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Familial Factors in the Development of Social Anxiety Disorder Familial Factors in the Development of Social Anxiety Disorder
Christine M. Olson
CentraCare Health
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Olson, Christine M., "Familial Factors in the Development of Social Anxiety Disorder" (2021).
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Familial Factors in the Development of
Social Anxiety Disorder
Christine M. Olson, DNP, APRN, FNP-BC
The purpose of the current article is to explore familial factors that in uence the
development of social anxiety disorder (SAD) in children and adolescents, includ-
ing parenting, sibling relationships, and family environment. A multitude of inter-
related genetic and familial factors have been found to cause and maintain SAD in
children and adolescents. There are many challenges in diagnosing and treating
the disorder. Knowledge and awareness of familial factors provide insight on tar-
geted treatments that prevent or ameliorate SAD. [Journal of Psychosocial Nursing
and Mental Health Services, 59(7), 23-34.]
he infl uence of nature and nur-
ture on human behavior has
been researched for decades. Af-
ter completion of the Human Genome
Project in 2003, one would think that
the mystery behind genetic predisposi-
tion was solved. What was discovered
is that genomes are complicated and
developmental and health factors are
infl uenced by multiple genes as well
as environmental and lifestyle factors
(National Human Genome Research
Institute, 2019). Although many medi-
cal conditions have been shown to have
a genetic predisposition, there are still
unanswered questions about the infl u-
ence of environment on the ultimate
development of illness.
Social anxiety disorder (SAD) is one
example of a disorder in which there is a
complex relationship between genetics
and environment. Behind only specifi c
phobias, SAD is the most common anx-
iety disorder in the United States, with
approximately 13% of the population
developing the disorder during their life-
time (Kessler et al., 2012). Among ado-
lescents, the lifetime prevalence of SAD
is 8.6% (Burstein et al., 2011; Kessler et
al., 2012). Worldwide, lifetime preva-
lence of SAD is 4% (Stein et al., 2017).
SAD is a marked, intense fear of
social interactions with other people
(American Psychiatric Association
[APA], 2013). The onset of SAD is typi-
cally during childhood or adolescence
(National Institute for Health and Care
Excellence [NICE], 2013). A multitude
of interrelated variables, such as genetic
vulnerability, temperament, parental
factors, and environmental infl uences
contribute to the etiology and mainte-
nance of SAD (Spence & Rapee, 2016).
For individuals who struggle with SAD,
symptoms can interfere with all areas
of life, including relationships, occupa-
tions, and educational endeavors. The
current article will explore familial fac-
Dr. Olson is Family Nurse Practitioner, CentraCare, St. Cloud, Minnesota.
Disclosure: The author has disclosed no potential con icts of interest,  nancial or otherwise.
Acknowledgment: The author acknowledges the help provided by Susan Schleper, Health Science Li-
brarian at CentraCare, for  nding research articles.
© 2021 Olson; licensee SLACK Incorporated. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms
of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0).
This license allows users to copy and distribute, to remix, transform, and build upon the article, for any
purpose, even commercially, provided the author is attributed and is not represented as endorsing the use
made of the work.
Address correspondence to Christine M. Olson, DNP, APRN, FNP-BC, P.O. Box 0643, Alexandria, MN
56308; email: [email protected].
Received: June 30, 2020
Accepted: October 8, 2020
tors that can infl uence the development
of SAD in children and adolescents.
Knowledge of familial factors provides
insight on targeted treatments that pre-
vent or minimize severity of the disorder.
SAD is extreme fear and anxiety in
social situations leading to signifi cant
levels of distress (APA, 2013). Social
situations may include carrying on a
conversation with another person, pub-
lic speaking, or eating a meal. A person
with SAD fears acting in a way that will
offend someone, humiliation from ex-
posing anxiety symptoms in public, and
scrutiny and negative evaluation from
others (APA, 2013). The marked level
of distress experienced by someone with
SAD is often out of proportion to the ac-
tual situation (APA, 2013). Avoidance
or anxious anticipation of the feared
situation is common (NICE, 2013). In
young children, social anxiety symptoms
may include severe and prolonged cry-
ing episodes, becoming physically im-
mobilized, shrinking away from others,
excessive clinging, or being unable to
speak in social situations (APA, 2013).
