Department of Computer Science
ETH Zurich
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
German University in Cairo
Bachelor Thesis
SMT-based Static Type Inference for
Python 3
August, 2017
Author: Mostafa Hassan
Supervisors: Marco Eilers
Dr. Caterina Urban
Prof. Dr. Peter Muller
I confirm that this bachelor thesis is my own work and I have documented all sources
and material used.
Zurich, August, 2017 Mostafa Hassan
To teach is to touch a life forever. Therefore, my eternal gratitude goes to my
supervisors, Dr. Caterina Urban and Marco Eilers. Thank you for your continuous
support and patience, for believing in me, for always listening to and valuing my
opinion and for everything you have taught me. I could not have done this work
without your input and contributions.
I would also like to express my gratitude to Prof. Peter Müller for giving me the
opportunity to be a part of his group and for trusting me to take the responsibility of
this work.
A big thank you goes to my mother, father, brother and sister for their continuous
encouragement and support. You are the reason I am who I am today.
I would also like to thank my dear friends. The ones who were always there when
I needed encouragement, and the ones who held me when I was almost breaking down.
Last but not least, I am grateful to the programming methodology group at ETH
Zurich for welcoming me for the past six months as the youngest member in the group.
I am utterly grateful to all of you!
Static types are useful in many programming languages. They can contribute to the
type safety of the language by catching type errors in an early stage and contribute
to the documentation of the programs written in it. Python is a dynamically typed
language in which types are assigned to variables at runtime. Python is very popular
nowadays and is used in different fields especially data science. This justifies the
increasing attention towards performing static analysis for Python programs.
The aim of this thesis is to provide a static type inference for Python 3. We make
use of SMT solving to perform the type inference by encoding the type system of the
language in an SMT problem, collecting constraints from the given program and using
Z3 SMT solver to provide a types model. We do whole program type inference such
that the types model given by the SMT solution includes the types for all the variables
that appear in the whole program.
We present a static type system for Python which is essential for defining the static
type inference rules. We provide an encoding for this type system in the SMT solver Z3
and present a complete implementation of the type inference algorithm based on this
encoding. The type inference currently supports many complicated features in Python
like multiple inheritance and operator overloading. The proposed type inference is
sound, but there remains some Python features which we do not support. The type
inference proved to perform well on several programs and an open source project
which uses different Python features.
Acknowledgments iii
Abstract iv
1 Introduction 1
2 Background Information 4
2.1 Related Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.1.1 Type Inference Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.1.2 PEP 484 [11] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.1.3 Mypy [9] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.1.4 Inferência de tipos em Python [5] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.1.5 Starkiller [12] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.2 SMT Solving with Z3 [8] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.2.1 Z3 constructs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.3 Type System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.3.1 Nominal and Structural Type Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.3.2 Static Type and Dynamic Type Checking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.3.3 Subtyping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.3.4 Static Type System for Python 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
3 Type System Encoding in Z3 18
3.1 Types Encoding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
3.1.1 Built-ins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
3.1.2 Functions and Tuples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
3.1.3 User-defined Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
3.2 Subtyping Rules Encoding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
3.2.1 Builtins with Generic Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
3.2.2 User-defined Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
4 Type Inference 25
4.1 Type Inference Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
4.1.1 Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
4.1.2 Pre-analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
4.1.3 Context Hierarchy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
4.1.4 Z3 Solver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
4.1.5 Import Handler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
4.1.6 Stubs Handler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
4.1.7 Annotations Resolver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
4.1.8 Inference Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
4.1.9 Hard Constraints vs. Soft Constraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
4.2 Type Inference Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
4.2.1 Expressions Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
4.2.2 Statements Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
4.2.3 Function Definition Inference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
4.2.4 Class Definition Inference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
4.2.5 Function Calls and Class Instantiation Inference . . . . . . . . . . 62
4.2.6 Attribute Access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
4.2.7 Module Importing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
4.2.8 Interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
4.2.9 Operator Overloading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
4.3 Inference Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
4.3.1 Typed AST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
4.3.2 Error Reporting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
4.4 Implementation Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
5 Evaluation 78
5.1 Experimentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
5.1.1 IMP Interpreter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
5.1.2 Functionality Specific Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
5.2 Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
6 Conclusion and Future Work 82
6.1 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
6.2 Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
6.2.1 Error Reporting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
6.2.2 Modularity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
6.2.3 Infer Built-in Types with Class Definition Rules . . . . . . . . . . 83
1 Introduction
“The cost to fix an error found after product release was four to five times as much
as one uncovered during design, and up to 100 times more than one identified in the
maintenance phase.”, according to the System Science Institute at IBM. This fact justifies
the increasing investments in software analysis, software verification and the need to
make programs more reliable and safe.
In Python, being a dynamically-typed language, variables are bound to their
types during the execution time. This is appealing because programs have more type
flexibility, and they do not need to contain the writing overhead for the type system,
leading to shorter and quicker to write code. However, this comes at the cost of losing
many static guarantees of program correctness. Dynamically-typed languages perform
type checking at runtime, while statically typed languages perform type checking at
compile time. Therefore, some type errors that can be detected at compile time in a
statically-typed system, may lead the system to crash at runtime in a dynamically-typed
one, incurring high costs and a harder debugging experience. See the following Python
num = 1
num = num + "2"
The intention of the above program was to add the number
to the variable
, not the
string representation of this number. If this small mistake goes unnoticed at compile
time, it will lead the program to raise an exception during runtime.
In this thesis, we present a tool for static type inference and static type checking
for a subset of Python 3. The aim of the tool is to gain the benefits of static typing
while maintaining some (yet not all) dynamic features of Python. We discuss later in
this thesis the details of the dynamic limitations imposed on the supported Python
1 Introduction
The goal of the thesis is to provide type inference rules that are sound in terms
of static type checking, that is they reject any program which has any type error. It is
worth mentioning that we perform whole program analysis, that is we do not provide
local or modular type inference. The whole program must be available and given to the
type inference. The reason for this is that the types of some constructs in the program
might depend on other parts in the program. See the following example for illustration:
class A:
z = 1
class B:
z = "string"
def f(x, y):
x.z += y
We have two classes
. Each of them defines a class attribute
. The type of
in class
, while the one in
has the type
. Function
takes a variable
accesses its attribute
and adds
to it. From this function definition, we can know
that the type of the parameter
is either
, the only classes which contain the
. The type of
depends on the type assigned to
. If
is of type
, then
must be numeric type (e.g.,
). If
is an instance of
must be
. Note
that we cannot give polymorphic type to the function
by having the type of
to be
Union[A, B]
and the type of
to be
Union[int, str]
, because this allows a function
call like
f(B(), 1)
, which will fail at runtime. It is also not correct to give one of these
two type assignments to the function
because the other one might be required by
other parts of the program. Now assume that this function g exists in the program:
def g(x):
f(x, "string")
The call to
assigns the type
. Accordingly, the type of
is function
is inferred to be of type
. This clarifies the need to do whole program inference
instead of a local one in order to have sound type inference rules.
The type inference is based on a nominal static type system which is a subset of
the type system of Python 3. It follows the semantics introduced in PEP 484 [11]. The
1 Introduction
type inference is intended to be integrated into Lyra and Nagini, two ongoing projects
at the Chair of Programming Methodology at ETH Zurich, which aim to develop a
static analyzer and a program verifier for Python programs.
We present a new approach for tackling the type inference problem. We make use
of Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) solving to assign inferred types to program
constructs. Each statement and expression in the program imposes one or more new
constraints, then the SMT solver is queried for a satisfying solution to these constraints.
We will go through the details of the approach and the SMT encoding in later chapters.
This thesis is divided into six chapters. The second chapter presents the background
information that will help the reader comprehend the rest of the thesis. It reviews the
already existing type inference algorithms and the past work done in this area, explains
the syntax and the type system rules of the subset of Python 3 that our tool supports
and explains the SMT concepts that we will be using throughout the thesis.
In the third chapter, we introduce the SMT encoding of the type system that we
support. We also state the limitations of this type system.
In the fourth chapter, we describe the design and the implementation of the type
inference algorithm in depth. We explain the components of the tool and the SMT
constraints generated for all the language constructs that we support.
The fifth chapter explains the experiments we have done to test the tool. We also
highlight the current limitations of the type inference and the problems it faces with
certain types of programs.
Finally in the sixth chapter, we review our work, discuss the conclusion of this
thesis and we suggest the future work and research that is encouraged to be performed
on our tool.
2 Background Information
2.1 Related Work
Many attempts have been made to infer types for dynamically-typed languages, specifi-
cally Python, each of which had its own goals and limitations. We discuss here some
work that we have studied, and we present their limitations and their similarities and
differences with our tool.
2.1.1 Type Inference Algorithms
There are two type inference algorithms primarily used nowadays: Hindley-Milner
algorithm and the Cartesian Product algorithm.
Hindley-Milner (HM) is a type system for the labmda calculus, defined by J. Roger
Hindley and Robin Milner [4, 6]. They invented a type inference algorithm for this
type system that is constraint-based. The HM algorithm is known for inferring the
most general type for the programs providing parametric polymorphism without the
need to write any type annotations. The HM algorithm is primarily used in functional
programming languages like Haskell and ML.
The standard HM algorithm is not applicable to object oriented languages, since the
concept of subtyping which is the basis of object oriented languages are is considered
in the algorithm. Also inferring the most general type within a nominal type system is
not always possible. For example, as discussed in the introduction, within a nominal
type system, there may be many types given to the following function:
def f(x):
return x.a
2 Background Information
Cartesian Product
The Cartesian Product is an algorithm for the inference of the types of function calls
presented by Agesen [1]. It is usually coupled with an iterative analysis for the inference
of function bodies. It works by allocating type variables for all the program variables,
then it builds a graph in which the nodes represent type variables and the edges
represent constraints between these type variables. The types that a variable may
achieve at runtime are determined by following the constraints which start from the
type variable of this node. The Cartesian Product algorithm is useful in determining all
the possible types that a variable may achieve at runtime. This is useful in compilation
and program analysis, however it does not guarantee a sound type checking.
2.1.2 PEP 484 [11]
In Python, functions and variables can have type annotations to indicate the type that
they will have at runtime. By default, these type annotations do not provide any static
type checking. They are useful for documentation, static analyzers and static type
checkers. PEP 484 defines the syntax that governs writing these type annotations. It
introduces a module to provide these standard definitions. In this thesis, as we will
discuss in the upcoming chapters, all the type representations and the types included
in our type system are compatible with the definitions introduced in PEP 484. For
example, the annotation representing a list whose elements have some type
is written
. For a complete guide of the syntax, we advice the reader to refer back to
the complete proposal of PEP 484 [11].
2.1.3 Mypy [9]
Mypy is a static type checker for Python. It depends on defining type annotations for
almost all the constructs in the Python program to be checked. In addition, it performs
local type inference. However, this type inference cannot be extended beyond local
scopes. It requires function definitions and local variables to be fully type-annotated
and cannot infer the types of function calls whose return type annotation is not specified.
For example, mypy will fail to infer the type of variable x in the following program:
def f():
return "string"
2 Background Information
x = f() # Infer type Any for x
Mypy cannot infer the type of the function call f(), which is str. It says that the type
of this call can be of any type.
What mypy intends to provide is closely related to one of the goals of our tool,
that is to provide static type checking for the program. However, we aim to eliminate
the writing overhead in defining the type annotations for the program constructs by
inferring the types of all these constructs in the program.
2.1.4 Inferência de tipos em Python [5]
The thesis [5] describes a static type system defined for a restricted version of RPython,
which is a subset of Python, and presents static type inference ideas based on this
type system. The work presented in [5] also describes a type inference implementation
for Python expressions (like numbers, lists, dictionaries, binary and unary operations,
etc.), assignment statements and conditional statements. They also give an idea about
inferring the types of calls to polymorphic and non-polymorphic functions, class
definitions and class instantiation. However, the approach they take has a handful
of limitations and is not applicable to real Python code. They fail to provide a type
inference implementation for the ideas they proposed. Also, they do not describe
inferring the types of function parameters, which is a critical step in the inference of the
types of function definitions and function calls. Accordingly, and similarly to mypy, the
inference they present is not extensible beyond local scopes inference. See the following
example for illustration:
def add(x, y):
return x + y
The addition operation in Python can only be applied on numeric type as arithmetic
addition, or on sequences as sequence concatenation. Therefore, for types of the
function parameters x and y, we have the following possibilities:
x <: complex, y <: complex, x <: y, return == y
x <: complex, y <: complex, y <: x, return == x
x <: Seqence, y <: Sequence, x <: y, return == y
2 Background Information
x <: Seqence, y <: Sequence, y <: x, return == x
Note that for simplicity, we consider
to be a super type of all numeric types in
Python. This is not precisely true with respect to the Python type system. However,
this is acceptable because all numeric types are type-compatible with
that is all numeric types can be used whenever complex is expected.
