White Paper
Broadcom CS200-244623-1119
November 8, 2019
Executive Summary
User needs are changing fast, and user expectations are set
higher than ever. More organizations are therefore moving
toward continuous delivery, to deliver software that
accurately reflects the desired functionality. However,
enterprises often find that the bottlenecks of past delivery
methods remain, slowing projects down and damaging
quality. Nowhere is this more true than in testing. Starting
with low-quality requirements, the test design and execution
process, test data allocation and test environment setup are
simply too slow and manual for continuous testing, and still
allow an unacceptable number of defects through.
Testing becomes an end-to-end, cross-functional operation,
collaboratively involving all teams throughout the product
lifecycle. Continuous testing applies the methods and
concepts of agile development to the testing and QA
process, resulting in greater efficiency. Automation is key,
requiring an automated, end-to-end testing solution that is
integrated with existing continuous integration and
continuous delivery processes. Only then can errors and
overly manual processes be eliminated, facilitating true
continuity throughout the development lifecycle.
By removing the constraints that force testing to the end of
a development cycle, developers and QA teams can
achieve accurate, automated testing from day one.They can
create an integrated pipeline, capable of taking an idea from
design to deployment, at speed, without compromising
quality. Creating this pipeline starts with upfront knowledge
of the changing user needs, which is then used to drive the
continuous delivery ecosystem, from requirements and
automated test execution, to standardized release
Continuous testing helps to ensure that quality is built in
from the requirements, while validating each component at
the development level before it enters the system.
Meanwhile, iterative QA starts from day one. Defects and
miscommunication of changing user needs can be resolved
as they emerge, avoiding late rework and damage to the
ultimate user experience. Design, test, and development
assets are all built on the users’ desired functionality and are
maintained consistently as this changes. Meanwhile,
software is accurately deployed, resulting in better-quality
software, delivered earlier, and at lower cost.
Continuous Testing for Continuous Delivery
Broadcom CS200-244623-1119
Continuous Testing for Continuous Delivery White Paper
Barriers to Continuous Testing: A Choice Between Speed and Quality
Continuous delivery is only as fast as its slowest part. Just one constraint during one stage of the development lifecycle will
result in mounting bottlenecks.
Testing is often blamed for delays in the continuous delivery pipeline, viewed as something that is necessary for quality but
slows down projects. The reality is that it is rarely the test team’s fault; the fault lies with traditional testing practices that are
too slow, manual, and unsystematic to be continuous. They allow an unacceptable number of defects to slip through the net
to production, creating costly rework and harming quality.
Poor Quality Requirements and User Stories
The majority of defects occur before a line of code has even been written. They are rooted in poor quality requirements and
then perpetuated throughout the entire lifecycle. The longer these defects go undetected, the more damage to system quality
and the more time-consuming rework they create.
The bulk of requirements is written in natural language and stored in disparate file formats, with little dependency mapping
between them. This is true even with new agile project management and traditional application lifecycle management tools.
Though these tools provide a centralized repository for requirements and user stories, they do not typically improve the way
in which the requirements are gathered. Users still enter chunks of text into open fields; the difference is that these stories
and change requests are not compiled into the monolithic documents that they would be at the start of waterfall projects.
Natural language is far removed from the logical steps of a system that need to be developed and tested. Natural language
tends to lead to ambiguity and incompleteness, increasing the likelihood that the desired functionality will be
miscommunicated and misunderstood. When this happens, defects enter the code; and the test cases might not be accurate
or complete enough to detect them.
Much research has been published on requirements, both before and after the publication of The Agile Manifesto.
picture that this research paints is of a consistently negative, year-on-year impact that requirements make on software
quality. Nevertheless, in 2015, only 4% of the investment for the average project went into establishing clear business
objectives, while 19% of projects failed, and 52% were deemed challenged.
Focusing on the quality of requirements
appears, therefore, to be a necessary step for any organization aiming to drive up delivery speed and quality.
