Title stata.com
stpower cox Sample size, power, and effect size for the Cox proportional hazards model
Syntax Menu Description Options
Remarks and examples Stored results Methods and formulas References
Also see
Sample-size determination
stpower cox
, options
Power determination
stpower cox
, n(numlist)
Effect-size determination
stpower cox , n(numlist) { power(numlist) | beta(numlist) }
where coef is the regression coefficient (effect size) of a covariate of interest, in a Cox proportional
hazards model, desired to be detected by a test with a prespecified power. coef may be specified
either as one number or as a list of values (see [U] 11.1.8 numlist) enclosed in parentheses.
options Description
alpha(numlist) significance level; default is alpha(0.05)
power(numlist) power; default is power(0.8)
beta(numlist) probability of type II error; default is beta(0.2)
n(numlist) sample size; required to compute power or effect size
hratio(numlist) hazard ratio (effect size) associated with a one-unit increase
in covariate of interest; default is hratio(0.5)
onesided one-sided test; default is two sided
sd(#) standard deviation of covariate of interest; default is
r2(#) squared coefficient of multiple correlation with other covariates;
default is r2(0)
failprob(#) overall probability of an event (failure) of interest; default is
failprob(1), meaning no censoring
wdprob(#) the proportion of subjects anticipated to withdraw from the
study; default is wdprob(0)
parallel treat number lists in starred options as parallel (do not
enumerate all possible combinations of values) when
multiple values per option are specified
2 stpower cox Sample size, power, and effect size for the Cox proportional hazards model
hr report hazard ratio, not coefficient
table display results in a table with default columns
columns(colnames) display results in a table with specified colnames columns
notitle suppress table title
nolegend suppress table legend
# . . .
) column widths; default is colwidth(9)
separator(#) draw a horizontal separator line every # lines; default is
separator(0) meaning no separator lines
, replace
) save the table data to filename; use replace to overwrite
existing filename
noheader suppress table header; seldom used
continue draw a continuation border in the table output; seldom used
Starred options may be specified either as one number or as a list of values (see [U] 11.1.8 numlist).
noheader and continue are not shown in the dialog box.
colnames Description
alpha significance level
power power
beta type II error probability
n total number of subjects
e total number of events (failures)
hr hazard ratio
coef coefficient (log hazard-ratio)
sd standard deviation
r2 squared multiple-correlation coefficient
pr overall probability of an event (failure)
w proportion of withdrawals
By default, the following colnames are displayed:
power, n, e, sd, and alpha are always displayed;
coef is displayed, unless the hr option is specified, in which case hr is displayed;
pr if overall probability of an event (failprob()) is specified;
r2 if squared multiple-correlation coefficient (r2()) is specified; and
w if withdrawal proportion (wdprob()) is specified.
Statistics > Sur vival analysis > Power and sample size
stpower cox estimates required sample size, power, and effect size for survival analyses that use
Cox proportional hazards (PH) models. It also reports the number of events (failures) required to be
observed in a study. The estimates of sample size or power are obtained for the test of the effect of
stpower cox Sample size, power, and effect size for the Cox proportional hazards model 3
one covariate, x
(binary or continuous), on time to failure adjusted for other predictors, x
, . . . , x
in a PH model. The command provides options to account for possible correlation between a covariate
of interest and other predictors and for withdrawal of subjects from the study. Optionally, the minimal
effect size (minimal detectable difference in a regression coefficient, β
, or hazard ratio) may be
obtained for given sample size and power.
You can use stpower cox to
calculate required number of events and sample size when you know power and effect size
expressed as a hazard ratio or a coefficient (log hazard-ratio),
calculate power when you know sample size (number of events) and effect size expressed
as a hazard ratio or a coefficient (log hazard-ratio), and
calculate effect size and display it as a coefficient (log hazard-ratio) or a hazard ratio when
you know sample size (number of events) and power.
stpower coxs input parameter, coef, is the value β
of the regression coefficient, β
, of a
covariate of interest, x
, from a Cox PH model, which is desired to be detected by a test with
prespecified power.
alpha(numlist) sets the significance level of the test. The default is alpha(0.05).
power(numlist) sets the power of the test. The default is power(0.8). If beta() is specified, this
value is set to be 1beta(). Only one of power() or beta() may be specified.
beta(numlist) sets the probability of a type II error of the test. The default is beta(0.2). If power()
is specified, this value is set to be 1power(). Only one of beta() or power() may be specified.
