The nature of all Unit visits is developmental.
High-Impact Unit Visits are a Multi-Unit Leader‟s (MUL) primary
responsibility. They require thoughtful pre-planning, careful execution
and thorough de-briefing with the Unit Manager afterwards to generate
sustainable results. KEY: you are visiting people, not “stores.”
Despite what many MUL‟s have been taught, unit visits are not about
“inspection”, “direction”, or “correction”, they‟re about coaching, collabo-
ration and development. Acting like an “inspector” instead of a coach
stifles people, performance and profits.
High Impact Unit Visits involve 7 distinct stages:
1. Review your Quarterly Business Plan and current progress on goals and objectives.
Review your top 3 concerns and the Unit Manager‟s top 3
concerns, noting overlap, if any.
2. KRA Analysis: review the unit rank, period trends
from last year, Key Result Areas progress and goal
vs. actual for each store.
3. Determine visit focus and inform the Unit
Manager of your visit (unless visit is purposefully
4. Conduct outdoor facilities and systems
“walkabout” first without—and then withthe
Unit Manager or Managers.
5. Conduct indoor facilities, people and sys-
tems “walkabout” first alone then with Unit Man-
ager or Managers.
6. Meet with Unit Manager or Managers after the visit
to review, assess and help coach them to the next develop-
mental level.
7. Assess the visit and determine ways to make it more effective next time. Always leave
the Unit better than your found it.
Call each unit daily, visit every unit weekly, have a clear goal and focus,
and help the team develop and grow. A MUL‟s goals during visits are to
help managers think, improve manager skills as customer-centric
coaches and leaders, and making certain that the team is doing the right
things and the right things right.
High Impact Unit Visits
A Guide for Multi-Unit Leaders
Store Location/Unit # _________________
Visit Date ___________________________
Visit Time/Daypart ___________________
Managers on Duty ____________________
Pre-Visit Planning
Spectacular success is always preceded by unspectacular preparation.
What to do Before the Visit
The key to high impact visits is preparation. The written Quarterly Business Plan
(QBP), along with daily/weekly financial reports and your daily phone calls to each
unit should give you clear insight into which units need your attention first.
(Download a comprehensive QBP Multi Unit Leader Planner at
Review the written evaluation and the results of your last visit.
What was covered then? ________________________________________________
What were the managers supposed to be working on in the meantime? ________
Were there any outstanding issues?_______________________________________
What has changed in the unit since the last visit?___________________________
Assess how the unit currently ranks performance-wise in your territory:
Sales __________ QSC __________ Training __________
Retention __________ Marketing __________ Other__________
Overall Unit Rank among all Units __________
Detail Progress in Key Result Areas (i.e. Service, Sales, Mktg, Retention)
Review the top 5 KRA‟s from your QBP, and assess the unit‟s progress.
KRA Results
1. _______________________ ________________________________________
2. _______________________ ________________________________________
3. _______________________ ________________________________________
4. _______________________ ________________________________________
© 2015
Unit visit time is about developing your managers not just checking their work.
Pre-Visit Planning
Assess previous 13-month financial and performance trends.
Compare actual achievement versus goals and past performance for the unit
you are visiting. Note key changes and trends and consider underlying causes.
Consider marketplace trends and events.
What are the external factors that are affecting this unit? How can your team
prepare or respond in order to maintain and drive their business?
Infrastructure (parking issues, construction, road closures, etc.) ____________
Competitors (new Units, competitive promotions or LTO‟s, etc.) ________
Seasonality (weather, holidays, vacation/tourism school calendars, etc.) _____
Special Events (festivals, sports, parades, movie releases, etc.)______________
Others _____________________________________________________________
Determine the TYPE of Visit:
Announced Unannounced
Many MULs wrestle with whether their unit visits should be “announced” or
“unannounced”. We recommend that each visit be announced so that the Unit
Manager or MOD can prepare for your visit—NOT by having a “cleaning party”--
but by scheduling time to learn from you with no shift-running responsibilities
during your visit.
If you’re doing your job correctly, Unit Managers should be happy to see you visit
and sorry to see you leave.