The etiology of SAD is often de-
scribed in the literature in such terms as
puzzle, delicate interplay, and complex in-
teraction. There are multiple pathways to
the development of SAD, however, the
presence of several risk factors does not
automatically lead to SAD (Spence &
Rapee, 2016). One strongly implicated
pathway is genetic transmission (Scaini
et al., 2014). A positive association has
been found between development of
SAD in children who have parents with
SAD (Halldorsson et al., 2018; Isomura
et al., 2015; Telman et al., 2018). Un-
fortunately, heritability rates vary great-
ly among studies, ranging from 13% to
76% (Moreno et al., 2016). Researchers
have postulated that individual differ-
ences in the development of SAD stem
from a multidimensional relationship
between genetic factors and environ-
mental factors, such as parenting, peer
relationships, illness, early life trauma,
and cumulative stress (Chubar et al.,
2020; Scaini et al., 2014; Schiele &
Domschke, 2018; Shimada-Sugimoto et
al., 2015). Yet even gene–environment
models contradict or inaccurately pre-
dict those who will go on to develop
SAD (Ziegler et al., 2015).
More recently, epigenetics has been
identifi ed as the potential “missing link”
in the heritability of anxiety disorders
(Schiele & Domschke, 2018, p. 4).
Epigenetics is a mechanism in which
cell molecules modify gene expression,
without changing the inherited DNA
code, to promote or inhibit symptoms
or diseases, such as cancer, depression,
addiction, and anxiety (Schuebel et
al., 2016). Environmental stressors,
such as child abuse, maternal separa-
tion, or early trauma, may infl uence
genetic expression of anxiety when oc-
curring at critical developmental stages
of life, including infancy or adolescence
(Bartlett et al., 2017). Subsequently, a
child or adolescent may not only inherit
genetic tendencies for SAD but also
have critical periods of vulnerability to
individual epigenetic stressors (Schiele
& Domschke, 2018). Two genetically
transmitted behavioral traits implicated
in the development of SAD are behav-
ioral inhibition and anxiety sensitivity
(Chronis-Tuscano et al., 2018; Graham
& Weems, 2015; Muris et al., 2011;
Papachristou et al., 2018; Spence &
Rapee, 2016).
Behavioral Inhibition
Behavioral inhibition, fi rst coined by
Kagan et al. (1984), is described as a
cautious and fearful reaction exhibited
by some individuals to uncertain situa-
tions. Children with behavioral inhibi-
tion have demonstrated behaviors such
as being more cautious when exposed to
novel experiences, physical signs of fear,
clinging to a parent, inhibited conversa-
tion, and reticence (Kagan et al., 1984;
Ollendick & Benoit, 2012). Muris et al.
(2016) found a correlation between be-
havioral inhibition, social anxiety, and
selective mutism (i.e., when children
fail to speak in specifi c public situations,
yet are comfortable speaking at home).
Longitudinal studies in children have
demonstrated that high behavioral inhi-
bition was signifi cantly associated with
an increase in social anxiety symptoms
(Garcia-Lopez et al., 2020; Muris et al.,
2011). Behavioral inhibition can be
identifi ed in infants and toddlers and
remains relatively persistent over time
(Fox et al., 2005; Garcia-Lopez et al.,
Anxiety Sensitivity
Anxiety sensitivity is the fear of
anxiety-related physical sensations
(McNally, 2002). Alkozei et al. (2014)
discovered that children with SAD had
higher levels of anxiety sensitivity and
were more likely to view scenarios with
unclear social threats and ambiguous
endings as anxiety provoking. Children
and adolescents with SAD believed that
physical anxiety symptoms would be
observed by others, leading to humilia-
tion, mental incapacitation, illness, or
increased anxiety levels (Alkozei et al.,
2014; Papachristou et al., 2018). Not
only do individuals with anxiety sensi-
tivity overestimate the meaning of phys-
ical anxiety symptoms, but they also
generate escalating mental scenarios in
which they feel unable to cope (Riskind
et al., 2013).
Family is an essential component in
the learning, growth, and development
of children. In addition, the family is
an important source of recreation and
social interaction, especially in early
childhood years. There is a substantial
body of evidence regarding the infl u-
ence of parenting and the family in the
etiology of SAD.
Parenting Factors
Parenting factors of insecure parent–
child attachment; negative parenting
styles, such as overcontrol or criticism;
and modeling social anxiety have been
implicated in the development of SAD
in children. Beyond negative parenting
styles, a further challenge for researchers
is uncertainty about whether children
with SAD wrongly perceive parental
rejection due to their SAD or if parents
adapt approaches in response to having
a child with SAD (Asbrand et al., 2017;
Levine et al., 2015; Van Zalk & Van
Zalk, 2015).
