2020-21 Letter of Recommendation Packet
Please keep this top sheet for your reference
Secondary School Report and Letters of Recommendation:
Most private university and scholarship applications will require that students submit secondary school reports and letter(s) of
recommendation. Please Note: California public universities (Cal States and UCs) do not require or accept letters of
recommendation. DO NOT complete this packet if these are the only types of colleges to which you are applying
Secondary School Report and letters of recommendation give evaluators and selection committeesalternate information about you
the person. Keep in mind that these individuals will already have objective information your grades, classes and test scores they
want to know about your character and who you are outside of the classroom, more appropriately, how others see you!
Many colleges subscribe to Common App (www.commonapp.org
). This is a convenient way for you to streamline multiple college
applications in one place. If you do not find your college listed on Common App, please check their admission page for their
preferred application.
Teacher Letter of Recommendation packet:
Universities typically require 1-2 letters of recommendation from teachers. Check each university’s application to determine if teachers of a
specific grade level (or subject area) need to write the letter.
Ask teachers, who know you well and who will write you a personalized and positive letter of recommendation. It is preferable that
you are currently in his or her class or were a student of theirs the previous year.
Complete the Student Input for Teacher Rec Form - Provide your recommenders with important information that they may need to
write a letter that truly represents your good qualities, character and outstanding skills.
Provide a completed copy of the College Application Worksheet
Common App You must add the teachers name and email address on the “recommenders” section of the Common App. Ask your
teachers which email address he/she would like you to use. This will send them a link, which they will then use to attach the
recommendation to your application.
Counselor Letter of Recommendation Packet:
All counselors will submit their letters online. Identify your letter writer and add their name and email (be sure to use the one listed in
this packet) to the “recommenders” section of the Common App. Use this counselor’s name and email anywhere it asks you for
your counselor’s name on your application.
Complete all items noted below and deliver to your counselor in a large manila envelope (it will be helpful for you to attach a copy of
the college application worksheet to the outside of your envelope). Be sure to deliver directly to your letter writer. Do not leave it on
their desk or outside their door
Counselor Letter of Recommendation packets MUST include:
Cover Page
College Application Worksheet
Student Profile
Personal Letter of Recommendation Refer to sample
Student Resume Refer to sample
Optional (but highly recommended)
College Essay (rough draft ok)
Parent Brag Letter
Transcripts: SVUSD utilizes Parchment as their transcript management system (www.parchment.com
). For Common App schools, you
must order just one transcript to be sent to Common App. This will link to all colleges listed within your Common App account. Remember,
UC and CSU campuses do not want a transcript. Students will be notified if these colleges would like one sent later.
Packet Due Date
Deadlines- College/Scholarship Evaluations and Recommendations
FridayOctober 2, 2020
College applications or scholarships with a deadline in November or December
MondayNovember 2, 2020
College applications or scholarships with a deadline of January 1
or later
A late request will result in either a generic letter written or no letter at all (at the discretion of the Counselor or other evaluator depending
on their workload and timeframe).
Please Note: Recommenders WILL NOT be available to complete college evaluation paperwork or recommendations during Winter Break.
Please adhere to deadlines to avoid this.
El Toro High School Guidance Department
Please refer to the counselors below for your assigned letter writer for counselor
recommendations and Secondary School Reports. Please note that your letter writer may not
be your regularly assigned counselor.
Write in which teacher(s) YOU will be asking for a letter of recommendation.
We have read the letter of recommendation request packet policies and will adhere to letter of
recommendation deadlines and procedures.
Student Signature:
Parent Signature:
Student Name:
Date Submitted:
Packet Due Date
Deadlines- College/Scholarship Evaluations and
Friday October 2, 2020
College applications or scholarships with a deadline in November
or December
Monday, November 2, 2020
College applications or scholarships with a deadline of January 1
or later
A late request will result in either a generic letter written or no letter at all (at the discretion of the
Counselor or other evaluator depending on their workload and timeframe).
Please Note: Recommenders WILL NOT be available to complete college evaluation paperwork or
recommendations during Winter Break. Please adhere to deadlines to avoid this.
A-C: Mrs. Echo Sualua
: Mrs. Gisela Geller
: Ms. Rozie Sundstedt
Mrs. Elisa Manese
-Z: Mrs. Rebecca Clark
Student Name:
Student Cell Phone:
Student Email Address:
A copy of this worksheet should accompany any request for a letter of recommendation. The information on this profile can also be
used to answer questions on your college applications as well as scholarship applications. Please be sure to review your college
application to determine what type of letter is required (i.e. Teacher or Counselor or both).
