Fall 2022
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
School of Social Work
Advanced Statistical Methods I: Applied Regression Analysis
19:910:638, Fall 2022
Instructor: Lenna Nepomnyaschy, Associate Professor
Bio: https://socialwork.rutgers.edu/faculty-staff/lenna-nepomnyaschy
Time: Tuesdays, 1:00 3:40 pm
Space: 120 Albany St., Classroom A
Required Lab
Instructor: Addam Reynolds, PhD Candidate
Bio: https://socialwork.rutgers.edu/admissions/phd-admissions/student-profiles
Time: Wednesdays, 2:00 3:30 pm
Space: 120 Albany St., Classroom A
Course Overview
This course, the first of the statistics sequence for social work doctoral students, will focus on
applied regression analysis and related multivariate methods. Linear regression will be covered
in depth, including regression assumptions, model specification, diagnostics, interaction
(moderation), and mediation (pathway) effects. Students will learn to use the Stata statistical
package for all analyses and class assignments. Each homework assignment will build on the
previous, with the final product being the back end of a journal-quality empirical paper for
Required Software:
This course requires that students learn and use the Stata Statistical Software Package for
hands-on data analysis and statistics applications for class assignments.
Stata is available for all employees (GRAs, staff, faculty) for free download from the
OIRT software portal: https://software.rutgers.edu/
Stata is available to all students in any Rutgers computer lab as well as the Doctoral
Student Computer lab in the SSW Annex AND in the Virtual Computer Lab through
Rutgers Libraries: https://labgateway.rutgers.edu/
Students may also purchase their own version of Stata at discounted rates through the
Rutgers Office of Instructional Technology (Stata SE: student annual rate: $179)
Required Texts (3)
Fall 2022
(LB) Lewis-Beck, C. & Lewis-Beck, M. 2016. Applied Regression: An Introduction (2
edition). Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications. Pretty cheap to purchase ($20), BUT
also available for free online through Rutgers Libraries. https://dx-doi-
(MJ) Mehmetoglu, M. & Jakobsen, T.G. 2016. Applied Statistics Using Stata: A Guide
for the Social Sciences. Sage Publishing. Not available online, need to purchase ($35).
Student Resources (access with Rutgers Netid): https://study-sagepub-
(SW) Stock, J. & Watson, M. 2020. Introduction to Econometrics, 4
ed. Pearson
Education. Full text free online w/clickable chapters. Do not purchase:
Supplementary Resources and Texts
More In-Depth Applied Regression & Introductory Econometrics Texts
Gelman, A., Hill, J. & Vehtari, A. 2021. Regression and Other Stories. Cambridge University
Press. (This book is good a little more than you are ready for at first, but could be a primary
resource as you go forward. It is fully available for free online)
Wooldridge, J. 2006. Introductory Econometrics: A Modern Approach, 3
edition. Mason, OH:
Thompson. (The bible of econometrics)
Writing about Quantitative Analysis
Miller, Jane E., 2013. The Chicago Guide to Writing about Multivariate Analysis (2
The Chicago Guides to Writing, Editing, and Publishing. University of Chicago Press.
Study guide: http://www.press.uchicago.edu/books/miller/multivariate/index.html
See Jane Miller’s website for pdfs, videos and other material:
Specialized Regression Topics
Jaccard, J. & Turrisi, R. 2003. Interaction Effects in Multiple Regression (2
Edition). Thousand
Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. ISBN: 0761927425. (Highly useful)
Available online through Rutgers Libraries:
Hardy, Melissa. 1993. Regression with Dummy Variables. Newbury Park, CA: Sage
Publications. Available online through Rutgers Libraries:
Fall 2022
General Stata Books
Hamilton, L.C. 2006. Statistics with Stata, 6
edition. Cengage.
Long, S.J. 2009. The Workflow of Data Analysis Using Stata. College Station, TX: Stata
Kohler, U. & Kreuter, F. 2009. Data Analysis Using Stata (2
ed). College Station, TX:
Stata Press.
Mitchell, M. 2010. Data Management Using Stata: A Practical Handbook. College
Station, TX
Course Requirements
Students’ work will be evaluated based on the following course requirements (detailed
instructions to follow).
Homework Assignments (4 total) = 40%
There will be FOUR (4) homework assignments, which will be based on the skills and concepts
introduced during class and lab and on the required readings. Assignments will include writing
syntax to create Stata output from a dataset, creating tables and graphs from output, interpreting
output, and writing up methods and results of analyses. Assignments will build on one another
leading to the final assignment that will include most of the previous elements.