ParentChild Attachment. When a
child feels a trusting and secure paren-
tal bond, they are more likely to become
independent, trust other people, and
overcome diffi cult childhood situations
(Centre of Excellence for Early Child-
hood Development, 2012). On the
other hand, when a child has insecure
parental attachment, lower levels of so-
cial competence occur in areas of social
skills, peer interactions, and social sta-
tus (Fransson et al., 2016; Groh et al.,
2014). Ambivalent–insecure attach-
ment occurs when a child is uncertain
about parental availability, whether
due to parental inability or unwilling-
ness (Cassidy & Berlin, 1994; Kerns
& Brumariu, 2014). Through daily ex-
periences, an insecurely attached child
learns that they cannot rely on the
caregiver to be available or responsive
(Kerns & Brumariu, 2014; Ollendick
& Benoit, 2012). Behaviors associated
with insecure attachment may include
widely vacillating displays of negative
emotion, frustration with contact, cling-
ing, and preoccupation with the par-
ent (Cassidy & Berlin, 1994). Higher
rates of insecure attachment have
been discovered in infants of mothers
with social phobia (Kraft et al., 2017).
Lewis-Morrarty et al. (2015) conducted
a longitudinal study following infants to
adolescence and found that high levels
of behavioral inhibition and insecure at-
tachment signifi cantly predicted social
anxiety in adolescents.
Separation of the mother, father, or
both parents during childhood due to
illness or marital discord can contribute
to social anxiety (Bishop et al., 2014).
Children who are used to daily mes-
sages that the parent is unavailable or
untrustworthy “develop a maladaptive
approach to future interpersonal situa-
tions or relationships based on the ex-
pectation that their needs will not be
met by others” (Ollendick & Benoit,
2012, p. 84).
Negative Parenting Styles. Several
negative parenting styles have been im-
plicated in the development of SAD, in-
cluding overcontrol, rejection, and criti-
cism (Akün, 2017; Knappe et al., 2012;
Lewis-Morrarty et al., 2012; Rudolph
& Zimmer-Gembeck, 2014; Xu et al.,
2017). Harsh parenting by either parent,
including physical punishment and ver-
bal aggression, such as excessive criticiz-
ing or humiliation, has correlated with
insecure attachment and risk for social
anxiety (Wang et al., 2019). Moreover,
Wang et al. (2019) noted that harsh
parenting in one parent was likely to
elicit attachment insecurity in another
parent possibly due to expectations that
the other parent will endorse the same
disciplinary tactics. Knappe et al. (2012)
found a pattern of maternal overprotec-
tion, paternal rejection, and lower emo-
tional warmth specifi c to children with
social phobia. Maternal overcontrol has
been predictive of higher social anxiety
symptoms and lifetime rates of SAD
during adolescence (Bynion et al., 2017;
Lewis-Morrarty et al., 2012). Gómez-
Ortiz et al. (2019) noted that in either
parent, psychological control was the
variable that had the most signifi cant
relationship with adolescent social anxi-
ety. Other negative parenting practices
(e.g., lack of affection, poor communica-
tion, limited granting of autonomy, lack
of humor) contribute to social anxiety
in adolescents by stimulating percep-
tions of low self-esteem and encouraging
ineffective emotional regulation strate-
gies (Gómez-Ortiz et al., 2019).
As early as infancy, negative parent-
ing styles may infl uence the develop-
ment of social anxiety. Lawrence et al.
(2020) followed mothers with SAD,
general anxiety disorder (GAD), or
non-anxious controls and their infants
with stable behavioral inhibition from
4 months to 58 months. Children were
exposed to stressful social and non-social
tasks at ages 10 months and 58 months.
Lack of maternal encouragement and
maternal intrusiveness was noted in
mothers with SAD and predicted the
development of anxiety and SAD in
their children. The same was not true
for mothers with GAD or the control
Parents with SAD may unknow-
ingly perpetuate social anxiety. Crosby
Budinger et al. (2013) evaluated inter-
actions between anxious parents with
and without SAD and their children
without an anxiety diagnosis. Children
and their parents were given speech
and drawing tasks to complete together.
Parents with SAD demonstrated sig-
nifi cantly less warmth, doubts of child
competency, and more criticism. Both
groups were similar in levels of overcon-
trol and granting of autonomy (Crosby
Budinger et al., 2013). In a study of mi-
grant families in China, Xu et al. (2017)
noted that both parents contribute to
social anxiety in different ways. The
authors noted that maternal overprotec-
tion can increase social anxiety in ado-
lescents, whereas social anxiety can be
reduced by paternal emotional warmth.
