1 Career Planning
2 Strategy for undergraduates
4 Strategy for graduate students
5 Résumés
5 Setting up your document
6 Building better bullets
6 Action verbs
7 Transferable skills
8 Putting it together
9 Examples
15 Résumé and CV Writing
for Graduate Students
15 Converting a CV to a Résumé
16 Examples
20 Cover Letters
21 Examples
24 Networking: Connecting
with Others
25 Informational interviews
26 Step by step
28 LinkedIn: Job Searching
and Networking
30 Finding Job and Internship
34 Evaluate the offer
36 Interviewing
38 Common interview questions
40 Virtual and phone interviews
41 Attire
42 Thank-You Notes
44 Hiring Activity by Industry
deciding on a major
exploring career paths and taking career assessments
developing a career plan
networking and job and internship search strategies
interview preparation, including mock interviews
résumé and cover letter reviews
negotiating an offer
applying to graduate or professional school
Career planning involves assessing
yourself, exploring your options, making
decisions, and taking action to achieve
your career goals. The process will help
you make well-informed decisions during
your years at Northwestern and beyond.
Although each person’s experience
will be unique, these key points apply
to everyone.
Career Development Model
Research and
investigate a range of
career options that
interest you.
Evaluate your options and
narrow your selections to
the few that are the best
matches for you.
Analyze your interests,
values, and skills to
identify career fields, work
environments, lifestyles,
and job functions that you
want to explore.
Obtain hands-on
experience through
internships, full-time
and part-time positions,
and campus or
volunteer activities.
Start early.
Career development is important at
every stage of your academic career, not
just at graduation. Beginning early allows
you to build a wide range of experiences
and explore a variety of industries—and
gives you time to change your mind along
the way.
Know yourself.
Take time to explore how your interests
and skills intersect with different career
paths to help you communicate the value
you can bring to employers.
Remember that your major does not
dictate your career.
All fields of study foster a broad range
of skills that will equip you for a number
of occupations.
Plan ahead, but not too far.
You might become overwhelmed when
considering your long-term career pros-
pects. Think instead about what knowl-
edge or skills you want to gain in the next
year or two, and be open to new experi-
ences that may pop up along the way.
Don’t be afraid to change your path.
Career development is a continual and
flexible process that adapts to inevitable
changes in your interests and the work-
place. No career decision is irreversible.
First year
Reect on which activities and experiences
you’ve enjoyed in the past and why.
Identify your interests, values, and skills by taking the
career and personality assessments offered at NCA.
Learn about the many opportunities, programs,
and organizations Northwestern has to offer.
Explore your interests by getting involved in student
organizations or volunteer opportunities.
Enroll in classes that allow you to learn
about elds that interest you.
Research multiple careers and industries using
resources on the NCA website, including Vault
and the Occupational Outlook Handbook.
Attend programs and events sponsored by NCA,
academic departments, and student organizations.
Prioritize your goals, time, and commitments
as you adjust to life as a rst-year student.
Career-planning strategy for undergraduates
As you begin planning your career, use these lists to identify the items that make sense for your unique situation (not every
item may apply). Consider working with a Northwestern Career Advancement team member to adapt the plan for your goals.
Sophomore year
Reect on your rst year of college, specically
on what you learned about yourself.
Meet with an NCA team member to
clarify your career interests.
Think about how your skills, values, interests,
and experiences intersect to shape your
professional narrative—the story you want
others to know about your career pursuits.
Use LinkedIn and Our Northwestern to view alumni
in your major or who work in an industry of interest.
Conduct informational interviews with alumni,
industry professionals, and personal contacts.
Create a prole in the Northwestern
Network Mentorship Program and cultivate
a relationship with an alumni mentor.
Enhance your leadership experience in student
organizations by chairing a committee, initiating
a project, or running for a position.
Meet with an NCA team member to create a personalized career plan.
Complete the NCA Career Competencies Assessment to determine
what skills you have to offer and which skills you want to develop.
Consider opportunities to gain experience, such as research,
study abroad, internships, part-time jobs, and volunteer work.
International students: Attend international ofce walk-in hours
to understand Curricular Practical Training (CPT) procedures.
Convert your high school résumé into a professional
document and enhance it using VMock.
Activate your Handshake account and choose your prole preferences.
Create a LinkedIn prole and begin to build your network by con-
necting with academic and personal contacts and joining groups.
Request informational interviews with people
you know whose careers interest you.
Pursue summer opportunities that align with your skills
and with experiences you want to explore.
Talk with family and friends and keep them
informed of your experiences.
Narrow the range of opportunities you want to pursue.
Research industries and learn about their
recruitment processes and timelines.
Develop a search strategy with an NCA team member and
explore opportunities (internships, jobs, volunteering).
Declare a major and meet with your academic adviser if
you’re considering changing your major or school.
Update your résumé, LinkedIn prole, and Handshake
account to include rst- and second-year experiences.
Establish new contacts using LinkedIn and Our Northwestern.
Participate in career fairs, career treks, and employer/alumni
events to learn about different industries, jobs, and internships.
Apply for opportunities using targeted résumés and cover letters.
Seek guidance from family and friends as
you navigate the search process.
Connect with your professors to establish strong relationships,
especially if you’re considering graduate school.
Junior year
Identify what you’ve learned from each internship,
job, and student experience thus far.
Enhance your awareness of your skills and values by
completing a Motivated Skills or Values Card
Sort with an NCA team member.
Reect on your strengths and weaknesses and
how they impact your career goals.
Research industries, positions, and employers of interest
using Vault, LinkedIn, and company websites.
Identify the skills you want to develop and use
in your upcoming internships and jobs.
Connect with an NCA team member to evaluate
opportunities for gaining experience.
Talk with alumni and other contacts to learn
about their career experiences.
Determine “must-haves” and “must-not-haves” as
they relate to opportunities you’re exploring.
Select an experience that will provide relevant skill
development for your desired career path.
Identify two or three industries to consider for full-
time employment after graduation and learn about
their recruiting timelines and processes.
International students: Meet with an international ofce
adviser to understand Optional Practical Training (OPT),
the STEM extension, and H-1B visa considerations.
Continue to network with alumni via LinkedIn, Our Northwestern,
and the Northwestern Network Mentorship Program.
Contact the Ofce of Fellowships for information
about career-related fellowships.
Polish the professional introduction you plan to use
during events with employers and alumni.
Practice interviewing skills in a mock interview
with an NCA team member.
Senior year
Reect on how your values and interests might
determine your choice of work setting.
Think about your college experience—both the
dening moments you’ve had and the additional
experiences you want to have before graduation.
If you don’t have a clear career focus,
meet with an NCA team member.
Research positions and employers of
interest in your target industries.
Network at employer information sessions,
alumni events, coffee chats, and career fairs to
expand your knowledge of job opportunities.
Talk with peers about how they are balancing
their search process with academics
and extracurricular activities.
Learn about and implement search techniques for
your industry by meeting with an NCA team member.
Give yourself permission to pursue what most interests you.
Narrow your employment pursuits to one or two industries.
Reach out to alumni and your contacts to inform them of your
search, even if they work outside your target industries.
Develop a list of alternatives should you need to consider options
other than your top-choice career eld or graduate program.
Tailor your résumé and LinkedIn prole to the
industries and employers you’re considering.
If you’re considering graduate school, complete required
admissions tests and begin preparing applications.
Apply for positions before their deadlines, and be prepared for
rejection—a common occurrence in the search process.
Strengthen your interviewing skills through a mock
interview with an NCA team member.
Identify references and request permission to use them
in applications for jobs or graduate programs.
Accept an offer for full-time employment or graduate school.
Provide updates to your network contacts.
Master’s Knowledge Engagement Strategy
Beginning of
your program
Learn about career resources
at Northwestern 
Explore job and industry
options for your degree 
Determine whether an
internship works for your
program and schedule
Schedule a meeting with an NCA
team member or at the career
center aligned with your program 
Attend graduate-student-
focused career workshops
and events on such topics as
networking, interviewing, and
job searching
Identify career paths
to pursue
Understand recruiting
timelines based on your
experience and industries
of interest
through your
Explore alumni and networking
resources (e.g., NAA, NEXT,
Northwestern Network
Mentorship Platform) 
Review job descriptions of
positions that interest you
Attend recruiting events,
employer information sessions,
and career programs
Seek an internship
opportunity (depending on
your program duration)
Determine the gaps in
your skill set and pursue
opportunities to build the
skills needed for your industry
Conclusion of
your program
Explore and research
employers in your industry and
consider how they align with
your career goals and values
Connect with professionals and
alumni in your fields of interest
to better position yourself for
the job search
With an NCA team member,
develop a plan to apply
for jobs or postdegree
Revise and tailor your résumé
Doctoral Knowledge Engagement Strategy
Beginning of
your program
Develop a foundation in
discipline-specific research
skills and conventions through
your graduate curriculum
Attend discipline-specific panel
discussions with faculty and
visiting experts
Identify potential mentorsand
research collaborators
through your
Master oral and written
genres of your discipline
through seminar, group, and
conference presentations
and written media
Develop knowledge of career
fields by engaging with faculty,
alumni, and NCA programming
and team members
Develop and maintain
relationships with mentors
and peers
Explore leadership and
engagement opportunities on
campus, including graduate
student organizations and
Take advantage of
professional development
certifications and graduate
Pursue outside funding
options for the second
through fifth year in order to
have flexibility to bank a sixth
year if necessary
Conclusion of
your program
Gain in-depth, hands-on
knowledge about specific
careers of interest through
on-campus opportunities or
Begin reviewing job postings
to help you articulate how your
research experiences align
with positions of interest
Connect with alumni from
Northwestern and previous
institutions to learn more about
the job search process and
opportunitiesfor advanced-
degree candidates
Ensure your professional
online presence is up to date
Prepare field-specific
application materials
(e.g., CVs, résumés, cover
letters, research statements,
teaching philosophy, and
sample syllabi)
Career-planning strategy for graduate students
This three-phase career-planning guide is tailored for master’s and doctoral students to develop capacities through their
research, teaching, and leadership and program-specific internships.
An overview of your education, experiences,
and skills, your résumé is used to market your
strengths to potential employers. Before writing
a résumé, identify which skills employers value
by reviewing job descriptions in careers that
interest you.
Setting up your document
DESIGN Avoid templates, as
they are overused and hard
to customize; use a word
processing program, then
convert the document to a
PDF before submitting
LENGTH 1 page for under-
graduate students; 2 pages
for graduate students
FONT SIZE 10–12 point for
body of résumé (use the same
size throughout); 14–24 point
for your name
Easy-to-read fonts
include Arial, Book Antiqua,
Calibri, Cambria, Centaur,
Century Gothic, Garamond,
Helvetica, Palatino Linotype,
and Times New Roman
0.5–1 inches
on all sides; ideal margin
width is 0.75 inches
lines are acceptable, but use
double-spaced lines between
sections and experiences
Use left
alignment; don’t justify
the text
Use bolding and
italics for emphasis and to
help the reader quickly scan
your résumé
Aim for
2–5 bullets per experience
Use numerals for
numbers (6 instead of six;
30% instead of thirty percent)
to make them stand out
In each section,
list information in reverse
chronological order (put your
most recent experience first)
Don’t use
full sentences or personal
pronouns (such as I, my,
and our)
Myth: Employers won’t consider me if my GPA is below 3.0.
A CV (curriculum vitae) has a
different meaning in the United
States than in other countries.In
the United States, a CV refers to
a comprehensive and detailed
document used when applying
to academic, medical, research,
and teaching positions. It is most
commonly used at the graduate
level, although undergraduates
may use a CV when applying for
grants, scholarships, and research
opportunities. When youre
applying outside these industries
in other countries, a US-style
résumé is generally recommended
even when a CV is requested.
Truth: Employers look at the whole student, not just
the numbers. Employers care about your experiences,
involvement, and interests as well as academic success.
Building better bullets
Writing a bullet point goes beyond simply stating
what you did; it requires highlighting a specific
skill and how you used it. Follow these steps:
1. Make a list of each experience you’ve had,
whether a volunteer position, full-time job,
internship, or role in a student organization.
2. When thinking back on an experience,
consider what you can do as a result of that
work. Select three to five words from the
action verbs list to convey the skills you used
or developed.
3. For each verb, ask yourself what you did and
how you did it.
4. Reflect on the significance of your work.
Consider purpose, deliverables, impact, value,
and results.
5. Whenever possible, use numbers to describe
the scope of your work. If you don’t have
quantifiable metrics, you can explain using
qualitative details.
Put these steps into practice using this formula:
(skill) (what) (why or impact)
Here’s how a student described working
as a server at the Main Street Café:
Coordinated dinner service for fast-
paced restaurant that served up
to 500 customers a night
Trained 15 new hires in restaurant policies,
customer service skills, and problem-solving
techniques to ensure superior customer service
Managed point-of-sale operations to
streamline payment process for customers
Transferable skills
Transferable skills are a core set of abilities that can be applied to a wide range of jobs and industries. Use this chart
to identify the skills you’ve gained in your experiences—from volunteering and internships to course projects.
employers seek Consider a time when you…
Undergraduate Graduate
Developed a new or innovative approach to a problem
Maintained composure during a time of change
Adjusted to a new leader or leadership style
Innovated methods for new tasks
Took on more responsibility when called upon
Learned a new technical skill, program,
or process in a short time frame
Analytical thinking/
problem solving
Used logic or reasoning to solve a problem
Planned a budget for a student organization
Identied themes or patterns in data
Synthesized data for a course or project
Reviewed literature and synthesized
ndings for academic research
Strategized how to approach an
experiment more effectively
Recognized the core issue within extensive data
Solicited funds for a student organization event
Persuaded others to successfully complete a project
Wrote or edited material
Led presentations to students or customers
Taught complex concepts to beginners
Presented academic research at
conferences and in publications
Wrote a successful grant proposal
Designed a website or marketing promotion
Built a prototype for a class
Used visuals to clearly convey a point
Restructured an experimental process
Completed an assignment with little direction
Proposed or implemented a new idea
Sought ways to enhance professional development
Learned a skill or technique to add value to a project
Managed a volunteer project
Recognized change was necessary
and initiated progress
Delegated tasks
Trained students or staff
Led productive class discussions
Managed a student organization,
research team, or conference
Mobilized group decision-making
Supervised students or staff
Generated a timeline for goals
Contributed to multiple projects simultaneously
Created a more efcient organizational solution
Balanced simultaneous major projects,
class deadlines, and research needs
Arranged or categorized information
Failed at something and recovered quickly
Used personal strength and fortitude
to overcome a challenge
Sought support and expertise
Learned from rejection of a publication,
thesis draft, or research idea
Recognized a professional weakness and devised
strategies to build strength in that area
Partnered effectively with group members
for a project
Recognized a shared team goal and
found ways to be inclusive
Overcame a challenge in a student organization
Collaborated with challenging lab or team members
Participated in creative planning
and brainstorming sessions
Delegated tasks and came together
to integrate ndings
Once you’ve thought about identifying and describing what
you can offer, you can organize your résumé using some of
the following categories. You can vary this typical sequence
to suit your unique experiences. In general, an undergraduate
résumé should be kept to one page, though there are excep-
tions in certain industries.
1 Contact information includes your full name, permanent
and/or school address, telephone number, and email
address, usually in boldface, larger type. Include only
one phone number and one email address. Don’t include
personal information such as Social Security number,
physical traits, race, ethnicity, or citizenship.
2 The education section includes your schools name,
location, degree type, anticipated graduation date,
major(s), minor(s), and certificate(s). If you have more
than one degree, place the highest or most recent first.
Listing GPA, relevant coursework, and academic honors
and awards is optional.
3 The experience section aligns your past experiences with
your current pursuits. It may include full-time, part-time,
and summer employment; student teaching; internships;
practicums; academic research; and volunteer work. You
can choose headings for various categories that best
market your experiences, such as Relevant Experience,
Professional Experience, Research Experience, or
Industry Specific (e.g., Marketing Experience). List
experiences in reverse chronological order, providing the
organization name and location, your position title, and
dates employed. For each, include three to five bullet
points about how you applied your skills to a task
or project.