Test Design Time and Quality
Written requirements and flat diagrams are static, meaning that test cases have to be created manually from them. This is
highly time-consuming and prevents testing from becoming continuous. And it rarely leads to tests of sufficient quality. A
typical system today has several million or even billion paths through its logic, each of which is a potential test case. The
time required to manually create tests in a linear manner is neither feasible nor scalable. CA Technologies, A Broadcom
Company, has worked with testing teams that have taken six hours to create 11 test cases for one component alone,
achieving only 16% coverage.
1. Bender RBT, Inc., “Requirements Based Testing Process Overview,” 2009
2. Soren Lauesen and Otto Vintro, IT University of Copenhagen, “Preventing Requirement Defects: An Experiment in Process
Improvement,” 2001
3. P Mohan, A Udaya Shankar and K JayaSriDevi, Hyderabad Business School, GITAM University, “Quality Flaws: Issues
and Challenges in Software Development,” 2012
4. The Standish Group, “CHAOS Report 2015,” Oct 2015
5. Huw Price, CA Technologies, “Test Case Calamity,” May 29, 2014
Broadcom CS200-244623-1119
Continuous Testing for Continuous Delivery White Paper
Moreover, test cases derived manually typically cover whatever tests that testers can come up with in their heads. Faced
with incomplete documentation and fast-growing, complex applications, even the most talented testers will struggle to cover
a fraction of the millions of possible paths. Tests are usually therefore happy path focused, repetitively testing the expected
functionality while neglecting (or simply missing) scenarios that can cause system collapse. In our experience performing
audits, we have found just 10% to 20% functional coverage and four times over-testing of certain functionality to be the norm.
In one team in particular, we found that three test cases covered just 5% of the system under test,
which is clearly not
enough to provide the assurance that testing is responsible for.
Similar to user story creation, this manual, linear effort remains whether using spreadsheets or inputting tests into fields in
project management tools.
Test Data Allocation
Once test cases have been defined, testers need data to execute them. Again, the first challenge is quality. Test data for
many organizations equates to an anonymized copy of production data, which contains only a fraction of the possible
scenarios that need to be tested. This data is sampled from past scenarios that have occurred in production and is, therefore,
always out of date and sanitized to exclude bad data or unexpected results. Even if testers had tests to cover all the
functionality that needs testing, they are not likely to have the data needed to execute them.
There is also the data provisioning time. As Figure 1 shows, data provisioning is often performed in an unsystematic manner
that creates cross-team dependencies and time-consuming manual effort. At the same time, there is little or no visibility,
reporting or tracking.
Figure 1: A typical data-provisioning process.
In this approach, testers request data in emails or by filling out rudimentary request forms in spreadsheets. A central team
responsible for locating, copying, and provisioning the data into test environments then processes these requests. This team
is often dependent on another team that controls access to the potentially sensitive production data, creating a further
dependency and even greater room for delays.
6. Huw Price, CA Technologies, “Test Case Calamity,” May 29, 2014
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The central team must find the exact data set from among complex production sources to fulfill a given set of test cases.
These production sources are typically poorly documented, and the test data engineers often lack even semi-automated
discovery technologies. The test engineers are further inundated with requests, with some teams expected to deliver tens
of thousands of records a week.
A lack of re-usability means that, once fulfilled, the same request will often be repeated
again and again. Wait times of weeks or even months are not uncommon.
In some instances, the time spent waiting for a
data refresh can be longer than the planned iteration.
Once the data has been provisioned, testers often rely on common data sources. They are, therefore, left frustrated when
another team overwrites their data or when the data gets lost during a refresh. Often, testers wait idly for another team to
finish using their preferred set of data; and meanwhile, a code change made by another team might cause their tests to fail
when there is no genuine defect in the code. In practice, testers find or create data themselves, from whatever sources are
available. This is not a viable strategy and detracts from the time that testers should spend assuring that quality software is
delivered on time.
System Constraints
Assuming testers have their test cases and the data to execute them, they need production-like systems to execute them
against. However, they frequently rely on a limited number of shared environments, which take weeks to configure and
require costly preproduction infrastructure.
Moreover, testers often require access to the unfinished, back-end or third-party components in a composite application.
