Illinois State Board of Education
Multilingual Department
100 West Randolph, Suite 14-300
Chicago, IL 60601
Date of Report: Telephone:
School District Name and number: Fax:
Name of Program Director: Email Address:
By checking the boxes, the applicant hereby certifies that he or she has read, understood and has complied with the assurances listed below.
Identification of Eligible Students and Equal Opportunities for All Students Section 228.15
By checking this box, the applicant/award recipient (hereinafter the term
applicant includes award recipient as the context requires), hereby certifies and
assures the Illinois State Board of Education that:
Technical Assistance Resources
1.1 The school district administers a Home Language Survey
(HLS) for all students new to the district for identifying students
of non-English background. On-site artifacts, Upload artifact
Attach HLS the district uses in both English and another language
Guidance document
Phone conference
To set up a phone conference use the email below
General Inquiry Email: multilingua[email protected]
Directory: Multilingual Directory
PD Webinar/Workshop
1.2 The HLS asks the following:
a) Is a language other than English spoken in the home,
and if so, what language?
b) Does the student speak a language other than English,
and if so, which language?
1.3 The HLS is administered in English and in the student’s home
language, if that language is available on the Multilingual
1.4 The HLS provides a space for parents/legal guardians to sign
and date.
1.5 The District’s enrollment forms do not inquire about
student’s or their parents’ immigration status.
Student Assessment Section 228.15 Section 228.40
2.1 Assessment for Program Eligibility & Notice of Enrollment
The District uses the Pre-IPT™ or an appropriate Prescribed
Screening Procedure to assess a preschool student’s level of
English language proficiency. Section 228.15
No later than 30 days after the beginning of the school year or 14
days after the enrollment of any student. Section 228.40
On-site artifacts & Upload artifact
Attach the district eligibility & notice of enrollment preschool form
Guidance document
PD Webinar/Workshop
2.2 Assessment for Program Eligibility & Notice of Enrollment:
Grades K-12
The District uses the grade appropriate English language
proficiency assessment prescribed by ISBE. Section 228.15
No later than 30 days after the beginning of the school year or 14
days after the enrollment of any student. Section 228.40
On-site artifacts & Upload artifact
Attach the district eligibility & notice of enrollment K-12 form
2.3 The District re-screens the English language proficiency of
students entering Kindergarten who were previously screened in
preschool. On-site
2.4 Annual Assessment
All English Learners (ELs) in grades K-12 are assessed annually in
listening, speaking, reading, and writing using ACCESS for ELLs®
including students whose parents withdrew them from the
program or refused services. Section 228.40
Student Assessment/Providing Services to all Eligible Students
3.1 Students who did not meet English Language proficiency on
the screener or EL assessment are placed into a TBE/TPI program
to receive language support services.
Guidance document
3.2 Students exited from the TBE/TPI program have achieved at
least the proficiency level set by the state on ACCESS for ELLs®,
unless served as specified under 228.27 Plan (Only for students
who have received at least three years of consecutive EL services
beginning with first grade). Section 228.27
3.3 The district monitors the progress made by children in
meeting challenging state academic content and student
academic achievement standards for each of the two years after
such children are no longer receiving services under this part.
Upload artifact
Attach evidence that demonstrate students are being monitored here
Guidance document
Monitoring after student exits program
El with IEPs
Program Components/Placement Section 228.25 Section 228.30
4.1 For each attendance center that has an enrollment of 20 or
more ELs of the same language classification (grades K-12), the
District has a TBE program.
Full-time TBE programs incorporate the required program
components: instruction is provided in subjects required by law
or by the district in the student’s home language and in English;
English as a second language; and instruction in the history and
culture of the student’s native land and of the United States.
(Districts offering a Spanish TBE program must implement the
Spanish Language Arts Standards). On-site artifacts, Upload artifact
Attach Bilingual time distribution sheet
Guidance document
4.2 For each attendance center that has an enrollment of 20 or
more ELs of the same language classification (Pre-Kindergarten),
the District has a TBE program.
Full-time TBE programs incorporate the required program
components: instruction is provided in subjects required by law
or by the district in the student’s home language and in English;
English as a second language; and instruction in the history and
culture of the student’s native land and of the United States.