4 A leadership section is increasingly important to recruit-
ers of undergraduates. Include organization names,
positions held, dates, projects, significant contributions,
and skills and abilities demonstrated. Keep in mind lead-
ership is not about your title; it can be shown through
your work and impact in a group. This section should be
formatted with bullet points, similar to the experience
5 The activities and community involvement section
showcases your contribution to the on- and off-campus
communities, usually organized in a list format. Include
positions held, organization names, locations, and dates.
6 Additional information (or sometimes skills”) is often
the final section on a résumé, where you showcase addi-
tional relevant competencies. This section can include
only skills, such as language and computer proficiencies
and training certifications, but can also include other
topics, such as nonacademic honors and professional
development activities. Make sure to note your level of
expertise or fluency with each skill (advanced, proficient,
intermediate, or beginner). Including personal interests
is optional—many employers appreciate getting to know
you a little better beyond your formal training and experi-
ences. If you choose to list interests, be specific, authen-
tic, and appropriate.
Putting it together
VMock, a 24/7 virtual résumé assistant,
provides instant, automated, personalized
career guidance. The system makes line-by-line
suggestions to improve résumé content based on
your major and experience level, including how
well your résumé markets your demonstrated
impact, communication skills, and leadership
VMock can also help you
identify careers that best fit you
and provides instant feedback on your LinkedIn
profile, with recommendations for improving
language, content, and keyword optimization.
To get started, visit the NCA website.
66 Emerson St | Evanston, IL 60201 | (812) 555-7164
Northwestern University Evanston, IL; Expected June 2021
Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and International Studies | Minor: Arabic
Cumulative GPA: 3.73/4.00 | Dean’s List: 7 of 9 quarters
Relevant Courses: Ethics in International Relations, Politics of the Middle East, Human Rights and Foreign Policy
American University in Cairo, Study Abroad Cairo, Egypt; September December 2020
US State Department Critical Language Arabic Immersion Program, Participant Salalah, Oman; June August 2020
Studied Arabic through immersion and intensive coursework, including 4 hours of daily formal instruction
Mentored by Omani student at Dhofar University; practiced speaking for 1½ hours a day
Learned about local customs and religion; traveled throughout Oman
Received highest grade in class of 34 students
Cook County Juvenile Courts Public Defenders Office, Legal Intern Chicago, IL; June August 2019
Researched topics pertaining to juvenile law to become better aware of relevant cases
Interviewed clients prior to trial and obtained valid information for cases
Docketed files and cross-referenced data to the proper cases for future reference
Created Excel spreadsheets to classify and report information to public defenders
Responded to client inquires, fielded calls, and maintained database of 350 contacts
Pi Beta Phi Sorority, Vice President of Finance Northwestern University; January 2019 – Present
Manage finances for organization of 100+ people using Quickbooks, both accounts payable and receivable
Serve as liaison between the chapter and house corporation; oversee the house manager
Research and create $65,000 budget, including alternative means of funds investment
Reevaluate and revise budget, leading to 20% reduction in membership fees in 201718, the largest in chapter
Model Arab League, Member Northwestern University; September 2018Present
Strengthen collaboration and ensure strategic goal alignment as a liaison between the Northwestern University
league and other regional universities
Represent Saudi Arabia on Palestinian Affairs Council at regional conferences to simulate Arab League debate
and problem-solving
Institute for Student Business Education (ISBE), Analytics Team Member April 2018 – Present
Dance Marathon, Sponsorship Committee September 2017 – Present
Northwestern University Athletic Department, Volunteer September 2017 – June 2019
Languages: Modern Standard Arabic: fluent; Egyptian Arabic dialect: conversational; Spanish: proficient
Computer: Microsoft Excel: proficient
Interests: Waterskiing, Historical Fiction Novels, Jazz Performances
William Carter
700 South Blvd. (847) 555-1500
Evanston, IL 60202 [email protected]
Northwestern University: Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences, Evanston, IL
Bachelor of Arts, June 2023
Major: Economics | Minor: Business Institutions | GPA: 3.24/4.0
Relevant Courses: Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Statistics for Social Sciences, Applied Econometrics,
Introduction to Integrated Marketing Communications
Accounting & Finance: Amazon Analysis Project Spring 2020
Critically analyzed 100-page annual report for Amazon to identify acid test ratio, inventory turnover, and return
on investment in order to increase 2018 profit margin by 87%
Compared quarterly reports with the competitor and isolated areas of development for company to address
Gained strong understanding of quarterly balance sheets and income statements
Introduction to Applied Econometrics: Regression Analysis using STATA Fall 2020
Utilized online resources to learn STATA programming language in 8 weeks
Analyzed demographic data and created a regression chart correlating demographic data to wages
Basketball Representative, Student Athletic Advisory Committee (SAAC), Evanston, IL Fall 2019-Present
Selected by coaches and academic advisers as representative for men’s basketball team
Present issues and opportunities around campus and Evanston community to Athletic Department
Develop community service events for 150+ local youth
Relay ideas, questions, and concerns from teammates and other student athletes to campus administrators
Create promotional videos and e-mails to attract peers to SAAC events
Member, Northwestern University Basketball Team, Evanston, IL Fall 2019-Present
Demonstrate the importance of teamwork and clear communication in a highly competitive environment
Balance academics with 20+ hours of athletic commitment each week
Critically analyze 350 offensive/defensive plays during the course of a season
Assess opponent schemes and provide counter plays in a fast-paced manner
Practice conflict resolution skills to ensure healthy team atmosphere and focus on yearly team goals
Earned Academic All Big Ten Honors in 2018-2019
Mentor, Peers Urging Responsible Practice through Leadership & Education, Evanston, IL Fall 2019-Present
Provide an equal-opportunity environment for student athletes to share issues and opportunities in the community
Implement new campus resources designed to enhance student athlete life at Northwestern University
Chosen by athletic administrators to make influential decisions benefitting student athletes
Counselor, Northwestern Men’s Basketball Camp, Evanston, IL Summer 2020
Taught basketball skills and encouraged campers to achieve goals through strong work ethic and dedication
Assessed 25 campers’ skill levels and developed personalized training modules to increase them
Language: Basic knowledge of French and Spanish
Technical: Proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint; working knowledge of STATA
Interests: Sports Statistics, Woodworking, and World Religions
[email protected]
CampusAddress: PermanentAddress:
1871ChicagoAvenue 4295West8
Evanston,IL60201 Canton,MA02021
ADDRESS is optional but
encouraged if applying to
opportunities in that location
Including the name of your
HIGH SCHOOL and graduation
year is optional
HIGH SCHOOL experiences
can be included before junior
year of college
focus on leadership and
transferable skills
SKILLS should include
technical or language skills,
not transferable skills
(such as communication
or leadership)
1590 Chicago Avenue #1812, Evanston, IL, 60201
[email protected] ǀ (630) 893-6538
Northwestern University Evanston, IL
Bachelor of Arts in Mathematical Methods in the Social Sciences and Economics | Minor in Mathematics June 2022
Kellogg Certificate Program for Undergraduates in Managerial Analytics
GPA: 3.76/4.00 | Dean’s List: 5 of 6 quarters
Relevant Courses: Operations and Supply Chain Strategy, Corporate Finance, Econometrics, Consumer Analytics,
Deterministic Models and Optimization, Competitive Strategy and Industrial Structure
Bates White LLC Washington, DC
Summer Consultant June 2020August 2020
Analyzed over 15 million Medicaid claims and sales data entries by a large generic drug company using STATA
Summarized and presented data analysis results for team meetings and client calls, using PowerPoint and Excel
Devised negotiation strategies in a 4-person team that can lead to over $40m in potential savings for the client
Researched analyst reports and databases; created multiple charts and drafted over 3,000 words for white paper on
economic considerations of plasma donation
CampusCATALYST Evanston, IL
Student Consultant April 2020 June 2020
Collaborated with 4 teammates to develop and present alumni relations and marketing strategies for Rainbows for All Children, an
international nonprofit organization with over 100,000 annual beneficiaries
Conducted benchmarking analysis by interviewing 3 comparable organizations
Designed digital stakeholder feedback forms to improve communication and gain quantitative measurements of program impact
Northwestern University School of Communication Evanston, IL
Research Assistant September 2019 – April 2020
Consolidated data from 6 sources by coding qualitative fields into quantitative variables for 800+ Chinese NGOs
Revised and distributed survey to over 200 nonprofit organizations on 5 different continents; achieved 66% response rate
Constructed over 50 interview questions on behalf of CEOs and project managers representing 7 local nonprofits
Where Rainbows Meet Training and Development Foundation Cape Town, South Africa
Business Facilitator and Consultant June 2019 – August 2019
Established online profile for local sewing products including 200 photos and over 5,000 words of description
Formed partnership with sewing product retailers and increased monthly revenue of the project by 70%
Assessed local entrepreneurs’ business plans and balance sheets; provided tailored business strategy recommendations
Rhythm Dance Troupe Evanston, IL
Secretary February 2019 – Present
Managed day-to-day intergroup communications and facilitated personalized outreach to 40 members
Choreographed Chinese ethnic dance trio and coordinated rehearsals over 3 months
Cooperated with more than 20 dancers and planned annual spring show with audience of 150+
Enhanced weekly newsletter content, contributing to 20% increase in event attendance and generating 15% increase in event profit
Asian Pacific American Coalition Evanston, IL
Programming Chair March 2019 – March 2020
Led weekly meetings with 12 junior executive members and monthly general meetings with over 60 members to address important
issues within the Asian American community
Reorganized executive board member responsibilities and restructured meetings, increasing meeting efficiency by over 40%
Exchanged programming ideas and developed programming partnerships with leaders of similar groups
Delta Gamma Fraternity, Member January 2019 – Present
AIESEC, Treasurer February 2019 – March 2020
Computer: Proficient in Excel, PowerPoint, Word, and Stata
Language: Fluent in Spanish
Interests: Visiting museums; cooking French food
[email protected] (925) 555-0946
2440 Green Bay Road, Rm. 621, Evanston, IL 60201
Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois
Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering | Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering
Anticipated 6/21
Cumulative GPA: 3.39/4.00
Relevant Courses: Thermodynamics, Mechanics of Materials, Fluid Mechanics, Managerial Analytics for Strategy, Engineering
Analysis, Electronics Design, Deterministic Models and Optimization, Public Speaking
Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois
Laboratory for Intelligent Mechanical Systems Research Assistant 6/209/20
Conducted research with a PhD student on the haptic interaction between an electrostatic surface and a human finger
Assisted in the application of design-model comparison and iterative improvement of a device to cause a rigid
surface to actively force a human finger by using electrostatic forces triggered with lateral vibrations
Developed an artificial fingertip with electric and mechanical properties similar to a real human fingertip
using semiconducting carbon-black-loaded elastomers, resistivity measurements, and dynamic
mechanical analysis
Designed and assembled a miniature lightweight accelerometer circuit board using EAGLE and flexible circuit boards
Alimentos S.A., Beijing, China
Engineering Project Management Intern 7/199/19
Led the design and development of an innovative and cost-efficient product display method (patent pending) by
coordinating materials acquisition and machine shop staff to produce prototypes in the shortest time possible
Minimized project implementation costs using raw material market research, iterative simplification of design, and
dimension optimization to achieve a potential 6-digit annual savings figure for the company
Performed experiments to assess the performance of three ergonomic transport and delivery cartridges for client orders
Proposed a design for an improved order transport and delivery mechanism by combining all of the efficient and
beneficial components from the previous designs and applying failure mode analysis and design thinking
Presented project progress and results to the president, general manager, and majority of division directors using
PowerPoint; successfully convinced them of the profitability of its execution
Design Thinking and Communication Course, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois
Client: Hospital Sisters Mission Outreach, Chicago, Illinois 4/186/18
Designed a self-sustaining pharmacy for a medical center in Migori, Kenya, using a repurposed shipping container
Coordinated the selection of solar-powered ventilation and lighting systems for the pharmacy and the interior design
Organized the timely completion of assignments and motivated 4-person team to complete checkpoints before deadlines
Wrote final report and instructions for construction of the pharmacy and presented the design to the client
Northwestern University Formula Racing, Drivetrain Team Member 10/19 – Present
Contribute to designing, manufacturing, and tuning the drivetrain components of a formula racing car
intended for the annual Formula SAE Michigan competition
Optimize the intake and exhaust system with a redesign to give the car a 10% boost in power
Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity, Illinois Alpha Chapter Member 4/18Present
Promote and facilitate multiple philanthropy activities, fundraising events, and new member recruitment
Applied parliamentary procedure to engage in discussions about chapter governance
Language: Spanish (fluent), Italian (conversational)
Computer: Proficient in MATLAB, SolidWorks, EAGLE, AMPL, R, STATA, Excel, and PowerPoint
Laboratory: Electrical resistivity measurement, data regression and analysis, dynamic mechanical analysis, stress-strain
testing, titrations, filtrations, dilutions, and other standard laboratory chemical procedures
DEAN’S LIST can be shown
by number of quarters earned
Provide SPECIFIC numbers,
percentages, and monetary
values when possible
can demonstrate
transferable skills
demonstrate technical,
managerial, and teamwork
skills and can be included
in the experience section
LEADERSHIP is not based
on title but demonstrated
through your impact
Kim S. Gordon
618 Clark St., Evanston, Ill. 60201
212-555-1212 ●
Northwestern University, Medill School of Journalism, Media, Integrated Marketing Communications, Evanston, Ill.
Bachelor of Science in Journalism, double major in Gender and Sexuality Studies, June 2022
Eric Lund Global Reporting and Research Grant, Tamale, Ghana
Grant Recipient, July 2020-present
Chosen as one of 15 recipients to author a 12-page project proposal
Oversee content acquisition, including scheduling interviews, filming 40+ hours of footage and organizing translation
Edit material to create a documentary about women living as accused witches in isolated regions of northern Ghana
Medill News Service, Northwestern University, Washington, D.C.
Mobile Journalist-Environmental Beat, January 2019-March 2019
Selected as one of 16 students to report for Medill on the Hill and contribute to a professional daily newsroom
Researched and wrote enterprise stories on political and environmental issues like global warming in the U.S.
Reported, wrote and photographed from the field, using social media to send quick updates and filing at least one story a day
Produced multimedia content for web, including photo/audio slideshows, video packages and graphics
Northwestern University Press, Evanston, Ill.