n(numlist) specifies the number of subjects in the study to be used to compute the power of the test
or the minimal effect size (minimal detectable value of the regression coefficient, β
, or hazard
ratio) if power() or beta() is also specified.
hratio(numlist) specifies the hazard ratio associated with a one-unit increase in the covariate of
interest, x
, when other covariates are held constant. The default is hratio(0.5). This value
defines the minimal clinically significant effect of a covariate on the response to be detected by a
test with a certain power, specified in power(), in a Cox PH model. If coef is specified, hratio()
is not allowed and the hazard ratio is instead computed as exp(coef).
onesided indicates a one-sided test. The default is two sided.
sd(#) specifies the standard deviation of the covariate of interest, x
. The default is sd(0.5).
r2(#) specifies the squared multiple-correlation coefficient between x
and other predictors x
, . . . , x
in a Cox PH model. The default is r2(0), meaning that x
is independent of other covariates.
This option defines the proportion of variance explained by the regression of x
on x
, . . . , x
(see [R] regress).
failprob(#) specifies the overall probability of a subject failing (or experiencing an event of
interest, or not being censored) in the study. The default is failprob(1), meaning that all
subjects experience an event (or fail) in the study; that is, no censoring of subjects occurs.
wdprob(#) specifies the proportion of subjects anticipated to withdraw from a study. The default is
wdprob(0). wdprob() may not be combined with n().
4 stpower cox Sample size, power, and effect size for the Cox proportional hazards model
parallel reports results sequentially (in parallel) over the list of numbers supplied to options allowing
numlist. By default, results are computed over all combinations of the number lists in the following
order of nesting: alpha(), hratio() or list of coefficients coef, power() or beta(), and n().
This option requires that options with multiple values each contain the same number of elements.
hr specifies that the hazard ratio be displayed rather than the regression coefficient. This option affects
how results are displayed and not how they are estimated.
table displays results in a tabular format and is implied if any number list contains more than one
element. This option is useful if you are producing results one case at a time and wish to construct
your own custom table by using a forvalues loop.
columns(colnames) specifies results in a table with specified colnames columns. The order of columns
in the output table is the same as the order of colnames specified in columns(). Column names
in columns() must be space-separated.
notitle prevents the table title from displaying.
nolegend prevents the table legend from displaying and column headers from being marked.
# . . .
) specifies column widths. The default is 9 for all columns. The number of
specified values may not exceed the number of columns in the table. A missing value (.) may be
specified for any column to indicate the default width (9). If fewer widths are specified than the
number of columns in the table, the last width specified is used for the remaining columns.
separator(#) specifies how often separator lines should be drawn between rows of the table. The
default is separator(0), meaning that no separator lines should be displayed.
, replace
) creates a Stata data file (.dta file) containing the table values
with variable names corresponding to the displayed colnames. replace specifies that filename be
overwritten if it exists. saving() is appropriate only with tabular output.
The following options are available with stpower cox but are not shown in the dialog box:
noheader prevents the table header from displaying. This option is useful when the command is
issued repeatedly, such as within a loop. noheader implies notitle.
continue draws a continuation border at the bottom of the table. This option is useful when the
command is issued repeatedly within a loop.
Remarks and examples stata.com
Remarks are presented under the following headings:
Computing sample size in the absence of censoring
Computing sample size in the presence of censoring
Link to the sample-size and power computation for the log-rank test
Power and effect-size determination
Performing the analysis with the Cox PH model
stpower cox Sample size, power, and effect size for the Cox proportional hazards model 5
Consider a survival study for which the goal is to investigate the effect of a covariate of interest,
, on time to failure, possibly adjusted for other predictors, x
, . . . , x
, using the Cox proportional
hazards model (Cox 1972). For continuous x
, the effect is measured as a hazard ratio, , or a log
hazard-ratio, ln(∆), associated with a one-unit increase in x
when the other covariates, x
, . . . , x
are held constant. For a binary predictor, the effect is a ratio of hazards or log hazards corresponding
to the two categories of x
when other covariates are held constant. In both cases, to measure the
effect of a covariate, a test of a hazard or a log hazard-ratio is performed.