[5] does not describe a way for handling the above constraints. they only state that
the types of function parameters are inferred in a separate context without giving any
insights into how the function body would affect the inferred types of the function
parameters. In addition, there is no implementation available for their proposed type
2.1.5 Starkiller [12]
Starkiller is a type inferencer and compiler for Python. It is based on the Cartesian
Product algorithm to infer the types that every variable may have at runtime with some
limitations. The goal of the type inference in Starkiller is not to provide any static type
checking, but to give any possible type that any variable can achieve in order to be used
in optimizing the compiler it presents. In addition, it is flow insensitive. Therefore, it
does not provide sound type inference in terms of static type checking. For example,
Starkiller’s type inference and compiler will not reject the following program:
x = 1
x = "string"
y = x + 3
Because according to its type inference algorithm,
can achieve the type
at runtime
(from the first assignment statement), and being flow insensitive, the order of the two
assignment statements does not matter. So the addition operation in the third line is
valid. Starkiller focuses on improving the runtime performance, but at the cost of the
runtime safety.
2.2 SMT Solving with Z3 [8]
Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT)
is a decision problem for first-order logic for-
mulas. It is the problem to determine whether a given first-order logic formula, whose
variables may have several interpretations, is satisfiable or not.
2 Background Information
SMT solving is a generalization of boolean satisfiability (SAT) solving. It can
reason about a larger set of first-order theories than SAT theories, like those involving
real numbers, integers, bit vectors and arrays. An SMT model is a mapping from the
formula symbols to some values which satisfy the imposed constraints.
Z3 [8]
is an efficient SMT solver, developed by Microsoft Research with built-in
support many theories like linear and nonlinear arithmetic, bit vectors, arrays, data-
types, quantifiers, strings, etc. Z3 is now widely used in software analysis and program
verification. For instance, 50 bugs were found in Windows kernel code after using Z3
to verify Windows components [7].
In our static type inference tool, we collect constrains from the Python program,
and we depend primarily on Z3 to provide a types model that satisfies all these
2.2.1 Z3 constructs
We explain here all the relevant Z3 constructs that we will be using in our tool. For
convenience, we will provide the explanation of these constructs in Z3Py, a Python
interface for the Z3 solver, since we will be using this interface constructs throughout
this thesis. This section targets the readers who are new to Z3. Those who are already
familiar with Z3 can skip this section.
A sort is the building component of the Z3 type system.
in Z3 are equivalent to
data types
in most programming languages. Examples of a sort in Z3 include
Int and Real.
A constant is the symbol that builds the first-order formula which we are trying to
solve with Z3. A Z3 model to the SMT problem will assign a value to this constant that
satisfies the given formula.
Each constant in Z3 has its own type (sort), and the value assigned to it in the SMT
model is of the same sort as this constant. Constants in Z3 are called
that is they allow any interpretation (may be more than one) which is consistent with
the imposed constraints, which means there is no prior interpretation attached before
2 Background Information
solving the SMT problem. Therefore, we may use the terms uninterpreted constant and
variable interchangeably.
The following example declares two constant, namely
, of type
queries Z3 for a solution to the given constraints.
x = Int("x")
y = Int("x")
solve(x == 1, y == x + 1)
# model: x = 1, y = 2
A constant of any sort can be created with the following syntax:
x = Const("x", some_sort)
y = Const("y", IntSort())
An axiom is the constraint imposed on problem constants that needs to be satisfied by
values assigned to these constants. In the example above,
x == 1
y == x + 1
two axioms.
Any Z3 expression that can evaluate to the Z3
sort qualifies as a Z3 axiom.
For instance, x < y + x + 2, y != 0 and x <= y are all Z3 axioms.
Logical Connectives
Z3 supports the usual logical connectives in first-order logic. It supports negation (not),
conjunction (and), disjunction (or), implication and bi-implication (equivalence). The
syntax for these connectives in Z3Py is given below.
Negation: Not(some_axiom)
Conjunction: And(one_or_more_axioms)
Disjunction: Or(one_or_more_axioms)
Implication: Implies(first_axiom, second_axiom)
Bi-implication: first_axiom == second_axiom
2 Background Information
Uninterpreted Functions
Functions are the basic building blocks of the SMT formula. Every constant can be
considered as a function which takes no arguments and returns this constant. Z3
functions are
that is they are defined for all the domain elements. Moreover and
similar to constants, functions in Z3 are also uninterpreted.
Z3 functions map values from one or more sort (type) of the domain to values
from a result sort. Below is an example that illustrates uninterpreted functions and
x = Int(’x’)
y = Int(’y’)
f = Function(’f’, IntSort(), IntSort())
solve(f(f(x)) == x, f(x) == y, x != y)
# model:
# x = 0, y = 1, f = [0 -> 1, 1 -> 0, else -> 1]
Z3 provides a convenient way for declaring algebraic data-types. Before going through
an example, it is important to define two constructs in Z3 data-types: Constructors and
accessors. With a
, different variants of the data-type can be created. Each
of these variants may have its own typed attributes. An
is a function that can
fetch these attributes stored within a data-type instance.
The following example demonstrates declaring and using data-types in Z3. We
create a data-type representing a binary tree. The node of this tree may have two
variants: Either a leaf with some value attached to it, or an inner node with left and
right attributes carrying its left and right subtrees respectively.
Tree = Datatype("Tree")
Tree.declare("leaf", ("value", IntSort()))
Tree.declare("inner_node", ("left", Tree), ("right", Tree))
Tree = Tree.create()
2 Background Information
A constructor is declared for each variant of the tree node. The leaf has an
representing the value it carries. The
constructor has two arguments. Each
attribute has its own accessor function.
leaf_constructor = Tree.leaf
node_constructor = Tree.inner_node
left_accessor = Tree.left
right_accessor = Tree.right
value_accessor = Tree.value
Below is an example of encoding the tree in figure 2.1 using the tree data-type declared
leaf_1 = leaf_constructor(10)
leaf_2 = leaf_constructor(20)
leaf_3 = leaf_constructor(30)
node_2 = node_constructor(leaf_1, leaf_2)
node_1 = node_constructor(node_2, leaf_3)
node 1
node 2
leaf 1 (10) leaf 2 (20)
leaf 3 (30)
Figure 2.1: Tree Encoding with Z3 data-types
In addition to quantifier-free formulas, Z3 can also solve formulas involving quantifiers.
Z3 uses different approaches to solve formulas with quantifiers. The only one which we
are concerned with and we will be using in our type inference tool is the pattern-based
quantifier instantiation approach. This approach works by annotating the quantified
2 Background Information
formula with some pattern annotations, and these formulas are only instantiated when
these patterns are syntactically matched during the search for a satisfying model for
the formulas.
Z3 supports two kinds of quantifiers: universal and existential quantifiers. Below is
an example demonstrating using both kinds of quantifiers in Z3Py.
x = Int(’x’)
f = Function(’x’, IntSort(), IntSort())
ForAll(x, f(x) == x, patterns=[f(x)])
y = Int(’y’)
Exists(y, x + y == 2)
The above two axioms are equivalent to the formulas below in first-order logic syntax:
x Z, f(x)= x
y Z, x + y = 2
2.3 Type System
A type system is a set of rules that checks the assignment of types to different constructs
of the program, such that constructs which have the same type share common behavioral
properties. Type systems are useful in preventing the occurrences of certain types of
errors before or during the program execution. Each programming language defines
the rules for its type system, and the language compilers and/or interpreters are built
based on this type system. Type systems can be classified as structural type systems,
nominal type systems or a hybrid of both. We explain both classes of type systems
The process of verifying that the program satisfies the rules enforced by the
language’s type system is called type checking. There are two kinds of type checking:
static type checking and dynamic type checking. Accordingly, programming languages
are divided to statically-typed and dynamically-typed languages according to the type
checking they perform.
2 Background Information
2.3.1 Nominal and Structural Type Systems
In a
nominal type system
, equivalence of types comes from an explicit declaration, and
one type
is said to be subtype of another type
if and only if
is explicitly declared
to be a subtype of
. Examples of languages that use a nominal type system include:
C++, Java, C#, etc.
In a
structural type system
, equivalence of types comes from the structure of the
types, such that a type
is equivalent to another type
if for every property in
, there
exists and identical property in b. OCaml, for example, uses a structural type system.
A pseudo-code example to illustrate the difference between both type systems is
given below:
class A {f() {return 1}}
class B {f() {return 1}}
A x = A()
B y = x
A nominal type system would reject the above program, because there is no explicit
subtype relationship between classes
, so the variable
of type
cannot be
assigned to the variable
of type
. However, a structural type system would allow it
because the properties of the two classes are identical.
Python uses a structural type system. However in our type inference, we depend
on a nominal type system that. We will define this type system in 2.3.4.
2.3.2 Static Type and Dynamic Type Checking
Static type checking
is done at compile time. Therefore, the types for every construct
in the program must be available before compiling the code. Most statically-typed
programming languages, like Java, enforce the programmer to declare the types for
every construct. However, there are some languages, like Haskell, that employ type
inference to statically deduce the types of the program constructs.
One benefit of static type checking is the early detection of type errors. Also, static
2 Background Information
typing contributes to the program readability and, as consequence, to its maintainability.
The following erroneous Java program would be rejected at compile-time:
int x = 1
String y = "string"
x += y
On the other hand,
dynamic type checking
is performed during runtime, where
each object gets assigned to its type during the program execution. One of the advan-
tages of dynamically-typed languages over the statically typed ones is that programs
tend to be more flexible and simpler in terms of the syntax and the code size.
The following erroneous Python program would be rejected at run time:
x = 1
y = "string"
x += y
2.3.3 Subtyping
Subtyping is a feature which exists in most programming paradigms. It follows the
substitution principle, that is if a type A is a subtype of a type B, denoted by
A <: B
, then
any expression if type A can be safely used in any context where a type B is expected.
The type system of each programming language defines its own subtyping rules. For
example, in some programming languages, (e.g., Java),
int <: float
, so an integer
type can be used in any context where a floating-point type is expected. Therefore, the
following Java method is valid according to the subtyping rules of the Java type system.
float add(float x, float y) {
return x + y;
float sum = add(1, 2.5F)
is expecting its two arguments to be of
type, whereas an
passed as its first argument.
2 Background Information
2.3.4 Static Type System for Python 3
As mentioned before, our inference tool is based on a static type system that we have
defined for Python 3. Since we intend to provide inference for statically-typed Python
code, some dynamic features of Python have to be rejected by our type system. Below
is a listing of the limitations we imposed on the dynamic nature of Python:
1. A variable should have a single type in the whole program.
Dictionaries map a set of keys of the same type to a set of values of the same type.
3. Elements in list or a set should have the same type.
Note that elements in sets, lists and dictionaries are allowed to have different
runtime type. However during the type inference, we should be able to give
them the same static type which allows any operation performed on any of these
4. Inheriting from built-in types is not supported.
Attribute deletion is not supported because in a nominal static type system, all
instances of a certain type are expected to have the same attribute everywhere in
the program.
We present here the allowed syntax in our type system. Our tool supports all Python 3
syntax for expressions and statements except the following:
Starred arguments in function definitions and function calls.
Keyword arguments in function calls.
global keyword.
Following the structure of the built-in Python
module, we support the following
collection of the Python 3 syntax:
stmt = FunctionDef | AsyncFunctionDef | ClassDef | Return | Delete
| Assign | AugAssign | AnnAssign | For | AsyncFor | While | If
| With | AsyncWith | Raise | Try | Assert | Import | ImportFrom
2 Background Information
| Expr | Pass | Break | Continue
expr = BoolOp | BinOp | UnaryOp | Lambda | IfExp | Dict | Set | ListComp
| SetComp | DictComp | GeneratorExp | Await | Yield | YieldFrom
| Compare | Call | Num | Str | FormattedValue | JoinedStr | Bytes
| NameConstant | Ellipsis | Constant | Attribute | Subscript
| Starred | Name | List | Tuple
The above listing follows the syntax for the class structure in the
module. In order
to comprehend the corresponding syntax in Python, one can read the documentation
of the module [10].
