Users Manual
v. 5.0
i-Tree is a cooperative initiative
ii-Tree is a state-of-the-art, peer-reviewed software suite from the USDA Forest Service
that provides urban and community forestry analysis and benets assessment tools. The
i-Tree tools help communities of all sizes to strengthen their urban forest management
and advocacy efforts by quantifying the environmental services that trees provide and
assessing the structure of the urban forest.
i-Tree has been used by communities, non-prot organizations, consultants, volunteers,
and students to report on the urban forest at all scales from individual trees to parcels,
neighborhoods, cities, and entire states. By understanding the local, tangible ecosystem
services that trees provide, i-Tree users can link urban forest management activities with
environmental quality and community livability. Whether your interest is a single tree or an
entire forest, i-Tree provides baseline data that you can use to demonstrate value and set
priorities for more effective decision-making.
Developed by USDA Forest Service and numerous cooperators, i-Tree is in the public
domain and available by request through the i-Tree website ( The Forest
Service, Davey Tree Expert Company, the Arbor Day Foundation, Society of Municipal
Arborists, the International Society of Arboriculture, and Casey Trees have entered into a
cooperative partnership to further develop, disseminate, and provide technical support for
the suite.
i-Tree Products
The i-Tree software suite v 5.0 includes the following urban forest analysis tools and utility
i-Tree Eco provides a broad picture of the entire urban forest. It is designed to use eld
data from randomly located plots throughout a community along with local hourly air
pollution and meteorological data to quantify urban forest structure, environmental effects,
and value to communities.
i-Tree Streets focuses on the ecosystem services and structure of a municipality’s street
tree population. It makes use of a sample or complete inventory to quantify and put a
dollar value on the trees’ annual environmental and aesthetic benets, including energy
conservation, air quality improvement, carbon dioxide reduction, stormwater control, and
property value increases.
i-Tree Hydro is the rst vegetation-specic urban hydrology model. It is designed to model
the effects of changes in urban tree cover and impervious surfaces on hourly stream ows
and water quality at the watershed level.
About i-Tree
i-Tree Vue allows you to make use of the freely available National Land Cover Database
(NLCD) satellite-based imagery to assess your community’s land cover, including tree
canopy, and some of the ecosystem services provided by your current urban forest. The
effects of planting scenarios on future benets can also be modeled.
i-Tree Species Selector is a free-standing utility designed to help urban foresters select
the most appropriate tree species based on environmental function and geographic area.
i-Tree Storm helps you to assess widespread community damage in a simple, credible,
and efcient manner immediately after a severe storm. It is adaptable to various
community types and sizes and provides information on the time and funds needed to
mitigate storm damage.
i-Tree Design is a simple online tool that provides a platform for assessments of individual
trees at the parcel level. This tool links to Google Maps and allows you to see how tree
selection, tree size, and placement around your home effects energy use and other
benets. This tool is in the early stages of development; more sophisticated options will be
available in future versions.
i-Tree Canopy offers a quick and easy way to produce a statistically valid estimate of land
cover types (e.g., tree cover) using aerial images available in Google Maps. The data can
be used by urban forest managers to estimate tree canopy cover, set canopy goals, and
track success; and to estimate inputs for use in i-Tree Hydro and elsewhere where land
cover data are needed.
The use of trade, rm, or corporation names in this publication is solely for the information
and convenience of the reader. Such use does not constitute an ofcial endorsement or
approval by the U.S. Department of Agriculture or the Forest Service of any product or
service to the exclusion of others that may be suitable. The software distributed under the
label “i-Tree Software Suite v. 5.0” is provided without warranty of any kind. Its use is
governed by the End User License Agreement (EULA) to which the user agrees before
The i-Tree Development Team actively seeks feedback on any component of the project:
the software suite itself, the manuals, or the process of development, dissemination,
support, and renement. Please send comments through any of the means listed on the
i-Tree support page:
Components of the i-Tree software suite have been developed over the last few decades
by the USDA Forest Service and numerous cooperators. Support for the development and
release of i-Tree v. 5.0 has come from USDA Forest Service Research, State and Private
Forestry, and their cooperators through the i-Tree Cooperative Partnership of Davey
Tree Expert Company, the Arbor Day Foundation, Society of Municipal Arborists, the
International Society of Arboriculture, and Casey Trees.
i-Tree Eco
i-Tree Eco is an adaptation of the Urban Forest Effects (UFORE) model, which was
cooperatively developed by US Forest Service Northern Research Station (NRS),
the USDA State and Private Forestry’s Urban and Community Forestry Program and
Northeastern Area, the Davey Tree Expert Company, and SUNY College of Environmental
Science and Forestry. The UFORE model was conceived and developed by David J.
Nowak and Daniel E. Crane (USFS, NRS) and Patrick McHale (SUNY-ESF). The UFORE
software was designed and developed by Daniel E. Crane and its graphical user interface
(GUI) by Lianghu Tian and Mike Binkley (The Davey Institute).
Many individuals contributed to the design and development process of the UFORE
application including Mike Binkley (The Davey Institute), Jaewon Choi (SUNY-ESF), Daniel
E. Crane (NRS), Greg Ina (The Davey Institute), Robert E. Hoehn (NRS), Jerry Bond and
Christopher J. Luley (Urban Forestry LLC), Patrick McHale (SUNY-ESF), David J. Nowak
(NRS), Jack C. Stevens (NRS), Lianghu Tian (The Davey Institute), and Jeffrey T. Walton
(Paul Smiths College).
Revisions for i-Tree Eco versions were carried out by members of The Davey Institute,
including Lianghu Tian, Michael Kerr, Al Zelaya, Scott Maco, and Mike Binkley based on
input and newly available research from NRS and feedback from i-Tree users. The manual
was edited and designed by Kelaine Vargas.
Data for the Australian enhancements were provided, in part, by Chris Spencer and Craig
Hallam (ENSPEC Environment and Risk) and with funding from Arboriculture Australia.
Andy Kenney (University of Toronto) helped facilitate data acquisition for Canada.
Introduction 1
About This Manual 2
Installation 4
System Requirements 4
Installation 5
Exploring Eco with the Example Project 5
Phase I: Getting Started 6
Early Decisions to Be Made 6
Creating a Sample 8
Gathering General Data 12
Phase II: Getting Started with Eco 15
Creating a New Project 15
Creating/conguring inventories 15
Location 15
Series 16
Year and other 17
Project options 17
Plot info: Dening plots 17
Managing map land use 19
Modifying benet prices 20
Preparing for Data Collection with Paper 20
Preparing for Data Collection with PDAs 21
Check status and install necessary components 21
Setting the project denitions 21
Setting the project options 22
Applying the new conguration settings to the PDA 22
Preparing for Data Collection with Smartphones and Tablets 23
Mapping Field Plots 23
Phase III: Out in the Field 25
Using the PDA for Data Collection 25
Table of Contents
Using a Smartphone or Tablet for Data Collection 25
Getting started 25
Options menu 26
Main window 26
Plot Establishment 26
Adding a replacement plot 27
Collecting Data 27
Survey information 27
Inaccessible plot centers 28
Plot information 29
Reference objects 32
Land use 33
Ground cover 35
Shrub information 36
Tree information 39
Entering dead trees 43
Crown rating precautions 46
Finishing Up the Plot or Site 53
Quality Assurance Plan 54
Denitions 54
QA timing 54
Variables to remeasure 55
QA forms 56
Phase IV: Back at Your Desk: Running Eco 57
Transferring Data to the Desktop 57
On your desktop 57
Paper forms 57
PDAs 57
Mobile devices 58
Making changes 59
Rechecking Data in the Field 59
For mobile devices and sample or complete inventory projects 59
For PDAs and complete inventory projects 60
Submitting Data for Processing 60
Downloading Results 61
Reporting Results 61
Available reports for sample projects (plot-based) 62
Available tables for complete inventory projects (100% census) 64
Model processing notes 65
Printing and exporting results 65
Pack Project 65
Appendix 1: Random Plots Workbook:
Stratied Sample 67
Project Area Data Preparation 68
Strata Preparation 69
Sample Plot Generation 75
Create Eco-ready Output 80
Appendix 2: Random Plots Workbook:
Unstratied Sample 83
Project Area Data Preparation 84
Sample Plot Generation 87
Create Eco-Ready Output 91
Appendix 3: Importing Existing Inventory Data 94
General Rules for Data Input 94
Creating a Template Within Eco 99
Using the Complete Inventory Import Function 100
Appendix 4: Pest Protocol 101
Appendix 5: International Limitations 108
Appendix 6 : Data Collection Forms 111
Eco was developed to help managers and researchers quantify urban forest structure and
functions based on standard inputs of eld, meteorological, and pollution data. The model
currently calculates the following parameters based on local measurements for sample-
based projects:
Urban forest structure, including species composition, tree cover, tree density, tree
health (crown dieback, tree damage), leaf area, leaf biomass, and information on
shrubs and ground cover types.
Hourly pollution removal by the urban forest for ozone, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide,
carbon monoxide, and particulate matter (PM
and PM
). The model accounts for
potential negative effects of trees on air quality due to BVOC emissions.
Reductions in public health incidents due to air quality improvements.
Effect of trees on building energy use and related reductions in carbon dioxide
Total carbon stored and net carbon sequestered annually by trees.
Susceptibility of trees to pests and diseases.
Annual rainfall interception by trees.
Exotic species composition.
Eco makes use of user-collected eld data. For large-scale areas (entire cities or
neighborhoods), a random sample of xed-area plots is analyzed. For smaller-scale
sites, a complete inventory option is available that will provide information on urban forest
structure, pollution removal, energy effects, rainfall interception, carbon sequestration and
storage, and resource value. Model outputs are given for the entire population and, for
smaller scale projects making use of complete inventories, results are also provided for
individual trees.
International urban foresters have shown increasing interest in pursuing Eco projects.
Eco version 5.0 has expanded capabilities that provide Australian and Canadian users
with similar functionality and processing as users in the United States. The i-Tree Team is
currently working with cooperators to improve functionality of the model in other countries
as time and limited resources will permit. Currently certain limitations apply to international
projects other than Australia and Canada both in terms of functionality and required inputs.
These limitations are outlined in Appendix 5.
Eco v. 5.0 offers several signicant upgrades over previous versions including the
Web-based data collection system for mobile devices, such as smartphones and
Google Maps–based sample plot generator for simple random sample projects
• Complete i-Tree Pest Detection Protocol reporting
New pest risk analyses based on host susceptibility, pest/disease range and
structural value
• Estimations of the health impacts and economic benets occurring from trees’
effects on air quality using EPA’s Environmental Benets Mapping and Analysis
Program (BenMAP)
• Updated ecosystem services valuation using EPA’s BenMAP program
Enhancements to complete inventory projects, including building-energy effects for
individual trees
• Standard PM
and biogenic volatile organic compound (BVOC) reporting
Rainfall interception reporting
Tree species invasiveness reporting at state level
Improved interpolation routine for air pollution processing
Expanded functionality for all Australian states and territories
Expanded functionality for all Canadian provinces and territories
For more information on the methodology that underlies Eco and the specic model
updates, visit > Resources > Archives under Eco.
Eco Mapping
A basic option to use NLCD imagery to map your results is no longer included in
Eco. Instead, Eco users interested in working with freely available NLCD imagery are
encouraged to explore the i-Tree Vue application, which offers updated modeling and
analysis options and greater functionality.
About This Manual
This manual provides all the information needed to conduct an Eco project. We start with
installing the software and move on to the four project phases:
Phase I: Getting started. In this section, we talk about decisions that need to be made
right at the outset, such as the boundaries of the study area and whether your inventory
will be a random sample of xed plots or a complete inventory of the site. During Phase
I, you’ll create a sample of plots to be inventoried if necessary. The nal step includes
gathering general data that some users will need to have ready.
Phase II: Getting started with the software. In this section, we run the Eco software
and use it to congure a project, create inventorying materials, and set-up the PDA or
smartphone/tablet functionality for those who will be using these tools to collect data. In
the last step, we describe how to map the eld plots so you know where to start.
Phase III: Out in the eld. This section is where all the hard work gets done, beginning
with setting up the plots. Most importantly, we cover what data elds you need to collect,
how to do so, and how to enter the data, either onto the paper forms or using the PDA or
mobile functions. Phase III ends with a description of how to perform quality assurance
checks to make sure your eld teams are being as accurate as possible.
Phase IV: Back at your desk: Running Eco. In this section, we describe how to transfer
data from the paper forms, your smartphone/tablet, or PDA to the desktop, how to submit
the data for processing and how to retrieve the results. This section covers all of the
available reports and describes how to save, export, and print your results.
Appendices: These six sections provide information on generating random plots for
stratied (Appendix 1) or unstratied (Appendix 2) samples, describe how to format and
import existing tree data into Eco for use in a complete inventory analysis (Appendix 3),
clarify pest detection protocol data collection (Appendix 4), describe limitations for projects
undertaken internationally (Appendix 5) and present the paper data collection forms for
printing (Appendix 6).
System Requirements
Requirements for desktop/laptop computers
Minimum hardware:
• 1.6 GHz or faster processor
512 MB of available RAM
• Hard drive with at least 500 MB free space
Monitor resolution of 1024 x 768 or greater
• Windows XP service pack 2 or higher OS (including Windows 7)
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Data Access Component (MDAC) 2.8 or higher (included in i-Tree
.NET 2.0 framework (included in i-Tree installation)
Adobe Reader 9.0
• For PDA users, ActiveSync 4.5 or higher for windows XP or Mobile Device Center
6.0 or above for Vista and Windows 7 (included in i-Tree installation)
Crystal Report 2008 Runtime (included in i-Tree installation)
Requirements for eld data collection devices
Smartphones, tablets, and other web-enabled mobile devices:
• A web browser with HTML-5 compatibility (most recent versions of Chrome,
Firefox, and Safari; IE 9 and 10 have limitations)
For an updated list of compatible devices, see the i-Tree forum at or
the system requirements document on the i-Tree website (
Windows Mobile 5.0–6.5 operating system
• 240 × 320 screen resolution
To install Eco:
1 Visit to download the software or insert the i-Tree Installation
CD into your CD/DVD drive.
2 Follow the on-screen instructions to run i-Tree setup.exe. This may take several
minutes depending on which les need to be installed.
3 Follow the Installation Wizard instructions to complete the installation (default
location recommended).
You can check for the latest updates at any time by clicking Help > Check for Updates.
Exploring Eco with the Example Project
Now that you’ve installed Eco, you would probably like to see a little of what the software
can do. To allow you to explore the program, we’ve included two example projects: a
plot-based sample inventory project and a complete inventory project (in which all trees in
a small area are inventoried).
1 You can begin by opening Eco using your computer’s Start menu > (All)
Programs > i-Tree > i-Tree Eco.
2 You have two example project options, available under File > Open Sample
Project: a plot-based sample inventory project and a complete inventory project.
Plot-based sample project
Under Edit > Enter or Edit Data, you can see a list of the plots. Clicking Edit Plot brings
up a window showing all the inventory elds that were collected for one plot. The charts
and tables as well as the written report can be accessed from the tool bar under Reports
or under View > Project Window. From the Tools menu, you can launch the PDA or
mobile webform utility and explore some of the options there.
Complete inventory project
Under Edit > Edit or Enter Data, you can see a list of the inventory records. Selecting a
tree and clicking Edit Tree brings up a window showing all the inventory data for that tree.
The tables can be accessed under Reports or under View > Project Window. From the
Tools menu, you can launch the PDA or mobile webform utility and explore some of the
options there.
We will, of course, explain all of these functions and more in greater detail, but for now feel
free to explore and see what’s available.
Early Decisions to Be Made
Before you get started with Eco there are several decisions that must be made. In this
section, we’ll describe some of the pluses and minuses of each option to help you make
your decisions.
NOTE: i-Tree Eco users have developed a number of documents to help others with
many aspects of Eco project planning and management. These are an excellent
resource and can be found at under Resources > Archives > i-Tree
Eco Project Planning & Management Resources.
What are the boundaries of your study area?
An Eco analysis can be done for an entire city, a neighborhood, a park, or even a backyard.
Will your inventory be a complete inventory of the entire study area or a series of
sample plots?
A typical Eco project involves inventorying a series of sample plots distributed across a
city, a large university campus, or other broad, diverse landscape. Occasionally, however,
some users have opted for an Eco analysis of small, discrete areas, such as a residential
parcel or a commercial property. In this case, a complete inventory of all trees on the site
makes more sense. Keep in mind, however, that data collection on each tree is intensive,
and sites with many trees will be very time consuming.
Will you format and import an existing complete inventory?
Users interested in analyzing an existing inventory now have the option to format their
existing complete inventory data into a compatible Microsoft Access database and import
into an i-Tree Eco project for analysis. You will need to create a new complete inventory
Eco project as detailed in Phase II and refer to the steps in Appendix 4 to format and
import data into an Eco project. The import option is not available for sample (plot-based)
project data at this time.
What kinds of eld data will you collect?
Certain information is required, while other variables are optional. Each variable collected
adds depth to the analysis but also adds to the cost of the project. There are four optional
data categories for sample inventory analyses:
Plantable space: If you would like to estimate the available planting space for your
Phase I: Getting Started
area, you will need to collect information on the fraction of each plot that is plantable.
Energy: If you would like to assess the effects your urban forest is having on energy
consumption, you will need to collect information related to nearby buildings (distance
and direction from trees).
Shrub: If you would like to know the effects your study area’s shrubs are having on air
pollution, you will need to collect information on the species, height, and cover of the
shrubs within the plots.
Hydro: i-Tree Hydro is a new module in the i-Tree suite that offers the ability to
assess the effects of urban tree cover and impervious surfaces on hourly stream
ow and water quality for a dened watershed. If you plan to conduct an analysis of
your watershed using Hydro, you will be asked to supply data regarding the average
percentage of impervious surface and shrub cover under the driplines of trees in your
area. As this information can be hard to come by, we have made it possible to collect
these data during an Eco project. Keep in mind, however, that the project boundary of
your Eco analysis should overlap or be the same as the watershed you will study in
Hydro for this to be valuable.
For complete inventory projects, you have the option to assess the effects your trees are
having on energy consumption. If you wish to do so, you will need to collect information
related to nearby buildings (distance and direction from trees).
Will you collect information on pests?
The i-Tree Pest Detection protocol ( can now be
used with sample and complete inventory Eco projects. This optional module allows you to
document signs and symptoms of tree pests and diseases as part of your Eco project.
To conduct your inventory, will you use (a) the Eco webform on a smartphone,
tablet, or other web-enabled mobile device, (b) i-Tree PDA tool, (c) paper forms, or
(d) a non-i-Tree inventory platform?
i-Tree Eco v.5.0 includes a very important update: projects can now be conducted using
web-enabled smartphones or tablets (hereafter mobile devices). The Eco mobile device
functionality isn’t an app that you have to download from a store; it’s a web-based
inventory data collection form. This means that the only requirement is a device with a web
browser that is HTML5 compatible. Compatible browsers include most recent versions
NOTE: The Pest Detection protocol is independent of the existing Eco pest
susceptibility report. The existing report does not reect eld-collected data about
actual risks and harm, but rather calculates the damage that a potential outbreak could
have based on species diversity in your population. This report will continue to be fully
of Chrome and Firefox (for Android phones and tablets), Safari (for iPhones and iPads),
and to a lesser extent, Internet Explorer 9 and 10 (for Windows phones and tablets). IE is
limited by its ability to cache data ofine—users must remain “connected” while collecting
eld data. For this reason, if you are using IE, you should be prepared to transfer your
data from your mobile device to the server frequently and recognize that a lost data
connection means all data since last submission will be lost.
For a running list of compatible devices, see the i-Tree forum at or the
system requirements document at
In addition to the mobile webform, Eco v.5.0 continues to support the use of a PDA for
data collection, which works seamlessly with the desktop application. It is customizable
for your project needs, easy to use, and results in a database that is properly formatted
for Eco and can be uploaded with a single click. The PDA application works with a variety
of handheld devices, including PDAs, smart phones, Trimble dataloggers, etc. running
Windows Mobile 5.0–6.5 operating system.
If your community lacks funding to support the use of PDAs or mobile devices or you
simply prefer to use an alternate method, that’s no problem. Inventories can be conducted
using paper forms, proprietary inventory tools, spreadsheets, etc. An inventory form is
included to make inventorying simpler, and the desktop Eco application includes a user-
friendly input form to simplify the data entry process. You should review the section Phase
III: Out in the Field: Collecting Data to help with planning.
Creating a Sample
If you are conducting a sample inventory of a large-scale study area, the most important
step in planning is to create the random sample of the plots. There are several decisions
to be made before you begin. The following sections are provided to help you understand
elements of designing a sample such as stratication options, the number of plots needed
and a method of randomly distributing plots. As Eco projects can differ greatly, these are
only guidelines and may not always be applicable to your project. Users are advised to
consult with a statistician regarding their project sample design if they have very specic
needs or concerns.