These components might be in use by another team, again leaving testers waiting for them to become available. Many
organizations use service virtualization to simulate unavailable or constrained components, but this requires realistic and
consistently defined virtual data. Defining the complex request-response pairs accurately can create significant overheads.
Record and playback might be used, but this is only possible when a service already exists, and recorded data might not
cover the future scenarios needed for rigorous testing. Scripting offers an alternative to defining complex scenarios manually,
but this is likewise slow and complex.
In spite of all this time and effort, there is often no guarantee that testers will have environments in which to execute every
test needed for rigorous testing. The virtual data will typically only cover a fraction of possible scenarios. Defects are then
detected late while the ultimate user experience suffers. This approach to provisioning environments stands in stark contrast
to the speed and quality expected of continuous testing.
Test Automation
Executing every test manually is too slow and is simply not an option when regression testing and releasing software in short
iterations. However, automating test execution alone is not a silver bullet for testing bottlenecks. Automation does not
increase test coverage and usually introduces the effort of repetitious, complex script definition or keyword selection. Often,
this time can outweigh the time saved on test execution, replacing one bottleneck with an even greater one.
Moreover, testing needs to move beyond the UI layer, including APIs and becoming more data driven. Automated testing
must therefore start much earlier in the application lifecycle and cannot wait until the UI is in place before starting.
Access to Dependent Systems and Test Environments
A further challenge is executing the automated tests. This brings us back to the issue of having available systems to execute
against and depends on the ability to quickly release a system to test environments.
7. Alfredo Glower, Orasi Software, “Test Data Management—The Manheim Case Study,” Feb 25, 2016
8. CA Technologies case study, “Manheim Accelerates Systems Testing and Business Transformation with CA Test Data
Manager,” 2016
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The problem is that multiple teams contribute to software delivery, each using different technologies. This includes file
management systems, version control, continuous integration tools, databases and more. These all need to be aligned
before code is moved along, while any additional infrastructure, test databases and virtual services then need to be deployed
into the test environment. Often, complex manual scripting is used in an effort to connect the disparate tools, but this is highly
time-consuming and requires constant maintenance.
A lack of standardization further risks errors in deployment and more defects making it to production. Sometimes, testers
persevere with an out-of-date version or build because they cannot wait for a deployment.This is equivalent to not testing
the latest functionality because any tests written since the last build was deployed will either not find defects or will throw up
test failures where there might be no fault in the latest code.
GUI testing is slow and notoriously difficult to maintain due to changing user interfaces. Developers and testers lower
reliance on GUI testing by focusing on a layered approach instead.”
—Gartner, Use Layered Testing to Enable Continuous
Delivery of Digital Business Capabilities
Performance Testing Remains Piecemeal, In-House, and Incomplete
Today, slow-performing applications will simply not succeed. Fifty-three percent of sites will be abandoned if a mobile site
takes more than three seconds to load
. Organizations need to design and build applications with a view to minimal or no
degradation at peak load from day one.
Legacy tools and techniques mean that performance testing cannot be performed early enough, nor rigorously enough.
These outmoded ways of testing cannot scale to the millions of users required to realistically test peak stress performance,
nor are they sophisticated enough to reflect actual user behavior. They are not suited to modern applications, because
performance and load tests rarely extend beyond the services and infrastructure within the organization. As a result,
performance testing is neither rigorous nor realistic enough to guarantee that an app and its third-party integrations can
perform quickly enough for experience-driven users.
Meanwhile, most larger organizations route all performance testing through a center of excellence (COE). The COE has a
few specialized performance engineers who hold the keys and schedule for the testing infrastructure. As a precious
resource, this team cannot help but function as a bottleneck, because performance testing is carefully doled out to only the
most-critical projects. This creates a high degree of friction, because engineering teams have to transfer knowledge and wait
for tests to be developed, while test coverage is typically low.
An Inability to React to Change
Continuous testing depends on the ability to build seamlessly on the effort of past iterations when something changes.
