Contractor Safety Program
SCU Contractor Safety Rules v6.
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/2023, 2018
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SCUCon tractorSafetyRules
Instructions: To be provided to contractors performing work at SCU per the SCU
Contractor Safety Program.
The Contractor Agent is responsible for ensuring all workers and subcontractors
have read and understood the SCU Contractor Safety Rules.
Work will not be performed any Contractor until a fully signed
contract agreement or Master Service Agreement (MSA) is in place.
Only Authorized Contractors will be allowed to start an SCU Project.
High Hazard Work include, but is not limited to work activities involving the
Asbestos Abatement or Disturbance Lead Abatement or Disturbance
BAAQMD Air Permitting Required Laser Safety
Confined Space Entry Lockout/Tagout
Crane, Hoist and Sling Use Excessive Noise Exposure
Elevator Repair Pesticide Use/Application
Electrical Work Powered Industrial Truck(s)
Excavation/Trenching Radiation
Fall Protection Required Scaffold Erection and Use
Fire System Impairment Storm Water Discharge
Hazardous Materials Tree Trimming
Hazardous Waste
Wall Penetration
Hot Work (Welding, Cutting, etc.) Waste Water Discharge
Designate a “Contractor Agent” who has responsibility and authority for ensuring
compliance with the Santa Clara University requirements
Responsible Contractor Agents are required to be represented at contractor
Contractors are required to complete applicable contract documents and upload
safety information into Avetta as required.
All contractors approved to work at this site may be subject to an annual safety
program review.
A site safety plan is recommended and may be required for certain construction
and major remodeling projects.
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SCU Contractor Safety Rules v5.
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The Contractor Agent will conduct do spot safety checks and be able to provide
documentation when requested by the SCU Project Manager
Tool boxes and other contractor items must be removed when no longer needed
Good standards of housekeeping are to be maintained at all times. Work areas are
to be kept free from accumulations of waste, scrap and rubbish caused by job-
related activities. Also, tools, materials and equipment should not present a
hazard by nature of their location or use.
The contractor shall notify their SCU Project Manager of identified hazards or
concerns present on the site. The contractor is required to report the hazard
regardless of the source of the hazard (SCU personnel, sub-contractors,
contractors of other trades, etc.)
Stop work and notify the SCU Project Manager upon encountering any hazards
that the Contractor is not able to properly control or mitigate or was not originally
anticipated and is defined as “High Hazard Work” by SCU
Participate in evacuation drills should they occur in their work area
Report all spills and releases of hazardous materials, serious accidents or injuries
immediately to 911 and to SCU Campus Safety at (408)5544444.
Contractors are to abide by all alarms and evacuation procedures as established
by SCU. Any alarm triggered by the Contractor must be reported immediately and a
representative must be available to address the incident.
In the event of a Safety related incident or near miss with or without injury, the
Contractor should report the incident to their SCU Project Manager, SCU Campus
Safety Department by calling (408)5544444andSCUEHS4085544742.
Ensure that contractor activities do not endanger other personnel, employees,
guests or students on campus.
It is the responsibility of employees of the contractor or vendor to follow all SCU
procedures. Failure to comply will result in contractor removal from site, loss of
contract, and possible forfeiture of further work assignments. Sub-contractors
must adhere to the same policies as contractors. It is the responsibility of the
primary contractor to see that all subcontractors comply with SCU procedures.
Comply with current local, state and federal Safety and Environmental
regulations and all applicable state and local laws, codes, rules, regulations or
ordinances governing the work
Comply with all applicable SCU EHS requirements
Comply with SCU Cultural Resource Management (CRM) Training requirements.
Utilize appropriately trained personnel
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SCU Contractor Safety Rules v.
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Prior to the start of a work task requiring a permit (i.e. Confined Space, Hot Work,
and/or Live Electrical) to perform the task, the Contractor Agent and SCU shall
agree upon the specific permits to be used
Contractors must give prior notice of their work schedule to the SCU Project
The contractor should have a process in place to account for its workers while at
SCU. All contractor entrance/egress from the campus properties must be through
the approved entrances and exits. These will be identified by the SCU Project
Manager prior to the commencement of work
areas shall be
fencing or
caution tape to act as barriers to prevent unauthorized access into a construction
area. Talk to the SCU Project Manager and SCU EHS personnel to ensure work site
controls are appropriate for the location on campus.
Construction area shall have a posted sign stating, “Construction Area—
Authorized Personnel Only, Contact Name and Number for Construction
Company, SCU Project Manager Name and Number, and contact 911 and
Campus Safety. See SCU Sign Template.