Mak et al. (2018) examined the as-
sociation between family relationships,
social anxiety, and the effect on youth
friendships. Paternal rejection, as op-
posed to maternal rejection or family
climate, was predictive of youth social
anxiety and subsequent loneliness. Fur-
thermore, maternal rejection, paternal
rejection, and poor family climate all
contributed to loneliness and decreased
friendship quality.
Abuse. It goes without saying that
children who are exposed to abuse ex-
perience a wide array of mental health
problems. Of the major types of child
abuse studied recently, emotional abuse
was a signifi cant predictor in the devel-
opment of social anxiety (Bishop et al.,
2014; Fernandes & Osório, 2015; Kuo et
al., 2011; Michail & Birchwood, 2014;
Nanda et al., 2016; Shahar et al., 2015).
Emotional abuse has been defi ned as be-
ing shouted or yelled at, direct sham-
ing, put down or ridiculed, or made to
feel like one did not count (Bishop et
al., 2014; Shahar et al., 2015). In stud-
ies where physical abuse or sexual abuse
factored into the development of social
anxiety, depression was a signifi cant co-
morbid condition (Brühl et al., 2019;
Michail & Birchwood, 2014).
Nanda et al. (2016) speculated that
emotional abuse fi ts into an etiological
framework of SAD because it not only
affects a child’s attachment to parents
and contributes to feelings of being un-
loved, but also makes them fearful of
interacting with others. Moreover, chil-
dren may develop a schema in which
self-esteem and personal value is depen-
dent on the opinion of others.
Positive Parenting and Social Support.
In contrast to negative parenting styles,
higher levels of parental social sup-
port and acceptance have been associ-
ated with lower levels of social anxiety
(Akün, 2017; León-Moreno et al., 2020;
Levine et al., 2015; Xu et al., 2017). In
a large study of 2,194 adolescents, Van
Zalk and Van Zalk (2015) revealed that
adolescents who perceived a close con-
nection with mothers and fathers had
lower levels of social anxiety. Examples
of parent connectedness included en-
couragement to pursue dreams and be-
ing present when needed. Similarly,
Graham and Weems (2015) noted
that parents with high anxiety sensitiv-
ity could decrease anxiety sensitivity
in their children by encouraging open
communication, involving them in per-
sonal activities, and reinforcing good
behaviors. Oppenheimer et al. (2016)
postulated that positive parenting be-
haviors buffer negative peer events dur-
ing the transition from middle child-
hood to adolescence.
In a longitudinal observation study
of 94 families with young children,
Majdandzic et al. (2014) discovered that
certain paternal behaviors can decrease
behavioral inhibition in children and
prevent development of SAD. When
fathers challenged their 4-year-old chil-
dren with playful teasing to push limits,
encouraged them to move out of their
comfort zones, and used unconventional
ways to play with toys, a decrease in
behavioral inhibition was noted that
remained persistent 6 months later.
The same was not true for mothers’
challenging behaviors, however, as in-
creased behavioral inhibition was noted
and persisted in later measurements.
Majdandzic et al. (2014) surmised that
maternal challenging behaviors fell out-
side of expected caring and supporting
roles of mothers.
Su et al. (2016) examined the ef-
fect of positive parenting practices on
adolescent social anxiety. When parents
gave explicit instructions about how
to handle challenging peer situations
and facilitated peer social opportuni-
ties, adolescents reported lower levels
of social anxiety. Parents who designed
a wide variety of peer social interactions
provided more opportunities to practice
social skills, gain confi dence, and make
friends (Su et al., 2016).
Although it would seem obvious that
warmth and expressiveness from a par-
ent would diminish social anxiety in
the child, researchers have found that
guarding children from fear-provoking,
ambiguous situations may inhibit the
development of social skills and increase
fear (Kiel & Buss, 2014; Ollendick &
Benoit, 2012; Su et al., 2016). Although
there are no perfect equations for par-
enting a child with risk factors for social
anxiety, evidence has suggested that a
balance must be struck between showing
warmth and showing excessive concern.
Modeling. Children learn social skills,
such as how to greet new people, through
parent modeling. When faced with so-
cially ambiguous situations, anxious
parents may model anxiety and extend
personal interpretive biases into their
children’s environment (Remmerswaal
et al., 2016). Bögels et al. (2011) con-
ducted a study in which children with
varying levels of anxiety observed their
parents’ reactions to ambiguous social
situations. Mothers and fathers acted ei-
ther confi dent or anxious. Low socially
anxious children were infl uenced more
by the mothers’ anxious behaviors com-
pared to the fathers’ behaviors. High
socially anxious children gave more
weight to anxious and confi dent behav-
iors of the father.
