Treasury and Trade Solutions
Detailed Payment Status on
CitiDirect BE
and Proactive
Payment Status Notifications
Improved User Experience. Benefit from
New Real-Time Status.
Now Available: Real-time status tracking for funds transfers originated from the United States,
the United Kingdom, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Austria, Ireland, France, Australia,
New Zealand, Bangladesh, Singapore, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Spain, Jersey, Greece
and Luxembourg.
Where are
detailed statuses
and sub-statuses
Currently, CitiDirect BE
users are able to see real-time, detailed payment sub-statuses on
CitiDirect BE for wire payment transactions originated from:
United States United Kingdom Germany Netherlands Belgium
Austria Ireland France Australia New Zealand
Bangladesh Singapore Denmark Finland Norway
Sweden Spain Jersey Greece Luxembourg
The goal is to provide transparency and real-time tracking so that CitiDirect BE users will
know the status of a transaction at any time just by logging into CitiDirect BE.
Where will CitiDirect BE
users see the new
real-time payment
statuses and
CitiDirect BE users can access CitiDirect from around the world to track wire payments
statuses. You will see real-time payment status and sub-statuses on CitiDirect’s Payment
Module. Here’s how: As you can see in the screenshot below, simply log onto CitiDirect
BE and navigate to CitiDirect
Services. From CitiDirect Services navigate to “My
Transactions & Services” and then select “View All” under “Payment Initiation.
Frequently Asked Questions
Treasury and Trade Solutions
Where will CitiDirect BE
users see the new
real-time payment
statuses and
sub-statuses? (contd.)
CitiDirect BE users will then see all the transactions on the screen. “Status” and “Sub-
Status” will appear as two separate columns. Users may need to refresh the screen
periodically to show the next status and/or sub-status to which those transactions
have progressed.
Users can also search for the transaction by using the Search option.
Please note: users can also subscribe for proactive payment status notifications for
pending, rejected or returned payments.
Treasury and Trade Solutions
What are the
statuses? And what
do they mean?
The table below shows all the possible status and sub-status designations that CitiDirect
BE users will see from the time the payment request is submitted until the transaction is
“Processed” or “Rejected” or “Returned.” CitiDirect BE users will see one combination of
status and sub-status at each point in time during the transaction processing, and both
statuses and sub-statuses will be updated in real time as the payment transaction moves
through the cycle.
CitiDirect Status CitiDirect Sub-Status CitiDirect Sub-Status Description
CB Accepted Received for
Citi processing
The payment was received and
successfully handed off for processing.
CB Pending Sent to exception
Requires manual handling to expedite
further processing. Might require some
type of repair.
CB Pending Sent for balance check Completed account and compliance
validations and is sent to check available
balance or credit.
CB Pending Held for funding Due to insufficient balance, balance
check will keep retrying until sufficient
balance is available.
CB Pending Ready for release
for value date
Successfully completed initial validations.
Will be released when the value date
is reached.
CB Pending Rescheduled to next
available value date
Could not complete processing on
value date and has been rolled over for
next-day processing.
CB Pending Sent to clearing
Completed all validations and has been
delivered to the local clearing system
for settlement.
CB Pending Returned at clearing
system attempting
to repair
The payment failed to settle at the local
clearing system. Citi is reviewing the
payment for repair.
CB Pending Advice sent to
beneficiary bank
An advice with payment info is sent to
the beneficiary bank advising a payment
will post.
Processed Settled at clearing
Citi has received the acknowledgement
that the payment has successfully settled
at clearing system.
Processed Beneficiary account
credited at Citi
The payment has successfully settled
across Citi books and the beneficiary
account has been credited.
Processed Payment sent to
beneficiary bank
Completed processing and Citi generated
outbound payment to correspondent/
beneficiary bank.
Treasury and Trade Solutions
What are the
statuses? And what do
they mean? (contd.)
CitiDirect Status CitiDirect Sub-Status CitiDirect Sub-Status Description
CB Rejected Blocked Originator
Originator account blocked — prohibiting
posting of transactions.
CB Rejected Transaction Forbidden Transaction could not be applied.
CB Rejected Insufficient Funds Insufficient funds in originator account.
CB Rejected Duplicate Payment Duplicate payment.
CB Rejected Inconsistent With
End Customer
Beneficiary name and account
do not match.
CB Rejected Missing Creditor
Missing or incorrect beneficiary address.
CB Rejected Unrecognized
Initiating Party
Party who initiated the payment is not
recognized by the beneficiary.
CB Rejected Missing Debtor
Missing or incorrect originator address.
CB Rejected Incorrect Currency Payment sent with incorrect currency.