Following the syntax of type hints introduced in PEP 484 [11], below is a listing of the
types that we currently support:
t = None | object | bool | int | float | complex | string | bytes
| Tuple[t*] | List[t] | Set[t] | Dict[t
, t
] | Callable[[t*], t]
| Type[t] | T
represents a collection of types of arbitrary length and
represents an
instance of a user-defined type.
Note that most other built-in types belong to the user-defined types domain, since
they are inferred as normal user-defined classes from our stub files. Stub files contain
functions and classes that simulate other functionalities like built-ins and low level code.
The subtype relationships between the above types are defined by the following
bool <: int
int <: float
float <: complex
complex <: string
<: t
: 1 <= i <= n Tuple[t
, .., t
] <: Tuple[t
, .., t
2 Background Information
t <: t
<: t
: 1 <= i <= n
, .., t
], t] <: Callable[[t
, .., t
], t
T <: U iff extends(T, U) V: extends(T, V) V <: U
t t <: object
extends(a, b)
is True if class a explicitly inherits from class b, and False
Note that as mentioned earlier, there is not subtype relationship between
and between
in the Python type system. However, for
simplicity, we claim this relationship since these types are type-compatible with each
other, so that we do not need to define special rules for numeric types which will be
the same as the subtyping rules defined for other types.
It is worth mentioning that the subtype relationship is both reflexive and transitive.
x x <: x
x, y, z x <: y y <: z x <: z
Although the above rules do not cover the whole Python type system, they are
sufficient for most statically-typed Python programs. It remains to explain how we will
build the type inference upon the above rules. In the next chapter, we will explain the
encoding of all the above rules in Z3.
3 Type System Encoding in Z3
As mentioned earlier, we depend primarily on Z3 to provide a model in which a type
is assigned to each construct in the Python program which satisfies the constraints
imposed by the type system. In order to have such kind of constraints, the types of the
type system are simulated using Z3 data-types, while the rules governing the subtype
relationships in this type system are encoded with Z3 uninterpreted functions. We
explain in this chapter the encoding of these types and rules in Z3.
3.1 Types Encoding
A Python type is encoded in Z3 with a data-type declaration, which we call type sort.
From this data-type, multiple constructors are declared, each representing a corre-
sponding type in the Python type system.
3.1.1 Built-ins
Most built-in types are simply declared with a type sort constructor. If a built-in type is
composed of other one or more types (e.g., lists, dictionaries, etc.), accessor arguments
representing these types are declared within the constructor declaration. Below is a
listing, written in Z3Py, of some types declarations from the type sort data-type.
type_sort = Datatype("type␣sort")
type_sort.declare("type", ("instance", type_sort))
3 Type System Encoding in Z3
type_sort.declare("list", ("list_type", type_sort))
type_sort.declare("set", ("set_type", type_sort))
type_sort.declare("dict", ("dict_key_type", type_sort), ("
, dict_value_type", type_sort))
type_sort = type_sort.create()
Notice that after defining all the constructors, we call the
method to
declare the actual data-type itself that we will be using in the inference. For this reason,
all the types constructors have to be available before attempting to infer the program
types. This introduces the need to perform some pre-analysis for the program being
inferred to get knowledge of the types that are naturally not available before inspecting
the source code. We will discuss these types in the upcoming sections.
3.1.2 Functions and Tuples
One thing that is not straightforward to encode is types that consist of a collection of
other types, like tuples or functions, since tuples and function parameters may have
arbitrary number of elements.
Unfortunately, Z3 does not currently support combining data-type declarations
with arrays or sets. To work around this limitation, we perform a pre-analysis of the
whole input program which provides the maximum length of tuples and the parameters
of functions that appear in the program, then we declare a separate constructor for
every possible length of tuples and functions. Moreover, the user of the type inference
has the ability to explicitly define the maximum number of function parameters and
tuple elements without using the ones provided by the pre-analyzer.
Now having the maximum length of functions parameters and tuples, the types of
functions and tuples can be encoded as follows:
# Functions declaration
3 Type System Encoding in Z3
for cur_len in range(max_function_args + 1):
accessors = []
# create accessors for the argument types of the function
for arg in range(cur_len):
accessor = ("func_{}_arg_{}".format(cur_len, arg + 1), type_sort)
# create accessor for the return type of the function
accessors.append(("func_{}_return".format(cur_len), type_sort))
# declare type constructor for the function
type_sort.declare("func_{}".format(cur_len), *accessors)
# Tuples declaration
for cur_len in range(max_tuple_length + 1):
accessors = []
# create accessors for the tuple
for arg in range(cur_len):
accessor = ("tuple_{}_arg_{}".format(cur_len, arg + 1), type_sort)
# declare type constructor for the tuple
type_sort.declare("tuple_{}".format(cur_len), *accessors)
A constructor is created for every length of functions and tuples, and accessor for each
of their arguments is added to the corresponding constructor.
3.1.3 User-defined Types
Similarly, each user-defined type has its own constructor declaration from the type sort
data-type. However, since all the types constructors have to be available before running
the inference algorithm, we use the program pre-analyzer to provide a listing of all
classes that are used in the whole program. Then a type constructor is created for each
of these classes.
for cls in get_all_classes(program):
3 Type System Encoding in Z3
Moreover, the pre-analyzer provides information about the methods and the attributes
of these classes. An uninterpreted constant is declared for each of these methods
and attributes, and each class is mapped to the constants corresponding to its own
class_to_attrs = some_pre_analysis_function(program)
class_to_z3_consts = {}
for cls in class_to_attrs:
attrs = class_to_attrs[cls]
class_to_z3_consts[cls] = {}
# Create Z3 constants for all attributes
for attr in attrs:
attribute = Const("class_{}_attr_{}".format(cls, attr),
, type_sort)
class_to_z3_consts[cls][attr] = attribute
Now the types of the type system defined in the previous chapter are encoded in
Z3. Note that, and as discussed earlier, other built-in types are not mentioned here since
they are inferred as user-defined types when they are encountered as class definitions
in the stub files.
It is worth mentioning that all the built-in types could be encoded the way user-
defined class are encoded, since every type in Python 3 is a class definition. However,
the inference of the types of user-defined classes has significant costs in terms of
performance. Therefore, it was more convenient to encode the most common built-in
types, like int, float, etc., with separate constructors.
3.2 Subtyping Rules Encoding
Having explained the encoding of the types in Z3, we explain here how the subtype
relationships between these types are encoded. The subtype relationships discussed
in the previous chapter are encoded using an uninterpreted function
, which
3 Type System Encoding in Z3
takes two types, encoded in the type sort data-type, as its arguments and returns a
subtype = Function("subtype", type_sort, type_sort, BoolSort())
The encoding works by constructing a directed acyclic graph (DAG) representing the
inheritance, such that each node in the DAG represents a type in the type system, and
each edge from a node
to a node
, denoted by
, indicates that type
is a
direct subtype of (inherits from) type
. Then using the information deduced from the
DAG, the axioms for the subtyping are generated using the
function defined
above according to the following conditions:
subtype(x, y) =
True : x == y edge(y, x) z : edge(y, z) subtype(x, z)
False : otherwise
Such that for every type, disjunctions for its super classes and sub classes are added to
the Z3 solver. For example, the following disjunctions are added for the int type:
ForAll(x, subtype(x, int) ==
x == bool,
x == int
ForAll(x, subtype(int, x) ==
x == int,
x == float,
x == complex,
x == object
Figure 3.1 shows a subgraph of the constructed DAG with a subset of the subtype
relationships between built-in types.
3 Type System Encoding in Z3
Set[t] List[t]
Figure 3.1: Subgraph of the constructed inheritance DAG
3.2.1 Builtins with Generic Types
To generate the subtype axioms for types containing generics (e.g., lists, dicts and
tuples), a universal quantification is performed over all possible types for the generics.
The example below, in Z3Py syntax, shows the generated axiom for the subtype
relationship between lists and object:
ForAll([x, y], subtype(List(x), y) ==
y == List(x)
y == object,
3.2.2 User-defined Types
The pre-analysis provides a mapping from every class to its super class(es). If a class
has no explicitly declared super classes, it is mapped to
type. Then the edges
for every direct subtype relationship deduced from the pre-analysis are added to the
inheritance DAG.
3 Type System Encoding in Z3
We will elaborate more in the next chapter on inheritance between user-defined
classes. Specifically, we will talk about the method resolution order (MRO), which is
the order in which methods and attributes are resolved in the presence of multiple
inheritance, and how it is handled in our type inference. We will also discuss the
variance relationships between the overriding and the overridden methods.
Now that the encoding of both types and subtype rules of the type system in Z3 is
fully explained, we are ready to explain the design and the implementation of our type
inference in the next chapter.
4 Type Inference
The previous chapter discusses the encoding of the type system in Z3. In this chapter,
we explain how we build upon this encoding to provide a complete implementation
for the static type inference. There are two phases for the type inference: constraints
collection and constraints solving. In the phase of constraints collection, we traverse
the input program and generate constraints from the program constructs according to
the type system. In the phase of constraints solving, we give the collected constraints
to the SMT solver. If these constraints are satisfiable, a model is given in which a type
is assigned to each variable in the program. Otherwise, the SMT solver reports the
reason for the unsatisfiability. We discuss the methodology for constraints collection
and constraints solving in this chapter.
4.1 Type Inference Design
We present here the main components of our type inference tool.
4.1.1 Abstract Syntax Tree (AST)
The AST of a program is a data structure describing the structure of the source code,
where each node in the tree represents a construct occurring in the program.
Figure 4.1 shows a visualization for the AST of the Python program below.
def f():
return "Hello␣world!"
Our type inference works by traversing the AST in a depth-first manner, and
gathering constraints defined by the type system along the way.
4 Type Inference
Figure 4.1: Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) for a Python program
4 Type Inference
4.1.2 Pre-analysis
Before we attempt to infer the types of the input Python program, some pre-analysis is
needed to configure the type inference.
The pre-analyzer takes the AST of the input program and provides the following
The maximum length of tuples that appear in the input program.
The maximum number of function parameters that appear in the program.
A mapping from all user-defined classes to their corresponding attributes and
methods. It is important to differentiate between two kinds of these attributes:
class-level attributes and instance-level attributes. Class-level attributes are those that
are not specific to certain instances, and can be accessed with the class type itself,
while instance-level attributes are those which are tied to the class instance during
its instantiation or later on. For instance, the class
in the following example has
two attributes, namely
, where attribute
is a class-level attribute while
is an instance-level attribute.
class A:
x = 1
def __init__(self):
self.y = 1
A.x # valid
A().x # valid
A().y # valid
A.y # invalid
Class-level attributes are detected by the pre-analyzer whenever it encounters an
assignment statement in the top-level scope of the class in which the left-hand
side is a normal variable.
Instance-level attributes are recognized whenever they are assigned by accessing
the first argument in the methods, like accessing
argument in the above
example. The inference can be pre-configured to only detect instance-level at-
4 Type Inference
tributes that are defined within the
method. This kind of configurations
is explained in 4.1.8
Note that as far as the type inference is concerned, instance-level attributes also
include class-level ones, that is every instance of a certain class can access any
class-level attribute. However, instance-level attributes cannot be accessed by the
class type itself.
A mapping from all user-defined classes to their base classes or to
if they
do not explicitly inherit from other classes.
The inheritance DAG which is used to generate the subtyping constraints dis-
cussed in the previous chapter.
In addition, the pre-analyzer does the following pre-processing to the user-defined
Adds a default
method to classes which neither contain nor inherit one.
This default __init__ method has the following form:
def __init__(self):
Note that Python does not add this method for the classes which do not contain
. However as what will be clear shortly, we add it to make the inference
of the class instantiation easier.
Propagates methods and attributes from base classes to their subclasses. The
method resolution order which governs the order of this propagation is discussed
later in this chapter.
4.1.3 Context Hierarchy
A context contains the information that a certain scope in the program holds. It contains
a mapping from the variable names in this scope to the Z3 variables representing their
types, which are evaluated to the correct types after solving the SMT problem. Every
context also has references to its children contexts (which are created inside the scope
of this context) and a reference to its parent context.
Below is a listing of the constructs which create new contexts:
4 Type Inference
if statements.
for and while loops.
Function definitions
Class definitions
List, set and dictionary comprehensions
Figure 4.2 shows a tree representing the context hierarchy for the Python program
x = [1, 2, 3]
class A:
def f(self):
def g(self):
for i in x:
if True:
y = [i + 1 for i in x]
f g
if else
list comp
Figure 4.2: Context hierarchy for a Python program
4 Type Inference
4.1.4 Z3 Solver
The Z3 solver is the main component in the type inference design. It is responsible for
solving all the constraints imposed by the Python program semantics, or reporting that
they are unsatisfiable.
