Digital Infrastructure Services Center
Powering and innovating the programs, institutions, and missions of the
Federal Government.
About us
DISC has been providing services
as a federated data center since
1973 and performing data center
migrations since the 1980ʼs.
We cross-service 14 federal
departments/bureaus while
continuing to customize solutions
for our partners.
DISC boosts productivity and
continues to modernize the
industry through comprehensive
application development to
infrastructure solutions through
agreements, leveraging inheritable
enterprise standards in security,
architecture and procurement.
Our competitive advantage lies in
our ability to offer comprehensive
solutions that leverage industry-
leading security, architecture, and
procurement standards. Unlike
our competitors, we prioritize
agreements, which allow us to
seamlessly integrate our solutions
into existing systems.
Strategic Goals
Moving beyond managing digital
infrastructures, DISC is leading the charge
in digital transformation, combining
cutting edge technologies with our unique
operational expertise to deliver superior,
customer-focused solutions that redene the
concept of government service delivery.
As a departmental turnkey solutions provider,
DISC offers cloud hosting, network services,
and application development services. It
has aligned its strategy and operational
execution with the objectives outlined in the
Strategic Plan to achieve excellence in the
OCIO Strategic Initiatives.
By leveraging inheritable enterprise
standards, we ensure that our solutions are
scalable, secure, and efcient.
This approach sets us apart from other
service providers and enables us to deliver
exceptional value to our customers.
Furthermore, our deep expertise in serving
government agencies gives us a unique
understanding of their specic needs and
challenges. We have tailored our products
and services to address these requirements
Deliver managed Digital Infrastructure Services that
ensure reliable, secure, scalable, and cost-effective
solutions, enhancing digital capabilities for USDA and
various client programs.
Be the preferred Digital Infrastructure
platform provider, driving the transition
to digital and customer-centric systems
for USDA and various clients.
Digital Infrastructure Services Center (DISC)
Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Department of Interior (DOI)
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
Department of Homeland Security (DHS)/
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
General Services Administration (GSA)
Government Accountability Ofce (GAO)
Ofce of Government Ethics (OGE)
Ofce of Management and Budget (OMB)
Railroad Retirement Board (RRB)
The Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board (DNFSB)
The Peace Corps
The United States Agency for Global Media (USAGM)
U.S. AbilityOne Commission
U.S. Air Force (USAF)
U.S. Army (USA)
U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS)
U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
DISC has provided services as a federated data center since 1973 and has
performed data center migrations since the 1980s. DISC cross-services 14
federal departments or bureaus.
DISC-managed Enterprise Data Center is a federally owned Cloud services
provider offering agencies enterprise class infrastructure built from the ground
up with market leading technologies. DISC continues to innovate with the
introduction of new Cloud services and utilizes “green” industry best practices
as much as possible to improve energy efciency and reduce greenhouse gas
DISC offers 24x7 monitoring and expert technical support to ensure customers
can focus on their core business without worrying about IT infrastructure.
Kim Jackson
David Peters
Brandon Sifford
Jeff Claunch
Business Operations
Kim Jackson leads the Business Operations
Division, that will perform cross-cutting business
functions such as nancial management,
budgeting, contracting, portfolio/program/
project management, business relationship
management, and HR functions.
Associate Chief Information Ofcer
DISC USDA Ofce of the Chief Information
Ofcer (OCIO)
David Peters was selected as Associate
Chief Information Ofcer (ACIO) of USDA
OCIO’s DISC organization in October 2020. In
this role, David leads all enterprise hosting,
enterprise network and enterprise cloud/
application solutions.
(Acting) Security Governance Division
Director, Enterprise Hosting Solutions Division
OCIO will support achievement of USDA’s diverse mission areas by offering agile, world-class
technology solutions to its stakeholders and applying innovative approaches to recruiting and
developing a highly skilled workforce. The USDA OCIO develops, delivers, and defends the business
information technologies that empower every aspect of the USDA mission under the following
Victoria Turley
Deputy ACIO
Victoria Turley provides leadership and direction
for the day-to-day operations of the USDA
DISC. Her functional responsibilities include
cloud adoption, IT modernization, infrastructure
optimization, network modernization, systems
analysis, software engineering, systems
engineering, and the secure hosting of IT
infrastructure for the Mission Areas and Staff
Ofces of the USDA.
John Donovan
Director, Enterprise Networking Services Division
Simone Rees
David Grundy
Director, Enterprise Applications Services
Strategy Management and Complex Solutions
Division, SMCS
David Gatliff
(Acting) Financial Operations Division
Steve Sanders
Director, Shared Services Division
Read the
full bios at the link, by
scanning the this QR code, or
visiting the below link:
DISC Portfolio
Services Sub-products
Cloud Solutions
AgCloud (variety), Akamai,
Compliance Automation as a
Service (CAaaS)
Data Solutions
PaaS, Database Mgmt.,
Enterprise Content Mgmt.
System, Database PaaS
Storage Solutions
SAN, NAS, Object, Vault,
Network Services
PaaS, Managed Hosting,
Mainframe, Container
Platform, Virtual Application
Hosting (Citrix), Web
Application Server, Web Portal
.Net Services, AgLearn,
Application Development,
Altassian as a Services, Cloud
Architecture Services, Cloud
Broker Ofce, Database
Mgmt., Digital Services Center
(DSC), Geospatial, Mobile
Computing, Operations and
Maintnenance, Section 508
Compliance Testing, Security
and Compliance, SharePoint
Solutions, Web Services
Application Integration
Professional Services, ATO/
Cont A&A Professional
Services, Database Mgmt.
