NO. 2 OF 2015
List of Subsidiary Legislation
1. The Protection Against Domestic Violence Rules......................................................... 3
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1. Citation.
2. Filing a complaint.
3. Application for an order of protection.
4. Withdrawal or substitution of a complainant's representative.
5. Duties of enforcement officers.
6. Consideration in making orders of protection.
7. Interim orders of protection.
8. Notice to show cause.
9. Service of applications.
10. Summons to appear.
11. Orders of protection.
12. Orders for compensation.
13. Applications for variation or setting aside of orders of protection.
14. Service.
15. Disposal of cases.
16. Appeals.
17. Time.
18. Costs.
19. Availability of forms.
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[Legal Notice 200 of 2020]
1. Citation.
These Rules may be cited as the Protection Against Domestic Violence Rules.
2. Filing a complaint.
(1) A person who suspects that an act of domestic violence is being or has been
committed may complain to a police officer or any other person in authority in Form PADV
1 set out in the Schedule.
(2) The person to whom a complaint of domestic violence is made shall, subject to
section 6 (1) of the Act—
(a) assist the complainant or representative to fill out the relevant forms; and
(b) enter the information received under paragraph (1) in a register kept and
maintained for the purpose.
(3) The person to whom a complaint is made shall assist the complainant or the victim
or, where the victim is a child or physically, mentally, intellectually or sensory challenged
person, the parent or guardian of the child or such challenged person, to apply for an order
of protection.
3. Application for an order of protection.
(1) An application for an order of protection shall be in Form PADV 2 set out in the
(2) A complainant may authorize his or her representative to apply for an order of
protection on his or her behalf in Form PADV 3 set out in the Schedule.
(3) A respondent may file in Court and serve a reply on the complainant or complainant's
representative in Form PADV 7 set out in the Schedule within fourteen days of being served
with an application for an order of protection.
(4) The Court shall set down the matter for mention for directions within seven days of
service of the reply by the respondent, at which time the Court shall address the following
(a) joinder of parties;
(b) consolidation of applications;
(c) filing further documents;
(d) settlement on issues for determination;
(e) mode of hearing; and
(f) fixing of a hearing date.
(5) An application for an order of protection shall be supported by an affidavit and where
the application is brought by the complainant's representative, the affidavit shall set out—
(a) the relationship between the representative and the complainant;
(b) the capacity in which the representative makes the application;
(c) age of the complainant if the complainant is a child;
(d) nature of the complainant's disability, if any; and
(e) the facts that the representative is relying on to support the application.
4. Withdrawal or substitution of a complainant's representative.
At any time during the hearing of an application for an order of protection, or after the
protection order has been issued—
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(a) the complainant may apply for the revocation of consent by the complainant
to be represented by his or her representative in Form PADV 4 set out in the
Schedule; or
(b) the complainant's representative may give notice of his or her withdrawal
from being the complainant's representative in Form PADV 5 set out in the
5. Duties of enforcement officers.
An enforcement officer shall—
(a) inform the applicant in a language the applicant understands of reliefs
available under the Act;
(b) inform the applicant of the applicant's right to lodge a criminal complaint
against the respondent;
(c) make available to the applicant the relevant application forms free of cost; and
(d) explain to the applicant the contents of the forms in a language the applicant
understands; and
(e) help applicant to fill in the relevant forms.
6. Consideration in making orders of protection.
In determining whether to grant an order of protection, the Court may, subject to section
12(1) of the Act, take the following into consideration—
(a) any violence inflicted by the respondent on the applicant or by the applicant
on the respondent;
(b) where the applicant and respondent have dependants, any violence inflicted
on the dependents by either the respondent or applicant;
(c) whether or not the respondent or applicant has been convicted of an offence
that involves violence or the threat of violence;
(d) the age and state of health of the applicant, respondent or any dependent;
(e) the applicant's or respondent's perception of the risk to his or her safety or
welfare due to the behaviour of the other party;
(f) any evidence of deterioration in the physical, psychological or emotional
wellbeing of the applicant or any dependent that has been directly caused by
fear of the behaviour of the other party;
(g) any incidences of substance abuse, including abuse of alcohol, by the
respondent, applicant or a dependant; and
(h) and any other matter which appears to the Court to be relevant to the safety
or welfare of the applicant, the respondent or any dependant.
