Internship Report
Human Resource Management of
Alliance Capital Asset Management Limited
Zinia Khanam
ID: 11164081
Course: BUS 699
Date of Submission-05.07.2015
Submitted to
Mr. Shamim Ehsanl Haque
Department of Business Administration
BRAC University
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Date 05.07.2015
Mr. Shamim Ehsanul Haque
BRAC Business School
BRAC University
Subject: Submission of Internship report on “Human Resource Management of Alliance Capital Asset
Management Limited”
Dear Sir,
With great pleasure I hereby submit my internship report on "HR practices of Alliance Capital Asset
Management Ltd." The report has been completed by the information that I gathered from the major
courses on Human Resource Management which I have completed during my MBA as well as from my
internship period in Alliance Capital.
As a requirement of preparing an internship report based on the practical knowledge in an
organization, I selected Recruitment as my core concentration along with few other HR practices that I
have come across during my internship program. I have tried my level best to complete this report
meaningfully and correctly, as much as possible. I hope this report will reflect on the contemporary
issues on the Human Resource Management that are being Practiced by this organizations in our country.
Thanking you.
Sincerely yours,
Zinia Khanam
ID: 11164081
BRAC Business School
BRAC University
I would like to thank BRAC University for giving me the opportunity to do this internship. I would like to
thank Alliance Capital Asset Management ltd for letting me do the internship at their HR Division Head
office. I’d like to thank Shamim Ehsanul Haque Sir, my internship supervisor for guiding me with the
completion of this report. I’d also like to thank Mr. Imam Rasul Mohammed, SAVP & DCIO, and
Investment Manager & Md. Forhad Rahman from Alliance Capital Research & HR Division for keeping
me under their supervision and provide me with all the necessary information which has helped me in the
completion of this report. I would also like to thank all the officials of Alliance Capital HR Department
for allowing me to be an internee at their organization and help with necessary information.
Table of Contents
Serial No.
Pg No.
Executive Summary
Chapter 1: Organization
Scope of the Report
Objective of the Report
Sources of Information
Chapter 2: Organization Profile
Organization Background
Key facts about Alliance Capital
Organization Vision
Organization Mission
Goal of Alliance Capital
Strategic Objectives of Alliance Capital
Customer Charter
Organization Organogram
Organizational Structure
Chapter 3: Overview of HR Division
Human Resources Management
HR Function
Chapter 4: HRM of Alliance Capital
Units of HR Division
HR Staffing
HR Operations
Training & Development
Chapter 5: Company Analysis
SWOT Analysis
Findings and Recommendations
Executive Summary
During my internship I gained practical knowledge on how the human resource division of an
organization operates and coordinates its activities to ensure smooth functioning of the
organization at all levels by ensuring right numbers of people are available at the right time to do
the right job. Not only that I have also gained insight into the working culture of the organization
and observed how Alliance Capital handles its employees with value and empowerment to
ensure they are motivated to give their best to the organization.
The report starts with an organization profile of Alliance Capital giving its background, mission,
vision, its products and services, the hierarchy and organogram of the organization.
The next section is the comprises the project, Human Resource Management in Alliance
Capital. The project encompasses introduction to the topic, recruitment, selection, training and
Each chapter contains detailed discussion of the HR functions followed by Organization Practice
at Alliance Capital which basically conveys how things are done in the HR Department.
The next part of the project carries out SWOT Analysis that touches upon strengths, weakness,
opportunities and threats to the organization followed by findings and recommendation on
critical factors regarding Human Resource Management of Alliance Capital. Finally there is the
conclusion followed by references.
Chapter: 1
Human Recourse Practices at Alliance Capital Asset
Management Ltd
1.1 Introduction
I have select the topic of this report is “Human Resource Management of Alliance
Capital”. I tried to integrate my theoretical knowledge of HR and combine it with practical
examples as observed during my internship. I have tried to cover all the major functions of
Human Resource Management- recruitment, selection, compensation and benefits, training
and development and convey my understandings of the different functions of Human
Resource Management through this project. At the end of the report I have done a SWOT
Analysis on the HRM Practice of Alliance Capital followed by discussing critical points. I
have also tried to provide some recommendations based on my knowledge followed by the
conclusion which I gathered during my internship
1.2 Scope of the Report
This report has been prepared through extensive discussion with company employees.
