December 2023
Net Zero Government
UK Roadmap to Net Zero Government
This Roadmap is a product of collaboration between the UK Government and the Devolved
Administrations of Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland.
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1. Introduction _____________________________________________________________ 4
1.1 Purpose of this document ________________________________________________ 4
1.2 Introduction to the UK context ____________________________________________ 4
1.3 Overview and scope ____________________________________________________ 5
1.4 Position on offsetting ___________________________________________________ 6
2. The Path to Net Zero ______________________________________________________ 7
2.1 Targets ______________________________________________________________ 7
2.2 Monitoring and reporting _________________________________________________ 7
3. Net Zero Assisting Policies by Government Sub-Sector __________________________ 10
3.1 Government buildings __________________________________________________ 10
Direct Emissions _______________________________________________________ 10
Scope 2 emissions from electricity consumption _______________________________ 12
Support for analysis: the Property Emissions Reduction Calculator ________________ 13
3.2 Government Transport _________________________________________________ 14
Fleets _______________________________________________________________ 14
Flights _______________________________________________________________ 15
Commuting ___________________________________________________________ 16
3.3 Procurement _________________________________________________________ 16
3.4 Skills _______________________________________________________________ 18
4. Conclusion _____________________________________________________________ 20
Net Zero Government Initiative: UK Roadmap
1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose of this document
In November 2022, ahead of COP27, the UK joined the Net Zero Government Initiative
as a partner and signatory. This Initiative is led by the United States and participants
agreed to develop and publish a roadmap laying out how they would bring their
government emissions to net zero by 2050.
This roadmap draws from existing strategy documents including the Heat and Buildings
Strategy, the Scottish Heat in Buildings Strategy, Net Zero Carbon Status by 2030: Public
Sector Route Map for Wales, and the Energy Strategy for Northern Ireland. It covers the
policies and interim targets that are central to decarbonising the UK’s governments.
1.2 Introduction to the UK context
In November 2008, the UK passed the Climate Change Act with an overwhelming
majority across political parties.
The 2008 Climate Act committed the UK to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by 80% by
2050 compared to 1990 levels, formed the Committee on Climate Change, and established UK
carbon budgets. In June 2019, this was strengthened,
committing the UK to bring all
greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050. This is referred to as the UK net zero target.
The UK was the first country to set legally binding carbon budgets, which place restrictions on
the total amount of greenhouse gases the UK can emit over five-year periods. To date, six
carbon budgets have been set, up to 2037.
For the purposes of international reporting, emissions are measured and reported on a ‘whole
of UK’ basis through the UK’s Greenhouse Gas Inventory. This is also the basis for the UK’s
Nationally Determined Contributions
, which give a single, economy-wide emissions reduction
target for England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland together.
However, most aspects of climate change and decarbonisation policy are devolved matters.
There are complexities within this, as some related areas (including energy security, and some
aspects of energy efficiency) are reserved matters with policy made on a ‘whole of UK’ basis.
However, for the most part decarbonisation of the ‘government’ sector in the UK is a collective
effort, with differences in approach between the administrations at Westminster, Holyrood,
Stormont and the Senedd.
The Climate Change Act 2008 (2050 Target Amendment) Order 2019
National Determined Contributions (NDCs) are international emissions reductions commitments made under the
UNFCCC framework.
Net Zero Government Initiative: UK Roadmap
There are a number of policies in place to reach the UK net zero target, which for England are
summarised in the Net Zero Strategy (Build Back Greener) 2021, updated in 2022, which
builds on the 2020 Ten Point Plan for a Green Industrial Revolution. Further updates were
made in the 2023 policy paper Powering Up Britain.
The Scottish Government has set a target date for net zero emissions of all greenhouse gases
by 2045
. This includes the Scottish public sector.
The Welsh Government has set out the ambition for the public sector in Wales to be net zero
carbon by 2030. In 2021, Wales published its Net Zero Carbon Status by 2030: Public Sector
Route Map which provides an overview of the actions and milestones needed for the Welsh
public sector to reach this ambition. Net Zero Wales sets out the target for Wales to be net
zero by 2050.