We extend the solver class of the Z3 Python interface, such that during the instanti-
ation of every solver instance, the following takes place:
The pre-analysis defined above in processed.
The type sort data-type is declared with all its constructors.
The subtyping rules discussed in Chapter 2 are initialized.
At the end of the program inference, this solver is queried for a solution (model)
to all the added constraints.
4.1.5 Import Handler
As the name suggests, the import handler is responsible for module importing during
the type inference.
If the imported module is a built-in Python package, it retrieves the module from
the corresponding stub file and stores the types of its contents in the appropriate
context, otherwise, it reads the imported module from the disk and runs the infer-
ence algorithm to infer its types in a separate context, but within the same SMT problem.
Later in this chapter, we will discuss how different types of import statements are
handled in our type inference.
4.1.6 Stubs Handler
As discussed earlier,
are files containing code which simulates other functionali-
ties, like built-ins or low level code. A
stub function
is a function declaration which
mocks some other function. The following function is a stub function which mocks the
built-in function len:
def len(_: object) -> int:
4 Type Inference
Stubs enable the type inference to infer the types of programs which use built-ins.
The stubs handler is the module responsible for providing the types of the relevant
stubs which are required by the program being inferred.
4.1.7 Annotations Resolver
PEP 3107 [14] introduced the ability to add function type annotations, while PEP
484 [11] introduced the semantics of such annotations. The annotation resolver is
responsible for translating a type annotation encountered in the program into the
corresponding type-sort constructor.
For example,
is the translation of the type anno-
tation List[int].
We will explain how these type annotations are useful in the type inference when
we get to the inference of function definitions.
4.1.8 Inference Configuration
The user of the type inference has the ability to control the behavior of the type
inference according to some pre-defined configurations. Each configuration is expected
to have its gain and limitation. Some configurations, for instance, lead to a significant
improvement in the inference performance, yet at the cost of rejecting a larger set of
correct programs. We will discuss the current possible configurations when we get to
the inference constraints related to these configurations.
4.1.9 Hard Constraints vs. Soft Constraints
An important addition to our type inference is introducing the ability to add soft
Hard constraints
are the constraints that
be satisfied by the program,
such that if at least one hard constraint cannot be satisfied, the program is rejected by
the type inference. On the other hand,
soft constraints
are those that can be violated,
but the SMT solver tries to maximize the number of satisfied soft constraints. So a
program violating some soft constraints is not rejected by the type inference. See the
following example for illustration:
def f(x):
4 Type Inference
y = [1, 2, 3]
return y[x]
Here, the list
is indexed with variable
. Therefore, the type of
x must
be a
subtype of
, so a program in which the type of
violates this constraint (e.g., having
as a float) would be rejected. The constraint in this case is a hard one. Another hard
constraint is added in the assignment statement
y = [1, 2, 3]
, that the type of the
array literal
[1, 2, 3]
is a subtype of the type of variable
. Moreover, a soft constraint
is added that both the type of the list literal and the type of
are the same. Without
this soft constraint, the type of
in the model given by Z3 might be
, or any too
general super type of the right-hand side (which is correct and sound, but not precise).
Since type annotations contribute to the program documentation and accordingly its
maintainability, having a too general (unexpected) type annotation may be misleading
and harmful, although it is correct in terms of the type system. So the purpose of the
hard constraints is to provide a sound type inference, while that of the soft constraints
is to increase its precision.
4.2 Type Inference Rules
Having explained the main components of the type inference, we are now ready to
discuss the constraints added for every construct in the Python program.
4.2.1 Expressions Rules
An expression is any language construct that evaluates to a value. It can be a combination
of one or more values, variables, operators and function calls. Every construct in Python
that can be printed is an expression.
Below are some examples of Python expressions:
1 + 2 / 3
[1.2, 2.0, b]
[[1.1, 2.5], c]
{(i, i * 2) for j in d for i in j}
2 & 3
4 Type Inference
(g, 2.0, a)
(1 is 2) + 1
We present here the constraints that are generated by every expression in Python.
List and Set Literals
As discussed earlier, the elements of a single list or a set have to be homogeneous, that
is all these elements have to be of the same type. So the elements type of a list (or a set)
literal is a super type of all the list (set) elements.
Assuming a function
which takes the AST node of the expression and
returns a Z3 uninterpreted constant which represents its type, the inference of the types
of list literals is implemented as follows:
def infer(node):
if isinstance(node, ast.List):
elements = node.elts
elements_type = new_z3_constant()
for element in elements:
current_type = infer(element)
add_constraint(subtype(current_type, elements_type))
return type_sort.list(elements_type)
For example, the type of the list literal
[1, 2.0, 3j]
can be
, since we assume
to be a super type of
every type is a subtype of
. With the soft constraint added, the type is restricted
to List[complex].
The inference of the types of sets is analogous to that of lists after replacing the list
z3 constructor with the one for sets.
4 Type Inference
Dictionary Literals
Similarly to lists and sets, dictionaries should have homogeneous keys set and values set,
and the type inferred for each of these sets is a super type of its elements. For example,
the type inferred for the dictionary
{1: "string", 2: 3.6}
Dict[int, object]
because object is the common super type between str and float.
Tuple Literals
The type of a tuple includes information about the types of all its elements. So to get
the type of a tuple, we first apply the expressions inference rules on all its elements. For
example, the type of the tuple
(1, "string", object())
Tuple[int, str, object]
Binary Operations
Binary operations combine two expressions, called operands, to produce a result ex-
pression. The type inference for binary operations in Python is not straightforward
because the result type of every operation depends on different combinations of the
types of the operands. We discuss here the constraints generated for every binary
operation supported by Python.
Addition (+)
: The addition operation is either a numeric addition or a sequence
concatenation. For the numeric addition, the type of the result is the super type of the
types of the operands. This is encoded in Z3Py as follows:
And(subtype(left, complex), subtype(right, left), result == left),
And(subtype(right, complex), subtype(left, right), result == right)
As for sequence concatenation, there are different cases to consider:
Lists concatenation: The result type is a list and the type of its elements is a super
type of types of the elements in both operands.
String (or byte string) concatenation: The two operands should be of the same
type and so is the result.
4 Type Inference
Tuple concatenation: The resulting type should be a tuple with the element types
of both operands concatenated.
For brevity, we do not write the constraints for the sequence concatenation here.
Also, we do not consider here operator overloading. Section 4.2.9 explains how
these constraints are extended to include classes which contain method __add__.
The listing below shows examples of different forms of the addition operation and
their inferred types:
1 + 1.0 # float
1j + 1.0 # complex
[1, 2, 3] + [4.0, 2] # List[float]
"a" + "b" # str
(1, "st") + (2.0, object()) # Tuple[int, str, float, object]
[1, 2, 3] + "a" # Invalid
Multiplication (*)
: Multiplication in Python, again without considering operator
overloading, is either numeric multiplication or sequence repetition.
Similarly to addition, the result type of numeric multiplication is the super type of
the types of the operands. In case of sequence repetition, one of the operands must be
a subtype of
and the other one should be the sequence. In all the sequences except
tuples, the result type is the same as the sequence being multiplied. Ideally in case of
tuples, the result is a tuple type with the argument types of the operand tuple repeated
by the operand number. However, resolving the exact numeric value is impossible
statically. Therefore, we consider the result of tuple multiplication to a general Tuple
type without specifying its elements. This is sound because as we will see shortly, any
operation applied on this general tuple type (e.g., indexing) result in a sound general
type like object.
An important thing to notice in both addition and multiplication is that applying these
operations on two
types results in an
type. So this needs special handling
during the constraints generation. For instance, the addition constraints are enhanced
as follows:
And(left == bool, right == bool),
result == int
4 Type Inference
Not(And(left == bool, right == bool)),
# Addition constraints explained above
3 * 4.0 # float
[1, 2, 3] * 3 # List[int]
(1, 2) * 2 # Tuple[int, int]
True * False # int
[1, 2] * 3.0 # invalid
Division (/)
: Division is only applicable on numeric types. The result is
at least one of the operands is of
type, otherwise it is a float. Note that this is
different from floor division (//).
The constraints generated by a division operation are given below:
types.subtype(left, complex), types.subtype(right, complex),
Implies(Or(left == complex, right == complex), result == complex),
Implies(Not(Or(left == complex, right == complex)), result == float)
Other Arithmetic Operations (-, //, **, %)
: The remaining arithmetic operations
(subtraction, floor division, exponentiation, modulo operator) exhibit similar behavior
in terms of type inference. They can only be applied on numeric types and the result
type is the super type of the types of the operands.
There is a single special case to consider in the modulo operator (%). In addition
to giving the division remainder, it can also be used in string formating. Therefore, a
disjunction is added to the constraints in this case that the left operand is a
without restricting the right operand.
"A␣string␣which␣contains␣a␣number␣%i}" % 1
4 Type Inference
Bitwise Binary Operations (&, ˆ, |, «, »)
: Bitwise operations can only be applied
on subtypes of
types (
). The result is
in all cases except when we
apply &, ˆ or | on two bool types, where in such case the result is bool.
Unary Operations
Unary operations are applied on only one expression, called operand, and give a result
expression. The supported unary operations in Python are unary
(minus), unary
(plus), unary ~ invert, and not.
For the plus and minus unary operations, the operand must be a subtype of
, and the result is
if the type of the operand is
, otherwise it is the
same type as the operand. As for the unary invert, the operand must be a subtype of
int, and the result is always of type int.
The not operation can by applied on any object and result in a bool type.
Boolean Operations
There are two boolean operators in Python:
. Before explaining the inference
for these operations, it is important to understand what a truth value of an object is. In
Python, every object can be tested for truth value, where each object can evaluate to
when used as test condition in
statements or in a boolean
operation. The following values have a False truth value:
Zero numeric values: 0, 0.0, 0j
Empty collections: [], , ()
Any object which has
method which returns a zero or
which returns False.
Any other object has a True truth value.
4 Type Inference
The result from
operator is the first operand which has a
truth value.
If all the operands have
values, then the result is the last operand. On the other
hand, the result of
operator is the first operand which has a
truth value, or the
last one if all have False truth values.
x = 1 and "str"
>>> x
x = 0 and "str"
>>> x
x = 1 or "str"
>>> x
x = 0 or "str"
>>> x
The constraints generated by a boolean operation are not simple to deduce since
the result type depends on the values that the operands carry during runtime, and
these values are impossible to be statically resolved. Specifically, the
operator keeps
evaluating the operands until an operand with a False truth value is encountered. or
operator does the opposite. See the following example for illustration:
a = function_which_returns_int()
b = function_which_returns_string()
x = a and b
y = a or b
has a value zero at runtime, the type of
will be the same as
, otherwise it
will be
. Conversely,
will have type
has a zero value, otherwise it will
have an int type.
As mentioned, the values of
are impossible to be statically resolved.
4 Type Inference
Therefore, the type of the result of a boolean operation is inferred to be the common
super type between its operands. So the result of
1 and 2.0
and of
1 and "
, str" is object.
If (Conditional) Expression
An if expression is an expression whose value depends on whether a certain condition
is true or false.
x = A if some_condition else B
This does the exact same thing as the following:
if some_condition:
x = A
x = B
The type of the value of the if expression is the common super type of the types of
the true (A) and the false (B) values.
Subscript literals in Python end in square brackets containing some expression. For
example, all the following are subscript literals:
There are two kinds of subscripts in Python: indexed subscript and sliced subscript.
A sliced subscript contains one or two colons
, e.g.,
. Any other subscript is an
indexed subscript.
In Python, any type which contains the
method can be indexed or
sliced. However, for simplicity, here we only consider built-in types. We explain later
in this chapter how we enhance the type inference to account for user-defined classes
which implement the __getitem__ method.
4 Type Inference
In our type system, only strings (and byte strings), lists, dictionaries and tuples
support indexing:
For strings, the index must be a subtype of int and the result is a str.
For lists, the index is a subtype of
and the result is the type of the list elements.
For tuples, the index must be a subtype of
, and the result is the common
super type between all the tuple elements. This is because it is not possible to
statically resolve the value of the index, so we cannot know which element the
indexing is referring to. As for the general tuple type
, the result of indexing
is constrained to be object.
For dictionaries, the index type should be the same as the inferred type of the
dictionary keys, and the result type is the type of the dictionary values.