Prospectus provided by the asset management company also helped in preparing the
report. At the time of preparing the report, I had a great opportunity to have an in depth
knowledge of all the investment activities practiced by the Alliance Capital.
1.3 Objective of the Report
There have been some objectives set forward in doing this report so that it can be
determined what tasks have to be done. The objectives of the report are:
To familiarize with the Alliance Capital, its operation and activities, management
style and endeavor to realized the gap between the theoretical knowledge with the
real business world.
Analyze the current performance appraisal format & compensation.
Identifying inherent problems associated with the format.
Propose changes mainly in the guidelines, format and management philosophy by
keeping relevance with other processes.
Employee Personnel practice.
Developing Employees practices.
1.4 Sources of information
All the information incorporated in this report has been collected from primary sources as
well as secondary sources.
Primary sources:
Interview with assistant manager of administration & HR-In Charge
Operations manager and some other employees
Discussion sessions with senior officers as well
Secondary Sources:
Alliance Capital Asset Management Ltd Annual Report
Job description for each employees of Alliance Capital Asset Management Ltd,
HR Division.
Performance appraisal format
Performance appraisal guideline provided by the Human Resources division
1.5 Limitations
Limitation of employment personal.
Lack of practices in human resource management.
Human resources department was hesitant to provide information, because of
difficulty in accessing sensitive data and information.
Non-availability of some previous statistical data.
The term of the internship period is brief time whereas Human Resources Division
is a vast area, after doing the regular office works from 9:30 AM to 5:30 PM it is
difficult to go through in depth within this short duration of time.
The secondary source of information was not enough to complete the report.
Chapter: 2
Organization Profile
2.1 Organization Background
Alliance Capital Asset Management Limited is an Asset Management Company in
Bangladesh that generally focuses on managing mutual funds. It was incorporated in June
2009 and later in the same year received Letter of Intent from the Bangladesh Securities
and Exchange Commission (BSEC).
Bangladesh is an emerging market, one of the rising Asian Tigers. Both in terms of size
and value, the market is growing fast. ALLIANCE CAPITAL is taking position in this
market to play its role as a developer. The founder Chairman and Managing Director was
Mr. Wali-ul-Maroof Matin. He has been in capital market industry of emerging markets
for 15 years.
In 2014, the new management took over this AMC under the direction of Mr. Kh. Asadul
Islam as the Managing Director & CEO of the company who has almost 20 years of
experience in the capital market of Bangladesh. After that, Alliance Capital Asset
Management Limited started their new journey of business as an asset management
company under new Chairman Mr. Kamran T. Rahman and the board members.
Alliance Capital Asset Management Limited has a dedicated and skillful team for research
and product development. Risk Management is an independent unit.
2.2 Key facts about Alliance Capital Asset Management Ltd Limited
Some important facts about Alliance Capital are given below:
Name of the Company
Alliance Capital Asset Management Limited
Legal Form
Stock Exchange Limited
Date of Commencement
June, 2009
Registered Office
87 Rashed Khan Menon Road (Level-15), New Eskaton, Dhaka.
Web page
Managing Director
Mr.KhandakerAsadul Islam
Company Secretary
Mr. SaifulAnam
SF Ahmed CA Firm
2.3 Organization Vision
Their vision statement is-
Our vision is to establish Alliance Capital Asset Management Limited as the ultimate
investment choice in Bangladesh. We want to develop a rich pool of research tools and
strategies that will yield the best possible returns for our stakeholders and investors.”
2.4 Organization Mission
Its mission statement is-
Our mission is to give you the best possible return for your money and secure your
financial future. We utilize only the best local talents available and comply completely
with international norms and standards at every step of the way. Every decision made is
completely transparent and undertaken with total professionalism. The interest of our
stakeholders is our foremost concern.
The people, products and processes of Alliance Capital Asset Management Ltd are
associated to meet the demand of the judicious customers. Their goal is to achieve a
distinction in the sky. Their Prime Objective is to deliver a quality that demonstrates a true
reflection of our vision. This means they will give the best possible return for unit holders.
And with that they will ensure financial growth for the organization, in the best wellbeing
of their stakeholders.
