CPA Info #380 June 2020
Questionnaire for On-Farm Dairy Processing Visits
Dr. Liz Eckelkamp
Assistant Professor
University of Tennessee Extension
With Collaboration from:
Mr. Hal Pepper
UT Extension
Center for Profitable Agriculture
Dr. Kim Jensen
UT Institute of Agriculture
Agricultural and Resource Economics
Dr. David Hughes
UT Institute of Agriculture
Agricultural and Resource Economics
Dr. Mark Morgan
UT Institute of Agriculture
Food Science
Mr. Rob Holland
UT Extension
Center for Profitable Agriculture
The following questionnaire was developed to guide conversations and aid in the collection of input from
dairy farmers regarding thoughts, plans and experiences with processing milk and the development of
dairy products. The questionnaire will be used to conduct on-farm visits with dairy farmers as part of the
University of Tennessee Extension Dairy Processing Innovation Initiative and the Small-scale Dairy
Processing Equipment Study.
Value-added Enterprise Assessment
University of Tennessee
You and Your Operation
1. What is your role in your operation?
Dairy farm owner/manager
Processing plant owner/manager
Other (please describe) _______________________________
2. What is your age? ___________
3. How many years have you owned or managed your dairy farm? _____________
4. How many years have you owned or managed your processing facility? ____________
5. Please indicate you County, State. ____________________, _______
6. Please indicate your level of agreement with each of the following statements.
I am the kind of businessperson who is
more willing to take financial risks than
I must be willing to take substantial
financial risks to be successful in business
I am reluctant about adopting new
production or processing methods until I
see them working for others
I am more concerned about a large loss to
my enterprise than about missing a
substantial gain
7. What species do you milk or will you purchase milk from?
Other (please list) ____________________________________________
8. Please indicate which of these bests describes your enterprise
Value-added processing with own farm milk
Considering value-added processing with own farm milk
Value-added processing with purchased milk (skip dairy farm specific information)
Considering value-added processing with purchased milk (skip dairy farm specific
Other ____________________________________________________
9. Please describe any other value-added, direct marketing or agritourism activities you are
currently involved in, if any.
Value-added Enterprise Assessment
University of Tennessee
Dairy Farm Specific Information (skip if not involved in a dairy farm)
10. What is your current herd/flock size and the number of animals for the enterprise?
Total herd
enterprise herd
11. What breed(s) do you milk?
12. What is the number of farm-specific workers, including yourself? Please record numbers
for both types of workers even if zero (0). Record yourself as a family member.
___________ Number of family members
___________ Number of non-family employees
13. How do you market most of your milk?
Milk cooperative
Independent contract with a plant
On-farm processing
Other (please list) ____________________________________________
14. What is your:
_____________ Average production per animal (pounds per animal per day)?
_____________ Yearly average bulk tank somatic cell count (SCC) in cells/mL?
15. Which situation best describes your farm:
Freestall with traditional parlor
Tiestall with traditional parlor
Open barn with traditional parlor
Pasture with traditional parlor
Freestall with robotic milker
Tiestall with robotic milker
Open barn with robotic milker
Pasture with robotic milker
Other (please list) ____________________________________________
Value-added Enterprise Assessment
University of Tennessee
Processing Facility Specific Information
16. Please select and indicate the total annual volume produced in pounds for all value-added
enterprises you are involved in.
Planned Current Annual Volume (lbs)
Soft cheese _______ _______ __________________
Aged cheese _______ _______ __________________
Homogenized milk _______ _______ __________________
Cream-top/line milk _______ _______ __________________
Ice cream or mix _______ _______ __________________
Butter _______ _______ __________________
Cream _______ _______ __________________
Drinkable yogurt _______ _______ __________________
Traditional or Greek yogurt _______ _______ __________________
Lotions, soaps, etc. _______ _______ __________________
Other (please list) ______________________________________________
17. How many gallons are used/you plan to use annually for your value-added enterprise?
18. What type of pasteurization do you use/plan to use?
Low temperature (vat)
High temperature short time (HTST)
Ultra-high temperature (UHT)
Other (please list) _________________________________________
19. What serving sizes are you planning on processing?
Single serving (8 to 16 oz bottles; ½ pint ice cream, 8 oz blocks)
Multi-serving (Quarts, ½ gallons; 16 oz blocks)
Family size (1 or multi-gallons; ½ pound or more blocks)
Other (please describe) ____________________________________________________
20. Was/will your processing facility built new or a retrofit of an existing facility? ________
21. What is/will be the number of processing-specific workers, including yourself? Please
record numbers for both types of workers even if zero (0). Record yourself as a family
___________ Number of family members
___________ Number of non-family employees
___________ Unknown/yet to be determined
Value-added Enterprise Assessment
University of Tennessee
Skip questions 22-27 if still in the planning stages.
22. What are the dimensions of your processing facility and the cost of the construction
23. In what year was the processing facility built or retrofitted? ______________
24. On average, how many hours do family members work in a week devoted to the value-
added enterprise? _______________________________________________________
25. On average, how many hours do non-family members work in a week devoted to the
value-added enterprise?
26. What was your estimated annual operating cost for the value-added enterprise in 2019?
27. Of your total operating cost, what percentage or actual value goes to the following:
Amenities and Supplies
% of Annual
Operating Cost
Actual Annual
Gas (propane or natural)
Cleaning and Sanitation
Processing Supplies
Other (please list)_____________
Other (please list)_____________
Value-added Enterprise Assessment
University of Tennessee
28. From the below list, indicate the purchase price, whether it was new or used, and which value-
added enterprise(s) it is used for. If you are in the planning stages, indicate “Need” in the
purchased column.