Editorial Assistant, September 2019-June 2020; Intern, June 2018-August 2018
Promoted from intern to editorial assistant in September 2018 for excellent and thorough work
Edited 20+ manuscripts, including short story anthologies, drama, novels and educational and scholarly works
Prepared files for copy editing by entering typesetting codes, fact-checking references and ensuring consistency of style
Input author and copy editor changes to files, reviewed page proofs and queried authors about discrepancies in manuscripts
Revised introductions, chronologies, photo galleries, notes, bibliographies and indices
Interactive Reporting, Northwestern University, Medill; January 2019-March 2019
Produced 1,000-word feature story on deportation in the U.S., created interactive elements and translated the story into Spanish
in order to appeal to Latinx audiences that have been affected by deportation
Created a fully functioning website using Bootstrap and a Google Fusion interactive map in 90 minutes as technical editor on
breaking news story about sting operations on suspected drug houses in Chicago
Medill Media Teens, Mentor, Northwestern University; December 2020-present
The Best of Medill Award, Winner for International Reporting in Panama, Northwestern University; June 2019
Publishing: Proficient with AP Style
Computer: Proficient in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), Adobe (Photoshop,
Illustrator). Working knowledge in Premiere Pro CS5, Soundbooth, Dreamweaver CS3, InDesign, Flash
CS5, NewsBoss
Social Media: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Vimeo, Tumblr, Skype, Reddit, StumbleUpon, LinkedIn, Instagram
Language: Fluent in Spanish (11 years of coursework)
(555) 123-4567
Northwestern University | Evanston, IL
Bachelor of Arts in Communication, expected June 2021
Major: Radio/TV/Film (RTVF)
Prague Film School, Prague, Czechia, August 2019 - March 2020
Carousel Productions | Los Angeles, CA
Intern, June 2020 - August 2020
Wrote summaries of 55+ screenplay submissions for production evaluation
Analyzed content to determine which submissions should be approved for development
Composed project reviews, planned team meetings, and addressed phone inquiries
MGMT. Entertainment | Los Angeles, CA
Development Intern, June 2019 - August 2019
Covered desks of assistants to the CEO and talent manager, mastering phone and client etiquette
Reviewed a Michael Diamond project, giving notes for project improvement during post-production
Read 15 feature scripts and 2 books, writing concise and insightful coverage for assistants and clients
Radio/TV/Film Department, Northwestern University | Evanston, IL
Student Office Assistant, September 2018 - June 2019
Implemented daily to-do list and weekly inventory and streamlined emails, lessening administrative workload
Created a reference document to make course registration more efficient for administrators
Addressed questions of students and faculty through email and phone in a professional manner
Studio 22 Productions | Evanston, IL
Co-Executive Chair, September 2019 - Present
Chaired 10-member board for 2 terms to greenlight and produce 13 shorts
Created 3 positions to address diversity and inclusion, pre-production needs, and film festivals
Chaired 2 Studio 22 Premiere planning committees (budgets $3500) to premiere the final films
Collaborated with RTVF faculty to innovate film financing methods after department restructuring
Northwestern University | Evanston, IL
Producer (6 short films), March 2019 - Present
Headed logistics of casting, location scouting and contracting, equipment rentals, transportation, crew,
craft services, catering, and fundraising while solving last-minute issues on set
Developed scripts to ensure complex characters, clear messages, and engaging plots
Those Who Move Mountains (2020) Writer, Director, Editor NU Media Arts Grant
Woman by Vesper (2020)
Director, Choreographer
New Movement Project
Feet (2019)
Writer, Director, Editor
Studio 22 Productions Grant
Janek to the River (2019)
Director, Co-Writer
Film & TV School at AMU, Prague
Noodles & Incense (2019)
Studio 22 Productions Bindley Grant
Niteskool Sessions: Episode 5 (2018)
Assistant Director
Niteskool Productions
Technical: Basic sound and light board, spotlight operating
Computer: Proficient in Microsoft Outlook, Word, PowerPoint, Excel
if privacy is a concern
included in the education
for films or plays can be
listed in multiple ways
HEADINGS can be tailored to
your target industry
an independent category
29 Brookstone Way, Evanston, IL 60201 847-555-2929 [email protected]
Northwestern University: Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences, Evanston, IL
Bachelor of Arts in English, Concentration: Literary Criticism and Theory
Certification: Undergraduate Leadership Program
GPA: 3.62/4.00
Expected June 2022
Relevant Coursework: Interpreting Culture, Language in the Text, History of Literary Criticism, Contemporary Theory,
Language and Culture, Modern Rhetorical Theory, Psycholinguistics, and Phenomenology
Modern Rhetorical Theory: Effective Communication in Business Project
Sept. 2020 Present
Critically analyze contemporary theory of management and its direct effects on 3 consulting firms
Perform extensive research on each consulting firm’s mission, projects, and obstacles
Interview 7 business analyst managers to understand the flow of communication
Provide recommendations to improve communication practices, leading to a 32% increase in productivity at one firm
Study Abroad Participant, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina June 2019Aug. 2019
Analyzed local government and policies surrounding education and contrasted findings against U.S. policies
Interacted with native residents including Gaucho Patagonian grasslands inhabitants
Gained exposure to the endangered and extinct languages of Argentina
Developed fluency in Spanish language by living with a Spanish-speaking host family
Vice President, Minority Business Association, Evanston, IL Sept. 2019Present
Support president in operations of student-run group focused on minority students interested in business
Increase student membership by 70% during tenure as marketing advocate (Fall 2019Spring 2020)
Foster healthy working relationships with student-run groups, administrators, faculty, and alumni
Facilitate bimonthly meetings to ensure efficiency and to create an equal learning forum for all members
Research and analyze current organizational plans and propose new mission-specific direction
Nominated Participant, Undergraduate Leadership Program, Evanston, IL
March 2019 June 2020
Acquired and improved leadership skills and experience through a 4-course certificate program
Participated in leadership challenges designed to help identify and build strengths
Received personal coaching sessions to identify and sharpen personal leadership style
Directed team problem solving assignments designed to simulate a business work-group environment
Sales Associate, Foot Locker, Chicago, IL Oct. 2016 – July 2019
Utilized interpersonal and customer service skills to enhance customer shopping experiences
Consistently exceeded monthly sales targets by at least 40%
Researched newly released products to aid in sales approach to customers
Member, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., Evanston, IL
Recruitment Coordinator, For Members Only (FMO), Evanston, IL
Language: Fluent in Spanish
Technical: Proficient in Microsoft Office: Word, Excel, Publisher, PowerPoint
Feb. 2020 Present
Jan. 2019 – May 2020
Leticia Domingo
Campus Address: Permanent Address:
2100 Orrington Ave, Evanston, IL 60201 436 Genoa Ct, Boulder, CO 80051
Northwestern University, Evanston, IL June 2022
Bachelor of Science in Education and Social Policy
Concentration in Social Policy | Minor in Psychology
GPA: 3.48/4.00
Work Experience
BRicK LLC, Project Manager Intern, Chicago, IL June 2021-Aug. 2021
Advised the attorney general on how to award affordable housing grants to 70 recipients
Collaborated with a team of 4 to plan a conference on suburban poverty for 25 Chicago organizations
Created and presented 10 recommendations for housing policy initiatives in Kansas City, MO
Northwestern University Settlement House, Intern at Office of External Affairs, Chicago, IL Jan. 2021-March 2021
Designed and created the content for the volunteer section of the organization’s new website (
Produced 3 newsletters for donors and board members, reaching 300+ individuals
Volunteered at the food pantry once a week for 200+ clients and in a Head Start classroom twice a month
Northwestern University, Intern at Center for Forced Migration Studies, Evanston, IL Oct. 2020-Dec. 2020
Conducted 20+ literature reviews on the relationship between health information technologies and low-literacy populations
Wrote memos on the United Nations Refugee Agency’s dialogue of refugees’ protection challenges
Partnered with central administration to develop a crowdsourced map of the living conditions of refugees across the world
Illinois Public Health Institute, Intern at Illinois Alliance to Prevent Obesity, Chicago, IL June 2020-Sept. 2020
Published policy briefs to stakeholders on issues central to the obesity problem
Drafted and sent letters to state government representatives to encourage obesity prevention legislation
Analyzed research and created a newsletter on the benefits of breastfeeding, circulated to 35+ organizations
Presented to health advocacy groups on the consequences of sugar-loaded drinks
Leadership Experience
GlobeMed, Co-Director, Global HealthU Co-Chair, Day of World Social Justice Chair, Evanston, IL Jan. 2020-Present
Facilitate a 30-minute weekly lecture on a global health issue for a group of 30 students
Plan 8 activities and events that create awareness of global health inequity
Manage meetings each week to maintain order and productivity in the group
Sheil Catholic Center, Treasurer, Student Advisory Board, Evanston, IL Jan. 2020-Present
Create and monitor $9000 budget for club programs including fundraising, mission trips and community gatherings
Oversee Sheil Student Organization Finance Office account, including maintaining the ledger
Organize and budget for major events such as Alternate Student Break trip to Nicaragua with Fabretto Children’s Organization
(December 2019), Sheil Formal (Spring 2020), and Spring Retreat (Spring 2020)
Center for Civic Engagement, Outreach and AMPED Fellow, Evanston, IL Sept. 2018-Dec. 2019
Created outreach materials and presentations to the university community about civic engagement opportunities
Launched the Arts and Music Programs for Education in Detention Centers and provided instruction to 9 high-school-age
teens for 10 consecutive weeks
Facilitated discussion among the 8-10 other mentors about the juvenile justice system and civic engagement
Volunteer Experience
Christopher House, Student Assistant, Chicago, IL Jan. 2020-Present
Engage children in physical activities during recess to promote healthy habits
Tutor 3-4 children in reading 2 books a day
Community Servings, Alternative Student Break Participant, Boston, MA Jan. 2019-March 2019
Prepared 400+ tailored meals and delivered 5 meals a day to the critically ill
Refugee Family Services, Alternative Student Break Participant, Atlanta, GA Jan. 2018-March 2018
Tutored in a 3-hour after-school program for 50 refugee children in subjects such as writing and science
Strengthened the children’s life skills, such as discipline and open-mindedness, through lessons and social activities
can be included to align with
the industry
to best highlight your
WEBSITES can be listed if
you played a role in design
or development
experiences are valuable
to include
Meera Ganesh
2650 Foster Ave. Unit 2, Evanston, IL 60201 (847) 555-6145
Northwestern University, Evanston, IL Expected June 2021
Bachelor of Arts in Economics; Kellogg Undergraduate Certificate in Managerial Analytics
GPA: 3.84/4.00; SAT Writing: 750, Verbal: 740, Math: 800
Relevant Coursework: Econometrics, Principles of Finance, Corporate Finance
Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina, Dehon, Tubarão, Brazil: Undergraduate Language Grant Recipient June 2018-Aug 2018
J.P. Morgan New York, NY
Incoming Investment Banking Summer Analyst June 2021-August 2021
Ernst & Young Commercial Advisory Services New York, NY
Summer Associate June 2020-Aug 2020
Assessed growth opportunities of relevant retail grocery formats by conducting primary and secondary research to determine external
market drivers and forecasted growth
Conducted a strategic assessment of existing store formats by analyzing key performance and financial metrics for each entity within a
client’s business, allowing clients to prioritize strategic growth options aligned with market trends
Modeled potential growth scenarios by synthesizing research findings and evaluating the strategic, financial, and capital structure
implications to help management achieve desired market position by 2022
First Chicago Advisors, Inc. Chicago, IL
Investment Banking Intern Sept 2019-Dec 2019
Engaged in a sell-side transaction starting at the earliest stage and conducted potential buyer screening, contributing to successful deal
origination with a major food company
Completed first phase of due diligence on domestic food industry and detailed the characteristics of potential buyers
Compiled profiles for prospective buyers, addressing recent developments, financial viability, core strategies, and potential synergies
Walgreen Co. Deerfield, IL
Market Strategy Intern June 2019-Aug 2019
Analyzed the impact of past pharmacy scripts (RX) acquisitions on Walgreens stores’ non-RX sales, allowing Walgreens to account for
the average 5% added benefit on revenue when setting future bids for buyout targets
Performed due diligence on 80+ individual sites and transactions by conducting interviews with market managers, reviewing established
site analyses, and participating in weekly market strategy team’s site reviews
Identified key drivers for non-RX sales increase by utilizing GIS and multi-variable regression analysis in order to improve accuracy in
estimating potential sales benefit for future acquisitions
Associated Student Government Evanston, IL
Account Executive, Student Activities Finance Board Sept 2019-Present
Allocate $1.3 million to 40 student groups using qualitative and quantitative data
Oversee the management of supplemental and contingency funds
Consult with 4 designated groups to advise and oversee their finances and serve as advocate in senate funding procedures
Campus Solutions Storage & Shipping Inc. Evanston, IL
Senior Strategy & Operations Manager Oct 2018-Sept 2020
Managed and coordinated all aspects of a student-run storage and shipping company with $150,000+ in revenue
Organized a team to efficiently pick up, store, and deliver the items of 700+ students, resulting in a 70% faster completion rate
Developed and executed a three-pronged marketing strategy creating a 300% increase in organic reach and a 10% increase in engaged
Facebook users
International Studies Residential College Evanston, IL
President March 2018-March 2019
Administered $15,600 budget for social and academic activities that benefited 100 residents and enhanced their living experience
nitiated the creation and implementation of a comprehensive and individualized handbook for all officers
Computer: SQL, R, STATA, QlikView, Bloomberg, Datastream, WRDS, AMPL, HTML/CCS, Salesforce, Excel, PowerPoint
Languages: Hindi (fluent), Portuguese (fluent)
1500 Chicago Avenue, Apartment 5C, Evanston, IL 60201 ● (630) 555-7473 ●
Northwestern University, Evanston, IL
Bachelor of Music in Flute Performance, Bachelor of Arts in French (5-year Dual Degree)
Minor in Arts Administration; Expected June 2021
GPA: 3.89/4.00
Alumni Relations and Development, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL
Clerical Aide,
Oct. 2017 – Present
Enhance office productivity by completing extensive donor mailings, data entry, and prospect research
Edit 800 handwritten thank-you notes for quarterly Thank-a-Thon program and Thank-a-Donor Week
Generate reports and lists, uploaded Contact Reports and Mass Updates to
Analyze data for Parent and Family Giving and Direct Mail teams
IDs, student and parent names, and sports into a report for 19 Athletics programs
Bienen School of Music, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL
Flute Player,
Sept. 2017 – Present
Balance 16+ hours of practice each week with coursework and extracurricular activities
Collaborate with colleagues to improve chamber, ensemble, and solo music
Lead sections to make consistent progress towards tangible goals
The Atlanta Opera, Atlanta, GA
Arts Administration Intern,
June 2018 – Aug. 2018
Drafted press releases for each of the Opera’s 3 mainstage performances for the 2018 – 2019 season
Utilized Tessitura
to complete ticket exchanges and create call lists
Identified and researched prospective group sales patrons, resulting in a 10% increase in group sales
Auditorium Theatre of Roosevelt University (ATRU), Chicago, IL
Development Intern,
Sept. 2017 – Dec. 2017
Oversaw annual Devil’s Ball and Gala events for 500+ attendees each; created auction signs, proofread
materials, wrote thank-you letters to 45 sponsors and donors, completed day-of event tasks
Researched membership programs at 15 similar venues and organizations
Developed new program proposal for ATRU and presented ideas to Board of Directors
Northwestern University Chamber Orchestra, Evanston, IL
Sept. 2017 – Present
Northwestern University Bienen School of Music Student Recital, Evanston, IL
May 2017, May 2018
Zeta Tau Alpha, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL
Vice President New Member Coordinator,
Sept. 2018 – Present
Facilitate 8-week educational curriculum to develop new members, focusing on leadership, chapter
history, and the membership experience
Lead a 5-person committee to execute weekly programs, meetings, and events for new members
Sisterhood Chair,
Jan. 2018 – May 2018
Planned and coordinated bi-weekly events for 120 chapter members based upon member input and
expressed need, increasing participation by 20%
Developed and implemented new ideas for big-little sister program to foster relationships between 40
new members and active members
Bienen School of Music Student Advisory Board, Evanston, IL
Sept. 2017 – Present
Create community within the Bienen School of Music by promoting communication between more
than 600 students, faculty, and University administration
Collaborate with 11 students to initiate meaningful conversations among Bienen students regarding
needs, expectations, and desired learning opportunities and present outcomes to faculty each quarter
SKILLS Computer: Proficient in Microsoft Office, Constant Contact, Tessitura
Language: Fluent in French
INTERNSHIPS demonstrate
your qualifications and
interest in the industry
Showcase project
“SELECTED” headings save
space and indicate there are
more experiences
demonstrates your dedication
to an organization
CV Résumé
Length 2+ pages 12 pages
What to include Detailed overview of
academic credentials and
scholarly accomplishments
Summary of relevant skills, education,
and experience
When to use
Academic research
and teaching positions,
Most but not all positions in industries and fields
outside academia (e.g., business, nonprofit,
policy, technology)
Positions requiring
academic research,
teaching, and publications
Grants, fellowships, and
some administrative
positions in colleges and
Because graduate students may not have rele-
vant industry experience, they must commu-
nicate how their academic experiences enable
them to perform the required duties of a posi-
tion. When developing your résumé, focus on
translating your research and teaching expe-
rience into terms that will be recognizable to
employers in your field. If your background is
not an exact match, identify the skills you’ve
acquired that are transferable to that particular
Research the employer and industry and care-
fully read the job description. This will help you
identify the skills sought and the key words and
terminology of the field so you can tailor your
résumé accordingly.