Disjunctions for all the above possibilities are added whenever an index subscript
is encountered during the inference traversal.
As for
subscripts, only strings, lists and tuples support slicing. The slicing
keys must be a subtype of
. For all types except tuples, the result type from slicing
is the same as the sliced object. For tuples, the result is the general tuple type
because resolving the slicing ends is impossible statically.
Comprehensions are constructs which enable the programmer to create lists, sets or
dictionaries in a natural and elegant way from any other iterable object. The following
set comprehension creates a set
which contains the square of all values in another
iterable y.
x = {i * i for i in y}
This is equivalent to the following in a mathematical syntax:
x = {i i | i y}
The expression
i in y
in the above example is called a generator expression while the
expression i * i is called the comprehension element.
4 Type Inference
The inference for comprehensions works by creating a local context for the genera-
tor, and constraining the generator target (
in the example above) in this local context
according to the generator iterable (
). Then by having the Z3 constant corresponding
to type of the target in the local context, the type of the comprehension element can be
inferred by generating the expressions constraints explained above.
For the example above, assuming the type of
is constrained to be
then the type of
is inferred as
in the local context of the generator expression.
Then the type of the set elements is inferred from the multiplication inference rules
explained above:
int * int := int
. So the comprehension result will have a result of
. Assuming that
is the z3 constant representing the type of the iterable in the
generator expression and
represents the type of the generator target, the following
axion is generated during the inference of the generator expression:
subtype(x, iterable(y))
Now the local context of the comprehension is as follows:
context = {
’i’ : y
Then the multiplication constraints are added on the type of the variable i.
Note that, the generator expressions can be chained (nested). See the following
example for illustration:
x = [[1, 2, 3],
[4, 5, 6],
[7, 8, 9]]
y = [i for j in x for i in j]
The list
contains the list
after flattening all its inner lists (
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
, 7, 8, 9]
). The inference for chained generators works by applying the inference
rules on the generator targets in the order they appear in the comprehension. So
after solving all the constraints, the type of
in the above example is inferred to be
4 Type Inference
), and the type of the second generator target
(which is also the comprehension element) is inferred to be
, and the type of y is
then List[int].
In addition to generator chaining, the comprehension itself can be nested.
x = [[1, 2, 3],
[4, 5, 6],
[7, 8, 9]]
y = [[i * 2 for i in j] for j in x]
The variable
is now a 2D array with the same dimensions as x, where each element in
y is the double of the corresponding one in x.
The inference for comprehensions nesting works exactly the same as normal
comprehensions: The comprehension
[i * 2 for i in j]
is treated first, and
constrained to be
. Now having the the z3 constant representing type of
the local context of the comprehension, the type of the inner comprehension can be
constrained with the same rule. Therefore after solving the SMT problem at the end,
the inner comprehension will have the type
and the outer one will have the
type List[List[int]], which is the type of y.
The inference for dictionary comprehension works the same way as lists and sets.
The only difference is that the comprehension element consists of a mapping instead of
a single expression. The following example creates a dictionary comprehension which
maps every value in a list to its square.
{a: a * a for a in [1, 2, 3]}
After applying the inference rules on the generator expressions, the types for the
dictionary keys and the values in the the comprehension element are inferred in the
local context of the generators.
Variable Inference
The context contains a mapping from variable names to the Z3 constants that represent
their types. The inference for the types of variables is as simple as looking up the name
of the variable in this mapping.
4 Type Inference
The variables are stored in the context with the assignment statements, function
definitions or class definitions. The inference for these constructs are explained in the
upcoming sections.
4.2.2 Statements Rules
A statement is a complete instruction that can be executed by the Python interpreter
and performs a certain action. Note that every expression written alone in a separate
line of code is also a statement.
We explain here how the type inference works for different statements in our type
Assignment Statements
There are several variations of the assignment statement in Python. However there is
one important common constraint that is generated for all the variations, that is the
right-hand side of the assignment must be a subtype of the left-hand side. In other
words, the assignment target in any assignment statement must be a super type of the
assignment value.
target = value # value <: target
Simple Variable Assignment
: The simplest variation of the assignment is the
variable assignment:
variable = value
If the target variable already exists in the context, the above subtyping constraint is
imposed on the Z3 constant which this variable is mapped to in the context, otherwise, a
new Z3 constant is created on which the subtyping constraint is applied. For illustration,
assume that the context initially has the following mapping:
’x’: x_z3_constant
Assume that these two assignment statements are encountered:
x = 1
y = "string"
4 Type Inference
Since variable
already exists in the context, no new Z3 constant is created for it, and
the constraint is added on the Z3 constant it is mapped to, x_z3_constant:
subtype(int, x_z3_constant)
As for the variable
not being in the context, a new Z3 constant is created for it and
inserted to the context. The context now has the following contents:
’x’: x_z3_constant,
’y’: y_z3_constant
And the following constraint is also generated for the variable y:
subtype(str, y_z3_constant)
Tuple and List Assignment
x, y = 1, "str"
[a, b] = [1, 2]
The inference for this kind of assignment is similar to the variable assignment. The
difference is that the target elements are checked one by one if they already exist in the
context, and similarly, a new Z3 constant is created for the targets which do not exist in
the context.
Since the lists in our type system have homogeneous elements, the types involved
in the list assignment must also have the same type. So the assignment
[a, b] = [1,
, "str"]
will lead both variables
to have type
(the common super
type of int and str).
Subscript Assignment
a[x] = b
a[x:y:z] = b
Any class which implements
method is capable of performing subscript
assignment. However for simplicity and similarly to subscript expressions inference,
we only consider built-in types here. We explain later how to extend the inference to
include user-defined classes as well.
Strings, byte strings and tuples are immutable objects, so they do not support
subscript assignment. So whenever a subscript assignment is encountered, a constraint
4 Type Inference
is generated that the subscripted object is not str, bytes or any Tuple type.
The last type of assignment statements is attribute assignment (e.g.,
a.x = b
). The Z3 constant corresponding to the attribute
in the instance
is used as
the type of the assignment target, and the normal assignment constraint is applied on it.
It is worth noticing the role of the soft constraints in the assignment inference. The
result of the subtype constraint added for every assignment statement may make the
inference not very accurate. For example, the assignment
x = 1
may lead
to have
or even
, since
are super types of
. So a soft
constraint is added that the type of x is int. See the following example:
x = 1
x = 2.5
The above code generates two hard constraints and two soft ones. The hard ones
state that the type of x is a super type of both
. The first soft constraint
assigns the type
and the second one assigns the type
to it. In the result
model, only one soft constraint is satisfied (the second one), giving the type of x to be
float, which satisfies the two hard constraints.
Body (Block of Statements) Type
A code block in Python is a group of Python statements starting with the same
indentation tabs. We assume that every statement in Python has a
type, except the
statement which has the type of the value it returns. This makes it easier to infer
the type of a block and also, as we will explain shortly, the return type of functions. The
type of a code block is the common super type of all non-
) statements,
if all the block statements have a type
. See the following example for
def f(x, y):
z = x + y
return z
def g(x, y):
x[0] = y
4 Type Inference
In the function
, the first statement sets the type of
to be the result from the addition
constraints explained before between
. This assignment statement itself has a
type. The second statement has a type equal to the type value it returns:
. The
type of the body of the function
is the super type of all the non-
statements in
the body, which is the type of
. In the function
, all the body statements have a
type, so the type of the function body is None.
Control-Flow Statements
A control-flow statement decides on two or more paths to follow during the program
execution. The inference for these kind of statements is tricky because the way the
types in the context are affected depends on which path was taken, which is not always
possible to resolve statically. We present here what constraints are generated for the
control-flow statements in Python, and how the context is affected by the paths choice.
There are three variants of control-flow statements in Python:
loops and
loops. However, the constraints generated for these statements are the
same, except that an additional constraint for the loop variable is generated in the case
of for loops.
Each control-flow statement has a required body block and an optional else block,
and a separate local context is created for each. If one branch introduces a new variable,
it will only be added to the parent context (which contains the control-flow statement)
if the other branch also defines this variable. This prevents attempting to use a variable
which might have not been defined. See the following example for illustration:
if some_condition:
x = 1 # This is the first time x is defined
print(x) # Invalid: x might have not been defined.
In the above example, using the variable
outside the local scope of the
block is not allowed, since the flow might have taken the
path, where in this case
4 Type Inference
variable x would not exist.
The type of a control-flow statement is a common super type between its branches.
For example, the type of the following
statement is
, which is the super type
of both int and str.
if some_condition:
return 1
return "string"
The dynamic nature of Python allows the programmer to delete a value at runtime.
The type inference supports all kinds of deletion except attribute deletion. Attribute
deletion is not supported because in a nominal static type system, all instances of a
certain type are expected to have the same attribute everywhere in the program.
The simplest kind of deletion is normal
variable deletion
. The deleted variable is
simply removed from the context. Also, when a variable is deleted in one branch of a
control-flow statement, it is also deleted from the context, because determining which
branch was taken is not possible statically, so it is safer to assume that it was deleted.
For example, using the variable
after the following
statement is unsafe, because
the then branch might have been taken, where the variable x is deleted.
x = 1
if some_condition:
del x
print(x) # Invalid: x might have been deleted.
The second variant of deletion is
subscript deletion
. Every subscriptable object,
with the exception of immutable objects, can be used in subscript deletion. So constraint
is generated when a subscript deletion is encountered that the subscripted object is
4 Type Inference
4.2.3 Function Definition Inference
The inference for function definitions is the main motivation behind adopting SMT
to solve the type inference problem. For a program composed of only assignment
statements, the type for every variable can be easily resolved by tracking the type of
the value it is assigned to. However for function parameters, there is no origin for the
type to track. The types of these parameters are solely based on how they are used in
the function body and how this function is called; hence the idea of constraint solving
As stated earlier, a local context for the function is created. Each parameter in the
function is mapped to a newly created Z3 constant in this local context, where this
fresh constant is totally free from any constraints. Then the statement inference rules
are applied on the body of the function. These rules impose constraints on the types of
the function parameters. The return type of the function is the constrained type of the
body block of the function. If a function has no
statement, then the return type
. At the end, Z3 will assign types to the constants corresponding to the types of
the arguments which satisfy all the imposed constraints. Let us illustrate the functions
inference with the following example:
def f(x, y, z):
a = x + y
z += [1, 2]
return z[a]
Initially, we create the context which contains the Z3 constants representing the types
of function parameters.
context = {
’x’: x_z3_constant,
’y’: y_z3_constant,
’z’: z_z3_constant
The first statement
a = x + y
generates the addition constraint, and the type of variable
a is stored in the context.
context = {
’x’: x_z3_constant,
4 Type Inference
’y’: y_z3_constant,
’z’: z_z3_constant,
’a’: addition_result
The second statement
z += [1, 2]
generates another addition constraint. According to
the addition constraints explained before, lists can only be added to lists. Therefore, the
type of
is constrained to be
such that
is a new Z3 constant and
int <: T
The last
statement generates the subscript constraint. From the subscript rules,
we know that lists can only be indexed with subtypes of
. Putting this constraint
together with the addition constraint on which the type of variable
depends, we
restrict the type of
to be a subtype of
, and so are the types of
, and the
return type is the same as the type of the elements of
. Therefore the type of the
is inferred to be, according to the syntax of PEP 484 [11],
Callable[[A, B,
, List[T]], T]
, such that
A <: int
B <: int
int <: T
. Z3 will pick only one
model for
. So, for instance, the types
Callable[[int, int, List[int]],
, int]
Callable[[bool, int, List[float]], float]
Callable[[bool, bool
, , List[complex]], complex]
are all valid types for
. Further constrains from
function calls might narrow down these types and exclude some of them.
In order to increase the accuracy and to make the type inference more deterministic,
we make use of soft constraints in all the contexts that give multiple possibilities because
of the subtyping relationship. Specifically in this example, a soft constraint is added
in the addition operation that the type of the addition result is the same as the two
operands. So with the soft constraints being added, Z3 will assign the type
, int, int, List[int]], int]. to f.
Default Arguments
A function in Python can have zero or more default values for the function parameters.
If these default values exist, they are used to constrain the initial types of the function
arguments. The type of every parameter which has a default value must be a super
type of the type of this value. See the following example:
def f(x, y=1):
return x + y
4 Type Inference
From the default value of the argument
, and assuming that
denotes the Z3
constant representing the type of
in the context, a new constraint is generated that
int <: T
. Additionally, a soft constraint is added here that both
are the same.
So the type of the function f given by the Z3 model is Callable[[int, int], int].