Your sample design decisions should be based on your desired project goals (i.e., the
questions you are trying to answer), the available resources to manage and complete
the project, and the desired precision of the model estimates. For example, a stratied
sample design with many plots may allow for comparison between land use types or
neighborhoods and for greater precision of the model estimates. However, there will be
associated project considerations such as the additional resources that will be needed to
create maps, obtain permission to access properties, travel to plots, and collect eld data.
Conversely, a simple unstratied random sample will not allow for comparison of subunits
but may provide sufcient information to achieve the project objectives.
A technical article is available at under Resources > Archives that
provides more detail on the effects of sample design options on project precision and
estimates. See “Effect of Plot and Sample Size on Timing and Precision of Urban Forest
Assessments” under the Eco resources section of this page.
Will you stratify your sample?
For some studies, stratifying (sub-dividing) the study area into smaller units can help clarify
differences across the study area. For example, you might stratify your city into land-cover
classes so that you can compare the urban forest effects in industrial areas with those in
residential areas. Ultimately, the decision to stratify should be based on your current and
future project objectives and your available resources.
No stratication (simple random sample): In a study with no stratication, plots
are laid out randomly across the study area. This is a simpler method and offers the
advantage of true randomness. True randomness, however, might not provide you
with a true picture of your urban forest. Consider, for example, an extreme case of
a city that is divided into two land uses: single-family residential (10% of total area)
and industrial (90% of total area), with all of the trees in the residential district. A true
random sample would place 10% of plots in residential areas and 90% of plots in the
industrial area and would result in an incorrect picture of the urban forest. Because
in most cities, the trees themselves are not distributed randomly across land uses
or neighborhoods, stratied sampling can offer a more accurate picture of the urban
forest. If you decide to stratify your study, you can either pre-stratify or post-stratify.
Pre-stratication: With pre-stratication, the study area is divided into smaller classes
(or strata) prior to determining the plots. The number of plots in each stratum is based
on which areas are believed to have the greatest variability or are of greatest interest.
Often the majority of the plots are distributed within residential and forest/vacant land
uses, as these areas tend to have the greatest density of trees. One disadvantage of
stratication is that it might make future studies that revisit the same plots difcult if
land uses change over time.
Post-stratication: With post-stratication, plots are distributed randomly throughout
the study area and strata boundaries are exible and can be determined or modied
after data collection or in the future. Post-stratication allows you to analyze your
data into multiple schemes. For example, you can use the same plots and eld
data to compare your results by land use types and then change the stratication to
allow for analysis by political boundaries, neighborhoods, or management units as
desired. Post-stratication allows you to manage the stratication boundary denitions
to analyze change over time if your project will be re-measured in the future. For
example, a land use category that is agricultural in an initial study may be developed
in the future and reclassied as residential or commercial. Although post-stratication
allows for greater exibility, one disadvantage is that estimates may not be as accurate
as a pre-stratied project where plot quantity is predetermined based on existing land
types and desired objectives.
Stratication limitations: If you decide to stratify your sampling, be sure not to
choose too many categories or strata. The number of strata used in an Eco project is
typically between 5 and 10 (for an analysis with 200 total plots) and can not exceed 14.
Too many categories can lead to analysis problems, as too few plots may fall in some
strata. Each stratum should have at least 20 plots.
How many plots will you inventory and how big will they be?
The number of plots to be inventoried must be determined. As a general rule, 200 plots
(1/10 acre each) in a stratied random sample (with at least 20 plots per stratum) will yield
a standard error of about 10% for an estimate for the entire city. As the number of plots
increases, the standard error decreases and you can be more condent in the estimate for
the population. The graph below provides a rough estimate of how the standard error of the
total number of trees in a city changes based on the number of plots sampled. Note how
for the rst 100 plots, the standard error drops more rapidly than for the second 100 plots,
although the standard error continues to drop with increased sample size.
Keep in mind, however, that as the number of plots increases, so does the time and cost
of eld data collection. A crew of two people can typically measure 200 plots within one
summer for a city with about 20% tree cover. The actual number of plots to be measured
differs based on many factors, including the size of the city and tree cover.
[Note: We recommend
adding an extra 5–10%
to your nal number to
use as replacements
where a plot is
The standard plot size
for an Eco analysis is
a 0.1 acre circular plot
with radius of 37.2 ft. If
necessary, smaller or
larger plots can be used,
for instance, if you are
analyzing a small area
in which 0.1 acre plots
would overlap.
Number of plots
Standard error (%)
What kind of randomization method will you use?
There are many ways that you can randomly distribute plots throughout your study area,
whether you are working with a stratied or unstratied sample. Again, your decision
should be based on the objectives of your study and the resources available to create the
layout. Some Eco users collaborate with local universities or government agencies for
assistance to create random plot layouts for their projects if they do not have the skills or
resources. The three most common randomization methods are the following:
Random: plots are laid randomly across the study area
• Grid: plots are laid on a xed grid (equidistance
between plots)
Randomized grid: plots are laid randomly within evenly
spaced grid cells
Random: Plots are laid randomly throughout the entire study
area or randomly within individual predetermined strata
boundaries if you select to pre-stratify your project. This type of
random plot distribution is typically created with the aid of a GIS
Grid: Random plots can also be created by laying out a xed
grid of points equidistant over the project area. This can be
done manually on a map or by using a GIS. Once the grid
points have been laid out, they are numbered, and specic
plots are chosen using a random number generator, which can
be found online or within software tools such as Excel.
An advantage of the grid method is that it can be produced
without a GIS. A potential disadvantage, however, may occur
if the grid unintentionally coincides with an existing city street
grid. Thus, many plots may fall on similar land uses, which may
not be desirable.
Randomized grid: In this method, an evenly spaced grid is laid
over the study area. Then, plot points are selected randomly
within each cell, which allows for a more even distribution of
points throughout your study area with a greater degree of
randomness than using a xed grid. This method would most
likely require use of a GIS to complete.
One advantage of the randomized grid is that it allows for
multiple post-stratication schemes because plots are more
evenly distributed.
Randomized grid
Creating the sample
You can use any method you like, including paper maps and pencil, as long as it follows
random sampling conventions. Eco v5.0 offers a new plot creator for simple random
sample projects that works with Google Maps. An ESRI ArcGIS shapele boundary of your
project area is required. This method is described in Phase II.
Eco plots can also be created in other programs and loaded into the application.
Appendices I and 2 in this manual provide detailed instructions for creating a completely
random sample (stratied or unstratied) using ESRI’s ArcGIS. The end result will be three
les to load into Eco during project set up to create a plot list for your project conguration.
Gathering General Data
Eco includes default weather and air quality data for users in the U.S., Canada, and
Australia. These data allow projects in these countries to be processed automatically and
results are typically returned in the same day. U.S., Australian, and Canadian users who
wish to make use of the default data will not need to gather any general data and can
continue to the next section.
For U.S. users, air quality and weather data are for the year 2005. Canadian Eco projects
are processed with default weather and air quality data from the year 2010. Australian Eco
projects are processed with default weather and air quality data based on availability for
states and territories within the country. Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales,
Tasmania and Victoria use default data for the year 2010. Northern Territory, Queensland,
South Australia and Western Australia use default data from the year 2011.
U.S., Australian, and Canadian users who wish to analyze more local data or data for
other years will need to follow the process described below as will all other international
Air quality data
Users in the United States, Canada, and Australia do not need to provide air quality data
for an Eco analysis, unless they wish to submit local data or use data from a year other
than 2005. Other international or users with local data should submit their hourly air
NOTE: Projects in the United States, Australia, and Canada are now processed
automatically and results are typically returned in the same day. Providing custom air
quality or weather data will necessitate custom processing by the US Forest Service
and will slow processing time signicantly
pollution information for a complete year in Microsoft Excel format with column names
and data as shown in the table below. Submit an individual sheet for each pollutant. Each
individual sheet for a single air pollutant can store data from multiple monitors of that air
pollutant for multiple years.
Column Column name Format Description
A Year Number The year the data were recorded
B Month Number
The month the data were
recorded (1–12)
C Spname Text
Name of pollutant; must be CO,
NO2, O3, PM2.5, PM10, SO2
D NationName Text
The name of the nation where
the pollution monitor is located
E PrimaryPartitionName Text
The name of the primary
partition where the pollution
monitor is located (e.g., state,
territory, province)
F SecondaryPartitionName Text
The name of the secondary
partition where the pollution
monitor is located (e.g., county)
G TertiaryPartitionName Text
The name of the tertiary partition
where the pollution monitor is
located (e.g., city)
H Addr Text
The address of the pollution
monitor (cannot exceed 5
characters including spaces)
I Units Number
1 indicates µg/m
; 7 indicates
J Quantity Number
The concentration of the
pollutant in ppm for CO, NO
, O
; and in µg/m
for PM
K Day Number
The day the data were recorded
L Hour Number
The hour the data were recorded
Include a Monitor Information sheet in the spreadsheet that includes Addr (the address
of the pollution monitor corresponding to column H) and location information for the
monitor including NationName, PrimaryPartitionName, SecondaryPartitionName,
TertiaryPartitionName and the latitude and longitude coordinates.
Pollution data should be sent to i-Tree support at [email protected] as an email
attachment referencing the associated Eco project. The data should be submitted at the
same time the project is submitted for analysis.
Weather data
Hourly weather data are necessary to analyze air pollution removal by the urban forest
and are available within Eco for most cities around the world for the years 1995–2010. If
you wish to provide your own weather data, more information and formatting requirements
are provided at under Resources.
With your sample created and your general data collected, you’re ready to move on to
Phase II and get started with Eco!
Once you’ve decided which elds to collect during your inventory and created a random
sample if appropriate, it’s time to get started with the software.
To begin working with Eco, click your computer’s Start menu > (All) Programs > i-Tree >
Creating a New Project
To start a new project:
1 Click File > New project. The Save i-Tree Eco Project window will appear.
Navigate to the location where you want to save the project, give it a name, and
click Save.
2 The Creating New Project window will appear. It asks you for the location of four
required databases (Species, Location, Input, and Report).
a The rst two blanks are lled in automatically and should be left as they are.
b The Input and Report databases are unique to a given project. Click Create
and navigate to the location where you want to create each le. In the File
Name eld, supply a name (e.g., MyTown_2012_Input and MyTown_2012_
Report), and click Save.
You can return to this window to make changes later by clicking File > Update Project. If
you have already started data collection, however, avoid making changes that would affect
the quality or integrity of the data.
Creating/conguring inventories
Once all four databases have been entered:
1 Click Congure Input. The Creating/Conguring Inventories window will open.
The different sections of this window are described in depth below.
1 Create a name for your project in the Location Name eld. Keep in mind that
the Location Name entered here will be used as the project title and will appear
throughout the text of the Eco written report and in all report chart and table titles,
so choose a location name carefully.
2 Choose nation, state, county, and place from the drop-down menus. [Note:
Phase II: Getting Started with Eco
If the community that includes your study area extends across more than one
county, you may have to try all relevant county names before the community name
appears in the menu.]
3 To select a Weather Station ID (available for Eco v. 5 projects in the U.S., Canada,
and Australia only):
a Click Select next to the Weather Station ID box. The Select a Weather
Station dialog box will appear with a red cross indicating your approximate
location based on the information entered above and green markers
indicating nearby weather stations offering hourly weather data. The Map
Type can be changed between Normal, Satellite and Hybrid images as
b Go to Location can be used to move the red cross hairs to a specic
geographic location. Simply enter an address and click Go. Zoom and Pan
functions can be operated by manipulating the mouse as specied in the
directions at the lower right of the screen or by moving the zoom slide bar.
c Click on the green marker nearest to your project location. Data may not
always be readily available within your city and the nearest location will
have to be used unless you have access to other local resources to acquire
and submit properly formatted weather data.
d Once a weather station is selected, the ID number and station name elds
will be lled in.
e Click OK to proceed with conguration steps.
1 Choose a Series Name to identify the exact nature of the project, e.g., “ParkTrees”
or “City,” to distinguish it from other Eco projects done at the same time in the
same place, if necessary. Series should be used sparingly. Their advantage is that
they can allow for more efcient data management, although there are some risks
associated with possible overrides of data. However, series cannot be compared
against each other within one project, but must be submitted to the US Forest
Service for analysis separately. It is therefore generally better to group data into
separate Eco projects with their own le names when such grouping is necessary.
2 If you plan to return to the same plots to reinventory them in future studies, check
the box marked Data collected permanent? This option is only valid for sample
3 Indicate whether you will be collecting a complete inventory (Inventory - 100%
census) or a random sample (Sampling with eld plots).
4 For sample inventories, select the Sampling Method from the drop-down box:
If you stratied your sample, select Stratied Random Sample. If your sample
was unstratied and plots were completely randomized, select Simple Random
Sample. If your sample was unstratied and you used the xed grid or randomized
grid methods to randomize the plots, select accordingly. This is for information only
and does not affect analysis.
Year and other
1 Type in the year of the inventory.
2 Choose between English and metric units.
Project options
1 Check the appropriate boxes for the data elds you decided to inventory in Phase I:
Getting Started: Early Decisions, including on shrubs, hydro, energy, and plantable
2 Check the Pest Detection included box if you decided to undertake the Pest
Detection Protocol.
3 You can use the Change Options button if you are working with an existing project
and want to activate the optional Pest Detection module or allow for energy effect
data collection to be added to your existing project.
4 When you are nished, click Add to Database.
Plot info: Dening plots
In the next step you’ll dene your plots, creating the proper number of empty rows in
the database, and map land uses. For complete inventories, skip to the next section:
Preparing for Data Collection.
1 If you’re following along, click Dene Plots. To access this window at other times,
go to File > Update Project > Congure Input > Dene Plots.
2 You can choose among Manually Create, Load from Files and Google Maps
Plots, a new option available in Eco v. 5.0 that allows you to create plots for simple
random sample projects using Google Maps and an ESRI ArcGIS shapele of your
project boundary.
3 To use the Google Maps Plots Generator functionality:
a Have ready an ESRI ArcGIS shapele of the boundary of your project area
ready, including the .shp, .dbf, and .shx les. This shapele MUST be in
geographic projection (latitude/longitude).
b Click Launch Google Maps Plots Generator.
c Browse to the locations of the three les that identify the boundaries of your
study area.
d Click Proceed to Random Plot Generation.
e In the Google Maps Sampling window that appears, enter either the
desired number of plots to be generated or the percentage of your study
area you want to sample. Refer to the decisions you made in Phase I
regarding plot numbers and sizes for more information.
f Indicate if you wish to measure plots of a size that differs from the default.
g Click Generate Random Sample Plots and plots will appear on the map.
h Click OK to exit the Plot Generator and load your new plots into your
i Once you’ve returned to the Dene Plots window, you can export your plot
data for use in creating maps for your data collection teams. To do so, click
Export Plot Points.
j You can skip the section on managing map land use and move on to
Preparing for Data Collection.
4 If you are loading plot points from les, you will have created a sample of plots
using one of the methods in the Appendices working with ArcGIS. You should have
created three Eco-ready les (the plot list report text le, the strata area report text
le, and the GIS projection le). To incorporate these:
a Select Load from Files.
b Click the button to the right of each le type, and navigate to each of the
c Set your plot size (usually 0.1 acre with a radius of 37.2 ft, but other sizes
are acceptable).
d Click OK to load plots into the database and then Exit to close the window.
NOTE: If you are using metric units, please enter your plot size with ve decimal
places for the most accurate conversion (e.g., 0.04047 ha for 0.1 acre plots or 0.02023
ha for 0.05 acre plots).
5 To manually create plots if you used an alternate method (such as paper maps and
pencils), select Manually Create. Enter your desired Plot Size (usually 0.1 acre)
and click the Manage Map Landuse button to launch the next screen.
Managing map land use
In the following steps, you will give i-Tree Eco more information about your stratication
classes (or nonstratication if this is the case), the total area of land each represents,
and the number of plots associated with each. Please note that although the name of
this function relates to land uses, it applies to all kinds of stratication (by neighborhood,
management zone, city council district).
Simple random samples: If your project is a simple random sample (unstratied), you will
only need to dene one map land use or stratum for the entire project.
1 Click Add New and in the boxes that appear at the bottom, assign a numerical
Land Use ID number (“1”), a Land Use Abbreviation (“CEnt”), Land Use Description
(“Entire City”) and Land Use Size (total study area). Click Submit Change and
then Exit.
2 Back in the Dene Plots window, place your cursor in the Plots To Be Added box
and enter the number of plots you will inventory. Click OK and then click Yes to
Stratied projects: If you did not use the method in the Appendices to stratify your
project, follow the steps below to manually create multiple land uses/other strata with
associated plots.
1 From the Dene Plots dialog screen, enter in a plot size and click the Manage Map
Landuse button.
2 Click Add New and enter your rst land use or other stratication category into the
elds below. Assign a Land Use ID number (“10”), Abbreviation (“Res” or “FQ”),
Description (“Residential” or “French Quarter”), and Land Use Size (total area of
residential land or of the French Quarter neighborhood). Click Submit Change to
populate table.
3 Repeat the sequence for each additional category. Remember, the size of the
individual categories created must add up to the total project area.
4 Click Exit when complete.
5 Once the categories have been dened, you must create plots for each land use
using the Dene Plots dialog screen. For each category listed in the Dene Plot
screen, place your cursor in the corresponding row under the Plots to be Added
column and enter the number of plots for that category. Select OK to populate.
Values will appear in the Existing Plots column.
Note: Plots will be numbered in the order they are created. For example if your rst
map land use was Residential with 100 plots and your second was Commercial
with 25 plots, plots 1–100 will be initially assigned as residential and plots 101–126
will be assigned as commercial. The map land use assignments for a plot can be
changed from the manual data entry form when eld data are entered.
6 Click Exit to close the dialog box when complete.
Merging map land uses: One nal feature of Managing Map Land Uses is the ability to
combine two existing land uses into one category using the Merge button. Land use areas
will be combined and plots will be combined into the land use category specied.
This feature is useful for reassigning a land use category in subsequent projects. For
example, if your original project contained an agriculture category and that land has since
been developed, you could merge the plots within the Agriculture class into a Residential
or Commercial class. Remember, if you merge Map Land Use classes of an existing
project after receiving your results, you will need to resubmit the merged data to update
the analysis. Note, also, that once two categories are merged, they can’t be unmerged.
Modifying benet prices
Eco v. 5 includes a new option allowing you to modify default benet prices more local or
recent values if available. You can adjust the monetary benet value for electricity, heating,
carbon and rainfall interception.
Preparing for Data Collection with Paper
Your next step is to create the eld data collection materials you will need. If you have
decided to collect data on paper forms:
1 From the Project Conguration window (File > Update Project > Congure
Input), click on the Print button next to Sampled Paper Collection. These forms
are also available in Appendix 4 or from the tool bar under Tools.
2 To create paper forms for a complete inventory, click on the Print button next to
Inventory Paper Collection. These forms are also available in Appendix 4 or from
the tool bar under Tools.
NOTE: The benet prices can only be changed before your nal project is submitted
to the U.S. Forest Service for analysis. If you wish to change these values after your
project has been submitted, you will need to submit it again for processing.
We’ll cover each aspect of how data collection relates to the forms in Phase IV below,
but for now take a moment to familiarize yourself with them. The sections on the form
conform to the main categories of data collection. For sample inventories, this includes
plot information (address, GPS coordinates, sketch), permanent reference data for
locating the site in the future, land use and cover data, ground cover, shrubs, and trees.
For complete inventories, this includes general location information, tree characteristics,
land use type, and building interactions.
Preparing for Data Collection with PDAs
Follow the instructions below if you decided to collect data using a PDA.
When you are ready to begin working with the PDA, connect it to your computer.
Your computer must recognize your PDA. If it does not do so automatically, follow the
instructions that came with the device to achieve this.
Check status and install necessary components
If you are still following along with the directions above, click Launch PDA Program
Generator. The i-Tree Eco PDA Utility window should be open on your screen. If not, from
within the Eco desktop application, click Tools > PDA Utility.
1 To begin you’ll be asked to conrm the project you’re working on. Click OK.
2 Your rst step should be to see what software needs to be loaded on the PDA. To
do so, click Check PDA Status. If any components are missing, they will be shown
in red and an Install button will appear.
3 Click Install to add the necessary components and follow the instructions on the
screen and on the PDA.
Setting the project denitions
Once the PDA is properly set up:
1 Click the Project Denition tab in the PDA Utility interface. Each of the steps
represented by the buttons shown on this screen must be executed. Some may be
repeated later without any harm. However, once the project is set up, changes to
the project denition are usually not made.
