Hospitality Suite8
Mailing User Manual
Release 8.9
July 2015
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Preface ........................................................................................................................... 5
Audience ............................................................................................................................ 5
Customer Support ............................................................................................................. 5
Documentation .................................................................................................................. 5
Revision History ................................................................................................................ 5
1 Mailing ..................................................................................................................... 7
Standard & Advanced Mailings ....................................................................................... 7
Overview ............................................................................................................................ 8
Creating a Standard Mailing ............................................................................................. 9
Creating an Advanced Mailing Query ........................................................................... 15
Running a Standard or Advanced Mailing Query ........................................................ 22
Creation of Activities ....................................................................................................... 29
Merging to Word ............................................................................................................. 31
Merging to Excel .............................................................................................................. 33
Creation of email mailings .............................................................................................. 34
Creation of Documents and Attachments ...................................................................... 36
Letter Merge with a new or existing data file ................................................................ 42
2 Index ...................................................................................................................... 49
Preface 5
This user manual is intended for system users and system administrators.
Customer Support
To contact Oracle Customer Support, access My Oracle Support at the following URL:
When contacting Customer Support, please provide the following:
Product version and program/module name
Functional and technical description of the problem (include business impact)
Detailed step-by-step instructions to re-create
Exact error message received
Screen shots of each step you take
Oracle Hospitality product documentation is available on the Oracle Help Center at
Revision History
Description of Change
July, 2005 - First Issue Small Business
May, 2008
8.7 - Updated for Version 8.7
June, 2008 - Updated for Version
May, 2009
8.8 - Updates for Version 8.8
Sept, 2010
8.8 - Updates for Oracle 11gR1
Jan, 2012
8.9 - Updated for Version 8.9
Nov, 2012
8.9 - New cover page
July, 2015
8.9 Oracle template applied
Mailing 7
1 Mailing
Standard & Advanced Mailings
Fidelio Suite8 offers two types of mailings: Standard and Advanced.
The standard mailing allows users to enter values in a number of pre-defined fields from customer
profiles, group/block and individual reservations, conference bookings, tasks and activities. The
advanced mailing enable users to build queries based on pre-defined views, fields and values,
with the possibility to create additional views at any time.
A translation tool ensures that the field descriptions can be translated into multiple languages.
Once a mailing query has been set up, it can be run at any time. All the matching records will be
displayed and can be sorted as required. Users will have the ability to select records for processing;
the selected records can then either be included or excluded in the mailing.
After a mailing query has been processed, users will be able to select from a field list the fields to
use in their mailing merge. Fields that will be used for the mail merge such as company name,
street, city, zip code etc. can be taken from a pre-defined view. This approach offers great
flexibility as the view can be changed at any time and more fields can be added if necessary.
With the Mailing Option, you can:
Create a standard mailing query using the mailing wizard
Create an advanced mailing query
Send out form letters and forms
Create and print merge files, using Word or Excel
Send mailings via email to selected profiles
Send a mailing to in-house guests
Print labels and envelopes
Create tasks for all customer profiles included in the mailing
8 Mailing
The creation of a mailing is a 4 step process:
Create Mailing
Using the standard or
advanced option.
Step 1: Define the
selection of the records
based on query options
such as all customers with
the mailing code
“Christmas Card”.
Select the field list
Step 2: Via the field list
the information that is
used for the data merge is
defined. Example:
customer name, street,
city, country, letter
greeting, etc.
Select the profile
Step 3: Define the profile
criteria such as the linking
options or checking if an
address exists, etc.
Merge the data
Create a new letter or
use an existing one.
Step 4: Place the merge
fields into the document
and perform the data
Mailing 9
Creating a Standard Mailing
From the standard query screen you can edit an existing query or create a new query. You can also
copy an existing query and then edit it to make any changes necessary. The list of available queries
can be ordered as required by using the up and down arrow buttons. The description field is
mandatory otherwise all fields as detailed below are optional.
To create a new standard mailing query:
1. Click the menu option CRM and select MAILING, the mailing dialog box is displayed.
2. From the Mailing dialog box, select the tab STANDARD QUERY.
3. Click NEW, the standard query dialog box appears.
The default selections are as follows:
To search for active profiles but not to include individuals whose profile is marked as 'No
Mailing', however, this may be changed via the add/edit query definition dialog box.
All information that is entered is considered as an AND relation.
Values selected from the same drop down lists and the C + I flag are considered as OR.
The reservation status DEFINITE is taken as the default when running a query where
reservations are included.
10 Mailing
4. Enter a description for the mailing query.
5. Fill in the limiting criteria for your mailing list.
Profile Information Criteria
Profile Marketing Information Criteria
Reservation Criteria
Conference Booking Criteria
Tasks / Activities Criteria
6. Click OK to save the query.
Profile Information Criteria
This Field
Is to limit a mailing to
Select this checkbox to select if the criteria should be on
the company profile level. Either company or individual
must be selected if an entry is made in a field which has
the C and I checkboxes.
Mailing 11
Select this checkbox to select if the criteria should be on
the individual profile level. Either company or individual
must be selected if an entry is made in a field which has
the C and I checkboxes.
Company: From-To
Companies whose names fall within the alphabetical
range entered. Leaving the From and To fields blank
means not to restrict the mailing to a certain range of
the alphabet.
Individual: From-To
Individuals whose names fall within the alphabetical
range entered. Leaving the From and To fields blank
means not to restrict the mailing to a certain range of
the alphabet.
ZIP Code: From-To
Certain regions. For example, if the range is 94700-
94799, the mailing is limited to profiles from the San
Francisco area.
Certain Cities. The mailing is limited to the city name
Individuals or companies from one or more particular
countries. To restrict the mailing to individuals or
companies from the USA and Canada, for instance,
select USA and Canada from the drop-down list.
Certain States. The mailing is limited to the states
Profile Type
Certain profile types. Select the profile types from the
drop-down list.