7. Interim orders of protection.
(1) The Court, upon receipt of an ex parte application for interim protection orders,
if satisfied by examining the evidence submitted that the respondent has committed, is
committing or threatening to commit or abet an act of domestic violence, may issue an
interim order of protection against the respondent.
(2) Where the Court grants an ex parte interim order of protection, the applicant, or
enforcement officer as may be directed by the Court in the order, shall, within seven days
from the date of issuance, serve the order on the respondent and any other person against
whom the order is issued.
8. Notice to show cause.
(1) Pursuant to the provisions of section 12 (5) of the Act, the Court may issue a notice
to show cause to the respondent in Form PADV 6 set out in the Schedule as to why an order
of protection should not be issued against the respondent.
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(2) The respondent shall show cause as to why a protection order should not be issued
within seven working days after being served with the notice.
9. Service of applications.
(1) Where the representative of a child, who is not the child's parent or guardian, applies
for an order of protection, the guardian or the parent of the child shall be served with the
notice within three days of filing the application.
(2) The Court shall not issue an order of protection unless it is satisfied that service
under paragraph (1) has been effected or that reasonable efforts to serve the child's parent
or guardian have failed.
10. Summons to appear.
(1) Whenever a Court issues an interim order of protection ex parte, it shall summon
the respondent to appear in accordance with section 12 (4) of the Act within five days of
service, which summons shall be attached to the order.
(2) If the respondent fails to appear in person at the time fixed for the hearing of the
application, the Court may—
(a) proceed to hear and determine the matter in the respondent's absence; or
(b) if satisfied that it is appropriate to do so, adjourn the matter and issue a warrant
for the police to arrest and bring the respondent before the Court.
11. Orders of protection.
The Court may, after hearing the parties, issue an order of protection pursuant to section
19 of the Act if the Court is satisfied that an act of domestic violance has been committed
or is likely to be committed by the respondent.
12. Orders for compensation.
(1) Where there is personal injury, financial loss, trauma, psychological damage,
damage to movable or immovable property, or any possibility of such damage or loss as a
result of an act of domestic violence, the complainant may file a claim for compensation -
(a) along with the application for an order of protection order; or
(b) separate from the application for an order of protection within three years after
the act of domestic violence.
(2) Where any party suffers injury, damage or loss as contemplated in paragraph (1), the
Court may award such compensation in respect of the injury, damage or loss as it deems
(3) The Court shall dispose of the application submitted under paragraph (1) within six
months of it being filed.
(4) A party claiming compensation shall provide proof of actual or projected loss or
damage incurred by way of an affidavit in Form PADV 8.
(5) The Court may make an order for lump sum payment or monthly payments of
(6) The Court shall send a copy of the order for compensation to the parties and to
the enforcement officer within the local limits of whose jurisdiction the respondent ordinarily
resides or works.
(7) Where the respondent is an employee, a copy of the compensation order shall be
served upon the respondent's employer.
(8) The enforcement of an order under these rules shall be in accordance with the Civil
Procedure Rules, 2010.
13. Applications for variation or setting aside of orders of protection.
(1) A party who is dissatisfied with an order of protection, or upon mutual agreement by
the parties, may apply to the Court to discharge or vary the protection order.
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(2) An application for the discharge or variation of a protection order in terms of section
12 (5) of the Act shall be made in Form PADV 9 set out in the Schedule.
14. Service.
Order 5 of the Civil Procedure Rules, 2010 shall apply to these Rules with necessary
modifications with respect to the service of anything that needs to be served under these
15. Disposal of cases.
The Court shall dispose of every application made under this Act within sixty days of the
date of the application.
