Degree/Branch: B.E./Common to all Branches Semester/Year: I/I
Subject Code /Title: HS3151/ PROFESSIONAL ENGLISH-I (Reg.-21) 2022-23
Question Bank
Unit I Introduction to fundamentals of communication
I Fill in the blanks with the proper forms Simple Present Tense
1. I---------at a bank. (work, works, working)
2. She------- with her parents. (lives, live, living)
3. Cows --------on grass. (feeding, feed, feeds)
4. He----------- a handsome salary. (earning, earns, earn)
5. Janet ---------- to be a singer. (wants, want, wanting)
6. Emily ------- delicious cookies. (make, makes, making)
7. Arti and her husband-------- in Singapore. (live, lives,living)
8. Rohan and Sania ------to play card games. (liking, likes, like)
9. Sophia---- English very well. (speak, speaking, speaks)
10. Martin ----- for a walk in the morning. (goes,going,go)
11 My grandfather------his pet dog. (adore,adoring,adores)
12. Plants ---------water and sunlight for making their food. (need,needing,needs)
1.work 2. lives 3. feed 4.earns 5.wants 6.makes 7.live 8.like 9.speaks 10.goes 11.adores 12.need
II Fill in the blanks with the proper forms Present Continuous tense
1. I--------a horse. (ride)
2. You -----------with us right now. (come)
3. She --------- on the floor. (not/dance)
4. Yes, Ram is --------- today’s event. (host)
5. The Chief Minister is -------- the flag. (hoist)
6. ---------they --------- in the drama? (act)
7. He is ------- his new business. (start)
8. She ----- them the value of education. (realize)
9. Am I------- you right now? (trouble)
10. He is --------- the workshop. (open)
11. She is ----- her limits. (cross)
12. -----they ---------- from the top of the mountain? (jump)
13. He is -----everyone who come in front of him.(not/kill)
14. You are-------- us for the trip. (join)
15. The teacher--------all the students from his lecture. (annoy)
1. am riding 2 are coming 3.is not dancing 4.hosting 5. hoisting 6.Are , acting 7starting
8.is realizing 9.troubling 10.opening 11.crossing 12.Are, jumping 13.not killing 14.joining
15.is annoying.
III Match the words in column A with meanings in column B
Appropriate (1) allowing light to pass
Translucent (2) a place water is collected
Feedback (3) repercussion
Catchment (4) suitable
(5) response
Answer a-4, b-1, c-5, d-2
Breeder (1) energy
Harness (2) not moving
Portable (3) connect
Stagnant (4) producer
(5) can be moved around
Answer a-4, b-3, c-4, d-2
Renowned (1) Not moving or changing
Stagnant (2) Wild imagination
Disposal (3) Famous
Fantasy (4) Getting rid off
Answer a-3, 2-b, c-4, d-2
Drawback (1) Severe
Distress (2) Disadvantage
Stringent (3) Moving between places
Playing (4) Suffering
Answer a-2, b-4, c-1, d-3
Augmentation (1) A deep and narrow valley
Ravine (2) Outstanding
Exceptional (3) Calm, Peaceful
Tranquil (4) Increase
Answer 1-4, 2-1, 3-2, 4-3
Abundant (1) rise
Escalate (2) reach its highest point
Culminate (3) strikingly grand
Spectacular (4) plenty
Answer a-4, b-1, c-2, d-3
Match the words in column A with antonyms in column B.
Abounds (1) accept
Feasible (2) inadequate
Resist (3) lacks
Comprehensive (4) impracticable
Answer a-3, b-4, c-1, d-2
Accelerate (1) admire
Asset (2) check
Humility (3) liability
Abhor (4) pride
Answer a-2, b-3, c-4, d-1
IV .Choose the synonym for the words from the given alternatives.
automatic b. distant c. savage d. mean
2. Detest
argue b. hate c. discover d. reveal
pretty b. clever c. pleasant d. present
foretell b. decide c. prevent d. discover
exult b. twist c. friend d. relative
6. Pensive
oppressed b. caged c. thoughtful d. happy
exile b. hate c. fade d. clean
malcontent b. argument c. imposter d. clown
9. Saccharine
leave b. sweet c. arid d. quit
10. Drag
sleepy b. crush c. proud d. pull
1. b, 2. b, 3. c, 4. a, 5. d, 6. c, 7. a, 8. c, 9. b, 10. d
V.Read the following sentences and write the single word substitute for the same.
1. A Government by a king or queen-
2. To transfer one’s authority to another-
3. A speech made without preparation-
4. A decision on which all agree-
5. Government by department of state-
6. The art of preserving skin-
7. The study of ancient writing-
8. One who loves mankind-
9. One who knows many languages-
10. Asking everyone for an opinion-
11. The gradual development of something-
12. The design and study of building-
13. An instrument to examine minute things-
14. One who can plan the future with intelligence-
15. One who has the ability to think and plan-
16. The speech sounds of a language are called as-
17. Murder of whole race or group of people-
18. The origin of something-
1. Monarch, 2. Delegate, 3.Extempore, 4.Unanimous, 5.Bureaucracy, 6.Taxidermy,
7. Paleography, 8. Philanthropist, 9.Polyglot, 10.Referendum, 11.Evolution,
12. Architecture, 13. Microscope, 14.Visionary, 15.Visionary, 16.Phoneme,
17. Genocide, 18. Genesis
VI. Choose the best word from the four options that can be used for the meaning given.
1. One who has the ability to think and plan
a. Philosopher b. fortune teller c. visionary d. prophet
2. The speech sound of language are called as
a. Alphabet b. phonology c. Sound card d. phoneme
3. Murder of whole race or group of people
a. Massacre b. Fumigate c. Fungicide d. Genocide
4. The origin of something
a. Start b. Open c. Genesis d. genius
1. c. Visionary 2. b. Phonology 3.d.Genocide 4.c. Genesis
Choose the best that can substitute the highlighted phrase in the following sentences:
( AUJan 2022)
1.Though Roopini was a person who did not know to read and write, she ran a very successful
flower business.
a. Illegible b. Illiterate c.Illiberal d.Illegal
2. There were numerous clubs in college notable among them was the coin collection club.
a.Numismatics b. Pneumatics c.Philanthrophy d.Mathematics
3. Since the family had very strict food habits, they always packed a kitchen set hat could easily
be carried everywhere.
a.Creditable b. Potable c.Notable d.Portable
4. The roads are well built with footpaths on either side for those people who go to different
places by a walk.
a. Industrialist b. Equestrians c. Pedestrians d. Travellers
VII .Frame suitable “WH” questions for the following situations:
1) You want to know when the local channels will be given functional autonomy.
Ask the Director of Mass Communication. Answer: When will?
2)You want to find out what steps the government is talking to prevent the
chemical pollution of earth’s surface. Answer: What step is?
Frame questions to which the bold italicized words are the answers.
1) The Greeks developed the art of coin making. Answer: Who?
2) We have invited Mr. Joseph to inaugurate the English association. Answer: Whom?
3) Nancy is going to London by train. Answer: How?
4) The convocation will be held next Tuesday. Answer: When?
Frame “WH” question for the responses given.
1) The Quingzang railway connects Beijing and Lhasa in Tibet. (Which)
2) The railway was opened in the year 2006. (When)
3) The railway line is 1956 kms long. (How)
4) The average temperature in the region is -45 degrees. (What)
1) Which two places does the Quingzang connect in Tibet?
2) When was the railway opened?
3) How long is the railway line?
4) What is the average temperature in the region?
VIII. Complete the question with a suitable “Wh” word.
1.-----does your grandmother usually visit you? (on Fridays)
2.----- do you go to bed early? (because I want to be a football player)
3.----- do kids eat when they go to a fast food restaurant? (hamburgers)
4.------- do most of the pupils come to school? (by bus)
5.------- does your pet dog sleep at night? (under my bed)
6.------ does it take to go from Tel Aviv to KiriatMotzkin? (about two hours)
7.------- gets up early to make your sandwiches? (My mother)
8.------ cleans the school in the afternoons? (the school cleaners)
9.--------- works in the school office? (Dorit, Fruma and Sali)
10.------- makes a loud noise at the end of the lessons? (the school bell)
1. When 2.Why 3. Which 4.By which 5.Where 6. What 7. Who 8.Who 9. Who 10.What
IX. Complete with the correct question words.
1) ----------much does the project budget come up to? Over Rs. 2 lakhs.
2) -------is the library? Right across the road.
3) The entire college looks festive;---------- is coming as the chief guest?
4) ---------does this word mean? I’ve never heard of it.
Answer a) How b) Where c) who d) What
Write ‘Wh’-questions for the following sentences:
1. They went to Spain for their vacation.
2. The party will be held at my brother’s place.
3. Banks open at eight O’ clock.
4. The girls watched the movie directed by James Cameroon.
1. Where did they go for their vacation?
2. Where will the party be held?
3. When do the banks open?
4. What movie did the girls watch?
X. Abbreviations &Acronyms
Read the following sentences and write the single word substitute for the same.
1. A Government by a king or queen-
2. To transfer one’s authority to another-
3. A speech made without preparation-
4. A decision on which all agree-
5. Government by department of state-
6. The art of preserving skin-
7. The study of ancient writing-
8. One who loves mankind-
9. One who knows many languages-
10. Asking everyone for an opinion-
11.The gradual development of something-
12.The design and study of building-
13. An instrument to examine minute things-
14.One who can plan the future with intelligence-
15. One who has the ability to think and plan-
16. The speech sounds of a language are called as-
17.Murder of whole race or group of people-
18. The origin of something-
1. Monarch, 2. Delegate, 3.Extempore, 4.Unanimous, 5.Bureaucracy, 6.Taxidermy,
7. Paleography, 8. Philanthropist, 9.Polyglot, 10.Referendum, 11.Evolution, 12. Architecture,
13. Microscope, 14.Visionary, 15.Visionary, 16.Phoneme, 17. Genocide, 18. Genesis
XI. Choose the best word from the four options that can be used for the meaning given.
1. One who has the ability to think and plan
a. Philosopher b. fortune teller c. visionary d. prophet
2. The speech sound of language are called as
a. Alphabet b. phonology c. Sound card d. phoneme
3. Murder of whole race or group of people
a. Massacre b. Fumigate c. Fungicide d. Genocide
4. The origin of something
a. Start b. Open c. Genesis d. genius
1. c. Visionary 2.b. Phonology 3.d.Genocide 4.c. Genesis
Writing emails
1. You have been selected for admission to IIT, Kanpur. Write an e mail to share your happiness
with them. Send it to multiple recipients.
