Rev Bras Oftalmol. 2021;80(5):e0045.
Retinal detachment; Nephrotic
syndrome; Renal insufciency,
Descolamento da retina;
Síndrome nefrótica; Insuciência
renal crônica
How to cite:
Henriques S, Lima A, Almeida J, Basto R, Roque J, Coutinho I, Prieto I. Bilateral retinal detachment – when the kidney meets the eye. Rev Bras Oftalmol. 2021:80(5):e0045.
Bilateral retinal detachment – when the kidney meets the eye
Descolamento de retina bilateral – quando o rim afeta o olho
Susana Henriques
, Anna Lima
, Júlio Almeida
, Rita Basto
, Joana Roque
, Inês Coutinho
, Isabel Prieto
Ophthalmology Department, Hospital Professor Doutor Fernando Fonseca, EPE, Portugal.
Nephrology Department, Hospital Professor Doutor Fernando Fonseca, EPE, Portugal.
Received on:
Apr 06, 2021
Accepted on:
Jul 31, 2021
Corresponding author:
Susana Henriques
Department of Ophthalmology, Hospital
Professor Doutor Fernando Fonseca
EPE, Portugal
Hospital Professor Doutor Fernando
Fonseca, EPE, Portugal.
Conict of interest:
the authors declare no conict of interest.
Financial support:
the authors received no nancial support
for this work.
Copyright ©2021
Exudative retinal detachment occurs when uid accumulates between the neurosensory retina and the
retinal pigment epithelium. Ocular diseases or multisystem conditions such as nephrotic syndrome may
lead to exudative retinal detachment. This report describes a case of nephrotic syndrome secondary
to minimal change disease, anasarca and bilateral serous macular detachment in an adult patient. A
75-year-old male patient presented to the emergency department with generalized edema, asthenia,
and visual impairment. Medical history included a recent diagnosis of nephrotic syndrome secondary
to minimal change disease, which had been controlled with corticosteroid therapy. At presentation,
best corrected visual acuity was 20/100. Slit-lamp examination revealed xanthelasmas and mild bilateral
eyelid edema and chemosis. Dilated fundus examination conrmed bilateral macular detachment.
The patient did not respond to diuretic therapy. Ttherefore, hemodialysis was started. Two months
later, visual acuity improved to 20/25 and near normal restoration of retinal anatomy was achieved, with
concurrent remission of proteinuria. Exudative retinal detachment is a multifactorial condition. However,
in diseases associated with severe hypoalbuminemia, such as nephrotic syndrome, low oncotic pressure
in choroidal vessels and high interstitial pressure in the choroid may explain retinal detachment. Patients
with chronic kidney disease carry a high risk of ophthalmic disease development. Several mechanisms
that affect ocular vessels, the retina and the choroid are thought to be involved. A multidisciplinary
approach is crucial to resolve the ophthalmic condition and improve overall health.
O descolamento de retina exsudativo ocorre quando o uido se acumula entre a retina neurossensorial
e o epitélio pigmentado da retina. Patologias oculares isoladas ou doenças multissistêmicas, como a
síndrome nefrótica, podem levar ao descolamento de retina exsudativo. Apresenta-se aqui o caso de
um adulto com síndrome nefrótica por doença de lesões mínimas, anasarca e descolamento de retina
exsudativo macular bilateral. Trata-se de um homem de 75 anos de idade, que recorreu ao serviço de
urgência com edema generalizado, astenia e diminuição da acuidade visual. Os antecedentes pessoais
incluíam diagnóstico recente de síndrome nefrótica secundária à doença de lesões mínimas, em uso
de corticoterapia. Na apresentação, a melhor acuidade visual corrigida era 20/100. A biomicroscopia
revelou xantelasmas, edema palpebral leve e quemose nos dois olhos. Fundoscopia mostrou
descolamento macular bilateral. O doente iniciou diuréticos com pouca resposta clínica, tendo sido
adicionada hemodiálise. Vericou-se melhora da acuidade visual para 20/25 e restauração quase
total da anatomia da retina 2 meses após o início do tratamento, coincidindo com a remissão da
proteinúria. A siopatologia dos descolamentos de retina exsudativos é multifatorial, mas, em doenças
com hipoalbuminemia grave, como a síndrome nefrótica, a baixa pressão oncótica e a alta pressão
intersticial na coroide podem explicar o descolamento macular exsudativo. Doentes com doença renal
crônica constituem um grupo de risco para o desenvolvimento de doença ocular, envolvendo vários
mecanismos que afetam vasos, retina e coroide. Uma abordagem multidisciplinar é crucial para a
melhoria da doença oftalmológica e do estado geral do doente.