16. Appeals.
(1) A party who is dissatisfied by an order or decision of the Court may appeal to the
High Court within thirty days from the date of the order or decision.
(2) An appeal under paragraph (1) shall be in Form PADV 10 set out in the Schedule.
(3) The provisions of section 30 of the Act shall apply with respect to an appeal under
these Rules.
(4) An appeal under paragraph (1) shall be in accordance with Order 42 of the Civil
Procedure Rules, 2010.
17. Time.
Notwithstanding any provisions of these Rules, the Court may make any orders in
respect of time.
18. Costs.
Notwithstanding anything contained in these Rules, a Court may make such orders as
to cost as it deems fit.
19. Availability of forms.
The forms prescribed under these Rules shall be made available for at no cost.
FORM PADV1 (r.(2(1))
Full name
Identification/passport Number
Date of birth
Home or temporary address
Mobile telephone number
e-mail address
Work address
Work telephone number
Address of service (where you want any written information
sent to you)
Disability (specify if relevant)
1.1 Sex:
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# male # female # intersex (tick where appropriate)
1.2 Do you need an interpreter?
a. Yes #
b. No #
1.3 If yes, please state your preferred language (orally or in sign)
1.4 Do you live in the same house as the respondent?
c. Yes #
d. No #
1.5 Should we keep your contact information confidential from the respondent
and the associated respondent?
a. Yes #
a. No #
1.6 If yes, which contact information should be kept from the respondent or
associated respondent?
a. Phone Number #
b Home address #
c. Place of employment #
d. Work address #
e. Any other (specify) ............................
1.7 Emergency contact
(if applying for a Protection Order, give contact details of another person who can
be contacted in an emergency )
Full name
Identification/passport Number
Mobile number
Home address
E-mail address
Disability (state if relevant)
2. PARTICULARS OF RESPONDENT- in so far as such are available
Full name
Identification/passport Number
Date of birth
Home or temporary address
Mobile telephone number
e-mail address
Work address
Work telephone number
Disability (specify if relevant)
# male # female # intersex (tick where appropriate)
3. particulars of co-Respondent (if applicable) (Leave this section blank if it does not
Full name
Identification/passport Number
Date of birth
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Home or temporary address
Mobile telephone number
e-mail address
Work address
Work telephone number
Disability (specify if relevant)
Additional Information about the respondent
3.1 To the best of your knowledge does the respondent have any alcohol, mental health
or drug related issues?
a. Yes #
b. No #
If yes, please give details
3.2 Are they involved in any other crimes?
a. Yes #
b. No #
If yes, then please provide as much details of these crimes as possible.
If you are the complainants' representative, please enter the complainant's
details below
4. Particulars of VICTIM (Leave this section blank if it does not apply)
Full name
Identification/passport Number
Date of birth
Home or temporary address
Mobile telephone number
e-mail address
Work address
Work telephone number
Disability (specify if relevant)
4.1 State the capacity under which you are making this application (tick where
appropriate or specify)
(a) Police officer #
(b) Advocate #
(c) Social welfare officer #
(d) Guardian of a child #
(e) Neighbour #
(f) Medical practitioner #
(g) Counsel #
(h) Probation officer #
(i) Non-Governmental Organization concern with welfare
of children
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(j) Religious leader #
(k) Community elder #
(l) Any other (specify) ............................
4.2 What is your relationship with the respondent?
(a) Spouse #
(b) ex-spouse #
(c) Family member #
(d) We have a close personal
f. specify other
5. Incident Details
5.1 Date of Incident (day/month/
5.2 Time of Incident:.................................................
5.3 Where did the incident take place?
5.4 What type of abuse did the incident involve? (select
any which are relevant)
(a) Physical #
(b) Emotional #
(c) sexual #
(d) Mental #
(d) Economical #
Specify any other
5.5 Was anyone injured during the incident?
a. Yes #
b. No #
5.6 If so, please provide details of the injuries, who received them and if any
medical attention was obtained (include any other relevant information)
5.7 Did anyone else witness the incident?
a. Yes #
b. No #
If so, please provide details (if known).