In order to accommodate the default arguments in the function type encoding in Z3,
a new attribute, which has
sort, is introduced in the function constructor of the type
sort data-type declaration. This attribute represents the number of default arguments
this function has. Recalling the function constructor declaration from chapter 3, the
new accessor is added to the accessors array of the constructor.
accessors = [("func_{}_defaults_args".format(cur_len), IntSort())]
Function Type Annotations
The programmer also has the ability to write type annotations for the function param-
eters as well as the return type. PEP 484 [11] introduced the semantics for writing
the type annotations. For example, a list of integers will have the type annotation
. By default, these type annotations are not type-checked. In our tool, these
annotations are useful in reducing the number of generated constraints, and hence
improving the performance of the type inference. When a parameter is annotated in a
function definition, the indicated type is used instead of creating a new uninterpreted
Z3 constant.
def f(x: int, y: int, z):
The above function will have an initial local context with the following contents:
context = {
’x’: int,
’y’: int,
’z’: z_z3_constant
4 Type Inference
Parametric Polymorphism
The dynamic structural typing of Python gives a polymorphic nature to its functions.
Since all the types are evaluated at runtime and no types are attached to the function
parameters or the return, a function can accept a value of any type as its arguments
which allows the operations performed inside the function. See the following example
for illustration:
def add(x, y):
return x + y
a = add(1, 2) # type := int
b = add("a", "b") # type := str
c = add([1, 2], [3, 4]) # type = List[int]
The function
can accept different argument types, and the return type depends on
which types are passed as the function arguments. One limitation of depending on
SMT solving to infer the type of the function is that the solver picks only one model.
So referring to the above example, the function
can only perform either numeric
addition or sequence concatenation, but not both. Thus, the approach described so far
prevents this kind of polymorphism, and the above program will be rejected. To work
around this limitation, we introduced the ability to annotate the function with a generic
type variable. The syntax for these type variables follow the syntax introduced in PEP
484 [11].
Re-writing the above example with generic type variables:
from typing import TypeVar, List
T = TypeVar("T")
U = TypeVar("U", [int, str, List[T]])
def add(x: U, y: U) -> U:
return x + y
Now the function
can accept any type which is indicated in the possibilities of the
type variable
, and it returns the type which is unified with this type variable during
the function call. We will describe later in Section 4.2.5 how this unification algorithm
4 Type Inference
However, introducing generic type variables comes with its limitations. Functions
containing generic type variables are handled separately from Z3. Accordingly, no
Z3 constant is created for any function that contains a generic type variable, and any
function that contains one must be fully type-annotated (i.e., there must be a type
annotation for every argument and the return of the function). Another consequence of
treating these functions separately from Z3 is that they cannot be used as a first class
object, that is they cannot be passed as function arguments. The only supported way to
use functions with generic type variables is via direct function calls.
4.2.4 Class Definition Inference
Classes provide a way for creating new types in Python. Each instance of any class has
a set of attributes attached to it, which identify its state, behavior and properties. We
explain here how the type inference works for defining new classes.
As mentioned in Section 4.1.2, the pre-analyzer provides the following information
about class definitions prior to running the type inference algorithm:
A mapping from classes to methods: methods
A mapping from classes to instance-level data attributes:
A mapping from classes to class-level attributes: class_level_attrs
A mapping from classes to their base classes, or to
if they do not have
any: bases
Then as described in Chapter 3, all the user-defined classes are encoded in the type
sort data-type, and Z3 uninterpreted constants are created for every method and data
attribute which will represent their corresponding types in the generated model, and
each class is mapped to the Z3 constants representing its own attributes.
4 Type Inference
Attribute and Method Inference
When a class definition statement is encountered, a local context is created for this class.
Then the statements inside the class (its methods and attributes declarations) are also
traversed depth-first starting from the class node itself. The type of each statement is
then constrained according to the inference rules described for expressions, statements
and functions. After the traversal of the class contents is done, the types added to the
local context of the class are unified with the corresponding Z3 constants the class is
mapped to, which represent the types of the attributes of this class. Let us discuss the
following example for illustration:
class A:
x = 1
def __init__(self):
self.a = 1
def get_a(self):
return self.a
The pre-analyzer gives the following mappings:
class_level_attrs = {
’A’: [’x’, ’__init__’, ’get_a’]
instance_level_attrs = {
’A’: [’x’, ’a’, ’__init__’, ’get_a’]
methods = {
’A’: [’__init__’, ’get_a’]
bases = {
’A’: [’object’]
And the mapping from the class to the Z3 constants is also created:
z3_consts = {
’A’: {
4 Type Inference
’x’: attr_x_z3_const,
’__init__’: attr_init_z3_const,
’get_a’: attr_get_a_z3_const,
’a’: attr_a_z3_const
It is worth mentioning that the first argument in any instance method (handling static
methods is discussed shortly), called the method receiver, is always automatically
constrained to have the type of class itself. So
in the above examples will have the
type A.
At the beginning, the local context of the class is empty. Then the class contents is
traversed and the constraints are generated as described before. After the statement
x = 1
is encountered, attribute
is constrained to be a super type of
. In the
, we constraint the type of the instance-level data attribute
be a super type of
. The types of the methods
are constrained
as described in Section 4.2.3. In the end, the local context of the class
looks as follows:
context = {
’x’: x_z3_constant,
’__init__’: init_z3_constant,
’get_a’: get_a_z3_consant
Then at the end of the class inference, the following unification constraints are added
to the SMT problem to define the types of the class attributes:
context[’x’] == z3_consts[’A’][’x’]
context[’__init__’] == z3_consts[’A’][’__init__’]
context[’get_a’] == z3_consts[’A’][’get_a’]
Note that the type of the attribute
is not included in this unification, since it is
already unified by the attribute assignment statement in the __init__ method.
4 Type Inference
Method Decorators
Decorators provide a mechanism to dynamically alter the functionality of a function.
Decorators in general are not supported in our type inference, since they may dynami-
cally alter type-related functionalities of the functions. Currently, the only supported
decorators are @staticmethod and @abstractmethod.
The inference for the types of methods decorated with
works like
for instance methods, except that the first argument is not unified with the class instance.
We also impose a restriction that static methods can only be invoked on class types; they
cannot be called on class instances. The reason for such restriction is to provide more
type flexibility by lifting the variance restrictions which are imposed on the inherited
methods. The variance restrictions are to be discussed shortly. The inference of calling
static methods will be explained when we get to method calls inference in Section 4.2.5.
As for
, the body type of the method is ignored, and any subclass
is forced to override any abstract method that appears in any of its super classes.
Every class definition can define zero or more classes to inherit from. Inheriting from a
class explicitly defines a subtype relationship between the subclass and the parent class.
All the methods which exist in the super classes and are not explicitly implemented in
the subclass are inherited.
class A:
def f(self):
class B(A):
inherits from class
and does not implement the method
, so the method
is inherited by
. However, things get more complicated in the presence of
multiple inheritance. See the following example:
4 Type Inference
class A:
def f(self):
return 1
class B:
def f(self):
return "str"
class C(A, B):
x = C().f() # What is the value (and type) of ‘x‘?
Now determining which
function is being called is not trivial. This is where the
method resolution order (MRO) becomes crucial. MRO is the order in which methods
and attributes are resolved in the presence of multiple inheritance. Python 3 uses the
C3 linearization algorithm to determine the MRO. We briefly explain how this algorithm
C3 Linearization
The algorithm works by defining the linearization of every class. The linearization of a
class is a list containing the class itself followed by a unique merge of the linearizations
of the parents of this class (if any) and a list of these parents.
linearization[A] = [A] + merge(parents_linearizations, parents)
The merge function is responsible of merging several lists into one list. It works as
Select the first head of the lists which does not appear in the tail of any other list.
Let us call this head the good head.
Remove the selected item from all the lists where it appears as a head and add it
to the output list.
Repeat the above two steps until all the lists are empty
4 Type Inference
If no head can be removed and the lists are not yet empty, then no consistent
MRO is possible and the program is rejected.
For example, merging the lists [B, A] [C, A], [B, C] will be performed as follows:
to be the good head and append it to the result list, since it does not
appear in the tail of any list.
Remove B from all the lists. Now the lists are [A], [C, A] and [C].
Similarly, remove the head C. Now the lists are [A], [A] and [].
Select A. Now all the lists are empty and the result of the merge is B, C, A.
Let us see a more concrete example:
class A:
def f(self):
return A
class B(A):
class C(A):
def f(self):
return C
class D(B, C):
x = D().f()
in class
returns the type of the class
itself. Similarly, the one in
the type of class
. Now which of these is inherited by class
? Let us calculate the
linearization of each class. Let function L(x) denote the linearization of class x.
L[A] = [A] + merge([object]) = [A, object]
L[B] = [B] + merge(L(A), [A])
= [B] + merge([A, object], [A])
4 Type Inference
= [B] + [A, object]
= [B, A, object]
L[C] = [C, A, object]
L[D] = [D] + merge(L(B), L(C), [B, C])
= [D] + merge([B, A, object], [C, A, object], [C, B])
= [D] + [B, C, A, object]
= [D, B, C, A, object]
Now to determine which method
is inherited by class
, we traverse the linearization
of class D and stop at the first class we encounter which implements the method f. So
inherits method
from class
, because it is the first class in the linearization of
D which implements f, and the type of the variable x is inferred to be Type[C].
Overridden Methods Variance
Variance is a topic that usually comes with any nominal type system which defines
subtype relationships between its types. There are four forms of variance: invariance,
covariance, contra-variance and bi-variance. We will explain these forms in the context
of functions. See the following classes structure for illustration:
class A: ...
class B(A): ...
class C(B): ...
And the following function:
def f(x: B): ...
Function f accepts an argument x of type B.
Functions with
functions parameters which are restricted to a certain
type do not accept neither super types nor subtypes of these types. So an invariant
can only accept B instances, not A or C.
Functions with
parameters accept both super types and subtypes. So a
bi-variant f will accept instances of A, B and C.
Functions with
parameters accept subtypes but not super types. So a
covariant f accepts B and C, but not A.
4 Type Inference
Functions with
parameters accept super types but not subtypes. A
contra-variant f accepts A and B, but not C.
Let us add some methods to the classes above:
class A:
def f(self, x: int) -> int:
return x
class B(A):
def f(self, x):
return x
has a method
which accepts subtypes of
as its argument and returns an
type. Class
inherits from
and overrides the method
. Assume a function
which accepts an instance of A as its argument.
def foo(a: A):
x = a.f(1)
# .. more statements which use ‘x‘ ..
is expected to have the type
(the return type of method
in class
). Since
B <: A
, then
instances can be used whenever
instances are expected. So,
can be passed as the argument for
. Therefore, the return type of method
in class
also allow all the operations that are executed in the body of the function
. So
it must be a subtype of the return type of the overridden method
in class
. Therefore,
the return type of overriding methods must be covariant with the return type of the
overridden methods.
On the other hand, any argument passed to the method
in class
must be also
compatible with the corresponding argument in class
. So the types of parameters
in the overriding method in
B must
be super types of the corresponding ones in the
overridden method. Therefore, the types of parameters of the overriding methods are
contra-variant with the corresponding ones in the overridden methods.
One thing to consider is the use of default arguments in the presence of these
variance constraints. Referring back to the example, any call to method
in class
takes into account that it might be a call to the method
in class
instead. So any call
on an
instance must also be valid as a call to
on a
instance. Therefore, the
4 Type Inference
number of required arguments which have no default value in the overriding method
in the subclass must be less than or equal to the one in the overridden method, and the
total number of arguments in the overriding method in the subclass must be greater
than or equal to the total number of arguments in the super class. For example, assume
the following method exists in class A:
def g(self, x, y=1):
Then the calls
a.g(1, 2)
are both valid, where
is an instance of class
These two calls must also be valid if they were invoked on any instance of a subclass of
. So if class
overrides method
, the maximum number of required arguments it can
have is one, and the minimum number of total arguments it can have is two (ignoring
the first self receiver argument).
Formally, if the number of required arguments and arguments with default values
in the super class are
respectively, and those of the subclass are
, then
the following conditions must hold:
+ b
a + b
In the presence of multiple inheritance, if a method exists in more than one super
class, then the overriding methods must satisfy the variance conditions described above
with the methods in all the super classes, because an instance of a subclass can be used
where an instance of any of the super classes is expected. For example, if a class
extends both classes
, then an instance of
can be used where an instance of
or C is expected.