CB Rejected Requested
By Customer
Cancellation requested by the remitter.
CB Rejected Invalid Date Invalid date (e.g., wrong settlement date).
CB Rejected Balance Info Request Balance of payments complementary info
is requested.
CB Rejected Settlement Failed Settlement failed.
CB Rejected Missing Mandatory
In Mandate
Mandate related information data required
by the scheme is missing.
CB Rejected Bank Identifier
Bank Identifier code specified in the
message has an incorrect format.
CB Rejected Not Unique
Transaction Reference
Transaction reference is not unique
within the message.
CB Rejected Missing Debtor
Account or
Missing originator account or
CB Rejected Missing Debtor
Name or Address
Missing originator name or address.
CB Rejected Missing Creditor
Name or Address
Missing beneficiary name or address.
CB Rejected Regulatory Reason Regulatory reason.
Treasury and Trade Solutions
What are the
statuses? And what do
they mean? (contd.)
CitiDirect Status CitiDirect Sub-Status CitiDirect Sub-Status Description
CB Rejected Specific Service
offered by
Debtor Agent
Due to originator bank account
CB Rejected Specific Service
offered by Creditor
Due to beneficiary bank account
CB Rejected Missed Cut-Off Time Missed cut-off time.
CB Rejected Reject reason
not specified
Reject reason not specified.
Returned Due to Beneficiary
Bank Account
Due to beneficiary bank account
Returned Incorrect Beneficiary
Account Number
Beneficiary account number is formatted
Returned Closed Beneficiary
Account Number
Beneficiary account number is closed.
Returned Blocked Originator
Originator account blocked — prohibiting
posting of transactions.
Returned Transaction Forbidden Transaction could not be applied.
Returned Blocked Amount Amount of funds available to cover
specified message amount is insufficient.
Returned Wrong Amount Amount received is not the amount
agreed or expected.
Returned Invalid Control Sum Sum of instructed amounts does not equal
the control sum.
Returned Inconsistent with
End Customer
Beneficiary name and account
do not match.
Returned Missing Creditor
Missing or incorrect beneficiary address.
Returned Party Who Initiated
the Payment is not
Recognized by the
Party who initiated the payment is not
recognized by the beneficiary.
Returned Unknown End
End customer specified is not known at
associated Sort/National Bank Code or
no longer exists in the books.
Returned Missing or Incorrect
Originator Address
Missing or incorrect originator address.
Returned Incorrect Currency Payment sent with incorrect currency.
Returned Requested BY
Cancellation requested by the remitter.
Treasury and Trade Solutions
What are the
statuses? And what do
they mean? (contd.)
CitiDirect Status CitiDirect Sub-Status CitiDirect Sub-Status Description
Returned Invalid Date Invalid date (e.g., wrong settlement date).
Returned Unsuccessful
Bank Validation
Unsuccessful Correspondent/Bene Bank
validation such as invalid SWIFT ID or
incorrect Clearing Code.
Returned Regulatory Reason Regulatory reason.
Returned Balance of payments
complementary info is
Balance of payments complementary info
is requested.
Returned Settlement Failed Settlement failed.
Returned No Mandate No Mandate.
Returned Missing Mandatory
In Mandate
Mandate related information data required
by the scheme is missing.
Returned Refund Request
By End Customer
Return of funds requested by end
Returned End Customer
End Customer is Deceased.
Returned Not Specified Reason
Customer Generated
Reason has not been specified by end
Returned Not Specified Reason
Agent Generated
Reason has not been specified by agent.
Returned Reject reason
not specified
Reject reason not specified.
Returned Bank identifier
Bank Identifier code specified in the
message has an incorrect format
(formerly Incorrect Format For
Routing Code).
Returned Not Unique
Transaction Reference
Transaction reference is not unique within
the message.
Returned Missing Debtor
Account or
Specification of the debtor's account or
unique identification needed for reasons
of regulatory requirements is insufficient
or missing.
Returned Missing Debtor
Name or Address
Missing originator name or address.
Returned Missing Creditor
Name or Address
Missing beneficiary name or address.
Returned Missed Cut-Off Time Missed cut-off time.
Returned Duplicate Payment Duplicate payment.
Treasury and Trade Solutions
What are the
statuses? And what do
they mean? (contd.)
CitiDirect Status CitiDirect Sub-Status CitiDirect Sub-Status Description
Returned Too Low Amount Specified transaction amount is less than
agreed minimum.
Returned Zero Amount Specified message amount is equal
to zero.
Returned Due to originator bank
account configuration
Due to originator bank account
Returned Bank Identifier
Bank Identifier code specified in the
message has an incorrect format.
Returned Not Allowed Amount Specific transaction/message amount is
greater than allowed maximum.