6. Children affected by the application (leave blank if irrelevant)
Particulars of child(ren) affected/likely to be affected by the application
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i. Child 1 Name.........................................
a. Male/Female/Intersex(tick where
b. Date of
c. Age......................................
d. Nationality...............................
e. Name the person(s) living with the
child at the time of the application
f. Disability................................
g. Relationship of applicant to the
h. Relationship of respondent to the
Child 2 Name........................................
a. Male/Female/Intersex (tick where
b. Date of
c. Age......................................
d. Nationality...............................
e. Name the person(s) living with the
child at the time of the application
f. Disability................................
g. Relationship of applicant to the
h. Relationship of respondent to the
Child 3 Name........................................
a. Male/Female/Intersex (tick where
b. Date of
c. Age......................................
d. Nationality...............................
e. Name the person(s) living with the
child at the time of the application
f. Disability................................
g. Relationship of applicant to the
h. Relationship of respondent to the
7. Previous applications of protection order: (leave
blank if irrelevant)
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(give the file number of any previous applications
between the parties and the location of the Court
where they were filed)
a. File number.............................
b. Date of filing..............................
c. Name of Court in which the application
was filed
d. Give more details about this previous
application for protection order(s).
8 Existing Order(s) between the parties:
(give details of any existing Order between the parties,
including the date the Order was made, the location
of the Court that made the Order, and the Court file
a. State the type of protection order(s)
that exists
b. File
c. Date it was filed....................................
d. Date which the order was
e. Court which made the
Specify any other relevant information about these
existing orders
9 Existing Orders relating to any child:
(give details of any existing Order relating to any child
affected by the application, including the date the
Order was made, the location of the Court that made
the Order, and the Court file number)
a. State the type of protection order(s)
that exists
b. The date the order was
c. The name of Court which made the
d. Name of child(ren) affected by this
i. ...............................
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ii. ................................
iii. .......................................
iv. ....................................
FORM PADV 2 (r. 2(3))
1. This application is filed by (name of the applicant/
2. state nature of claim
(a) Particulars of the applicant (victim of domestic violence)/
particulars representative
(b) Particulars of respondent
(c) State capacity under which you are making this
(d) Indicate written consent of the victim of domestic violence
to represent them
(e) Details regarding acts of domestic violence
(f) Persons affected by the act of domestic violence and how
they are affected.
(g) Information regarding urgency of the application
3. Which application is based on the affidavit of.............................
4. State the terms of protection order sought or other orders as this Honourable
Dated this............................... day of........................
Signed by
Drawn and filed by
To be served upon
FORM PADV 3 (r. (3)(2))
1. This application is filed by (name of representative).....................................
2. State the capacity under which you re making this application
3. State the particulars of the victim
4. State the particulars of the respondent
5. State the nature of domestic violence
6. State whether the victim is a child, an adult or a person of unsound mind
7. Which application is based on the affidavit of........................................
8. State the orders sought on behalf of the victim
Dated this............................. day of....................
Signed by
Drawn and filed by
To be served upon
FORM PADV 4 (r. 4 (a))
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I,.........................................(name of the complainant) of id no................
gives..........................(name of the representative), of id no ...................on
this (date) of ...................(year)....... authority/consent to represent
me in a matter of domestic violence that entailed physical violence sexual
abuse psychological abuse economical abuse specify any other form of
violence ................................
My relationship with my representative is
(r. 4(b))
[To be filled by the complainant]
1. Revocation of consent
I..................................(Name of complainant) of id number................
granted authority to.................(name of representative) of i.d
number ...................on ....................(date)............ to represent me in a matter of
domestic violence.