Created From-To
The date the profile was created. Select a date from the
calendar list box or enter a date range from / to.
Created by
Certain users. Select the users from the drop-down list.
Sales Manager
Search by responsible Sales Manager. Select the Sales
Manager from the drop-down list.
Certain Language codes. Select the language codes from
the drop-down list.
Click on DEFINE to enter the year, month and day of
birth. Date fields can be further defined via the Advanced
Date Operator dialog box, see the table below.
Click on DEFINE to enter the wedding year, month and
day. Date fields can be further defined via the Advanced
Date Operator dialog box, see the table below.
Select this checkbox if only active profiles should be
included. The default is checked, i.e. include only active
include No mailing
Select this checkbox if you want to include those
individuals who are marked as 'No Mailing'. The default
is not selected, i.e. do not include individuals whose
profile is marked as 'No Mailing'.
include No mailing
Select this checkbox if you want to include those
individuals who are marked as 'No E-Mailing'. The default
is not selected, i.e. do not include individuals whose
profile is marked as 'No E-Mailing'.
12 Mailing
Advanced Date Operator dialog box
This Option
Enables the definition of one or multiple years instead of entering a
specific year. This could be used for anniversaries such as 50th or
60th birthdays.
Note: This option is only available for the Birthday and Wedding Day
Defines the year for the date value. Multiple years may be entered
separated by a comma.
Defines the month for the date value. Multiple months may be
entered separated by a comma.
Defines the day for the date value. Multiple days may be entered
separated by a comma.
Includes all individuals regardless of whether they are in-house or
Note: This option is only available for the Birthday and Wedding Day
Includes in-house guests.
Note: This option is only available for the Birthday and Wedding Day
Not In-house
Excludes in-house guests.
Note: This option is only available for the Birthday and Wedding Day
Profile Marketing Information Criteria
This Field
Is to limit a mailing to:
Select this checkbox to select if the criteria should be on
the company profile level. Either company or individual
must be selected if an entry is made in a field which has
the C and I checkboxes.
Select this checkbox to select if the criteria should be on
the individual profile level. Either company or individual
must be selected if an entry is made in a field which has
the C and I checkboxes.
Mailing 13
Action codes
Certain action codes. Select the action codes from the
drop-down list.
Certain competition codes. Select the competition codes
from the drop-down list.
Industry codes
Certain industry codes. Select the industry codes from
the drop-down list.
Certain influence, such as Booker, Contact or Negotiator.
Select the influences from the drop-down list.
Mailing Codes
Certain mailing codes: Christmas mailing, summer
mailing, new rates mailing, etc. Select the mailing codes
from the drop-down list.
Market Segment
Certain market segments. Select the market segments
from the drop-down list.
Certain newspaper preferences. Select the newspapers
from the drop-down list
Certain potential codes. Select the potential number of
room nights/bookings from the drop-down list.
Certain priority codes. Select the priority codes from the
drop-down list.
Product interest
Certain product interest codes. Select the product
interest codes from the drop-down list.
Certain scopes such as National, International. Select the
scopes from the drop-down list.
Scope City
Certain scope city codes. Select the scope city codes
from the drop-down list.
Certain source codes. Select the sources from the drop-
down list.
Certain special codes. Select the special codes from the
drop-down list.
VIP Code
Certain VIP codes. Select the VIP codes from the drop-
down list.
Rate Code
Certain rate codes. Select the rate codes from the drop-
down list.
More Fields
This option is only displayed if custom attributes have
been defined. Click on the MORE FIELDS button to select
from a list of user-defined attributes.
Note: When this button is displayed in red it indicates
that an attribute has been selected.
Reservation Criteria
This Field
Is to limit a mailing to
Members of the specified groups. Select the group
names from the drop-down list.
Members of the specified blocks. Select the block
names from the drop-down list.
In-house Guests: From-To
Guests who were in-house within the specified range
of dates.
14 Mailing
Arrival: From-To
Individuals or companies who arrived within the
specified range of dates.
Departure: From-To
Individuals or companies who departed within the
specified range of dates.
# of Nights: From-To F
Individuals or companies with a number of room
nights within the specified range. Includes also those
checked in today.
Select the option F to include future reservations.
# of Stays: From-To F
Individuals or companies who stayed at the hotel
within the specified range. Includes also those
checked in today.
Select the option F to include future reservations.
Forecast: From-To
Individuals or companies whose forecasted revenue is
within the specified range.
Posted Revenue: From-To
Individuals or companies whose posted revenue is
within the specified range.
Rate Code
Certain rate codes. Select the rate codes from the
drop-down list.
Certain source codes. Select the source codes from
the drop-down list.
Certain market segments. Select the market
segments from the drop-down list.
More Fields
Certain reservation attributes. Click on the MORE
FIELDS button to select from a list of user-defined
reservation attributes.
Note: When this button is displayed in red it indicates
that an attribute has been selected.
Display only individuals
linked to reservations
If a company meets the query criteria then all
individuals linked to that company will be displayed.
Select this checkbox if you want to display only
individuals from the company that are linked to the
reservation. The default is not checked, i.e. display all
individuals regardless if they are linked to this
reservation or not.
Conference Booking Criteria
This Field
Is to limit a mailing to
In house guests: From- To
Individuals or companies that are already in house
until the specified departure date.
Arrival: From-To
Individuals or companies that arrived within the
specified range of dates.
Departure: From-To
Individuals or companies that departed within the
specified range of dates.
Conference Status
Certain conference status codes. Select the
conference status codes from the drop-down list.
Room Status
Certain room status codes. Select the room status
codes from the drop-down list
Mailing 15
Account Manager
Certain account managers. Select the account
managers from the drop-down list.
Conf. Manager
Certain conference managers. Select the
conference managers from the drop-down list.
Rooms Manager
Certain room managers. Select the rooms
managers from the drop-down list.
Certain market segments. Select the market
segments from the drop-down list.