More on Multiple Inheritance
Supporting multiple inheritance comes with a lot of scenarios to consider. One of
them is the call to
. The function
returns the next class in the method
resolution order. So a
call in a certain method can refer to many different classes,
depending on from where this call is originating. See the following example:
class A:
def f(self): ...
4 Type Inference
class B(A):
def f(self):
return super().f()
class C(A):
def f(self):
return super().f()
class D(B, C):
def f(self):
return super().f()
If asked which class
the method
in class
is referring to, the most intuitive
answer is class
. However, this is not always the case. The
call might have
originated from method
in class
, and as we just discussed, the
call refers to
the next class in the MRO. Class
has the linearization
[D, B, C, A]
. So the
will refer to
, and that in
refers to
. This makes the inference for the
very complicated, since the super-methods may have different number of arguments or
may even not exist. Assume that the class
did not have the function
, then calling
in class
would still be fine since it may refer to
in class
, and such
resolution is not always possible to resolve statically. Adding support for the
is still under research.
Another tricky case that comes with multiple inheritance is to decide which data
attributes are inherited by a subclass from the super classes. See the following example:
class A:
def __init__(self):
self.x = None
class B:
def __init__(self):
self.y = None
class C(A, B):
4 Type Inference
inherits from both
, and according to the linearization of
, only the
method of
is inherited by
. So
has the attribute
only, and does
not have the attribute
defined in class
. However, since
C <: B
is expected
to have all the attributes of
, and any instance of
can be used where
is expected. So
an attribute access on an instance of
, e.g.,
, should also be applicable to all its
subclasses, which does not apply in the example given above. This reduces the safety
of the type system. For example, the following function is expecting an instance of
its argument and it returns its
attribute. This function can be called with an
instance of any subclass of class B.
def f(b: B):
return b.y
The above example passes our static type checking, but fails at runtime.
4.2.5 Function Calls and Class Instantiation Inference
Having explained the inference rules for class and function definitions, we are now
ready to discuss the rules for dealing with function calls and classes instantiation. A
AST node can represent a call to a function (or a method) or an instantiation of a
type. Therefore, disjunction of both possibilities are added to the SMT problem.
Function Calls
Whenever a
node is encountered, the type of the called construct is inferred in the
current context, and then the following constraints are generated:
The number of arguments in a call must be greater than or equal to the number
of required parameters in the called function, and less than or equal to the total
number of parameters. Formally, if
denotes the number of arguments in the
function call,
denotes the number of parameters of the called function and
denotes the number of default arguments in this function, then the following
condition must hold:
4 Type Inference
a b
b - a c
Every argument passed to the function call is a subtype of the corresponding
parameter in the function type. Formally, for a function call with argument
, .., t
to a function of type
, .., t
], t]
, then th
following relationship holds t
<: t
: 1 <= i <= a.
The resulting type from a function call is the inferred return type of the function.
Class Instantiation
Instantiating a class is equivalent to a call to the
method of this class, and
the type of the call expression is the instance of this class. A disjunction for every
possible class is added, and Z3 picks the one which satisfies the constraints explained
above. Considering all the classes during the instantiation may seem redundant and
inefficient, however class instantiation may be encountered in situations where the type
of instantiated object is completely unknown. See the following example for illustration:
class A: ...
class B: ...
def f(x):
return x()
When the call
is encountered, a disjunction of the following constraints added to
the SMT solver:
x_type == Type[A] f_return_type == A
x_type == Type[B] f_return_type == B
x_type == Callable[[], T] f_return_type == T
Such that T can be any type, and Z3 picks only one.
In addition, when the type of the instantiated class is obvious, only one constraint
for this class is added. So if the call in the above example is
instead of
, only
the first constraint in the disjunction above is added.
4 Type Inference
Calls to Functions with Generic Type Variables
As discussed earlier, function definitions containing generic type variables are treated
separately from Z3. Accordingly, calls to these functions also have to be treated in a
special way.
When a
declaration is encountered, it is stored in the annotation resolver.
Additionally, one of two more information might be attached with every
The type variable possibilities, that is the possible types that the type unifying
with this type variable can achieve. Example:
TypeVar("T", [int, str])
. Only
int and str (and not their other subtypes) can unify with this type variable T.
The upper bound of the type variable. This allows unification with a certain
type and its subtypes. For example, the type variable
TypeVar("T", bound=int)
allows int and bool to unify with it.
When a call to a function containing a type variable annotation is encountered, a local
dictionary is created which maps the generic type variable to the Z3 constant of the type
unifying with it. Then, if a parameter or the return of the function has an annotation
containing this type variable, it is unified with the type this type variable is mapped to.
Let us see an example for illustration:
from typing import TypeVar
T = TypeVar(’T’, [int, str])
def f(x: T) -> List[T]: ...
a = f(2)
The function
takes an argument and returns a list of elements which have the same
type as this argument. The argument must either be of type
. At first, the
generic type variable
is saved in the annotation resolver. Then when the function call
is reached during the type inference traversal, an empty dictionary for the type
variable mapping is created. Now the unification algorithm starts. When we check
4 Type Inference
the arguments, we begin to resolve the type annotation in the function definition. At
the first argument
x: T
, it is the first time we encounter the type variable
, so a new
Z3 constant is created and is added to the dictionary, then the constraint for the type
variable possibilities is added to this constant:
t_z3_const == int,
t_z3_const == str
And the type variable T is added to the dictionary:
type_var_mapping = {
’T’: t_z3_const
Then the type of the call argument 2 is unified with this Z3 constant.
int == t_z3_const
For the return type, the annotation resolver attempts to recursively resolve the type
. When it reaches the generic type variable
, it sees that it already exists
in the dictionary, so it returns this type from the dictionary, and the return type will
. By solving all the above constraints together, the type of the
function call evaluates to List[int].
Similarly, a call
will unify the type
with the generic type variable,
and the resulting type will be List[str].
4.2.6 Attribute Access
An attribute access is an attempt to access the contents of an object. The syntax of an
attribute access in Python is
. In our type inference, the
attribute access falls under three kinds of objects:
Accessing attributes of user-defined classes.
Accessing attributes of built-ins.
Accessing contents of an imported module.
4 Type Inference
User-defined Classes
For user-defined classes, two types of constraints are generated: constraints for the
class types and for the class instances. As discussed earlier, the pre-analyzer provides
mappings from the classes to their class-level and instance level-attributes. As for the
constraints generated for the class types, disjunction of constraints are generated for all
the classes that contain the accessed class-level attribute. For the class instances, similar
disjunctions are generated but for instance-level attributes. See the following example:
class A:
x = 1
def __init__(self):
self.y = 1
class B:
x = "str"
If we encounter the attribute access
, the following (simplified) disjunction is
And(a == Type[A], a.x == int),
And(a == Type[B], a.x == str),
And(a == A, a.x == int),
And(a == B, a.x == str)
Z3 picks a valid one in the end when solving all the imposed constraints. Note that
disjunctions for instances are also added in the case of class-level attributes, because
as mentioned before, a class-level attribute is also an instance-level attribute from
the perspective of the type inference. An attribute access like
will only generate
disjunctions for instances as follows:
And(a == A, a.y == int)
4 Type Inference
Since we handle built-in types separately from the classes inference, the attribute access
for built-ins also has to be addressed in a special manner. Our inference is currently
only able to handle built-in attribute access for instance methods calls. So an attribute
access like "string".upper() is supported but the one like "string".upper is not.
We get types of built-in method calls from their stub files. A stub method of a
built-in typically looks as follows:
def method(self: built_in_type, *args) -> return_type:
For example, the stub for append method in the list type looks as follows:
from typing import TypeVar
T = TypeVar(’T’)
def append(self: List[T], e: T) -> None:
And whenever we have an attribute-access call, like
, disjunction of all the
possible built-in types and the user-defined types which contain this called method is
generated. Assume that we have the following class:
class A:
def append(self, x):
Then when, for example, the attribute access
is encountered, a dis-
junction of two constraints is generated, the first is that
, where
int <: T
(since we are appending
), and the other is that
is of type
, and
is a subtype
of the type of argument of the method append in class A.
x == List[int],
And(x == A, subtype(int, append_arg_x)
4 Type Inference
Calling Static Methods
In our type inference, static methods can only be defined by using the
decorator, and they can only be invoked on class types, not their instances. For every
attribute-access call, a disjunction of possible static method calls is also added.
4.2.7 Module Importing
Importing a module is gaining access to the code in this module. Python provides
several ways for importing modules, the most common way and the only one that we
currently support is using the
statements. Another way for importing, which we
do not support, is using functions like
There are two forms of import statements:
. In both cases,
the import handler is responsible for the importing in our type inference. The handler
searches for the imported file first in the stubs for the built-in libraries, then using the
file system after resolving the path of the module. It then creates a new context in
which it applies the inference rules on the contents of the imported module within the
same SMT problem. What happens after the module inference depends on the type of
the import statement:
import module
The context in which the module was inferred is added to the global context of the
parent module. In the following example, the global context is initially empty.
import X
After the import statement, the context contains the context of the imported
context = {
’X’: module_x_context
So when the attribute access
is encountered, we know that
is a module context,
so we infer the type of the expression y in the context of the module X.
4 Type Inference
Similarly to functions with generic type variables, treating this kind of
statements separately from Z3 disallows using the imported modules as a first-class
object. The only way to use the imported module is by accessing its contents directly.
from module import ...
For this kind of
, its context is not saved into the context of the importing module,
but a merging of both contexts takes place. For example:
from X import A, B
This will lead the global context to have the following contents:
context = {
’A’: A_z3_const,
’B’: B_z3_const
In both kinds of
, it is possible to have an alias for the imported module or
import X as x
from X import A as a, B as b
In this case, the alias is added to the context instead of the actual name itself.
4.2.8 Interfaces
Our type system is a static nominal one. However, we support partial structural
subtyping through interfaces. With an interface, structural properties, like iteration
or hashing, can be added to user-defined classes. We support some of the interfaces
defined in the typing module of Python. We support the following interfaces:
Interfaces are introduced as normal types in the type system and are encoded
accordingly. For each interface, a corresponding magic method must be present in
4 Type Inference
the class which implements this interface. A magic method is a special method which
adds a certain property to a type. The name of magic methods usually begins with
two underscores. Examples of magic methods are
. If this magic method exists in a class definition, a subtype property is added
between this class and the corresponding interface in the inheritance DAG introduced
in Section 3.2.
The magic method of the
interface is
. So an edge between classes
implementing this method and the
type is added to the inheritance DAG. Built-in
types which internally implement this method are also connected to the
type in
the DAG. The
interface is useful for restricting the
built-in function to only
accept sized objects. See the following example:
class A:
def __len__(self):
def get_size(x: Sized):
return len(x)
size_of_a = get_size(A()) # type: int
size_of_list = get_size([1, 2, 3]) # type: int
The magic method of the
interface is
. Similarly to
subtyping relationships are added between the classes which implement this method
and the
interface in the DAG. The
interface is useful for restricting
the type of the keys in a dictionary and the type of elements in a set to be hashable.
4 Type Inference
Similarly, the presence of
method inside a class indicates that this class
implements the
interface. Iterable objects can act as iteration variables in
loops and in comprehensions. A user-defined type can be used as an iteration variable
by implementing the Iterable interface. See the following example:
class A:
def __iter__(self) -> List[int]: ...
def sum_elements(x):
result = 0
for i in x:
result += i
return result
The parameter
in the function
is inferred to have type
since it is the common interface implemented by List[int] and A.
The encoding of
interface is different from the other ones since it is
composed of a generic type (e.g.,
). In case of built-in
types that are composed of generics (e.g., lists), a quantification is performed on the
generic type in the subtyping constraint. Recall the lists subtyping constraints explained
in Section 3.2.1, interfaces are included as follows:
ForAll([x, y], subtype(List(x), y) ==
y == List(x),
y == Iterable(x),
y == object,
4 Type Inference
For user-defined classes, the type of generic in the iterable is unified with the return
type of the __iter__ method which the class implements.
4.2.9 Operator Overloading
Similarly to interfaces, operator overloading adds structural functionalities to user-
defined classes and is defined by implementing magic methods. However, it is not
included into the interfaces because there are no equivalent definitions in the
module for the classes which implement (overload) these functionalities. We currently
support overloading these operations:
Addition (+). Its magic method is __add__(self, other).
Multiplication (*). Its magic method is __mul__(self, other).
Bitwise or (|). Its magic method is __or__(self, other).
Bitwise xor (ˆ). Its magic method is __xor__(self, other).