2 Add/Edit/Delete Survey Team Information: This button brings up a screen that
allows you to edit survey team names that will appear on the PDA during log-in.
3 Import Plot List from Field Input Database for Project (sample inventories
only): For projects involving a sample inventory, the list of available plots must be
imported so they can be selected from the list on the PDA. Clicking this button
brings up a screen that lists all plots created earlier in the Creating/Conguring
Inventories: Dene Plots window.
a Click the button at the bottom labeled Import All Plots from Field Input
Database. As plots are completed, they will disappear from the lower box of
uncompleted plots so you can follow the progress of your project.
[NOTE: The plot list should only be imported once onto each PDA during
the course of a project!]
4 Add/Edit/Delete Additional Ground Cover Types (sample inventories only):
This button brings up a screen that allows you to edit the ground cover types to be
included in the data collection. Ten come preloaded and the ID numbers 1–49 are
reserved. You may enter up to 50 more ground cover types using the ID numbers
Setting the project options
When you have completed each of the Project Denition tasks, click the Project Options
tab to move on. The pre-dened items on the left are as you set them under Creating/
Conguring Inventories and can only be changed there.
1 Under Field-Dened Items on the right, check the boxes next to each option
(plantable space, energy, shrub cover, and hydro) you decided to measure during
Phase I: Early Decisions.
2 Click Update Cong File when you are nished.
Applying the new conguration settings to the PDA
Click the PDA tab to begin applying the new settings to the PDA. With the PDA connected
to your computer and ActiveSync or Windows Mobile Device Center running:
1 Click Send Conguration to PDA.
[NOTE: Dening and sending project conguration data is typically done only once
at the start of the project. This procedure will automatically clear the PDA of any
existing eld data.]
2 Once the project data have been sent to the PDA, click Exit on the PDA Desktop
3 If necessary, click Exit to close the Creating/Conguring Inventories window and
click OK to leave the Creating New Project window.
Preparing for Data Collection with Smartphones and Tablets
Follow the instructions below if you decided to use a web-enabled smartphone, tablet, or
other mobile device to collect eld data.
Send project conguration from your desktop to the Web (i-Tree online server)
To send your information to the Web where it can be accessed from your mobile device:
1 From the Tools menu select Mobile Utility. Conrm the project by clicking OK.
The Eco Mobile Manager window will appear.
2 Click Submit Project Conguration and click Next.
3 Select the plots (for sample inventory projects) that will be sent to all mobile
4 Click Next.
5 In the nal window, you’ll be asked to enter an email address and password. (Note
that these are unrelated to your i-Tree log-in credentials.) These will be the email
and password associated with this project for the duration of your work, so be sure
to write them down. You can’t change them later.
Project email address: _______________________________
Project password: ___________________________________
A special link customized for the project will be sent to the email address you entered.
This link will remain valid for the duration of the project and should be shared with all data
collectors to access online data collection sheets for the project via the Internet.
If you’re conducting a complete inventory project, you’re ready to head out to the eld!
Mapping Field Plots
For sample inventory projects, the nal step before data collection can begin is to create
maps identifying the physical location of the plots. If the random plots were created in a
NOTE: For best project management techniques, each project should have one
data manager who is using one computer to run the Eco project. This person will be
responsible for downloading all data submitted to the server so that it can be properly
incorporated into Eco.
GIS using the steps in the Appendices or another method, the plot shapele can be
overlaid on digital aerial photos of the study area to aid crews in locating plots and plot
centers on the ground.
Similarly, if you created your random points using the Google Maps Plot Generator, the
points can be incorporated into GIS and overlaid on digital aerial photos.
In addition, detailed plot maps can be very useful in aiding crews in estimating plot cover
percentages. Examples of plot maps can be found at under Resources
> Archives > Eco Project Planning & Management Resources. If digital photos are not
available or if the plots were created manually, they can be located on a digital land use or
road map or on paper maps. Plot centers and plot boundaries should be identied.
With your plots plotted and your data collection method established, you are ready for eld
data collection!
Phase III: Out in the Field
Using the PDA for Data Collection
To access the PDA program, select i-Tree Eco from your PDA’s Programs menu. Begin
by logging in.
Using a Smartphone or Tablet for Data Collection
Some important things to know about using a mobile device with Eco.
To allow access to Eco across the greatest number of devices, we have chosen to build
the mobile device functionality as a webform accessed from your device’s Internet browser
rather than as an app. This has several consequences for use:
As you collect data, it is stored temporarily within your Internet browser’s cache.
The amount of storage available there varies signicantly based on the device,
browser, and setting. You can increase the amount of storage available by clearing
your browser history and data. If your storage is full from browsing history or other
data, your plot data may be limited to relatively few records. With cleared history
and data, you will likely be able to store hundreds of records. Regardless, data
should be submitted to the server frequently (see below)!
For Chrome, Firefox, and Safari users, although you will be working via a Web
page, you are not limited to working only when you have Internet access (via
wireless or a 3G, 4G, or Edge network). The browser’s cache as described above
will allow you to work temporarily without an Internet connection. So although
you need not worry about short-term losses in connectivity, eventually you must
connect and submit your data.
For Internet Explorer users this is unfortunately not true. IE is limited in its ability to
cache data ofine—users must remain “connected” while collecting eld data. For
this reason, if you are using IE, you should be prepared to submit data from your
mobile device to the server frequently and recognize that a lost data connection
means all data collected since your last submission will be lost.
When your cache’s memory is getting full, you will receive a warning message,
suggesting that you clear your browser’s cache and history. You must submit your
data before doing so or it will be lost!
Getting started
Remember, the data collection functionality for Eco isn’t an app—it’s an internet-accessible
webform, one designed specically for your project. To access this webform and begin
collecting data:
1 Open your smartphone or tablet’s email application.
2 Open the email with the link to your project’s custom webform.
3 A new window will open in your device’s Web browser. To begin, enter the user’s
name in the Surveyor box and click Login.
Options menu
The gear wheel in the top left allows you to access the Options menu, where higher level
operations such as submitting data and reloading the project conguration can be done as
well as adjusting the number of entries viewed per page.
Settings: In the Settings tab, you can adjust the number of plots and species that
appear per page (10 is the default) and whether the species lists appear as common
names, scientic names, or species codes.
Submit data: It is critical to submit your data to the web server often! In the Submit
Data window, verify the number of plots to be submitted at the top of the page, and
click the Submit button.
Reload project: At times the project manager might indicate that some aspects of the
project conguration have changed and need to reload the project to incorporate those
changes. After you have submitted any new data, simply click the Reload Project
button and you will be up to date.
Main window
For sample inventory projects with preloaded plots, the main window shows a numerical
list of all plots. Click the appropriate plot number to begin collecting data. For complete
inventory projects, data collection begins from the main window by clicking the plus sign in
the top right to add the rst tree.
Plot Establishment
Sample inventorying begins with plot establishment. (If you’re conducting a complete
inventory you can skip to the next section, Collecting Data.) Get permission to access the
property if necessary (from resident or property owner).
Locate the plot center and plot boundaries using the aerial photographs and/or maps you
created during Phase II. If the plot is sloped, measure slope with clinometer and adjust plot
width accordingly. Adjusted plot radius can be read from the following table:
Slope % 5 10 12 15 17 20 22 25 27 30
Slope angle 2.9 5.7 6.8 8.5 9.7 11.3 12.4 14.0 15.1 16.7
Adj. radius (1/10 acre plot) 37.3 37.3 37.4 37.4 37.5 37.6 37.7 37.8 37.9 38.0
Adj. radius (1/6 acre plot) 48.1 48.2 48.2 48.3 48.4 48.5 48.6 48.8 48.9 49.1
In some cases, the plot center may fall in an inaccessible location, such as the middle of
a building or highway. In this case, do not choose an alternate plot, but instead follow the
instructions for Inaccessible Plot Centers to select a Tree Measurement Point (TMP) to
use for subsequent data collection.
Adding a replacement plot
If you are completely unable to enter the plot or to collect data from afar, select an
alternate plot. If you have a list of alternate plots, select the rst plot from the list for that
land use. For grid sampling schemes, the plot should be located in the same grid and land
use as the non-accessible plot. Do not skip around the alternate list; go in sequence.
If you did not create extra plots during project conguration, you can manually add a new
plot to the database when you are back at your desk by selecting Edit > Enter or Edit
Data > Add Plot. The General Plot tab will then open up to a newly created plot which
was added to your existing set. Plot data can then be entered manually into the form.
Collecting Data
With the plot center, plot boundaries, and if necessary, a TMP, determined, you are ready
to begin data collection. In the following sections, each data eld is described in detail
along with information on how to enter data on paper forms, on the PDA, or on the
webform using a mobile device.
Survey information
Date: Optional. Date of data collection.
Paper (sample and complete): Enter under DATE.
PDA (sample and complete): Date is entered at the beginning of an inventory
session under Login.
Webform (sample and complete): N/A
Crew: Required. Name or number of crew conducting inventory.
Paper (sample and complete): Enter under CREW.
PDA (sample and complete): Name is entered at the beginning of an inventory
session under Login.
Webform (sample and complete): Name is entered at the beginning of an inventory
session during Login.
Tree ID start no.: PDA and webform only. For complete inventory projects, a starting
number for Tree IDs can be set for each PDA under Login so that duplicate numbers are
not assigned.
Inaccessible plot centers
In some cases, your plot center might fall in a location that is inaccessible, such as
within a building or in the middle of a highway. The following describes how to determine
plot boundaries and location of trees when plot centers are inaccessible (note that the
numbers in the example only apply to 0.1 acre plots) (Fig. 1).
Determine ‘a by estimating the approximate location of the true plot center from the
aerial photo or map. Then calculate ‘b by subtracting ‘a from the plot radius (e.g., 37.2
ft. for a 0.1 acre plot). Then ‘b is the distance from the plot boundary to the building wall.
To outline the general plot boundary walk parallel to the building for 26.2 ft (y
), then
perpendicular to the building for 11 ft (x
). This would represent a point along the
boundary approximately 45˚ from the start. If you then walk 11 ft (y
) parallel to the
building’s edge, and 26.2 ft (x
) perpendicular, the next plot boundary would be reached;
representing a point 90˚ along a circle from your starting point.
To locate the trees that are in-plot more easily, the crew should rst determine the plot
boundaries as described above, and then pick a point from which distance and direction
can easily be measured
to serve as the Tree
Measurement Point
(TMP). In the gure, a
corner of the building
has been chosen as the
TMP (the TMP should
be recorded in the
notes, e.g., northwest
corner of building).
Remember to only
record trees that are
within the radius of the
true plot center. Trees
c, d, and f are all within
the true plot boundary
and must be inventoried.
Tree e, on the other
hand, is within 37.2 ft
of the TMP, but not of
the actual plot center.
Therefore, it lies outside
the plot boundary and is
not tallied.
Fig. 1. Determining a Tree Measurement Point and plot boundaries
For Eco sample projects, Tree ID numbers are automatically generated for each tree
collected within a plot. Therefore, the Eco PDA or webform will start with Tree#1 for a new
tree in each new plot as data is managed automatically by the application.
Plot information
Plot ID: Required for sample inventories. Plot ID must be a unique identier.
Paper (sample): Enter a unique number under PLOT ID at the top of both pages.
Paper (complete): NA
PDA (sample): In the main Plots menu, select the Plot ID from the drop-down
menu of all generated plots.
PDA (complete): NA
Webform (sample): In the main window, select the Plot ID from the list of all
generated plots. You may have to use the arrows at the bottom to move to other
Webform (complete): NA
Plot address: Required for permanent plots. Street address and any notes for locating
plots in areas without street addresses.
Paper (sample): Enter under Plot address.
Paper (complete): Enter under Location/Address.
PDA (sample): Enter under Plots > Address.
PDA (complete): Enter under Trees > Address.
Webform (sample): Enter under Plot Info > Address.
Webform (complete): Enter under General > Comment.
Stake: PDA (sample) and webform (sample) only. If the location of permanent plots has
been marked by a permanent identier, check this box.
GPS Coordinates: Optional. GPS coordinates help if revisiting the site is necessary,
although GPS accuracy can vary greatly, especially under trees.
Paper (sample): Record latitude and longitude under GPS COOR.
Paper (complete): Record latitude and longitude under X Coord. and Y Coord.
PDA (sample and complete): NA
Webform (sample and complete): NA
Photo: Optional. Use this to keep track of photo and memory card number if photos are taken.
Paper (sample and complete): Record under PHOTO ID.
PDA (sample): Record under Plots > Photo.
PDA (complete): Record under Trees > Add > Photo.
Webform (sample): Record under Plot Info > Photo.
Webform (complete): Record under General > Photo.
Plot sketch: Optional. Draw a sketch of plot. Note distance and direction from plot center
to xed objects; sketch xed objects in relation to plot center.
Paper (sample): Sketch in empty space at the top of page 1.
Paper (complete): Sketch on the back of the form.
PDA (sample and complete): NA
Webform (sample and complete): NA
Plot contact info: Optional. If available, record contact person’s name and phone number.
For residential land uses, do not ask for this information, but if name is on mailbox, record
it. Owner vs renter status is useful if it comes up in conversation.
Paper (sample): Record name and phone number under Plot contact info.
Paper (complete): NA
PDA (sample): Record under Plots > Comment.
PDA (complete): NA
Webform (sample): Record under Plots > Contact info.
Webform (complete): NA
Percent measured: Required for sample inventories. The amount of the plot that the eld
crew is able to access and measure, either directly or by estimation. This allows for data
collection for a partial plot. For example, if 10% of the plot is obscured from view behind
a building or a tall stockade fence on land that you could not get permission to access,
you would record 90%. (Safety concerns may also be a factor in accessing portions of the
plot.) However, if you were able to look over a fence and estimate tree, shrub and ground
covers and estimate DBH and other measurements for trees present on plot behind the
fence, you would record 100%.
NOTE: For stratied projects, this category can serve an additional purpose in the unusual
case that your plot falls across more than one of your designated strata. The plot center
may be located within the appropriate land use but the plot boundaries may extend into a
different land use with very different vegetation characteristics. In this case, you can collect
data only on the portion of the plot that is within the designated land use and use the
percent measured eld to document the adjustment. For example: If a plot center in the
commercial land use strata has a plot boundary that includes some forested land, you can
specify the percent measured for vegetation within the commercial area of the plot and
avoid having trees from the forest land use factored in the commercial land use.
Paper (sample): Record under Percent measured.
Paper (complete): NA
PDA (sample): Record under Plots > % Measured.
PDA (complete): NA
Webform (sample): Record under Plot info > %Measured.
Webform (complete): NA
Tree cover: Required for sample inventories. The amount of the plot covered by tree
canopy (in percent). You can imagine this as the area of the plot that would be shaded by
trees when the sun is directly overhead, ranging from 0 to 100%. Tree cover can come
from trees located outside the plot, so plots not containing trees can have tree cover.
[HINT: Aerial images used as plot maps can be very helpful for determining tree cover
percentages.] Record 0%, 100%, or mid-points of 5% intervals (3, 8, 13, 18, etc.).
Paper (sample): Enter under PLOT TREE COVER (%).
Paper (complete): NA
PDA (sample): Enter under Plots > % Tree cover. If there are no trees present,
check the box next to No Trees on Plot.
PDA (complete): NA.
Webform (sample): Enter under Plot info > % Tree cover.
Webform (complete): NA.
Shrub cover: Required for sample inventories. The amount of the plot covered by shrub
canopy (in percent). You can imagine this as the area of the plot that would be shaded
by shrubs when the sun is directly overhead, ranging from 0 to 100%. Don’t double-count
multiple layers of shrubs. Record 0%, 100%, or mid-points of 5% intervals (3, 8, 13, 18...).
Paper (sample): Enter under SHRUB COVER (%).
Paper (complete): NA
PDA (sample): Enter under Plots > % Shrub. If there are no shrubs present, check
the box next to No Shrubs on Plot.
PDA (complete): NA
Webform (sample): Enter under Plot info> % Shrub
Webform (complete): NA.
Plantable space: Optional. If you decided during Phase I: Getting Started: Early Decisions
to measure the plantable space, estimate the amount of the plot area that is plantable for
trees [i.e., plantable soil that is not under tree canopy or other overhead restrictions and
where tree planting/establishment would not be prohibited due to land use (e.g., footpath,
baseball eld, etc.)]. Planting underneath utility wires is permitted. Record 0%, 100%,
or mid-points of 5% intervals (3, 8, 13, 18, etc.). [HINT: A more accurate measurement
can be obtained by using the sum of the following ground covers (collected below) as a
starting point to evaluate plantable space: soil, duff/mulch, herb/ivy, maintained grass and
unmaintained grass.] As the denition for plantable space is somewhat subjective, project
managers should make an effort to clearly dene what counts as plantable space during
crew training.
Paper (sample): Enter under PLANTABLE SPACE (%).
Paper (complete): NA
PDA (sample): Enter under Plots > % Plantable.
PDA (complete): NA
Webform (sample): Enter under Plot info > % Plantable.
Webform (complete): NA
Reference objects
Required for sample inventories. Identify at least one landmark visible when standing at
plot center. Permanent plots require two, and two are recommended in all cases where
the plot center is difcult to locate or identify. Reference objects do not have to be located
within the plot. If you selected a TMP earlier because your plot center was inaccessible, it
should be used as one of your reference objects.
Try to use objects that are likely to be present 5 to 15 years from now (e.g., stop
signs, telephone poles, permanent structures, sidewalks/driveways). If the plot falls in
a forested area and there are no man-made or permanent objects within sight, select
two unique or “witness” trees (striking species or large DBH) that you expect to be
present on the plot in the future. Photo(s) of reference objects are helpful. Describe the
reference object very specically (e.g., telephone pole 5 ft from left edge of driveway,
when facing the house). Measure the distance and direction (1°–360°) to each reference
object from the plot center.
Paper (sample): Record the description, direction, and distance for one or two
reference objects.
Paper (complete): NA
PDA (sample): From the Reference Object window, click Add and select an object
type from the drop down list. Enter a distance and direction and click Save. Repeat
if necessary for a second object. Click Exit when complete.
PDA (complete): NA
Webform (sample): From the Reference Object window, click the plus sign at the
top right corner of the window and select an object type from the drop down list.
Enter a distance and direction and click the arrow in the top right corner. Repeat
if necessary for a second object. To edit a Reference Object, click on the entry in
the Reference Object window. When you are nished entering Reference Objects,
click the left arrow on the main Reference Object window to return to the main
Webform (complete): NA
Tree Measurement Point (TMP): If the plot center was inaccessible, you should select
one of your reference points to serve as TMP.
Paper (sample): Circle Y or N under Tree Measurement Point to identify a
Reference Object as a TMP.
Paper (complete): NA
PDA (sample): In the Reference Object window, enter TMP in the Comment eld
of the object serving as the TMP.
PDA (complete): NA
Webform (sample): For the appropriate Reference Object, enter TMP in the Notes
eld of the object serving as the TMP.
Webform (complete): NA
Land use
Actual land use: Required for sample inventories. Land use should be determined by
the inventory team based on impressions out in the eld (i.e., not from land use maps).
This eld describes how the land is being used, which is not necessarily the same as the
ownership of the land.
NOTE: Eco uses these values to make adjustments to the model based on the differences
in tree growth and valuation characteristics associated with predened actual land uses.
For example, a tree located in a Transportation plot will grow at a different rate than a
similar tree that is located within a Golf Course or Residential plot. The actual land use
categories can not be modied and are not used to stratify your study. Therefore, you
will not receive a comparison of your project data based on the actual land use elds.
Remember, you can use the Manage Map Land Use option to stratify your study.
The following land use types are included:
Residential (R): Freestanding structures serving one to four families each.
Multi-family residential (M): Structures containing more than four residential units.
[Note: A block of attached one- to four-family structures would be considered multi-
family residential. A residential complex consisting of many separate one- to four-family
structures and related greenspace would be also considered multi-family residential.]
Commercial/Industrial (C): In addition to standard commercial and industrial land
uses, this category includes outdoor storage/staging areas as well as parking lots in
downtown areas that are not connected with an institutional or residential use.
Park (P): Parks include undeveloped (unmaintained) as well as developed areas.
Cemetery (E): Includes any small unmaintained areas within cemetery grounds.
Golf Course (G): Self-explanatory.
Agriculture (A): Cropland, pasture, orchards, vineyards, nurseries, farmsteads and
related buildings, feed lots, rangeland, timberland/plantations that show evidence of
management activity for a specic crop or tree production are included.
Vacant (V): This category includes land with no clear intended use. Abandoned
buildings and vacant structures should be classied based on their original
intended use.
Institutional (I): Schools, hospitals/medical complexes, colleges, religious buildings,
government buildings, etc.