In a Cox PH model, the hazard function is assumed to be
h(t) = h
(t) exp(β
+ . . . + β
where no distributional assumption is made about the baseline hazard, h
(t). Under this assumption,
the regression coefficient, β
, is the log hazard-ratio, ln(∆), associated with a one-unit increase in x
when the other predictors are held constant, and the exponentiated regression coefficient, exp(β
), is
the hazard ratio, . Therefore, the effect of x
on time to failure can be investigated by performing
an appropriate test based on the partial likelihood (Hosmer, Lemeshow, and May 2008; Klein and
Moeschberger 2003) for the regression coefficient, β
, from a Cox model. Negative values of β
correspond to the reduction in hazard for a one-unit increase in x
, and, conversely, positive values
correspond to the increase in hazard for a one-unit increase in x
stpower cox provides the estimates of sample size or power for a test of the regression coefficient,
, with the null hypothesis H
: (β
, β
, . . . , β
) = (0, β
, . . . , β
) against the alternative H
, β
, . . . , β
) = (β
, β
, . . . , β
). The methods used are derived for the score test of H
. In practice, however, the obtained results may be used in the context of the Wald test as well
because the two tests usually lead to the same conclusions about the significance of the regression
coefficient. Refer to The conditional versus unconditional approaches in [ST] stpower exponential
for more details about the results based on conditional and unconditional tests. From now on, we
will refer to H
as H
: β
= β
for simplicity.
stpower cox implements the method of Hsieh and Lavori (2000) for the sample-size and power
computation, which reduces to the method of Schoenfeld (1983) for a binary covariate. The sample
size is related to the power of a test through the number of events observed in the study; that is, for a
fixed number of events, the power of a test is independent of the sample size. As a result, the sample
size is estimated as the number of events divided by the overall probability of a subject failing in the
The argument coef or hratio() may be used to specify the effect size desired to be detected
by a test. If argument coef is omitted, the value of the log of the hazard ratio specified in option
hratio() or the log of the default hazard-ratio value of 0.5 is used to compute β
. If argument
coef is specified, then hratio() is not allowed and the hazard ratio is computed as exp(coef).
If power determination is desired, then sample size n() must be specified. Otherwise, sample-size
determination is assumed with power(0.8) (or, equivalently, beta(0.2)). The default setting for
power or, alternatively, the probability of a type II error, a failure to reject the null hypothesis when
the alternative hypothesis is true, may be changed by using power() or beta(), respectively. If both
n() and power() (or beta()) are specified, then the value of the regression coefficient, β
hazard ratio if the hr option is specified), which can be detected by a test with requested power()
for fixed sample size n(), is computed.
The default probability of a type I error, a rejection of the null hypothesis when the null hypothesis
is true, of a test is 0.05 but may be changed by using the alpha() option. One-sided tests may
be requested by using onesided. By default, no censoring, no correlation between x
and other
predictors, and no withdrawal of subjects from the study are assumed. This may be changed by
specifying failprob(), r2(), and wdprob(), respectively.
6 stpower cox Sample size, power, and effect size for the Cox proportional hazards model
Optionally, the results may be displayed in a table by using table or columns(), as demonstrated
in [ST] stpower. Refer to [ST] stpower and example 7 in Power and effect-size determination of
[ST] stpower logrank to see how to obtain a graph of a power curve.
Computing sample size in the absence of censoring
First, consider a type I study in which all subjects fail by the end of the study (no censoring).
Then the required sample size is the same as the number of events required to be observed in a study.
Example 1: Sample size for a model with a binary covariate of interest
Consider a survival study for which the goal is to investigate the effect of a treatment on survival
times of subjects. The covariate of interest is binary with levels defining whether a subject receives the
treatment (the experimental group) or a placebo (the control or placebo group). Prior to conducting
the study, investigators need an estimate of the sample size that ensures that a ratio of hazards of the
experimental group to the control group of 0.5 (β
= ln(0.5) = 0.6931) can be detected with a
power of 80% with a two-sided, 0.05-level test. Under 1:1 randomization, a subject has a 50% chance
of receiving the treatment. The corresponding binary covariate follows a Bernoulli distribution with
the probability of a subject receiving a treatment, p, equal to 0.5. As such, the standard deviation of
the covariate is {p(1 p)}
= 0.5. Because these study parameters correspond to default values
of stpower cox, to obtain the sample size for the above study we simply type
. stpower cox
Estimated sample size for Cox PH regression
Wald test, log-hazard metric
Ho: [b1, b2, ..., bp] = [0, b2, ..., bp]
Input parameters:
alpha = 0.0500 (two sided)
b1 = -0.6931
sd = 0.5000
power = 0.8000
Estimated number of events and sample size:
E = 66
N = 66
Recall that if argument coef is omitted, a default value of ln(0.5) = 0.6931 is assumed. From
the output, we see that 66 events (failures) are required to be observed in the study to ensure a power
of 80% to detect an alternative H
: β
= 0.6931 using a two-sided test with a 0.05 significance
level. Because we have no censoring, a total of 66 subjects is needed in the study to observe 66
One can also request that the results be displayed in the hazard metric by specifying the hr option:
. stpower cox, hr
Estimated sample size for Cox PH regression
Wald test, hazard metric
Ho: [b1, b2, ..., bp] = [0, b2, ..., bp]
Input parameters:
alpha = 0.0500 (two sided)
hratio = 0.5000
sd = 0.5000
power = 0.8000
Estimated number of events and sample size:
E = 66
N = 66
stpower cox Sample size, power, and effect size for the Cox proportional hazards model 7
Suppose now that the covariate of interest, x
, is continuous. Hsieh and Lavori (2000) extend the
formula of Schoenfeld (1983) for the number of events to the case when a covariate is continuous.