In Northern Ireland, The Energy Management Strategy and Action Plan to 2030
was formally
adopted by the NICS board in January 2019. This strategy sets a target for Central
Government to reduce net energy consumption by 30% (from a 2016/17 baseline) by 2030.
Since the strategy launch, Northern Ireland has passed its first climate legislation, The Climate
Change Act (Northern Ireland) 2022
, mandating a net zero emissions target for 2050. This Act
also identifies ‘Public Buildings’ as a specific sector.
1.3 Overview and scope
For the purposes of the NZGI work and in line with our international NZGI partners, this
document defines ‘government’ as central government departments across the governments of
UK, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. When ‘government departments’ are referred to
throughout, it denotes these organisations. This does not include local government. However,
many of the policies included in this road map also apply to the wider public sector.
Government departments have responsibility for their own emissions, and with a few
exceptions they can choose their own approach on how to manage their buildings’ energy
consumption, travel or procurement policies, or other measures.
In addition, departments may lead on policies to reduce emissions from specialised
government operations, such as from defence or from government laboratories. Those policies
are not covered here: this roadmap focuses on measures to reduce cross-cutting government
emissions. In particular this roadmap focuses on buildings, transport, procurement, and skills
The governments of Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, and the UK each take slightly different
approaches to government decarbonisation, drawing on the range of powers at their disposal
Energy-Management-Strategy-March-2019.pdf (
Climate Change Act (Northern Ireland) 2022 (
Net Zero Government Initiative: UK Roadmap
and adapting approaches to local circumstances. However, there is also much in common,
with parallel schemes, common challenges, and opportunities for shared learning.
1.4 Position on offsetting
Offsetting can help to address any residual emissions that are particularly hard to abate, for
example from Ministerial air travel to essential meetings. However, the use of offsetting is not
common across government departments. Its more widespread application would be subject to
cross-Whitehall agreement that would take into account value for money and the
environmental integrity of the carbon credits (which can sometimes come into conflict), among
other measures. In the meantime, government departments are focussed on reducing their
emissions as quickly as feasible.
Net Zero Government Initiative: UK Roadmap
2. The Path to Net Zero
2.1 Targets
The UK government aims to reduce all direct emissions from public sector buildings by 50%
and 75% by 2032 and 2037 respectively, against a 2017 baseline. All UK emissions are to
reach net zero by 2050.
There are also ambitious targets within each of the four nations. Scotland aims to reach net
zero from all emissions by 2045, Wales has an ambition to reach net zero emissions in its
public sector by 2030, and Northern Ireland aims to reduce its government emissions by 30%
by 2030 (from a 2016/17 baseline year).
These key targets demonstrate the UK-wide commitment to reaching net zero goals within
government and beyond.
2.2 Monitoring and reporting
Monitoring and reporting of public sector and government emissions is the tool that
allows the UK to ensure it is on track to meet its climate commitments.
Each nation is approaching measurement and reporting requirements for government
differently. England has Greening Government Commitments (GGCs) which apply to both
central government departments and their executive agencies, non-ministerial departments,
and non-departmental public bodies and has recently published a timeline for creating wider
public sector monitoring and reporting guidance. In Scotland, 180 public bodies are required to
report annually on compliance with their statutory climate change duties. Wales has emissions
reporting requirements in place for its public bodies and has published guidance to assist
public sector bodies in meeting these. In Northern Ireland, requirements for certain public
sector bodies to report on climate change are due to be in place by the end of the year.
The GGCs set out the actions government departments in England and their agencies will take
to reduce their environmental impact, in line with the 25 Year Environment Plan
. The
commitments are updated every five years, with the latest version being the 2021-2025 GGCs
Framework. The GGCs provide a sustainability reporting and target setting framework,
covering a range of sustainability metrics.