Change requests today are rarely captured formally, but rather through a continuous barrage of email requests and
fragmented user stories. When a change request comes in, developers and testers must first identify how it will affect the
numerous, interdependent components of a system.
Static requirements and a lack of dependency mapping mean that this is usually a manual, error-prone task. Dependency
mapping relies on the knowledge of individual teams, but no one developer or tester can have subject matter expertise of
the relationships between every component in a heterogeneous system. A low-priority, innocuous-seeming change might
have a huge impact system-wide, requiring weeks or months of a rework. Numerous high-profile outages point to the danger
of unforeseen consequences following a change.
9. Sean Kenefick, Gartner, “Use Layered Testing to Enable Continuous Delivery of Digital Business Capabilities,” Nov 14,
10. Alex Shellhammer, DoubleClick by Google, “The need for mobile speed: How mobile latency impacts publisher revenue,”
Sep 2016
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Then there is the time required to update existing test and development assets, before creating any new ones needed to
implement the change. Because test assets have been derived manually from requirements and are stored in formats
different to the requirements, they are not traceable back to the requirements. They must, therefore, be updated manually,
which is highly time-consuming. Sometimes, every test is checked and updated by hand; at other times all the existing tests
are burnt and created from scratch. In some instances, testers let all their existing tests pile up in an effort to retain coverage,
but this leads to wasteful over-testing with invalid tests causing test failures.
It was taking two testers two days to check and update test cases after a single change was made.”—A large financial
The data and virtual services must then be updated or created for the new test pack, before a new system is deployed to
the test environment. This repeats much of the laborious effort set out above. If testing is going to keep up with the rate at
which user needs change, existing assets need to become more reactive to change. The effort of previous iterations must
be built upon, rather than repeated, allowing teams to focus on new development work and innovation.
The End-to-End Continuous Delivery Ecosystem
For software delivery to become truly continuous, a holistic approach is required to root out and eliminate constraints in
testing. Disparate tools and processes need to be joined up, from design and planning, through to release and deployment.
Only then can we avoid the wasted effort and the sacrificed quality caused by going from one format and tool to another,
while the otherwise linear stages of development are collapsed into a truly parallel approach. The defects introduced by poor
visibility and a lack of cross-functional collaboration across the lifecycle can be reduced, integrating continuous testing within
a continuous delivery pipeline that is capable of taking an idea from design to production at speed, without compromising
Figure 2: The parallel stages and technologies in an end-to-end delivery pipeline.
A continuous delivery ecosystem capable of continuous testing should include the following aspects:
Active requirements gathering to capture the desired user functionality accurately and iteratively, before using the
design to derive and maintain test and development assets.
Optimized, automated test design to create the smallest set of test cases needed to validate that the desired user
functionality (that was captured in the requirements and user stories) has been delivered.
11. Huw Price, CA Technologies, “Test Case Calamity,” May 29, 2014
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Self-service data provisioning, to find, secure, or create the data needed to execute every test case and to allocate it in
parallel and on demand systems.
Service virtualization using comprehensive, accurate virtual data to create affordable, production-like systems in which
to execute every possible test.
Automated maintenance and traceability so that when the design changes, the user stories, test cases, data, and virtual
endpoints can all be updated at the same time.
Accurate, automated test execution that is easily managed across all systems, APIs, and services.
Full orchestration and release automation to align all the moving parts and seamlessly deploy, test, and release code.
A centralized repository of up-to-date assets and tasks to enable cross-functional collaboration and project-wide
Performance tests which closely mimic actual user behavior that can be scaled beyond the level of stress possible in
operations, and that can be executed by anyone, at any stage of the development.
Accurately Capturing Changing User Needs
Rally Software lets business analysts quickly record new user stories and changes, providing a central repository for the
testing and development assets that are needed to deliver the functionality. The status of the interdependent stories and
their associated tasks can then be tracked easily and visually, with central dashboards, roadmaps, and backlogs. Meanwhile,
cross-functional teams can communicate and collaborate more closely, with project-wide visibility.