Activities such as, but not limited to the following require contacting the
Basement Demolition, Bore Pit, Excavation/Grading/Trenching
Light/Fence Installation
Site Clearance (e.g. Below Base Rock/Engineered Fill)
Tree planting/removal
Elevated work platforms and aerial lifts shall be inspected prior to operation. The
inspection shall verify:
The elevating platform is in safe operating condition. Units will be visually
inspected by a qualified operator for damaged or defective parts before use
The operating instructions are available or otherwise readily accessible to
operators for reference.
The surface of the elevated platform is free from clutter
The platform is not loaded in excess of the design working load of the equipment
Ladders or other objects are not placed on the top of elevated platforms to gain
access to greater heights
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SCU Contractor Safety Rules v.
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Man lifts parked overnight shall have their “bucket” stored above head height
with keys removed
Required Safety Equipment
Appropriate fall protection equipment will be worn
Harnesses will be secured to a separate secure structure and not directly to the
lift unless recommended by the manufacturer
EHS will work with the various project managers to ensure the following:
Asbestos locations – Contact your SCU Project Manager or SCU EHS.
All asbestos survey sampling, removal and renovation work will be performed
only by contractors certified and licensed to perform this work.
Asbestos Survey and Sampling
o All asbestos sampling shall be conducted by an EPA Asbestos
Inspector under the direction of the Certified Asbestos Consultant
Asbestos Removal (29 CFR 1926.1101) shall only be completed by
individuals certified and licenses to complete. Below is a list of asbestos
operations that require training/certification:
Class I Operations - The removal of Thermal Insulation or
Surfacing Asbestos Containing Material (ACM) or Presumed
Asbestos Containing Material
Class II Operations -The removal of any type of Asbestos
Containing Material
Class III Operations - Maintenance or repair activates where
workers may disturb asbestos-containing materials (ACM) in
order to access another building component. The maximum
amount of asbestos containing material (ACM) disturbed is
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limited to the amount of that can be contained in one 60” x 60”
glove bag or waste
Class IV Operations -Maintenance or custodial activities where
workers contact asbestos containing material (ACM) or presumed
asbestos containing material
from Class I, Class II or
Class III Operations
All pre and post-project sampling will be completed and documented
appropriately. Employee notifications will be completed, if required
All Pre and Post sampling results shall be provided to the SCU EHS Dept.
All final clearance letters shall be provided to the SCU EHS Dept.
All required permits (air permits, etc.) will be obtained by the contractor and
reviewed by SCU for completeness prior to conducting the work
Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) Notification when
exceeding 100 square feet or liner feet
Department of Occupational and Safety Health Administration (DOSH)
Registration is required asbestos fiber greater than 0.1% and exceeding
100 square feet of removal
National Emissions for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) is required
o Removing asbestos that is friable
o Greater than 1% in concentration Area of removal is greater than
160 linear feet or 260 square feet
All required records will be obtained from the contactors post project and
appropriately archived
All asbestoscontainingwaste materials are consideredhazardous wastes an d
must be handled and disposed in accordance with hazardous waste
For asbestos abatement contracts, the SCU Project Manager shall ensure that
provisions for proper asbestos waste handling, storage, and disposal are included
in the contract
The EHS Director must approve all asbestos transfer
and disposal locations. SCU EHS will sign all asbestos related manifests.
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SCU Contractor Safety Rules v
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Good housekeeping practices must be followed at all times
Maintain all equipment, tools and work areas in a clean and safe manner
Do not leave leaking equipment unattended
Dust generation (both indoors and outdoors) must be minimized whenever
cutting, grinding, drilling etc. Use wet methods, HEPA vacuums and/or other
suitable means to control dust. Talk with the SCU Project Manager about Dust
Control and the Smoke Detectors. If smoke detectors are covered, this is a fire
system impairment and requires SCU EHS approval.