According to Aktar et al. (2014), the
end of infancy is an impressionable time
for learning anxiety from parents who
have SAD. In their study of 117 toddlers
of parents with SAD and other anxiety
disorders, the authors found that tod-
dlers of parents with SAD showed more
fear and avoidance when faced with
novel situations, such as introduction
to strangers or new toys. Infants with
high behavioral inhibition learn from
the anxious signals of mothers and fa-
thers via social referencing (Aktar et al.,
2014). Social referencing cues might in-
clude nonverbal communication, such
as facial distress or body posture; verbal
expressions of anxiety; interfering with
stranger–child interactions; or control-
ling attempts to explore uncertain sur-
roundings (Aktar et al., 2014).
Verbal transmission of fear and threat
from parents to children has been impli-
cated in development of social anxiety.
Negative parental verbal threats have
been shown to lead to cognitive bias
in ambiguous situations, hypervigilance
to threats, and avoidance behaviors
(Murray et al., 2014; Remmerswaal et
al., 2016). In an experimental study of
non-anxious children, mothers were
able to infl uence their children’s nega-
tive information search bias to novel
stimuli and fear levels simply by offer-
ing negative versus positive statements
about the scenarios (Remmerswaal et
al., 2016).
Beginning school is another period
in which fear is transmitted from mother
to child. Using a picture book as a mech-
anism to discuss starting school, Murray
et al. (2014) found that mothers with
SAD were less encouraging in their nar-
ratives, discussed potential threats more
often, and were more likely to ignore
their children’s expressed worry. Subse-
quently, children of mothers with SAD
were evaluated using doll-play and not-
ed to be more likely to interpret socially
ambiguous scenarios as being negative
and had higher levels of internalizing
symptoms such as anxious-depression,
withdrawal, or somatization (Murray et
al., 2014). Similarly, Pass et al. (2017)
discovered that mothers who were wor-
ried about their anxious children start-
ing school used negative information
transfer in the form of threat verbaliza-
tions, anxiety-related words, and overall
negativity in school descriptions. Pass et
al. (2012) evaluated 4-year-old children
who were beginning school through
doll-play. The researchers discovered
that children of socially anxious moth-
ers showed highly anxious, negative
doll-play responses to ambiguous sce-
narios related to beginning school.
Finally, social anxiety may be trans-
mitted from parents to children in other
ways. Castelli et al. (2015) discovered
a strong association between maternal
SAD and the development of cognitive
and language skills in their children.
Infants and young children of mothers
with SAD may lack novel social interac-
tions that promote acquisition of execu-
tive function skills, language vocabulary,
cognitive functions, and emotional reg-
ulation (Castelli et al., 2015).
Unfortunately, studies related to par-
enting and the development of social
anxiety are likely to be overly simplistic.
Study limitations exist, including false
social environments that may promote
or hinder anxiety in predisposed parents
or children, lack of clear defi nitions of
what constitutes warmth or overcontrol,
reliance of self-report of parents and
children, cross-sectional studies captur-
ing only a moment in time, retrospec-
tive memory recall after the fact, and
the multitude of mediating individual,
cultural, and socioenvironmental vari-
ables that infl uence study results. Fur-
thermore, although an abundance of
literature exists highlighting the infl u-
ence of parenting on children at risk for
SAD, many studies measure social anxi-
ety symptoms in nonclinical samples or
are not specifi c to SAD.
Adaptation of Parenting Secondary
to SAD in Children. Although there is
considerable research outlining the im-
pact of parenting on SAD in children, a
question exists of whether parents adapt
parenting practices based on social anxi-
ety in the child (Asbrand et al., 2017;
Van Zalk et al., 2018). If a child has a
fear, a natural response from the parent
would be to acknowledge the fear and
protect the vulnerable child from harm.
Overprotection, though well meaning,
might inhibit a child’s exposure to chal-
lenging and novel social situations. Kiel
and Buss (2014) found that toddlers
with high levels of fearful behavioral
inhibition elicited maternal protective
behaviors subsequently leading to social
withdrawal in kindergarten. Asbrand et
al. (2017) conducted an observational
study of mothers and their children
with and without SAD. Children ages
9 to 13 were asked to complete diffi -
cult puzzles in a 10-minute time frame;
mothers were allowed but not encour-
aged to assist. Mothers of children with
SAD showed more involvement in the
activity, touched the puzzle pieces more
often, and helped without being asked.