Certain source codes. Select the source codes from
the drop-down list.
Display only individuals
linked to booking
If a company meets the query criteria then all
individuals linked to that company will be
Select this checkbox if you want to display only
individuals from the company that are linked to the
booking. The default is not checked, i.e. display all
individuals regardless if they are linked to this
booking or not.
Tasks / Activities Criteria
This Field
Is to limit a mailing to
Certain task/activity types. Select the task/activity
types from the drop-down list.
Start Date: From-To
The task/activity start date is within the specified
range of dates.
End Date: From-To
The task/activity end date is within the specified
range of dates.
Resp. Employee
Certain responsible employees. Select the
employees from the drop-down list.
Tasks/Activities with this description.
Display only individuals
linked to activity
If a company meets the query criteria then all
individuals linked to that company will be
Select this checkbox if you want to display only
individuals from the company that are linked to
the task/activity. The default is not checked, i.e.
display all individuals regardless if they are linked
to this task/activity.
Completed / Uncompleted
Select completed to include only completed
tasks/activities. Select uncompleted to include
only uncompleted tasks/activities.
Creating an Advanced Mailing Query
From the Advanced Query screen you can edit an existing query or create a new query. You can
also copy an existing query and then edit it to make any changes necessary. The list of available
queries can be ordered as required by using the up and down arrow buttons. The description field
is mandatory otherwise all fields as detailed below are optional.
16 Mailing
The default selections are as follows:
To search for active profiles but not to include individuals whose profile is marked as 'No
Mailing', however, this may be changed via the add/edit query definition dialog box.
All information that is entered is considered as an AND relation.
Values selected from the same drop down lists and the C + I flag are considered as OR.
The reservation status DEFINITE is taken as the default when running a query where
reservations are included.
To create a new advanced mailing query
1. Click the menu option CRM and select MAILING, the mailing dialog box is displayed.
2. From the Mailing dialog box, select the tab ADVANCED QUERY.
3. Click NEW, the Definition of query dialog box appears.
4. In the QUERY DESCRIPTION box enter a name for the query.
Mailing 17
5. Click ADD to build the query, the Add/Edit query definition dialog box appears.
6. Complete the fields as detailed in the Add/Edit query definition and Mailing
Operators tables below.
7. Date fields can be further defined via the Advanced Date Operator dialog box, see
the table below.
8. Click OK.
9. Repeat from step 5 for each additional condition required.
10. Depending on the fields selected for the query additional options may be displayed
when running a query for tasks & activities, conference bookings or reservations:
Display only individuals linked to tasks, activities, conference bookings or reservations. If
a company meets the query criteria then all individuals linked to that company will be
displayed. Select this checkbox if you want to display only individuals from the company
that are linked to an activity, task, conference booking or reservation.
Future Nights - includes future nights in the query results. Only valid when running
queries where reservations are included.
Future Stays - includes future stays in the query results. Only valid when running queries
where reservations are included.
11. When all conditions have been entered click OK.
Note: The last defined condition must have no logical operator
18 Mailing
Add/Edit query definition dialog box
This option
Does this
Left parenthesis
Lets you select single or double left parenthesis if required.
Usually required for complex queries such as (profiles with
country=Germany and priority=A) OR (profile with
country=Switzerland and priority=B).
Lets you select the view the query should be based upon.
Lets you select specific fields for the query.
Select this checkbox to select if the criteria should be on the
company profile level. Either company or individual must be
selected if a field is selected which has the C and I
Note: This checkbox is only displayed for certain query
Select this checkbox to select if the criteria should be on the
individual profile level. Either company or individual must be
selected if a field is selected which has the C and I
Note: This checkbox is only displayed for certain query
Lets you select an operator such as, is exactly equal to, is
less than, is an empty field, etc. See Operator table.
Lets you select the valid options. The choices depend on the
type of field selected:
Option 1: Choice between 2 pre-defined values.
Option 2: Choice from a list of pre-defined values such as
country codes.
Option 3: Entry of a free-format value, e.g. if the field
selected is city then a valid value would be a city name such
as Hamburg.
Option 4: If the condition 'is an empty' field then the value
field may be left blank.
Right Parenthesis
Lets you select single or double right parenthesis if
Logical Operator
Specifies the logical operator for the next connection.
AND the first condition and the next condition must both be
OR either the first or the second condition must be true.
BLANK no logical operator selected.
Mailing Operators table
This Operator
May be used:
is exactly equal to
(Value is mandatory)
This operator may be
used for fields where the
entry is selected from a
list box or for fields which
contain free-format text.
Mailing Code is exactly
equal to XMC will select
only profiles that have the
code XMC selected.
Mailing 19
Company Name 1 is
exactly equal to Micros will
select only profiles with
the exact name Micros.
Micros Fidelio will not be
displayed as it is not the
exact name.
is not exactly equal to
(Value is mandatory)
This operator may be
used for fields where the
entry is selected from a
list box or for fields which
contain free-format text.
Mailing Code is not exactly
equal to XMC will select
only profiles that do not
have the code XMC
Company Name 1 is not
exactly equal to Micros will
select only profiles that do
not have the exact name
Micros. Micros Fidelio will
be displayed as it is not
the exact name.
is an empty field
(Value is not mandatory)
This operator may be
used for fields where the
entry is selected from a
list box or for fields which
contain free-format text.
Profile Mailing code is an
empty field will select all
profiles where no mailing
code has been entered.
Department is an empty
field will select all profiles
which have no value in the
department field.
is not an empty field
(Value is not mandatory)
This operator may be
used for fields where the
entry is selected from a
list box or for fields which
contain free-format text.
Profile Mailing code is not
an empty field will select
all profiles where at least
one mailing code has been
Department is not an
empty field will select all
profiles which have some
value in the department
is greater than
(Value is mandatory)
This operator may be
used for value or date
fields. It should not be
used for fields where the
entry is selected from a
list box.
