RBC Express Core Services
Core Services Pre-read June 2024
What are the Core Services?
RBC Express Core services are the basic online banking funcons that allow users to view informaon about the
accounts and control the cash ow. This document is organized into 2 main parts: account informaon and account
control and will outline how to get started with using these features.
Service Name
Balancing Reporng
View current account balances and download recent
transacon details (6 month history)
RBC Statements
View a variety of Statements ( Credit Card, Business Account,
Loan and Fee Statements ) in a PDF and CSV formats (7 year
history or as long as the account has been opened with RBC)
Account Images
Images of cheques that have been processed
Stop Payments
Place a Stop request on a Cheque or Preauthorized Payment
that has been wrien against your accounts
Account Transfers
- Internal
Transfers within your organizaon’s internal accounts
Bill Payments
Pay Canadian companies that have enrolled with RBC as online
payees. Typically this is used for paying ulies: internet,
telephone, hydro, or for paying credit cards you hold with RBC
or other nancial instuons
Access &
The ability to add users, assign their permissions, create
approval rules, assign tokens or approve administrave sengs
created by other Admins
RBC Express Core Services
Core Services Pre-read June 2024
Before you begin – some set up is required
RBC Express is a mul-user Online Banking Plaorm. When your organizaon is new to the RBC Express Core Services the
best way to start is by going through the Administraon menu.
Administraon establishes
(a) Users - who has access
(b) User Permissions - what the access permits them to see and/or do
(c) Approval Rules - the approval process for each transacon type enrolled
Manage Users and
Approval Rules
RBC Express Core Services
Core Services Pre-read June 2024
* Dual Administraon may apply: Dual Administraon means that when one Admin creates an approval rule or a user
permission, a second Admin must approve
To learn more about Administraon click here: hps://www.rbcroyalbank.com/rbcexpress/Administraon-pre-
Account Informaon – View Services
These services will provide informaon about the accounts, they allow you to view the account balances and the
transacon statements
Balance Reporng
RBC Statements
Account Images
RBC Express Core Services
Core Services Pre-read June 2024
Balance Reporng
Balance Reporng will display the current account balances and recent account history. The account history available
here begins on the day the accounts are enrolled into RBC Express and will go back as far as 180 days (6 months). If you
need older account details, go to the RBC Statements secon.
Balance Summary
View account balances only – this page will not show transacons
Transacon Search
Use lter criteria to search for specic Transacons (no balances)
RBC Express Core Services
Core Services Pre-read June 2024
Transacon Report
Report of transacons, includes opening and closing balances
Customize your use of the Balance Reporng Menu
Transacon Report
RBC Express Core Services
Core Services Pre-read June 2024
Use the calendars at the top to select the date range you would like to view (the other lter criteria are oponal)
RBC Express Core Services
Core Services Pre-read June 2024
Download Transacons
to a
Party accounng soware
Within the
secon there is an opon to
Download Transacons
in a File Format that can be read by
e third party soware providers
Manage Account Groups
roup accounts together to be able to view a
shared transacon report and /or a
cumulave balance
Bank & Currency Ordering
When viewing Balances & Transacons choose whether you
CAD or USD accounts
appear on top (default is CAD on top)
RBC Express Core Services
Core Services Pre-read June 2024
Backdated Transacons
Backdated transacons are ones that have been entered into your account
with an earlier date than the date on which the transacon was actually
If you select to Include Current Day backdated Transacons in reports any
backdated transacons that were processed on the current day will appear
in the report – provided the report was generated to include the previous
business day as well
You can make this selecon at the me that you generate the report;
however if you check the box in the preferences secons, backdated
transacons will be included as the default
Scheduled Reports
If you will be using the Transacon Reports feature on a regular basis to look
up specic criteria for your accounts you may want to consider scheduling a
report to be readily available when you sign in.
For example: For a specic account you may want to see all outgoing
transacons in the last week.
Using the schedule reports feature you can choose the account, the
frequency (weekly), and the transacon types (outgoing).
The report will not be emailed, Users must sign in to retrieve the report from
the Report Inbox
RBC Statements
RBC Statements refers to 4 types of statements available:
1. Business Deposit Accounts (download to a PDF le format)
2. Credit Card Accounts (download to a PDF le format)
3. Business Loan Accounts (download to a PDF le format)
4. Monthly Business Fees (download to either CSV and/or PDF le format)
RBC Express provide a 7 year history or as long as the account has been opened with RBC.
Select the type of statement from the 2 links provides
RBC Express Core Services
Core Services Pre-read June 2024
Select the type of statement.
Select the account enrolled from the dropdown.
Results are displayed, Click View Statement to create PDF which can be printed or saved.
If your date range includes several months the results page may list mulple statements to view – however, they must be
opened separately.