They also relax the assumption of Schoenfeld (1983) about the independence of x
of other covariates
and provide an adjustment to the estimate of the number of events for possible correlation.
Example 2: Sample size for a model with a continuous covariate of interest
Consider an example from Hsieh and Lavori (2000) of a study of multiple-myeloma patients
treated with alkylating agents (Krall, Uthoff, and Harley 1975). Although in the original study of
multiple-myeloma patients, 17 of a total of 65 patients are censored; here we assume that all patients
die by the end of the study (a type I study, no censoring). Suppose that the covariate of interest, x
is the log of the amount of blood urea nitrogen (BUN) measured in a patient. The sample size for a
one-sided, 0.05-level test to detect a coefficient (log hazard-ratio) of 1 for a unit increase in x
a power of 80% is required. The standard deviation of x
is 0.3126. To obtain an estimate of the
sample size, we supply coef , 1, as an argument, the sd(0.3126) option, and the onesided option
for a one-sided test.
. stpower cox 1, sd(0.3126) onesided
Estimated sample size for Cox PH regression
Wald test, log-hazard metric
Ho: [b1, b2, ..., bp] = [0, b2, ..., bp]
Input parameters:
alpha = 0.0500 (one sided)
b1 = 1.0000
sd = 0.3126
power = 0.8000
Estimated number of events and sample size:
E = 64
N = 64
The estimate of the required number of events and the sample size is 64.
Based on the derivation in Schoenfeld (1983) and Hsieh and Lavori (2000), sample-size estimates
in the above examples may be used if other covariates are also present in the model as long as
these covariates are independent of the covariate of interest. The independence assumption holds for
randomized studies, but it is not true for nonrandomized studies, often encountered in practice. Also,
in many studies, the main covariate of interest will often be correlated with other covariates. For
example, age and gender will often be confounded with the covariate of interest, such as smoking.
Below we investigate the effect of the confounding factor on the estimate of the required number of
Example 3: Sample size when covariates are not independent
Continuing example 2, the effect of a covariate BUN is desired to be adjusted for eight other
covariates in the model. Hsieh and Lavori (2000) report the coefficient of determination of R
= 0.1837
from regression of the log of BUN, x
, on the eight other covariates.
8 stpower cox Sample size, power, and effect size for the Cox proportional hazards model
. stpower cox 1, sd(0.3126) onesided r2(0.1837)
Estimated sample size for Cox PH regression
Wald test, log-hazard metric
Ho: [b1, b2, ..., bp] = [0, b2, ..., bp]
Input parameters:
alpha = 0.0500 (one sided)
b1 = 1.0000
sd = 0.3126
power = 0.8000
R2 = 0.1837
Estimated number of events and sample size:
E = 78
N = 78
The number of events required to be observed in a study and, respectively, the number of subjects
increase from 64 to 78 after adjusting for the inflation of the variance of the estimate of β
because of
the correlation with other covariates. The variance of x
decreases by the factor 1R
, so the estimate
of the number of events must also be adjusted by a variance inflation factor VIF = 1/(1 R
Computing sample size in the presence of censoring
In the previous section, we assumed that all subjects fail by the end of the study. In practice, the
study often terminates after a fixed time, T . As a result, some subjects may not experience an event
by the end of the study (a type II study). These subjects are censored. To obtain an estimate of the
sample size in the presence of censoring, an estimate of the overall probability of a subject not being
censored is required. The investigator may already have such an estimate from previous studies, or
this probability may be computed as suggested in the literature (Schoenfeld 1983; Lachin and Foulkes
1986; Barthel et al. 2006; Barthel, Royston, and Babiker 2005; also see [ST] stpower logrank and
[ST] stpower exponential).