Net Zero Government Initiative: UK Roadmap
In financial year (FY) 2020 to 2021 (the most recent year with published data
government reduced its greenhouse gas emissions by 57% from the baseline year (then
2009-2010, this has since changed to 2017-2018), exceeding the 43% target.
This follows the achievement of a 50% reduction from the baseline year in FY 2019 to
The reduction in energy use across the government estate collectively saved
departments an estimated £182 million in FY 2020-2021.
A public sector emissions monitoring and reporting guidance timeline
was published in August
2023. This provides a timetable for issuing consistent standards for measuring and reporting
emissions that is applicable to the entire public sector. This will allow the department to deliver
upon its Net Zero Strategy commitment to provide guidance to support coherent and consistent
emissions monitoring and reporting across the public sector.
The UK is also considering how developments in international reporting frameworks should be
reflected in public sector reporting. In 2022, the Chief Secretary to the Treasury agreed to
commence a phased implementation in central government annual reports and accounts of
Task force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). Within the implementation
strategy for these disclosures, the GGC 21-25 emissions reporting requirements are seen to
fulfil the TCFD metrics and targets recommendation that organisations “disclose Scope 1,
Scope 2, and, if appropriate, Scope 3 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and the related
risks”. Continued alignment with requirements will be assessed as the new GGC 2025-30
framework is developed.
The Scottish Government and its 10 Executive Agencies are among around 180 public bodies
in Scotland (including local authorities, National Health Service, colleges and universities,
Scottish Water, and a wide range of Non-Departmental Public Bodies) who have been required
since 2015-16 to report annually on compliance with their statutory climate change duties.
The Welsh government published a Public Sector Net Zero Carbon Reporting Guide in 2021
(last updated in 2023) along with a spreadsheet for public sector bodies to calculate and report
emissions. This details the principles and priorities for the Welsh Public Sector Net Zero
Carbon reporting, its operational and organisational scope and the data which public bodies in
Wales will need to assemble annually in order to fulfil the reporting requirements. The reporting
guide is to be used in conjunction with the Net Zero Carbon Status by 2030: Public Sector
Route Map which sets out the actions needed within the public sector in Wales to meet the
ambition of being net zero by 2030. It is important to note that this is a collective ambition
Net Zero Government Initiative: UK Roadmap
across the whole public sector. The route map covers four key areas: decarbonising transport,
buildings, procurement and land use.
Northern Ireland
The Northern Ireland government has been recording annual energy use across over 3,000
central government assets since 2016 and reporting since 2019. To date reporting has been
carried out manually, however, a major project to digitise and automate data collection
processes through the implementation of energy data software commenced in September
2023. This process aims to unlock greater efficiency in collection and analysis of energy,
carbon, and cost data to facilitate more informed and timely decision-making and to enable
standardised reporting against forthcoming statutory obligations for specified public bodies. In
line with the requirements of the Climate Change Act (Northern Ireland) 2022, these
obligations are due to be in place by 6th December 2023.
Net Zero Government Initiative: UK Roadmap
3. Net Zero Assisting Policies by
Government Sub-Sector
3.1 Government buildings
Direct Emissions
In the Net Zero Strategy the UK set a target to reduce emissions from public sector
buildings by 50% by 2032 and 75% by 2037 against 2017 levels.
Direct emissions from public sector buildings are responsible for 2% of UK emissions
. These
direct (scope 1) emissions from public sector buildings primarily come from heating. Heating
for homes and workspaces make up almost a third of all UK carbon emissions
. Therefore,
heat decarbonisation will be critical in reducing emissions from the UK government’s building
stock. Each administration has identified that their public sector will need financial support from
government to decarbonise their built estate and, so far, they have together provided over a
billion pounds in grant and loan funding, with more than a billion pounds more committed.
The Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme (PSDS) provides grant funding for heat
decarbonisation and energy efficiency measures to public sector bodies. Many organisations
have used PSDS funding to replace old fossil fuel boilers and upgrade their buildings. Phase 3
of the PSDS will provide £1.425 billion of grant funding over 2022-2025. Phase 2 provided £75
million, and Phase 1 provided £1 billion.