*attach additional page if needed
For informational purposes, please list other colleges to which you are applying, but do not need recommendations (i.e. UC, CSU, etc…)
Private University
Method Used for Application
(Please Choose One)
Letter of Rec Needed From
Please Choose One (verify from application)
University Paper Application
University Website
Common Application
Teacher (Academic Letter)
Secondary School Report Needed from
Counselor, but no letter of recommendation
University Paper Application
University Website
Common Application
Teacher (Academic Letter)
Secondary School Report Needed from
Counselor, but no letter of recommendation
University Paper Application
University Website
Common Application
Teacher (Academic Letter)
Secondary School Report Needed from
Counselor, but no letter of recommendation
University Paper Application
University Website
Common Application
Teacher (Academic Letter)
Secondary School Report Needed from
Counselor, but no letter of recommendation
University Paper Application
University Website
Common Application
Teacher (Academic Letter)
Secondary School Report Needed from
Counselor, but no letter of recommendation
University Paper Application
University Website
Common Application
Teacher (Academic Letter)
Secondary School Report Needed from
Counselor, but no letter of recommendation
University Paper Application
University Website
Common Application
Teacher (Academic Letter)
Secondary School Report Needed from
Counselor, but no letter of recommendation
University Paper Application
University Website
Common Application
Teacher (Academic Letter)
Secondary School Report Needed from
Counselor, but no letter of recommendation
Colleges that do not need recs:
Please type the answers to all questions below in the space provided. Please be as detailed as possible. The more
information you provide, the more information the counselor will be able to share with your university.
All about You
1. Please list three thoughtful adjectives that you believe describe you and explain why.
2. Please describe your family.
3. Of what are you most proud?
4. Describe one event or activity (positive or challenging) that has had the most significant impact in your life and shaped you as a person
and explain why.
5. Discuss one leadership role you have experienced in your life. How did this leadership role change you? What did you learn from the
You and School
6. Discuss any significant decrease in your academic performance.
You and your College Application
7. Please rank your TOP five schools and the major you have declared or will declare for each:
8. List three occupations you are considering in order of preference and explain briefly what it is about the occupation that interests you
and why you might be successful in such a field.
Self-Evaluation (Required)
The information you provide in this questionnaire can be of great importance to your college planning.
It will be used by your counselor to prepare materials to submit to colleges in support of your
application. Read the statements below carefully and rate yourself accordingly. Be honest and
Place an X in the that represents you the best.
Below Average
Ability to organize and use time well
Desire to learn new things
Willingness to take risks
Ability to get along with others
Willingness to work hard
Ability to express self
Sense of humor
Concern for others
Emotional maturity
Reaction to setbacks
Ability to understand new concepts
Growth potential
Warmth of personality
Personal initiative
Additional Items:
Personal Letter of Recommendation (Required)
Resumé (Required)
College Essay (optional)
Please add your college essay for your Recommender to use in writing your letter of recommendation.
Parent/Guardian Brag Letter (Optional, but highly recommended)
(To be completed by parent) What would we want the admissions office to know about your child that they
would not be able to glean from only school records and the college application? Parental insight makes a
tremendous difference in the quality of a completed letter of recommendation, so we ask that you address in
the brag letter anecdotes and other pertinent information that is not already used in the college application.
Possible topics may include discussion regarding your son or daughter’s greatest strengths, most unique
characteristics, significant family events, personal obstacles or triumphs, etc. (we recommend a one page
minimum response). We thank you for your contribution!
Keep this document for reference
In your own words, write a personal letter of recommendation. This letter should be at least three paragraphs in
length; introduction, body, conclusion (see below). Aside from the information already listed in your student
resume and college application, college admissions officers want to learn something about YOU that would set
YOU apart from other applicants. Describe personal attributes that will demonstrate to the admissions
committee how you will add to classroom discussions, campus activities, and take on leadership roles within
university setting. Provide examples of things that you have already done on campus or in your community to
support your claim. Please do not list activities, but rather expand on the impact they have had on your
academic and personal development.