Example 4: Sample size in the presence of censoring
Consider the study from example 2. In reality, as mentioned earlier, 17 of a total of 65 patients
survived until the end of the study. The overall death rate is estimated as 1 17/65 = 0.738.
. stpower cox 1, sd(0.3126) onesided failprob(0.738)
Estimated sample size for Cox PH regression
Wald test, log-hazard metric
Ho: [b1, b2, ..., bp] = [0, b2, ..., bp]
Input parameters:
alpha = 0.0500 (one sided)
b1 = 1.0000
sd = 0.3126
power = 0.8000
Pr(event) = 0.7380
Estimated number of events and sample size:
E = 64
N = 86
In the presence of censoring, the number of subjects required in the study increases from 64 to 86.
The number of events remains the same (64) because the only change in the study is the presence
of censoring, and censoring is assumed to be independent of failure (event) times.
stpower cox Sample size, power, and effect size for the Cox proportional hazards model 9
If we also adjust for the correlation between the log of BUN and other covariates, we obtain the
estimate of the sample size to be 106:
. stpower cox, hratio(2.7182) sd(0.3126) onesided r2(0.1837) failprob(0.738)
Estimated sample size for Cox PH regression
Wald test, log-hazard metric
Ho: [b1, b2, ..., bp] = [0, b2, ..., bp]
Input parameters:
alpha = 0.0500 (one sided)
b1 = 1.0000
sd = 0.3126
power = 0.8000
Pr(event) = 0.7380
R2 = 0.1837
Estimated number of events and sample size:
E = 78
N = 106
In the above example, we also demonstrate the alternative syntax. Rather than supplying the
coefficient (log hazard-ratio) of 1, we use the hratio() option to specify the size of the effect
expressed as the hazard ratio exp(1) = 2.7182.
Technical note
Supplying the coefficient (log hazard-ratio) of 1 or 1 (or, respectively, a hazard ratio of
exp(1) = 2.7182 or exp(1) = 1/2.7182 = 0.36788) is irrelevant for sample-size and power
determination because it results in the same estimates of sample size and power. However, the sign
of the coefficient (or the value of the hazard ratio being larger or smaller than one) is important at
the analysis stage because it determines the direction of the effect associated with a one-unit increase
of a covariate value.
Often, in practice, subjects may withdraw from a study before it terminates. As a result, the
information about the subjects’ response is lost. The proportion of subjects anticipated to withdraw
from a study may be specified by using wdprob(). Refer to [ST] stpower and Withdrawal of subjects
from the study in [ST] stpower logrank for a more detailed description and an example.
Link to the sample-size and power computation for the log-rank test
When there are no other covariates in a Cox regression model, the score test of the regression
coefficient of a binary covariate is the same as the log-rank test (in the absence of tied observations).
Powers of the two tests are the same and therefore so are the formulas for the number of events.
The formula for the total number of events for a test of a binary covariate in the context of a PH
model in the presence of other covariates is derived in Schoenfeld (1983) under the assumption that
the covariate of interest is independent of the other covariates. This formula is also the same as the
formula for the number of events when the log-rank test is used to compare survivor functions of
two groups without covariates (Schoenfeld 1981). Indeed, using stpower logrank for the study
described in example 1,
10 stpower cox Sample size, power, and effect size for the Cox proportional hazards model
. stpower logrank, schoenfeld
Estimated sample sizes for two-sample comparison of survivor functions
Log-rank test, Schoenfeld method
Ho: S1(t) = S2(t)
Input parameters:
alpha = 0.0500 (two sided)
ln(hratio) = -0.6931
power = 0.8000
p1 = 0.5000
Estimated number of events and sample sizes:
E = 66
N = 66
N1 = 33
N2 = 33
yields the same estimates of 66 for both the required number of events and the required sample size.
Schoenfeld (1983) notes that although the formulas for the number of events are the same for the
two approaches (based on the log-rank test and based on the score test of a regression coefficient
from a Cox regression model adjusting for other covariates), the powers are different. Suppose that
the two groups defined by a binary covariate follow the PH model. Then, if covariates are ignored,
the ratio of hazards will be nonproportional at every time t and the power of the log-rank test will
be smaller than the power of the test based on a Cox PH model.
If a covariate of interest is binary, either stpower cox or stpower logrank with the schoenfeld
option can be used to obtain the estimate of the sample size or power regardless of the presence of
other covariates. However, if covariates are present, it is important to use the appropriate test that
adjusts for other covariates when analyzing the data.