2.6 The Values
Customer Focus
Respect for individual
Responsible Citizenship
2.7 Services provide by Alliance Capital
Mutual Fund
Discretionary Portfolio Management
Mutual Fund is a mechanism for pooling the resources by issuing units to the investors and
investing funds in securities in accordance with objectives as disclosed in offer document.
ALLIANCE CAPITAL has wide experience and expertise of investment in securities primarily
in equities in both these exchanges through Mutual Funds.
There are two types of mutual fund. They are:
1. Open-Ended Mutual Fund
2. Close-Ended Mutual Fund
Open-End Mutual Fund
Alliance Capital Asset Management Limited manages the open-ended fund of MTB Unit Fund.
The holders of the shares in the Fund can resell them to the issuing Mutual Fund Company at the
time. They receive in turn the net assets value (NAV) of the shares at the time of re-sale
Closed-Ended Mutual Fund
A closedend Fund is open for sale to investors for a specific period, after which further sales
are closed. Any further transaction for buying the units or repurchasing them, Happen in the
secondary markets, where closed end Funds are listed. Therefore new investors buy from the
existing investors, and existing investors can liquidate their units by selling them to other willing
Discretionary Portfolio Management
The art and science of making decisions about investment mix and policy, matching investments
to objectives, asset allocation for individuals and institutions, and balancing risk against
2.8 Strategic objectives of Alliance Capital
Alliance Capital Asset Management Ltd’s objectives are to carry out transparent and
high quality business operation based on market mechanism within the legal and
social framework spelt in their mission and reflected in their vision.
Their greatest with qualitative business as a sustainable ever growing organization
and enhance fair returns to their shareholders.
They are committed to their community as a corporate citizen and contributing
towards the progress of the nation as their corporate social responsibility.
Their employees are the backbone. ALLIANCE CAPITAL promote employees well
being through attractive compensation package, promoting staff morale through
training, development and career planning.
ALLIANCE CAPITAL strive for fulfillment of their responsibility to the government
through paying entire range of taxes and duties and abiding the other rules.
2.9 Customer Charter
Alliance Capital seek to build long-term, sustainable beneficial relationship with all the
customers based on the service-commitments and on their underlying values of mutual
respect, the pursuit of excellence and integrity in all their dealings.
Primary concern is to understand and satisfy customer’s needs and expectations.
Promise to use all means open to establish and understand these needs which are both
mutually beneficial and respect the values and principles in all aspects.
Promise to deal quickly, courteously and accurately with all correspondence.
Should disagreement arise between customer and company they undertake to seek a
speedy and equitable solution, which takes account of the rights and obligations, both
parties and is framed in the context of a long term and enduring relationship.
Believe in openness, integrity, transparency and accountability and provide high
standard of services to the valued customers.
2.10 Organogram of Alliance Capital
The Managing director heads the management team of Alliance Capital Asset
Management Ltd. Several management committees have been formed to handle and
managing the operation.
2.11 Organizational structure of Alliance Capital
Organizational hierarchy and Designations are in ascending order:
Top Management
Board of Directors
Managing Director
Executive Level Management
VicePresident / Head of Operations/ Chief Investment
Senior Assistant Vice-President
Assistant Vice-President
Mid Level Management
Associate Manager
Assistant Manager
Junior Level Management
Junior Officer
Trainee assistant
Probationary Officer
Chapter: 3
Overview of HR Division
3.1 Human Resources Management
Human resource management involves all management decisions and practices that
directly affect or influence the people, or human resources, who work for the organization.
In modern years, amplified concentration has been devoted to how organizations manage
Human Resources. This augmented focus comes from the comprehension that an
organization’s employees facilitate an organization to attain its goals and the management
of these human resources is vital to an organization’s success.
3.2 Functions of HR
The functions of human resource management are:
1. Staffing
2. Training and Development
3. Motivation
4. Maintenance.
By doing all these functions Human resource management complete its job.
Staffing in HRM
Activities in HRM concerned with seeking and hiring qualified employees is Staffing.
A company needs a well-defined reason for needing individuals who posses specific skills,
knowledge and abilities to specify the job. Employee referrals can produce the best
applicants for two reasons. First, current employees screen applicants before referring
them. Second, current employees believe that their reputations with the firm will be
reflected in the candidates that they recommend.
