All sections marked with a red asterisk are required
NC Substitute W-9 forms are required. You won’t get paid if the form is incomplete.
If you make a mistake, start over on a new form.
If you don’t want prize money, write “DECLINE” across the form and turn it in.
*1. Check the TOP BOX for Social Security Number (SSN)
*2. Write your social security number in the blank space
*4. Write your full legal name the same way it appears on your social security card
*Address line 1: Write your street number and street name
*City Write your city *State Write in your state *Zip Code Write in your zip code
*County Write your COUNTY like “Wake”, NOT your country - like USA.
*8. Contact Name Write your name or your parents name
*9. Phone Number Write your phone number
*11. Email Address Write an email address where you can be reached
*12. Entity Type Check the rst box for “Individual”
*13. Entity Classication Check “Other” at the bottom of the list
write “Contest Winner” in the blank space below it.
*Printed Name Print your name
*Printed Title Write “Individual”
*Authorized US Signature Sign your name
*Date Write the date you ll out the form
Fill out the form with your child’s information, including social security number.
You can sign the form at the bottom if your child is too young to sign it themselves.
Fill out the form with your business information, including your tax ID number.
Fill out the form with the exact information as it appears on your tax documents.
Most county school systems have already lled out NC Substitute W-9 forms available.
You will want to add your schools information in the Remit To section under Contact
Information, number 7.
Home schools should ll out the form with the exact information as it appears on their
tax documents.
NC Office of the
State Controller
(IRS Form W-9 will not be
accepted in lieu of this form)
*Denotes a Required Field
Request for Taxpayer Identification Number
Please complete the Modification to Existing Supplier Records form if there have been any changes to the following: Tax Identification Number (TIN),
Legal Name, Business Name, Remittance Address.
If you would like to receive your payments electronically, please complete the Supplier Electronic Payment form.
Return all completed forms to the State Agency from which you are requesting payment.
Section 1 Taxpayer Identification
2 -Certification
*1. Social Security Number (SSN),
Employer Identification Number (EIN),
Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN)
Please select the appropriate Taxpayer Identification Number (EIN, SSN,
or ITIN) type and enter your 9-digit ID number. The U.S. Taxpayer
Identification Number is being requested per U.S. Tax Law. Failure to
provide this information in a timely manner could prevent or delay
payment to you or require The State of NC to withhold 24% for backup
withholding tax.
*4. Legal Name (as registered with the IRS - see instructions):
3. Unique Entity Identifier or Dunn & Bradstreet Universal
Numbering System (DUNS) (see instructions):
5. Business Name/DBA/Disregarded Entity Name, if different from
Legal Name:
Contact Information
*6. Legal Address
7. Remittance Address (Location specifically used for payment that is
different from Legal Address, if applicable)
Address Line 1:
Address Line 1:
Address Line 2:
Zip (9 digit)
City State Zip (9 digit)
*8. Contact Name:
*9. Phone Number:
10. Fax Number:
*11. Email Address:
*12. Entity Type
*13. Entity
14. Exemptions (see
Individual/Sole Proprietor/Single-member LLC C-Corporation S-Corporation
Partnership Trust/Estate Other___________________________
Limited liability company. Enter the tax classification (C=C corporation,
S=S corporation, P=Partnership) ________
Note: Check the appropriate box in the line above for the tax classification of the single-
member owner. Do not check LLC if the LLC is classified as a single-member LLC that is
disregarded from the owner unless the owner of the LLC is another LLC that is not
disregarded from the owner for U.S. federal tax purposes. Otherwise, a single-member LLC
that is disregarded from the owner should check the appropriate box for the tax classification
of its owner.
Exempt payee code (if any):
Exemption from FATCA
reporting code (if any):
Under penalties of perjury, I certify that:
1. The number shown on this form is my correct taxpayer identification number (or I am waiting for a number to be issued to me), and
2. I am not subject to backup withholding because: (a) I am exempt from backup withholding, or (b) I have not been notified by the Internal Revenue Service
(IRS) that I am subject to backup withholding because of a failure to report all interest or dividends, or (c) the IRS has notified me that I am no longer
subject to backup withholding, and
3. I am a U.S. citizen or other U.S. person (defined later in general instructions), and
4. The FATCA code(s) entered on this form (if any) indicting that I am exempt from FATCA reporting is correct.
Certification instructions: Please refer to the IRS Form W-9 located on the IRS Website (
Printed Name:
Printed Title:
Authorized U.S.
Medical Services
NC Local Govt
Federal Govt
NC State Agency
Other Govt
Other (specify)
Fillable form must be saved to your computer, named with your name, uploaded in ShoWorks
when you register. You can also print this form, ll it out and mail it with your paper entry form.
Exhibitors Legal Name: (ONLY provide the information of the exhibitor or participant)
First Name, Middle Name, Last Name - as it appears on your social security card, driver’s license or any government document
Exhibitors Legal Address:
Street Address - R.F.D., PO Box or Apartment Number)
City, State, Zip
–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
County E-mail address
––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– ––/ /
Phone Birth Date
Exhibitors Social Security Number: (write DECLINE if you do not wish to receive money)
• Exhibitors are allowed to register for competitions without disclosing their Social Security Number.
• Choosing NOT to disclose their SSN at the time of registration forfeits any and all prize money.