Choose a Daypart / Volume (check all that apply)
Prioritize the shifts that will provide the appropriate and maximum input for ef-
fective analysis and decision making.
morning afternoon evening transition
peak volume slow volume
weekday weekend open close
Determine TIME FRAME of Visit
Full Day
Gives the best picture of what‟s happening in the store since managers and
team members can successfully hide or modify their behaviors for only
about three hours at a time. Full day visits make it easier to see what
they‟ve accomplished or are challenged by, since this gives you time to ob-
serve the arc and flow of each shift or shift transition.
Half Day
Normally staged as a follow-up to a recent full-day visit, but can also be ef-
fective for high-performing Units that need less coaching.
1-3 Hours
Most often a waste of time at an under-performing unit if you‟re looking for a
true gauge of performance and underlying causes. These brief visits are
normally most effective only if you‟re looking for an answer to a specific
question, or as a follow-up to a previous challenge area you noted.
Compile a Balanced Scorecard
Your Goal should be to visit each store at least 4 times per period (month)
before making major decisions relative to people and performance issues.
© 2015
During the Visit
Outside the Unit Walkabout
Walk it SOLO first from the Guest Perspective
1= poses immediate threat to safety, sanitation, product quality or Guest satisfaction.
2= needs some detail work, discuss during one-on-one coaching
3= ideal
1 2 3 Notes
Curb appeal _____________________________________________
Signage _____________________________________________
Parking lot _____________________________________________
Building _____________________________________________
Back door _____________________________________________
Dumpster _____________________________________________
Cleanliness _____________________________________________
Lighting _____________________________________________
Landscaping _____________________________________________
Walkways _____________________________________________
Front door _____________________________________________
Drive-thru _____________________________________________
___________ _____________________________________________
___________ _____________________________________________
___________ _____________________________________________
___________ _____________________________________________
___________ _____________________________________________
___________ _____________________________________________
___________ _____________________________________________
Curb Appeal
What first impressions are customers likely to form when they park and ap-
proach or come through a drive-thru and see what you see? How is the brand
being represented?
Pre-Visit Planning
What you reinforce is what you get. What you don’t is what you lose.
Determine the FOCUS of Visit
Based on the unit‟s KRAs, what should the focus of your visit be? Sales? Ser-
vice? Training? Retention? Cleanliness? Marketing? Stay focused. Don‟t try to
cover everything, or you‟ll end up covering nothing. Choose the focus area:
Financial (sales, profits, labor, COG, R&M, etc.)
Morale (turnover, crew engagement, junior managers)
Leadership (Bench strength)
Systems/Processes (purchasing , receiving, inventory, scheduling, bookkeeping, sched-
uling, throughput, etc.)
Safety & Security (use your company checklists)
Marketing (POP, menus, signage, suggestive selling)
Performance Evaluation (up to date for all team?)
Customer-centric (service delivery, shopper scores, flow, table visits, complaints, etc.)
Follow up from Previous Visit/Information Gathering (what are the key things you‟re
looking for?)
Training / Recognition (observe, attend or facilitate a manager meeting,, recognition
ceremony, orientation, in-store training event or pre-shift meeting)
Major Operation Turnaround (this requires multiple days...make sure to analyze root
causes , systems and processes first)
Other ______________________________________________________________
1. Whatspecificallyam I intending to accomplish? _____________________
2. What does the Manager need from me?______________________________
3. What should the team be doing differently as a result of my visit? ________
Present the focus of this visit to your
Unit Manager and how it will differ from previous
Identify pre-work:
What are the Unit Manager
s top 3 issues/concerns? What are yours?
1. ______________________________ 1. _____________________________
2. ______________________________ 2. _____________________________
3. ______________________________ 3. _____________________________
© 2015
During the Visit
Outside the Unit Walkabout
SOLO from the Multi Unit Leader Perspective
Now assess the outside once again, this time through your MUM lens. Evalu-
ate brand standards and compliance issues that the guest may not even no-
tice. Use your company’s checklist of what to look for, paying special atten-
tion to systems, standards, people, POS, potential danger, cleanliness, safety
and repair/maintenance/equipment issues.
Make bullet point written notes of all you observe and sense. Note what you
want to compliment the managers on. Note what you‟ll hope the managers
will notice that they may have been missing.
Ready-for Revenue Outside Walkabout WITH Unit Manager
Now walk it again with Unit Manager and assess from the Unit Manager‟s
Perspective. Note what they see, don‟t just point out what you saw. Com-
pare and note any differences with your assessment.