Henriques S, Lima A, Almeida J, Basto R, Roque J, Coutinho I, Prieto I
Rev Bras Oftalmol. 2021;80(5):e0045.
Exudative retinal detachment (ERD) occurs when uid
accumulates between the neurosensory retina (NSR) and
the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) in the absence of
retinal tears and/or vitreoretinal traction. Subretinal ex-
udation is thought result from changes in choroidal vas-
cular perfusion and permeability or from impaired pump
activity in the RPE, which lead to uid accumulation in
the subretinal space (SRS).
Other ocular or multisystem
conditions such as vascular, inammatory, or neoplastic
diseases may also play a role in ERD.
The prevalence of eye diseases and visual impairment
in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) is high, es-
pecially in the presence of concurrent comorbidities,
such as diabetic retinopathy, hypertensive retinopathy or
age-related macular disease (AMD).
Associations be-
tween ERD and CKD have also been reported in patients
undergoing hemodialysis
and in some patients with
nephrotic syndrome (NS), particularly in cases secondary
to diabetes and hypertension.
Nephrotic syndrome is
characterized by severe proteinuria (>3.5 g/dL/24 hour),
hypercholesterolemia and hypoalbuminemia, peripheral
edema and uid overload.
Diabetic nephropathy, focal
segmental glomerulosclerosis, membranous nephrop-
athy and minimal change disease (MCD) are common
causes of NS in adult patients.
This report describes a case of MCD and bilateral se-
rous macular detachment in an adult patient.
A 75-year-old male patient presented to the emergency
department with generalized edema (limbs, neck, perior-
bital and conjunctiva), asthenia and visual impairment.
Medical history included hypertension and a recent diag-
nosis of NS secondary to biopsy-conrmed MCD, which
had been controlled with corticosteroids the month be-
fore. Laboratory workup revealed acute kidney injury (se-
rum creatinine 4 mg/dL), severe proteinuria (6.5 g/dL) and
hypoalbuminemia (1.44 g/dL), conrming the presence of
active disease. Pleural eusion and ascites were detected
in chest radiographs and abdominal ultrasound, respec-
tively. Serologic screening, autoimmune disease tests and
kidney ultrasound ndings were unremarkable. Initial
routine ophtalmic exam revealed best corrected visual
acuity (BCVA) of 20/100 in both eyes (OU), xanthelasmas
and bilateral mild eyelid edema and chemosis (slit-lamp
examination; Figures 1A to 1D). Dilated fundus examina-
tion revealed bilateral macular detachment (Figures 2A
and 2C), with no signs of hypertensive retinopathy, vitre-
oretinal traction and/or peripheral retinal tears. Spectral-
domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) revealed
dome-shaped macula with serous macular detachment
and cystoid edema in OU, but no other intraretinal ab-
normalities (Figures 2B to 2D). Peripapillary nerve ber
layer (pNFL) and choroidal thickness were normal in OU.
Diuretic therapy was implemented. However, the patient
did not respond, and hemodialysis was initiated to im-
prove edema control. Progressive volume control and
kidney function recovery were achieved. Therefore, the
patient was discharged, and steroid therapy prescribed.
Follow-up assessment one month later revealed BCVA
improvement (20/25 in OU) and restoration of near nor-
mal retinal anatomy on dilated fundus examination
(Figures 2E and 2G) and SD-OCT (Figures 2F to 2H). These
ndings were concurrent with remission of proteinuria
and kidney disease control. Previously undetected sub-
retinal drusenoid deposits were seen in both maculas.
Minimal change disease accounts for 70% to 90% of cas-
es of idiopathic NS in children. However, adult patients
are less commonly aected (10% to 15% of cases).
glomerular disorder often manifests as a primary renal
disease. However, associations with other conditions,
such as viral infections, allergies and non-steroidal an-
ti-inammatory therapy have been reported in a minori-
ty of cases. The pathophysiology of the condition has
not been fully determined. Examination of renal biopsy
specimen slides using light microscopy often fails to re-
veal obvious glomerular lesions. However, podocyte foot
Figure 1. Slit-lamp examination showing chemosis in the right (A and B) and the left (C and D) eye.
Bilateral retinal detachment
Rev Bras Oftalmol. 2021;80(5):e0045.
process eacement is typically seen on electron micros-
Minimal change disease tends to coincide with
the sudden onset of NS, indicated by severe proteinuria,
minimal hematuria, hypoalbuminemia, hypercholester-
olemia, edema, and hypertension. Prednisone is the rst-
line therapy, but other immunosuppressive drugs can be
used in frequent relapsers, steroid-resistant or steroid-de-
pendent patients. The prognosis in less favorable in adult
patients with acute renal failure.