I hereby withdraw the consent and state that................................... (name of
representative) ceases to represent me in any domestic matter because (state
2. Substitution of representative
I grant consent to ..................................(name of current representative) of
I.D. number................ to represent me in the matter of domestic violence as
from ....................(date when the substitution starts to take effect)
FORM PADV 5 (r. 4 (b))
[To be filled by the representative]
I................................../Name of representative) of id
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number................ was granted authority to of
complainant) of I.D. number ...................on (date)............ in a matter of domestic
I hereby state that I cease to represent the complainant in any matter of domestic
violence from (date of waiver) ................................... reason being (state reason;
1. Substitution (optional)
I suggest ..................................(name of the person you'd wish to substitute you)
of I.D. number................ to represent the complainant because
(give reasons why you choose the person to replace you)
2. Does the person you are proposing as a representative have a personal
relationship with the complainant?
a. Yes #
b. No #
If your answer in 2 above is yes, please specify
FORM PADV 6 (r. 8 (1))
IN THE MAGISTRATE COURT OF ..............................
APPLICATION NO. ...........................................
APPLICANT .....................................................
OF ID NO. ....................... DATE OF BIRTH .................
RESPONDENT .....................................................
OF ID NO. ....................... DATE OF BIRTH .................
PARTICULARS OF THE RESPONDENT - in so far as such are available
Particulars of application
On ……………………………………………………… the applicant applied for a
protection order against you, the Court considered the application but has not
issued the interim protection order. The Court will decide whether to issue the
interim protection order against you on the undermentioned date.
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You are hereby called upon on the………………… day of……………
year……………………. at (time)………………… to give reasons why a protection
order should not be issued against you by the above-mentioned Court.
If you so wish, the matter may be heard at an earlier date upon you giving a
written notice to the applicant and the Court within 24 hours.The Court will issue
a protection order against you if you do not appear on the above and time if it is
satisfied that this notice was duly served upon you and that you committed an act
of domestic violence.
FORM PADV 7 [r. 3 (3)]
1. This reply is filed by (name of the respondent/representative)
2. State nature of response:
(a) Particulars of the respondent/ representative
(b) Particulars of applicant if different from the application for
a protection order
(c) State capacity under which you are making this
(d) State relationship with the applicant
(e) Details of counter-claim if any
(f) Details of notice to show cause be the Court if any
(g) Response to the terms of protection order sought
(h) Any prayers to the Court
Signed by..........................
Drawn and filed by
To be served upon
FORM PADV 8 (r. 12 (4))
Applicant ................................................. Name(s)
Respondent ................................................ Name (s)
I, …………………………….of……………………………. makes an oath and state
as follows: (The facts upon which the applicant rely must concisely set out in
consecutively numbered paragraphs and should address any of the following:
(a) The pain and suffering of the protected person(s) and
the nature and extent of the physical or psychological injury
(b) The cost of medical treatment for such injury
(c) Temporary or permanent effect of such injury
(d) Any loss of earnings, current and prospective, arising
from the act of violence
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(e) The amount and value of the movable or immovable
property taken, transferred, destroyed or damaged
(f) Reasonable expenses already incurred by or on behalf of
either party in securing protection from the act of domestic
(g) The financial position of the victim as well as that of the
(h) The relationship that exists between the parties and
the reasonableness of requiring the respondent to make or
contribute towards any compensation
(i) Any other factors that the Court should consider
FORM PADV 9 (r. 13 (2))
...................... The above-named applicant, makes an application
to the Court at ...................from the protection order in suit
no ...............of ...............Dated .............for an order to review/discharge (delete
as appropriate) the protection order.
FORM PADV 10 (r. 16 (2))
The…………………………………. above-named appeal to
the……………………………… Court at……………………… from the decree
of………………………….. in Suit No…………………………. of 20 dated
the………………. day of ……………………20…………. and set forth the
following grounds of objection to the decreed appeal:
1. ..................................................
2. .................................................
Dated this…………………………day of…………………20…………………
Signed by………………………………….
Drawn and filed by }
To be served upon