Recruiting is the initial step of staffing. Recruiting is the process of locating, identifying,
and attracting capable employees. Many companies are finding new employees on the
World Wide Web. The source that is used should reflect the local labor market, the type or
level of position, and the size of the organization. Now the second step of Staffing, that is
Strategic HR planning. For that a company plans strategically. They set goals and
objectives, these goals and objectives may lead to the structural changes in the company.
Third step is Selection. This process is attracting qualified applicators and discouraging the
unqualified applicants. By this a company can get its desired employees of requirement. It
has dual focus, attempting thin out the large set of applications that arrived during the
recruiting phase and to select an applicant who will be successful on the job.
To achieve this goal, companies can use a variety of steps. The employees who are able to
do all the steps and ensure good performance they get the job. HRM must communicate a
variety of information to the applicants, such as the organization culture.
Under the selection process there are some steps:
The company can use these steps to select the employees. With this process their Staffing
job is done. The completed selection process ends the staffing functions.
Training and Development:
Training is one of the important activities of human resource management. In the training
process companies try to motivate and train the employees in a manner so that they can
work more effectively in the future. Under the training process there are some steps they
are given below:
Employee Orientation: Employee orientation provides new employees with the
basic background information they need to perform their jobs satisfactorily.
Companies arrange an orientation program for the employees.
In an orientation program the employees should feel-
feel welcome
understand the organization in a broad sense
be clear about what the firm expects in terms of work and behavior
begin the process of socialization
Employee Training:
There is some process, method and techniques of employee training. A company
follows the all the steps of training to provide the employees a good look on their
Career Development:
The career development stage is given below
Pre transition: Is simply looking for a job and preparing oneself for a career.
Transition: An individual is already having a job and developing oneself for
future career or moving to another career.
Preferred area: An individual prefers a specific sector of the career.
Early stage: First 1-5 years of career is called early career.
Mid career: 5-20 years after the career starts.
Late career: Late career starts after 20 years of job life.
Retirement: And finally after completing the stages of career and individual
decides to retired.
Motivation in HRM
Motivation is to inspire people to work, individuals in such as to produce best results. It is
the willingness to exert high level of effort towards organizational goals, conditioned by
the efforts and ability to satisfy some individual needs.
An important part of the retention of staff, reducing staff turnover and minimizing
absenteeism at work is ensuring that staff are properly motivated. The wage should be
increased, the facilities should be insured and social security should be confirmed. These
are the types of common motivational ways.
Staff motivation is the cornerstone of open, flexible and caring management culture, which
the Government aims to establish through HRM.
To put it into practice, “open” means not only to listen to staff suggestions and opinions,
but also to empower staff, accept their constructive criticisms and use their suggestions.
To be “flexible”, we may need to change the traditional ways of doing things. As far as
staff motivation is concerned, the biggest challenge perhaps is to stop focusing on
problems and the guilty party (police behavior) and start looking for those responsible for
things gone right (coach behavior).
“Caring” calls for a human leader who would give emotional support to individuals and at
the same time attend to the overall emotional needs of team members which include
treating them all in a fair and impartial manner.
Today’s employees want a respect that can be seen as involvedness in decision that will
affect them. Listening to the employees is a way of Motivation. All the motivation
functions focus on one primary goal, to have some competent and adapted employees with
up-to-date skills, knowledge and abilities, exerting high energy levels.
Maintenance of employees
To maintain the employees of a company must look after the employee-
Health and Safety:
For employees health and safety there HR policy need to be very clear to all staff
so that they feel safe to work here. They can put their attention and productivity
properly towards the task.
The communication between the employees and top level management should be
clear and transparent. There should no gap between top level management and low
level management.
Employee’s relation:
Employees should be committed to their companies and the companies also should
understand the needs and wants of the employees. In some companies employees
and labors create labor union for better relationship among the workers and
Chapter: 4
HRM of Alliance Capital
During my internship i was mainly assign in HR department. Alliance Capital Asset
Management Ltd Limited always determine what jobs need to be done, and how many and
types of workers will be required.
So, establishing the structure of the asset management company assists in determining the
skills, knowledge and abilities of job holders. To ensure appropriate personnel are
available to meet the requirements set during the strategic planning process. It believes that
the quality work comes from quality workers who are well motivated and ready to take
challenge to provide better service.