Think about all your experiences, including
advanced coursework, research, projects, leader-
ship, volunteering, paid positions, and teaching.
Note the transferable skills you developed in
each, such as supervision, quantitative analytics,
budgeting, or design.
When evaluating your research, focus on
your process and impact rather than on specific
research findings.
Highlight your “soft” skills—leadership, col-
laboration, project management, and effective
communication—which are highly valued by
Résumé and CV Writing
for Graduate Students
Graduate students applying for positions outside academia often convert
their CVs to résumés, which are preferred in industry and nonprofit settings.
Though the CV and résumé have similarities, it’s important to understand
when and how to use each document.
112 Smithson Drive Chesapeake, VA 23322 (847) 555-4410
Northwestern University, Evanston, IL August 2021
Ph.D., Materials Science and Engineering, GPA: 3.56/4.00
Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA May 2015
Bachelor of Science, , Materials Science and Engineering, Physics Minor
Honors: Cum Laude, Schreyer Honors College, Keramos Honorary Fraternity
Northwestern University, Evanston, IL September 2015-Present
Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Collaborated in an interdisciplinary center spanning 8 research groups at 3 universities across 4 disciplines to publish
advances in transparent electronic semiconductors
Coordinated grant review presentation development and served as a liaison with lead investigators
Developed novel technique to characterize point defects in amorphous thin films using high-temperature, in situ
electrical property measurement
Science and Engineering Research and Teaching Synthesis, Evanston, IL March 2016-June 2020
Workshop Organizer, Spring 2020
Developed immersive, hands-on experiments to demonstrate process and importance of university-level research
Supervised 18 students in group activities and taught basic research methods and techniques
Student Coordinator, Spring 2018
Rapidly ascertained the essentials of workshop organizers’ research areas to devise custom teaching methods and demos
Utilized online forms enhancing the scheduling of 85 students into 15 workshop sessions over 3 weeks
Ready, Set, Go: A Course in Scientific Communication, Evanston, IL January 2020-Present
Co-Founder, Program Administrator
Authored grant for $10,000 to pilot a yearlong workshop for graduate student researchers
Coordinated professionals in theater, journalism, and communication to design intensive 10-week workshop
Designed and maintained a course website to promote the achievements of workshop fellows
Analyzed program feedback using web-based forms and presented to a board of graduate school deans
Engelhart Hall, Evanston, IL August 2016-June 2020
Resident Assistant, 2016-2018; Senior Resident Assistant, 2018-2020
Facilitated weekly meetings for a staff of 4 graduate students to plan events and enhance community development
Reviewed, selected, and trained candidates for a community assistant position
Planned 30 events over 4 years for a diverse community of 300 residents on budget of $8,000 per year
Implemented online duty log to track staff efforts, improving consistency of response and scheduling decisions
Enhanced Engelhart’s social network presence, contributed to improving event awareness and attendance by 50%
Apple Retail, Norfolk, VA June 2013-August 2015
Apple Specialist
Engaged customers in friendly conversation to assess needs and provide the optimal solution for their budget
Earned Apple Product Professional Gold-Level Certification for product knowledge
MGLC Art Fair Winner, Photography 2018, 2020
Walter P. Murphy Fellowship (awarded to outstanding first-year Ph.D. students)
SEM, XRD, ToF-SIMS, XPS, Profilometry, Ellipsometry, Hall Probe, UV-VIS Spectrophotometry, Solid state synthesis, PLD
Apple Keynote, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Muse, MS Excel, MS Word, MS PowerPoint
Adobe Premiere, Adobe Dreamweaver, SketchUp, LabVIEW, Wolfram Mathematica 8
1234 Main Pkwy Apt O1, Evanston, IL (847) 555-6988 [email protected]
Northwestern UniversityThe Graduate School | Evanston, IL
MS/PhD, Civil and Environmental Engineering September 2022
GPA: 3.75/4.00; GRE: 166Q, 154V, 4.0W; TOEFL:109/120
Presidential Fellow nominee
Northwestern UniversityKellogg School of Management | Evanston, IL
Management for Scientists and Engineers Certificate August 2020
University of Jordan | Amman, Jordan
BS, Civil Engineering September 2014
GPA: 3.70/4.00; Highest Honors (Excellent); rank:
Northwestern University Transportation Center | Evanston, IL
Lead Graduate Student Researcher (1 Project) December 2019 – Present
Lead a national research project for the United States Department of Transportation to develop a modeling framework for
evaluating the safety, mobility, and sustainability impacts of connected and automated vehicles
Graduate Student Researcher (2 Projects) March 2018 – November 2019
Developed statistical tools for the Chicago Department of Transportation to continuously monitor and evaluate the safety
impacts of 150+ installed red light cameras in the city of Chicago
Co-built an integrated optimization-simulation platform for the Saudi Ministry of Hajj and Umra to support the management
of 1.5 million pilgrims/day during the 4-day Hajj season in Mecca, Saudi Arabia
Organized 9+ interactive workshops and webinars to discuss the center’s analysis and recommendations with 15–50
participants from sponsoring agencies and stakeholders
Consolidated Contractors Company LLC | Seeb, Oman
Control Engineer (1 Project; $90 million value) October 2016 – August 2017
Initiated and led price negotiations for a new construction item that increased project revenues by $10.7 million
Trained two junior engineers, two quantity surveyors, and two interns on project progress monitoring and forecasting
Junior Civil Engineer (2 Projects; $30$50 million value) November 2015 – September 2016
Managed multiple teams of 60100 workers to complete a variety of scheduled construction projects
Northwestern University | Evanston, IL
Co-president Advanced Degrees Consulting Alliance ($10k annual budget; 350+ active members) February 2021Present
Lead a board of 7 executives to develop and implement a program of workshops and networking socials for Northwestern
graduate students to explore and prepare for careers in consulting and to connect with consulting firms
Restructure the roles of board executives to balance collaboration and work ownership among members
Fellow Center for Leadership September 2020Present
Mentor 7 undergraduate students on developing their personal leadership models using Gallup’s strength-based approach
Facilitate group and individual discussions for undergraduate students to deepen their understanding of leadership
Professional Development Co-chairMcCormick Graduate Leadership Council (300+ active members) September 2019 – Present
Partner with 12 council members to plan and implement social, academic, outreach, and professional activities for students
Organize 6 interactive workshops to help graduate students plan and prepare for their careers beyond Northwestern
SELECTED PUBLICATIONS (of 6 publications, 11 presentations)
Amari, O., Johnston, A., and Akesh, R.S., 2021. Machine Learning Approach to Traffic Prediction in a Linked Highway. Accepted
for publication in Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board
Amari, O., Lin, K., Johnston, A., and Akesh, R.S., 2021. Traffic Detection in a Linked Environment using Individual Distribution
Principles. Accepted for publication in Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board
Skills: Microsoft Office, R, Python, Stata, ArcGIS, AMPLE, PRIMVERA P6, AutoCAD, MATLAB, and BIOGEME
Languages: fluent in Arabic; basic knowledge of French
Interests: hiking exotic trails (like Petra, Jordan), scenic road trips, and squash
SCORES for the consulting
SKILLS from your research,
including analysis, modeling,
and project management
Mentioning “SELECTED”
space and indicates there
are more
in terms of skills that relate to
the role
related to the job description
Anthony Johnson
621 Lincoln Street, Evanston, IL 60208 (847) 555-3700
Data Science master’s student with focus in multivariate analyses including generalized linear modeling, regression, clustering, and
decision trees. Ten years of analytical and underwriting experience, including three years of management experience. Expertise in
statistical analysis, underwriting, issue resolution, financial risk assessment, and mitigation. Seeking full-time data scientist positions.
Advanced Modeling Techniques: Affordable Care Act Enrollment Bias, August 2020
Developed a multiple linear regression model that predicts the likelihood of enrollment into the Affordable Care Act by
county based on a set of demographic variables.
Reduced the dataset of 6,000+ variables to 30 predictor variables.
Marketing Analytics: Data Mining in the Prediction of Global Sales, March 2020
Compared multiple classification algorithms in Weka including J4.8, JRip, Naïve Bayes, Multilayer Perceptron, IBk, and
SimpleLogistic using data from wine sales in Australia.
Compared multiple scenarios of each algorithm to identify the highest percent of correctly classified instances.
UnitedHealth Group, Schaumburg, IL
Senior Financial Analyst, May 2020Present
Forecast financial performance of clients and adjust pricing to ensure contract guarantees are met, risk of payout is mitigated,
and company’s profit margin is maintained.
Automated reporting process using Business Objects and SAS to decrease production time by 45%.
Audit claims data and analyze prescription pricing discrepancies.
Collaborated with multiple departments including senior-level management to identify a system coding error, mitigating
a potential $4M client payout.
Analyzed opportunities where pricing could be adjusted to more closely meet clients’ contract guarantees, resulting in
an estimated annual savings of $3.5M.
Walgreens, Walgreens Health Initiatives, Deerfield, IL
Manager Client Underwriting and Analytics, September 2014 – May 2020
Promoted to manager overseeing the pricing and underwriting process for PBM client renewals.
Analyzed client data, developed assumptions, created pricing strategy, and presented pricing details to executives.
Developed a process using Microsoft Access that identified opportunities where clients’ generic pricing could be adjusted to
more closely meet a given benchmark, resulting in savings of $8.5M to Walgreens.
Assigned workload, monitored progress, provided guidance, and helped develop career paths for 15 analysts.
Maintained group manager responsibilities while simultaneously onboarding into manager role.
Group Manager Client Analytics, February 2008 September 2014
Executed strategic initiatives by analyzing 30 key shareholders each quarter and providing proactive counsel to help improve
clients’ trend and Walgreen’s profitability.
Presented plan design recommendations to 11 shareholders and successfully implemented plan over a 14-month timeframe.
Designed Excel-based data analysis tools used by Client Services and Clinical Sales when selling clinical products to clients.
Trained and supported the field on the use of these tools.
Advanced in SAS, R, SPSS, SQL, Microsoft Access, and Excel. Intermediate in Business Objects.
Northwestern University, Evanston, IL
Master of Science in Data Science, June 2022
GPA: 4.0 / 4.0
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Management Information Systems concentration, May 2007
GPA: 4.0 / 4.0
helps experienced candidates
showcase the most relevant
points for a specific position
demonstrate your ability to
make an impact
commitment to your field
Roy Thompson
roy- thomps@, ( 817) 555 - 3400
19 Orrington Ave. #213, Evanston, IL 60208
Northwestern University, Graduate School and Family Institute, Evanston, IL
Master of Arts in Counseling, GPA: 3.9/4.0 June 2022
Honors/Awards: Harris Scholar, Mental Health Human Rights Clinic Participant
Boston College, College of Arts & Sciences, Boston, MA
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, GPA: 3.8/4.0 May 2020
Honors/Awards: Cum Laude; Member of Psi Chi (International Honor Society in Psychology); Student Research Award-Undergraduate
Research Opportunity Program Fall 2020/Spring 2021
The Family Institute, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL September 2020 Present
Counseling Practicum Trainee
Complete 80+ hours of face-to-face counseling and receive 100+ hours of group and individual supervision
Provide direct clinical service to 15+ weekly clients aged 15-32 years
Treat presenting issues of depression, anxiety, childhood trauma, interpersonal relationships, and body image
Past 2 Present Project, Boston University School of Social Work, Boston, MA October 2019 May 2020
Research Assistant
Collected data, developed recruitment strategies, and corresponded with 45+ participants to measure the effects of
childhood experiences on adult development
Received a $2500 grant for research project entitled “Does impulsive personality lead to college binge drinking? Examining
the relationship between impulsivity and binge drinking among college students”
Residential Services, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL August 2020 Present
Assistant Residence Director/Hall Government Officer
Collaborate with faculty, staff and students to foster vibrant and inclusive residential environments
Serve as primary advisor to 3 hall governments and offer guidance, training, and support to 15 lead members
Coordinate and implement the election process, manage executive board meetings, and facilitate the revision of constitutions
Tufts Summer English Language Programs, Tufts University, Medford, MA June 2020 August 2020
Resident Counselor
Provided supervision and guidance to 19 international students and 3 student leaders
Instructed residents on crisis response, identifying binge drinking behaviors, and active listening techniques
Fostered immersion to life at Tufts University and the United States by creating educational presentations and leading cultural
trips around the greater Boston area
Boston University Orientation, College of Arts & Sciences, Boston, MA March 2019 January 2020
Student Adviser
Served as a peer mentor and leader to a group of 15-18 incoming students at each orientation session
Conducted small group meetings and discussions with students and families, explaining academic policies and requirements
Billings Office of the Clinical Psychiatry Department, Boston Medical Center, Boston, MA February 2018 – December 2019
Office Assistant
Verified insurance claims of Boston Medical Center psychiatric patients and processed session billing
Managed clinical documents and updated insurance provider information through online office system
American Mental Health Counselors Association 2020 Present
Student Support Network, Boston College April 2019
UMOJA, Boston College Black Student Union 2016 – 2018
Cultural Mentorship Program, Howard Thurman Center for Common Ground, Boston College 2016 2018
Eleanor Kemper | 773-867-5309 | [email protected]
Northwestern University
Evanston, IL
Chemistry, Ph.D.
Anticipated Graduation: September 2022
Chemistry of Life Processes Institute Graduate Training Program
§ Selected as a trainee on NIH-funded institutional training grant for 2 years
Certificate in Management for Scientists and Engineers, Kellogg School of Management
§ Selected (50/200) for an intensive 10-week program for doctoral students focused on management and frameworks
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Urbana, IL
Chemistry, B.S. with Honors May 2017
§ Honors College, Dean’s List, National Merit and Alumni Distinguished Scholarships
Northwestern University, Evanston, IL
Doctoral Researcher, Prof. James Jones
§ Develop new strategies for non-invasive, quantitative analysis of multiple tumor markers using magnetic resonance
spectroscopy (MRS) and bio-responsive chemistries pioneered in the Jones group
§ Wrote proposal for and was awarded $6000 research grant by the Alumnae of Northwestern for primary project
§ Manage laboratory purchasing, receiving, and inventory
§ Synthesized and evaluated a new generation of probes for non-invasive evaluation of hormone receptor status in
female reproductive cancers
§ Directed two multi-laboratory imaging studies to evaluate receptor detection in rodent models of breast cancer
§ Mentored an undergraduate student in planning and executing a research project based on original work
Northwestern University, Evanston, IL
Coordinator, Mentorship Opportunities for Research Engagement
§ Partner and coordinate with local high school and community college teachers to connect students interested in
science with an interdisciplinary group of Northwestern graduate students for career panels and mentorship
§ Guide the production of follow-up digital content for awareness and information on opportunities in science,
particularly for underrepresented minorities
Teaching Assistant, Chemistry Department 2019-Present
§ Lead laboratory sections and recitations of 8-20 students for regular and advanced undergraduate chemistry
students in general and organic chemistry
§ Design and implement a new student sample submission system for organic chemistry labs
Service Chair, Phi Lambda Upsilon, Alpha Gamma Chapter
§ Organized and executed two large-scale science shows for 100+ middle and elementary school students
§ Oversaw 60+ volunteers for outreach and fundraising efforts throughout the year including a clothing drive and
charity social hour
Selected Techniques: NMR, HPLC, MS (ESI, MALDI, ACPI), IR, UV-Vis, Fluorescence, Cell culture, Flow cytometry,
Plate reader, ICP
Software Packages: MestreNova, ChemDraw, VnmrJ, ImageJ, MATLAB, RStudio, Origin, GraphPad Prism,
Photoshop, Office
Programming Languages: Python, R, MATLAB, Bash, Google Apps Script
1. Eleanor Kemper, Tara Gillmore, Rati Akesh, Georgette Johnson, Riva Burden, and Thomas J. Kohl. MR imaging
of biomarkers in reproductive cancer and disease. Imaging in 2020. Jackson Hole, WY September, 2016 (Poster)
2. Eleanor Kemper, Tara Gillmore, Rati Akesh, Georgette Johnson, Riva Burden, Thomas J. Kohl. Molecular probes
for non-invasive visualization of hormone receptor expression and activity in disease. Vanderbilt Institute of
Chemical Biology Student Research Symposium. Nashville, TN August, 2015 (Poster)
such as teaching certifications,
project management courses,
and technical credentials
same institution can be included
together to save space
Jessica Encarnacion | (847) 306-1987 | [email protected]
Northwestern University, Evanston, IL
Ph.D., Musicology (Anticipated) Sept 2022
M.A., Musicology Jun 2018
Graduate Certificate in Teaching from Searle Center for Advancing Learning & Teaching Jun 2020
Indiana University Bloomington, Bloomington, IN
B.A., Music; GPA: 3.87, magna cum laude May 2014
Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Rosenthal Archives Intern Chicago, IL | Sep 2019 – March 2020
Managed and maintained archive catalogue database (DBTextworks), ensuring it contained up-to-date information
on the orchestra’s programming.
