Team Peer Evaluation Team Assessment 1of 2
How to use this document
This document was created to provide you with a source of options for gathering data on
teamwork assignments and projects. You may choose to adopt one of the examples as is,
combine elements from several of the examples, or use the examples to identify
characteristics that correspond to particular aspects of your assigned work, course content,
or student population.
The following pages have been divided into 3 sections:
1. Survey Questionnaires
4 different examples of questionnaires that can be distributed to team members to
evaluate group function
2. Evaluation Criteria (4 examples)
4 examples of different kinds of criteria that you might ask students to use to guide
their ratings of other individual team members
3. Ratings Scales (3 examples)
3 examples of ratings scales (e.g. excellent, very good, … poor, unacceptable, no
show) with associated criteria.
Angela R. Linse, Ph.D., Executive Director
Schreyer Institute for Teaching Excellence
Penn State University
Team Peer Evaluation Team Assessment 2of 2
Team Assessment Survey Questions
Example 1
1. Overall, how effectively did your team work together on this project?
Poorly Adequately Well Extremely Well
2. What percentage of your team participated actively and was fully prepared most of the time?
3. Give one specific example of something you learned from the team that you probably would
not have learned working alone.
4. Give one specific example of something the other team members learned from you that they
probably would not have learned otherwise.
5. Suggest at least one change the team could make could be made to improve its performance
or the project.
Example 2
In your team, take a 5-10 minutes to discuss and answer these questions about your team’s
function. Focus your discussion on the process -- what you experienced, felt and thought while
working together.
1. What are three ways you did well in functioning as a team?
2. What problems have you had interacting as a team?
3. What is a specific action that would help the team function and interact even better next
Team Peer Evaluation Team Assessment 3of 2
Example 3
1. Overall, how effectively has your team been working together on this project?
1 2 3 4 5
not at all poorly adequately well extremely well
2. How many of the team members participated actively most of the time?
3. How many of you were fully prepared for the teamwork most of the time?
4. Give one specific example of something you learned from the team that you probably would
not have learned on your own.
5. Give one specific example of something other team members learned from you that they
probably would not have learned without you.
6. Suggest one specific, practical change the team could make that would help improve
everyone’s learning.
Example 4
Please answer all questions below from your own perspective. If you cannot answer a question,
please explain why the information is unavailable.
1. What specific goals is the team trying to accomplish? Please list the goal(s) in your priority
order. Do you think the team basically agrees on the contents of this list?
2. What activities has the team specifically chosen to undertake or assign in order to achieve its
goals? Which activities, if any, are particularly effective?
3. Does each team member have specific, even unique, responsibilities that help the team attain
its goal(s)? List all team members by name and their individual responsibilities.
4. Do you find the work of your team stimulating and worth your time? How many hours per
week do you spend working with this team? _______ Hours/week. In the table below, enter
the percentage of these hours spent in each category of effectiveness.
Very Effective Effective Marginally
Not effective
5. Does the team have the resources (e.g., organization, communication, leadership, talents,
time) to achieve its goals? What additional resources are needed for real effectiveness?
Team Peer Evaluation Evaluation Criteria 1of 2
Evaluation Criteria
Example 1
Attending scheduled meetings
Contributing to discussions
Attempting to communicate clearly and with civility
Listening effectively
Accepting criticism gracefully
Completing tasks fully and on time
Example 2
Independence of thought and action
Creativity in approach to problem
Scientific attitude
Determination and effort
Effective use of time
Contribution to team effort
Input in preparation of web page
Completion of assigned or agreed-upon responsibilities
Completion of assigned or agree-upon tasks on time
Participation in team meetings
Quality of written contribution to team effort
Example 3
Good introductory overview
Overall completeness of argument
Clear statement of methodology and solutions
Logical arrangement and presentation of information
Expression of objective attitudes
Cohesive presentation
Citation of sources
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Example 4
Work-Related Performance
Comprehension: Seemed to understand requirements for assignment
Problem identification & solution: Participated in identifying and defining problems and
working toward solutions
Organization: Approached task (such as time management) in
systematic manner
Acceptance of responsibility: Shared responsibility for tasks to be accomplished
Initiative/motivation: Made suggestions, sought feedback, showed interest in
team decision making and planning
Creativity: Looked at ideas from viewpoints different than the
usual ways
Task Completion: Followed through in completing own contributions to
team project
Attendance: Attended planning sessions, was prompt, and
participated in decision making
Work-Related Interactions with Others
Collaboration: Worked cooperatively with others
Participation: Contributed “fair share” to team project, given the nature of individual
Attitude: Displayed positive approach and made constructive comments in working
toward goal
Independence: Carried out tasks without overly depending on other team members
Communication: Expressed thoughts clearly
Responsiveness: Reacted sensitively to verbal and nonverbal cues of other team members
Team/Team Work Peer Evaluation
Rating Scales
(for use by students to rate fellow team members on identified evaluation criteria)
Example 1
Excellent Consistently went above and beyond; tutored teammates, carried more than
his or her fair share of the load
Very Good Consistently did what he or she was supposed to do, very well prepared and
Satisfactory Usually did what he or she was supposed to do, acceptably well prepare and
Ordinary Often did what he or she was supposed to do, minimally well prepared and
Marginal Sometimes failed to show up or complete tasks, rarely prepared
Deficient Often failed to show up or complete tasks, rarely prepared
Unsatisfactory consistently failed to show up or complete tasks, unprepared
Superficial Practically no participation
No Show No participation at all
Example 2
Excellent present for every meeting;
contributed to the highest degree;
worked very hard
Good present at all meetings;
contributed well and regularly;
worked hard
Fair present at all but one or so meetings;
contributed from time to time;
showed some effort
Poor missed two or so meetings;
contributed when prompted;
showed little effort
Barely Acceptable: missed several meetings;
present but hardly contributed;
showed very little effort.
Unacceptable was not present at all;
did not contribute to effort at all;
showed no effort at all