The Low Carbon Skills Fund (LCSF) provides funding for skills and expertise to develop heat
decarbonisation plans for public sector bodies. Having a robust heat decarbonisation plan will
put organisations in a strong position to take the next steps in decarbonising, including by
enabling them to develop detailed project proposals that will help them to apply for any future
grant funding for capital decarbonisation measures such as PSDS. This means organisations
can think more strategically and be better prepared for future decarbonisation opportunities.
Phase 4 of the LCSF provided up to £17 million of grant funding over 2023 to 2024. Phase 3
provided up to £17 million, phase 2 provided up to £15 million and phase 1 provided up to £32
The Department for Energy Security and Net Zero has also sponsored a suite of guidance
designed to help public sector organisations identify and deliver emissions savings across their
Net Zero Government Initiative: UK Roadmap
The Scottish Green Public Sector Estate Decarbonisation Scheme is the main government-led
capital funding mechanism to support leadership on decarbonisation of buildings owned by the
public sector in Scotland. This scheme offers zero-interest loans to facilitate energy efficiency
improvement projects that result in financial and carbon savings and contribute towards
achieving their net-zero aspirations. £200 million has been committed to the public sector for
energy efficiency and renewable heating over this parliamentary term.
On 25 October, the Scottish Government launched a new grant scheme for local authorities
and universities. Scotland’s Public Sector Heat Decarbonisation Fund will provide up to 80% of
grant funding for energy efficiency and heat decarbonisation projects. In addition, the Scottish
Government provides a procurement framework for the public sector to enable the
development of energy initiatives supported by a technical project support unit.
The Scottish Government achieved Carbon Trust Route to Net Zero Standard - Taking Action
in July 2023.
The Scottish Government and Scottish Green Party Co-operation Agreement Shared Policy
Programme commits to all publicly owned buildings to meet zero emissions heating
requirements by 2038.
In 2023/24 the Welsh Government launched a £17m Low Carbon Heat Grant scheme to
support local government decarbonise their buildings.
The Wales Funding programme is available to support public sector bodies decarbonise. This
offers interest-free loans to public sector organisations to fund energy efficiency measures,
covering 100% of the project costs. In 2023/24, £11.25m of new capital funding was provided
through the Wales Funding Programme to support decarbonisation projects.
The Welsh Government Energy Service has been established to provide technical advice and
assistance to support public sector organisations in Wales to decarbonise. This covers regional
energy planning, energy efficiency, renewable electricity and ultra-low emission or electric
As of 1 January 2022, all new-build and major refurbished school and college buildings
delivered under the Sustainable Communities for Learning (SCfL) Programme are required to
be Net Zero Carbon. The route map for the SCfL Programme contains incremental reductions
in embodied carbon in line with the Welsh Government’s statutory commitments.
Northern Ireland
The Climate Change Act (Northern Ireland) 2022 identifies ‘Public Buildings’ as a distinct
sector, with 77% reduction in scope 1 emissions from 1990-2021.
Net Zero Government Initiative: UK Roadmap
The Northern Ireland Energy Invest to Save fund was established in 2021 as one of the key
recommendations of the Energy Management Strategy and Action plan for Central
Government. This targeted funding offers 100% support for organisations to deliver energy
capital projects that otherwise would not be taken forward with the overarching aim of
mitigating and minimising the impact of energy price fluctuations on public service delivery.
Successful projects to date have covered areas such as energy efficiency, renewable energy,
energy storage, EV charging infrastructure and automatic metering. Now into its thirds year
there is a greater need to focus on heat decarbonisation.