Profile zip code is greater
than 89000 will select all
profiles with a zip code
above 89000.
Reservation Posted
revenue is greater than
90,000 will select all
reservations where the
posted revenue is greater
than 90,000.
is greater than or equal
(Value is mandatory)
This operator may be
used for value or date
fields. It should not be
used for fields where the
entry is selected from a
list box.
Arrival date is greater than
or equal to 01.06.2006 will
select all reservations
where the arrival date is
either on or after June 1st
20 Mailing
is less than
(Value is mandatory)
This operator may be
used for value or date
fields. It should not be
used for fields where the
entry is selected from a
list box.
Profile zip code is less than
89000 will select all
profiles with a zip code
below 89000.
is less than or equal to
(Value is mandatory)
This operator may be
used for value or date
fields. It should not be
used for fields where the
entry is selected from a
list box.
Arrival date is less than or
equal to 01.06.2006 will
select all reservations
where the arrival date is
either on or before June
1st 2006.
is like
(Value is mandatory)
This operator is used to
search fields where the
entry in the field starts
with the entered value.
This operator may be
used for fields which
contain free-format text.
It should not be used for
fields where the entry is
selected from a list box.
Company Name 1 is like
Fidelio will select only
profiles which begin with
Fidelio, e.g. Micros Fidelio
will not be displayed
because the name does
not start with Fidelio.
is not like
(Value is mandatory)
This operator is used to
search fields where the
entry in the field does not
start with the entered
This operator may be
used for fields which
contain free-format text.
It should not be used for
fields where the entry is
selected from a list box.
Company Name 1 is not
like Fidelio will select
profiles which do not begin
with Fidelio, e.g. Fidelio
Software will not be
displayed because the
name starts with Fidelio.
contains text
(Value is mandatory)
This operator is used to
search fields where the
entered value is
contained somewhere in
the selected field.
This operator may be
used for fields which
contain free-format text.
It should not be used for
fields where the entry is
selected from a list box.
Company Name 1 contains
text Fidelio will select all
profiles where Fidelio is
contained anywhere in the
name, e.g. both Micros
Fidelio and Fidelio
Software will be selected.
not contain text
(Value is mandatory)
This operator is used to
search fields where the
entered value is not
contained anywhere in
the selected field.
Company Name 1 does not
contain text Fidelio will
select all profiles where
Fidelio is not contained
anywhere in the name,
e.g. Micros Fidelio and
Fidelio Software would not
be selected.
Mailing 21
This operator may be
used for fields which
contain free-format text.
It should not be used for
fields where the entry is
selected from a list box.
advanced date operator
This operator enables the
user to search for a date
value, year only, month
only, day and month or
day, month and year.
On the fields Birthday
and Wedding Day the
option Anniversary is
available and additional
options are displayed to
include or exclude in-
house guests.
Birthday advanced date
operator month March will
select all profiles where a
birthday date has been
entered for the month of
Conference Booking
advanced date operator
year equals 2007 will
select all profiles with a
conference booking in
On the field Birthday,
activating the ANNIVERSARY
check box, entering 50, 60
in the YEAR field and the
required month in the
MONTH field will select all
profiles that have a 50th
or 60th birthday in the
specified month.
Advanced Date Operator dialog box
This Option
Enables the definition of one or multiple years instead of entering a
specific year. This could be used for anniversaries such as 50th or
60th birthdays.
Note: This option is only available for the Birthday and Wedding Day
Defines the year for the date value. Multiple years may be entered
separated by a comma.
22 Mailing
Defines the month for the date value. Multiple months may be
entered separated by a comma.
Defines the day for the date value. Multiple days may be entered
separated by a comma.
Includes all individuals regardless of whether they are in-house or
Note: This option is only available for the Birthday and Wedding Day
Includes in-house guests.
Note: This option is only available for the Birthday and Wedding Day
Not In-house
Excludes in-house guests.
Note: This option is only available for the Birthday and Wedding Day
Running a Standard or Advanced Mailing Query
1. From the Mailing dialog box, select either the STANDARD QUERY or ADVANCED QUERy
2. Highlight the query to be run.
3. Click the SELECT button; if there are saved wizard settings then you are prompted
to use the saved wizard options.
4. Click YES to view the saved wizard options or NO to display a new query wizard
dialog box.
5. If YES is selected then the Query Wizard History dialog box is displayed.
Mailing 23
Note: Query Wizards which are no longer required may be deleted
via the Query Wizard History dialog box by selecting the wizard and
clicking the DELETE button.
6. Select the query wizard required and click OK, the mailing results screen is
7. If NO is selected then the Query wizard dialog box is displayed.
Any pre-defined field lists are displayed; these are the lists of fields that are used
for the mailing query results.
24 Mailing
8. Click the FIELDS button to edit an existing field list or build a new one, see
9. Select a FIELD LIST and click NEXT to display the profile criteria dialog box. The first
field list will be taken by default if no other field list is selected.
Mailing 25
10. Mark the mailing option check boxes as required, the check boxes are explained in
the table below.
11. Click NEXT, the query is run and a progress bar displays the status of the query, in
addition the various stages of the query are displayed on top - Loading Data,
Gathering Profiles, Validate Profiles and Links, Validate Family Members and
Validate Address and Communications.
12. When the query finishes the query wizard displays the number of records found
and the number of records matched.
Number of records shows all selected records.
Number of matched records shows the number of profiles that match the query.
The number of records and the number of matched records could be different; for
example, running a query for individuals with a certain action code, the mailing
result will show both the number of individuals and the number of linked company
26 Mailing
13. If a large number of records are found, a record range can be entered. To enter a
range of records remove the check mark from the DISPLAY ALL checkbox field and
complete the FROM and TO fields.
14. Click NEXT; you are prompted to 'Save current wizard settings?' Click YES to save
the current wizard settings or NO not to save the wizard settings.