Professional Services, Disaster
Recovery Professional
Services, Network Professional
Services, Planning and
Integration Professional
Services, Project Mgmt.
Professional Services, Security
Professional Services,
Standard Professional Services
Central Authentication &
Role-based Access Controls,
Digital Certicates (PKI)
Services, Information Systems
& Network Security, Remote
Access VPN Services, Security
Governance, Security Token
Services, Federation Services
Services Sub-products
Data Center
Colocation as a Service, Space
Business Continuity Planning
/ Disaster Recovery, Business
Enterprise Application
Integration (EAI), Robotic
Process Automation (RPA)
* This sub-product is Pending
Cloud solutions including commercial cloud
deployments, DevSecOps, cloud strategy, PaaS
and SaaS solutions.
Our network infrastructure services ensure
secure and efcient IT operations.
Application solutions along with custom
applications and SaaS solutions, business
process management tool sets to modernize
and enhance compliance.
Hosting infrastructure including on-premises
hosting infrastructure, network and storage
Professional services in addition of architectural
planning, design and engineering, migration
and implementation, application development,
system integration, database management
and project management.
Business services together with contract
management and procurement.
Security solutions is a top priority for government
agencies, and our comprehensive cybersecurity
service provides them with the protection
they need. We implement advanced security
measures to safeguard against online threats,
ensuring data privacy and maintaining the
integrity of critical systems.
Our application development services
streamline processes and boost productivity.
Our cloud computing solutions streamline
infrastructure, enabling government agencies
to work more efciently.
DISC offers a broad range of Cloud services using virtualized, multi-
tenant operating environments to offer several Platform as a Service
(PaaS) and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) services. DISC Cloud
Solutions include:
Rapid elasticity
Scalable, pay-as-you-go pricing
Monthly billing and predictable cost (PaaS)
Hourly Metered Billing(IaaS)
Periodic hardware refresh
≥ 99.9%availability
Independent audits for OIG, A-123 and inheritable controls
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
The DISC Infrastructure as a Service provides a virtual machine
infrastructure which allows customers the option to maintain control of
their operating and general support systems at the system level. Network,
Facility and Operational Support Services are included with all IaaS
SAN Storage – Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3, Replication
NAS Storage – Premium, Standard, Value
Backup/Archive Storage - Onsite, Offsite, Replication
Platform as a Service (PaaS)
Server - LinuxTM, WindowsTM, SolarisTM, AIXTM
Mainframe - zOSTM
Web Application & Web Portal Server - WebSphereTM
Database - MySQLTM, MSSQLTM, OracleTM
Web Content & Document Management – Oracle WebCenterTM
Cloudvault – ownCloud
CASP – Moved to cloud GSS
Virtual Application Hosting - CitrixTM
DISC PaaS offerings build upon IaaS offerings enables customers to select from secure, standardized
Operating System images that are congured to meet actual processing requirement. Each PaaS
offering is fully managed and maintained by DISC. In addition to the supported operating systems,
DISC also provides PaaS offerings that include respective software licensing. By utilizing cost-effective
platform solutions that are congured and licensed to meet actual application processing requirements,
customers need only focus on the development and deployment of their business applications.
Ecosystem providing capabilities for enablement
of Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google GCP.
DISC Complex Solution processes enable rehosting,
replatforming, and refactoring driven by customer
requirements and OCIO Community of Practice.
AgCloud is an ecosystem that is design to provide
customers a manner in which they can realize the
benets of commercial cloud solutions and cloud
native capabilities.
Portfolio Roadmap
Multiple Cloud and hybrid solutions will be offered through the AgCloud portfolio. Each service
component could have its own development roadmap based on customer requirements contributing
to the platform. The AgCloud core solutions which include Network connectivity, rewall protection,
DNS, and EDC Active Directory are required to consume additional al-la-carte AgCloud solutions.
AgCloud Core was released as a managed service in November of 2021 based on requirements
provided by FPAC, FNS, and ARS. This core model was built to be scalable across multiple government
agencies. There are multiple development efforts, which are currently in ight, to built additional
cloud functionality in the AgCloud ecosystem. These efforts are managed through a DISC Complex
Solutioning process and are framed into an ITILv4 Service Management methodology to ensure
resilient and scalable business functionality.
The following cloud providers are currently accessible through the AgCloud eco-system:
o Microsoft Azure Government
o Microsoft Azure Commercial
o Amazon AWS Government
o Amazon AWS Commercial
The following cloud providers are in development stages to be included in the AgCloud eco-system:
o Google Cloud Platform
AgCloud is not a single service, it is made up of multiple cloud services across multiple cloud
providers. This highly scalable modern al-la-carte style ecosystem enables Amazon AWS, Google,
Microsoft Azure, and DISC vCloud services to be consumed.
The AgCloud environment provides core services such as network connectivity, Domain Name System
(DNS), rewall protection, and EDC active directory services to our customers. These core services
allow customers to gain access to general support system functions that allow agencies to attain their
FISMA, and FedRAMP compliance through DISC maintained processes. AgCloud provides mission areas
with the ability to decide where they want to do business; vCloud (DISC PaaS), cloud native, colocation,
or hybrid operating models are supported.
AgCloud - Core,
Network, Firewall
AgCloud Server
Automation as a
Service (CAaaS)
The primary focus of the CA-RBAC service is to establish Elevated
Privilege (EP) controlled access into hosted resources. All
infrastructure and hosted customer systems inside the DISC logical
security boundaries use the system today. For servers and various
other forms of resources which reside within the USDA UTN TIC such
as IAAS or Managed Hosting, the CA-RBAC service can be extended
into other boundaries for customers. If a domain trust is required
to establish pass-through authentication services from a different
credential store or identity provider, the DISC’s CA-RBAC system can
support that type of interconnectivity.