[Note: If a parcel contains large unmaintained areas, possibly for expansion or other
reasons, treat the area as Vacant. However, small forested islands in a maintained
landscape would be considered Institutional.]
Utility (U): Power-generating facilities, sewage treatment facilities, covered and
uncovered reservoirs, and empty stormwater runoff retention areas, ood control
channels, conduits.
Water/wetland (W): Streams, rivers, lakes, and other water bodies (natural or man-
made). Small pools and fountains should be classied based on the adjacent land use.
Transportation (T): Includes limited access roadways and related greenspaces (such
as interstate highways with on and off ramps, sometimes fenced); railroad stations,
tracks and yards; shipyards; airports; etc. If plot falls on any other type of road, or
associated median strip, classify according to nearest adjacent land use.
Other (O): Land uses that do not fall into one of the categories listed above. This
designation should be used very sparingly as it provides very little useful information
for the model. Clarify with comments in Notes.
[NOTE: For mixed-use buildings, land use is based on the dominant use, i.e., the use
that receives the majority of the foot trafc. It might not always occupy the majority of
space in the building. For example, a building with commercial use of the rst oor and
apartments on upper oors would be classied as Commercial/Industrial.]
Paper (sample): Enter codes for up to four land use types under ACTUAL LAND
Paper (complete): NA. Note that you will be asked later to identify the land use in
which each tree is located.
PDA (sample): In the Land Use window, click Add and select a land use from the
drop-down menu. Enter a percentage as described below.
PDA (complete): NA. Note that you will be asked later to identify the land use in
which each tree is located.
Webform (sample): In the Land Use window, click the plus sign in the top right
corner and select a land use from the drop-down menu. Enter a percentage as
described below.
Webform (complete): NA. Note that you will be asked later to identify the land use
in which each tree is located.
Percent in each land use: Required for sample inventories. For plots that include only
one land use, this value is 100%. For plots that include two or more land uses, estimate
what percentage of the plot each land use occupies. For example, a plot that falls on the
property line between a house and a convenience store might be 40% residential and 60%
commercial/industrial. Land use differences must be clearly identiable on the plot with a
clear change in human use of the land, not just its cover or ownership.
Paper (sample): Enter the percent for each land use type under PERCENT IN.
Paper (complete): NA
PDA (sample): In the Land Use window, after you’ve selected a land use type,
enter a percentage in % of Plot. Click Save. Add additional land uses until the Total
% = 100. Then click Exit.
PDA (complete): NA
Webform (sample): In the Land Use window, after you’ve selected a land use type,
enter a percentage in Percent of Plot. Click OK to continue. Add additional land
uses until the Total % = 100. Then click the left arrow from the main Land Use
window to return to the main menu for that plot. To edit a land use, click on the
entry in the Land Use window.
Webform (complete): NA
Ground cover
Required for sample inventories. Within the plot, various materials will cover the ground (trees
and shrubs are considered separately; tree stems as a ground cover are ignored). The crew
should note the percentage of the plot ground area that is covered by the following materials:
Building (%BLDG)
Cement (%CMNT)
Tar (%TAR): Blacktop/asphalt
Rock (%ROCK): Pervious rock surfaces such as gravel, brick, or agstone walkways
or patios (without mortar). This category includes sand in playgrounds or added as
topping to existing soil. Large solid rock outcrops should be listed as cement.
Bare soil (%SOIL): Includes naturally occurring sand.
Duff/mulch (%DUFF/MULCH): Loose organic material, leaf litter.
Herbs (%HERB/IVY): Herbaceous ground cover, other than grass, including
agricultural crops.
Unmaintained grass (%UNMAIN.GRASS)
Water (%H20): Includes pools.
Estimate the percentage of each ground cover type to the nearest 5% unless cover
is minimal. If trace amounts are present, 1, 2, 3%, etc. is acceptable. The sum of the
proportions must add to 100% per plot. Use the following chart as a guide when estimating
1 and 5% increments of cover. (Some examples for comparison: a queen size mattress
covers 35 sq. ft.; a full-size SUV covers 90 sq. ft.).
Percent of 0.1 acre site Area (sq ft) Diameter of circle (ft)
1% 44 7.5
5% 218 16.5
10% 437 23.6
25% 1,091 37.3
50% 2,183 52.7
75% 3,274 64.6
100% 4,365 74.5
Paper (sample): Enter the percentage of each ground cover under the appropriate
category (given above in parentheses).
Paper (complete): NA
PDA (sample): In the Ground Cover window, click Add and select a ground cover
from the drop-down menu. Enter a percentage in the % of Plot eld and click
Save. Continue adding ground covers until Total % = 100, then click Exit.
PDA (complete): NA
Webform (sample): In the Ground Covers window, click the right arrow and
select a ground cover from the drop-down menu. Enter a percentage in the
Percent Covered eld and click OK to continue. Continue adding ground covers
until Total % = 100. Then click the left arrow from the main Ground Cover window
to return to the main menu for that plot.
Webform (complete): NA
Shrub information
Optional for sample inventories; not available for complete inventories. You should
complete this section if you decided to collect information on shrubs during the Phase I:
Getting Started: Early Decisions.
For sample inventories, during Plot Information data collection, you were required to enter
the percentage of the plot that was covered by shrubs. This phase focuses just on that
area. For inventory purposes, shrubs should be grouped into masses of the same species
and approximate height. For instance, if your plot includes ve azaleas of similar heights
in different areas, you can group them together and enter them as one group. A tree with
DBH < 1 inch is considered a shrub. Record a maximum of twelve shrub groups. If there
are more than twelve, record measurements for the rst eleven, then lump the remaining
shrubs into the twelfth group.
Paper (sample): For each shrub group, enter data for the four elds below under
the SHRUB heading.
Paper (complete): NA
PDA (sample): In the Shrubs window, click Add to add a new shrub group and
complete the four elds below.
PDA (complete): NA
Webform (sample): In the Shrubs window, click the plus sign to add a new shrub
group and complete the four elds below.
Webform (complete): NA
Shrub species: Identify the shrub species. If this is not possible, the plant must be
identied by its genus at a minimum; if genus is not known, then collect a sample for
Paper (sample): Enter species name or species code under SHRUBS > SPECIES.
Visit the i-Tree website, > Resources, for PDF and Excel
spreadsheet of species code list.
Paper (complete): NA
PDA (sample): In the Shrubs window, after clicking Add, select a species from the
drop-down list. You can switch among botanical name, common name, and species
code using the drop-down menu at the top right. You can also search by typing in
the Species Search box.
PDA (complete): NA
Webform (sample): Select a species from the list. Click the arrow at the bottom of
each page to view more species. You can switch among scientic name, common
name, and species code using the button at the top right. You can also search by
typing in the Search box.
Webform (complete): NA
Shrub height: Measure the height of the shrub group to the nearest 0.1 ft/m. Height of
shrub groups of a particular species will likely differ across the plot. An average height
may be used and different shrub masses grouped together where variation in height is
relatively small.
Paper (sample): Enter under SHRUBS > HEIGHT.
Paper (complete): NA
PDA (sample): In the Shrubs window, enter under Height.
PDA (complete): NA
Webform (sample): In the Shrubs window, enter under Height.
Webfrom (complete): NA
Percent of total shrub area: Measure the percent of the total shrub area (i.e., not the
total plot area) represented by this species/height combination. The total for all the shrub
groups recorded on the plot must equal 100%. Where there are two or more layers of
different shrub species, record the percent area of the entire tallest shrub mass, but only
the area of the shorter shrub mass that is not shaded (overtopped) by the taller shrub, i.e.,
visualize the area of the shrub masses from a birds-eye view, and report the percent of the
shrub masses as seen from above.
Paper (sample): Enter under SHRUBS > % AREA.
Paper (complete): NA
PDA (sample): In the Shrubs window, enter under % Area.
PDA (complete): NA
Webform (sample): In the Shrubs window, enter under Percent of Shrub Area.
Webform (complete): NA
Percent of the shrub mass that is missing: Visualize the shrub mass of this species/
height group as a volume (height x ground area) and record the percent of the volume
that is missing, i.e., not occupied by leaves. The shrub mass leaves are assumed to start
at the ground. The intent of this variable is to adjust height and area measurements to
reveal actual volume of leaves and to allow you to account for voids in vegetation and
inaccuracies in simple height x area estimates (e.g., height of mass might not be uniform).
Allow for natural arrangement or spacing of leaves; however, you should investigate the
interior of the shrub mass to better estimate the missing portions. In the past, crews have
underestimated the mass missing by not accounting for the interior.
Percent Missing should be recorded as 0% or as mid-points of 5% intervals (3, 8, 13, etc.).
Paper (sample): Enter under SHRUBS > % MISSING.
Paper (complete): NA
PDA (sample): In the Shrubs window, enter under % Missing. Click Save to save
that group, and click Add to continue adding shrub groups until the Total = 100%.
PDA (complete): NA
Webform (sample): In the Shrubs window, enter under Percent Missing. Click OK
to save that group, and click the plus sign to continue adding shrub groups until
the Total = 100%. When you’re nished, click the left arrow on the main Shrub
window to return to the main menu for that plot.
Webform (complete): NA
Tree information
Data collection for living and dead trees starts with the tree farthest to the north and
proceeds in a clockwise direction. If your plot center is inaccessible and you have
designated a TMP (see Inaccessible Plot Centers for more information), use it for
measuring distance and direction, but remember that the plot itself does not shift to have
the TMP as the center—only measure trees within the true plot boundaries based on the
true plot center. All trees with DBH ≥ 1 inch should be recorded if at least half of their trunk
lies within the plot.
[NOTE: Flagging or chalking each tree as it is measured will help keep track of trees and
prevent missing or double-entering a tree. Do not leave permanent marks (paint or scribe
marks) on trees.]
Tree ID: Required. Each tree in a plot requires a unique ID.
Paper (sample and complete): Enter under TREE ID. Begin with 1 and assign
PDA (sample): From the Trees window, click Add. A Tree ID is generated
automatically and you now have access to four or ve (if you will be conducting the
NOTE: What is a tree? At different stages of its life, a tree can be classied as
ground cover, shrub, or tree in the Eco model. The following excerpt is adapted from
the journal article “A Ground-Based Method of Assessing Urban Forest Structure and
Ecosystem Services” (available at under Resources > Archives)
and may help Eco users distinguish between available eld options.
Typically, shrubs are dened as woody material with a dbh less than 2.54 cm (1
in), whereas trees have a dbh greater than or equal to 2.54 cm (1 in). Woody
plants that are not 30.5 cm (12 in) in height (e.g., seedlings) are considered
herbaceous cover.
Trees and shrubs can also be differentiated by species (i.e., certain species are
always trees or always shrubs) or with a different dbh minimum threshold. For
example, in densely forested areas, increasing the minimum dbh to 12.7 cm (5
in) can substantially reduce the eld work by decreasing the number of trees
measured, but less information on trees will be attained.
Pest Detection Protocol) additional tabbed windows: Address, Detail, Stems, and
Bldg. Each will be used below.
Webform (sample and complete): From the Trees window, click the plus sign in
the top right corner. A Tree ID is generated automatically and you now have access
to four or ve (if you will be conducting the Pest Detection Protocol) additional
windows: General, Details, Stems, Building Interactions, and (optionally) Pests.
Each will be used below.
Direction from plot center: Required. Direction from plot center to the tree in
compass degrees/azimuths (e.g., north = 360°; east = 90°; south = 180°). If plot center
is inaccessible, measure direction from TMP. Make sure that TMP info is recorded in
Reference Object sections of paper forms or on PDA or webform.
Paper (sample): Enter azimuth in degrees under DR.
Paper (complete): NA
PDA (sample): In the Address window, use compass circle to dene.
PDA (complete): NA
Webform (sample): In the General window, enter the azimuth in degrees under
Webform (complete): NA.
Distance to plot center: Required. Shortest distance (in ft or m) from plot center to edge
of trunk at DBH, measured parallel to the ground. In heavily wooded plots, accuracy is
critical to allow trees to be found in the future. If plot center is inaccessible, measure
distance from TMP. Make sure that TMP info is recorded in Reference Object section of
paper forms or on PDA or webform.
Paper (sample): Enter shortest distance to tree under DS.
Paper (complete): NA
PDA (sample): In the Address window, enter under Distance to Plot Ctr.
PDA (complete): NA
Webform (sample): In the General window, enter under Distance.
Webform (complete): NA
Land Use: Required for sample inventories. Record the land use in which the tree is
Paper (sample and complete): Use land use codes dened above and enter under
PDA (sample): In the Address window, select the land use from the drop-down list.
Only land uses you identied for the specic plot will be included.
PDA (complete): In the Address window, select the land use from the drop-down list.
Webform (sample): In the General window, select the land use from the drop-down
list. Only land uses you identied for the specic plot will be included.
Webform (complete): In the General window, select the land use from the drop-
down list.
Species: Required. If the species can not be identied, take and number a sample, record
in notebook as Plot # XXX unknown #1, etc. If using PDA, record as UNKN#1, UNKN#2,
etc. Each time that same unknown is encountered on the plot, it should be recorded with
the same number. Sequentially number unknowns in notebook and attempt to identify
later. After samples have been identied at the ofce, go back and enter correct species
code on paper form or in PDA. If after all references guides have been checked and
identication of individual species is still difcult (e.g., due to hybridization), then record
genus if possible. For dead trees, when species or genus cannot be determined, record
as a hardwood species with the code MACLASS or softwood species using the code
Paper (sample and complete): Enter under TREE SPECIES. If you wish to use
species codes, you’ll nd a PDF and an Excel spreadsheet of the species code list
on the i-Tree website, under Resources.
PDA (sample and complete): In the Detail window, select a species from the drop-
down list. You can switch among botanical name, common name, and species
code using the View/Search By list. You can also search by typing in the Species
Search box.
Webform (sample and complete): In the General window, select a species from
the list. Click the arrow at the bottom of the page to move through the species list.
You can switch among scientic name, common name, and species code using the
button at the top right. You can also search by typing in the Search box.
Tree site: Optional. Record whether tree is a street tree or not (S or N).
Paper (sample and complete): Enter S or N under TREE SITE.
PDA (sample and complete): In the Detail window, select S or N from the drop-
down menu under Site.
Webform (sample and complete): In the General window, select the correct
option from the drop-down menu under Tree Site.
Status: The eight possible statuses of a tree are shown below. In an initial inventory of
a project area, all trees will be identied as Planted (P), Ingrowth (I), or Unknown (U). In
future inventories of the same plot, new trees will be identied as P, I, or U. Trees that
were present during a previous inventory should be identied with the other status codes.
During initial inventories or when inventorying new trees in subsequent inventories, please
make a concerted effort to determine whether trees have been planted [(P) Planted] or
have self-seeded [(I) Ingrowth] as that information will be more valuable for future reporting
and enhancements of the Eco model. Although it is not recommended, you can choose (U)
Unknown if you are unable to establish whether a tree was planted or self-seeded.
P: Planted—the tree was planted intentionally
I: Ingrowth—the tree self-seeded
U: Unknown—planted vs. ingrowth can not be determined
During subsequent inventories of plots, use the following codes to define the current status
of trees that existed in the previous inventory.
N: No change in status—this tree was present in a previous inventory and is present
H: Removed for hazard/health problem—the tree has been removed since the
previous inventory for health or safety reasons
C: Removed but healthy—a healthy tree was removed by the property owner
L: Removed owing to land use change—the tree was removed due to land use change
(e.g., development of site)
R: Removed, unknown—tree removed for unknown reason
[NOTE: The model will not include calculations for trees with a “removed status” of H,
C, L or R.]
Paper (sample and complete): Enter the status code under STAT.
PDA (sample and complete): In the Detail window, select the Status from the drop-
down menu.
Webform (sample and complete): In the General window, select the Status from
the drop-down menu..
Dead: PDA and webform only. Checking this box will ll in all default options for dead trees
Paper (sample and complete): NA
PDA (sample and complete): In the Detail window, check the box next to Dead if
the tree is dead.
Webform (sample and complete): In the Details window, check the box next to
Dead if the tree is dead.
Total tree height: Required. Measure the height to top (alive or dead) of tree (to nearest
ft or m). For standing dead trees, downed living trees, or severely leaning trees, height is
considered the distance along the main stem from ground to tree top. (Do not include dead
trees that are lying on the ground.)
Paper (sample): Enter tree height under HEIGHT > TOT.
Paper (complete): Enter tree height under Height > Total Height.
PDA (sample): In the Detail window, enter under Tot Hgt.
PDA (complete): In the Detail window, enter under Tot Hgt.
Webform (sample): In the Details window, enter under Height.
Webform (complete): In the Details window, enter under Height.
Height to live top: This height will be the same as total tree height unless the tree is alive
but the top of the crown is dead. This variable cannot be greater than total tree height.
Record to the nearest foot or meter.
Paper (sample and complete): Enter under HEIGHT > LIVE TOP.
PDA (sample and complete): In the Detail window, enter under Live Top.
Webform (sample and complete): In the Details window, enter under Crown Top
Entering dead trees
Only standing dead trees are to be inventoried.
Genus or species should be identied where possible. When this is not feasbile,
record as a hardwood species with the code MACLASS or softwood species using the
When using the PDA utility or webforms, default values are automatically entered
where appropriate for dead trees. For entries without default values (such as tree
height and DBH), measurements should still be made of dead trees.
For paper forms, here’s a summary of how to enter data for dead trees:
DBH: Should be measured.
Tree height: Should be measured.
Height to live top: Enter -1.
Height to crown base: Enter -1.
Crown width: Enter -1.
Percent crown missing: Enter 100%
Crown dieback: Enter 100%
Crown light exposure: Enter -1.
Height to crown base: Required. Measure height to base of live crown (to nearest ft
or m). The live crown base is the point on the main trunk perpendicular to the lowest
live foliage on the last branch that is included in the live crown. The live crown base is
determined by the live foliage and not by the point where a branch intersects with the main
bole (Fig. 2). Therefore, if the crown base touches the ground, zero is an acceptable value.
(Record dead trees as -1. PDA and
webform will ll in default value of -1
if Dead box was checked.)
Paper (sample and complete):
Enter under HEIGHT >
PDA (sample and complete): In
the Detail window, enter under
Crn Base.
Webform (sample and
complete): In the Details
window, enter under Crown
Base Height.
Crown width: Required. Measure
crown width (to nearest ft or m)
in two directions: north-south
and east-west or as safety
considerations or physical
obstructions allow. If tree is
downed or leaning, take width
measurements perpendicular to the tree bole. (Record dead trees as -1. PDA and
webform will ll in default value of -1 if Dead box was checked.)
Paper (sample): Enter under CROWN WIDTH > N-S and E-W.
Paper (complete): Enter under Crown Attributes > Width N-S and Width E-W.
PDA (sample and complete): In the Detail window, enter under Crn E/W and Crn
Webform (sample and complete): In the Details window, enter under Crown E/W
and N/S width.
Percent crown missing: Required. Percent of the crown volume that is not occupied
by branches and leaves. Missing canopy should be measured by two people standing at
perpendicular angles to the tree (Fig. 2). Visualize the expected “typical crown outline” as
a symmetrical silhouette created by the live crown width, total height, and height to base
of live crown measurements. It is assumed to be symmetrical around the center point of
the measured width of the tree and lled with leaves as if it were a healthy tree in excellent
condition. Now estimate the percent foliage that is absent due to pruning, dieback,
Fig. 2 How to position yourself to measure the crown.
defoliation, uneven crown, or dwarf or sparse leaves. Do not include normal interior crown
voids due to leaf shading. Take into account the natural crown shape for the particular
species. (Fig. 3)
Be sure to base measurement on the existing crown that you have measured. A third of
the crown may have been removed for power line clearance or the canopy could be very
lopsided due to presence of a neighboring tree. However, the crown that remains could
have a 0% missing value, if the existing crown is full. If the two observers disagree in their
estimates, follow the guidelines listed below under Crown Rating Precautions.
Record percent canopy missing as 0%, 100% or mid-points of 5% intervals (3, 8, 13, 18,
etc.). (Record as 100% for dead trees. PDA has a xed value of 100 if Dead box was
Paper (sample): Enter under % MISS.
Paper (complete): Enter under Crown Attributes > % Missing.
PDA (sample and complete): In the Detail window, select a value from the drop-
down menu for Crn Miss.
Webform (sample and complete): In the Details window, select a value from the
drop-down menu for Crown Percent Missing.
Fig. 3. Illustration of how to measure height to crown base and percent canopy missing.
Crown rating precautions
Crews must be especially careful when making evaluations under certain conditions and
follow the procedures below.