2. As a principal of senior secondary school, send an email to all teachers to participate in a
workshop in school on Sunday.
3. Write an email to editor of a leading newspaper expressing your strong feeling against a lack
of moral values in the younger generation.
4. Draft an e-mail to your cousin to join him for the communication skill course explaining the
importance of it.
5. Draft an e-mail to your friend explaining the facility available in your college campus.
6. Send an e-mail to your uncle who was hospitalized and returned home because of viral
7. Draft an e-mail to your friend for winning a scholarship.
Unit II Narration & Summation
I Choose the correct form of the verb that agrees with the subject.
1. Annie and her brothers ------ (is, are) at school.
2. Either my mother or my father -------- (is, are) coming to the meeting.
3. George and Tamara ----- (doesn’t, don’t) want to see that meeting.
4. Every one of those books ------ (is, are) fiction.
5. Your pants----- (is, are) at the cleaner’s.
6. The committee -------- (debates, debate) these question carefully.
7. There ------- (is, are) only one book on the table.
8. There--------- (was, were) ten books in the box.
9. The bouquet of flowers ------- (has, have) just arrived.
10. My friend----------- (drive, drives) his car fast.
Answer 1. are 2. is 3. don’t 4. is 5. are 6. debates 7. is 8. were 9. has 10. drives
II Choose the correct verb form that agrees with the subject.
1) Suresh or Joseph------ (is/are) likely to be voted this year’s president of the students union.
2) Neither Kumar nor his brother------- (is/are) qualified for the finals.
3) An electric computer-------- (solves/solve) difficult problems quickly.
4) Many colleges------- (do not/does not) have computers in the language labs.
Answer 1) is 2) is 3) solves 4) do not
Choose correct Verb to Subject in the followings:
1. Our main sources of energy------ (are/is) the fossil fuels which has a prehistoric origin.
2. Neither Helen nor her friends------ (does/do) shopping.
3. The principal, together with the staff,---------- (goes/go) to the meeting.
4. In the hot weather, vegetables------- (are/is) better food than rice.
5. Fifty percent of our central budgets-------- (go/goes) to the defence.
6. Suresh or Joseph------ (is/was) likely to be voted this year’s president of the student’s union.
7. Neither Kumar nor his brother-------- (is/are) qualified for the finals.
8. An electric computer------ (solves/solve) difficult problems quickly.
9. Many colleges---- (do not/does not) have computers in the language labs.
10. The driver along with the conductor------- (was/were) arrested for the accident. Working for
late hours in the night---- (is /are) not good for health.
11. Neither the teacher nor the students ------- (are/is) interested in the project.
12. Engineering mechanics---------- (is/ are) an interesting subject.
1. Our main source of energy is the fossil fuels which have a prehistoric origin.
2. Neither Helen nor her friends do shopping.
3. The principal together with staff goes to the meeting.
4. In the hot weather, vegetables are better food than rice.
5. Fifty percent of our central budget goes to the defence.
6. Suresh or Joseph is likely to be voted this year’s president of the student’s union.
7. Neither Kumar nor his brother is qualified for the finals.
8. An electric computer solves difficult problems quickly.
9. Many colleges do not have computers in the language labs.
10. The driver along with the conductor was arrested for the accident.
11. Working for late hours in students is interested in the project.
12. Engineering Mechanics is an interesting subject.
III Complete the exercise with the correct prepositions.
1. What are you going to buy------her birthday?
2. There are countless opportunities--------qualified computer personnel.
3. The workers went---------strike because they thought their wages were too low.
4. The teacher asked the class to complete the exercise given------page 20.
5. Henry Ford made his first car, the Quadricycle,------- June, 1896.
6. We could stand---------the tree when it rained.
7. Vinay was always very good---------music when he was at school.
8. I have been working----------three years.
Answer 1) for 2) for 3) on 4) in 5) on 6) under 7) in/at 8) for
IV Fill the gaps with the correct prepositions.
1. We live ------ London.
2. Would you like------- go to the cinema tonight?
3. No, thanks. I was ------ the cinema yesterday.
4. We are going -------holiday next week.
5. There is a bridge -------- the river.
6. The flight ---------Leipzig to London was via Frankfurt.
7. -------my wall, there are many picture postcards.
8. Who is the person----------this picture?
9. Come--------the sitting room, we want to watch TV.
10. Munich lies 530 meters---------sea level
1. in 2. to 3.at 4.on 5.across 6.from 7.On 8.in 9.into 10.above
V Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions. Choose your answers from the options
given in the brackets
Answer 1.from 2.to 3.since 4.for 5.to 6.in 7. by 8.on 9.into 10.with
VI Give antonyms of the following words by adding suitable negative prefixes.
1) Tolerant 2) Mature 3) Responsible 4) Literate
1) Intolerant 2) Immature 3) Irresponsible 4) Illiterate
Make antonyms of the following words by adding suitable prefixes.
1) Purity 2)Sufficient 3)Violence 4) Distinguishable 5) Consistent 6) Responsible
(1) Impurity (2) Insufficient (3) Non-violence (4) Indistinguishable (5) Inconsistent
(6) Irresponsible
VII Fill in the blanks with the appropriate phrasal verbs given below.
(look for, drove off, fill in, switch on, try on, turn on, throw away, turn
down, put out, believe in)
1. He got into the car and -----------.
2. I don’t know where my book is. I have to--------------it.
3. It’s dark inside. Can you--------the light, please?
4. I need some new clothes. Why don’t you---------these jeans?
5. ---------the oven. I want to bake a pizza.
6. This pencil is really old. You can----------it.
7. -------the form, please.
8. It’s so loud here. Can you----------the radio a little?
9. The firemen were able to----------the fire in Church Street.
10. Does your little brother--------ghosts?
1.drove off
2. look for
3. switch on 4. try on
5. Turn on
6. throw, away
7. Fill in
8. turn down 9. put out
10. believe in
VII Fill in the blanks by choosing the suitable phrasal verbs given below.
1. The truth finally--------- me. (dawned on/dawned about)
2. He ---------as if nothing had happened. (carried on, carried through)
3. He --------- all struggle. (gave up / gave out)
4. ---------- the light, please. (Switch on, switch for)
5. She -------- her mother. (takes in, takes after)
6. Children -------------whatever they hear. (blurt out, blurt about)
7. Junoon has just --------- a new winter collection. (brought up, brought out)
8. The Panda is in danger of -----------. (drying out, drying in)
9. All the tickets of the Barcelona Cup have been----------- (sold away, sold out)
10. Why are you ----------. (looking around, looking for)
11. Please, -------your shoes. (take off, take out)
12. Have the factory workers ----------the strike? (called of, called off)
13. He did not ---------- my request. (accede to, accede for)
14. He ---------drinking after his failure in love. (took to, took in)
15. You can--------- this deficiency. (make out, make up)
16. Girls---------to greet their favorite teacher. (turned on, turned out)
17. He ------ book of all kinds. (deals in, deals of)
18. The government has------- all projects. (cast by, cast aside)
19. All the fruit in the basket has --------(gone off, gone out)
20. His oratory ---------- the feelings of the crowd. (worked up, worked out)
1.dawned on 2.carried on 3. gave up 4. Switch on 5. takes after 6.blurt out
7.brought out 8. drying out 9.sold out 10. looking around 11. take off 12.called off
13.accede to 14. took to 15.make up 16.turned out 17.deals in 18.cast aside 19.gone off
20.worked up
VIII Write down the correct form of the verb given in the bracket to make a sentence into
the simple past tense.
1. You ----------my window’s glass. (break)
2. I --------- something near that place. (see)
3. He ------ from London sometimes ago. (come)
4. She -------- an i Phone. (buy)
5. He ------- anyone yet for the mission. (not/choose)
6. ----- they--------- with the committee? (speak)
7. He -----on the table all day. (stand)
8. His head --------to the door. (strike)
9. I ---- about this earlier. (hear)
10. The birds ------ away in the sky. (flying)
11. Our soldiers-------- the battle. (win)
12. A Farmer---- suicide after hearing this news. (commit)
13. He ------- a letter to the principal. (write)
14. An apple ------- from the tree. (fall)
1. Broke 2.saw 3. came 4.bought 5. Did not choose 6.Did/ speak 7.stood 8.struck 9.
heard 10. flew 11. won 12.committed 13. wrote 14.fell
Part- B
IX Write a paragraph on the following topics.
1.Compare Print media over the Electronic media. Which do you find to be more effective.
2. Write an analytical paragraph on the problems of unemployment.
4. Write a technical paragraph on the uses of internet in education.
5. Write a paragraph on comparing and contrasting organic and genetically modified foods.
6. Write a narrative paragraph about a book you love most in 200 words.
7. Write a descriptive paragraph on a place that exists only in your imagination.
8. Write a technical paragraph on how will the technology change our lives in twenty years?
9. Write a paragraph on causes and effects of pollution.
10. In this electronic era, people still continue to read books and magazines.
11. Write a paragraph describing why people still prefer to read books.
12.The importance of social media in today’s world.
13. Student’s approach to library in the current scenario.
14. Going away from nature is happening naturally- Discuss.
15. Outdoor and Indoor Games.
X Short Report on an event (field trip etc)
Your department conducted a two-day workshop on technical writing skills. You were the
leader of the organizing team. Prepare a short report in about 250 words on the event.
(AU. Jan 2022)
You are the President of the Debating Club in your college .You have been asked by the
Principal of your college to submit a short report in 250 words on the activities about
conducted by the club in the past three months. (AU. Jan 2022)
Write a report on Annual day celebration of your college?
Write a report on Blood Donation Camp?
Write a report on Science fair?
What is an experience you had on a school field trip?
What is the most memorable field trip you've ever?