The Central Authentication
System (CAS) provides
a highly available
authentication and directory
services solution for PaaS,
IaaS, and Managed Hosting
customers. This service
enables authentication and
Active Directory services to
be consumed from the EDC
domain on a cloud service
providers platform.
Options - Offerings and Packages
There are two options for subscribing to the RBAC-AD AgCloud solution.
Fully Managed Option
Self Managed Option
The Self-Managed option gives the customer the most exibility in managing their assets in the EDC
active directory domain. The customer will be required to comply with all Federal and USDA polices for
their assets. ISC retains the right to remove any assets from the EDC.DS1.USDA.GOV domain that are out
of compliance and/or could cause an immediate harm to the USDA.
The customer will use the role-based access control system to manage users, service accounts and
roles in the EDC Active Directory. This includes creating users, adding users to roles, resetting user
passwords, and creating service accounts
AgCloud - RBAC-AD
AgCloud is a decoupled service delivery model that enables consumption of cloud services from
an approved list of cloud service providers. This eco-system has been built to enable government
agencies to scale computing environments regardless of the functional and operational platform
requirements. AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, as well as DISC vCloud components can all be deployed
through this eco-system. AgCloud Service Management development is based on a iterative approach
which focuses on customer needs and customer requirements. This approach governs net-new
capabilities as well as production ready release dates.
DISC has implemented a hub spoke architecture in each cloud provider supported. The Cloud Service
Provider (CSP) will have a DISC provided subscription containing network, rewall, and Active Directory
servers. Customers must peer to this network to take advantage of services and inherit security
AgCloud - Server - PaaS
Cloud managed server offering providing full server administration,
certication, and accreditation (up to and including the Operating
System), security controls, as well as many other benets.
The AgCloud Server PaaS platform is a fully managed DISC
platform that is designed to give the customer a fully managed,
supported, secure way to the cloud including an ATO, security
services, patching services, administration services, and so
forth. Additionally, AgCloud Server PaaS can be thought of as an
extension of the DISC data center into the cloud.
Included Components
Customer opting to participate in the AgCloud Server PaaS offering receive the benets of full server
administration, certication, and accreditation (up to and including the Operating System), security
controls, as well as many other benets.
Cloud Security – Inherited controls with full FISMA compliant Risk Management Framework and ATO
Cloud Authentication – Access, Identity Management, Automated compliance, and conguration
Cloud Technical Services: Operating System, Network/Security, Support, Certication and
Vulnerability scanning
Virus/malware protection (on Windows)
Operating System patching
System monitoring
Other services provided can be found in the Appendices of your customer agreement
The CASP service includes an automatically provisioned, hardened and managed operating system for
customers to install database and applications workloads upon. Customers manage the installation and
management of all applications, databases and custom software. When situations arise that require a
modication to the environment or require DISC administrator action, customers may open a ticket with
the DISC Service Desk to engage the appropriate DISC team(s). Services that are automatically included
and managed on the customers behalf without intervention, include:
In some instances, customers may require assistance with application software installation and support.
The customer can request DISC Professional Services by contacting their DISC Business Relationship
Manager, either directly or through the Service Desk.
Akamai is an content delivery network (CDN), cybersecurity, and
cloud service solution, providing web and Internet security services.
Akamai’s Intelligent Edge Platform is one of the world’s largest
distributed computing platforms in use today.
DISC can provide 3rd party Akamai Web Accelerator service to further
enhance web application performance and availability as well as
deliver static websites. Front end redundancy and geographically
dispersed nodes for last loop efciency are included.
This service is built upon Akamai’s Edge Advantage™ platform
and Akamai’s Dynamic Site Accelerator™. The solution introduces
intelligent content generation and comprehensive site delivery at
the edge and provides E-businesses with the optimal solution for
dynamic website availability, scalability, and performance.
Ecosystem providing capabilities for transactional and long-term storage. Enablement for le storage,
block storage, object storage, and backup solutions.
A variety of primary, backup, bulk storage, on-premise, and cloud based options are available as part
of the Digital Infrastructure Services Center (DISC) Storage Services. These enterprise-class solutions
include periodic technology refreshes with the ability to provide customers with required capacity
needs along with proper planning. Customers utilizing these shared services will realize economies of
scale as all subscribers contribute to the overall install base and effective rates.
SAN Storage
NAS Storage
The DISC Storage Area Network (SAN) provides a robust disk storage infrastructure for Collocation,
Managed Hosting, and Cloud Service customers. DISC exploits storage virtualization technologies,
strict standards, and economies of scale to enable rapid delivery of cost- effective, fully managed disk
storage cost and performance options.
The DISC Network Attached Storage (NAS) service provides a robust storage infrastructure for
Collocation, Managed Hosting, and Cloud Service customers. DISC provides storage technologies,
strict standards, and economies of scale to enable rapid delivery of cost-effective, fully managed
storage cost/performance options.
Enterprise Storage Arrays
High scalability
High performance
High availability
Robust data replication and disaster recovery features
Highly available NAS architecture
º Uses virtualized disk architecture
Supports both NFS and CIFS le sharing
Integrated data snapshot technology, allowing customers to self-service data restores
Security of mission-critical data provided through management of access rights
Periodic technology refresh
Fully secured data access and inheritable controls
Proper disposal of failed data components
Data at Rest Encryption enabled for all NAS
Options - Offerings and Packages
The Network Attached Storage (NAS) service provides le level access, to storage on a network, with:
º Three NAS Performance Tiers:
Premium (8K IOPS per TB)
Standard (2k IOPS per TB)
Value (512 IOPS per TB)
º Network connectivity
º Optional geographically dispersed data replication
º Connectivity support for NFS (Unix/Linux/Windows) and CIFS (Windows)
NAS Storage
DISC uses its portfolio of competitive storage services to cost effectively meet customer requirements.