To facilitate this shift in emphasis work has been taken forward to embed key value
demonstrators in the government estate such as the South-West College Erne Campus
development, which was the world’s first educational, and currently the largest, Passivhaus
Premium rated building. Along with being the first UK building to achieve Passivhaus Premium
and BREEAM outstanding certification, the college provides a blueprint for exemplar building
standards in the government estate. Additionally, the GeoEnergyNI
project has launched
feasibility studies, to inform the design of geothermal heat networks, to decarbonise the
operation of public buildings on the Stormont and CAFRE Greenmount estates respectively.
Scope 2 emissions from electricity consumption
Scope 2 are emissions that an organisation causes indirectly, for example, the emissions
caused when generating the electricity used in a building would fall into this category. These
are measured separately to scope 1 emissions, which are the emissions an organisation
causes directly for example when heating a building or running a vehicle, and scope 3
emissions, which are emissions an organisation causes indirectly via its supply chain.
There are policies in place to support installation of renewable electricity and reduce electricity
usage in many parts of the UK government sector, against a backdrop of rapid decarbonisation
of electricity from the national grids in both Great Britain and the island of Ireland. As the UK’s
electricity grid becomes greener, the scope 2 emissions of an organisation connected to this
grid will reduce. If an organisation has on-site renewable generation such as photovoltaic
panels, this will also have a positive impact. Electrical energy efficiency can also reduce scope
2 emissions through reducing electrical demand.
Across Great Britain (England, Scotland, and Wales) there is a target to decarbonise the
electricity system by 2035
. Northern Ireland has set a goal for their electricity supply to be
80% renewable by 2030.
In Northern Ireland, the emission content and projected reduction in emissions resulting from
electricity generation differs to those in Great Britain. This is due to the operation of the Single
Electricity Market. SONI is the independent Transmission System Operator for Northern
Ireland who hold emissions data resulting from electricity generation in Northern Ireland.
Project Gallery (
GeoEnergy NI - Unearthing The Heat Beneath Our Feet
Net Zero Government Initiative: UK Roadmap
The PSDS can include some electrical efficiency measures, for example LED lightbulbs, which
help to reduce an organisations scope 2 emissions.
Public sector scope 2 emissions fell by 58.5% from 2015-16 to 2021-22 across around 180
public bodies required to report annually on compliance with their statutory climate change
Public sector scope 2 emissions are included in the public sector emissions report produced
annually. In 2021-22 the Welsh public sector consumed 781,579MWh of electricity (scope2).
but also generated a total of 42,789 MWh of electricity and purchased 326,380 MWh through
Green tariffs, REGO tariffs and purchase agreements. This equates to 200ktCO2e.
Northern Ireland
For the 12-month period from July ’22 to June ’23, 45.5% of total electricity consumption was
generated from renewable sources with the legislative target of reaching 80% by 2030. The
Energy Invest to Save fund has enabled projects to both reduce electricity demand and to
deploy renewable energy generation and storage. This aims to further explore the role of
government in supporting growth in grid flexibility and capacity whilst also generating revenue
on the path to lowering Scope 2 emissions.
Support for analysis: the Property Emissions Reduction Calculator
The Property Emissions Reduction Calculator (PERC) is a new tool developed in partnership
with Energy Systems Catapult and is designed to help government departments and the Office
of Government Property (OGP) to analyse and strategize the estate decarbonisation path to
net zero 2050.
It has been designed with flexibility and adaptability in mind and allows users to assess and
compare scenarios based on different building interventions with cost projections. The tool has
the ability to analyse scenarios at building and site level up to cross-departmental and can
therefore provide both big-picture and building specific evaluation.
Departments have different interim decarbonisation targets which the tool can be used to
gauge progress towards. Annual reporting to OGP will provide strategic oversight of net zero
progress of the government estate.
Following the development phase, the PERC has been pilot tested by two departments and is
currently undergoing final amendments in preparation for launch in the coming months.
Net Zero Government Initiative: UK Roadmap
3.2 Government Transport
Transport is one of the UK’s largest emitting sectors, responsible for 26% of domestic
emissions in 2021
, and its accelerated decarbonisation is central to delivering against
legally binding and international economy-wide commitments.
