Professionalism in Physical Therapy:
Core Values Self-Assessment
Notice: This resource was created in 2013 and is inconsistent with APTA's Core Values for the Physical Therapist and Physical
Therapist Assistant, updated in 2019, which can be found at the link below. APTA is providing this resource until a new assessment
can be developed.
Copyright © 2013 American Physical Therapy Association.
Educational institutions may convert this document to online formats without prior permission, but the copyright statement must remain on the
document. For non-educational use, changes, alterations, commercial use, or CEU course use, written approval from APTA is required. Contact
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In 2000, the House of Delegates adopted Vision 2020 and the Strategic Plan for Transitioning to A Doctoring Profession (RC 37-01). The Plan
includes six elements: Doctor of Physical Therapy, Evidenced-based Practice, Autonomous Practice, Direct Access, Practitioner of Choice, and
Professionalism, and describes how these elements relate to and interface with the vision of a doctoring profession. In assisting the profession
in its transition to a doctoring profession, it seemed that one of the initiatives that would be beneficial was to define and describe the concept of
professionalism by explicitly articulating what the graduate of a physical therapist program ought to demonstrate with respect to professionalism.
In addition, as a byproduct of this work, it was believed that practitioner behaviors could be articulated that would describe what the individual
practitioner would be doing in their daily practice that would reflect professionalism.
s a part of the preparation for this consensus conference, relevant literature was reviewed to facilitate the development of the conference
structure and consensus decision-making process. Literature in medicine
3, 18, 19, 25, 27
reveals that this profession continues to be challenged to
define professionalism, describe how it is taught, and determine how it can be measured in medical education. The groundwork and advances
that medicine laid was most informative to the process and product from this conference. Physical therapy acknowledges and is thankful for
medicine’s research efforts in professionalism and for their work that guided this conference’s structure and process.
Eighteen physical therapists, based on their expertise in physical therapist practice, education, and research, were invited to participate in a
consensus-based conference convened by APTA’s Education Division on July 19-21, 2002. The conference was convened for the purpose of:
1) D
eveloping a comprehensive consensus-based document on Professionalism that would be integrated into A Normative Model of
Physical Therapist Professional Education, Version 2004 to include a) core values of the profession, b) indicators (judgments,
decisions, attitudes, and behaviors) that are fully consistent with the core values, and c) a professional education matrix that includes
educational outcomes, examples of Terminal Behavioral Objectives, and examples of Instructional Objectives for the classroom and
for clinical practice.
2) D
eveloping outcome strategies for the promotion and implementation of the supplement content in education and, where feasible, with
practice in ways that are consistent with physical therapy as a doctoring profession.
he documentation developed as a result of this conference is currently being integrated into the next version of A Normative Model of Physical
Therapist Professional Education: Version 2004. The table that follows is a synopsis of a portion of the conference documentation that describes
what the physical therapist would be doing in his or her practice that would give evidence of professionalism.
n August 2003, Professionalism in Physical Therapy: Core Values was reviewed by the APTA Board of Directors and adopted as a core
document on professionalism in physical therapy practice, education, and research. (V-10; 8/03)
We wish to gratefully acknowledge the efforts of those participants who gave their time and energies to this challenging initiative; a first step in
clearly articulating for the physical therapist what are the core values that define professionalism and how that concept would translate into
professional education.
The Self-Assessment that follows is intended for the user to develop an awareness about the core values and to self-assess the frequency with
which he or she demonstrates the seven core values based on sample indicators (behaviors not intended to be an exhaustive list) that describe
what the practitioner would be doing in daily practice. These seven core values were identified during the consensus-based conference that
further defined the critical elements that comprise professionalism. Core values are listed in alphabetical order with no preference or ranking
given to these values. During the conference many important values were identified as part of professionalism in physical therapy, however
not all were determined to be core (at the very essence; essential) of professionalism and unique to physical therapy. The seven values
identified were of sufficient breadth and depth to incorporate the many values and attributes that are part of professionalism.
or each identified core value, (ie, accountability, altruism, compassion/caring, excellence, integrity, professional duty, and
social responsibility) a definition and sample indicators (not intended to be exhaustive) are provided that describe what the physical therapist
would be doing in practice, education, and/or research if these core values were present.