Homework #1: Univariate descriptive analysis & writing up descriptive analysis
Estimating, interpreting, and writing up results from descriptive tables
Homework #2: Multiple Regression
Writing a methods section and estimating, interpreting, and writing up results from a series of
multiple regression models with continuous dependent variables
Homework #3: Interpreting Interaction Effects Exercise
Interpreting interaction effects (moderation) models with continuous dependent variables
Homework #4: Estimating & Interpreting Interaction Effects in Your Models
Estimating, interpreting, and writing up results from interaction effects (moderation) models
with continuous dependent variables
Final Assignment = 40%
The final assignment will consist of a complete data analysis project which will build on all the
prior homework assignments. Analyses will include descriptive results, estimation of multiple
linear regression models and interaction effects models with a continuous outcome. The written
assignment will take the form of the Methods, Results, and (brief) Discussion sections of a
journal-style quantitative empirical paper. Students will describe their data, sample, measures,
and analytic strategy, describe the sample characteristics, interpret results from their bivariate
and multiple regression models, and provide a brief discussion of the answer to their question
and of the limitations of their analyses related to violations of regression assumptions and other
sources of bias.
Participation in Class Activities = 20%
This portion of the grade is made up of several components:
In-class activities small group work with peers to workshop student submitted
preliminary tables, small group work on interpreting and discussing sample papers, small
group work on interpreting results from sample models
Fall 2022
Presentation of Final Assignment - students will present a working draft of their final
assignment to the class in a PowerPoint presentation in order to receive feedback and
provide feedback for peers regarding analyses and next steps (10-minute presentations,
similar to a conference presentation).
It goes without saying that students are expected to attend every class, come to class on time,
remain in class for the entire session, and to be prepared for class having read the required
readings and submitted the required materials (if something is due). While there is not specific
course credit associated with attendance, absences, being late to class, and lack of
participation and preparation will substantially impact students’ overall grades.
If, for some reason, class has to be held in a virtual (zoom) setting, students are similarly
expected to join the session on time, stay for the entire session, participate in discussions and
breakout exercises, and must have their cameras on. If there is some reason that a student
cannot have their camera turned on, they must inform the professor prior to class.
Grade cut-offs are as follows (scores of 0.5 and above will be rounded up):
A 92-100
B+ 87-91
B 82-86
C+ 77-81
C 70-76
F 0-69
Fall 2022
Applied Regression, Fall 2022 Outline of Class & Lab Topics & Homework Due Dates
Week &
Assignment DUE Dates & Topics
Class Activity: Discussion of choosing a question to answer this semester & the FF Data
Class Activity: Discussion of issues in quantitative analyses & students' research questions
Class Activity: Discussion of sample papers
Class Activity: Discussion of sample papers, methods section of empirical paper & Homework #1
Class Activity: Calculating bivariate regression coefficients
Submit descriptive tables - day prior
Class Activity: Group workshopping of descriptive tables
Lab: Cont'd variable construction & bivariate regression
HW #1: Revised Descriptive Tables due
Class Activity: Interpreting regression coefficients
Class Activity: Discussion of regression models in sample papers
Submit multiple regression tables - prior day
Class Activity: Group workshopping of multiple regression tables
HW#2: Revised Multiple Regression Models Due
Class Activity: Interaction effects practice
Class Activity: Interaction effects practice
Submit interaction tables/exercises - prior day
Class Activity: Group workshopping of interaction effects tables
Class: Catch up and review
HW #3: Interaction Effects Models Due
Class Activity: Discuss Sample Papers
Lab: Final Assignment
Students present & respond to peers
Class: Wrap Up & Discussion of Results of Analyses
Final Assignment Due (Friday)
Lab: Cont'd variable construction & bivariate regression
Lab: Intro to Stata & Variable Construction
Class: Intro to Quantitative Analysis & Current Issues in Quantitative Methods
Week 1:
Lab: Intro to Stata & to FF data
Week 3:
Lab: Cont'd variable construction & descriptive statistics
Week 2:
Week 4:
Lab: Cont'd variable construction & bivariate analysis
Week 5:
Week 6:
Week 10:
Lab: Interaction Effects
Week 11:
Week 12:
Lab: Interaction Effects
Lab: Interaction Effects
Week 7:
Lab: Multiple Regression
Week 8:
Lab: Multiple regression & tabling regression output
Week 9:
Lab: Multiple regression & creating figures
Week 14:
Week 15:
Lab: Final Assignment
Week 13:
Lab: Final Assignment
Fall 2022
Detailed Course Outline
Please note: In addition to the required readings for each week, there are sample empirical
articles listed (some TBA). I will be adding (or substituting) relevant peer-reviewed empirical
papers that use the various methods that we are covering as we go. Thus, each week there may
be alternate journal articles that students will be required to read.