(Districts offering a Spanish TBE program must implement the
Spanish Language Arts Standards). On-site artifacts, Upload artifact
Attach Bilingual time distribution sheet
4.3 District may place ELs into part-time TBE when they score an
overall composite of 3.5 on the age appropriate screener or
Part-time TBE programs incorporate the required program
components: daily instruction is provided in English and in the
student’s home language as determined by assessment of the
student’s English proficiency level. Part-time TBE Placement Rationale
On-site artifacts & Upload artifact
4.4 For each attendance center that has an enrollment of 19 or
fewer ELs of the same language classification (grades K-12), the
District may have a TPI program. The structure of the TPI
program is determined by the student’s proficiency in English
and is designed to enable students to keep pace with peers in
achievement in the core academic content areas. The district
provides appropriate ESL instructional materials consistent with
program design and student needs. Instructional materials are
adequate to fully implement EL programs.
4.5 For each attendance center that has an enrollment of 19 or
fewer ELs of the same language classification (Pre- Kindergarten),
the District may have a TPI program. The structure of the TPI
program is determined by the student’s proficiency in English
and is designed to enable students to keep pace with peers in
achievement in the core academic content areas.
Program Components Section 228.30
5.1 The program curriculum is aligned to the Illinois English
language proficiency standards. Upload artifact
Guidance document
Language Learning Standards
5.2 The curriculum in the content areas is aligned to the Illinois
Learning Standards/Common Core. Upload artifact
5.3 Instruction in Spanish language arts is aligned to the
standards that are appropriate to the ages or grade levels of the
students served, which are set forth in the document titled
“World- Class Instructional Design and Assessment: Spanish
Language Arts Standards” (2005).
Upload artifact
5.4 The district provides appropriate native language
instructional materials consistent with program design and
student needs. Instructional materials are adequate to fully
implement EL programs.
5.5 The district provides appropriate ESL instructional materials
consistent with program design and student needs. Instructional
materials are adequate to fully implement EL programs.
5.6 The program incorporates approaches and methodologies
based on scientifically based research on teaching ELs.
Purchased Equipment
All equipment purchased with federal Title III and state TBE/TPI
funding is properly labeled and inventoried. EDGAR 80.32
Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR 80.32).
On-site artifacts
General Program Section 228.30
6.1 The student-teacher ratio in bilingual and ESL classes does
not exceed 90% of the average student-teacher ratio in the
general program classes for the same grade in the same
attendance center as of September 30
of each school year. If
the bilingual/ESL class size increases after this date, the ratio
does not exceed the average student-teacher ratio in general
education classes for the same grade in the attendance center.
Guidance document
Legislation and rules
6.2 Students in TBE/TPI programs are placed in classes with
students of approximately the same age of grade level.
6.3 If students of different ages/grade levels are combined in the
same class, the district uses individualized instructional programs
or instruction by ability level to ensure that each student
receives instruction appropriate to his/her age or grade.
6.4 Program facilities are comparable to the facilities of the
overall student population.
6.5 High school students receive full credit for courses taken in
the TBE/TPI program. Courses count toward promotion and
fulfillment of district graduation requirements. ESL counts
toward English requirement for graduation.
6.6 ELs have the opportunity to participate fully in extracurricular
6.7 Parents of ELs are provided with appropriate and enough
information about extracurricular activities.
6.8 ELs participate fully with their English-speaking classmates in
subjects in which language is not essential to understanding of
the subject matter including art, music, physical education, and
6.9 The district’s summer school programs provide supplemental
language instruction programs for students having limited
English proficiency.
Staff certification Code Section 228.35
All teachers assigned to provide instruction in ESL meet the
requirements for ESL or English as a New Language (ENL)
teachers in accordance with state certification.
Guidance document
Teacher recruitment and licensure
All teachers in the program are highly qualified in accordance
with state regulations.
The screener is administered only by teachers and other certified
school district staff who have been trained and certified to
administer the assessment.
The ACCESS for ELLs® is administered only by teachers and other
certified school district staff who have been trained and certified
to administer ACCESS.
All paraprofessionals in the program meet requirements for state
Paraprofessionals and/or other non-certificated staff provide
instruction to ELs under the immediate supervision of a certified
teacher that is directly engaged in teaching subject matter.
Program Director holds a valid administrative certificate.
Program Director will be able to meet the additional
requirements of the position that go into effect by July 1, 2014
by the deadline (see sections 228.35 and 1.783 of the rules for
Parent and Community participation Section 228.30
TBE Program Advisory Committee (PAC):
a) consists of parents, legal guardians, TBE teachers,
counselors, and community leaders.