Væth and Skovlund (2004) demonstrate that for a continuous covariate, the sample-size formula
for the log-rank test (assuming the equal-group allocation) may be used to obtain the sample size or
power with the value of the hazard ratio equal to exp(2β
σ). By typing this expression into the
sample-size formula for the log-rank test, one obtains the formula derived in Hsieh and Lavori (2000).
For example, we obtain the same estimate of the total number of events as computed in example 2
using stpower logrank with the schoenfeld option and with the value of the hazard ratio equal
to exp(2β
σ) = exp(2 × 1 × 0.3126) = 1.8686.
. stpower log, hratio(1.8686) onesided schoenfeld
Estimated sample sizes for two-sample comparison of survivor functions
Log-rank test, Schoenfeld method
Ho: S1(t) = S2(t)
Input parameters:
alpha = 0.0500 (one sided)
ln(hratio) = 0.6252
power = 0.8000
p1 = 0.5000
Estimated number of events and sample sizes:
E = 64
N = 64
N1 = 32
N2 = 32
stpower cox Sample size, power, and effect size for the Cox proportional hazards model 11
Power and effect-size determination
Suppose that, for some reason, the number of subjects required to ensure a certain power of a
test to detect a specified effect size is not achieved by the end of the recruitment phase of a study.
Investigators may want to know by how much the power of a test is decreased for the obtained sample
size. If the decrease is significant, then what is the minimal effect size that can be detected with an
acceptable level of power for this sample size?
Example 5: Power determination
Consider the data of Krall, Uthoff, and Harley (1975) from the study described in example 2.
Suppose that we want to test the effect of the log of BUN on patients’ survival times adjusted for
eight other covariates. In example 4, the required number of patients is estimated to be 106 to ensure
a power of 80% of a 0.05 one-sided test to detect a value of 1 in the regression coefficient. This
study, however, had only 65 patients. How does this reduction in sample size affect the power of the
test to detect the alternative H
: β
= 1?
. stpower cox 1, sd(0.3126) onesided r2(0.1837) failprob(0.738) n(65)
Estimated power for Cox PH regression
Wald test, log-hazard metric
Ho: [b1, b2, ..., bp] = [0, b2, ..., bp]
Input parameters:
alpha = 0.0500 (one sided)
b1 = 1.0000
sd = 0.3126
N = 65
Pr(event) = 0.7380
R2 = 0.1837
Estimated number of events and power:
E = 48
power = 0.6222
When the sample size decreases from 106 to 65, power decreases from 80% to 62%.
Example 6: Effect-size determination
Continuing the above example: if a power of 62% is unacceptable to investigators, they may want
to find out what is the smallest value of the regression coefficient that can be detected with a preserved
power of 80%. To obtain this estimate, we specify both the n() and power() options.
. stpower cox, sd(0.3126) onesided r2(0.1837) failprob(0.738) n(65) power(0.8)
Estimated coefficient for Cox PH regression
Wald test, log-hazard metric
Ho: [b1, b2, ..., bp] = [0, b2, ..., bp]
Input parameters:
alpha = 0.0500 (one sided)
sd = 0.3126
N = 65
power = 0.8000
Pr(event) = 0.7380
R2 = 0.1837
Estimated number of events and coefficient:
E = 48
b1 = -1.2711
12 stpower cox Sample size, power, and effect size for the Cox proportional hazards model
Stata reports the estimate of the regression coefficient of 1.2711. We can disregard the sign
because, as mentioned earlier, it is irrelevant in the context of sample-size or power determination.
Refer to Methods and formulas for details.
With only 65 subjects, the smallest change in log hazards for a one-unit increase in the log of
BUN, which can be detected with a preserved 80% power, is roughly 1.27, corresponding to a 27%
increase in the log hazard-ratio of 1 desired to be detected originally in example 4.
Performing the analysis with the Cox PH model
After the data are collected, one can use stcox and test to fit the Cox PH model and perform a
Wald test, as we demonstrate below.
Example 7: Performing a Wald test
We demonstrate how to perform a Wald test for the regression coefficient of the log of BUN from a
Cox model using the data from Krall, Uthoff, and Harley (1975) described in example 2. The dataset
myeloma.dta consists of 11 variables, described below.