Week 1: September 6, 2022
Topics: Intro to Course & Intro to Fragile Families Study
Overview of course
Discuss the FF Study & potential areas of interest
Required Reading:
Review syllabus
Start to explore the Fragile Families & Child Wellbeing Study website (About, Data &
Documentation): https://fragilefamilies.princeton.edu/
Fragile Families Study Fact Sheet: Key Findings from Baseline to the 5-year Follow-Up
(skim this) Reichman, N., Teitler, J., Garfinkel, I. & McLanahan, S. 2001. Fragile
Families: Sample and Design. Children and Youth Services Review 23 (4/5): 30326.
In-Class Activity:
Discussion of choosing a dataset for course assignments & the Fragile Families Data
Week 2: September 13, 2022
Topics: Intro to quantitative analysis & current issues in quantitative analysis
Legacy of racial and social injustice in quantitative analysis
Replication crisis in science
Required Readings:
Boyd, R., Lindo, E., Weeks, L. & McLemore, M. 2020. On Racism: A new Standard for
Publishing on Racial Health Inequities. Health Affairs Blog.
Zuberi, T. & Bonilla-Silva, E. 2008. White Logic, White Methods: Racism &
Methodology. Rowman & Littlefield. Introduction (p. 1-16). Full book available free
online through RU Library. https://ebookcentral-proquest-
Piper, Kelsey. 10/14/2020. Science has been in a replication crisis for a decade. Have we
learned anything? Vox.com. (Excellent links to all the key papers in this area)
Continue to explore FF data & website (Scales & Concepts Documentation, Publications)
In-Class Activity:
Discussion of issues in quantitative analysis & discussion of students’ research questions
Fall 2022
Suggested Reading
See section in our canvas course shell on anti-racist research & statistics resources:
Week 3: September 20, 2022
Topics: Introduction to quantitative analysis & descriptive statistics
Types of Data, Types of Variables
Concepts, Examples, Terminology
Introduction to Regression
Required Readings:
MJ: Chapter 1: Research and Statistics, (p. 1-15)
SW: Chapter 1: Economic Questions & Data (p. 43-55)
Gordon, Chapter 5: Basic Descriptive Statistics, Types of Variables (p. 97 123)
Continue to explore the Fragile Families data & website
Sample Papers Read Abstracts Only
Turney, K. (2021). Depressive Symptoms among Adolescents Exposed to Personal and
Vicarious Police Contact. Society and Mental Health, 11(2), 113133.
Haralampoudis, A., Nepomnyaschy, L., & Donnelly, L. (2021). Head Start and
Nonresident Fathers’ Contributions to Children. Journal of Marriage and Family, 83(3),
699716. https://doi.org/10.1111/jomf.12756
Gold, S., & Nepomnyaschy, L. (2018). Neighborhood Physical Disorder and Early
Delinquency Among Urban Children. Journal of Marriage and Family, 80(4), 919933.
James, C., Jimenez, M. E., Wade Jr, R., & Nepomnyaschy, L. (2021). Adverse Childhood
Experiences and Teen Behavior Outcomes: The Role of Disability. Academic Pediatrics,
21(8), 13951403. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.acap.2021.05.006
Nepomnyaschy, L., Emory, A. D., Eickmeyer, K. J., Waller, M. R., & Miller, D. P.
(2021). Parental Debt and Child Well-Being: What Type of Debt Matters for Child
Outcomes? RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences, 7(3), 122
151. https://doi.org/10.7758/RSF.2021.7.3.06
In-Class Activity:
Discussion of sample papers
Identify the questions papers are asking
Identify dependent & independent variables
Draw out conceptual diagrams
Suggested Readings:
Reviews of Probability and Inferential Statistics (this should all be a review from your
summer stats course)
Fall 2022
o SUPER helpful and simple review of probability, inferential statistics, hypothesis
testing: https://pressbooks.bccampus.ca/statspsych/chapter/chapter-4/
o Stock & Watson (SW), Chapter 2: Review of Probability & Chapter 3: Review of
Week 4: September 27, 2022
Topics: Bivariate Analysis & Intro to Linear Regression
Required Readings:
MJ: Chapter 2: 2
half of chapter, Descriptive Statistics & Bivariate Inferential Statistics,
p. 31-43.