In children without SAD, maternal
involvement occurred in the context
of the children asking for more help.
Neither group demonstrated negativ-
ity during interactions. Asbrand et al.
(2017) speculated that mothers of chil-
dren with SAD may limit their abil-
ity to learn autonomy and self-effi cacy.
Similarly, Morris and Oosterhoff (2016)
noted that mothers’ unsolicited physical
takeover of an origami task was associ-
ated with higher reported social anxiety
in their children.
Sibling Relationships
Siblings play an important role in so-
cialization, understanding emotions, and
developing empathy (Howe & Recchia,
2014; Jambon et al., 2019). During in-
fancy, children spend more time with
siblings than with parents and friends
(Serra Poirier et al., 2016). Although
there are few studies related to sibling
relationships and development of SAD,
several studies have demonstrated a re-
lationship between siblings and mental
health. Serra Poirier et al. (2016) found
that adolescents who had a same-sex
twin with high levels of anxiety symp-
toms were more likely to have increased
anxiety themselves 1 year later. Anxiety
was contagious among twin same-sex
siblings in situations where the relation-
ship was perceived as highly negative
as well as highly positive. Keeton et al.
(2015) noted a protective role among
siblings who had a parent with a clini-
cal anxiety disorder. In settings where
children had low sibling companionship
or high confl ict, children of anxious
parents reported more psychological
symptoms (Keeton et al., 2015). Fur-
thermore, strong sibling relationships
characterized by warmth and closeness
buffered the negative effects of interpa-
rental confl ict and subsequent emotion-
al insecurity (Davies et al., 2019).
Recent research has highlighted the
detrimental impact sibling bullying has
on development of depression, anxiety,
social stress, and self-harm (Bowes et
al., 2014; Coyle et al., 2017; Liu et al.,
2020). Furthermore, the amount and
types of sibling bullying (e.g., physical,
verbal, relational) had a dose dependent
effect on the amount of mental distress
experienced (Liu et al., 2020). Bullying
has been an underrecognized problem
across all settings, particularly as youth
do not report bullying to adults (Coyle
et al., 2017). Alternatively, high social
support from siblings has been shown
to be a protective factor against bully-
ing from peers in school (Coyle et al.,
Family Environment
A discussion of family factors infl u-
encing the development of SAD would
not be complete without exploring the
family environment. Stressful life events
in childhood with a strong social com-
ponent, such as interpersonal confl ict
within the family, can contribute to the
development of social anxiety symp-
toms (Levine et al., 2015; Weymouth &
Buehler, 2018; Wong & Rapee, 2016).
Furthermore, interparental confl ict has
been shown to increase threat percep-
tions and social anxiety symptoms,
potentially infl uencing interpersonal
relationships with peers (Weymouth et
al., 2019). Other family-related stressful
events found to infl uence the develop-
ment of SAD included witnessing vio-
lence, family mental illness, serious inju-
ry or illness of parent, parental divorce,
moving to a different school, and separa-
tion from one or both parents (Bishop et
al., 2014; Grills-Taquechel et al., 2010;
Wu et al., 2016). Draisey et al. (2020)
noted that a mother taking a new job
was a signifi cant factor associated with
SAD in children. Individuals who ex-
perience multiple stressful life events
or a direct, severe single event are par-
ticularly predisposed to SAD (Wong &
Rapee, 2016).
A complicated relationship has been
uncovered between peer victimization
and family cohesion in adolescents with
SAD. Specifi cally, adolescents who lack
a cohesive family environment or who
experience poor parental relationships
may be more prone to compliant behav-
iors with peers, leading to victimization,
rejection, and increased social anxiety
(Kapoor et al., 2020; León-Moreno et
al., 2020; Su et al., 2016; Weymouth
& Buehler, 2018). Peer-related trauma
or victimization is believed to be an ex-
ceedingly infl uential factor in the etiol-
ogy of SAD (Norton & Abbott, 2017;
Pontillo et al., 2019; Wong & Rapee,
2016). Unfortunately, adolescents with
SAD have cognitive distortions that
may interfere with family cohesiveness
or misinterpret well-meaning parent be-
haviors (Levine et al., 2015; Rapp et al.,
2017; Van Zalk & Van Zalk, 2015).