Chemicals/hazardous substances brought onto our premises must be
by a Safety Data Sheet (SDS) prior to their
to the facility
materials brought onto Campus must be used and disposed
of properly. At no time shall these be left behind at SCU following project
Chemicals/hazardous materials must be stored in containers approved for the
substance. All chemical containers must be clearly marked
Remove surplus paints, oils, and other hazardous materials at the conclusion of
the project
Whenever work is done with flammable liquids or other compounds containing
flammables the Project Manager shall be notified prior to starting work, and care
must be taken to ensure proper ventilation and to restrict or control sources of
The contractor is responsible for complying with all regulations pertaining to
shipping, handling, storage and disposal of
materials brought
on Campus
Prior to entering the confined space, the
Agent and SCU EHS shall agree
upon the permit paperwork to be used during the project
Contractors must supply their own ventilation and air monitoring equipment; fall
protection and emergency retrieval devices; and, personnel trained to perform
supervision, entry, and rescue duties
See list of SCU Confined Spaces
SCU EHS must be given advance notice of crane lifts, including;
o Area coordination
o Occupant notification
o Access control
o Load
Crane operators must be licensed and competent to perform overhead lifts
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Permission must be obtained from your SCU Project Manager prior to digging.
Care must be taken to locate underground services and comply with trenching
Work requiring entry into trenches requires an approved excavation safety plan,
including shoring and sloping information and an emergency escape plan to
prevent entrapment of workers
. Contact 811 Dig, USA Dig prior to excavations.
Dust control techniques (e.g. HEPA Vacuum, saving cream, shroud, sponge) shall
be used by all contractors in an effort to minimize dust generate from drilling and
cutting activities.
Dust generation (both indoors and outdoors) must be minimized whenever
cutting, grinding, drilling etc. Use wet methods, HEPA vacuums and/or other
suitable means to control dust. Talk with the SCU Project Manager about Dust
Control and the Smoke Detectors. If smoke detectors are covered, this is a fire
system impairment and requires SCU EHS approval.
Contractors and vendors must comply with the latest editions of the following:
Electrical Safety Code, NFPA 70E, OSHA, and any other Federal, State or local
Lock-Out and Tag-Out procedures must be followed where the risk of a release of
hazardous energy is possible; each affected individual must use his/her own
personal lock
Live exposed parts must be de-energized prior to work on or near them. Your SCU
Project Manager must be notified before de-energizing or re-energizing
Only ‘qualified’ electricians may work on or near live electrical equipment
Prior to working on live electrical systems, the Contractor Agent and SCU EHS
shall agree upon the permit paperwork to be used during the
Any work that requires individual handling of live conductors >50 volts require
an “Energized Electrical Work Permit”; Testing, troubleshooting, voltage
measuring, replacement of light bulbs, plugging/unplugging electrical power
cords and quick disconnects, is permitted without a permit provided safe work
practices and PPE are used by qualified persons
The contractor must conform to panel clearances required by regulation before
installing any panel
The contractor shall provide direction and trouble-shooting for start-up. The
contractor shall verify that the applied voltage is correct before energizing any
Contractor Safety Program
SCU Contractor Safety Rules v.
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Fall protection
shall be utilized when a hazard of a fall from an elevated area exists.
The following are examples of conditions or situations where fall protection is required:
at heights where no fall protection is in place such as handrails, midrails,
floor coverings and/or walls
On any sloped roof where catch platforms or guard railing is not provided
Where erecting steel or temporary scaffolding
Leaving the confines of a lift or ladder
Working within six (6) feet of flat roof edges without handrails
Fire System Impairments must be reviewed by EHS Staff, and or the SCU Fire
Systems Contractor prior to shutting down or disabling any fire protection or safety
system (e.g. sensor, pull station, horn, sprinkler.) disabling includes covering or;
When that could accidentally activate the fire protection system
All nuisance fire alarms fines from the City of Santa Clara Fire Marshal shall be paid by
contractor to the University. In addition, the contractor shall provide in writing a
corrective action report within one business day to the SCU EHS Dept.
Contractor shall document the weight of construction and demolition material
that is composted, landfilled, recycled, reused or otherwise disposed.
Contractors shall notify the SCU Project Manager of all waste streams that will be
generated from site work activity so proper disposal/recycling guidelines for
generated wastes can be coordinated
Contractors will coordinate in advance with the Project Manager and SCU EHS for
the proper disposal of hazardous waste
Hazardous wastes must be transported and disposed of in accordance with all
applicable environmental laws and regulations
Empty containers or drums shall not be left on site
Universal waste (e.g. Batteries, pesticides, mercury containing equipment, and
bulbs) generated by the project shall be taken to Facilities for disposal or disposed
of appropriately by the Contract per contract terms.