15. If you selected to save the wizard settings then the Wizard History dialog box is
16. Enter a DESCRIPTION for the wizard settings; the CREATION DATE is completed
automatically with the current date. The Wizard History saves only the settings, so
that the next time a query is run from the Wizard History all current records
matching the query will be displayed.
17. Click OK, the mailing result screen appears.
Mailing 27
The upper window of the screen shows the options that were used in the query.
In the query results the values of the selected attribute categories will be
displayed regardless if they have been used in the query or not, for example.
A guest has the following attributes defined:
The mailing query is setup to include the attribute code INFLUENCE equal to
Decision Maker (DEC).
The field list includes the fields INFLUENCE, ACTION CODES and PRODUCT INTEREST.
In the mailing result the values of all three attribute categories are displayed
in the result, however as the query included specifically the attribute value
DECISION MAKER then this is displayed in brackets <DEC> indicating that it is
part of the actual query.
Records can be selected by selecting the check-box in front of the name or via the options
MARK/UNM ALL or MARK/UNM SEL on the right hand side of the screen.
28 Mailing
The selected mailing result can be exported to Word or Excel or sent via email by clicking
the relevant button.
Profile details may be viewed and edited via the EDIT PROFILE button. The button is not
accessible if more than one profile is marked. If a profile is edited and changed so that it no
longer meets the query criteria then a warning will be displayed, however the profile
remains in the mailing result list. The profile can either be de-selected or the mailing query
run again.
If the profile criteria 'Display all linked individuals if company is selected' was selected
then the buttons EXPAND and COLLAPSE can be used to expand or to collapse all linked
individuals of all companies. By default these are not expanded. Clicking the and
signs next to the company name expands and collapses the linked individual of the selected
The profile HTML and tree may be viewed via the PROFILE INFO button. The button is not
accessible if more than one profile is marked.
Profile Criteria dialog box
Select this checkbox
To do this
Linking Options
Display matched individuals if
company is selected
If this option is selected individuals that are linked
to a company and match the query will be shown in
the result set.
Display all linked individuals if
company is selected
If this option is selected individuals that are linked
to a company will be shown in the result set.
Example: If the query used was city=Hamburg and
the company address is in Hamburg, but the
address of the linked individual is not
city=Hamburg, the linked individual will be shown
as well.
Display individuals without
link to company
If this option is selected individuals without a link to
a company will be shown. Example: An individual
without any company link with city=Hamburg will
be displayed in the result set.
Display company if individual
is selected
If this option is selected, the company that is linked
to the individual will be displayed regardless of it
meeting the query requirements. Example:
Individual with city=Hamburg is linked to a
company which has a city=Berlin. Due to the
mailing query, the individual will be selected and if
the option is selected the company will also be
shown in the result set.
Contact Preference
This option defines which address preference should
displayed and used in the mailing.
Note: Only one or the other can be selected.
Contact Preference Individual
If this option is selected, the address entered on the
individual level will be displayed in the result set.
Contact Preference Company
If this option is selected, the address entered on the
company level will be displayed in the result set.
Contact Persons
Mailing 29
Mailing Contacts
If this option is selected all individuals defined as
mailing contacts will be selected
Primary Contacts
If this option is selected all individuals defined as
primary contacts will be selected.
If this option is selected all individuals other than
mailing or primary will be selected
Exclude non-mailing family
If this option is selected all family members which
are not defined as family mailing contact will be
excluded from the mailing.
Note: This option is only available if the option
'Enable Family Wizard' is activated in Setup
Configuration Global Settings Profile Tab.
Family greetings
If this option is selected then the family
address/letter greetings defined on the Family
Wizard tab of the profile will be used in the mailing
and not the individual address/letter greetings.
Note: This option is only available if the option
'Enable Family Wizard' is activated in Setup
Configuration Global Settings Profile Tab.
Address Check
If this option is selected then only those profiles
which match the query conditions and have an
address (zip code and city) will be displayed in the
query results.
Email Check
If this option is selected then only those profiles
which match the query conditions and have an
email address will be displayed in the query results.
Sort By
Users can define a sort order for each query by
selecting it from the sort orders list, for example,
users can define a sort order by country and then
within the country by zip code and within the zip
code in alphabetical order. Sort By
1. Click on the SORT ORDER button to display a list of
defined sort criteria.
2. Choose the criteria required by selecting the
checkboxes in the order required.
3. To change the sort order double-click on the
column SORT ORDER and adjust the sort order
4. Right-click on the ORDER TYPE column to select
whether the criteria should be sorted in ascending
or descending order.
The order of the fields that display the results is defined via the option LIST OF
FIELDS under Configuration Setup Miscellaneous Mailing.
Creation of Activities
At the same time as running a mailing, activities can be created for those that were included in the
1. Run a mailing as detailed in 'Running a Standard or Advanced Mailing Query'.
2. Select the records for which activities are to be created.
30 Mailing
3. On the mailing results screen select ACTIVITIES, a message is displayed indicating
how many activities will be created.
4. Click YES; the New Activity dialog box is displayed.
5. Complete the information as detailed in the table below.
6. Click OK to create the activities.
Tip: Make sure the field DATE COMPLETED is filled in otherwise many
unfinished activities may be created.
7. Continue with the mailing merge, create for example a follow-up activity or click
CLOSE on the mailing result screen.
Mailing 31
Activity Edit dialog box
Fill in this field
With this information
Resp. Employee
Employee for whom this activity belongs.
Activity Type
Type of Activity.
Activity Description
Free format field to further define the purpose of the
activity or to give a description of activity. By default the
field is completed with the activity type as defined in the
previous field.
All Day Event
Checking this field will mark the activity as an all day
event. An activity marked as an all day event is displayed
at the top of the column under the date field and not on
the grid itself.
Check Availability
Select this checkbox to check availability when an activity
is entered.
If this option is active then each time an activity is entered
for the resp. employee for that day and time, the
availability message is displayed.