Alternatively, certain environmen-
tal factors seem to be protective. Emo-
tional closeness and frequent contact
with family, including immediate family
members, grandparents, and other rela-
tives, has been protective against SAD
(Levine et al., 2015). Support and ac-
ceptance of peers has been shown to
lower social anxiety (Cavanaugh &
Buehler, 2016; Grills-Taquechal et al.,
2010; Levine et al., 2015; Van Zalk &
Van Zalk, 2015). Proactive approaches
to preserve friendships may be help-
ful to decrease social anxiety if parents
anticipate a move, divorce, or major
life event. The support of teachers has
been proposed as another mechanism to
prevent social anxiety symptoms. Low-
er teacher support in adolescence has
been associated with social anxiety and
greater compliance to peers (Weymouth
& Buehler, 2018). Finally, cumulative
emotional support given across multiple
contexts of family, peers, and school has
been proposed as a mechanism to de-
crease loneliness and social anxiety in
children and adolescents (Cavanaugh
& Buehler, 2016).
Many interrelated factors, including
genetics, family, and environment, po-
tentially lead to SAD in children and
adolescents. Left untreated, SAD causes
pervasive problems with academic per-
formance, romantic and personal re-
lationships, victimization, loneliness,
future college endeavors, and profes-
sional goals (de Lijster et al., 2018). Un-
fortunately, challenges exist for mental
health practitioners in diagnosing and
treating the disorder.
SAD is often underrecognized, with
long delays between onset of symptoms
and initiation of treatment (Nagata et
al., 2015; Zarger & Rich, 2016). Zarger
and Rich (2016) found that only 13%
of adolescents with SAD had ever dis-
closed their social fears to a professional.
There are several reasons postulated for
the poor detection rates of SAD in chil-
dren and adolescents. First, the nature of
SAD is to fear negative evaluation and
avoid social encounters. As such, indi-
viduals with SAD usually hide or refrain
from seeking help (Neufeld et al., 2020).
Second, there is a high comorbidity
with other mental health disorders, in-
cluding depression, GAD, agorapho-
bia, panic disorder, and specifi c phobia
(Adams et al., 2016; Chapdelaine et
al., 2018; Creswell et al., 2014; Garcia-
Lopez et al., 2016; Halldorsson et al.,
2019). SAD shares some of the same
characteristics of personal failure be-
liefs, social communication diffi culties,
fears, worry, intolerance of uncertainty,
somatic complaints, and internalized
distress (Counsell et al., 2017; Crome &
Baillie, 2015; Halls et al., 2015; Hearn et
al., 2017; Mobach et al., 2020; Pearcey
et al., 2018; Sackl-Pammer et al., 2018).
Subsequently, subtle symptoms of SAD
may be diffi cult to detect when a youth
presents with more disabling symptoms
of depression or panic disorder. One
hallmark feature that distinguishes SAD
from other disorders is dysfunctional
social beliefs (Mobach et al., 2020). A
child or adolescent with SAD expects
negative evaluation or rejection from
others and subsequently becomes hyper-
vigilant to threats in the social environ-
ment (Weymouth et al., 2019). Addi-
tional features specifi c to SAD include
rumination after a social encounter, fear
of visually displaying anxiety symptoms,
and avoiding feared social situations
(APA, 2013; Halldorsson et al., 2019;
Kodal et al., 2017; Norton & Abbott,
2016; Weymouth et al., 2019). Third,
many individuals with SAD believe that
symptoms are a part of their personality,
attributable to shyness, or not severe
enough to warrant treatment (Hyett
& McEvoy, 2018; Nagata et al., 2015;
Zarger & Rich, 2016). Fourth, although
children with anxiety disorders rely on
parents to recognize problems and seek
help, parents may not fi nd the behaviors
to be a diffi culty or perceive the need for
professional support (Reardon, Harvey,
et al., 2018). Finally, the presentation
of SAD encompasses a wide range of
symptoms, internalized fears, and lev-
els of severity leading to diagnostic er-
rors (Crome & Baillie, 2015; Hyett &
McEvoy, 2018).
Several cues can aid mental health
practitioners and teachers in early
identifi cation of SAD. Children and
adolescents with a primary diagnosis
of SAD have endorsed a greater sever-
ity and number of somatic complaints,
including stomach pain, fatigue, sud-
den heart complaints, and dizziness
(Sackl-Pammer et al., 2018). Further-
more, school refusal behaviors and
dropout have correlated with social
anxiety (Gonzálvez et al., 2019; Ranta
et al., 2016; Waite & Creswell, 2014).