Using the major storage service building blocks, DISC can potentially work with customers to tailor
storage services based on actual business application requirements.
A variety of primary, backup, and bulk storage options are
available as part of the Digital Infrastructure Services Center
(DISC) Storage Services.
These enterprise-class solutions include periodic technology
refreshes with the ability to provide customers with required
capacity needs along with proper planning. Customers utilizing
these shared services will realize some economies of scale as all
subscribers contribute to the overall install base and effective
rates. All DISC storage services billing is based on allocated
Object Storage
Object Storage
Object Storage Service: The Object Storage service uses utilizes
cost-effective storage technology consisting of:
Unlimited data ingest and retrieval at no additional charge
Geographically dispersed and/or global Multi-zone support
Redundant, Erasure coding architecture available
S3 protocol support
Both onsite and offsite data storage available
Fully managed data protection and archive
Automated data protection software
Network and SAN client software
Optional database client software
Automated archive management software
Fully encrypted (at rest and in ight) with
inheritable controls
Proper disposal of failed data components
Disaster recovery support for replicated data
Customer Backups - Primary Backups Onsite
and Replicated copy to Offsite for Disaster
The DISC Backup Storage service provides a robust combination of hardware and software
technologies for Collocation, Managed Hosting, and Cloud Service customers’ data protection and
archive requirements. DISC exploits automation technologies to enable the delivery of cost-effective,
fully managed data protection and data lifecycle storage solutions.
DISC can provide collaboration on the cloud through its secured cloud-based storage service. This
cloud based remote storage capability is accessible from the Internet through mobile device, browser,
or thick client which will provide agencies/organizations the capability to have their own private cloud
storage. Users of cloud storage can share content with other cloud storage users within that domain.
Agency Role Managers are required to add/remove individual users using ICAM’s Identity
Management process. Content that is deleted is not recoverable. Users are discouraged from using
CloudVault as part of a business process.
Cloud Vault
DISC PaaS and Storage Services
Web based interface to securely upload and download les
Version control
Sharing of les with both registered and no- registered users
Secure le sharing with password and expiration date
Downloadable sync clients to sync from your desktop, laptop, or mobile devices
Ecosystem providing connectivity services for LAN and WAN functionality. The DISC Network Services
include Local Area Network (LAN) connectivity for hosted systems and applications as well as
connectivity to the USDA Wide Area Network (WAN) and the Internet. Secure connectivity to cloud
provider enclaves is also supported through AgCloud services.
Network Services are comprised of two core programs, Network Infrastructure and Telecommunications,
which create the backbone for all physical and logical connectivity within the data centers and the
information systems connected to it. These programs integrate with each other to create a robust
network environment that support federal information systems which reside on cloud and DISC hosting
Network infrastructure consists of best in class, industry standard networking gear. Associated
components of the networking environment include LAN/WAN connectivity, Core Routing and Switching,
Domain Name Service (DNS), Local/Global Load Balancing, and Network Time Protocol (NTP), as well as
connectivity to cloud providers.
Portfolio Roadmap
LAN connectivity services are provided and updated depending on customer requirements and
demand. WAN services are provided in partnership with OCIO-ENS (Enterprise Network Services) to
provide ongoing connectivity to cloud provider environments utilizing AT&T UTN services.
Description of Service Roadmap, timelines, projects. Should be able to contain visual for development
Should contain roadmap images as well as links to Jira Plan. Jira project will need to be dened
and a plan created off of that project. Views may be different for the different projects and service
components. Some plans may be combined views and some will be singular projects.
Fully managed LAN infrastructure in each DISC Enterprise Data Center(EDC)
Connectivity to the USDA Universal Telecommunications Network (UTN) WAN and Internet
Network engineering and design consultation
Network utilization monitoring and capacity planning
Network load balancing and high availability solutions
Fully integrated Network Security services
Hosting services included Network Services:
Platform as a Service
Infrastructure as a Service
Managed Hosting services
The DISC Network Services include Local Area Network (LAN) connectivity for hosted systems and
applications as well as connectivity to the USDA Wide Area Network (WAN) and the Internet.
Network Service
Ecosystem providing virtual application hosting,
server, managed hosting, and mainframe
functionality. Enablement of automated
deployment management and white glove
managed services with ATO inheritance.
Server PaaS
The DISC PaaS-Server Hosting Service offering includes robust hardware platforms that are virtualized
for optimal cost efciency and exibility. The underlying hardware is coupled with DISC network,
storage, security, and administrative services to provide a fully managed operating platform up to and
including a supported operating system. By enforcing strict standards that streamline management
efforts, the DISC PaaS-Server hosting offering provides a balance between performance and the most
cost-effective server hosting option available. Not all business applications are an appropriate t for
a virtualized environment so while this service offering should certainly be explored rst, it is possible
some applications and workloads may not be an appropriate t within the service parameters.
DISC will manage customer-provided servers up through the Operating System (OS) in a secure
operating environment including systems installation, engineering, administration, and support.
The DISC Other Hosting solutions include Midrange Managed Hosting and Collocation services. Within
Collocation services, DISC also provides ON-NETWORK and OFF-NETWORK.