Distance from the tree: Attempt to stay at least 1/2 to 1 tree length from the tree being
evaluated. Some ratings change with proximity to the tree. In some situations, it is
impossible to satisfy this step, but do the best you can in each case. All evaluations are
made at grade (same elevation as base of the tree) or up slope from the tree. This may
not be possible in all cases but never get in the habit of evaluating trees from the down
slope side.
View of the crown: Two crew members should stand at angles to each other to
evaluate trees, striving to obtain the best view of the crown. The ideal positions are 90
degrees apart on at terrain (Fig. 3). Don’t evaluate the tree from the same position or
at 180 degrees unless no other option exists. In heavily canopied areas, getting a good
perspective of the crown becomes difcult. Overlapping branches, background trees,
and lack of a good viewing area can cause problems when rating some trees. Crews
need to move laterally to search for a good view. Take special care when rating such
Climatic conditions: Cloudy or overcast skies, fog, rain, and poor sun angles may
affect estimates. Crown diameters may be affected but to a lesser degree than other
crown indicators. Crown dieback may be underestimated because it is difcult to see
dead twigs or to differentiate defoliated twigs from dead twigs. Be especially careful
during poor lighting conditions. Move around a tree to get another view, even if the view
appears adequate at a specic location.
Heavy defoliation: During heavy defoliation, crown dieback may be overestimated. The
use of binoculars may help in separating dead twigs from defoliated twigs.
Trees with epicormic branches or sprigs: Trees that are densely covered in epicormic
sprouts are not considered special cases in eld data collection. There are two methods
for handling this situation. The rst choice is not to consider epicormic sprouts as part of
the live crown base (if located under the actual branches crown base). The foliage the
epicormics do produce for the tree would be considered for the percent canopy missing,
proportionately decreasing the amount of percent canopy missing.
EXAMPLE: A tree has epicormic sprouts extending to four feet from the ground, but its
live crown base is measured at eight feet high. The crew estimates the percent canopy
missing at 15%, but also estimates the additional four feet of epicormic sprouts to
contain approximately 5% of canopy cover. The percent canopy missing would then be
recorded as 10%. All of the percentages would be based on the crown measurements
(crown widths, total height, and crown base height).
Crown rating precautions, cont.
The second way would be to lower the crown base measurement to the lowest
epicormic sprout, and then that point would be used to estimate the percent canopy
missing of the tree. More times then not this method will increase the percent canopy
Either way of handling epicormic branches will work with Eco, but in the eld, it is helpful
to be consistent. Use one method or the other for most, if not all, of the cases when
encountering epicormic sprouts.
If a tree’s canopy consists only of epicormic sprouts, or if they are located above the
crown base, then they will be considered the canopy. Measure them as if they were the
Resolving measurement differences: If the crown measurement estimates from two
crew members do not match, arrive at the nal value by:
Taking an average, if the numbers differ by 10% (2 classes) or less.
Changing positions, if the numbers differ by 15% or more and attempt to narrow
the range to 10% or less.
Averaging the two estimates for those trees that actually have different ratings
from the two viewing areas (ratings of 30 and 70 would be recorded as 50)
Crown dieback: Required. Percent dieback in crown area. This dieback does not include
normal, natural branch dieback, i.e., self-pruning due to crown competition or shading in
the lower portion of the crown. However, branch dieback on side(s) and top of crown area
due to shading from a building or another tree would be included. For more information,
see the Forest Inventory and Analysis National Core Field Guide.
Estimate crown dieback as a percentage of the live crown area, including the dieback
area. Assume the perimeter of the crown is a two-dimensional outline from branch tip to
branch tip, excluding snag branches and large holes or gaps in the crown (Fig. 4). Crown
dieback is obtained by two people (Fig. 2) using binoculars. You should be conscious of
lighting conditions and how light affects the day’s observations, taking extra time under
limited-light conditions.
Each individual should
mentally draw a two-
dimensional crown outline,
block in the dieback and
estimate the dieback area. If
the two observers disagree
in their estimates, follow the
guidelines listed above under
Crown Rating Precautions.
Record crown dieback as 0%,
100% or mid-points of 5%
intervals (3, 8, 13, 18, etc.).
(Record as 100% for dead
Paper (sample): Enter
under DB.
Paper (complete): Enter
under Crown Attributes >
% Dieback.
PDA (sample and
complete): In the Detail
window, select a value from
the drop-down menu for
Webform (sample and
complete): In the Details
window, select a value from
the drop-down menu for
Crown Dieback.
Fig. 4. Dieback rating examples.
Crown light exposure: Required. Number of sides of the tree receiving sunlight from
above (maximum of ve). Top of tree is counted as one side. Divide the crown vertically
into four equal sides. Count the number of sides that would receive direct light if the sun
were directly above the tree (Fig. 5). One-third of the live crown must be receiving full
light in order for a side to qualify. A sliver of a side receiving light does not qualify. Use the
following codes:
-1: Dead trees.
0: The tree receives no full light
because it is shaded by trees, vines,
or other vegetation.
1: The tree receives full light from the
top or 1 side.
2: The tree receives full light from the
top and 1 side (or 2 sides without the
3: The tree receives full light from the
top and 2 sides (or 3 sides without the
4: The tree receives full light from the
top and 3 sides.
5: The tree receives full light from the top and 4 sides.
Paper (sample and complete): Enter under CLE.
PDA (sample and complete): In the Detail window, enter under CLE.
Webform (sample and complete): In the Detail window, enter under Crown Light
Percent impervious surface under the tree: If you decided to collect information related
to hydrology during Phase I: Getting Started: Early Decisions, this eld is required.
Estimate the percent of the area beneath the dripline of the tree that is impervious. If
the tree crown crosses out of the plot boundary, the entire area beneath the tree is still
considered. Record 0%, 100% or mid-points of 5% intervals (3, 8, 13, 18, etc.).
Paper (sample): Enter under % IMP.
Paper (complete): NA
PDA (sample): In the Detail window, select a value from the drop-down menu for
PDA (complete): NA
Fig. 5: Crown light exposure
Webform (sample): In the Details window, select a value from the drop-down menu
for Percent Impervious.
Webform (complete): NA
Percent shrub cover under the tree: If you decided to collect information related to
hydrology during Phase I: Getting Started: Early Decisions, this eld is required. Estimate
the percent of the area beneath the drip line that is occupied by shrubs. If the tree crown
crosses out of the plot boundary, the entire area beneath the tree is still considered.
Record 0%, 100% or mid-points of 5% intervals (3, 8, 13, 18, etc.).
Paper (sample): Enter under % SHRUB.
Paper (complete): NA
PDA (sample): In the Detail window, select a value from the drop-down menu for
PDA (complete): NA
Webform (sample): In the Details window, select a value from the drop-down menu
for Percent Shrub.
Webform (complete): NA
DBH: Required. Record the tree’s DBH on the uphill side of the tree to the nearest 0.1
inch/cm. For trees with irregular DBHs (Fig. 6):
Forked (multi-stemmed)
tree: If the point of pith
separation is above
ground (Fig. 7), the
plant is considered to be
one tree. Measure the
DBH of up to six stems
separately. If the tree has
more than six stems with
DBH ≥1 inch, lower the
measurement height to
1 ft above the ground and record the diameter of up to six stems (selecting the largest
and ignoring any others). If the pith union is below ground, each stem is considered a
separate tree (included bark down to ground line is a good indicator that pith union is
below ground).
Root sprouts: Any root sprouts with DBH ≥1 inch should be measured as separate
trees. Root sprouts with DBH < 1 inch can be ignored.
Tree with butt-swell or bottleneck: Measure these trees 1.5 ft. above the end of the
swell or bottleneck if the swell or bottleneck extends 3.0 ft. or more above the ground.
Fig. 7. Measuring DBH in forked (multistemmed) trees.
Tree with irregularities at DBH: On trees with swellings, bumps, depressions, branches
at DBH height, diameter will be measured immediately above the irregularity at the
place it ceases to affect normal stem form.
Tree on slope: Measure diameter at 4.5 ft. from the ground along the bole on the uphill
side of the tree.
Leaning tree: Measure diameter at 4.5 ft. from the ground along the bole. The 4.5 ft.
distance is measured along the underside face of the bole.
Live windthrown tree: Measure from the top of the root collar along the length to 4.5 ft.
Paper (sample): For normal conditions, enter under DBH > column 1. Use columns
2–6 if necessary.
Paper (complete): For normal conditions, enter under DBH1. Use DBH2–DBH6 if
PDA (sample and complete): DBH entry elds are accessed under the Stems tab.
Click Add to begin entering DBHs. The stem ID will be generated automatically.
Enter a value under Diameter.
Webform (sample and complete): DBH entry elds are accessed under the Stems
tab. Click the plus sign in the top right corner to begin entering DBHs. The stem
ID will be generated automatically. Enter a value under Diameter.
DBH measurement height: If DBH was not measured at 4.5 ft (1.4 m), measure the
height where DBH was taken.
Fig. 6. Measuring irregular DBHs.
Paper (sample and complete): Enter under HT DBH.
PDA (sample and complete): In the Stems window, a value of 4.5 ft (1.4 m) is
generated automatically. Correct if necessary.
Webform (sample and complete): In the Stems window, a value of 4.5 ft (1.4 m) is
generated automatically. Correct if necessary.
DBH measured: PDA and webform only. Whenever possible DBH should actually be
measured, but if necessary it can be estimated visually.
Paper (sample and complete): NA
PDA (sample and complete): In the Stems window, if direct measurements were
made, check the box next to DBH Measured.
Webform (sample and complete): In the Stems window, if direct measurements
were made, check the box next to DBH Measured. Once all information has been
entered for a given stem, click OK to continue. When all stems have been entered,
click the left arrow on the main Stems page to return to that tree’s main menu.
Direction to building: If you decided to collect information related to energy effects during
Phase I: Getting Started: Early Decisions, this eld is required. For trees (≥20 ft. tall) that
are located within 60 ft. of space-conditioned residential buildings that are three stories or
fewer in height (two stories and an attic), record the direction (azimuth in degrees) from
the tree to the closest part of the building. For multi-family dwellings, treat all the units in
the building as a single building. The building does not have to be located on the plot.
The energy analyses are currently set to run for typical building types and climate zones
of the United States. Eco v 5.0 also will allow Australia and Canadian projects to produce
energy effects using an adaptation of the United States model. Up to three buildings can
be recorded using the paper forms, PDA or mobile device. Standing dead trees that meet
the above conditions should be included.
Paper (sample): Enter the direction to the three closest buildings under TREES
Paper (complete): Enter the direction to the three closest buildings under Tree/
Building Energy Interactions (Dir. & Dist) > D1/D2/D3.
PDA (sample and complete): Building-related elds are accessed under the Bldg
tab. Click Add to add the rst building. The Bldg ID will be lled in automatically.
Enter a value under Direction.
Webform (sample and complete): Building-related elds are accessed under the
Building Interactions tab. Click the plus sign in the top right to add the rst
building. The Bldg ID will be lled in automatically. Enter a value under Direction.
Shortest distance to building: If you collected data on direction to building, this eld is
also required. For buildings recorded above, measure the shortest distance from the tree
to the closest part of the building (in m or ft). Standing dead trees that meet the above
conditions should be included.
Paper (sample): Enter the distance to the three closest buildings under TREES
Paper (complete): Enter the distance to the three closest buildings under Tree/
Building Energy Interactions (Dir. & Dist) > S1/S2/S3.
PDA (sample and complete): In the Bldg window, add a value under Distance and
click Save to save that building. Add additional buildings if necessary.
Webform (sample and complete): In the Bldg window, add a value under Distance
and click OK to add another building if necessary. When all buildings have been
entered, click the left arrow on the main Building Interactions page to return to
the main menu for that tree.
Pests: In the PDA and webform utilities, the initial pest detection window asks you to
evaluate whether the overall tree, foliage/twigs, and branches/bole show indications of
pest or disease. If you answer “yes” to any of these, an additional window appears asking
you to further characterize the damage. If you identied any signs or symptoms under
the one of the three categories, you will need to select a Primary Pest if known. If you
are unsure, select Unknown as the protocol is not meant to be a diagnostic tool but a
systematic method to evaluate and document pest and disease sign and symptoms. If no
signs or symptoms of pest or disease presence were indicated, select None.
For detailed eld data collection protocol, refer to the Inventory Pest Early Detection
(IPED) manual under Resources > Manuals and Workbooks at or the
online Wiki IPED Resources site (
Finishing Up the Plot or Site
For complete inventories, continue entering trees until all trees on the site have been
inventoried. Check thoroughly to be sure all required elds are complete and all entries are
For sample inventories, continue entering trees until all trees on plot have been accounted
for. It is the responsibility of each crew to complete all variables before leaving the sample
plot. Before leaving the plot, check thoroughly to be sure all required elds are complete
and all entries are reasonable.
For PDA users, once all trees have been entered, click Exit/Done and check the box on
the Plots window next to Mark Completed. You’re ready to move on to the next plot.
For webform users, once all trees have been entered, click the left arrow to return to the
Plot main menu. Click Mark Plot as Completed. You’re ready to move on to the next plot.
NOTE: Remember, with the webform your data isn’t sent to the server automatically—
it’s only saved in the browser cache! To save your data to the server, you MUST
submit it as described at the beginning of this chapter. Submit often!
Quality Assurance Plan
This Quality Assurance (QA) Plan was designed specically for i-Tree Eco data collection
using either volunteer or professionally trained eld crews. Although originally intended for
sample inventories, it can be modied for complete inventories.
It is important to implement QA procedures to ensure accurate data. By setting standards
and monitoring eldwork, one can prevent or at least detect and correct errors and
eliminate the repetition of most errors. Quality assurance procedures used in data
collection should be documented for future project management reference especially if
you plan to repeat your project in the future. Although Quality Assurance information and
procedures are not included in the Eco reporting, it is an essential part of a project to
ensure consistency of collected data and model results for your project.
After the initial training period, periodic inspections should be made of every crew’s
eldwork. Inspections are the most important mechanism for assuring quality data. The
number of errors detected will determine the frequency of inspections.
Quality Assurance: Quality Assurance (QA) is a procedure to ensure that the eld data
are collected accurately. QA involves a series of hot and cold checks of the eld plots.
Hot Check: Trainer works with the crew as they conduct measurements on the plot to
ensure that they have mastered the measurement techniques. Hot checks are normally
done as part of the training process. Trainer observes crews during data collection and
checks their measurements while the crew is at the plot. Hot checks are informal, allowing
for one-on-one interaction between the trainer and the trainee. Errors encountered during
hot checks are corrected.
Cold Check: Cold checks are done at regular intervals throughout the eld season. An
inspector or alternate crew member revisits a plot after it has been completed. The original
crew is not present, and critical measurements are checked. Plots should be selected at
random so eld crews do not know which plots will have a cold check. Errors encountered
during cold checks are corrected.
QA timing
After the initial eld training, a series of hot and cold checks should be completed on
approximately 5% of the plots, with more cold than hot checks (e.g., 70% cold and 30%
hot). Every crew should be hot and cold checked. It is important to perform several QA
checks early in the data collection process, but occasional checks should be performed
throughout the eld season.
Week 1 and Week 2: Hot checks are conducted on a variety of plot types (wooded,
residential, etc.)
Weeks 3–7: Cold checks are conducted on a variety of plot types (e.g., plots with low/no
tree cover, plots with a few trees, and plots with high number of trees). For plots with <5
trees, verify that all trees on the plot were measured, verify species identication is correct,
re-measure DBH and total height, and verify building interaction for all trees. For plots with
>5 trees, verify that all trees on the plot were measured and verify species identication
is correct for all trees. Then for 5 randomly selected trees, re-measure DBH and total
HEIGHT, and verify building interaction. Use the paper data collection forms during QA for
each plot selected, with remeasurements recorded for the selected trees.
Variables to remeasure
The variables in the table below should be remeasured and recorded on a QA tree data
form (see below for data collection suggestions). Measurement quality objectives (MQOs)
are also listed. MQOs are objective, quantitative statements describing the tolerable level of
error (deviation between true and measured value) for a given measurement. They are the
objective standards against which data quality is measured. An MQO for a measurement
generally consists of a maximum acceptable error size and the percent of the time that
measurement error must be less than or equal to the maximum error. When measurements
can be repeated with uniform results by several individuals, it is proper to set close
tolerance limits that dene acceptable data.
For variables that require subjective evaluation, tolerance limits should reect the degree
of subjectivity. Attributes with greater subjectivity should have broader tolerance limits.
Variable Measurement unit MQO
Land use Land use No errors, 99% of the time
Plot tree cover 5% classes Within two 5% classes, 95% of
the time
Tree count
< 25 trees on plot Presence/absence No errors, 90% of the time
≥ 25 trees on plot Presence/absence Within 3% of total, 99% of the
Tree species (or genus if
species cannot be determined)
Species No errors, 95% of the time
Tree with 1–10 inch DBH 0.1 inch Within 0.1 inch, 95% of the time
Tree with > 10 inch DBH 0.1 inch Within 3%, 95% of the time
Tree total height 1 ft Within 10%, 95% of the time
Building interaction No. of buildings No errors, 95% of the time
For all other measurements at the plot and tree level, make sure all items have been
measured/recorded by the crew and that values are reasonable. There is no need to
remeasure anything else unless a problem is obvious.
Highlight measurements where tolerances have been exceeded. Keep notes on accuracy
of the other data collected. If major problems are encountered, document what you
did to x them (e.g., if one species is consistently being incorrectly identied, state
that you re-trained the crew, went back to previously completed plots, and xed them).
Documentation as to how the problem was xed is critical.
NOTE: For any stray errors, talk with the crew to determine why errors occurred. Determine
if these few errors are symptomatic of a bigger problem. If you recognize a trend and the
problems are consistent from plot to plot, corrective action needs to take place: retrain
the crews, x the data sheets, and/or go back to the affected plots and re-measure the
necessary items. The key, critical items to focus on are species identication and number
of trees on the plot. Trends in diameter measurement are important to note. (Is the crew
consistently measuring too high or too low?)
QA forms
There is not a specic data sheet designed for QA purposes as each project will have its
own needs. You can create a form to use or another system for checking measurements.
One option is to use the basic Eco data collection sheets. You can also print out existing
plot data in PDF format. To do, from the tool bar in Eco, select Edit > Enter or Edit Data.
Click Print Plot and from the window that opens, choose the plots you want to print and
click Display.
Mobile device users can send plot data (for sample projects) and tree data (for complete
inventory projects) back to their devices to use during QA checks by following the steps
outlined in Phase IV: Rechecking Data in the Field.
PDA users can send tree data for complete inventory projects back to their devices to
use during QA checks by following the steps outlined in Phase IV: Rechecking Data in
the Field. However, there is currently no way to send collected data from sample projects
back to the PDA. Therefore, PDA users undertaking sample-based projects are limited to
manual QA procedures.
Transferring Data to the Desktop
Once eld data have been collected, they need to be accessed from the desktop and sent
for processing.
On your desktop
To open the project you created during Phase II, open the Eco desktop application from
your computer’s Start menu.
1 Click File > Open Project and navigate to the location where you saved it.
2 Click Open to open the project.
Paper forms
1 Click Edit > Enter or Edit Data to enter data collected on paper and the Paper
Data Entry window will open.
2 For sample inventories, the list of plots will appear.
a Highlight the PlotID corresponding to the plot ID on the paper form and click
Edit Plot. Enter the data for each plot, matching the data entry form with
the paper form.
b Click Save when you are nished with each plot.
c If you need to add additional plots beyond those included in the list, click
Add Plot and complete the form.
3 For complete inventories, click Add Tree to begin entering data.
a Enter the data for each tree, matching the data entry form with the paper
b Click Save when you are nished with each tree.
c Click Edit Tree or Delete Tree to make changes or remove a tree entry.
You must exit the Eco application on the PDA before uploading the data.
Phase IV: Back at Your Desk: Running Eco
For sample inventories:
1 To exit from the Plots menu, select Exit from the drop-down menu at the bottom
and click Go.
2 On the main menu click Exit.
For complete inventories:
1 To exit from the Trees menu, click Exit/Done.
2 From the main menu, click Exit.
To continue on your desktop:
1 Click Tools > PDA Utility and the PDA interface will open with the PDA tab active.
2 With the PDA connected to your computer, ActiveSync working, and the Eco PDA
application not running, click Check PDA Status.
3 Then click Retrieve Data from PDA.
4 Click OK to clean completed plots from the PDA.
Mobile devices
Field crews should have been submitting data at regular intervals from their mobile
devices. That data is held in the cloud server until it is retrieved by the project data
manager working at his or her desktop computer.