The value of the user story does not stop there; the steps of the user stories will provide the basis for the creation of
subsequent test and development assets. These are dragged from Rally Software and dropped as blocks to a flowchart
model in Agile Requirements Designer. Stakeholders with critical modeling skills and subject matter expertise can then
connect up the user stories and build additional functional logic around them.
The goal is to create a system model that is as complete as possible, connecting the overlapping logic of the otherwise
disparate user stories, and developing an up-to-date model of the system’s components and their dependencies. To support
this collaborative process, Agile Requirements Designer provides validation algorithms to identify missing or broken paths.
In addition, the model can be visually verified with users for design-phase quality assurance.
This works towards a complete, unambiguous model, breaking the system down into its core cause and effect logic. Further,
sub-flows can be used to allow subject matter experts to model individual components in detail. These sub-flows are then
incorporated into a higher-level master flow, enabling greater collaboration, reducing silos, and allowing stakeholders to drill
down into as much detail as required to fulfill their roles.
In Agile Requirements Designer, requirements are graphically depicted in a flowchart: a simple, easy way to read and
understand a system’s logic, with clear paths through it.” —Test data engineer, a.s.r.
12. CA Technologies case study, “CA Agile Requirements Designer at a.s.r.,” 2016
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Figure 3: User stories are dragged and dropped from Rally Software to a flowchart model in Agile Requirements Designer.
Creating and Maintaining Test and Development Assets Directly from the Design
A flowchart model provides a single point of reference for creating design, test, and development assets. These assets can
be updated as the requirements change, thereby allowing testing to become continuous, and they can be exported out to
the relevant tool or team.
User Story Creation and Allocation
Flowchart models created in Agile Requirements Designer can be exported to user stories in Rally Software, providing
developers with a clear, complete specification of the desired user functionality that needs to be developed. For example,
the product owner creates a user story in Rally Software. The person responsible for testing that user story (the Modeler)
can bring it into Agile Requirements Designer in order to model it and add details (such as multiple flows, paths, alternate
and negative scenarios, acceptance criteria, a definition of done, and so on). Lastly, the textual version of that completed
user story is exported back into Rally Software and incorporated in the product backlog.
Maintenance of the user story is done in Agile Requirements Designer, although, if someone else on the team edits
something directly in Rally Software, the connector between Rally Software and Agile Requirements Designer would flag
the difference between the two products. The Modeler, the person responsible for testing the user story, would be able to
synchronize both and also automatically identify the impact to all downstream artifacts. This way, the test model becomes
the single source of truth, and from it, Agile Requirements Designer auto-generates all artifacts needed by all the teams
(business, development, test, and ops). This is a fantastic representation of shift-left testing.
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Continuous Testing for Continuous Delivery White Paper
Optimizing Test Case Design
At the same time, test cases can be generated from the flowchart, by virtue of it being a formal representation of the system
logic. Agile Requirements Designer provides automated algorithms to identify every path through the flowchart, which are
equivalent to test cases. If a complete system model has been established based on all available information, these tests
will cover every negative path, outlier, and unexpected result possible. This coverage eliminates the time wasted on manual
test design, while ensuring the accuracy of testing.
In a little over a week, all the processes had been documented, with the accompanying test cases generated, and all with
100% test coverage. All test cases had been executed within just three days of further work.” —Test data engineer, a.s.r.
Often, there is neither time nor resources to execute every possible test, even with automated execution. Optimization
algorithms processes are, therefore, provided to reliably reduce the number of tests while still covering either every block,
edge, pair of edges, or in/out edge. This approach consolidates the overlapping logic of tests, avoiding wasteful over-testing.
In one instance, 326 tests were reduced down cases had been executed within to just 17; for more complex systems, tens
of thousands of tests will typically be reduced to thousands or even hundreds.
Risk-based approaches can also be used to prioritize and to execute the most critical tests based on the available time and
resources. The probability that users will exercise certain paths can be reverse-engineered automatically from production
data, defining risk thresholds empirically and reliably. Alternatively, risk values can be manually assigned to each block in a
flowchart, before identifying every path above a certain probability.