8. What are the unforgettable experiences you had in your school days?
9. Write a report on the Recent industrial visit.
10. Write an accident report .
I.Complete the following sentences using the correct degree of the adjective given in the brackets
1. She is-------than her sister. (Pretty)
2. Martha is a -----girl. (Nice)
3. Supriya is the ------girl in the class. (Intelligent)
4. Martin speaks English -------- (Good)
5. Russia is the -----country in the world. (Big)
6. China is a ------ country. (Big)
7. China is ---------than India. (Big)
8. This is the --------- book I have ever read. (Interesting)
9. I am ---------- than you. (Smart)
10. Take the ------ of the two routes. (Short)
11. My brother’s handwriting is ------ than mine. (Bad)
12. Health is --------- than wealth. (Important)
13. Blood is -------- than water. (Thick)
14. Everest is the------ in the world. (High)
15. This is the-------play that I have ever heard on the radio. (Interesting)
16. Susie is the ------of all the four sisters. (Beautiful)
17. The planet Mars is ------ from the earth than the satellite moon. (Far)
18. The elephant is ---------- animal in the world. (Large)
19. An ocean is certainly----- than sea. (Big)
20. I am ----------- in cricket than in football. (Interested)
1. prettier 2. nice 3.most intelligent 4. well. 5. biggest 6. big 7. bigger 8. most interesting 9.
Smarter 10.shorter 11.worse 12. More important13.thicker 14.highest peak 15. . most interesting 16.
most beautiful 17. Farther 18. largest 19.bigger 20. more interested
ll. Fill in the blanks with suitable sequence words.
1. My sister was in the dentist's office for ten minutes. -------, I sat in the waiting room with
an old magazine in my hands.
2. Many people wanted to buy the tickets. --------a while, the queue was quite long.
3. The teacher had trouble telling the twins apart. ------- she realized one had a mole above her
4. An hour passed but there was no sign of Mike. -------, we decided to go home.
5. -------- her shortcomings, she is lucky to get the job.
6. -------the monsoon season, the fishermen managed to obtain a good income.
7. Sheila has not bothered to tidy up her room -------- her cousin came to stay.
8. Tea should be served in every meeting -------the members will not be sleepy.
9. -------you are so interested, I won't persuade you to give up. --------do check with the
agent before you purchase it.
10. The pensioner exercises daily.--------- he is as fit as fiddle.
11. He did not like the film------- he left the theatre.
12. ------the principal’s warning, we are afraid to leave school during class.
1. Meanwhile
2. After
3. Subsequently
4. Finally
5. In view of
6. In spite of
7. since
8. as
9. As, However
10. Therefore
11. So
12. Owing to
III. Find correct sequence of sentences and arrange them in an order.
1. P: to derive their answers
Q: them to rely on nothing more than the text
R: from distraction and forces
S: this allows students to work free
2. P: who are very hygiene-conscious
Q: soaked for about five minutes
R: some tomato ketchup manufacturers
S: require the fruits to be
3. P: if it was time to go yet
Q: and ran downstairs to see
R: Rahul jumped out of bed
S: on Saturday morning
4. P: only five or six new ones
Q: to have been found, although
R: there are over 31,000 documented meteorites
S: are found every year
5. P: not indeed in the sense that education has been universal
Q: Our country has been a land of learning
R: and the learned man has been held in higher esteem than the warrior or administrator
S: but in the sense that education has been universal
IV .Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of verb.
1. Lisa------ (find) the milk, if she looked in the fridge.
2. The zoo keeper would have punished her with a fine, if she------ (feed) the animals.
3. If you------- (speak) louder, your classmates would understand you.
4. Dan----- (arrive) safe, if he drove slowly.
5. You would have had no trouble at school, if you--------- (do) your homework.
6. If you--------- (swim) in this lake, you’ll shiver from cold.
7. The door--------- (unlock), if you press the green button.
8. If I had asked her teacher, he--------- (answer) her questions.
9. I-------- (call) the office, if I were you.
10. If the sun shone, we---------- (go) swimming.
11. She would have been top of her class if she-------- (work) hard.
12. If I were stronger, I----------- (help) you carry the piano.
13. If we had seen you, we ---------(stop)
14. If we meet him tomorrow, we-------(say) hello.
15. He would have repaired the car himself, if he---------(had) the tools.
1. would find
2. had fed
3. spoke
4. would arrive
5. had done
6. swim
7. will unlock
8. would have answered
9. would call
10. would go
11. had worked
12. would help
13. would have stopped
14. will say
15. had had
V. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate tense forms of the verbs given in brackets
(AU Jan. 22)
The college brochure that is being distributed at the information desk to all the applicants who
are present It (be) ----------very colourful and attractive. (provide)---------------- information
about the college, the programmes and courses offered and the campus. Right now we ------------
- (show) you images of the applicants forming a line in front of the information desk to receive
the application forms and brochure. The application form 1000/- though the brochure is free.
V Choose the best imperative for each sentence.
1. Doctor: ---------this medicine before you go to bed, okay?
Patient: All right, doctor. Thanks.
A. ? You take
B. ? Take
2. Boss: Always -------- your documents as soon as you finish writing them.
Employee: OK, I will.
A. you save
B. save
C. don't save
3. Teacher: Jerry, -------please. I'm ready to begin teaching.
A. you sit down
B. sit down
4. -------warmly so you don't get cold outside. It's snowing!
A. Dressing
B. Dress
C. Don't dress
5. ---------careful! You almost spilled your coffee.
A. Don't be
B. You be
C. Be
6. A: Could you tell me how to find the bookstore?
B: Sure-------- two blocks and --------left at the corner. It's right there!
A. Don't walk / turn
B. Walks / turns
C. Walk / turn
7. Wife: -------me when I am speaking.
Husband: Sorry, honey.
A. interrupt
B. You don't interrupt
C. Please don't interrupt
8. ------after you eat a big meal. It's not a good idea.
A. Don't exercise
B. Exercise
C. Yoga
VI Fill in the blanks with suitable homophones
1. All------- Mr .Khan will ------the proposal. (accept, except)
2. Kindly ------ if the ------- has been signed. (check, cheque)
3. Soon after I gave him the next------ of the medicine, he began to -----.. (dose, doze)
4. The wound on her----- took a long time to-------(heel, heal)
5. I ------- that a meeting is going to take place -------- (here, hear)
6. The ------ of our school is a man of ------- (principal, principle)
7. Priyanka ate -------- mangoes, so she is now suffering from a ----throat. (sore, sour)
8. The thieves could not ---------the jewellery because it was lying in a locked---------
almirah. (steel, steal)
9. Here is an interesting--------- about a fox that lost its -------(tail, tale)
10. ------are three bedrooms in -------house. (there, their)
1. except, accept
2. check, cheque
3. dose, doze
4. heel, heal
5. hear, here
6. Principal, principle
7. sour, sore
8. steal, steel
9. tale, tail
10. There, their
VII Fill in the blanks with suitable homonyms
1. Your perfume has a wonderful ------.(sent/ scent/cent )
2. I banged my ------ on the leg of the table. (toe /tow)
3. What ---- do you take to work? (route/root)
4. The wind ------- the door closed. (blue/blew)
5. She returned to the----- of the accident.( scene/seen)
6. I can't eat this ----- pizza.(whole/hole )
7. I wonder if they will change ------plans? (their/ there / they ‘re)
8. He wants to lose some ---------before summer. (wait/weight)
9. Does anyone still ------ letters? (right /write )
10. I can play a few ------on the guitar.(cords/chords)
1. scent 2. toe 3.route 4.blew 5. Scene 6. Whole 7.their 8. weight 9. write 10. chords
VIII Writing Definitions
Give definitions for the following
1. Algorithm -
2. Camera -(AU Jan 22)
3. Mariner’s compass-(AU Jan 22)
4. Satellite -(AU Jan 22)
5. Atmosphere-
6. Barometer-
7. Biogas plant-
8. Nuclear reactor-
9. Microscope-
10. Computer graphics-
11. Catalyst-
12. Cathode-
13. Computer virus-
14. Rain water harvesting-
15. Internet-
16. Tape recorder-
17. Blue tooth-
18. Robot-(AU Jan 22)
19. Air conditioner-
20. Gobar gas-
21. Thermometer-
22. Calculator-
23. Nuclear power-
1. Algorithm is a set of rules followed in solving a particular problem.
2. Camera is a piece of equipment that you use for taking photographs or moving pictures.
3. Mariner’s compass a compass used in navigation that consists of parallel magnetic needles or bundles of
needles permanently attached to a card marked to indicate direction and degrees of a circle.
4. Satellite is an electronic device that is sent into space and moves around the earth or another
planet for a particular purpose.
5. Atmosphere is the mixture of gases that surround the earth.
6. Barometer is an instrument for measuring air pleasure.
7. Biogas plant is the machinery for producing gas from animal waste.
8. Nuclear reactor is a scientific device for producing nuclear energy.
9. Microscope is a scientific device which makes extremely small things appears bigger.
10. Computer graphics are concerned with picture generation, manipulation and display by a
11. Catalyst is a substance that makes a chemical reaction faster without changing itself.
12. Cathode is the negative terminal of a device.
13. Computer virus is a hidden code within a computer program intended to cause errors.
14. Rain water harvesting is the simple process or technology used to conserve rainwater by
collecting, storing, conveying and purifying of rainwater that runs off .
15. Internet is to share information and communicate from anywhere with an Internet connection.
16. Tape recorder is a device for recording on and playing back magnetic tape.
17. Bluetooth is a wireless technology that uses a radio frequency to share data over a short distance,
eliminating the need for wires.
18. Robot is automatically operated machine that replaces human effort, though it may not
resemble human beings in appearance or perform functions in a humanlike manner.
19. An air conditioner is a system that is used to cool down a space by removing heat from the space
and moving it to some outside area.
20. A cobra gas is a gas produced from cow dung which is used as fuel.
21. Thermometer is an instrument which is used to measure the temperature of the human body.
22. A calculator is a device that performs arithmetic operations on numbers.
IX Compound Nouns
Fill the correct compound words
Cake hand shake chair lip snow chop man spoon coffee
moon stick fruit mug tea full pan wheel
1. ---------A breakfast food made on the stovetop.
2. -------A wintery creation that looks like a person.
3.---------- A common utensil in Asian cuisine.
4. ------------A cup used to enjoy a hot beverage.
5. --------A tasty holiday treat.