. use http://www.stata-press.com/data/r13/myeloma
(Multiple myeloma patients)
. describe
Contains data from http://www.stata-press.com/data/r13/myeloma.dta
obs: 65 Multiple myeloma patients
vars: 11 11 Feb 2013 19:26
size: 1,690
storage display value
variable name type format label variable label
time float %9.0g Survival time from diagnosis to
nearest month + 1
died byte %9.0g 0 - Alive, 1 - Dead
lnbun float %9.0g log BUN at diagnosis
hemo float %9.0g Hemoglobin at diagnosis
platelet byte %9.0g normal Platelets at diagnosis
age byte %9.0g Age (complete years)
lnwbc float %9.0g Log WBC at diagnosis
fracture byte %9.0g present Fractures at diagnosis
lnbm float %9.0g log % of plasma cells in bone
protein byte %9.0g Proteinuria at diagnosis
scalcium byte %9.0g Serum calcium (mgm%)
Sorted by:
Prior to using stcox to fit a Cox model, we need to set up the data by using stset (see [ST] stset).
The analysis-time variable is time and the failure variable is died.
stpower cox Sample size, power, and effect size for the Cox proportional hazards model 13
. stset time, failure(died)
failure event: died != 0 & died < .
obs. time interval: (0, time]
exit on or before: failure
65 total observations
0 exclusions
65 observations remaining, representing
48 failures in single-record/single-failure data
1560.5 total analysis time at risk and under observation
at risk from t = 0
earliest observed entry t = 0
last observed exit t = 92
We include all nine covariates in the model and perform a fit by using stcox. Then we perform
a Wald test of H
: β
= 1 for the coefficient of lnbun using test.
. stcox lnbun hemo platelet age lnwbc fracture lnbm protein scalcium, nohr
failure _d: died
analysis time _t: time
Iteration 0: log likelihood = -154.85799
Iteration 1: log likelihood = -146.68114
Iteration 2: log likelihood = -146.29446
Iteration 3: log likelihood = -146.29404
Refining estimates:
Iteration 0: log likelihood = -146.29404
Cox regression -- Breslow method for ties
No. of subjects = 65 Number of obs = 65
No. of failures = 48
Time at risk = 1560.5
LR chi2(9) = 17.13
Log likelihood = -146.29404 Prob > chi2 = 0.0468
_t Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
lnbun 1.798354 .6483293 2.77 0.006 .5276519 3.069056
hemo -.1263119 .0718333 -1.76 0.079 -.2671026 .0144789
platelet -.2505915 .5074656 -0.49 0.621 -1.245206 .7440228
age -.0127949 .019475 -0.66 0.511 -.0509653 .0253755
lnwbc .3537259 .7131935 0.50 0.620 -1.044108 1.75156
fracture .3378767 .4072774 0.83 0.407 -.4603722 1.136126
lnbm .3589346 .4860298 0.74 0.460 -.5936663 1.311535
protein .0130672 .0261696 0.50 0.618 -.0382243 .0643587
scalcium .1259479 .1034015 1.22 0.223 -.0767153 .3286112
. test lnbun = 1
( 1) lnbun = 1
chi2( 1) = 1.52
Prob > chi2 = 0.2182
By default, stcox reports estimates of hazard ratios and the two-sided tests of the equality of
a coefficient to zero. We use the nohr option to request estimates of coefficients. From the output
table, a one-sided test of H
: β
= 0 versus H
: β
> 0 is rejected at a 0.05 level (one-sided p-value
is 0.006/2 = 0.003 < 0.05). The estimate of the log-hazard difference associated with a one-unit
increase of lnbun is
= 1.8. From the test output, we cannot reject the hypothesis of H
: β
= 1.
For these data, the observed effect size (coefficient) of 1.8 is large enough for the sample size of
65 to be sufficient to reject the null hypothesis of no effect of the BUN on the survival of subjects
14 stpower cox Sample size, power, and effect size for the Cox proportional hazards model
: β
= 0). However, if the goal of the study were to ensure that the test detects the effect size
corresponding to the coefficient of at least 1 with 80% power, a sample of approximately 106 subjects
would have been required.
Stored results
stpower cox stores the following in r():
r(N) total number of subjects
r(E) total number of events (failures)
r(power) power of test
r(alpha) significance level of test
r(hratio) hazard ratio
r(onesided) 1 if one-sided test, 0 otherwise
r(sd) standard deviation
r(Pr E) probability of an event (failure), if specified
r(r2) squared multiple correlation, if specified
r(w) proportion of withdrawals, if specified
r(metric) displayed metric (log-hazard or hazard)
Methods and formulas
Let β
denote the regression coefficient of the covariate of interest, x
, from a Cox PH model,
possibly in the presence of other covariates, x
, . . . , x
; and let denote the hazard ratio associated
with a one-unit increase of x
when other covariates are held constant. Under the PH model,
= ln(∆), where ln(∆) is the change in log hazards associated with a one-unit increase in x
when other covariates are held constant.