Emissions from central government make up a portion of this. The UK Government has set out
a holistic, cross-modal approach to reducing transport emissions in successive publications in
recent years, including the 2021 Transport Decarbonisation Plan, with the widespread adoption
of zero and low emission technologies and travel choices at their core. In scope of this
roadmap, government travel can be divided into government car fleets, air travel and
To lead by example in England, the target of 25% of government car fleet being ultra-
low emission by December 2022 was surpassed three months early.
By 2027, 100% of the central government car and van fleet in England will be zero
The Scottish government has set a target to phase out petrol and diesel cars from the
public sector fleet by 2025.
Wales is also aiming for new public sector cars and light good vehicles to be ultra-low
emission by 2025, with all new heavy goods public fleet vehicles to be ultra-low
emission by 2030 where possible.
In Northern Ireland, all department owned or leased cars and vans will be zero-emission
by 2035.
Across the wider landscape, ambitious targets have been set which will lead to overall
commuter emissions reduction, and across the UK, the number of EV options on the market
continues to increase, providing public and private sector fleet operators with more choice of
The UK Government has committed to all new cars and vans sold being zero emission by
2035, and in September 2023 announced in conjunction with the Welsh Government, the
Scottish Government, and the Northern Ireland Department for Infrastructure that a zero-
emission vehicle mandate will be introduced from January 2024. This will set annual minimum
targets for the number of new zero emission cars and vans sold in the UK starting from 22%
for cars and 10% for vans in 2024 and rising steadily to reach 80% of cars and 70% of vans by
Net Zero Government Initiative: UK Roadmap
The Scottish Government is committed to phasing out petrol and diesel cars from the public
sector fleet by 2025 and replacing fossil-fuelled vehicles with plug-in or fully electric vehicles
where appropriate. The Scottish Government increased investment in ultra-low emitting electric
vehicles, which made up 70% of the overall current fleet and 100% of the current government
car service fleet by 2023.
Work has been conducted to gain a good understanding of the nature and use of the
government fleet, future patterns of usage, and a feasible technological pathway for an ultra-
low emission transformation.
The Welsh government has also set clear goals:
New cars and light goods vehicles in the public sector fleet to be ultra-low emission by
Where possible, all new heavy goods vehicles in the public fleet to be ultra-low emission
by 2030.
Northern Ireland
In 2021 the Minister for Infrastructure signed the Glasgow Declaration on Zero Emission Cars
and Vans on behalf of the NI Executive. In signing the declaration, the Executive agreed to
work towards all departmentally owned or leased cars and vans being zero-emission by 2035.
To date, the Energy Invest to Save fund has supported a small number of Electrical Vehicle
Infrastructure Projects. DfI is establishing two working groups, one for the NI Civil Service and
the other NI local Councils, to bring forward roadmaps towards fully zero-emission fleets.
The Greening Government Commitments (GGCs) 2021 to 2025 included a commitment to
report the distance travelled by international business flights with a view to better
understanding and reducing related emissions where possible.
The GGCs also included a commitment to update organisational travel policies so that they
require lower carbon options to be considered first as an alternative to each planned flight.
Annual reports are published by the Government on performance against the GGCs.
The Scottish Government has applied a carbon emissions levy to its business travel since
2006. The carbon emissions levy has contributed to carbon reduction projects in the Scottish
Government estate: solar panels, LED lighting, and sustainable travel infrastructure.
Net Zero Government Initiative: UK Roadmap
The Welsh Government employs Corporate Travel Management (CTM) to act as its air travel
contractor. Data on air travel will be captured by CTM at the point of booking to inform Welsh
Government's reporting of climate impacts.
Continued flexible working, use of local hubs and shared facilities, active travel and greater use
of public transport significantly reduces car commutes and business travel in working lives of
people post the Covid pandemic.
Work is underway to transition public transport commuting and business travel to ultra-low
emission modes, including rail services.
The Welsh Government Net Zero Strategic Plan gives an overview of the work carried out
within the Welsh government to reduce its carbon footprint.