6. --------A small measurement in a recipe.
7. ---------A polite way to greet someone.
8. ----------A type of makeup worn on the mouth.
9. --------The monthly time when the entire moon is visible.
10. ----------A way for people to get around when they can’t walk.
1. pancake 2.snowman 3. chopstick 4. coffee mug 5.fruitcake 6. teaspoon
7. handshake 8. lipstick 9. fullmoon 10.toothpick
X Find the correct compound words
1. A small tool to dislodge food from your teeth-----
2. A predatory animal that shakes its tail to warn enemies --
3. It falls down your face when you are crying----
4. Where you go after middle school-- ----
5. America’s national sport------
1.toothpick 2. Rattle snake 3. teardrop 4. highschool 5. Baseball
I Writing Instructions
1.Write a set of eight important instructions followed for maintaining your computer in good
2. Write a set of eight important instructions that are to be followed by the citizens of India in
order to preserve the environment.
3. Write a set of eight instructions that can be followed by the public to preserve environment
and keep it free from pollution (air, water, land).
4. Write at least eight instructions to maintain safety when students are working in a chemistry
5. Prepare a list of eight instructions you would like to give your brother who wishes to apply
for an engineering college, university abroad.
6. Write a set of eight instructions that are to be followed by the students in a college Library.
7. Write a set of eight instructions that must be followed in order to maintain safety in
temporary structures such as shamianas and pandals.
8. Write a set of eight instructions that people could follow to keep the college campus clean.
9. Write a set of eight instructions that people could be followed to reduce pollution.
10. Your younger brother / sister wants to open an account in face book. Write a set of eight
instructions to avoid the problems and dangers of face book and to use it effectively.
11. Imagine that you are a controller of examinations. Write a set of eight instructions for the
students in the examination hall.
12. You have bought a new mobile phone. What are the instructions that will be given in the
user manual? Write any eight instructions.
13. Write a set of eight instructions for students who are going to move into the hostel for the
first time.
14. Write a set of eight instructions for your younger brother /sister who is going to write
his/board exams this year.
II Describing a process
1. Describe the process involved in opening a bank account.
2. Describe the process of mending the punctured rube of your two-wheeler.
3. Describe the process involved in making a cup of tea.
4. Describe the process involved in sending an email attachment to your friend.
5. Describe the process involved in becoming a successful orator.
6. Describe the process involved in making a glass of lemon juice.
7. Describe the process of production of ice creams
III Describe the product given below
a) Describe the given Rolex watch in 250 words.
b) Describe the given OTG in 250 words.
c) Describe Bosch 9 kg 5 Star Fully Automatic Front Load Washing Machine in 250 words
d) Describe the below product in 250 words
I. Fill up the blanks with suitable articles –“a/an/the”
I like
blue T-shirt over there better than
red one.
2. Their car does 150 miles
3. Where's
USB drive I lent you last week?
4. Do you still live in
5. Is your mother working in
old office building?
6. Carol's father works as
7. The tomatoes are 99 pence
8. What do you usually have for
9. Ben has
terrible headache.
10. After this tour you have
whole afternoon free to explore the city.
the , the 2. an 3. the 4. No article 5an 6. an 7. a 8. No article 9. a 10. the
II Choose the correct definite or indefinite article: "the", "a", "an" or "x" (zero article).
1. I bought -----pair of shoes.
2. I saw -------movie last night.
3. They are staying at--------hotel.
4. Look at ------ man over there is unfriendly.
5. I do not like --------- basketball.
6. That is ---------- problem I told you about.
7. ---------night is quiet. Let us take a walk!
8. ------ price of gas keeps rising.
9. John traveled to X Mexico.
10. Juan is------- Spanish.
11. I read ----- amazing story.
12. My brother does not eat -------- chicken.
13. ----- love is such beautiful thing.
14. I live in--------- apartment-------apartment is new.
15. I would like------ piece of cake
a 2. a 3. X 4. the 5.X 6. a 7. the 8. the 9. X 10. X 11. an 12. X 13. X 14. an, The 15. a
III. Fill in the blanks with proper collocation.
1. They-------(did, gave, put, made, tried) all efforts to solve the problem.
2. It’s an interesting film. I don’t want to---------- (miss, lose, fail, make) it.
3. We have already started to----------(do, prepare, make, create) plan for the
second semester activities.
4. The HR principle is that we should--------- (feel, hold, find, have) good
relationship with our fellow staff.
5. During the documentation, it is important to--------(keep, hold, put,
do) all the records perfect.
1. made 2. miss 3. make 4. have 5. Keep
IV. Give a word that collocates with the following.
2. remote
3. devoted
4. drastic
5. fast
1. car 2. member 3. change 4. food
V Complete the collocation in the sentence by choosing the correct words.
1. The officer ------ (pay / had) sympathy on the manager and offered financial aid.
2. The dog in our house ------ (went /get ) missing when we moved to a new place.
3. The champion ------ (broke / made) his own record in the Olympics.
4. The company ------ (made / launched) a new product in the market last month.
1. had 2. went 3. broke 4. launched
VI. Fill in the blanks with right options to complete the collocations.
1. Let’s consult with the elders before we ------------- a decision.
i) do ii) make iii) create iv) construct
2. The students always ------------- attention in his class.
i) give ii) pay iii) keep iv) make
3. It is a golden --------------------- we can’t miss it.
i) chance ii) opportunity iii) offer iv) possibility
4. He should learn to his emotions under control.
i) keep ii) hold iii) do iv) make
1. make 2. pay 3. opportunity 4.keep
VII. Replace the words in brackets by the correct personal pronouns. Note that Sue is the person
speaking. The (*) means that you are asked a question
1. My name is Sue. (Sue)------ am English. And this is my family.
2. My mum's name is Angie. (Angie) ------- is from Germany.
3. Bob is my dad. (My dad) ---------- is a waiter.
4. On the left you can see Simon. (Simon) ----------- is my brother.
5. (Sue and Simon) --------- are twins.
6. Our dog is a girl, Judy. (Judy) ----- is two years old.
7. (Sue, Simon, Angie and Bob) ------ live in Canterbury.
8. (Canterbury) ------- is not far from London.
9. My grandparents live in London. (My grandparents) --------- often come and see us.
10. What can (*) ---------tell me about your family?
1. My name is Sue. I am English. And this is my family.
2. My mum's name is Angie. She is from Germany.
3. Bob is my dad. He is a waiter.
4. On the left you can see Simon. He is my brother.
5. We are twins.
6. Our dog is a girl, Judy. She is two years old.
7. We live in Canterbury.
8. It is not far from London.
9. My grandparents live in London. They often come and see us.
10. What can you tell me about your family?
VII Fill in the blanks with Possessive Pronoun
Kevin: We want to go away for the weekend, but we have a problem.
Jim: What’s that?
Kevin:We need a tent. We gave -------1 to my uncle and he hasn’t brought it back. Can you lend
us ------2 ?
Jim: I don’t really want to give -------3 to anyone? Selena has got one. Can’t you ask her for
------4 ?
Kevin: No, ----- is too small for the two of us, and it is not nice like -----6 .
Jim: I see, Mike has got one, too. What’s wrong with -------7 ?
Kevin: Oh! No! It’s terribly old, and it lets the rain in.
Jim: OK. How about the Browns’? ---------8 is nice and big.
Kevin: Well, ------9 is too big for two people. Why don’t you let us have --------10 ?
You know it’s ideal for us.
Jim: OK. All right then. Be careful with it.
Kevin: Oh we will. I promise. Thank you very much Jim.
1. ours 2. Yours 3. Mine 4. Hers 5. hers 6. yours 7. His 8. theirs 9. theirs
10. yours
Join these Sentences using relative pronouns:
1. I have made a statement. I stand by the statement.
2. Ananya’s essay had been adjudged the best. She was quite excited about it.
3. Tea is an important export item. Tea is grown in Assam.
4. Here is a list of some spices. I want you to get them from Kerala.
5. I have said something. I am not sorry for it.
1. I stand by the statement which I have made.
2. Ananya was quite excited about an essay which had been adjudged the best.
3. Tea which is grown in Assam is an important export item.
4. Here is a list of some spices which I want you to get them from Kerala.
5. I have said something for which I am not sorry.
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate relative pronoun choosing from the options
provided in brackets.(AU JAN 22)
1) Here is an advertisement------------- you. (what/which) might interest you.
2) This is the place-------------- (where / when) the great king met his end.
3) She is the girl-------------- (which/whom) you spoke to over the phone
4) The people----------- (who/whom) manage this institute are not very efficient efficient.
Use correct fixed expressions and correct the following
1. I'm afraid that's never come into my mind.
2. He's so happy as a clam since he met Linda.
3. You decide. It's up for you.
4. Could you put in a good sentence for me with the boss?
5. What of the world do you mean?
6. She's so very pleased of her new car.
7. I can assure you that it is a happiness to deal with you.
8. Jack feels very strong about the need for a new park in town.
9. It has showed to our attention that your daughter has missed five classes.
10. I'd like to thank you for behalf of our company.
11. That listens like a wonderful opportunity!
12. He's got mixed feelings with his new school.
13. I'm sorry. I didn't keep that. What did you say?
14. Thank you as much for inviting me to the party!
15. Could you hold up a moment, please?
1. I'm afraid that's never entered my mind.
2. He's as happy as a clam since he met Linda.
3. You decide. It's up to you.
4. Could you put in a good word for me with the boss?
5. What in the world do you mean?
6. She's so very pleased with her new car.
7. I can assure you that it is a pleasure to deal with you.
8. Jack feels very strongly about the need for a new park in town.
9. It has come to our attention that your daughter has missed five classes.
10. I'd like to thank you on behalf of our company.
11. That sounds like a wonderful opportunity!
12. He's got mixed feelings about his new school.
13. I'm sorry. I didn't catch that. What did you say?
14. Thank you so much for inviting me to the party!
15. Could you hold on a moment, please?
Frame sentences using the following semi-fixed expressions:
Rains cats and dogs : raining heavily
How come that you are going out in that storm? It’s raining cats and dogs.
the lion’s share : The majority
The gang stole a lot of money from the bank. But the lion’s share of the money went straight into
the leader’s pocket.
turn a deaf ear to : to refuse to listen
He turns a deaf ear to his mother’s advice.
in a nutshell : in summary
The truth in a nut shell is that I know nothing about what they want me to do.