Complete the Self-Assessment
Review each core value indicator and check the frequency with which you display that sample indicator in your daily practice based on the
rating scale provided (1-5). It is not expected that one will rate himself or herself as 5 (always) or 1 (never) on every item. Be candid in your
response as this is a self-assessment process with an opportunity for personal learning and insight, identification of areas of strength and
growth, and assessment of your development in the professionalism maturation process.
Analyze the Completed Self-Assessment
Once you have completed the Self-Assessment, you may want to reflect as an individual or group on the following questions:
On what sample indicators did you or the group consistently score yourself/themselves on the scale at the 4 or 5 levels?
Why did you or the group rate yourself/themselves higher in frequency for demonstrating these sample behaviors
On what sample indicators did you or the group score yourself/themselves on the scale at level 3 or below?
Why did you or the group rate yourself/themselves lower in frequency for demonstrating these sample behaviors?
Identify, develop, and implement approaches to strengthening the integration of the core values within your practice environment.
Establish personal goals for increasing the frequency with which you demonstrate specific sample behaviors with specific core
Conduct periodic re-assessment of your core value behaviors to determine the degree to which your performance has changed i
our professionalism maturation.
For each core value listed, a definition is provided and a set of sample indicators that describe what one would see if the physical therapist
were demonstrating that core value in his/her daily practice. For each of the sample indicators listed, check only one item that best represents
the frequency with which you demonstrate the behavior where 1= Never, 2= Rarely, 3= Occasionally, 4= Frequently, 5= Always.
Core Values
Sample Indicators
1 (N) 2 (R) 3 (O) 4 (F) 5 (A)
Accountability is active
acceptance of the responsibility
for the diverse roles,
obligations, and actions of the
physical therapist including self-
regulation and other behaviors
that positively influence
patient/client outcomes, the
profession and the health needs
of society.
1. Responding to patient’s/client’s goals and
2. S
eeking and responding to feedback fr
tiple sources.
3. A
cknowledging and accepting consequences of
his/her actions.
4. A
ssuming responsibility for learning an
5. A
dhering to code of ethics, standards of
practice, and policies/procedures that gover
the conduct of professional activities.
6. C
ommunicating accurately to others (payers,
patients/clients, other health care providers)
about professional actions.
7. Participating in the achievement of health goals
of patients/clients and society.
8. S
eeking continuous improvement in quality of
9. Maintaining membership in APTA and other
10. E
ducating students in a manner that facilitates
the pursuit of learning.
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
Core Values
Sample Indicators
1 (N) 2 (R) 3 (O) 4 (F) 5 (A)
Altruism is the primary regard
for or devotion to the interest of
patients/clients, thus assuming
the fiduciary responsibility of
placing the needs of the
patient/client ahead of the
physical therapist’s self interest.
1. Placing patient’s/client’s needs above the
physical therapists.
2. P
roviding pro-bono services.
3. P
roviding physical therapy services t
served and underrepresented populations.
4. Providing patient/client services that go beyond
pected standards of practice.
5. C
ompleting patient/client care and professional
responsibility prior to personal needs.
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
Compassion is the desire to
identify with or sense something
of another’s experience; a
precursor of caring.
aring is the concern, empathy,
and consideration for the needs
and values of others.
1. Understanding the socio-cultural, economic,
and psychological influences on the individual’s
life in their environment.
2. U
nderstanding an individual’s perspective.
3. B
eing an advocate for patient’s/client’s needs.
4. C
ommunicating effectively, both verbally an
non-verbally, with others taking into
consideration individual differences in learni
tyles, language, and cognitive abilities, etc.
5. D
esigning patient/client programs/interventions
that are congruent with patient/client needs.
6. E
mpowering patients/clients to achieve th
ghest level of function possible and t
ercise self-determination in their care.
7. F
ocusing on achieving the greatest well-bein
and the highest potential for a patient/client.
8. Recognizing and refraining from acting on one’s
social, cultural, gender, and sexual biases.