Evaluating Operations from Inside the Unit
Review and use your company’s checklist as a guideline of what to look for
inside the Unit so that nothing is overlooked, but don’t forget that your pri-
mary objective is to develop Mgrs, not merely comply to a checklist.
Spread energy, don‟t take it away. Greet the entire team. Be a Brand Ambas-
sador. See/sense what the guest sees first, then look through the MUL lens.
Evaluate KRA‟s based on your Quarterly Business Plan‟s * assessment.
Stay focused on the performance you came to address. If you see another
major area that needs attention, note it and address it later (unless it relates
to a safety issue or dangerous situation).
Walk the unit first alone, carefully observe what‟s being done well and what‟s
being overlooked in both the FOH and BOH. Make notes. Now walk it several
times with the manager, note their observations, actions and interactions.
Walk it SOLO first from the Guest Perspective. Assess facility/team readiness
1= poses immediate threat to safety, sanitation, product quality or Guest satisfaction.
2= needs some detail work, discuss during one-on-one coaching
3= ideal
1 2 3 Notes
Furniture _____________________________________________
Glassware _____________________________________________
Bev. Stations _____________________________________________
Restrooms _____________________________________________
Equipment _____________________________________________
Lighting _____________________________________________
Cleanliness _____________________________________________
Walk-Ins _____________________________________________
Storage Areas _____________________________________________
Line Checks _____________________________________________
Food Quality _____________________________________________
___________ _____________________________________________
___________ _____________________________________________
___________ _____________________________________________
___________ _____________________________________________
___________ _____________________________________________
*Download a comprehensive QBP planner at
You don’t get better in “general.” you get better in specific.
© 2015
During the Visit
Inside the Unit Evaluation
Assess operational issues from the Multi Unit Leader Perspective
Now assess how well the managers and team are getting the job done. Note
the quality, efficiency and accuracy of the work, and potential underlying
causes of any breakdowns. Rank on scale of 1-5.
1=perfection 3=further observation 5=immediate action
Observe line checks, quality and safety.
Good/Bad underlying cause? _______________________________________________________
Observe product handling and hand washing.
Good/Bad underlying cause? ________________________________________________________
Observe pre-shift meeting. Is there effective and motivational coaching
going on? Is it fun? Are the shift goals crystal-clear to everyone?
Good/Bad underlying cause? ________________________________________________________
Observe team members for service, selling, knowledge, and efficiency.
Good/Bad underlying cause? ________________________________________________________
Observe behaviors and efficiency of greeters and hosts. (or Drive-Thru
Team if applicable)
Good/Bad underlying cause? ________________________________________________________
Are fundamentals being properly executed in the BOH and FOH?
Good/Bad underlying cause? _______________________________________________________
Make a note of progress/regress since last visit. Did they resolve last
visit‟s challenges?
Good/Bad underlying cause? ________________________________________________________
Review manager log book and reports. Look for detailed, relevant and
legal notes.
Good/Bad underlying cause? ________________________________________________________
Ready-for-Revenue Inside walkabout WITH Unit Manager or MOD
Now walk It with Unit Manager and assess from the Unit Manager‟s Perspec-
tive. Note what they see, don‟t just point out what you saw. Compare any
differences with your assessment.
Evaluate Manager Performance
How well do your managers walkabout-and-work the “rooms” ?
1=perfection 2=further observation 3=immediate action
1 2 3 Notes
Kitchen ________________________________________
Counter / Expo line ________________________________________
Dining Area ________________________________________
Bar / Lounge (if app.) ________________________________________
Host Areas ________________________________________
Drive-thru/Car Side/To-Go______________________________________
What do they see? ____________________________________________________
What do they miss? __________________________________________________
How well do they interact with team members & customers?_________________
How do they approach and impact Key Result Areas?
Observe and grade the team (A, B, C, D, F) on relevant KRA‟s. .
_____ Quality _____ Cleanliness _____ Ticket Times
_____ Service _____ Atmosphere _____ Bench Strength
_____ Hospitality _____ Speed _____ Accuracy
_____ Teamwork _____ Efficiency _____ Suggestive Selling
_____ Labor _____ Marketing _____ Pre-Shift Meetings
_____ Signage _____ Safety _____ Staffing Levels
_____ Energy _____ Table Visits _____
_____ FUN _____ Communication _____
_____ Carside/To-Go _____ _____
Get a sense of what your Managers understand, how they lead, and if there are
limits to their ability to connect process to performance.
