goals in each of the last
three highway authorization bills as well as over a dozen annual appropriations bills. This has
resulted in millions of dollars in federal funding for technology and transportation programs as
well as major improvements to our nation’s highway safety programs. At the state level, J.T. has
worked in almost all 50 states to pass stronger drunk driving laws. These laws are research and
data driven and are proven save lives. His expertise has led to the passage of ignition interlock
laws in 34 states. Together these laws have helped save over 8,000 lives.
In the fall of 2020, J.T. formed Griffin Strategies, LLC, a full-service Government Relations firm
representing clients before the federal government including the U.S. House of Representatives,
U.S. Senate, and various federal agencies. The firm specializes in issues relating to
transportation and technology, the federal appropriations process, and advising non-profit
organizations on fundraising and best practice management.
© Center for Alcohol Policy 2021