4.1 Units in HR division:
There are three units in Human Resource Division of Alliance Capital-
HR Staffing
HR Operation
Training & Development.
4.1.1 HR Staffing:
The staffing process- putting the right people in the right positions at the right times- is one
of the most critical tasks any organization faces. The quality of the work performed can be
only as high as the capabilities of the people performing it.
Three officers are working in HR staffing unit. They perform the following activities-
i. Recruitment
ii. Selection
iii. Leave Management
iv. Personal Profile Management
Recruitment is the process by which a firm finds its employees, are perhaps the
most critical tasks any organization faces. Without the right people, no firm can
function effectively. For a recruitment program to be successful, managers should
cooperate with the human resources staff to define needs and predict vacancies.
This recruiting may be done by internal or external.
Types of Recruitment:
There are two types of recruitment in this organization. They are:
1. Internal Recruitment
2. External Recruitment.
For Internal Recruitment:
The principal methods are-
Job posting
Use of computerized skills inventories
Referrals from other departments
For External Recruitment:
Organizations rely on-
Public or private placement agencies
Field recruiting
Including campus recruiting
Point of Recruitment:
There are two level of recruitment.
Entry level
Lateral entry (Recruitment of experienced person)
Entry level:
There are two entry-level post for recruiting fresh graduates and postgraduates.
These are:
1. Probationary officer Level
2. Trainee Assistant Officer (TAO) Level
Probationary Officer:
Probationary officers are confirmed as officer after successful completion of one
year probation period. Probationary Officers are recruited throw completive written
exam that is taken by IBA. After taking exam top scorers are invited to appear the
interview of management committee. After appearing the interview they have to
face an interview in front of Board of Directors.
For recruiting Probationary Officers advertisement are given in daily newspaper
and web site also. Only online applications are acceptable for Probationary Officers
(PO). They have to apply throw bdjobs supplies the database of CVs
or resume to Alliance Capital. HR team then short lists the resume of the
candidates. Only short listed candidates are invited for appearing the written exam.
Short-listing criteria’s are given in the circulars. There are some subjects, which are
preferred for short listing.
These subjects are:
MBA (Major in Accounting, Finance, Marketing, HRM, MIS etc.)
Development studies
Trainee Assistant Officer (TAO) Level:
TAOs are confirmed as assistant officer (AO). TAOs are recruiting from walking
CVs. Usually, one written exam is managed by the management has taken for
recruiting TAOs followed by one Viva.
Lateral entry (recruitment of experienced person):
There are recruitments for experienced in asset management or brokerage
sector, which is called lateral entry. Length of services, job responsibilities,
revolutionary background etc. is taken into consideration for the lateral entry.
The critical criteria in this regard are job relatedness, reliability, and viability.
For selection of candidates following things are considered-
o Appearance
o Attitudes
o Knowledge
o Personal ability & mental ability
o Physical ability
o Qualification
o Communication skill
o Job knowledge (for lateral entry)
Leave management:
Leave is earned by duty. Leave cannot be claimed as a matter of right, and leave
admissible under the service rule of Alliance Capital Asset Management Ltd may
be granted by the Managing Director or his authorized person, who may refuse
leave, grant leave for a shorter period than applied for, revoke leave of any
description and recall an employee before the expiry of the leave.
One Officer is looking after the leave matter of employees and keeping leave
records. Employees of Alliance Capital Asset Management Ltd are enjoying
following kinds of leaves-
Earned Leave:
20 days in a year as per service rule of ALLIANCE CAPITAL.
Casual Leave:
10 days in a year.
Sick Leave:
14 days in a year + conditional additional sick leave allowed by the mgt. as per
service rule of Alliance Capital.
Maternity Leave:
24 weeks for each issue up to two children.
LeaveWithout Pay
15 days once during the service life.
Paternity Leave
5 days.
5 days.
Study Leave:
As per the rule of the organization.
Personal Profile Management: They maintain employees personal profile with hardcopy
of documents for example: CV, NID, Educational Certificates and other necessary
4.1.2 HR Operations:
HR operations unit mainly work in the area of short term and long-term benefits of the
employees of ALLIANCE CAPITAL, like salary, bonus, provident fund, gratuity, super
annulations fund, etc.