Continue to explore FF data & website
How to read an empirical paper
White, L. 2005. Writes of Passage: Writing an Empirical Journal Article. Journal of
Marriage and Family 69: 791-798. (Start from methods section, p. 793)
Review Homework #1 assignment
Sample papers: Read Measures Section & Descriptive Tables only
Turney, K. (2021). Depressive Symptoms among Adolescents Exposed to Personal and
Vicarious Police Contact. Society and Mental Health, 11(2), 113133.
Haralampoudis, A., Nepomnyaschy, L., & Donnelly, L. (2021). Head Start and
Nonresident Fathers’ Involvement with Children. Journal of Marriage and Family, 83(3),
699716. https://doi.org/10.1111/jomf.12756
Gold, S., & Nepomnyaschy, L. (2018). Neighborhood Physical Disorder and Early
Delinquency Among Urban Children. Journal of Marriage and Family, 80(4), 919933.
James, C., Jimenez, M. E., Wade Jr, R., & Nepomnyaschy, L. (2021). Adverse Childhood
Experiences and Teen Behavior Outcomes: The Role of Disability. Academic Pediatrics,
21(8), 13951403. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.acap.2021.05.006
Nepomnyaschy, L., Emory, A. D., Eickmeyer, K. J., Waller, M. R., & Miller, D. P.
(2021). Parental Debt and Child Well-Being: What Type of Debt Matters for Child
Outcomes? RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences, 7(3), 122
151. https://doi.org/10.7758/RSF.2021.7.3.06
In-Class Activity
Discuss descriptive results from sample papers
Discuss structure of the methods section of an empirical paper
Review Homework #1 Assignment
Week 5: October 4, 2022
Topic: Bivariate Linear Regression
Introduction and overview of regression analysis
Calculating bivariate regression coefficients
Required Readings:
Fall 2022
LB: Chapter 1: Bivariate Regression: Fitting a Straight Line (p. 1 22)
MJ: Chapter 3: Simple Bivariate Regression (p. 45 54 only)
SW: Chapter 4: Linear Regression w/One Regressor (p. 143-155 only)
In-Class Activity:
Calculating bivariate regression coefficients & creating formulas in excel
Week 6: October 11, 2022
Topics: Bivariate regression continued
Interpreting bivariate regression coefficients
Hypothesis Testing
Predictions w/bivariate regression
DUE: Submit preliminary descriptive tables for group workshopping exercise, day prior
Required Readings:
SW: Chapter 5: Hypothesis Tests & Confidence Intervals (p. 178-188 ONLY)
McShane, B., Gal, D., Gelman, A., Robert, C. & Tackett, J. 2019. Abandon Statistical
Significance. The American Statistician 70:S1 (p. 235-241 ONLY)
(SKIM THIS) Resnick, Brian. 2017. What a nerdy debate about p-values shows about
science and how to fix it. The Case for, and against, redefining “statistical
significance.” Vox. https://www.vox.com/science-and-health/2017/7/31/16021654/p-
Sample papers: Read Methods section: Data, Sample, Measures, Analytic Strategy
Turney, K. (2021). Depressive Symptoms among Adolescents Exposed to Personal and
Vicarious Police Contact. Society and Mental Health, 11(2), 113133.
Haralampoudis, A., Nepomnyaschy, L., & Donnelly, L. (2021). Head Start and
Nonresident Fathers’ Involvement with Children. Journal of Marriage and Family, 83(3),
699716. https://doi.org/10.1111/jomf.12756
James, C., Jimenez, M. E., Wade Jr, R., & Nepomnyaschy, L. (2021). Adverse Childhood
Experiences and Teen Behavior Outcomes: The Role of Disability. Academic Pediatrics,
21(8), 13951403. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.acap.2021.05.006
In-Class Activity:
Workshopping of descriptive tables
Discussion of writing up Methods section & review of Methods sections in sample papers
Suggested Readings:
LB: Chapter 2: Bivariate Regression: Assumptions and Inferences: (2
part: p. 29 53
Fall 2022
MJ: Chapter 3: Simple Bivariate Regression (p. 54 65 ONLY)
Week 7: October 18, 2022
Topic: Regression w/Dummy Variables & Multiple Regression
Binary & categorical independent variables (dummy variables)
Introduction to multiple regression
DUE: Homework #1: Descriptive Statistics & Variable Description
Required Readings:
MJ: Chapter 5: Regression with Dummy Variables
MJ: Chapter 4: Multiple Regression
LB: Chapter 3: Multiple Regression (p. 55 74).