Item Price
New or Used
Bulk tank
COP tank
In-line pasteurizer
Chart recorder
Vat pasteurizer
Butter churn
Cheese drain table
Cheese vat
Cheese press
Ice cream freezer
Holding tanks
Aging rooms
Freezer storage sqft ___x___
Refrigerated storage sqft ___x___
Other (please describe)
29. Of the following, what all is included/planned in your packaging?
Caps Containers Other (please list) __________________
Bottles Sealing plastic
Labels Wax
30. Does/will your processing facility generate any waste dairy products (whey/skim, etc)?
Other (please list) _____________________________________________
31. If so, what do you do/plan to do with your waste dairy products?
32. If there is a cost associated with disposal, what is the approximate value of that cost? If
you are unsure, indicate with “unknown.”
Value-added Enterprise Assessment
University of Tennessee
Value-Added Marketing
33. Before starting your enterprise, did you do any market research and if so, what kind?
34. Do/will you have any dedicated marketing personnel? If so, how many and how many
hours a week do they spend on marketing?
35. Annually, how much do you/do you plan to spend on marketing? ___________________
36. Through what types of outlets do you sell/plan to sell your value-added products? (Please
mark all that apply)?
Farmers market(s) Direct to restaurant Direct to grocery
Wholesale distributor Off-site farm stand On-farm store
Delivery to customers CSA/box program Mail delivery to customers
Direct to other specialty retailer (including gift shops and wineries)
Delivery to schools
Other (please list) _________________________________________________
37. How do you market/plan to market your value-added products (Please mark all that
Farm website Social media Billboards
Directional road signs Brochures/rack cards Radio
Product sampling Print (newspaper, etc.) ads Word of mouth
Local food publications (Nourish Knoxville, etc.) Press releases
Other online listings (LocalHarvest, etc.) Television ads
Pick Tennessee/Kentucky Proud/Got to Be NC
Other (please list) _________________________________________________
38. What are the most common questions asked to you by your customers?
39. Do you currently/do you plan to communicate breed, animal raising methods, processing
methods, etc. as part of your marketing?
40. Describe your target audience/ideal customer.
Value-added Enterprise Assessment
University of Tennessee
Enterprise Economics
41. Aside from financial success, what are your personal definitions of success?
Skip questions 42-45 if still in the planning stages.
42. In 2019, which of the following options best describes your value-added enterprise,
including the cost of your own and other family members labor?
I’m making a comfortable profit
I’m making a small profit
I’m barely breaking even
I’m not breaking even
Other (please describe) _______________________________________________
43. Over the next 5 years, assuming current conditions persist, which of the following best
describes your value-added enterprise?
I plan to grow my sales revenue by _________ percent and this increase will come from
(check all that apply)
Moving more existing products
Increasing product pricing
Creating new products
Expanding into new geographic markets
Expanding into new stores
I plan to stay the same size in terms of sales revenue
I plan to decrease my sales by _______ percent
Move less existing products
Decrease product pricing
Reducing geographic sales area
Reducing storefronts that sell my products
I plan to cease operations
Close the business
Transfer the business to another family member
Sell the business to another owner
Other, please describe ____________________________________________
44. My 2019 sales from dairy products were:
$0 (no sales) $20,000 - $29,999 □ $75,000 - $99,999
$1 - $9,999 $30,000 - $49,999 □ $100,000 or greater
$10,000 - $19,999 □ $50,000 - $74,999 I prefer not to disclose
45. Which of the following best describes your overall value-added enterprises’ net income
in 2019 (before taxes)?
Less than $0 $15,000 - $19,999 □ $50,000 - $74,999
$0 - $4,999 $20,000 - $24,999 □ $75,000 or greater
$5,000 - $9,999 □ $25,000 - $34,999 □ I prefer not to disclose
$10,000 - $14,999 □ $35,000 - $49,999
Value-added Enterprise Assessment
University of Tennessee
46. What percentage of your 2019 household income comes from the following sources:
Value-added enterprise (dairy only) _________
Value-added enterprise (other) _________
Farming activities _________
Off-farm income _________
47. For every $100 of enterprise assets you have in 2019, how many dollars are financed with
debt? (Circle the answer)
$0 $5 - $9.99 $20 - $39.99 I prefer not to disclose
$1 - $2.99 $10 - $14.99 $40 - $69.99
$3 - $4.99 □ $15 - $19.99 greater than $70
48. What impact does each of the following factors have on your personal consideration of a
value-added enterprise?
Impact Level
State regulations
Federal regulations
Start-up costs
Knowledge about processing
Labor for processing
Product marketing
Liability risk
49. Has COVID-19 impacted your enterprise/plans for your enterprise? Please explain how.
50. What educational resources or information would be helpful to your business? (Select all
that apply)
Start-up costs State regulations
Federal regulations Food safety
Product marketing Employee training on products and equipment
Farmers market regulations Human resources and employee management
Food packaging Interstate shipping certification (NCIMS)
New product development Direct marketing products
Business feasibility Developing a marketing plan
Managing milk quality on the farm Expanding into wholesale and retail markets
Using social media as a marketing and sales tool
Maintaining and assessing financial records on the processing operation
Maintaining and assessing financial records on the dairy operation
Other (please describe) ____________________________________________