Edited content for the “From the Archives Blog”; developed pitches and created new blog content.
Wrote, proofread, and edited curatorial content for the archive’s WWI exhibit, “A Time for Reflection A
Message of Peace.”
University of Chicago Press, Student Editorial Assistant Chicago, IL | Sept 2016 – Jun 2017
Acquired and prepared manuscripts for publication in collaboration with the editorial director for the humanities
and social sciences.
Proposed and implemented a company-wide digital system to organize old submissions, creating more storage
space for current projects onsite.
Northwestern University, PhD Researcher & Fulbright Fellow Paris, France & Evanston, IL | Sept 2014 – Present
Designed and conducted original, independent research on a broad range of subjects in music history.
Translated 18th-century documents from their original French into English to ascertain and analyze their political
Established self-directed research schedules and organizational strategies for archival work, with limited
supervision from Université Paris-Sorbonne faculty.
Supported department faculty in proofreading and editing scholarly articles and books.
Northwestern University, Instructor of Record Evanston, IL | Jan 2018 – Sept 2020
Managed and developed curriculum for three sections of general music courses for non-majors.
Wrote and delivered 80-to-160-minute lectures for classes of 9 to 26 students over 6-to-10-week quarters.
Designed, edited, and evaluated student writing assignments; provided written feedback weekly.
Received average course/teacher evaluation score of 5.2/6.
Northwestern University Chicago Humanities Initiative, Participant Chicago, IL | July 2020Aug. 2020
Selected for summer cohort to connect seminar content around the practices of public humanities
odels and
methods to an 8-week virtual internship with Axis Lab.
Supported Axis Lab public arts project with research on COVID-19 impacts on Indigenous, Asian American,
Latinx, and African American communities.
Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
Knowledgeable in Chicago Manual of Style practices
French (fluent), German (conversational)
Quantify your TEACHING
EXPERIENCES, including
class size, sections taught,
and student ratings
Anastasia McMillan
900 Chicago Avenue #404 / Evanston, IL 60202 / 847 555 9876 /
Northwestern University,
Evanston, IL August 2021
Ph.D. Candidate
, Performance Studies
Pomona College,
Claremont, CA June 2013
Bachelor of Arts,
Royal Academy of Dramatic Art,
London, UK January 2011-May 2011
Classical acting training program, semester abroad
Theatre Instructor
September 2019-present
Department Performance Studies, Northwestern University, Evanston IL
Designed, wrote, and taught 5 original syllabi for history, theory, and practice courses
Specialized in interdisciplinary course design, including a class on medicine and theatre and an integrated
theory and practice course on major twentieth-century directors
Rated 5.4/6 for overall quality of instruction in fall 2019 student evaluations
Founder and Coordinator
January 2018-June 2019
Performance Studies Graduate Teaching Summit, Northwestern University, Evanston IL
Collaborated with faculty to organize a job market workshop to help Ph.D. students integrate teaching into
their career planning process, making them more viable in the academic market
Conceived and created a forum for theatre and drama Ph.D. students to improve teaching portfolios,
syllabi, and sharing discipline-specific resources on teaching
Redesigned curriculum for first year theatre course in collaboration with faculty and graduate students to
better meet the department’s learning objectives
Graduate Teaching Fellow
September 2016-June 2018
Searle Center for Advancing Learning and Teaching, Northwestern University, Evanston IL
Coached 25 graduate students to optimize their competitive edge in the job market
Connected students with resources on pedagogy to help them strategize about teaching decisions
Developed and led 15 multidisciplinary workshops on teaching for 65 graduate students
Consulted with teachers through one-on-one meetings, classroom observations, and detailed teaching
evaluation letters
Organized and carried out an annual conference for 15 new teaching assistants in collaboration with Searle
Center employees and other teaching fellows
March 2017-present
Research Assistant
Department of Performance Studies, Northwestern University, Evanston IL
Interviewed an acclaimed director and transcribed interviews for publication in an online theatre journal
Forged connections with key figures in the arts and social justice fields through interviews and research to
acquire a richer qualitative data set
Gained knowledge of career paths available to community-minded arts professionals
Devising Team Member, Veterans’ Voices
April 2018-March 2019
Erasing the Distance, Chicago IL
Collaborated on writing and research for a new play on veterans’ mental health issues
Fostered mutually beneficial relationships between psychology students, veterans, theatre professionals,
and community members, raising awareness about the post-military experience
January 2017-May 2018
The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago IL
Conceived, wrote, and recorded interactive audio tours for the Art Institute of Chicago with a team of
Consulted with the Art Institute’s education team, helping them combine media to find creative ways of
reaching their target audiences, increasing their program attendance by 55%
“The Most Famous Scholar in the World: Performance and Pedagogy on an Academic’s Brain.The
Review of Education, Pedagogy, and Cultural Studies special issue on health, embodiment and visual
culture, July 2019, 36:3-4, 190-202
“Smith County, USA,Prologue, Chicago Repertory Theatre, March 2018
“Bringing Susan Williams Home: An Interview with Robert and Nancy Williams,” Prologue, Chicago
Repertory Theatre, October 2017
“The Women Playwrights Festival: A Review of Ten Years,” Prologue, Chicago Repertory Theatre,
December 2014
Association for Theatre in Higher Education and Performance Studies International June 2019-present
American Society of Theater Consultants January 2017-present
American Alliance for Theater and Education December 2016-present
Advanced in Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Excel; proficient in Mac and PC environments
Learning Management Systems
: Advanced in Blackboard and Canvas
: Fluent in Latin; conversational in Spanish
Describe your level of
listing your skills
By clearly highlighting your strengths and credentials, a
cover letter should capture the employers interest.
1 Use the same header on both your cover letter and
sumé for a cohesive and polished look.
2 When available, include the name, title, company, and
address of the person you’re writing.
3 If you don’t know the recruiter or hiring managers
name, address your letter to “Recruiting Team or
“Hiring Manager. Avoid using “To whom it may concern.
4 Use the opening paragraph to introduce yourself.
State why you’re writing and how you learned about
the position. Demonstrate your level of interest and
knowledge of the organization in two to three more
sentences. These final sentences of the opening
paragraph should grab the employer’s attention and
encourage them to read on.
5 If someone referred you or you’ve established a contact
through networking, include the persons name and
affiliation with the employer.
6 The middle paragraphs should emphasize and elabo-
rate on your strongest qualifications and key relevant
experiences. Address qualifications specified in the job
description and give specific examples of when you’ve
demonstrated the skills the employer is seeking. Don’t
repeat all the content from your résumé; instead, select
two or three experiences that showcase the positive
impact of your relevant skills.
7 Use the closing paragraph to express thanks for con-
sideration and to request an opportunity to discuss the
position. For long-distance searches, let the employer
know of any plans to visit the area so that you might
arrange an in-person interview.
8 If youre using the header from your résumé, do not
repeat your contact information in the signature.
It’s a good idea to solicit feedback on your cover letter by
sharing drafts with NCA staff, professional contacts, and
peers. Ask your reviewers, “What did you learn about my
qualifications and interest in the position?” Make sure to
proofread your letter carefully before sending it.
Cover Letters
A cover letter introduces you to a potential
employer and should accompany your
résumé unless the employer requests
otherwise. You should use a business-letter
format and keep to one page of three to five
paragraphs. Each cover letter you write
should be tailored to the specific position and
employer to align with the organizations
culture and the requirements of the role.
Matthew Brown
1234 Chicago Avenue Apt. 2A, Evanston, IL 60201 · · 847-555-3211
September 29, 2020
Jack Smith
Director of Human Resources
The Boston Consulting Group
300 N. LaSalle Street
Chicago, IL 60654
Dear Jack Smith:
I am writing to apply for the Associate position at Boston Consulting Group. Currently I am a senior at Northwestern
University and a double major in Political Science and International Studies with a minor in Business Institutions.
BCG stands out to me because of its wide range of capabilities in the global market and the customized approach it takes
to addressing clients’ challenges. In addition, the opportunity to chart my own course in a supportive and challenging
environment is very important to me. I have spoken at length about this position with Ann Johnson, a current associate
with BCG, and our discussions have reinforced my enthusiasm for working at your organization upon graduation.
This past summer I worked at Target Corporation as a business analyst intern. My project was to develop a strategic plan
to increase Target’s sales and cut costs through better product transition processes, and the creation of a long-term plan
to implement my recommendations. Along with my other teammates, I developed a plan to address the disconnect
between the timing and the scope of product transitions compared with customer shopping trends and frequencythe
plan led to a potential sales increase of $10 million and receipt savings of $9.3 million. While the core of the internship
involved quantitative work and trend analysis, the knowledge that I gained through the positive relationships built with
team members across the division was critical to my success.
Currently I am the chair of the Northwestern program team for campusCatalyst, a student-run organization that pairs
students with a nonprofit to carry out a 10-week consulting project. I began my involvement with campusCatalyst as a
sophomore, when I participated as a community analyst during my winter term. Last year, I was chosen to join the
program team as a nonprofit liaison. My responsibilities included recruiting and managing nonprofit clients and the
MBA mentors who worked with the students during their projects. This past spring, I was elected chair of the
organization and will be managing the nine-person program team as well as serving as the student liaison to our
board of directors.
I am excited to learn more about the Boston Consulting Group and look forward to the opportunity to discuss this
position with you in person. Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to meeting with you soon.
Matthew Brown
Jasmine Smith
892 Chicago Ave #4, Evanston, IL 60201 • (847) 555-2481 • [email protected]
February 1, 2022
Care Advisors
375 Hudson Street
New York, NY 10014
Dear Care Advisors Internship Coordinator:
I am excited to be applying for the technical product management internship at Care Advisors. Currently I am a junior
at Northwestern University majoring in sociology with a minor in computer science. I feel a strong connection to Care
Advisors’ mission to use automation to improve patient access to care for people who may experience barriers when
enrolling in benefits. The opportunity to use my prior knowledge of software development to help improve access to
healthcare is very intriguing to me. In addition, the opportunity to help Care Advisors’ CRM further connect people to the
care they need only increases my enthusiasm for your organization.
This past summer I worked as a consulting intern at Healthbox, a healthcare innovation consulting firm. My primary
responsibilities included developing initial market research using a hypothesis-driven approach to quickly test and adapt
the company’s innovation management software tool, Databox. Working with Databox, I developed initial recommended
steps for commercialization based on market analysis and best practices, as well as in-person interviews with customers
to gain insights from those who had used the software. With this information I was able to present my findings and
recommendations for further research to the entire company on how to best market their software moving forward.
In addition to my internship experience, I have worked on health-related technical projects in the classroom at
Northwestern. Just last year I built an SQL database in collaboration with a team of three other student engineers and
designers using data on New York City hospitals’ basic location information and performance reviews. With this database
I was able to perform simple queries using SQL code to instantly answer questions such as which hospitals in the city
have the highest-rated overall nurse satisfaction rate and which have the lowest. I hope to build on these software skills to
further help answer questions and solve problems about access to healthcare at Care Advisors.
I would love the chance to demonstrate how my passion for making an impact through technology would make me an asset
to Care Advisors. Thank you in advance for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Jasmine Smith
Job posting
Role Type
Technical Product Management Internship
About Us
Care Advisors is a technology company helping
patients get access to the healthcare and social
service benefits by automating the manual
enrollment burden of hospitals. Using a modern
technology stack focused on automation, we remove
barriers to benefits so that patients can get the
support they need and lift the financial burden
hospitals endure when providing care to patients.
Collaborate with engineers, designers, and clients to
ideate, conceptualize, and define product vision for
Work with customer insight team members to gain
insight into user and stakeholder needs
Define a product vision that supports objectives and
adapts to changing industry landscape
Translate product vision into requirements and
instructions for design and engineering teams
Stay current on emerging trends and technologies
We are looking for an intern with the following
Strong technical skills, including familiarity with
customer relationship management (CRM) technology
Able to break down complex problems into simple
solutions focused on important customer needs
Can leverage a hypothesis-driven approach to turn
customer insights into actionable business and product
requirements for rapid testing
Excellent communicator across all levels of the
Self-starter with the ability to act autonomously
Experience working in a healthcare setting is preferred
Use the heading from your
résumé to create a consistent
“brand” across your documents.
If you know who will be reviewing
your materials, address your letter
to that person. If you don't know
who the contact person is,
use a title that is as specific
as possible.
Select several specific
experiences to highlight
in your body paragraphs. You
won’t share everything from
your résumé; instead, go deeper
than your résumé bullet points.
Detailed and tailored yet
concise storytelling is what an
employer wants to see—your
letter doesn’t need to fill a
whole page. Demonstrate you
can communicate clearly and
showcase your relevant skills.
Leah Daniels
2400 Sheridan Road, Evanston, IL, 60201 • (650) 555- 9292 • [email protected].edu
October 15, 2020
Benefit Cosmetics LLC
Director of Human Resources
225 Bush Street
San Francisco, CA 94104
Dear Hiring Manager,
A passionate dancer since the age of eight, I have experimented with my fair share of false eyelashes and red lipsticks.
Before every stage appearance, I always make sure to apply what I consider to be my “secret performance ingredient”:
Benefit’s High Beam. After dabbing a couple drops onto my face, I felt my cheekbones and confidence brought to life.
While only High Beam can elicit my inner Shirley Temple, I experience a similar rush of exhilaration when brainstorming
creative marketing strategies and designing promotional materials. Passionate about everything related to beauty and
communications, I am eager to combine my knowledge of social media and strong communication and organizational
skills through Benefit Cosmetic’s brand and digital marketing internship. The opportunity to expand my knowledge of
the industry by working at Benefit, a company that inspires an empowering ethos through its product branding, would be
I am a sophomore at Northwestern University pursuing a degree in communication studies and economics. I first
discovered my interest for marketing while serving as the officer of public relations for Silicon Valley DECA, when I
created an engaging new website and helped manage the organization’s Tumblr and Twitter accounts. I learned how to
harness social media to most effectively engage and connect with our organization’s members. In my subsequent role as
Silicon Valley DECA president, I enhanced my communications skills by working with 12 student officers to arrange and
promote our organizations first Leadership and Career Development Conference. After assessing our members’ goals,
we recruited guest speakers such as Brian Chesky, cofounder of Airbnb, to present workshops on key career-preparation
topics. By expressing the value of these workshops in creative social media campaigns, we attracted over 1,000 members
to our conference. During the event planning process, I learned how to mass-market a large-scale event, and I realized the
importance of leveraging community support and awareness when promoting a service or product.
As an intern for iCadenza, I gained experience creating strategic social media and product expansion plans. After analyzing
the demographics and social media tendencies of the company’s customer base, I created Instagram and YouTube
customer contests to increase market awareness and the company’s online presence. In addition, after conducting multiple
market, competitive, and financial analyses, I discovered opportunities for the company to earn an additional profit of
$10,000 over three years by expanding its services to aspiring professional dancers.
I would love to be a part of a company where “laughter is the best cosmetic.” As an intern, my goals would include helping
Benefit expand its presence among college students by organizing campus brand events and social media campaigns that
would increase customer interaction. I hope to have the opportunity to further discuss my qualifications with you. Thank
you in advance for your time and consideration.