• Prizes such as ribbons, medals, rosettes and plaques will still be awarded.
• State Fair sta WILL NOT contact winning exhibitors following the fair who did not submit their SSN at the time of registration.
• State Fair sta WILL NOT accept any calls/emails/etc. from winning exhibitors who chose not to disclose their SSN.
IMPORTANT IRS INFORMATION: Internal Revenue Service (IRS) regulations require that we have the Social Security Number
(SSN) or Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) which corresponds to the name to whom the check for prize money is written. If we
are notified by the IRS that the SSN or TIN does not match the name of record, we will have to backup withholding taxes and you
may be subject to a $50 penalty by the IRS. A separate form should be used for each SSN/TIN. You must provide this information
to be eligible for prize money. Also IRS regulations state that any prize money totaling $600 or more in a calendar year must be
reported on a Form 1099.
Exhibitor Signature:
By signing this form you are agreeing to the terms and conditions concerning social security numbers and all state fair rules and regulations.
MAIL FORM TO: NC State Fair Entry Oce 1010 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27699-1010
Unlimited Online Entry at or
Have you moved since the 2023 fair?
Has your name changed since 2023?
Did you win money at the 2023 fair?
Click here to
Use this form to enter on paper.
Online entries require a
NC Sub W-9 form.
See details page 3 & 4
Exhibitor Name:
Division Description
First three words as found in premium book
Class Description
First three words as found in premium book
Paper Entry forms are limited to 20 entries. Online entry at: or
MAIL FORM TO: NC State Fair Entry Oce 1010 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27699-1010
Exhibitors are encouraged to make all entries early. The right is reserved to reject any entry.
In most divisions, competition is limited to residents of North Carolina.
All entries must be made in the name of the owner, breeder, manufacturer, grower, producer or one
whose skill the exhibit represents. A firm, to be entitled to exhibit as such, must have been organized
not less than 30 days prior to the closing date for entries and such firm must have been organized as
a bona fide firm for the purpose of producing or buying and selling the articles or animals it proposes
to exhibit in the name of such firm. A firm will be regarded as one exhibitor.
Official printed forms or copies of forms must be used in making applications for entry. Be sure to fill out
the application form completely, accurately and legibly.
No article or animals will be entitled to exhibition space until proper entry has been made.
Entry fees are required in some departments.
Unclaimed exhibits from competitive departments will be considered abandoned if not called for within
one week after the official closing of the Fair and may be disposed of as the Manager of the Fair sees fit.
All exhibits must be officially entered in the Fair on official entry forms provided for that purpose, before
the closing date for entries in the department. No article or animal will be entitled to space or considered
in the judging until proper entry has been made. Removal of exhibits before the date and time specified
will be cause for forfeit of all premiums won, all fees paid and the right to further participation in the Fair.
All exhibits will be numbered and recorded in the books of the proper department and class and exhibit
tag with corresponding numbers will be issued. This tag must be securely attached to the exhibit and
must remain on the exhibit throughout the Fair.
The State Fair assumes no responsibility for the incorrect tagging of exhibits.
Entries may be shipped via UPS or Fed Ex (signature required) to:
NC State Fair Attn Entry Department 4285 Trinity Road Raleigh NC 27607
The management will not be responsible for delayed shipments which arrive at the Fair too late to be
considered in the judging. All reasonable care will be given to all exhibits; however, exhibits are entered
at the exhibitor’s risk. The Fair and staff are not responsible for damage or loss at any time.
Division Directors and Department Superintendents will have full authority over allocation of space.
If the claim check is lost, such loss should be reported promptly and it will be necessary for the exhibitor
to furnish the Department Superintendent or Competitive Exhibits Coordinator proof of ownership of the
article on exhibit.
The Fair management reserves the right to reject any exhibit which does not reflect merit and which
would not be a credit to both the exhibitor and the Fair.
Division Directors, Department Superintendents, and/or Judges must report disqualification of entries to
the Manager of the State Fair immediately after such action is taken. Under no circumstances will
judging be considered official and premiums paid in a class where disqualification is recommended until
approval of the disqualification(s) is obtained from the fair manager.
Decision of the judges will be final and no appeal will be considered except in cases of protest in writing,
with strong evidence of fraud or violation of the rules of the Fair. Protests must be in writing and filed
with the Competitions Coordinator.
Entries made in wrong classes risk not being judged, and may be moved to the proper class by the
Department Supervisor or Competitive Exhibits Coordinator with the permission of the exhibitor.
Judges will not award premiums or ribbons to any article or animal that does not qualify for one of the
classes in the State Fair Premium List.
The NC State Fair is under no obligation to display every item entered.
Photographs of exhibits and winners will be taken by official photographers of the NC State Fair.
Exhibitors hereby grant the NC State Fair permission to utilize photographs, images, or likenesses in
whole or in part for use in official NC State Fair publications and promotions.
The following colors of ribbons will be used to designate awards:
Grand Champion ..................... Purple
Reserve Champion .................. Lavender
First Place ............................... Blue
Second Place .......................... Red
Third Place .............................. White
Fourth Place ............................ Pink
Fifth Place ............................... Yellow
Sixth Place .............................. Dark Green
Seventh Place ......................... Light Green
Eighth Place ............................ Tan
Ninth Place .............................. Gray
Tenth Place and above ........... Light Blue