Sample papers: TBA
Suggested Readings:
Hardy, M. 1993. Regression with Dummy Variables, Chapters 1, 2, and 3 (p. 1 28)
In-Class Activity
Interpreting regression coefficients
\Week 8: October 25, 2022
Topic: Multiple Regression Continued
Model specification
Predictions in multiple regression
Magnitude of effects
Rescaling and transforming variables for interpretation
Mediation & Confounding
Required Readings
(LB) Lewis-Beck. Chapter 4: Multiple Regression: Special Topics (p. 75-95)
Gordon, Chapter 13: Indirect Effects and Omitted Variable Bias (p. 461 480)
Miller, Chapter 9: Quantitative Comparisons for Multivariate Models (p. 193 199
Miller, Chapter 10: The Goldilocks Problem in Multivariate Regression (p. 211 229)
Moksony, Ferenc. 1999. Small is Beautiful. The Use and Interpretation of R-Squared in
Social Science Research. Review of Sociology.
Why we don’t really care about the Rsquared in Social Science Research? July 3, 2018.
The Medium.
Fall 2022
Sample Papers: Look at regression model tables & Read Results Section
Turney, K. (2021). Depressive Symptoms among Adolescents Exposed to Personal and
Vicarious Police Contact. Society and Mental Health, 11(2), 113133.
Haralampoudis, A., Nepomnyaschy, L., & Donnelly, L. (2021). Head Start and
Nonresident Fathers’ Involvement with Children. Journal of Marriage and Family, 83(3),
699716. https://doi.org/10.1111/jomf.12756
James, C., Jimenez, M. E., Wade Jr, R., & Nepomnyaschy, L. (2021). Adverse Childhood
Experiences and Teen Behavior Outcomes: The Role of Disability. Academic Pediatrics,
21(8), 13951403. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.acap.2021.05.006
In-class Activity:
Review & discuss regression models in sample papers
Week 9: November 1, 2022
Topic: Multiple Regression continued
Regression Assumptions
Nonlinear Relationships
Regression Diagnostics
Required Readings:
MJ, Chapter 7: Linear Regression Assumptions & Diagnostics
LB, Chapter 2: Bivariate Regression: Assumptions and Inferences, (1
23 29).
Gelman et al. Chapter 11: Assumptions, Diagnostics & Model evaluation: (2 pages only:
p. 153-155).
SW: Chapter 8: Nonlinear Regression Functions (1
part only: p. 277-296)
DUE: Submit preliminary multiple regression tables for group workshopping exercise, day
In-Class Activity:
Interpreting multiple regression coefficients & workshopping multiple regression tables
Suggested Readings
Gordon, Chapter 12: Nonlinear Relationships (p. 434 456)
Gordon, Chapter 14: Outliers, Heteroskedasticity, and Multicollinearity (p. 481-520).
Studenmund, Chapter 11: Running Your Own Regression Project, Practical Advice for
Your Project (p. 383 393).
AND A Regression User’s Checklist and Guide, (p. 395 – 400).
Week 10: November 8, 2022
Topic: Introduction to Interaction Effects (moderation)
Fall 2022
DUE: Homework #2: Multiple Regression Models, Methods Section & Results
Required Readings
MJ: Chapter 6: Interaction/Moderation Effects Using Regression
SW: Chapter 8: Interactions Between Independent Variables (2
Part only: p. 297-316)
In-Class Activity:
Interaction effects interpretation
Supplementary Reading:
Jaccard & Turrisi, Interaction Effects in Multiple Regression: Chapters 1 and 2, (p. 1 -
43). very helpful strongly recommended
Gordon, Chapter 11: Interaction Effects.
Week 11: November 15, 2022
Topic: Interaction Effects cont’d
Required Readings:
Miller, Chapter 16: Writing About Interactions (p. 339 365).
SW: Chapter 9: Assessing Studies Based on Multiple Regression (p. 330-354)
J.E. Miller and Y.V. Rodgers, 2008. “Economic Importance and Statistical Significance:
Guidelines for Communicating Empirical Research.” Feminist Economics. 14(2):117-
Sample papers: TBA
In-Class Activity:
Interaction Effects Practice sample papers
Week 12: November 22, 2022
Topic: Interaction effects wrap up
DUE: Interaction Effects Preliminary Tables for Group Workshopping Exercise, Day Prior
In-Class Activity:
Workshopping interaction effects tables
Week 13: November 29, 2022
Topic: Catch up & Review Sample Papers
DUE: Homework #3: Interaction Effects Models
Sample papers: TBA
Fall 2022
In-Class Activity
Review results of sample papers
Week 14: December 6, 2022
Week 15: December 13, 2022
Topic: Wrap up & Discussion of Final Assignments & Next Steps