Define E and N to be the total number of events (failures) and the total number of subjects
required in the study; σ to be the standard deviation of x
; p
to be the overall probability of an
event (failure); R
to be the proportion of variance explained by the regression of x
on x
, . . . , x
(or squared multiple-correlation coefficient); w to be the proportion of subjects withdrawn from a
study (lost to follow-up); α to be the significance level; β to be the probability of a type II error;
and z
and z
to be the (1 α/k)th and the (1 β)th quantiles of the standard normal
distribution, with k = 1 for the one-sided test and k = 2 for the two-sided test.
The total number of events required to be observed in a study to ensure a power of 1 β of
a test to detect the regression coefficient, β
, with a significance level α, according to Hsieh and
Lavori (2000), is
E =
+ z
(1 R
stpower cox Sample size, power, and effect size for the Cox proportional hazards model 15
For the case of randomized study and a binary covariate x
, this formula was derived in Schoen-
feld (1983). The formula is an approximation and relies on a set of assumptions such as distinct
failure times, all subjects completing the course of the study (no withdrawal), and a local alternative
under which ln(∆) is assumed to be of order O(N
). The formula is derived for the score test
but may be applied to other tests (Wald, for example) that are based on the partial likelihood of a Cox
model because all these tests are asymptotically equivalent (Schoenfeld 1983; Hosmer, Lemeshow,
and May 2008; Klein and Moeschberger 2003).
The total sample size required to observe the total number of events, E, is given by
N =
The estimate of the sample size is rounded up to the nearest integer.
To account for a proportion of subjects, w, withdrawn from a study, a conservative adjustment
to the total sample size suggested in the literature (Freedman 1982; Machin and Campbell 2005) is
applied as follows:
1 w
Withdrawal is assumed to be independent of administrative censoring and failure (event) times.
Power is estimated using the formula
1 β = Φ
(1 R
where Φ(·) is the standard normal cumulative distribution function.
The estimate of the regression coefficient for a fixed power, 1 β, and a sample size, N , is
computed as
+ z
(1 R
Either of the two values |β
| and −|β
| satisfy the above equation. stpower cox reports the
negative of the two values, which corresponds to the reduction in a hazard of a failure for a one-unit
increase in x
. Similarly, if the hr option is used, the corresponding value of the hazard ratio less
than 1 is reported to reflect the reduction in hazard for a one-unit increase in x
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Medicine 1: 121–129.
16 stpower cox Sample size, power, and effect size for the Cox proportional hazards model
Hosmer, D. W., Jr., S. A. Lemeshow, and S. May. 2008. Applied Survival Analysis: Regression Modeling of Time
to Event Data. 2nd ed. New York: Wiley.
Hsieh, F. Y., and P. W. Lavori. 2000. Sample-size calculations for the Cox proportional hazards regression model
with nonbinary covariates. Controlled Clinical Trials 21: 552–560.
Klein, J. P., and M. L. Moeschberger. 2003. Survival Analysis: Techniques for Censored and Truncated Data. 2nd
ed. New York: Springer.
Krall, J. M., V. A. Uthoff, and J. B. Harley. 1975. A step-up procedure for selecting variables associated with survival.
Biometrics 31: 49–57.
Lachin, J. M., and M. A. Foulkes. 1986. Evaluation of sample size and power for analyses of survival with allowance
for nonuniform patient entry, losses to follow-up, noncompliance, and stratification. Biometrics 42: 507–519.
Machin, D., and M. J. Campbell. 2005. Design of Studies for Medical Research. Chichester, UK: Wiley.
Schoenfeld, D. A. 1981. The asymptotic properties of nonparametric tests for comparing survival distributions.
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Væth, M., and E. Skovlund. 2004. A simple approach to power and sample size calculations in logistic regression
and Cox regression models. Statistics in Medicine 23: 1781–1792.
Also see [ST] stpower for more references.
Also see
[ST] stpower Sample size, power, and effect size for survival analysis
[ST] stpower exponential Sample size and power for the exponential test
[ST] stpower logrank Sample size, power, and effect size for the log-rank test
[ST] stcox Cox proportional hazards model
[ST] sts test Test equality of survivor functions
[ST] Glossary
[PSS] power Power and sample-size analysis for hypothesis tests
[R] test Test linear hypotheses after estimation