To retrieve submitted data from the server at your desktop:
1 Click Tools > Mobile Utility. Conrm the project information.
2 Click Retrieve Project Data and enter the password you created earlier for the
Transferring PDA records without connecting the PDA to the desktop
In some cases, it may be difcult or impossible for eld crews to return their PDAs to
the desktop for data transfer regularly. In this case, an advanced option is available
that allows the records to be transferred via email. This option requires very careful le
management procedures on the part of the data manager to ensure data integrity and
requires advanced PDA knowledge on the part of the eld crews to nd and package
the required data les within the PDA. If you require this function, please consult with
i-Tree Support for suggestions and limitations of working with this option.
3 Click Next.
4 In the Eco Mobile Manager window that appears, click the boxes next to all plots
you want to retrieve from the server.
Making changes
If you would like to edit or enter any new inventory data:
1 Click Edit > Enter or Edit Data. The inventory list will open.
2 Highlight the PlotID or TreeID you would like to edit, click the Edit Plot or Edit Tree
button and make any changes necessary.
3 Click Save Edits when you are nished.
4 For sample inventories, if you need to add additional plots beyond those included
in the list, click Add Plot and complete the form.
5 For complete inventories, click Add Tree to add a new record and complete the
Rechecking Data in the Field
On some occasions, you may nd that you need to return to the eld to recheck inventory
entries, for example, to perform Quality Assurance checks. In this case, you can select
records to be transferred from the desktop to the PDA or mobile device, so you know
which trees or plots to return to. Currently, this option can be used with mobile devices for
sample and complete inventory projects but only for complete inventory projects for users
with PDAs.
For mobile devices and sample or complete inventory projects
On your desktop:
1 Click Tools > Mobile Utility and conrm the project information.
2 Select Submit Project Conguration.
3 Click the boxes next to the plots or trees you want to revisit and click OK.
4 Reenter the email address and password you chose for the project and click
On each mobile device:
1 Begin by completing any plots in progress and submitting any existing data!
2 From the main project window, click the gear wheel in the top left corner to access
the Options menu.
3 Select Reload Project. The plots or trees to be revisited are now visible on your
mobile device.
For PDAs and complete inventory projects
On your desktop:
1 Click Tools > PDA Utility and the PDA interface will open with the PDA tab active.
2 With the PDA connected to your computer, ActiveSync working, and the Eco PDA
application not running, click Check PDA Status.
3 Click the button labeled Select Recorded Tree Data to Send to PDA. The
inventory list will appear.
4 Check the box next to the appropriate records and click OK.
Your records should now appear in the PDA.
Submitting Data for Processing
For U.S., Canadian, and Australian projects, data are processed automatically through an
online system and results are returned the same day.
NOTE: Other international projects and projects with custom weather or air quality
data will still be processed manually by the US Forest Service Northern Research
Station in Syracuse and require extra time. Submit them as described below and then
please email [email protected] to inform us that your project needs special handling.
To begin data transfer:
1 Click Tools > Submit Data for Processing.
NOTE: It’s important to understand that what happens at the main project level on
the desktop is mirrored across all mobile devices. This means that it is not possible
to send different congurations to different smartphones. If some data collectors are
still working their way through their original plots, the project data manager should not
send a new conguration with a few plots to be rechecked. Careful data management
and planning are necessary.
2 The Contact Information dialog box will open. Fill in the boxes, being particularly
careful with your email address. The Comments box is only for use by international
users, who should provide the total size of their study area for cross reference
3 When you have lled in and checked all the information, click OK. If you receive
a dialog box informing you of errors or issues to resolve, make the necessary
corrections and resubmit.
4 You will receive an auto-generated email from [email protected] to let you know
that your data have been received for analysis. Please check your spam folders if
you do not receive the email.
Downloading Results
When your data have been processed, you will be notied by email that the results are
ready to download. A le name will be supplied in the email. If you do not receive your
results within 24 hours, please contact [email protected].
1 Open the Eco program and then open your project.
2 Click Tools > Load Results.
3 In the File window, enter the name of the le from the email notication you
received. The recommended method is to copy the le name from the email, then
paste it into this dialog box to avoid errors.
4 Click OK. Eco will automatically download your results from the server and place
them in the correct database location on your computer.
Reporting Results
There are two ways to view the results of your Eco analysis: using the Reports menu on
the tool bar or by clicking View on the tool bar and selecting View Project Window. This
opens an outline on the left. Click on each plus sign to reveal the options below. The
same charts and tables are available under both Reports and View, but the View Project
Window additionally allows you to see ne-scale detail regarding each plot, under the
Input section.
Keep in mind that each chart and table may include several pages. To switch between
English and metric units, select the appropriate button above the chart or table. To switch
between common and scientic species names, select View > Species Name Format
from the main menu and check desired format.
Available reports for sample projects (plot-based)
Written report
Eco will automatically generate a written summary report of your results (approximately 33
pages). To view the report:
1 Click Reports > Written Report.
2 An initial dialog box will ask the population of your city. You can nd the information
3 The report will open in the project window and can be printed by clicking the Print
icon or exported in PDF or RTF (which can be edited using any word processing
program such as Microsoft Word) format. Due to formatting variations, exporting
the Eco written report in RTF format may result in chart deviations, such as text
column repositioning of the pest risk matrix on page 23 . Please check exported
documents as needed.
BenMAP Air Quality Public Health Report
The EPA’s Environmental Benets Mapping and Analyis Program (BenMAP) estimates
the number of adverse health reactions avoided due to changes in pollutant concentration
levels. (See for more information.) The values in the table
reect the population of your study area. The dollar values reect the economic value of
the reductions in health incidents.
Resource Ecosystem Services reports
The resource ecosystem services reports listed below present information on the
environmental benets the urban forest of your study area is provding. Results are
provided in functional units (e.g., tons of carbon sequestered) and in dollar values.
Environmental services of trees by species (table)
Environmental services of trees by land use (table)
Environmental services of trees per unit area (table)
Carbon storage of trees by land use (chart)
Carbon storage of trees per unit area by land use (chart)
Annual carbon sequestration of trees by land use (chart)
Annual carbon sequestration of trees per unit area by land use (chart)
Energy effects of trees (table)
Rainfall interception of trees by species (table)
Rainfall interception of trees by land use (table)
Oxygen production of trees by land use (chart)
Oxygen production per unit area by land use (chart)
Monthly pollutant removal by trees and shrubs (table)
Monthly pollutant removal by trees and shrubs (chart)
• Hourly pollutant removal by trees and shrubs (chart)
Bioemissions of trees by species (table)
Bioemissions of trees by land use (table)
Resource Structural Analysis reports
The resource structural analysis reports present information on the structural aspects of
the urban forest of your study area, including population size, species make-up, leaf area,
tree condition and biomass information. Results are provided in a variety of ways such as
classied by DBH class or by land use or presented on a per-unit-area (per-acre or per-
hectare) basis.
Number of trees by land use
Number of trees per unit area by land use (chart)
• Species composition by DBH class and land use (table)
• Species composition by DBH class (table)
Most important tree species (table)
Species richness, Shannon/Wiener Diversity Index (table)
Origin of trees by land use (table)
Condition of trees by species (table)
Condition of trees by land use (table)
• Condition of trees by DBH and land use (table)
Leaf area of trees by land use (chart)
Leaf area of trees per unit area by land use (chart)
• Leaf area and biomass of trees by DBH class and land use (table)
Leaf area and biomass of shrubs by land use (table)
Leaf area and biomass of trees and shrubs by land use (table)
Ground cover composition by land use (table)
Accuracy of land use predictions (table)
Pest and Disease Analysis reports
The Pest and Disease Analysis reports include a standard report for all users on the
susceptibility of their urban forest to known pests. For users who chose to conduct the
Pest Detection Protocol, an additional ten reports are available.
i-Tree Eco Susceptibility Report
• Susceptibility of Trees to Pests by Land Use
Pest Detection Protocol Reports
• Primary Pest Summary of Trees by Land Use
• Primary Pest Details of Trees by Land Use
• Sign & Symptom Overview by Species
• Sign & Symptom Details Summary by Species
• Sign & Symptom Details Complete by Species
• Sign & Symptom Overview by Land Use
• Sign & Symptom Details Summary by Land Use
• Sign & Symptom Details Complete by land Use
• Sign & Symptom Review of Trees
• Pest Review of Trees
Available tables for complete inventory projects (100% census)
BenMAP Air Quality Public Health Report
Resource Ecosystem Services reports
Tree characteristics (table)
Tree characteristics summary by species (table)
• Pollution effects (table)
• Pollution effects summary by species (table)
Energy effects (table)
Rainfall interception (table)
Resource Structural Analysis reports
Species distribution (chart)
Importance value (table)
Species condition (table)
Pest Detection Analysis reports (optional module)
• Primary Pest Summary of Trees by Land Use
• Primary Pest Details of Trees by Land Use
• Sign & Symptom Overview by Species
• Sign & Symptom Overview by Land Use
• Sign & Symptom Details Summary by Species
• Sign & Symptom Details Complete by Species
• Sign & Symptom Details Summary by Land Use
• Sign & Symptom Details Complete by land Use
• Sign & Symptom Review of Trees
• Pest Review of Trees
Model processing notes
The new automated system generates a data sheet with information about processing that
may be helpful for troubleshooting errors. The nal page of the le provides denitions of
the error messages and suggestions for resolving them. These notes can be found under
Reports > Model Processing Notes.
Printing and exporting results
1 To print: With the desired chart or table open, click the Print icon above it.
2 To export, rst select the desired format (PDF, RTF, or CSV) from the drop-down
menu above the chart or table and then click Export.
Pack Project
The Pack Project option allows you to create a zip folder that includes all the necessary
database and project les to transfer your Eco project from one computer to another or to
share the project with another user. To begin the process:
1 Click File > Pack Project and type a name for the zip le that will be created.
The le will include the Eco project le, input database, output (estimation) database, and
NLCD image les if available. To unpack the project on the new computer:
1 Extract the les into one folder to simplify le management.
2 Select the Eco project le and double-click to open.
3 You will be prompted to select the input database and the estimation database for
the project. In each case, navigate to the folder with the extracted les and select
the appropriate database.
4 Reconnect the NLCD les (if available) by selecting File > Update Project. Then
navigate to the folder where the extracted les are located and select the cover,
impervious, and canopy images as directed.
5 Save the project.
Appendix 1: Random Plots Workbook:
Stratied Sample
These instructions will help users of all skill levels create a random sample of i-Tree Eco
plot centers, plot areas, and the associated i-Tree Eco-required data les for their study
area. ESRI ArcGIS software with the Spatial Analyst extension is used. The instructions are
generic and applicable with modication to different versions of ArcGIS as well as other GIS
software in terms of basic operations. The sample plots are stratied by land cover type
(not by land-use data collected in the eld). For purposes of example, 2001 USGS National
Land Cover Database (NLCD) data are employed as these strata.These instructions are
composed of four basic steps:
1 Prepare project area data
2 Prepare strata (land cover types)
3 Generate sample plots
4 Create Eco-ready output
When you are nished, you will have created the following:
Area-of-interest (AOI) polygon map layer.
Land cover map layer conforming to the AOI boundaries and composed of singular,
multi-part land cover polygons with Eco-required elds added and populated.
Random sample plot centers point map layer with Eco-required elds added and
Sample plot areas polygon map layer.
• Eco-ready Strata Area text le.
• Eco-ready Plot List text le.
• Eco-ready Projection prj le.
The Spatial Analyst extension for ArcGIS is required.
Field names and types are important.
• Obtain projection system and map unit information from the map data provider rst.
All map data must have valid projection information for proper alignment.
Strata map data must be in a projection system that uses feet or meters – NOT
Final Eco-required map units will be metric.
AOI examples are polygons such as a city boundary, park areas, or management
• ESRI shapeles are easiest to use.
• “Pin” open ArcToolbox when starting – pushpin icon, upper right of ArcToolbox
• Practice good le management: folders to hold copies of original data, folders to
hold output, employ logical le naming, etc.
ArcGIS should add the geoprocessed map layers to the view automatically. If not,
use the File > Add Data > Add Data… menu to load them.
Temporarily turn off any web browser pop-up blockers.
Decide in advance the number of plots for each stratum.
Project Area Data Preparation
Obtain a GIS map layer representing the area-of-interest (AOI) polygon(s) for your
project area.
Launch the ArcMap application of ArcGIS.
Load the AOI map layer into the data view.
• Dene the projection/coordinate system of the AOI if needed.
Detailed instructions
1 Obtain an area-of-interest (AOI) polygon from your GIS Department or an online
resource. Several options can be found here:
2 Launch ArcMap and save your project with an appropriate name at a new location
via the File > Save As menu. Save periodically while working to avoid data loss.
3 Use the File > Add Data > Add Data… menu to browse to and load the AOI
polygon map layer to the current view.
a If your data are properly projected, ArcGIS should handle projection
differences between the AOI and subsequent map layers on-the-y.
b If your data lack projection information, an “Unknown Spatial Reference”
message may appear. Click OK to move past it and use ArcToolbox to
dene the projection of the AOI map layer according to your data provider’s
Navigate to ArcToolbox > Data Management Tools > Projections and
Transformations > Dene Projection and complete the Dene Projection
For Input Dataset, choose the AOI map layer from the drop-down list.
For Coordinate System, click the Properties button to the right. In the
Spatial Reference Properties window that appears, click Select and
choose the coordinate system indicated by your data provider.
An area-of-interest (AOI) polygon map layer: The AOI polygon map layer is now ready
to be used to clip the strata layer.
Strata Preparation
Obtain a land cover GIS map layer encompassing the entire AOI.
Convert the land cover data to polygons, if needed.
Clip the land cover polygon data to the AOI area.
Select each land cover category and give it a plain text strata name in the attribute
Dissolve the land cover polygons into a single, multi-part polygon for each land
cover strata chosen for your i-Tree Eco project.
• Add Eco-required elds and calculate appropriate values for them.
Detailed instructions
Begin by obtaining land cover data from the Multi-Resolution Land Characteristics
Consortium (
1 Launch the MRLC Consortium Viewer; note the available user instructions.
2 Zoom and pan to your AOI, making sure you cover the entire AOI, plus a bit more.
3 Click on the Download tab at upper right, and make sure only Land Cover for a
desired year is checked.
4 Use the Download tool button to delineate a square area on the map, and in the
resulting pop-up window, click the Download button to save the layer. It may take
a few moments before the web browser’s le save window appears.
5 Unzip the download le to your desired folder. The downloaded NLCD le is named
numerically and consists of image (raster) data. The le is composed of pixels, and
each pixel contains information such as a Land Cover code number. A metadata
le describing the layer’s Entity and Attribute information is included as well.
Specic land cover category codes and names can be found within.
Use ArcToolbox to convert the land cover image data to polygons.
1 Load the Land Cover image into ArcMap. ArcGIS should reproject these data
on-the-y, so they should appear underneath your AOI.
2 Right-click the image map layer and Open Attribute Table to examine the Land
Cover codes.
3 Navigate to ArcToolbox > Conversion Tools > From Raster > Raster to
4 Fill out the Raster to Polygon form:
a For Input Raster, choose your land cover map layer from the drop-down
b For Field, select the eld containing the land cover values (refer to
metadata documentation if necessary).
c Under Output Polygon Features, use the Browse button to locate a
suitable location and create a lename for the resulting polygon map layer.
d The Simplify polygons box should be UNCHECKED.
e Click OK.
Use ArcToolbox to clip the land cover polygon map layer by the AOI map layer.
1 Navigate to ArcToolbox > Analysis Tools > Extract > Clip.
2 Complete the Clip form:
a Under Input Features, select the land cover polygon map layer from the
drop-down list.
b Under Clip Features, choose the AOI map layer from the drop-down list
c Under Output Feature Class, use the Browse button to navigate to a
suitable location and choose a le name for the resulting map layer.
d Leave the XY Tolerance eld and the units dropdown blank.
e Click OK.
3 The land cover map layer should now conform to the inside of the project area
Use ArcToolbox to add Eco-required elds to the clipped land cover polygon map layer.
1 Navigate to ArcToolbox > Data Management Tools > Fields > Add Field.
2 Complete the Add Field form:
a Under Input Table, select the clipped land cover map layer from the drop-
down list.
b For Field Name, enter: StratDslv
c For Field Type, select TEXT from the drop-down list.
d Skip the following elds:
Field Precision
Field Scale
Field Length
Field Alias
Field is Nullable
Field is Required
Field Domain
e Click OK.
Use regular Selection Queries and ArcToolbox to create text values equivalent to the land
cover categories for the clipped land cover polygon map layer.
1 Examine the metadata documentation le that downloaded with the NLCD Land
Cover data. Each GRIDCODE value corresponds to one land cover category. Use
the GRIDCODEs to decipher the land cover data.
2 In the main ArcMap menu bar, choose Selection > Select by Attributes.
3 Complete the Select by Attributes form:
a For Layer, select your clipped land cover map layer.
b For Method, select Create a new selection and format the queries in the
SELECT * FROM box at the bottom
c Make sure the box is empty. Delete old queries if necessary.
d Double-click the “GRIDCODE” eld name from the list above.
e Click the equals button.
f Click the Get Unique Values button.
g Double-click the rst land cover GRIDCODE value in the list.
h A properly formatted query will look like this: “GRIDCODE”=11.
i Click Apply – this keeps the selection form open.
4 With features in this rst land cover category selected, use ArcToolbox to give the
land cover category a text name. Navigate to ArcToolbox > Data Management
Tools > Fields > Calculate Field.
5 Complete the Calculate Field window:
a Under Input Table, select the clipped and dissolved land cover polygon
map layer from the drop-down list.
b For Field Name, select StratDslv from the drop-down list.
c Under Expression, enter an appropriate name to describe the land cover
type, for example: “Developed High Intensity” (including quotes)
d Skip Expression Type.
e Skip Code Block.
f Click OK.
6 Right-click the clipped land cover polygon map layer in the map layers list, select
Open Attribute Table, and verify that only those selected feature records were
populated with the appropriate land cover category text.
7 Repeat steps 1–6 for each land cover category present in the land cover polygon
map layer. Tip: you can formulate queries to select more than one land cover
code to group them as a single strata if desired. e.g. “GRIDCODE”=21 OR
8 From the main Selection menu, choose Clear Selected Features to unselect all
land cover features.
Use ArcToolbox to dissolve the land cover polygon(s).
1 Navigate to ArcToolbox > Data Management Tools > Generalization >
2 Fill out the Dissolve form:
a Under Input Features, choose the clipped land cover polygon map layer
from the drop-down list.
b For Output Feature Class, use the Browse button to navigate to a suitable
location and create a le name for the resulting map layer.
c Under Dissolve_Field(s), check the StratDslv eld (whose attribute values
hold your names for the NLCD land cover values as described above).
d Leave the Statistics Field(s) blank.
e The box next to Create Multipart Features should be checked.
f Skip the Unsplit lines checkbox.
g Click OK.
3 Right-click the new dissolved Land Cover polygon layer, Open Attribute Table and
verify that there are now single, multipart polygons for each land cover category.
Use ArcToolbox to add additional Eco-required elds to the dissolved land cover polygon
map layer.
1 Navigate to ArcToolbox > Data Management Tools > Fields > Add Field.
2 Complete the Add Field form:
a Under Input Table, select the dissolved land cover map layer from the
drop-down list.
b For Field Name, enter: Strat_ID
c For Field Type, select LONG from the drop-down list.
d Skip the following elds:
Field Precision
Field Scale
Field Length
Field Alias
Field is Nullable
Field is Required
Field Domain
e Click OK.
3 Repeat the steps above as follows for these additional elds:
a Field Name: Strat_Area with Field Type: Select DOUBLE.
b Field Name: Strata with Field Type: Select TEXT.
Use the attribute table Field Calculator to populate values for the Eco-specic elds added
to the dissolved land cover polygon map layer:
1 Right-click the land cover map layer and select Open Attribute Table.
2 Right-click the Strat_ID eld column heading and select Field Calculator...
a In the large text entry box below Strat_ID =, enter: [FID]+1
b Click OK.
3 Repeat for the Strata eld.
a In the large text entry box below Strata =, enter: StratDslv
b Click OK.
4 Right-click the Strat_Area eld column heading and select Calculate Geometry…
5 For Property: choose Select Area. If this is not available, your land cover polygon
map layer is not in a projection system using feet or meters; the section above
called Project Area Data Preparation.
6 For Coordinate System choose Use coordinate system of the data source.
7 For Units, select Hectares [ha]
8 Close the Attribute Table when nished.
A converted, clipped, and dissolved polygon land cover map layer with Eco-
required elds added and populated.
It should align with and conform to the project area boundaries.
• It should have ONE record representing EACH land cover category present in its
The processed land cover polygon map layer is now ready to be used for plot
Sample Plot Generation
• Select each land cover category and run the Create Random Points tool from
ArcToolbox for each land cover category.
Merge the resulting random plots data together.