Exudative retinal detachment is often associated with
other ocular retinal and/or choroidal diseases,
such as
diabetic retinopathy (DR), central serous chorioretinop-
athy (CSC), posterior scleritis and intraocular tumors.
Systemic causes
include the Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada
(VKH) syndrome, toxemia of pregnancy, malignant hy-
pertension, and CKD, which are often associated with he-
modialysis and/or corticosteroid therapy.
The RPE and the tight junctions of retinal capillary en-
dothelial cells form the outer and inner blood-retinal barrier
(BRB) respectively. The integrity of the BRB barrier is crucial
to maintain the retina in normal, dry conditions.
In the-
ory, diseases that lead to outer or inner BRB breakdown and
increase the permeability of choroidal capillaries may cause
subretinal uid accumulation.
However, several mecha-
nisms of adhesion of the NSR to the RPE ensure directional
uid transport from the RPE to the choroid, including active
and passive transport across the RPE and pressure gradients
between the vitreous, the retina and the choroid (intraocular
pressure, plasma oncotic pressure and hydrostatic pressure,
respectively). The higher oncotic pressure in the choroid rel-
ative to the vitreous maintains uid dynamics and promotes
the outward ow of water.
Serum albumin is the most important plasma pro-
tein and a major determinant of oncotic pressure in the
circulatory system. Low oncotic pressure in choroidal
vessels in response to hypoalbuminemia facilitates the
outow of water from the intravascular to the interstitial
space, increasing the hydrostatic pressure in the choroi-
dal interstitium.
Hence, in diseases associated with se-
vere hypoalbuminemia such as NS, this mechanism may
explain retinal detachment in some patients. Few isolated
cases of ERD in hypoalbuminemic patients have been re-
ported to date. These include one case of protein-losing
enteropathy in a 47-year-old female patient with serum al-
bumin levels of 1.4 g/dL and bilateral ERD (Venkatramani
et al.),
one case of NS secondary to MCD in a 24-year-old
female patient who developed bilateral ERD responsive
to diuretic therapy (De Benedetto et al.)
one case of
ERD in a 52-year-old patient with NS secondary to plasma-
cytoma (Hager et al.).
The patient described in this case
report had severe hypoalbuminemia and other causes of
ERD could be excluded, given serologic screening, autoim-
mune disease test and ophthalmic imaging ndings were
not consistent with infectious diseases, inammatory con-
ditions or diabetic or hypertensive retinopathy. Also, at the
time of presentation, the patient had not yet started hemo-
dialysis, which is often associated with ERD. Corticosteroid
therapy and central serous chorioretinopathy (CSC) are
common causes of serous macular detachment, the latter
aecting predominantly middle-aged males.
Exudative retinal detachment is a multifactorial con-
dition. In the case described, two major factors may have
accounted for subretinal uid accumulation: reversal of
pressure gradients from the choroid and the retina in re-
sponse to severe hypoalbuminemia and drop in oncotic
pressure induced by RPE ion pump dysfunction, possibly
induced by the multiple subretinal drusenoid deposits
seen at the level of the RPE on OCT images.
Figure 2. Fundus photographs and spectral-domain optical coherence tomography images acquired prior to (top) and following
one month (bottom) of treatment. Macular detachment can be seen in fundus photographs of the right (A) and the left (C) eye.
Dome-shaped macula with serous macular detachment and cystoid edema can be seen in optical coherence tomography images
of the right (B) and the left eye (D). Cystoid edema and subretinal uid resolution can be seen in post-treatment fundus photo-
graphs and optical coherence tomography images (E to H).
Henriques S, Lima A, Almeida J, Basto R, Roque J, Coutinho I, Prieto I
Rev Bras Oftalmol. 2021;80(5):e0045.
Exudative retinal detachment therapy should be fo-
cused primarily on resolution of the underlying systemic
disease. Corticosteroids are the rst-line therapy for pa-
tients with NS, particularly in cases associated with MCD.
Second-line treatment alternatives include cyclophos-
phamide and/or cyclosporine.
Indeed, two months
after initiation of treatment with corticosteroids and di-
uretics, functional and structural changes had been re-
verted to almost normality and concurrent remission of
proteinuria was achieved.
In conclusion, patients with CKD carry a high risk of
ophthalmic disease development. Multidisciplinary as-
sessment by ophthalmologists, nephrologists and inter-
nists is vital for prompt diagnosis and therapeutic deci-
sion making in order to prevent severe visual dysfunction.
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