Start Date
The starting date of the activity.
Start Time
The starting time of the activity. The default starting time
is defined in the Global Settings Profile 1 tab.
End Date
The ending date of the activity.
End Time
The ending time of the activity. The default ending time is
defined in the Global Settings Profile 1 tab.
Show As
Selecting an entry from this list box shows whether the
activity is taking place out of the office, if the Sales
Manager is busy or free, etc.
Checking this field will mark the activity as private.
Note: Functionality not yet implemented.
A reminder can be set, ranging from 5 minutes to one
month. Users then have the option to choose to 'Dismiss'
or 'Snooze' the activity. The reminder is sent to the
responsible manager and any assigned managers.
Date Completed
Date the activity was completed - select from calendar.
Free format field to add any additional notes or
The day, date, time and name of the logged in user can be
added to the text of the note by pressing F7.
Note: It is also possible to create activities for the future, for example,
to make follow up calls. The field DATE COMPLETED should not be
filled in this case.
Merging to Word
Selecting an existing document template:
1. Follow the steps for running a mailing as detailed in 'Running a Standard or
Advanced Mailing Query'.
2. Mark the records to be included in the merge.
32 Mailing
3. Click WORD, the Select document screen is displayed.
Note: When the information is exported to e.g. Word, the file
datasource.html is created automatically; this file is required to
perform the mail merge and is stored in the path defined under Setup
Configuration Global Settings Workstation Defaults tab
Local Log Directory. During the merge to Word Fidelio requires that
the first record in the datasource.html file be empty, this record is
suppressed by default and in Word the mailing merge records start at
number 2.
4. Select the required document template.
5. As the PREVIEW check box is selected by default then the document template is
displayed in the preview window. The header and footer are not displayed in
preview mode.
6. Click OPEN, MS Word opens the letter with the merge fields and automatically
displays the mail merge toolbar.
7. If you are using Windows XP or Word2003 then the Select Table dialog box is
displayed, click OK to close it.
Mailing 33
8. Select the button to view the merged data, move from record to record via
the arrows .
Note: The merged records start with record 2; record 1 is an empty
record and is suppressed by default.
9. Make any changes required to the letter and then click the FINISH & MERGE
icon, the merged results will then appear in a new document.
10. Print the merged letters.
11. To save the merged letters document click SAVE from the file menu in Word.
12. Allocate a name and select a location to save the document.
Note: The following words and special characters may not be used in
the file name when saving the document: CON, PRN, AUX , CLOCK$,
NULCOM0, COM1..9, LPT0..9 and special characters: |, \, ?, *, <,", :,
>, /
13. Click CLOSE, the Suite8 Select documents screen is displayed and you are
prompted to save the document in the database.
14. Select NO, as you do not want to save the merged letter file in the Suite8
database, MS Word is closed automatically.
15. Click CLOSE to close the Select document screen.
16. Click CLOSE to close the Mailing Results screen, the main mailing is screen is
Note: A dummy line is created in the datasource.html on top of the
merge values passed to Microsoft. This is required due to Word
interpreting the field zip code as a number if sorted by zip code and
zip codes with letters were then displayed as 0. With this change zip
codes are considered as a string value, the empty record is suppressed
by default and the mailing record no. starts with 2 in Word.
Merging to Excel
1. Follow the steps for running a mailing as detailed in 'Running a Standard or
Advanced Mailing Query'.
34 Mailing
2. Mark the records to be included in the merge.
3. Click EXCEL, MS Excel opens a worksheet showing the results of the merge. The
columns listed are as defined in the selected field list.
4. To save the merged results click SAVE from the file menu in Excel.
5. Allocate a name and select a location to save the worksheet.
6. To close the worksheet, click CLOSE from the Excel file menu.
7. To close MS Excel click EXIT from the Excel file menu, the mailing results screen is
Creation of email mailings
Suite8 uses an internal mailing client, therefore all hotels, even if they do not have their own email
system such as MS Outlook, will be able to use this feature.
To use this feature the following files are needed:
IPWORKS5.DLL (needs to be in the same directory as the MFMAIL.DLL)
RegisterEDlls.bat (that registers the MFMAIL.DLL)
Under Setup Configuration Global Settings Generic tab, enter the email address of the
property in the field HOTEL EMAIL. This email address will be used as the sender of emails.
There are 2 ways of sending an email mailing:
As body text - the text is then displayed directly when the email is opened.
As an attachment attachments are sent as a PDF files. An email mailing sent as an attachment
can also use merge functionality and will be merged according to the email address, for
example, a letter greeting can be used and will be displayed correctly for each email.
Documents can be attached to the body of the email as follows:
Selecting the required file via the Attachment button - any type of file can be
attached and it will be sent as is.
Selecting a document from the ATTACHMENTS column - these documents are sent as PDF files
and can use merge functionality.
How to create an email mailing
1. Follow the steps for running a mailing as detailed in 'Running a Standard or
Advanced Mailing Query'.
2. Mark the records to be included in the merge.
3. Click the EMAIL button, the select document dialog box is displayed.
Mailing 35
4. The senders email address is taken from the global settings.
5. In the SUBJECT box enter the subject of the email.
6. Select the template to be used from the list displayed in the LETTERS / EMAIL BODY
column or the ATTACHMENTS column.
The PREVIEW TEMPLATE check box is selected by default, so the selected template is
automatically displayed in the lower window.
7. Select the PREVIEW check box to preview the merged results of the email. Click the
left and right buttons to page forwards and backwards through the
merged records.
8. To attach a document to the body email there are two possibilities:
Selecting the required file via the Attachment button - any type of file can
be attached and it will be sent as is.
Selecting a document from the ATTACHMENTS column - these documents are sent as PDF
files and can use merge functionality.
9. To remove an attachment right-click on the attachment name and select DELETE
ATTACHMENT, to remove an attachment document just de-select it.