Returned Incorrect Currency Specified message amount is a
non-processable currency outside
of existing agreement.
Returned Insufficient Funds Insufficient funds in originator account.
Status descriptions at the bottom of the preview pane:
When users click one of the transactions on the “View All” screen, they can view more
information about that transaction in the preview pane at the bottom of the screen, as
usual. The last line in the preview pane will display the description of the payment status
for the highlighted transaction.
How long does it typically
take for a payment
to go through the
entire cycle?
The entire payment cycle varies depending on the type of transaction and the systems
that it goes through. It might take anywhere from a few minutes to a few days for a
payment transaction to be processed or rejected. Cross-Border Funds Transfer can
take up to three business days for the beneficiary to receive the credit.
Whom should I contact
with questions?
For further questions: Please contact your designated Citi Account Manager or Service
Representative. You can find Local Service contacts on CitiDirect Online Banking by
accessing the “Contacts” link from the homepage.
Treasury and Trade Solutions
Will all payments show the
enhanced sub-statuses?
CitiDirect BE users will see the new sub-statuses for their payments that meet ALL OF
1) Payments that are originated from an account domiciled in:
United States United Kingdom Germany Netherlands Belgium
Austria Ireland France Australia New Zealand
Bangladesh Singapore Denmark Finland Norway
Sweden Spain Jersey Greece Luxembourg
2) Ad hoc payment requests that are initiated on CitiDirect or files uploaded via CitiDirect
(such as Citi File Exchange
and Citi Swift Exchange
). The new sub-statuses do
not apply to payments that are initiated via other channels, including SWIFT via
, since those payments are not reported on CitiDirect.
3) Wire payments that belong to one of the following categories:
Book Transfer
Cross-Border and Domestic Funds Transfer
The detailed sub-statuses do not apply to ACH and Checks transactions at this time.
What is Proactive Payment
Status Notifications
This capability gives CitiDirect BE users the option to subscribe for email or/and SMS
notifications about their payment status changes from CitiDirect BE, instead of calling
Service representative or logging into CitiDirect BE.
Does a user have to be an
active mobile user to
subscribe for Payment
Status alerts?
No, all users can receive payment status notifications even if they are not enabled for
CitiDirect BE Mobile.
How can users subscribe
for Proactive Payment
Status Notifications?
Security Administrator can subscribe users for Payment Status Notifications through
Mobile & Tablet User Management access setup.
To begin the user set up, Security Administrator should select “Mobile & Tablet User
Management” under “User Administration” dropdown.
Security Administrator then should make a selection of user that belongs to the selected
client that needs the setup. Also, the look up will display only users that are not already
set up for notifications.
It is possible to select multiple users on the Input/Modify, Authorization Req’d and View
tabs in order to improve the efficiency of granting and adjusting user entitlements.
Highlight multiple users and select “Go to details.” It will be possible to click “Next” at
the bottom of the screen, which will save changes and move to the next selected user.
Treasury and Trade Solutions
How can users subscribe
for Proactive Payment
Status Notifications?
(c ontd.)
To set up new notifications preferences for Payments Status Notifications, Security
Administrator should click on the New button on the summary grid. The popup page will
open up. Select “Payments” under “Services” and required statuses under “Processes.”
Treasury and Trade Solutions
How can users subscribe
for Proactive Payment
Status Notifications?
(c ontd.)
What payment statuses
are supported for
Proactive Payment
Status Notifications?
CB Rejected
Pending with the following sub-statuses:
– Sent to Exception Processing (sent to repair for manual handling)
– Held for funding
– Rescheduled to next available value date (rolled over for next day processing)
– Sent for FX Conversion
Does Citi charge for
Proactive Payment
Status Notifications?
No, Citi does not charge for this service.
Are emails delivered as
regular emails or as
secured messages?
Emails are delivered as regular emails.
Can user select multiple
email ID’s to deliver
email notifications?
The user can select up to two email ID’s which must end with “.com” in order
to be supported.
Treasury and Trade Solutions
What languages are
email notifications
available in?
Email alerts are available in English, Polish, Turkish and Italian.
What details will SMS
notification provide?
SMS notification will provide the beneficiary name, amount, currency, value date and
payment status.
Due to the limitation of the allowed number of SMS characters, we are not passing the
payment sub-status or description through the SMS notification.
What details will email
notification provide?
Email notification will provide the beneficiary name, masked beneficiary account number,
amount, currency, value date, payment status and sub-status.
Treasury and Trade Solutions
© 2015 Citibank, N.A. All rights reserved. Citi and Arc Design, CitiDirect and CitiDirect BE are registered
service marks of Citigroup Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
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