Constraints of these operations explained in Section 4.2.1 are modified to include
classes which implement the above methods. For example, the addition disjunction is
augmented with the constraint that the left operand implements
, and the right
operand is a subtype of the parameter in this implementation (the parameter
the list above), and the result type is the return type of this method.
4.3 Inference Output
After all the type constraints are collected, the Z3 solver is queried to check the
satisfiability of these constraints. If the constraints are satisfiable, then a model is
generated in which a type is assigned to every Z3 constant in the SMT problem. These
types are used to construct a typed abstract syntax tree, in which each variable has
an annotation indicating its type. Otherwise, a list of the conflicting constraints are
4.3.1 Typed AST
The typed AST is a normal AST in which all the function definitions and the targets of
assignment statements are type-annotated.
4 Type Inference
PEP 526 [3] introduced a new syntax for annotating variables, that was integrated
into Python starting from Python 3.6. This syntax only works with single assignment
statements, such that tuple/list assignments or assignments with multiple targets are
not supported.
x: List[int] = [] # valid
x: int, y: int = 1, 2 # invalid
Generating the typed AST works by storing a list of all the function definition
and assignment nodes contained in every context. When the types model is generated,
the context hierarchy is traversed, and the type of every node stored in the context is
converted from a type sort instance back to a type annotation matching PEP 484 syntax.
This annotation is then added to the AST node.
Optional unparsing of the typed AST can then take place to generate typed source
code for the input program. For example, see the following input program:
"""Factorization. Fermat’s, Pollard’s methods"""
def factorize(n):
factors = {}
d = 2
while n > 1:
power = 0
while n % d == 0:
power += 1
n //= d
if power > 0:
factors[d] = power
d += 1
if d * d > n:
d = n
return factors
def get_all_divisors(n):
4 Type Inference
divisors = []
d = 1
while d * d <= n:
if n % d == 0:
if d * d != n:
divisors.append(n // d)
d += 1
return sorted(divisors)
a = get_all_divisors(2)
The following is the generated typed program:
"""Factorization. Fermat’s, Pollard’s methods"""
def factorize(n: int) -> Dict[int, int]:
factors: Dict[int, int] = {}
d:int = 2
while n > 1:
power: int = 0
while n % d == 0:
power += 1
n //= d
if power > 0:
factors[d]: int = power
d += 1
if d * d > n:
d: int = n
return factors
def get_all_divisors(n: int) -> List[int]:
divisors: List[int] = []
d: int = 1
4 Type Inference
while d * d <= n:
if n % d == 0:
if d * d != n:
divisors.append(n // d)
d += 1
return sorted(divisors)
a: List[int] = get_all_divisors(2)
4.3.2 Error Reporting
If it is impossible to satisfy all the generated hard constraints, the solver is not able to
find a model, but gives a listing of the conflicting constraints, which is called unsat core
in Z3.
Every constraint added to the Z3 solver is mapped to a certain message that
describes what this constraint represents, and contains the line number in the code
which generates this constraint. Then the messages of the constraints that appear in the
unsat core are then returned to the programmer. For example:
x = 1.5
y = [1, 2, 3][x]
It is impossible to satisfy the constraints generated by the above program because
arrays cannot be indexed with floats. So the unsat core would give that these two
constraints are conflicting:
Assignment in line 1
Array indexing in line 2
A more advanced error reporting would try to give types to the rest of the program
except the conflicting lines. However, this is not as easy as it seems because everything
else in the program might depend on the lines generating the conflicting constraints.
This advanced error reporting is not implemented yet, but its research is in progress.
4 Type Inference
4.4 Implementation Overview
We give here an overview of the implementation, and how the type inference compo-
nents are pipelined. The following listing represents the life cycle of our type inference
1. The path to the input program is given to the inference runner.
2. The inference runner parses the program and generates its AST.
3. The inference runner creates the Z3 Solver.
The solver creates the pre-analyzer which traverses the AST and returns the
discussed analysis results.
The solver creates the stubs handler, which, given the pre-analysis, organizes and
prepares all the relevant stubs.
The solver creates the type sort data-type, which in turns instantiates all the
required constructors and subtype constraints according to the pre-analysis.
The solver creates and prepares the annotation resolver, which is used during the
type inference to translate any encountered type annotation into the relevant type
sort constructor.
8. The inference runner creates the global context for the program.
The inference runner then performs a depth-first traversal of the AST of the
program and begins the generation of constraints for the program statements and
expressions as explained in Section 4.2.
The Z3 constraints collected from the program semantics are given to the Z3
solver which tries to find a satisfying model.
If the constraints are satisfiable, the model is generated and construction of the
typed AST takes place. Otherwise, the unsat core messages of the conflicting
constraints are printed.
Figure 4.3 shows how the components of the type inference interact with each other.
4 Type Inference
Figure 4.3: Components of the Type Inference
Having explained the static type system in Chapter 3 and the design and the rules
of the type inference in this chapter, we present in the next chapter the experimentation
we performed to evaluate the type inference, and we discuss the limitations of the type
inference and the cases it cannot handle.
5 Evaluation
Having explained the encoding for the type system in Z3 and the type inference
rules and the constraints generated by different Python constructs, we discuss here
the experiments we have done with the tool and discuss the current type inference
5.1 Experimentation
We evaluated the type inference on a variety of programs, some of which focus on a
single functionality (like multiple inheritance, function calls, etc.), while another is an
open source project available on GitHub. However, the open source project that we use
in our experimentation was not meant to be statically typed when it was written, so
some parts of this project oppose the restrictions imposed by having a nominal static
type system for Python. An example of these conflicts is the following:
class A:
class B(A):
def f(self): ...
class C(A):
def f(self): ...
def foo(x):
5 Evaluation
The type of the parameter
in function
is inferred to be of type
(The super type
of both
). However, class
does not implement the method
, so the call
in the body of
is invalid, although it will not fail at runtime. Accordingly, we had
to modify some parts of the project we used to fit the limitations imposed by having a
static type system. In the above example, we add an abstract method
to class
. After
the types of these programs are inferred and the typed source code is generated, we
run mypy [9] to statically check these types and verify that the inference produced a
correct result.
5.1.1 IMP Interpreter
IMP [13] is a simple programming language developed in the 1970s. An interpreter
for the language [2] was created by Jay Conrod as an example of building interpreters.
This interpreter is an excellent testing material for our type inference for many reasons:
It does not violate any of the restrictions discussed in 2.3.4.
It extensively uses most of the Python patterns that we support, like inheritance,
callable objects, operator overloading and using built-in libraries.
It is composed of more than 1000 lines of code, which is comparable to most
Python projects.
The inference for this project runs in 12 seconds on 8-core 3.6 GHz Intel Core i7 processor,
which gives a prospect that the performance of the constraints solving is capable of
handling a large portion of regular-sized projects.
5.1.2 Functionality Specific Programs
Some programs used for evaluation focus on specific functionalities supported by the
type inference (e.g., multiple inheritance, inheritance variance relationships, built-ins,
etc.). For example, the following program is used to test the method resolution order
in the presence of multiple inheritance.
class A:
def who_am_i(self):
return A
5 Evaluation
class B(A):
class C(A):
def who_am_i(self):
return C
class D(B, C):
d1 = D()
who = d1.who_am_i()
"""With the old MRO algorithm, the type of ‘who‘ would be Type[A],
because the naive DFS will reach A before C
With the C3 Linearization algorithm, C will appear first in the
search context, so the type of ‘who‘ is Type[C]
# A := Type[A]
# B := Type[B]
# C := Type[C]
# D := Type[D]
# d1 := D
# who := Type[C]
To verify that the type inference is correct for these programs, we write the expected
types for the variables in comments at the end of the program (e.g.,
A := Type[A]
then after the SMT problem is solved and the types model is given, we parse these
special comments and compare the types given to each variable in the model against
5 Evaluation
the specified ones in the comments.
5.2 Limitations
Section 2.3.4 states the restrictions imposed on the dynamic nature of Python by
defining a static type inference for the language. We list here the limitations of the type
inference which are allowed by the definition of the type system.
1. Using reflective or introspective properties of Python is not supported.
2. Modifying global variables using global keyword is not supported.
3. It is not possible to dynamically create and infer modules during runtime.
4. exec and eval commands are not supported.
It is not possible to define new function decorators, and using built-in decorators
is currently limited to @staticmethod and @abstractmethod decorators.
Tuple assignments support only tuples not lists as assignment values. Simi-
larly, list assignments support only lists as assignment values. For example, the
following two assignments are not supported:
a, b = [1, 2] # Cannot assign list to tuple
[a, b] = 1, 2 # Cannot assign tuple to list
This limitation is put to decrease the number of generated constraints when any
of such kind of assignments is encountered, and hence increase the inference
7. super calls are not supported due to the reasons discussed in Section 4.2.4.
Functions containing generic type variables and stub functions cannot be used as
first class objects. They only support direct function calls.
9. Imported module via import statement cannot be used as first class objects.
Classes in the whole program must have unique names even if they belong to
different modules.
6 Conclusion and Future Work
6.1 Conclusion
In this thesis, we presented a static type inference for Python based on SMT solving.
We proved SMT to be capable of simulating a complex structure like the type system of
Python and to be useful in solving a complicated system of constraints like the ones
imposed by the type inference rules.
The goal of the thesis was to provide a static type inference which is sound in
terms of the static type checking, but not necessarily complete. We took a new approach
for tackling the type inference problem by encoding the type system in an SMT solver,
doing whole program analysis, collecting constraints from the whole program and
querying the SMT solver for the types that each variable is allowed to have at runtime
which satisfy the imposed constraints.
Particularly, we defined a static type system for Python 3 which makes the static
type inference possible. We also defined subtyping relationships between the types
in this type system and presented the limitations imposed on the dynamic nature of
Python due to having a static type system (Chapter 2).
In addition, we presented the encoding of this static type system in the SMT solver
Z3 and how we make use of different Z3 constructs (e.g., data types and uninterpreted
functions) to provide a concise encoding (Chapter 3).
We also provided type inference rules for all the Python constructs that we support
and presented a complete implementation for the type inference algorithm (Chapter 4).
We evaluated the type inference by giving it a variety of Python programs which focus
on different Python features as well as one open source Python project (Chapter 5).
Although the type inference is still in an early stage and imposes some restrictions
on the supported programs, being the first to tackle the type inference problem with
SMT solving poses many interesting questions and opens multiple possibilities for
future research. The work on this tool does not stop with this thesis. We will keep
6 Conclusion and Future Work
enlarging the subset of the Python language which we support and increase the
completeness of the tool.
6.2 Future Work
The focus of this work was to provide a model for developing static type inference of
dynamically typed languages. The goal was to define a static type system for Python
and type inference rules that are sound in terms of static type checking. Having
achieved this goal, our goal now is to make the type inference reliable for large-scale
projects. We are faced with the challenge of supporting a larger subset of the Python
programs. We present here some of the research and contributions to this tool that we
plan to do in the future.
6.2.1 Error Reporting
Currently, if the generated constraints are unsatisfiable, the conflicting constraints are
returned. However, the whole program is rejected in this case and no types are inferred.
One possible future improvement is giving types to the program constructs except the
ones contributing to the unsatisfiability of the constraints.
6.2.2 Modularity
The input program may be divided into independent components, such that a separate
SMT problem is concerned with inferring the types of each component. So instead
of having only one SMT solver and giving all the collected constraints to it, solving
the SMT problem can be distributed among multiple solvers. This will lead to a
significant improvement in the inference performance, and can also contribute to the
error reporting discussed above. To have such modularity, advanced pre-analysis
is required to determine the flow graph of the program, and divide the program
components accordingly.
6.2.3 Infer Built-in Types with Class Definition Rules
The encoding presented in 3.1.1 treats the encoding of most commonly used built-in
types separately from the encoding of class definitions, although every type in Python
6 Conclusion and Future Work
comes down to a class definition. The reason for this encoding is that the number of
constraints generated for inferring the types of class definitions is huge compared to
the ones generated by handling these built-in types separately. An interesting area of
research in the future is applying the inference rules of the class definitions on these
built-in types while maintaining fair performance. This will remove the need to handle
a lot of special cases, and accordingly will make the type inference more natural with
respect to the type system of Python. Also, this will lift some of the current type system
restrictions, like inheriting from built-in types.
List of Figures
2.1 Tree Encoding with Z3 data-types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3.1 Subgraph of the constructed inheritance DAG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
4.1 Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) for a Python program . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
4.2 Context hierarchy for a Python program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
4.3 Components of the Type Inference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
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