Guidance document
Resources for parents of English
b) majority of the PAC are parents with EL children in the
TBE program
c) meets four times per year and records and files
minutes of meetings.
d) reviews the district’s annual program application to the
State Superintendent of Education.
e) The district provides annual training to PAC members
in the areas of instructional approaches and methods
in bilingual education; the provisions of State and
federal law related to students’ participation and
parents’ rights; and accountability measures relevant
to students in bilingual programs.
Parent Involvement
a) The district implements an effective means of outreach
to parents of ELs to inform parents how they can be
involved in the education of their children, be active
participants in assisting their children to learn English
and achieve high levels in core academic subjects and
meet the same high state academic standards as all
children are expected to achieve.
b) The district holds regular meetings and sends parents
of ELs notices of such meetings for the purpose of
formulating and responding to recommendations from
The district periodically evaluates programs with input from
stakeholders (parents, students, teachers) to assess the success
of the program and modify the program where needed.
Communication with Parents/Parents’ Rights Section 228.40
Notice of Program Enrollment: All parents or legal guardians of
students are notified in writing of their child’s placement in a
TBE/TPI program no later than 30 days after the beginning of the
school year or 14 days after the enrollment of any child in a
program during the school year.
The parent notice of enrollment is in English and in the student’s
home language, to the extent possible.
The parent notice of enrollment explains in simple, non-technical
a) The reasons why the child has been placed in and
needs the services of the program;
b) The child’s level of English proficiency, how this level
was assessed, and the child’s current level of academic
c) The description of the program, the method of
instruction used in the program and in other available
offerings of the district, including how the program
differs from those other offerings in content,
instructional goals, and the use of English and native
language instruction;
d) How the program will specifically help the child to
learn English and to meet academic achievement
standards for grade promotion and graduation;
e) The specific exit requirements for the program, the
expected rate of transition from the program into the
regular curriculum, and the expected graduation rate
for children in the program if program is offered at the
secondary level;
f) How the program will meet the educational strengths
and needs of the child, including how the program
meets the objectives of the child’s individual
educational program (IEP), if applicable;
g) The right of the parents to decline to enroll the child in
the program or to choose another program or method
of instruction, if available; and the right of the parents
to have the child immediately removed from the
program upon request;
h) The right of the parents to visit transitional bilingual
education classes in which their child is enrolled and to
come to the school for a conference to explain the
nature of transitional bilingual education.
On-site artifacts
Parents have notified the school in writing of any decision to
withdraw their child from the program. On-site artifacts
The district has obtained written consent from parents to exit
their child prior to the end of three years in the program or to
retain their child in the program longer than three years.
On-site artifacts
Students’ Report Cards and Records Section 228.15 Section 228.40
The Report cards:
a) Are sent in the same manner and frequency as
progress reports sent to all students in the school
b) Are available in English and in the student’s home
language unless a student’s parents or legal guardians
agree in writing to waive this requirement.
Upload artifact
c) Indicate student’s progress in the program and in the
general program of instruction.
d) Indicate when the student has successfully transitioned
from the program by meeting exit criteria, unless that
information. Upload artifact
Student Records contain the following information:
a) A completed HLS;
b) Program entry/exit information; Upload artifact On-site
c) Annual English language proficiency assessment
d) Results from the prescribed screening instrument;
e) Rationale for a student’s placement into a part-time
program; Upload artifact On-site artifacts
f) Documentation of conferences and written
communication with parents or legal guardians,
including: written decisions to withdraw their children
from the program, consent to exit their child prior to
the end of three years in the program, to retain their
child in the program longer than three years;
g) Parents’ report card waiver. Upload artifact On-site artifacts
Professional Development Section 228.35
New program staff participate in training activities that will
develop knowledge of basic TBE/TPI program requirements.
□Guidance document
Professional Development
Training activities addressing topics related to bilingual education
are provided at least twice yearly to all program staff.
Upload artifact
If the district is unsuccessful in hiring qualified teachers, it
provides adequate interim training to teachers already on staff to
comply with Title VI (Castaneda 648 F2d at 1013).
The program provides professional development to classroom
teachers (including mainstream teachers), administrators,
principals, and other personnel to improve the instruction and
assessment of ELs and is of enough intensity and duration to
have a lasting impact on teacher performance. The program does
not consist only of one-day workshops and conferences.