Managed Hosting
The Mainframe Platform as a Service provides a robust, fully-managed enterprise datacenter
infrastructure to enable rapid z/OS-based application development and deployment.
The DISC Virtual Application Hosting service provides the technology necessary to enable the hosting
of business applications remotely in the DISC Enterprise Data Center. Combined with other key
enabling DISC cloud services, the Virtual Application Hosting service can provide a traditional end user
experience for business applications.
Virtual Application Hosting (CITRIX)
DISC provides an enterprise-class portal solution for web application hosting that allows aggregation
of applications and content for delivery as a single, role- based application.
Web Portal
Multi-tenant container service built using RedHat’s OpenShift Container Platform (OCP). Provides
Docker based container hosting as well as DevOps workow tools. Containers package software in a
format that can run isolated on a shared operating system; they do not bundle a full operating system
- only libraries and settings required to make the software work are needed. This makes for efcient,
lightweight, self-contained systems and guarantees that software will run uniformly, regardless of
where it’s deployed.
Lightweight: Docker containers running on a single machine share that machine’s operating system
kernel; they start instantly and use less compute and RAM. Images are constructed from lesystem
layers and share common les; minimizing disk usage and increasing image download speed.
Standard: Docker containers are based on open standards and run on Linux distributions.
Secure: Containers isolate applications from one another and from the underlying infrastructure.
Docker provides the strongest default isolation to limit app issues to a single container instead of the
entire machine.
The ECP service is a multi-tenant, fully self-service platform for customer application administrators
and developers who are looking to manage the complete lifecycle of their code in an automated
container-based orchestration platform.
Based on industry standard open-source technologies such as Kubernetes, Docker containers and
ETCD; the DISC Enterprise Container platform is a collection of proven technologies integrated to
provide Docker container orchestration and code-based application delivery all from an automated
AppDev centric, hosting environment. DISC is utilizing RedHat’s OpenShift as our current container
platform solution.
Container Platform
Web Application Server
DISC provides an enterprise-class web application server environment for robust, fault-tolerant web
application hosting based on Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition (J2EE) that includes:
JDK, EJB, Servlet, JSP, JMS, JDBC, JAX-RPC, SAAJ, Web Services for J2EE, JAXR, Java Authorization
Contract for Containers, J2EE Management, J2EE Deployment, and J2EE Connectors.
Complex Solutioning processes for enterprise class
software development and management of government
software solutions. Holistic approach for agreement,
funding, requirements gathering, solutioning, delivery, and
O&M driven by customer requirements.
DISC provides a full spectrum of innovative business and
professional services for developing, maintaining and
supporting enterprise class business applications to
federal and non-federal agencies. Our goal is to be the
number one choice for integrated enterprise applications,
web services, custom desktop, mobile and geospatial
applications, and security and compliance services.
The following services are provided through our application development teams and
complex solutioning practice areas:
Development and enhancements for enterprise class, large, medium and small
applications and services. Your data and supporting applications securely integrated.
Professional Section 508 compliance and accessibility testing for your application or website.
Professional expertise to install, congure, operate and maintain industry standard
database software.
Map application development and integration. Geospatial data modeling and management.
Desktop and web geospatial tools and services. Integration of COTS solutions. Mobile data
Security support, consulting, and ATO Assessment and Authorization services built into your
application development project.
Provides a unied point of presence for the acquisition and delivery of all Cloud services
and assets within the Department.
Professional expertise to create and maintain innovative web technology development.
Access, availability, and reliability 24/7.
Consulting and development services for Android, iOS and Mobile responsive web applications.
The Agriculture Learning (AgLearn) system is USDA’s Department-wide system for managing training
records and activity.
Professional expertise to develop and manage your SharePoint site. Custom development services
and support options.
Services include Salesforce and ServiceNow. USDA license management. Customized
apps and support.
Design and planning for cloud and hosting related services. Cloud migration planning
and execution.
DISC provides full stack application development services offered across cloud and on-premise
applications. Our team ensures customer requirements are met from concept to delivery by spanning
across business enclaves to deliver on requirements gathering, nancial management, agreement
management, and project management all contributing to modern application development.
DISC Enterprise Application Development (DISC-EAS) provides .Net development, security and
compliance, business automation, section 508 compliance, testing & remediation, annual
support services.
.Net software development services, 508 compliance, and operational support.
Options - Offerings and Packages
Application Development
Trained professionals create and maintain cutting
edge web technology solutions tailored to customer
Integrated applications and responsive web design
Interoperability with outside applications
Advanced security features
Cutting edge memory management and performance
Simplied deployment processes
Robust security and integrity
eAuth single sign-on and permissions integrations
AgLearn is USDA’s enterprise training and workforce development system. AgLearn is a full-service
operation that provides comprehensive solutions to meet the highly diverse training requirement of
USDA’s ofces and agencies.
As the ofcial training data repository for USDA, AgLearn also provides a central source of reports and
information to managers and executives on the status of training activities and the associated value
of those activities. Tracks and records completed training for more than 140,000+ USDA employees,
contractors, interns, partners, and external customers. AgLearn provides robust learning management
and training tools that can save your organization signicant funds, time, and effort.
AgLearn is the ofcial system of record for all training in the USDA.
We are committed to providing a high-quality user learning experience delivered anywhere in the
world on a wide variety of devices whenever the user wants it.
Our goal is to provide learners with more than just mandatory training. AgLearn was created to do so
much more by providing access to world-class content by industry leaders such as Rosetta Stone,
LinkedIn Learning, Skillsoft and DMason Financial.