Caught red-handed : caught while doing the mistake.
She was caught red handed, stealing a ring.
break the ice : in introduce conversation
Always Ram breaks the ice, in this group conversation.
a storm in a tea cup : un necessary anger and worry
I think it's all a storm in a tea cup there’s probably no danger to public health at all.
bag and baggage : all one’s possessions
We were told to be out of the house with bag and baggage.
.burn the midnight oil : to work hard especially late light
She was burning the mid night oil, preparing for her IAS exam.
In the long run : after a long time
In a long run we will learn a lesson of our life
Part B
I Recommendations
1. Write a set of eight recommendations to control water pollution.
2. Write a set of eight recommendations that should be followed to save water.
3. Write a set of eight recommendations for safety measures in a chemical factory.
4.Write a set of eight recommendations for your brother who is going to write his Board Exam
5. Write a set of eight recommendations to reduce environmental pollution
6. Write a set of eight recommendations to improve communication skills.
7. Write a set of eight recommendations for youth to maintain a healthy lifestyle. (AU Jan 22)
8. Write a set of eight recommendations for the general public to protect themselves from
internet fraud. (AU Jan 22)
II Transferring information from non verbal (chart,graph etc. to verbal mode)
1)The following pie charts show the number of students enrolled for MBA entrance exam and
the number of students who passed the exam in different institutes. Write a detailed paragraph
interpreting the pie chart.
Distribution of candidates who were enrolled for MBA entrance exam and the candidates (out of
those enrolled) who passed the exam in different institutes.
2 ) The following bar chart gives information about the number of times people from different
age groups refer to dictionaries in a month. Write a detailed paragraph interpreting the data given
in the chart.
X- axis Age groups Y-axis- Frequency
Frequency of referring to dictionaries in a month by different age groups
3) Make use of the following tabular column and Interpret the following
4) Make use of the following pie chart and Interpret the following
5) Describe the following in about 200 words
6) Describe the following in about 200 words
7) The bar chart represents the online sale of few items in India from 2010 to 2013. Read the chart,
interpret the data and write a paragraph of 150 words.
E Commerce sales in India from 2010 to 2013
Series 1
Series 2
Series 3
Travelling Industry
Use appropriate punctuation marks in the following sentences.
1. We had a great time in France the kids really enjoyed it
2. Some people work best in the mornings others do better in the evenings
3. What are you doing next weekend
4. Mother had to go into hospital she had heart problems
5. Did you understand why I was upset
6. It is a fine idea let us hope that it is going to work
7. We will be arriving on Monday morning at least I think so
8. A textbook can be a wall between teacher and class
9. The girls father sat in a corner
10. In the words of Murphys Law Anything that can go wrong will go wrong
1.We had a great time in France the kids really enjoyed it.
2. Some people work best in the mornings; others do better in the evenings.
3. What are you doing next weekend?
4. Mother had to go into hospital: she had heart problems.
5. Did you understand why I was upset?
6. It is a fine idea; let us hope that it is going to work.
7. We will be arriving on Monday morning at least, I think so.
8. A textbook can be a ‘wall’ between teacher and class.
9. The girl’s father sat in a corner.
10. In the words of Murphy’s Law: ‘Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.
Punctuate the following sentences using comma, semi colon and the colon:
1. The Gita says life is action.
2. Man is mortal God is eternal.
3. To err is human to forgive divine.
4. Bacon says reading maketh a full man.
5. Pope says little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
6. A thing of beauty is a joy for ever .Its loveliness increases.
7. Shakespeare’s four great tragedies are King Lear Hamlet Othello and Macbeth.
8. The two great books of Nehru are The Discovery of India and My Autobiography.
9. He wants money to spend on books to read horses to ride and a palatial house to live in.
10. The rain fell in torrents the sky was dark the roads were deep in mud the way was long the
weary travellers plodded on in silence.
1. The Gita says: Life is action.
2. Man is mortal; God is eternal.
3. To err is human: To forgive is divine.
4. Bacon says: Reading maketh a full man.
5. Pope says: Little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
6. A thing of beauty is a joy forever; its loveliness increases.
7. Shakespeare’s four great tragedies are: King Lear, Hamlet, Othello and Macbeth.
8. The two great books of Nehru are: The Discovery of India and My Autobiography.
9. He wants money to spend; on books to read, horses to ride, and a palatial house to live in.
10. The rain fell in torrents; the sky was dark, the roads were deep in mud, the way was long,
the weary travellers plodded on in silence.
Punctuate the following:
1. Spring while we are writing is here the winds blow gently the birds the flowers and the
buds all proclaim the coming of spring
2. he said why do you come and disturb me what a nuisance you are why cant you play
somewhere else can,t you see that i want to work go away at once and do not come here
Spring, while we are writing, is here. The winds blow gently. The birds, the flowers and
the buds all proclaim the coming of spring.
He said, “Why do you come and disturb me? What a nuisance you are! Why can’t you
play somewhere else? Can’t you see that I want to work? Go away at once and do not
come here again.”
Fill in the blanks with suitable future tenses
1. The train---------- (to arrive) at 12:30.
2. We---------- (to have) dinner at a seaside restaurant on Sunday.
3. It ---------- (to snow) in Brighton tomorrow evening.
4. On Friday at 8 o’clock I -------- (to meet) my friend.
5. Paul -------- (to fly) to London on Monday morning.
6. Wait! I -------- (to drive) you to the station.
7. The English lesson------- (to start) at 8:45.
8. Are you still writing your essay? If you ------- (to finish) by 4pm, we can go for a walk.
9. I -------- (to see) my mother in April.
10. Look at the clouds it --------- (to rain) in a few minutes.
11. When they ------ (to get) married in March, they -------- (to be) together for six years.
12. You’re carrying too much. I ------- (to open) the door for you.
13. Do you think the teacher ------ (to mark) our homework by Monday morning?
14. When I ------- (to see) you tomorrow, I-------- (show) you my new book.
15. After you -------(to take) a nap, you -------- (to feel) a lot better
16. I’m sorry but you need to stay in the office until you --------- (to finish) your work.
17. I ---------- (to buy) the cigarettes from the corner shop when it -------- (to open).
18. I ------ (to let) you know the second the builders ----------- (to finish) decorating.
19. Before we ----- (to start) our lesson, we------ (to have) a review.
20. We ------ (to wait) in the shelter until the bus-------- (to come).
21. I’m very sorry, Dr. Jones ------- (not be) back in the clinic until 2pm.
22. This summer, I ------ (to live) in Brighton for four years.
23. I don’t think you ------ (to have) any problems when you land in Boston.
24. The baby should be due soon, next week she -------- (to be) pregnant for nine months.
25. By the time we get home, they ------- (to play) football for 30 minutes.
26. In three years I --------- (to live) in a different country.
27. When you ------- (to get) off the train, I --------- (to wait) for you by the ticket machine.
28. ------ (to take) your children with you to France?
29. This time next week I ------- (ski) in Switzerland!
30. Now I --------- (to check) my answers.
1. arrives 2. are going to have 3.will snow (or is going to snow) 4. am meeting
(or am going to meet) 5. is flying 6.will drive 7. starts 8. finish 9. am going to see
10. is going to rain (or will rain) 11. get, will have been 12. will open 13. will have marked
14. see , will show 15. take , will feel 16. have finished (or finish) 17. will buy , opens.
18. will let , have finished (or finish) 19. start , are going to have (or will have) 20. will wait
,comes 21.won’t be 22. will have been living 23. will have (or are going to have) 24. will
have been 25. will have been playing 26. am going (or will live) to live 27. will be waiting
28. Are you going to take 29. will be skiing 30. will check or am going to
Rewrite the given sentences using negation.
1. They live in London. Answer: They do not live in London.
2. We are hungry. Answer: We are not hungry.
3. She has a cat. Answer: She doesn’t have a cat.
4. He works a lot. Answer: He does not work a lot.
5. I have lunch at one o'clock. Answer: I do not have lunch at one o’clock.
Rewrite the given sentences using negation.
1. We went to school yesterday. Answer: We did not go to school yesterday.
2. The bus stopped at the bus stop. Answer: The bus did not stop at the bus stop.
3. He saw you. Answer: He did not see you.
4. They were old. Answer: They were not old.
5. Mel had a sister. Answer: Mel did not have a sister.
6. Chris was watching a film. Answer: Chris was not watching a film.
7. He will have played the guitar. Answer: He will not have played the guitar.
8. They would have waited for you. Answer: They would not have waited for you.
9. I have written a letter. → Answer: I have not written a letter.
She is going to call you tomorrow. →
: She is not going to call you tomorrow.
Listen to Thomas. Answer: Do not listen to Thomas.
They were having a cup of tea this morning.
: They were not having a cup of
tea this morning.
She has been to Berlin.
: She has not been to Berlin.
Mel speaks German.
: Mel does not speak German.
They are going to rent a car.
: They are not going to rent a car.
There will be rain in the South tomorrow.
: There will not be rain in the South
We are writing a test.
: We are not writing a test.
I had seen him.
: I had not seen him.
Karin played volleyball yesterday.
Karin did not play volleyball yesterday.
I have been watching TV for an hour.
I have not been watching TV for an
We often use some words and expressions such as because, since, due to, as, thanks to,
therefore, so to talk about cause and effect.