Ensure that sufficient water and shade is available for workers performing work
outdoors in a heat environment per the Cal-OSHA Heat Illness standard
Contractors should equip their employees with first aid supplies. Basic First Aid
for injuries to contractor’s employees will be provided by the contractor. In the
event of a serious injury, Call 911 first , second call CSS (408)5544444
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In the event of an accident in which a worker requires medical attention to treat
an injury, the Contractor should call 911, and then CSS at (408)5544444to notify
the Campus Safety Department. All work-related accidents should be immediately
reported to the Santa Clara University Project Manager and the Santa Clara
University EHS Department at (408)5544742
Whenever a contractor’s employee is injured on Campus, an SCU Incident
Investigation Report form must be completed and submitted to your SCU Project
Manager within 24 hours. SCU incident report forms are available on the SCU EHS
Department website.
If there is a danger of contamination from any blood or other body fluids, notify
your SCU Project Manager
or illicit drugs shall not be brought onto any campus property.
Violators of this rule will be immediately expelled from the campus and
prosecuted, if appropriate
Horseplay, fighting, firearms, are prohibited on campus property
Sexual harassment and/or discrimination will not be tolerated under any
The Contractor shall determine the appropriate PPE for the work they are to
perform. Additionally, the following may be required:
Wear reflective safety traffic vests when working in SCU parking lots and
SCU roadways while on foot
Where specifically posted at SCU, wear protective equipment or clothing
(such as safety goggles, respirators, gloves, hearing protection, safety
shoes, etc.), all contractor personnel must comply
Post a copy of the PPE Requirements for the construction area (e.g. Hard
Hat, Safety Glasses, Safety Shoes, etc.)
All PPE is to be provided by the contractor and inspected per OSHA and ANSI
Standards as required
Powered industrial trucks shall be inspected prior to operation. The inspection shall verify:
The forklift is in safe operating condition. Units will be visually inspected by a
qualified operator for damaged or defective parts before use
The operating instructions are available or otherwise readily accessible to
operators for reference.
The seatbelt shall be used per the OSHA Duty Clause and all OSHA Safety Rules shall be
Contractor Safety Program
SCU Contractor Safety Rules v.
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An unattended forklift shall:
Have its forks placed flat on the ground with the mast tipped forward
Forklift keys removed from the ignition and secured away from the vehicle.
All scaffolding materials must be inspected prior to installation to ensure structural
When erecting scaffolds, a trained and competent person must inspect the scaffold
design and installation to ensure it is safe and secure before use. The
scaffold must bear a label indicating that the scaffold is safe to use. Because
construction of scaffolding is an unusual event, the competent person will
produce a Scaffold Inspection
In situations where handrails cannot be installed, spotters will be assigned to
ensure safety of employees working at heights above 6 feet.
A full body harness must be worn along with a lanyard rigged with a deceleration
device attached to a secure structure or safety line when working above 6 feet on
scaffolds without adequate handrails and midrails
The surface of the scaffold will be free from clutter at all times
Scaffolding units will not be loaded in excess of the design working load of the
Ladders or other objects will not
be placed on the top of scaffold planks to gain
access to greater height
Any contractor bringing on-site 55 gallons or more of oil, fuel oil, paints,
lubricants, glues, tars or other hazardous materials either in bulk containers or
equipment, must provide secondary containment
The release of chemicals or waste material down any storm drain is illegal and not
Any release must be communicated to Campus Safety at (408)5544444
The washing of vehicles or equipment is not permitted on Campus unless
permission has been specifically granted by the EHS.
Owners or operators of vehicles/equipment leaking significant quantities of fluid
onto the pavement shall report such leaks and repair or remove leaking
vehicles/equipment from the property immediately
Contractors must abide by all access requirements prior to entering identified
spaces such as labs, shops, studios, etc.
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Contractors are prohibited from operating SCU vehicles and equipment including,
but not limited to: forklifts, electric vehicles, boom lifts, scissor lifts, fall protection
equipment, ladders, power tools, personal protective equipment, etc.
Contractors shall use spotters when operating mobile equipment outside of the
work site
All tools must be maintained in a safe operating condition, current with
maintenance, calibration, etc.
Extra caution shall be taken due to methods of transportation (e.g. Bicycles,
skateboards, razor scooters, etc.) and unexpected actions of motorists
Large vehicles with potential blind spots are required to have a spotter
Stop signs and speed limits will be obeyed
Never block normal passage or access to areas
Welding, burning or use of an open flame is restricted without a “Hot Work
Permit” issued by SCU EHS
Prior to starting the
task, the Contractor Agent and SCU EHS shall
agree upon the hot work permit paperwork to be used during the project
A Hot Work Permit must be obtained from SCU EHS, completed, approved and
posted at the work site
The hot work area must be posted with the warning signage provided with the
Notify and receive permission from Campus Safety and SCU EHS prior to any
impairment of fire systems.