Leah Daniels
Job posting
Job Description
Benefit Cosmetics is looking for an enthusiastic Brand and Digital Marketing Intern for the US team who
is motivated to obtain real-world experience and exposure within a leading global beauty brand. The
intern will support both the Brand and US Digital Marketing teams in their day-to-day tasks. As a general
overview, the Brand and Digital Marketing department communicates the brand experience through
campaign activations, social media, strategic partnerships, and promotions and facilitates brand exposure
to the customer. In your cover letter, please address the goals you plan to achieve in this position and why
you want to work for Benefit.
Essential Duties and Responsibilities
Brand campaign support
Social media and digital campaign support
Event support
Competitive analysis
Administrative duties
Organized with the ability to multitask
in a fast-paced environment
Excellent written and verbal communication skills
Strong analytical skills
Sees projects to their completion and meets deadlines
Must be enthusiastic, motivated, responsible,
and have a sense of humor
Starting with an anecdote
or personal story is a great
way to draw in the reader
(usually used for more creative
industries such as advertising
or entertainment).
Pull key skills from the
posting that you plan to
highlight in the experiences
shared in your letter.
Student organizations, courses,
and volunteering are valuable
experiences to include in a
cover letter and can show your
transferable skills.
Reflect the values and
culture of the employer by
utilizing their language to
show your alignment and fit.
with Others
One of the best ways to learn about yourself and
your career interests is by speaking with people
who work in your fields of interest. Don’t let the
term networking intimidate you—talking with
others is something you do every day.
The type of conversation you have
will be informed by where you
are in your career exploration
and planning. Approaching each
conversation with the genuine
intention of learning and con-
necting makes interactions more
effective to
explore careers and industries
gain specific insight and advice
establish long-term contacts
The heart of networking is
gathering information and
building relationships, and
in some circumstances your
connection may lead to support
in your search or knowledge of
an opportunity. Keep in mind,
however, networking does not
mean asking someone for a job.
Because networking is all about
having a conversation, it can take
place anywhere. Conversations
can be informal or unplanned,
such as
an elevator ride
a dinner
an introduction by a friend
or family member
or more formal and structured,
such as
an exchange at an employer
event, site visit, or conference
a networking event, career fair,
or industry panel
a scheduled informational
interview or coffee chat (a term
commonly used by employers).
While the meeting may not take
place over coffee—or even be in
person—your intent is to learn,
make a connection, and show
interest. Prepare as you would
for any networking interaction.
home to visit his family, Tyson
mentioned to a nearby passenger
that he was relieved to have a break from his
studies. This remark launched a conversation.
Tyson quickly learned that the passenger was
a hospital administrator—a career option he
was exploring—in a neighboring town.
regional sorority conference, Maya
was assigned to a table with other
student leaders and alumnae volunteers.
During the conversation, she learned that one
alumna worked at an organization Maya had
recently applied to for a summer internship.
At the end of the session, she stayed to talk
about this coincidence and then asked for the
alums contact information.
Informational interviews
Informational interviews are a great method for research-
ing careers and discovering more about a field, industry, or
position. They are especially useful when you don’t know
a lot about a career field, have limited work experience, or
are considering a career transition. As a form of network-
ing, they can also help you develop professional contacts.
Your list of contacts includes a broad range of people both
in and outside your field. Contacts fall into two categories:
People you know friends, family, neighbors,
coworkers, professors
People you don’t know but connect with through
alumni groups, honor societies, professional organizations,
employer-hosted events, social networking websites
Depending on your contacts’ experiences in the industry,
at their current employer, or since graduating, they will be
able to help you in various ways. Consider what questions
make sense based on what you want to learn and why
you’re requesting an informational interview. Are you
exploring industries and job functions and
how they connect to your interests?
preparing to apply or interview?
building connections with an employer you would
like to consider working for in the future?
By reflecting on what you hope to learn from your inter-
action, you will be more prepared to share your goals with
your contact and make the most of the conversation.
Develop a list of 10 to 15 questions about topics that you
genuinely want more information about. Remember
you can also connect over personal interests or hobbies.
Though your questions should be focused on professional
topics, your contact has a life outside work, just like you.
Sample questions
What is your background? Can you describe your
career path?
How did you know this field was the right fit for you?
What are the major responsibilities of your position?
Is there such a thing as an average week? What is
it like for you?
What are the positive and negative aspects of
working in this field?
What has surprised you most since beginning in
this industry/type of work?
What do you see as the hot issues and trends
in this field?
How can I become a more competitive candidate
in this industry?
What advice do you have for me moving forward?
Can you recommend anyone else for me to contact?
May I keep in touch with you and let you know
my progress?
The more your contacts get to know you, the more helpful
they can be. With this in mind, be prepared to talk about
Questions you may be asked
How did you choose Northwestern?
What are you studying? Why did you choose that
academic area?
When did you first learn of this industry?
Why are you interested in pursuing a career in
this industry?
What activities are you involved in on campus?
How are you preparing for a career in this industry?
Myth: I can’t network because I don’t know
Truth: There are more than 150,000
Northwestern alumni on LinkedIn. You can
easily see what alumni studied, where they
live, and what they do. You can also reach out
via a message through the OurNorthwestern
alumni directory.
To: Jackie Morrison
Subject: Northwestern Career Panelist Follow-Up
Dear Jackie Morrison,
It was a pleasure to meet you this past week at the
Northwestern career panel. I know you spoke with
many students so I wanted to reintroduce myself. I am
a senior pursuing a degree in communication studies
with an interest in a career as a data analyst. In our
brief conversation, you mentioned that although your
training wasn’t in data analysis, it’s a skill that you have
developed in your work. As someone with a similar
background and career aspirations, I would value the
opportunity to connect with you in person or by phone
to continue our conversation. I look forward to learning
more from you.
Initiate contact
Email is the most common way to reach out. It allows
you to be comprehensive yet concise and to edit what
you say before sending. Your message should include
the following:
• introduction
• who referred you or how you found the contact
• what you have in common (if applicable)
• why youre reaching out and what you hope to learn
a specific request (such as 20 to 30 minutes
to meet or talk)
After sending an email, be
patient while waiting for a
response. If you haven’t heard
back after two weeks, you can
send a gentle follow-up. If your
second attempt is unsuccessful,
move on to other contacts who
may be more receptive.
Find contacts
You can identify contacts that you know and those you
haven’t yet met by using these resources:
OurNorthwestern alumni directory, which you can search
using name, industry, employer, location, major, and more
LinkedIn—use the Northwestern University page to
search for alumni
student organizations, professional associations, honor
societies, and Greek organizations
To: Bennett Sanders
Subject: Northwestern Student Seeking Career Advice
Mr. Sanders,
My name is Erika Liu and I am a rst-year student at
Northwestern University pursuing a degree in biology, with
longer-term goals of a dual degree in law and medicine.
After searching for Northwestern alumni on LinkedIn, I
was excited to nd your prole. It seems your career path
mirrors my plan, and I was especially interested to see
that you specialize in child-advocacy law. I am eager to
learn from your story and experiences as I plan for life
beyond Northwestern. Please let me know if you are
willing to connect for 20 to 30 minutes in person at your
convenience. Go ’Cats!
To: Joseph Goldberg
Subject: Contact Referral from William Allen
Dear Mr. Goldberg,
My name is Grace Leonard and I am a sophomore at
Northwestern University. I hope you were expecting my
email, as my uncle William Allen had mentioned that he
spoke with you regarding my engineering background.
In my conversations with him, he suggested that you
would be a great person to talk with about my interest
in supply chain. I’d love to meet in person at your
convenience to gain more insight into the career path
and range of opportunities in the industry, as well as seek
your advice for my career planning. Please let me know
if you are available in the coming weeks. Thank you in
After the meeting
Review highlights of your conversation—it’s helpful to take
notes about your exchanges so you can remember details and
have a point of reference later. Specifically, answer the follow-
ing questions:
What information did you gain and what is still missing?
How did the exchange impact your overall career goals?
What are the next steps in your preparation?
Within two days, send a thank-you note highlighting the
value of the meeting and explicitly stating what you learned.
Maintain contact
Because one exchange is just the start of the relationship,
consider how to maintain connections. Aim to connect with
your contacts quarterly—set reminders on your calendar
so your good intentions are not lost. Consider mailing sea-
sonal greeting cards, sending updates by email, forwarding
interesting industry news and journal articles, and inviting
contacts to occasional coffee breaks. By connecting with
your contacts on LinkedIn, you will be updated on any career
changes they may make in the future. This provides a good
opportunity to send a note of congratulations.
It’s important to stay organized to manage your contacts.
Create a spreadsheet with each contact’s name, date of
exchange, outcome, and important notes and action items.
Review your log periodically to ensure you’re maintaining
your contacts and making progress on your action items.
Even before the meeting starts, you can make a
positive impression by dressing appropriately for
the industry and by arriving early for face-to-face
encounters. For phone or virtual meetings, secure
a quiet space with good internet service and wait
until the scheduled time to call.
Start the conversation with your professional intro-
duction and thank contacts for their willingness to
talk with you. Use your prepared questions as a guide
to let the dialogue progress naturally. Demonstrate
a genuine interest in what your contacts say and ask
relevant follow-up questions.
While the focus will be on learning about your con-
tacts, assume that they will also want to learn about
you. Be comfortable articulating your skills, values,
and interests, as well as how your experiences have
influenced your career interests.
It’s important to respect your contacts’ schedules
and stay within the allotted time. As meetings near
an end, express appreciation for contacts’ time and
contribution to your learning. It’s also valuable to ask
about staying connected and for referrals of other
people to talk with.
To: Amit Goel
Subject: Article You May Enjoy
Dear Amit,
I hope this note nds you well and you’re enjoying the holiday
season! Thank you again for taking the time to chat with me a few
months ago. I am continuing to research the eld and feel that I am
making great progress in rening my understanding of business
development’s various contexts. I just came across this article about
negotiating commercial partnerships in the nonprot industry and
immediately thought about our conversation. I hope you enjoy it!
Prepare for conversation
Good preparation will enhance your dialogue and help
you leave a positive impression. Here are a few things
you can do in advance:
Research the industry, the employer,
and your contact’s background.
Determine what you want to learn and
develop a list of questions to ask.
Review your academic, extracurricular,
and work experiences.
Identify and be able to talk about your
career interests and skills.
Practice your introduction and talking
about your experiences.
Use LinkedIn to establish a professional online presence—a crucial element of networking,
searching for jobs and internships, and developing your career.
LinkedIn: Job Searching
and Networking
Networking opportunities abound on
LinkedIn, which has more than 500
million members. Connecting with
people is a great way to learn more
about career paths and form relation-
ships that may lead to job or internship
LinkedIn offers two helpful
networking strategies:
See Alumni Find this tool on the
Northwestern University school page
to unlock a database of more than
150,000 alumni that you can filter by
location, industry, and major. When
you see alumni you want to connect
with, you can send an email through
the OurNorthwestern alumni direc-
tory or send a connection request.
The main benefits of a LinkedIn profile
include opportunities to
source employers and gain
industry knowledge
find contacts and make connections
identify internship and full-time
opportunities of interest
Follow companies of interest, people,
and hashtags to personalize your feed.
This allows you to learn, stay updated
on relevant news, and find potential
connections and career opportunities.
Following companies is a great way to
demonstrate your interest and will be
viewed favorably by recruiters. When
you find employers of interest, look at
the “Similar Pages” category.
Groups Find active groups that are
relevant to your interests and goals,
including Northwestern groups (such
as Northwestern University Alumni)
and professional groups (such as Area
Startups or Marketing, Media, and
Advertising Professionals). You can
send messages to people in the same
group even if you’re not connected.
As LinkedIn is always updating its func-
tionality, stay on top of making sure
others can view your profile. To help
you optimize your online professional
presence, consider these tips:
Share your contact info in your
About” section, or be sure your
settings allow your connections
to view your email address.
If you’re looking for internship or
job opportunities, make sure your
Job Seeking Preferences are
set to allow recruiters to know
you are open to opportunities.
Make your profile public—you can
always edit your profile, so don’t strive
for perfection before going public.
Allowing others to see that
you’ve viewed their profile can
be positive and may lead them
to check out your profile.
When connecting with a new contact on LinkedIn, it’s best to write a personalized
message rather than rely on LinkedIn’s suggestion. While many people are willing
to connect with students even when they haven’t met face to face, your chances
of connecting increase when you express genuine interest and intention. Here are
several examples.
Hello, Khadeejah, I’m a Northwestern student looking to learn more about careers
in marketing and would love to add you to my network.
Marco, it was so nice meeting you at the Northwestern University info session
yesterday. I would like to add you to my network so we can stay connected.
Jordan, you mentioned at the Northwestern career panel today that you’re
open to students connecting. I appreciated what you had to share about finding
the path to your current role and would love to stay in touch.
Communication Studies Major at Northwestern | Skilled at Fundraising
and Passionate about the Arts | Interested in Arts Administration Careers
Danielle Evans
Recruiters often search for candidates by university, major, and graduation year. Provide your education details, including
institutions attended, majors, minors, certicates, relevant courses, study abroad programs, and dates.
Recommendations and Endorsements
Ask for recommendations from professional connections who know you well and can speak to your performance in a job, an
internship, a research project, or a class.
You can also ask people who are familiar with your skills to endorse you in order to accumulate endorsements over time.
Other Sections
LinkedIn will prompt you to include other content in sections for volunteer experience and accomplishments, among others.
But you don’t need to limit the experience section to paid employment. If you have strong leadership or volunteer experiences,
you can include them there.
People viewing your prole use this section to understand your qualications, so include all relevant details, such as
organizations, job titles, dates, locations, and descriptions. Demonstrate your impact and results, using numbers to quantify your
achievements whenever possible. You can use bullet points, similar to your résumé, or write short paragraphs. You can also
upload or link media, including documents and articles, to showcase your work.
I am a sophomore studying communications at
Northwestern University. This major aligns with my passion for exploring the many facets of communication—social, cultural, and
political—that affect arts organizations. I have worked as a development and fundraising intern at the Museum of Contemporary
Art, and on campus I support development and community relations for the Dolphin Show (the largest student-produced musical
in the country). My interpersonal skills, ability to conduct quantitative and qualitative research and analysis, and knowledge of the
arts industry would make me an asset to future employers. I hope to bring my passion for communications to future positions that
allow me to support the fundraising and successful future of arts organizations in Chicago.
Use a high-quality photo of yourself in business casual or professional attire.
You should be alone in your photo, making sure to avoid obvious cropping
and distracting backgrounds.
Build this section by writing about what you are currently doing, what you have
previously done or learned, and what you hope to do next. Don’t be afraid to
review the proles of other professionals to get ideas for your introduction.
Your headline should be short and memorable and should highlight your
skills and accomplishments. By contrast, “Student at Northwestern” is
not a strong headline because it fails to differentiate you or communicate
your strengths or experience.
Customize your URL using your name or an
abbreviated version, making it easy to include
on your résumé and share with others.
Finding Job and
Internship Opportunities
As a first step, identify your search parameters, such as industry, job
function, or geography, and find a balance between being too broad
and too specific. When you focus too broadly, you may feel overwhelmed,
with everything as a potential opportunity. Focus too narrowly and it
may feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. Instead, reflect on
what you want in your future job or internship and which locations are
realistic for you. Once you define these, there are multiple strategies to
find opportunities.
Successful job and internship seekers use a variety of strategies. They commit
energy and time to the process, start early, focus their search, and develop an
action plan.
Identify opportunities online
Many employers post available positions on a variety of job search
sites in an effort to increase visibility and collect a large number
of applications. While this allows you to see open positions and
take action immediately, you may find your application receives
no response, and automatic replies can be frustrating. Nevertheless,
this search strategy can be effective using some of these resources:
Handshake (see sidebar) lists opportunities that employers have
shared specifically with the Northwestern community.