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
Core Values
Sample Indicators
1 (N) 2 (R) 3 (O) 4 (F) 5 (A)
9. Embracing the patient’s/client’s emotional and
psychological aspects of care.
10. A
ttending to the patient’s/client’s persona
and comforts.
11. D
emonstrating respect for others and considers
others as unique and of value.
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
Excellence is physical therapy
practice that consistently uses
current knowledge and theory
while understanding personal
limits, integrates judgment and
the patient/client perspective,
challenges mediocrity, and
works toward development of
new knowledge.
1. Demonstrating investment in the profession of
physical therapy.
2. I
nternalizing the importance of using multipl
ources of evidence to support professional
practice and decisions.
3. P
articipating in integrative and collaborativ
practice to promote high quality health and
educational outcomes.
4. C
onveying intellectual humility in professional
and personal situations.
5. Demonstrating high levels of knowledge and
kill in all aspects of the profession.
6. U
sing evidence consistently to support
professional decisions.
7. Demonstrating a tolerance for ambiguity.
8. P
ursuing new evidence to expand knowledge.
9. E
ngaging in acquisition of new knowled
hroughout one’s professional career.
10. S
haring one’s knowledge with others.
11. Contributing to the development and shaping of
excellence in all professional roles.
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
Core Values
Sample Indicators
1 (N) 2 (R) 3 (O) 4 (F) 5 (A)
Integrity is steadfast adherence
to high ethical principles or
professional standards;
truthfulness, fairness, doing
what you say you will do, and
“speaking forth” about why you
do what you do.
1. Abiding by the rules, regulations, and laws
applicable to the profession.
2. Adhering to the highest standards of the
profession (practice, ethics, reimbursement,
Institutional Review Board [IRB], honor code,
3. Articulating and internalizing stated ideals and
professional values.
4. Using power (including avoidance of use of
unearned privilege) judiciously.
5. Resolving dilemmas with respect to a consistent
set of core values.
6. Being trustworthy.
7. Taking responsibility to be an integral part in the
continuing management of patients/clients.
8. Knowing one’s limitations and acting
9. Confronting harassment and bias among
ourselves and others.
10. Recognizing the limits of one’s expertise and
making referrals appropriately.
11. Choosing employment situations that are
congruent with practice values and professional
ethical standards.
12. Acting on the basis of professional values even
when the results of the behavior may place
oneself at risk.
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
Core Values
Sample Indicators
1 (N) 2 (R) 3 (O) 4 (F) 5 (A)
Professional duty is the
commitment to meeting one’s
obligations to provide effective
physical therapy services to
individual patients/clients, to
serve the profession, and to
positively influence the health of
1. Demonstrating beneficence by providing
“optimal care”.
2. F
acilitating each individual’s achievement of
goals for function, health, and wellness.
3. P
reserving the safety, security
confidentiality of individuals in all professional
4. I
nvolved in professional activities beyond t
actice setting.
5. Promoting the profession of physical therapy.
6. Ment
oring others to realize their potential.
7. T
aking pride in one’s profession.
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
Social responsibility is the
promotion of a mutual trust
between the profession and the
larger public that necessitates
responding to societal needs for
health and wellness.
1. Advocating for the health and wellness needs of
society including access to health care and
sical therapy services.
2. P
romoting cultural competence within th
ofession and the larger public.
3. P
romoting social policy that effect function,
health, and wellness needs of patients/clients.
4. E
nsuring that existing social policy is in the best
interest of the patient/client.
5. A
dvocating for changes in laws, regulations,
standards, and guidelines that affect physical
therapist service provision.
6. P
romoting community volunteerism.
7. Participating in political activism.
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
Core Values
Sample Indicators
1 (N) 2 (R) 3 (O) 4 (F) 5 (A)
8. Participating in achievement of societal health
9. U
nderstanding of current community wide,
nationwide and worldwide issues and how they
impact society’s health and well-being and th
ivery of physical therapy.
10. Providing leadership in the community.
11. P
articipating in collaborative relationships wit
her health practitioners and the public at
12. Ensuring the blending of social justice and
onomic efficiency of services.
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
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