10. Click SEND to activate sending, an 'Are you sure' message is displayed, click YES to
continue with the sending of the emails or NO to cancel.
The message: ‘Please wait while emails are being sent’ will display. Depending on
the number of emails being sent this can take some time.
The status of the emails can be checked under Miscellaneous Logs Email Log.
36 Mailing
Note: The following Word Versions work with email mailings.
Word 2002, Word 2003 + XP: all released Features.
Word 2000: Picture & Logos are not getting sent.
Creation of Documents and Attachments
Templates and attachment documents may be created and stored for future use. The easiest and
quickest way to do this is from the main mailing screen. From here you can directly access the
document and attachment options. The exception to this would be if you need additional fields in
which case you would have to create the query accordingly and then access the document
templates option from the mailing results screen.
A mailing query needs to be run at least once in order to create the file datasource.html. When the
WORD button is pressed the data and field list from the last executed mailing are used. If the data
of an actual mailing should be used then the required mailing query needs to be run.
Create a new Document
1. Click the menu option CRM and select MAILING, the mailing dialog box is displayed.
2. From the Mailing dialog box, click the WORD button, the Select document dialog
box is displayed.
Follow the steps for running a mailing as detailed in 'Running a Standard or
Advanced Mailing Query' until the Mailing result screen is displayed and the
profiles selected, then click the WORD button to display the Select document dialog
Mailing 37
3. To create a new Letter/Email body document click NEW next to the LETTER / EMAIL
BODY column, to create a new attachment click NEW, next to the ATTACHMENTS
column, MS Word opens a blank word document.
Body documents are used for general letters and email mailings where the text
should be displayed directly when the email is opened. Attachment document are
used when the mailing is sent as a document attached to the email and not as text
in the body of the email.
4. Depending on your Word settings the mail merge toolbar may be displayed
automatically, if not, then on the Word View menu, point to TOOLBARS and then
5. If you are using Windows XP or Word2003 then the Select Table dialog box is
displayed, click OK to close it.
38 Mailing
6. Select the INSERT MERGE FIELDS button to display the Insert Merge Field dialog
7. Select the merge field required and click INSERT, repeat for each field required and
click CLOSE to close the dialog box.
8. Click the View Merged Data button to check the output.
9. Click the View Merged Data button a second time to display the merge
fields again.
Note: The document should be saved when the merge fields are
displayed and not when the merged data is displayed; otherwise the
merge data will be displayed when viewing the template preview.
10. Complete the document and then click CLOSE or EXIT from the file menu. Word is
closed, the Suite8 Select document screen is displayed and you are prompted to
save the document in the database.
Mailing 39
11. Click YES and enter a file name.
At this point an Attachment document is saved as an rtf file and a Letter / Email
Body document is saved as either an mhtml (Default) or an html file. The file is
stored in the path defined in MAILING DOCUMENTS under Setup Configuration
Global Settings Workstation 5 tab. In addition for Body documents containing a
header and or footer a directory containing a filelist.xml file and a header.html file
are also created.
Note: The file type *.mhtml is not valid for Word 2000.
12. The new body or attachment document is now listed in the Select document
13. To view the document template mark the PREVIEW check box.
14. Click CLOSE to close the Select document screen, the main mailing screen is
Note: If a document has been stored into the database and is deleted
from the hard drive, it can be edited from within Suite8 and saved
There are 2 possibilities for saving a body template document
HTML - is faster and is recommended for documents with no embedded image logos. Text can
be formatted but logos, headers & footers cannot be used.
MHTML - web archive document where the images are compressed in the document, logos,
headers & footers can be used. The file type *.mhtml is not valid for Word 2000.
Note: It is not possible to save a document with a header/ footer as
*.html - a warning will appear and word is opened again to save the
document using the appropriate file extension.
40 Mailing
Attachment documents can be saved as:
RTF - which has the images encoded in the document, this is converted to *.PDF when sending
emails. Attachment files that contain tables which have been drawn in tables are not displayed
correctly when sent.
How to copy a Document
1. Click the menu option CRM and select MAILING, the mailing dialog box is displayed.
2. From the Mailing dialog box, click the WORD button, the Select document dialog
box is displayed.
3. Select the document to be copied from the list displayed in the LETTERS / EMAIL
BODY or the ATTACHMENTS column.
4. Click COPY, the Copy Document dialog box is displayed.
5. In the DOCUMENT NAME box enter a name for the copied document.
Mailing 41
6. Select whether the new document should be copied as a LETTER / EMAIL BODY
document or an ATTACHMENT.
7. Click OK, the copied document is displayed in the list of documents.
8. Click OPEN to edit the document.
9. If you are using Windows XP or Word2003 then the Select Table dialog box is
displayed, click OK to close it.
10. Make the required changes to the copied document.
11. Click CLOSE, Word is closed, the Suite8 Select document screen is displayed and
you are prompted to save the document in the database.
12. Click YES and enter a file name.
13. The new body or attachment document is now listed in the Select document
14. To view the document template mark the PREVIEW check box.
15. Click CLOSE to close the Select document screen, the main mailing screen is
How to edit a Document
1. Click the menu option CRM and select MAILING, the mailing dialog box is displayed.
2. From the Mailing dialog box, click the WORD button, the Select document dialog
box is displayed.
42 Mailing
3. Select the document to be edited from the list displayed in the LETTERS / EMAIL BODY
or the ATTACHMENTS column.
4. Click OPEN to edit the document.
5. If you are using Windows XP or Word2003 then the Select Table dialog box is
displayed, click OK to close it.
6. Make the required changes to the document.
7. Click CLOSE, Word is closed, the Suite8 Select document screen is displayed and
you are prompted to save the document in the database.
8. Click YES and enter the same file name.
9. To view the document template mark the PREVIEW check box.
10. Click CLOSE to close the Select document screen, the main mailing screen is
How to delete a document
1. Click the menu option CRM and select MAILING, the mailing dialog box is displayed.
2. From the Mailing dialog box, click the WORD button, the Select document dialog
box is displayed.