Monthly Salary Disbursement
Preparation and disbursement of Festival Bonus and Performance Bonus
Employees Final Settlement.
Maintain liaison with different AMC, which are under the corporate agreement with
Alliance Capital Asset Management Ltd Limited.
Submission of various Salary related MIS report to the Management & Regulatory
Work as System Admin in HR department
Assist in Appraisal Management
Investment with the gratuity and PF fund
Employee Tax processing, etc.
4.1.3 Training & Development:
Human Resource is the key to success of a service oriented business organization. The
famous quotes from some renowned business leaders are:
Take our 20 best people and virtually we become a mediocre company.
o -Bill Gates, Chairman, Microsoft Corporation.
Take my assets, leave my people and within 5 years I will have it all back.
o -Alfred Sloan, Chairman, General Motors.
The mission of Alliance Capital Asset Management Ltd is to be the premier financial
institution in the country providing high quality products and services backed by latest
technology and a team of highly motivated personnel to deliver Excellence in investment
banking & Asset Management Company
Steps of training program
A typical training program can be classified into 5 steps
1 Need Analysis
2 Instruction Design
3 Validation
4 Implementation
5 Evaluation and Follow-up
1. Need Analysis:
Identify the specific job performance skills needed to improve performance and
Analyze the skills and needs of the prospective trainees and to develop specific
measurable knowledge to perform their job.
To ensure that the program will be suited to the trainees specific levels of education,
experience and skills.
Use study report to develop specific measurable knowledge and performance
Technique to identify Training Needs:
Task analysis and performance analysis are two main techniques for identifying
training needs.
Task analysis:
The first step in training is to determine what training, if any, is required. The main task in
assessing the training needs of new employees is to determine what the job entails and
break it down into subtasks, each of which is then taught to the new employee.
So, task analysis is a detailed study of a job to identify skills required so that an
appropriate training program may be instituted.
Task Analysis form contains six types of information-
Task list
How often performed
Quantity, Quality Standards
Performance Conditions
Skills Required
Where best learned
Performance Analysis:
Verifying that there is a performance deficiency and determining whether that deficiency
should be rectified through training or some other means (such as transferring the
2. Instructional Design:
Gather instructional objectives, methods, media, description of and sequence of content,
examples, exercise and activities.
Make sure all materials such as video scripts, leader’s guides and participant’s workbooks,
complement each other are written clearly and blend into unified training geared directly
to the stated learning objectives.
Carefully and professionally handle all program elements-whether reproduced on paper,
film or tape to guarantee and effectiveness.
3. Validation:
Introduce and validate the training program before it presented to the trainee.
4. Implementation:
When applicable boost success of training workshop focuses on presentation
knowledge and skills in addition to training content.
5. Evaluation and Follow-Up:
Asses program success-according to-
Reaction: Document the learner’s immediate reactions to the training.
Learning: Use feedback devices or pre and post tests to measure what learners have
actually learned.
Behavior: Note supervisor’s reactions to learner’s performance following
completion of the training. This is one way to the degree to which learners apply new
skills and knowledge to their jobs.
Results: Determine the level of improvement in job performance and assess needed
Setting training objective
After training needs have been analyzed, concrete and measurable training objectives
should be set. Objectives specify that what the trainee should be able to accomplish
after successfully completing the training program.
Techniques of training program:
After determine employees training needs, set training objectives and designed the
program, the training program can be implemented. Most popular training techniques
On the job training
Off the job training
On the job training:
On the job training is like having a person learns a job by actually performing it.
Virtually every employee, from mailroom clerk to company president gets some on
the job training when he or she joined the firm.
A useful step by step job instruction approach for giving a new employee on the
job training is as follows-
o Preparation of learner
o Presentation of the operation
o Performance tryout
o Follow-up
On the job training has several advantages-
o It is relatively inexpensive
o Trainees learn while they working
o There is no need of class-room, programmed learning devices
o Trainees learn actually doing the job
o Get quick feed-back about the correctness of their performance.
On the job management development techniques:
On the job training is one of the most popular development methods.
Important techniques here include-
o Job rotation
o Coaching/ under-study approach
o Junior boards
o Action learning
Off the job training: Alliance Capital do not provide off the job training.