The optimized or exhaustive test set can then be exported back out of Agile Requirements Designer and allocated to
available teams in Rally Software. Test cases are attached to user stories, with all of the relevant test steps needed to
execute them, while auto-synchronizing sprint boards can be used to update the status of tasks from within Agile
Requirements Designer for better cross-team visibility.
Matching Test Data
Agile Requirements Designer and Rally Software integrate with Test Data Manager, introducing complete, end-to-end test
data management to test creation and management. Test matching can be set up in Agile Requirements Designer to mine
the data needed to execute the optimized test cases as they are created. If no data exists, synthetic data generation can be
used to identify and create it. This can be performed on the basis of an accurate data profile created in Test Data Manager
or by using data variables defined at the flowchart level in Agile Requirements Designer. If production data needs to be used,
Test Data Manager offers several native masking engines to identify and remove sensitive information quickly.
With CA’s Test Data Manager solution, we reduced our time to get test data from 21 days to two days, making our entire
software delivery cycle more efficient.” —Director of quality assurance and strategy at a financial services company
The data is stored as reusable assets in a test data warehouse, along with the queries needed to automatically find it. From
there, it can be pushed out and attached to test cases in Rally Software, while testers can request data on demand using a
self-service web portal.
13. CA Technologies case study, “CA Agile Requirements Designer at a.s.r.,” 2016
14. Huw Price, CA Technologies, “Test Case Calamity,” May 29, 2014
15. Anish Shah, Forrester Research, “The Total Economic Impact™ of the CA Technologies Test Data Manager Solution,”
December 2015
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Continuous Testing for Continuous Delivery White Paper
If data has been requested once, the request can be fulfilled automatically in the future. Data constraints between test teams
are thereby eliminated, as are dependencies of a central provisioning team. Testers are provided with the data that they
need, when they need it, as required for rigorous, continuous testing. Data is further cloned as it is delivered, so that it can
be used in parallel. Meanwhile, powerful version control means that multiple releases and versions can be developed in
parallel, using the most up-to-date data. Rare and interesting data can be reserved, to prevent it from being disrupted by
another team.
Figure 4: Data is stored in a central test data warehouse and is made available across versions and releases.
Creating Production-Like Test Environments
The growing complexity of application architectures, along with globally distributed organizations, means that development
and testing teams face bottlenecks and constraints on the way to delivery. Given all the interdependencies involved, these
teams have to contend with labor-intensive efforts. They either have to generate a copy of a complete environment in a
development lab or test lab, or they need to build their own code in order to replicate the behavior of a dependent system or
environment. The intensive costs and time constraints associated with getting access to the right environments has led to
the rise of service virtualization.
Service virtualization is the practice of simulating the behavior, data, and performance characteristics of a dependent system
that you can then use at all stages of development and testing. In contrast to stubs and mocks, virtual services are created
by recording actual services by contract or by sample requests and responses. Virtual services are more dynamic and do
not require a developer to write them. Using service virtualization, you can test for a virtually unlimited set of test cases and
scenarios whenever you want. You can set up tests to verify all independent services and endpoints, not each in a vacuum,
but all together. Service virtualization frees you from call limits so you can keep testing and testing and testing until your app
is completely debugged.
If components of a system are unfinished or constantly unavailable, the virtual services required to execute the tests can be
accurately defined and maintained. The request-response pairs needed to simulate the constrained components are
modeled as a sub-flow, which is then embedded within the master model of the system under test. As optimized test cases
are generated, a definition of the virtual service is included as steps of the test case, accelerating the creation of production-
like systems in which to execute every test.
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An accurate set of request-response pairs that covers every test case can then be created and injected into a deployed
virtual service in CA Service Virtualization. To accelerate the otherwise complex definition of the data scenarios, JSON and
XML files can be imported, creating an initial flowchart model of the service or message. A reusable configuration file is then
applied to the flowchart, mapping snippets of virtual data to blocks. This data is compiled as the complete test cases are
Figure 5: Accurate virtual data is generated on the basis of a message definition and is injected into a deployed service.