Peer victimization, substance use, aca-
demic delays, and fewer or lower qual-
ity friendships are other cues to identi-
fying SAD in children or adolescents
(APA, 2013; Early et al., 2017; Mekuria
et al., 2017; Pickard et al., 2018; Ranta
et al., 2016). Unfortunately, designa-
tions by school counselors or teachers
are not consistently accurate (Ecklund
& Dowdy, 2013; Sweeney et al., 2015).
Several brief screening tools have been
helpful in identifying social anxiety in
low resource mental health settings and
schools (Beale et al., 2018; Garcia-Lopez
et al., 2015; O’Connor & Fitzgerald,
2020; Reardon, Spence, et al., 2018;
Sweeney et al., 2015). Due to the high
likelihood of comorbidity, researchers
recommend screening for SAD when
a child or adolescent presents with an-
other mental health disorder, such as
depression or GAD (Adams et al., 2016;
Garcia-Lopez et al., 2016). Universal
screening in schools or pediatrician of-
ces has been suggested (Ecklund &
Dowdy, 2013; Zarger & Rich, 2016).
Focusing on children and adolescents in
families experiencing signifi cant stress-
ors, such as interparental confl ict, pa-
rental mental illness, or serious illness,
may be another option. Finally, benefi ts
have been noted with multi-informant
approaches, keeping in mind that parent
reports should be prioritized for children
and adolescent self-reports contribute
essential data about their own peer-
related impairments (Beale et al., 2018;
Reardon, Spence, et al., 2018).
A multitude of options exist for treat-
ing SAD in children and adolescents.
The gold standard is individual treat-
ment with cognitive-behavioral therapy
(CBT) incorporating social skills train-
ing, modifi cation of cognitive biases, ex-
posure to situations, and education (As-
brand et al., 2020; NICE, 2013; Nordh et
al., 2017; Scaini et al., 2016; Spence et
al., 2017). Treatment techniques are rec-
ommended that encourage the individual
to discover how social anxiety is main-
tained and target cognitive distortions
(Leigh & Clark, 2018; Lisk et al., 2018;
Neufeld et al., 2020). Unfortunately, in-
dividuals with SAD treated with CBT
have demonstrated poorer outcomes
and lower likelihood of remission than
other anxiety disorders (Hudson, Rapee,
et al., 2015; Kodal et al., 2018; Leigh &
Clark, 2018; Lundkvist-Houndoumadi
& Thastum, 2017). Possible reasons
cited include parental psychopathology,
diffi culties establishing a therapeutic re-
lationship with the practitioner, longer
time to SAD diagnosis leading to more
resistant behaviors, generic manualized
CBT programs, and comorbid mood
disorders (Adams et al., 2016; Hudson,
Keers, et al., 2015; Hudson, Rapee, et
al., 2015; Kodal et al., 2018). Parental
involvement in treatment is essential, as
problematic parenting behaviors, psycho-
pathology, and stress may perpetuate the
child’s social anxiety (Garcia-Lopez et al.,
2014; Leigh & Clark, 2016; Manassis et
al., 2014; Schleider et al., 2015; Weijers
et al., 2018; Yang et al., 2019). Involving
the parents is particularly essential when
working with young children (NICE,
2013). Parent treatment approaches
should encompass education on how to
manage personal anxiety and negative
cognitive biases as well as how to fa-
cilitate exposures to anxious situations,
model healthy coping, reward brave be-
havior, and assist in preventing relapse
(Chronis-Tuscano et al., 2018; Leigh
& Clark, 2016, 2018; Manassis et al.,
2014). Advantages may exist for parent-
only treatments (Luke et al., 2017;
NICE, 2013; Reuland & Teachman,
2014). In situations where CBT is inef-
fective, other options should be consid-
ered, such as family psychoeducation,
modeling by practitioner, assertiveness
training group therapy, relaxation, and
possibly CBT plus medication (Higa-
McMillan et al., 2016; NICE, 2013).
Although signifi cant strides have been
made in the literature regarding SAD
in children and adolescents, future re-
search is still needed to identify best
practices for preventing, diagnosing, and
treating the disorder.
Family represents the most impor-
tant social group from infancy to early
adolescence. For children with a genetic
vulnerability for SAD, it is essential to
recognize familial factors that contrib-
ute to the development of SAD. SAD
is a pervasive disorder that impacts all
aspects of life including personal and
professional relationships. Knowledge of
familial factors helps in recognition and
treatment for children and adolescents
thereby preventing or minimizing the
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