Chapter: 5
Company Analysis
5.1 SWOT Analysis:
The strengths of a company are the most important building blocks required for growth to
take place. The following are a few of the most prevalent strengths that Alliance Capital
Asset Management Ltd has at the present time.
Recruitment: Their recruitment and selection policy is very strong. Alliance Capital
recruits talented candidates from the market through proper testing- written and interview.
The written part contains questionnaires that are of IBA standard which is a renowned
education institution of our country.
Work environment: During my stay I found the work environment very satisfactory.
Everyone is cordial and helpful and cooperative. There is less internal conflict or politics
at play which is essential for conducting a productive working environment.
Transparency: For clear communication to the employees of the HR Practice in Alliance
Capital, they have a service rule book which they give to every employee. The guide
articulates important and covers all HR Practice followed by the organization. This is very
helpful both for the employees and the employer as it removes chances of
misinterpretation, bias etc.
Leave Management: They Provide a 44 days leave balance which include earn leave 20
days, Casual leave 10 days and Medical leave 14 days. So employees have no worries
regarding having leave.
Accountable Corporate Governance is very important for the AMC:
Good Corporate Governance is an issue of vital importance to the Board and Management
of Alliance Capital. The Board of Directors, as the head level of authority, is responsible
and accountable for the overall direction and is ultimate answerable to regulatory
authorities and shareholders for the activities, strategies and performance of the company.
The board now has 9 members, which also includes 2 independent directors. Alliance
Capital board has a formal schedule of matters especially reserved for its decision
including corporate strategy, approval of budgets and balance sheet, annual financial
results, Director Appointment, proposal for dividend, approval of major corporate
transactions and credit proposals beyond the delegated business power of the
Alliance Capital Asset Management Ltd provides online Services:
Alliance Capital is among the few AMCs in Bangladesh, which provides the online
services to its customers. By using the modern online services, where customer can
purchase or repurchase an amount of shares of unit fund under its account. This service
gives customer huge flexibility. More and more urban customers are becoming attracted
to this service day by day. This online service provides great benefit for the customers, as
they do not have to face the hassle of going to the office to know their balances.
Training and development system of Alliance Capital is a prime reason of their
Alliance Capital Asset Management Ltd gives regular training to the officer of both
middle and lower levels. Again if there is any strategy or technology change, there will be
special training program arranged based on individual needs. They arrange special
training on their software also which they use in the office to operate their system, which
eventually becomes beneficial not only for the employee but also for the organization,
because if they do not know the exact procedure of carrying out work in their system then
that might affect them both the employee end into making mistake, and as a result the
reputation of the organization also might get hampered.
Though Alliance Capital Asset Management Ltd is a company that has many strengths but
it also has some weakness. The followings are few of the most common weakness that
Alliance Capital has at the present time:
Inadequate human resources:
The human resources are not sufficient in terms of its service providing system. It has to
maintain a number of formalities to recruit employees.
Human Resource Planning:
There is not much Human Resource Planning at the Organization except for an annual
need assessment for required workforces
Investors lack of knowledge about Asset Management Company and Alliance
Open ended-mutual fund is a new concept in the capital market of Bangladesh. So, it’s
new to the investors. They don’t have the idea how it works. Their concept about mutual
funds is vague and they have a very pessimistic notion on the current negative
performances of the closed-end mutual funds. The closed-end mutual funds are
performing poorly for the couple of years and almost all are trading under their face value.
Fund is still small:
Though Alliance Asset Management Ltd is managing the mutual fund of MTB but the fund
size is still small. Thus, investors have the negative idea about MTB Unit Fund.
Lack of Job Analysis:
It is the important part of HR practice in an organization but not implanted in Alliance
Capital which means they are less informed about current market trends and that could
lead to loss of potential talents from their pool.
In an organization opportunities are positive external environmental factors. An
organization should explore all possible opportunities available to it. These opportunities
are intended to improve the organization. By making improvements, the organization
should be able to become more competitive in the market. The following are available
opportunities to Alliance Capital in order for it to become more aggressive:
Most recruitment in here is through internal recruitment, they can spread the pool of entry
level employees through campus recruitment.
Recent performance will establish stronger credibility:
The performance of Unit Fund in FY13-14 was strong. Their retained earnings hav
already provided a strong foundation for the portfolio. Because of the previous year
performances investors are getting concern about the MTB Unit Fund.