Alternatively, Test Data Manager can be used to generate a set of request-response pairs that cover every possible test
scenario, injecting them into a deployed virtual service within CA Service Virtualization. This provides a rich seedbed of
virtual data, which can then be exposed to teams on demand from the Test Data On Demand portal within Test Data
Manager. Testing one component does not need to wait while the whole system is built; instead, you can iteratively test and
improve a system from day one.
Setting Up and Executing Tests
At the point that you set up and execute tests, the desired user functionality has been used to define the test and
development assets. Optimized test cases have been created at the same time as the test data and virtual services needed
to execute them, eliminating the bottlenecks that prevent truly continuous testing.
Furthermore, the assets are stored in one place, the flowchart, matching the tests to the relevant data and virtual service.This
process is collaborative, beginning with the user and involving requirements gatherers, QA, development, test teams and
even the ops teams, all whom are responsible for the quality of their work. Equipping these teams with the tools needed to
work effectively from the same page is one thing. Their collaborative effort must then be aligned and executed. This is where
standardized orchestration and cross-layer test automation execution comes in.
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Figure 6: A collaborative process, utilizing an integrated, continuous-delivery ecosystem.
Automating Test Execution
The optimized tests stored in Rally Software can be turned into an automated test suite in Application Test, using a visual
workflow and easy-to-use web editor to accelerate the conversion process. As the tests have been optimized down to the
smallest number possible, the manual effort required of automated engineers has also been significantly lowered. They
know exactly what tests need to be automated to test the latest user needs, avoiding the time wasted on repetitious, linear
script definition or keyword selection.
We’ve already created and switched over 10,000 test cases from manual to automated execution. Our QA team can now
focus more on complex manual test cases.”—IT Central Station, Real User Review
With Application Test, the automated tests are executed in a framework designed for modern, heterogeneous applications.
Application Test provides a single platform to execute the tests across systems, APIs and services. Test execution can be
performed cross-browser and on mobile, and can use real devices, simulators, labs, or cloud platforms. Tests can further be
strung together; and the results of one test can be used to feed the next test. This approach helps overcome the complexity
of modern applications and infrastructure, making it possible to execute tests that cover all known application logic within a
short iteration.
SunTrust bank achieved a 22% cost savings of its managed services. This involved $1.97 million savings due to automation
and $900,000 direct savings.
16. IT Central Station, “I Like The Support To Build Modular Test Cases Using Reusable Blocks,” February 2, 2016
17. CA Technologies and UBM, “Enterprise IT leaders share their personal continuous delivery experiences,” Oct 27, 2016
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Meeting User Performance Demands
Continuous testing in the deployed QA environment does not stop with functionality. It must also validate that an application
is of high-enough performance to satisfy experience-driven users. This is where CA BlazeMeter® comes in, allowing users
to create and attach performance tests to user stories or test cases in Rally Software. The models created in Agile
Requirements Designer, which describe the behavior of the application, can be used to derive performance test scenarios/
business functions and automated scripts (such as JMeter, Gatling, Taurus, and so on) according to the performance testing
scope. CA BlazeMeter tests can be triggered as part of a deployment using CA Release Automation.
CA BlazeMeter provides a self-service SaaS tool, enabling users to run performance tests at any stage of the development
lifecycle. No installation and minimum setup is required to test both mobile and web applications, while performance and
load tests can be executed using virtual users on the cloud and global data centers. This avoids prohibitive infrastructure
requirements, and applications can be stressed far beyond what is possible in operations.
Accurate stress tests can easily be scaled to the millions, with real mobile and web traffic loaded in to ensure that they mimic
user behavior. If user interactions have already been defined in Selenium tests, these can be leveraged in combination with
open-source tests like Apache JMeter, working to ensure that performance tests mirror user behavior accurately. Meanwhile,
dashboards and integrations into application performance management tools allow users to closely monitor, maintain, and
improve performance, using comprehensive analytics to deliver the functionality that users expect, with none of the
frustrating wait times.