1. I study hard because I want to pass the exam.
2. We have to go home since we have no idea where to go next.
3. You need to hurry up since it’s very late now.
4. I can’t go out as it’s raining.
5. I can’t run fast as I’m too fat.
6. I love you, so I will do everything to make you happy.
7. I didn’t eat anything, so I’m very hungry now.
8. We had to cancel the picnic because of bad weather.
9. I did it because of you.
10. The flight was canceled due to the storm.
11. I came home late due to the traffic jam.
12. He didn’t work hard. As a result, he was fired.
13. I was busy this evening. Therefore, I couldn’t come to your party.
14. Thanks to his hard work, he got a raise.
Rewrite the following Simple Sentences as Compound Sentences:
1. The old man being weak could not walk properly.
2. His father in spite of being poor is a contended man.
3. She must work hard to be successful in the examination.
4. Our teacher is popular among students for his diligence.
5. But for his faults he would have progressed immensely.
6. Visualizing a danger ahead, the traveler became cautious.
7. The student must accept his fault to escape his punishment.
8. The culprit ran away to escape his arrest.
9. Taking off their clothes the children jumped into the river.
10. In the event of being late you will not be allowed entry.
1. The old man was weak therefore he could not walk properly.
2. His father is poor but he is a contended man.
3. She must work hard otherwise she will not be successful in the examination.
4. Our teacher is diligent therefore he is popular among students.
5. He has faults otherwise he would have progressed immensely.
6. The traveler visualized a danger ahead and he became cautious.
7. The student must accept his fault otherwise he will be punished.
8. The culprit ran away otherwise he would have been arrested.
9. The children took off their clothes and they jumped into the river.
10. You must not be late or you will not be allowed entry.
Rewrite the following Simple Sentences as Complex Sentences:
1. Nobody could find out the place of their stay.
2. The purpose of his visit to this place is not known.
3. All the laborers set out for their homes at sunset.
4. On seeing the policeman, the thief fled away.
5. You cannot succeed without working hard.
6. Pious women are always respected by all.
7. I do not know the way leading to his house.
8. The guests sitting in the room could not hear his voice.
9. She hoped to be successful in the examination.
10. A man fair in his dealings is always trusted.
1. Nobody could find out the place where they stayed.
2. It is not known what is the purpose of his visit to this place.
3. All the laborers set out for their homes when the sun set.
4. The thief fled away when he saw the police man.
5. Unless you work hard you cannot succeed.
6. All always respect the women who are pious.
7. I do not know the way which leads to his house.
8. The guests sitting in the room could not hear what he spoke.
9. She hoped that she would be successful in the examination.
10. A man who is fair in his dealings is always trusted.
Rewrite the following Complex Sentences as Compound Sentences:
1. I am confident that he is innocent in this matter.
2. Unless he works hard, he cannot pass the examination.
3. However hard work she may do she cannot pass the examination.
4. She is sure that he has stolen her purse.
5. As the shopkeeper quarrels with every customer, nobody likes him.
6. If he does not improve his behavior, he will lose all his friends.
7. Unless the culprit accepts his fault, he will not be spared.
8. She did not attend the office because she felt unwell today.
9. She has lost the book that she had purchased.
10. If you do not attend the class you will not be allowed to sit in the examination.
1. He is innocent in this matter and I am confident about it.
2. He must work hard otherwise he cannot pass the examination.
3. She may do as hard work as she can but she cannot pass the examination.
4. He has stolen her purse and she is sure about it.
5. The shopkeeper quarrels with every customer therefore nobody likes him.
6. He must improve his behavior otherwise he will lose all his friends.
7. The culprit must accept his fault otherwise he will not be spared.
8. She felt unwell today so she did not attend the office.
9. She had purchased a book and she has lost it.
10. You must attend the class otherwise you will not be allowed to sit in the examination.
Rewrite the following Compound Sentences as Complex Sentences:
1. Let me reach my office and then I shall talk to him.
2. .Spare the rod and spoil the child.
3. The thief saw the police man, so he ran away.
4. She is feeling unwell so she cannot attend her office today.
5. The child felt hungry, so he started weeping.
6. The news is very good but it is not true.
7. Eat less and you will remain healthy.
8. The old man is very rich but he is a miser.
9. Children put on new clothes and went to see the fair.
10. Keep quiet or you will repent.
1. I shall talk to him when I reach my office.
2. The child is spoilt when the rod is spared.
3. The thief ran away when he saw the police man.
4. She cannot attend her office today as she is feeling unwell.
5. The child started weeping because he felt hungry.
6. The news is too good to be true.
7. You will remain healthy if you eat less.
8. The old man is a miser though he is very rich.
9. Children went to see the fair after putting on new clothes.
10. You will repent if you do not keep quite.
Decide which words are function and content words in the following sentences.
1. Mary has lived in England for ten years.
2. He's going to fly to Chicago next week.
3. I don't understand this chapter of the book.
4. The children will be swimming in the ocean this time next week.
5. John had eaten lunch before his colleague arrived.
6. The best time to study is early in the morning or late in the evening.
7. The trees along the river are beginning to blossom.
8. Our friends called us yesterday and asked if we'd like to visit them next month.
9. You'll be happy to know that she's decided to take the position.
10. I won't give away your secret
Content words are in bold.
1. Mary has lived in England for ten years.
2. He's going to fly to Chicago next week.
3. I don't understand this chapter of the book.
4. The children will be swimming in the ocean at five o'clock.
5. John had eaten lunch before his colleague arrived.
6. The best time to study is early in the morning or late in the evening.
7. The trees along the river are beginning to blossom.
8. Our friends called us yesterday and asked if we'd like to visit them next month.
9. You'll be happy to know that she's decided to take the position.
10. I won't give away your secret.
Part- B
1. Our favorite vacation with your family
2. A trip you will never forget
3. A time you made friends in an unusual circumstance
4. Your first day at a new school
5. Talk about something that scared you a lot
6. Your most enjoyable Christmas
7. The best birthday party you’ve ever had
8. A life lesson you have learned
9. A time someone you did not expect helped you
10. Talk about the best day of your life
1. Describe your favorite place.
2. Describe some of your favorite places in your hometown.
3. Describe your favorite person.
4. Describe an object that is special to you.
5. Describe how you get around (for example: a bicycle, skateboard, sneakers, your parents’
car, the school bus).
6. Describe a memorable trip you took.
7. Describe a special time that you and your family had together.
8. Write an essay not exceeding 200 words describing the uses of internet in education.
9. Of late road accidents have been increasing in urban areas and more and more people are
finding the roads difficult to use. Write an essay not exceeding 200 words on road safety
in big cities.
10. Write an essay on Deforestation.
11. Write an essay on Internet influence on children.
12. Write an essay on the role of women in India.
13. Write an essay on the types of Cyber Crimes and the ways to curb them.
14. Narrate in about 250 words your experiences during the extended lockdown. (AU Jan 22)
15. Describe in about 250 words the city/town/village in which you grew up. (AU Jan 22)
1 .Reading Comprehension
Questions 14 are about the following announcement.
Student Volunteers Needed!
On Saturday, December 12th, from 10 A.M. until 4 P.M., Carverton Middle School will be
holding a music festival in the school gymnasium. The special event will feature a variety of
professional musicians and singers.
Make posters
1 P.M.4 P.M.
December 5th
Set up gym
11 A.M.4 P.M.
December 11th
Help performers
9 A.M.4 P.M.
December 12th
Welcome guests
10 A.M.2 P.M.
December 12th
Clean up gym
4 P.M.7 P.M.
December 12th
Interested students should speak with Ms. Braxton, the music teacher. Students who would like
to help at the festival must have written permission from a parent or guardian.
1) What time will the festival begin?
A. 10 A.M.
B. 11 A.M.
C. 1 P.M.
D. 2 P.M.
2 )In line 3, the word feature is closest in meaning to _______.
A. look
B. keep
C. include
D. entertain
3)What job will be done the day before the festival begins?
A. Making posters
B. Setting up the gym
C. Cleaning up the gym
D. Helping the performers
4) Who is told to talk to Ms. Braxton?
A. Parents
B. Students
C. Teachers
D. Performers
Answer 1) A 2 ) C 3) B 4) B
2 . Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow it.
Learning is a process that every single human being undergoes. It is not just a
yearly or even monthly process, but a day to day one as well. We observe people around us how
they speak and act. In learning about others we learn about ourselves in the bargain, and also
how it is best to interact with other people. We learn the true meaning of terms such as integrity,
kindness, sincerity, dedication, love, acceptance, appreciation, humility and encouragement only
from honest actions; not just from words.
As students, we expect to learn these life lessons on campus-both within and
outside the classroom. Students play such an instrumental role in influencing and educating
fellow students. Sadly, it is very difficult to find students true to their beliefs, firm in the stands
they take andconfident of their values. Many take the easy way out, rather than being whom they
truly are, which is not as easy as it sounds. They slide into the easiest gateways camouflaged in
the form of a group of close friends. Yet why do these students feel such a sense of loneliness?
Why is it that even though they appear to have things figured out, they are all still so alone? All
that I chose to boldly say is that if being different means that you stand alone, then do not be
afraid to be the only one brave enough to be the person everyone to secretly wishing that he
or/she was. The real dilemma in our educational system is that many students are afraid to be
who they really are. They have been taught by people around them that it is not acceptable to
laugh at things that other people do not think are funny, that it is not proper for them to think
differently from their parents and most importantly, that it is not right to voice your own opinion.
Sooner or later you will look upon yourself wandering how much you have accomplished in life.
However successful you may become, it is only the satisfaction of embarrassing what really
makes “you”and appreciating what you really feel, that will make you genuinely happy. That is
education at its best.
(a) Choose the correct answer:
1. What do we gain by learning about others?
a) We learn about the environment b) We learn about the world
c) We learn about our true self d) We do not learn much
2. What helps us to understand the meaning of kindness?
a) Dishonest actions b) Sincere actions
c ) Serious actions d) Daring actions
3. Most students suffer a sense of loneliness because
a) They do not study well b) They do not have enough friends
c) They do not get good education d) They are afraid of themselves
4. What is the best education, according to the author?
a) That which helps you to get a job
b) That which helps you to earn a lot of money
c) That which makes you understand your true self
d) That which makes you satisfied
5. Who could be the author of the passage?
a) A student b) A parent
c) A teacher d) A spiritual leader
(a) 1. (c) 2.(b) 3.(d) 4.(d) 5.(a)
(b) Choose the definition which best suits the given words as they are used in the text:
a) Musical b) Mechanical c) Interesting d) Important
a) Unchanged b) Fall into c) Change gradually d) Rise up
a) Comforted b) Decorated c) Controlled d) Disguised
a) Advantage b) Problem c) Solution d) Action
a) Understood b) Appreciated c) Discovered d) Imagined
(b) 1. (d) 2.(c) 3.(d) 4.(b) 5.(c)
Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions.