_____ Are they able to connect performance issues to process problems?
_____ Are they able to identify and solve critical challenges and their causes?
_____ If problems are evident, do they treat only symptoms?
_____ Do managers take notes as they go?
_____ Do they transfer observations to the log book or personal calendars in de-
tail for follow-up and continuous improvement?
_____ Are managers finding and executing coachable moments with their staff
during the shift? Spreading energy and having fun?
© 2015
My Customer is anyone who isn’t me. (Team members are our first market.)
One-on-One Manager Discussion
Sit down with the Unit Manager and share your visit assessment. The conversa-
tion and content depends on the focus of visit, what you observed, and what
you expect to be accomplished before the next visit.
Stay focused and eliminate distractions. Give the Unit Manager your undivided
Briefly review & recap key points of prior visits and highlight progress/regress.
Your top 3 concerns:
Your manager‟s top 3 concerns:
Share and discuss your impressions with your manager. Review the report
together, elaborating on key points. Skinny the monologue and fatten the
dialogue. Bring energy, don‟t take it away.
Remember that your goal is to develop performance, not direct it. Ask
thoughtful questions that gain mutual understanding of where the root prob-
lems lie. Don‟t just “show and tell.” Ask questions that uncover mutual un-
derstanding and spur thinking. Some good questions are:
What do you think you need to accomplish? Why is that important?
What do you think is getting in the way? How do you know?
What will success look like? How do we know? What if we didn‟t do it?
What don’t you know that might be helpful to resolve the problem?
What do you need from me to help you?/What do your asst mgrs need?
How will this benefit the guest? How will it benefit your career here?
Balance discussion between unit performance and personal development.
Praise progress. Then identify problem areas and their possible root causes
Link all suggestions and direction to KRAs, period goals, and career paths.
Help them to help themselves. Self-leadership is first. Offer direction, but
encourage your managers to be responsible for their own development.
Agree on an action plan and next steps with a timetable, and leave a written
record. End with encouragement. Always.
After the Visit
Gather Your Thoughts/ Draw Conclusions
This is a very important stage of your unit visit. This is where you debrief, recap
and coach the Unit Manager to know more and grow faster. The key learnings
shared at this phase should be fed back into the QBP* for the next 90 days.
1. Excuse yourself, select a quiet corner of the Unit, and explain to the man-
ager you‟d like a few minutes to record your thoughts and observations of
the past few hours.
2. Adjust your expectations to reality after concluding the store visit. Identify
and rate/rank the gaps between “performance should be” and
“performance is” in the store, and address the more critical items first.
Label and date your visit report.
Record as much detail as possible.
Sort bullet points and actionable items keyed to KRA‟s.
3. Next to each challenge area you identify, note:
Is the problem new or recurring?
Is it a surface problem, or deeper rooted?
What process or system might have failed?
Is it a team or management performance problem?
If it‟s a manager challenge, is it a result of skill, ignorance or attitude?
4. Make a “difference list:” What would be different if you were the Manager?
When you‟re done, remember that the list is never finished.
Expect it to be done, but don‟t expect it to be done your way...the
“difference” list is how you might approach a problem, but your goal is
to help the managers come to a decision, not make it for them.
Understand how your managers might likely approach the problem by
asking them about what they saw, what they think they‟ll do, and why
they think that method would produce the result they are seeking.
5. What do the Unit Manager/managers need to be complimented on or recog-
nized for?
What you reinforce is what you get, what you don‟t reinforce is what you lose.
© 2015
Over-teach. Managers tend to under-learn and over-forget.
High-Impact Unit Visit Coaching Log
Outside & Inside Ready-for-Revenue Walkabout
Non-Negotiables Y/N Coaching Notes
Non-Negotiables Y/N Coaching Notes
Are K ey Res u lt Areas (K RAs )
meetin g or exceedin g
st an dards ?
Curb appeal, si gn age, parkin g
lot clean & u p to bran d
st an dards ?
All Saf et y stan dards are
followed an d fi n i s hed produ c ts
meet specs
Proper storage labeling,
rot ation . Equ ipm ent con dit ion
an d st atus , prep work compl et e
Man ager Log Book fi lled-in with
relevan t det ail
Drive T hru or Curbs ide / To-G o
Order Ti m e __________
Gu es ts happy? Speed of s ervi c e
appropriat e? Bott len ecks
obs erved?