It is critical to run a CA BlazeMeter performance test with an APM solution running in the background. Otherwise, developers
have to do manual performance tuning, by going through thousands of lines of text in logs scattered across countless servers
to determine the root cause of performance problems, before they can actually fix it. Integrations with APM tools, such as
CA Cross-Enterprise Application Performance Management (formerly CA Application Performance Management), can
pinpoint the culprit precisely at the method level, reducing mean time to repair (MTTR), which is the whole point of shifting
performance testing to the left.
Deploying the Latest Build When Testers Need It
When you use the Nolio Release Automation (formerly CA Release Automation) deploying engine, testing heterogeneous
applications is as easy as lining up the up-to-date assets and hitting play. The collaborative effort invested in Application
Test, Test Data Manager, CA BlazeMeter, and CA Service Virtualization can be completely leveraged. The virtual services
can be spun up and the rich test data plugged in before the automated functional and performance tests are exercised on a
readily deployed system.
The exact release process required can be defined once, before being reused by the core automation engine. The CA
Continuous Delivery Director is tailored for multi-team, multi-application releases, providing the tools needed to identify and
resolve dependencies. This means that the latest build can be deployed quickly and consistently, no matter how diverse the
servers, data centers, and environments. Meanwhile, test and development teams can focus their effort back on delivering
innovative software that reflects the desired user functionality, integrating continuous testing within a continuous delivery
Reacting to Changing User Needs
Organizations are waking up and realizing that their business requirements must align exactly with user needs. However,
users’ desired functionality changes quickly. These changing needs must be captured iteratively and accurately, leveraging
insights from the design phase right through to operations.
Broadcom CS200-244623-1119
Continuous Testing for Continuous Delivery White Paper
In the approach set out in this paper, the flowchart serves as the requirements and has been used to define the user stories,
test cases, test data and virtual endpoints. A change made to the requirements can, therefore, be reflected quickly and
accurately in the subsequent test assets, significantly reducing manual maintenance, and allowing each iteration to build on
the effort that has come before it.
The flowchart model provides a full dependency map of the system’s moving parts, allowing the impact of a change to be
identified across the system. When a new piece of logic is added to the flowchart, Agile Requirements Designer will identify
which dependent master flows and sub-flows have been impacted. This allows business analysts and developers to evaluate
how much work a change will generate, weighing up the relative value of user stories accurately. Further, following a change,
developers know exactly which parts of a system need to be updated, avoiding the potentially catastrophic damage caused
to software by unforeseen consequences.
The impact of a change on existing paths is also identified, so that the test cases, data, and virtual end-points can all be
maintained in tandem. The Path Impact Analyzer feature will remove or repair any broken or invalid paths following a change,
while any new tests needed to validate the latest version of the requirements will be created.
A large financial institution reduced the time taken to update test cases from two days to five minutes. A large financial
The new test cases can then be synchronized with the existing Rally Software user stories, communicating to automation
engineers exactly which tests need to be updated or created. Testers no longer have to check and update every existing
test, and they can automate only the number of tests that are needed to validate the new functionality. With the data and
virtual data updated at the same time as test cases, the functional tests are ready to be kicked off again using CA Release
Automation. The lightweight, SaaS platform offered by CA BlazeMeter further enables performance testing to be executed
at every stage of the development process, even as software evolves. Rigorous testing is made possible within a short
iteration, building off of the effort of past iterations.
User needs are changing fast, but the expectations of these experience-driven consumers are set higher than ever.
Organizations need to be able to continuously deliver software that accurately reflects constantly changing user needs.
Business and development teams must be able to iteratively and accurately capture the desired user functionality, before
reflecting this in software and test assets. All of these components must further be kept aligned, from user stories to test
cases, test data, virtual services and the deployed system.The best way to achieve this is to drive the assets directly from
the requirements themselves. This is possible with continuous testing, integrated into an end-to-end continuous delivery
ecosystem that’s capable of taking an idea from design to operations at speed, without compromising quality.
Next Steps
For more information, please visit blazemeter.com.
18. Huw Price, CA Technologies, “Test Case Calamity,” May 29, 2014
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