China, in recent time, has converted a large number of rocks across the South China Sea into
islands, where it has based missiles, armed personnel and military aircraft, using its military
might.The Obama Administration took virtually no action in response to Chinese belligerence
against the Philippines a longtime military ally. Worse still, the US recently acquiesced in the
seizure of one of its unmanned underwater vehicles close to the Philippines. Chinese belligerence is
paying off. President Duterte of the Philippines has quietly acquiesced to Beijing’s territorial
demands. ASEAN countries like Malaysia, Brunei, Thailand and Cambodia are following suit.
Myanmar is being pressured by China, by permitting Chinese territory to be used by armed ethnic
groups from Myanmar’s bordering Shan and Kachin states.
It is clear that a belligerent China is no longer prepared to tolerate any challenges to its
dominance and hegemony across Asia. Agni IV, currently operational, with a range of 4,000 km,
can hit targets in southern China, while Agni V, with a range of 5,500-8000 km, can hit even at
the farthest points in China. The submarine-launched Sagarika missile, currently operational, has
a range of 750 km. Its variants under development can hit across China from the Bay of
Bengal. China, in turn, has transferred the designs and knowhow of the Shaheen range of
missiles to Pakistan. These missiles can hit targets across India. Moreover, Karachi and Gwadar
will be used, not only to base the eight submarines China is supplying to Pakistan, but also serve
as bases for Chinese nuclear and conventional submarines that are now venturing increasingly
into the Indian Ocean. The range of missiles being developed by India clearly signals to China
that it will find any effort to use Pakistan as a nuclear proxy against India very costly and
perhaps unaffordable. Agni V is virtually invulnerable as it is mobile and housed in canisters.
New Delhi needs to be far more active in insisting that a comprehensive nuclear dialogue with
China is essential for strategic stability across Asia. China is loathe to enter into such a dialogue
as it evidently wishes to not formally accord recognition to India’s nuclear weapons status, even
as it peddles nuclear weapons and ballistic missile designs and materials to Pakistan, while
helping Pakistan to develop both uranium and plutonium-based nuclear weapons. These transfers
to Pakistan are in total disregard of China’s responsibilities under the nuclear Non-Proliferation
Treaty. India has been far too defensive and avoided exposing the Sino-Pakistan nuclear/missile
nexus in important world capitals, notably Washington, London, Paris, Moscow and Tokyo. A
far more determined effort on this score would be necessary once the Trump Administration
assumes office and settles down to looking at the world.
Within Asia, Chinese hubris and arrogance would need far closer consultations and dialogue
with countries like Japan, Vietnam and Indonesia. There appears to be a sentiment growing
slowly in Tokyo that in the face of Chinese territorial and geopolitical ambitions, Japan should
review its nuclear policies. The incoming Trump Administration has also indicated that allies
like Japan need to do more to defend themselves, rather than depend excessively on the US. A
nuclear-armed Japan can certainly play a key role in moderating Chinese behaviour and hubris.
This is an issue that needs to be looked at carefully. All this has to be combined with a vigorous
dialogue with China, which includes maintenance of peace and tranquility along our borders,
expanding equitable trade and economic ties and promoting peace and stability across the entire
Indo-Pacific Region.
1. What Changes has China made in South China sea in the recent past?
a) China has increased its military exercises in South China Sea.
b) China has objected to trespassing of US vessels In South China Sea.
c) China has stationed missiles, military personnel and aircrafts in South China Sea.
d) None of the above.
2. What was the response of Obama Government of USA to Chinese hostility towards
a) US sent unmanned water vessels near Philippines in the sea in its defence.
b) US showed indifference towards Chinese hostility towards Philippines.
c) US protested to China against its hostile attitude towards Philippines.
d) None of the above.
3. How is China pressuring Myanmar for submission to its dominance?
a) China has posted military troops on the border areas of Myanmar states of Shan and
a) China has facilitated tribal rebels of Myanmar to operate against it.
b) China creates hindrances in South China sea routes for trade by Myanmar.
c) None of the above.
2. The recent military developments made by India are acting as irritants for China, why?
a) China cannot tolerate any challenge to its dominance across Asia.
b) China considers that India would use these against it or its ally Pakistan.
c) China is committed to Pakistan to defend it against any attack from India.
d) None of the above.
3. How other ASEAN Countries like Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand reacted to
Philippine’s response?
a) These countries raised their protest to Philippines against its action.
b) These countries consented and acted in accordance with China.
c) These countries also sought help and intervention of The US government.
d) None of the above.
4. What is the purpose of China in acquiring territory of countries like Philippines,
Myanmar, Thailand or Malaysia etc.?
a) China wants to prove its dominance in the South Asia area.
b) China wants to coerce these counties to promote its trade with them.
c) China wants to conduct its military operations by using their territory.
d) None of the above.
7. What does the word “belligerence” as used in the passage suggest?
a) To act in a manner of dominance or supremacy.
b) To terrify or cause panic to someone.
c) A tendency of being antagonistic towards others.
d) None of the above.
8. What was the effect of China’s hostility on Philippines?
a) Philippines succumbed to China’s pressure and accepted its territorial demands.
b) Philippines vehemently protested to China and took up the matter with US.
c) Philippines opposed China with the help of countries like Malaysia Thailand etc.
d) None of the above.
1. (c) 2. (b) 3. (b) 4. (a) 5. (b) 6. (c) 7. (c) 8. (a)
4.Read the following passage and answer the questions given below: (AU Jan 2015)
Tobacco addiction is a global epidemic that is increasingly ravaging countries and regions
that can least afford its toll of the disability, disease, lost productivity and death. The tobacco
continues to put profits before life; its own expansion before the health of future generation; its
own economic gain ahead of sustainable development of struggling countries. Now, as nations
have begun to fight back with a global strategy and some countries begun to turn the course of
the epidemic, tobacco companies continue to launch new weapons in the form of products
disguised to appear less harmful and more attractive.
The core strategy of the tobacco is not new. It is the new variant of the “light”, “mild”
and “low tar” cigarette campaigns that were so effective in keeping customers, gaining new ones,
and undermining tobacco control in the 20
Nowadays, tobacco companies continue reassuring health concerned smokers by offering
with their new products the illusion of safety. They continue to take their old and new customers
to more insidious level of deception by promoting and selling new products disguised under
healthier names; fruity flavours or more attractive looking packaging, In the meantime they
continue their search for reduced-harm products… however, none have been thoroughly
evaluated in human studies, so there is not reliable information on what is the toxicant exposure
or health impact. Honest accurate information on tobacco product ingredients, toxicant
deliveries, and health effect is scared for many of these products.
Fortunately, tobacco control professionals learnt valuable lessons about tobacco industry
approaches from the experiences and successes as well as failures of 20
century tobacco control
efforts. Global public health also has the strength of the combined forces of the United Nations
and its Member States through the World Health Organisation’s Framework Convention on
tobacco control- the WHO FCTC, a powerful tool to combat tobacco and the challenging
approaches of its industry.
The purpose of the World No Tobacco Day 2006is to raise awareness about the existence
of a great variety of deadly tobacco products in order to help people get accurate information,
remove the disguise and unveil the truth behind tobacco products traditional, new, and future.
The slogan reads as follows:
Tobacco: Deadly In Any Form of Disguise
It is crucial to empower people and organizations with knowledge about the different
tobacco products and their many forms and disguise in order to implement more effectively
control tobacco and improve global health.
World No Tobacco Day 2006 has the following objectives:
Raise awareness about all forms of tobacco: DEADLY IN ANY FORM. Cigarettes, pipes,
bidies, clove cigarettes, snuff, smokeless, cigars… they are all deadly;
Raise awareness about all types and names and flavors; DEADLY IN ANY DISGUISE.
Mild, light, low tar, full flavor, fruit flavored, chocolate flavored, natural, additive-free,
organic cigarettes, PREPs (Potentially Reduced- Exposure Products), harm-reduced… they
are all deadly;
Raise awareness about the need for strict regulation and encourage its implementation.
All of these products and practices are deadly and addictive and thus the absence of truthful
information deprives even well intended people the ability to make healthy choices.
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Whether the disguise is perpetuated by multinational corporations or by well-intended, but
uninformed shops, families, and individuals, the end products are the same: use of products
that carry unnecessary risks of disease, debilitation and death. The truth about tobacco can
empower people to improve their own health of their families, friends, and others in the
Choose the best answer for the questions from the options given
1. The tobacco industry expands on the basis of its
a. Own merit
b. Advertisement
c. Health of future generation
d. Own economic gain
2. Tobacco companies continue to sell their products by
a. Disguising their products under healthy names
b. Deceiving their customers
c. Taking care of the health aspects
d. Informing people of the production
3. The FCTC of WHO is a tool to
a. Fight against tobacco
b. Fight against the challenge of the industry
c. Promote tobacco sale
d. Help people
4. Which of the following is NOT the purpose of world Tobacco day?
a. Raise awareness of the existence of the deadly tobacco products
b. Inform people of the tobacco products
c. Unveil the truth behind the tobacco products
d. Fight against the companies
5. Which one of the following methods is NOT used by the tobacco companies?
a. Give attractive looking packaging
b. Use healthier names
c. Sell at a lower price
d.Use attractive flavours
6. What does “Deadly in Disguise” mean?
a. Death is indirectly hinted
b. Death is directly spoken of
c. The person may not die
d. Death in another form
7. If information about the tobacco products are given,
a. People would have made wise decisions
b. People will make healthy choices
c. The sale will go higher
d. The company will have been in loss
8. Tobacco addiction is compared to an epidemic disease that spreads because
a. It causes diseases that spread to other people
b. The people carry the disease germs
c. The disease can spread to other countries
d. Addiction to the habit keeps spreading very fast
1. c. Health of future generation
2. b. Deceiving their customers
3. b. Fight against the challenge of the industry
4. c. Unveil the truth behind the tobacco products
5. b. Use healthier names
6. a. Death is indirectly hinted
7. a. People would have made wise decisions
8. b. The people carry the disease germs
5. Read the passage and answer the questions that follow it:
British or American, the language is basically the same, and its global stature is backed up by
massive English-language training programmes, an international business that in textbooks,
language-e courses, tape cassettes, video programmes and computerized instruction-of millions
of pounds or dollars to the economies of the US and the UK. The English language is now one of
Britain’s most reliable exports. In the ironic words of the novelist Malcolm Bradbury, it is an
ideal British product, ‘needing no workers and no work, no assembly lines and no assembly, no
spare parts and very little servicing, it is used for the most intimate and the most public services
everywhere. We call it the English language ...’ Dr. Robert Burchfield, former Chief Editor of
the Oxford English Dictionary, has remarked that ‘any literate, educated person on the face of
the globe those countries, formerly British colonies, in which English as a second language has
become accepted as a fact of cultural life that cannot be wished away. In Nigeria, it is an official
language; in Zambia, it is recognised as one of the state language; in Singapore, it is the major
language of government, the legal system and education.