AgLearn is a collaborative workforce solution backed by an experienced and dedicated team
for ongoing support. The environment is constantly evolving to provide the latest in content and
capabilities so that your organization stays up to date and modernized.
Personalized - Branded theme, role specic courses, and resources
Responsive Design - Access learning across a variety of desktop and mobile devices.
OPM EHRI Reporting - Completed training gets reported directly to the OPM EHRI database.
WCAG and 508 Ready - Supports Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) and Section 508.
Extensive Support - Comprehensive admin and course creation support and training.
SF182 Support - Embedded right into the system.
Access to Learning Partners
Dmason Financial
LinkedIn Learning
Rosetta Stone
*Not all agencies provide federal employee access to these partners. Contact your AgLearn agency
point of contact for more info.
Mandated Training – to include the creation, delivery, and monitoring of mandatory training as
dictated by law, regulation, or executive mandate.
Classroom Management – to include registration, provisioning, coaching, and delivering of online
and ofine training to over 25,000 participants each year.
External Training Management – including an online SF-182 form for automatically requesting,
reviewing, and approving/disapproving external training.
Library of Common Work Resources for Federal employees – including thousands of in-house
courses, and over 14,000 courses and videos from Skillsoft and LinkedIn Learning; 15,000+ books
from Skillsoft, and the suite of Dmason Financial courses. AgLearn offers optional access to the
Rosetta Stone portfolio of language learning resources. These resources are available across a
wide spectrum of development activities and learning modes, including mobile.
Mission-specic Online Courses – which includes over 100 custom courses a year to support the
training needs of the many programs, services, and systems in USDA.
Talent/Competency Management – to include individual development activities, leadership
development initiatives, and workforce management planning.
Full learning management service:
Course development software and expertise
Dedicated Section 508 and WCAG compliance experts
Highly trained, dedicated support teams
Ofcial System of Records for all USDA training and reporting
Tier 0: Ask AgLearn Now Answers
Tier 1: help desk support for users via email and/or phone
Tier 2: support for agency AgLearn lead administrators.
Options - Offerings and Packages
LMS HOSTING AND SUPPORT - Operations and maintenance for Production and environments, AWS
GovCloud infrastructure and support, monitoring of database, content servers, and backing up of
production data and database.
SOFTWARE LICENSES - Procure and distribute LMS licenses to users. Central point of contact for LMS
software vendor.
HELP DESK SUPPORT - Create, publish and manage frequently asked questions for both users and
administrators on AgLearn website (Ask AgLearn Now). Manage inquiries from users and administrators.
VENDOR COURSE CONTENT - Procure course content libraries. Central point of contact for e-learning
course libraries.
CUSTOM COURSE DEVELOPMENT AND SECTION 508 TESTING - Design, development, implementation and
evaluation of mission-specic courses, Federal mandated courses and other courses. Perform Section
508 for courses to ensure they meet Section 508 compliance.
Atlassian is a suite of integrated applications useful for all stages of development and collaboration.
It is particularly benecial in an Agile environment. Not only does EAS offer this as a service, EAS also
uses the Atlassian suite to manage and deliver on customer projects.
Some of the primary Atlassian modules are:
Jira - Plan, Track, and Release Software
Conuence – Team workspace where knowledge and collaboration meet
Bitbucket – Code repository management solution designed for professional teams
Bamboo – Continuous integration, deployment, and delivery
Service Desk – Flexible and collaborative IT Service Management (ITSM) solution
Atlassian as a Service
The Digital Services Center (DSC) is a division within the USDA/OCIO/DISC/Enterprise Application
Services (EAS) that provides direct support to agencies that have applications residing in SaaS based
cloud solutions, or want to develop applications in one of these SaaS based cloud environments. We
offer a full spectrum of professional services such as project planning, architecture reviews, agile
development, release management, security support, and on-going operations and maintenance for
applications residing in SaaS based cloud platforms such as Salesforce and ServiceNow.
DISC Enterprise Application Services Cloud Architecture Branch
(DISC-EAS-CAB) provides architecture solutions for government
customers. DISC-CAB has experienced cloud architects to aid
clients in enabling the adoption of cloud services. DISC-CAB can
help with the analysis of on-premise systems, evaluate cost
factors for cloud migration, architect and build cloud solutions,
ensure security controls are maintained, and deliver solutions
up to operational support.
Provides direction, design, and planning for cloud and hosting related services
Cloud migration planning and execution
Leads the development of plans, policies, standards and programs in the areas of secure multi-
tenant cloud hosting services
Ensures all designs and implementations include proven and comprehensive security methods
and controls
Cloud Architecture Services
Digital Services Center (DSC)
DISC provides a full spectrum of innovative business and professional services for developing,
maintaining and supporting enterprise class business applications to federal and non-federal
agencies. Our goal is to be the number one choice for integrated enterprise applications, web services,
custom desktop, mobile and geospatial applications, and security and compliance services.
Mobile Computing
Professional management and support of your SharePoint site.
Modern and responsive sites using the SharePoint Online modern experience. That means our
solutions work on any device.
Custom form and application development using Microsoft Power Apps.
Business automation development using Microsoft Power Automate.
Section 508 Compliance
Monthly educational presentations on different features and functions offered to customers as a
Section 508 Compliance Testing
DISC Enterprise Application Services (DISC-EAS) complies with 26 US Code § 794 (d) for Section 508
compliance. Involving Section 508 standards from the start of an IT project and testing during the
development process will ensure that most potential Section 508 problems are already remediated
by the time the project is ready for deployment. Creating accessible electronic documents, including
Word, PDF, Excel, and PowerPoint, saves time and dramatically reduces the need for Section 508
For anyone new to Section 508 requirements, creating accessible electronic documents can be a
daunting task. The General Services Administration’s, Create Accessible Electronic
Documents lists accessibility guidance, checklists, and testing information for Microsoft Word, Portable
Document Format (PDF), scanned PDFs, Microsoft Excel, and Microsoft PowerPoint formats.