Northern Ireland
The Hybrid Working Policy
was implemented in 2021. Reduced daily commuting and less
staff travel contributes to departmentscarbon reduction objectives with the associated
environmental benefits.
3.3 Procurement
The huge power of some £290 billion of public money spent through public
procurement every year in the UK must support Government priorities: to boost growth
and productivity, help our communities recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, and
tackle climate change.(the Cabinet Office’s 2020 Green Paper)
Since the 2020 Cabinet Office Transforming Public Procurement Green Paper was published,
England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland have all published procurement policy notes.
The details of each vary but all provide government contractors with guidance and/or
standards to ensure public procurement is considering the impact on the climate. This is an
important step towards public money being spent in ways that will reduce emissions over time.
Details of each are set out below.
In June 2021, Taking Account of Carbon Reduction Plans in the Procurement of Major
Government Projects: PPN 06/21
was published, requiring suppliers bidding for major
Net Zero Government Initiative: UK Roadmap
government contracts (suppliers subject to the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 and
contracts in excess of £5 million per annum) to publish their own Net Zero commitments or risk
deselection from the procurement process.
This measure ensures all suppliers bidding for major Government procurements will be
committed to achieving Net Zero by 2050 and are reducing their emissions over time.
This measure was a world first, and similar policies have followed from the US and Canada. It
has been identified as leading best practice by the OECD and UN Race to Zero. Thousands of
suppliers have made commitments to achieve Net Zero by 2050 as a result.
Public Procurement - Taking Account of Climate and Circular Economy Considerations: SPPN
was published in June 2022. It clarifies expectations with respect to climate and
circular economy considerations. It aligns climate change reporting duties with procurement
policy and legislation which requires public bodies to consider and act on opportunities to
improve social and environmental wellbeing. It encourages public bodies to use their public
procurement spend to support climate and circular economy ambitions, signposting sources of
support to embed their policy in practice.
Research on the tools and methodologies available to public bodies to help them estimate and
target their Scope 3 emissions from purchased goods and services has been commissioned by
the Scottish Government to report late in 2023.
Decarbonisation through Procurement: WPPN 12/21
guides procurement professionals on
how to support the reduction of carbon throughout the procurement lifecycle.
Targeted support and skills development within the supply chain to increase the proportion of
Welsh suppliers who can deliver the required goods and services and are, therefore, eligible
for contracts.
Guidance has been developed, targeted at procurement professionals to support the reduction
of carbon throughout the procurement lifecycle.
Suppliers are incentivised through proportionate evaluation criteria to proactively seek further
opportunities to reduce climate impacts. They are sent a strong signal regarding future low
carbon requirements and staff are trained.
Net Zero Government Initiative: UK Roadmap
The Welsh government aim for, by 2026, all purchasing activities to have a robust carbon
reduction phase built in at the earliest stage and throughout. The Welsh Government also
require all procurement tenders over £5m to have a carbon reduction plan as a pre-requisite.
Northern Ireland
Scoring Social Value: PPN 01/21
, agreed by the NI Executive, mandates that tenders must
allocate a minimum of 10% of the total award criteria to social value. Social Value is about
maximising the social, economic, and environmental benefits through the public procurement
process. Ultimately, this allows Government Departments and their stakeholders to find new
and far-reaching methods to deliver on the outcomes of the Programme for Government.
The NI Procurement Board published a construction toolkit
in September 2022. This provides
advice and direction on the latest best practice techniques for public sector projects to deliver
Zero Carbon and Sustainability in construction. It provides practical resources on
decarbonisation and reducing energy usage and improving the environment. The guidance
illustrates that construction projects can drive decarbonisation through their approach. This
could be by signing up to an environmental or carbon standard for built assets (such as PAS
2080, EN15643, PAS 2035, and BREEAM), or by setting ambitious reduction targets at project
level for carbon and material use.