Market in g strat egies an d
tac ti c s in place an d bei ng
u s ed?
100% Cu st omer in teracti on by
Man agers?
Saf et y/S ecu rity Pol ici es
Mgrs an d team operat in g
through a Gu est -Lens f oc u s ?
Ac es in t heir Plac es ? Mos t
rec en t hi res train ed to
s t an dards ?
Pre-Shi ft M eet in g c on du c t ed
with en ergy, focu s an d c l ear
Staffi n g & Retenti on - Team &
Man agement s t af fi n g at t arget
levels. Benc h st rengt h s ol id?
Sc hedu le post ed an d
appropriat e to traff ic and goals?
Train in g st andards fol l owed?
Are Team Members treated
w/res pect?Are the Team s
workin g together?
E n erg i zed Servi ce and
Su gges tive Selli ng being
u s ed.wit h every cu s t om er? M g rs
coac hing perf orm anc e du rin g
Shif t?
Team Members
Non-Negotiables Y/N Coaching Notes
Sales & Profits
Non-Negotiables Y/N Coaching Notes
YTD Sal es al igned to Q u art er an d Period
Goals? S ales /l abor properly f orec as ted?
Shif t goals set at weekly M gr meetin g
are as si gn ed an d bein g execu ted ?
Con tes ts set to ac hi eve t he specif ic
obj ec t ives for shi f t?
Cash policies, D eposit trac king
compl ete and appropri ate t o pol icy?
Produ ct prep. an d presen tat ion
meet/exceed bran d st andards ?
© 2015
High-Impact Unit Visit Coaching Log
What Did We See Today & What Does it Mean?
Skinny the monologue and fatten the dialogue. Assess “performance is” vs.
“performance should be”
Are we being good “Brand Ambassadors”?
Observe-Inquire-Develop not Inspect-Correct-Direct?
Am I acting like a Head Coach rather than an Auditor/ Compliance Cop?
Am I leaving the Unit better than I found it?
NOTES for improvement:__________________________________________
Why We Had Issues / What Was Great
Analyze (symptom vs. underlying problem)
Is it a Process, Team, or Management Problem?
Determine how shallow or deep the problem is.
Ask questions to gauge MOD‟s understanding
Don‟t forget to compliment progress and praise achievement.
NOTES for improvement:__________________________________________
What Can We Improve & How do We Do It?
Coach: Focus on specific KRA‟s (goals vs. actual).
Have I done a S.W.O.T. Analysis for this unit?
Did everyone learn something new today?
Am I tough on standards, easy on people?
Am I asking questions to gauge and understand their thought process, or
am I just telling them what to do?
NOTES for improvement:_________________________________________
Who / When / How?
Communicate Changes: Clarify & Verify that they understood.
Agree on core issues and how to solve
Agree on timetable for completion
What help / resources do they need from me?
What did I learn this visit that I didn‟t know before?.
NOTES for improvement:____________________________________
Letter Grade for Visit
1. Review Coaching and Recognition notes with MOD
2. Follow up on prior visit comments
3. Discuss letter grade assigned to visit
4. Agree to new follow-up actions and timing
MUL Signature _________________________________________________
MOD Signature _________________________________________________
© 2015
Continuous Improvement is Key
What are 3 things I can do to improve my visits?
1. ________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________________
What are 3 things I can do to improve my One-on-One conversations with my
1. ________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________________
Did I achieve my Unit visit objectives?
Knowledge transfer/Energy transfer
Collaborative development
Alignment with period goals
Alignment with company objectives and reinforce brand standards
Real improvement (not band-aids)
Re-direction to company resources my teams can use to get better?
Teach everyone something new?
Back in Tour Office
Next Visit: Check for Consistency
Before your next visit, a review of this last report will refresh and re-focus your mem-
ory on the key impact issues from the previous visit. It‟s all about consistency. That
which is the same is the MULs impact, that which is different is the Unit Manager‟s
impact. Be patient, and help the team get brilliant at the basics. .
Reality Check on Change 101:
It takes 21-28 days of different behavior to change a personal habit and approxi-
mately 120 shifts in a row to change an entire Unit Manager and crew‟s behavior.
It‟s never a quick never believe or act like it is. Real change is a process, not
a project. It takes time, re-focus, repetition and habitual consistency.