DISC-EAS Section 508 Team works closely with the USDA Section 508 Program Ofce to ensure
quality and continuity in our testing efforts. We use the USDA Product Testing Template as a guide
to determine and validate whether or not Section 508 requirements and accessibility are met.
Additionally, we are experienced in testing and remediation of electronic documents in a variety of
formats, including MS WORD, PDF and PowerPoint.
SharePoint Solutions
For customers requiring a customized SharePoint solution, EAS has trained professionals to create
cutting edge solutions. The EAS SharePoint development team provides development services to
deliver user-friendly, feature rich modern applications that leverage new out-of-the box SharePoint
functionality coupled with customization for your business needs.
Guided by our customer’s requirements, we build custom SharePoint sites and if required, migrate
your data from pre-existing applications. We work closely with you throughout the process to ensure
the nal product meets your business needs.
New site build and conguration
Existing USDA Ofce 365 Cloud Environment conguration and support
Existing SharePoint site migration
SharePoint Solutions
Consulting solutions to aid customers with business and technical requirements. Multiple expertise
options delivered directly by DISC, a DISC managed vendor solution, or coordinated through a OCIO
partner. Organizations can quickly grind to a hault and become technically stagnant without a team
of experienced business and technical advisors.
DISC has the resources, contractual agreements, and IT Services strategy to provide for the future.
Our Professional Services aid in establishing a customer roadmap from supplementing large system
projects to smaller denitive sprints.
Application Integration Professional Services
ATO/Cont A&A Professional Services
Database Mgmt Professional Services
Disaster Recovery Professional Services
Network Professional Services
Planning and Integration Professional Services
Project Mgmt Professional Services
Security Professional Services
Standard Professional Services
Integrated Information Technology Governance Framework directed solutions to ensure IT Security,
FedRAMP compliance, and ATO standards. Includes rewall, PKI certicates, VPN, and security
DISC provides Information Systems and Network Security services that provide safe network
access, security administration, monitoring, and assessment to meet data security management
requirements. Security governance services are provided to safe guard DISC and its customers in
maintaining a solid security posture and complying to federal government Authorization to Operate
(ATO) standards.
DISC has employed a layered approach to system documentation in the CSAM tool. The approach
starts with the systems and sites that provide a foundation used by all DISC systems: Internal Services,
the Data Center, the Telecommunications Network, and Auxiliary Support Systems. Those foundational
systems support the DISC general support systems: the Midrange Systems, Mainframe, and Enterprise
Central Authentication & Role-based Access Controls
Digital Certicates (PKI) Services
Information Systems & Network Security
Remote Access VPN Services
Security Governance
Security Token Services
Federation Services
Central Authentication & Role-Based Access Controls
The Central Authentication service uses a Microsoft Active Directory
domain installed on Windows servers leveraging virtual machine
infrastructure dispersed among multiple data center locations for high
availability and fault tolerance.
The Central Authentication System (CAS) provides a highly available
authentication and directory services solution for PaaS, IaaS, and
Managed Hosting customers.
Digital Certicates (PKI) Services
Digital certicate issuing service offers customers the ability to leverage Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
and establish trustworthy connections for their application requirements.
Information Systems & Network Security (Firewall)
DISC provides Information Systems and Network Security services that provide safe network
access, security administration, monitoring, and assessment to meet data security management
Remote Access VPN Services
The Remote Access Virtual Private Network (RA VPN) service securely connects customer Elevated
Privilege (EP) users to their server and applications in DISC’s PaaS, IaaS, Managed Hosting, and other
cloud and hosting services.
Security Governance
DISC maintains a FedRAMP Moderate security control baseline, the USDA DISC has implemented FISMA
High security controls for all service offerings and FedRAMP+ DoD Impact Level 4 (IL4) controls within
the Midrange PaaS service offering.
Security Token Services
The DISC Token service enables multi-factor authentication services and can integrate with data
center infrastructure, DISC hosted servers, or applications, and external systems or applications.
Federation Services
DISC’s Federation Services (FDS) provides Microsoft or Open System users with credential access to
web systems and applications located across organizational boundaries.
Colocation as a Service
Space Rental
DISC government certied IL-IV datacenter solutions for colocation, hardware services, and
government facility space leases.
The DISC Enterprise Solutions are developed utilizing government and industry standards and best
practices. Our Level IV data center facilities utilize state-of-the-art, enterprise class infrastructure
technologies to deliver optimal yet cost-effective solutions. DISC has a diverse and dedicated staff
of Information Technology professionals who are procient in systems architecture and integration,
infrastructure management and operation, and disaster recovery.
They work with customers to deliver secure and highly available solutions. The DISC secure IT
infrastructure consists of virtualized mainframe and midrange platforms as well as virtualized network
and storage infrastructure. The systems and applications managed by DISC are national in scope,
mission critical, and essential for the operations of the United States government throughout the Sec/
Dev/Ops lifecycle.
Colocation as a Service
DISC’s Collocation Service provides customers with facilities (always equals space, cooling, power)
and physical security safeguards.
Business Continuity Planning / Disaster Recovery
Business Mgmt.
Business operations development driven by DISC complex solutioning process to aid in navigating
the complexities of government Information Technology. Business Continuity Planning and Disaster
Recovery are also included in this portfolio.