3.4 Skills
Embedding skills and knowledge about decarbonisation and climate change across the
civil service is essential for policy and projects to support in the journey to net zero.
England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland have all provided some form for climate
awareness training to staff, teaching them how their work can reduce the impact of climate
change and to support climate skills development in the government sector.
A new climate change fast stream has been launched, with a small annual cohort on the
Government’s graduate programme doing two years of specialised postings on climate
Many individual Government departments have also commissioned the Carbon Literacy Trust
to provide training on climate change to their staff. This is an award-winning project that aims
to make individuals aware of the impact of activities on the climate, and to know what steps to
take to reduce emissions as an organisation, and why that is important.
Climate and environment policy capability is being embedded into the policy profession
standards, supported by the Director Generals for Net Zero and Environment and the Civil
Service Climate and Environment network. A full-time employee will be posted to develop
Net Zero Government Initiative: UK Roadmap
standards for climate and environment policy capability, and there will be further career support
for civil servants interested in specialising in climate and environment areas.
Climate Solutions online courses are a unique collaboration between Royal Scottish
Geographical Society, University of Strathclyde Business School and Edinburgh Climate
Change Institute, with development support from the Scottish Government.
Climate Literacy eLearning was developed by Scotland’s national Climate and
Procurement Forum. As of 30 September 2023, 1155 people had completed the
eLearning. Wales
The Future Generation Commissioner has recognised that Carbon Literacy has an important
role to play in achieving the goals and targets that the current government has published as
well as the broader aims of the Well-being of Future Generations Act
. In the Commissioner’s
ten-point plan for decarbonisation, Carbon Literacy for the public sector is called for. Cynnal
Cymru Sustain Wales, The Carbon Literacy Project’s official partner in Wales, has been
delivering certified Carbon Literacy training since 2017.
Northern Ireland
In December 2020, the Department of Agriculture Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA)
initiated a project with Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful (KNIB) to develop and deliver carbon
literacy training specific to NI. Building upon the pre-existing Carbon Literacy Project delivered
in other parts of the UK, accredited carbon literacy courses are being delivered to teachers
utilising the existing eco-schools network. It is also being made available to youth and
community leaders via a train the trainer approach.
DAERA have supported Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful (KNIB) and the NI Environment Link
(NIEL) to pilot climate change awareness training for civil servants with over 400 staff taking
part to date. This training has been well received and has shown the value in training policy
makers, front line staff and those delivering services to the public, amongst others. Following
on from these initial pilots, DAERA in conjunction with DoF, will be considering options for
wider rollout to staff.
DfE and DAERA are jointly providing funding support towards the Business in the Community
(BITC) Business Action on Climate Campaign (and associated ‘pledge to reduce emissions’ in
line with the science-based target initiative of 50% emission reduction by 2030), The pledge
has been signed up to by a number of NI Public Bodies.
Net Zero Government Initiative: UK Roadmap
4. Conclusion
Achieving the UK net zero goal by 2050 will require decarbonisation of all sectors and
nations. Each one of these will require a unique approach and face bespoke
Government and the public sector have the responsibility to lead by example in a UK-wide
effort, whether that is by ensuring civil servants have environmental concerns at the forefront
when designing new policy or by fitting government buildings with the latest heat-
decarbonisation technology such as heat pumps.
Additionally, by holding private sector contractors to high standards when it comes to their
carbon emissions when delivering high-value government contracts, powerful companies are
incentivised to create climate action plans and find new ways of working towards a net zero
The UK sees net zero not just as a necessary goal to protect the future of our planet, but as a
great opportunity. Between 1990 and 2021, the UK cut emissions by 48%, decarbonising faster
than any other G7 country
. As the UK looks to its 2050 target, bringing government
emissions to net zero will be an essential part of that journey.
This Roadmap has set out the key milestones, breadth of innovative policy and billions of
pounds of funding being channelled into bringing UK government emissions in line with the net
zero target, and the four nations of the UK look forward to ongoing collaboration with NZGI
partner countries.
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