Spatially join the land cover data to the random plots data.
Add Eco-required Fields to the random plots data.
• Calculate eld values for the random plots data.
Buffer the random plots point data to form plot areas.
Detailed instructions
Use regular selection queries and ArcToolbox to select an individual land cover category
and then generate the desired number of plots for it.
1 From the Selection menu, choose Select by Attributes.
2 Fill out the Select by Attributes form:
a Under Layer, ensure that the dissolved land cover map layer is selected.
b For Method, select Create a new selection and format the queries in the
SELECT * FROM box at the bottom as follows:
c Make sure the box is empty. Delete old queries if necessary.
d Double-click the Strata eld name from the list above.
e Click the equals button.
f Click the Get Unique Values button.
g Double-click the rst land cover Strata value in the list.
h A properly formatted query will look like this: “Strata”=’Developed, High
i Click Apply.
3 Navigate to ArcToolbox > Data Management Tools > Feature Class > Create
Random Points.
4 Complete the Create Random Points form:
a For Output Location, browse to and single-click your working folder to
select it and click Add.
b For Output Point Feature Class, type in an appropriate name with a .SHP
extension. (Sample plots will be created for individual land cover categories
as separate map layer shapeles. Choose a name for each le that reects
the category as they will eventually be merged together into one sample
plots layer, e.g., plots_Developed_HighIntensity.shp)
c For Constraining Feature Class, select your clipped and dissolved land
cover map layer.
d For Number of Points [value or eld], enter the desired number of sample
plots for this selected land cover.
e Skip the remaining inputs.
f Click OK.
g Repeat steps 1–4 for each land cover category.
5 From the Selection menu, choose Clear Selected Features to unselect all land
cover features.
Use ArcToolBox to merge the individual land cover category random plots map layers
1 Navigate to ArcToolbox > Data Management Tools > General > Merge.
2 Complete the Merge form:
a FIRST, you must enter Output Dataset with a le extension of SHP. Click
the Browse button to navigate to a suitable location and enter a le name
for the resulting map layer, e.g., SamplePlots_Merge.shp
b Then, from the drop-down list under Input Datasets, select each land cover
plot layer, one at a time.
c Skip the Field Map option.
d Click OK.
Perform a spatial join between the merged sample plots point map layer and the dissolved
land cover polygon map layer. This step assigns land cover types to the sample plot
1 Right-click the merged sample plots layer and select Joins and Relates > Join...
2 Complete the Join Data form.
a Under What do you want to join to this layer? select Join data from
another layer based on spatial location.
b Under Choose the layer to join to this layer… select the dissolved land
cover polygon layer.
c Under Each point will be given all the attributes of the polygon that:
click the button next to it falls inside.
d Under The result of the join will be saved into a new layer, use the
Browse button to navigate to a suitable location and choose a le name for
the resulting map layer. These will be the nal i-Tree Eco plot centers.
e Click OK.
Use ArcToolbox to add Eco elds to the spatially joined sample plots point map layer.
1 Navigate to ArcToolbox > Data Management Tools > Fields > Add Field.
2 Complete the Add Field form.
a For Input Table, select the spatially joined sample plots point map layer
from the drop-down list.
b For Field Name, enter: ID
c For Field Type, select LONG from the drop-down list.
d Skip the following elds:
Field Precision
Field Scale
Field Length
Field Alias
Field is Nullable
Field is Required
Field Domain
e Click OK.
3 Repeat the steps above as follows for these additional elds:
a Field Name: LCCode with Field Type: Select SHORT.
b Field Name: X_Coord with Field Type: Select DOUBLE.
c Field Name: Y_Coord with Field Type: Select DOUBLE.
Use the attribute table Field Calculator to populate values for the Eco-specic elds added
to the spatially joined sample plots point map layer in the steps above.
1 Right-click the spatially joined sample plots point map layer and select Open
Attribute Table.
2 Right-click the ID eld column heading and select Field Calculator...
a In the large text entry box below ID =, enter: [FID]+1
b Click OK.
3 Repeat for the LCCode eld.
a In the large text entry box below LCCode =, enter: [Strat_ID]
4 Right-click the X_Coord eld column heading and select Calculate Geometry…
a For Property: select X Coordinate of Point
b For Coordinate System choose Use coordinate system of the data
c For Units, select Meters [m]
d Click OK.
5 Right-click the Y_Coord eld column heading and select Calculate Geometry…
a For Property: select Y Coordinate of Point
b For Coordinate System choose Use coordinate system of the data
c For Units, select Meters [m]
d Click OK
6 To verify the attributes have been correctly modied in the sample plots point map
layer, right-click the spatially joined sample plots point map layer in the map layers
list, and choose Open Attribute Table.
a Scan through the elds and their values to verify they are correct.
(Optional) Use ArcToolbox to buffer the spatially joined sample plots point map layer. This
step creates the plot of your desired survey size around the plot centers and can be used
to make eld data collection plot maps.
1 Navigate to ArcToolbox > Analysis Tools > Proximity > Buffer.
2 Complete the Buffer form:
a Under Input Features, select the spatially joined sample plots point map
layer from the drop-down list.
b For Output Feature Class, use the Browse button to navigate to a suitable
location and choose a le name for the resulting map layer.
c For Distance, in the Linear Unit box, enter the distance value from the list
below, based on your desired plot size. (The distance is the radius of the
For 1/5 acre plots: enter: 52.66
For 1/10 acre plots: enter: 37.24
For 1/20 acre plots: enter: 26.33
For 1/100 acre plots: enter: 11.78
For 1/5 hectare plots: enter: 25.23
For 1/10 hectare plots: enter: 17.84
For 1/20 hectare plots: enter: 12.62
For 1/100 hectare plots: enter: 5.64
d Select Feet or Meters as appropriate from the units dropdown
e Skip the following entries:
Side Type
End Type
Dissolve Type
Dissolve Field(s)
f Click OK.
3 The buffered sample points layer is added to the map view automatically; zoom
in to examine individual plot areas. Note: choose an equal-area appropriate
projection system in the layers data view properties if your plot areas appear not to
be circular.
Sample plots point map layer
• User-dened number of plots randomly spread throughout each stratum (land
cover category)
• Plot points assigned with land cover categories
• Eco-required elds added and populated
(Optional) Sample plot areas polygon map layer
Create Eco-ready Output
• Export select elds from the Plot attribute table to a text le.
• Export select elds from the Strata polygons attribute table to a text le.
• Copy and rename the AOI projection le.
Detailed instructions
1 From the Selection menu, choose Clear Selected Features if available to
unselect all features.
2 Right-click the spatially joined sample plot centers point map layer in the map
layers list and select Open Attribute Table.
a Right-click the FID eld and select Turn Field Off.
b Repeat for all but the ID, LCCode, X_Coord, and Y_Coord elds (added in
Sample Plot Generation above).
c Under the upper left Table Options drop-down button, select Export.
d Browse to a folder where you wish to save the output le.
e For Save the le as type select Text File.
f Name the export appropriately, such as “myEcoPlots_mmyyyy.txt”.
g Click No when asked to add the new table to the current map.
3 Open the text le in a simple editor such as Windows Notepad (avoid using word
processing software due to formatting issues).
a Use the Search and Replace function to replace each comma with a
b Save the le
c Delete the rst line containing the eld names: “ID”,”LCCode”,”X_
d Copy and paste these two lines at the top of the le:
$ U4PLLS! 1.3 20040728 1549
e A properly formatted le will look like this:
$U4PLLS! 1.3 20040728 1549
1 1 1199094.600650 2095374.121430
2 1 1202999.760510 2094522.116280
3 1 1207382.288000 2096877.180300
4 1 1198150.473980 2101783.086320
4 Right-click the dissolved land cover polygon layer in the map layers list and select
Open Attribute Table.
a Right-click the FID eld and select Turn Field Off.
b Repeat for all but the Strat_ID, Strat_Area, and Strata elds (added in
Strata Preparation above).
c Under the Table Options drop-down button, select Export.
d Browse to a folder where you wish to save the output le and save as a
Text File.
e Name the export appropriately, such as “myEcoStrata_mmyyyy.txt”.
f Click No when asked to add the new table to the current map.
5 Open the text le in a simple editor (avoid using word processing software).
a Use the Search and Replace function to replace each comma with a
b Save the le.
c Delete the rst line containing the eld names: “Strat_ID”,”Strat_
d Copy and paste these two lines at the top of the le:
$U4STAR! 1.3 20040728 1549
e A properly formatted le will look like this:
$U4STAR! 1.3 20040728 1549
1 15138.785733 “Developed”
2 3187.141038 “Open”
3 217.131072 “Other”
6 Make a copy of the PRJ le associated with your dissolved land cover polygons
a In Windows Explorer, browse to your working folder and copy/paste the
PRJ le associated with this shapele.
b Right-click the copied le, and Rename it appropriately, such as
Three Eco-ready les:
• Plot List
Strata Area
• Projection (automatically created in the Dene Projection/Reprojection steps above
as part of the AOI Shapele)
Appendix 2: Random Plots Workbook:
Unstratied Sample
These instructions will help users of all skill levels create a random sample of i-Tree Eco
plot centers, plot areas, and the associated i-Tree Eco-required data les for their study
area. ESRI ArcGIS software with the Spatial Analyst extension is used. The instructions
are generic and applicable with modication to different versions of ArcGIS as well as
other GIS software in terms of basic operations.
These instructions comprise three basic steps:
1 Prepare project area data.
2 Generate sample plots.
3 Create Eco-ready output.
When nished, you will have created the following:
Area-of-interest (AOI) map layer composed of a single (or multi-part) polygon.
• Random sample plot centers point map layer with Eco-required elds added and
Sample plot areas polygon map layer.
• Eco-ready Strata Area text le.
• Eco-ready Plot List text le.
• Eco-ready Projection prj le.
The Spatial Analyst extension for ArcGIS is required.
Field names and types are important.
• Obtain projection system and map unit information from the map data provider rst.
All map data must have valid projection information for proper alignment.
AOI map data must be in a projection system that uses feet or meters – NOT
Final Eco-required map units will be metric.
AOI examples are polygons such as a city boundary, park areas, or management
• ESRI shapeles are easiest to use.
• “Pin” open ArcToolbox when starting – pushpin icon, upper right of ArcToolbox
• Practice good le management: folders to hold copies of original data, folders to
hold output, employ logical le naming, etc.
ArcGIS should add the geoprocessed map layers to the view automatically. If not,
use the File > Add Data > Add Data… menu to load them.
Project Area Data Preparation
Obtain a GIS map layer representing the area-of-interest (AOI) polygon(s) for your
project area.
Launch the ArcMap application of ArcGIS.
Load the AOI map layer into the data view.
• Dene the projection/coordinate system of the AOI if needed.
Reproject the AOI to a system using feet or meters if needed.
Dissolve the AOI into a single polygon (a single, multi-part polygon if more than
one polygon).
• Add Eco-required elds and calculate appropriate values for them.
Detailed instructions
1 Obtain an area-of-interest (AOI) polygon from your GIS Department or an online
resource. Several options can be found here:
2 Launch ArcMap.
3 Save your project with an appropriate name at a new location via the File > Save
As menu. Save periodically while working to avoid data loss.
4 Use the File > Add Data > Add Data… menu to browse to and load the AOI
polygon map layer to the current view.
a If your data are properly projected, ArcGIS should handle projection
differences between the AOI and subsequent map layers on-the-y.
b If your data lack projection information, an “Unknown Spatial Reference”
message may appear. Click OK to move past it and use ArcToolbox to
dene the projection of the AOI map layer according to your data provider’s
Navigate to ArcToolbox > Data Management Tools > Projections
and Transformations > Dene Projection and complete the Dene
Projection form:
For Input Dataset, choose the AOI map layer from the drop-down list.
For Coordinate System, click the Properties button to the right.
In the Spatial Reference Properties window that appears, click Select and
choose the coordinate system indicated by your data provider.
5 If necessary, use ArcToolbox to reproject your AOI map layer to a system using feet
or meters, ideally selecting a projection system already in use by your organization
or a commonly used system such as State Plane or UTM in the United States.
6 Navigate to ArcToolbox > Data Management Tools > Projections and
Transformations > Feature > Project and complete the Project form:
a For Input Dataset, select the AOI map layer from the drop-down menu.
b Input Coordinate System should be grayed out based on your work in the
previous step or per your data provider.
c For Output Dataset or Feature Class, use the Browse button to the
right and navigate to a suitable location to save the output le and give it a
d For Output Coordinate System, click the Properties button to the right
e In the Spatial Reference Properties window that appears, click the Select
button and navigate to the proper coordinate system.
f For Geographic Transformation, select the rst choice in the drop-down
list if prompted with an “Undened Geographic Transformation” message.
g Click OK when you’ve completed all the boxes.
7 If your AOI has more than one polygon, you must use ArcToolbox to dissolve them.
a Navigate to ArcToolbox > Data Management Tools > Generalization >
Dissolve and complete the Dissolve window:
b For Input Features, select the projected AOI map layer from the list.
c For Output Feature Class, use the Browse button to navigate to a suitable
location and give the le a name.
d For Dissolve Field, check the data eld attribute value that unies the AOI.
Example: a “Name” eld containing the city name of an AOI, even across
physically separate city sections. You may need to peruse the layer’s
attribute table to nd this.
e Leave the Statistics eld blank.
f Ensure the Create Multipart Features box is checked.
g Click OK to nish.
8 Right-click the new dissolved AOI polygon layer, Open Attribute Table and verify
that there is now a single, multipart polygon present.
9 Use ArcToolbox to add Eco-required elds to the projected, dissolved AOI map
a Navigate to ArcToolbox > Data Management Tools > Fields > Add Field
and complete the Add Field form:
b Under Input Table, select the dissolved AOI map layer from the dropdown
c For Field Name, enter: Strat_ID
d For Field Type, select LONG from the drop-down list.
e Skip the following elds:
Field Precision
Field Scale
Field Length
Field Alias
Field is Nullable
Field is Required
Field Domain
f Click OK.
10 Repeat the steps above as follows for these additional elds:
a Field Name: Strat_Area with Field Type: Select DOUBLE.
b Field Name: Strata with Field Type: Select TEXT.
11 Use the attribute table Field Calculator to populate values for the Eco-specic
elds added to the projected, dissolved AOI map layer. To begin, right-click the
projected, dissolved AOI map layer and select Open Attribute Table.
a Right-click the Strat_ID eld column heading and select Field Calculator...
b In the large text entry box below Strat_ID =, enter: 1
c Click OK.
d Repeat for the Strata eld.
e In the large text entry box below Strata =, enter: Single Strata (including
f Click OK.
g Right-click the Strat_Area eld column heading and select Calculate
h For Property: choose Select Area. If this is not available, your AOI map
layer is not in a projection system using feet or meters; see Steps 4 and 5.
i For Coordinate System choose Use coordinate system of the data
j For Units, select Hectares [ha].
An area-of-interest (AOI) single polygon map layer with Eco-required elds added
and populated.
The AOI polygon map layer is now ready to be used for plot generation.
Sample Plot Generation
• Run the Create Random Points tool from ArcToolbox for the AOI.
• Add Eco-required elds to the random plots data.
• Calculate eld values for the random plots data.
Buffer the random plots point data to form plot areas.
Detailed instructions
Use the Create Random Points tool in ArcToolbox to generate the desired number of plots
for the projected, dissolved AOI.
1 Navigate to ArcToolbox > Data Management Tools > Feature Class > Create
Random Points.
2 Complete the Create Random Points form:
a For Output Location, browse to and single-click your working folder to
select it and click Add.
b For Output Point Feature Class, type in an appropriate name with a .SHP
c For Constraining Feature Class, select your projected, dissolved AOI
polygon map layer.
d For Number of Points [value or eld], enter the desired number of sample
plots for this selected land cover.
e Skip the remaining inputs.
f Click OK.
Use ArcToolbox to add Eco-required elds to the newly created sample plots point map
1 Navigate to ArcToolbox > Data Management Tools > Fields > Add Field.
2 Complete the Add Field form:
a For Input Table, select the newly created sample plots point map layer
from the dropdown list.
b For Field Name, enter: ID
c For Field Type, select LONG from the drop-down list.
d Skip the following elds:
Field Precision
Field Scale
Field Length
Field Alias
Field is Nullable
Field is Required
Field Domain
e Click OK.
3 Repeat the steps above as follows for these additional elds:
a Field Name: LCCode with Field Type: Select SHORT.
b Field Name: X_Coord with Field Type: Select DOUBLE.
c Field Name: Y_Coord with Field Type: Select DOUBLE.
Use the attribute table Field Calculator to populate values for the Eco-specic elds added
to the sample plots point map layer in the step above.
1 Right-click the sample plots point map layer and select Open Attribute Table.
2 Right-click the ID eld column heading and select Field Calculator...
a In the large text entry box below ID =, enter: [FID]+1
b Click OK.
3 Repeat step 2 for the LCCode eld.
a In the large text entry box below LCCode =, enter: 1
4 Right-click the X_Coord eld column heading and select Calculate Geometry…
a For Property: select X Coordinate of Point
b For Coordinate System choose Use coordinate system of the data
c For Units, select Meters [m]
d Click OK.
5 Right-click the Y_Coord eld column heading and select Calculate Geometry…
a For Property: select Y Coordinate of Point
b For Coordinate System choose Use coordinate system of the data
c For Units, select Meters [m]
d Click OK.
6 To verify the attributes have been correctly modied in the sample plots point map
layer, right-click the sample plots point map layer in the map layers list, and choose
Open Attribute Table.
a Scan through the elds and their values to verify they are correct.
(Optional) Use ArcToolbox to buffer the sample plots point map layer. This step creates
the plot of your desired survey size around the plot centers and can be used to make eld
data collection plot maps.
1 Navigate to ArcToolbox > Analysis Tools > Proximity > Buffer.
2 Complete the Buffer form:
a Under Input Features, select the sample plots point map layer from the
drop-down list.
b For Output Feature Class, use the Browse button to navigate to a suitable
location and choose a le name for the resulting map layer.
c For Distance, in the Linear Unit box, enter the distance value from the list
below, based on your desired plot size. (The distance is the radius of the
For 1/5 acre plots: enter: 52.66
For 1/10 acre plots: enter: 37.24
For 1/20 acre plots: enter: 26.33
For 1/100 acre plots: enter: 11.78
For 1/5 hectare plots: enter: 25.23
For 1/10 hectare plots: enter: 17.84
For 1/20 hectare plots: enter: 12.62
For 1/100 hectare plots: enter: 5.64
d Select Feet or Meters as appropriate from the units dropdown
e Skip the following entries:
Side Type
End Type
Dissolve Type
Dissolve Field(s)
f Click OK.
3 The buffered sample points layer is added to the map view automatically; zoom
in to examine individual plot areas. Note: choose an appropriate equal-area
projection system in the layers data view properties if your plot areas appear not to
be circular.
Sample plots point map layer
• User-dened number of plots randomly spread throughout the AOI
• Plot points assigned with land cover categories
• Eco-required elds added and populated
(Optional) Sample plot areas polygon map layer
Create Eco-Ready Output
• Export select elds from the Plot attribute table to a text le.
• Export select elds from the Strata polygons attribute table to a text le.
• Copy and rename the AOI projection le.
Detailed instructions
1 From the Selection menu, choose Clear Selected Features if available to
unselect all features.
2 Right-click the spatially joined sample plot centers point map layer in the map
layers list and select Open Attribute Table.
a Right-click the FID eld and select Turn Field Off.
b Repeat for all but the ID, LCCode, X_Coord, and Y_Coord elds (added in
Sample Plot Generation above).
c Under the upper left Table Options drop-down button, select Export.
d Browse to a folder where you wish to save the output le.
e For Save the le as type select Text File.
f Name the export appropriately, such as “myEcoPlots_mmyyyy.txt”.
g Click No when asked to add the new table to the current map.
3 Open the text le in a simple editor such as Windows Notepad (avoid using word
processing software due to formatting issues).
a Use the Search and Replace function to replace each comma with a
b Save the le
c Delete the rst line containing the eld names: “ID”,”LCCode”,”X_
d Copy and paste these two lines at the top of the le:
$ U4PLLS! 1.3 20040728 1549
e A properly formatted le will look like this:
$U4PLLS! 1.3 20040728 1549
1 1 1199094.600650 2095374.121430
2 1 1202999.760510 2094522.116280
3 1 1207382.288000 2096877.180300
4 1 1198150.473980 2101783.086320
4 Right-click the dissolved land cover polygon layer in the map layers list and select
Open Attribute Table.
a Right-click the FID eld and select Turn Field Off.
b Repeat for all but the Strat_ID, Strat_Area, and Strata elds (added in
Strata Preparation above).
c Under the Table Options drop-down button, select Export.
d Browse to a folder where you wish to save the output le and save as a
Text File.
e Name the export appropriately, such as “myEcoStrata_mmyyyy.txt”.
f Click No when asked to add the new table to the current map.
