Vertiv™ Project Services
Rely on Vertiv, a qualified and expert
partner, to take care of your project
management activities across all
phases. By choosing us, you will
benefit from
y Simplify projects with single-
source accountability
y Reduce project costs
y Minimise project change
y Realise eicient scheduling
and delivery
y Optimise site performance
y Free resources for other critical
network needs
Whether you need to build a new site,
refurbish your facility, or just add a few
more power or cooling units to your
base set, we are here to manage each
step, from delivery, to positioning, to
commissioning and start-up.
Experienced Vertiv Project Managers
will help you plan and execute all
necessary activities according to the
agreed upon schedule. We provide you
with a single source of proven expertise
for every phase of an infrastructure
project. From project planning and
design, through to equipment
procurement, installation, and
commissioning, our project team oers
comprehensive capabilities, eliminating
the hassle and ineiciencies involved in
coordinating multiple vendors. Moreover,
this service frees your internal resources
to concentrate on other critical tasks.
Knowledgeable engineers and project
managers listen to each customer’s
unique needs, recommend the best
infrastructure solutions to meet
requirements, and flawlessly execute
project plans.
From initial concept and design through
to installation and commissioning, our
Vertiv experts have the right knowledge
of the many aspects of communication
and IT infrastructure projects. Our
project managers bring unparalleled
industry knowledge and comprehensive
services to your project, ensuring a
coordinated, eicient eort and high-
quality solution from start to finish.
Communications and IT site managers
will benefit from one purchase order and
a single point of contact across all
stages, along with the confidence that
the project will successfully be delivered
on time, on budget, and per
By your side throughout every phase of a project from
design to deployment
AC Power
DC Power
Thermal Management
Vertiv™ Project Services
Commissioning Phase Technical activities Project Management
Pre-Project activity
y Commissioning Spec & Plan
y Engineering
y Design Review
y Schedule Integration
y Submittal Review
y Commissioning Procedure
y Commissioning Kick-o
y Project Charter / Project Initiation Docs
y Identify Stakeholder
y Manage Issues,
Changes & Risks
y Report Project
y Contract, Financial &
Quality Review
y Health & Safety
Level 0
Program & Design
y Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
y Supply Chain & Procurement
Management Plan
y Project Team Creation
y Create Risk Management Plan
y Create Communication Management Plan
y Create Change Management Plan
y Create Project Schedule
y Health & Safety Assessment
y Kick-O meeting with Customer
Level 1
Factory Witness Test
y Factory Witness Test
y Supply Chain & Procurement
y Execute Project Plan
y Schedule On-Site Resource Management
y Facilitate Team Meetings & Distributes
y Health & Safety Management
Level 2
Delivery, QA/QC,
Installation Assembly,
Field Supervision
y Site Acceptance Inspection
y Delivery & Assembly
y Equipment Installation
Level 3
Start-Up and Site
Acceptance Test
y Installation & Startup
y Pre-Functional Equipment
y Site Acceptance Test
Level 4
Functional Performance
y Functional Performance Test
Level 5
Integrated System Test
y Integrated System Test
y Training & O&M Verification
Level 6
Close Out & Turn-over
y System Manual
y Seasonal Testing
y Warranty Review &
Supplemental Report
y Commissioning Report
y Customer Acceptance
y Handover to Operation & Maintenance
y Lessons Learned
y Financial Closure
y Project Closure
2 | Vertiv Infrastructure Limited, George Curl Way, Southampton, SO18 2RY, VAT Number: GB188146827
© 2020 Vertiv Group Corp. All rights reserved. Vertiv™ and the Vertiv logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Vertiv Group Corp. All other names and logos referred to are trade names, trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. While
every precaution has been taken to ensure accuracy and completeness here, Vertiv Group Corp. assumes no responsibility, and disclaims all liability, for damages resulting from use of this information or for any errors or omissions. Specifications, rebates and other
promotional oers are subject to change at Vertiv’s sole discretion upon notice.
Our support runs across eight rigorous commissioning phases and three dierent activity types:
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