RBC Express Core Services
Core Services Pre-read June 2024
To open the document click View Statement - The PDF document should open up in its own window or tab on your
internet browser. *Having trouble? If the document does not appear – your browser may be blocking the pop up
Monthly Business Fees statements allow you to download to either CSV and/or PDF le format.
Help for downloading to CSV format is provided on the page.
*Having trouble?
Aer you click View Statement the statement should appear in its own window. If it does not the most likely
reason is the internet browsers pop up blocker sengs.
To correct this, when you click View Statements look at the very top and/or very boom of your computer
screen. Oen the browser will have some indicaon that something is being blocked from our site.
You may also go to the browsers sengs to allow pop ups from our sites address: www6.rbc.com
Account Images
RBC Express Core Services
Core Services Pre-read June 2024
Account Images enables you to view images of paper based transacons processed to your RBC business deposit
accounts – in this scenario processed refers to cheques that have been deposited by the recipient.
Searching Account Images
From the blue banner at the top of the screen select Balances, Statements and Reports. Under the Account Images
heading click the search link
Use the selecon criteria to locate the image.
The processing date selecon is limited to 30 day range at a me.
In this example the selecon criteria produces mulple results printed
RBC Express Core Services
Core Services Pre-read June 2024
The nal image result will appear in a blue menu window which allows the image to be ipped, magnied, saved or
RBC Express Core Services
Core Services Pre-read July 2024 13
Account Control - Payments
This secon of the document will cover the Core Services which allow you to control your cash ow: by moving funds
internally, paying bills and stopping outgoing cheques.
Other Payment Services: the payment services in this document are Account Transfers and Bill Payments. Your prole may
include other payment types than just these Core payments. To learn more about the other transacon types refer to the
following documents:
Wire Payments hps://www.rbcroyalbank.com/rbcexpress/wire-payments.pdf
ACH Record Manager hps://www.rbcroyalbank.com/rbcexpress/Record-Manager-Pre-Read-Training.pdf
ACH Payment Manager hps://www.rbcroyalbank.com/rbcexpress/Payment-Manager-Pre-Read-Training.pdf File
Transfer hps://www.rbcroyalbank.com/rbcexpress/le-transfer-training-job-aid.pdf
Core Payments
RBC Express Core Services
Core Services Pre-read July 2024 14
Account Transfers
Transfers within your organizaon’s internal accounts
Bill Payments
Pay Canadian companies that have enrolled with RBC as online payees. Typically, this is
used for paying ulies: internet, telephone, hydro, or for paying credit cards you hold with
RBC or other nancial instuons
Stop Payments
Place a Stop request on a Cheque or Preauthorized Payment that has been wrien against
your accounts.
Account Transfers
An Account Transfer is a transfer of funds within your organizaon’s internal accounts Internal
accounts may include:
CAD Business Deposit Accounts
USD Business Deposit Accounts
Other account types such as RBC Visas, or Loans may be added on an excepon basis. Speak to your RBC representave
to nd out if your non-business deposit accounts can be added into Account Transfers. Visas specically may also be paid
through the Bill Payments feature.
Account Transfer – One Time - Nonrecurring
Using the blue banner at the top of the RBC Express screen choose Payments, Transfer and Deposits. Under the Account
Transfers heading click the Create link.
RBC Express Core Services
Core Services Pre-read July 2024 15
Keep in mind the Cut- O Time Schedule can be viewed on the le hand side of the screen – the cut o me may impact
the Value Date (due date) of the transacon.
Use the drop d
own menus to select the relevant accounts.
RBC Express Core Services
Core Services Pre-read July 2024 16
Account Transfers can be future dated or same
Enter in the amount
If conversion is required you will need to select the currency
In a case with conversion, you will be presented with a rate which you will accept or reject. If your transfer requires
approval f
m another user, you will be given an esmated rate
the nal approver will see the nal rate
and will have
to accept it b
efore moving forward.
Finish the transfer by providing your approval or by subming the p
ayment to be approved by others (
how to approve
Account Transfers created by others
RBC Express Core Services
Core Services Pre-read July 2024 17
Recurring Transfers – always the same amount, scheduled transfers
A Recurring Account Transfer is a regularly scheduled transfer between your internal accounts where the amount
is always the same.
Recurring Transfers can be set up with a nal payment date, with a nal number of payments or they can go on
The recurring payment will be created and approved once and will only need to be re-approved if it is cancelled
or modied.
The set up the recurrence use the Create link under Recurring Account Transfers. Fill in the required elds.
Choose the relevant accounts, Amount and First Transfer date
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Approve an Account Transfer - Created by other Users:
RBC Express Core Services
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From the home page use the tab that says Payments Transfers & Deposits Under
the Account Transfers heading choose the link that says More
By selecng More you will be brought to the Summary page for Account Transfers, any payments that are pending will
be listed on this page with a hyperlink that can be used to complete the approval.