Write answer for all questions.
1. Is the teaching of the English language worth a lot of money?
2. How Bradbury does view English?
3. What is the remark of Dr. Robert Burchfield?
4. Where English has been accepted as a cultural life?
1. Yes, the teaching of the English language worth a lot of money.
2. Bradbury says English is an ideal British product, ‘needing no workers lines and no assembly,
no spare parts very little servicing, it is used for the most intimate and the most public servicing
3. He has remarked that ‘any literate, educated person on the face of the globe is deprived if he
does not know English.
4. Formerly British colonies, in which English as a second language has become accepted as a
fact of cultural life that cannot be wished away. In Nigeria, it is an official language; in Zambia,
it is recognised as one of the state languages in Singapore, it is the major language of the
government, the legal system and education.
6. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow it: (AU Jan 2015)
The launching of the first satellite by the Russians in1957 began with what was known as
the “space race”, the first stage of which culminated with the Americans landing on the moon
twelve years later. A whole range of satellite now orbits the Earth and is used for a variety of
LOW ORBIT SATELLITES, the typical height of which varies from 150 to 450
kilometers, are of little use for telecommunications for they are only in line of sight of each earth
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station for about 15 minutes. Their rotation period around the earth is about one and a half hour
and their main use is remote sensing, a field in which digital processing techniques are proving
especially valuable. A low orbit satellite equipped with a multispectral scanner system (MSS) ,
can observe the Earth in great detail providing us with extremely accurate information about
agriculture, forestry, water resource and pollution patterns. It also has a multitude of applications
in such fields as weather forecasting, environmental monitoring, geology, oceanography and
cartography. There are important defence implications too, since they can be used to ‘spy’ on the
activities of a potential enemy.
Medium altitude satellites are used for telecommunications, especially in countries which
cover a vast geographical area like the earlier USSR. They ‘fly’ at a typical height of 9,000 to
18,000 kilometers, orbiting the Earth in a period of five to twelve hours. They are in line of sight
of the Earth station between two and four hours.
The most important type of satellite for telecommunications is the geosynchronous or
geostationary satellite positioned over the Equator at a height of 35,800 kilometers. Its rotation
period is 24 hours, the same as the earth and consequently, seen form the Earth, this type of
satellite appears to remain motionless sin the sky. It is within line of sight of an earth station for
its entire life.
A communication satellite is, in essence of microwave relay station which receives signals
in a given frequency band and retransmits them at a different frequency to avoid problems of
interference between the weak incoming signal and the powerful retransmitted signal. The
equipment which receives a signal, amplifies it, change its frequency and hen retransmits it, is
called a transponder. A satellite can handle large amount of traffic which it can send over vast
area of the earth. I therefore represent a relatively cheap way of transmitting over long distance.
For countries which do not already have sophisticated cable or microwave networks the use of a
satellite can be extremely beneficial as it can be used in their place.
The first satellites were seen as a way for communicating with people who lived in
isolated areas of the world. As a result, earth station began to appear in the remotest part of the
globe. The cost of satellite communication began to fall steadily and, consequently, satellites
have to complete with submarine cables as a way of linking continents cheaply. With the arrival
of optical undersea cables, however, more balanced intercontinental circuits between the two are
likely. Satellites were soon used to broadcast TV programmes lives’ from one side of the Earth
to the other. The use of digital transmission and multiplexing techniques has led to enormous
increases in the capacity of satellites.
The international organization INTELSAT was created in 1964 to provide international
communication service by satellite. In 1983, it operated and owned 16 space craft’s in
geosynchronous orbit representing an investment over three billion US dollars. In 1983 it
handled two thirds of all international television broadcasts. 109 nations are members of
INTELSAT. Between 1979 and 1983 INTELSAT’S traffic doubled, yet its communications
charges decreased, despite a 73% rise in the worldwide cost of living index during that period.
(a) For each of the following pick out the correct response from the options given, based on
the passage:
1. The main use of the low orbit satellites is
(a) Spying
(b) Remote sensing
(c) Weather forecasting
(d) Environmental monitoring
2. A communication satellite is better than other communication means, because
(a) It is reliable
(b) It is quick
(c) It is cost-efficiency
(d) It is sophisticated.
3. Communication satellites are not merely used or
(a) Broadcasting TV programmes ‘live’ from one country to another.
(b) Linking computer terminals all over the world.
(c) Sending messages from one part of the world to another.
(d) Spying defense installations of other countries
4. Satellite communication was first used for
(a) Testing the advances in electronics
(b) Contacting people living in isolated area
(c) Improving relations between the nations
(d) Reducing the cost of communication
Answer 1. (b) 2.(c) 3.(a) 4.(b)
(b) Say, on the basis of the passage, if the following sentences are true or false:
1) Geosynchronous satellites are stationary and motionless.
2) Low orbit satellites can be seen by earth stations once in every 15 minutes.
3) Medium altitude satellites are positioned at a height of 9000 to 18000 km.
4) A transponder strengthens the weak signal received from the earth.
Answer 1.True 2. False 3.True 4.True
7. Read the following passage and answer the questions given below: (AU Jan 2015)
Tobacco addiction is a global epidemic that is increasingly ravaging countries and regions
that can least afford its toll of the disability, disease, lost productivity and death. The tobacco
continues to put profits before life; its own expansion before the health of future generation; its
own economic gain ahead of sustainable development of struggling countries. Now, as nations
have begun to fight back with a global strategy and some countries begun to turn the course of
the epidemic, tobacco companies continue to launch new weapons in the form of products
disguised to appear less harmful and more attractive.
The core strategy of the tobacco is not new. It is the new variant of the “light”, “mild”
and “low tar” cigarette campaigns that were so effective in keeping customers, gaining new ones,
and undermining tobacco control in the 20
Nowadays, tobacco companies continue reassuring health concerned smokers by offering
with their new products the illusion of safety. They continue to take their old and new customers
to more insidious level of deception by promoting and selling new products disguised under
healthier names; fruity flavours or more attractive looking packaging, In the meantime they
continue their search for reduced-harm products… however, none have been thoroughly
evaluated in human studies, so there is not reliable information on what is the toxicant exposure
or health impact. Honest accurate information on tobacco product ingredients, toxicant
deliveries, and health effect is scared for many of these products.
Fortunately, tobacco control professionals learnt valuable lessons about tobacco industry
approaches from the experiences and successes as well as failures of 20
century tobacco control
efforts. Global public health also has the strength of the combined forces of the United Nations
and its Member States through the World Health Organisation’s Framework Convention on
tobacco control- the WHO FCTC, a powerful tool to combat tobacco and the challenging
approaches of its industry.
The purpose of the World No Tobacco Day 2006is to raise awareness about the existence
of a great variety of deadly tobacco products in order to help people get accurate information,
remove the disguise and unveil the truth behind tobacco products traditional, new, and future.
The slogan reads as follows:
Tobacco: Deadly In Any Form of Disguise
It is crucial to empower people and organizations with knowledge about the different
tobacco products and their many forms and disguise in order to implement more effectively
control tobacco and improve global health.
World No Tobacco Day 2006 has the following objectives:
Raise awareness about all forms of tobacco: DEADLY IN ANY FORM. Cigarettes, pipes,
bidies, clove cigarettes, snuff, smokeless, cigars… they are all deadly;
Raise awareness about all types and names and flavors; DEADLY IN ANY DISGUISE.
Mild, light, low tar, full flavor, fruit flavored, chocolate flavored, natural, additive-free,
organic cigarettes, PREPs (Potentially Reduced- Exposure Products), harm-reduced… they
are all deadly;
Raise awareness about the need for strict regulation and encourage its implementation.
All of these products and practices are deadly and addictive and thus the absence of truthful
information deprives even well intended people the ability to make healthy choices.
Whether the disguise is perpetuated by multinational corporations or by well-intended, but
uninformed shops, families, and individuals, the end products are the same: use of products
that carry unnecessary risks of disease, debilitation and death. The truth about tobacco can
empower people to improve their own health of their families, friends, and others in the
Choose the best answer for the questions from the options given
1. The tobacco industry expands on the basis of its
a. Own merit
b. Advertisement
c. Health of future generation
d. Own economic gain
2 .Tobacco companies continue to sell their products by
a. Disguising their products under healthy names
b. Deceiving their customers
c. Taking care of the health aspects
d. Informing people of the production
3. The FCTC of WHO is a tool to
a. Fight against tobacco
b. Fight against the challenge of the industry
c. Promote tobacco sale
d. Help people
4. Which of the following is NOT the purpose of world Tobacco day?
a. Raise awareness of the existence of the deadly tobacco products
b. Inform people of the tobacco products
c. Unveil the truth behind the tobacco products
d. Fight against the companies
6. Which one of the following methods is NOT used by the tobacco companies?
a. Give attractive looking packaging
b. Use healthier names
c. Sell at a lower price
d. Use attractive flavours
7. What does “Deadly in Disguise” mean?
a. Death is indirectly hinted
b. Death is directly spoken of
c. The person may not die
d. Death in another form
8. If information about the tobacco products are given,
a. People would have made wise decisions
b. People will make healthy choices
c. The sale will go higher
d. The company will have been in loss
9. Tobacco addiction is compared to an epidemic disease that spreads because
a. It causes diseases that spread to other people
b. The people carry the disease germs
c. The disease can spread to other countries
d. Addiction to the habit keeps spreading very fast
1. c. Health of future generation
2. b. Deceiving their customers
3. b. Fight against the challenge of the industry
4. c. Unveil the truth behind the tobacco products
5. b. Use healthier names
6. a. Death is indirectly hinted
7. a. People would have made wise decisions
8. b. The people carry the disease germs