5 Open the text le in a simple editor (avoid using word processing software).
a Use the Search and Replace function to replace each comma with a
b Save the le.
c Delete the rst line containing the eld names: “Strat_ID”,”Strat_
d Copy and paste these two lines at the top of the le:
$U4STAR! 1.3 20040728 1549
e A properly formatted le will look like this:
$U4STAR! 1.3 20040728 1549
1 15138.785733 “Developed”
2 3187.141038 “Open”
3 217.131072 “Other”
6 Make a copy of the PRJ le associated with your dissolved land cover polygons
a In Windows Explorer, browse to your working folder and copy/paste the
PRJ le associated with this shapele.
b Right-click the copied le, and Rename it appropriately, such as
Three Eco-ready les:
• Plot List
Strata Area
• Projection (automatically created in the Dene Projection/Reprojection steps above
as part of the AOI Shapele)
Appendix 3: Importing Existing
Inventory Data
This Appendix provides more detailed information on formatting and importing existing tree
data into an Eco complete inventory project for analysis.
General Rules for Data Input
If you are working with an existing data set for a complete inventory Eco project and would
like to import it into Eco rather than entering the data using Eco’s Paper Data Entry
window, your data must be formatted to conform to the Eco inventory requirements before
importing. The end result will be a Microsoft Access database le that includes a table
containing your inventory data. The Access database le can have any name (*.mdb) but
the table must be called FullInventoryTrees.
To import data from Microsoft Access into an Eco complete inventory project, you need to
know the following:
1 Some inventory elds must be included in the Access database, whether or not
you have data for those elds (see the yellow rows in Table 3.1). Other elds are
optional. For example, every database must include a eld for PhotoID, even if you
don’t have information on Photo ID. You will simply leave the relevant entries blank.
2 The pest detection elds, in contrast, should only be present in the database if you
carried out the pest detection protocol.
3 For some elds, data are required. For example, every tree must have a species
code, but it need not have a DBH2. If you chose to carry out the Pest Detection
protocol and included these elds in your database, all data are required.
4 Eco has certain rules that serve as data integrity checks and all values must fall
within the accepted limits. These limits are given in Table 3.1. The import function
will not import trees that do not have required data or if the data do not adhere to
validation rules.
5 Database eld names and eld types must match the format specied in Table 3.1
in the eld name column.
Field name
MS Access eld type Notes on data
Integer OR Long
(up to 9 characters)
Data required. Must be >0
without duplication.
Date/Time Data required.
Text (100 chars) Data optional.
Data optional. GPS coordinate
Data optional. GPS coordinate
Text (100 chars) Data optional.
Text (100 chars) Data optional.
Text (1 char)
Data required. Tree status,
must be P, I, U for initial
inventory. Can be N, P, I, U, R,
H, C, L for re-inventory.
Text (8 chars)
Data required. Must be
species code or genus code.
Text (1 char)
Data required. Must be A, C,
E, G, I, M, O, P, R, T, U, V, W.
Single OR Double
Data required. Must be -1 for
a removed tree. Otherwise,
must be between 0.1 and 6.
Single OR Double
Data required. Must be -1 for
a removed tree. Otherwise,
must be between 0.5 and 200.
Single OR Double
Data optional. Must be -1 for
a removed tree. Otherwise,
must be between 0.5 and 200.
Single OR Double
Data optional. Must be -1 for
a removed tree. Otherwise,
must be between 0.5 and 200.
Table 3.1. Required and optional elds and required and optional data for importing an
existing tree inventory into Eco for a complete inventory analysis. The table within Access
must be named FullInventoryTrees. Yellow highlighting indicates required elds.
Field name
MS Access eld type Notes on data
Single OR Double
Data optional. Must be -1 for
a removed tree. Otherwise,
must be between 0.5 and 200.
Single OR Double
Data optional. Must be -1 for
a removed tree. Otherwise,
must be between 0.5 and 200.
Single OR Double
Data optional. Must be -1 for
a removed tree. Otherwise,
must be between 0.5 and 200.
Single OR Double
Data required. Height to top of
tree. Must be -1 for a removed
tree, otherwise must be
between 0 and 450.
Single OR Double
Data required. Height to top
of live crown. Must be -1 for
a removed tree, otherwise
must be less than TOTHT and
between 0 and 450.
Single OR Double
Data required. Height to base
of crown. Must be -1 for a
removed tree, otherwise must
be less than LiveTop and
between 0 and 450.
Single OR Double
Data required. Crown width
(north-south). Must be -1 for a
removed tree, otherwise must
be between 0 and 300.
Single OR Double
Data required. Crown width
(east-west). Must be -1 for a
removed tree, otherwise must
be between 0 and 300.
Integer, Single OR
Data optional. Direction to
building. Must be -1 when no
building is present or between
1 and 360.
Field name
MS Access eld type Notes on data
Single OR Double
Data optional. Distance to
building. Must be -1 when no
building is present or between
0.1 and 60 ft.
Integer, Single OR
Data optional. Direction to
building. Must be -1 when no
building is present or between
1 and 360.
Single OR Double
Data optional. Distance to
building. Must be -1 when no
building is present or between
0.1 and 60 ft.
Integer, Single OR
Data optional. Direction to
building. Must be -1 when no
building is present or between
1 and 360.
Single OR Double
Data optional. Distance to
building. Must be -1 when no
building is present or between
0.1 and 60 ft.
Integer OR Long
Data required. Percent of
crown silhouette missing.
Must be -1 for a removed tree,
otherwise must be between 0
and 100.
Integer OR Long
Data required. Percent crown
dieback. Must be -1 for a
removed tree, otherwise must
be between 0 and 100.
Integer OR Long
Data required. Crown light
exposure. Must be -1, 0, 1, 2,
3, 4, 5.
Text (1 char)
Data required. Location of the
tree. Must be N or S.
Text (255 chars) Data optional.
Field name
MS Access eld type Notes on data
Long Data required. Pest ID.
Integer OR Long
Data required. Tree dieback
for tree stress.
Integer OR Long
Data required. Tree epicormic
sprouts for tree stress.
Integer OR Long
Data required. Tree wilted
foliage for tree stress.
Integer OR Long
Data required. Tree
environmental stress.
Integer OR Long
Data required. Tree human-
caused stress.
Text (255 chars)
Data required. Tree stress
notes. Can be zero length
Integer OR Long
Data required. Defoliation for
Integer OR Long
Data required. Discolored
foliage for foliage/twigs.
Integer OR Long
Data required. Abnormal
foliage for foliage/twigs.
Integer OR Long
Data required. Insect signs for
Integer OR Long
Data required. Percent foliage
affected for foliage/twigs.
Text (255 chars)
Data required. Foliage/twigs
Integer OR Long
Data required. Insect signs for
Integer OR Long
Data required. Insect
presence for branch/bole.
Field name
MS Access eld type Notes on data
Integer OR Long
Data required. Disease signs
for branches/bole.
Integer OR Long
Data required. Problem
location for branches/bole.
Integer OR Long
Data required. Loose bark for
Text (255 chars)
Data required. Branches/bole
NOTE: There are two options for formatting a compatible inventory. Within Eco, you
can create a template that is already properly formatted and that allows for data
validation. You can copy your data into this template manually or using Access’s Get
External Data option. Alternatively, you can use this Appendix to create a table from
Creating a Template Within Eco
To create a template database within Eco:
1 Select File > Import Data Inventory to open the Importing dialog function. The
source data table denitions used within Microsoft Access will appear in the main
2 Select Create Template Database and navigate to a location on your computer
where you would like to create the template and assign a lename. Click Open and
you will be asked to conrm database creation.
3 Navigate to the import template database created in the prior step and open in
Microsoft Access. You should have a Table called FullInventoryTrees.
4 Populate the FullInventoryTrees table template with your data by either manually
entering the data or using Access’s Get External Data option, which can be found
in Access under File > Get External Data > Import. Follow the Wizard steps to
import your data.
Using the Complete Inventory Import Function
Once you have populated your data into the FullInventoryTrees table of the template
database or a database that you created and formatted on your own, you can then import
into an existing Eco inventory project. With your Eco complete inventory project open:
1 Select File > Import Data Inventory from the main menu to open the Import dialog
2 Select Browse to locate the template Access database with the FullInventoryTrees
3 Click the Import button.
4 A window will appear with the following tabs:
a Results tab: The number of imported trees will be reported as well as
whether any were skipped or overwritten if duplicate Tree ID numbers were
b Overwriting tab: If you import a database that contains records with
identical TreeID numbers, the overwriting tab will be activated and you will
need to select records to overwrite or de-select to leave existing records in
the input database. Click Proceed will complete the process.
c Error tab: Import errors are shown here and importing will not be permitted
until errors are resolved. You will need to address these errors in the
Access database itself. Once addressed, save and close your Access
database rst and then repeat the Eco Import process.
5 Close the Import dialog box and save the project to continue. Imported records can
be viewed or modied as needed by selecting Edit > Edit or Enter Data from the
main menu. See Submitting Data for Processing section to proceed.
Appendix 4: Pest Protocol
If you conducted the Pest Detection protocol, but did not use the PDA application, you
can use the following tables to format your data to import into Eco. You can nd more
information on the protocol at under Resources > Archives, on the
Pest Detection webpage at, and the online Wiki PED
resources site (
Table 4.1. The pest elds, their categories, and the respective values.
Field name Category Value
None 0
Loose bark only 5
Rhizomorphs present 7
Mycelial fans or pads present 8
Insect boring or galleries causing loose bark 9
Other 6
None 0
Decay 9
Conks 1
Fleshy mushrooms 2
Cankers 3
Bleeding/slime ux 4
Resinosis/gummosis 7
Woody galls or burls 10
Other 8
None 0
Caterpillars 1
Beetles 2
Aphids 3
Scale 4
Carpenter ants 5
Other insects 6
Field name Category Value
None 0
Frass only 1
Sawdust 2
Pitch/resin exudation 3
D-shaped exit holes 4
Pencil round or oval exit holes (>=2mm) 5
Shot holes (<2mm) 6
Other holes 7
None 0
Branches 1
Bole and/or root collar 2
Both 3
PestBBNotes Text; up to 255 characters
None 0
Foliage/twigs distorted (including galls) 2
Witches’ brooms present 6
Other 5
None 0
Defoliation, >10% of foliage but not pervasive 1
Defoliation, pervasive throughout the crown 4
Leaf mining, >10% but not pervasive 2
Leaf mining, pervasive throughout the crown 5
Chewing of the mid-rib only (any level) 3
Table 4.1, continued.
Field name Category Value
None 0
Mottling, spots, or blotches (any color) 1
Marginal scorching (browning) of leaves 2
Interveinal scorching (browning) of leaves 3
White coating 4
Black coating often sticky 10
Complete browning/bronzing of leaves or needles 5
Complete yellowing of leaves or needles 6
Stippling 7
Yellow/orange pustules 8
Other 9
None 0
>10%; <30% 2
>30% but not the whole crown 3
Whole crown affected 4
None 0
Caterpillars/sawies feeding throughout the crown 1
Beetles feeding throughout the crown 3
Aphids/white cotton pervasive throughout the crown 4
Bags pervasive throughout the crown 5
Scales pervasive throughout the crown 6
Tents/webbing on more than one branch 7
Other 8
PestFTNotes Text; up to 255 characters
None 0
Twig dieback upper/outer crown (>10%), but not pervasive 2
Pervasive twig dieback throughout the crown 3
Table 4.1, continued.
Field name Category Value
None 0
Frost cracks 8
Lightning strike 1
Hail injury 2
Sunscald 3
Broken branches 4
Flooding 5
Drought/poor soil 6
Other 7
No 0
Yes 1
None 0
Topping/Poor pruning 1
Poor or restricted planting/mulching 2
Wounding of woody tissues 3
Salt/Chemicals 4
Other 5
None 0
Wilt, whole crown 1
Wilt, partial crown 2
PestNTNotes Text; up to 255 characters
PestPest See Table 3.
Table 4.1, continued.
Table 4.2. Pest IDs to be entered under eld PestPest in the database. The pest list is dynamic and
is frequently updated by forest health pest experts. You should update your software frequently
using the option under the Help menu to ensure that you are using the most current pest list
Common name Scientic name Value
- Unknown - - Unknown - -1
- None - - None - 0
Ash yellows phytoplasma Candidatus Phytoplasma fraxini 906
Asian gypsy moth Lymantria dispar 10911
Asian longhorned beetle Anoplophora glabripennis 2178
Bacterial leaf scorch Xylella fastidiosa 647
Balsam woolly adelgid Adelges piceae 288
Bark beetle Hylurgops palliatus 9357
Beach bark disease Nectria coccinea 569
Blue stain Ophiostoma piceae 4065
Bronze birch borer Agrilus anxius 352
Brown root rot Phellinus noxius 525
Brown spruce longhorn beetle Tetropium fuscum 4117
Butternut canker
Sirococcus clavigignenti-
Citrus greening Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus 4695
City longhorned beetle Aeolesthes sarta 4013
Dogwood anthraconose Discula destructiva 670
Dutch elm disease Ophiostoma ulmi 643
Dutch elm disease Ophiostoma novo-ulmi 19386
Eastern larch beetle Dendroctonus simplex 31
Egyptian cotton leafworm Spodoptera littoralia 5010
Elm phloem necrosis phytoplasma Phytoplasma 11269
Emerald ash borer Agrilus planipennis 7171
European oak bark beetle Scolytus intricatus 4086
Common name Scientic name Value
European oak leaf roller TOrtrix viridana 9319
False coddling moth Thaumatotibia leucotreta 4989
Forest tent caterpillar Malacosoma disstria 172
Giant woodwasp Urocerus gigas 4097
Goldenhaired bark beetle Hylurgus ligniperda 885
Goldspotted oak borer Agrilus coxalis 56246
Great spruce bark beetle Dendroctonus micans 4038
Gymnopus fungus Gymnopus fusipes 22250
Gypsy moth Lymantria dispar 165
Hemlock woolly adelgid Adelges tsugae 289
Jack pine budworm Choristoneura pinus 117
Japanese pine sawyer beetle Monochamus alternatus 4532
Larch engraver beetle Ips subelongatus 4140
Large brown trunk beetle Hylobius abietis 4119
Laurel wilt Raffaelea lauricola 20929
Leptographium root rot Leptographium truncatum 4057
Light brown apple moth Epiphyas postvittana 4954
Mediterranean pine engraver beetle Orthotomicus erosus 4071
Oak ambrosia beetle Platypus quercivorus 10989
Oak splendour beetle Agrilus biguttatus 4101
Oak wilt Ceratocystis fagacearum 642
Phytophthora root rot Phytophthora quercina 10986
Pine shoot beetle Tomicus destruens 10996
Pine-tree lappet Dendrolimus pini 7053
Raffaela fungus Raffaelea quercivora 22299
Rosy gypsy moth Lymantria mathura 4601
Table 4.2, continued.
Common name Scientic name Value
Sakhalin pine sawyer Monochamus saltuarius 4060
Siberian silk moth Dendrolimus superans 12200
Sirex woodwasp Sirex noctilio 4093
Small white-marmorated long-horned Monochamus sutor 4113
Southern pine beetle Dendroctonus frontalis 24
Spruce budworm Choristoneura fumiferana 114
Sudden oak death Phytophthora ramorum 4603
Summer fruit tortrix Adoxophyes orana 4937
Thousand cankers disease Geosmithia morbida 56599
Tremex wasp Tremex fuscicornis 10997
White pine blister Cronartium ribicola 722
White satin moth Leucoma salicis 162
Table 4.2, continued.
Appendix 5: International Limitations
The following information is provided to summarize international limitations and data
requirements for users considering using i-Tree Eco outside the United States. This
information is a supplement to the i-Tree Eco manual and other documentation which
primarily provide details for use of the Eco model within the United States. The i-Tree
Team is currently working with cooperators to improve functionality of the model in other
countries as time and limited resources will permit.
Australian and Canadian Adaptations
An Australian and Canadian compatible version of the i-Tree Eco application is now
available in version 5.0. Therefore, Eco users in Australia and Canada have access to
most of the model functions, reports and automated processing as Eco users in the United
States. Australian and Canadian pollution and weather data have been integrated into
the Eco application eliminating the need to acquire local pollution data. Therefore, Eco
results can typically be processed within a few hours after data is submitted. Though
Eco is fully functional, and many former limitations have been overcome, there are some
considerations that Australian and Canadian users need to be aware of—namely the fact
that tree-building energy interactions are based on U.S. parameters as country-specic
research and data are not yet available for model integration.
Processing time
Processing time for international Eco projects can range from 2 to 6 months after eld
data are submitted for analysis. This is due to additional formatting time required by the
Forest Service to make adjustments to the model to accept and analyze international
data. Processing time can vary depending on the current backlog and the amount of data
integrity issues needing resolution. Additional processing does not apply to Australian and
Canadian projects as stated above.
Species list limitations
International Eco users may nd that certain trees are not available in the Eco species
database. A methodology for integrating new species along with necessary characteristics
into the Eco species database has not yet been developed. You are instead advised to
choose a substitute tree/shrub species from the list that has similar characteristics in
terms of size, structure and leaf type. A unique substitution should be made for each
tree not available on the list because reporting (charts and tables) will be generated with
the substitute species; you may then edit the reports to reect the true tree species. The
USDA Plants Database and other resources may help users in this process. Please submit
your species substitution list to the Forest Service for reference when submitting project
Air pollution data
Users outside of the United States, Australia, and Canada will need to supply a full year of
local hourly pollution data in the specied format. See Gathering General Data in Phase I
for more information.
Weather data
The Forest Service uses weather data that are available for international cities from
the National Climatic Data Center. Therefore, most international users will not need to
supply this information. However, in some instances, international weather data may
be incomplete or unavailable and international users will need to nd and submit local
weather data in the required format. Reference weather data and formatting documents
are available at under Resources.
Energy eects
This model component is designed for US climate types, building types, energy use and
emission factors. As such, this model component is limited in international applications,
except for possibly Lower Canada. Previous international users have requested that their
data be analyzed using the values of U.S. cities with similar climates. However, the model
estimates are highly uncertain in these instances and the Forest Service will not estimate
economic values in these cases. Users should consider international energy effect
limitations carefully before deciding to collect tree-building interaction data.
Structural value
The Eco model uses the Council of Tree and Landscape Appraisers (CTLA) formula
methodology to determine the structural value of trees within the United States. The Eco
model currently does not have the data needed to generate amenity values using other
accepted international methods for determining tree values. Therefore, structural values
are not estimated for international Eco projects.
Carbon valuation
The model estimates monetary values associated with carbon storage and sequestration
by multiplying carbon values by $22.8/tonne of carbon. This is based on the estimated
social costs of carbon dioxide emissions for 2001 to 2010 from the literature. Carbon
valuation is not estimated for international projects. See Frankenhauser 1994 in the
UFORE methods paper for details.
Pollution removal valuation
The monetary value of pollution removal by trees is estimated using the median externality
values for the United States for each pollutant analyzed. Recently, the values were
adjusted to 2007 values, based on the producer’s price index, and are now in dollars per
tonne. International literature and other resources are currently being evaluated to decide
how to update pollution valuation numbers in the future.
Charts and tables
Certain charts and tables may not be available to international Eco users because of
limitations in the Eco databases needed to generate values for cities outside the U.S.
The Forest Service can provide raw data output les which are used to generate the Eco
charts and tables as a substitute in some instances.
Appendix 6 : Data Collection Forms
The following pages include the data collection forms for complete and sample inventories.
For sample inventories, you’ll need to print one copy per plot.
These can also be downloaded from within Eco under the menu.
i-Tree Eco Data Collection Sheet for Inventory Option
revised 7/4/12
Project Name: Location/Address: Height Crown Attributes Tree/Building Energy Interactions (Dir. & Dist)
Date Crew
CLE D1 S1 D2 S2 D3 S3
(Note distance and direction from plot center to fixed objects; sketch fixed objects in relation to plot center)
Plot address= Plot contact info:
Notes: Name and Title:_______________
Phone #______________________
Measure Reference Object (1) description______________________________________
Distance to Reference Object (1)______________
Direction to Reference Object (1)_____________
Measured Reference Object (2) description_____________________________________
Distance to Reference Object (2) ______________
Direction to Reference Object (2)_____________
Tree Measurement Point (TMP): Reference Object (1) used Y/N
Reference Object (2) used Y/N
Measurement Unit: M/E
Percent Measured________
SPACE (%)=
2 3 4 5 6 TOT LIVE
N-S E-W %
DB %
CLE D1 S1 D2 S2 D3 S3 TREE