3. Select the document to be deleted from the list displayed in the LETTERS / EMAIL
BODY or the ATTACHMENTS column.
4. Click DELETE, a confirmation message is displayed.
5. Click YES to delete the document.
Note: The document is deleted from the Suite8 database but remains
on the hard drive.
Letter Merge with a new or existing data file
Using MS Word, mailing letters can be produced using a merged data file that contains all the
required information. Either an existing letter template or a new letter template may be used.
Merge a letter with a new or existing data file
1. Click the menu option CRM and select MAILING, the mailing dialog box is displayed.
2. From the Mailing dialog box, click the WORD button, the Select document dialog
box is displayed.
Follow the steps for running a mailing as detailed in 'Running a Standard or
Advanced Mailing Query' until the Mailing result screen is displayed and then click
the WORD button to display the Select document dialog box.
3. To create a new body document click NEW next to the LETTER / EMAIL BODY column,
to create a new attachment click NEW, next to the ATTACHMENTS column, MS Word
opens a blank word document.
Mailing 43
4. In MS WORD open the letter that you want to use for the mailing.
5. On the mail merge toolbar click the SELECT RECIPIENTS button and select USE
EXISTING LIST to display the Select Data Source dialog box.
6. Locate the datasource.html file and click OPEN.
The datasource.html file is generated by Fidelio Suite8 when running a mailing
query and is located in the directory defined in LOCAL LOG DIRECTORY under Setup
Configuration Global Settings Miscellaneous Workstation Defaults 5 tab.
Note: The directory C:\Documents and Settings\My Documents\ My
Data Sources is opened by default, requiring the users to search for
the datasource.html each time. To avoid this, a shortcut to the
datasource.html can be created in the directory 'My Data Sources'.
Users can then select the shortcut to locate the datasource.html. This
shortcut has to be created manually on each workstation where it's
needed. If the path in global settings is changed then the shortcut has
to be changed accordingly.
7. Select the INSERT MERGE FIELDS button to display the Insert Merge Field dialog
44 Mailing
8. Select the merge field required and click INSERT, repeat for each field required;
click CLOSE to close the dialog box.
9. Complete the document and then either merge the data directly or click CLOSE or
EXIT from the file menu. Word is closed, the Suite8 Select document screen is
displayed and you are prompted to save the document in the database.
10. Click YES and enter a file name.
At this point an Attachment document is saved as an rtf file and a Body document
is saved as either an mhtml (Default) or an html file. The file is stored in the path
defined in MAILING DOCUMENTS under Setup Configuration Global Settings
Workstation 5 tab. In addition for Body documents containing a header and or
footer a directory containing a filelist.xml file and a header.html file are also
Note: The file type *.mhtml is not valid for Word 2000.
11. The new body or attachment document is now listed in the Select document
12. To view the document template mark the PREVIEW check box.
Mailing 45
13. Click CLOSE to close the Select document screen, the main mailing screen is
Create Envelopes and Labels using Windows XP or Word2003
1. Click the menu option CRM and select MAILING, the mailing dialog box is displayed.
2. From the Mailing dialog box, click the WORD button, the Select document dialog
box is displayed.
Follow the steps for running a mailing as detailed in 'Running a Standard or
Advanced Mailing Query' until the Mailing result screen is displayed and then click
the WORD button to display the Select document dialog box.
3. To create a new body document click NEW next to the LETTER / EMAIL BODY column,
to create a new attachment click NEW, next to the ATTACHMENTS column, MS Word
opens a blank word document.
4. On the mail merge toolbar select the START MAIL MERGE button to display the
Main Document Type dialog box.
5. Select Labels and click OK, the Label Options dialog box is displayed.
6. Select the label type required and click OK, the label template screen is displayed.
7. Select the INSERT MERGE FIELDS button to display the Insert Merge Field dialog
46 Mailing
8. Select the merge field required and click INSERT, repeat for each field required and
click CLOSE to close the dialog box.
9. Click the Update Labels button, all the labels are updated with the merge fields.
Mailing 47
10. Click the View Merged Data button to check the output.
11. Click the View Merged Data button a second time to display the merge
fields again.
Note: The document should be saved when the merge fields are
displayed and not when the merged data is displayed; otherwise the
merge data will be displayed when viewing the template preview.
12. Click CLOSE or EXIT from the file menu. Word is closed, the Suite8 Select document
screen is displayed and you are prompted to save the label template in the
13. Click YES and enter a file name.
14. The label template is now listed in the Select document screen.
15. Click CLOSE to close the Select document screen, the main mailing screen is
Index 49
2 Index
Advanced Mailing
Creating an advanced mailing query ...... 15
Creation of tasks ................................... 29
Documents and Attachments
Mailing................................................... 36
Creation of email mailings ...................... 34
Merging a Mailing .................................. 33
Letter Merge
Mailing Letters ....................................... 42
Merge a letter with an existing data file .. 42
Merge a new letter with an existing data
file ......................................................... 42
Advanced Mailing
Creating an advanced mailing query .. 15
Creation of tasks ................................ 29
creation of email mailings ...................... 34
Documents and Attachments
Copying a document .......................... 36
Creating a new document .................. 36
Deleting a document .......................... 36
Mailing Overview ..................................... 8
Merging to Excel ................................... 33
Merging to Word ................................... 31
Standard and Advanced Mailings ............ 7
Standard Mailing
Creating a standard mailing ................. 9
Creation of tasks................................ 29
Running a standard mailing query ...... 22
Roomplanner ........................................ 51
Requirements........................................ 51
Standard Mailing
Creating a standard mailing ..................... 9
Creation of tasks ................................... 29
Running a standard mailing query ......... 22
Creating of mailing tasks ....................... 29
Mailing Templates ................................. 36
Merging a mailing .................................. 31
50 Index