Niche job boards are maintained by professional associations,
chambers of commerce, regional entities, and others. They are
typically industry focused, such as (nonprofits), (startups), and (advertising). Use the
industry pages on the NCA website to find resources recommended
for your field.
Websites such as Indeed,, and LinkedIn compile
a wide variety of opportunities. Familiarize yourself with each site’s
search functions and use keyword, company, location, job function,
industry, date posted, and experience level filters to narrow your
It’s important to visit websites regularly, as opportunities are added
daily. Many sites allow you create alerts based on your search crite-
ria to notify you of new postings. If a position interests you, visit the
employer’s website and, if possible, submit your materials directly.
Handshake is Northwesterns central platform
to access career services and NCAs primary
tool for communicating with you. Use it to find
job and internship opportunities, schedule NCA
appointments, learn about career events, see
which employers are coming to campus, and
The more you use the system, the more you’ll
see recommendations tailored to your inter-
ests, major(s), and skills. To make the most of
upload your résumé
regularly update your profile
select your career interests to receive industry
consider making your profile visible to
employers and other students
search for jobs and internships and create
alerts for new postings
mark favorite jobs and employers
explore the Career Center Resources tab
Source employers
Employer sourcing involves researching potential companies
in your desired industry in order to target and pursue oppor-
tunities. Many employers only post opportunities on their
own websites to avoid recruiting too many candidates. To
overcome this obstacle and expand the amount of listings you
see, you should actively seek out employers of interest.
1. Develop a comprehensive list of employers. This should
include employers that you already know of and those
that surface in your research. When you find employers
of interest, also consider their competitors (or use sim-
ilar to” features on sites like LinkedIn or Handshake).
Online resources to help develop your target list include
Hoover’s, Career Search, LinkedIn, Vault, and vari-
ous business directories (such as local chambers of
2. Visit the website of each employer on your list to learn
about current openings. Many sites allow you to save
your search; this is a great time-saver, as you will need to
visit these sites regularly during your search.
3. Apply for specific openings on the company’s website. If
you find an opportunity, adjust your application materials
accordingly and submit your application.
4. Think longer-term. If there are no current opportuni-
ties, network to establish a connection in anticipation of
future openings.
Mobilize your network
Networking is the most effective search strategy and the
one most used by employers. From an employer perspec-
tive, networking enables a recruiter to more easily iden-
tify high-potential candidates. For students, networking
provides an opportunity to develop contacts, learn about
specific employers, and exchange information regarding
interests and opportunities. Establishing genuine network-
ing relationships is a constant process that should begin
well before your job or internship search and continue
even after you secure a position.
How your network can support you
When you find an opportunity of interest, reach
out to your network contacts. Ask if they are
aware of the opportunity and what advice or
support they can provide if you pursue it.
If you come across a position at an employer where
you don’t have a contact, reach out to well-established
network contacts, such as extended family, close
friends, or mentors. They likely have networks that
extend across many positions, industries, and even
locations. Be mindful not to ask contacts about
the position if you are in the process of pursuing
an opportunity at their own organizations.
Keep your network informed of your search
and seek their support. Provide quick updates
and notes of appreciation to maintain and
strengthen your connections.
The job search pyramids
show the discrepancy between the search
methods employers use to identify
candidates and those that students use in
their job and internship searches.
Although a job search is a priority for
you, be patient—remember that
recruiting is one priority among
many for employers.
Experiential Learning: Internships and Beyond
There are many opportunities for first- and second-year
students, but it’s important to know that experien-
tial learning goes beyond internships. Employers are
interested in all the skills and experiences you acquire,
whether through formal internships or volunteering.
Remember to manage your expectations—there is
no specific number of internships or experiences you
Type of experience Overview Resources to consider
Academic/class projects A classroom project that is a learning experience, in which
you gain transferable, career-related skills, sometimes with
an actual client or organization
Departmental websites
Faculty and academic advisers
Academic courses
Informational interviewing A method of conducting career research by acquiring infor-
mation about a field, industry, or position (see page 25)
Northwestern Network
Mentorship Program
Personal contacts
Internship A hands-on (paid or unpaid) work experience offered by an
organization for students to gain career-related skills in a
particular industry or field, taking place during the summer
or academic year
Summer Internship Grant
Program (SIGP)
Job shadowing/externship A short-term (one-to-three-day) experience in which stu-
dents observe a professional on the job to learn more about
a particular career path, industry, or employer
Northwestern Externship
Program (NEXT)
Arrange on your own
Northwestern field studies/
academic programs
Opportunities offered through Northwestern or other
programs for academic internships and professional
Chicago Field Studies (CFS)
Engage Chicago
Study abroad
Engineering co-op
Medill journalism residency
SESP practicum
Part-time work/work-study On- or off-campus employment that can be used to enhance
academic or career goals
Work-study office
Research/independent study Research conducted through academic departments or with
faculty that explores the application of a major or minor
Office of Undergraduate
Academic department websites
Fellowships Competitive awards that pay students and alumni for short-
term work on creative, research, or community project grants
or that provide academic scholarships or internships
Office of Fellowships
Student organizations A student-led group experience that can provide a sense of
community while also developing transferable skills, includ-
ing leadership and collaboration
Wildcat Connection
Student Organizations and
Activities Office
Student organization fairs
Volunteer experience Contributing useful services to an organization or com-
munity for the purpose of personal, social, or professional
Volunteer Match
Professional development Activities that offer skill development and facilitated learn-
ing opportunities to help build or enhance knowledge of
Professional conferences
Employer immersion programs
Case competitions
Music festivals
need to complete during college. Additionally, the summer
after your first year isn’t about finding the perfect internship.
Many students go home and work at previous summer jobs,
which is completely acceptable.
Keep in mind that you can gain experience through for-
mally coordinated roles and programs but also through
opportunities you create or find on your own.
Employer events
Employer events provide opportunities to network,
get advice, and learn about the application process for
internships and jobs. Formats for events vary and include
career fairs, information sessions and panels, networking
events, coffee chats, and workshops or competitions.
A professional introduction is a brief summary you
use when meeting someone new at a career fair,
employer event, conference, or alumni panel. The
professional introduction is a first impression—keep it
brief, then shift the focus to the person you’re meeting.
A professional introduction includes
your full name (if the person doesn’t know you)
major and year in school
relevant skills, strengths, and experiences
an engaging question to initiate conversation
Hello, I’m Leo Freemont. I will
be completing my master’s degree
in counseling psychology from
Northwestern University this June.
A highlight of my program has been
serving as a counselor to at-risk inner-city students
in group and individual settings. After listening to
you on this panel, I was hoping you could share more
details about what prepared you to be effective in
your role as a residential therapist.”
Thank you for being on campus for
the information session this evening.
My name is Vanessa Bentley, and I am
a junior in political science. My two
years volunteering for a local politician
allowed me to engage with a very diverse population to
address community needs, which I really valued. I am
interested in hearing more about how you’ve been able
to engage with the community throughout your time at
Family Co-op.
Hello, my name is Monica Lee.
I’m a senior in communication
studies at Northwestern. This
past quarter, I interned at a
sports analytics company,
focusing on translating data into social media
communications. I was excited to see that you’re
attending the career fair and was hoping you
could share more about how data intersects with
communications, both internally and externally,
at your firm.”
Before an employer event
Identify your objectives for attending.
Review employers websites, information
shared in advance, and event logistics.
Identify the representatives you most want to
speak to and prepare for those conversations.
Use your research about employers, their work, and
available positions to develop questions to ask.
For fairs or events where a résumé is requested,
update your document and bring multiple copies.
Develop and practice a professional
introduction until you’re comfortable.
Be prepared to talk about yourself and your experiences.
Practice responses to questions out loud.
Plan what to wear based on the event type and
location. NCA events are business casual.
During an employer event
Demonstrate professionalism through your actions.
Be polite to your peers, keep your phone on silent and
out of sight, and stay engaged in conversations.
Listen to presenters and ask questions.
At an in-person event, greet representatives with a
firm handshake, smile, and professional introduction.
Respect employers’ time and leave time for other
students by keeping your conversations brief.
Engage in two-sided conversations and get
to know employer representatives. Ask about
roles, experiences, and opportunities.
Arrive a few minutes early and make every effort to
stay for the duration. Informal engagement with an
employer may happen before or after the event.
After an employer event
Reflect on what you learned and how it
affects your job or internship search.
Send personalized thank-you notes via email within two
days of the event, reiterating your gratitude and interest.
Strategically incorporate the information you gathered
into your application materials and interview responses.
Take detailed notes after speaking with
people. This will help you personalize and
enhance follow-up conversations.
An employer will typically reach out by phone to
congratulate you, extend the offer, and share the terms
of employment, though some employers may send an
email. In the conversation, articulate your excitement
and appreciation, but don’t accept the offer immediately.
Ask the employer if and when you will receive an offer
letter that contains the specific details for your
Once an offer is extended, the employer will often
identify a preferred timeline for your decision. Timelines
range from a day to more than three months; the most
common is one to two weeks. If you feel pressured to
make a decision, contact an NCA team member. If you
need more time to make your decision, be sure to ask in
advance of the initial deadline and be prepared to share
your reasons.
As you consider your decision, you will likely have
additional questions. Most employ ers encourage these
and will connect you with people who can answer them.
Prepare for these exchanges by determining exactly
what you need to know to thoroughly evaluate the offer.
It’s easy to focus only on the salary in your offer.
Consider the additional components below in conjunc-
tion with how you see yourself in the role as it aligns
with your skills, values, and interests.
Position Nature and variety of work
Client/customer engagement
Level of responsibility
Access to leadership
Employer Organizational culture
Management style
Advancement opportunities
Professional development and
training opportunities
Stability of organization
Lifestyle Work hours
Compensation Benefits (healthcare, retirement, etc.)
Time off
Tuition reimbursement
Stock options
Evaluating the offer
Congratulations on your offer! This is a cause for
celebration as well as consideration.
It’s often easy to forget one of the most
important aspects of your day as a
student—taking care of yourself. This is
especially true as you engage in career
development and job and internship
searches along with your many other
commitments. By making a point to
remember self-care, you’ll likely feel more
positive, energized, and focused on your
goals. Different strategies work for different
people—here are a few to consider:
Activities just for fun (crafting, games,
dancing, etc.)
Spending time with friends
• Developing good sleep habits
Reaching out to your
support network
• Enjoying a favorite food
Meditation or yoga
Seeing a movie
Myth: I’m the only person who hasn’t already
gotten a job or an internship.
Truth: Hiring varies by industry, which
means offers are extended year-round for
both internships and full-time jobs. Survey
data shows that 65 percent of students
secure their internships between March and
May. Stay active and engaged in your search,
and an offer will follow.
Compensation is undoubtedly an important consider-
ation. While it should be viewed holistically, not all com-
ponents of compensation can be negotiated. Benefits,
time off, and tuition reimbursement are normally dic-
tated by organizational policy and not adaptable to an
employee’s specific request.
People are often uncomfortable when it comes to
negotiating salaries. If you feel the offer is fair and com-
petitive, you aren’t required to negotiate. Some employ-
ers will not be open to salary negotiation; this is most
common when they are hiring large training classes.
Outside of salary, you may inquire about a signing bonus
or relocation assistance, when applicable. If an employer
is not willing to negotiate, do not force the issue; instead
consider the position’s benefits and drawbacks.
If you want to negotiate your salary, you need to do so
before you accept the offer. Schedule a time to speak with
the person who extended the offer, either over the phone
or in person. To prepare for the conversation:
Research the salary range for similar positions and
the cost of living for the location (resources include
Glassdoor and the Bureau of Labor Statistics).
Develop a budget to understand your minimum
requirements to live comfortably.
Identify why youre worth more than the initial offer.
Practice so you’ll be comfortable presenting the
information in a friendly and confident way.
Conversation Starters
Thank you for the offer.
I am very interested in your
company. I would like to know
if the salary is negotiable.
I’d like to discuss the salary you’ve offered.
Based on my research, it seems that the salary
range is $45,000–$57,000 for someone with
my degree. I was hoping, based on my degree
and the two internships I’ve had in the field,
to be compensated in a way that reflects my
1. Upon receiving an offer by phone, ask the
employer for written confirmation.
2. Work with the employer to identify a
decision deadline.
3. Evaluate all components of the offer.
4. Follow up with the employer for more
information or to negotiate.
5. Accept or reject the offer.
Once you decide to accept an offer, reach out to the
person who extended it, preferably by phone.
Indicate that you will accept the offer.
Express your appreciation.
Share what you’re most excited about
regarding the opportunity.
Ask about any additional steps you
need to take to make this formal.
If the conversation is by phone, follow up with a
formal written message reiterating your acceptance,
and complete any further steps indicated.
Communicate your decision to your network
and extend appreciation for their support.
Although employers know that not all offers will be accepted,
this doesn’t make it easier for you. When turning down an
offer, reach out by phone to the person who extended the offer.
Express appreciation for the company’s
investment in you as a candidate.
Indicate clearly that you will not accept the offer.
Be prepared to respond to any questions (why you’re
declining the offer, where you’ll be working, etc.).
As a follow-up to the phone conversation, send
a formal message declining the offer and again
expressing your appreciation for the opportunity.
Communicate your decision to the people you
connected with during the recruitment process.
Employers use interviews to assess your qualifications,
evaluate your fit, and promote their organizations. Your goals
are to share more about your qualifications, learn about the
job and employer, and determine whether they’re right for you.
Interviewing is a skill you develop over
time. Begin preparing for interviews
early in your job search so that you’re
ready when opportunities arise.
Know yourself.
Reflect on your education, experi-
ences, accomplishments, strengths,
weaknesses, interests, and values and
how they relate to opportunities you’re
seeking. Review your résumé and prac-
tice how to articulate your skills and
Learn everything you can about the
organization (its mission, location,
size, structure, products and services,
culture, customers, and competitors)
and the industry. This will help you
respond to questions in a way that
aligns your pursuits with the organi-
zation. Employers’ websites are great
starting points.
Practice responses out loud with a
friend or family member to become
more comfortable and confident.
Receiving feedback on your specific
responses and nonverbal behaviors can
help you improve your interviewing
skills. Schedule a mock interview with
an NCA team member—it’s a great way
to get personal feedback on your inter-
viewing techniques.
Most interviews can be divided into three stages.
Whether the interview is in person, virtual, or on the phone, be available
and prepared to start on time. Being timely demonstrates professionalism
and respect for your interviewer. In an in-person interview, stand to greet
interviewers and follow their lead regarding handshakes. The walk to the
interview room or office is an opportunity to develop a rapport by engaging
in small talk, such as discussing the weather, a local sports team, or your
An interview usually starts with introductions of the participating
employer representatives and an overview of the time you’ll spend together.
Information exchange.
The bulk of your time will be spent in this stage. You’ll be asked about your
experiences, skills, and interest in the position—this is your opportunity to
prove you’re the best candidate by sharing your STAR stories (see page 37).
In addition to your words, your nonverbal actions make an impression.
How you stand, sit, and listen can help or hinder the impression you give
to interviewers. Make strong eye contact and engage in active listening
throughout your exchanges.
Toward the end of an interview, it’s common for interviewers to ask if you
have questions. The best questions are those you genuinely want answers
to, such as details about the position or the experiences of your interviewers
within the organization. Avoid questions related to salary, benefits, and per-
sonal topics—these are more appropriate once an offer has been extended.
Interviewers will likely share what further steps may be part of the pro-
cess and when you should expect to hear from them. If they don’t share this,
you can ask.
Finally, express appreciation and restate your interest in the role, incor-
porating if possible a detail you learned during the interview. If you’re not
offered business cards, ask for them so you have the correct names and email
addresses for sending thank-you notes.
Mock interviews
with an NCA team
member are
are a great way
to get specific
feedback on
your interview
Most employers use behavioral interviewing, which is based on the idea
that past behavior predicts future performance. Questions typically
Tell me about a time when . . . ” or “Give me an example of when . . . .
