Santa Clara University Policy on First-Year Student Resident Parking
Resident Santa Clara University students are not permitted to bring cars to
campus for the duration of their freshman year (Fall through Spring quarters).
This includes students who have enough credits to be considered sophomores
at any time during their first academic year at Santa Clara.
Because the University recognizes the impact its students have on parking in the
residential areas surrounding the campus as well as the need for parking availability
related to University special events, First-Year students are not allowed to park their
vehicles on campus if they are living in a campus residence hall.
Parking restrictions have been applied to First-Year students, as it is The University’s
belief that they will be least impacted by this policy. First-Year students are strongly
encouraged to live in residence halls with board plans, and any freshman who needs a
job may obtain one on campus. First-Year students are also supported by a wide array
of special social activities in their residence halls and elsewhere on campus.
Unlike many universities, resident students at Santa Clara have enjoyed the privilege of
being able to park as close as possible to their residence halls. By restricting car usage in
the freshman year, we hope to better protect this privilege for other resident students. It
is also our hope that by restricting cars in the freshman year, students will take
advantage of the many alternative transportation options available to them, and will
think twice about the need to bring their cars in subsequent years.
While no resources can truly match the convenience of a private car, the University
believes there are sufficient on-campus activities throughout the year, coupled with
excellent availability of public and other transportation choices for first year students so
that the need to bring a car to campus is minimal. For a list of upcoming Student
Activities go to . And to obtain information about local
transportation opportunities, go to . In
addition, Enterprise Rent-A-Car has a special Program with SCU that allows persons 18
yrs old to rent a vehicle from their local office. .
Interpretation and Enforcement of this Policy
Campus Safety Services will not sell parking permits to First-Year students, and other
members of the SCU community who are eligible for a parking permit will not be
permitted to purchase one for a resident freshman. Attempts to do so will result in
having any future parking privileges of both parties revoked.
In addition, we ask that students comply with the spirit of this policy by not bringing cars
to campus with the expectation that they can be parked on the streets or public areas of
our neighboring communities. SCU works with its neighbors to reduce traffic flow and
parking in nearby off-campus neighborhoods, and students are expected to help Santa
Clara be a good neighbor.
Students transferring to Santa Clara University from another college or university that
have completed a full year of academic study are not impacted by this policy.
Students who can demonstrate a compelling need or who would suffer undue hardship
under this policy can apply for a waiver. Waivers will be reviewed by committee
(including student representative(s) chosen by the ASSCU), and will be kept to an
absolute minimum. Applications are on a quarter-by-quarter basis and
committee decisions regarding issuance are final. After the submission deadline,
the application process is closed until the next quarter. To obtain a copy of the
Application for a Waiver, visit or Campus Safety’s webpage
Alternative Programs & Available Transportation
The ASSCU, in conjunction with the Office of Student Life plans a number of student
events and activities throughout the school year to provide First-Year students with
things to do on campus. In addition, they have created the “Bronco Bus”, an
inexpensive way to take periodic excursions throughout the Bay Area including San
Francisco. Many campus venues have expanded their hours of operation to attract
student participation.
The University’s Transportation page lists a
number of public transportation alternatives for freshman including VTA and CalTrain
which has a station directly across the street from SCU’s main entrance. In addition,
there are a number of local cab companies as well as Enterprise Rent-A-Car for weekend
trips. Car rentals are available to students ages 18 and up, with a valid state drivers
license, University ID, and proof of insurance. Car rentals are available for minimum
half-day periods, and pick up and delivery service is available. Call (408) 492-0501 for
Program details
First-Year students Resident Parking Policy FAQ's
What if I have enough units to be classified as a sophomore during my first year at
Santa Clara?
The policy also applies to students who have enough credits to be considered
sophomores at any time during their first academic year at Santa Clara. This policy does
not apply to transfer students.
Why have First-Year students been restricted from bringing cars?
Parking restrictions have been applied to First-Year students, as it is our belief that they
will be least impacted by this policy. First-Year students are strongly encouraged to live
in residence halls with board plans, and any freshman who needs a job may obtain one
on campus. First-Year students are also supported by a wide array of special social
activities in their residence halls.
It is our hope that by restricting cars in the freshman year, students will take advantage
of the many alternative transportation options available to them, and will think twice
about the need to bring their cars in subsequent years. Unlike many universities,
resident students at SCU have enjoyed the privilege of being able to park as close as
possible to their residence halls. By restricting car usage in the freshman year, we hope
to better protect this privilege for other resident students.
Can I bring a car anyway and park it somewhere else?
We ask that students comply with the spirit of this policy by not bringing cars to campus
with the expectation that they can be parked on the streets or public areas of our
neighboring communities. SCU Staff works with its neighbors to reduce traffic flow and
parking in nearby off-campus neighborhoods, and students are expected to help SCU be
a good neighbor.
What if I really need a car on campus?
Students who can demonstrate a compelling need and who would suffer undue hardship
using public transportation under this policy can apply for a waiver. Applications for a
waiver will be reviewed by committee, and will be kept to an absolute minimum. Please
refer to Hardship Request form for the deadline for each quarter. After each deadline,
the application period is closed until the next quarter.
How will I get around if I don't have a car?
The University’s Transportation page lists a
number of public transportation alternatives for freshman including VTA and CalTrain
which has a station directly across the street from SCU’s main entrance. In addition,
there are a number of local cab companies as well as Enterprise Rent-A-Car for weekend
trips. Car rentals are available to students ages 18 and up, with a valid state drivers
license, University ID, and proof of insurance. Car rentals are available for minimum
half-day periods, and pick up and delivery service is available. Call (408) 492-0501 for
Program details .
How will I get food, toiletries, and the basic necessities without a car?
The Cellar Market in the basement of the Benson Center is open daily for your
convenience. Safeway, a full-service supermarket is across the street from Sobrato Hall.
Mission City FCU has a branch on campus in Benson; and a number of other banks are
within walking distance. Westfield Valley Fair, a regional shopping Mall and Santana
Row is a 15 minute bus ride (Route 60) from the CalTrain station (across from SCU’s
main entrance); and a number of major department stores are accessible on El Camino
Real in Santa Clara and Sunnyvale by taking the VTA Route 22 bus.
What If I have Guests?
Guests arriving during the school week may purchase a daily parking permit ($6 all day;
$5 after 5 PM) at the University’s Main Gate on Palm Drive or at Campus Safety. On
weekends there is no charge for vehicle parking on campus. In addition, students
receive a free temporary MOVE-IN and MOVE-OUT permit at the beginning and end of
each academic year.