Expanded market:
As new industries are coming into the market, capital market is being large enough and
long term financial demand is being created. The open ended mutual fund is a new sector,
so there are high possibilities of growth in this sector. Open ended mutual fund is a largely
untapped market, and Alliance Capital will be able to capture a large number of
institutional clients from competitors, as well as new clients.
An organization’s threats are negative external factors. An organization should explore all
possible threats available to it. These threats are intended to diminish the organization. By
making improvements and proper monitoring of the threats, the organization should be
able to turn more competitive in the market. The following are threats are available to
Alliance Capital Asset Management Ltd in order to threaten its existence.
Volatile economy:
The market can be volatile, and a sudden drop in prices will weaken client confidence &
portfolio performance. Rise in interest rate and events like terrorist attacks are likely to affect
the economy and the margin of leasing companies may also suffering this. The changing
nature of share market also affect the smooth operation of MTB Unit Fund.
Government Policy:
The changes of policy connected to the operation of finance companies might create an
unfavorable impact on the investment industry. The decision to withdraw the accounting
practices accelerated depreciation and extra shift depreciation has decreased the profitability
of the Mutual Funds.
The Lack of Motivation of Employees:
Sometimes the lack of motivation in employees can create a threat to the organization.
Employees may be overburdened with tasks that are not their core-competencies. As a result,
the quality and accuracy of deliverables duties may fall. Employee turnover may have a
negative effect on the overall performance of organization.
Chapter: 6
Findings and Recommendations
Findings of the study:
Compensation and Benefits: Compensation basically consists of direct and indirect
compensation and Alliance Capital is very much concerned about both these types of
compensation. They offer attractive package that is in per with current market practice
in similar sector. They also offer bonuses and yearly incremental. For long term
benefits, Alliance Capital has provision of Gratuity, Provident Fund. They also have
leave planning for employees consisting of different kind of leaves according to
employee needs.
Performance Evaluation: The evaluation of employee’s performance of Alliance
Capital is not properly done by the HR division.
Officers of the organization are competent even though many of them simply know the
working procedure of what they are doing but don’t know the philosophy behind doing
Service quality of Alliance Capital is commendable. It is very important for every
organization serve its customers so that it create a loyal customer base who will
repeatedly buy its products and carry a long time relationship with the company as well
as work as a spoken person to promote the products of the company to peers, friends,
relatives, etc. This organization is really good at its service quality.
The organization should practice proper Alliance Capital guideline. The purpose of
Human Resource Management is to improve the productive contribution of people.
To get effective and efficient employee, the organization should arrange proper training
and development programs.
The entire HR department should be well informed regarding the employment personal.
The organization should provide well direct compensation as well as direct to its staffs.
The management should have job evaluated salary structure, which is most competitive
than other organizations in the country.
To evaluate employee’s performance; the management should follow promotion policy
In order to get competitive advantage and to deliver quality service, top management
should try to modify the services.
Periodical performance appraisal and giving recognition and rewards to the qualified
employees to keep motivating them.
Proper training needed for ensuring efficient performance of the employees.
Alliance Capital Asset Management should hire specialist for each individual sector.
The management should create customers database and continuously informing the
investors about the available facilities or opportunities which will work to achieve twin
goal at a time; one is direct marketing and another is large pool of customers database.
From the above discussion it can conclude such a way that since human resource
management is a continuously practicing issue so it plays a significant role on
organizations overall performance. If an organization wants to gain full benefit from
human resource management it should follow all the sections of HRM. As a small AMC
few persons are recruited for its operations and performances. But it will expand soon or
later and then the number of HR employee may not be enough to run the company.
Committed and trustworthy employees are the most significant factors to becoming an
employer of choice, it is no surprise that companies and organizations face significant
challenges in developing energized and engaged workforces. However, there is abundance
of research to demonstrate that increased employee commitment and trust in leadership
can positively impact the company’s bottom line. In fact, the true potential of an
organization can only be realized when the productivity level of all individuals and teams
are fully aligned, committed and energized to successfully accomplish the goals of the
organization. Thus, the objective of every company should be to improve the desire of
employees to stay in the relationship they have with the company.
Human Resource Management: Fisher, Schoenfeldt, Shaw 6