The position description and industry research are great starting
points to anticipate what you might be asked. Review the description
to identify the skills and qualifications valued by the employer. Reflect
on your experiences so you can reply with specific examples of how you
demonstrated the skills, knowledge, and experience required.
The S TA R approach provides a strategy to structure and organize your
responses to behavioral interview questions. As you develop responses,
consider how much to share in each area as indicated by the percentages
below; the “action” area should always be longest part of your response.
Describe the context of the situation.
What background information is most relevant?
TASK 10%
� � � � Describe the task and your role in it.
What goal were you working toward?
� � � Describe the actions you took.
How did you decide to address the challenge?
� � � Describe the positive outcome of your actions
or, if it was negative, what you learned.
QUESTION: Describe a time you had to solve a problem.
SITUATION: In my internship
at the National Relief Fund,
I was asked to devise a better
system for tracking donations
earmarked for disaster relief.
TASK: Because the Fund
is such a large organization,
I needed to understand the
various ways donations were
being tracked.
ACTION: By surveying
regional offices, I found that
only 78 percent had database
tracking systems that were
upgraded to the level of those
at the national office. I used
this information to recommend
an upgrade to databases at all
regional offices.
RESULT: Based on my recom-
mendations, the CEO decided
to upgrade all systems by the
following summer.
QUESTION: Tell me about a time when
you had to persuade others to see your
point of view.
SITUATION: During the past two years at
Northwestern, I’ve been actively involved
in a student organization that coordinates
45 tutors for 120 at-risk students weekly.
We faced a range of quality in the services
our students received.
TASK: I saw a need to provide a training
program for tutors. This was not a popu-
lar perspective initially, as it would be an
added requirement for our tutors.
ACTION: To demonstrate the value,
I identified comparable organizations on
other campuses and conducted interviews
to identify best practices. I then presented
this information to our leadership, with a
detailed proposal and budget that allowed
tutors to be compensated.
RESULT: As a result, we were able to
implement a two-hour training session.
While we don’t yet know the impact on
our students, as this was recently imple-
mented, it has contributed to a smoother
payment and scheduling process.
Sample questions
to ask the employer
» What does success look like in this
position, and how do you measure it?
What are the top priorities and
accomplishments expected of
this role over the next year?
What’s different about working
here compared to other
places you’ve worked?
What are the challenges someone
in this position will face?
How will my performance
be evaluated?
According to the job description,
youre looking for candidates with
strong analytical abilities. Can
you tell me how your employees
use these skills in their work?
How would you describe
the company’s culture and
work environment ?
What does a typical day
or week look like?
What are typical assignments for
new employees?
How has {business trend or current
event} affected your work?
Can you outline a typical career
path in your organization?
How does the organization
support professional development
and ongoing training?
What qualities are most important
in order to excel in this role?
What are the short-
and long-term strategic
directions of the organization?
What do you like most
about working here?
What are the next steps in
the hiring process?
Common interview questions
Although you can’t anticipate the exact questions you’ll be asked, there are
several question types you should expect in an interview.
Tell me about yourself.
Walk me through your résumé.
What short- and long-term goals
have you set for yourself, and how
do you plan to achieve them?
What two or three
accomplishments have given
you the most satisfaction?
What are your strengths
and weaknesses?
What is the most important
lesson you’ve learned in
or outside of school?
Why did you choose your major?
How have your studies helped
prepare you for this position?
What has been your favorite or
least favorite course, and why?
Why are you interested
in this organization?
Why are you the best person
for this position?
What challenges are you
looking for in a position?
What do you expect
from a supervisor?
What are your team-player
qualities? Give examples.
What is your approach to handling
conflict? Solving problems?
Describe a leadership role you held
and why you committed time to it.
What work experience has been
the most valuable to you?
What was the most useful criticism
you received, and who provided it?
How did you decide which
extracurricular activities
to join? What did you gain
from these experiences?
What types of situations put
you under pressure? How do
you deal with pressure?
Describe the project or situation
that best demonstrates
your analytical skills.
Describe a situation when you
had a conflict with another
person and how you handled it.
Give an example of a problem
you solved and the process you
used to arrive at the solution.
Describe an idea you developed
and implemented that you felt was
particularly creative or innovative.
Tell me about a difficult
decision you have made.
Give an example of a
situation when you failed
and how you handled it.
Tell me about a time when you
had to persuade another person
to see your point of view.
Tell me about a project
you initiated.
» Review your résumé and bring
copies to the interview.
Turn off your phone.
Address the interviewer formally until
given permission to use a first name.
Offer a firm handshake.
Convey enthusiasm for
the company and position.
Maintain strong eye contact.
Ask for clarification if you don’t
understand a question.
Be mindful of your tone
of voice and rate of speech.
Let the interviewer finish
speaking; avoid interrupting.
Avoid using acronyms, slang, and
filler words such as um or like.
Avoid speaking negatively about
anything, such as a previous
employer, professor, or colleague.
Avoid discussing salary, holidays,
or bonuses unless the interviewer
raises these topics.
Afterward, reflect on the interview and what you learned
about the job. Pay special attention to your impression of
the organization and the people you met. It’s helpful to
document your thoughts so that you have something to ref-
erence later on. Think also about the interview experience—
what you did well and what you can improve next time.
Within 48 hours, send a thank-you note to each person
who interviewed you. Avoid sending the same note to every-
one; instead, adapt your notes to the respective conversa-
tion you had with each interviewer.
If you don’t hear back within the time frame discussed,
send an email to express your continued interest and ask
about your status. If a time frame isn’t shared, wait at least
one week after the interview to follow up.
Many interviews start with some form of this question.
Use it as your opportunity to showcase what you want an
employer to know about you that’s relevant to the position.
An easy model to help you formulate your response is
Present To start, introduce (or reintroduce) yourself,
including what and where you’re studying and your
expected graduation date. Your interviewer may be aware
of these, but it’s information you know well, helping you
establish confidence.
Past Next, choose two or three examples from your
experiences that align with the role’s qualifications,
showcase your skills, and give you a competitive edge. What
information should the interviewer know about you to make
a hiring decision?
Future Wrap up by talking about why you’re excited
about the role or why you are a strong fit.
I’m a junior at Northwestern
University in communication studies.
I was introduced to the influence of
data in decision-making in one of
my courses, and I was intrigued by
how data was used to help a company position its
product. I led a case study with a team of four other
students that analyzed the data set to generate
recommendations. I pursued this type of work
further last summer at Invento, a local startup. After
a presentation to clients, I was humbled when they
opted to move forward with my recommendation. To
date, the client has reported increased conversion of
site traffic to establishing accounts. I’m excited to
share more regarding my experiences and how they
align with the needs of this position.”
Myth: I am the only one getting rejected after
Truth: After an interview, there are two possible
outcomes. While one is more favorable,
remember that rejection occurs more frequently
and you are not alone in this experience. Use
each interview as an opportunity to refine and
strengthen your interview skills for the next one.
Virtual interviews are becoming more common in hiring.
There are two main types.
two-way video call is an interview in real time, simulat-
ing a face-to-face inter action. It provides the opportunity
to converse and to clarify as needed, as well as to assess
interviewers nonverbal responses.
one-way recorded video involves on-screen prompts.
You’ll be asked to record responses and submit them for
review by the employer. Because youre not speaking to
anyone in real time, you can complete the interview at
your convenience before the deadline. You usually have a
predetermined time to respond and are not able to revise
your responses.
Space Find a quiet space free of distractions and with
a neutral background. If you share the space, let people
know ahead of time and post signs as a reminder so you
won’t be interrupted. Consider the room lighting; front
lighting is best so you appear brighter on camera.
Treat virtual interviews like in-person
interviews: dress professionally from head to toe and be
mindful of your posture, which can convey confidence
and interest (or a lack thereof).
Test your connection, audio, and video in
advance to avoid unnecessary stress. Ensure you have
a strong internet connection and are near the router.
Consider placing your computer so that the camera
is above your eyeline, angled slightly downward, at an
appropriate distance from your face. Your head and
shoulders should be visible on screen. If possible, adjust
your username to display your full name. Close other pro-
grams and turn off alert sounds before the interview.
Virtual experience
In an effort to make eye contact,
be sure to look at the camera, not the screen. To simulate
real eye contact, it may help to move the other persons
video image as close as possible to your computer’s cam-
era. Use nonverbal signals, such as smiling and nodding,
to demonstrate enthusiasm and interest.
Prepare for a phone interview just as you would for
a face-to-face interview.
Ask who will contact you, when the interview will
take place (noting time zone differences), and who
else may be on the call and their roles. Secure a
space in advance that is quiet and free from inter-
ruptions. As a phone interview perk—since the
interviewer can’t see you—prepare easy-to-read
key points, such as company values, experiences
to highlight, and questions to ask. You may want to
dress formally to remind yourself of the profession-
alism expected.
Be ready 10 to 15 minutes before the start time.
Answer the phone in a professional manner with
a greeting and your name. As the interviewer intro-
duces those on the call, write down their names
and positions.
You’ll spend most of the interview responding to
the employers questions. It’s common to have a lag
time and silence between answers as interviewers
take notes. It can be helpful to look in a mirror during
the interview to remind yourself to slow your rate of
speech and keep yourself actively engaged in
the call.
Shirts When
wearing a suit, wear
a blouse, shirt, or
knit shell under
your jacket. Choose
white, light blue,
or conservative
stripes. It’s best not
to wear tops that
are revealing or high
around the neck
or that have many
ruffles or frills.
Dresses and skirts At a
minimum these should
cover your thighs when
you are seated and
reach your knees when
you are standing.
Hosiery Always wear
hosiery with a dress or
skirt. Select a neutral
shade or one that
coordinates with
your clothes.
Ties Wear patterns
that are uniform and
subtle, whether stripes
or small dots. Deep reds,
maroons, blues, grays,
and blacks blend well
with dark suits.
Wear socks that
complement the color
of your suit and are
long enough for you to
cross your legs without
showing bare skin.
Standard interview attire for most industries is a professional, two-piece matching suit (recommended colors are gray, navy, or
black). Research specific companies and industries beforehand, as some may be more relaxed in how they define professional
dress. If you’re not sure, check with your NCA team member. The dress code for all noninterview employer events coordinated by
NCA—including career fairs, information sessions, networking nights, coffee chats, and workshops—is business casual.
Hair Make sure
your hair is clean
and well groomed.
Limit to five pieces so
as not to distract from
what youre saying.
Belts Select a belt that
matches or complements
your shoes and has a
simple buckle.
Choose shoes in leather, fabric, or microfiber
that allow you to walk comfortably. Make sure
your shoes are clean and polished.
Shoes Lace-up, wing-tip shoes and closed-toe
pumps are the most conservative choices and
are universally acceptable.
err on the side of business
professional if the dress
code is unclear
ensure clothes fit properly
and are not wrinkled
wear minimal or no
perfume or cologne
ensure makeup and nail
polish are not distracting
cover visible tattoos if you know
the industry is conservative
Business casual is more relaxed but still
requires good judgment—the key is to
maintain a professional presence.
Common choices include
Collared button-down or polo shirt, blouse
Knee-length dress or skirt
Khakis, slacks, trousers
Heels under three inches, flats, formal
lace-up shoes, loafers
Sweater, cardigan, blazer, vest
Tie (optional)
wear jeans unless you
know they are acceptable
at that workplace
wear anything revealing,
such as low-cut shirts,
short dresses, sundresses,
tank tops, or shorts
wear athletic wear
or gym shoes
wear open-toe shoes
wear poorly fitting clothes
(too tight or too loose)
If access to professional or business casual attire is limiting your participation in NCA programs and events,
please talk with an NCA staff member about ways our office can support you.
Thank-You Notes
Sending thank-you notes after interviews and networking meetings leaves a positive impression,
creates opportunity for ongoing communication, and strengthens your candidacy.
Thank-you notes may be handwritten
or emailed—consider the organi-
zation’s culture and your contact’s
timeline. An email, received quickly,
is a better choice after an interview
with a quick decision turnaround.
After an informational interview,
a handwritten thank-you note is
a strong choice that will leave a
positive impression. If you choose
to handwrite your note, use good-
quality paper and make sure your
writing is legible.
Proofread your note to ensure
there are no errors. Both hand -
written and emailed thank-you notes
should be sent within 48 hours of
an exchange.
Thank-you notes are
a professional courtesy,
not a call to action—keep
in mind that employers
often do not reply to them.
A thank-you note should contain two or three of these elements:
Show your appreciation.
Highlight an aspect of the conversation that captured your interest.
Reiterate your relevant qualifications.
Communicate your continued interest in the opportunity.
Dear Hope,
Thank you for taking the time out of your workday to meet with me
and for your willingness to share your story. So much of what you said
had an impression that will shape my career pursuits.
Specifically, I valued what you said about getting involved and
growing within a student organization during my college years. It was
fun to hear you reminisce about Dance Marathon. I also appreciated
the recounting of your job search experience. I have already started to
incorporate your advice about looking at the role and its opportunity
for growth potential into my search strategy.
I look forward to getting to know you better and seeking your
guidance. Thank you for the impact you have made already.
All the best,
Isaac Rolyat
IsaacR[email protected]
Dear Mr. Samuels,
Thank you for taking the time to interview me yesterday for a
position as a 2021 corps member of Teach for America. I enjoyed
learning more about the organization’s positive impact and left
the interview with a heightened enthusiasm for contributing to
the movement.
I am passionate about educational reform, and I am
committed to ensuring access to a strong education for all
students. My leadership experiences at Northwestern have
prepared me to motivate students and instill a love of learning
within my classroom. Education is paramount to our future, and
I am eager to make an impact as a TFA corps member.
Thank you for providing me with the opportunity to
interview for this transformative role. I look forward to hearing
from you.
Elizabeth Locke
Dear Ms. Hernandez,
Thank you for taking the time to interview me for the position
of Financial Services Representative with Pacific Insurance.
I am even more interested in this role after hearing you
share details about the position and the cross-collaborative
team structure. Specifically, I am eager to use the skills I have
developed in my role as vice president of finance for Alpha
Beta Gamma, combined with the knowledge I gained from my
internship at Sure Realty, to deliver the exceptional service that
your clients expect and deserve.
I would like to reiterate my strong interest in both the
position and joining your team. Thank you in advance for your
Jamie Nassar
marketing, PR
arts and culture
Engineering and
Business, HR,
financial services
Journalism, media,
and entertainment
Hiring Activity by Industry
** Some educational programs, such as Teach for America, have early application deadlines in September.
** Several government agencies have early application deadlines due to required security clearances.
PMS 268
PMS 268
PMS 268
PMS 268
PMS 268
PMS 268
PMS 268
Full-time jobs
PMS 268
PMS 268
PMS 268
PMS 268
PMS 268
* *
Investment banking This industry is known for an early internship-recruitment cycle. You should expect applications
to open a year or more in advance and be reviewed on a rolling basis. Recruitment activity for full-
time opportunities is rather limited, as nearly all full-time roles are filled by extending return offers
to summer interns.
To plan your search effectively, it’s important to know how and when different industries
hire interns and new employees. This table reflects approximate peak hiring activity for
the position deadlines in each industry. These timelines are primarily meant for June
graduates and students seeking summer internships.
NCA receives job and internship postings throughout the year for every industry. Stay active
in Handshake and regularly update your preferences in your account. This will ensure you
receive industry-specific news and opportunities.
Consult with an NCA team member to prepare strategies well in advance of your desired
industrys hiring cycle. All timelines are subject to change. Internship and full-time
recruiting timelines may differ for graduate student hiring.
Northwestern University is committed to providing a safe environment free from
discrimination, harassment, sexual misconduct, and retaliation. To view Northwestern’s
complete nondiscrimination statement, see
/policies/non-discrimination-statement.html, and for crime and safety data, see
© 2020 Northwestern University. Produced by Global Marketing and Communications.
Main Office: 620 Lincoln Street, Evanston campus
Express Advising Center: Main Library, Core second floor
Phone 847-491-3700
Laura Myers
Taylor Kinn
Jeff Strayer
Rachel Taylor
Vickie Lata
Grace Delcano