DISC provides business services to focus on customer needs in advancing IT requirements.
Applicable needs of a Mission Areas objectives can be cumbersome to navigate, time consuming to
understand, and technically complex to deliver.
Our “For Government, by Government” approach aids in streamlining the management aspects of
people, process, and technology to foster IT relationships. DISC not only architects, engineers, and
operates IT systems for government agencies but also helps customers manage vendor provided
technology offerings.
Portfolio Roadmap
Business Relationship Managers (BRM) dramatically enhance the overall DISC customer experience
by assisting with the translation of business needs into technical capability requirements and by
providing an escalation point for customer service issues. Our Agile based complex solutioning
process driven by a “OneDISC” focus enables customers to navigate the complexities of IT Service
Delivery. This process is more than providing a point of contact, more than providing design and
build services, it drives alignment of technical requirements through budget, authority, need, and
timing. Openly communicating long term operational steady-state delivery allows DISC to provide
technology services through partner members while controlling long term operational cost.
Business Continuity Planning / Disaster Recovery
DISC provides assistance to customers with their Disaster Recovery (DR) planning, coordination, and
incident response based on the Customer’s Business Impact Analysis (BIA), Recover Point Objectives
(RPO), Recovery Time Objectives (RTO), and overall recovery priority.
Business Management
Business Relationship Managers (BRM) dramatically enhance the overall DISC customer experience by
assisting with the translation of business application needs into technical hosting requirements and
by providing an escalation point for customer services issues.
Our innovative Business Automation and Integration services add more agility, security, and reliability
to your business drivers. The main benets of system integration and automation techniques are to
streamline your business processes and reduce the number of systems people need to interact with.
DISC offers customers various methods for automation and integration of business processes. We
have the systems and knowledge to connect data, applications, infrastructure, and security to aid
government Mission Areas in accommodating business evolution.
The concept of business automation is not to replace the people aspect of a government Mission
Area, its purpose is to decouple a workforce from repeatable manual tasks that tie them down.
Business automation and integration allows a company to get a more accurate understanding
of what is happening in their environment. This is accomplished with a mix of open collaboration,
business analysis, automation infrastructure, workow engines, analytics, and Application
Programing Interfaces (API).
Implementing a business solution automation mindset and capabilities can be a challenging task.
Many times a hybrid approach to business automation is required. DISC provides business and
technology solutions based on both Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) and Robotic Process
Automation (RPA) to address your needs.
Portfolio Roadmap
Should be able to contain visual for development roadmap. Should contain roadmap images as well
as links to Jira Plan. Jira project will need to be dened and a plan created off of that project. Views
may be different for the different projects and service components. Some plans may be combined
views and some will be singular projects.
Enterprise Application Integration (EAI)
Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
Enterprise Application Integration (EAI)
Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) is a platform designed to help businesses connect data,
applications, and devices across computing environments. EAI offers an on-premises option and a
cloud computing environment option.
Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
Technology that allows customers to congure computer software, or a “robot” to emulate and
integrate the actions of a human interacting within digital systems.
Business Continuity Planning / Disaster Recovery
Business Mgmt.
Ecosystem providing enterprise class data system platforms and content management solutions
including cloud-based data lakes, Microsoft SQL, MySQL, and Oracle.
DISC provides data and content management services across multiple aspects of technology and
business needs. Whether a Mission Area needs to provide information for decision support, host
massive amounts of geospatial data, utilize traditional database functionality, or broker data access,
we have the business and technology to make it happen. Our focus is on data regardless of where
a Mission Area needs it. Our data experts and vendor partners can facilitate massive amounts of
data management across cloud and on-premises services delivered in a relational, semi-structured,
unstructured, and binary format.
The Data Services Portfolio also includes data system hosting capabilities from cloud-based
platforms, as well as on-premises Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and Platform as a Service (PaaS)
options. Microsoft SQL, MySQL, Oracle, and data lake functionality.
Database management services are also offered as a professional services support contract or
project engagement scenario.
Database Management - Pro Services
DISC Database Management services can provide the necessary professional expertise to install,
congure, operate, and maintain industry standard database software.
Database - PaaS
The DISC Database Platform as a Service (PaaS-DB) offering provides a fully managed platform
solution for use as an integral part of an overall customer application hosting environment. PaaS-DB
provides scalable database services that provide required performance, reliability, and functionality
while also providing cost savings associated with the overall ease of management and the
economies of scale associated with a common, standardized solution.
Enterprise Content Management System
The DISC Enterprise Content Management System (ECMS) enables all authorized users within an
organization to create, capture, workow, store, manage, publish, view, search, and archive all types of
digital content, as well as providing the ability to support the entire content management lifecycle.
Contact the DISC Service Desk at: [email protected]
Phone: 888-873-6482
The DISC Service Desk is your single Point of Contact (POC) for managing incidents to resolution. The
Service Desk facilitates the restoration of normal operational service to minimize business impact to
the customer. The Service Desk is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and utilizes Information
Technology Service Management (ITSM) best practices to record, route, and manage the timely
response to all service requests.
DISC offers dedicated account teams and 24x7 monitoring and expert technical support to ensure
customers can focus on their core business without worrying about IT infrastructure.
Incident management
Problem management
Information requests
Service requests
Password resets
Account permissions
Connectivity issues
Remote access
Lost equipment notication
Conguration Management
Database (CMDB)
Asset Management
Conguration Management
Release Management
Change Management
Incident Management
Be prepared to provide required information
Contact information
Relevant agency and system information
Information related to request
Provide appropriate authorization for service requests
Utilize optional email template