If there is a pending payment under your own name, the payment may be approved by you. If there is a pending
payment under the business name, the payment cannot be approved by you, and must be approved by another person
within your organizaon :
RBC Express Core Services
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Use the select box on the le and click the blue Approve buon
The main report is the Account Transfer Acvity Report. The report can be accessed at any me from the le had side
menu, and it has a 180 day (6 month) history
Begin by using the calendars to indicate the date (s) on which the transfer was completed. All other lter criteria is oponal
Under Report Opons there is a Summary and a Detail report
The Summary Report is the basic view:
RBC Express Core Services
Core Services Pre-read July 2024 21
will allow you s
how you
addional informaon
Name of who created and approved the payment (with me stamps)
Bank Reference number
exchange rates (if applicable)
RBC Express Core Services
Core Services Pre-read July 2024 22
Bill Payments
On RBC Express, a Bill Payment allows you to Pay Canadian companies that have enrolled with RBC as online payees also
known as corporate creditors. Typically this is used for paying ulies: internet, telephone, hydro, or for paying credit
cards you hold with RBC or other nancial instuons
Add Bill Payees – Set up Corporate creditors
If it is your rst me using bill payments, you must set up a corporate creditor (adding a payee). Please select the boom
opon on the le-hand side
Aer you have selected your corporate creditor, you must enter in your account number that you hold with them.
Reminder: If you are unsure of what account number to enter here try the following:
review your most recent bill or invoice from the corporate creditor
Search their name through this link for a general descripon of their account number criteria (example: the
account number is 10 characters long and begins with XX) hp://www.rbcroyalbank.com/online/online-
If you are sll unsure – Please follow up with the creditor/payee in queson.
RBC Express Core Services
Core Services Pre-read July 2024 23
Pay a Bill - Nonrecurring (One me)
Use the drop down menus to select the account you will be paying from, and the Corporate Creditor you are paying.
RBC Express Core Services
Core Services Pre-read July 2024 24
Use the drop down menus to select the account you will be paying from, and the Corporate Creditor you are paying.
Keep in mind that the Approval Rules, created by your organizaon’s Administrators may indicate that this payment
requires further approval.
How do you create a recurring Bill Payment?
When the bill amount is always same and is due on a regularly scheduled basis – this can be set up in the recurring
secon of the Bill Payments menu
RBC Express Core Services
Core Services Pre-read July 2024 25
Approve a Bill Payment – created by others
Begin by using the Payments, Transfers, & Deposits tab on the blue banner at the top of the screen, Under the Bill
Payments heading choose the blue More link
RBC Express Core Services
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The “More…” link leads to a summary page where all pending payments are tracked. Use the blue Pending Approval
link to view and complete the payment.
Review the details of the pending payment and use the check box on the le to select and approve the payment.
Approval for Bill Payments requires a password, (in some cases your organizaon may require a token as well) You will
also be asked if the payment should be released now or released later.
RBC Express Core Services
Core Services Pre-read July 2024 27
The Bill Payment Acvity report has a 180 day (6 month) history
use the calendar to indicate the date (s)
use the other oponal lter criteria
choose Summary or Detail
Detail will provide more informaon than summary
RBC Express Core Services
Core Services Pre-read July 2024 28
The report will provide a “status: completed” and a conrmaon number once it has been completely approved and
Stop Payments
This feature allows you to place a Stop request on a Cheque or Preauthorized Payment that has been wrien against your
A Stop payment instrucon will be completed on a best eort basis
The Stop must be submied before the cheque or payment has been processed by the recipient
We recommend you nofy the recipient that a Stop Payment has been requested
To submit a stop payment start by using the Payments Transfers & Deposits tab on the blue banner at the top of your
screen. If you have access to Stop Payments it will be visible on this menu
RBC Express Core Services
Core Services Pre-read July 2024 29
When stopping a cheque, all elds must be entered and be completely accurate. Stopping a cheque is subject to
failure if any of these elds have an error entered (e.g. the serial number you entered on the stop payment diers
from the stop payment on the cheque).
When stopping a pre-authorized payment, all elds must be entered and be completely accurate. Stopping a pre-
authorized payment is subject to failure if any of these elds have an error entered (e.g. the payment date you
have entered diers from the actual payment date in the account)
Conrming a stop payment
Contact RBC Business Banking: 1-800 -769 -2520
For security reasons, caller authencaon is required. The Business Banking team is only able to share informaon with
the signing ocers of the account(s). If a signing ocer is not available to make this call you may also contact your RBC
representave for alternave measures.
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Core Services Pre-read July 2024 30