Ideas to consider:
1. What is your work ethic like? Are you motivated?
2. Are you a leader? What kind of leadership skills have you demonstrated?
3. How have you grown over time personally or academically?
4. What are you like as a person? (i.e., take initiative, charismatic, leader, follower)
5. What are your strongest qualities? Elaborate on each.
6. How engaged are you in current events or school culture?
7. What key setbacks or achievements have you experienced? Have you overcome any hardships
and how has that changed you as a person?
8. Of the activities, interests and experiences listed on your resume, which is the most meaningful to
you; specifically why?
Letter of Recommendation Format
(Letters should be written in the third person)
Provide an overview of who you are. Capture the reader’s attention immediately. Be real and be witty!
Cover one or more exceptional qualities
Use specific examples to show how you observed each quality.
Address qualities in order of importance.
Confirm why you would be a desirable student; adding any other comments you feel appropriate. If you
are chosen to attend “our” university or college, what talent, experience, or contribution will
you actively make?
(Please see sample letter on next page)
Sample Letter of Recommendation
Keep this document for reference
To whom it may concern,
If you are looking for a well-rounded, versatile student, then Siena will meet all of your expectations and
requirements. I have noticed her succeed in many areas of her life and be involved in the community while
maintaining an impressive grade point average. Everything she does is incredibly important to her, and I have
never seen her complain about anything.
In the classroom, she asks insightful questions, helps the students around her, and stays on task at all
times. Siena does not only perform well in her studies; however, she also performs well on stage. The hard
work and dedication she has put into dance and singing truly stands out as one of her greatest qualities. Her
reward for this determination is to perform; it brings her joy to inspire the people watching her and to bring
them joy as well. Her unwillingness to give up and her drive to be the best she can be on stage when
performing reflects who she is as a person and how she lets every area of her life be just as motivated and
I have also witnessed her humility in the face of success, which I suspect is the result of her faith. She
is incredibly committed and involved at her church, and therefore everything she does seems to be motivated
by a higher purpose. She does not have only herself to tell her to be the best she can be; her perseverance
and hard work are also inspired by her faith. With this faith she serves people in her community often and is
kind and compassionate to everyone she encounters.
As an individual, Siena is unbelievably humble, driven, and talented in many ways. She would be a
wonderful addition to your school because she has intelligence, artistic talent, and a faith driven perspective
that not many young people can offer. I hope that you will consider her; you will not regret it.
Julie Jones
Teacher, ETHS
Student Resumé (Required) – Sample
Keep this document for your reference
Charlie Charger
123 College Bound Lane
Lake Forest, CA 92630
(949) 555-1234
I consider myself to be a determined, committed and highly detail-minded individual who is unafraid to “wear
the same face” everywhere I go.
My immediate goal is to graduate from high school with an academic record that would be considered
competitive enough to be admitted to USC! I have always wanted to be a Trojan!
El Toro High School: Grade 12 in 2015/2016; Academic 6
Semester GPA of 3.98; Rank 75 out of
600 in the Class of 2016. Principal’s Honor Roll
Scholastic Assessment Test: Verbal Score of 680, Math Score of 690
SAT II Subject Tests: Math IIC score of 680; US History score of 600
ACT Assessment: Composite Score of 27
Advanced Placement Examinations: European History (4); US History (3); Biology (5); Chemistry (3);
Government & Politics, Calculus, Physics to be taken in May of 2016
California Scholarship Federation: CSF President
National Honor Society: NHS Member
ETHS Yearbook: 4 years staff member, Editor in Chief (Grade 12)
Boy Scouts of America: Eagle Scout
ETHS Track & Field: 4 year team member, Sprinter
CSF and NHS: Provide outreach services to school and community
Boy Scouts of America: Co-Leader of Cub Scout Troop
Student Tutor: Provide academic assistance in all subject areas as needed
ETHS Honor Roll: Principal’s and Superintendent’s throughout High School
ETHS Achievement Awards: Recognized for outstanding academic performance in English and
ETHS Track and Field: “Most Improved Athlete”, Varsity letter; Scholar Athlete Award
Varsity Football 9
Associated Student Body; Class President (12
) ; Treasurer (11
) ; Vice President (10
El Toro High School (949) 837-7722: Mr. Coach; Mrs. Counselor; Mr. Teacher (yearbook) and Mrs.
Tutoring (949) 123-4567; Pam Student and Parents
Scoutmaster (949) 222-3333 Boy S. Scout